Developmental patrimonialism? The case of Malawi Diana Cammack and Tim Kelsall with David Booth Working Paper No. 12 July, 2010 Copyright: The authors. Published on behalf of the Africa Power and Politics Programme (APPP) by the Overseas Development Institute, 111 Westminster Bridge Road, London SE1 7JD, UK ( The APPP Working Paper series is edited by Richard Crook, Professorial Fellow, Institute of Development Studies at the University of Sussex, Brighton BN1 9RE, UK ( The Africa Power and Politics Programme is a consortium research programme funded by the UK Department for International Development (DFID), with additional support from Irish Aid, for the benefit of developing countries. The views expressed in this publication are those of the author and not necessarily those of DFID, Irish Aid or the Programme as a whole. Developmental patrimonialism? The case of Malawi Diana Cammack and Tim Kelsall with David Booth* Economic governance in Malawi has never been without problems. Yet, for significant periods, the country’s development performance has been better than might be expected given its geographical location and natural resource endowments and the global context of the time. This paper argues that underlying the episodes of better performance are institutional configurations which include: centralized, long-horizon rent utilization, a disciplined economic technocracy, and an inclusive form of ethno-regional politics. In particular, the 1964-79 phase of the presidency of Kamuzu Banda conforms closely to the concept of ‘developmental patrimonialism’, defined in this way. It tends also to support the proposition that regimes of this type are associated with relatively good development outcomes. Furthermore, the characteristics and performance of subsequent regimes (Banda II, Muluzi and Mutharika) are consistent with the emerging theory. 1 Introduction It is widely accepted in development circles that economic growth depends on a climate conducive to business investment. This climate is affected not only by a country’s geographical and ecological endowments, but also by its economic policies and political institutions. In respect of the latter, current donor advice is for African countries to adopt ‘good governance’. On the agenda are the creation of strong property rights and a transparent regulatory framework, democratic politics and the rule of law, and an arm’s length relationship between businessmen and politicians enacted through formal business associations. There is a growing recognition, however, that this agenda may not be realistic, since in the short run good governance may be beyond the will and capacity of African governments to achieve. This makes imperative the search for ‘good enough governance’ (Grindle, 2004) and ‘second-best’ investment-stimulating solutions, at least until economic and social progress is sufficient to support fully fledged democratic institutions. It is increasingly clear, moreover, that development in Africa would be easier if indigenous institutions or local norms could be built upon rather than importing foreign prescriptions. Thus, the search is on for ‘what works’ in various parts of Africa. The general argument has been made at greater length in a previous APPP Working Paper (Kelsall and Booth, 2010). 1.1 Emerging theory and the Malawi case This paper contributes to the search for ‘what works’ by exploring relevant aspects of the economic and political history of Malawi.1 It argues that although Malawian economic * Tim Kelsall and Diana Cammack are APPP Associates based respectively in Phnom Penh ( and Cape Town ( David Booth is at the Overseas Development Institute in London ( Cammack and Kelsall, Developmental Patrimonialism? Malawi 1 governance has never been without problems, for significant periods the country has performed as well or better than might have been expected given its geographical location and natural resource endowments. It finds that underlying these promising episodes are distinct institutional configurations, namely, centralized, long-horizon rent-creation and distribution, a disciplined economic technocracy, and an inclusive form of ethno-regional politics. Only the second of these conforms (and only partially) to the expectations of the good governance agenda; moreover, when economic and political competition has been at its most liberalized, following most literally the specifications of the good-governance agenda, economic performance in Malawi has suffered. We structure our discussion of Malawi in terms of three political-institutional variables which have been suggested by APPP research into business-politics relations in African and Southeast Asian states as crucial determinants of economic performance. The variables address 1) the structure and orientation of rent-creation and distribution in the political economy; 2) the norms governing relations between political leaders and the economic technocracy; and 3) the inclusiveness of the political system. Research in APPP’s Business and Politics Research Stream is suggesting quite strongly that these relationships are important and under-recognized drivers of the investment climate and development performance in sub-Saharan Africa, as well as in Asia. The evidence to support this claim is bulky, and some parts of argument await refinement. For these reasons, we are taking a stepwise approach to publishing our material. The working paper referenced above is largely focused on the single variable of centralized rent-creation and distribution. In this paper, we make use of all three components of the emerging theory, but in a tentative way, as work in progress. We devote the remainder of this Introduction to a brief presentation of the elements of the theory. 