Minutes of the Annual Meeting of Group Parish Council held at “The Bridges Child Care Centre”, on Monday 12th May 2014

No KGPC/MW/099 Councillors Present Councillor Mrs. J. T. Davies Chairman Councillor Mr. M. Parsons Vice - Chairman Councillor Mr. M. Chester Councillor Mr. N. J. Eynon Councillor Mr. D. B. Howie Councillor Mr. C. J. Jarvis Councillor Mr. G. T. A. Statham

Clerk Mr. M. Walker

Also Present Mr. George Jones and one further member of the public

The Annual Meeting of the Group Parish Council was formally opened following the conclusion of the Annual Parish Meetings by the Chairman at 7.20pm

1.0 Election of Chairman & Vice - Chairman Councillor Mrs. Joyce T. Davies having been nominated unopposed was elected to the post of Chairman for the year 2014-2015 duly signed the appropriate Acceptance of Office Form. Proposed by Councillor Mr. C. J. Jarvis and Seconded by Councillor Mr. M. Parsons Vice - Chairman

Councillor Mr. Mark Parson having been nominated unopposed was elected to the post of Vice - Chairman also signed an Acceptance of Office Form. Proposed by Councillor Mr. G. T. A. Statham and Seconded by Councillor Mr. C. J. Jarvis

2.0 Apologies Apologies were received and accepted from Councillor Mrs. M. A. Lloyd, Councillor Mr. R. J. Manning and Ward Councillor Mr. Jim Knipe

Representative from the Local Police Team was not present, however, a report sent by email 8th May 2014 was distributed to all present. “Callow A quad bike was stolen from a property on Haywood Lane. This happened between the 22:00 on 27th and the 14:00 on the 28th of April. The quad bike was green Kawasaki bike and is marked with smartwater. Hoarwithy On the 30th of April offenders were disturbed after breaking into a caravan in the Hoarwithy area. A fireplace and chimney were stolen. A small hatchback type vehicle was seen leaving shortly after from a nearby country lane. Rotherwas A metal gate was stolen from a field alongside the B4399 at Rotherwas industrial estate. This happened between 18:30 on the 2nd of May and 08:20 on the 3rd of May.

2014-373 Sometime between the 3rd and 6th of May. Two lorries had approx 400 litres of diesel stolen. The lorries were inside a compound in Reynards Close, Rotherwas Industrial Estate. Much Birch A suspicious incident occurred sometime between 12:20 and 21:30 on the 4th of May at a property in the Much Birch area. It is possible that someone has tried to enter a premises by climbing up a drain pipe at the side of a building. Nothing appeared to have been disturbed inside so it is possible the offender was unsuccessful Positive Policing At 14:30 today a vehicle was seized on Belmont Rd, the driver did not have the correct license and also no insurance Have a good day! Kind regards Kevin PCSO 6993 Kevin Powell Southside and Rural Safer Neighbourhood Team South Wye Police Station [email protected]

3.0 Declarations of Interest & Dispensations 3.1 All members present were reminded by the Clerk that their Declarations of “Registrable Interest” Forms should be updated immediately there are any relevant changes in their circumstances No changes were made

3.2 Declarations of Interest No declarations of interest were made on any item of this Agenda

3.3 To consider any written applications for dispensation No written applications had been received

4.0 Minutes The Minutes of the Ordinary Group Parish Council Meeting No KGPC/MW/098 held on Monday 14th April 2014 were unanimously confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman.

