Memorial Day Field Mass Scheduled at Mt. Olivet Delegates From Five States AnUiaiT Bkk«p DavM M. fer, deacoa; aad Father Rob­ MakHMT win be edebraat e( ert Syriaaey, pastor of Onr the auaal Menorlal Div Lady of F atiiu , Lakewood, FieU M m to be effmd at sohdeacei. Mt. Oilvet cemetery Wedaei- The Cathedral diolr, uader day, May M, at I f a.m. to the the direcUea of the Very Rev. Will Attend CFM Convention Gallagher Memerial chapel. Moaslgaor Richard Hiester, The faitfafal are tarlted to wUl slag at the Mass. Seaii- attead the cereaealea oa iUa ariaas are to fill the adaor The second area convention of Chr stian Fam heliday aad to pray for all offices. the deceased. ily Movement groups in Colorado, Wyoiping, Utah, Father George A. Ford, New Mexico, and the Diocese of El Paso will be Scouts Cited C.S8.R., of St. Joseph’s par­ Holy Day May 31 held July 27-29 at Regis college, Denver. The first ish, Deaver, is to give the Thursday, May 31, is the was held two years ago. Two hundred fifty couples sermoa. Feast of the Asceasiea of Oat At Rites in Officers of the Poatiflcal from the five areas are expected to attend. Lord toto beavea aad is a Mass are the Very Rev. Joha Delegates to the meeting will holy day of obligatioB. Cath- J. Daaagher, C.M., of represent MO couples who are 409 couples. Father Francis Sy- oiles are obliged to attead St. Thomas’ semtoary, assist- members of the movement in rianey, pastor of St. Pius X par­ Colo. Springs Mass May 31 the same as oa aat priest; the R t Rev. Moa- this designated 13th area in ish, Aurora, is chaplain (rf the a i^ r Tboaias Barry, pastor Saaday. the U.S. Membership in metro­ CFTlf federation. Sixty medals, including of Aaaaaciatioa parish. Dea­ politan Denver includes about the rarely conferred St. GENERAL THEME for the George award to a religious Member of Audit Bureau of Ciratlatione convention is Pope John XXIH’s and scouting leader, were social encyclical, wtoch has been presented to Cub Scouts, Boy Contents Copyright by the Catholic Press Society. Inc- 1962 — Permission to Reproduce, Excipt given the English title of Chris­ Scouts, and Explorer Scouts On Articles Otherwise Marked, Given After 12 M. Friday Following Issue tianity and Social Progress, at the Pike's Peak^ Council Boy This encyclical has been des­ Scouts‘ of America annual Cath­ ignated by the CFM as the topic olic scout award May 18 in SL of detail^ discussion by mem­ Paul’s church, Broadmoor, bers in the coming year. (Colorado Springs. | Semtaare, workshops, and Recipient of the St. George DENVER CATHaiC panel discussions gear^ to the medal was Edward Varela, 45, needs of Individual units aad who has been active in scouting the family have been scheduled and parish activititjs the past 19 for the convention. Invitations years. have been sent to aU- members The father of ian Explorer of the Hiemrchy in the 12th Scout, Edward; si Cub Scout, area. Joe; and oae daughter, Kay; REGISTER National conventions of the CFM are held biennially at No­ Mr. Varela is tike' third POw’i Peak region resld<|nt to receive tre Dame university in Indi­ VOL. LVI. No. 41 THURSDAY, MAY 24, 1942 DENVER, COLORADO ana. Area conventions are held the award to recogniUoii of his biennially following the years in scouting and relij^ns leader­ whidi national meetings are con­ ship. Previous h m ree s were Ordinations May 26 ducted. The organization is di­ Joseph A Reich ! and R. F. vided into 15 areas across the Gifts Bring Happinass SeidL [ nation. Presentation of all the awards Faces wreathed to smiles show the happi­ Co. ’The school offers classes to aU types of was by Auxiliary $ishop David THE AREA MEETING this ness of these girls at the Queen of Heaven arts and crafts for students of the area. Direc­ M. Maloney. > year coincides with the 10th orphanage, Denver, as they stand next to tor of the school to Mose ’TrnJiUo 'n d president The 60 honorees;rees] were joined anniversary of the CFM feder­ th ^ new nightstan^, made and presented by of the school bwrd is Senator Allegra Saun­ by other scoutsIts and their fa- Archdiocese to Gain ders. Mother I^atiu s is principal at Queen ation of the Denver area. The the woodworktoS classes at the Larimer Street thers, the Fouourta Degree movement is organized in 30 Vocational school. The plywood for the stands of Heaven orphanage school, coadneted by the Knights of Colum|)tlumpus, altar parishes at the Denver metro­ was donated by the Frank Paxton Lumber Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart. boys, and reiigiot^ dignitaries politan area. in a procession into St. Paul’s The chair couple of the fed church. I Five New Priests eration are Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ liam linton of Nativity of Our $163,500 Project Slated RECEIVING Ad Altare Dei The Archdiocese of Denver wUl gain five new priests in ordination Lord parish, Broomfield. Co- medals for Boy Scouts and Ex­ chairmen of the committee ar­ ceremonies Saturday, May 26. In all, seven deacons wiU receive Holy Orders plorer Scouts werf the follow­ ranging for the convention are ing: i in the solemn rites in Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Denver. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Burton A t St. Therese's, Aurora Troop 74, St. Paul’s church— Assisting the ordaining prelate in the ordination rites starting at 9:30 of Blessed Sacrament parish and Kent Buckingham; Jim Mur­ Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Rauseo By Lauy Coluns through the facilities of the, Since 1954, when Father Re­ phy, and Peter Yajrorsky. a.m. will be the "Very Rev. John of St. Louis’ parish, Englewood. J. Danagher, C.M., rector of in the Cathedral in Newark, + + Construction will begin in parish credit union. gan, assumed the pastorate irf Troop 27, Divine Redeemer St. Thomas’ seminary; Father N. J., by Archbishop Thomas A. about three weeks on extensions The church addition will add St. Therese’s, the parish plant church — Thad Brown, Steve George C. Tolman, seminary Boland of Newark. and remodeling of the church some 4,500 square feet to the has grown steadily. A new Coleman, Mike Hayes, P a t profeMor, and other members Three members of religious and rectory’ in St. Therese’s existing structure and the seat­ school and convent were com Hayes, Mike Orwig, Bob of the seminiry faculty. orders to be ordained in the Will Bf First Theatine parish, Aurora. ing capacity will be increased pleted in 1956. ’The school is Setoitt, and John •Tallace. Father George Vidal, C.M., Denver Cathedral, are the Rev. Father John J. Regan, pastor, to 800. Construction is to be staffed by 10 Sisters of Charity Troop 22, Sacred Heart dean of men at the seminary, Peter E. Garcia, C.R., from announced that the construction completed next December. of Leavenworth and five lay church — Charles .Borden, Ste- will be master of ceremonies St. Andrew Avellino’s seminary, To Be Ordained in U.S. contract has been awarded to RECTORY CONSTRUCTION teachers. (Tum to Page 2) at the ordination. Denver; the Rev. Michael Abdo, R. N. Fenton & Co. at a low will add two offices, two stud­ Father Charles T. Herbst, bid of $163,500. Roland Johnson O. C.S.O., a Trappist From St. By J im Pdoson Father Francis Colom, C.R., is ies, one bedroom, and one guest C.M., will serve aa lector and Benedict’s . monastery, Snow- The Rev. Peter E. Garcia, rector at St. Andrew’s. is the architect. room to the one-story brick give an explanation of the cere­ mass; and the Rev. Harry C. . R., a son of Mr. and Mrs. Members of the Theatine Or­ The new additions will be fi­ structure. monies in English for the bene­ Cronin, C.S.C., a member of Epifanio Garcia of St. Joseph’s nanced by a parish fund cam­ The main charch, dedicated Gov. UcNichols to Get fit of the congregation and laity der came to the U.S. in 1906 the Holy Cross Fathers. / Redemptorist parish, Denver, paign that was launched on in 1951, has proved too small in attendance. for the rapidly growing parish. St, HhaPHto' 8 New York City— (Special)—Most College Ordinand Roberts was gradu­ dent center for all graduates, Archdiocese of Denver. ated from Regis high school in parents, and faculty members. students in June will say good-by to their books In 1956 he entered his year of 1048. After attending Marquette and head home for a vacation. But a small army novitiate. Upon completing his university, Milwaukee, for a A Baccalaureate Mass will be term as a novice, Brother Gar­ year, be entered St. Stanislaus' offered May 27 at 4 p.m. in the of young men and women, spurred by increas­ cia in 1957 was a member of seminary, Florissant, Mo. Regis college fieldbouse. Father Ryan will be the celebrant. ing interest in helping the cause of Christ, will the first class of Theatines pro­ He took his philospphlcal dedicate themselves ^ summer to hard work fessed in the U.S. He then un­ course at St. Louis university The choir from St. Leo’s par­ ish, Denver, win provide music in U.S. and foreign missions. dertook his theological studies. and taught at Chaplain Kapaun Memorial high school, Wichita, for the Mass. '^ ical are 30 young men from Fordham Kans. Archbishop Urban J. Vehr university in New York who will devote eight weeks of their 4 Contributors Raise Ordinand Brown attended wUI preside at commencement vacation to unpaid labor for the poor in the arid county of lathedral school and Regis high exercises May 28. Frank A. 'Tula, Mexico, where most of the natives process xactus plants Burse to $817 Total school. He taught at Regis h i^ Kemp, president of the Great for a living and live in caves. school as a scholastic. Western Sugar company of Den­ ’This past week four contribu­ Ordinand Sunderland will be ver, will deliver the commence­ IN THE IMPOVERISHED town, in Hidalgo province, the tors gave a total of 322 to raise ordained June 12 in St. Marys, ment address. the St. Jude burse for the edu­ Fordham students will distribute to the 100,000 IiKiians in the Rev. Louis W. Roberts, SJ. Rev. Robert A. Sunderland, SJ. (Turn to Page 2) Degrees will be presented to Gov. Stephen IlieNicbols area food and clothing provided by NCWC-Catholic Relief cation of future priests to Services. $817.54. They will also aid in constructing a small school and in Donors included N.P., Den building houses for the natives. ver, $5; J.G., niff, $10; Miss Famed Jesvlf Scholar finds 1 . Another 35 students from three schools to Dubuque, la., J.D., Denver, $2; and Anony Lons and Qurke colleges and Wahlert Ugh school, received mous, Denver, $5. mission assignmeuts from Archbishop James J. Byrne of In addition, the Colorado Dubuque. Springs Serra club completed People Seek Church's Answer to World Ills its $6,000 burse and started an­ * Seven of the volunteers will spend a year in missions in the other With a contribution of $300. By Paul H. Hallett Catholic speaker has to say liam Lynch’s ApoUo and Western U.S. More than 30 wUl work for the stunmer in par­ The sum of $6,000 will estab­ “The Catholic religion about the world. (%rist as one of the finest ishes in Pueblo, Las Animas, Avondale, Blende, and Alamosa, lish a seminary burse in per­ gives a jolt to all my au­ Father , D’Arcy found in examples of original think­ all in Colorado. The rest of the group will assist in Iowa par­ petuity for the education of a diences,” said Father Mar­ university circles a great ing be had ever read. He ishes, in Stone City, Colo, and Parkersburg. student for the priesthood. ’The tin D’Arcy, S.J., famed Bri­ ignorance of the Christian noted that the first real sign In Saginaw, Mich,, Nancy Schrems, 21, and Patricia Mur­ principal will be invested and tish scholar and lecturer, tradition as the only thing. of a Catholic springtime is ray, 20, left to begin a year’s mission work in St. Robert only the interest used. who spoke May 15-16 to ap­ that makes democracy in­ a flowering of first-rate Bellarmine's parish in Waynesville, Mo. Ilie Catholic people are re­ preciative throngs at the telligible. poets, which he said he The two, who became interested in the prcject after read­ quested \o remember the edu­ University of Colorado and Many, he observed, could now recognize in this ing an appeal for lay missionaries in the Catholic Weekly, cation of Denver seminarians in Colorado State University on thought that religion is out country. Saginaw diocesan paper, will engage in catechetical and genotal their last wills and testaments. the “Christian View of His­ of date. And yet after his Father D’Arcy is “tre­ apostolic work. Any amount will be gratefully tory.” lectures students and profes­ mendously Impressed” by received. sors eagerly ply him with the Newman Clnbs and the Donations to the seminary The small wiry priest with SIMILAR MOVEMENTS to spend suQuners for Christ are the aquiline nose and bushy questions. quality of their members. under way in other nations as well. T.iam Clare, a 36-year-old burse should be sent to the Most He found them crowding to Rev. Urban J. Vehr, Chancery grey eyebrows was a visitor Dubliner visiting the U.S. as a representative of the central at the Register office. THE BNGUSH PRIEST daily Mass. council of the Legion of Mary, told reporters in Cincinnati that Office, 1536 Logan street, Den­ is not one of those who de­ “The Catholic universities, ver 3, Colo. an estimated 3,000 young Irish men and women, most of them FATHER D’ARCY’S sUght plore the intellectual quality too, are forging ahead. Their students, will “invade” England during the summer to help frame generates a tremen­ of Catholics in America. standards are growing year Ehiglish pastors with census-taking, catechetical work, or what­ dous energy, which has sent “In 1935,” when I first lec­ by year. I see a wonderful ever is required. him, in the course of two tured in America, he noted, period ahead for the Catho­ The “Adventures for Christ” program jot the legion to Ire­ School Holidays months, to a score of state “I did not need to take lic Faith In the U.S.” The land, he said, has grown from a bare doxen recruits in 1958. universities from the Cana­ such extreme care with my Liturgy, he felt was the Plans up being made to send similar volunteer groups to the Grade and high schools in dian border to New Orleans. Catholic audience as I do most potent means of Chris­ H o w fo B o o i B o d s European continent and Latin America. the Archdiocese of Denver now. Now I find them very tian unity. Father Martin D’Arcy, 8.J., internationally knqwa British All this time, he re­ will be closed Wednesday, critical, very well up on the Father D’Arcy was born scholar, has “great hope that America will ri« np and And the movement, he reported, is expected to spread marked, he has talked to May 30, Memorial Day, and subject. Hie books being June 15, 1888, in Bath Eng­ understand her spiritual strength; otherwise the Oonunonists throughout the world. “A number of legionaries in South Amer­ crowded audiences, who, on Ascension Thursday, May written by Catholics in land. He was educated at will have it all their own way.” Oa a tour of atath nniversl- ica are already giving up their summer vacations to offer their though often exhibiting 31. America are now very much Stonyhurst College, Oxford, ties to the U.S. and Canada, the Jesuit stressed this obsma- services of pastors,” he said, “or to do extension,work for the great ignorance of Catholic­ legion itself.” better than they used to be.” and the Gregoriqn Univer­ tion to Dr. Pan] Hallett (at right), associate eO o t of the ism, want to know what a He instanced Father Wil­ sity In Rome. “Register.” PAGE TWO THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Thurtday, May 24, 1962 5 New Priests 60 Receive Scouting Medals For Archdiocjbse At Colo. Springs Ceremonies

(Cc&OMued From Fife 1) a.m. May 27. A reception will (Continued From Page 1) Ray Ryerson, Pike's Peak Rottman efaairmaa; the Very him is to b« bold from 3:M to be held in the parish hall from phen Borden, Stephen Hem, area Boy Scout executive di­ Rev. Monsignor Robert Hoff­ 9:M p.m. May 27 in S t Vio- 2 to 4 p.m. Glen Swan, and Gregory Train- rector, noted that Mr.c Varela man, the Rev. Daniel KeHeher, eont’s parish hall. or. "has assisted hundreds of Cath­ the Rev. John Molitor, the Rev. FATH ra O’HAYRE will sing Troop 12, St. Mary’s church olic and non-(^tholic scouts in John LePenske, the Rev. John FATHER HEWrrrs First his First Solemn Mass at 11 — Jolm Lynk, Dtyinis Rains, leadership training work.’’ Gibbons, O.M.I.; Gilbert Hess, Solemn Mass win be celebrated a.m. May 27 in Holy Family Blichael Thomas, and George Mr. Varela bad received the Joseph Reich. Donald McMah­ at l l : » a.m. May 27 in S t Jo­ church, Denver. The reception Downey. Distinguished Silver Beaver on, Raymond Ferguson, Ed­ seph’s church, Fort Collins. A honoring Father 0*Hayre win Non-church affiKated; From award last February. ward Varela, Jamas Murray, reception in his honor is plan­ be held in Holy FamUy high Holy ’Trinity — Bob Kane Mi­ His parish activities include and Lt. Col. H. J. Taylor Jr. ned in St. Joseph’s parish hall school from 1:20 to S;20 p.m. chael E. Rasher, Dick Prewitt, from f to 7 p.m. tha vice presidency of the Cor­ and Keith Seven; USAF Acad­ pus Christi Men’s club. He is FATHER MANGUM wUl «eM- emy — John Fagan and Ed a regular adult server at 7 a.m. GAIL STUDIOS FATHER U N 6 will ofrer his brate his First Solemn Mass in Snyder; and Fort Carson — Bob First Solemn Mass in Holy Trin­ Mass. 4SII CLAYTON AL 94M) St Francis of Assisi’s church West and Lawrence Held. WIDOINO PHOTOS ity church, Westminster, at 1:20 Monsignor Elzi described Mr. CHILDRIN’t PHOTOS at 12 noon-May 27, His recep­ Varela as “an active Catholic 4—4x5 tnnanoROBnnrmmmmmni( tion will be held In the S t CUB SCOUTS receiving the whose entire family partici­ 0 0 Francis’ school ball from 4 to Parvuli Dei medals were as pates in parish programs and 1—8x10. . * 3 TIm Dtflvir Grtfaeik | 7 p.m. follows: Catholic leadership endeavors.” Phek 21, Corpus Christ! All Clersy mmI Nun Slttlngi Register Other members of the Cath­ •t Me Com FATHER CRONIN will sing church — Walter Knowles, Mi olic Scouting committee in the chael Lohman, David Migliac Published Weekly by the bis First Solemn Mass in St. Ceiorado SfM’ings Centosl WiniMrs Pike’s Peak region are Verne • PlK^ AL 14191 • CaUudic PreaaI Society, Ine., cio, ’Tom McOune, and Tim Phllomena’s diurcb, Denver, at Winners of the an u a l essay contest spoa- Ings bead. Each of the runners-up received 038 Bannock Street Denver. sared by the Serra club of CMorado Springs a silver medal and a 929 bond. Receiving Murray. Subecription: $4J)0 Per Year. 12:1S p.m. May 27. A reception Pack 27, Divine Redeemer Entered as Second Class are shown with Clarence Shearer, chairman honorable meniton for their essays were Miss and buffet luncheon in his btmor of the essay contest committee. Front left Marilyn Lams and Miss Beverly Harper from church — Mike Adams, Harry Matter at the Post Omee win be held in the Catholic Denver, Colo. are first place winner Mary K. BAer, Holy Corpus Christi parish; Dennis Ledda of Holy Angenendt, Timothy Bogren, Daughters of America home, Gregory Clover, David Cole­ ' ami^UOMUQODOOUUUUOOOUQBUUUQOi Trinity parish, and mnaers-ap, Jane ftdm k F a i ^ parish. Security; Miss Patty Be^ey 709 Pennsylvania street, follow­ of Corpus Chisti parish and Ijmn Decker and Miss Bhabeth Rodgers from Dlviae Re­ man, James Cosgrove, Larry Imported Madonnas ing the Mass. of Holy Famfly p arid In Security. deemer parMi, and Ridiard Abanta and Bliss. Crumb Michael Daries, Ml Winners were selected from more than Charlotte Parent from St Mary’s parish. ’He cbael Donovan; FATHER GARCIA’S First 3M ossays written by seventh and eighth essay contest on religious vocations is spon­ Michael Farley, Mike Filler, the Ideal Religious Gift Solemn Mass will be celebrated grade students on “Rellgiens VocaUsas-” The sored annually by the Serra club. (Photo by John Haider, Uchard Kay, at 10:30 a.m. May 27 in St. first prise was a gold medal and a |SI sav- “Free Press,’’ CMorado Springs) Biry Kaltenbacher, Gregory E FENCE Cajetan’s church, Denver. He Lane, David McCormack, Mi ■] will be honored by a reception chael Patterson, David Pettln with E E in the church basement after art, Eddie Rivera, Richard Color the Mass. Cardiac for E Will Be First Theatine Sandbom, James Steele, Ray Oioiii Link The new Ibeatine priest will mond Ulibarri, Scott Weathe^ offei! another Solemn Mass at Conference ford. Chip Wlttbrodt, and Rob­ * green or twe^one E ert Wheeler. green and white 9 a.m. June 2 in St. Vincent To Be Ordained in U.S. THE de Paul’s church, Denver, for Pack 22, Sacred Heart church |a sauUmeshand E tan’s church. Mr. Mullen gave Chairman plastic coated (Contlnned From Page 1) — James A. Crowley and Ron­ the F ^ n d s of St. Andrew Avel- the property on which the Dr. Austin Mutz, cardiologist for safety to Rome, Matz asked the ald A. Vojrostok. BRIDE E lino’s seminary. A reception for church stands. Father Caldenty at the Denver clinic, is chair­ • veclaHy priced ’Hieatine General, the Very Serving as master of ceremo him will be hdd in S t inn- became Superior General of tte man of the committee planning E E Rev. Francis Paula Ragonessi, nies was Eagle Scout Stephen Coil jor a free, cent’s parish ball June 3 from Theatines to Rome that year. the 10th annual Western Cardiac Hallisy. 2 to 4 p.m. C.R., for priests to work among Conference in Denver Monday E courteous estimate E the Italian and Spanish-speak The welcome was given by IN COLORADO, the order is through Wednesday, May 28-30. ' E B sssssssm ssH Cm FATHER ABDO will sing his Ing people of Colorado. An estimated 800 doctors win Father Michael Harrington established in several other par­ pastor of St. Paul’s church First Solemn Mass at 11 a.m. attend the sessions in file Hilton Jllllllig illlllllllig g ON MAT f, 19M, the first ishes: Most Precious Blood, San Award introductions were given May 27 in St. Benedict’s Trap- Luis; Holy Family, Fort Col­ hotel. Tbeatlnes arrived in Durango, Delegates will hold a joint Father William H. Morgan g S K 6 ^ 9 1 g lins; St. Joseph’s, Capulin; St. pist monastery chapel. Snow- where they established Sacred meeting with members of the U.S. Air Force Academy, and Heart parish. Augustine’s, Antonito; and Our by Father Barry J. Wogan mass. A reception will be held Lady of Guadalupe, Colorado American College of Cardiology, archdiocesan scout chaplain. at S t Benedict’s monastery fol During the depression of the Springs. which is holding its national lowing the Mass. 1930s, Father Anthony Sagrera, meeting for the first time in Introduction of the St. George St. Andrew Avellino’s semi­ C.R., buUt the Sacred Heart Denver May 30 - June 1. award was given by the Rt. nary in Denver is the only ma­ church in Durango. The Western conference will Rev. Monsignor Anthony G L e i b m a m , T b B o c k h o r s t a C o . jor Theatine seminary in the feature lectures by 10 Denver Elzi, pastor of Corpus Christi Theatines were assigned to Western hemisphere. Brother area physicians and 13 out-of; Church and Pike’s Peak area Immaculate Heart of Mary par­ Garcia will be its first alumnus. ish, Pagosa Springs, and in 1922 state speakers on various as­ scout chaplain. Father Garcia will offer his acquired Our Lady of Guada­ pects of heart disease. The candidate' for the St. M um tu 4CHCt First Solemn Mass after ordi­ -1^ lupe parish in Condos, the old­ Sponsors of the meeting are George award Edward Varela nation at 10:30 a.m. May 27, 1 8 9 7 est parish in Colorado. the Colorado Heart association, was escorted'^0 the altar by in S i Cajetan’s church, Denver. the Colorado State Department Joseph A. Reich and John Sul­ In 1934 Bishop J. Henry Tihen A reception will be held from consecrated the first Theatine of Public Health, Fitzsimons livan. The recipient is a wood 12 noon to 3 p.m. in the church General hospital. University of worker and is a member of church in Denver, St. Ca}etan’s, haU. where Father John Ordinas, Colorado school' of medicine, Corpus Christi parish. C.R., is pastor. and the Colorado Academy of The background that was the Bishop, 2 Auxiliaries General Practice. ” Father Bartholomew Caldenty, basis for the award Included Are Appointed by Pope Speakers include Dr. W. Ger­ two years as cubmaster at Bur­ C.R., in Blay of 1922 received ald Rainer of Denver, whose support from the late Mr. and lington, during which period Washington — ’The appoint­ subject will be the cardiac pace­ Mrs. Varela served as a den Mrs. J. K. Mullen, outstanding ments of a new Bishop of the maker; Dr. Ralph Knutti, of Catholic benefactors, in the mother. enutsD a. Boise, Ida., diocese and Auxil­ the National Heart institute, TiSOCKHOtST, CKU building program for St. Caje- iaries for Baltimore and Lafay­ Washington, D.C.; Dr, D v^ht In the Pike’s Peak region Mr. ette, La., have been made by Harken of ^ston; and Dr. Hen­ Varela has served as a peck committeeman, assistant cub- Gov. McNichols to Get Pope John XXIII. ry Russek of New York City. 922 GAS * ELECTRIC BLDG. master, troop committeeman, TAbor it0241 No. 1 No. IS Regis Honor Degree The Rev. Sylvester W. Trei- and has served for eight'years (Continued From Page 1) nen, pastor of St. Joseph’s as a member of the Ute dis­ New, imported wood grain finished ceramics from church, Mandan, N. Dak., has Six to Be Ordained in combat invasions in both the trict executive committee. * Spain; delicately reproduced from original wood beeu named to be the Bishop of He is serving as chairman of European and Pacific theaters, Subdeocons May 25 carvings; individually boxed. Boise; the Rev. Thomas Austin that committee’s organization Six seminarians of the Den­ the Governor returned to civi­ Murphy, pastor of S t Rose of and extension unit. lian life and became a partner Lima’s church, Baltimore, to ver archdiocese at St. Thomas’ No. 2— Madonna 6 Child— Size 12’/i inches.$14.95 seminary will be ordained as F ree/ in the law firm of McNichols, be Auxiliary to Archbishop Law­ No. 12— Madonna 6 Child— Size 16'/] inches.$19.95 rence J. Sbehan of Baltimore; subdeacons at ceremonies in the Dunn, and Nevans. He served No. 18— Praying Madonna— Size 8 ’/i inches..$12.50 in the Colorado House of Repre­ and Monsignor Warren L. Bou­ seminary chapel, Denver, on Forty Hours' Genuine Leather sentatives from 1948-55 and was' dreaux, pastor of St. Peter’s Friday May 25, at 8:15 a.m. elected Lieutenant Governor Church New, Iberia, La., and Tbey are James Joseph Cu- Mail t Phone Orders Given Prompt Attention and attained the state’s highest Vicar General of the Lafayette neo, Robert Eugene Hehn, John WEEK OF MAY 21, 1962 elective public office in 1957. He diocese, to be Auxiliary to Bish­ Richard Lechman, Gerald Wil­ V Sunday After Easter BILLFOLD liam Phelan, John Joseph Slie- and BIrs. McNichols have five op Madrice Schexnayder of La­ ‘Meeker, Holy Family children. fayette. mers, and Gerald James Stre- Clarke's Church Goods House mel. Security Village, Holy Family 1633 Tremont Place TAbor 5-<37l9 TewMWiiBtaM N 3. Missions marked with an MINOR ORDERS of exorcist asterisk (*) may have 13 Area Jesuit Seminarians' and acolyte will be conferred • i Honrs of Exposition of the Charge Accounts Invited the same morning on seven oth Blessed Sacrament instead er seminarians of the Denver of 40 Bonn. Ordinations Scheduled archdiocese: (Continued From Page 1) taught at Brophy Co!liege Pre­ Daniel Anthony Bobte, Daniel Kans., by Archbishop Edward paratoryy in Phoenixj. Joseph Connor, Michael Frank­ i^nkeler. He will celebrate Father Sunderland has two lin Kerrigan, Roger William his Fjrst Solemn Mass June 17 sisters, Dorothy SchuHe d Wln- Mollison, Eugene William Mur­ at 9:45 a.m. In St. Francis de netka, HI., and Patricia Com- phy, Leo Marvin Read, and Don’t be a dishwasher.. Sales i church, Denver. cowi(±, Aspen, Colo. David Michael Sobieszczyk. Thei Rt. Rev. Monsignor Greg­ In ordination ceremonies to TWO FORMER INSTRUC­ ory Smith, P.A., V.A., will serve be conducted in the seminary TORS at Regis high school, as assistant priest. Father Sun­ chapel on TTiursday, May 24, at Denver, will he ordained in the derland’s brother, the Rev. 7:30 p.m. Tonsure and the min­ priesthood June 12 at St. Marys, James C. Sunderland, S.J., as­ or ortlers of porter and lector sistant principal at Chaplain Ka- Kans. They are the Rev. Mr. will be conferred on Stephen oaun Memorial high school, will James R. O’Brien and the Rev. Louis Randen and Lee Patrick be deacon and deliver the ser­ Leonard E. Dieckman, both of Kaspari, archdiocesan semina­ St. Louis. rians! mon. Father Frank Morfeld, ad­ Yours when you ministrator of Christ the King church, Denver, will be subdea­ ■ Opmt m Smirhtge Aceewirf con, Father Morfeld is a broth­ ■ Qpms a CAecaingr Aeeoaa# er-in-law of Father Sunderland’s INTRODUCTION brother Joseph, of Denver. The ■ JNnf a Safe Dapoalt Box Rev. Mr. Gerald Phelan will be t o Master of Ceremonies. BUY o r . . .If you're already ming theae serv> A reception for Father Sun­ icea, you may receive ■ frM billfold by derland will be held June 17 LIP READING Introducing a friend who opens an to* from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Regis count college Student center. Free 63'Page Booklet After you receive your free blHfold, we Ordinand Sunderland attended St. Francis de Sales’ grade ONE ! Will credit your account in the amo'unt school and Regis high sch(y>l. Tho Sonoten* Cer^oroHen, In an effort to be of of $1.00 for each additional account He ewned a B.S. degree at help to the hard of heoring, to those who hear you introducel San^Clara university in 1950 but don't understand, to those who suffer from aiur his M.S. from Loyola uni­ nerve daofnesi, whether they wear o hearing aid TMs offer is for s limited time only. Set versity of Los Angeles in 1959. or not, offers this free booklet. yours nowi An outstanding athlete, the Men, if you're tired of doing dishes... don't fight a losing battle. , , Jesuit scholastic was all-city Send or call for your copy today. in both basketball and baseball buy a new automatic dishwashet and lat your wlfa taka ovtr again. With one a t at Regis and all-state in basket this yaar’a naw automatic dishwashart, tha job of doing dithta bacomas almost ball. He attended Santa Clara pleasant.. .just load right from tha tabla and with a touch of your hand, dithas gat AMERICAN on an athletic scholarship and Free Booklet earned three varsity cage letters — thlf booklet U claanar than any hand method ever davlasd. Sea that# naw labor aaving appll> there. FREE — FREE of Sonofene ef Denver charge and FREE | ancas today.. .who knows you may want to k ttp that dlshwtshlng job for yourself. After graduation from Santa of salesmanship aaleamanshlp. ® •Hl|iflaB a frii copy NATIONAL Clara. The Jesuit played one Send for your i "Istro^ucHen te Uo Ristfhif " Dept. I copy today! season with the Peoria Cats of Ntmt the National Industrial League j AMrtis Apt,. BANK leaving them to enter the Jes­ I SEE YOUR DEALER OR 17th and Stout / CHerry 4-6911 uits at Sacred Heart novitiate I City Stitt.- at Los Gatos. Calif, J PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY ■uiu im ui iiritir itmutu ((iriuuM j He studied at Mt. St. Mich­ THE NAME ael’s college of Gonzaga Uni­ versity at Spokane and St. SONOTONE YOU CAN TRUST MarN-s. Kans., College He 100 Metropoliton Bldg. • TA 5-1486

