NNOUNCEMENTS Calendar for Your Wanted

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NNOUNCEMENTS Calendar for Your Wanted ^[RINITYfRIPOW^ ™~™<"Hffl TRINITY COLLEGE • HARTFORD • CONNECTICUT r^^T"^l Vol. LXXXIV, Issue 14 JanuaryD 28, 1986 Coegresswomen Address Issues at Trinity by Barry A. Freedman tional issues must be brought to it was too premature to judge who the local level. "I believe in taking the front runner is at this time for Ass't News Editor national issues and making them the 1988 Democratic presidential Can a heavyweight contender local issues," she said. nomination. The Democratic party stand only 4'11", wear glasses, and She also stressed that legislators was weakened in the last national be a woman? The answer is an af- try to help their constituents election; however, they will not be- firmative yes when it comes to through Congressional action as come extinct. "The Democrats are Congresswoman Barbara Mikulski much as possible. They do listen to in change and always will be in (D-Md). their constituents to an extent in change," Mikulski said. Congresswomen Mikulski spoke order to guide their decisions. Rep. Barbara Mikulski is train- at Trinity College's Public Opinion However, she stated that "We're ing, maybe not physically like a and Public Policy class last Mon- [legislators] advocates. We can't boxer, for the title bout in Novem- day. She is running for U.S. Sen- always guarantee an outcome but ber, but politically by as she states ate. She was introduced by we can guarantee an effort." "raising money in order to raise Congresswoman Barbara Ken- Both representatives stated that the issues." nelly (D-Conn) who is a member of the powerful Ways and Means Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives and a trustee of Trinity. Kennelly stated that "I am con- vinced that she [Mikulski] will be a U.S. Senator." Mikulski is pres- ently ahead in the early polls by 20 percentage points over her closest challenger the governor of Mary- land, Harry Hughes. Rep. Mikulski was in the Hart- ford area to attend a fund raiser hosted by Rep. Kennelly. Kennelly stated that there are presently only 23 representatives and two sena- tors who are women. "It's not rep- resentative of the country ... there are so few of us [women legisla- tors]," she said. Rep. Mikulski has been a fighter in the political ring for many years. She has been a member of Con- gress for ] 0 years and chaired the Mikulski spoke Monday, January 20, 1986 Energy and Commerce Commit- for a session of (he Trinity Public Opinion and Public Policy course. tee. She began her political career Mikulski is running for a Senate seat in the upcoming election. by being actively involved in local politics. She was a former social advocate and a Baltimore city AIDS Policy Proposed councilor. She attributed her political suc- AIDS. There's no need to screen cess to what she termed as "sweat by Patrick J. Trostle equity" — the strong motivating News Editor students to see if they are affected by this disease," said Winer. force which helps to bring about Winer also noted that President change. She stated that "sweat eq- uity will again prove successful in In a letter to President James F. English will make the final deci- Photo by Cindy Curby sion, concerning the college AIDS the Senate race." English, Vice President Thomas A. Barbara Kennelly, congresswoman and Trinity Trustee, introduced Mik- policy. Rep. Mikulski stressed that na- Smith outlines a proposed college ulski and helped lead the discussion. policy concerning the disease AIDS "The President (English) might (Aquired Immune Deficiency Syn- restrict the activities (of students). drome). We do not see any situation at this Dean David Winer, who along moment like that," he said. Branzburg Heads Affirmative Action with nurse practitioner Jan Curtis and school doctor Mark Izard re- According to Dean Winer, the ceived a copy of the AIDS pro- proposal was a beginning to a for- by Judy Sahdford sions of womens issues." The ficial Story" (a movie about moth- newsletter is aimed towards the ers of the missing in Argentina) posal, downplayed the impact of mal college stance on the AIDS is- Staff Writer the disease at Trinity. sue. faculty, administration and staff as and speaker of human rights in Ar- "I see no need at all to restrict "It's important that we have a well as the students. gentina will speak at the college. people at this college who have policy," Winer commented. Judith Branzburg has replaced Branzburg adds that the news- In April, Margaret Kandall, pro- college lawyer Marilyn Denny as letter is meant to be an "educa- fessor at the University of New head of the Affirmative Action tional tool, not ultra-serious, but Mexico and poet who has written program at Trinity. perhaps controversial." on Cuban and Nicaraguan women, As head of the program, Branz- The Womens Center's series on will come to