
A Survey on Computational Detection Giovanni Da San Martino1∗ , Stefano Cresci2 , Alberto Barron-Cede´ no˜ 3 , Seunghak Yu4 , Roberto Di Pietro5 and Preslav Nakov1 1Qatar Computing Research Institute, HBKU, Doha, Qatar 2Institute of Informatics and Telematics, IIT-CNR, Pisa, Italy 3DIT, Alma Mater Studiorum–Universita` di Bologna, Forl`ı, Italy 4MIT and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Cambridge, MA, USA 5College of Science and Engineering, HBKU, Doha, Qatar {gmartino, rdipietro, pnakov}@hbku.edu.qa, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract Whereas false statements are not really a new phenomenon —e.g., yellow press has been around for decades— this time Propaganda campaigns aim at influencing people’s things were notably different in terms of scale and effective- mindset with the purpose of advancing a specific ness thanks to , which provided both a medium to agenda. They exploit the anonymity of the , reach millions of users and an easy way to micro-target spe- the micro-profiling ability of social networks, and cific narrow groups of voters based on precise geographic, the ease of automatically creating and managing demographic, psychological, and/or political profiling. coordinated networks of accounts, to reach millions An important aspect of the problem that is often largely of social network users with persuasive messages, ignored is the mechanism through which specifically targeted to topics each individual user is being conveyed, which is using . is sensitive to, and ultimately influencing the out- These include specific rhetorical and psychological tech- come on a targeted issue. In this survey, we review niques, ranging from leveraging on emotions —such as us- the state of the art on computational propaganda de- ing , flag waving, appeal to authority, slo- tection from the perspective of Natural Language gans, and cliches´ — to using logical —such as straw Processing and Network Analysis, arguing about men (misrepresenting someone’s opinion), (pre- the need for combined efforts between these com- senting irrelevant data), -and-white (presenting munities. We further discuss current challenges and two alternatives as the only possibilities), and . future research directions. Moreover, the problem is exacerbated by the fact that propa- ganda does not necessarily have to ; it could appeal to emo- 1 Introduction tions or cherry-pick the facts. Thus, we believe that specific The Web makes it possible for anybody to create a or research on propaganda detection is a relevant contribution in a blog and to become a medium. Undoubtedly, this is a the fight against online disinformation. hugely positive development as it elevates freedom of expres- Here, we focus on computational propaganda, which is sion to a whole new level, giving anybody the opportunity to defined as “propaganda created or disseminated using com- make their voice heard. With the rise of social media, every- putational (technical) means” [Bolsover and Howard, 2017]. one can reach out to a very large audience, something that Traditionally, propaganda campaigns had been a monopoly until recently was only possible for major news outlets. of state actors, but nowadays they are within reach for However, this new avenue for self-expression has brought various groups and even for individuals. One key ele- arXiv:2007.08024v1 [cs.CL] 15 Jul 2020 also unintended consequences, the most evident one being ment of such campaigns is that they often rely on coordi- that the society has been left unprotected against potential nated efforts to spread messages at scale. Such coordina- manipulation from a multitude of sources. The issue be- tion is achieved by leveraging (groups of fully au- came of general concern in 2016, a year marked by micro- tomated accounts) [Zhang et al., 2016], cyborgs (partially targeted online disinformation and at an un- automated) [Chu et al., 2012] and troll armies (human- precedented scale, primarily in connection to Brexit and the driven) [Linvill and Patrick, 2018], known as sockpuppets US Presidential campaign; then, in 2020, the COVID-19 pan- [Kumar et al., 2017], Internet army [Chen et al., 2013], demic also gave rise to the first global infodemic. Spread- astroturfers [Ratkiewicz et al., 2011], and seminar users ing disinformation disguised as news created the illusion that [Darwish et al., 2017]. Thus, a promising direction to thwart the information was reliable, and thus people tended to lower propaganda campaigns is to discover such coordination; this their natural barrier of compared to when in- is demonstrated by recent interest by Facebook1 and Twitter2.

