Page2 The Observer January22, 1986 Editorial/Opinion The Observer Hoad Scott Davis Photographer Political Perspective Editor Stephanie Peterson Columists Mirzam Perez Lynette Skow Nows Jacqui Foertsch Editors Jill Standard Don't Let His Dream Die Contributors: Arts Dave Barajas, Elizabeth Barnes, Ike Bran- Editor Doug Wille non, Kevin Burns, John Ooak, Steve Farmer, by Dave Barajas, Political Science/ towards her minorities. These words Bob Gordon, Desiree Grace, Lorene Johnson, Public Administration have become a declaration of intent Features Jenny Larson, John Littig, Steve Merouse, Jerry and not reality. Editor Rich West Prodoehl, Paul Speidel, Renee Thumm, Kirstin and Mitch Borcherding, Wolkowicz, Bonnie Pacheco, Tim Young, Dave Business/Computer Science We have become a nation with el- Campus/Community Whan, Elizabeth Olton, Craig Cmiel, Christy bows together and hearts apart. We Editor Karen Genskow James, Metranil Vavin, Jim Cronfel, Joe Schil- ler, Janine Kostecki, J.D. Georlett and Chris Wake up America. It's high time must learn to live together as a na- Sports Zayner. for your nightmarish attitudes to tion or we will perish together as Editor Jim Obradovich The Observar (USPS No. 037620) is pub- cease. fools. Copy lished throughout the academic year at 960- America, it's NOW time for you Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. suf- Editor Sherri Behr 38th St., Rock Island, IL 61201. Subscriptions are $10 and can be made payable to the Ob- and your people to join in on the fered and died in an attempt to bring Business server, Box #204, Augustana College Center. peaceful mission which Dr. Martin to reality the lost intentions of our Manager Laurie Southwick Opinions expressed in the Observer reflect Luther King, Jr. dreamed about 23 founding fathers. By living the life Adverti sing the views of the writers, not necessarily those of years ago. that he did, Dr. King showed that Manager Karen Carney the college or the student body. America, you are now faced with these ideais were more than just the fact that tomorrow is today. You words etched on the walls of the are confronted with the fierce ur- nation's capitol. gency of NOW. We are now called upon as a na- Bears Shuffle Off As life and history unfolds itself tion to join Dr. King in his dream; so day by day, we must remember that that we may ultimately become a na- li youVe had a difficult time mastering foreign languages or even there is such a tning as being too late. tion of unified dreams. The sooner manipulating the English language at Augustana, your worries are Procrastination is still the thief of that every American can put aside over... Football is the only language spoken around here. time. his prejudices and visualize the uni- America, it's time to stop your lip fied dream, the sooner we will be Why? Because everyone loves the Bears (or the Black and Blues service about guarantees of life, lib- Brothers as they're called on the latest póster release) and views able to transform Dr. King's dream erty and the pursuit of happiness. into a reality. , Jim McMahon, and William "The Refrigerator" Perry, These fine sentiments that were so to name a f ew, as idols. eloquently spoken by our founding For America's sake as well as the The reason behind ali this adoration, of course, stems from the fact fathers have become tarnished by entire world's sake—Don't let his that the windy city has now come out of its 22 year hibernation and put America's discriminating attitudes dream die. ali of Ulinois at the edge of their seats awaiting the January 26 Super Bowl that may award the Bears the much-coveted NFL championship title. Super Bowl XX, as everybody knows, is to be located in New Augustana And Beyond Orleans and will involve not only the and the New Eng- land Patriots, but every fan, store merchant, and record shop owner for miles around. by John Doak, English Major and the C.I.A. Many of those who were tortured Everywhere you go in the Quad Cities, let alone Chicago, you are Last week, as I opened my mail- with my questions were adamant in reminded of the Bears and their claim to fame. If it's not "The Super box to give it its weekly dusting, their belief that Augustana didn't Bowl Shuffle" blaring over the intercom in stores or being blasted out I found a small piece of computer have anything to do with South Amer- of your radio every hour on the hour, it's the mugs, T-shirts, and Chica- printout paper slipped into the back ica and the C.I.A. This is a belief that go Bears Trivia Games (which retail at $32) slapped on walls, drinking of my box. Since it was the only mail I cannot tolerate and to which I must fountains, and window displays. that I received ali week, I decided respond. To the extent that Augustana is an As a matter of fact, three items are becoming so popular that stores that I might as well read it. Printed across the half-inch paper institution of higher education tucked can't even