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Aprll, 1961 THE SOUNDS OF HOME "And the streets of the city shall rIg. hteousness .... " be full of boys and girls playing in the "... the LORD my God shall come, streets thereof .... " and all the saints with thee." "And I will brin~ them, and they "... Jerusalem shall be safely in- shall dwell in the mIdst of Jerusalem: habited." and they shall be my people, and I will be their God, in truth and in From Zechariah 8 and 14

TELEVISION AND CRIME (To the "Silver Lining" Editor: It government is trying to discourage is sometimes mentioned that TV is TV, and point out its evils. In the just like the many other inventions light of this report, it should never be that have comeinto use, to which the said the elders of·the church are too church was at first opposed, such as critical ..and. are suppr¢ssing their the telephone, automobile,radio, and liberty ..Noah Schrock) then later relented, and tolerated "Impressionable youngsters learn their necessary use. every type of vice and crime and bru- Most of pur members not having tality from television 'entertainment' TV throughout the land are not in a corrupting their sense of morals," position to say too much about it one says FBI Chief J. Edgar Hoover. way or another, only that they fear Four sneering young juveniles that TV will be harmful as a whole to close in on an elderly school teacher spiritual life. on a dark street. One snatches off the I enclose herewith and offer for man's glasses. Another trips him. A I publication a recent statement made third kicks him in the groin. And by J. Edgar Hoover, chief of the F. then-before a coast-to-coastSunday r B. I., which gives his appraisal of evening audience of millions-the el- TV in 1960,fifteen years after it was derly man is slowly and sadistically introduced, and now commonin mil- beaten and kicked to death. I, \ lions of homes. This gruesome scene was telecast I I feel that his statement should in color last July 3. The scene was compel every believer to stop and one of hundreds which have turned think. seriously as to the harm Chief 1960 into the year of sex, slime and I Hoover says it is doing to our youth. sadism on TV. This is the year when ! It seems to me that children of God you could learn how to poison your should be grateful to God that our spouse, torture a beautiful girl or

I I I THE.SILVER LINING murder a child-all in your living people are reaching out in despera- room. tion for the cheapest and most lurid David Susskind, a TV producer attention-getting devices." with a conscience, says he had no idea TV's tide of rape, murder and vio- of the impact on children, until his lence of all sorts has sparked de- four-year-old son drove the point mands for Congressional action to horne. After Mr. Susskind had re- clean things up. The giant networks marked at the family dinner table have scoffed at the idea that TV is about a difference of opinion with corrupting youth and children. The one of his fellow-workers, the lad National Congress of Parents and asked: "Why don't you murder that Teachers says: "Must we wait for man, Daddy?" "What?" demanded statistical proof?" Susskind. "Why don't you murder him?" repeated the boy. J. IEldgarHoover concludes: "We Susskind began watching the pro- are threatened by programs which grams more closely. "Our air waves," flaunt indecency and applaud law- he says, "are filled with depressing lessness. Not since the days of John junk. Grime shows are not just bad Dillinger, when thousands filed past shows, they are bad for onr times, the bier of this infamous man, have bad for our culture. What is happen- we witnessed such a brazen affront ing on television is that programing to our national conscience."

SOJOURNS TO ALABAMA Henry Kilgus (Continued) Now at. Athens) the desiring group would live among the Alabama peo- grew fast, with friends and children ple and give them the true gospel. This no longer afforded room in Bro. Wackerle and Bro. Willis Ehn- homes, as most houses were small. Ie from Princeville worked together, So, they rented whatever they could until Bro. Willis was caned to the for Sunday· services. Sometimes a Army. country school house could be had for A little later, Bro. Melvin Huber the day, or a church house in .the from Francesville (and formerly country that was not in use after- Fairbury), also spent much time in noons. Alabama, until the family went to For a time, we rented the Legion Brazil, South America. Hall in Athens, as long as we could In 1952, the old Baptist church on have it; next, an empty store on North Clinton Street in Athens was Main Street. We had nail kegs and bought. In Athens, we have over 20 planks for seats,·and a large store box members, and a good attendance of for our pulpit. We could also experi- friends and children, which makes it ence how God gives grace to the hum- interesting, to have a nice place to ble. come together for worship: and Sun- By this· time, we were able to have day School. a minister there every Sunday. Then, at LatJ;dersville, about 50 At this time, Bro. Matt Wackerle miles southwest· of Athens,. there from Bay City had a heart to spend were three members, with friends much time in Alabama, as he had and children-no room for all in a been there quite· often before on vis- small hom.e. its. There was a need that a teacher [Continued on Page 24] THE SILVER LINING despera- ost lurid A TNIGHT, STILL JOY and vio- Henry Souder Jr. rked de- Lction to The day dies away. Night ap- destroyed." letworks proaches, as slips away the sleepy The .blue skies are His ; .. as is at TV is edges of day. The day, with its gay- the art-work of golden-dawn .. : He ren. The colored ambitions, its festive rejoic- bathed far-away, fair-circled, soft- mts.' and ings, is Soon done. hued places with His grandeur. wait for But He who lives in the family of But then ... Unmeasured will be God lives an ever-lovely present. The His glory .. ~ unmatched His power colorful church of God finds evening ... unequalled His splendor ... un- es: "We comes, with the distinct, distant counted, His joy. The saints will sing, is which beauty of charming carols. God's child glowed in an aura of complete satis- md law- may drift off to dreamland with chor- faction. , of John uses of far-off beauty ... and the 'iled past He makes Home complete with the soft-spoken glow of company at lovely, lovely personal touch. The .an, have home. _ . friendly faces will be in their placeS. 1 affront "I saw in the night visions, and, Home would not be complete with- behold, one like the Son of man came out the .little ones. E,ach dear little with the clouds of heaven, ... " face will shine. The constant chance to rej oice Oh, lovely lovely theme of. GOO, and rise over our problems are beck- that has wrought ou~deep heart- oning hearts and pleasant feelings of .ache here, t.o finish His' unmatched fellowship. spJend9r there! Oh sweet dream' of And how shall that be when the peace, 'in :which. we may fall asleep sky is a hall-way of home and the and know it's life! Oh sweet stream tma peo- clouds our lawn? of life, that,carries us satisfied where :ospel. How shall it be? Every cloud will cares are no more! illisEhn- be ..counted. The great, billowing Home is. the breath of the Al- together, white kind that pile high in the sky mighty, flames" of friendship,' the d to the . . . others of His Hand ... They will favorite fires of forever . be arranged by the Master's fore- ."But as· .the days of Noe were,. so 'n Huber thought. shan the coming of the Son of man formerly The beautiful Christ will come. The be." . time in glorious appearing ~l glow, in un-, The limbs 'of the statues of 20th went to speakable splendor. Fair harbors of century civilization are decaying. hope will blossom in' colorful scenes Read the ruins. A sick, sensuate hurch on beyond comprehension. civiJization is hastening its downhill, Gens was The clouds will chorus with 'His degrading decline. ~ over 20 radiance. Rainbow hues will .sym- While space sputters man's small .dance of phony, such as we have never known. signals, we observe a world wretch- makes it And we shall be radiantly happy. edlyrevolving toward a coming cU- place to We catch the chorus, and sing for max. and Sun.. the thrill. Carefully~ skillfully, accurately has "And there was given him do- the hurtle been predicted. Through lbout 50 minion, and glory, and a kingdom, the hour-glass, ,·looking .out into the lS, there that all people, nations, and lan- end, we observe the course of catas- l friends guag-es,should serve him : his do- trophe. all in a minion is an everlasting dominion, "And 'in the latter time of their which shall not pass away, and his kingdom, when th'e transgressors· are 4] 'kingdom that which shall not be come to the full, a· king .