1.2 Rent-seeking: structure and orientation In our model, a key determinant of whether or not rents contribute to growth is the degree to which they are centralized. Our terminology follows that of Khan (2000) where rents are ‘excess incomes’ – those which do not exist in the abstract world of perfect markets, but which are widespread in the real world in the forms of profits from monopoly trading, income from subsidies, income that comes from owning (naturally or artificially) scarce resources, and/or income from corruption. Some rents are inefficient and growth retarding, while others may play a highly constructive role in the process of development, depending on how they are generated and how they are used. Centralized rent-seeking makes it easier for an individual or group to coordinate rents for the overall benefit of the political economy. Moreover, the centralization of rents gives an individual or group an incentive to grow the economy so as to maximize rent collection, as explained by Olson (1993) in his discussion of stationary and roving bandits. In the absence of such coordination – and there is no reason to suppose that the market itself will provide this – each individual has an incentive to maximize his own take, leading to an unsustainable level of 1 Supplementing a survey and critical analysis of written sources, Diana Cammack and Al Osman conducted in-depth interviews with politicians, senior civil servants, donors, and other officials in Malawi in the last two weeks of January and in July 2010. Cammack and Kelsall, Developmental Patrimonialism? Malawi 2 rent-seeking. Centralization, however, is not sufficient to ensure growth-promoting outcomes. If leaders take a short-term view, they will discount the future in the interests of the present, leading again, in all probability, to an unsustainable type and level of rent collection. The leadership’s time horizon is therefore important as well.2 We know that rents are centralized when there is a structure in place that allows an individual or group at the apex of the state to determine the major rents that are created and to distribute them at will. We know that the leadership is far-sighted when it limits the rent-collection of both itself and others with a view to maximizing rent-collection in the long term. Figure 1 provides a simple typology of situations taking both the degree of centralization and time-horizons into account. Figure 1: Definition of long-horizon, centralized rent utilization Centralization Low High Non- Short Free-for-all developmental kleptocracy Time horizon Losing battle Developmental Long against corruption rent utilization In the top-left quadrant, rent-centralization is low, and the leadership has little interest in disciplining rent-collection with a view to the long term. The result is likely to be a highly competitive free-for-all in which anyone with the ability to extract rents takes the maximum in the short-term, grasping as much as they can today for fear that tomorrow there will be nothing worth taking. Sustained economic growth seems impossible in this scenario, since there will be no limit to the shake-downs potential investors can expect. Classic examples might be the Nigerian First Republic, Sierra Leone under Albert Margai, or the First Republic in Congo. In the bottom left-quadrant, the leadership desires to take the long view, channelling rents so as to maximize its own take, or in the interests of society as a whole. However, because it lacks the machinery to centralize rents, its ability actually to implement the long-term view is strictly limited. The result is likely to be a losing war against corruption. Tanzania in the early 1980s provides a good example. 2 For elaboration, see Kelsall and Booth (2010). Cammack and Kelsall, Developmental Patrimonialism? Malawi 3 In the upper-right quadrant, by contrast, the leadership has had considerable success in centralizing the rent-taking machinery. Few big rents are generated or allocated without the knowledge of the leadership. In theory, the President and his inner circle would have the power to channel rent-taking in developmental ways, but for one reason or another, they do not take the long-term view. Consequently, those with connections to the top leadership are allowed to enrich themselves almost without limit.
MALAWI COUNTRY OF ORIGIN INFORMATION (COI) REPORT COI Service 31 OCTOBER 2012 MALAWI 31 OCTOBER 2012 Contents Preface Useful news sources for further information Paragraphs Background Information 1. GEOGRAPHY ............................................................................................................ 1.01 Map ........................................................................................................................ 1.05 2. ECONOMY ................................................................................................................ 2.01 3. HISTORY ................................................................................................................. 3.01 Local government elections ................................................................................ 3.05 Foreign donor aid to Malawi suspended ............................................................ 3.07 Anti-government protests: July 2011 ................................................................. 3.10 4. RECENT DEVELOPMENTS (JANUARY TO SEPTEMBER 2012) ......................................... 4.01 5. CONSTITUTION .......................................................................................................... 5.01 6. POLITICAL SYSTEM ................................................................................................... 6.01 Human Rights 7. INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................... 7.01 8. SECURITY FORCES ...................................................................................................