5.0 Financial Report 5.1 The Parish Council Resolved Unanimously to ratify the 2013-2014 accounts as presented See appendix 1

5.2 The Annual Governance Statement was formally completed by the Parish Council

5.3 The Chairman signed the Annual Audit Return form as did the Clerk / RFO

5.4 Bank Balances as per statements @ 11th May 2014 Treasurers Account £7,944.90 @ 11th May 2014 30 Day Investment Account £6,445.88

Receipts No receipts received

Notification received from Balfour Beatty for the Lengthsman Scheme for 2014 – 2015 at £1,359.00 Order Number HCD05013/14

Invoices for Payment Premier Ink Invoice Number 14009689 Black Cartridge EPT7011XXL £41.98 (Reimbursement Clerk paid by Credit Card) Lengthsman April 2014 Invoice JS122 + Risk Assessment Forms £101.00 Clerk’s Salary May 2014 Gross £377.59

2014-374 Clerk’s Lengthsman Admin £11.33 Clerk’s Parish Council Vehicle Expenses £33.48 Postage £9.48 Computer Software £26.88 TAX £80.00 NIC £0.00 * Came & Company Parish Council Insurance 01/06/2014-31/05/2015 £278.95

All payments were Unanimously Approved

Proposed by Councillor Mr. M. Parsons Vice - Chairman and Seconded by Councillor Mr. C. J. Jarvis

HMR&C VAT Form for 01/04/2013 – 31/03/2014 for £656.55 completed ready for submission

5.5 There were no issues from the Internal Auditor’s Report for 2013-2014 which required action from the Parish Council.

5.6 The scope of the Internal Audit for 2014-2015 was agreed.

5.7 The Parish Council confirmed the re-appointment of Mrs. J. Cole as their internal auditor for 2014 – 2015

5.8 The Parish Council considered the Lloyds Bank Mandate and resolved that no action was required.

5.9 *The Parish Council Insurance for 2014 – 2015 Having considered three quotations Resolved that Came & Company gave the best value for the level of cover required

6.0 Election of Delegates 1) Councillor Mrs. J. T. Davies Chairman and Councillor Mr. Mark Parsons Vice – Chairman were nominated as Parish Council Delegates to the Kilpeck Village Hall Committee Proposed by Councillor Mr. D. B. Howie and Seconded by Councillor Mr. C. J. Jarvis

2) Councillor Mrs. Joyce T. Davies Chairman and Councillor Mr. Mark Parsons Vice - Chairman were nominated as HALC SAM Representatives Proposed by Councillor Mr. C. J. Jarvis and Seconded by Councillor Mr. G. T. A. Statham

3) Councillor Mrs. Joyce T. Davies Chairman was nominated as the Parish Council’s prospective representative to the HALC Executive Committee Proposed by Councillor Mr. Mark Parsons Vice – Chairman and Seconded by Councillor Mr. D. B. Howie

7.0 Public Question Time Designated maximum period of 10 minutes to accommodate members of the public who may wish to either raise issues or ask the Parish Council questions

Public Reports Red road marking and new white lining has commenced on the A465 at Didley What is happening about red road surface markings for the new 40 & 50mph areas? Trees still obstructing side road entrances onto the A465 2014-375 Bus drivers are unable to see passengers at Wormbridge and The Folly on the A465 because of the overgrown trees

8.0 Sawmills The Parish Council resolved to have a meeting with the Pontrilas Sawmills Group regarding the proposed development of the site Members from Kentchurch Parish & Group of parishes to be invited

Meeting to be organised for early June 2014

9.0 Lengthsman Support Fund The Parish Council resolved not to contribute any additional funding from their reserves to the Lengthsman Scheme for the financial year 2014 - 2015 Meeting to be arranged with Mr. Harvey Morgan Lengthsman, Councillor Mr. Mark Parsons Vice – Chairman and Parish Council Clerk reference Risk Assessment Form

10.0 Previous Action Points Joint parish purchase of Speed Indicating Devices “SIDs” to be an agenda item for the next Southern Area Meeting (SAM) 28th May 2014

Sunderlands & Thompsons - Kilpeck Parish Council / Grass Keep Farm Business Tenancy signed, dated and returned

Planning Result Site Bank Cottage, Marlas, Hereford HR2 9DS Description Demolish and replace existing extension and basement storeroom Application No P140659/FH Grid Ref OS 343986, 229581 Application Type Full Householder

Permission Granted 24th April 2014

11.0 Correspondence 17th March 2014 Council Bus Consultation Survey - live from 21st April 2014 Alan Lewis Passenger Transport Manager Tel 01432 261518 Fax 01432 383053 Email [email protected]

3rd May 2014 Received via Email Summary from Bus Consultation Responses received “Q9 The current policy suggests that priority should be given to core services during the main daytime period. These cost about £0.8 million a year.