keep them in stock. You guessed cordoroy Bears were the words "C.I.A.", "South into and isolated by the hills of Rock caps (the type the coaches wear), hooded jerseys with the number 72 America", and "Augustana", a quite Island, I guess that Augustana has plastered on the front, and the videotape of "The Super Bowl Shuffle" simple, but also bewildering state- nothing to do with a very distant featuring William Perry, Jim McMahon, and several other teammates. ment. I had no idea at that time that South America. However, when one a speaker would be coming to Au- considers that we are not the only It seems everyone; young/old, die-hard or fair-weather fan, has human beings in the world and that caught Bears Fever in at least some way, shape, or form, and there's gustana as I had seen no posters nor had I heard any talk about a coming there are common hopes, dreams, nothing anyone can or wants to do to stop it. lecture. So, I proceeded on my merry_ and fears among humans it is quite Until Super Bowl XX and the final scores are broadcast, we'll be way asking everybody I saw about apparent that Augustana, the com- waiting; waiting for the Bears to shuffle past the Patriots in their final this paper. munity of human students, cannot rap sessíon. Apparently, 1 wasn't the only ignore the rest of the world. The Bears may not be looking for trouble, but New England may person who was dumbfounded. Few Students are not isolated by being in college and must remember that just have found it anyway. people knew anything about the lec- ture, but most were quick to analyze they are also a part of the United the slip. I received many reactions States. We have an obligation to find but, by far, the most common re- out what our government does and to sponse was to question why Augus- react to its actions. For this reason tana was listed with South America Letters Please Turn to Page 10

Dear Editor, support, which is evident at other article, but I feel the tone of my inter- after a lot of questioning on my part, Augustana is, of course, known for schools of comparable size, so imag- view was incorrectly expressed by I received a portion of the second and their unprecedented football team, ine what we could do with a little Miss Olton. I had thought I made third week's tips. but what about the other sports more support from the Augustana myself quite lear in our 30+ minute Furthermore, the restaurant man- teams which wear the Augustana community. interview. ager was a belligerent, pompous ass colors with pride? These athletes put Anonymous Miss Olton states that I quit my who treated ali the younger waiters in as much time and effort as the job as a waiter "after three weeks like trash. He made us do ali the less football team but don't seem to get with no tips..." This is to be taken as favorable jobs that the older waiters the attention they deserve. This is not though I quit because I didn't get any didn't want to do, yet were supposed meant to take anything away from Dear Editor, tips! Not so. As a matter of fact, I did to do. (And I was to be earning col- the football team which has proven In the December 18th issue of The get tips, but I had to deposit them in a lege credit for this?!?) It turned out themselves year in and year out, but Observer, there appeared an article cash box; the sum to be divided by ali that I was being taken advantage of merely to recognize the additional concerning the fali internships this past quarter. I was mentioned in the the waiters. at week's end. I never teams on Augustana's Campus. saw any of my first week's tips, but Please Turn to Page 10 The Augustana men's basketball team is currently ranked twentieth in the nation and the women round- ballers are fourteenth. But while the men's team consistently draws a rea- Notice sonable crowd, the women are aver- Applications for editors-in-chief The search goes on... aging about fifty people per game. and business managers of The The second edition of Saga, coming this spring, needs more crea- It's almost as if the games are Observer and the Rockety-I for tive art, fiction, poetry and essays. Please submit entries to Jacqui played on a neutral court. The whole the 1986-87 editions can be picked idea of home court advantage con- up on first floor Old Main in Mari- Foertsch, Laura Dorn or Steve Merouse; special thanks to ali those cerns the fans. They become the lyn Frosfs office for ali those in- who submitted for the first edition. We will be in touch with authors extra player no matter what the terested in applying for either and artists soon about what was finally accepted, and our first Saga sport is. Ali Augustana teams need position. of the year should be out by the end of January. the support of their fans in order to Applications will be accepted Keep writing and creating; your work is exciting! be successful. until January 29, 1986 in which the They've come this far without the selection process will begin.