formation came from different types of sources. 1 newsroom.fb.com/news/2018/12/inside-feed-coordinated-inauthentic-behavior/ ∗ 2 Contact Author https://help.twitter.com/en/rules-and-policies/platform-manipulation In order for propaganda campaigns to work, it is critical Although lying and creating fake stories is considered as that they go unnoticed. This further motivates work on de- one of the propaganda techniques (some authors refer to it as tecting and exposing propaganda campaigns, which should “” [Jowett and O’Donnell, 2012]), there are make them increasingly inefficient. Given the above, in the contexts where this course of actions is often done without present survey, we focus on computational propaganda from pursuing the objective to influence the audience, as in satire two perspectives: (i) the content of the propaganda messages and clickbaiting. These special cases are of less interest when and (ii) their propagation in social networks. it comes to fighting the weaponization of social media, and Finally, it is worth noting that, even though there have been are therefore considered out of the scope for this survey. several recent surveys on detection [Shu at al., 2017; Zhou et al., 2019], fact-checking [Thorne and Vlachos, 3 Text Analysis Perspective 2018], and truth discovery [Li et al., 2016], none of them fo- cuses on computational propaganda. There has also been a Research on propaganda detection based on text analysis has special issue of the Big Data journal on Computational Pro- a short history, mainly due to the lack of suitable annotated paganda and Political Big Data [Bolsover and Howard, 2017], datasets for training supervised models. There have been but it did not include a survey. Here we aim to bridge this gap. some relevant initiatives, where expert journalists or volun- teers analyzed entire news outlets, which could be used for 6 2 Propaganda training. For example, /Fact Check (MBFC) is an independent organization analyzing media in terms of The term propaganda was coined in the 17th century, and ini- their factual reporting, bias, and propagandist content, among tially referred to the propagation of the Catholic faith in the other aspects. Similar initiatives are run by US News & New World [Jowett and O’Donnell, 2012, p. 2]. It soon took World Report7 and the .8 Such data has been a pejorative connotation, as its meaning was extended to also used in distant supervision approaches [Mintz et al., 2009], mean opposition to Protestantism. In more recent times, back i.e., by assigning each article from a given news outlet the in 1938, the Institute for Propaganda Analysis [Ins, 1938], label propagandistic/non-propagandistic using the label for defined propaganda as “expression of opinion or action by in- that news outlet. Unfortunately, such coarse approximation dividuals or groups deliberately designed to influence opin- inevitably introduces noise to the learning process, as we dis- ions or actions of other individuals or groups with reference cuss in Section 5. to predetermined ends”. In the remainder of this section, we review current work on Recently, Bolsover et. al [2017] dug deeper into this def- propaganda detection from a text analysis perspective. This inition identifying its two key elements: (i) trying to influ- includes the production of annotated datasets, characterizing ence opinion, and (ii) doing so on purpose. Influencing opin- entire documents, and detecting the use of propaganda tech- ions is achieved through a series of rhetorical and psycho- niques at the span level. logical techniques. Clyde R. Miller in 1937 proposed one of the seminal categorizations of propaganda, consisting of 3.1 Available Datasets [ ] seven devices Ins, 1938 , which remain well accepted to- Given that existing models to detect propaganda in text are [ ] day Jowett and O’Donnell, 2012, p.237 : , glit- supervised, annotated corpora are necessary. Table 1 shows tering generalities, transfer, , , card an overview of the available corpora (to the best of our knowl- stacking, and bandwagon. Other scholars consider catego- edge), with annotation both at the document and at the frag- [ rizations with as many as eighty-nine techniques Conserva, ment level. ] 3 2003 , and lists about seventy techniques. How- Rashkin et al. [2017] released TSHP-17, a balanced cor- ever, these larger sets of techniques are essentially subtypes pus with document-level annotation including four classes: [ ] of the general schema proposed in Ins, 1938 . trusted, satire, , and propaganda. TSHP-17 belongs to disinformation4 Propaganda is different from , in particular the collection of datasets annotated via distant supervision: an with reference to the truth value of the managed information article is assigned to one of the classes if the outlet that pub- i false ii in- and its goal, which in disinformation are ( ) , and ( ) lished it is labeled as such by