Do you agree that these services should be treated as a priority? 1315 Yes 298 No Q10. The consultation in 2011 concluded that the highest priority should be given to the following types of service (in descending order):

Monday to Friday (daytime) Monday to Friday (early morning) Saturday daytime Market day services into Hereford or Herefordshire market towns Evenings and Sundays (which cost the council £0.2 million a year) were seen as a lower priority. Do you agree with the above priorities? 2014-376 1231 Yes 344 No Q11 Faced with making significant savings, which types of services do you consider should be reduced or withdrawn? Monday - Friday daytime 42 Monday - Friday evening 389 Saturday daytime 64 Saturday evening 569 Sunday 837 Market day services 351 Town / city services 326 Rural / village services 57”

10th April 2014 Herefordshire Council “You and your councillors are invited to:- A meeting with the Leader and the Chief Executive of Herefordshire Council In the Council Chamber, Brockington, Hereford on May 13th at 18.30 until 20.30 The Leader and the Chief Executive will be discussing key issues and challenges facing the Council and residents of Herefordshire and providing an update on the current financial situation. There will be ample time for questions and discussion.”

30th April 2014 Herefordshire Council Parish and Town Council Member Allowances

7th May 2014 Herefordshire Council Planning Application Site Willox Bridge Farm, Allensmore, Hereford HR2 9AP Description Proposed 30m x 50m all weather Ménage for private use only Application No P141074/F Grid Ref OS 345885, 233506 Application Type Planning Permission Agenda item for the next full Parish Council meeting Extension applied for and granted

Parish Freighter (Skip) at Kilpeck Village Hall Saturday 28th June 2014 11.00am – 1.00pm

12.0 Parish Roads Balfour Beatty / Herefordshire Council “Ditches and Drainage in Herefordshire Landowner Responsibilities” draft leaflets were given to all present asking for feedback on any issues

Culverts Top Hill Marlas Cottage Lath Bridge Trelough Road Corner of Abbeydore Road Pumping House Corner Kilpeck Mynws

2014-377 Old Didley School Lion Villa Numerous Pot Holes on A465 Camp Road / Duffryn Road / To Camp Road Pot hole outside “Tigstump” Cockyard Remove all waste when Tree Cutting and Hedge Cutting

Golden Valley Locality maps acquired by the Clerk To be discussed at the next full Parish Council meeting

13.0 Matters Relayed to the Clerk for Agenda of the next meeting Kilpeck Viewing Point (English Heritage possible Grant) Visibility and Exit Verge Howton Barns (Site Meeting Needed) Locality Maps

Planning Application Site Willox Bridge Farm, Allensmore, Hereford HR2 9AP Description Proposed 30m x 50m all weather ménage for private use only Application No P141074/F Grid Ref OS 345885, 233506 Application Type Planning Permission

14.0 Confirmation of the Next Meeting Time, Date & Venue The next Meeting will be an Ordinary Meeting of the Group Parish Council and is to be held on Monday June 9th 2014 in “The Bridges Child Care Centre” Wormbridge and will commence at 7.30pm.

The Parish Council Resolved to hold item 15 in closed session

15.0 Parish Council Clerk’s Annual Performance & Salary Review To consider Clerk’s performance and Annual Incremental Salary Increase

Following the annual review of the Parish Council Clerk’s performance he was awarded an annual increment as per the Contract of Employment

Proposed by Councillor Mr. N. J. Eynon and Seconded by Councillor Mr. G. T. A. Statham

Meeting declared closed at 9.20pm


Councillor Mrs. Joyce T. Davies Chairman Kilpeck Group Parish Council Date 9th June 2014
