Botaniska Notiser
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BOTANISKA NOTISER 1975, VOL. 128 PUBLISHED BY THE LUND BOTANICAL SOCIETY EDITED BY GUNNAR WEI MARCK Established in 1839 DISTBIBUTOR: THE SWEDISH NATURAL SCIENCE RESEARCH COUNCIL, STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN Dates of Distribution Fase. 1, pp. 1--202, on 8 July 1975 Fase. 2, pp. 203--278, on 10 Oct. 1975 Fase. 3, pp. 279--374, Oll 9 Feb. 1976 Fase. 4, pp. 375--526, on 6 May 1976 ISSN 0006-8195 LUND 1976CARL BLOMS BOKTRYCKE AB. Contents A r e k a l . G. 1). & Nagendran,C. R.: E m J onsell, B.: Lepidium L. (Cruciferae) in bryo Sac of Hydrobryopsis sessilis — Tropical Africa. A Morphological, Origin, Organization and Significance332 Taxonomical and Phytogeographical A r y a v a n d , A.: Contribution a l’étude Study .................................................................. 20 cytotaxonomiqiie de quelques Angio K apoor , T., P arulekar , N. K. & V ijaya - spermes de l’Iran ......................................... 299 raghavan , M. IL: Contribution to the B o u l o s , L. & Jallad, W .: Studies ont h e Embryology of Celsia coromandeliana Flora of Jordan. 1. Diplotaxis villosa Vahl. With a Discussion on Its Affi sp. nov. (Cruciferae)............................... 365 nities W ith Verbascum thapsus L. 438 — & L a h h a m , J.: Studies on the Flora of K arlström , P. O.: Asystasia laticapsula Jordan. 2. Seven Species New to the (Acanthaceae), a Widely Used but Flora of Jordan.............................................. 368 Previously Invalid Name...................... 235 Chaudhary,S. A., K i r k w o o d , G. & Wey K ennedy, H.: Notes on Central American m o u t h , C.: The Iris Subgenus Susiana Marantaceae II. New Species from in Lebanon and Syria................................ 380 Panamå and Costa R ica........................... 312 C r o n b e r g , G.: Mallomonas trummensis Löve, A. & Lö v e, IX: Nom enclatural Nov. Spec. (Chrysophyceae) Studied Notes on Arctic Plants........................... 497 by Means of Scanning and Transmis N anda , K. & Gu pta , S. C.: Syngenesious sion Electron Microscopy...................... 69 Anthers of Helianthus annuus—a D a h l g r e n , R.: Presentation of an Angio- Histochemical Study ................................ 450 sperm System to Re Used for Demon strating the Distribution of Characters119 N ordenstam , B.: Lam procephalus B. — Current Topics. The Distribution of Nord., a New Senecioid Genus from Characters within an Angiosperm South Africa ................................................... 323 System. I. Some Embryological Cha O lsson, U.: A Morphological Analysis of racters .................................................................. 181 Phenotypes in Populations of Quercus Denford, K. E.: Isoenzyme Studies in (Fagaceae) in Sweden ........................... 55 Members of the Genus Brassica .... 455 — On the Size and Microstructure of D u n b a r , A.: On Pollen of Campanulaceae Pollen Grains of Quercus robur and Q. and Related Families with Special Re petraea (Fagaceae) ..................................... 256 ference to the Surface Ultrastructure. — Oaks with Subentire Leaves from I. Campanulaceae Subfam. Campa- Skåne, Sweden. A New Critical At nuloidae ............................................................. 73 tempt to Explain Their Origin............ 265 — Ditto II. Cam panulaceae Subfam. — Peroxydase Isozymes in Quercus pet Cyphioidae and Subfam. I.obelioidae; raea and Quercus robur........................... 408 Goodeniaceae; Sphenocleaceae............ 102 — The Structure of Stellate Trichomes Friedrich, W. L. & Strauch, F.: Der and Their Taxonomic Implication in Arillus der Gattung Musa...................... 339 Some Quercus Species (Fagaceae) . 412 G i i o u .s e , A. K. M. & I q b a l , M.: A Com O redsson, A.: Factors Possibly Influ parative Study on the Cambial Struc encing the Range of Shrubby Rubus ture of Some Arid Zone Species of Species in Sweden. I. Severity of Acacia and Prosopis..................................... 327 W inter .................................................................. 47 G ustafsson, M. & W e n d e l b o , P.: K aryo — & Snogerup , S.: Drawings of Scandi type Analysis and Taxonomic Com navian Plants 101— 102. Epilobium L. m ents 011 Irises from SW and C Asia208 Sect. Epilobium.............................................. 1 H errnstadt, I. & H e y n , C. C.: A Study of Cachrys Populations in Israel and Ditto 103— 104. 14E, ’’ 1 ium L. Sect. Its Application to Generic Delimitation227 E p ilo b iu m .............................................. 203 H u l t é n , E.: The total Range of Euphrasia357 Ditto 105— 108. Epilobium L. Sect. Hum phries, G. J.: Cytological Studies in Epilobium........................................................... 