·offierce countenance, and understanding dark home resound in sacred, blissful sentences, shall stand up." . harmony. The ocean rolls its course in fever- . Jerusalem stands today scarred ish breakings. It cannot rest. Tum- with the trod. The Jews are still out. bled ... rumbled. Groaning ... moan- But the native of Israel has come ing. Savaged ... ravaged. It bristles home. Israel is there, and, round and its foamed anger. It cannot rest. through run the wavy currents that And from its dirty bottoms erupts draw to the end. the ruined way, mirroring the dark, Embattled Jerusalem has not yet sinister figure of the end:.,time.Satan seen the worst. The cleated heel will has placarded his route with wishes crush. Israel's valleys will echo to the of the masses. shout of war. Its soil will flow blood- What our Lord so beautifully re- red. fused from Satan, this tyrant will Poor people who recognize not the accept.. This man will pose as the snarl of the beast! Santa Claus of humanity. He will "And throligh his policy also he wrongly multiply the materiality, shall cause craft to prosper in his and fling it to mankind. He will fling hand; and he shall magnify himself himself from dark heights of fame in his heart, and by peace shall and coast in as courageous. He will destroy many: he shall also stand up worship Satan, and knuckle his poor against the Prince of princes; but he subjects in the steel clutch of the shall be broken without hand." beast. The world is a powder keg, and its "And his power shall be mighty, fuse is Jerusalem. but not by his own power: and he The black skies will explode. shan destroy wonderful1y;and shall It is a sober hour. Now is no time prosper, . and practise,. and shan to play with matches or playthings. destroy the mighty and ·the holy If something has hurt you, put it a- .people." But at evening-time, there shan be .side~ If something is grasping you, p~ace. And across the hours, into flee/from it ... lest it be too late. our hearing, we may be happy in the But when we love not the world ever-beautiful. nor the things in it, how blissful is At night, there is still joy. The the hope at day's decline. beautiful, beautiful sounds of sweet At evening, there is joy. ~ ..NEWS AKRON. OHIO Eiko Ikeda and Philip Burr were Reporter: Ruth Taylor 'united in marriage in Japan, where March 12, Sister Sadie Brenner and he is stationed in the U. S. Marine her daughter, Mrs. Bertha Hinnant, Corps. They plan to be back in Akron left for Houston, Texas, b:v jet, to late summer or early fall. visit her son, Harold Brenner, and Bill ana Fredda'Von Gunton spent family. They returned home March four weeks in Florida, spending most 20. Sadie is 84years old, and this was of their time at Ft. Myers Beach. her first flight. She thoroughly en- They attended services at Ft. Lau- joyed it. derdale. While on their way home, Loren Burr has completed his they had their 40th wedding anniver- three years in the U.S. Marine Corps, sary. and he returned home Jan. 28 from Our shut-ins are: Sister Rose Camp Le Jeune. Pamer, who has been ill for the past THE SILVER LINING 5 , blissful week, but is improving; Sister Grace ris; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Graezl and Schukert, in Akron City Hospital, Sis. Lucille Groh, Mansfield; Sis. scarred recovering from a throat operation; Carolyn Manz, Paulding, Ohio. Sis. : still out. Sister Anna Rupp, in Akron General Louise Ruff and Sis. Louise Mueller, has come Hospital recovering from surgery Peoria, spent most of March with us. ound and for cataracts on' both eyes; Elaine On March 12, our visitors were: ents that Cerny was in Children's Hospital for Bro. and Sis. GeorgeMiller, and their a tonsillectomy. We wish them a daughter, Sis. Kathryn, from Kiowa, ; not yet speedy recovery. Sis. Mary Schlipf and Mrs. Anna heel will The Primary Sunday School class Phipps, and Mrs. Wreath and her :hoto the has saved their pennies, and at Eas- daughter, Carolyn, who are visiting )w blood- ter gave baskets of food to different her sister, Sis. Naomi Schwarz, and families. family. e not the March 26: We are happy to report On March 19, we were happy to that Mother Fritz was back with us have with us Sis. Bertha Sharlock, . also he for services for the first time since Cissna Park; Mr. and Mrs. Bob Klot- ~r in his her mishap. zle, Niles, Ohio; and Bro. and Sis. If himself March 13, Brother Peter and Sister Glenn Hackenjos and family from ace shall Eva Wenhardt flew by jet to Hun- Portland. Bro. Glenn held services in stand up gary, to visit with their families.. both Maywood and Altadena church- ,s·, but he They found conditions bad there, and es. The Maywood Sunday School md."· . were happy to return to America. classes had their Easter program in g, and its March 12, Bro. Emil and Sister the evening, with many from both Margaret Pelsey visited with us, tak- churches attending. ing Margaret's mother with them. ode. Sis. Doris Graf visited the Phoe- March 19, Bro. Art Gudeman and nix church over March 19, for the s no time his son, Frank, visited with us over aythings. wedding of Sis. Roletta Farney and the week end. Brother Art spoke for Bro. Conrad Gerst of Oakville. put it a- both morning and afternoon services, ping you, and we felt richly blessed with his Those visiting on Sunday, March o late~ message. The following brothers and 26, were: Bro. and Sis. Joe Stoller, ;he world sisters from Rittman attended serv- Sabetha', Bro. and Sis. Kenny ,Iissful is ices with us: Carl Stoners, Dale and Schmidgall; Bro. and Sis. Roy Far- Alma Stoller, Joe Blough, Harold ney, and Bro. and Sis. Richard Schup- Stoners, Alvin Steiners, John Dot- bach, from Phoenix; Bro. Reuben Far- terers, Everett Stoners, Don Stoners, ney, Burlington, Okla.; Mr. and Mrs. and Bert Gassers. Walter Graf, Bishop, Calif.; and Mr. Chester Waldsmith of San Gabriel, March 31, Sis. Marie Ritzman and . Bro. Roy Farney assisted sons, Bob Paul, and Eric, and Ed. Bro. Carl Kinsinger with communion Greenbank went to Milford, to spend services in Maywoodin the afternoon. :urr were the week end with the Theo Beers. We enjoyed hearing both Bro. Far- m, where ney and Bro. Schupbach that day. ,. Marine ALTADENA, CALIFORNIA in Akron On Easter morning, April 2, we Reporter, Doris Graf held sunrise services in the moun- ton spent Our ministering Bro. Joe Klotzle, tains, before our reular services. :lingmost his wife, Sis. Helen, and Bro. Bill Those visiting us were Sis. Dorothy ~s Beach. Minger visited the Phoenix church Fischer, Roanoke, and Rosemary Bo- Ft.Lau- on Sunday, Feb. 26. wald, from Urbana, Illinois. ay home, Those visiting us on March 5 were: We are happy that Ernie and Mar- r Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fautz, Peoria; delle Dapper of Maywoodchurch and ,anniver-. Bro. and Sis. John Schrock, Kiowa; Jeri Minger of Altadena church have ter . Rose Bro. and Sis. Mike Weyeneth, Peoria; turned to the Lord in repentance. We . the past Bro. and Sis. Henry SGhmitgall,Mor- wish them God's grace always. 6 THE SILVER LINING ATHENS, HILLSBORO, from Lester; Banwart froom Lamar; E ILLE ALABAMA Anliker from Lamont, ; Som- LAND RSV, erhalder fram Burlington; and many Reporter: OJ:ara Heiniger other visitors. Brother and Sister Ray Heinold of Visitors March 12: Bro. and Sis. Valparaiso, Ind., and Bro. and Sis. Amas Steffen, Helen Sorg, Hulda Du- Urb Bauer of Cissna Park spent the bach from Milford and Bluffton and week end of March 5 visiting the Ala- Bro. and Sis. Phil Mogler and family bama churches. from Lester. Friday evening, in the Landersville Saturday evening, March 25, our area, the warship and Sunday School two friends, Frank and Ruth Hartzel, services were held· in the home of were proved, and the following Sun- Mr. and Mrs. Ed Harville. day were baptized. Visitors that Sun- March 12, the Ohio Sisters, Eve- day were Bro. and Sis. Jay Bollinger lyn Stoller, Lillian Stoller, Marilyn from Tremant, Bro. and Sis. George Dotterer, Roberta Stoller and Dol'o- Waibel and Bro. and Sis. Harold Wai- thy Sabo, visited the Athens and bel froom Wolcott, and Bro. Fred Hillsboro churches. Luthi from Lamont, Kansas. Wednesday evening, March 15, We are glad to have Bro. Joy Mar- Brother Junior Hale was in charge ti back, after being absent for a cou- of the Prospect, Tenn., worship serv- pIe of weeks with pneumonia. ice, at the home of Bro. and Sis. Pauline Specht and Waymer Ess- George Kelley. linger were united in marriage March Bro. and Sis. Henry Wackerle of 5 by Bro. Lester Hartter, at the home Bay City and Bro. and Sis. Louis of the groom's parents. Zimmerman of Roanoke spent the Sis. Lydia Hermann, wife of Bro. week end of March 19 visiting the Albert Hermann, passed away an three churches. Friday, March 24, and funeral serv- March 26, Bro. and Sis. Lewis Gut- ices were held on March 27 by Bros. wein, Sis. Carol, Bro. Kenny Gut- Harvey Grimm and Lester Hartter. wein .of Francesville, and Mrs. 01'- Burial was in the church cemetery. ville' Bucher of Valparaiso visited There were many attending from homes and the three churches. Cissna Park, Princeville, Eureka, Friday evening, March 31, at the Tremont, and Morton. home of Bro. and Sis. Chester Sim- Sister Sarah Meyer returned, after mons of the Landersville area, a spending four weeks in the home of large crowd gathered together for her nephew, Robert Hohulin in Roa- worship services. noke. Bra. and Sis. Herman Wuethrich of Francesville visited the three Ala- BLUFFTON, bama churches March 26. Bro. and Sis.