Curriculum Vitae 2021


Name and Last Name: Ema Berisha Date and place of birth: 10.08.1982, Prishtinë Address of residence: Dardania str.b. 4/4 F/6 No. 7 10000 Prishtinë Republic of Kosova Citizenship: Kosovare E-mail address: [email protected] Phone no.: + 377 44 221 677, + 383 38 22 22 55, Fax no.: + 383 38 60 40 19.


Doctoral studies: University "St. Climent Ohridski", Faculty of Technical Sciences Manastir, Republic of Macedonia. Department: Traffic and Transport Engineering Title of thesis: "Input to the executive logistic analysis“

Year(from-until): 2014 –2019 Academic Grade: Doctor of science in transport and traffic engineering

Master studies: College Tempulli Prishtinë, Republic of Kosova Department: Road Transport Title of thesis: “Highways- Vërmicë - Merdar as a real opportunity to ensur

a key role in developing regional transportation and

Economic development of the Republic of Kosovo” Year

(from-until): 2008–2011 Academic Grade: Master traffic and transport

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Bachelor studies: College “Tempulli“ Prishtinë, Republic of Kosova Department: Postal communication Title of thesis: “Basic knowledge telemechanical ”

Year (from-until): 2001–2006 Academic Grade: Traffic Engineer postal


Secondary School: Medicine School “Dr. Ali Sokoli”, Pristina Year (from-until): 1998/2001 Prishtinë, Kosova Qualification: Diploma - Physiotherapy Technicians

PRIMARY EDUCATION Elementary School "Bajram Curri" in Great Albana Year (from-until): 1990/1998


Ongoing Professor at the Bachelor and Master Level on the courses: Tempulli College: Traffic and transport bases, Transport and logistics bases.


1. "Input to the executive logistic analysis" University PhD Thesis, St. Climent Ohridski", Faculty of Technical Sciences, (2019), Republic of Macedonia.

2. “Highways- Vërmicë - Merdar as a real opportunity to ensure Kosovo a key role in developing regional transportation and Economic development of the Republic of Kosovo” MSc Thesis College "Tempulli" (23.12.2011), Prishtinë, Kosova.

3. “Basic knowledge telemechanical” BSc Thesis,College"Tempulli" (2006), Prishtinë, Kosova.

4. “The road network in the Balkan region and the possibility of the development of multimodal transport” Ema Berisha Krasniqi, Ivo Dukovski “St. Kliment Ohridski” University-Bitola, HORZONS INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC, December 2016

5. “Integration of Kosovo's road network to Pan-European Networks infrastructure through projects of the EU” First International Conference Transport for Today's Society 2016, M. Krasniqi, V. Dancevska, E. Berisha-Krasniqi, 19-21 May 2016, Bitola Macedonia

6. “Road safety campaign’s in Kosovo” European road safety campaigns E. Berisha-Krasniqi, M. Krasniqi, 17.11 - 18.11.2016, Brussels, Belgium.

7. “Integrimi i rrjetit regjional kombëtar si kusht themelor për integrimin ndërkombëtar” Konferenca Ndërkombëtare “Java e shkencës 2017” M. Krasniqi, V. Dancevska, E. Berisha- Krasniqi, 16-19 Maj 2017, Prishtinë-Kosovë.

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8. “Organization of multimodal transport as a promoter of economic development” E.B-Krasniqi, I. Dukovski, M.Krasniqi, Hrvatska akademija znanosti I umjetnosti, Medunarodni znanstveni skup Valorizacija intermodalnoga logističkoga koridora Ploče-Mostar-Sarajevo-Vukovar (Srednji Jadran –Podunavlje), Zagreb 25 trvnja 2017.

9. “Valorizimi i projekteve infrastrukturore ne rrjetin rrugor ne regjionin e Ballkanit perëndimor” Konferenca III Ndërkombëtare e Shkencave të Zbatuara (ICAS 2017). M. Krasniqi, E. Berisha- Krasniqi 19-20 Maj 2017, Tetovë-IRJM.

10. "The teacher of the future" Valorization of Competitiveness in the International air Transport, I. Mehmedi, E. Berisha-Krasniqi, 25-28 May 2017 Budva, .