C F S C P FEBRUARY R 2010 E S News clippings S with analysis From the R Major newspapers E in Malawi V Compiled by the I Center for Social Concern (CFSC) E Box 40049 Lilongwe 4 Area 25 W Next to St. Francis Parish Tel: 01 715 632 CFSC Press Review February 2010 LIST OF NEWSPAPERS REVIEWED Daily Times The Weekend Nation The Sunday Times Malawi News The Guardian Nation on Sunday The Nation CFSC Press Review February 2010 PREVIEW Members of Parliament in Malawi are never short of controversies. It all started with their proposal to have their allocation of fuel revised upwards. The Legislators would want to have 500 litres of fuel per month for each one of them. There are 193 members of the National Assembly. Their wish is somehow strange. According to some writers who made calculations 500 litres of fuel is just too much for the legislators. Some observers have noted that the fuel allocation increase will be like another salary raise for the MPs because they get money equivalent to the litres of fuel. If government approves their proposal it means each of the MPs will be going home with the cash and not the actual fuel. Only God knows if all this money is going to be used for its intended purpose. Already there have been reports of some legislators who desert their constituencies after winning their parliamentary seat. These members are seen in cities and have no time to visit the people who put them into power.
Chapter 4 Making, Unmaking and Remaking Political Party Coalitions
POLITICAL PARTY COALITIONS IN MALAWI 111 4 MAKING, UNMAKING AND REMAKING POLITICAL PARTY COALITIONS IN MALAWI Explaining the Prevalence of Office-Seeking Behaviour DENIS KADIMA AND SAMSON LEMBANI INTRODUCTION The contemporary history of political alliances in Malawi dates back to the early 1990s when Malawian political and social groupings joined forces and succeeded in voting out the 30-year-old one-party regime of Kamuzu Banda in 1994. While a recent unpublished study by Lars Svåsand, Nixon Khembo and Lise Rakner (2004) gives an account of the reconfiguration of Malawi’s party system after the 2004 general elections, there is no chronological and comprehensive account of the main coalitions of political parties in the country, their accomplishments and setbacks and the lessons that can be drawn from their experience. This explains the need for this study as well as the unique contribution that it makes to the field of party coalition politics. The study deals only with alliances made up of political parties. For this reason, the pre-1994 election alliance of various political pressure groups, faith-based organisations and non-governmental organisations, which worked towards the effective introduction of a democratic multiparty system, is not given significant attention. The study devotes equal attention to the history of both governing and opposition coalitions in Malawi. Specifically, it examines the short-lived coalition between the Malawi Congress Party (MCP) and the Alliance for Democracy (AFORD) after the 1994 general elections; the 1995 alliance between the United Democratic Front (UDF) and AFORD; the alliance forged between the MCP and AFORD prior to the 1999 general elections; the UDF- AFORD-NCD Coalition preceding the 2004 general elections and the 111 112 THE POLITICS OF PARTY COALITIONS IN AFRICA Mgwirizano coalition of 2004.
COUNTRY REPORT Malawi At a glance: 2000-01 OVERVIEW President Bakili Muluzi is expected to remain in power over the forecast period. But the main political parties, will, to varying degrees, experience internal disarray. A clear split has emerged in the main opposition party, the MCP, though the postponement of the September local elections should allow it to tackle its internal differences before they are held. A new uranium mining project will help the mining sector to develop, but infrastructure will need upgrading to attract further mining investment. Falling world tobacco prices in 2000, along with lower domestic production, will reduce export revenue, and increase the trade deficit. The rail link between Malawi and the Mozambican port of Nacala is scheduled to open in September, promising savings in transport costs, but improved track and signalling equipment is required. Key changes from last month Political outlook • There has been a major split in the opposition MCP party. John Tembo and Gwanda Chakuamba were both elected as party leader at parallel conventions in their respective regional strongholds. Economic policy outlook • The 2000/01 budget promises to build on the government’s reform efforts. But fiscal stability remains heavily reliant on foreign grants. Economic forecast • The EIU’s economic forecast remains essentially unchanged. Real GDP growth will slow to 3.5% in 2000, because of reduced agricultural output owing to poor weather. The rate of inflation will average nearly 29% in 2000 and the exchange rate will slip to MK65:US$1 by end-2000. September 2000 The Economist Intelligence Unit 15 Regent St, London SW1Y 4LR United Kingdom The Economist Intelligence Unit The Economist Intelligence Unit is a specialist publisher serving companies establishing and managing operations across national borders.