~. Moser, Sis. Edna Reporter: Frieda Kipfer and Robert Moser of Goodwine, TIl., Carolyn Frauhiger, daughter of spent a few days visiting in the Bro. Harry and Berniece Frauhiger, Athens, Hillsboro and Landersville and Wm. Ger.ber, son of Bro. and Sis. area. David Gerber, were united in mar- riage an March 19. Bro. John Yergler BERN, KANSAS officiated. Bro. Obed Steffen, who suffered a Reporter: Leonard Baumgartner badly fractured leg last December Visitors: March 5, Ministering and was a patient in the Clinic Hos- Bras. Sabo from Mansfield; Manz pital, has been able to return to his from Junction, Ohio; Bollinger from home. Tremont· , Getz from Morton; Magler Bro. Harry Frauhiger, who receiv- THE SILVER LINING 7 l Lamar; ed a serious back inj ury several Knochel from Remington; Bro. and :as; Som- months ago, is still in the Parkview Sis. Lloyd Schumacher from .Eure- .nd many Hospital in Ft. Wayne . ka; Bro. and Sis. Ben Schlatter froOm On March 26, Paul and Mildred Taledo; Bra. and Sis. Merle Sauder and Sis. Schladenhauffen were announced for from Tremont; and Friends Dean and [ulda Du- proving. Judy Martin from Peoria. :£ton and Announcement was made on Apr. Births: On Mar. 11, a daughter, lei family 2 of the engagement 'Of Sally Gerber Renee Jean, to Bro. and Sis. Herbert and Charles Shively. Hueni of the Bremen congregation; , 25, our The Sunday School gave a program a daughter, Sharon Lynn, to SP 4 l Hartzel, of Easter hymns. Bro. Aeschliman Carl and Delores Dra wert. Carl is in ring Sun- spoke to the children. A large num- service in Germany. Mrs. Drawert is that Sun- ber were in attendance. the former Dolores Bauman, daugh- Bollinger Bro. Carl Hackenj.os is h'Ome on ter of Bro. and Sis. Joseph Bauman, 3. George Leave, and will soon be discharged of the Bremen congregation. rold Wai- from the Service. On March 12, we had a Singspira- roo Fred Th·ose of our congregation who tion in the evening. The Milford con- have been in the hospital recently, gregation were our guests, and par- Joy Mar- for surgery or illness, are: Sis. Mar- ticipated in the program. A blessed :or a cou- tha Heyerly, Bro. Harvey Steffen, hour was enj oyed by everyone. a. Bro. Edward Ringger, Bro. Sam Visitors on March 19: Bro. and Sis. mer Ess- Aeschliman and Bro. John Gilliom. Albert Schini and family of Reming- ge March Others who have been confined to ton and Bro. and Sis. Richard Klop- the home their homes for some time are Sis. fenstein and daughter of Elgin. Emma Isch, Sjs. R'Osie Speheger, Sis. Visitors on April 2: Bro. and Sis. e of Bro. Lizetta Beer, Sis. Elizabeth Graber, Les Plattner and children, Ken and away on Sis. Alice Isch, Sis. Lillie Schladen- Leslie Ann, from the Goodfield· con- ~ral serv- hauffen, Sis. Elizabeth, Sis. Lydia gregation; Sisters, Mrs. Archie De- by Bros. Geyer, Bro. Joe Isch, and Bro. Jeff Long and Mary Stoller and Miss Na- Hartter. Heyel'ly. omi Metzger of the Latty congrega- cemetery. Bro. and Sis. Philip vVingeier of Al- tion; Bro. and Sis. Robert Haas Sr. of ing from to visited his sister, Sis. Hulda Fiech- Elgin congregation; Mr. and Mrs. Eureka, ter, on the way home from Florida. Robert Haas Jr. of Morris; Br'O. and \Ve have had many guests from Sis. Ed. Suttor Sr. and daughters, [led, after other congregations in the past Carol and Mary Ann, of Eureka con- ! home of moOnth, and h'Ope they will visit us . gregation. n in Roa- again. The Sunday School presented a Births: To Bro. and Sis. Truman very inspiring Easter program, which Baumgartner, a son on Feb. 9; to was well attended. We also held Eas- NA Bro. and Sis. Charles Neuenschwan- ter Sunrise Services at 7 :00 a.m., der, a daughter, on March 10; to Bro. followed by a breakfast. [)fer and Sis. Daniel Reinhard, a daughter, Sis. Juanita Laidig, student nurse 19hter of on April 3; and to Bro. and Sis. Rich- at Parkview Hospital, F'Ort Wayne, ~rauhiger, ard Stoller, a son, 'OnApril 5. spent Easter Sunday with her par- ). and Sis. ents and the Bremen congregation. l in mar- BREMEN, INDIANA Bro. and Sis. William Leman have LllYergler returned from their winter vacation Reporter: Lydia Heuberger in Phoenbc. mffered a Visit'Ors with the Bremen congre- December gation on March 12 were: Sister Mrs. BURLINGTON, OKLAHOMA :linic Hos- Mildred Schlatter, her daughter, Sis. Reporter: Mrs. Raymond Roth lrn to his· Ethelyn, and Bro. and Sis. Marvin We were privileged to have three Stieglitz and family from Leo; Bro. ministers this past month, Bros. Hen- ho receiv- and Sis. Henry Frey and Sis. Lena ry Sabo of Mansfield and Henry 8 THE SILVER LINING Manz of Paulding, Ohio, the evening CISSNA PARK, ILLINOIS of March 7, and Bro. MichaelWeyen- Reporter: Mrs. Jeff Young . eth of Peoria, Sunday, March 19. Here on March 5, were Sis. Emily Sister Emma Domnick, formerly Hoffman from Rockville and Sis. from here, but who has been living Mary Troxel 'Of Leo. They visited in Morton the past few years, visited friends and relatives. us March 12. On March 12, Bro. Alfred Bahler The fifty-fourth wedding anniver- and Bro. Vernon Schwab and their sary of Bro. and Sis. M. A. Kisling wives were our mid-week guests. We was observed March 24 by the imme- enjoyed an inspiring message, and we diate family, at the Hardtner, Kan- invite them back again soon. Other sas, Hospital, where Sis. Kisling has visitors were Bro. Joe Stoller of W01- ;i been a patient for nearly a year. cott; Bro. and Sis. Jake Bahler and Those from here attending the Bro. and Sis. Philip Getz or Reming- wedding of Bro. Conrad Gerst and ton. Sis. Roletta Farney in Phoenix, Mar. Sis. Arvilla Yergler was in the hos- 19, were, Bro. Reuben Farney, Sis. pital for a back surgery, but is home Lydia Ott and Bro. and Sis. Raymond and getting along very nicely. Roth. Bro. Joe Kuperschmit has been Bro. and Sis. Conard Gerst, who confined to his home, but is some im- were married in Phoenix, March 19, proved at this writing. visited relatives here for several Births: To Bro. and Sis. Marvin days, on their way to OakviJIe,where Bauer, a daughter, Rosemary, on they will make their home. A recep- March 8; to Bro. and Sis. Geary Far- tion in their honor was held in the ney, a son, Randall Scott, '0nMarch 9; home of Bro. and Sis. Marvin Ott, the to Bro. and Sis. Wayne Jacob, a son, afternoon of March 26. Sis. Gerst Brian Keith, on March 3. (Roletta Farney) was formerly from The betrothal of Sis. Judy Feller this congregation. to Bro. Dale Eisenmann was an- We all enjoyed the Easter pro- nounced on March 19. gram, presented by the Sunday We are thankful for our friend, Schoolpupils Easter Sunday. Fred Frank, who has given his heart f, A hospital patient this past month to the Lord. We wish him God's grace I' ,.,Ii was Sis. Martha Roth. and mercy. f ,~ Guests registered in our guest book Our sister, Rebecca Alt, 88 years ,'I this past month: March 5, Mrs. Em- old, passed away at the home of her ,1: ma Rapp, Morton; Lydia Jackson and daughter, Mrs. Marion Zbinden. Fu- Sara Otti, Wichita; March 7, Bro. and neral services were held Saturday, Sis. Henry Sabo, Mansfield; Bro. March 25, with Bro. Ezra Feller of- Henry Manz, Paulding; March 12, ficiating, assisted by Bro. Emanuel Bro. and Sis. Bert Gudeman, Fran- Gudeman. cesville; March 19, Bro. and Sis. Mi- Bro. Adam Ehman passed away chael Weyeneth, Peoria;· March 23, March 24, after a long illness. Funer- Bro. and Sis. Conard Gerst, Oakville; al services were held by Bro. Josh Bro. and Sis. John Greiner and fam- Broquard. ily, Sabetha; Bro. and Sis. Harvey On Sunday, March 26, our visitors Smith and Debra, and Marelen were from Latty, Roanoke, Chicago, Spring, Wichita; April 2, Bro. David and Tremont. Hangartner and Mr. and Mrs. Joe We always enjoy visitors, renew- Herr, Wichita; Mr. and Mrs. Thorn- ing old friendships and meeting those ton Hemphill, Lawrence, Kan.; Mr. of like faith. ., and Mrs. Raymond Schr'0ckand sons, Bro. and Sis. Andy Yergler attend- i Pratt, Kan.; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kraft ed the funeral of Sis. Herrman, at Sa- and family, Tulsa, Oklahoma. betha; March 27. THE SILVER LINING 9 roIS Our Sunday School recited the Eas- Dennis Butikofer has returned to mng ter story on Friday evening. his home, after serving two years in is. Emily E3ster visitors were from EJgin, the service of his country. About and Sis. Gridley, Princeville, Fairbury, Mor- 11;'3years of the two-year period was r visited ton, Tremont, Eureka, Roanoke, spent in Italy. We are happy to see Francesville, Rockville, and Bay City. him in our midst again. d Bahler Sis. Emy Hari was hospitalized. md their Emy is the wife of Bro. Joe Hari. EUREKA, ILLINOIS lests. We May the Lord restore her health, Reporter: Cathryn 'Wettstein ~, and we would be our wish and prayer. Visiting ministers the past month In. Other have been as follows: March 5-Bro. r of Wol- ELGIN, ILLINOIS Silas Leuthold of Princeville; March ,hler and Reporter: Louise Steffen 12-Bro. Joe Hodel of Roanoke, an Reming- Ministering brothers visiting here afternoon guest; March 31-Bro. Ed for the month of March are as fol- Hohulin of Goodfield gave a very in- . the hos- lows: Bro. Al Wuthrich of Pulaski; teresting sermon for the Good Friday ; is home Bro. Ed Hohulin of Goodfield; Bros. evening services; April 5-Bro. Gene Ly. Joe and Jesse Schrock of Congerville. Bertschi and Bro. Joe Hodel of Roa- las been We thank these brothers for their noke were guests at our evening serv- some im- visits and inspiring messages. ices. A large crowd attended, as it Mrs. Paul Oeschle of Elgin passed was the time that the Roanoke con- . Marvin away in Miami, Florida, where she gregation gathered with us. We en- 1ary, on and her husband made their home joy having them assemble with us. ~ary Far- the past few years. The funeral was March 29-An Easter program, March 9; March 13. given by the Sunday School classes, )b, a son, Sister Lorna Steffen of Elgin and was held this evening. The Bible Bro. Don Schrock of Congerville were Class from Roanoke also sang two ly Feller united in marriage March 12, bY.El- E'aster songs. A large crowd enj oyed was an- der Bro. Noah Schrock. Many out- hearing the beautiful singing from of-town guests were present. all the young people. It was so im- r friend, The marriage of Sister Elizabeth portant to us all to be reminded again his heart Lauber and Bro. Mike Schumacher, of how JeSU3 suffered and died on Id's grace both of Elgin, was solemnized by Bro. the cross, and then, the third day, Al >Fisher