11. "Shkaktarët e aksidenteve në trafik nga këndëvështrimi i nxënësve "Заедничко истражување спроведено од страна на Техничкиот колеџ за применети науки "Темпули", Министерството за образование, наука и технологија, косовската полиција и косовското здружение на моторизација (AMRKS) M. Krasniqi, E.Berisha-Krasniqi 2017, Prishtinа/ Kosovo

12. “Calculation of influential parameters of vehicles fleet for distribution of beverages with heavy road vehicles” International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 8, Issue 10, October 2017 Edition. Ema Berisha-Krasniqi, Ivo Dukovski, Ilir Doçi, Muhamed Krasniqi October 2017, IJSER in Research and Publication, ISSN 2229-5518.

13. “Socio-Economic impact on identification and financing transport infrastructure projects” International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 8, Issue 10, October 2017 Edition. M. Krasniqi, V. Danchevska, N. Lajqi, E.Berisha-Krasniqi October 2017, IJSER in Research and Publication, ISSN 2229-5518.

14. Influential parameters calculation of vehicles fleet for distribution of beverages with heavy transportation road vehicles” E. Berisha-Krasniqi, I. Dukovski, I. Doçi, M. Krasniqi vehicles-fleet-for-distribution-of-beverages-with-heavy-transportation-road-vehicles.pdf

15. “Identifying parameters of logistic performance for distribution of beverages in medium routes with medium size transportation vehicles” Ema Berisha-Krasniqi, Ivo Dukovski, Ili Doçi, Muhamed Krasniqi, Msc. Njazi Selmani "Transport for Today's Society", 17 - 19 May 2018, Faculty of Technical Sciences – Bitola.

16. "A short scale of traffic climate across five countries” October, 2020; Authors: Özlem Ersan; Yesim Üzümcüoglu; Derya Azık; Gizem Fındık; Bilgesu Kaçan; Gaye Solmazer; Türker Özkan; Timo Lajunen; Bahar Öz; Anton Pashkevich; Maria Pashkevich; Vassiliki Danelli-Mylona; Dimitra Georgogianni; Ema Berisha Krasniqi; Muhamed Krasniqi; Evangelos Makris; Ksenia Shubenkova; Gentianë Xheladini. Institutions: Safety Research Unit, Department of Psychology, Middle East Technical University, Turkey; Department of Psychology, TOBB University of Economics and Technology, Turkey; Department of Psychology, Necmettin Erbakan University, Turkey; Department of Psychology, Izmir Bakırçay University, Turkey; Traffic Research Centre of Finland Ltd, Finland Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia; R.S.I. Road Safety Institute ‘‘Panos Mylonas”, Greece; Kosovo Association of Motorization, Pristina, Kosovo; Kazan Federal University, Russia. countries

17. "A comparison of the relationship between individual values and aggressive driving in five countries” July, 2020; Authors: Özlem Ersan; Yesim Üzümcüoglu; Derya Azık; Gizem Fındık;

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Bilgesu Kaçan; Gaye Solmazer; Türker Özkan; Timo Lajunen; Bahar Öz; Anton Pashkevich; Maria Pashkevich; Vassiliki Danelli-Mylona; Dimitra Georgogianni; Ema Berisha Krasniqi; Muhamed Krasniqi; Evangelos Makris; Ksenia Shubenkova; Gentianë Xheladini. Institutions: Safety Research Unit, Department of Psychology, Middle East Technical University, Turkey; Department of Psychology, TOBB University of Economics and Technology, Turkey; Department of Psychology, Necmettin Erbakan University, Turkey; Department of Psychology, Izmir Bakırçay University, Turkey; Traffic Research Centre of Finland Ltd, Finland Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia; R.S.I. Road Safety Institute ‘‘Panos Mylonas”, Greece; Kosovo Association of Motorization, Pristina, Kosovo; Kazan Federal University, Russia. individual_values_and_aggressive_driving_in_five_countries