the US News & World Report. tending to harm , respectively. The (often-neglected) intention The documents were collected from the English Gigaword to harm popped up in 2016, due to both the Brexit referendum and from seven unreliable news sources. and the US Presidential elections, when society and academia According to Barron-Cede´ no˜ et al. [2019] the low amount discovered that the news cycle got weaponized by disinforma- of sources considered per class is a downside of TSHP-17, tion. Contrarily, propaganda can hook to claims that are either as the systems trained on it might be modeling the news out- true or false, and its intended objectives can be either harmful lets, rather than propaganda itself (or any of the other three or harmless (even good5). In practice, propaganda and dis- classes). To cope with this limitation, Barron-Cede´ no˜ et al. information are used synergetically to achieve specific objec- released QProp a twice-as-big binary imbalanced dataset in tives, effectively turning social media into a weapon. Another which ∼ 10% of the articles belong to class propaganda. related concept is that of “fake news”, where the focus is on 6 a piece of information being factually false. http://mediabiasfactcheck.com 7 3 www.usnews.com/news/national-news/articles/2016-11-14/avoid-these-fake- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Propaganda techniques news-sites-at-all-costs 4 8 http://eeas.europa.eu/topics/countering-disinformation en www.usnews.com/news/national-news/articles/2016-11-14/avoid-these-fake- 5 Think of Greta Thunberg’s highly propagandistic speech at the UN in 2019. news-sites-at-all-costs; http://euvsdisinfo.eu/ Corpus Level Sources Classes Articles Prop. Technique Definition TSHP-17 document 11 (2) 4 22,580 5,330 Name calling attack an object/subject of the propa- QProp document 104 (10) 2 51,294 5,737 ganda with an insulting label PTC text span 49 (13) 18 451 7,385 Repetition repeat the same message over and over use a brief and memorable phrase Table 1: Textual datasets available to train supervised propaganda Appeal to support an idea by instilling fear against identification models at different granularity levels. other alternatives Doubt questioning the credibility of some- one/something Once again, the annotation in QProp is obtained by distant /minimizat. exaggerate or minimize something supervision; this time with information from MBFC. Aside Flag-Waving appeal to patriotism or identity the binary propaganda vs. trustworthy annotation, in QProp Loaded Language appeal to emotions or each article has associated metadata from its source such as Reduction ad hitlerum disapprove an idea suggesting it is pop- the bias level (e.g., left, center, right) from MBFC and ge- ular with groups hated by the audience ographical information, average sentiment, publication date, Bandwagon appeal to the popularity of an idea identifier, author, and official source name from GDELT.9 Casual oversimplifica- assume a simple cause for a complex TSHP-17 QProp tion event However, both and lack information about , inten- use deliberately unclear and obscure ex- the precise location of a propagandist snippet within a doc- tional pressions to confuse the audience ument. Since propaganda is conveyed by using specific Appeal to authority use authority’s support as evidence and psychological techniques, a separate line of Black&white fallacy present only two options among many research recently aimed to identify the use of such tech- Thought terminating phrases that discourage critical thought niques. In particular, Da San Martino et al. [2019b] pro- cliches´ and meaningful discussions posed a dataset with assets that previously available resources Red herring introduce irrelevant material to distract lacked. First, their PTC corpus is manually judged by pro- Straw men refute that was not presented fessional annotators, rather than using distant supervision. Whataboutism charging an opponent with Second, the annotation is at the fragment level: specific text spans are flagged, rather than full documents. Third, it goes Table 2: List of the 18 propaganda techniques and their definitions. deeper into the types of propaganda, considering 18 propa- ganda techniques, rather than the binary propaganda vs. non- propaganda setting. The curated list of techniques is summa- rized in Table 2. Whereas the volume of PTC is way lower than that of TSHP-17and QProp —a few hundred articles against thousands— it contains more than 7,000 propagandist snippets. See Figure 1 for an example with annotations. Another relevant line of research is on computational argu- mentation, which deals with some logical fallacies considered to be propaganda techniques. Habernal et al. [2017] described a corpus with 1.3k annotated with five fallacies such as , red herring, and irrelevant authority. Figure 1: Text excerpt with annotated propaganda techniques. 