1 CONCEPTUAL AND CONTEXTUAL BACKGROUND Augustine Titani Magolowondo INTRODUCTION This book is about Government and politics in Malawi. The diversity of issues that are discussed in the subsequent chapters bears testimony to the complexity of this subject matter. The aim of this first chapter is twofold. First, as you may have probably experienced in our daily discourse, the terms Government and politics are often confused with other key terms such as state and nation. As a starting point, this chapter clarifies these related concepts, which are inherently connected but yet conceptually distinct. Second, the discussion in this chapter aims at providing the context within which politics and Government in Malawi operate. In this regard, I look at both the political history and key socio-economic characteristics of Malawi. Finally, I discuss challenges facing Malawi’s politics and Government today. WHAT IS POLITICS? The concept of politics is as old as Government itself. Aristotle, the Greek philosopher (384–322 BC) argued that ‘man is by nature a political animal’. What was meant is that politics is not only inevitable but also essential to human activity. In other words, wherever there are human beings, politics is unavoidable. However, much as Aristotle’s maxim has become almost indisputable among the students of politics, there is no consensus on what exactly is to be understood by politics. To appreciate the conceptual complexity of politics, let us consider for instance the 2000 constitutional amendment to Section 65 of the Malawi Constitution (popularly called the ‘crossing of the floor’ provision). This amendment was to result in any member of Parliament (MP) losing his/her seat should he/she join 1 GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS IN MALAWI any organisation whose objectives were deemed to be political in nature.
The Transition from a Personal Dictatorship: Democratization and the Legacy of the Past in Malawi Please do not cite this pre-final version The final version was published as a book chapter in: Shadrack Wanjala Nasong’o, ed . The African Search for Stable Forms of Statehood: Essays in Political Criticism Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press, 2008, pp. 187-227. Stephen Brown Associate Professor School of Political Studies University of Ottawa In the early 1990s, numerous African dictatorships relatively rapidly and rather unexpectedly liberalized politically. The degrees to which they democratized—and speed at which they did so—varied greatly. The new forms of governance also differed significantly from country to country, as do their prospects. To a certain extent, the variations can be ascribed to decisions of key players at specific moments in time, often in bargaining with other actors. Analyses of transitions based primarily on such voluntaristic factors, such as O’Donnell and Schmitter (1986), tend to minimize the effects of the past. Others, such as Bratton and van de Walle (1994), see clear patterns in how certain types of neopatrimonial regimes in Africa democratize, placing greater emphasis on institutional history. This chapter examines the democratization process in Malawi, using Bratton and van de Walle’s finding as a framework to analyze Malawi’s post- authoritarian governance and prospects for further democratization. Personal Dictatorship as Analytical Category Hastings Kamuzu Banda rule Malawi from independence in 1964 until 1994 through a highly arbitrary and personalized system. “Life President” Banda was the supreme authority; his word had the force of law and was ruthlessly enforced.