18. "Cross-cultural differences in driver aggression, aberrant, and positive driver behaviors” May, 2020; Authors: Özlem Ersan; Yesim Üzümcüoglu; Derya Azık; Gizem Fındık; Bilgesu Kaçan; Gaye Solmazer; Türker Özkan; Timo Lajunen; Bahar Öz; Anton Pashkevich; Maria Pashkevich; Vassiliki Danelli-Mylona; Dimitra Georgogianni; Ema Berisha Krasniqi; Muhamed Krasniqi; Evangelos Makris; Ksenia Shubenkova; Gentianë Xheladini. Institutions: Safety Research Unit, Department of Psychology, Middle East Technical University, Turkey; Department of Psychology, TOBB University of Economics and Technology, Turkey; Department of Psychology, Necmettin Erbakan University, Turkey; Department of Psychology, Izmir Bakırçay University, Turkey; Traffic Research Centre of Finland Ltd, Finland Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia; R.S.I. Road Safety Institute ‘‘Panos Mylonas”, Greece; Kosovo Association of Motorization, Pristina, Kosovo; Kazan Federal University, Russia.

19. "Cross-cultural differences in pedestrian behaviors in relation to values: A comparison of five countries” February, 2020; Authors: Özlem Ersan; Yesim Üzümcüoglu; Derya Azık; Gizem Fındık; Bilgesu Kaçan; Gaye Solmazer; Türker Özkan; Timo Lajunen; Bahar Öz; Anton Pashkevich; Maria Pashkevich; Vassiliki Danelli-Mylona; Dimitra Georgogianni; Ema Berisha Krasniqi; Muhamed Krasniqi; Evangelos Makris; Ksenia Shubenkova; Gentianë Xheladini. Institutions: Safety Research Unit, Department of Psychology, Middle East Technical University, Turkey; Department of Psychology, TOBB University of Economics and Technology, Turkey; Department of Psychology, Necmettin Erbakan University, Turkey; Department of Psychology, Izmir Bakırçay University, Turkey; Traffic Research Centre of Finland Ltd, Finland Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia; R.S.I. Road Safety Institute ‘‘Panos Mylonas”, Greece; Kosovo Association of Motorization, Pristina, Kosovo; Kazan Federal University, Russia.

20. "The Role and Importance of Logistic Centers for Kosovo and Neighboring Countries of the Region During the Export-Import and Distribution of Goods”; 23-25 January 2020; Authors: Dr. Sc. Ema Berisha Krasniqi, Dr. Sc. Muhamed Krasniqi, Pranvera Grainca BSc-S, Faculty of Public Safety Vushtrri, Kosovo;

21. "The relationship between self and other in aggressive driving and driver behaviors across countries” October, 2019; Authors: Özlem Ersan; Yesim Üzümcüoglu; Derya Azık; Gizem Fındık; Bilgesu Kaçan; Gaye Solmazer; Türker Özkan; Timo Lajunen; Bahar Öz; Anton Pashkevich; Maria Pashkevich; Vassiliki Danelli-Mylona; Dimitra Georgogianni; Ema Berisha Krasniqi; Muhamed Krasniqi; Evangelos Makris; Ksenia Shubenkova; Gentianë Xheladini. Institutions: Safety Research Unit, Department of Psychology, Middle East Technical University, Turkey; Department of Psychology, TOBB University of Economics and Technology, Turkey; Department of Psychology, Necmettin Erbakan University, Turkey; Department of Psychology, Izmir Bakırçay University, Turkey; Traffic Research Centre of Finland Ltd, Finland Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia; R.S.I. Road Safety Institute ‘‘Panos Mylonas”, Greece; Kosovo Association of Motorization, Pristina,

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Kosovo; Kazan Federal University, Russia.

