Easter Day Story
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. G. Wells, Vesvulus Bay Road. — Eighth Year , No. 12 GANGES ,British Columbia. Thursday , March 23, 1967. Subscription,$3 per year. Copy, 10$. EASTER DAY STORY Story of Good Friday and Easter Sunday are contained within this magnificently carv- ed byzantine cross prepared by Frank Graham, of Retreat Cove Galiano Island. The cross is of white holly !| s/.- .-*• wood and was carved out with " it- a penknife. Task took Mr. Graham 20 years. Main cross forms the frame for a picture of Christ in the centre, crowned with thorns. In each of four segments about the centre is a scene from the New Testament story. Mr. Graham has the cross at- r" home and entertains many visi- m «i tors during the summer months ti who come to examine his han- diwork. Although he has resi- ded on Galiano for a number of years, Mr. Graham was a plumbing contractor in Victor- •-•-.' i • ia when this work was carried & m out. The Graham cross has been hailed everywhere that artistry in wood is recognized. At one time it was hung in the Parlia- ment Buildings in Victoria, where thousands of visitors ex- amined it. The detail and precision of *i this masterpiece of fine carv- ing are not clear in a small photograph. The workman- ship defies description. Throughout the ages of Chris- tianity it has been the ambi- tion of artists and painters and sculptors to express something of the meaning of religion in their particular vehicle. Mr. Graham was seized with the same urge. His execution has been loudly commended by all who have seen it. It is published this week as a fitting tribute to this chapter of the Christian year by a tal- ented islander whose skill and patience rival those of the old masters of Europe. '*> ...AND HE SAID TO THEM,"DO NOT BE AMAZED: YOU SEEK JESUS OF NAZARETH WHO WAS CRUCIFIED. HE HAS RISEN, HE IS NOT HERE..." Mark, 16. Page Two Gulf Islands DRIFTWOOD Thursday, March 23rd, 1967. pital in the proposed new area being paid for through taxation TISDALLE HEARS Hospital Meeting Here and past experience suggests that additional facilities in the BY A DIRECTOR a hospital discouraging good future could be comfortably STRONG PROTEST doctors, good nursing staff, and handled in the same manner. Subsequent to various news good community support, res- 5. Will the voters in Greater reports and a Social Credit ulting in a deterioration in pa- S;i|t Soring Isl.iiidf.rs arc riot representatives last week tient care. Victoria, who by their over- slmngly cr^ni sed lo ;iiiy ori v to tile entry of the islands into meeting attended by John Tis- whelming numbers hold the dalle on March 18, it appears 3. Taxes, initially lower, incii'il nl.'in bn nging the (i ill tlieir district was no stronger (o.47 mills down to O.02 mills1 destiny of Lady Minto Hospital Islands into 'i regiiiii.'il In ':pital tlian the islanders' distaste for that the Gulf Islands are to be in their hands, be generous en- included in the Capital Region would increase after a year or ' dislricl renlrcd on Victoria. A such an association. two to pay for construction of ough to help pay for our future Social Credit meeting in Gan- A.D.Dane, of Fulford, op- Hospital District. The executive of the Salt new hospital facilities in the expansion? Our 3000 votes ges on l''rkl.'iy evening brought ened the hospital debate by Victoria area. Because of im- will mean little in deciding out a strong opposition lo inclu stating that the islands want Spring Island Chamber of Com- merce feels that the issue if balance in tax assessments, their capital building expendi- siou of llu: islands within ihe .their own hospital district. Mr. where the Gulf Islanders have turesl projected Capital Region Hos- Tisdalle was informed by the of such prime importance to There may well be advant- the Gulf Islands area that they so much higher assessments pital District . meeting that this was the gen- per capita, our actual dollars ages to the inclusion of the Speaking against the plan eral view. are calling a public meeting tc Gulf Islands in the Captial Re- be attended by Mr. Everett paid per capita for hospital con were representatives of various He suggested that this could struction will be three times gion Hospital District. For island organizations as well as possibly be arranged. Reasons Brown, Deputy Minister of this reason the executive of the Municipal Affairs. It is hoped greater than in the Greater Vic a number of hospital trustees. would have to be convincing toria area under the new arran- Chamber of Commerce is ask- John TisdaJle, member of rather' than purely parochial, that a full explanation of this gements. ing Mr. Everett Brown the De- the provinciallegislature for he warned. matter will be forthcoming. 