Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1940-06-09
1940 ::::~ , .. Tlaunder.torm. odoy Sarasen 11 Veteran Golfer Tiel Lltile In IOWA: Showers by atternoDD or National Open n"lll In eUreme eut loda : Irank J. l d ....b Menu)' and cooler. i1lp, who See Story on fale 4 IY after_ l mOrning 'otfla City', Mornin, NeUl,paper s church OI rub ot_ FIVE CENTS IOWA CITY, IOWA , SUNDAY, JUNE 9, 1940 VOLUME XL NUMBER 214 in JOhn_ ife. lie , in 1905 township nic drpol1 , City Pi ,icnic be How Artist Views German Pi.n.rprs on War Front ay at the *** *** *** *** * * ***.French Retreat Before Greate t 'ee miles Ad ' . It A oeen ask Intra y n.nounces Offensive in Militarv Hi tor food and lee cream 1ished by 60 Infantry Divisioll8, 7 A:rrnored Units Thrown SinI{ing Armed Into Terrific Mechanized Onslaugllt !ctions II) of Ship hem trQw, South of the onime cipal air- , ----------------~--------------------- BY HENRY C, CASSIDY 4 Men Killetl Italy Threatens Dire Results I PARIS, June 8 (AP)--The French were falling back to \ night along nearly 60 miles of the front but still fighting D " * • • • • • • • against the German offensive on P~ri s-facing the trong t When U-Boat Warus That 5 English Cities Will Be Bombed attack of the war and the most massive mechanized on INN F'or Each Italian City Attacked slaught in military history. Shells Vessel The Germans threw 60 infantry divisions and Rev n a1'~ ROME, June 8 (AP)-A Point greater bombardment of London," mored divjsions-more than 1,000,000 m nand 3,500 tanks Carinthia Is Second ed w81'1llng that five English cities the newspaper added.
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