Draft Outline of Report – Separation of Powers in a Constitutional
SEPARATION OF POWERS IN A CONSTITUTIONAL DEMOCRACY Discussions and Papers on Southern Africa Mount Soche Hotel Blanytre, Malawi January 28-31, 2003 Table of Contents Foreword: ............................................................................................... iii I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ....................................................................... iv II. Framework of the Conference ..............................................................1 A. Country Examples.........................................................................4 B. Organization of the Meeting ...........................................................6 III. Proceedings ....................................................................................8 A. Opening ......................................................................................8 1. Keynote Address .....................................................................11 B. Plenary Sessions.........................................................................12 1. The Constitutional Perspective: Theoretical and Philosophical Background.....................................................................................12 2. The Malawian Perspective: Key Challenges Confronting the Executive, Legislative and Judicial Branches of Government ...................13 3. The Regional Perspective: The Role of Judicial Review in Strengthening Constitutional Democracy and Promoting Economic Growth 16 4. The International Perspective: Judicial Independence – Best Practices, Regional
Ai Vestigatio of the Political Factors Co Tributi G to Floor Crossi Gi the Malawi Atio Al Assembly
A IVESTIGATIO OF THE POLITICAL FACTORS COTRIBUTIG TO FLOOR CROSSIG I THE MALAWI ATIOAL ASSEMBLY: 2003 – 2009 by AE GRACE MAGAGA submitted in accordance with the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF ARTS in the subject AFRICA POLITICS at the UIVERSITY OF SOUTH AFRICA SUPERVISOR: PROFESSOR C J APIER JUE 2011 DECLARATIO I declare that: An Investigation of the Political Factors Contributing to Floor Crossing in the Malawi National Assembly: 2003 – 2009, is my own work and that all the sources that I have used have been indicated and acknowledged by means of complete references. _____________________________ _____________________ SIGNATURE DATE (Mrs. A G Maganga) Table of Contents Declaration … … … … … … … … … … i Abbreviation … … … … … … … … … … i Dedication … … … … … … … … … … iii Acknowledgement … … … … … … … … … iv Abstract … … … … … … … … … … v Key Terms … … … … … … … … … … v CHAPTER ONE … … … … … … … … … 1 1 GENERAL OVERVIEW … … … … … … … 1 1.1 Introduction … … … … … … … … … 1 1.2 The Malawi Electoral System … … … … … … … 2 1.3 Background to the Study … … … … … … … 4 1.4 Floor Crossing and the Different Malawi Constitutions … … … 6 1.4.1 Floor Crossing and the 1964 Constitution … … … … … 6 1.4.2 Floor Crossing and the 1966 Republican Constitution … … … 7 1.4.3 Floor Crossing and the 1994 Constitution … … … … … 12 1.5 The 2001 Amendment to Section 65 … … … … … … 13 1.5.1 Section 65 used as a Political Tool … … … … … … 14 1.6 Recall Mechanism and the Different Constitutions … … … … 16 1.6.1 Recall Mechanism in the 1964 Constitution
Politics of Judicial Independence in Malawi Freedom House Report prepared by Rachel Ellett, PhD Contents List of Acronyms 3 Acknowledgments 4 Executive Summary 5 Summary Assessment Table 8 Part I: Introduction 12 A Report Structure 12 B Methodology 12 C Background to the Study 13 D Politics and the Malawian Judiciary 1993-2013 16 Part II: Assessing Judicial Independence in Malawi 26 A Scope of Judicial Power 26 B Differentiation and Separation of Powers 29 C Internal Institutional Safeguards 36 D Transparency 48 E External Institutional Support 50 Part III: Analysis of Judicial Interference 55 A Manipulation of Personnel 56 B Institutional Assaults 56 C Personal Attacks on Judges 59 D Budget Manipulation Resources/Remuneration 62 E Attempted Co-option of Judges 63 Conclusion 64 Annex I: Summary of Existing Policy Reports on the Courts and Rule of law in Malawi 65 Endnotes 68 2 List of Acronyms AFORD Alliance for Democracy CILIC Civil Liberties Committee DPP Democratic Progressive Party HRCC Human Rights Consultative Committee MBC Malawi Broadcasting Corporation MCP Malawi Congress Party MEC Malawi Electoral Commission MLS Malawi Law Society PP People’s Party NDA National Democratic Alliance UDF United Democratic Front 3 Acknowledgments I would like to thank the many individuals who gave their time and consent to sit down for extensive one-on-one interviews in Johannesburg and Blantyre. These frank and detailed conversations generated significant insight and detailed and specific information, without which this report would be substantially diminished. Additionally I’d like to recognize the logistical and editorial support of the Freedom House Johannesburg and Washington DC offices and in particular the collegiality and support of Cathal Gilbert and Juliet Mureriwa.