m Thursday, May 24, 1962 THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER PAGE THREE Nearly 16,000 Get Vaccine at Catholic Schools More than 100 m em bm eague, organized the workers of Catholic PTAs and 35 in the Catholic schools. girls from Cathedral and *>r. J. B. McCloskey, cechair- St. Francis de Sales’ high man of the drive, expressed the schools, Denver, helped to thanks of the Stop Polio com­ staff the eight “Stop Polio” mittee for the cooperation of plinics held in metrojmlitan the parochial school system un­ ^TM-Cana Cantm nta Anniwaruary der the direction of the Very area Catholic schools Sun­ Some ot the dignitaries at the fifth anni­ spiritaal director, aad, standing, are Mrs. day. Rev. Monsignor William IL Jones, archdiocesan superin­ versary banquet of the Pre-Cana conference Uoyd Glasler and Mr. Giasler, past chair Louise Zetzche, maternal and tended of schools. in ^nrora are, seated, IMt to right. Bill couple; and the Rev. Francis Bakewell, SJ., child health nursing consultant, Barnes, toastmaster for the occasion; Mrs. of Re^s College, who spoke at the banquet. of the Denver Health depart­ Clinics at the same schools Bill Barnea, and flie Rev. Francis Syrianey, ment, and her corps of visiting will be open Sunday, May 27, '>urses who act as school nurses from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. The vac­ cine to be administered is the S cnI fiHfopomfonco Day in the parochial schools, were among the professional volun­ Sabin Type I vaccine, the same Pre-Cana Program Aided 1,000 Couples Nq rejoldof bat prayer aad sadneM nark eace. Staadlag bene^ tbeir nation’s flag, that was distributed May 20. the faces ef the 2M exiM Calbau who attend­ the refugees dedicated themselves to the res­ teers who helped man the clin­ Immunization with Type HI Neariy 100 partidpants in the spiritual, they give to each what mented that more than lOO per­ ed hUss in the Cathedral of the lamaculate toration of the freedom gained M years ago ics. vaccine will be held in June, Denver area Pre-Cana confer­ they consider its ‘place’ in life,” sons were registered for the Conceptiea, Dearer, May tt, marktag the and aow lost in the terror of a Communist Nearly 16,006 persons re­ and with Type H, in October. ence marked the move­ Father Bakewell said. Pre-Cana conference ending fWi audrenary of their aatioe’s ladepead- tyraat ceived doses of the Sabin Type I oral polio vaccine in the eightthe Stop Polio com ment’s fifth anniversary at a He called for a blending, a May 25 at St. Theresa’s school banquet in the Town House, in Aurora. atholic schools participating in mittee emphasized that a 11 melding of the spiritual and of Aurora, May 20, and recounted the campaign. ndults and children over the age the material order. The next Pre-Cana conference of three months should avail efforts to improve Christian for couples contemplating mar­ 250 Refugees From Cuba Mark 60th marriage through their Pre-Cana THE BIGGEST CROWD was ‘hemselves of the vaccine, even IN SUMMARIZING the riage is scheduled for June 17, conference sessions. at Cure d’Ars school, where if they have already received growth of Pre-Cana in Denver, 18, 20, and 22, in St. Peter and Attttiversari of Hatioa's Independence 2,795 doses of the vaccine were the full number of shots of the More than 1,000 couples have toastmaster William Bqrnes com­ Paul’s parish hall, Wheatrldge. administered. In the over-all Salk dnti-polio vaccine. received pre-marital guidance through the program since its Joy over past glories mingled with sorrow Twenty-nine of the children, sent out of program, about 325,000 Colo­ Catholic schools offering their inception in May, 1957. over Communist tragedy and irtth hope for the Cuba by their piarents to escape Communisit radoans received the vaccine. facilities are; Cure d’Ars, 3200 New Way Found future in the hearts of some ISO Cuban exiles indoctrination by the Castro regime, had ar­ The clinic at All Saints’ school Dahlia street; St. Elizabeth’s, “We are proud of our achieve­ who celebrated the 60th anniversary of their rived in Denver only a few days before. TWo recorded 2,564 persons, and that 1620 11th street; Blessed Sacra­ ments, the increase in number To Stop Hair Loss, nation’s independence at a Mass in the Ca­ of the 29 children are now being sheltered at at St. James’, 2,364. Other ment, 1973 Elm street; St. of conferees and recognition of thedral of the laimaculate Cooceptien May 20. St. Vincent’s home in Denver. The other 27 schools participating were James’, 1250 Newpqrt street; the worth of our movement A special section of seats in the.front of are being cared for at Queen of Heaven or­ Blessed- Sacrament, Presenta­ Presentation, 659 Julian street, throughout the archdiocese,” Grow More Hair Father Francis Syrianey, Pre- the Cathedral was set aside in the 10 a.m. phanage. tion, Most Precious Blood, Loy- Loyola, 2350 GayloM street; All HOUSTON, Texas—For years Cana spiritual director, com­ wait until you are slick bald Solemn Mass for the Cuban refguees now liv­ i!a, and St. Elizabeth’s. Saints, 2559 S. Federal boule­ “they sidd It couldn’t be done.” and your hair roots are dead, ing in tho Denver area. IN AN OPEN LETTER sent to the Register Mrs. J. B. McCloskey, chair­ vard, and Most Precious Blood, mented. But now a Texas firm of labora­ you are beyopd help. If you still by Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Garcia, the refugees man of the health' committee of S. Colorado boulevard and E. “However, we are still miss­ tory consultants has developed have hair (or at least some THE KEFU6EES were visibly moved by a recalled that Cuba gained its independence 60 the Catholic Parent --Teacher IHff avenue. ing too many couples. Only a a treatment that is not only fuzz) on top of your head, and stopping hair loss . . . but U would like to stop vour hair loss short sermon in Spanish deliver^ in the Mass years ago, on May 20, 1902, “with the help and small percentage of those Catho­ by the R t Rev. Monsignor Walter J. Canavan, cooperation of tte peojde and government of rew y growing hairl and ^ow morere hair . now is lic couples married in the arch­ They don’t even ask you to rector of the CathednJ. Monsignor Canavan the United States of America.’’ the time to act. Mullen Asst. Principal diocese have had the benefit of take their word for it. If your Loesch Laboratory Consul­ celebrant of the Mass, concluded his sermon “Today, more than ever,” they said, “we Pre-Cana counseling.” symptom indicate that the tants will supply you with treat­ with the appeal, “Long live Cuba; long live appeal not only to the free countries d the FATHER SYRIANEY praised treatment will help you, they In­ ment for 32 days, at their risk, Christ the King.’’ American continoit, but to all the tree nations Observing Silver Jubilee the priests, doctors, lay speaker vite you to try it for 32 days, if they believe the treatment “We prayed for Cuban victims of Commu­ of the world to joto in a unanimous repulsion at their risk, and see for your­ will help you. Just send them nism and victims of Communism throughout of Communism. The Christian Brothers of Myl- a year in Canada in an intensive couples, and other committee self! information to help them ana­ the world,’’ said Jose Olavarrieta, a spokes­ “T te anniversary of Cuban indepmidence is len high school. Fort Logan, s t^ y program centered upon members who added their in­ Naturally, they would not of­ lyze your problem. This infor­ dividual contributions to the man for the refugees. a sorrowful date to all the Cubans who, with are marking the silver jubilee the life of the Christian Broth­ fer this no-risk trial unless the mation should include how long composite picture of Christian Most of the refugees speat the afternoon a vehement desire for freedom, will continue of the assistant principal. Broth­ ers and upon the life and works treatment worked. This is all your hair has been thinning, marriage presented through Pre- at an open house in Queen of Heaven orphan­ fighting to obtain the right, as 66 years before, er Bamaby, -F.S;C. of their founder, St. John Bap­ the more remarkable in light and whether or not you now Cana conferences in the past of the fact that the great ma­ have or ever have had any of age, where they vUted the N nnaecompanied to free and democratic elections, casting from Brother Bamaby, a native of tist de la Salle. five years. jority of cases of excessive hair the following conditions; Do Cuban chUdrea now being cared for in arch­ our land the Communist boot that today stamps New Orleans, received the re­ Outstanding successes in edu­ In the keynote address. Father fall and baldness are the be­ you have dandruff? is it dry or diocesan Institotious. our country.” ligious garb at Lafayette, La., cation and social work have ginning and more fully devel­ oily? whether your scalp erupts Aug. 14, 1637. He has been at characterized Brother Bama- Francis Bakewell, S.J., of Regis oped stages of male pattern in pimples or other Irritations, college, examined the problem C«mp OfMiif JuM Mullen the past two years. by’s work as a Christian Broth­ baldness and cannot be helped. does your forehead become oily 23 Since then he has taught in er. of living as a Christian in the But how can any man or woman or greasy? does your scalp itch contemporary world and dis­ Louisiana and in Texas. He He was responsible for the es­ be sure what is actually causing and how often? and any other cussed the compromises made their hair loss? Even if baldness information you feel might be served as principal of Kirwin tablishment of Boys’ Village in Lady of the Rockies Chapel Planned high school, Galveston, for six by many who seek individual may seem to “run in your fam­ helpful. AU letters will be an­ Lake Charles, La., where he ily,” this is certainly, no proof swered promptly. Send the years. solutions to this dilemma. Our Lady of the Rockies camp week period will be outlined by mittee will be at the camp site collaborated with civic - minded of the cause of YOUR hair loss. above information, and your AFTER HIS TERM as prin­ Many people live a double committee, made up of mem­ the director and program chair­ June 2-3, when the first of three citizens in gathering funds for Actually, there are 18 scalp name and address to Loi^ch cipal, Brother Bamaby spent the erection of bulldfogs for dis­ life. Hiey are spiritual schlzo disorders that can cause hair Laboratory Consultants, Box bers of St Rita’s Court 625, man. week ends will be devoted phrenics. As they are unable to Catholic Daughters of America, The committee thanks the 16 to readying the camp buildings advantaged boys in Southwest loss. No matter vteich one is the 66001, Dept. 150, Houston 6, equate the temporal and tiie cause of your hair loss, if you has been meeting for the past Colorado C.D. of A. Courts for for the 1962 opening June 23. Louisiana. •Texas. Adv. two months to make plans for their support to make needed Women interested in aiding A dinner for the religious and the eighth camping season June improvements and major this project may contact. Miss dergy of the area will be held 23, five miles souttiwest of Ever­ changes at the camp site. Maloney, PY 4-3110, or Mrs. at the school May 31. A High green. The next meeting of the com- Marien, GR 7-2106, for details. Mass will be celebrated in the RELIGIOUS ARTICLES Oae of the aaala goals of the sdiool chapel May 27, with the camp committee Is to build this faculty, dass officers, seniors, season, if possible, a aew cha­ and student council leaders in • STATUES • ROSARIES • MEOAliS pel Since the camp ^ ap e l has PTA Officers' School attendance. • PiaURES • PRAYER BOOKS always been the focal potot ef Our Lady’s camp. It Is tlie nope Scheduled in June Annual CFM Picnic • PENDANTS • BOOKS • PUQUES of tee group teat throng a The annual school of instruc­ The new schedule. Monsignor To Be at Batch’s chapel fund new being estab­ tion for officers and committee Jones said, will give officers lish ^, a new ediflee can be chairmen of Catholic PTAs in and chairmen more time to plan The Denver area Christian Complete Line of Rcligiouj A tticlcj for Church ond Home built in tee near future. The the archdiocese win be held this their activities for the coming Family Movement’s annual pic­ present wooden chapel will be year in June instead of August, year. nic at Elitch Gardens, Denver, converted to a much-needed according to the Very Rev. Mon­ will be held June 6 from 6 to A. P. WAGNER & CO. recreation hall. signor William H. Jones, arch­ 9 p.m. Tickets at $1 each en Brochures, lists of clothing, TOP ACHIEVEMENT awards diocesan superintendent of were presented May 17 at the titles gate admission and un­ CHURCH GOODS and other information have school, at tee CPTL tea at St. limited free rides from 7 to 9 been sent to former campers CPTL tea at St. Mary’s acad Mary’s academy. p.m. Everyone is invited to and to giris betweoi the ages of emy. Cherry Hills, to the PTAs 606 14lh St., ietween California & Walton bring lunch and meet at the 8 and 16 in various Catholic of Mt. Carmel and S t John the north pavilion at 6 p.m. for the TA. 5-8331 schoeds by the committee. WORKSHOPS FOR PTA pres­ Evangelist’s schools, Denver. idents this year will be held Twenty - eight other schools re Brother Bamaby, F.S.C. picnic. Information concerning the June 4 in Cure d’Ars school, ceived awards for excellence in facilities and program of this Denver. their activities. Catbcdic girls’ camp Is availa­ ble from Mrs. Marie Brundage, Those for other officers and Mrs. William Moriarity, CPTL house mother at the C. D. of A. chairmen will be June 11-12 safety chairman, presented cer club house, (MA 3-0I5I or TA 5- in the same school. Registra tificates for superior safety pro­ tion on all three days will be 9567) 765 Pennsylvania street, grams to Christ the King, Pres­ Denver. at 1:15 p.m., and the workshops will be held from 1:30 to 3:30 entation, St. James’, St ^fin- MOST OF the personnel has p.m. cent de Paul’s, St. John the been hired, according to Miss One workshop on June 11 will Evangelist’s, and St. Francis de Catharine Maloney, camp chair­ be for secretaries, treasurers, Sales’ grade schools in Denver man. aad pariiameataiy law and and to St. Therese’s, Aurora. A Trusted Name Mrs. Estamae Marine is again CPTL ebairaen of tee PTAs. Attendance awards went to the camp director, and Miss Another will be for room moth­ St Mary’s academy, Cherry Mary Auer, program chairman, ers, and membership and boa Hills, for PTAs with fewer than for the comi^ year. pttality chairmen; and a third 366 members; St Philomena’s, In Catholic Funeral Service Several new out-of-state col­ for teacher aide chairmen. Denver, 366-666 members; and lege giris, together with a few Cure d’Ars, Denver, more than 'nmee workshops are schedul­ ot last year’s persoimel, will 660 members. for Forty-three Years make op the counsding sta^. ed for June 12: One for publi­ Monsignor Jones installed the At the staff meetings prior to city and historian book chair­ CPTL’s 25th jubilee slate of of­ opening day, a daily and weekly men, a second for Civil De­ ficers, headed by Mrs. George OFFERS A OlOlCE OF TWO activity program for the six fense, Junior Red Cross, safe­ McCaddon, president The re­ ty, and health chatrmmi, and a tiring president, Mrs. Robert Knecht was presented a gift FEDERAL BLVD. AT SPEER BEAUTIFUL FUNERAL HOMES Father Vawter third for program and ways and for her outstanding work in her ,On Lecture Trip means chairmen. two-year term. • GRAND 7-1625 ^ In Australia Father Bruce Vawter, C.M., St. Francis Summer Class professor of Scriptures at St Thomas’ seminary, Denver, left May 21 for Australia to speiik in Registration Scheduled 16 series of lectures on the Scriptures this summer. Students planning to attend the summer high school courses Proident of the Catholic Bib­ to be offered at S t |Francis de Sales’ high school must prereg­ lical association in the U.S., Fa­ ister before ’Thursday, May 31, according to tee Very Rev. ther Vawter will speak at the Monaignor William H. Jones, archdiocesan superintendent of invHatioii' and under the spoii- schools. orstdp of tee Vincentian F atW s of the Australian Province. Those planning to attend the sessions may make arrange­ Four ^ e A s of Biblical insti­ ments at 1^ Francis’ high school, 235 S. Sherman street, or by tutes will be held for religious calling the principal. Sister Jean Fontbonne, PE 3-3272, in school hours or RA ^8085 after school. and lay teachers in and around 1091 SO. COLORADO BLVD. at Mississippi Sydney. Talks are scheduled for REMEDIAL CLASSES in this first summer school for sec­ tte undergraduates at tee de­ ondary students in an archdiocesan high school will be held in • SKYLINE 7-1238 partment of Semitics at the Uni­ Latin I, Algebra I, geometry, English I, n, and IQ; reading, versity of Sydney. biology, and American history. A class in personal tjq>ing also Institutes will be held in New­ will be offered. | castle, Melbourne, and the re­ gional seminary at Adelaide, A fee of $25 per subject will cover all costs for the course, including textbooks and supplies. Formal registration will be held South Australia, conducted by the Vincentian Fathers. on June IL Classes will b e ^ June 13 and continue to July 27. Father Vawter was invited to “These courses,” Monsignor Jones said, “offer a wonderful address the Catholic Biblical As- opportimity for students who plan to attend summer school. sodatioa of Australia, tee Bibli Students can study in the same religious atmosphere and from cal Fellowships (non-Catholic) of the same texts t ^ t they use in the regular school year. The Sydney and Melbourne, and to teachers will be guided by the same spiritual view of the boys mortuaries appear on the TV service of the and girls in the classroom and will use the methods that have Australian Broadcasting corpo­ made Catholic high schools in the archdiocese among the best ration. in the nation.” REGISTER REGISTORIRLS

Meaning Thursdoy, Moy 24, 1962 THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER ^AGI FOUK Of Memorial Day From the Laity: Initiative! By J oseph P. Kjetei h e r e h as b e e n m u c h specu­ op Marling lauded the "excellent UST 100 YEARS AGO, the war between the States T lation concerning what the forth­ spirit” displayed by many lay .persons, J was approaching its peak of intensity and bitter­ coming Ecumenical Council will de­ evident “in their frequent reception of ness. Ammca was not engaged with an outdde foe. cree concerning the place of the laity the sacraments” and “their concern for mmaammmwww^aaaaaamwaaaaaaaa Its valleys and mountains in the Church. The whole question was, the laws God and His Qhurch.” Q and farms were saturated we think, put in its proper perspective But “even the most ardent clerical “ f O l l l G S with the blood of our own by Bishop Joseph M. Marling, C.PP.S., proponents of Catholic Action," he I people. Often a father of Jefferson City, Mo. said, ‘‘admit .that comparatively few a n d fought against his own What is needed, he said in effect, is (lay persons) are able and willing to ^ brother against not new legislation, but the carrying exercise lay leadership.” What these rQfSDGCtiy/GS ^^^^er. It was the most out of Papal directives of the part 3® priests especially deplore is “the lack r ^ 1 I I w jj.ggjp period in ouj. (.quo. years in r^ a rd to Catholic Action. The of genuine leaders in the ranks of col­ ^^nAn^^wvwwwwvwvwwvw (]*y’s history. past several Pontiffs have placed the lege graduates.” In the spring of 1862, a sombre caravan wended responsibility for successful Catholic Stating that “what is missing in its way to the new cemetery in Columbus, Miss., Action on , priests, and laity. most instances is a solid knowledge of bearing the bodies of sddiers who had died in the Popes Pius XI and XII, he pointed the Faith,” Bishop Marling added: battle of Shiloh. There, under the magnolia trees, out, asserted that Catholic Action is “Bishi^ps and priests cannot be blamed more than 1,500 Confederate and some 1(|0 Union impossible ‘‘without lay initiative and for not ceding the right to speak for warriors were laid to rest. lay responsibility on one side, and the the Cliurch to those whose knowledge guidance of the Hierarchy on the of the Church’s teaching is at best other.” meager.” FOR A FEW BRIEF HOURS, at least, hatred With regard to the role of priests. gave way to respect. Women from the town, for­ Bishop Marling said it would be an ex­ “LET US PRAY THEN,” said the I getting th«lr bitterness toward the Northern armies aggeration to hold “that they have that had invaded their territory and had cut down Bishop, “that when the Ecumenical , their husbands and brothers and sons, charitably caught the full spirit of Catholic Action, Council focuses attention upon the por • placed flowers and wreaths upon the graves of and have ceded to capable members sition of the laity in the Church today, soldiers of both sides. The dead were immortalized in of the laity the position which the. pon­ it will. .. collect, restate, and solemn­ verse bv Francis Miles Finch in 1867, and in May of tiffs recommend.” ly enjoin the magnificent principles .the following year Gen. John A. Logan, national Part of the blame for this, he said, concerning Catholic Action enunciated commander, chose the 80th day of May for this first lies in “the human desire to retain full by Pius XI and Pius XII.” observance. authority," and in “impatience with the “Lay initiative and lay responsibility Thus came into being Memorial Day, which is tedious but essential training that lay leaders must receive.” on the one hand,” the Bishop concluded, now commemorated in most states as an occasion of “and the guidance of the Hierarchy on public tribute to those who have' given their lives in An encouraging sign “is the greater the service of our country. familiarity of the young clergy with the other — these are the elements Catholic Action, and their eagerness to that properly blended can convert the FOR EACH OF US who have inherited the great see it effective.” world.” ! tradition of American freedom. Memorial Day should Turning to the role of the laity. Bish­ — Msgr. John B. Ebelj be something more than a holiday from work, something more than the routine of listening to patri­ otic speeches and decorating the gi-aves of our de­ ceased. Majority Rights in Religion More than anything else. May 30 should be a day of prayerful gratitude for those millions of brave By P aul H. Hallett The Jehovah Witnesses, who ant. Catholic, or Jewish chil­ MEMORIAL DAY, 1 9 6 2 souls who loved country more than self, and whose h e RENOWNED Protes­ consider flag-saluting a form dren went to their separate supreme sacrifice made it possibie for us to enjoy T tant writer and minister, of worship, are exempt from classrooms for religious in­ the precious heritage of true human liberty. Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, saluting the flag. That is, they struction, the U.S. Supreme Rmmmh9¥ fh o f Wh9 Dimd made a provocative statement may stand in a crowd with court said that relirton could FURTHERMORE, we must do all in our power Thai Equal Juatita M ight U ral when he was in Denver some covered heads and do noth­ not be taught inside public as individuals and as a nation to make sure that, in time ago. Hitting at efiorts ing. They have a right not schools. to outlaw a prayer recited in to be molested for such ac­ The pretext for not allow­ the words of our Civil War President, Abraham Lin­ tion. But anything beyond this ing voluntary religious instruc­ coln, ‘‘these dead shall not have died in vain . . . the public schools of Hyde Park, New York, he declar­ —the embarrassment of be­ tion or acts in public schools that government of the people, by the people, and for ed: ing singular in a crowd—is is always that this differenti­ Better All Get in and Fight! something they must bear as ates the child into various re­ the people shall not perish from the earth.” "If this (anti-prayer) group a part of their religious con­ ligious groupings and thus in­ M successful, then they will B y G . J . G u s t a f s o n The lady argued that she ity in otherwise decent maga­ science. They have no right troduces division. The answer try to banish prayer from all h e BOARD OF CEN­ and her husband bad done zines, preview movies and TV to demand that public flag- is that the division is already the schools in the 50 states. SORS in our town re­ everything possible not only shows, control lascivious bill­ saluting be outlawed to save there. Sooner or later the child T Hiey will try to remove ‘In cently objected to a “come-on" to protect their children but boards, check through read­ them from the appearance of must learn that there ire dif­ God We Trust’ from our devised by some corny pro­ positively to prepare them ing-lists in high schools? being alone. ferent religious persuasions, Los Cursillos, moter to lure the boo^ into against a rising tide of filth. “Who is on our side?’’ she coins. They will try to banish which cannot be reduced to a chaplains from Congress and his cheap trap. At considerable sacrifice they asked with feeling, “I'm not THE SAME PRINCIPLE, common denominator. He can the legislatures. We road about it in the AAAAAAAAAAAdWVKAAAAAAAAAAAA/\AAA/> about to surrender my kids to unfortunately, has not been learn that, fact, in school bet­ local sheets, since no one some, stinking filth merchant! “Pm for minority rights, applied in the public scbobls. ter than he can outside it. The 'New Crusade' could fail to miss the lurid Ponder Let me tell you—the censor but what about the rights of There the atheism, indiffer- report-cum-pictures; but with is on our side.” the majority?” entism, or eccentricty of one NO PUBUC SCHOOL By JA iot M. Shea Lea Cnrsilles de Christian- an air of indifierence that has pupil or his parents has been CHILD should be forced to dad, to give them their ori­ gradually come over us with and AND SHE is RIGHT. Be­ DR. PEALE had a good made the controlling reason lake part in any religious ex­ rHAT WILL HAPPEN gin^ name, or “LitUe courses regard to some aspects of cen­ cause they are children or point. It does not follow that for denying any religious act ercise against the wishes of to the Cunillo move­ in Ohristianity,” are intensive, sorship. Ute re^rtorial 'tech­ adolescente, immature, with if a minority is protected or word in the classroom. Be­ his parents. Conversely, his ment? Will it prove to be a four-day experiences of learn­ nique involved is so obvious Print problems of their own, chil­ the majority will automatic­ cause one parent in Cham­ parents have no right­ prairie fire, or Just a series ing and living the faith in an and so old and so trite that YWSrtyVNA/WWWWWWWWVS/VWVX dren and adolescents fall as ally be protected. The major- paign, III, objected that her pede ether children from such of lively brush fires, or only enthusiastic manner. it reduces this stuff to a dull had provided them not only the first victims to the mer­ • ity can be so preoccupied with son felt lonely while Protest- participation. a few isolated sparks? moronic level. with a Christian home but chants of filth. It is a losing protecting a minority that its Befun amonf the Spanish- MUCH OF THE INSTRUC­ Not that there, are no real with a Christian education. battle dids far. own inherent moral freedom Our Roaders speakbig, the movement is TION is given by laymen, well problems herein for serious But, she complained, can par­ And so we can conclude is seriously Impeded. That is tAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA^S trained boUi in the subject and students of law, sociology, ents watch the magazine with her words, “We’d better just what happens in the mat­ in the techniques al enlisting psychology and ethics. But racks in every drug store and all get in and fight for the ter of teaching religion in the the other men in their groups there are also facets that supermarket, censor seduc­ rights of our kids.” The ex­ public schools. Advise and Dissent On tive ads ^ the daily papers, in active' discussion. seem never to fit into neat perts can argue about the rest A minority, as a minority, School of Catholic Thought be Unjike the usual week-end theoretical schemes — as if catch an occasional immoral­ of it. Summertime Purmite has no rights. Those who form included in a list of such in­ retrrat with its formal sched­ some pictures could not be The Home a minority have natural or Dear Editor, stitutes, . . . ule and somewhat placid ten­ framed. In favor, as we are, constitutional rights, which are Another program of the or, the Cursillo is much more of censorship in principle (and beyond the action of a con­ The editorial by Jim Shea NNCF is the Newmanmission. Scene flexible, informal, energetic. everyone really, is, even while trary majority vote. But what­ in the Register (May JO) con­ .Under this program, quali­ ^^VWW^A/W^^W^WV\A/V\^/WVWM A discussion may last several he tries to deny it), we some­ ever benefits a minority should cerning some worthy summer­ fied students volunteer for a hours, if it seems necessary. times get tired of the whole is­ I AN D THEN time pursuits for students is spreading now to areas where benefit equally a majority; six-week term of service, dur­ Bedtime may be after mid­ sue. Baffled by occasional one that should be read and no furnish la spoken. Fran­ A word of advice from Ru­ of age and is dying. The tree, otherwise the minority enjoys ing which they assist in the night. There is a great deal cases, one tends to dismiss pert Hughes: A determined however, will not be chopped a privilege, not a right. pondered by all students and work of the Church in various ciscan Fathers recenUy inau­ of singing. the matter. gurated the movement in p soul will do more with a rusty down, officials say. One of its by their parents. capacities such as catechet- midwestern diocese where Each little group of men is monktey wrench than a loafer acorns has been planted near­ THERE IS A CONSTITU­ I would like to suggest two ics, census-taking, recreation THEN A MOTHER of four German stock predominates, supp<»ed to bring their pastor, wiU accomplish with all the TIONAL RIGHT in this coun­ additional ideas for considera­ direction, and the like. Living put it all into focus for us. One by. and the course is given in so he can work effectively tools in a machine shop. try not to be compelled to tion. In line with Mr. Shea’s expenses are assumed by breath of common sense from •A ♦ ♦ English. with them, and they with him, take part in any religious ex­ proposal that a college stu­ the host parishes, most of this quite thoroughly Catholic Sigp at an intersection: after the Cursillo. For the ercise against one’s will. Cor­ dent could profit from par­ which are in the Southwest­ woman revealed the constant Surely everyone has heard “Cross Road.” And some pun­ aftermath is the important el­ responding to that right is the ticipation in an institute on ern U.S. urgency of it all. The censor or read Joyce Kilmer’s poem ster had painted in: “Better ement — regular weekly meet­ duty not to impede others in Sacred Scripture, I would WilUam M. Hildred has his problems. He may err. Humor It.” ings of the men who “Trees.” The gnarled oak on that religious exercise. recommend that the Newman Fort Collins have made the Cursillo, The parent has greater prob­ the campus of Rutgers Uni­ ♦ -f ♦ pledged to an active aposto- lems, and much more in­ versity that inspired the And now that everyone is iate under their pastor’s lead­ volved. poem is showing its 300 years trying to recover from having ership. given Uncle Sam his income Cooperate-Buf How? WIVES ARE WARNED by tax, it is hard to remember FULL AS BOOKS letter that their husbands .will after all these years that this country was founded by a 'THERE HAS BEEN some little and then to abortions, and probabljprobably The highest wisdom has but be changed men when they return home after the Cursillo. group of men who were seek­ talk of late, by both Catholics end. up with infanticideinfan am(1 t h e m - one scleice —■ the science of ing relief from high taxes. the whole — the science ex­ Pastors, if they are not pres­ ISO Ht and non-Catholics, of a joint effort mg of the aged. plaining the whole creation ent for the course, receive a TUtMOVtU runo-m«no lotAS ♦ ♦ ♦ to limit the multiplying population and man’s place in it. — Leo letter from the director giv­ ing him a rough idea of what or atrstKuws And then if you think it was of the world, principally of the un­ WOULD NOT, THEN, Catholic Tolstoy am a-ino), w ar aod \Mo AM ntsromtio cold this winter, you just have participation in a world-wide birth- Peace, V, ch. 1 to expect from ^his transform­ muua^HiuuFONr derdeveloped countnes. ed parishioner and suggesting not looked at all the figures • • • ABBetf.OMOr TNT and you have not studied the It is argued that, since the control program be inevitably co­ ways of channeling his new atsAT Kcuatous That war is an evil is some­ apostolic energy. Houns otmcrtiD life of the animals and fishes. Church recognizes that family lim­ operation in evil, even though direct thing that we all know, and In the English-speaking Cur­ nriNt senmuTtoN. Since IDOO,there has been itation in some cases is advisable, co-operation would be confined to an over-all warming. As a re­ it would be poinUess to go on sillo the Spanish name is be­ all who favor population control are moral means? cataloguing all the disadvan­ ing, dropped in favor of “The sult many of the animals are tages involved in it. No one is New C n ^ d e .’’ Other adapta­ moving Northward. Even the agreed, at least “in principle,” and Some day it may be possible to forced into war by ignorance, fish are migrating. The cod, tions perhaps will be made that only details need to be ironed use the rhythm method more accur­ nor, if he thinks he will gain with Experience. once unknown in Greenland, out. ^ from it, is he kept out of it Four or five dynamic men has become a food staple of ately than now, but no pill will ever the Eskimos. Tuna have The trouble is that the details by fear. The fact is that one in any parish could work mar­ be invented to make birth control s^e thinks that the profits to moved into waters off New vels, if not miracles. Pope are themselves part of the principle. painless. Such a pill could only ^ be won outweigh the risks to Pius X said the greatest need England; tropical flying fish Although birth control by peri­ be incurred, and the other are seen off New Jersey. Of contraceptive, abortive, or steriliz­ in the Church was to have in odic continence can be effective, aide is ready to face danger each parish a group of men course, in the March storm ing, and therefore immoral. rather than accept an imme­ who were zealous, well- that fish was not the only with proper knowledge, it would be thing flying. diate loss.—Thucydides (471- instructed, determined, and silly to suppose that any world-wide In the long run there is only one 400 B.C.), History. apostolic. ♦ ♦ ♦ means of checking population that * • • prograhi to limit births will be sat­ And then there was the New is not demoralizing, and that will Far from fearing the most EARLY REPORTS indicate isfied with that. Japan, which be­ that Los Cursillos — or the York policeman who was giv­ daring discoveries of man­ ing a ticket to a woman driv­ gan her birth reduction drive with not be by a massive birth control kind, the Church believes' on New Crusade — may be the contraceptives, ended up with drive of any kind. It will be through answer. er: “What, no license? Don’t the cmitrary that any prog­ TJrUX AR£/iM SMILING you know that you cannot drive wholesale abortions, which are the the elevation of the people to a de- ress in the possesrion of 'im t 24-MiLUOn CHRlST'is TMt without a license?” logical outcome of contraceptive ^ e e of economic and social respon­ truth brings fo ^ a broaden­ CATHOUCS M AFRICA, ■ nut o r w it LOVELY The woman replied with re­ ing of the human person and RL Rev. Matthew J. •AHP TN£ CHURCH HuMBCRS IS"™ CtNTURY lief: “Really? That explains use. People who are told that above sibility tiiat will induce them to ac­ CARVINS HIOM constitutes an advance to­ Smith, PhJ). SOOO AFRICAN FHNFSTS, SO O SIHTR S, everything. I thought it was all their families must be reduced cept later marriages in order to wards the primary truth as WIENNAUSCLt, Founding Editor, Register S O SK N O PR AND ONR CARDIML . arRMANV. because I was nervous and are not going to be satisfied with acquire property. There is no easy well as a glorification of the System of Catholic nearsighted that I scraped creative work of God. — John Newspapers those two cars and ran into periodic continence if that fails. way to achieve that end, but it can xxin. 1917-1960 Strange But True a fireplug.” They will resort to contraception. be done. Thvri^sy, M«y 24/ 1962 THE DEKVER CATHOLIC REGISTER PAGE FIVE