22. "Driver profiles based on values and traffic safety climate and their relationships with driver behaviors” May, 2019; Authors: Özlem Ersan; Yesim Üzümcüoglu; Derya Azık; Gizem Fındık; Bilgesu Kaçan; Gaye Solmazer; Türker Özkan; Timo Lajunen; Bahar Öz; Anton Pashkevich; Maria Pashkevich; Vassiliki Danelli-Mylona; Dimitra Georgogianni; Ema Berisha Krasniqi; Muhamed Krasniqi; Evangelos Makris; Ksenia Shubenkova; Gentianë Xheladini. Institutions: Safety Research Unit, Department of Psychology, Middle East Technical University, Turkey; Department of Psychology, TOBB University of Economics and Technology, Turkey; Department of Psychology, Necmettin Erbakan University, Turkey; Department of Psychology, Izmir Bakırçay University, Turkey; Traffic Research Centre of Finland Ltd, Finland Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia; R.S.I. Road Safety Institute ‘‘Panos Mylonas”, Greece; Kosovo Association of Motorization, Pristina, Kosovo; Kazan Federal University, Russia. c_Safety_Climate_and_Their_Relationships_with_Driver_Behaviors


1) “Urban Mobility Plans for the Municipalities of Gjilan, Podujeva, and Gracanica” 2020, project, supported by GIZ/ORF (Open Regional Funds for Southeast Europe) as part of the project "Towards Improving Transport and Mobility in Kosovo Municipalities";

2) Traffic Surveys for “WB17-KOS-TRA-02: Rehabilitation and Construction of Railway Line Pristina Airport: FS and ESIA” Hill IPF7 Consortium, 2020;

3) “Analysis of traffic and signaling for the entire “Dardania” neighborhood, along with recommendations based on field research” – supported by Municipality of Pristina, 2020;


5) “Identifying the Main Factors Affecting the Safety of Student’s Movement from Home to School and Vice Versa” 2016, Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Kosovo Police, AMRKS, Kosovo Forum for Road Safety, Pristina, Republic of Kosovo; nt_from_home_to_school_and_vice_versa-Cover.pdf

6) “Assessing of Students’ Knowledge of Elementary, Lower Secondary Schools of Kosovo in Recognition of Traffic Signs and Rules” 2013, Research Project supported by Ministry of Education and Science, Tempulli College, Kosovo Police, Kosovo Forum for Road Safety, Pristina, Republic of Kosovo; Cover.pdf/


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“DON’T TAKE IT THIS FAR” - Public call to all traffic participants to respect traffic signs. As part of this campaign, a total of six television video spots have been produced, each of which demonstrates the consequences of disregarding traffic rules and behavior, with particular emphasis on: seat belts, driving under the influence of alcohol, seat for children, speeding, using the phone while driving, and not keeping a distance while driving, November, 2016; Pristina, Kosovo;

“BE CAREFUL FROM SLIDING” – Campaign to sensitize drivers and citizens to carry winter equipment during the winter season in order to avoid road traffic accidents. The promotions materials were produced in Albanian, English and Serbian and have been distributed to the citizens by the Kosovo Police; December 2014, Pristina, Kosovo;

#SAVEKIDSLIVES - Kosovo become part of the #Save Kids Lives international road child safety campaign. Citizens of Kosovo shown their support for this campaign by signing the Declaration of Children, which was a call from children from all over the world to reach out to adults and institutions to do more to enable them free movement on the road, June, 2015; Pristina, Kosovo;

“UNITED NATIONS FOURTH WEEK OF GLOBAL ROAD SAFETY” (SaveLives #SlowDown) - In Kosovo it was jointly organized by all institutions in the country that have mandate and deal with traffic safety issues, May, 2017; Pristina, Kosovo;

“WORLD DAY OF REMEMBRANCE OF ROAD TRAFFIC VICTIMS #WDoR” - It is marked through various activities in Kosovo since 2015. In this way, our country also joins different countries from around the world to mark this day, which aims to commemorate the millions of people who lost their lives in road traffic accidents, 2015-ongoing, Pristina, Kosovo;

“EUROPEAN DAY WITHOUT A ROAD DEATH” #EDWARD - This project was first launched in 2016 by TISPOL - European Road Police Network and has since been supported by the European Commission. The main purpose of this initiative is that no person should die on European roads during this day. In order to further promote increased road safety, this activity was marked for the second time in Kosovo through a roundtable discussion, September, 2018; Pristina, Kosovo;


Launching Conference of Higher Education Component of Joint Project of the European Commission – Council of Europe, and Bologna Process in Kosova “Bologna Process in European Context”, Prishtinë, Kosova, 5-6 February, 2009.