3.2 Text Classification Early approaches to propaganda identification are fairly They advocated for providing assurance that test data come aligned to the produced corpora. Rashkin et al. [2017] defined from news sources that were not used for training, and inves- a classical four-classes text classification task: propaganda vs tigated what representations remain robust in such a setting. vs vs TSHP-17 trusted hoax satire, using the dataset. Us- 3.3 Detecting the Use of Propaganda Techniques ing word n-gram representation with logistic regression, they found that their model performed well only on articles from Da San Martino et al. [2019b] defined two tasks, based on sources that the system was trained on. annotations from the PTC dataset: (i) binary classification — Barron´ et al. [2019] used a binary classification setting: de- given a sentence in an article, predict whether any of the 18 tecting propaganda vs non-propaganda and experimented on techniques has been used in it; (ii) multi-label multi-class TSHP-17and QProp corpora. They ran a massive set of ex- classification and span detection task —given a raw text, periments, investigating various representations, from writing identify both the specific text fragments where a propaganda style and readability level to the presence of certain keywords, technique is being used as well as the type of technique. Such together with logistic regression and SVMs, and confirmed a fine-grained level of analysis may provide support and ex- that using distant supervision, in conjunction with rich repre- planations to the user on why an article has been judged as sentations, might encourage the model to predict the source, propagandistic by an automatic system. The authors pro- rather than to discriminate propaganda from non-propaganda. posed a multi-granularity deep neural network that modulates the signal from the sentence-level task to improve the predic- 9 https://www.gdeltproject.org/ tion of the fragment-level classifier. A shared task was held within the 2019 Workshop on 4.2 Evolving Threats 10 NLP4IF: , disinformation, and propaganda , Despite having achieved promising initial results, these early based on the PTC corpus and the task definitions above. approaches had several limitations. First, the performance The best-performing models for both tasks used BERT- of a supervised detector strongly depends on the availabil- based contextual representations. Other approaches used ity of a ground truth (training) dataset. In most cases, a real contextual representations based on RoBERTa, Grover, and ground truth is lacking and the labels are manually given by ELMo, or context-independent representations based on lex- human operators. Unfortunately, as of 2020, we still have ical, sentiment-based, readability, and TF-IDF features. En- diverse and conflicting definitions of what a malicious ac- sembles were also popular. Further details are available in the count really is [Grimme et al., 2017], and humans have been shared task overview paper [Da San Martino et al., 2019a]. proven to suffer from annotation biases and to largely fail at spotting sophisticated bots and trolls [Cresci et al., 2017]. 4 Network Analysis Perspective To make matters worse, it has been demonstrated that ma- licious accounts “evolve” (i.e., they change their characteris- As seen in Section 3, the rhetoric techniques used for in- tics and behaviors) in an effort to evade detection by estab- fluencing readers’ opinions can be detected directly in the lished techniques [Cresci et al., 2017]. Nowadays, sophis- text. Contrarily, identifying the intent behind a propaganda ticated malicious accounts are using the same technological campaign requires analysis that goes beyond individual texts, weapons as their hunters —such as powerful AI techniques— involving (among others) classification of the social media for generating credible texts (e.g., with GPT-2), profile pic- users that contributed to injecting and spreading propaganda tures (e.g., with StyleGAN)11, and videos (e.g., using deep- within a network. Thus, a necessary condition to detect fakes), thus dramatically increasing their capabilities of im- the intention to harm implies detecting malicious coordina- personating real people, and hence of escaping detection. tion (i.e., coordinated inauthentic behavior). Throughout the years, this high-level task has been tackled in different ways. 4.3 Modern Approaches 4.1 Early Approaches The difficulties at detecting sophisticated bots and trolls with early approaches lead to a new research trend whose primary Early approaches for detecting malicious coordination were characteristic