DOI UDC 784.4(=214.58)(498) “Perverting the Taste of the People”: Lăutari and the Balkan Question in Romania ___________________________ Roderick Charles Lawford1 Cardiff University, United Kingdom „Извитоперење укуса људи“: Lăutari и балканско питање у Румунији __________________________ Родерик Чарлс Лофорд Универзитет у Кардифу, Уједињено Краљевство Received: 1 September 2020 Accepted: 9 November 2020 Original scientific article. Abstract “’Perverting the Taste of the People’: Lăutari and the Balkan Question in Ro- mania” considers the term “Balkan” in the context of Romanian Romani mu- sic-making. The expression can be used pejoratively to describe something “bar- baric” or fractured. In the “world music” era, “gypsy-inspired” music from the Balkans has become highly regarded. From this perspective “Balkan” is seen as something desirable. The article uses the case of the Romanian “gypsy” band Taraf de Haïdouks in illustration. Romania’s cultural and physical position with- in Europe can be difficult to locate, a discourse reflected in Romanian society itself, where many reject the description of Romania as a “Balkan” country. This conflict has been contested throughmanele , a Romanian popular musical genre. In contrast, manele is seen by its detractors as too “eastern” in character, an unwel- come reminder of earlier Balkan and Ottoman influences on Romanian culture. Keywords: Balkan(s), Romania, alterity, exotic, oriental, Ottoman, manele, lăutari, “gypsy”, Turkish, Roma, Romani, “world music”, subaltern. 1
[email protected] 86 МУЗИКОЛОГИЈА / MUSICOLOGY 29-2020 Апстракт „’Извитоперење укуса људи’: Lăutari и балканско питање у Румунији“ студија је у којој се разматра појам „Балкан“ у контексту музичке продукције румунских Рома.