of Chicago on March 26. He arose from the grave. What a 88 years Our Sunday School Easter pro- wonderful Easter message! ae of her gram took place April 1, at 7 :00 p.m., Birth-A son to Bro. Robert and lden. Fu- the children taking part in singing Sis. Verna Wettstein, March 27. He 3aturday, and saying pieces. We all enj oyed it. has been named Larry Dean. ti'eller of- Sister Bena Mae Rocke, wife of Emanuel E'LGIN, IOWA LeRoy Rocke, who has been ill for Reporter: Mrs. George Hutikofer some time, is now able to come to ;ed away "... let us not be weary in wen do- church again. s. Funer- ing: for in due season we shall reap, 3ro. Josh if we faint not." Galations 6 :9. FAIRBURY, ll..LINOIS Visitors during the month of Reporter: Joyce Huber r visitors March were Bro. and Sis. Will. Mass- Early on the morn of Easter Sun- Chicago, ner and daughter, Cindy, and Bro. day, the young people caroled to and Sis. Dave Miller from Mediapo- many of the sick at the hospital. The s, renew- lis, la.; Bro. and Sis. Lynn Rinken- young people also went Easter carol- jng those berger and daughter, Sharon, from ing to some of the shut-ins and aged, Gridley, Ill.; Bro. and Sis. Ezra Gerst a couple evenings. Also, the Bible ~r attend- from Oakville; Bro. and Sis. Wm. Class visited two shut-ins on Easter an, at Sa- Butikofer and two children and· Sis- noon. ter Lena Pulfer from Davenport, la. A large attendance witnessed the 10 THE SILVER LINING Easter program, presented by all our tainly enj oyed the many loved ones Sunday School classes. It was most who were with us this season. Bro. inspiring on the evening of Good Fri- Wendel Gerber's tiny baby had a day, as aU the children told the story close call with death. However, after in poem and song of the crucifixion hospital care and prayers of many, and resurrection of the L'Drd Jesus she is home and well again. Bro. Rob- Christ. ert Huber and Sister DQris have a The blessed sacrament of Holy new son. Both mother and baby are Communion was held March 12, with doing fine. We also have the glad Bros. Sam Anliker, Kansas, and Bro. news of Robert and Marty Meister Henry Kilgus, Forrest, assisting Bro. and their child moving to Ft. Lauder- Br.oquard in the Communion services. dale. We welcome them, and hope Our Sunday School Bible Class they will establish a permanent resi- participated in the Christian Endeav- dence. Robert is the son of our Bro. 'Orat Tremont, March 19. Lester Meister and Sister Edna. Sis- Bro. Walter Moser suffered a brok- ter Dorothy Bachthold is vacationing en leg, as he was de-horning cattle with relatives and friends in the on the farm. North. Bro. and Sis. George Waibel, Rem- After having moved here and ington, and Sis. Lena Farney, Wol- building a new home at Deerfield cott, visited here March 12; and Bro. Beach, we were so very sorry Mrs. and Sis. Joe Miller and Sisters Anna Paul Oechsle, formerly of glgin, Illi- and Mary Miller visited us April 2. nois, became ill, and was called from Bro. Noah Schrock, Oakville, and this life. Her burial was in .Elgin. We BrQ. Silas Leuthold, Princeville, were hope God will comfort and give grace visiting ministers March 16. to her dear husband and loved ones. We enj oyed three .of our young FORREST. ILUINOIS Peoria friends recently, vacationing Reporter: Christian Metz from their studies, David Klein, Carl On Sunday evening the 12th of De Bor and David Durdel. March, we enjoyed the visit of Bro. Sam Anliker of Lamont, Kansas. FORT SAM HODSTON,TEXAS On the 16th, Bro. Oscar Schneider Reporter: Kenneth E·. Steffen was inj ured in a car and jeep colli- Everyone in our group at Fort Sam sian. He is in the Fairbury Hospital, Houston was sorry to see Bro. Ben suffering a fractured ankle and leg Metz and Br.o. Harold Knapp leave. and spread pelvis. He is getting along Their new addresses are: well at this time, and we wish him a Pvt. Ben Metz, US 55684792 speedy recovery, if it is God's will. Hq & Hq Det ., On the 31st, Good Friday evening, US Army Hasp we had Communion service. Visiting Ft. Sill, Oklahoma elders were Bro. Irvin Lehman of and Wolcott, and Bro .• Josh Broquard of Pvt. Harold Knapp, US 26414300 Fairbury. They and our elder, Bro. 7th Med Hosp Henry Kilgus, served us. Evac, 5MBL We welcome Gene and Sis. Velma APO 175 Schladenhauffen tQ our congregation. New York, New York They moved here from Wolcott. The visitors who worshiped with us at chapel No.1 on Stanley Road on FORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA Mar. 12 were Bro. and Sis. Henry Ho- Reporter: ,FloTence Sutter del and Mrs. Sam Schrock, a sister As winter is now past and almost from Kiowa, Kansas. Bro. and Sis. all of our guests have gone home, we LQuis Zimmerman from Roanoke ar- .will soon be back too normal. We cer- rived here with Bro. Henry and Sis. THE SILVER· LINING 11 ·ved ones Ida Wackerle from Bay City, Michi- tel' Carl Hartman, Brother and Sister son. Bro. gan. Bro. Henry ministered to us in Roy Rokey and Maretta, Sabetha; y had a the afternoon and evening. Brother and Sister Walter Banwart vel', after Our scheduled minister for this and Janet, Walter and Della Bell, of many, month was from Leo, Indiana, on West Bend; Don and Dee Ann Holt Bro. Rob- March 26. Sis. Mary and Bro. Joel and family, Springfield, Missouri. s have a Souder were here the last week end Those who came after dinner were: baby are in March, and we heard a blessed Sister Pearl Banwart, Sister Bernice the glad message. Frieden, Brother and Sister Arthur r Meister We urge those who plan to visit Banwart and family, Fred and Ruby . Lauder- Fort Sam Houston to contact one of Frieden, George and Alma Frieden, md hope the brothers or friends here, so we Herbert and Virginia Parkison and 1ent resi- can meet you. We sure do enj oy vis- Sonja, Minnie Davis, all of Lamar. our Bro. itors, S'0 include us on your vacat10n In the evening of April 2, our Sun- :dna. Sis- trip. day School children presented an Eas- cationing ter program. ; in the FORT SCOTT, KANSAS Brent Duane, infant son of friends Reporter: Marie Zaugg Glen and Eileen Johnson, passed lere and March 5, John and Jean Kraft and away. He was born April 3, passed Deerfield family of Gridley, Kansas, were away April 4. Maternal grandparents )rry Mrs. guests of Brother and Sister Harold are Brother and Sister Fred Sinn. ;:lgin,Illi- Kraft and family. March 19, Dutch April 4, Elder Brother Noah lIed from and Minnie Schlup and Larry visited Schrock and E.lder Brother Sam An- ~lgin. We our congregation. Joe Reber of Ta- likeI' were with us for evening serv- we grace coma, Washington, visited relatives ices. Iled ones. and friends here the week end of II' young March 26. FORT WAYNE, INDIANA cationing March 31, our elder Brother Sam Reporter: Mrs. Albert E. Kip,fer lein, Carl Anliker, was with us, and served Our Easter program was held April Holy Communion. With Brother An- 2, with Bro. and Sis. Raymond Pulfer, liker were his wife, Sister Kathryn Sis. Twila Stoller, Walter and Eileen rEXAS Anliker, and Brother and Sister Roy RageI' sponsoring the program. teffen Wernli of Lamont, Kansas. The adult class of the Bremen Sun- 8'ort Sam April 2: This day was the 50th day School were guests of our Sun- Bro. Ben Wedding Anniversary of Brother and day School on March 26. A pot-luck pp leave. Sister Emil Banwart. They have supper was enjoyed at the home of three sons, Arlie of West Bend; Vern Bro. and Sis. Verlin Stoller. 92 of Wichita, Kansas, and Reuben, who We are happy to have Sis. Louise lives here. Reuben and Caroline Ban- Sinn back in our midst again, after I wart served a dinner for their folks being confined to her home for three ! and their brothers and sisters. Those weeks. present from a distance were: Arlie Bro. Henry Beer was over-night ;414300 and Eva Banwart and family, West guest at the home of Bro. and Sis. Al- Bend; Vern and Ines Banwart and bert Kipfer on March 10. family, Wichita; Eli and Lizzie Ban- Sis. Hulda Gerber has gone to Ritt- wart, Brother and Sister Ben Ban- man to be with her daughter, Sis. wart, Sister Sarah Braker, Oscar and Berniece .Bauman, for three weeks. ped with Sister Caroline Banwart, Brother and Sis. Berniece underwent surgery, but r Road on Sister Fred Marti, Sister Olive Mar- is now convalescing at her home. CenryHo- ti, Sister Bertha Marti, Sister Marie Sis. Carrie Keitel and her husband a sister Marti, Brother and Sister Fred Brak- attended the funeral of their broth- and Sis. er and family, Brother Ben Braker, er-in-Iaw, Clarence Anderson, at Chi- :tTIokear- Jack and Florence Thieband and cago, on Monday, April 3. He died of and Sis. Toni, all of Lamar; Brother and Sis- a heart attack. 12 THE SILVER LINING A daughter, Susan Kay, was born semble with us again, after being con- to Bro. and Sis. Jim Gerber on April fined to her home, with a broken leg, 3, at the Parkview Hospital. for many months. A son, Ronald Carey, was born to Bro. and Sis. Sol Rapp from Mor- Ronald and Mary Ann Hamilton on ton, were with us on March 26. Our April 4. Mary Ann is the daughter Easter Sunday visitors were: Sisters of Phil and ·Emma Clauss. Clara Stoller and Anna Sinn from A singing was enjoyed at the home Fort Wayne; Bro. and Sis. Albert of Bro. and Sis. Lee Eisenmann on Schini and family, Sis. Anna Schnie- Sunday evening, March 12. der and family, Sisters Marie, Natalie Bro. and Sis. Jim and J oann Fisch- and Eldora Schini, Mr. and Mrs. Vic- er and son, Alan, of Morton, TIIinois, tor Bahler and daughters, all of Rem- visited our congregation on March ington. 12.. Easter Sunday afternoon, the Sun- Visitors on March' 19 were Bro. day Scl:0ol ~l~sses presented us with and Sis. Dwight Troxel and children a very msplrmg program. of Bluffton, Bro. and Sis. Lou Rassi and daughter of Milford, and Bro. The trials of life are meant to make and Sis. Lawrence Hartter and son us better, not bitter! of South Bend. March 26, our visitors were Sis. GOODFIELD, ILI4NOIS .. I; Emma Levy of Bluffton and Sis. Ann Rep.orter: Marian Wiegand Enyeart and daughter, Virginia, and Elaine Bauman, daughter of Bro. granddaughters, Judy and ,Elaine, of and Si~. , was united in Girard. marriage to Lawrence Wagenbach, .. On April 2, quite a number from son of Bro. and Sis. George Wagen- the Leo congregation visited us. bach of Princeville. The wedding was We want you to know we enjoy performed by Frank Woertz, at the having visitors and invite you all home of the bride. back again. We appreciated the messages . Our visiting ministers for the past brought to us March 26 by Bro. four Sundays were: Bros. Joel Sou- George Wagenbach of Princeville,

