BOTANISKA NOTISER 1975, VOL. 128 PUBLISHED BY THE LUND BOTANICAL SOCIETY EDITED BY GUNNAR WEI MARCK Established in 1839 DISTBIBUTOR: THE SWEDISH NATURAL SCIENCE RESEARCH COUNCIL, STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN Dates of Distribution Fase. 1, pp. 1--202, on 8 July 1975 Fase. 2, pp. 203--278, on 10 Oct. 1975 Fase. 3, pp. 279--374, Oll 9 Feb. 1976 Fase. 4, pp. 375--526, on 6 May 1976 ISSN 0006-8195 LUND 1976CARL BLOMS BOKTRYCKE AB. Contents A r e k a l . G. 1). & Nagendran,C. R.: E m ­ J onsell, B.: Lepidium L. (Cruciferae) in bryo Sac of Hydrobryopsis sessilis — Tropical Africa. A Morphological, Origin, Organization and Significance332 Taxonomical and Phytogeographical A r y a v a n d , A.: Contribution a l’étude Study .................................................................. 20 cytotaxonomiqiie de quelques Angio­ K apoor , T., P arulekar , N. K. & V ijaya - spermes de l’Iran ......................................... 299 raghavan , M. IL: Contribution to the B o u l o s , L. & Jallad, W .: Studies ont h e Embryology of Celsia coromandeliana Flora of Jordan. 1. Diplotaxis villosa Vahl. With a Discussion on Its Affi­ sp. nov. (Cruciferae)............................... 365 nities W ith Verbascum thapsus L. 438 — & L a h h a m , J.: Studies on the Flora of K arlström , P. O.: Asystasia laticapsula Jordan. 2. Seven Species New to the (Acanthaceae), a Widely Used but Flora of Jordan.............................................. 368 Previously Invalid Name...................... 235 Chaudhary,S. A., K i r k w o o d , G. & Wey­ K ennedy, H.: Notes on Central American m o u t h , C.: The Iris Subgenus Susiana Marantaceae II. New Species from in Lebanon and Syria................................ 380 Panamå and Costa R ica........................... 312 C r o n b e r g , G.: Mallomonas trummensis Löve, A. & Lö v e, IX: Nom enclatural Nov. Spec. (Chrysophyceae) Studied Notes on Arctic Plants........................... 497 by Means of Scanning and Transmis­ N anda , K. & Gu pta , S. C.: Syngenesious sion Electron Microscopy...................... 69 Anthers of Helianthus annuus—a D a h l g r e n , R.: Presentation of an Angio- Histochemical Study ................................ 450 sperm System to Re Used for Demon­ strating the Distribution of Characters119 N ordenstam , B.: Lam procephalus B. — Current Topics. The Distribution of Nord., a New Senecioid Genus from Characters within an Angiosperm South Africa ................................................... 323 System. I. Some Embryological Cha­ O lsson, U.: A Morphological Analysis of racters .................................................................. 181 Phenotypes in Populations of Quercus Denford, K. E.: Isoenzyme Studies in (Fagaceae) in Sweden ........................... 55 Members of the Genus Brassica .... 455 — On the Size and Microstructure of D u n b a r , A.: On Pollen of Campanulaceae Pollen Grains of Quercus robur and Q. and Related Families with Special Re­ petraea (Fagaceae) ..................................... 256 ference to the Surface Ultrastructure. — Oaks with Subentire Leaves from I. Campanulaceae Subfam. Campa- Skåne, Sweden. A New Critical At­ nuloidae ............................................................. 73 tempt to Explain Their Origin............ 265 — Ditto II. Cam panulaceae Subfam. — Peroxydase Isozymes in Quercus pet­ Cyphioidae and Subfam. I.obelioidae; raea and Quercus robur........................... 408 Goodeniaceae; Sphenocleaceae............ 102 — The Structure of Stellate Trichomes Friedrich, W. L. & Strauch, F.: Der and Their Taxonomic Implication in Arillus der Gattung Musa...................... 339 Some Quercus Species (Fagaceae) . 412 G i i o u .s e , A. K. M. & I q b a l , M.: A Com­ O redsson, A.: Factors Possibly Influ­ parative Study on the Cambial Struc­ encing the Range of Shrubby Rubus ture of Some Arid Zone Species of Species in Sweden. I. Severity of Acacia and Prosopis..................................... 327 W inter .................................................................. 47 G ustafsson, M. & W e n d e l b o , P.: K aryo­ — & Snogerup , S.: Drawings of Scandi­ type Analysis and Taxonomic Com­ navian Plants 101— 102. Epilobium L. m ents 011 Irises from SW and C Asia208 Sect. Epilobium.............................................. 1 H errnstadt, I. & H e y n , C. C.: A Study of Cachrys Populations in Israel and Ditto 103— 104. 14E, ’’ 1 ium L. Sect. Its Application to Generic Delimitation227 E p ilo b iu m .............................................. 203 H u l t é n , E.: The total Range of Euphrasia357 Ditto 105— 108. Epilobium L. Sect. Hum phries, G. J.: Cytological Studies in Epilobium........................................................... 279 the Macaronesian Genus Argyranthe- — —- Ditto 109— 110. Epilobium L. Sect. mum (Compositae: Anthemidae).... 