Workshop - ‘National Qualification Framework in Kosovo'' organized by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology supported by European Training Foundation (FET/ETF), Prishtinë, Kosova, June, 2009.

Workshop - ‘Cooperation between Education and Business’' organized by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology supported by European Training Foundation (FET/ETF), Prishtinë, Kosova, 23 March, 2010.

Workshop - “Vocational Training (VT) and employment policy issues’ organized by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology supported by European Training Foundation (FET/ETF), Prishtinë, Kosova, 23 March, 2010.

Education fair organized under the auspices of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Prishtinë, Kosova, 31 March - 02 April, 2010.

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Workshop - "Post-secondary qualifications", organized by EU Kosvet V, as project established and managed by the European Commission, Prishtinë, Kosovo, 28 May, 2010.

International fair on career education with competence, organized under the auspices of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Prishtinë, Kosovo, 18-20 April, 2012.

International conference "Week of science" organized by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Prishtinë, Kosova, 16 - 19 May, 2012.

Cross border/regional education & link of higher education with the labour market, organized by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Prishtinë, Kosova, 11 June, 2013.

Inaugural conference of the program "Horizon 2020" which is co-organized within the project "Increasing the opportunities for research in the social sciences in Kosovo and integration into the European Research Area", a project funded by the European Union and implemented by Kosovo Education Centre (KEC), Prishtinë, Kosova, 26 November, 2013.

Roundtable - "Multi Stakeholder Round Table on Road Safety in ", Tirana-Albania, 13 November, 2013.

Career fair organized by the Kosovo Chamber of Commerce (KCHC) and WUS Kosova, Prishtinë, Kosovo, 17 December, 2013.

Seminar - “Joint Grades and Academic Recognition” organized by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Prishtinë, Kosova, 25 February, 2014. Seminar - organized by the National Qualification Authority, around National Qualification Framework – on types of qualifications for stakeholders by the High Education, Prishtine, Kosovo, 17 September, 2014.

The Second International Conference of Insurance, organized by the Kosovo Insurance Bureau, Prishtinë, Kosovo, 7 October, 2014.

Study visit in Faculty of Traffic Sciences, Zagreb, Croatia, 25-25 February, 2015.

Participation on the "Regional Conference on Higher Education and Scientific Research", organized by Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MEST), Prishtinë, Kosova, 4 May, 2015.

Participation on the annual National Conference of Science "Science Week 2015" organized by Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MEST), Prishtinë, Kosova, 12 May, 2015.

Participation on the “Conference on Development of Quality Assurance in Kosovo Higher Education” , Prishtinë, Kosova, 1 December 2016.

Participation on “Referencing the National Qualifications Framework on the European Qualifications Framework” organized by The National Qualifications Authority, Prishtinë, Kosova, 7 November 2016.

Participation on Workshop for National Qualification Framework, organized by The National Qualifications Authority, Prishtinë, Kosova, 5 August 2016.

Participation on seminar “Students as main stakeholders in HE development and reform” organized by Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MEST), Prishtinë, Kosova, 24 March 2016.

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Participation on Workshop for “Presentation of Findings from the Feasibility Study on the Possibilities of Development of HEI Rankings System in Kosovo”, organized by Enhancing Youth Employment (EYE) Programn, Prishtinë, Kosova, 29 May 2017.

Participation on the annual National Conference of Science "Science Week 2017" organized by Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MEST), Prishtinë, Kosova, 16 May 2017.

Participation on “Information Day for EU programs for educational institutions”, organized by Ministry of European Integration, Prishtinë, Kosova, 23 February 2017.

Participation on the “Higher Education Reform Expert-HERE Workshop”, organized by Erasmus+ Kosovo, Prishtinë, Kosova, 21 December 2018.

Participation on Workshop for enrollment of qualifications at National Qualification Framework, organized by The National Qualifications Authority, Prishtinë, Kosova, 20 December 2018.

Participation on “How to write a successful CBHE project under the Erasmus + program", organized by Erasmus+ Kosovo, Prishtinë, Kosova, 6 December 2018.

Participation on “Erasmus + Information Day”, organized by Erasmus+ Kosovo, Prishtinë, Kosova, 26 November 2018.

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