Mother Tells How Family Capuchin to Celebrate First Mass at St. James' The First Solemn Mass of Fa- ^ r y was published in the May Of 13 Built Home in Wheatridg ther Malachy R. McBride. 17 Issue of the Denver (Mtholie O.F.M. Cap., will be offered Register. A MOTHER’SI warm-heartedwarn and with the aid of many daughter. Eileen, attends Na­ in St. Jamek’ church, Denver, and inspiring stoiWniW of how her friends he lent a helping hand zareth College, Nazareth, Ky., June 17 at 12:15 p.m. The Rt. Buffalo Creek Mass husband and chi|dren:hi|drei helped in salvaging the roof. her mother’s aima mater. The Rev. Monsignor William V build their spainous home How the Downs’ finally com­ younger children attend Holy Powers, pastor, is to be the Mass will be offered in St. in Wheatridge is told in the pleted the house, which is Family School, and two boys assistant priest. Elizabeth’s church, Buffalo Creek, at 10 ajn. Ascension May issue of ExtaasioB maga­ situated in an area that looks are at Regis high school. A son of Mr. and Mrs. Char­ Thursday, May 31. Mass on Sun­ zine. I out on the moutains, moved Also in tbe magazine’s May les R. McBride, 1215 Newport days will be offered in the sum­ The author, Mrs. Eileen in and raised their large issue Is a feature, “She Walk­ street, the ordinand will be or­ mer in St. Elizabeth's at 10 Sheehan Downs, who with her family is interestingly told in ed With Mary,” about a nun, dained in St. Joseph’s church. a.m. husband and 11 -children are the Extension story. Maria Teresa Quevado, writ­ Hays, Kans., by Bishop Fred­ members of the Shrine of St. ten by another Denverite, Le- erick W. Freking of Sallna June ; Anne Parish, Arvada, got the THE COUPLE’S oldest nora Mattingly Weber. 9 at 10 a.m. inspiration for her story after Father McBride’s reception Suminer School Abroad an acquaintance remarked will be held la St. James' school cafeteria Jane 17 from 7 to 9 Tr«v*i... i«»Sr ¥ Sf one*. Solr, S^aln, that the Downs’ were fortu­ Solemn Mass Marks Awtlrla, WmI Germany, SwKt*rion4, nate to be able to afford so p.m. He Is a former employe of l•tgivm, (ngtonS. TVm ItSwri cr*Slt many children and have such the “Denver Catholic Register,” In Svrvty ol tumpnon Art tmi AnM- a lovely, big home. Her an­ Jubilee of Abbey Priest ang is a graduate of St. Ig­ IpWikp. Telol ceil indudei Ivillen, tii swer, in the form of the Ex­ Twenty-five years, as a priest degree in political science. natius Loyola's school N-cvel, meeh, occomMOdotloM, end were noted by tbe Rev. Jerome In tbe spring af 1943 Father Officers at his First Solemn lidc Iripii 91,350. Iceve CMco|e tension article, is tiUed “The June 35, relwn Auguil 31. Healy, O.S.B., Holy Cross Healy became a chaplain la the Mass are: The Very Rev. Adrian House That Love Built." Abe enreH for foil form in In it Mrs. Downs describes United States Army. He served Conrad, O.F.M. Cap., deacon; Father Flavian Meis, O.F.M. ff»c«pfloii for Roffit Growloafof how she and her husband, with the 314th Regiment of the Lofoli UiinnitT 79th Infantry Division from the Cap., subdeacon; and Father John P. Downs, came to Den­ RoRiiiCiitir DiMMsliK plans for the aaaual alumni The reception will be held May 24 in the Normandy beaches invasion to Sigmund Shaughnessy, O.F.M. ver frdm Chicago and rented receptien fer 1N2 praduaUen seniors at Repis Denver club. Mr. Dwyer will welcome the the completion of the war la Ger­ Cap., a missionary to Puerto Study gredeefo end undergredvefo a modest apartment. Their pregremi In erit, kumonitici, len- coUefe, Denver, are, from left, Dan McNeill, graduates, explain the organisation, serv­ many. Rico, preacher. first daughter, Eileen, was guegei, during hiileric fcumenkel H ntiaftM Statiea, N.Y., oae of three co- ices, and activities of the alninai associa­ He returned to the abbey in Three brothers of the new born shortly after their ar­ Council. 34-30 hevn acdll ter foS chairmen of the senior class Alamai Fund tion and present them with membership 1946 and resumed his teaching priest to serve at tbe Mass are ecedemk yper, fotel ceili $1,005 In- solicitation; Colorado Snpreme Court Chief cards. Mr. McNeill, co-chairmen William Kel­ rival in Denver. dutie^, as well as serving as a Patrick, master of ceremonies: dudei tvltlee, trem-Ailentlc end ever- Jastlce Edward C. Day, chairmaa of the 1N2 ly of Chicago, and Fred Albi, Denver, will basketball coach. Michael and Timothy, acolytes; lend bevel, nfoeh, eccenMnedoHeni R c ^ eoUefe Alnmal Fund; Vincent M. present the ^ of the senior class to the SINCE THE couple wanted In 1959 Father Healy was ap­ and James, thurifer. | In medern bulidingi, end Ude Mpt. One lemetler, $ t,300. fer cereplete Dwyer, 8r., president of the National Regis 1N2 Alumni Fund to Father Ryan and Judge “freedom in the country,” pointed assistant chaplain at the cinh; and the Very Rev, Richard F. Ryan, Day. (See story on page one.) they saw their ideal house detoSi eeniocti St. Thomas Aquinas chapel and FIVE AUNTS of the ordinand | Urtetw W twdie Ifoact g j„ coUeie president. plan in a magazine. After ac­ the University of Boulder New­ are Sisters of St. Agnes, andi quiring a blueprint they did man club at Boulder. After an uncle is a Capuchin priest | LOYOL* UmVERSin more than just dream about completing this assignment he Another sister of the ordinandi 130 N. MMgen Avenue the home. Mr. Downs began continued with bis duties at is Maureen, 11, of the home. ¥ CMcege,IISneb/WH 4-0100 15 Top Rankmg Catholic Students taking classes in Denver’s Op­ tbe Canon City school. Besides Father Malachy’s ordination! portunity School in woodwork­ teaching, he has been active ing. They found the land they in missionary work and has con­ In State to Receive 'Academic Oscars' wanted in Jefferson county, ducted numerous lay retreats. but the down payment was A niece of Father Healy is Fourteen Catholic high schools winners of this year's scholastic Vigil, (Cathedral; Paul Sandoval, another thing. Mrs. Edward Tynan, a resident in the Archdiocese of Denver tourney in the archdiocese, the Annunciation; Patrick Moran, “All these years,” said Mrs. of Denver. She and her family and one in tbe Diocese of Pueblo top speech students from each Holy Family; Andrea Barclay, Downs, “I had been carrying are members of Christ the King announced tbe nsmes of their high school, and the winner of Machebeuf; Susan Beals, Mary­ our ‘nest egg’ on the third Rev. Jerome Healy, O.S.B. parish. the Catholic Youth organiu- crest; Carla Joy, Mt. (Carmel; top-ranking students. finger of my left hand.” Af­ Abbey. Canon City, at a Sol tion's archdiocesan oratoricid Art Lingie and Gene Kotten- ter some persuasion on Mrs. RRIGIOUS ARTICUS They will receive “Academic emn Mass of Thanksgiving cele Denver Girl Honored Oscars” at the annual Catholic contest. Btette, bpth from Mullen; Downs’ part, her husband sold brating his silver jubilee on May By Creighton Univ. Parent-Teacher league awards Two eighth grade papUs, oae thd diamonds from the ring CHURCH SUPPLIES Jerry Droll, St. Francis de 23 in the Abbey chapel. Anna Marg Lyons was award­ brunch May 31 In Mount Carmel from Holy Rosary school, Den­ for the down payment. Today Sales’; Victor Avila, St. Born in Rensselaer, Ind., but ed a certificate of scholastic high school. ver, and the other from tacred Joseph’s; Kathleen Clancy, St. she says that she “can’t ever Complete selection of Heart, Boulder, wUi re­ a resident of Colorado Springs achievement by Creighton uni­ Also slated to receive awards Mary’s academy; Veronica Sny­ imagine replacing the dia­ from his early years. Father at the annual brunch are the ceive scholarships to archdloce- versity, Oma­ der, Mt. St. Gertrude’s; and Ed­ monds as there are too many Healy was ordained to the saa high schools from the ha, for being First Communion, Graduation ward Garlich. Pueblo Catholic. more important things com­ priesthood May 22, 1937, by CPTL. one of the top A trophy will be presented to ing up — 11 college educa­ Archbishop Urban J. Vehr. He Appointments The event will open with a two in the sen­ and Ordination Michael Albi, a member of the tions.” sang his First Solemn Mass in High Mass to be sung at 10 a.m. ior class of CYO of St. Dominic’s parish, Corpus Christi church, Colorado The' brunch and awards cere­ 167 who main­ Announced Denver, lor his victory In the WITH DEEP FAITH and Springs. Gifts and Cards mony will be held in., the high tained a 400 archdlocetan CYO oratorical hard work they overcame the school cafeteria. average for At Loretto contest held for the first time obstacles in building a home FATHER HEALY attended two successive this year. over a period of years. They the Abbey School and was grad­ semes ters. STORE HOURS Sister Cecille, dean of Loretto WINNERS OF the “Academic reached one of their “lowest t Heights college, has announced Oscars’* and their high schools Holy Family high school will uated with the class of 1929. Two She will be ebbs” when the house was years later he entered the Bene­ 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday thru Friday, four new faculty appointments are; Sheila Gunderson, Cathe­ be awarded the school trophy gradual- near its completion. A freak dictine Order. Aiud Lynot effective in the coming academic dral; Ellen Torres, An­ for mathematics in this year’s ed from 9 o.m. to 4 p.m. Soturdoyi academic tourney; and St. tornado in early winter ripped Following his ordination he reighton June #. She is the year. nunciation; Dawn Sudmeler, off the roof and delayed build­ Dr. Antony Parimanath. a na- Holy Family; Irene Miles, Ma- Mary’s, Colorado Springs, will taught for several years at the daughter of Mr. and Mrs? E. T. ing progress for almost six school and then attended the cbebeuf; receive that for science. Lyons of St. Dominic’s parish. months. University of Notre Dame Denver. 1120 Broadway KE. 4-8233 Barbara Taylor, Marycrest; + t Sharon Lasasso, Mt. Carmel; About this time when the where he received a master's Laurence Konersmann, Mullen; Regis Grid Ace Downs’ were discouraged, yet still confident, they met Richard Rendler, Regis; Jean Region Institute enable, St. Mary Euphrasia’s; Going to Father William Faherty, S.J., Patricia Slinkard, St. Francis of Regis college. Father Fah­ For Great Books de Sales’; Edward Freas, St. Naval Academy erty encouraged the couple Joseph's; The Naval Academy at Anna Leaders Slated O N L Y D A Y S Sylvia Onorofskie, St. Mary’s polls has accepted Christopher 3 Great Books academy, Englewood; Pam Michael Hoch, 17, of Denver The Rocky Mountain Regional TO GET THIS NEW GENERAL ELECTRIC Schroeder, Mt. St. Gertrude’s, for classes this summer. SomiiMir Hold 'nstitute for Great Books and Junior Great Books leaders will Boulder; Roger Downey, St. Cliris attended St. John the ' FROST-GUARD 12.9 CUBIC FT. An advanced training seminar be held June 1-3 in Redstone Mary’s, Colorado Springs; and Evangelist’i school and is a sen- Patricia Trantell, Pueblo Catho­ for Junior Great Books leaders, Lodge, Redstone, 26 miles south or at Regis high, where he has principally of the southwest area of Glenwood Springs. lic h|Kh school. been class president four years schools, was held at St. Rose The institute is- intended for and all-city and all-state paro­ of Lima parish, Denver. Attend­ leaders in areas outside the REFRIGERATOR-FREEZER TO RECEIVE awards for their chial league fullback. He was ing were leaders from All Souls’, Denver area where regular lead­ victories in the archdiocesan active on tbe baseball, track Englewood, St. Mary’s, Little­ er training is not available. scholastic tourney are Sharon and wrestling teams. Gibbs, Holy Family, geography ton, St. Bernadette’s, St. James’, The fee of $30 for the ses­ His parents are Dr. and Mrs. and St. Rose’s. sions includes accommodations and world history; Thomas Peter C, Hoch. Dr. Hoch is a FOR O N LY O’Hayre, Ifoly Family, trigo­ The seminar was conducted and meals and a set of the first- pediatrician an’d former Navy by Mrs. Frank Casey, Junior year Great Books readings. Res­ nometry; Shirley Morahan, also medical officer. of Holy Family, U.S. history; Great Books coordinator. ervations can be made by send­ Dr. Antony Parimanath (}hris is the third to be ac­ Discussed were leading tech­ ing a deposit of $10 to Richard Nancy Ambre, Machebeuf, Al­ cepted among 12 Colorado boys niques, discipline, and leader Turnbull, Great Books Founda­ $ 2 9 9 9 5 gebra II; Eugene Montoya, Mt. tive of India and graduate of nominated by Sen. John A. Car- relationships to parish chair­ tion, Kansas City Public Lib­ Carmel, Algebra I; Patricia Catholic University, and Ray­ roll of Colorado this year to man and principal, with special rary, Kansas City 6, Mo. In­ Two Ice Tra>s Lease. Mt. Carmel, U.S. his­ mond Willms, a graduate of compete for Annkpolis vacan-^ ^mphasis on evaluating the formation is available from Mar­ On Shelf tory; Pamela Nel4on, the third Notre Dame University, will join hies. year’s progress. guerite Caro, HA 9-5648. the faculty of the sociology de­ winner from Mt. (larmel, bi­ partment. ology; Named to tbe philosophy de- Mike Hickey, Mullen, general partmeAt is Miss Marianne science; Alan Rutkowski, St. Burke, a graduate of Loyola Francis de Sales’, Spanish II; University in Chicago. James McKibbin, St. Joseph’s, No Miss Minnie McCoy, a public biology; Lucas Lukaszwicz and Defrosting school teacher, has been ap­ Ever — Not r Gary Rottman, both of SAVE H ER E- EARN MORE Butter 1 \ Even In The pointed additional supervisor in St. Mary's, Colorado Springs,

OFFICIAL: ARCHDIOCESE OF DENVER The Denver Catbolie Register merits our cordial approvsl.oval. We confirm it as the official publication of the archdiocese. arch< Whatever appears i^ its columns over SAVE HERE-EARN MORE the signature of the Ordinaiy or tbme of the Officials HOURS; of our Curia ia hereby declared official. THfc '-..At - YOUR MOM Y SINCE «UlO Mon. thru Thun.: 9 A. M. - 5 P. M. PIANOS-ORGANS We hope Tbe Register will be read hi every home Friday: 9 A. M. - 1 P. M. Continuously Nothing But of tbe archdioceae. SAVINGS&LOAN APPLIANCES - TV-HI-FI H F M Ciotod Soturdoys the Finest Since 1900 Op«n We urge paators, parents, and teachers to cultivate association Home Offtco Phono: 279-5551 Mon. A FrI. ^a taste in the children of tbe archdiocese for the reading • •• -•^RELT Night ot The Register. GOLDEN, COLORADO Evergreen Branch Office Phone u • URBAN J. VEHR S’* ^•::: f » . I - A1. Savi-..^ ti LOAN C<-H» tJfiAT'i-N 964-3121 Free Parking at 1321 Lincoln Feast of St. Francis de Sales Archbishop of Denver Jan. 28, 1900. JOE 1332 BROADWAY • CH. 4-4556 JOE JR. PAGE SIX THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Thursday, May 24, 1962

CMipl* Ai« Women's Summer Retreats In Certheolrel Rit* i After a wedding trip to New : Orleans and the CarHibean, Mr. land Mrs. James Paul Eakins Are Scheduled at El Pomar I will be at home in Denver. ’They were married May 12 in the Out-of state guests are never be given by the Rev. Edward rick’s and Guardian Angels par­ Cathedral, Denver, with Monsi­ exceptional at El Pomar Re­ Uiis, S.V.D., for the women of ishes. Denver (Viola Cinea, GL gnor Harold B. Campbell of­ treat bouse for women, Colo­ Holy Cross parish, ’Thornton 5-3064); ficiating. rado Springs, but are even less (captain, Mrs. Mary A. Butler, July 6-8: St. Mary’s parish, Mrs. Thomas Deuschle served so during the summer. AT 8-4670), and Our Lady of Rifle, and St. John the Evan­ as matron of honor and brides­ All but one of the retreatmas- Fatima parish, Lakewood (cap­ AAeeting Planned June 2 gelist’s, Denver (Mrs. T. R. maids were Mrs. Alfred M. El- ters this summer will come tain, Mrs. Bernard Flannery, Taylw, FR 7-2404); erby and Mrs. Thomas F. Ea­ from non-Colorado stations, in­ BE 7-2533). July 13-15: Archdiocesan Coun­ kins. Best man was TlMmas F. By First Saturday Club cluding Detroit and Washington, The roster of summer retreat- cil of Catholic Women (Mrs. Eakins and ushers were Donald D.C. masters includes a Jesuit each Walter Wade, DE 3-0783. and E. Vincent, Alfred M. Ellerby, Our. Lady of Fatima First monthly devotion until next fall. Summer reservations have month as well as a Redemptor- Mrs. J. M. aine, RA 2-3103); i eph Tester, James Sweeney, At j i e Mass, the Rosary is been made by nine groups of Saturday club will meet June ist Father in July and both a July 20-23; General retreat; Gerald M. Quiat. and Melvin recited in unison. A series of Colorado women, many of whom S for Mass at 12:1$ p.m. is Passionist Father and a Carmel­ July 27-29. teachers and busi­ Huil. Flower girl was Dorothy prayers, as outlined by the Na­ make their annual retneat at Holy Ghost church, Denver. The ite Father in August. ness women (ME 2-2451 or 5- Ellerby> tional Reparation society of the this time of year. 8682); Mass will be followed by a Holy Immaculate Heart of Mary, is Hour, cimducted by the club’s R«irarrf for Acliiovomonf Retreats at El Pomar are THE SUMMER SCHEDULE August 5: Day of recollection, led by Honisgnor Monaghan, open to any applicant as long follows: Pueblo Council of (^atholia s p ir i^ l director, the Very Rev. A short meditation on a specific Consignor William J. Mona­ Frond recipients of Gold Seal awards for achievement of as accommodations are avail­ June 29-Juiy 1: Queen’s Nurses; Aug. 17-19: Single wom­ topic makes up the Holy Hour FTAs ta their schools are, from left, Mrs. Anthony Caruso, able. Reservations may be Daughters (Mre. Elizabeth Sal­ en; Aug. 24-26 and Aug. 31-Sept. ghan. The committee in charge demotion. notes that this will be the last president of the ML Carmel PTA, and Mrs. Andrew McCallin, made by communicating with mon. HA 4-7173) and St. Pat­ 3: General retreats. president at St. John the Evangelist’s. Presenting the awards the retreat captains of the A LUNCHEON will foUow the Time at right is Mrs. Jack Hannon, vice president of the Catholic groups listed or directly with MMc* O'DoiwehiM church services. Reservations Parent-Teacher league. FTAs were ra ^ e d by the CPTL in five the Sisters of Charity who op­ Honors Assembly Slated And L«w tMMibtrt should be made to either Mrs. categories — membership, program, cooperation with the erate the retreat house at 1661 PaiSINT John LaTourette, FR. 7-1082, or CPTL, committees, and pnblirations. ’The two Denver schools Mesa Avenue, Broadmoor, Col­ received top rank in all flve categories. ’The presidents were orado Springs. At Cathedral on M ay 25 Mena Heiser, EA. 2-4610, no awarded the certificates at the CPTL tea May 17 at St. I toTrade later than June 1. The luncheon, Mary’s academy. Cherry Hills. i THE FIRST June retreat will (Cathedral High School, dral will receive diplomas from at $1.80 per plate, is held in Denver) Archbishop Urban J. Vehr. at the the Denver Dry Goods tearoom The program will Include tbej at 1:90 p.m. according to the Senior Cathedralites will ring Election SIcrted posting of colors by the Coio-| chairman, Lucille Murphy. down the curtain on their high school performance with a host rado Air National Guard andj Guild Sets General Spring Meeting of traditional activities. the presentation of awards fori BigD The initial program is cla^ the annual essay contest spon-l Alumnae Hold sored by the Archbishop. (Archbishop’s Guild, Denver) retta Sullivan (RA 2-6877) be- Romero secretary at the past day and the traditional honor Tea for Girls < The spring general meeting of fore the general mieeting meeting assembly on May 25. ’The May crowning will bei L & S SUMMER the guild will be held June 6 in st. Anthony’s circle will meet Marlene Fleck will be the host­ Scholarships and distinction May 29 in the C ath^ral after The Denver Alumnae Club of St. Francis de Sales’ school caf­ May 25 in the home of Jean ess in May for Our Lady of in the various academic and the 9 a.m. Mass. A senior brunch DAVIDSON DAY CAMP Marymont College, Salina, eteria, Denver. The dinner is to Van Landingham. Guadalupe circle. extracurricular activities will will follow in the school cafe-' Kans., entertained nine girls who start at 6:30 p.m. and will be Columbia Kern will be the be awarded. teria. CHEVROLET MUCAnON-tieilATtON will attend Marymount next fall MNCI 1*11 followed by a business meeting hostess in May for Holy Inno­ and their mothers at tea on Sun­ at 8 p.m. cents’ circle. Sterling Court A SOLEMN MASS will be OFFICERS for the Mothers’ •OH M O n AOB> S Om U day, May 20, at the home of An election of officers will be Jean Tremble will entertain celebrated in the Cathedral by Circles for 1962-63 are as fol­ Mrs.-Maxine Guise Davis. held and the Madonna statue St. Patrick’s circle at its meet­ Hears Reports the Rt. Rev. Monsignor Walter lows: Trada yourself right up Limited Registration Girls attending were Pamela is to be awarded. Tickets on ing in May. Jean is a new mem­ Canavan, pastor, who will in­ Sophomores,. Regina circle; into a now 1962 Chovro- Hess and Judy Curtan, Mary- At the Catholic Daughters of June 11 thru Aug. SI the statue may be obtained from ber of this group. augurate the commencement for Mrs. Joseph l ^ r y , chairman; lot at Davidson Chevrolet crest; Elizabeth Walsh, Patricia the ways and means committee St. Martha’s circle will meet America, Cknirt St. Theresa 980, 105 seniors. Mrs. Irwin Welti, co-chairman, Foppe, Ellen Roche, St. Francis . . . wide choice in all ss< members, Joan Mnman, GL 5- May 31 in the home of Imogene meeting in St. Anthony’s rec­ The Mass will be followed by and Mrs. John Hackett, treas­ de Sales; and Chloe Wolf, Jan­ riBS...Corvaira, Chevy II, FEATURES 5618 or (inice Rome, HA 9-5176. Tonsic. This circle elected Lucy tory hall. Sterling, the grand a breakfast in the Hilton hotel urer. . ice Tolve, Anne Jumper, and Biscaynes, Bel Airs, Im- Eileen Koester, deanery regent, Mrs. Ray Tetsell, pre­ for the graduates, their par­ y laatnaHta iai Paula Marvel, Machebeuf high Juniors, Marian circle, Mrs. chairman, has a number of cer­ sided. ents, and friends. Guests of trade NOW SvlMdog, M l, school. ^ Verne Anderson, chairman; tificates without names for gar­ Reports were given by Mrs. honor will be the priests who Mrs. J. F. Karry, co-chairman, for your present car at SohMl Sablaats, The Denver Marymount club Tetsell and three members of ments donated to the Pope’s teach religion at Cathedral and Mrs. Mary Gold, treasurer. Davidson Chovrolotl Draao, lawllag, will present a flOO scholarship the court, Miss Margaret De warehouse. Members who pre­ At joint graduation of the Seniors, Mother Seton, Mrs. TraaipMtM, Art to Chloe Wolf at Machebeuf genhart, Mrs. Gertrude Groeger pared these items are asked to Denver parochial high school W. H. Hinton, chairman, and Aativltias aid tpada high school’s award ceremony contact her (EA 2-1395) or Lo­ and Mrs. J. P. McKenzie, who students June 3 in the City audi­ Mrs. John Dandrow, treasurer. on May 28. attended the ACCW state con­ Giant 6 ft y IraipMl by AgaaadSox Miss Mary Fair is president torium. seniors from Cathe- Mothers and students are ask­ Marilyn Waggoner vention in Colorado Springs. BUNNY y Jim ta Saptaabar of the Denver Marymount club Mrs. Tetsell reported that ed to give time with the book and Miss Betty Chase is secre­ repairs on May 25, 28, and 29 To Re Weal in Juno Court St. Theresa had won hon­ J*ann* Mari* Brin or BEAR y Twalva Fall WMka tary. and June 1 from 8 a.m. to 3 y ia btra Oaats Mr. and Mrs. William M. Wag­ orable mention on a poster and T* B* MarH*il p.m. goner of Denver have announced scrapbook which was on dis­ f R E E Transportation to and the engagement of their daugh­ play. at the convention. Mr. and Mrs. A1 J. Brin an­ with each nounce the engagement of their ter Marilyn Agnes, to Arthur It was reported that material from Camp Daily in daughter, Jeanne Marie, to Mi­ car purchase A. Ramponi, Jr., son of Mr. had been ordered for the mak­ Metropolitan Area apd Mrs. Arthur A. Ramponi of chael J. Da­ ing of rosaries to be sent to vidson, son of gsglity Haw oad Aston Denver. missions. The court made a con- Mr. and Mrs. \ Taar CbM • hn-filM The bride-elect is a graduate tribuUon to the Battle of the Frank E. Da­ STUDIO 2— ir af lha lawett Caw. of Loretto Heights college. She Books club. vidson, all of ia a member of Kappa Gamma The Rev. Peter Urban, assist­ Denver. PORTRAIT Davidson CALL EA. 2-4783 Pi. She teaches at Kepner Jun­ ant at St. Anthony’s, spoke on Both a r e ior high school. lAr. Ramponi PHOTOGRAPHY the importance of a retreat for graduates of or PE. 3.6506 is a graduate of Cathedral high JO E D A RRY women. Holy Family E0«V«l)D A. DE [ROCe 2S55 So. Colorado Blvd. school and Colorado State uni­ by Way»c high school. SK 6-8336 REALTY versity school of engineering. He MSS £. an.FAX Mr. Davidson FKRMONT 7B601 OMN tVININOS 777-OT82 is at present employed in hjs Bacomaf Brief* Mercy Hospital is at present UFNVER zo, anx). profession with the General Roberta Turner, daughter of attending Jeune Brin Electric Company in Syracuse, Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Turn­ Student Merits school at Carroll college in Hel­ N.Y. er of Denver, became the ena, Mont. 6TH A V L *1116. wedding will be June 30 bride of Gary Petri, son of Essay Award in St. Philomena’s church. Wedding plans are being made ST. JOSEPH'S OLIVER'S Mrs. Harold Petri of West­ (or Aug. 4. * 1 minster, in Ail Saints’ church. Winner of the Dr. W. W. Mc- \ Maid of honor was Sharon Caw student essay award is MILITARY ACADEMY NIARION Meat Market Ch*ck on Accid*nts Turner and best man was Cynthia Lebsack, a senior stu­ HAYS, KANSAb Bernard Petri. Bridesmaids FLASH dent X-ray technician at the The Colorado State Patrol’s were Peg Nobles, Mrs. Mari­ “Serving Denver Since 1923 WHh Quality Meats" TAILORS school of X-ray technology, slogan of the month is: Make lyn Marcely, Mrs. Mickey BOARDING SCHOOL safe driving a habit. Check your Keuter, and Donna Deslong- of Mercy hospital, Denver. Conducted by the CHOICE STEAKS - ROASTS ORDER | car . . . check accidents. TUXEDO champ. Ushers were Ken Des- Miss Lebsack’s essay of 2,000 VWWV4/WWWWWWWWWWWWW>A- Capuchin Franciscon Fresh Poultry Fish ' for PROMS A REDDINGS longchamp, John Deets, Jo­ words, entitled “Radiation Haz­ * PrefMSioiMl MMt CuHtn to S*rv» You seph Bretz, and Bill Stoakes. ards in Outer Space,” was Fathers PheiM PI. >1111- «<*> Avt. 15th & Welton KE. 4-62S2 The couple will reside In Kn-e Parkini;, any Parkrite lait judged best in the state-wide AnnusI Board and Tuition Fee I Westminster. contest by two medical special­ ists in radiology and the chair­ BAKERIES $890.00 man of the executive commit- • flenior High School • Member of North Central Aaa’a tegs of the Colorado Society of fieme of Fine Pastries X-ray technicians. AU Major Sports * ROTC Honor School 66 So. Broadway ^ • 10-Point Indoor Rifle Range • Civil Air Patrol Miss Lebsack, a native of 753 So. University Geneva, Nebr., presented her 1550 Colorado Blvd. ' • Indoor Swimming Pool essay at the state convention of 2410 East 3rd Ave. For Catalog—Address Business Officie the Colorado Society of X-ray technicians in Colorado Springs. The award, in the form of a bronze cup, was instituted in 1956 in honor of the late Dr. W. y . McCaw, a radiologist in Greeley. Dr. McCaw had great interest in the training of X-ray tech­ nologists. When in the armed forces, he had been responsible for setting up many schools for X-ray technology for the U.S. Army. Here are a few of our RED TAG will find many, many more in your Sofewoy Store! HEINZ Cuke Discs « ,5k,, TOMATO Heinz, Sweet...... C gls. ■ iw EVERY LOCATION A COMPLETE DRY CLEANING PLANT Pork & Beans . no aoo . q . YOU W IU FIND YOUR PARISH ONE HOUR MARTINIZING LISTED BELOW SOUP Make delicious new ST. ANNE'S dishes with recipes on aTH ED R A L HOLY TRINITY PRESENTATION CATHEDRAL Heinz’ soup labels. Con Pop Q -oz. e* NOTRE DAME 12 North Oat* Shopping (ARVADA) 518 E. Colfax 236 B. 13TH AVE. Cpfitar ST. ANTHONY and No. 1 nSS No. Factoral / (Noclto Poodland ARVADA SQUARE ST. ROSE OF LIMA Ted Lothamer, Mgr. cans 1 SunsrMrict.) Oarard SchmMt, Mgr. Irving 4 W. Alamada (t doors So. of Purr SHOPPING CENTER Mtmbar of Strawberries - ruu, PoodMkt.) Rex PauUui, Mgr. Btmla Pinnarty, Jr., AAgt AAelhar of Ood Pariih HmoM OtosvM, Mnr. Fresh ...... 4 bskts. 7o HEINZ M BAR'S, boneless, 4 to 10 lbs. HOLY FAMILY MOST ST. LOUIS, ST. BERNADEHE Photo by W.yac ANNUNOATION OUR LADY nQinS Defatted 07^ AND ST. MARY W m tl In KETCHUP LOYOLA 38th A Benton PRECIOUS BLOOD ENGLEWOOD Caffi*draf Deep-smoked to the heart ...... lb .O f OF FATIM A Cole. Blvd. John Landrum at Bram sais So. Univaralty MAGDALENE San Francisco, Calif., will The Ketchup with the ' Mtti a Dewnlnf 14M Carr Ownar Colfax at Plarca Anthony Pocrnlch, KUSSELL WALKER, Barnard (Rad) be the new home of the former can’t-be-copied flavor! Turkeys MIDGET, USDA Inspected, HstM WMMnfton, Mgr. BUI aiymi. Mgr. Harry Coatanlan, Mgr. JR., Mgr. FInnarly, Mgr. Mar. Claudia Rae Ham, daughter 14-oz. Grade A. 4 to 8 lbs...... lb. O w of Mr. and Mrs. Claude C. gls. 49< ST. MARY’S, Littleton, ALL SOULS, Englewood 73 E. BELLEVIEW Ray Belair, Mgr. Ham of Denver. She became the bride of Robert James We give Gold Bond Stamps! Belton, son of Mr. and Mrs. We reserve COLORADO SPRINGS Robert Belton of Denver, at right to limit rites in the Cathedral. qnaiitUies. Mary Kay Northam attend­ None sold 317 SO. NEVADA 23 2 0 E. PLATTE AVE. GOLF ACRES VENETIAN VILLAGE SAFEWAY ed the bride and Stewart dealers. Food Bank Shopping Center SHOPPING CENTER Bningardt served as best man. Dewey Johnion, Mgr. Leonard Gnxman, Mgr. A1 Weppner 3100 North Hancock A reception was held in Mt. Prices good in Danvor and Suburbs, Thursday thru Carmel hall. Saturday, May 24-26.


