The Weather Sunny and warm today and tomorrow, high in mid-80s. Ked Bank, Freehold Fair tonight, low in mid-60s. Long Brunch EDITION 20 PAGES Monmouth County's Outstanding Home Newspaper VOL. 95 NO. 46 RED BANK, NJ. TUESDAY, AtGUST 29,1972 TEN CENTS' ' MiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiMiiiiHiAiiuiiiiuiiiiiuiiiiiniiiiHiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiHifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii niiiHinniriHiii iiiiiinniiiiiiiiiiumiriiniiiiiniuiiiuiHH Viet Troop Ceiling To Be Cut Again SAN CLEMENTE. Calif. cans now in South Vietnam is ground combat troops were Nixon took office. (AP) — President Nixon an- less - 37,700. withdrawn weeks ago. Although troop withdrawals nounces a new cut in the Viet- In advance of Nixon's an- In a CBS television inter- have continued since Hanoi nam troop ceiling today, per- nouncement, there was specu- view earlier this year, Nixon and the Viet Cong launched a haps to the often-discussed lation that his 12th troop cut hinted — without getting pre- major offensive last Febru- "residual force" level that statement would lop some cise — that he expected the ary, cutbacks have been more presumably would remain, 10,000 to 15.000 from the Sept. eventual residual force to to- than offset by increases in there pending a war settle- 1 ceiling. tal 25.000-35.01)0 uniformed U.S. forces waging air and ment. Such a move would reach, Americans. naval warfare from Thailand, The ceiling will drop to or come very close to, the lev- U.S. forces in South Viet- Guam and the 7th Fleet off- 39,000 on Friday, but the Sai- el often spoken of as a likely nam have declined steadily shore. The American pres-.. gon command has said the residual force of advisers and since a peak of 543.400 in April ence in these sectors has number of uniformed Ameri- support personnel. All U.S. 1969 — three months after doubled or better to 49,000 in Thailand, 39,000 with the 7th Fleet and 20,000 on Guam. The Vietnam'war will figure in a Nixon journey to Hono- lulu tomorrow for summit Pentagon May End talks with Kakuei Tanaka. Ja- pan's prime minister. .Al- though Nixon and Tanaka are not expected to discuss the subject at any length, the Draft in December President will meet there' Thursday morning with El- WASHINGTON (AP) - The The President said Laird readiness necessary to meet lsworth Bunker, the U.S. am- RwUter Photo by St«v« Croft Pentagon is aiming to stop had told him experience our vital longterm national' bassador flying in from Sai- NIGHT SCENE -^ This Was the scene as night fell at the annual Fair Haven Firemen's Fair on River draft'inductions by Decem- "seems to show that sufficient security." gon. Also on hand will be Sec- Road with lines of teenagers waiting for rides on the three more exciting attractions. Last night's ber, about six months ahead numbers of volunteers can be The Pentagon already this retary of State William P. Ro- opening drew several thousand persons to the popular fair which will run through Sept: 2. of President Nixon's deadline attracted to the armed forces year has slashed planned in- gers and presidential aide (See story, photos, page 13.) for ending military con- to meet peacetime manpower ductions to a maximum of Henry A. Kissinger, recently scription. needs, and that ending all de- 50,000 young men — the low- returned from a mission to "Every effort will be made pendence on the draft will be est total in 10 years and about Saigon that followed talks to minimize draft calls, if not consistent with maintaining 330,000 below the Vietnam war with Hanoi negotiators in avoid them entirely, between the force level and degrees of crest in 1966. Paris. January and July, 1973, when Puerto Rico Independence the current induction author- ity expires," Secretary of De- fense Melvin Laird pledged in a report to President Nixon. Girl Found Slain The 51-page report was dis- Right Backed by U.N. Unit tributed by the California UNION (AP) - Police were area is about live miles from White House and the Penta-* searching today for clues into South Orange. U.S. president arid are subject gon yesterday as Nixon an- the murder of Miss Joan Kra- Miss Kramer, a graduate' UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. The committee asked a gun," declared Juan Mari- nounced in San Clemente he mer, 24, whose nude body was student in English at Colum- (AP) — A .U.N. committee on working group to study how to Bras, a leader of the Puerto to the draft but pay no federal will make good on a 1968 cam- discovered yesterday in a wa- extend to Puerto Rico the pro- taxes. In the last referendum, bia University in New York