is to target groups of accounts as a whole, rather based on classifying individual nodes in a network as either than focusing on individual accounts. In recently proposed malicious or legitimate. Then, clusters of malicious nodes detectors, coordination is considered a key feature to ana- were considered to be acting in coordination. In other words, lyze, and it is modeled within the detectors themselves. The the concept of coordination was not embedded within the rationale for this choice is that malicious accounts act in co- models, but it was added “a posteriori”. The vast majority of ordination (e.g., sbots are often organized in botnets, trolls these approaches are based on supervised machine learning form so-called troll armies) to amplify their effect [Zhang et and each account under investigation was analyzed in isola- al., 2016]. Moreover, by analyzing large groups of accounts, tion. That is, given a group of accounts to analyze, the super- modern detectors also have more data to exploit for fueling vised technique was separately applied to each account of the powerful AI algorithms [Sun et al., 2017]. The shift from group, that in turn received a label assigned by the detector. individual to group analysis was accompanied by another The key assumption of this body of work is that each mali- shift from general-purpose machine learning algorithms, to cious account has features that make it clearly distinguishable ad-hoc algorithms specifically designed for detecting coor- from legitimate ones. This approach to the task also revolved dination. In other words, the focus shifted from feature en- around the application of off-the-shelf, general-purpose clas- gineering to learning effective feature representations and of sification algorithms. Widely used algorithms include deci- designing -new and customized algorithms [Cai et al., sion trees and random forests, SVMs, boosting and bagging 2017]. Many modern detectors are also unsupervised or semi- (e.g., Adaptive Boost and Decorate) and, more recently, deep supervised, to overcome the generalization deficiencies of su- neural networks [Kudugunta and Ferrara, 2018]. pervised detectors that are severely limited by the availability The most widely known example of this kind of detectors, of exhaustive training datasets [Echeverr`ıa et al., 2018]. is Botometer [Yang et al., 2019], a detection sys- Examples of such systems implement network-based tech- tem. By leveraging more than 1,200 features for a social me- niques, aiming at detecting suspicious account connectivity dia account, it evaluates profile characteristics, social network patterns [Liu et al., 2017; Chetan et al., 2019; Pacheco et al., structure, the produced content (including sentiment expres- 2020]. Coordinated behavior appears as near-fully connected sions), and temporal features. Botometer simultaneously ana- communities in graphs, dense blocks in adjacency matrices, lyzes multiple dimensions of suspicious accounts for spotting or peculiar patterns in spectral subspaces [Jiang et al., 2016]. bots. Instead, other systems solely rely on network character- Other techniques adopted unsupervised approaches for spot- istics [Yang et al., 2015], textual content [Rangel and Rosso, ting anomalous patterns in the temporal tweeting and retweet- 2019], or profile information [Lee and Kim, 2014]. These ing behaviors of groups of accounts —e.g., by computing latter systems are typically easier to game, since they only metrics of distance out of the accounts activity time series and analyze a single facet of the complex, evolving behavior of by subsequently account clustering [Chavoshi et al., 2016; bad online actors. Mazza et al., 2019].

10 11 http://www.netcopia.net/nlp4if/2019/ https://www.wired.com/story/facebook-removes-accounts-ai-generated-photos/ The rationale behind such approaches is based on evidence Similarly, sources that are generally recognized as objec- suggesting that human-driven and legitimate behaviors are in- tive might occasionally post information that promotes a par- trinsically more heterogeneous than automated and inauthen- ticular agenda. One way to deal with this issue might be to tic ones [Cresci et al., 2020]. Consequently, a large cluster devise advanced learning algorithms, such as Generative Ad- of accounts with highly similar behavior might serve as a red versarial Networks (GANs), which can be trained to avoid flag for coordinated inauthentic behavior. Distance (or simi- specific biases, i.e., modelling the article source. Another is- larity) between account activity time series was computed via sue with distant supervision is that while it is acceptable for dynamic time warping [Chavoshi et al., 2016], or as the Eu- training, it cannot give a fair assessment of a system at