Appendix D S I G G I N S T O W N C A S T L E SIGGINSTOWN, Co WEXFORD Report on the proposed works to the tower in response to a Request for Further Information from Wexford County Council dated 9 th March 2018 By Bena Stutchbury Irish Tower House Design, Conservation & Planning August 2018 5 Impasse du Chateau – 16390 Aubeterre sur Dronne – Charente – France – 0033 771724122
[email protected] 1 INTRODUCTION: Sigginstown Castle is a 16 th Century tower-house with a 17 th Century dwelling attached to its north side, a typical addition to a tower-house in later years when security was less of an issue and comfort/ease of access was more important. There are further outbuildings to the north, at right-angles to the 17 th C dwelling, creating an L-shaped formation of buildings. Sigginstown Castle is situated in Co. Wexford (ITM Co-ordinates 706253, 607084), is a recorded archaeological monument and is therefore protected under the National Monuments Act (130-2014). Liz and Gordon Jones have made a planning application (Reg.Ref.No:20180037) to renovate the attached dwelling and to do some reconstruction/conservation works to the tower itself, including fitting a new roof and rebuilding the battlements to a 16 th Century design. This design will be based on evidence from what remains of the building itself along with early photographs of the tower, as well as taking information from other towers that exist with their original battlements intact. The Author has been asked to compile this report, based on previous experience in obtaining planning permission for various other tower-houses, including Kilcoe Castle, Skibbereen, Co.