,'j der and' John Bollier, March 12; Bro. Bro. Simon Wagenbach of Tremont i,·' Elmer Hartter, March 19; Bros. Wm. and Bro. Albert Wuthrich of Pulaski. Feichter and Henry Manz, March 26; Wednesday evening services have Bros. Herman Hueni and Robert Hue- been discontinued for the summer, ni, April 2. due to the remodeling of the church. We have accepted the invitation of FRANCESVILLE, INDIANA the Dells (Congerville) congregation, Reporter: Mrs. Elmer Bucher and are assembling with them. Steven Leman, son of Bro. and Sis. Bro. Paul Tanner is a patient at Ed Leman, underwent surgery again, the State Hospital. He has improved,

, . due to facial burns received three and hopes to be able to come home years ago. Our hearts go out to this in a few weeks. dear little boy, who has had to suffer Bro. Harold Knapp, who has been wmuch in the past three years. stationed at Ft. Sam Houston, has We had Bro. Otto Norr and his been sent to Germany for further daughter, Kathryn, with us for Good duty. Friday services on March 31. On April 2, Charlene Hohulin and .. The Willis Wuethrich family have Clyde Knobloch were united in mar- , been blest with their fourth daugh- riage, at the home of the bride. She ter, Willa Jean, born on Easter Sun- is the daughter of Bro. and Sis. Chris day .. Hohulin, and he 'is the son of Bro. Sis. Pearl Getz has been able to as- and Sis. Emil Knobloch of Lester. ~ ' . ,. THE SILVER LINING 13 leingcon- GRIDLE,Y, ILLINOIS rison and daughter, Wichita. 'oken leg, Reporter: Marilyn Schieler Visiting ministers this month were A daughter, Mary Lou, was born to Bro. Joe Aberle; and Elder Bro. Sam ~om Mor- Carl and Lola Schlipf on March 11. Anliker, who held Communion serv- 1 26. Our Other children are Richard and J.C. ices with us on March 26. ~: Sisters A son, Karl William, was born on Our sincere sympathy is extended inn from March 22 to Bro. and Sis. Art to Sis. Mary Louise Beyer and Sis. s. Albert Gramm. He has five sisters, Becky, EHa Raaf and families, in the loss a Schnie- Susan, Sally, Holly, and Jenny. of their father and brother this past ~, Natalie Weare happy to report that we week, Bro. Louie Knapp of Forrest, Mrs. Vic- have another convert since the last who was formerly of this congrega- I of Rem- writing. He is Dale Wiegand, son of tion. Sis. Fannie Wiegand. the Sun- Communion services were held on ILLINOIS STATE :l us with Sunday, March 19.Bro. LeRoy Huber NORMAL UNIVERSITY of Eureka was visiting minister, and Reporter: Shirley ;Gudeman assisted in the services. On March 12, we had Brother Joe t to make A daughter, Judith Irene, was born Schrock with us. He selected as his • to Bro. and Sis. Roy Zimmerman on text, Matthew 12. Of the 31 present, , March 26. Other children are Jeanie, 19 were students. OIS Norma, Nancy, and Mike. We were happy to have Gene Bert- gand Visiting ministers on Easter Sun- schi of Roanoke with us on March ~ of Bro. day were Bro. Chris Koehl of Peoria 9. He read and meditated upon Mat- united in and Bro. Albert Wuthrich of Pulaski. thew 5 :13-21. Twenty-six students Lgenbach, Glenn Funk, eight-year-old son of and thirty-three guests were present. ~ Wagen- Bro. and Sis. Wilbert Funk, has been Brother Lowell Stoller of Prince- ~ding was confined to bed since the third of ville was our guest on March 16. He z, at the March, suffering from a rheumatoid selected E;xodus20:1-20.Singing and type of infection. He will have to re- fellowship followedas usual. Twenty- messages main in bed until the first of May, at three of the forty-four guests present by Bro. least. Glenn has a bedside teacher were students. inceville, every morning, to keep up his school For the first time since we have Tremont work, and it also helps pass the time had Bible Study meetings here at 1. ::Pulaski. for him. S. N. D., we students gave an Easter ces have program on the evening of March 23. summer, GRIDLEY, KANSAS Those taking part gave to us a very ~ church. Reporter: Mrs. Rudy Bahr inspiring message in word and song. tation of Bro. Ephraim and Sis. Dorothy After the program, group singing ;regation, Young are the parents of a daughter, was enjoyed by all. Of the one hun- ,m. born March 1. Lanette Marie was dred guests, 26 were students. atient at I welcomed by her sister, Sharyl. Guests for the month were present mproved, Visitors on March 12: Bro. and Sis. from Fairbury, Congerville, Forrest, me home I Jeff Freiden, Jeffrey and Susan, and Peoria, Gridley, Princeville, Eureka, Howard, Bro. and Sis. Joe Aberle, Morton, Roanoke, Cissna Park, and has been Bro. Richard, Steven, and Judy, Sa- Tremont. ;ton, has betha; March 19-5is. Wilma Farney . further and Kent, Mission; March 26-Teresa JUNCTION, OHIO and Judy Bahr, Ft. Scott, and Mrs. Re~orter: Mrs. Alvin H. Manz mlin and Cora Kaufmann, Gridley; April 2- Ann Hale, daughter of Sis. Julia L in mar- Bro. and Sis. Howard Warner and and Maburn Hale, was home for an ride. She family, Arlington; Mrs. Gladys Both- ,E,astervacation from nursing school 3is.Chris am and family, Kansas City; Dngela in Boston, Massachusetts. She also , of Bro. Strahm, Wichita; Howard Young, attended services with us Sunday, lester. Kansas City; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mor- March 26. 14 THE SILVER LINING Bro. Henry Beer of Milford visited LATTY, OHIO March 27 with Sisters Della, Anna- Reporter: Roberta Stoller belle and Carolyn Manz. Sunday, March 5, Bro. Ernest and Sis. Aldula Steffen and son, Les- Sister Louise Graf and four of their tel', Sister Wava Bertsch and children children of Akron were with us. of Bluffton visited, Good Friday, Sunday, March 19, visitors were with Bro. and Sis. Ben and Carolyn Brother Earl Zeltwanger, his wife Manz, also with Bro. and Sis. Adam and family, his parents, Bro. Carl and and Kate Manz and children and Sis. Sister Minnie Zeltwanger of Bremen; Elizabeth Steffen. Brother Ben Maibach Jr. and his Bro. and Sis. Henry and Martha wife, Sister Larine, and four of their Dotterer and family of Rittman vis- children of Detroit; Bro. John and ited, Good Friday, with Bro. Henry's Sis. Minnie Fetter and Mr. and Mrs. parents, our ministering Bro. and Sis. Will Fetter of Toledo; Sister Alice Andrew and Leona Dotterer. Bro. Groh, Sister Loretta Bocka, Hope Henry and children also were with Stavenik, Mary Kleshinski, and Kar- us for Good Friday services in the en Miller of Mansfield. , , evening. A number of visitors were with us Sis. Madeline Manz was unable to Saturday evening and Sunday, March attend services with us April 2, due 26, for the provings and of to a sore throat. Janet Williamson, daughter of Carl April 1 visitors with our minis- and Louise Laukhuf, and Gloria and tering Bro. and Sis. Ben and Esther Kent Miller, daughter and son-in-law Schlatter and family were Bro. and of Arthur and Sister Alice Stoller. Sis. Elmer and Juliet Graf, Sis. Visiting ministers here were: Bro. Louise Graf and four children, all of Walter Rekhlau of Toledo and Bros. j! Akron, and Bro. and Sis. Ezra and Andrew Dbtterer and Ben Schlatter !:, j':: Martha Stoller and their two children of Junction. Other visitors were: il. !i of Gridley, Illinois. Bro. Jerry and Sister Marge Fischer Sisters Emma and Helen Schlatter and family of Roanoke; Bro. Earl and and Nancy and Sandra, daughters of Sister Pat Gerber, Bro. Levi and Sis- Bro. and Sis. Dave Schlatter of Bay tel' Ida Schwartz, and Bro. Harold City, were with us for services, April and Sister Marie Steffen and family 9. of Bluffton; Brother Lawrence and Sis. Leona Dotterer, who has been Sister Mary Stoller, Brother John on the sick list, and unable to attend and Sister Wilma Steiner of Rittman; services for some time now, was back Sister Sylvia Jewell, Bro. "Valter and in our midst April 9. We were very Sister Freida Rekhlau and family of happy to have her with us again. Toledo. Our visitors on Easter Sunday, LA CROSSE, INDIANA April 2, were: Bro. and Sister Bob Steffen, Bro. and Sister Ramon Stef- Reporter: Albert J. Bucher fen of Bluffton, Harold and Ramona The Sunday School had their Eas- Wenninger of Mansfield, Bro. and ter program on Palm Sunday, March Sister Ernest Stoller and family of . , 26, in the evening . Fort Wayne, Bro. Ellmer and Sister On Easter Sunday, Bro. Ezra Fel- Juliet Graff and Bill Graf of Akron. ". ler, his wife, and his daughter, Joan, Also of Akron were Sister Louise visited us. Graf and children, Sisters Mary Ann A boy was born to Jim and Karen and Lou i s e, and Ern i e and Heinold. His name is Mathew James; Steve Graf. Bro. Ezra and Sister Mar- . also, a boy, John Paul, was born to tha Stoller and Doris and Herb Stol- " Doreen and Paul Kuehl on the same ler, of Gridley, TIl.; Bro. George and day. Sister Frances Laidig and family and