Working Paper Series Malawi Between Internal Factionalism and External Pressure. Coping with Critical Junctures Martin Ott
Working Paper Series of the Graduate Centre Humanities and Social Sciences of the Research Academy Leipzig No. 11 Martin Ott Malawi between internal factionalism and external pressure. Coping with critical junctures Leipzig 2013 Martin Ott: Malawi between internal factionalism and external pressure. Coping with critical junctures Working Paper Series of the Graduate Centre Humanities and Social Sciences of the Research Academy Leipzig, No. 11, Leipzig 2013. The Working Paper Series is edited by the Graduate Centre Humanities and Social Sciences. The Graduate Centre is part of the Research Academy Leipzig, a central institution of the University of Leipzig which concentrates on structured PhD-programmes crossing disciplinary boundaries. Currently the following units are part of the Graduate Centre: International PhD-programme “Transnationalisation and Regionalisation from the 18th Century to the Present” (Spokesperson: Matthias Middel / Stefan Troebst) Research Training Group “Critical Junctures of Globalisation” (Spokesperson: Ulf Engel) PhD-programme “Cultural Exchange Classical Studies’, historical and ethnological perspectives” (Spokesperson: Annegret Nippa / Charlotte Schubert) German-American PhD-programme “German as a Foreign Language / Transcultural German Studies” Distribution: (Spokesperson: Erwin Tschirner) Leipziger Universitätsverlag GmbH Oststr. 41 Research Training Group “Religious Nonconformism and Cultural 04317 Leipzig Dynamics” (Spokesperson: Hubert Seiwert) e-mail: PhD-programme “Central-German
Validation of Malawi Final Validation Report Cowatersogema Independent Validator 3Rd February 2019
Validation of Malawi Final Validation Report CowaterSogema Independent Validator 3rd February 2019 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Government of Malawi committed to implementing the EITI on 17 June 2014, during the opening of the 45th session of Parliament by the President of Malawi, H.E. Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika. The President later appointed the Minister of Finance, Goodall Gondwe as the EITI Champion. The interim multi- stakeholder group (MSG), the EITI Task Force, was set up in November 2010, consisting of stakeholders from all constituencies. The MSG formally met for the first time on 18 March 2015, after several months of constituency elections. On 22 October 2015 the EITI Board accepted Malawi as an implementing country. By the commencement of Validation, Malawi EITI had published two reports covering fiscal years 2014-15 and 2015-16. On 25 October 2016, the Board agreed that Malawi’s Validation under the 2016 EITI Standard would commence on 1 September 2018. This report presents the findings and initial assessment of the International Secretariat’s data gathering and stakeholder consultations. The International Secretariat has followed the Validation Procedures and applied the Validation Guide in assessing Malawi’s progress with the EITI Standard. This validation report follows on from a quality assurance review of the International Secretariat’s initial assessment. While the assessment has not yet been reviewed by the MSG, the Secretariat’s preliminary assessment is that eight of the requirements of the EITI Standard have not been fully addressed in Malawi. Two of these are unmet with inadequate or no progress. The suggested corrective actions relate to industry engagement (#1.2), work plans (#1.5), license registers (#2.3), comprehensiveness (#4.1), data quality (#4.9), distribution of revenues (#5.1), mandatory social expenditures (#6.1), and documentation of outcomes and impact of implementation (#7.4).
Full Name of Republic of Malawi Country Population Malawi is home to roughly 19 million people. 84% of the population lives in rural areas. The life expectancy is 61 years, and the median age is 16.4 years (one of the lowest median ages in the world). Roughly 50.7% (2014 est.) live below the international poverty line. Time Zone GMT +2 (7 hours ahead of EST in the winter, 6 hours ahead in summer) Capital Lilongwe Ethnic Groups The African peoples in Malawi are all of Bantu origin. The main ethnic groups ('tribes') are the Chewa, dominant in the central and southern parts of the country; the Yao, also found in the south; and the Tumbuka in the north. There are very small populations of Asian (Indian, Pakistani, Korean and Chinese), white Africans and European people living mainly in the cities. Major Languages The official language of Malawi is Chichewa and English. English is widely spoken, particularly in main towns. The different ethnic groups in Malawi each have their own language or dialect. Major Religions Most people in Malawi are Christian (82.6%), usually members of one of the Catholic or Protestant churches founded by missionaries in the late 19th century. There are Muslims populations primarily in the south and central region (13%), especially along Lake Malawi - a legacy of the Arab slave traders who operated in this area. Alongside the established religions, many Malawians also hold traditional animist beliefs (2%). President’s Name In 2014, Peter Mutharika of the DPP followed his older brother Bingu wa Mutharika’s footsteps to become the current Malawian president.