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i H1LLSB0R0 INDEPENDENT. TUB PLATFORM. to get In and make a fool of himself REriPROClTT AND IK EE TB1DE. on the financial question, will them Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Govt Report or press last The unanimity of opluiou on Al the time going to selves be fooled. the '1 (BWH la lb pnetnrneaat Hlllaboro, Ofafoa, week, the republican state platform part of the business Interest of the had nut been adopted, but it has Ail that bad been accomplished up country in favor of reciprocity Is very see NEW. BUSINESS eee fttibaertptioa. In edTaao., parMr . 0 sinon been reported and appears in to the hour of going to preas was the diatasteful to the democratic party. II UaVCrrUVaUUUM full on the first page of this iesue. nomination for congress of T. II They realize that their party made a East end of Madi- MILIXrW K rt'BLINHJMU CO., In every particular, save one, it Tongue in the first district and W. R great mistake when It abrogated that Having rented the Warehouse at East Portland, for meet! thespprobation of republican. Ulli in th tevond by the republican profitable policy, and the only thing son Street Bridge ami Railroad Track. II. M C. OAl'LT, Kdlme. years, I am prepared to handle Flour, Gram, It is a fair, full and complete ennu-- and the adoption of a platiform. The they can find to sy about it 1 that a term of clation of republican idea on all the republican are CC1QJTEB.Y Mill Feed, Hay, &c. tL PArmmmr rum cir the Democrats slopped over a asual try. inconsistent in PURE orrm point of public policy. It pledges ing to please all wings of the party advocating it because it Implies free I WILL A the party to protection of American They adopted a platform favoring the trade. "If we obtain a market for -- P0 FHIDAY, APRIL IT. now in the treasury of the United mmsT bill products and labor; it empbaalje free and unlimited coinage of silver our surplus products in foreign coun- State, which represents the silver the necessity of economy It aaka for and indorsed Cleveland's admloistra tries under reciprocity treaties," says Our sick list is decreaselng, Mrs. COMMISSION BUSINESS. seignorage or coinage profit to the Baker, Miss Todd, George Todd, and JttflBUCAS STATK TICKET. retrenchment in public expenditures; Uon. Talk about straddling the fin one of them, "we cannot iu fairness government: also alt silver bullion Miss Schllckusere are improveing. Also Buy and Sell. Cheap Storage. Side-trac- k to KorBnpr it pledge the support of the party to ancial question, If that don't beat all refuse to supply a market for" the sur- - may I Jadf, that hereafter offered fur Mr. Win. Murray has inclosed his ot floor space. I Load and Unload the government the maintenance plus products ; building. 1700-io- R. 8. BXAM. in the straddeling of ancient and modern of foreigners and so coinage. garden with a new fence. to any part of the City on short notice. I of Lao. County. supremacy among foreign republican Cars. Truck of it time. They favor the free and un declaration in favor of rec Then farther along appears this Arbor day was observed at the have as good a stand as there is in the City for Business. (lowers. Jn one thing only does it limited coinage of silver and indorse iprocity 1 humbug, or is practically WilsonviPe and Pleasant Hill schools I solicit a share of f ur Congre, Dittrict, other plank: I will have a Chop mill in connection. Flrl fail to meet the criticism of the most Cleveland's gold standard policy, In advocacy of free trade." But this Friday. The Hood View school in- THOMAS. H. TONCil'B, "Kight We Instruct our delegates to celebrate next Friday. your orders. exacting republican, and that is on Whoop! Astoria Herald. view of the matter is easy to refute, tend put their load of (,rain, of Weahlngtoa County. elected to represent u in the nation Wilaonville, P. S. When Farmers the subject of silver .jcoinage. yet The meaning free The I. A. 8. dub, of sell. I will keep their of trade is the un al convention tosupixrt only a can give an entertainment In Bags Feed or Hay iu my bands to rur li .trlrl Attorney, tilth lii.lrlct. Mr. Herman and hi friend will will No Feed Free. there are none who say that the restricted interchange of industries In and brothers' Saturday night, April ltprses over night free of charge. T. J. CI.KETUX. be found solidly supporting Tom didate favor of the free lull, party idea i misrepresented. Only as well as dissimilar products, and