[I THE SILVER LINING 15 Sister Marie Reklau, and Joyce Rek- ticut visited friends and relatives )Iler lau of Toledo; Bro. Charles 'and Sis. here. She also lent a helping hand in rnest and ter Martha Ringenberger and family putting out the last issue of the Sil- r of their of E:Jgin, Illinois. ver Lining. 1 us. Bro. and Sister Robert Leman and Martha Conrad has been visiting :ors were family of Forrest were with us Apr. with her brother, Joseph, and other his wife 5th, for Wednesday evening services. relatives in this community. , Carl and Also here were Bro. Henry Manz, Bro. The Herman Chris Wuethrich fam- Bremen; Ben and Sis. Carolyn Manz, and Sis- ily of Francesville visited with rela- and his ters Della, Carolyn, and Annabell tives and members here Sunday, r of their Manz of Junction. April 9. John and The engagement of Bro. Gale Stol- and Mrs. ler and Sister Janet Furrer of Wol- LESTER, IOWA .ter Alice cott was made known today. Reporter: Emelie Knobloch ka, Hope Those who have been or are on the Bro. and Sister Wilbert Knobloch and Kar- sick list: Sister Rosie Guingrich is of Chicago moved to our vicinity, to back in church again, after her fall make their future home, and we wish 'e with us on the ice. Bro. Donald Wenninger them the Lord's blessings. !lY, March and little Joyce Klopfenstein have Ernest Gerber, son of Bro. and Sis. aptism of both been in the hospital recently, Ted Gerber, was recently discharged r of Carl but are now up and around again. Al- from the service; he is spending aoria and so, Madie Laukhuf is recovering, aft- some time here with his parents. :on-in-Iaw er a lengthy illness. David Klopfen- Donald Metzger, son of Bro. and e Stoller. stein, son of Bro. and Sister Floren Sister Ernest Metzger, spent a two- ere: Bro. Klopfenstein, is ill at this writing. week furlough here, before returning and Bros. to Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri. Schlatter LEO, INDIANA Sister Mary Traub of West Bend is rs were: Reporter: Mrs. Elias Souder spending several weeks with her sis- 'e Fischer Harry Joe and Helen Stoller are ter and brother-in-law, Bro. and Sis- , Earl and the parents of a little boy, Samuel ter J acob Knobloch. i and Sis- Jay, born March 13. Several cars from here attended ). Harold Irma Joy Rennecker, daughter of the wedding of Clyde Knobloch and ad family Samuel Steiner, has been ill with Charlene Hohulin at Goodfield. 'ence and rheumatic fever. Our college students spent Easter her John Ted, son of John Bollier Sr., is re- Sunday with us. Rittman; cuperating at his home, after spend- Among the ill: Don Moser, son of ralter and ing several weeks in the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Moser, had an ap- family of A group from this congrega tion pendectomy, but is getting along visited the Allen County Home on nicely. Sunday, 'Good Friday. Births: To Bro. and Sister Ernest ister Bob Church services were held on Good Metzger, a boy, March 4, Harold man Stef- Friday evening. Dean; to Bro. and Sister Robert Ger- l Ramona An ,E,aster program was given by ber, a boy, March 24, Steven Wayne. Bro. and the Sunday School and young pe-ople Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Douglas family of on the evening of Easter. Loren Stol- Metzger and son; Bern; Mr. and }\'[rs. nd Sister ler was guest speaker. Others from Bill Spohr, Elgin, Ill.; Don Luthi and ~f Akron. the Latty congregation accompanied Chuck Spohr, Morris; Ervin and Sis- ~r Louise him. ter Amelia and Charlotte, Frances, l.Iary Ann Church services were held at the But- Marcella, Carolyn Gerber, Eli Jr., Di- [l i e and ler Nursing home Easter afternoon. ane and Lavonne Grimm, Bob Ban- :ster Mar- Richard and Janice Schrenk of the wart, Leonard Anliker, Karen Metz- [erb Stol- Alto congregation visited relatives ger, Caroline Banwart, Marilyn ~orge and here March 19 and Easter. Schnieder, Sisters Clara, Lela, Ber- lmily and Sister Emily Hoffman' of Connec- niece Banwart and Darlene Metzger, 16 THE SILVER LINING all these folks of West Bend. We had MILFORD,INDIANA a blessed day. Reporter: Irma Haab Bill Graff and Kay E,isenhourwere MANSFIE,LD,OHIO married Sunday, March 26. We wish Reporter: Aaron A. Sauder them much happiness in their mar- Saturday, March 18, visiting were ried life. Bill is the son of Bro. George Bro. and Sis. Aaron Steffen and sons, and Sis. Ida Graff. Aaron Jr. and Carl, and Bro. Fred .The engagement was announced of Oesch and daughter, Katherine, of John Graff and Susie Schrock. John Alto, and, from Bluffton: Gloria Mos- is the s,onof Bro. George and Sis. Ida er, Marylin Neuenschwander, Dixie Graff. R. Ringger, Louise Fiechter, Alice A son, Mark Lee ,was born to Jim Troxel, Kathy Gerber, Joan Gerber, and Irene Sumpter. The little boy has Delutha Moser. two brothers, Mike and Max. On Sunday, the 19th, Ft. Wayne Bro. Otto Norr from Leo minis- and Bluffton visitors were Bro. tered to us Sunday, March 12.He was and Sis. Nelson Moser and daughter, accompaniedby Bro. and Sis. Herman Shelia, Bro. and Sis. Louis Steffen, Norr, also their daughter, Sis. Elaine Bro. and Sis. Si Fulkerson, B.ro.and Norr. We enjoyed their visit. Sis. Orville Ringger, Bro. and Sis. Bro. Alan Beer, a medical student Sylvan Ringger and daughter, Carole, at LD., was awarded a $2,212.00 Bro. and Sis. Walter Aeschliman, and grant, to work for three months .,.' Bro. and Sis. Earl Stuckey. On Sun- (September through November) in ,·'i' day, Bros. Orville Ringger and Bro. mission hospitals in Nigeria. His Fred had the services. wife, Sis. Dorothy, a nurse, will ac- . , Saturday, April 8, Dorothy Gilliom, company him and work in the hospi- daughter of Sis. Esther Gilliom, and tals also. .. , .j Fred Wuthrich is in the hospital at "'i;: James Chambers were married. A ':; number of friends and relatives from this writing. We wish him a speedy Lf! Bluffton and Junction were here. recovery. Saturday evening, April 8, 'our El- Bro. Jesse Haab was elected treas- der Brothers Rudolf Graf and Noah urer, to' replace Bro. Howard Beer. Bauman were with us, when four Ministering Bro. Joe Schrock from souls gave their testim{my, and on Congervillewas with us Sunday, Mar. Sunday, were baptized and 'added to 26. We enjoyed his message. He was the fold. Many members, friends and accompaniedby his wife, Sis. Esther, relatives from Rittman and Junction and his daughter, Sis. Nancy and son were present. Those that were bap- Kenny. tized, Marti Kleshinska, Mary Ronald Price is in the Army hos- . , Witchi, LaVerne and Christine Dot- pital in Germany; he has pneumonia. i'-' terer. We had a most wonderful and We wish him a fast recovery. blessed day. We are also glad to an- Sunrise services were held Easter ;. nounce that we have several more morning, and was well attended by souls who have made the decision the Bible Class. to give their hearts to the Lord. We The Easter program was held Sun- ., wish to thank all those who visited day evening,April 2. We thank Bluff- '.' us, and gladly invite all back again. ton for their part in the program. It We also thank the brothers who min- was enjoyed by all, and was very well istered unto us. attended. When we feel the joy and blessings of meeting and greeting, in Christian MORR1IS, MINNESOTA

oj. fellowship, from far and near, Oh, Reporter: Mrs. Louie Messner i-. what will it be up yonder. Let us all "Dear Editor: Many visit Win- '. strive to be worthy to enter there. throp, Minn., church and right now THE SILVER LINING 17 A they have 16 new converts." Minnie Ringer, who is a resident lb Visitors this past month: Mar. 19 of the Apostolic Home, 225 E,.Jeffer- lour were -Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Nohl, Morton; son St., will celebrate her 100th We wish Bro. Charlie Metzger, Bro. and Sis. birthday, April 21, God willing. Al- 1e:rr mar- Philip Metzger, Sabetha; Bro. and though she is blind, she enjoys re- '0. George Sis. Knobloch of Lester. Mar. 26, Mr. ceiving cards and mail. and Mrs. Emil Wulf and children, Bro. Earl Banwart and his wife of )unced of Lester; Easter week end, Sister An- Lester spent Good Friday with us. DCk.John na Schmidt, West Bend; .Bro. Fred Bro. Otto Norr and daughter, d Sis. Ida Marti, Elgin, Iowa; Martha Allens- Kathryn, of Leo also Chris and pach, E:xcelsior, Minnesota. Loretta Wuethrich of Francesville, rn to Jim Visiting ministers and families spent Easter Sunday with us. Other e boy has were Bro. and Sis. Uriel Gehring, El- visiting ministers were Simon Wagen- x. gin, Iowa, and Bro. and Sis. Elmer bach and Albert Aberle of Tremont, ~o minis- Witzig and children, Gridley, Illinois. Chris Koehl and James Hoerr of 2. He was We enj oyed their inspiring messages, Peoria and Jesse Schrock of Conger- I. Herman both Good Friday evening and Eas- ville. is. Elaine ter Sunday. Bro. and Sis. Floyd Rowell and it. The Sunday School classes had an famity of Oakville visited the Ben LI student Easter program on the evening of Mosers, April 2. $2,212.00 Easter. A son was born April 1 to Bro. ~ months Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Nohl of Mor- and Sis. Marvin Schmidgall. mber) in ton came Mar. 19, to spend several Bro. and Sis. Glenn Domnick of ~ria. His weeks with his father, Bro. Jake Nohl Morris and the Eric Koehls of Peoria !, will ac- and family. spent Easter with their mother, Sis. ~he hospi- On our shut-in list: Sister Ricka Ruth Domnick. Messner is much better at this writ- Bro. and Sis. Chris Gerst of Oak- ospital at ing. Sister Lillian Zeltwanger has ville were guests of their daughter a speedy been in the hospital since March 8. and family, the Jim Zimmermans. Sharon Moser, who underwent sur- Sis. Mary Kaiser and Bro. Jacob ted treas- gery on her spine January 23, is able Koehl of Morris were united in mar- rd Beer. to be h'Ome,since she is in a cast, but riage, Sunday, March 27, by Bro. :"ockfrom must remain in bed six months. The J. A. Getz. Guests attending the day, Mar. Bible Class had a singing for her wedding were Bro. and Sis. E. O. ~. He was March 29. Her address is RR, Morris, Koehl, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Koehl, s. Esther, Minn., c/o Erwin Moser. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Koehl 'Of Minne- y and son sota; Chris and Elizabeth Koehl of MORTON, ILLINOIS Peoria; the Victor and James Ban- rmy hos- Rep,orter: Mrs. B. E. Getz warts of West Bend; George and leumonia. Our community was saddened by Elizabeth Stieglitz and daughters, rye the unexpected death of Sis. Bena Marvin Stieglitz and his wife of Leo, ld Easter Freidinger, 62. wife of Ben Freid- and Dr. and Mrs. DarreII Darling of ended by inger. Funeral services were held Tennessee, TIlinois. March 8. Bro. Russell Rapp offici- Sis. Ida Koehl returned to her leld Sun- ated. home in Morton, after spending some nk Bluff- Funeral services were held Sunday, months in Minnesota. ogram. It Feb. 19, for Diana Nohl, 8, daughter Sis. Emma Domnick has returned very well of Mr. and Mrs. Louis NohI. from Phoenix, where she spent the Funeral services were held March winter with her daughter and family, 31 for Fred Hohnstreiter, 52. Bro. the Richard Schupbachs. fA Francis Rother officiated. He leaves Bro. Robert Frank is spending his essner his wife, Sis. Lucy Gingrich Hohn- vacation from Ft. Sam Houston with ,sit Win- streiter, also a son and a daughter, his parents. ight now to mourn his loss. Bro. Carl Bauman and Sis. Naomi 18 THE SILVER LINING Rapp are surgical patients in the 2. He was accompanied by his wife, hospital. Sis. Edna, and their children. Bro. and Sis. Fred Schmidgall cele- The engagement of Bro. Edward brated their Golden Anniversary on Owens of Burlington to Sis. Marjory Sunday, March 26. Hodel of Oakville was announced Bro. and Sis. John Kaufman had April 2. their 60th Anniversary. " ,I: Sund'ay School News: The third PEORIA, ILLINOIS Missionary collection was taken on Bro. Russell Rapp of Morton was Palm Sunday, and will be sent to our guest speaker at our Tuesday Japan and Alabama. evening Bible Class, March 28. " The Morton Sunday School group There were two weddings the past ;',1· sang at Tremont on Sunday evening, month, Bro. Robert Binkle to Sis. 'I, March 12. Bernetta Hess and Bro. Willis Tripp- Bro. Walter Fehr of Roanoke was lett to Shirley Witzig. We wish them a guest teacher at our Sunday School God's blessing. recently. Bro. Wm. Schlipf, who submitted Bro. Howard Rapp has been assist- to surgery at the Methodist Hospital, ing with the teaching in our Sunday is now home convalescing. Bro. Joe School. Geyer has also been at the hospital. We wish them a speedy recovery. OAKVILLE, IOWA Bro. and Sis. Chris Hoerr and Bro. Reporter: John L. Steiner and Sis. E'dward Hoerr are in Florida We welcome two families into our for a few weeks. congregation. Bro. and Sis. Bernard Our visiting ministers the past Schaer have moved to Tipton, Iowa, month were Bros. ,Elmer Witzig and from Princeville, and are attending Bro. Ringger of Gridley; Albert church here with us. Also moving Wuthrich of Pulaski ; Jesse Schrock here, from Morton, are Richard and of Congerville; Philip Sauder of Ciss- Sis. Alma Belsley. na Park; Lester Hartter of Bern; Bro. Conrad Gerst and Sis. Roletta and Silas Leuthold of Princeville. Farney were united in holy matd Their wives accompanied them. mony at Phoenix, March 19. We wel- A large number attended the Eas- come Sis. Roletta into our congre- ter pI"'ogram of the Sunday School, gation. Sunday evening, April 2. May God Jill Renae, 2 years old, has come bless all the teachers for their efforts, to make her home with her new and may they continue in the good parents and sister, Bro Robert and work. Sis. Edith Schrock and Debra. Our ministers visiting different Elder Bro. David Mangold of Roa- places the past month with their noke assisted our elder in serving wives: Bro. LeRoy Hartman to Fair- Holy Communion, Friday evening, bury; Bro. Roy Sauder to Tremont

j" March 31. and Morton; Bro. James Hoerr to The Burlington congregation par- Morton; Bro. Chris Koehl to Gridley took of Holy Communion Sunday and Morton; Bro. Michael Weyeneth evening, April 2. to Ft. Sam Houston, Phoenix, Alta- Eugene Anliker, 35, of Primghar, dena, Maywood, Burlington, Oklaho- Iowa, passed away the week of ma. The Weyeneths also visited Sis. March 25, after a lingering illness. He Elizabeth Wenger and Henry Baer in is survived by his wife and children San Diego, California. They were and his parents, Bro. Ernest and Sis. gone five weeks. _ Rekie Anlili:er of Burlington. Sis. John Schlipf and her daughter, Bro. Earl Banwart of West Bend Anna, who spent the winter in Cali- ministered to our congregation April fornia, returned home. Sis. Louise THE SILVER LINING 19 his wife, Ruff and Sis. Louise Muller, who Like the pearly drops of morning m. have been there also for a month, are S.oaring upward toward the sun, ' Edward hoOmeagain. Thus .our spirits are returning Marjory The adult singing group sang for To their Maker, one by one .. nnounced the sick and aged at the Proctor Home, Saturday evening, April 1. Death no dreaded sting containeth, ... Daylight Saving Time will start For the soul, in Jesus blest; , Sunday, April 30. O'er the grave avict'ry gaineth- rton was Sis. Dorothy Bechtal of Ft. Lauder- He who finds this heavenly rest. Tuesday dale is here at the bedside 'Of her l 28. daughter, Sis. Miriam Bechtal, who Only sleeping, sweetly sleeping, . the past submitted toOsurgery at the Metho- While the angels vigil keep; ~ to Sis. dist Hospital. Jesus gives to His beloved [is Tripp'" Sis. Mary Wyss, who lives alone, Rest, at last, in peaceful sleep. jsh them was 82 years old Tuesday, April II. Quite a number visited her on that Sister Elizabeth Dirwachter suf- ubmitted day, and in the evening a singing fered a heart attack on March 8. She Hospital, was held. also underwent an operation the lat- Bro. J.oe The Princeville Bible Class visited ter part 'Of March. She is now stay- hospital. our Bible Class, Sunday, April 9. Bro. ing with her daughter, Edith. We )very. Richard Seidel accompanied them. miss her in our fellowship. May God and Bro. grant her sufficient health that she l1 Florida PORTLAND, OREGON can assemble with us again. Reporter: Mrs. Robert Miller Elsie, daughter of Brother Ray the past Our dear sister, Barbara Reutter, and Sister Margaret Banwart, was itzig and age 82 years, from Silverton, passed married on March 6 to Ted Dreyer : Albert away on March 8, and her funeral from Oregon City, Oregon. Schrock was March 11, at the Silverton On March 24, Bro. Glenn, and Sis- r of Ciss- church. We miss her very much, and ter Kathryn Hackenjos and family ::>f Bern; will always remember her example returned from a two-week vacati.on inceville. of love and patience. Mrs. Bertha to Maywood and Altadena, visiting em. Miller, Eureka, Illinois; Mrs. Sue the churches there. They visited Sis- the Eas- Hoffman, Pekin, illinois; and Mr. ter Golda Ditch at Medford, Oregon, · School, and Mrs. Clarence Reutter from on their way, and visited Sister Ida iIay God Anoka, Minnesota, were able to be Alt and family at Las Vegas, Nevada, r efforts, present at their dear mother's fu- on returning. Weare thankful they the good neral. had a safe trip. Sister Lena Kyburz from Wolcott different Not Dead, but Sleeping th their has been visiting with her daughter, to Fair- Lo, she is not dead, but sleeping; Mrs. Ben Scharer, at Silverton, for Tremont Thus, the blessed Master spake. several days. She also visited the Sil- Ioerr to Why are all these tears of weeping? verton church on March 26. • Gridley We shall in His likeness wake. The Easter program was held on reyeneth Easter Sunday, in the afternoon. Just asleep, her s,oul immortal, There's a blessing in listening to the ix, Alta- Dwelling now beyond life's woes, Oklaho- songs and verses, sung and spoken Finds, from care and pain and· sor- by the children. jted Sis. row, · Baer in Sweet and undisturbed respose. Bro. Guy Miller is still in the hos- ey were pital, and has had another stroke, As a dream when one awaketh, since our last report. May God make aughter, As a tale when it is told, all bearable to the end, as in the beau- in Cali- Thus; its flight the spirit taketh; tiful song, "All Win Be Well," when · Louise Dust returns to earthly mold. God leads. 20 THE SILVER LINING PRINCEVILLE, ILLINOIS 2, Alfred Hausmann gave his testi- Reporter: Ruth Ricketts mony of faith and received baptism. His parents reside in Switzerland, Harold Tanner, son of Brother and Brother Alfred is making his John and Sister Margaret Tanner, home with the Rudolph Baer family left the first part of March for six near Peoria.. months training in the Armed Serv- Don and Mary Lou Streitmatter ice. He is presently stationed at Fort are the parents of a daughter, born Leonard Wood,Missouri. April 2. On March 10, Brother Joe Schrock We have several in our congrega- of Congerville showed pictures and tion who remain quite ill, and for gave a travelogue of their recent trip whom many prayers are uttered. Sis- to the Holy Land. A large and appre- ter Emma Ehnle has been able to at- ciative audience enjoyed the evening tend morning services the past two very much, and thank Brother Joe Sundays, and we are so thankful for and his wife for sharing their trip her improvement. Brother Jeff with us all. 