Opmm H ousw of Orphanage •k 2 Nearly SN perm i aUeaded a memberaUp tea aad epea Bi^flga Marathon Banofit • hoaie tpoBMred by tbe Queea ef Heaven ar^anage AM ao- Nmw Altar. Cloffc lor CfcofNil t dety, Denver, May 2*. On band ta greet the gneita were, Members of tbe S t Joseph’s Ho«{iital Vagaino, Proceeds from the marathon go to ; left ta rlghL Mother IgnaUns, principal of the Qneen of Heaven StaadiBg before the opaque blue window charge of tchednUug women for altar care; snxiUary bridge marathon cios^ the season purchase equipment (or the new S t Joseph’s 2 lehool; Elvira Suraa, a Cnban refagee boarding at the orNna- that serves as a backdrop for the altar ia the and Mrs. Kent Buckingham, president of tbe with a gala “Trumps and Tricks” party held hospital being constructed. Mrs. William K. * age aiid attending ML Carmel tehodl: and Mrt. Addaide Chapel at St. Paul’s coavcnt, Coiarado society. Ihe women have presented Sister la the Denver Country cinb. T r^hire for Brown and Mrs. William B. Grannell are 2------Grimm, a member_____—. of tbe aid Mdety for more than M years. Spri^, are (left to right) Sitter Laetltla Laetttta Ann, sacristan for the chapel, with over-all high scores were presented to Mrs. chairman and cochalrmaa of the project At Abu, oh the teaching staff at Pauline Memor­ one of the new linen altar cloths purchased William Earley and Mrs. Joseph Seep. Other (he bnffet table are, left to right, Mmee. VWMaVWVVVMWWMVVWVVV ial school; Mrs. Roger Snlilvaa, vice presi­ by the society. (Photo by Bob McIntyre) prize winners were Mmes. Etienne Perenyi, Enri Garden, Roy AtUasoa, John Roe, John dent ef St. Paul’s altar and rosary saciety in Joseph Wendt, W. 8. Spinney, and Anthony Akolt, and G. J. Botern. Dr. James P. Groy More Births, Deaths in State, OPTOMETRIST Colo. Springs Women Get 3rd Project Distinctive Eyes Examined’ But Figures Show Rate Constant In mofit churches, women of with such terms as amice, alb, No mere sewing circle can Portraits Visual Care the parish have the privilege of chasuble, maniple, pall, puri- supply the needs of the new St. There were approximately sent births and deaths of (Colo­ 1,000 more births and 600 more Vou tr t Mrdttlly ta- caring for the altars in one ed­ ficator — all Miss vestments. Paid’s convent. Besides linen rado residents, including those vtud to iM our Po^ 213 Colo. Bldg. I ifice. St. Paul’s church in Color­ vestments and furnishings stric- deaths in Colorado in 1960 than that occurred outside the state traltur* la Block tad ado Springs is unique in tliaf in 1959, but the birth rate and but excluding births and deaths White, Olto oad Diroet 1815 Calil. IN MANY CASES these art­ ly for the altar, missal, prayer Color women of the altar and rosary icles have been provided by the cards, cruets, and other neces­ death rate remained the same of non-residents that occurrea For Appointment Call: society have been assigned the society to begin with, which sities, tbe society has promised because of the increase in pop­ in Colorado. TA. 5-8883 task (rf assisting with their third brings the reader to the afore­ to provide a missal stand, cen­ ulation. Birth'and death rates for the Faingold Studios church project. The first was Statistics released by the mentioned “sublime” — altar sor, and sanctuary lamp. state as a whole have remain­ Pauline chapel, built after Worid Colorado State Department of Hilton Hotel breads and altar wines furnish­ Items already donated include War I by the late Mr. and Mrs. Public Health show that for 1960 ed fairly constant in the past ed by some societies for con­ some priest’s vestments, a mon­ ohoaoiu-itM Spencer Penrose; the second, 10 years. secration by the priest in the strance and terra cotta holy there were 42,905 resident births the new St. Paul church com­ Mass and transformed into the water fonts the same color as for a birth rate of 24.5 per 1,- pleted on Christmas eve in 1959; SflCHSimULOR Holy Eucharist and'received in the full-length opaque blue win- 000 population. There were and now tbe St. Paul’s convent Communion. dov9 that gives a gem-Hke as­ 15,351 resident deaths with a chapel, completed two months 1 5 4 3 LARIMER S T . - 8 3 0 1 7 t h S T . In order to finance the pur­ pect to tbe 16-place chapel. death rate of 8.8 per 1,000 popu­ Coll ago. chases that keep an Altar so­ lation. St Paul’s Altar and Rosary ciety in business, the women The president of St. Paul’s Estimated figures for 1960 ENGRAVED society is one of 16 similar so­ pay dues, along with about twice altar and rosary society is Mrs show a national birth rate of cieties comprising 1,000 women their number who, though not Kent Buckingham. Her counter 23.1 per 1,000 and a death rate in the Pikes Peak area. From active members, are wholeheart­ parts in the other parishes are of 9.5 per 1,000. TA 5-2291 PLASTIC the sublime to tbe ultimate ed associates. Mrs. H. L. Frank, S t Mary’s; The Colorado figures repre­ commonplace (ask any house­ The entire society, or in some Mrs. Albert Oensmore, Sacred for SIGNS & DESK PLATES Heart; Mgs. A. Unzicker, Our wife; “What is more mundane parishes its several components Retreats Set than housekeeping?’’) such is or circles, join forces to con Lady of I^rpetuai Help Chapel, FREE Estimate BflOMZ'E TABL-ETS the gamut of the privilege and duct money-raising ventures Manitou; Mrs. V. Oblander, Our In Canon City duties of these women. varying from the simple rum' Lady of the Woods, Woodland in your home Park; Mrs. J. Kahat, Holy Fam­ There will be two retreats Every week a few practical mage sale to the sophisticated for women this summer at St. women devote up to three hours show. ily, ^curity Village; and Mrs. by Mr. Pisano R. Lester, Holy Trinity. Scholastica academy. Canon each preparing one altar and its ' Sometimes the profits are ear­ City. The first retreat will open accessories principally for Sun­ marked for one sizable pur­ _£a&. OTHER GROUPS that assume July 27 and close about noon with day Hasses but also for other chase as a new tabernacle for some responsibility for altars the following Sunday, July 29. devotions. one of the three chapels at the are the Divine Redeemer Wom­ Dates of the second retreat are shopping toonder of the West Basically their work as mem Air Force academy, a side altar Aug; 17-19. at Corpus Christi, and the main en’s club (Mrs. Robert Cun­ no obligation hers of an altar society is just ningham, president); the Cor Women who desire further in­ Martin Pisano ! more of the same general house- altar itself at the new Holy Trin­ formation regarding the retreats ity church. pus Christi guild (Mrs. R. Wun- LookI wo have a inotlon fo safeguard your keei^g that occupies so much der); and tbe Sodalities of Our or who would like to make res­ of their time at. home — dust­ Lady of Guadalupe (Mrs. Fer ervations for either retreat, may IT COSTS NO MORE youngster in your lamity auto ORDINARILT womout ar­ ing, cleaning (candelabra and mine Garia and at tbe Air Force contact the director of retreats, ticles are replaced by simply vigil lights), washing and iron Acadekny (Mrs. J. Schwall.) St. Scholastica’s academy, Can­ ing (altar linens, which they ordering new ones, but such is on City, Colo. to give Your FURS child’s jiffy quto seat belt also sew), mehding (especially not always possible. One circle An these organizations are at acolytes’ cassocks and sur­ at Holy Family parish (Security fUiated with the Colorado HUNT CUANERS plices.) Village) made all the altar Springs Deanery of the Arch Complete Leundry a • The finest Cold Storage Protection A by-product of their boys’ vestments and then for diocesan Council of Catholic Alteration Sorvke 1 .9 9 We Specialize in endeavors is a vocabularly en­ goi^ measure made choir robes, Women, which wlU hold its an • Custom Fur Restyling hanced by a blight familiarity too! nual convention May 7-8 at the Quality Tailoring 714 I . I7th Ave. -1214 I. Colfax Broadmoor International Center. AC. 2-2345 AC. 2 V5SI Drive relaxed, reassured that your child is safe from injury 7201 I. tth Ave. • Meticulous Repairing Mrs. Martin Murphy, conven FL. I-Vf4t during sudden stops and starts. It's as easy os Installing New Officers Are Elected tion chairman, and past presi one wonderful safety belt— and you don't need to dent of the deanery, and her • The Finest in Cleaning Wall committee have schooled sight use tools to make the installation. Fits all cars. le By Bishop Tihen Auxiliary seeing excursions as Well as ex­ WillCARPETS positions of the ’’person to per­ at Best of all, your child stands or sits in complete comfort; At a. meeting of the Bishop Tihen Ladies’ auxiliary, offi­ son apostolate.” Room Sire hos limited freedom to move around. The belt boasts cers for the coming year were elected as follows: and Smaller RUGS Mmes. Marie Brosky, president; Louise Denning, vice Sessions will deal with tbe ag a minimum breaking strength of 545 to 640 pounds. Lergcit Miectlen* In the City. president; Lucille Duvall, recording secretary; Albina Befort, ing, tbe parish, and youth, with treasurer; Basel Moye, correiponding secretary; Evelyn Leye- specific attention to foreign stu­ CiirHiiiirorUrniTUre in the house Downtown, University Hills and Westland, notions, ba, historian; Rita Forst,. hostess, and Gladys Mastronl, co­ dents in tbe community. Fathers OpM mU Ittniiifi W V U R f (ill 1:30 PM. street floor. hostess. Duane Theobald of Divine Re­ The Bishop Tihen Ladies auxiliary is a social organization deemer and John Jepson of St. E.M.W. 714 East Cdfax asslsttag Bishop Tihen Council 47N, Knights of Columbus. Mary’s are among the speakers where cash talks Those qualified for membership are wives, mothers, and un­ on the two-day program, which is expected to attract hundreds 2111 So. Broadway * Summer Rotes Now Avollobie on AU Work * married daughters (over the age of 18) of knights of the Slierman 4r2754 Bishop Tihen council. Dues are |1 a year. Inqidriet may be of women in Ckilorado. directed to Louise Denning at WA M278.

INSTALLATION CEREMONIES for the new officers wlU be June 4'a t 8 p.m. in Cattany hall, 548 Kaox court Knights and their guests are invited. Where Your Money Earns 4V2% prevents child from being Current Dividends thrown against windshield and dashboard. FACTS ABOUT SAVINGS

1. Money invested by the 10th of the month earns from the 1st. * 2 . Dividends compounded semi-Honnuaily.

prevents child from being 3. Use your money during dividend periods without losing bounced and tossed your dividends . . . Ask us how. rough roods. 4. Your Savings always readily available.

5. Deposits accepted fr0m $5.00 to $20,000. Prices Slashed 6. Accuracy assured by NCR bookkeeping methods. protects child against on nvory rocord in opening door hondles. our big stock. Values Gofere The Al bums — Stereo — Monourol 6^,I MAIL AND PHONE ORDERS FILLED ' ^ ■ w HOME SAVINGS CALL KE. 4-3366, Ext. 600 A lh e C h a s i Wills MUSIC cl € Include sales tax. If beyond our deliyery area, add 33c Ond Loan Association 1629 CAlirORNIA ST. NBC BIDC. ^ for postage and handling. 25c charge for C.O.D.'s in our i Years Without Missing a Dividend packoge delivery area. Orders delivered to Denver Resi­ IN DENVER IN ■OULDER Oae bMT fiM pmitaq, Maaicipal Poiklaq taraga dents from Westland or Colorodo Springs are subject 1510 Glenerm — MA 3-5269 1913 Broadway — HI 2-1560 1745 Stout Street to 1 % USE TAX.


Gershwin Rhapsody Debuts in Stereo Area to Get

A new Capttol recording that fore, in the early 1940s, Md re­ one aria, “Oh di qual,” the is worth cheering about is corded by Rosa Linda with the singer’s voice is a bit uncertain, Timely Series “Gershwin by Starlight” (SP- Paul Whiteman orchestra m but this d o ^ not detract from W l), featuring Leonard Pen- Decca. For pianistic styling a performance that is, on the “Crisis,” a television program the conflict between the Free narlo aial the Hollywood Bowl alone, the Whiteman version of whole, flawless. sponsored by the Blue Army of World and Communism with ex­ Symphcuiy Orchestra condiKted the Rhumba-filled piece still Washington, N.J., has been perts of diverse religious beliefs by Alfred Newman. It contains has the edge. scheduled by KTVR, Channel 2, who were chosen from many the first stereo recording of Denver, beginning Sunday after­ fields and who express greatly ALSO released by Capitol /Gondoliers' noon, June 3, from 2 to 2:30 varying perspectives on the rela­ the original cast recording of p.m. The timely and long-await­ tive merits of the factors in­ Richard Rodgers’ No Strings. ed series which features a ma­ volved. Since the death of collabora­ To Be Staged jor question of the current tionist Oscar Hammerstein, world crisis each week is being Family Theater Rodgers decided to do his own brought to Denver through the Jack Benny will start in The By Players cooperation of Channel 2 offi­ .45 Calibre Teapot on Father cials and the efforts of a group Patrick Peyton^s “Family ’The­ The dates have been set for Royahy lo r P o p Club Oonco of young married couples, most ater” Sunday, May 27, at 7:05 the fifth annual Gilbert and Sul­ notably Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. p.m. on KOSI Radio, Denver. livan production by the Empire Queen Patricia Lauby (second from left), Dancing to the music of Lloyd Bowen’s Alexander and Mr. and Mrs. His wife, Mary Livingston, will Lyric Players of Denver at Bon- together with her attendants, from the left, orchestra, students witnessed the coronation William Noll of Denver. Thir­ be hostess for the program, fiis Memorial Theater. The Gon­ Diane Finley,, senior; Peggy Kerin, sopho­ of the queen by Pep club president, Jonna teen segments are scheduled for which has been awarded the doliers will open Thursday, more; and Jane Lainmie, Junior, presided Lou Blair. Arrangements for the dance were the series. 1962 National Association cita­ June 14, and will be presented over the annual St. Francis de Sales’ high made by the Pep club officers: Jonna Lou tion as the "best entertainment” again Friday and Saturday, school Pep club’s dance In the Denver Hilton Blair, president; Kathy Reinmuth, vice presi­ IN ALL, more than 30 ex­ program on radio. composer George Gershwln’a June 15 and 16. Show time for hotel. May 18. Escorting the royal court were dent; Rosanne Clark, secretary; and Jane perts (including several from lesser known i “Second Rhap­ all performances is 8:15 p.m. David Lucas, ITm Partsch, Bill Esquibel, and Smith, treasurer, under the direction of Miss behind the Iron Curtain) ap­ sody,” as well as his “Cuban The Gondoliers, typical Gil­ Mike Cassell. Mary Ellen Logan, moderator. pear on “Crisis.” President Overture,” “I Got Rhythm bert and Sullivan fun coupled Kennedy, who was recorded fpr Variatkms,” and a “Porgy and with excellent music, tells the the series shortly before his Bess Medley.” story of two gondoliers, one of Church Has 3 W eddings In W eek election and whose lucid com­ ’Hie “Second Rhapsody’’ dates lyrics for his music. His words whom is believed to be the king ments span a wide range of back to 1931 when ^rshw in and music are a perfect blend. of Barataria. As no one is quite (Mother of God Parish, Denver) and Joan Alcorn. The Rt. Rev.lL. and Jewel Tawson were wit- the topics treated, appears on went to Hollywood to write a ’The songs are admirably sung sure which one holds this title, Three weddings were ' solem­ Monsignor John P. Moran, pas- nesses. more than half the programs. musical score for a Janet Gky by Diabann Carroll and Rich­ the plot unfolds in the usual nized in Mother of God church. tor of St. John the Evangelist’s! The Mater Del club for single In addition, some of the most nor, Charles Farrell film. An ard Kiley. This is an album complicated fashion as the two On May 12, Robert D. Alcorn, church, witnessed the . cere­ young people will meet in the respected members of the Sen­ instrumental sequence for the that grows more appealing with young men reign jointly. son of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Al­ mony and offered the Nuptial church basement May 27 at 8 ate (John Sherman Cooper, Mar­ film was later expanded into each listening. “The Sweetest corn, and Barbara Joan Amans, Mass. p.m. All young adults between garet Chase Smith, Hubert the “Second Rhapsody.” The Sounds,” “Nobody Told Me” STARRING in the production daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Na­ Lawrence J. Seib, son of Mr. the ages of 18 and 36 are in­ Humphrey), and of the House music is vibrant and Pennario and "’The Man Who Has Ev­ are Shirley Rider Brice, Dorothy poleon Amans, were married. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Seib, and vited. of Representatives, present their and the orchestra are heard to erything,” a lament on the ma­ Golden, Joan Simon, Marguerite Witnesses were Bert D. Gilbert Bernice M. Bqccaccio, daughter Ten children will receive views and philosophies pertain good advantage. ’The stereo • terialistic world, are standouts. Sobey, Louis De Paemelere, of Mr. and Mrs. John Boccac­ their First Communion in the ing to each aspect of the East- Dick Jones, Lawrence E. TTive- phonic balance is excellent and The recording technique is ex­ cio, recited their vows May 12 8:30 a.m. Mass May 27. They West crisis. ^ Sword tt is possible that this composi­ ceptional. son, and Philip J. West. Musical HNS Sets Dance before the Rev. John Anderson, have been instructed by the direction is by Joseph Ubonati, tion will be givm the credit it pastor, who offered a Nuptial Sisters of Loretto from St. ALTHOUGH produced with stage direction by Joseph Kraft, Room deserves owng to this noted in MARIA Callas gets good rep­ At St. Dominic's Mass. Witnesses were James M. John’s the Evangelist’s parish ecclesiastic approval by a Cath­ and choreography by Jan Evans. Foaturing dolicloui ontrooi and terpretation. resentation in her new Angel Federico and Jeannine Boccac­ convent, Denver. olic lay movement, and with mony othor oxoHc dlihei, but oor 'The other Gershwin music in recording of excerpts from Bel­ Having begun in 1958 with (St. Dominic’s Parish, Denver) cio. menu alto includoi your favorite H.M.S. Pinafore, the enthusias­ The Holy Name society is Cardinal Richard Cushing on the album is also performed lini’s opera Norma (Angel Bruce T. Tawson, son of Mr. three of the programs, “Crisis” diihei . . carolully prepared and with rest. The “Cuban Over­ 85666). Featured with her are tic group has since added to its sponsoring a parish dance in and Mrs. George W. Tawson, Women's Retreat Day temptingly lervod. o' repertoire The Pirates of Pen­ the church auditorium May is ecumenical in spirit, with uni- ture,” originally scored for or­ Franco Corelli, tenor; Christa and Willma K. Mann, daughter versal and patriotic appeal. It Our Evening Buffet chestra, is given new depth in Ludwig, mezzo-soprano; Nicola zance, Rnddigore, and The Mi­ 26 from 9 p.m. to midnight. Ad of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Z. Is Slated in Stratton kado. Every facet of production mittance is limited to adults. presents the current stniggle as a specialty the piano transcription. It was Zaccaria, bass; and the La Mann, were married May 18 (SL Charles’ Parish, Stratton) —sets, costumes, ticket sales basically spiritual and ideologi transcribed for piano once be- Tickets at $5 per couple in­ before Father Anderson. George A day of recollection will be Scala orchestra conducted by and promotion—is bandied by cal, more a documentary than clude a dance b ^ , food, and held for the women of St. Char­ Tullio Serafin. “Casta Diva,” members of the amateur com­ religious type of program. It refreshments. Reservations may les’ and St. Mary's (Flagler) pany, which has thrilled Denver Wheat Ridge Event faces the most vital problems of the opera’s most famous aria, be made by calling Jim Bennett, parishes May 31. ’The talks will audiences for four years with its is sung by Miss Callas with GL 5-0130, or Gerald Smith, GE be given by Father Charles interpretation of Gilbert and Sul­ 3-0441. Attended by 500 great warmth and feeling. She livan musical comedy. ITckets Kenney, M.M., starting at 11:30 The Third Order of St. Do (Sts. Peter and Paul’s Parish, justifies the revival of this all- will be on sale at the May D&F a.m. a lunch will be served by minic will hold a day of recol­ Wheat Ridge) too-seldom performed opera. In boxoffice a week prior to the the CYO girls. lection May 27 beginning with More than 500 women < and stew’s opening. . Graduation exercises will be Mass a t ' 8:30 a.m. at St. girls attended the annual Mass iLounge I Clara’s orphanage, Denver. held in St. Charles’ May 25 at P iZ Z G ^ / A and received Communion in a 7:30 p.m. Diplomas will be AToudi of group before attending dinner awarded to Janet Austin, Carol I HEAR II REGIS’TRATION FOR pupUs served May 20 in the parish 4ht 8119 East Colfax i; entering St. Dominic’s school Brachtenbach, Joyce Dischner, South Paetfla C M p i t hall. Sister Cecelia, professor at Dianne Flageolle, Doris Fiage- for the first time will take place Regis college, was the guest . in tho DE. 3-9819 DU. 8-0751 I ASKandUARN | May 27 from 8 a.m. until noon olle, Vicky Hornung, Arlene ifJ Hoart speaker. Weingardt, John Dasenbrock, Parents are to bring a baptis ^ MOVIES At the last meeting of the and Pat Rueb. The main ad­ O' Don»«r • U VARIETIES OF PIZZA mal certificate for each child wi Nma CLOSi •II I On KOA Radio •il ' With school year for the Key and dress will be given by Father entered, unless the child was Sword society May 18, the in­ ana 24 am a wux • 7 Mgit 1 iir " I I legion of Decency Edward Dinan, pastor. • HOMEMADE SPAGHETTI II 10:20 Every Sunday Eve- |i baptized at St. Dominic’s. stallation of officers, was held Ratings ’The May crowning will take Catholic graduates of the * LA SAGNA II ning. Questions on reli- li and a presentation made to the !■ gion submitted by the ra- || place May 27 at 4 p.m. in the pastor, Father Robert McMa­ Stratton high school received church. Communion in a group with the • DINING ROOM OR II dio audience answered on || Below are Legion of Decency rat­ hon. CIRBO CONSTRUCTION CO. CYO members May 20. These the archdiocesan broad- I ings of motion pictures currenUy Outgoing president, Ed Rup­ CARRYOUT SERVICE at • showing in first run Denver theaters. graduates include LeRoy Brach ;; cast.; | A-l. unobjeetlonahle for general Cathedral Unit ert, gave Father McMahon a Custom patnmage: A-3. nnob]ectionabIe for ruby to be set in his chalice in tenbach, Larry Brachtenbach :i Booklet on- Catholic ! adoleseenta and adults; A-3, unobjec- Plans Card Party appreciation for his guidance Anita Conrardy, Betty Cure Open 7 Days A Week II Church available free of ; tlonable for adults; B. objectlonablr Building tn part for aO; C, condemned. and to honor his coming 20th John DeCastro,. Diann Erker • i cost to all inquirers. ; 'Recommended (Cathedral Parish, Denver) Marcia Grasser, Kenneth Hor * ftomodoling •JUDGMENT AT anniversary in the priesthood. 4 p.m. daily :i WRITE TO The Altar and Rosary society nung, Gary Huppert, Cecelia Is * Additions NUREMBERG. A-2 will hold its annual card party More than 200 parishioners 3 p.m. Sundays : I Ask and Learn, Station MOON PILOT. A-l were entertained by selections enbart, Betty Jean Kordes, Nan * Commercial KOA, Denver 2, Colorado '• •CINERAMA HOUDAY. A-l and luncheon May 26 at 12:30 cy Liebl, Teresa Liebl, Glenn •COUNTERFEIT TRAITOR. A-3 p.m. in the Knights of Columbus of the school children who be­ * Residential ROCCO AND HIS BROTHERS. A-3 long to the interparochial choir Pence, Virginia Stegman, Leon 440S W. 43rd Ave. •WEST SIDE STORY. A-3 hall, 1575 Grant street. Thomas,'and Janet Zrubek. LES LAISONS DANGEREUSES. C Prizes will be awarded. An under the direction of Leo H. 4t Tennyton •MAN WHO SHOT LIBERTY Frazier. The newly formed adult The annual parish picnic will OR. 7-2734 T. P. TV & RADIO SERVICE VALANCE. A-2 invitation is extended to all be held on Sunday, May 27. The GREEN MARE. C members in Other parishes. choir of the parish sang under TV RenUls 5 FINGER EXERCISE. A-2 festivities will start with a New & Used TV’s For Sale the direction of Mrs. James QUEEN OF PIRATES, A-l Tickets can be obtained at the basket lunch at noon. Drive-in Car Radio Repair VIcnM. Separately Classified door. Committee chairmen and Dunn. % SERVICE CALLS DAY or NIGHT STAGE GUIDE All members of the CYO are Day Phono US-3371 Night Phono PL 5-lltO CONNECTICUT YANKEE. Excellent their workers are asked to be in 14th a Upon adult musical comedy the K. of C. hall by 9:30 a.m. invited to receive Communion PAL JOEY. Partly objectionable for in the 10 a.m. Mass May 27. A adults May 26. breakfast will be served in the school hall. Education in Colleges May 27 is the date for the THE LINCOLN ROOM annual May crowning in the first, Itst, Ifqutnt, tnd aecur- Hospitality Center Slated on 'Regis Presents' church. Three p.m. ceremonies afe . . . wHh V» largest rtews BANQUn AND M IITING ROOMS will consist of a procession, the Staff h> tha Wast, and with 75 12-iaoo rasoNs Senior class leaders from The group, moderated by the crowning, a sermon, and Bene­ porrasgondents throughout the TA. 5-2151 four area private, state, and Rev. Robert R. Boyle, S.J., head diction. HockyMountain and High Plains Hr. BUI Finneran, Convention Manager military colleges will present a of the English department at states, KOA gels you cempfele, discussion on college education Regis College, will discuss in Lady of Grace Group fast cmerage of international, Shirley-Savoy Hotel during the weekly “Regis Pre­ general the advantages and dis­ national, region^, and local news. sents” television show on advantages of th^ kind of col­ Will Install Officers lege education each has re­ (Our Lady of Grace Parish, Denver) Don Telend ^W\AA/W\AAA/\A/\AA/«/WVWUVW> ceived.