239 E p ilo b iu m........................................................... 375 J e n s e n , S. IL, N i e l s e n , B. J. & D a h l ­ SlDDiQUl, S. A.: Studies in the Lentibu- g r e n , R.: Iridoid Compounds, Their lariaceae. 7. The Development of Occurrence and Systematic Impor­ Endosperm and Embryo in Utricularia tance in the Angiosperms...................... 148 coerulea var. filicaulis Clarke ............ 432 Bot. N otiser, v ol. 128, 1975 IV JÖSTEDT, B.: Revision of the Genus Car- B o n e y, A. D.: Phytoplankton. (By L. damine L. (Cruciferae) in South and E d l e r ) ....................................................................... 371 Central America ....................................... 8 D e g e l iu s, G.: The Lichen Genus Collema HULIN, M.: Campanula keniensis Thulin with Special Reference to the Extra- sp. nov., and Notes on Allied Species 350 European Species. (By O.A l m b o r n) 198 ixiER, P.: Contribution à l’étude du H e n s s e n, A. & J a h n s, H. M.: Lichenes. genre Cololejeunea. V. Quelques Eine Einführung in die Flechtenkunde. espèces de la région indo-pacifique . 425 (By O. A l m b o r n) ................................................ 276 W a l l a c e, G. D.: Interrelationships of the L ö v e , A. & L ö v e , D.: Cytotaxonomic Subfamilies of the Ericaceae and Deri­ Atlas of the Arctic Flora. (By G. Wei- vation of the Monotropoideae............ 286 m a r c k) .......................................................................... 524 W ig h , K.: Scandinavian Species of the Plant Chromosomes. (By WG. ei- Genus Brachythecium (Bryophyta). I. m a r c k) ............................................................................. 525 Modification and Biometric Studies in Miège, J. & S t o r k , A. (eds.) : Origine des the B. rutabulum—B. rivulare Com­ flores africaines et malgaches. Nature plex ................................................................... 463 - Ditto II. Morphology, Taxonomy and — spéciation. (By I.F r iis) .................... 371 Cytology in the B. rutabulum—B. S c h u s t e r, R. M.: The Hepaticae and rivulare Complex....................................... 476 Anthocerotae of North America East of the Hundredth Meridian. Vol. IV. Announcement (By O. A l m b o r n) ................................................ 372 T ib e l l , L.: The Calieiales of Boreal Appeal for Support for the Index Hol- North America. (By O.A l m b o r n) .. 199 m ensis Project (by H. T ralau) .............. 201 T r a l a u, H.: Bibliography and Index to Palaeobotany and Palynology 1950— Reviews of Botanical Literature 1970. (By R.D a h l g r e n).............................. 198 A h m a d j ia n, V. & H a l e , M. E. (eds.) : The — (ed.): Index Holmensis IV. (By R. Lichens. (By O. A lm born) ........................ 275 D a h l g r e n) ................................................................. 277 Bot. N otiser, vol. 128, 1975 Index The index covers only taxa which have been treated in more detail. New taxa and new combinations are printed in boldface, f indicates illustration(s) (also of chromosomes) and m refers to a map. Each taxon is only indexed once per article. Acacia f 327 Aristolochiales ................................................ 124 Acetosa oblongifolia....................................... 506 Arnebia decumbens ................................... f 307 Acetosella beringensis .................................. 506 Asparagales......................................................... 142 — krausei ......................................................... 506 Aster sibiricus ssp. pygm aeus..................... 521 Aconogonon laxmannii.................................. 507 ssp. richardsonii ................................. 521 Adenophora f 96 ssp. subintegerrimus ........................ 521 Agrostis scahra ssp. septentrionalis.... 504 — alpinus ssp. serpentimontanus.......... 521 Alchemilla vulgaris ssp. oxyodonta.... 515 ssp. tolmatschevii ............................. 521 ssp. transpolaris................................. 515 A sterales .............................................................. 128 ssp. vestita ........................................... 515 Asteranae .............................................................. 127 Alismatales ......................................................... 141 Astragalus astragalinus.............................. 515 Alismatanae ......................................................... 140 — bachtiarius ............................................ f 305 Allium ascalonicum ....................................... 299 — candolleanus ............................................ f 305 — sindjarense ................................................ 369
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