testing clidean distance between the feature vectors computed by an time, something that previous work has ignored. LSTM autoencoder [Mazza et al., 2019]. More recently, other Another lesson is that it seems more promising to focus authors investigated the usefulness of Inverse Reinforcement on detecting the use of fine-grained propaganda techniques in Learning (IRL) for inferring the intent that drives the activity text. Propaganda techniques are well-defined and well-known of coordinated groups of malicious accounts. Inferring in- in the literature, and thus it makes sense to focus on them, as tent and motivation from observed behavior has been exten- they are the very device on which propaganda is built. No- sively studied in the framework of IRL, with the main goal tably, a proper dataset is already available for this new task, of finding the rewards behind an agent’s observed behavior. it is of reasonable size (350K tokens, which compares well The inferred rewards can then be used as features in super- to datasets for the related task of named entity recognition, vised learning systems aimed at detecting malicious and co- whose typical size is 200K tokens), and covers a wide range ordinated agents. of 18 commonly accepted techniques, comprising both vari- The switch from early to modern detectors demonstrated ous kinds of appeal to emotions as well as logical fallacies. that the approach (e.g., individual vs group-based, supervised vs unsupervised) to the task of propaganda and malicious ac- counts detection can have serious repercussions on detection 5.2 Network Analysis Lessons performance. However, some scientific communities natu- rally tend to favor a specific approach. For example, the ma- Typically, when scholars and OSN administrators identify jority of techniques that perform network analysis (e.g., by new coordinated behavior that goes undetected by existing considering the social or interactions graph of the accounts) techniques, as a reaction they start the development of new are intrinsically group-based. More often than not, they are detectors. The implication of this reactive approach is that also unsupervised. Contrarily, all techniques based on textual improvements occur only some time after having collected analyses, such as those that solely rely on natural language evidence of a new mischievous behavior. Bad actors thus processing, are supervised detectors that analyze individual benefit from a large time span —the time needed to design, accounts [Rangel and Rosso, 2019]. As a consequence, some develop, and deploy a new detector— during which they are combinations of the cited approaches —above all, text-based free to tamper with our online environments. detectors that perform unsupervised group analysis— are al- most unexplored. For the future, it would thus be advisable to A second lesson learned is related to the use of machine put efforts along the highlighted research directions that have learning algorithms, the vast majority of which are designed been mostly overlooked until now. to operate in environments that are stationary and neutral. Unfortunately, in the task of propaganda campaign detection both assumptions are easily violated, yielding unreliable pre- 5 Lessons Learned dictions and severely decreased performance [Goodfellow et The main lesson from our analysis is that there is a disconnec- al., 2014]. Stationarity is violated by the mechanism of evo- tion between NLP and Network Analysis communities when lution of malicious accounts, resulting in accounts exhibiting it comes to fighting Computational Propaganda, and therefore different behavior and characteristics over time. Neutrality is combined approaches may lead to systems significantly out- violated as well, since propaganda spreaders and bot masters performing the current state of the art. A detailed analysis is are actively trying to fool detectors. Consequently, the excep- reported in the following. tional results in malicious accounts detection that we reported in our papers might be actually largely exaggerated. 5.1 Text Analysis Lessons Adversarial machine learning may however mitigate both From a text analysis perspective, we see that there is a lack of previous issues, since the existence of adversaries is ac- a suitable dataset for document-level propaganda detection. counted for by design. We could thus apply adversarial ma- The attempts to use distant supervision as a substitute, by chine learning to study vulnerabilities of existing detectors projecting labels from media to all the articles they have pub- and the possible attacks the cited vulnerabilities could lead to, lished is problematic in many aspects, even when done care- before they have been exploited by the adversaries. Interest- fully. Indeed, distant supervision inevitably introduces noise ingly, this paradigm has recently been applied for improving in the learning process, as it is based on the wrong assump- bot detection as well as for fake news detection [Wu et al., tion that all articles from a given source would be either pro- 2020; Zellers et al., 2019]. Finally, it is worth noting that all paganda or non-propaganda. In reality, a propagandist source tasks related to the detection of online , manipula- could periodically post objective non-propagandist informa- tion, and automation —including, but not limited to, propa- tion to boost its credibility. ganda campaign detection— are intrinsically adversarial. 