Parochial l oaguo 1962 AIR PilGRIMAGES TO BoscbaH AcHon FATIMA, ROME AND LOURDES Sponsored By THE REGISTER Ends M iiy 27 DEPARTING NEW YORK JULY 21, SEPT. 21 The last regularly scheduled dropped a 6-3 decision to Regis, winning note, defeating Mt. Car­ baseball games will be played the only blemish on the Mullen mel 9-5. The win virtually as­ BY in the Parochial League Sun­ record. sured the Raiders of fourth PAN AMERICAN day, Hay 27. Holy Family and Catbedial will be attempting place, but this is three steps Mullen, now in a tie for first, to keep taint title chances alive down from their standing of a have games scheduled at the in the opener at City Park year ago. Bob Radpvich belted Fifth and Federal field. against Annunciation. In the out three of the Big Red’s 10 The Mustangs have the tough­ second game, Mt. Carmel will singles. er task. They face St. Francis’ be battling for a .500 record Holy Family kept abreast of in the opening game at 11 against Machebeuf. Mullen with a last inning, 3-2 o’clock. Coach Wendy Stro- MuOen turned on the steam win over S t Francis’. Both A thM es H o no red huur’s Gremlins are 3-3 for the for a trio of runs in both the teams scored two runs in the season and only last Sunday fourth and fifth innings to dash opening inning, but after that Athletes, coaches and cheer leaders from Broncos, spoke at the event. Among those lost a heart-breaking 3^2 de- Cathedral’s title hopes 1-1. Tbe John Ryan of S t Francis’ and Blessed Sacrament school were honored at a honored were those shown above. Front row, dsi'jn to the Holy Family nine. Bluejays scor«l their lone run John O’Brien of Holy Family banquet May 15. The achievements of the left to right, are Jay Nady, Steve Hall, Scott in the top of the fourth, but that matched pitches until the fiMl Ib the second game. Holy parish teams in the past year included foot­ Spinney, Joe Vagnino and Rich Leduc; and Family takes on St. Joseph’s; only seemed to infuriate the inning. O’Brien won his own ball championships in all three divisions and back row. Coach Marvin Dodrlll, Jim Bern- and the Bengals should have Mustangs. game with a single after John city and state basketball championships. Jim nan, and Jim Martin. little trouble in this one. The McNulty and John O’Hayre had Martin, the new line coach for the Deavqr ONCE AGAIN the answer Bulldogs have only a forfeit vic­ gotten base bits. for the Mustangs was tight tory to show in seven tries. Annunciation and St. Joseph’s pitching by A1 Moody and sound both had five-run innings, but support by Ms teammates. The 42 Students to Receive BOJH MULLEN and Holy the Cardinals had two three-run Family have makeup games to slader righthander gave the frames to one for the Bulldogs. play in addition to the regularly Bluejays only three hits. The result was a 12-9 win for Educational Certificates Regis closed its season on a the Annunciation crew. scheduled finales. The Mustangs (St. Mary’s High School, Marcella Fischer, Pamela still must play Machebeuf, and Colorado Spriags) SOD, Patrick Looney, Bruce the Bengals have a date with Play-Off Game Possible i Forty-two. students in the Mangerich, Ellen Perkins. Jo­ Mt. Carmel. freshman ahd sophomore class­ seph Prior, Diane Rodgers, Judy Tbe Tiger-Eagle game was to If Tigers, Mustangs Tie es will rq^eive certificates of Smith, Teryl Smith, Carol Spell­ be played last night. Tbe Mus­ educational development for man, Sandra Tychsen, and tang-Buff tilt is scheduled for If Mullen and Holy Family Holy Family tend to favor a scoriijg in the top quarter of the Stephen Yavorsky. Saturday, May 26, at 9 a.m. at end up' in a tie for the Paro­ playoff game. state’s participants in the Na­ Freshman honorees are Fran­ the Englewood high school field. chial League baseball cham­ Players from tbe Parochial tional Edu9ational Development cis Billiard. Richard Carlson, Coach J(^n Vaccaro of Mullen pionship, chances are good League and tbe Denver public Tests program. Gaymond Farrington, Richard has indicated that he will go that a playoff game will be high school league play a team This test was administered Ferguson, Mary Marriage. Jud­ with Jim McNamee ih the Sat­ held to determine which of composed of players from the at St. Mary’s last March 10. ith McAdams, Thomas Mitchell, urday tilt and then come back the two coaches will guide the subnrban schMis. For the Den­ The test, sponsored by Science Wanda Morris, David Novlan, on Sunday against St. Francis’ Denver team in the annual ver team the coaching duties Research associates, is designed Stephen Page, Susan Papish, with his ace hurler, A1 Moody. All-Star game with the su­ rotate annually. Last year, the to familiarize students with the Mel Perry, Robert Reid, Ray­ burban schools Saturday, June first year the Denver leagues National Merit Test that is tak­ mond Reilly, Eileen Rivera, THE MUSTANGS are confi­ I, at Bears Stadium. played the snburbaa leagues, en in their junior year. Rodney Schlater, Linda Skonce, dent that they can pull off back- Father Arthur Verdieck, the coach from the public high Sophomore honorees are Su­ David Smith, James Stapp, Wil­ to-back victories over the week SJ., president of the Denver school champions guided tbe san Bottini, Barbara Brown, liam Sullivan, Therese Szczu- end. They have now won 14 CathoUc High School Athletic All Stars. This year the honor Irena Miles Toni Citta. Kathleen Collins, towski, Stephen Wallace. Rob­ games in a row in and out of association, observed that as goes to the winner in tbe Pa­ Carol Dean. James Cannon, ert West, and Roy Whiteaker. league play. Vaccaro’s team far as the league is concern­ rochial League. + + ed the two teams will reign as co-champions. Formica Counter Tops Machebeuf High Ceramic Wall Tile He expressed the opinion, Vinyl ft Linoleum Flooring however, that the two schoo's Juniors, Seniors involved could settle between Plan 1st Prom LINOLEUM AND them the matWr of who coaches the AU-iStars. This (Machebeuf High School. TILE SERVICE, INC. means that they could hold Denver) Free CotiButes—Guaranteed a playoff game or could flip a On May 29 the first junior- Installation coin. If they are unable to senior prom, the traditional dance in honor of the seniors, 3500 Upan Street GL 5-7337 decide which method to fol­ low, league officials will then wilt be held. The senior class John K. LnGuOrdla decide the matter. of 1962 is the first. Member M t Carmel Parish Both John Vaccaro of Mul­ Arrangements have been len and Gerry Hoffman of made at the Wolhurst Country club, Littleton.| The theme for the dance is “Moon Mist.” Dean Busbnell and Ms orchestra will WILUAMS RAMBLER, INC. perform. ' The junior and. senior classes $ 1,000 Sacrilice Mpnay Au/horized Rambler and Naah^Sales & Service have elected the prom royalty. / The students at St. Mary’s high school, Colorado Springs, Expert Mechanical Work — All Makes Junior attendants are Ann Per- cival and Marlene Smith. Sen­ presented tbe Very Rev. Monsignor Robert Hoffman, pastor Ta Girls’ Stafa ior attendants are Sandy Ma­ of St. Mary’s parish, with a 31,690 check to be used toward Opan the parish building fund. The amount represents sacrifice 2030 S. University *v«ning> S H . 4-27H1 honey and Chloe Wolf. Mike Miss Sharon Delaney, a jun­ I Mansfield will crown Angela money which students contributed during the school year. At ior student at Marycrest high j Etcbepare queen of the prom. the presentation in the school’s gymnasium are, left to right, TED HART’S school, Denver, has been Mike McCabe, student council president; Sister Mary Aline, chosen to represent her school i Irena Miles, daughter of Mr. principal of St. Mary’s high school; Monsignor Hoffman, sup­ at Girls’ State at Colorado and Mrs. Robert J. Miles of erintendent of the school; and Janice Elliott, student council DENVER GOLF SHOP Woman’s College June 11-17. Blessed Sacrament parish, Den­ vice president. 1550 COURT PLACE This event, sponsored by tbe ver, is valedictorian of the first graduation class from Mache­ CONCOURSE LEVEL — HILTON BO’TEL American Legion auxiliary, CZD will be the ISth Colorado Co­ beuf high school on June 3. Summer Camp in Canon City Hit ’em at the Hilton lumbine Girls’ State. She plans to enter Creighton Open Daily 9 to 9 university, Omaha, in Septem­ .An objective of the program The new St. Scholastica acad­ Two nurses will be on duty ber and will major in mathe­ featuring DENVER’S ONLY is to educate girls in the du­ emy residence hall, Canon City, at all times. Swimming in a pa­ Nonstop Jets to London! Paris! Rome! matics and physics. She it will house a summer camp for ties, rights, and responsibili­ tio pool will be supervised by a eligible for the president’s schol­ the first time in years. A group life guard. Other counselors will Shannon! Amsterdam! Frankfurt! Lisbon! Oslo! INDOOR ties of American citizenship arship. and to give instructions in the of junior high school age girls be the Benedictine Sisters. Irena, a graduate of Blessed will occupy the building. Hiking, tennis, archery, team During the summer months, Pan Am will offer 64 Jet duties of tbe various city, Sacrament school, has been ac­ state, and county offices. Under the title of Camp San games, and horseback riding flights a week from New York to Europe! Nonstop to 8 tive in debating in her high Benito, the Benedictine Sisters will complete the sports pro­ school years. She participated in cities . . . no change of plane to 13 more. Visit any part Girls are provided actual will provide a schedule of sports, gram. Included in the learning of Europe with convenience . . , and at the time you experience about officehold- both district and state tourna­ activities, and learning for a pe­ area of the program will be- ets’ duties and are given ments for the past three years. riod of four weeks, June 26 to hobby - type sewing', cooking, want to go. Pan Am Jet Clippers® fly nonstop twice ONE pickup for D I^ C T service training in governmental pro­ A member of the sodality, she July 24, inclusive. conversational Spanish, type­ daily to London and Paris. Nonstop daily to Shannon, cedure. Sharon is tbe daugh­ was chosen this spring to par writing, photography, and cre­ Rome, Amsterdam, Frankfurt. Five times a week non­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. James J. ticipate in tbe city-wide paro­ HANDLING THE CRAFTS ative writing. stop to Lisbon. Three times a week nonstop to Oslo! to both Delaney. chial mixed choral group. program will be Mrs. Daniel ’The American Camping asso­ Healy of Chicago, director of ciation will visit the camp this Pan Am offers new low group fares! Revolutionary the crafts department at the summer to review its applica­ low Jet economy fares to Europe, the Middle East and: coasts Orchard school in Skokie, 111. tion for membership. Africa now are available to groups of as few as 26 trav­ elers! Save up to $285 per person, yet enjoy Pan Am regular service including cuisine by Maxim’s o f Parisj

DENVER CHICAGO TRUCKING COJNC. Scmpit Group Faros, Por Porsan Jot tconomy round-trip From Now York | 45th A daekuon • Denver * Phone Dudley 8*4567 Shannon...... $274 Amttordam ...... $S2C London ...... $300 Uibon ...... $300 KUMPF1 4 MOTORS Parit...... *...... $326 Frankfurt ...... $S4t Roma...... $385 FItton CHppar lafw mm toanrl LINCOLN- PHONE ?66-3692 The Priceless Extra of Experience. When you ly Pan MERCURY HDQTRS. USED CARS Am you enjoy the confidence that comes wiUi flying die Men's Dress w'orld’s most experienced airline. i fl W. 12TH AVE. AT BANNOCK

51 LINCOLN SEDAN $145 SHOES 54 LINCOLN SEDAN $295 56 FORD V-8 2-DR. $595 57 MERCURY SEDAN $595 Fiesta Queen Candidates 57 PONTIAC SEDAN $995 61 MERCURY 2-DOOR $1895 .99 The Knights of tbe Blue Scapular, consisting of young mar­ ried Catholic couples, are planning their second annual spring 60 MERCURY SEDAN $1595 6 fiesta June 7-10 on the school grounds at St. Cajetan’s parish. 60 COMET 2-DOOR $1395 Denver. Their first event last year turned out to be a tre­ $1295 mendous success. 60 FALCON 2-DOOR Op«ii Daily 9 to 9 A highlight of the fiesta will be the crowning of the Fiesta 60 FORD V-8 FAIRLANE 2-DR. $1395 Queen on June 10. Eleven queen candidates are competing. Ac­ 58 CHRYSLER IMPERIAL COUPE $1895 tivities at the fiesta are a variety of rides, games, entertainment, ‘‘Head For The Hills’’ “Shop Both Stores’ '61 CADILLAC SEDAN DE VILLE $4695 and refreshment. Five of the candidates for the Fiesta Queen title are, left to right, Pat Tafoya, Kathy Abeyta, Sandra Ta­ '61 CHRYSLER IMPERIAL COUPE $3995 Enjoy the Priceless Extra of ExperieRCf foya, Charlotte Martinez, and Judy Martinez. '61 CONTINENTAL SEDAN $4995 '60 T-BIRD COUPE $2795 •B the World’s Most Experienced AiriiM 61 FALCON 2-DOOR $1595 RKT OK TM snsifTic... m r m m PMiNC... nST IN UTM tauiM... RMt‘MW 60 T-BIRD COUPE $3895 VIC HEBERT, Inc. RAMBLE For Information * Call or Write Denver's oldest dealer PAN AMERICAN AIRWAYS 828-17TH ST. AM 6-0251 Our low overhead means savings to you OR 39rii and Tennyson 1842 S. Broadway 3660 Downing St. — 7 K.C.’s to serve you OPEN WEDNESDAY EVENING — AC. 2-4848 AMERICAN EXPRESS COMPANY 430 17TH ST. TA 5-S301 PAOE TEN THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Thursday, Moy 24. 1962

In FIrtf Gracfv0ffon of Cofh«dlpaf JiiUfukicant m, P o o l 1 Requiem ilHass Offered for Sr. Aquinata «ATTEO DIRE meaa’a diorcb. Interment Mt. OUtet. NARANJO ler. (our grandebUdron. and 14 grent- D. DUUftm.' 77. (rf Lm Al^ Party DIra (DIRa). SI. m t 14th Badevard mortuattaa. Mary D. Naraajo. • - 13B EUU grthdcblldrcn. Requitm High Mtu ctraat. Ha la aarrlaad by fira bretben atreel. She la aarvtTOd by flee tone, cnlabratcd May IS In St. Phllomcu't Sister Mary Aquinata, wbo tered Cathedral school as a stu­ from St. Xavier’s college and JU m . CalU. Sha la nrnvad b; tkrea aad tbraa alatan. Rabitiam High Maaa LUTTREIX four daughtem. one alater. 18 grand, ehurcb. Intennent Mt. OUvet. died in Cincinnati April 18, was •AM^SMan. aM m . two twnthan. dent She was a member of the received her master's degree at bdebratad May 11 ta Hoty Fandly Manda J. (Berryi Lottrail at Bright- children, and two graat-graodetmdren. a pioneer nun of the Sisters of 3IR Uitar, Uz fnndehlldraii. and 11 cburcta. lotannaiit Mt. OUrat. Ollagar ea. Ska la aurrlead by her buaband, Requiem High Matt edabratad May VICTORIA KLOCKER first graduating class in 1898. Fordham university, New York. mortuattaa. ^ II In Sacred Heart church. Alamoaa. Vatt-graBdchildran. Raqalam HI ( b Tbamaa J.; two daughteri. four ctap- Requiem Righ Mam w u celebrated Charity of Cincinnati and a na­ The late Father Louis Hagus of Her brother, James M. O'Don­ daughteti. two atopaoea. two brothera, Interment in Alamoaa, Trarino mort­ May It In St. Mary Magdalene's 9 m ceiabntad May B la SL Pat GAHAN uary. tive Coloradoan. She taught sev­ the Denver Archdiocese was her nell, preced^ her in death by ~t's ebon*. Intanoaat Mt OUval. n grandcUldran. and two graat-gradd- church. Edgewattr. tor Victoria Klock- eral years at Otar mortoarlea. JoaagUoa Gabao. It. tomarly el chUdrta. Requiem High Maaa cele- er. a Gold Star motbar who hwt bar only classmate. He died in 1935. one week. Itn Bouidar atiaat. Sha la aurrirad bralnd May B in St. Augnatine'a O’BRIEN •no. George. In World War II. Mra. C a t h e d r al She entered the Sisters of by oea daugbtar. Raqolem High Maaa church. John E. O'Brien. SI. of the Mullen mocker. S3, of 7400 Gray street. (Hed celfbratad May If In St Domhiie'a Home. Ha la tundvad by two aona. in St. Antbnoy a hospital May It high school, Charity Sept. 18, 1899 at Mt. St. SISTER WAS SUPERIOR and church. Istaraaot Mt OUrat. OUngar LYOON one daughter,' ana brother, and two loUowtng a brief iUneu. Denver, Joseph, 0. She was graduated principal of Seton high school, mortoariaa. rictert. ReqUam High Maaa celebrated Mrs. Blacker eras bora In Voraltl- before her re­ iACQUES Martin Joaeph Lydon. 71, l»7 E. May II In the diapd In the Mullen berg. Austria. June 17. 1171. and was Cincinnati, from 1937 to 1640. GALLAGHER 33rd aaeaue. Ha la aorvlved by bia home. Interment Mt. (Rtret. Boula- tirement in wtfa EUubetb: one atepaoa. one a t ^ educated in schools Ui Austria. She She had formerly taught mathe­ Rabart V. Gallagher. 31. of Glao- rard mortuarlaa. married August mocker in Little Rock. 1954. Nwn Dies, Taught BROS. daughter, one brother, one aiitar. atr- Ark., In ISIS. They came to Strattoa. matics and science at St. Mary's arood Sprlnga. Ha la aarrlyad by Ua atal grtndchUdrai and great-grand­ Sister wdt. Elma M.; ana aoo. Ua paraota. O'HARA Colo.. In n il. The mockers had Used At St. D^inic’s high school, Jackson, Mich., children. aad name roue Uecei and EUiabath O’Hara. 77. a raaldeBl of in Oeaear since 1137. MaVy Aquina­ Mr. and Mra. Paul i. GaUagbar; two RMOlera High Maaa ede- She is survived by four daughters, Sister Mary Lucilla Fitzmau- and at St. Raphael's high school, hralhera. aad oaa Matar. Raqalam bratad May B in Anaondation church. tha Standiah hotel. Requiem High ta, the former Maaa celebrated May 17 In the Cathe­ two sons. 37 grtndebUdren. and 14 rice, O.P., died at St. Dominic’s Springfield, Ohio. rmgb Maaa edabtated May n to St. Interment Fart Logan. great-grandchildren. Interment Mt M argaret stepbeg'a church. Glaowaad Eprtnga. dral. Interment Ft. Logan. OUngtr Villa, Dubuque, la., May g in She WBS also instructor at St. Intarmaot Gtemrood Sprlnga. Boola- mortuariea. Olivet. Boalevard mortuaries. O’D 0 n n e 11, MILLER the 65th year of her religious Joseph Teachers’ college, Al­ rard Dortnarlaa. was born on Sr. AquMaU Irena S. MiUer. 41. SSI g. Bayaud PIERRE TBERESA M. DARDANO profession. She served at St. buquerque, N. Mex., for four . OBILARDUCCI atreat. She la tunrired by five daugh- Mary (Babe) Pierre. 1S41 Marion Requiem High Matt w u celebrated farm 'near Longmont, Dec. tcra. three' aona. bar rootber. Mra. atreet. Requiem High Maaa celebrated Dominic’s school, Denver, for years after leaving Seton high Canndla GhOardued. 47. MM Orand- May 11 in Mt. Carmd church tor Tbe- 1, 18T9. She moved to Denver SteUa KarptnakI, two atatara, and It May 17 In St. Ignatiua Loyoia’i church. rua M. Dardano. 74. of 1183 S. Gala- three years. school. Ttaw avamia, Airada. Sha la lonrlTad grandcUldren. Requiem High Maaa it Intermant Ml. OUrat. by bar buabond. WllUain; ana daogb- pagn street. She died Ui St. Anthony’s with her family in 1891 and en­ bdag. edebratd May 14 at I a.m. hospital May 17 foUawlng an lllnosa Requiem High Mass was of­ Sister Mary Aquinata died in ter. tbraa broChara. ana alatar. aad In St. IgnaOua of Loyola'a church. WASON of taveral months. fered in the chapel at the moth­ ana grandcUld. Raqalam High Maaa Interment Mt. OUvet. Ollager mortuar- MInta Waaon. SS. 1411 Clayton Mrs. Dardano was born In CaUbria. Good Samaritan hospital, Cin­ COtOtUM.. edabratad May B In tha Sbtlaa a( laa. atreet. Sha la aurvtred by one daugb- er house by the Very Rev. J. B. St. Aana'a Anrada. Interment Mt. OU- Italy. Dec. 31, 1887, and was educitad Awarded Scholarship cinnati, and was buried April 21 Manunwnli oi Ohlfaictita Tct. OUngar monuarlaa. In Italy. She camt to Daover Ui IMS Walker, O.P., chaplain at St. in the moth«‘ house cemetery. SINU liU2 and w u married to Sam Dardano ta Clara Convent. Interment was HORNER Ml. Carmel church In im . Her To Cafholic Univ, Requiem High Mass was cele­ husband, who died in IHl. operated in the cemetery at the mother brated April 23 in the chapel at 117M W. 44th Avt. Samuel H. Honar. 81, I37t Detroit Sr. Aloyse Miller, 62, a truck farm in South Denver lor house. A sister. Miss Katheriqe HA. 4-7m — OPiN DAILY ctraat. He la aurrivyd by bit wife. many yura. Richard A. Beacom, Jr., of Mt. St. Joseph college, Cincin­ Om block Eait of Mt. Olivtt MoUle B., one dantfitar, one dater, Sbt is survivtd by four sons, four Fitzmaurice, and five nieces in nati. and ana grandchUtf Raqalam High Dies in Colo. Springs daughters. B grandchildren, aad nine Christ the King parish. Den­ Chicago are among the survi­ Maaa celefaratad May.» la St. PWlo- great-grandchildren. Interment In Mt. ver, has won the Denver arch- vors. She is survived by i sister, OUveL Boulevard mortuariu. Requiem Hass is being of­ Sister Aloyse, a native of diocesan province scholarship Mrs. Henry Arnold, Ft. Morgan, ROSE M. JOHNSON and several nieces and nephews. fered for Sister Mary Aloyse Denver, was a daughter of to the Catholic University in S t Therese’e Society Miller, 62, st 10 a.m. May 24 the late Alois arid Mary Miller. Requiem High Mau was celebrated She was the niece of the Fathhr Our Obligation May II In St. Calberine't church for Washington, D.C. in the Penrose hospital chap­ She had been a member of St. Rose M. Johnson. 31, of 10643 Kala- To Elect New Officere William J. Hewlett, noted his­ el Colorado Springs. Elizabeth’s parish before en­ matb stroel. She dltd In a local hos­ The scholarship is to the uni­ (St. Therese’s Parish, Aurora) torian on church history in Co­ pital May 15 followUig a brief Uloeu. lorado. Sister Aloyse served at Mt. tering the convent M,rs. Jobnsoa wai born In Denver. versity’s college of arts and sci­ The Altar and Rosary society San Rafael hospital, Trinidad, She entered the Sisters of Jan. 3, IIB, and attended North high ences. It is awarded on the wiU meet May 31 in the school DENVER EVERGREEN school. She w u msrriod to Leonard basement at 7:45 p.ra. There before''she became ill and was Charity of Cincinnati in Feb­ C. Johnson In 1340. basis of competitive examina- MONUMENT CO. hospitalized in Penrose, where ruary, 1932, at Mt. St. Jo­ Sba Is survived by her buiband. will be election of officers for Leonard: one too. one daughter, her tpon. the coming year. she died May 22. seph’s novitiate Cincinnati. father, Tony Leone: and one Utter. Richard is a son of Mr. and The installation of officers She is survived by her broth­ A member of the Sisters of Interment Mt. Olivet. Boulevard mort- to YOU/ . . . er, the Rev. Monsignor Aloy- utriu. Mrs. Richard A. Beacom, Sr., will be held June 3 at the ap­ Charity the past 30 yean, Sis­ and a member of the gradua­ preciation breakfast in the is to consider family sius J. Miller, P.A., Vicar WALLACE E. McGOWAN General of the Pueblo dio­ ter Aloyse spent her commu­ Requiem High Mau was celabratad tion class of Regis high school. China Doll restaurant following needs and wishes-^ May it in Annundatioo church lor the. 8 a.m. Mass. SftKtion In th« cese, who is offering the nity life in offices of the vari­ Walhce E. (Jake) HcGowanr 71. of 11^9 MounUin Art* to give the personal Mass; a sister, Antoinette, ous hospitals conducted by the IMl S. Colorado boiRovard. Ha died Reservations wUl be taken HIM WMt 44th Avt. and a brother, Frank, both Sisters of Charity, includ­ May II In a local hoipttal. ^ e r the morning Masses May 0 milt Ettt of Mount OHvtt) attention of experienced Mr. McGowan, a rcsideni of tha 27 or at the meeting. QioiIm McFtMtn lltnltv Hitt of Denver. ing Good Samaritan, Cincin­ Colorado hotel In Denver, retired aev- HA. 44477 funeral counsel to nati; Good Samaritan, Dayton, eryl years ago alter operating the Arapahoe Ranebu near Coalmaot. Hit every detail of 0.; former St. Mary’s, Pueblo; wife la the former Irene Murphy wbo and her last assignment in Mt. dM about four years ago. arrangement. JERRY BREEN He le survived by one son and five San Rafael, Trinidad. grandchildren. Interment In Laramie, NORTH DENVER Florist Interment is to be held in Wyo. Boulevard mortuaries. 1004 15th St. the Sisters of Charity plot in SARAH J. MARTINEZ the Catholic cemetery in Col­ Requiem High Mus was celebrated MERCHANTS MAin 3-2279 May B In Sacred Hurl church for orado Springs. Sarah J. Martinez, S3, of SHI W. Hay ward pUca. She died May II In a local hospital following a long Itlneu. Boro Nov. 1. 1878. In Blanco. N. Mu., Mrs. Martinet was married to Rots Martinez in Blanca In 1903. They SWIGERT BROS. moved to Durango after their mar­ riage. Mr. Martinez died In IMl. OPTOMETRISTS Mrs. Martinez It survived by thru sons, four brothers, two sisters, six grandchildren, and one great-grand­ Doy-Noonan Mortuary child. intermoil Mt. OUvet. 2406 Federal Blvd. GE 3-6575 D0¥oted To Your Completo Vision Caro THOMAS EMMETT NEARY Requiem High Man wai celebrated ^0/8 TENNYSON May B In Annunciation church for Thomas E. Neary. 55, of 3751 Lafay­ ette street. Mi. Jfury was killed In OPTICIANS a traffle accident at W. 38th avenue Richard A. Beacom, Jr. Completo Soloction of H. W. SWIGERT Jr., O.D. DAVE EVANS ; and Arklns court on May 19. DUCK’S and SIAFOODS Hackethal-Noonan Mortuary Born In Denver. Feb. 11. 1907, be At Catholic university he ex­ H. W .,ODIL, O.D. FRED SMALDONE attended Annunciation grade and pects to major in biology. 1451 Kalamaih St. MA 3-4006 taigb achools. Mr. Nury vrat a salu- man for the Pittsburgh Plate Gian Each year the Catholic Uni­ F K FISH MARKET Co., for 10 years. He was employed versity of America offers a as a truck driver for Wutern Paving 4234 Tennyson Street 1550 California St. KE. 4-581^ Co. at the time of his death. fuU-tuition scholarship for a He Is survived by two sisters, two Catholic boy or girl member of niecu. and one nephew. Interment Mt. OUvet. Boulevard mortuaries., the graduation class of any high school (parochial, public, or ELWOOD WASINGER'S private) in each of the arch­ FURNITURE In Appreciation diocesan provinces of the Unit­ N iw a u iio ELEaRIC STORE Our sincere thanks and gratitude ed States. Furnlluri a Appllaneoi Silei, Repaln, Strvlco are extended to our many Irienda lor Eity Tit4.-FrH I.Httry tnd Wiring MaterliU far 'imvm 'imrt(ms0X their e»reisions of sympathy and Awards are based on results 11W W ilt 3llh Avt. floral Offerings on the death of my of the college entrance exami­ MM W. Ulh Avt. Gl. 34U1 OLtndtIt M946 aim aim non <§) 0 0 music. number attending Mass and re­ At the business meeting in tbe ceiving Communion. YOU BEST in school hall, a final report will be read and will close the two- IN SUMMER, Masses will be TIMELY CLOTHES year campaign conducted by the celebrated at 9 and 11 a.m. to accommodate the migrant and DENVER Altar society to raise $10,000 national beet workers. lo for furnishings for the sanctu Anyone interested in helping Why Pay ary in the new church. ...transportinE cattle aioflE with junior sacristans is asked More? to contact Father Leonard Aber­ COLORADO TRAILS OFFICERS ELECTED to crombie, pastor. SUMMER SUITS serve next year will be installed Ral[Hi Sauter and Raymond Faster nwvament. . . lass wei|ht loss by Miss Estella Murphy. CONSISTENTimoOto^SOO . . . flexibls truckload shipments. Just Coan are ushers for May. Dona They are; President, Mrs. Wil BELOW tin DENVER MARKH I lew reasons why no other form of Dale and Ann Nuss are clean­ liam B. Swigert; first vice presi­ Regularly $90.00 transport can match trucks for effi­ ers. dent, Mrs. James Cudmore; ciency in moving cattle to market Over Summer school will be held second vice presidmit, Mrs. J o h n n i e 90 per cent of ALL Colorido cattle ship­ June 4-15. ments are by truck! Ralph Dines; corresponding sec­ retary, Mrs. Frank Grannell; H w y m iMMwcoieueenaiu... recording secretary, Mrs. N. J. Arvada Has Two Gibbons; financial secretary, Mrs. M. L. Lyckholm; treas S 50 ' *9 iltonHeB H l-'M pw-WUL la*e Classes of First urer, Mrs. Howard Cheme; and historian, Mrs. William K. :ants 1100 WADSWORTH, WHEAT RID8E Brown. (St. Anne’s ParMh, Arvada) Op»n Evtnings iill 9 There will be twjo First Com­ COLORADO MOTOR CARRIERS'ASSN. TIm nrau luted here deterve la Tiveiim -THt lasisTir be remembered wbea yea ire dU- munion classes M |y 30. In the 79 I TH«T U nn EVUtOK irlbutlBi; yew petriuse bi tbe dif- 8 a.m. Mass, children whose lereni o( husinees. Inst name begins with letters 557o DACRON— 45% WOOL TROPICALS . ‘ A through L will make their YOUR DOCTOR ANT^YOU First (Communion. Children whose last names be­ gin with letters M through Z ALSO ALL-WOOL TROPICALS & MOHAIRS will receive their First Com­ Step One Toward Socialized Medicine. munion In tbe 9 a.m, Mass.

FRANK BLAIR and Ross Pas- $85 HS&M & Timely Summer Suits . . . $74.50 Speakers and writers supporting the King-Anderson proposal for sarelli will act as co-chairmen / compulsory care for older people under Social Security now are admit’ for the Holy Name society dance ting that “ This might lead to Socialized Medicine." Your Doctor has June 2. Johnny Pavlakovich and his orchestra will furnish $95 HS&M & Timely Summer Suits . . . $84.50 known, all along , that if it is adopted it will surely lead to Socialized the music. The admission cost Medicine. includes a dutch lunch and re­ if- / freshments. Judy Windholz was queen at An article in “Spotlight for the Nation” said: “Left-wing zealots are dedicated the May crowning. Attendants to forcing Government medicine on the American people; not on all were Charlene Dierick, Norma AAANSFIELD of them at once, but on a few of them al a time, beginning with those McNeill, Veronica O’Donnell, Colleen Palmer, Jill Scanlan, over 65 eligible for Social Security. The vehicle for achieving their Carolyn Thomason, Mary Jo immediate objective is the King-Anderson Bill, HR 4222.” Henry, Ann Tischette, Rose Ann Shafer, Pixie Thompson, Linda Urban, and Judy Townley. Sister TROPICALa SUITS England began such an experiment 13 years ago. Here’s one fact: In 13 Mary Nola from Christ the King years, more than 720 hospitals have be«n built in the United States. In 'chnol. Denver, directed the pro­ England there has been built . . . only one. cession. On May 27 a Jesuit from Sa- Regulor ,$70 with one pair of trousers cved Heart Retreat house, Se- A London Times reporter quoted a regional hospital board member as 'lo'ia. will speak at the Masses denouncing many British hospitals for the aged as “human warehouses” to encourage the men' of the fit to provide nothing more than “storage space for patients.” "avisli to attend the annual re-. treat June 8-10. | IS THIS THE SOBT OF THING WE WANT FOB OUB SENIOB CITIZENS . . . Ritas s 50 FOB A U AMEBICANS . . . FOB YOU AND YOUB FAMILY? THIS IS SOCIAL­ IZED MEDICINE. AND IT MIGHT HAFPEN HEBE! WBTTE OB WIBE TOUB Sat of St. Josaph’s SENATOBS AND CONGBESSMAN TODAY. (St. Joseph’s (Polish) Parish.! Denver) | Graduation exercises will bc; SDBOtoi lolm CcdroIL 22S Senert* OfficD BUg., Washington 25. D.C. 54 held at the 8:30 a m. Mass May Siaalor Goidon AUoH, 314 Sanat* Office BIdg„ Washington 25. D.C. 27. Students to receive certificates la p . Byron O. Begozs, Honae Office Bldg.. Washington 25, D.C. are Christine Blakala, Michael 2-Trouser Suits $64.50 for further gaural informatwn on health care, oi perhape Chapla, Olessa Czajkowski, Phil­ a ipeaker for roar next meeting at your dub or wganuation. ip Haynes, Mary Hogan, Jo­ seph Kilgore, Patricia Kyehn. Margaret Mahlberg, Mitzi NO SERVICE CHARGE FOR Write Denver Medical Society Means, Zbigniew .Olejniczak, James Oletski, Lola Oletski, Ed­ 1601 East 19th Avenue, Denver 18 ward Pasionek, Mary Reilly, p a y m e n t s Gerald Smiley, Joan Soper, Ed­ E-X-T-E-N-D-E-D DENVER MEDICAL SOCIETY ward Szumovicz, John Szyfer, Wanda Trxczinski, Margaret Ur- Pay a Third JULY 1 0 ...AUGUST 10... SEPTEMBER 10 'ban and Jill Vigil. PAGE TWELVE THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Thuridiy, M«y 24, 1942

