Memorial Day Field Mass Scheduled at Mt. Olivet Delegates From Five States AnUiaiT Bkk«p DavM M. fer, deacoa; aad Father Rob­ MakHMT win be edebraat e( ert Syriaaey, pastor of Onr the auaal Menorlal Div Lady of F atiiu , Lakewood, FieU M m to be effmd at sohdeacei. Mt. Oilvet cemetery Wedaei- The Cathedral diolr, uader day, May M, at I f a.m. to the the direcUea of the Very Rev. Will Attend CFM Convention Gallagher Memerial chapel. Moaslgaor Richard Hiester, The faitfafal are tarlted to wUl slag at the Mass. Seaii- attead the cereaealea oa iUa ariaas are to fill the adaor The second area convention of Chr stian Fam heliday aad to pray for all offices. the deceased. ily Movement groups in Colorado, Wyoiping, Utah, Father George A. Ford, New Mexico, and the Diocese of El Paso will be Scouts Cited C.S8.R., of St. Joseph’s par­ Holy Day May 31 held July 27-29 at Regis college, Denver. The first ish, Deaver, is to give the Thursday, May 31, is the was held two years ago. Two hundred fifty couples sermoa. Feast of the Asceasiea of Oat At Rites in Officers of the Poatiflcal from the five areas are expected to attend. Lord toto beavea aad is a Mass are the Very Rev. Joha Delegates to the meeting will holy day of obligatioB. Cath- J. Daaagher, C.M., rector of represent MO couples who are 409 couples. Father Francis Sy- oiles are obliged to attead St. Thomas’ semtoary, assist- members of the movement in rianey, pastor of St. Pius X par­ Colo. Springs Mass May 31 the same as oa aat priest; the R t Rev. Moa- this designated 13th area in ish, Aurora, is chaplain (rf the a i^ r Tboaias Barry, pastor Saaday. the U.S. Membership in metro­ CFTlf federation. Sixty medals, including of Aaaaaciatioa parish. Dea­ politan Denver includes about the rarely conferred St. GENERAL THEME for the George award to a religious Member of Audit Bureau of Ciratlatione convention is Pope John XXIH’s and scouting leader, were social encyclical, wtoch has been presented to Cub Scouts, Boy Contents Copyright by the Catholic Press Society. Inc- 1962 — Permission to Reproduce, Excipt given the English title of Chris­ Scouts, and Explorer Scouts On Articles Otherwise Marked, Given After 12 M. Friday Following Issue tianity and Social Progress, at the Pike's Peak^ Council Boy This encyclical has been des­ Scouts‘ of America annual Cath­ ignated by the CFM as the topic olic scout award May 18 in SL of detail^ discussion by mem­ Paul’s church, Broadmoor, bers in the coming year. (Colorado Springs. | Semtaare, workshops, and Recipient of the St. George DENVER CATHaiC panel discussions gear^ to the medal was Edward Varela, 45, needs of Individual units aad who has been active in scouting the family have been scheduled and parish activititjs the past 19 for the convention. Invitations years. have been sent to aU- members The father of ian Explorer of the Hiemrchy in the 12th Scout, Edward; si Cub Scout, area. Joe; and oae daughter, Kay; REGISTER National conventions of the CFM are held biennially at No­ Mr. Varela is tike' third POw’i Peak region resld<|nt to receive tre Dame university in Indi­ VOL. LVI. No. 41 THURSDAY, MAY 24, 1942 DENVER, COLORADO ana. Area conventions are held the award to recogniUoii of his biennially following the years in scouting and relij^ns leader­ whidi national meetings are con­ ship. Previous h m ree s were Ordinations May 26 ducted. The organization is di­ Joseph A Reich ! and R. F. vided into 15 areas across the Gifts Bring Happinass SeidL [ nation. Presentation of all the awards Faces wreathed to smiles show the happi­ Co. ’The school offers classes to aU types of was by Auxiliary $ishop David THE AREA MEETING this ness of these girls at the Queen of Heaven arts and crafts for students of the area. Direc­ M. Maloney. > year coincides with the 10th orphanage, Denver, as they stand next to tor of the school to Mose ’TrnJiUo 'n d president The 60 honorees;rees] were joined anniversary of the CFM feder­ th ^ new nightstan^, made and presented by of the school bwrd is Senator Allegra Saun­ by other scoutsIts and their fa- Archdiocese to Gain ders. Mother I^atiu s is principal at Queen ation of the Denver area. The the woodworktoS classes at the Larimer Street thers, the Fouourta Degree movement is organized in 30 Vocational school. The plywood for the stands of Heaven orphanage school, coadneted by the Knights of Colum|)tlumpus, altar parishes at the Denver metro­ was donated by the Frank Paxton Lumber Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart. boys, and reiigiot^ dignitaries politan area. in a procession into St. Paul’s The chair couple of the fed church. I Five New Priests eration are Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ liam linton of Nativity of Our $163,500 Project Slated RECEIVING Ad Altare Dei The Archdiocese of Denver wUl gain five new priests in ordination Lord parish, Broomfield. Co- medals for Boy Scouts and Ex­ chairmen of the committee ar­ ceremonies Saturday, May 26. In all, seven deacons wiU receive Holy Orders plorer Scouts werf the follow­ ranging for the convention are ing: i in the solemn rites in Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Denver. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Burton A t St. Therese's, Aurora Troop 74, St. Paul’s church— Assisting the ordaining prelate in the ordination rites starting at 9:30 of Blessed Sacrament parish and Kent Buckingham; Jim Mur­ Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Rauseo By Lauy Coluns through the facilities of the, Since 1954, when Father Re­ phy, and Peter Yajrorsky. a.m. will be the "Very Rev. John of St. Louis’ parish, Englewood. J. Danagher, C.M., rector of in the Cathedral in Newark, + + Construction will begin in parish credit union. gan, assumed the pastorate irf Troop 27, Divine Redeemer St. Thomas’ seminary; Father N. J., by Archbishop Thomas A. about three weeks on extensions The church addition will add St. Therese’s, the parish plant church — Thad Brown, Steve George C. Tolman, seminary Boland of Newark. and remodeling of the church some 4,500 square feet to the has grown steadily. A new Coleman, Mike Hayes, P a t profeMor, and other members Three members of religious and rectory’ in St. Therese’s existing structure and the seat­ school and convent were com Hayes, Mike Orwig, Bob of the seminiry faculty. orders to be ordained in the Will Bf First Theatine parish, Aurora. ing capacity will be increased pleted in 1956. ’The school is Setoitt, and John •Tallace. Father George Vidal, C.M., Denver Cathedral, are the Rev. Father John J. Regan, pastor, to 800. Construction is to be staffed by 10 Sisters of Charity Troop 22, Sacred Heart dean of men at the seminary, Peter E. Garcia, C.R., from announced that the construction completed next December. of Leavenworth and five lay church — Charles .Borden, Ste- will be master of ceremonies St. Andrew Avellino’s seminary, To Be Ordained in U.S. contract has been awarded to RECTORY CONSTRUCTION teachers. (Tum to Page 2) at the ordination. Denver; the Rev. Michael Abdo, R. N. Fenton & Co. at a low will add two offices, two stud­ Father Charles T. Herbst, bid of $163,500. Roland Johnson O. C.S.O., a Trappist From St. By J im Pdoson Father Francis Colom, C.R., is ies, one bedroom, and one guest C.M., will serve aa lector and Benedict’s . monastery, Snow- The Rev. Peter E. Garcia, rector at St. Andrew’s. is the architect. room to the one-story brick give an explanation of the cere­ mass; and the Rev. Harry C. R., a son of Mr. and Mrs. Members of the Theatine Or­ The new additions will be fi­ structure. monies in English for the bene­ Cronin, C.S.C., a member of Epifanio Garcia of St. Joseph’s nanced by a parish fund cam­ The main charch, dedicated Gov. UcNichols to Get fit of the congregation and laity der came to the U.S. in 1906 the Holy Cross Fathers. / Redemptorist parish, Denver, paign that was launched on in 1951, has proved too small in attendance. for the rapidly growing parish. St, HhaPHto' 8<rtHhnry choir ordinandi and officers at tho 40O-year-old Order of Clerics for two years. The fond goal In 1954 the seating capacity ot is to provide music for the cere­ ver. The diocese then com­ Honorary Degree at Regis First Solemn Masses was car­ Regular (Tbeatines) to be or­ is $180,000. the church was increased. An monies and the Solemn Pontifi­ ried in the May 10 issue of the prised all of Colorado. dained in the U nit^ States at Many of the families have al estimated 1,200 families reside Regis college will confer its 125 graduates at the exercises cal Mass. Denver Catholic Register, Fol­ When on bis ad limina visit ceremonies in the Cathedral (’Turn to Page 2) ready paid on their pledges in the parish. highest academic honor, an hon­ by Father Ryan. The candidates lowing is 8 list of the new May 30. orary doctor of laws degree, will be presented by the Rev. FOUR ORDINANDS from St. priests’ First Masses May 37 Father Garcia began bis upon Colorado Gov. Stephen Harry E. Hoewischer, S.J., Re­ Thomas’ seminary are the Rev. and their receptions. studies for the priesthood in L. R. McNichols, a 1936 grad­ gis college dean.
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