LONGTOWN GROUP PARISH COUNCIL Craswall, Llanveynoe, Longtown and Walterstone DATE OF PUBLICATION: Wednesday 13th May 2020 TO: ALL MEMBERS OF LONGTOWN GROUP PARISH COUNCIL: Councillors Cecil (Chair), Hardy (Vice-Chair), Hope, Palmer, Powell, Probert, Tribe, G Watkins and L Watkins. (Five Vacancies) NOTICE OF MEETING You are hereby summoned to attend the remote Parish Council Meeting of the Longtown Group Parish Council to be held on Wednesday 20th May at 8.00pm via Zoom. Please click this link to join or follow the link at the end of the agenda. Paul Russell Clerk to the Council
[email protected] AGENDA 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST 3. ADOPT MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING – To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 19th February 2020. Copy attached. 4. OPEN FORUM – For local residents to raise local matters. 5. POLICE – To receive a report from the Police, if available. 6. WARD COUNCILLOR – To receive a report from the Ward Councillor, if available. 7. PLANNING APPLICATIONS NUMBER SITE DESCRIPTION 200839 White Haywood Farm, Craswall, Replacement of flush fitting timber casement Hereford, Herefordshire, HR2 0PH window to utility room. 8. GRANTS, REFUSALS & APPEALS NUMBER SITE DESCRIPTION DECISION 200529 Llandraw Farm, Proposed nonmaterial Approved Craswall HR2 0PW amendment to planning permission 192932 (Proposed extension to existing farmhouse). To allow extension to be built 600mm higher. 194134 Land lying south of Proposed non-material Refused High House, amendment to planning Llanveynoe, permission ref 190786; (Erection Longtown of stables - siting of three stables and one field shelter; for horses and one storage container for water) - re-arranged; 1 | P a g e design/position of stables and water storage butts x 2 201005 Land East of Great Prior notification of a polytunnel to Prior approval refused Trewern, Longtown, provide improved growing Hereford, HR2 0LW conditions for horticultural produce.