On Silvnr Jubiinn Superior Rating Install Officars In Safety Given In Parishioners Honor Monsignor Allen (St. Mary’s Missioo, To St. James' Breckeuridge) (Hpiy Family Parish, Dearer) era aad a projector. Mary Loo and presentation ceremonies, Hundreds (rf pariaiiioners paid Raby and Michael Briseehan parishioners and relatives of (St. James’ Parish, Denver) At the May meeting of the. tribute to tbeir pastor, the RL presented a spiritual IxHHinet Monsignor Allen were served Altar and Rosary society in the Rev, Monsignor Forrest H: Al­ aad a desk set from the grade refreshments in tbe afternoon. St. James' school received a home of Mrs. U. H. Ruth, there len,' May 38, marking his silver scItooL Directing tlw reception program superior rating, the highest were 14 women present. juUlee of ordination, at a Mass In behalf of tbe PTA, the was Mra. Nicholas Herold. award for safety this year. This Reports from the ACCW con­ Altar and Rosary society, and announcement was made at the of Thanksgiving offered by him. Monsignor Allen conduded vention in Cidorado Springs In tbe afternoon, a program tbe Men's club, checks were CPTL tea for new and past PTA were given by the two delegates, the commemoration of his jubi­ officers May 17, in St. Mary’s was presented honoring him. presented by the presidents of lee with a Mass of Thanksgiving Mrs. Ltoyd Luce and Mrs. Vie Highlights were the entertain­ each society, Mrs. Steve Dan­ academy. Cherry Hills. Gerber. May 3 for the high school stu­ First place in original oratory ment as presented by tbe grade iel, Mrs. J. Hardy Maytag, dents and on May 23 for the Officers elected for the IMB- and William Wright. was won by Mark Angelos at and high school. grade school pupils. 1963 are Mrs. Robert deehlik, All parish societies and both In behalf of tbe Confraternity the first annual speech meet president; Mrs. W. H. Ruth, the grade and high school stu­ of Christian Doctrine, the Le­ for eighth graders May 19 in At THE FINAL MEETING vice president; and Mrs. Vic- gion of Mary, and the St. Vin­ Our Lady of Lourdes parish. dent bodies made tbeir presen­ of tbe PTA May 38, these new Gerber, secretary • treasurer. cent de Paul society, remem­ Danny Lynch took second tation to Monsignor Allen. officers will be installed: These officers were installed by brances were made by tbeir place in extemporaneous speak­ *Ia behalf of tbe Sisters, Mrs. Steve Daniel, president; chaplain Father Maurice Mc- presidents, Henry Pohs, Miss ing. priests, aad high school stu- Mrs. John Kalkborst, first vice Inerney. deata, Lewis Sansa presideat Genevieve Kuester, and Ed Governor Steve McNichols president; Mrs. Joseph Mon­ A new rug for the unctuary af the stadeat body, presented Flynn. » awarded the troNiies. He com­ arch!, second vice president; was chosen and will be installed. Following the entertainment mented on the Importance of Monsignor Alien a movie cam­ Mrs. Robert Hart, recording commimication through the secretary; Mrs. Martin Potter, spoken word and praised the CURE d'ARS PARISH corresponding secretary; Mrs. Sisters aad lay people for pro­ Vincent Koch, treasurer; Mrs. ST. PHILOMENA'S ■. UNO a DAHLIA ST. moting speech work among the SUNDAY MASSES James Pardee, special treasur­ pupils. PARISH er, and Mrs. Bernard Carroll, The monthly meeting of the 6:00-7K)0-8:00-10:00-11JO k 7:00 pjn. historian. Men’s club will be held in the Promofo Annual Card Party CONFESSIONS SATURDAY 4:00 k 7:30 The school band, under the di­ cafeteria May 24 at 8 p.m. rection of Tasso Harris, vrill of­ Discussing the annual card party and food committee; and Mrs. A. Berlnger, chair­ Rev. John N. Haley, Pastor Two hundred nine parents at­ fer the entertainment. The first luncheon to be held May 31 at 12:38 in Cure man, prize committee. Mrs. George McNa­ 3050 Dahlia St. EA. 2-119 tended tbe final PTA meeting TED'S UQUORS and second grade room moth d’Ars school gym, Denver, are, left to right, mara is chairman of tbe ticket committee for the year May 15. Prizes 8626 Eait CbIIix ers will be hostesses. and Mrs. 0. G. Hensen, chairman, decora­ were given Mrs. E. W. Floyd Mrs. Ed Barton and Mrs. Carles Arroya, FR 7 8881 Mrs. Francis McKernan, uni­ cochairmen; Mrs. A. McCusker, chairman, tions committee. and Carl Jones. \A /|M C DOMESTIC form chairman, has announced The girls’ choir, under the W i n e im po r t e d TOLVE LIQUORS that there will a booth at this w* will b* iwRRy to iwto ynu meeting where patterns may be direction of Sister Rose Suz­ with yw r tttosIlM anne, sang folk songs from dif Cure d'Ars Scouts Plan Dinner Dahlia Shopping Center —- 3360 Dahlia exchanged and 26 cents I'dund — FREE OEUVERY — ferent countries. 3053, or Mrs. John Harper, FL 5^ Free Delivery — EA. 2-5977 will be given on good used pat­ (Cure D’Ars Parish, Denver) The help of the men of tbe B. J. LAMBnaCHT, Rrtp. terns. The Boy Scout Troop is spon­ parish is imperative to make 0542. M( K n ,.) i:\ j\M(i; M( m :\ -j soring a smorgasbord dinner this program a success. All men N\N(V IIM JI.KKV M.\i:v AAen af Parish May 26 from 6 to 8 p.m. Tickets intending to give even part of Sf. are 81.50 for adults and 75 cents tbeir time are asked to attend St. Vincent de Paul's Parish //////.' Patrick's Elect Officers for children. this meeting also. so. UNIVIRSITY BLVD. A B. ABIZONA THELMA KASSON 1 (Guardian Angels’ Parish, DUCKWALL’S PTA Meets All tbe boys from the fourth SUNDAY MASSES BEAUTY SHOP I Denver) THE ALTAR and Rosary so­ Denver's Newest to the seventh grades planning 6:48, 8:00, 9:80, 11:00 and 12:15 2876 Colorado BKdL a (St Patrick’s Parish, Denver) At the May meeting of the ciety’s annual card party and Hair ttyltof | Suburban Variety Store to participate in the summer Confession: Saturdays 8:80 to 5:30 and 7:30 to 9 p.m. Parmanant WaHnf t Ninety-three parents attended Men’s club, the following were luncheon will be held May 31 ~ Rev. Msgr. Eugenn A. O’Sullivan, PastorRt. PHONB DRxtor l-n ta 1 OAHLU SHOPPING CBNTIR the final meeting of the PTA. elected to office for the 1962-63 baseball program are asked to at 12:30 p.m. Tickets at 81 each 23U E. Arizona SP. 74818 Thalma Kataan O'Connor, Ownorj 33rd A Oohllo RA. lto3S Sister Ann Therese awarded term: Tony Leyba, president; attend a meeting on the school may be obtained by calling reading certificates to 87 stu­ Lou Pahls, vice president; Mar­ grounds at 10 a.m.. May 26. Mrs. George McNamara, DE 3 tin Ziegler, secretary; Lou Lod- J dents. riguez, treasurer, and Archie Preisser's Red & White Please Patronize Debra Slack was awarded a IVE IN LIQUORS Higgins, sergeant-at-arms. Your REGISTER special prize for reading the lOM So. Colorado Blvd. BtSH^WInn - Llquort Grocery and Market most books — 30. The eighth On Hay 27, the Altar and Ro­ Final Plans for Bazaar AdvertiserB and FANCY MBATI, YBBBTABLU ' gbocbb*®? sary society will prepare and ClasrsIlM grade won the attendance Ref. S iM _____ SI.M AND flUALITV BBOCBBIBS Mention award. * serve breakfast to Men’s club Kins S l u _____ S1.W MU Pairfax members and their sons after F m Delivery SPnice 7-4447 THE REGISTEFl Tbe bowling league complet­ Are Jl/lade at St. Rose's SK. S-7SI4 Htrry McCirthy, N^r, till I. OMt Am. It, IMv. mS OkN) the 8:30 a.m. Mass. This an­ ed its season with a banquet (St. Rose of Lima's Parish, oarish chairman, who will co­ at the Plain View inn. A trophy nual event follows tbe mother a a n a and daughter breakfaat served Denver) lead a group. ^ST. JOHN'S PARISH was awarded to Father Theo­ Patrick Miller, seventh grad­ THRIFT-WAY MARKET dore Haas, pastor, for the each Mother’s day by the men. Final plans for the parish ba­ CICIL MBACHAM, PBOR. er, won honorable mention in a a. 7Hl AVI. a ILIZABITH ST. school. The Men’s club will meet May zaar were made at a general 29 in tbe parish hall and travel meeting attended by 125 mem­ ooetry contest sponsored by the QUALITY M EATS-FISH > POULTRY SUNDAY MASSES __ S t Patrick’s won n gold Colorado Poetry association of award for safety and an to the mountains for its annual bers of the parish May 14. 6:00 • 7:30 • 9:00 - 10:80 A.M. and 12:00 M. Denver. His poem, "War,” was Nationally Advertised Brands Feeds achievement award for cooper­ steak fry. John Francone was named CONFESSIONS SATURDAY 8:30 k 7:30 read for the members of tbe Ssie Money Here — 1004 S. Gaylord — PE. 8-7383 ation In the CPTL. chairman. John McDonald and Women of the parish who association May 20. Rt. Ri t . J ohn P. Mo ia n . P a aio i The Holy Name society is Dick Huter are co - chairmen. wish to attend the retreat at El One hundred twelve guests at E. 7tb and Elizabeth S t planning a gftmes party. Prizes Don Byrne will have charge of EA. 2-2026 Pomar Retreat bouse, Colorado tended Hie parish’s ‘‘Back home will be awarded. finances, and Mrs. Earle Coch­ Springs, beginning June 29 may dinner" May 20. A presentation Sister Alberta’s brother died ran, records. contact Mrs. Dolly Famsaska, of the picture of the graduation in the past week. Kate DiMat- GL 5-6S1S, for reservations. The bazaar will be held June class of '61 was made to Fa­ OLSON'S teo, formerly of St. Pathck’s, Altar workers for May 26 will 15, 16, and 17. A roast beef also died. ther Barry J. Wogan, pastor, ^ ^ ^ l o m s m p be Alicia Golden and Angela dinner will be featured on Sun­ by William Shea. 1U St. PmiI SIrMt Americo Moscoso and Erlin- Chamberlain. day, June 17, from 3 to 7 p.m. Food Market DUdlay M«l* da Rodriguez were married. A games party will be held in the parish hall. Your Parish Service Station Acrou from Cherry Crtvk Sank Appreciates Your Bittiness Witnesses for the couple were May 25 at 8 p.m. lliis weekly The dinner committee includes Golden CYO Elects Horn is a helpful diroctory. Look for tho listing of your Where Flowers A n Alex Moscoso and Ramona At- event will be ^scontinued after Mrs. Earle Cochran, chairman; nearby "parish" sorvico station. Its friondiy oporator 3030 E. 6th EA. 2-1G01 Guaranteed tencio. June L Mrs. Louis Cook, cochairman; Officers, Chairmen is asking this special moans to invito your potronago. WA and Mrs. Lcn Vidmar, Mrs. (St. Joseph’s Parish, Golden) You'll find that this extra friondlintst is matched with The parish CYO elected new Robert Shaefer, Mrs. Alfred choorful sorvico and export attention for your car. officers and chairmen for the Wallace, and Mrs. Bill Chap­ Ho’f ready to servo you with gat and oil, tiros, bat­ man, in charge of dinner tick­ coming year at the May 13 teries, lubrication and ether convenient services. By o? PARISH PHARMACY GUIDE ets, priced at 81 for adults meeting. Officers are Rusty Keenan, "pulling in" at his station jegulariy, you will rocipro- ^ r AI li vr\iin MCir'uo/^nuj^/^rk nmir* CTrvnr nnr\kAnr ccr> \/ir‘ and 50 cents for children under CALL YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD DRUG STORE FOR PROMPT SERVI c. PVI 12. president; Margo Wagenbach, cato hit friendliness and get tho best in sorvico. Mrs. Cochran said that some vice president; Ian Ohanian, MOTHER OF GOD ST. FRANCIS assignments are still to be filled secretary, and Tom Bator, treas­ A U SAINTS’ HOLY CROSS, THORNTON BLESSED SACRAMENT in connection with the dinner urer. Conoco and asked for volunteers to con­ Chairmen are Joyce Eaton, Jjuid and £ukh!i tact her at SP 7-8956. social; Martha Barnhardt, pub­ STANDARD CONOCO Products : CITY VIEW licity; Sheila Kelley, cultural; LubrIcaHan LINCOLN DRUG SERVICE PU B DBLIVBBY Daica Battorlai Profeasionol Pharmacy A NEW FEATURE of the ba­ Dave Barnhardt, spiritual; Pam A Car Waahlnt 0«M Bond (tompi Y Ph. AT 7-5SS5 zaar this year will be a fancy- Flansburg, activities, and Tony GARAGE >941 90. Psdaral WB. MMI W. A. (Dutch) Thomas S7I6 N. Oetona work and merchandise booth Manchego and Diane Baltes, Anthony (iuKh) Montinolll Alamada A Lata" PB. 3.n4f Your Catholic Diiiggist Tbenitoo » . Oelo. where articles will be sold to membership co-chairmen. Oalph MoimIimIII Dan Caulfielcl See Bob Roblei accommodate those who prefer Free Pick-Up * Delivery ST. PATRICK’S VHOMI this to playing games. Mrs. Bill THE ACTIVITY this month Service 375 I4gnn 8 t SP. 7-8114 EA. 2-7711 Rogers and Mrs. Hal Heffron, in will be a swimming party for Arrow HOLY FAMILY HOLY FAMILY charge of this project, will be members and guests at the Colo­ CATHEDRAL a.ssisted by Mmes. Cardenas, rado School of Mines pool May \ S i t c ! a i f } Service CATHEDRAL Chavez, Frey, Lynch, Hager, 27 from 2 to 4 p.m. Phil's Conoco Service j r i WOODMAN Fedel, and litis. Ijiy advisers attending the QUINN PHARMAa For Complete Station Howard Drug Co. The donation calling commit­ party will be Mr. and Mrs. Wil PHARMACY PreeeriptloB Draggitu Free Dallvary DRtVB IN WITH CONFIOINCI tee will solicit the women of the liam Wagenbach and Mr. and Auto Service TUNI UP A BRAKB SIRVICI —PnacrlptloBa— W. MIh B Tannyten Prompt PratcrlpUun Service m i Facaa PRESCRIPTIONS CALLED parish. Donations may be left Mrs. E. L. Barnhardt. 44lb A ToimysOB OU »-»31 Phene: OL. BTtll Liquors • Coamatlcf • Red Stamps at the homes of Mrs. Rogers, TA. 5-»514 GL. M 7 r Donvar U, Oolo. FOR AND DEIJVERED 'Have your Deator aaU ua* CUT RATE DRUGS 14th Av. at Poniwylvanlo Pro# DoUvery in Nortb Doovu C*Hu ^ OtMlat 965 S. Dale Court, or Mrs. Heff- Mass for Pupils CHRIST THE KING ShK( IV34 AC 2-ti7S ISM Ptarl MA 1-74]) ron’s, 1225 S. Tejon street, or ST. PHILOMENA’S brought to the church. Set in Lakewood mam ED’S OUR LADY OF FATIMA (St. Bernadette’s Parish, NOTRE DAME The parish Junior Great Books CONOCO program made p'ans for ex­ Lakewood) Bartlett's TO EVERY PRESCRIPTION A Mass will be offered for ▼ SERVICE Len's Pharmacy LINCOLN DRUG panding to four discussion Standard U C. PBHB, Prep. groups in the fall, at a parents’ the intentions of 85 eighth grade Lubrication — Wuhing FREE DELIVERY Membor tt. Vincent da Paul't meeting May 21. pupils May 30 at 8 a.m. A Tires — Batteries PafMi WE ADD . . . Gold Bond Stamp! Sorvico Cnstom Tune-Up Leaders for the fall program breakfast will be served the Have Yevr Docler Phene 2S4S So. Fadaral WE. 5-4MI list f. CoHlx AVO. BA. 1-V74I tth Ava. A Ballalra Ua Your Praccrlptlen will be Mmes. Ralph Wilson, pupils by the seventh graders’ 4SU K. Bth Ava. Your Catholic Druggist 0«i, Oil, Tirol, oxtra*. Wtihins. Pcrimaunt HtIgMi Ihepping Center Jack Schuster, Roger Dal Vera, mothers in the school hall. FHONR RA. 14I4S ID04I W. Ztth Aee. I I 74111 Dan Caulfield O rttdne, *hO Stoam Clotnint. Andrew Davis„ Frank Clayton, Duplicate bridge will be held COUBTBOUS SBRVICI ST. DOMINIC'S INTEGRITY Louis Fattor, and Herman May 25 at 11:30 a.m. in the ST. ANTHONY OP PADUA p Ona Black Narih af ST. ANNE’S, ARVADA Doyle (of Notre Dame parish), church basement. The charge is EAST HI CHEVRON St. Damlnlc^D< Church according to Mrs. Hal Heffron, 75 cents per person. BMt CoNox ' R. & A . AND ALLENDALE At Jooophino BERRY’S Comploto Auto CONOCO DRUG CO. Sorvico PHARMACY Mtw Twmhiii iNrk SERVICE Profenalonal Preicriptlon PiMM Dl. Stott North Speer at Federal 9800 W. 59tb Place Sarvte* . Otcir Hyitt, Lmii GIL 7-6i4< 1114 Bouth SharMan Bivd. DA. 2-2397 WB. 44411 Arvada, Colorado MT. CARMEL Please Patronize ST. CATHERINE'S SMOKEY’S When your health is at ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA Your REGISTER SINCLAIR OB. 74l4f OL. S-MM itake, you wont both SERVICE BUSY CORNER your doctor and phar­ LINCOLN DRUG Advertisers and Complete Aotemotlve DRUG STORE FREE DELIVERY FadliUet macist to display skill Cold Bond Stamp! Professional Pharmacists Mention 42nd k Pecot St. arid accuracy. 7345 So. Fadaral WE. 5-4MI GR. 7-9261 W. 38th Ave A Federal Blvd. Your Catholic Druggist THE REGISTER Denver, Celo. Dan Caulfield NOTRE DAME Aeroai tba Straat fron ST. JOHN'S NOTRE DAME (mUROI ST. DQMINICS ST. FRANCIS DE SALES' ST. FRANCIS DE SALES’ ST. JOHN’S W im GREEN VERN’S MEADOWS Alameda Drug Store South Denver Drug FRANK MATHtS AUTO BLY'S ' V. O. PCTKBSON, Prop. “Have Your Doctor Call Us” ▼ CONOCO Freaeription Pharmacy DRUGGIST SERVICE COMPLETE Cut Rate Drugs Complata Drug A Liquor Bonn: 9 AJL to S P.M. Complete We Offer Complete Service AUTOMOntB SERVICE Bat 9 AJB. to 1 A.H. Fountain Service Sundries Department 2195 So. Sheridan Prescription Service MOBIL OIL PRODUCTS 1110 W. 19U Ava. - OL. S41U Your Business Appreciated Wm. N. A KEUTH SNIDER . YU. 5-9970 fraa OaUvaty Phones RA. 24685-2-4686 Alaiaada A So. Broadway MS to. Pearl St. RA. 1-S1«1 jEast 6tb k Detroit 6th Ave. at Marion DE. 34787 CURE D'ARS ST. JOHN’S ST. THERESE’S ST. MARY MAGDALENE HOLY NAME, FT. LOGAN ST. VINCENT DE PAUL Boost ‘Lilies o f the Field’ 'ELM HENRY’S CAPITOL DRUG THE FREY Mrs. Beverly Davis (left) and Mrs. Lisa Brown, members STANDARD LINCOLN DRUG < £ 2 /it ( D h i i q . CONOCO PAUl 0. SCHNEIDER PHARMACY of the Altar and Rosary society. Holy Cross parish, Thornton, CONOCO Mambtr of St. John'i P«lih ’ FREE DELIVERY ‘‘Filling Prescriptions Is the SERVia 1901 Sharldan Bird. discuss plans for contacting ail the women of tbe parish for | Convenient Drive-In Oold nand Stamp! Most Important Part of SERVICE Phona: BX 74741 Our Business” reservations to the luncheon and book review May 26 at 12:30 | Camplata Braka Sarvica A Window Service 1S4S to. Fedaral WE. S-4M1 p.m. in tbe Park Lane hotel. Mrs. John .\kolt, Jr., will review FIrtileni Tlrt*, n«H*rlM, Tuna-up M l i DBLIVERY a c u t! a Card! a Coimetic! ACCMMlitS Complete Selection Your Catholic Druggist the book ‘‘Lilies of the Field," by William E. Barrett. Mr. I HENRY HENNINGHAKX. Owotr ,Fraa Pickup A OaUvaiY . 4«k a Hlllwrt n. 7-2741 Greeting Cards RA. 2-5664 - Free Delivery Pboae EA. 2-6256 Dan Caulfield 1000 S. Gaylord i t Ttnniitaa and Mrs. Barrett will attend the event. Donations will be 82.75. : 11500 Exit Colfax at Molina EM. 44375 AUBORA East 35th & Elm Steeet Reservations are being taken hy .Mrs. James Davis, AT 7-4827. Thursday, May 24, 1962 THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER


Phone KE. 4-4206 Today to Place Your Clatsified Ad in the Register — Ask (or the Classified Department

Mew Clostiiied Ad Deadline . . . NOW - Tuesdoy at 5 p.m. Oaly Want Adi recohed by phoao or auill beforo 5 P.M Taeidiy cob bo poblished la tha earreat weeh*! piper