Trinity. Kandall has INSIDE: burg overseas the searches made women in politics and culture is criticized countries on academic for faculty, administration and one way that the center presents and intellectual freedom. Due to staff. controversial issues. the anti-U.S. stance of her writ- Branzburg defined her role in the On March 9th, Sonja Sanchez, ings, she is encountering difficulty program. producer of the movie "The Unof- in regaining her U.S. citizenship. "[I] meet with all search commit- tees, explain what affirmative ac- tion means, answer questions, Assistant Professor Honored explain possible problems and pro- vide information on the best places to advertise," she said. for Study of Soviet Critic Branzburg also "prods them [program staff] to find qualified people among women and minori- Carol J. Any, assistant professor scholarship and Soviet textology. ties." She sees her job as being "to of modern languages at Trinity Any, who holds a doctoral de- educate and be a watchdog." College and a West Hartford resi- gree in Slavic languages and liter- Branzburg also works part time in dent, has received a $27,000 fel- ature form the University of the Women's Center. lowship from the Social Science Chicago, has taught at Trinity A new addition to the Women's Research Council to continue her since 1984. Prior to that she was Center is Peggy Hogan. She as- work on a book about Soviet liter- an assistant professor at Grinnell sists in the center and helps with ary critic and scholar Boris Ei- College in Iowa and was a lecturer the newsletter. As Branzburg ex- khenbaum. at Loyola University of Chicago, plains, "the newsletter is an at- Any's book will present the de- and the University of Chicago. -"Robert Frost: Fire and Ice"Reviewed tempt to provide information to velopment of Eikhenbaum's She is a member of the Ameri- students through grassroots thought against the backdrop of can Association of Teachers of -BasketballDefeats#2'Tufts . work." . historical ajid political develop- Slavic and East European Lan- Branzburg also adds that the ments in the Soviet. Union. Ei- guages, the American Council of newsletter is "happy to make an- khenbaum, who lived from 1886- Teachers of Russian and the .• ' -Hockey Ices Huskies, -5-2 • • • nouncements of events, receive 1959 is known for his contributions American Association for the Ad- suggestions, articles, or discus- to Russian Formalism, Tolstoy vancement of Slavic Studies. Page 2, THE TRINITY TRIPOD, January 28,1986 NNOUNCEMENTS Calendar For Your Wanted: Dependable and responsible work- Information ers interested in working as a dis- patcher for the security department. This is a new job and Packets for the position of Coor- only those interested in working There will be a women's lacrosse dinator/Assistant for the 1986-87 overnight and weekend shifts meeting at 2:00 p.m. in the Tansill Upcoming: academic year are available in the should respond. Stop by the secu- Today: Sports Room in Ferris.-All Invited Office of Residential Services. rity office during normal business Jane Reynolds, Assistant Director The Women's Center invites all THE APPLICATION DEAD- hours. LINE IS FEBRUARY 14. of Admissions, will lead a discus- members of the Trinity Commu- 1 sion entitled: "The Classroom Cli- nity to a reception to welcome Vocalist for a modem Rock Band mate: A Chilly One for Women?" Friday: Peggy Hogan as the new assistant The Financial Aid Office is accept- RUSH-U2-originals CALL Tom- at 7:30 p.m. in the Wean Lounge. to the coordinator of the Center. ing applications for the Greater 665-1171 or Steve- 247-5013 The "North Eastern Regional The reception will be held on Feb- Hartford Ad Club's annual $1,000 Conference on South Africa," ruary 3, 4-6 p.m. in the Women's scholarship. Students must be jun- Wednesday: sponsored by the Trinity anti-apar- Center. Refreshments will be iors or seniors who are planning a. teid committee, will be held from served. career in advertising or a related Be a Tutor Friday, Jan. 31 to Sunday, Feb. 2. field such as art, writing, market- Dr. Mahlon Hoagland, president of The conference will be attended by Gilton Gossett, chairman and chief ing, journalism, public relations, A Burns Elementary School child Worcester Foundation for Exper- 300 students from 40 Northeast- executive officer of Saatchi & Saa- etc. Academic achievement and fi- needs your help. There just isn't imental Biology, will be the next ern Colleges ranging from Wash- chi Compton Worldwide, an inter- nancial need will be considered. enough money or staff to teach speaker in Trinity College's ington to Vermont and it will take national advertising agency will See Financial Aid for application. special education classes. Every "Technology and Medicine" Lec- place mostly in McCook, Life Sci- give an illustrated lecture "Every- DEADLINE: March 1, 1986.
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