colonialism, pushed on by Rican independence move- paign promise to end the draft ter ditch here. City, had been sought since Communist nations, has de- visions of the U.N. Declara- ment. in 1967,425,081 voted in favor and rely entirely on volun- cided that Puerto Rico has a tion Against Colonialism. of continued commonwealth Miss Kramer, who had been she left her home shortly be- Mari-Bras said the action teers to fill the armed forces. reported missing Aug. 15 from fore midnight Aug. 15 after an right to independence from Puerto Ricans filling the clearly classified Puerto Rico status, 273,315 for statehood His stated goal, is July 1 of her South Orange home,, argument with her boyfriend. the United States. visitors' gallery cheered and as a colony. But a U.S. and 4,205 for independence. apparently had been stran- applauded the outcome. They spokesman said the wording next year but Laird's report Reward Posted Over U.S. charges of inter- In Washington, State De- showed a zero draft may be gled. Further tests would be Her father, Julian S. Kra- ference in its domestic af- had more applause for Cuban of the resolution was am- partment officials said the de- necessary to determine fairs, the Special Committee Ambassador Ricardo Alareon, biguous. He stressed that the reached half a year early. mer, owner of two meat con- cision was "an insult to the Neither Nixon or Laird 'whether she had been se- cerns in Newark, had posted a on Colonialism voted 12-0 yes- who has made a personal cam- matter was being referred to people of Puerto Rico, who xually assaulted, officials terday to-recognize "the in- paign out of branding the a working group and that no linked announcement of the reward in the belief the dis- have chosen to live in a demo- report with the current presi- said. appearance was a kidnapping. alienable right of the people United States a colonial power report was asked until 1973. cracy under a constitution of of Puerto Rico to self-determi- occupying the Caribbean is- dential election but Laird The body of Miss Kramer, He said he had received sev- Puerto Rico is a self-govern- their own choosing in free as- .agreed the statement could daughter of a wealthy food ex- eral telephone calls from a nation and independence." land. ing commonwealth of the sociation with the United Ten nations on the 22-member reap large benefits from the ecutive, was found by two man who said he had his "The final stretch in the United States; its people are States." youth vote this November. boys in the Chatfield section group abstained. road of independence has be- U.S citizens who vote for the daughter and would release Gov. Luis A. Ferre of In a formal statement yes- of the Elizabeth River Park- her unharmed for $20,000. Puerto Rico said the Soviet terday, Nixon said he pledged way shortly before noon. The Not long after she left home Union, China and Cuba should four years ago "if elected, I ditch is on park ground ad- Miss Kramer telephoned her have proposed a U.N. declara- would work toward ending the joining the Elizabeth River. family and said she was on a Miss Joan Kramer River Garden Parents tion favoring freedom for military draft and estab- The boys were walking along "deserted street" in Newark Communist-run Cuba. lishing in its place an all-vol- a footpath when they made and would return as soon as But police said the call had China and the Soviet Union unteer armed force." < the discovery, police said. The she hailed a taxicab. been traced to a telephone gave the Cuban ambassador booth outside a drugstore in support in the debate. Chang South Orange. They said they Aroused by Bus Ban Yung-Kuan, the Chinese dele- did not know if she had been gate, said Puerto Rico "is, in kidnapped after her flight. MATAWAN TOWNSHIP — much of last year's busing in and Matawan Borough Coun- fact, a colony of the United The music went round and the area was illegal. cil. States and the Puerto Rican Voter Registry Open The father, said that' on round for four hours at last After four hours last night Mr. DeRosa's resolution had people's struggle for national night's meeting of the Mata-, board members took action provided that busing be re- Friday after her Tuesday dis- • independence is a just appearance he received the wan Regional Board of Edu- that satisfied no one, not even stored until the committee re- one..." cation. themselves. port was received, but the first of several telephone calls It was the same old music Vote No Action board member deleted that The action applies only to All Year, Official Says from the man who said he had his daughter.
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