HELP WANTED FEMALE 7 HOUSES FOR RENT — REAL ESTATE FGR SALE 33 RIANGS, MUSICAL Typlata, ttaaoa, dletapiMma opra., UNFURNISHED 24 INSTRUMENTS 39 naadad for tanainrary aaatsnmaata. SLLmUs—3S Cathedral PTA Officers No faat. You work tor A ara paid 4 hdrm., tvt hatha, doabla faraia, Caifa for used aptnele. orgeaa or directly by ua. cleat to St. Fraaeli. Availabla Juno DELAWARE feSi'hiSg™^ *** Itb. RA i 4 1 4 ^ 5 0 UstallJitiM of officers of the Cathedral high school PTA, liaiB Leuschoer, first vice presideat; Mrs. Nell Horaa, presi­ MANPOWER, INC. 1 Ug bdrei; countnr Uteben, aa^ ufAiifEO DtAkiAC IJM CallfomU SL KE 4-7ttS arete uUU^room, beautifully land., WAlllcR PIANOS Dearer, was coodoeted by Mrs. Robert Kaecht, CathoHc Par" dent; Mrs. Lelaad Kitamiller, secoad vice presideat; Mrs. FURNISHED APTS. 25 scaped. AU thU ter 310,160. 1343 So. Irecdway IP 7-7304 eat-Teaeher leagiie jireaUeat Left to right are Mra. Robert Witter L. Yoiiag, historiaa; aad Mrs. Verne Aadersoo, eorre- POWER SEWING machine operaton. Factory exparicDCe on aorfcrt and SEWING MACHINES 40 secretary; Mrs. Joha Palner, treasorer; Mra. Wil- spoodiBf secretary. ainile naadlt. Yaar-ronnd ataady m i W. 34TH AVI. 4125,50. GALAPAGO Largo Uvbii room A bdrm., beauti­ Singer Sclect-O^tlteh Contolt. Zig- work In modem alrn dealring to object to the same Lady of Lourdta. Asauma FHA loan. 8973 So. Craatviaw Ava. North 8toro-8XS Tel ME. ASdl shell fUc written objecUon with the CaU SP 7-S141 - 2680 So. Qaikaon 3 bdrm. brick, full bamL, Immtdlata / A / l h Refugee Wins K. of C. said court on or before July 3rd, potteuion. 1963. PNARMACY ANDREW yVYSOWATCKY, ATTRAaiVE HGME A SI. Anthony Admlntitratbr C. T. A. INVESTMENT 3181 W. Ford FI. { Ml North Tejoa jv . ME. 4-SS41 J John B. Carraher and EsptclaUy aultad for reUramant or Pmta. only 371.00 P m , tatume GI T h e West's 'I $1,600 College Grant Thomas P. O^rlcn el a "ieeurtty" InvsatmenL WHY7 loan. 3 bdrm. frama In A-1 eondlUon. Attorneys for the eatate aoa* to Broadway bus, Gatai, 741 EqulUble Bldg., Denvdr 1, Colo. Shwayder. 1 bdrma. aach aide, Largest ■s % Edward J. Meier, a senior at George, Jr., is working in Den­ AM. 64861. Our Lady of Lourdtt bamta., doubla garaie or basted 2020 lo. tharman NOLAN FMNERAL HOME Annunciation high school, Den­ ver. The family resides in (Publlahed In Tha Denver CatboUe shop. 1818-27 So. Lincoln. There a n Idaal 3 bdrm. famUy horns. Largs ver, was named winner of the Blessed Sacrament parish. Reglitcr) always more buyers than really good doubla gtraga, Bear fence. Selection 8INCKRX P X ^ N A L SISVICX FBOM First PubUeation: May 17, 1983 douhlas for aale—so act quickly- |1>900 Knights of Columbus Edward plans to major in THE FAMILY Last Publication: Junt 7, 1963 CaU; Gcorgt Beekar 8U 9-1880 CMSEH NATIONAL CATHOLIC scholarship to Regis college. The business administration and to VAN SCHAACK A Ca. it. Louis Priced from program was begun by Council go on to law school. He his been IN THI COUNTY COURT Eaalter MA 3-9333 3131 to. Orsnl FUNIUL DISKTOaS GUIIO In and ter Hm CHy and Ceunty ef Vk block to ebUKh tod school. Naat IE. 2.4742 539 in 1N7 with the objective active in the high school student Denvar and Steta of Colorado 3 bdrm. full fin. bamta., doubla car of helping to develop educated council and was its president NO. P-16467 S t Anne—33 garage. NOTICE OF FILING OF PETITION lay leaders. this year. FOE DETERMINATION OF WILSGN « WILSGN REALTY For salt BY OWNER—Asauma 01 taos Bo. Broadway SU l-t671 Meier, a German refugee who A member of the Legion of HEIRSHIP loan, 864.00 per mo. 2 bdrm., 0 IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE ■ from S LAnne's ...... blocks In Arvada ' Anytlma II Mary and the National Forensic Merabcrt.of St. Lotria Pariah $ 1 8 9 5 c” DRIVE IN came to this country in 1952 with OF AtochlU A. VaWes, a/k/a Ato- HA 4-1378 LOETSCHEr his parents, George and Kath­ league for four years, he is chlta H.'Valdez (Deceased). ranked second in a clan of THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF REAL ESTATE WANTED 35 MOTEL erine, has been an outstanding St. Bernadette—33 -P tv. J students. COLORADO: SUPER MARKI stay with “Jay” student at Annunciation since To aU persona Intercated, GREET' VWVWWVW^WVWWV>FVWVWWWWWWVi 1958. Prior to then his family ING: 4 BEDRGGMS-$1,500 DGWN Gur ftroonalited 820 N. Nevada THE ALTERNATE for the TAKE NOTICE that there has been •H lUed In the above-named eatate a Spacioui rambling II yr. old home, - V) QUALITY M i ATS scholarship, with the right to on Vk acre alte In central Laktwood. Sftrvlct Sftlli Homes petition asklns for a Judicial ascer­ 3 baths, full bamL, dining room, i ’ use any unused portion, is Ed­ tainment and datermlnation of tha hetri of auidi decedent, and aettlng double garage, faUout ibelter. Irri­ 12 C PRODUCE ward Freas, a St. Joseph high gation water, big trees; katp ponlei ■ 4 forth that the namea, addresses and or chlckeni. Assume 01 loan at A Dr. John A. Ordohl school senior. An outstanding reUtionjblps to decedent of all per- 1138.00 p m . 8100 W 10th Ave. ACT NIALTON Nationally Advortisodj; student, Joseph ranks first in a sone who are or claim to be heirs of OOTOMSTaiST laid decedent, so far as known to FAST! 3860 S. Broadway 8H 4JI16 { Brands of Grocorios ] class' of 81. He is the son of Mr. DONALD PAEfONS 1400 HOyt T15 NOaTH TIJON STOtlT the petitioner, ere as foUows, to-wtt: EE 7-4827 or eves. EE 7-3121 Mi.l-SMT and Mrs. Russell Freas and is a Toby 0. Valdez, 1814 N. -Spring 524 W. Colorado Ave.l member of Notre Dame parish. Street, Compton, California, aon. Wa are looking for a nice family COLORADO SPRINOS, COLO. Adrian Valdez, 1619 nrestone 7990 W. 9TH AVE. home with garagt In eonv. location TRUCKS 60 2 The scholarship, given annual­ Blvd., Los Angeles, Callfomte, son. Walking distance to SL Bernadette Hava good down paymenL SP 7-3756 ly to a Catholic senior who GUbert Valdez, Huntington Perk, school ft Church. Ideal for large Our FfRoftnt Slock — ranks in the upper one third CallfomU, ton. famUy. 3 bdrma. plus 1 more in tin. TO SILL YOUR HOMI CALL DISPOSAL SERVICE Victor Valdez, 2610 Arapahoe SL, bamL Sap. dining room, 314 baths, Electrical of his class, is based upon Denver, Colorado, aon. 3 FP, rec. room. Pries redneed. CaU CASTLE REALTY CO. 24 NEW 1962 CMC company scholastic achievement, poten­ Roman Valdaz, 2842 Arapahoe St., Nowl Evae BE 7-4825 RIALTOR Denver, Colorado, son. 1470 So. Fadaral WE. 0-3388 Construction Co. i GARBAGE-ASHES-TRASH tial leadership, and financial John Valdez, 10033 San Carlos Wadflswood Cs. HA 4-4421 TRUCKS "A dirty buthMM «otrsttd In i 270 So. Sharidtn BE. 7-3711 o IttimatM • Ssfvk* cOn need. Ave., South Gate, CaUfomU, aon. 4067 So. Broadway 761-0334 including, Hydromitic, dam caurtaovs mannar," You are hereby notified to appear St. James—33 o Modsmixatlen • Besseiftble tHlarlaf Hw ata caataiaar lYttm. 4x4, Suburban, etc. o Rswiring o Yard LlalUlilebtioi Committee members serve and answer the petition >rithin M l.------four years. One is appointed twenty days after service of this no­ SATISFY THAT HOME LONOINO CASH Also 20 used picE-ups TOSS S. Ts|mi m i S.1s.t o tice on you (If served by pubUcition, 4 bdrm., 1 bath, else, kitchen, TV for your aquity, any ioeation. 4t truck! yearly by the newly elected within twenty days after the lest room ft patio, convenient to acnoola n n u iio N i 1 grand knight of Council 539. pubUcatlon of this notica) and In ft ibopplng. For appL EA 2-7761 or 534-7273 default of an answer or appearance eves. Edglngton CH 4-0606 CLEMES MOTOR CO. FURNITURI frO Ri S ajIbI fihajufuxof the Court will proceed to receive OROUS8MAN-EEAOLIY, EEALTOE We apoeianiq In Northwoot D « n ^ . 5555 W. Colfax Ava, WOOLSmiNS jl and hear proofs concerning the Anradt, Lakowood, aad Wlmatridga 21 yrs. at the same PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST LEGAL NOTICES heirs of such decedent and enter a St, Jobii—S3 rtal aaiata. Prompt, eourteoai, aalea iiAinioumiNe ans < decree determining who are the aarvlM. Your loosi realtor ter 80 location. WAHUNO 1 802 No. Weber NOTICI OF FINAL SITTLIMINT heirs of such deceiaed persona. ytoK. IHp Caran aaS Dtapariairial " ’I EsUte Of AGNES CIZEK (Deceased) Dated at Denver, Colorado, this Furnished, 6 rooms ft garaie, food ETACKHOU8I REALTY Franchiied GMC dealer MaSt la OrSar ME. 3-2069 No. P-34379. llth day of May, 1962. condition. FR 7-VMO 3138 W. 38th Av«. OR 7-1078 Nrailara MtS. tt OtSar Cola, tpriiiii Edward J. Meier Notice Is hereby given that I have VICTOR B. GRANDY I S«41 la. Walitttdl MI. fUed my final report In the County Clerk of the County Court s!'a4»l lived with its sponsor, Joseph Court of the City and County of Denver, Colorado, and that any per­ By R. C. PhUlps Meier, in Sedgwick. son desiring to object to the same Deputy Clerk SERVICE DIRECTORY shall fUc written abjection with the DELANEY AND COSTELLO Please Patronize The spopsor (who is aot a said court on or before June 19, Attorneys KE. 4^ 205 relative) helped Mr. and Mrs. 1962. 938 Petroleum Qub Building Your REGISTER JAMIS W. CRIAMER Denver 2, Colorado oociieis-iiiiic Meier and their three children Ixecutor AM 6-3196 Advertisers and on their arrivnl in Colorado. One 434 Majestic Bldg., (Published In The Denver CathoUc ASH HAULING ELECTRIC WIRING LINEN SERVICE son, Leo, is in the novMate of Deaver 3, Colorado Register) Mention (Published In The Denver Catholic First Publication: May 24, 1962 Miller Trask Service 320 volts, remodaUng, repatra. CaU WESTERN : THE REGISTER the Brokers of the Christian Register) Last PubUcatlon: June 14, 1962 Pickup AnyUiue AL. 5-1933 anytliiM. E)i. 04181. Schools, and the other son, First Publication: May 17, 1961 TOWEL SUPPLY CO. COLORADO SPRINOt • AURl Last I^]bUcation: June 7, 1962 IN THE COUNTY COURT SHAFFER’S RUBBISH Jim Dwyer Electric 1730 So. Broadway 7334M1 Z In and for the CHy end Covnty of REMOVAL NOTICE TO CREDITORS Denver and State of Colerade PLUMBING J. D. CROUCH Estate of BEATRICE MITCHELL, also No. F-25387 COMMERCIAL AND GUTTCRS a D. O’BRIEN known aa BEATRICE D. MITCHELL, NOTICE OF FILING OF PETITION RESIDENTIAL AU tlata, glaatdlned automaUe water - (Ward) No. P-28296 FOR DETERMINATION OF REASONABLE RATES beatara. 8e0.96. Wa InaiaU. leoMmy '* MAY REALTYii All persona having clalmi ngalnit HIIRSHIP Plumbing, 754 Santa Fa Dr. AC - Qreeley the above named estate are required IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE AL. 5-3310 G wM bbv, S p o wtB to file them for allowance in the OF Alexander R. Lopez, a /k /t Alex BRICK Ws ipeclallza In Outtar and ALAMEDA PLUMBING CO. 2 REALTOR I County Court of the City end County R. Lopez and Alejandro R. Lopez Spout Roploeomont. Itapalrlng, new work, aewera end ^ of Denver, - Colorado, on or before (Deceased) the 24th day of September, 1962, or Briek Work, Plannert, Bapalra, euttora Claanod tnd sink Unea cleaned. Our work la 2 THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF Pointing. Eatlmatet ^ ' 8-187L Ropolrod. guaranteed. Free EaUmatae. Adamson Mortuary said claims ahaU be forever barred. COLORADO; 800 E. Alameda SR IN$URANCE-l0Al6 ESTHER M. MITCHELL Thoroughly IxportoDood. Conservatrlx To all persona Interested, GREET­ BUILDER B CARPENTER 24 Hour Ambniance Service THOMAS L. FORD, Attorney ING: DepondatUo, Guarantood. QUILTERS 725 N. To{an SI. I Greeley, Colorado 1760 E. Sth Ave., TAKE NOTICE that there has been Denver 18, Colo., 377-1923 filed In the above-named eaUte a American Roofing Alaska QuUt Shop — AU Unda of 7 Colorado Springs, Colo^ Quality Apparel H. lUu Ailwawi iMd F. Adamou (Publlahed In The Denver CathoUc petition asking for a Judicial atoer- quUtlng, rtmodtl down and wool 2 eomtortera reeondltlonod. PlUowt d. 'c a O R A D O Phont 1636 9th Avt. tt Stii St. Register) tainment and determination of the IN SPRINGS First PuUication: May 3. 1962 heirs of such decedent, and letUng Sheet Metal Co. and rebind blankata. Alto aboat tnd 4 SINCE 1872 Last PubUeation: May 24, 1962 forth that the namea, addresses and CH 4-846S 3159 Downing comfort combination. Patented li- - ME. 3-7731 i relationships to decedent of all per­ BUIL0IN8 and CONTRACTINO After 6 p.m. SU. 14036 eanaed Mfg. 1010 Gaylord. DU 0-3061: KJowr aad Tejoa Streets sona who are or claim to be heirs of For Any Rtmodcling In Your Mtmbar of AU Sonia* Pariah said decedent, so far as known to Homt — Inaida or Out — REPAIR SERVICE the petitioner, are as follows, to- ONE DOLLAR SPECIAL wit; CALL JACK REIS Expert sawing machine repair aarv- ^ Rose Martinez, adult, 6487 Robin- AC. M459 HtATING Ice. Alee eonveraloaa to portahla or - To Introdice Yon to the Regitter Classified Section deie. Dearborn 6, Michigan, daugh- Mieitw at Frauatatlaa FtrMi cabinet. Batlafaetion guaranteed. ter. CaU Joa R. Malpeide, WE 64811 ~ DelftnU Romero, adult, Monte­ FOR $1.00 YOU GET 20 WORDS OR LESS zuma Rt. Box 210, Lat Vegas, New CARPETS ROOFING Mexico, daughter. TO BUY, SELL OR SWAP You are hereby notified to appear Complete carpet atrvke. including FOLEY HEATING New roofs, root repalrt, painting. and answer the petition within binding, cutting, laying, aUppUng Lie. insured. AU work guaiantoad.) H U IN COUPON 1 WORD PER BOX twenty days after sendee of this stain Slid ibampooing. In yonr noma Terms, tree tatilmaiat. TA 84481 notice on you (If served by pubUca- or our shop. Member of Hon, within twenty days after the Call Elliott— Thft Rug Man WE REPAIR Our Lady of Grace Pariah last publication of thU notice) and In El 3-8IS9 default of an answer or appearance CHIMNEYS TRASH HAUUNG the Court will proceed to receive CURTAIN CLEANERS and hear proof! concerning the helri TRASH HAULING of such decedent and enter a decree FRANCIS LACE CURTAIN CLKAN- FIREPLACES Any Plaea In HetropoUtan Dtaver 1 determining who are the heirs of ERS. CURTAINS, CHROCHETED Day or N l^ t CaUt X such deceased person. TABLECLOTHS. DRAPERIES, TA 5-5107 EA. 1 ^ Dated at Denver, Colorado, thia BLANKETS, SPREADS. LINENS 1430 High Street 161h day of May, 1962. CLEANED BY LATEST METHODS. VICTOR B. GRANDY HAND PRESSED ONLY. 1280 KALA- INCINERATORS Clerk of the County Court UATH. TA. 54827. UPHOLSTERERS ZECHA A ADAMS By R. C. PhUtps SHEARER HARDWARE :i CONOCO ilRV ICI STATION Deputy Clerk DECORATING RftUpboiater by a rottabls Snn. DELANEY AND COSTELLO CUSTOM BUILT IS ytara experienoe — towna. 2329 East Platte A^meya Paparlng, pamting, steaming, textur­ INCINERATORS NATIONAL UPHOLSTERY CLIP $1.00 TO IT AND AAAIL TO 935 Petroleum Club Building ing, platter patch. AU work goar- 2145 Court PL AC. 3-1372 Denver 2, Colorado anteed. Free aatimate. CaU KE 4-8920 CONCRETE AND BRICK ME. 2-7288 Clossifiod Advertising, The Regitter AH 6-3196 or SP. 7-9375. Repair yonr old Ash Pit to WALLPAPER, PAINTS (Published in The Denver OthoUc City apectficationa. Box 1620, Denver 1, Colo., or Phone It in to KE. 4-4205 We paint, hang paper, ateam off COLORADO SPRINGS Register) paper, waab walla. Hava a free eati- Call evanlnga: after 6:30 F ti. Paper hanging tnd palntiag. SUM ' Navada Ava. at Caclw la Paudra First Publicatton: May 24, 1962 male from; Fred Conrad, Phona 455- 455-7698 a room and up. Komae Paint KE. Laat Publication: June 14, 1962 3965 INSURED. 44829. 1 Taking Hint* Costs Colombia's 'Radio Schools' Cardinal $5,000 Boston — Cardinal Richard Owhing gave IS.IM to tbe Cath­ Great [ducaiioaal Feat olic Journalism Scbolarthip B y F loyd Anoeison fund during tiw 52nd annual Denver—(Special)—One of the very bright spots of Catholic ProM assodation coo- the (lurch’s work in Latin America Is that begun by Tontioo here. The (brdbal re­ Father Jose Joaquin Salcedo, now Monsignor Salcedo, marked that he found a leaflot at Sutatenza, ColcAnbia. explainidg tbe needs and purpos­ Sutatenza is a small town, far off in the mountains es d the fund at his dinner ptaca from Bogota. A bus takes you after be sat down at Um head table. He told the usemhiage; there, first on the paved road, ability because they have noth­ “I couiderod it a subtia hint then onto' the dirt road, trailing ing to read. clouds of dust behind over roads for a donation, and I dwided When I was in Bogota last to comply.” that cling to the side of the year. Monsignor Salc^o had mountains. It was here that just begun to publish a series .Father Salcedo derel(q)ed the of books for the campesinos, Q g | g O i m c I m I A W M Itl idea he had as a seminarian the farm workers of the coun­ Bostoa — Father Albert J. that radio could be used to help try. Well estatdisbed, however, Nevins, M.H., editor of Mary- educate the caapesiaos, the was El CaavMine, his news­ kaoH mMaxbe and retiring farm workers in their tiny vil­ paper publication. It bas a week­ president of the CatboUe Press lages. Really, they are not even ly circulation of from 80,OM to assodation, received the CPA’s villages, just a (^ te r of three N,000 copies, though at times Caihm ik Prmsg imadmrM special award for outstsndinf >or four bmnes; then another it win go as high as 131,060. V , Two editors of the “Register” System of Newspapers were contribution to Catholic joona)- . three or four several miles And from these readers, Mon- elected as officers of the CathoUc Press assodatloa at the coo- ism b 1961. ' away. signor George Monastoque, its veatioa ia Bostoa. Floyd Aadersoa (left), maaaglag editor of Honsignor Salcedo’s plan calls director, tcdd me they get from the “Register,” Deaver, was aamed presideat aad the Very New ST. JUDE’S MISSION for radio receivers in the home 300 to 500 letters a day. This Rev. Monsignor Robert Peters, editor M the “Peoria Register,” omUs your Mpport It of a teacher, in a village square, is a marvelous result and at­ w u chosea vice president Aadersoa saceeeds Father AlWt wboi* county wwlb lb 4SJN piss li, or by a paruAi house. There tests tp the “empathy” between J. Nevlas, M.M., e^tor of “Marykaoil” magasiae and presideat but IM Una MS Cstho^ oM of oer homo miorioiii. ThaUs, .'the people gather, early in the El Campesine and the campes­ of the CPA since UM. and may S t JuSa obtob Ood’a morning before t W go off to inos. Aadersoa, 55, is a native of Superior, Wis. He araa blaaatasi on your saaorotety — •their' fields, or at noon, or in n e CommaaisOs, of coarse, editor of the “Catholic Light” Scraatoa, Pa., from IMS to IMl, Fathar SaM the evening after the day’s work are weH aware of Meastgaor aad of the “Advocate,” Newut, N.J., from 1S51 nntil January, Sax IIN Jackaan, Miaalaaippi ->is done. Over the radio comes Salcedo’s fiae work — aad are ISM, when he became maaagiag editor of the “Reglstor.” Ho 'th eir lesson for the day; one act relactaat to try to hamper w u Tice presideat of the CPA from ISM uaffi his atoctioa u of the group is the “teacher” it Their efforts are ladir^ president VOCATIONS-MEH and helps t ^ others to under­ becanse they kaaw how The R t Rev. Moasigaor John B. CaTsaagh, Denver, b editor stand tte lesson. well Moasigaor Salcedo is ea- and business manager ^ the “Register” System of Newspapers. POUOW CHIHT treaelied la the minds of the $1. Fftnd* M. You farm workers t i Colombia. laipwfMrf W i k ba a FKANCISCAN IROniH We were shown in Bogota one aad dadkala yaur Ufa This may seem like a simple Start Peering at Future, to Chrtat In tna larvica of their indirect attempts to of youth. thing; and basically it is. But wean the farm workers from lalaraiatlaa writa la it is a tremendously important Radio Sutatenza, as Monsignor n VaaaWaaa, one. After the “semester” work Salcedo’s operation is cafied. Cutholic Press Charged Fraaalaaaa Inaiian, 1.1. is d(me, the students take ex- This Indirect attempt was an Boston — Cardinal Cbshmg 1, IfriwMi la am lnatim . While I was in Bo­ Cpm nuFm , censMar ihm grmai viatmrhM wm harm worn eral docility and tack of spirit ingenious oil lamp, manufactur­ called on the Catholic press to gota, I was sho4n the examin­ of sheep “were tbe proper quali­ ed by (he Coiamunists in “step out d the present and ations filled' in by the students, m rm r ihm opponanfs fa mar rmglmmi^ ties of the humble layman.” Czecho-Slovakia. It is a com­ peer into the future.” giving the answers to basic —Quote by Bed leader in Cuba, Vietnam, Laos, or where have yon. This image of the sheep, be bination oil lamp and radio; “Tour wori:,” he told news questions. said, is no longer adequate. It burning the oil lamp will pro­ m u at the 52nd national con is now necessary “for us to It w u a tremeadonsly thrill- vide enough power to run the vention of the Catholic P ru i take a new measure of tbe place tag fedlng, and a heart warm­ radio. assocbtlon, “most not be mere of tbe Catholic b y person in ing (me, too,-to see examinatfam This very effective lamp-radio ly to describe tUngs that have the Mystical Body of (Christ.” papers of those who had passed is offered to the campesinos by happened, but to shape things (NCWC Wire) the ilteracy test — letters form­ the Communists at a very low that w in happen. Unless you ed by gaaM hands of men rental fee. There is only one and Learn can form the kmaan mind, form who had worked in the fields hitch; The radios are so adjust­ P. 0. Box 1620, Denver, Colorado pnbUc opfarioa, give direction to CHALLENGE for decades, of wunea who had ed that they will only receive men’s ideu, there b almost no to MEN M to St not learned to read aad write the programs which the Com­ is Christ offerini a reference whatever to human reasonable preparations, his reason tor your publication at until they were in thdr Sfs and munists favor — and this means No Segregefien aU.” challenge to you? even in their Ms. that they will not receive the color. Both Testaments in­ prayer for saf^ during his Write BOW for a fa Bibffccrf Thum$ culcate the unity of mankind. flight would have been a legiti­ In the put several decades, But Monsignor Salcedo’s work Radio Sutatenza ones. he noted, Catiwllc laymen train­ free pamphlet how Does the Bible anywhere say mate asking (ri tbe divine bless­ yon can serro Him does not stop there. Undoubted­ Monsignor Salcedo’s radio Marffol love ed in the arte and social sci­ that God demands segregation ing on a scientific undertaking, m as a BROTHER ly be is aware that in some apostoiate is an effective and ences have moved into the field Latin American countries, cidl- fascinating one; its meth­ between Whites and Blacks? Aad Saenaaaaf which could only resound to the OF HOLT CROSS. b tt necessary that there be glory of God. of journalism and brought with lr«. IvMrd, C.I.e. et lie. SarttI, C.I.C. dren go to scho<^ and learn to ods have been copied in many In Biblical times, color con them a new vigor and viblity I UfiBrii•isrii Hill ». Idwsrd'i Uahr. 14 read and write — and lose this other countries. sciousness, to say nothing of mntnal love between man and Although it is true that those Hein S m , lad. Aestia, Ttias woman for the worthy recep­ who pray only in emergoicies that have sparked the CaUxdic colw discrimination, was almost press to fresh and successful tion of Matrimony? betray an inadequate notion of nonexistent. The one passage ventures. Wives are commanded to love prayer, it is false humility not where this is even faintly ex­ In finding a place for the their husbands (Tit ii, 4). Bride to'pray in danger. Christ Him, ATHOLM MIN 2 0 IO 4 S hibited is Jeremias xiii, 33: “If Catholic bym an b the heart of GOD LOVE YOU and bridegroom are atoonished self, to whose example Car­ the Ethi(H>ian can change his the Catholic life, lb a u e r t ^ DOES GOD WANT YOU to spend the remainder of your to love each other in the Nuptial penter appealed, prayed for p- skin, or the leopard his spots, tbe Catholic press b America Mass and husbands their wives Himself in the Garden of Geth- life lervbg Him as a diocesan Brother? (Senring the you also may do well when you "has done a good deal more Bishop and his priests b the capadty best suited to year Mott Reverend Fuhon J. Sheen (CoL ill, U). In fact, marriage semani (Matt xxvi, 39). have learned evil.” than merely improve itself and skills) DO YOU WANT to lead a arnnknonaatie Ufa and Although Ethiopia and Ethio­ is incomprehensible without love so come to new excellence. It experience the Happbesa you have been^searohlng for? Sinners in the world pians are mentioned 28 times in the broadest sense, such as V alidity of h u abo provided an example Write...... know misery without in Scripture, there is never any consists in holding Ae other Bapdat Bopfiim of the opportunities that await mercy, for they know not connotation of inferiority or partner as a special object of the CSiurcb b other areas. THI VIANNIY MOTNBU God in the inner unhappi- even strangeness about them. care and responsibility. How can the regard as valid a Baptist Bap­ WmrA « l ImHf 355 Teurlingi Drive Lafayette, La. nets of their souls. Ilie Sephora, the wife of Moses, was As lo ^ as tiiere is an inten­ an Ethic^ian (Num. xii, 1). A tion to fulfill tbe duties of the tism in view of the Baptists’ Prow tl k f F ra u converse it often true of teaching that Baptism does not tinners in the Church. powerful chamberlain from the married state, it is not neces­ “When it can be demonstra­ court of the Queen Ml Ettuopia sary for those entering marriage remit sin, does not confer grace, ted, u it riready h u been They may know mercy is not necessary to salvation, one of the first converts to feel any physical attraction demoutrated b abundance m and is not a sacrament? ALBANIA without misery, for they to Christianity (Acts viii). for each other, rithough its com­ your work, that the Catholic lay­ Our questioner submits state­ receive the p ^ o n from Neither the Old nor the New plete absence would ordinarily man is competent, committed, ments by two Baptist authors BULGARIA God but do not take on Testaments know any example bode ill for the marriage. On and loyal, we have already be­ extra penartce for their of segregation by color to confirm this int^retation (rf gun to break down the barriers BYELORUSSIA the other band, sexual attraction Baptist teaching. It should be sins. or "race.” Tbe texts to which is only a means to facilitate a whidi a less bai^y time con­ segregationists appeal have no noted, however, that there are structed between the clergy and COSSAKIA married love, which integrates many Baptist subdivisions, and Forgiveness of sins and all other loves in a hierarchy of the laity.” no one Baptist speaks for all. " b times gone by, especially a E C H O - reparation for sins are not values, all subordinate to serv­ Anyhow, any Baptism is con­ SLOVAKIA ing God in the married state. here b America,” said be (br- the same. You may forgive sidered valid if the proper mat­ dbal, ‘‘b e (btbolic Church laid me for stealing your watch, SpacGiiMHi’s Right ter and form are applied, with a very heavy empbuis on that ESTONIA the intention of doing what the -G8 but you would certainly ex­ To Pray lor JUd fam iliu Scriptural image of the GEORGIA pect me to give it b a d to Church does, or what Christians ‘shepherd and the sheep.’ ” The of the you. That 'ri why Our Lord P H I0 1 Scott Carpenter, Jnst before traditionally do with this rite. emphasis in this image, he said, HUNGARY his flight Into space, announced It would be hazardous to say was to be placed on the shep­ rg)t only gave the Church that, though he was a believing that, however erroneous Bap­ the power to forgive sins, herd’s concern for the sheep. CAPTIVE LATVIA CTiristian, he would not pray tists or others may be in their But with tib passbg of time but He made "Penance" the subject of His first and last ser­ for himself, since he did not concepts of the nature of Bap­ empbuis hu been pbced on NMIONS LITHUANIA mon to the world. If you drive a nail into a board every time think he had tbe right to ask tism, they positively exclude tte the sheep, he pomted out, and it POLAND you do wrong, and then are privileged to take the nail out special dispensaflons from God. intention of doing what Chris­ hu been assumed that the gen IT HIIIT I. IIBIir every time you do right, you will ^ind that the board is full What about this? tians traditionally have done ROAAANIA of holes. The Sacramerit of Penance pulls out the nails, but Carpenter confused prayer to when they baptize. Althou^ RUPTURED only reparation, penance and saaifice will fill in the holes. God on occasions of special Baptists and other Protestants UKRAINE wbo are converted to Catiiolici^ ■ i FREU FROM TRUSS SLAVIRV Purgatory awaits those who have their sins forgiven but danger with the tempting of Surely you want to THROW God. No one who takes an un are usually given conditional AWAY TRUUES FOREVIR and be who have not duly atoned for those sins. rid of Rupture -Worriet. Then why Facts on CAPTIVE NATIONS necessary chance has the right Baptism, the Holy Office has de­ put np with wearlnz a friplns, ehaf- to expect that God will see him clared tte t the Baptisms of non m t, unaanltaty tniae. Can Be Yours. Write to: Why put off repairing for your sins until the next throu^. God governs the world Catholics whose ritual meets liiere la now a New Modem NON- SURGICAL treatment deaifned to life? Bogin now. And do it in such a w ay that you attain tbe requirements of valid Bap­ by natural laws, and He will pennanently correct Rupture. Theee Robert E. RaniMy the maximum of merit for your actions. Hare is how: not do miracles to save us from tism are to be considered valid. treatments are ao dependable that a Ufetima CertUlcate of Aaaurance 1. Let your penance hove something to do writh giv­ using our own effort and in­ If doubt as to validity persists, Is ziven. P.O. Box 3772 ing the Faith to ethers, since your sin was a failure of telligence. the Baptism is to be consider^ Write today for our New FRIE ChoffM Station If Carpenter bad gone into valid in reference to marriage. BOOK that glvei facta Uut may both your own Faith and morals. Save You painful, expensive aur- Denver 21, Colo. space without adequate training Hence the marriages of Bap­ Sery. Telia HOW and explains WHY 2. Make your sacrifice anonymous and give the lON-SUROICAL Bfethoda of TreaL he would be tempting God, and tists and other Protestants are Ing Rapture are so socceasful today. 25 CENTS EACH OR 5 FOR $1 value of your sacrifice to the one who represents Christ, bis prayer would be presump­ presumed sacramental and in­ Act Now. There la no obllfatlon. so that the reward may be saved for eternity. dissoluble. EXCELSIOR MEDICAL CLINIC BULK RATES CAN BE ARRANGED tuous. But, since he made all Dept. HAIM Exceltlor Springs, Me. 3. Give it to those who hcnre nothing; therefore, God PAST 40 will hove to rewdrd you. Troubled with GETTING UP NIGHTS Plan World Congress These three conditions are fulfilled when you: Pains in BACK, NIPS, LEGS Wonder Cushion 1. Aid the Missions of the.yverld Tiredness, LOSS OF VIGOR For Catholic Press 2. Through the Holy Father and The Society for the If you hava tibase symptoms, thso Holds FalseTeetb Propagation of the Faith your trooblas mmjf ba trac^ to Gian* Boston—^Plans for a world BEAUTIFUL dular Inflammattowt, • ooostitutiaiial 3. Which allows the Holy Father to dedde where disssae. Medidnea fiva temporary Tight -Eases Son fiams congress of the Catholic press relief will not remove the 'causes of in this country were outlinta by your charity vrill go. , your troublee. Neglect of these dia- Song* bnaSDaitureCwhkai^oMa. ordecB often leeds to premature old Mtioul atiw plutie n-Unias, k iv wob. Father Albert J. Nevins, M.M., CAMP ege and’ incurahla conditions. bUMtnUtM Snilr in pIse..EUu*M(.ciiiBfc GOD LOVE YOU to M.M. for $50 “May the Holy Father (hr* ptcfMt toatert, Eat, tengti. talk — at the 52nd annual Catholic The Excebior Medical Clime has a plataa ‘Mar pat*. Applitd ki latenlaa — Press assodation convention. use it as he sees fit."!.. . to Anonymous for $10 "I am a New FREE BCX>K that tells how thoo- hat Inaa Z to < aontha. Stor aaSt anS sands of mm have hem socceaefuDy pliablt. Haonhaa to SaatoBaaTPatb ritbt Although no “positive ar­ Hungarian and send this offering in thanksgivir^g for having treated here at Excelsior Springs ont wfata laphaemant h naadad. Ma daOr rangements” have been conclud­ ST. MALO wovm NON SURGICAL hCETHODS. bothar artth adbaaiaai. 2 linaa ter nppar safely escaped from a Russian prison." . . . to Mrs. A.H.T. Write Today. No obtigatim. or lowor pUtaa HS0. Monar-taok soai. ed, be said, tbe tentative plan ■ for $15 "As a convert who has found great happiness in the Excelsior Medical Clinic antaa. Get Sane brand Dantma OatbiMM is for the world congress to be t o ^ l At an drantata. Catholic Church, I wish to share its blessings arid graces with Dept. B9339, Excelsior Springs, Mo. held in conjunction with the is located b ^en sp ark , others." . . . to M.E.G. for $4,403 "This sacrifice is offered 1964 CPA convention in Pitts­ Colo., b tbe heait of some m honor of Our Lady of Fatima, the Fatima message and the burgh. of the most awe-inspiring rosary." . . . to Susan'C. for $10 'This is half of the money INVEST YOUR CHURCH-SCHOOL- Father Nevins, retiring CPA scenery b the nation. Tbe I have earned. Please use it for children who are not so ^for­ president, said that tbe ioitta- camp will be open to boys HOSPITAL tion of the CPA program to aid tunate as I." from nine to 16 years of age the Latin American Catholic between June 24 and Aug. BONDS press w u “one of the most 18. Tuition is $40 per week, Television viewaks spend tlM summer months watch­ satisfying accomplishments” of- ing “repeats." Let us then repeat our love of Mary by his term u president to be paid b advance or up­ placing OUR LADY OF TELEVISION atop our sets. This B. C. ZIIGLIR on arrival. ‘This fee bdudes figure of Madonna and Child, constructed of unbreakable AND COMPANY lodging, meals, activity bstruction, local mountab tripe, complete accident and Dooley Foundation health insurance, and the free use of all camp fadUties. v ^ te plastic with gold-colored cross and halos, reminds W ul Bond, W iuM shi us that as Mary gave the Divine Word to the world, so BONDS To Remain in Loos The program of the camp offers boys a wide choice of activities b d u d b g hiking, television proje^ the human word. Available in 11-inch horseback ridbg, baseball, softbaU, tennis, swimmbg, and a variety of handicraft Monterey, Calif. — An of­ ($3) or 4-inch ($1) models. Send your request and corre­ n. C. ZEISLER AND COMPANY osv programs. All activities are conducted b small groups under the leadership of care­ 135 t. La Salla St., Suita d35 ficial of tte Dr. Ihomu A. sponding offering to The Sodety for the Propagation of fully trabed counselors. Chicago, llllnoia Dooley foundation said there the Faith, 366 RM Avenue, New York 1, New York. Plaasa aand ma information ragarding SVb% londs. that personnri of the medical Mass is offered for be campers b be camp’s lovely chapel, and every aid organiution named b provision is made for b e boys’ spiritual as weU u physical welfare. Cut out this column, pin your saaifice to it and mail it ■ I axpoct to havt S______to Invoat. memory of the famed Catho­ to Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, National Director of the So­ Nam#...... ^ ------lic jangle physician will "stay bquiries concernbg camping periods and fadUties may be addrciaed to Mon- ciety for the Propagation of the Faith, 366 Fifth Avenue, t Adfrats...... - ia Laos and tin Communists signor Richard Hleater, 1541 PennsylTanb Street, Denver S, Cels. New York lx , N. Y., or your Diocesan Director. will not run u o u t” MMMHMMHHHnHMNHmiflMHHnnmil^ T H E REGISTER