279 the Macaronesian Genus Argyranthe- — —- Ditto 109— 110. Epilobium L. Sect. mum (Compositae: Anthemidae).... 239 E p ilo b iu m........................................................... 375 J e n s e n , S. IL, N i e l s e n , B. J. & D a h l SlDDiQUl, S. A.: Studies in the Lentibu- g r e n , R.: Iridoid Compounds, Their lariaceae. 7. The Development of Occurrence and Systematic Impor Endosperm and Embryo in Utricularia tance in the Angiosperms...................... 148 coerulea var. filicaulis Clarke ............ 432 Bot. N otiser, v ol. 128, 1975 IV JÖSTEDT, B.: Revision of the Genus Car- B o n e y, A. D.: Phytoplankton. (By L. damine L. (Cruciferae) in South and E d l e r ) ....................................................................... 371 Central America ....................................... 8 D e g e l iu s, G.: The Lichen Genus Collema HULIN, M.: Campanula keniensis Thulin with Special Reference to the Extra- sp. nov., and Notes on Allied Species 350 European Species. (By O.A l m b o r n) 198 ixiER, P.: Contribution à l’étude du H e n s s e n, A. & J a h n s, H. M.: Lichenes. genre Cololejeunea. V. Quelques Eine Einführung in die Flechtenkunde. espèces de la région indo-pacifique . 425 (By O. A l m b o r n) ................................................ 276 W a l l a c e, G. D.: Interrelationships of the L ö v e , A. & L ö v e , D.: Cytotaxonomic Subfamilies of the Ericaceae and Deri Atlas of the Arctic Flora. (By G. Wei- vation of the Monotropoideae............ 286 m a r c k) .......................................................................... 524 W ig h , K.: Scandinavian Species of the Plant Chromosomes. (By WG. ei- Genus Brachythecium (Bryophyta). I. m a r c k) ............................................................................. 525 Modification and Biometric Studies in Miège, J. & S t o r k , A. (eds.) : Origine des the B. rutabulum—B. rivulare Com flores africaines et malgaches. Nature plex ................................................................... 463 - Ditto II. Morphology, Taxonomy and — spéciation. (By I.F r iis) .................... 371 Cytology in the B. rutabulum—B. S c h u s t e r, R. M.: The Hepaticae and rivulare Complex....................................... 476 Anthocerotae of North America East of the Hundredth Meridian. Vol. IV. Announcement (By O. A l m b o r n) ................................................ 372 T ib e l l , L.: The Calieiales of Boreal Appeal for Support for the Index Hol- North America. (By O.A l m b o r n) .. 199 m ensis Project (by H. T ralau) .............. 201 T r a l a u, H.: Bibliography and Index to Palaeobotany and Palynology 1950— Reviews of Botanical Literature 1970. (By R.D a h l g r e n).............................. 198 A h m a d j ia n, V. & H a l e , M. E. (eds.) : The — (ed.): Index Holmensis IV. (By R. Lichens. (By O. A lm born) ........................ 275 D a h l g r e n) ................................................................. 277 Bot. N otiser, vol. 128, 1975 Index The index covers only taxa which have been treated in more detail. New taxa and new combinations are printed in boldface, f indicates illustration(s) (also of chromosomes) and m refers to a map. Each taxon is only indexed once per article. Acacia f 327 Aristolochiales ................................................ 124 Acetosa oblongifolia....................................... 506 Arnebia decumbens ................................... f 307 Acetosella beringensis .................................. 506 Asparagales......................................................... 142 — krausei ......................................................... 506 Aster sibiricus ssp. pygm aeus..................... 521 Aconogonon laxmannii.................................. 507 ssp. richardsonii ................................. 521 Adenophora f 96 ssp. subintegerrimus ........................ 521 Agrostis scahra ssp. septentrionalis.... 504 — alpinus ssp. serpentimontanus.......... 521 Alchemilla vulgaris ssp. oxyodonta.... 515 ssp. tolmatschevii ............................. 521 ssp. transpolaris................................. 515 A sterales .............................................................. 128 ssp. vestita ........................................... 515 Asteranae .............................................................. 127 Alismatales ......................................................... 141 Astragalus astragalinus.............................. 515 Alismatanae ......................................................... 140 — bachtiarius ............................................ f 305 Allium ascalonicum ....................................... 299 — candolleanus ............................................ f 305 — sindjarense ................................................ 369