4. The gulf Islands Hospital puty Minister of Municipal Af- Saanich and the Islands heard "If yon had one of these pulp Some of the factors consid- District has a fine, modern fairs to be on hand to explain a strong protest against publi- mills on the islands, you would ered by the Chamber in calling hospital being paid for by Gulf more fully what the changes shed plans to bring the area have no problem," he told the this meeting are; Islanders. This is the only hos- will mean to the Gulf Island within the scope of the Victor- meeting. 1. The possible loss of effect- residents. ia area. The MLA outlined the prob- ive control of Lady Minto Hos- The Chamber hopes that re- Opposition by Victoria dist- lems of hospital construction pital, by Gulf Islanders. presentatives of interested and he asked the meeting to 2. Greater centralization of Hockey groups from the other Gulf Isl- ands will be able to attend this make a very sharp distinction hospital construction in the Vic PEE WEE LEAGUE between regional districts and toria area, with little or no meeting. hospital districts. The region- attention being paid to the Captain Philip Kyler's Otters al district was concerning it- needs of small population areas The probability exists that the are now in first place after win .amont's Ltd (TContinued on Page Eight) Gulf Islands would end up with ning both their games on Sat- urday. In the first game the UPHOLSTERY LTD. score was Otters 3 Beavers 1, LUCKY-, BRIDGE QUIZ (Goren) stars Philip Kyler, Jimmy 775 Canada Ave., Duncan, BC GROCERIES Answers to last week's Quiz: Ralph and Jimmy Pringle; the Phone 746-4941 or call support partner's opening bid second game Otters 11 Seals 0- Driftwood Kleenex, (a) One No-trump. To res- than show another suit, parti- pond at the two level in a new stars Rogers Kitchen, Phlip Ky- cularly with a fit in a major. ler and Ian Byron. white & pink 2/59$ suit one must have at least ten (c) 3 Hearts. This is a forcing HAPPY EASTER TO ALL INTERMEDIATE LEAGUE Napkins, high card points or eleven bid to game at least. Shows a points including distribution. hand on which one could open Scott family 2/39$ With six to nine high-card and a Heart fit. On Sunday afternoon the Ful- Gulf Islands ford team again defeated the Sliced Pineapple points the bid is one no-trump. (d) 4 Hearts. A weak bid (This does not suggest you want showing less than ten points North End team with a score Florist 15 oz. 2/43$ to play in no-trump but shows but distributionally showing of 9-3. The three stars were BOX 36. GANGES 537-5751 Paddy Akerman, Finbar Mac- Cheerios, 15 oz. 43$ a minimum hand). five of partner's suit, a void 2 Hearts. With only one or singleton and a quick trick. Millan and Here Roland. Mustard, French's 31$ The Friday night game was biid in the hand it is better to postponed until later this week. Dominion Fruit cocktail Partner doubles opening bid of One Heart. What is Malkins,l5oz .2/49( your response (no intervening bid). SENIOR LEAGUE VICTORIA'S WONDERFUL HOTEL Cranberry Sauce 2/35$ The second place Hawks 4V 4 * played two games last week 4 Newly Renovated Foil Wrap, 18" (a) IO9 3 Q 10 6 4 J82 753 winning them both. On Tues- * Dining Lounge Dot West 59$ day they beat the Barons 12-5, *T. V. stars Norman Stevens, John * Free Parking Corn Niblets (b) KJ 7 2 A3 Q 10 8 6 3 K 7 Grain and John Marcotte; Sun- 14 oz. 3/69$ day they beat the Chargers 759 Yates St., EV4-4136 10-6, stars Norman Stevens, VICTORIA, B. C. Corn, cream (c) Q 8 4 A 10 8 5 K97 Q92 John Marcotte, and Don Bates. Ma I kins 4/69$ Dills, Bicks (d) A KQ 10953 QI02 K Q7 Polish 32 oz. 49$ ISLAND GARAGE Miracle whip (Answers next week) 32 oz. 59$ Complete Automotive Shrimps, Service Kon Tiki 2/99$ Rice, Delta Long, 2 Ib. 43$ Peas, Garden GANGES ESSO PRODUCTS Gate 6/99$ Phone: 537-2911 Tea Bags, Dares 60's 79$ Margarine GANGES Better Buy 4/89$ FROZEN FOOD PHARMACY Peas, 2 Ib. 39$ +CFOR THAT SOMEONE SPECIAL AT EASTER Jf MEAT Hams, whole Beautifully Decorated or shank half 59$ Ib Boxes of Chocolates $1.5O $2.75, Ham steaks 89$ Ib. Round steak, $3.5O $4.OO bone in 79$ Ib. For the small fry Rump roast 79$ Ib. Chocolate BUNNIES PRODUCE Carrots-, 2 Ib.