unlimited of silver at the 25, 1S1HJ. Thanking you for past Patronage, ul Columbia County. v Tongue. coinage it does not formulate a new Idea To succeed in any reciprocity does not contemplate Mrs. Frankle Brown, formerly of human undertaking a man must ratio of 16 to 1. I Remain yours, t'ur J tint .Senator. Washington, folnmbl It is not populist nor Intended to be, anything, of that kind. It is maul this place, died at the homo of her and Tillamook, have a host of loyal supporters Mrs. D. Bell, lu New berg, for republicans never favored the un- and festedly to the advantage of peo- Hon. T. Cleeton has been nomi mother, J. OKO. W. FATTBKSOS, the J. morning April 8th, of S3. limited coinage at friends. That's what Tom Tongue on the of A. of Waahinglon County. of silver a ratio of ple of the United States to buy freely nated for district attorney to succeed droiwy of heart. About four PORTLAND, OKKM has. Capital 10. the 114 Hawthera Areaae. EAST 1S to 1, except the leading commer Journal, April irom oiner countries such tilings as Hon. W. X. Barrett. Mr.C. is some years ago Mrs Brown had la grip, cial nations of the world stranger w hich lime has never been KtrrBMCa roiJiTf cojte.itioi unite with Thomas Tongue, who was nomi- cannot be produceJ at homo, and to what of a here but is under from the MMMMMMMtM us. It is not gold monometalinin, for pay for such things c the domes stood to te a very bright young man entirely well, often being In bed for A rvnulilican convention for tli? nated by the Oregon republicans week at a time. She leave a hus- republicans never consented to give tic commodities of w liieh they have a He represeuled Columbia county In rounly of WaMhinirlon U Callttl to yesterday to succeed Binger Her band, Braxtou Brown, one son and up the use of silver. The party surplus. This is gixsl republican the last session of the legislature and mourn on mann in congress, is a roan of bril many relative and friend to DRUG In the city of HllUboro, would all the silver possible was 26 years THE DELTA STORE. rnt ue and liant attainments. He Is a lawyer, a doctrine, and it is the basis of the the voted with the majority of the party her early death. She Thursday, the 30th day of April required in business last and uine months of age. The funeral transactions, farmer and a stockman, and is ory of reciprocity. for the caucus nominee till the IKitC, at II o'clock a. id., for the pur nominat-ings?c- took place at the Pleasant Hill provided, though, no more shall be There was no sacrifice of the princi ballot when he In a telling pose of nominating one senator, three equally at ease In the courtroom or cemetery Wednesday, conducted by injected Into the currency of the pie of protection iu the negotiation of put Hon. Geo. W. Mc request or ... MUX 8TKEET, HII.LSBOBO, OREfalO.f ... roprcHentHtveH, one county clerk, one uiKin the stump. Mr. Tongue has a Rev. Jerome Barber, by nation than can le maintained at a the reciprocity treaties under the act Bride before the joint convention for deceased, who was a faithful mem- - county recorder, one county sheriff, broad and firm grasp of all public parity with the currency of the lead-in- g of!8!HI. They added nothing to the U. 8. senator and had the satisfaction bej of the Congregational church or one county treaMurer, one county as- questions. Spokesma Hotslview, of w hich Rev. Barber Is QPECIAL ATTENTION commercial nations of the world. free lint that was not already there, of seeing his man elected. Mr. Clee sessor, one county ronainl.atloner, to Spokane, Wash. pastor. Many friends extend their ' Such has always been the policy of but they enlarged our foreign trade ton has the reputation of alway"get to Quality and Accuracy in Dispensing. four yeare; one county" sympathy lo the herieved. Nerve the parly and iww t ho future action Mr. Tongue la fur sound money and under conditions peculiarly ting there" wherefore in the adminis HUmrinteiilnt, one county surveyor. favorable of the parly i to lie interpreted by plenty of It. While the great major to our protected Interest and to our tration of his office he is likely to be KK1L ESTATE TRANfUCTIOM, AT LOWEST A Fine Line of Toilet Articles, Patent one county inroner, anil to transact its history and by the men selected ity of the people of Oregon want producers of all classes. Tea, coffee terror to vildoers,and they are liable C M PRICES. hucIi other business a may properly J Smock and f to J Baavart lot Medicines, School Boohs, Xc.