6 Challenges and Future Forecasting 6.2 Forecasting 6.1 Major Challenges Given the above challenges and the existence of some previ- ously remarked under-explored directions, we highlight the Computational propaganda detection is still in its early stages following research directions: and the following challenges need to be addressed: 1. There is growing motivation for jointly tackling the tex- 1. Text is not the only way to convey propaganda. Some- tual and the network aspects of propaganda detection, as times, pictures convey stronger messages than texts, as for relying on a single paradigm is a recipe for failure. For certain political memes. Thus, it is becoming increasingly instance, if a pre-trained language model such as GPT-2 necessary to analyze multiple modalities of data (e.g., im- is used as an automated propaganda generation method, it ages, videos, speech). This is challenging because, even if may become ineffective to detect propaganda when focus- some research was conducted on how to effectively under- ing on linguistic features alone, since it would take longer stand cross-modal information in various domains, little to detect propaganda than to generate it. Thus, in the fu- has been done on what information (provided by a given ture it will be necessary to go beyond texts and to also modality) can be leveraged to detect propaganda. analyze the network nodes and the connectivity patterns 2. Explainability is a desirable feature of propaganda detec- through which propaganda spreads. tion systems in order to make them accepted at large. In 2. Spreading propaganda through multiple modalities is in- fact, it is crucial to be able to motivate decisions, espe- creasingly popular. Maliciously crafted images or videos cially controversial ones (e.g., banning of OSN accounts can be more effective than articles when targeting the or removal of posts/news). However, most of the recent millennial generation, who is more familiar with watch- developments in propaganda and coordination detection ing than reading. Again, research in detecting propa- are based on deep learning, which lacks explanability — ganda needs to move beyond text analysis, and to embrace for the short and medium term, at least. more comprehensive analyses that span over various data 3. In addition to being able to classify individual doc- modalities. uments as propaganda or single accounts as decep- tive/coordinated, it would be useful to also provide infor- 7 Conclusion mation towards understanding the goals and the strategy Among the contributions of our work, we surveyed state-of- [ ] of propaganda campaigns Atanasov et al., 2019 . This the-art computational propaganda detection methodologies. problem currently stands as largely unsolved and calls for We also showed how the rapid pace of evolution of the tech- joint efforts in propaganda and coordination detection. niques adopted by an adversary are impairing current pro- 4. Recent advances in neural language models have made it paganda detection solutions. Further, we justified our call difficult even for humans to detect synthetic text. Zellers for moving beyond textual analysis and we argued for the [ ] et al. 2019 showed that a template system helps manip- need of combined efforts blending Natural Language Pro- ulate the output format of a language model, while Yang cessing, Network Analysis, and Machine Learning. Finally, [ ] et al. 2018 suggested how to transfer the style of the lan- we showed concrete promising research directions in the field guage model to the target domain. With all building blocks of computational propaganda detection. already in place, it is likely that automatically-generated propaganda will surface in the near future. References 5. The vast majority of existing detectors are evaluated only on a single annotated dataset. Often, the dataset is col- [Atanasov et al., 2019] Atanasov et al. Predicting the role of lected and annotated for a specific study, and is subse- political trolls in social media. In CoNLL, pages 1023– quently disregarded. 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