33 PIXLEY & DISTRICT PARISH COUNCIL Parish Clerk: Janet Chester Mapleside, Ashperton, Ledbury, HR8 2RZ Tel: 01531 670036 e-mail:
[email protected] Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 26th February 2013 Present Councillors S Swaithes, Mrs J Cowell, K Davies,D Hewitt, H Hodges, Mrs R Jones, M Skittery,E Thompson & P Whitfield In attendance Patricia Morgan – Frome Ward Councillor Janet Chester – Parish Clerk Members of the Public: 1 Action Cllr Swaithes welcomed everyone to the meeting. 14/13 To receive apologies for absence and note the reason Cllr Mrs L Clothier (dog ill), 15/13 To receive declarations of interest and requests for dispensations - Cllr Davies declared a prejudicial interest in agenda item 8.1.2 Woodland Lodges planning application N130164/F 16/13 To agree minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 29th January 2013 (previously circulated) The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as a true and accurate record and were duly signed by Cllr Swaithes. 17/13 Open Forum a) Correspondence had been received from Herefordshire Council outlining every parish council precept requirements, the clerk CLERK was asked to circulate a copy to all councilors. b) It was noted that Falcon Lane and Lilly Hall Lane have finally been resurfaced c) Vehicles are parking on the verges by Aylton Council houses blocking visibility and may cause possible road accidents – RESOLVED that the clerk request Amey to place verge markers CLERK to block off this area d) Ward Cllr Morgan was asked to obtain further details about the CLLR MORGAN cause of the recent road traffic accident on the A4172 at Little Marcle .