Priest Shot Vocations to Priostliood Drop Sharply in Franco In Algiers Paris — The propeitlpn ol France from UH to INI,” by yeneg Frenchmen nged 35 tsu Raymond Iihrd, director of t$ whe becene priests foil the Nelloeal Ceeter of Veca- After Plea from almest N ent e( MAN tions. Algiers — Fatheii Vintxnt In 1N7 la N J out of 16,IN the It is estimated that Fraaca Therer was shot ahd killed past year, a decline of more has never knowa to few or­ on emerging his thaa one-half. dinations la prapartian to its chundi after off Mass The aamber of ordlnatioas papnlatton staca tin Fraach Less than one W( earlier dropped from 1,136 ia INI to Revalntien, when seminar he had 31 priests oaly 567 ia 115$, accordiag to ies were closed by the reva- in a public a{q>eal c; on the statistics pnblislied in a study inUoaary authorities. Catbobes of this cii to work eatlUed “ Priestly VlUlity Is Fraace, however, has had tar peace and brothei prevloni periods of snddan de­ A Belgian, he had bleen in A- Rofugoo Actloii cline in the rate sf ordiaa- geria for several yeara. He was tions. From IIN to ltI3, the rate fell from 5L1 ardtaattaae about to get into I his car, Dffows ProtOBt per II.IN to N.I per II,IN. parked in fnmt of l u clmrcb Hong Kang—Anxiiiaty Biih- at Birmandrdi, on thf outsUrts ap Edward E. Swanstrom af of Algiers, whra an automobile New York, cxecuttve director VOaTIONS-WOMEN suddenly pulled abreast and five of NCWC CathaUc ReUef shots rang out. The priest crum­ Services, criticised the action OPPORTUNITIES bled to the ground, his head of Hong Kong officials ia re- FOR WOMEN 16-35 riddled, and the murderers sped tnmlng to the mainland some away. No witnesses dared IIJN refugees from hunger ■ I.. o , -■ I , say whether they were’ Euro­ ridden Communist Chins. Sisters of Reptmtian peans or Moslems. The prelate, who was vistt- thm Hind Hm G a w Sight’ of the Congregation af Mary Ibe appeal ia widdi Fafiier ing Hong Kong, said: “I have Ifl Um iptrit of Christ, Dr.'Williani Cac- raoath period he treated 4,t8S patleaU saf- 0 frovidinq Ham (or Poor Iharer had JMaed was iatned camise of Rochester, N.Y., performs a deli­ fcriag from a variety of eye allmeats, ladiaa cabled aa appeal to the high­ and NtsiKtid o Nunti as Earopeaa extremists sympa est authorities in Washington o Social Worktri a Cato- cate eye operatioa oa a patlcat at the Holy ddwspapers estimated that Us volaatary stay 0 thetic to the goals of the oat- cklili etrllli Norkofi Family hospital in Pataa, ladia. The Ameri- at the Pataa hospital cost him a loss of asking that some immediate; o Socrilotm • Homo. lawed Secret Army Organlsa moltori o Conducting loc- caa Catholie eye specialist receatly completed UI.N0 ia private practice, ^ns travel costs strong action be taken by the ixatioB had stepp^ np their idcncM Itr IwbMtt CIrlt. his third tour of yolaatary daty ia the serrice aad the expease of sapportlM himself ia ladla. UK. government, in coopera­ mass slaughter of Moslems Write: Voulion UrKtrou of ladla’s blind. Eyery day he performed Dr. CaccaaUse is attached to S t Mahy's hos­ tion with other govemments of 143 Wait 141k ttrori here. Moslem gnamea kUled 17 sevM major operatioas aad ia three- pital la Rochester. for Work Im Colcvffo Slvms the United Nations, oa behalf How York 11, H.T. Europeans oa May 14 aad the of the escapees.” T«LCN3-iMS Earopeaa terrorists respoaded .Mother Mary Tlieresa, Yugosiav-bora founder at the Mis­ Ihcyclical R o m Abev« PrebiGiiit Catholic Schools by siaytag $3 Mosleau ia the sionaries of (Purity who became an Indian citizen, receives VaUcaa City — Pope Joha that it stlmnlated people aext two days. the Padma Shri State award from the President of India, Dr. XXm saU his social eacydi- “through study aad prodeat Keep Lotin Alive, The priests had implored their Rajeadra Prasad, at the President’i palace in New Delhi. Mo­ cai, “Hater 'et Magistra,” but coorageoas acDoa.” parishioners and friends to re­ ther Theresa was honored tor her relief work in tfae slums of rose above the dispates of the Survey Proves main faithful to the demands of C ^ n ttn among the poor and l ^ r s . Her community, which TURN ST. The Pope spoke at a special the Gospel and to honor the now numbers mere than 136 members, counts more than M JUDE csntary with the iateatloa of aadieace g ra^ d to more thaa solviag them. Washington — For those who name of Christian, and bad medical centers treating a population that is predominantly 1,NI workers aad maaage- Hindn. He polated oat that “it meat officials of the Ualted struggled many weafy hours urged all Algerians to live to­ osed stn ag words to coadema Adriatic Shipyards of Trieste, away over Livy, Terrence, and gether peacefully and work to­ St. Jude Solemn Novenn selflshaess aad vloieaee” aad Italy. V ir^ , and to ^ legions who gether for the common good. doubtless still struggle wracking Moslem spokesmen asserted JUNE 16, through 24, 1962 their brains and worrying worn that the assassination of F afi^ Industrial Reforms Urged Ask St. Judt/ "Tht Stint of tti# DANGEROUS PLACE TO PRAY dictionaries in vain attempt to Therer could not possibly have for http. Stnd your petitions to thi Nitionil understand how “Arroa vimm been perpetrated by the Hos Shrlnt ^ St. iudt todiy. , This is the way the Church at BEIT-SARKIS, a smaU village que cano ...” has immediate lem aide, but Europeans cited In Strike-Ridden Spoin A GIFT WILL BE SENT TO da the mouataia regioa of northern SYRIA is described: ‘ihe bearing on becoming a saint or the fact tiiat llMlemi had pro THOSE TAKING PART IN THE small parish church is in such a mis- defraying the cost of shoes — faned the priest’s chnrch and Bilbao, Spain—A Bishop and only to establish model labor . Q j erahle state that it threatens to col Here is an encouraging note sacked bis rectory only a few the country’s Catholic Workers’ conditions, but to rebuild bar SOLEMN NOVENA organizations have called for in­ mony, understanding, and the lapse under the next rain . . . interior from the National Catholic weeks earlier. AAARK PETTnONS, FILL IN, CLIP AN D MAIL Education Conference. dustrial reforms, including plant trust that is willed by God for furnishings are non-existent—no pews, co-onmership and comanage­ The patais of learning Latin in society and which we urge and OEA* FATHER . gOMIIT: FlEASE PLACE MY PETITICINS BEFORE no confessional, no statues, no sta- ment, in this strike-ridden re­ the national economy needs.’’ THE NATIONAL $HRINE OF ST. JUDE IN THE COMING NOVENA, Catholic high scbdols 20 years Legion Condemns tions—and the wooden sltar'm nst be gion of Northern Spain. ago have been preserved for 40/000 larifvMf □ EMPlOYMENT , 0 HAPPY MARRIAGE □ THANKSGIVING • renewed .., $1,000 is needed to make PolisIhMado Film Bishop Pablo Gurpide Beope all posterity since you were pos­ The prelates and the Catholic □ PEACE OF MIND □ ’CONVERSION OF RUSSIA □ the essential repairs necessary to New York — J o u of the An- of Bilbao said in a pastoral terity; and succeeding genera labor groups spoke out as the □ FINANCIAL h elp' d WORLD «ACE □ RETURN tO SACRAMENTS eliminate any danger to those who go fell, the Poliih-made movie letter on the strikes, which rec­ tions too, under at least indir­ industrial and mining strikes there to pray.” Such are the facts about a convent of nuns reput­ ommended co-ownership and co­ I ENCLOSE S '- FOR THE ClAMTIAN SEMINARY ect influence of Vetemm Sap- centered in Asturias province edly subject to diabolical pos­ management, that new develop­ BUILDING FUNp. contained in the letter of appeal for ienttae, will likely continue that and the two Basque provinces Tirlh9pM»»ACrtR4H session, has been placed by the ments make it necessary to re­ 'I. help which is ndtr on oar desk. The companionship of classical miS' to the east were spreading. By Noma . . ., .. - - . Legion of Decency in its Class vise outdated social ideas. He fitiiO iim idC iiai letter also contains the information ery which alone assuages the the time the walkouts were a C — condemned category. wrote: that the pastor is SO years oM and pains of those who study Latin. month and half old, an esti­ Addraii The Legion observed: “This Mttmtkt PnHmu* mated 80,000 .workers were in­ City . Zona Slot# that his dearest wish is that the church can be repaired before NCEA in its statement reveals Polish drama about a convent “Certain social groups are volved. he dies. There are 200 parishioners in BEIT-SARKIS but they that a survey of language in­ of nuns who are reputedly sub­ MAIL TC): NATIONAL SHRINE OF ST. JUDE seeking to preserve their priv­ are extremely poor and often srithout work; every able-bodied struction in Catholic secondary ject to diabiriical possession is The main issue was 221 West Madigon Street, Sec. 99 Chicago 6, Illinois m»n among them has offered his labor to make the chorth a schools indicates almost all — a fictionalized adaptation of a ileges on the pretense that the wages. Miners were asking a workers are not yet ready for fitting place in which to pny. Without the mateHals to woric $1 per cent to be exact — still 17£a century incident wbi<;!b oc minimum wage of $2.33 a day. responsibility. The Church can­ with, however, they are powerless to do anything. All 200 offer Latin; almost half, 41 per curred in Loudon, France. In Their current rate of $1.40 to cent, offer four years of it; and not agree with this opinion. In­ $1.60 for an eight-hour day is parishioners have promised a constant and fervent remembrance the development ^ his drama, 26 per cent of the schools specif­ stead, it demands that an end not enough in the face ol rising in their paai«n t« anyone who helps them make their church the film maker > has not only ically require students to take be put to such unreasonable­ living costs, they held. snMAfe for the worship of God. Can yon help by sending $1, distorted historical fact but also Latin. Fifty-nine per cent of the created an expressly anti-rieli- ness.’’ Also involved in the labor un Especially $5, $10, $100? Think of the happiness you might bring to an schools s p i l e d a foreign Ian gions fHm. Spain’s Catholic Action labor rest Is the long-smoldering an elderly priest if yon send a donation. guage requirement lor some or "The film's insidious attack groups — the Young Christian tipathy toward the government’s “ for all of their students. upon Christianity and Judaism Workers (JOC) and the Catho­ labor policies. These include a “HUNGRY AND YOU FED ME” is all the more alarming be­ lic Workers’ Guilds (HOAC) — 2S-year-old law that makes if you’ve never been hungry (Which of us has been?) you cause of its visual beauty and jointly issued a pam{dilet de­ strikes illegal, with, participants “ Senior can’t imagiDe what it means to be a PALESTINIAN REFUGEE. S»cial W«rk«n exceptional, direction and acting claring their support for the punishable by jail sentences Hunger gnaws like a cancer in the stomach. Our Priests and can delude and confuse the im- strikers insofar as Christian So­ and the government “trade un­ Citizens” Sisters are feeding, clothing, giving medical care to thousands OiKtsan sgMKy with •xpomi- perceptive film patrdn. In the cial principles are the common ion" monopoly. (NCWC Radio of REFUGEES every day. It costs only $10 to feed a REFUGEE Ing family and cMIdron't (tfvicM. coontiT of its origin this film basis of their demands. and Wire) FAMILY for a month. Will you, in the name of Christ, do with­ Good uipofvltlan, ptyddolric (wt- was interpreted to be a vehicle wltatien, laund yononnvl pollciM ivaf MfafM out your “evening out” this month to hefo us feed a family? of atheistic propaganda; its ex­ Your sacrifice of $10 will be worth a million. We’ll send you, and sotorlM, raHromanl, toclol hibition on the American ^cene The pamphlet called on the as a token of our thanks, an Olive Wood Rosary from the Holy ••curlly. Groduat* ihidy oppor- government to end the legal ban Catholic Tours Land. hmltlM. > should be no less a cause for public concern.” on strikes, demanded just wages Supervisor for all industrial workers, and Extension NO STRINGS ATTACHED ix«Anglican urged co-ownership and coman- Rome ' EVERY SO OFTEN, in opening the mail, we find a check or M.S.W. rMfuhad pl»< cat* work agement of plants. • “hOa eWMMt" - here and in etifiity - in- money order with these three words: “No strings attached.” Our •xparlant*. DoMI avollHcaliant. Is Ordained Coadjutor Archbishop S^gundo Lourdes Annuities surinf a food ritum on your money for life and benefactor is saying in effect “Use this donation wherever it’s CASE WOtKERS; M.S.W. pnftr- Nijmegan, The ^Netherlands Garcia of Oviedo, another see in retumini the remainder to God*! worti after deith. needed most, wherever it wUl'do the most good.” We thank God •nc*, or part graduata work with — Father Frederic 0. Davis, the strike area, issued a pastoral are a that people are so generous. UsuaUy these stringlAs gifts come txporlMic*. who as an Anglican clergy­ saying: Fatim a • Ni li|N tretto ir M ir'i fw in mni|inf just in time to do somethii^ special for which we have no financiil affairs in later yean. funds. They’re constant reminders it’s good now and then to Apply, Catholic Charitioj, 1665 man asked the Vatican to set “Because of the evils that count np the “stringless ^ ts ” we have received from God— Grant Stroot, Donvar 3, Colorado np a transitional Church to strikes stir up, we ask manage­ Holy Land Wonderful • l|h K t ratns (e.g. Man 65-7S / Man 75-10%) good health, a happy family, and so on. If you’re ready to do bring Anglicans into reunion ment, workers, and all men of something for God, in return for His “stringless gifts,” cUp this with Catholics, was ordained good will and earnest intentions Investment • SAR! - for orer 50 yiara Extansiw Amuitiai column, mark your donation “No strings attach^,” send it to PERSONAL for the Dutch province of the to make an all-out effort not So. America nevir difaultad on a payment even through tha ns, and we’ll put it to work for God somewhere in the Near E ast AugoitiBlan order. Great Daprasion. We will pay yen $1M each week Father Davis was the foun­ .,. depart each month by ship and IN MAKING A WILL, it’s well to REMEMBER YOURSELF. for as long as one year when der of the Anglican joamal, Vincentians to Meet by air...u ch accompanied by a As a benefactor of the CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WELFARE AS-. yon are ia the hospital for Skk- “Dome.” AssociaUd with him Los Angeles — Delegates from Spiritual Director...M corted... SOCIATION you wiU share forever in the prayers and good aess or Accident. Feo^e np to in his suggestions to the Holy 13 states will attend the 1$63 assured accommodstlons. •. THE CATHOLIC CHURCH EXTENSION SOCIETY, works of our priests and sisters. You may be sure, too, that what I years of age are eUgible. No See w u Dr. Hamilton Hem, Western Regional conference of congenial companions... an op­ 1307 South Wabash Ava., Chicago S, llllneia you have saved ia not being wasted: Every penny is made to Agent WOl CalL For FREE de- an American Episcopalian Uie- St. Vincent de Paul society, portunity to combine e delightful woric for God. Our legal Utle is: THE CATHOLIC NEAR EAST taUs of this offer write Crown ologiaa. When thedr proposals Please send your free booklet on Extension Annuities. W ^F A R E ASSOCIATION. Remember us when you make your Life, 203 No. W sto h Ave„ which is slated to take place vacation abroad with viaita to What return could you offer me on an investment will. Chicago 1, HL, Dept. 226. were tamed down. Father here in April to coincide with famed shrines and othar points Davis became a Catholic and the 60th anniversary of the St. of intarest..for details, sea your i $------? My birthdete is sex entered Beda boUege in Rome Vincent de Paul society in Los travel agent, oc... '' “JESUS, MASTER, HAVE MERCY ON US” to study for the pIrieMhood. 'Angeles. NAME - CHRIST STILL HEARS AND ANSWERS, through the priests, Classified Ads ADoaess Cltuifled adx run through aU Raf- sisters, and brothers, who are devoting their lives to these af­ latar edlUona. The rata ia SSc par AMERICAH EXPRESS flicted people, THE CRY OF THE LEPERS. Yon show mercy word per laaua. Minimum U worda. CITY___ ZONf , HAT* If four or mort conaecutiva laauaa to tte Lepers when you are a member of our DAMIEN LEPER are used, the rate ia SOe per word TRAVEL SERVICE I vadmtaW (St# (Ut hqvlry h In WrIWsW loiiWdaiwa CLUB. The dues for membership in this (9nb are one dollar per laaue. Pajonent muat aoeompany CattwRcTraval Division aad wM aotad oa afcDtaNaa ar “M aw wfctMvw. a month and the money collected in this ,way is used to build, aU ordan. Ada receivad on Monday S6 Broadway, N. V. S, N. V. wUl appear In tba laaue printed the staff, and maintain. Leper Hospitals. following week. A REM INDER DAILY MISSAL NEW AMERICAN DAILY MISSAL. Father’s Day is June 17th. Why not send him one of our GIFT bargain. Free Literatara. Com­ beautiful Gift Cards—have a Mass said for him or donate an fort, Box A, Mentele, Penna. END MARKET UNCERTAINTIES -Article to a Mission Chapel in his memory. MISCiLLAMlOUg 'THE 7S MEMBERS of 8L Mary’s, BateavUle, need chuich. Please help ua. Rev. James CarroU, BateavUle, ll^12earBistCDis$ionsi^ MlaalnippL NU NO S CARpiNAL SKLUMAN, FrosidoM ST. JOHN’S, CRYSTAL SPRINGS, ENJOY Msgr. Josepb T. tyM, MoiT %oCf needs dooationa. 781 square miles, Send o l ooMMolMrioai to; 30,000 populaUon, ISO CathoUca. Fa­ ther Totraey, Ciyatal Springs, Mlaala- CATHOLIC NIAR EAST WaFARi ASSOOATION MppL______410 Ltxingten Av*. at 46lh St. NtwYoric 17^^. Y* SEEKING A CATUOUC COLLEGE A SECIE AND DEFINITE INCDME FDB lIFE OR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHING PO­ SITION? Write: The NaUonal Cath­ olic Plaeament Service, 4U Melchcr on your investments through our THE REGISTER Avenue, Elkhart, Indiana. Published every week by The Catholic Press Society, Inc., AMERICA’S FORGOTTEN CHIL­ 9 3 4 -^ Bannock Street, ^ n v e r 1, Colo. Post Office Box 1620 DREN are out on the windswept plains of the Oglala Skrax Reserva- ISSION CONTRACT Member Audit Ouraau of Circulations Uon. You can help them by tending triiauiinwclothing, . trading Lranuu stampe, greeting (AN ANNUITY) Praaldtnt______Moat Rev. Archbishop Urban J. Vehr, DJ}., Denver cards, csncelledcancelled aatampe (except the L 2, 3, and 44' prw irealdentlal aeries) to; Editor and Biudneaa Manager...Rt. Rev. John B. Cavanagh, Mj L., PhJ). Father Edwarda, Holy Rotary Hla- YOU W IU RECEIVE A CHECK EVERY SIX MONTHS Executive Editor------:Magr. John B. Ebel, LitW ., BiatD. alon. Pine Ridge, S. Dak. DO IT Managing E d ito r------— Floyd Andemn, KS.G. RIGHT NOW SO Y(OU WONT FOR­ Associate Boainesa Manager . . . . . ------Rev. Daniel J. Flaherty, M.A. GET. TELL YOUR FRIENDS! P.S. LEGAL ’TENDER HELPS ALSO! Aaaodate Edltora... Linus M. Rlordan, Ph.D.; Paul -H. HaUett, LUtD. Send me information on your Life Income Mission Contract R BEAUTIFUL PRAYER OF ST. FRAN­ «Thirty.flve aychdloceses and dloceaea have edlUona of this news- CIS WtU Plaque. Slia SVk m. by 8 In. A|0 jper as official organa as follows: Arehdloceaea of Cincinnati, Santa Send 11.00 to Elisabeth Kennedy, Mall for Caihelk Action Schools .'e, Kansas City In Kansas, and Denver; Dloceaea of Grand island. n Box 3044. Manchester, New Hamp- Thousands of brochures, posters and other information have Great Falla, Helena, Reno, Uneoln, Wheeling, Peoria, Altoona-Johns- ahln. Address. town, AmarlUo, Diiluth, Nashville, Salt Lake City, Sallna, Tucson, been mailed to tchooU, collegea, orgaatzations, ahd individuals FOR FURTHER Wichita, Dea Moines, SMkane, Pueblo, SteubenvUle, Cheyenne, Lafa­ SONOWaiTERS yette, Alexandria, Natchez-Jackaon, EvanaVlUe, Green Bay, Boise, El interested in the 1162 Summer Schools of Catholic Action, to be DETAILS TO '* > 3 ^ City_____ 7nno Stafo Peso, Joliet, and Austin. 'The Diocese of Dodge City uses Ue Wichita SONGPOEMS WANTED! CoUaborate staged in eight cities: Hendersonville, N. Car.; Mankato, Minn.; edlUon. the Diocese of San Angelo uses the wiegt Texas ediUon, with profeaatonal aongwrlten on snd the ClnclnnaU Archdiocese also publishes i Dayton edlUon. equal baaia. Share royilttea. Song­ San Francisco; San Diego; P lttsb n r^ Buffalo, New York, and writers CU>ntact Co., ltlS-0 Broad- Chicago. Getting another load of mail ready for the post office Second-Class Postage Paid at Denver, Colorado way. New York a ty 10, N. Y. are Hilda Pnijak and Dave Mlssey, two sodalists of St. Lonla. S.V .D . c a t h o l i c universities POEMS WANTED for musical let­ Some 1I,IM youths, collegiaBs, nurses, and adults are expected REV. FATHER RALPH ting end recording. Send poemi. '42 Free examliuUon. Crown Music, 40- to attend the SSCA sessions, sponsored by the Jesuit Fathers, 316 N. MICHIGAN / CHICAGO 1 WT West 32nd SL, New York 1. directors of the Sodalities of Our Lady. PAGE SIXTEEN THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Thursday, May 24, 1962 Food, Drug Admiuistratiou Official to Address Knights Samuel Alfend, director, Den-1 The luncheon starts at 13 noon ver District, Food and Drug Ad- and ends at 1 p.m. in the home ministration, will discuss thejof K. of C. Council 539, 1575 problems of the Food and Drug Administration at the Friday Luncheon club May 25. Mr. Alfend, a native of S t Louis, holds a degree in chem­ istry from Washington univer­ sity. He has served as chemist and chief chemiM in the old Bureau of Chemistry in St Louis and its successor, the Food and Drug Administration. In 1949 he was put in charge of the Kansas City district of­ fice. Promoted to director of the SciaiMa Wiiinars Cincinnati district in 1957, Mr. Sister Mary Aline, priadpal «f SL Mary’s la the mathematics dlvisloa, Roger Dowa- Alfend was transferred to the Ugh school, Colorado Springs, holds the first ey came la second la trigonometry, and Tim place science trophy awarded to the school Denver district in 19#1, which Stelzner and Dave Novlan tied for fifth place in the archdiocesan mathematics and science includes the states of Colorado, in Algebra D. Trollies were awarded to the Utah, New Mexico, Wyoming, tournament held in Cathedral high school, schools on a point system. Medals will be and part of Idaho. Denver, and attended by 4 a studento. Left to right are Gary Rottman, Geerge awarded to the individual winners. Fourtoea Fagan, and Lacas Lukasiewicz. Rottmu and CathoUe high schools seat throe lepreseot- Re-Elected President Lukasiewicz tied for first place in the sdoue atives each to the toomamenL (“Giaetto division and Fagaa won fourth place in piUni- Telegraph” photo) ics. Of Holy Nome Union Samuel Alfend John Zimmerman of St. Vin­ Grant street. The cost is $1. All Frmuth Gov«rjimeiif Awards cent de Paul’s parish, Denver, Catholic men and their friends was re-elected president of the are invited. Aonnal awards gives by the Frendi gov- vent, a junior at Regis, honored for excel­ Archdiocesan Holy Name union erament for excellence fai French studies were lence in first-year French; and, back row, at the quarterly meeting Hay presented to three Regis college students by Don Sowden, a sophomore fmm Ulysses, Neb., 16 in St. Vincent de Paul’s par­ New Marycrest Claude Batantt, front, center, French Coasd honored for excellence in French conversa­ ish. In attendance were 135 men. General to Denver. tion; Ralph SL Louis, Wheat Ridge, a junior, Other officers re-elected were Freshmen Feted Taking part in the awards ceremonies at honored for excellence in second year French; Joseph Pahl of Notre Dame par­ (Marycrest High School, Regis were, front row, from left, George and Lucian Pkhette, chairman of the depart­ ish, vice president, and John Denver) Beehtolt, associate professor of modem lan­ ment of modem languages and literature at Hurley of Holy Trinity parish, At the school’s annual May guages at Regis; Mr. Batanlt; and Sister Regis. Westminster, secretary. crowning May 20 at an outside Roxua^ Bjnw Maredla Gooalci Jody Knb MwirS Fnu UebWkar Bwyaa Heps Mary Rlaine Arbntlmot of H ^ e r e s t con­ Elected treasurer was Anth altar, Mary Lou Hett, senior, ony Dunst of St. Francis de placeid tbe crown on the statue of Our Blessed Mother. Six at St. Joseph's to Be Honored Central Bank, Trust Sales’ parish, and Michael Dav Fordham Alumni in State isson of S t Catherine’s paiisfa, Her attendants were Kathy Cronin, Terri Lucas, Marianne (SL Joseph’s High School, CbaTsc, Kaonsth Decker. RIU Ksrber. JoMiUnf OircU. Mturtw OIw in . Mantes Mew Officers Denver, was named sergeant- Denver) Christine Flora, and Paul Chriatao- Bmlly OonulM, M.rika Gnuwy, Jb- ar-arms. Luethy, Karen Metzger, Rose n. tan oumm. m«M Habtikon, BIImb Plan Dinner-Dance May 26 mary Yarcbo, Susan Blue, Mary Six seniors are to receive per­ Sophomores to raeetra probaUon. KwiUeni. JtrunUU Xotrii. GtorU The'Central Bank and Trust ery admUtance to the aode^ lucludt Martin O’Haire of St. Philo- Lou Whelan and Margaret Mary manent membership in the Ve% Moogi. Judy NlchoUua, AUrud Lu­ Company, Denver, named two Term Anasbuo, Ailtao Allan, Diane. cero. u d WUUam TbuU. The first annual Fordham chairman of the event, has an­ mena’s parish resigned as treas Blythe. Cecile Belt carried the ronica chapter of the National CoviUo, Kano Flaherty, KaUiy Fnnk. new officers and announced-*the Lmoro Chum, a graduaU cl INI university alumni dinner-dance nounced. nrer, in which post he had serv crown, and Margie Heit and Honor society. May 24. Awards and tba preatdent d Um Varooloa wiU be held May M, Dick Kelly, promotion of two others at its ebaptv d the NaUoaal Honor aodity, It will be held in the Brown ed for 29 years. Danny de Francla were pages are given on the basis of schol­ president of the Fordham Uni­ monthly meeting of the ^oard arship, leadership, character, PTA Installation vUl protMo at Um aaaambly. Awtlt- Palace hotel at 6 p.m. with a On the nominating committee Benediction was given by the Ing her win bf Uodt OIbboaa. eee- versity club of Colorado and of Directors May 15. J relary. social hour followed by dinner were Emmett Goggin, chair­ Rev. Christian L. Boimett, S.J. and service during tbe students’ Sot at St. John’s Elected Assistant Cashiers ^our years in high school. Father Bernard Mulllgai>> at 7 p.m. There will be dancing are William Clark and Roger man; Bernard J, Carraher, and INCOMING FRESHMEN and (SL John the Evangelist’s C.SS.R.,. pastor, will give the to Paul Bagley and his orches­ Stokes. John Biedrich was pro Alvin Unrein. Winning tbe awards are Ed­ Parish, Denver) Good public rela­ tra at 9 p.m. their mothers were entertained ward Freas, Marcella Gonzales, closing address to the assembly moted from assistant cashier to The last PTA meeting of the of parents and students. tions and advertis­ assistant vice president, and Bil­ at a. tea after the crowning. Elwyna Hepp, Judy Krois, Rox­ The Very Rev. Monsignor Kathy Christian, student coun­ school year will take place ing mean success. lie F. Gossett was promoted PTA in [dgewater anne Byrne and Susan Uebelher. May 28 at 7:45 p.m. in the William H. Jones, archdiocesan cil president for the . coming Jnnlon to roeWr* temparuy m«m- to assistant to the president. TRY 'Dy an award win­ superintendent of schools, will Installs Officer Slate school term, introduced officers berthlp ribbons a n Margint Rod­ school gym. New officers will be ning agency, with be the guest speaker. Another Mr. Diedrich, a graduate of rigues, Glorit Miner. Mary Sduwlder, installed. of the various groups and organ­ WUUam Rome, Donna AltllUscfa, Jos more than 19 years honored guest will be the Rev. St. John’s College in Minnesota, (St. Mary Magdalene Parish, izations at Marycrest. Mothers and fathers of the Harry E. Hoewiscber, S.J., aca­ joined Central in 1951. Mr. of experience! Edgewater) Field Day will be observed Wiggins Unit Holds eighth grade pupils will be demic dean of Regis college. Clark, a graduate of the Uni­ At the monthly PTA meeting at Marycrest May 29. Sports guests of honor. The boys and McDowell & Associates Hie Fordham University club versity of Colorado, joined Cen in the school cafeteria, the fol­ activities and competitions will Installation Dlnnor girls will present a dance pro­ tral in 1950. He is an assistant lowing PTA officers were in gram under the direction df Miss Fiesta Dishes ■ Open Stock of Colorado will be presented be held on the school grounds Gifts - Hardware ■ Paint 502 Amorican National district commissoner of the stalled: (Our Lady of Lourdes Missioa, Margie O’Neii and Mrs. _ Gerry with its charter granted by the and supervised by the faculty. Wiggins) Glass • Toys Bank Bldg. Fordham Alnmni Federation in Boys Scouts of America. Class day will be held June Lawrence. Mr. Stokes, a former outstand­ President, Emma Gherardini; The Altar and Rosary society Pipe Threading 8 U 17th S t 222-7390 New York. The club was formed j. Awards will be given to the The PTA carnival will be held Window Shades Key ing basketball player at the Uni­ vice president, Regina Young; held its installation dinner in less than a year ago. There are secretary, Marianna' Hoehl; underclassmen. the Colonial Restaurant, Fort May 26 from 5 to 9 p.m. to the Duplicating more than M Fordham alumni versity of C(rtorado, joined Cen­ gymnasium. There will be tral to 1952 and is a member treasurer, Dorothy Travis; cor­ Morgan, May 14. There were 20 Open Friday & Monday Eves. in Colorado. responding secretary, Marie members and three guests pres­ games and tun for all. A sup­ of Sertoma International. Mr. per will be served. 32 Broadway PE. S-2940 Fordham university’s fll|st Gossett, a graduate of Colorado Armstrong; historian. Rose Tad- ent. alumni fund program last yi donio, and auditor, Mrs. Leon­ State University, joined Central After the dinner a business M un: lMiaMW iiiiiiarRa»ii0 .ilii!U'« resulted in gifts exceeding |3i Bank in 1952. He is a member ard Doherty. Hostesses for the meeting was held, at which the 000. Fordham is building a of the Denver Chamber of Com­ meeting were the sixth graders’ president, Mrs. Lida Westhbff, campus at Lincoln Square in merce and the Denver County mothers. presided. The minutes of the mid-town Manhattan. When it is past meeting were read and the H .omemaker’s 4-H Advisory Council. The PTA will serve 34 boys completed in 1964, Fordham’s and their dads at a sports ban­ next meeting will be in the enrollment will more than dou­ quet May 29 at 7:30 p.m. in the church basement June 4, at 1:30 Depardmenk ble. Dane# Schoofulod p.m. school c^eteria. Mothers of the Patroniza Theta Reliable and Friendly Hrmt All friends of Fordham are A t Sff. F n m th ^ boys receiving awards have Father James Ahem, pastor, invited to the dinner-dance. Res­ planned the menu. gave a talk and the new d ic e rs iW ! BI'BIliRIM lillliH UrUlMWit ■iliniWRiiFI<»<*"'liiiiai»ai«a«rUir|i A “Roaring Twenties were installed. , ervations should be made by The PTA hospitality commit­ May 24 with Dick Kelly, Dance,’’ sponsored by the SK Holy Name society of SL tee will have a coffee May 28 &B494 or AM 03403. g m m m rn M N ITO R IA l SUPPLIES Fraads de Sales parish, Den­ at 10 a.m. in tbe school cafe­ Brush CCD Classes ver, will be held in tbe SL teria for the Sth, 6th, 7th, and Hold Maji Crowning BuUding & Grounds Maintenance K. of C. Slate Francis high school cafeteria 8th graders’ mothers. Equipment • Commercial Vacuums - May 26 at 8:45 p.m. The Explorers will meet May (St. Mary’s Parish, Brush) Polishing and Scrubbing Machines Dinner-Dance lu charge of decorations for 27 at 7:30 p.m. in the home of The crowning ceremony of the SALES C O . k E. 4-5141 Denver 173644 RUke St. the dance, which will feature The American Legion club at Frank Cuba, post adviser. Blessed Virgin Mary’s statue prizes and costnmes, are put on by the CCD classes was W. IBth Avenue and Simms Troop and Post 27 participat­ For Charles Reiter, Ed Bnrke, Jr., attended by 75 children. street, Lakewood, will be the L. Panl Weadick, and Joseph ed in the annual scout exposi­ scene of Southwest Denver K. Forty-one women attended a * Insurance Sheridan. tion at tbe Coliseum. The troop’s GLASS SATRIANO of C. Council 4844 second an­ theme was “Pioneering,” and banquet and installation of offi Fred Miller’s orchestra will CO. nual May time social May 26 provide the music. Admission the post exhibited “Water Ski cers of the Altar and Rosary BROTHERS * Surety Bonds at 7 p.m. first Prom Moyalty society. The Rt. Rev. Monsi / will be $1.35 per person. ing.” Knights are asked to make Highlightlog Marycrest high gnor Emile J. Verschraeitfien, MIRRORS JANITOI CALL I$t7 Chayann. TA M Ul their reservations calling Ed Studant Retreat Hald in Kremmling school’s first jnnior-senior pastor of St. Anthony’s, Ster­ (Colfax at Broaeway) fmvici Clark. WE 5-8160. prom was the crowning of ling, was the guest speaker. (8t. Peter’s Parish, Kremmling) parish, Lakewood, celebrated * Rug and Upholstery Poul T. McGrady Kathy Callahan as queen. Her The mother and daughter Festivities will include a smor­ Thirty students representing the Mass. Women of the Altar escort,- Steve Learned, relgrt- Shampooing breakfast sponsored by men of VAN SCHAACK & CO. gasbord, danc^igi and prizes. Walden, Grand Lake, Granby, and Rosary society served a ed as king of the event. Kathy, the parish was well attended. Bacon & Schramm * Complete House The council will hear H. C. and Kremmling attended the luncheon. a senior, is the daughter of 310 Patterson Bldg. Composition Roofing Cleaning Gnndell, Colorado’s expert on Ugh school re tr^ t in A two-week vacation school Mr. and Mrs. Art Callahan. St. Mary’s Spanish circle is MAin 3-9333 TUe Roofing * Floor Waxing and lawn and garden care, at its SL Peter's Church May IS. will be conducted by Sisters of Steve, a senior at Regis h i ^ sponsoring a dance every Sat Polishing meeting May 34. Father Robert Syrianey, pas­ Charity from Lravenworih? school, is the son of -Mr. and urday evening at Brush Roller Roaf Repairing * Walls and Windows tor of Our Lady of Fatima Kans., on Jane 4. Mrs. J. C. Learned. rink. 4929 ^Brighton Blvd. CH. 44568 Washed Expert - Dependable Tht firms listod boro datorvo I n tu it to ba rtmambarad whan you ara Call Ut far Fraa Bstlipetea eL. M7M and au diitrNMrtlnr your patronae* >" NU W. 44lh Ava. THE BEER THAT Iht diffarani llnaa of buslnatt.


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CATHdLIC LIBRARY W ater Heoters ALL PARISHES WELCOME.... rustproof—law for yoart Tht Jbeallon modal OPEN 11A.M . TO 3 P.M. dots a tO^allofl |abl RANK WATRt, PmldMl SALES 3 m S. JASON ENGINEERING aOSED MONDAYS AND FRIDAYS OPEN SUNDAY 10 A.M. TO 2 P.M. SLATTERY Electricol Contracting & Repairing Free Browsing Membership Fee $1 Per Year . . . Friends o l Library Oitisers & COMPANY STROHMINGER Plumbing and Heating New officers for 1962-63 of the Regjs col­ left, Mrs. Phil Mahoney, record secretary; Elactric Co. lege Women’s Club Friends of the Library Mrs. Ernest Capillupo, historian; Mrs. John Contractors Access to thousands of dollars were dected and installed at the club’s Mergen, treasurer; and Mrs. Mack Switzer, meeting May 15. Father Harry E. Hoewis- corresponding secretary. The group present­ 181 VALLEJO ST. Licensed and Bonded Of Catholic Literature cher, S.J., fcan of Regis college and mod­ ed Father Hoewischer a painting in ap­ SH. 4-S181 erator of the group, is at front right. Offi­ preciation for his work as moderator. The Member National Electrical Contractors Att'n JOHN J. CONNOR, Fraddant cers are, front row, from left, Mrs. Samuel P. topic of bis address at the meeting was 625 19th SI. Next to Holy Ghost Church Newman, vice president; and Mrs. Edward “Lay Spirituality.” Robart F. Connor, Vico Froatdont 1178 Stout St. AC. 2<5733 L. Cnrran, president; and, back row, from