'Streitmatter has also attended serv- The Bible Classand their teachers ices, ,but stilI remains quite weak. enjoyed spending the evening of We wish him more strength, so he March 16 in Tremont. may continue to be with us. Sister On the morning of March 14, our Lydia Seidel,who remains in the hos- dear Sister Edith Stahl closed her pital, suffering from a heart attack, eyes to this world, after being afflict- is showingimprovement,and we also ed with ill health for fifteen years. wish her strength so she may again She carried her cross bravely and return to her home soon.Sister Mary cheerfully, and until the very last Streitmatter is also a hospital pa- days, was concernedfor those around tient, and at present shows a slight her and doing for them. She never improvement, following very serious gave up, and was an inspiration to illness. We hope she, too, will soonbe all who knew her. She is survived by able to gain strength and return to her parents, Brother Dan and Sister her home. Elsie, two sisters and three brothers, besides many other relatives. She REMINGTON,INDIANA was laid to rest, Sunday, March 16, Reporter: Emily Kilgus with our ministering Brothers Dave Kieser, Lowell Stoller, and George Our Sunday Schoolheld their Eas- Wagenbach conducting the service. ter program on GoodFriday evening. Brother Robert Beer of Mansfield Bro. and Sis. Harold Schieler and ministered to us Sunday morning, daughter, Diane, and Bro. Andy Nussbaum spent ,E,asterweek end in ,.-' March 16. Brothers Joe Getz and ;? Bay City. j; Henry Grimm of Morton,were with us for services March 22. Weare al- Our Easter visitors were Bro. and ways glad for visitors, and thank the Sis. Paul Honegger and Nancy, Bro. brothers for their services. and Sis. Lloyd Bachtold of Forrest, , . and Bro. Bill and Sis. Betty Zimmer- ., Miss Elaine Bauman, daughter of , , Brother Louis and Sister Bauman, of man of Roanoke. near Eureka, and Lawrence Wagen- Bro. and Sis. John Teubel and son, bach, son of Brother Georgeand Sis- Edward, and Sisters Anna Rassi and ter E[izabeth Wagenbach of Prince- Eunice Albers of Morton visited us ville, were united in marriage Sun- on March 26. day, March 26, by Brother Frank Woertz. RI'ITMAN, OHIO We rejoice to have another soul Reporter: Lucille Hartzler added to the fold, as on Sunday, April Visitors for the past month were:

.' THE SILVER LINING 11 his testi- On March 12, Bro. and Sis. Lester 'Twas a sheep, not a lamb, that stray- baptism. and Bro. and Sis. Truman Gerber of ed away, itzerland, Bluffton; on March 19, ministering In the parable Jesus told, lking his Bro. Ernest Gerber and Sister Ger- A grown-up sheep that had gone er family ber, Sis. Betty Gerber, and Bro. and astray Sis. Earl Gerber of Rockville, minis- From the ninety and nine in the eitmatter tering Bro. John Yergler and Sis. fold. lter, born Gerber, Bro. and Sis. Sam Kaehr, and Bro. and Sis. Truman Gerber of Out on the hill-side, out in the cold, ~ongrega- Bluffton, and Bro. and Sis. Elmer 'Twas the sheep the good shepherd , and for .Stoller, Bros. Christian and David sought; ered. Sis- Metz and mother of Forrest; on April And back to the flock, safe into the ble to at- 2, Elder Bro. Rudy Graf and Sis. fold, past two Graf of Akron, ministering Bro. Lor- 'Twas the sheep the good shepherd nkful for entz Emch and Sis. Emch of Girard, brought. ler Jeff and Bro. and Sis. James Ramsier of ded serv- Bay City. For the lambs will follow the sheep, .te weak. On Easter Sunday, April 2, Holy you know, :h, so he Communion was held, with Bro. Wherever the sheep may stray; IS. Sister Rudy Graf assisting our elder. When the sheep go wrong, it will not 1 the hos- be long, t attack, Our Sunday School services were 'Til the lambs are as wrong as they. d we also resumed on March 26. lay again Funeral services were held for Wil- And so with the sheep we earnestly ter Mary lie Abbie on March 9. On March 21, plead, pital pa- funeral services were held for our el- For the sake of the lambs today; a slight derly Bro. Arthur Greenbank. If the lambs are lost, what terrible y serious Births: a boy, Garry John, to Bro. cost, :1soon be and Sis. Vernon Landis on March 21 ; Some sheep will have to pay. ~eturn to a girl, Ruthann Ida, to Bro. and Sis. Elmer Blough on April 3. SABETHA, KANSAS Reporter: Ed. H. Steiner Bro. and Sis. Henry Sabo of Mans- NA ROANOKE, ILLINOIS us field and Bro. Henry Manz of Pauld- :1eirEas- Reporter: Sara Aeschleman ing, 0., visited with relatives and evening. Sis. Sarah Blunier passed away members. ieler and March 12, after a long time of ill March 5, Bro. Joe A. Getz delivered ). Andy health. Her funeral was Tuesday, the dedication sermon for the Old !k end in March 14. Folks' Home. Other visitors were: Bro. and Sis. Ben Banwart, Bro. and Bro. and Sis. Robert Hohulin are Sis. Art Banwart, Sis. Leona Leh- Bro. and the parents of a new son, born March 1CY,Bro. man, Lamar; Bro. and Sis. Jake Pfis- 22. He has been·named Michael. Bro. ter, Bro. and Sis. Gus Sinn, Bro. and Forrest, and Sis. James Leman are the parents Zimmer- Sis. Fred Sinn, Bro. and Sis. James of a new son, Herbert Alan, born Bahr, Bro. and Sis. Elmil Banwart, March 27. and son, Bro. and Sis. Joe Banwart, Ft. Scott; The Bible Class spent Sunday eve- Bros. Willis and John Sauder, August :assi and ning, March 12, at a Christian En- isited us Bolliger and Arnold Rassi, Tremont; deavor in Tremont. Bro. and Sis. Walter Hess and Sisters Bro. Henry WackerIe of Bay City Leah and Lillie Hohulin, Peoria; Bro. was with us for mid-week services, Joe and Sisters Leo and Deana Fech- March 8. Bro. Homer Reineck of To- ter, Emporia; Bro. and Sis. Mathias der ledo was with us on Easter Sunday. Strahm, Yates Center; Angela th were: We enjoyed their visits very much. Strahm, Wichita; Bro. & Sis. Robert I I f i .~ j' ,., 22 'THE SILVER LINING I j Young, Virgil; Bro. and Sis. Vernon ger is a sister to Bro. Chas. Metzger. i '.'r Streitmatter and Bro. and Sis. Carl Bro. and Sis. Fred Michel of Kiowa I ! Wyss, Eureka; Bro. and Sis. Conrad spent a few days with the John [ .t Gutwein, Francesville; Bro. and Sis. Greiner family and other members. I E:li Somerhalder, Burlington, Okla.; Bro. and Sis. Ben Stavenik and their 1 Bro. and Sis. Henry Sabo, Mansfield; son and daughter, of Mansfield, spent !. Bro. and Sis. Henry Manz, Paulding; a few days with the Wysong family ~ Bro. Loren Strahm, Bertha Beyer, and other members. Bro. and Bis. ! Bro. and Sis. Sam Kraft, Gridley; Herman Norr of Leo spent Sunday L Bro. and Sis. Henry Mogler, Alvord, with the members and the Wysongs. Ia.; Bro. John Kraft, Sis. Lydia Han- Bro. Stavenik, Sis. Norr, and Sis. Wy- l. hart, ,Kiowa. song are brother and sisters. Bro. and !Ii March 12-visitors today-Bro. Sis. Chas. Terry of Kiowa and Bro. and Sis. Emil Steffen and Sis. Helen and Sis. Elmer Tanner of Burling- rI,j Sorg, Milford, and Sis. Hulda Du- ton, Okla., spent Sunday with the H bach, Bluffton (They were on their Bro. Joe Aberles and members. way from Phoenix); Bro. and Sis. Sunday evening singing hour was Phil Mogler, Lester; and Fadhil Tahir started on Easter at 7 P.M. at the of Bagdad, Iraq, who is attending Bern church, and will be held every school at Manhattan. He made other Sunday evening, alternately friendship with Bro. Roger Aberle between the Bern and Sabetha and the other young brothers who are churches, continuing during the sum- attending school there. He came up mer months. Meanwhile, mid-week with our young brothers: for an over- services are discontinued until fall. Sunday visit, and seemed to enjoy . April 5, Bro. Joe Stoller and Sis- our church and members. ter Leah Bauman are returning home We wish here to apologizeto those from Phoenix this week, after an ex- who were at the dedication of the tended visit. Old Folks' Home whose names we did not get. No offence please, if we miss- SARASOTA,FLOIMDA ed you~ Reporter: Velta Laukhuf March ·19, Bro. Phil Metzger and The following visitors signed our his wife, Bertha, and Bro. Chas. church register-book during the Metzger spent Sunday with relatives month of March: From Fairbury, and members at Morris. Clarence and Leona Goodart, Martin l\1:arch26, Bro. and Sis. Joe Gerber and Leah Maurer; Cissna Park, Ben of Lester spent the week end with and Esther Newkomm; Youngstown, Joe's parents, the Ernest Gerbers of Frank and Mina Emch; Peoria, Mrs. Oneida, and members at Sabetha. Harold Herman, Mr. and Mrs. Albert March 27, Sis. Lydia Hermann died Hunziker, Ed and Esther Hoerr; De- Friday, and her funeral was held land, Fla., John and Martha Herman; Monday forenoon. She has been in Kouts, Ind., Virgil and Victor Hein- poor health for several years, and old, Teresa Wadsworth, Leonard An- spent her last days in the Apostolic trim, Mrs. Bart Antrim and Mr. and Old Folks' Home. Bro. Albert is also Mrs. Fritz; Rockville, Conn., Chris sick and was unable to attend the Lugenbuhl, Ida and Rose Lugenbil; funeral Services were conducted by Albany, N. Y., Mr. and Mrs. Heaton; Bros. Harvey Grimm and Lester E[gin, TIl., Adrin and Dorothy Kel- Hartter. Sis. Lydia was 81 years old. lenberger. Burial was in the Bern church ceme- March 21, Bill and Sister Helen tery. Shaw from Detroit visited Bro. Ben Bro. and Sis. Ernest Kellenberger and Sister Lucille Maibach Sr. of Morris spent the week end of April On Wednesday, March 23, a picnic 2 visiting at Sabetha. Sis. I\ellenber- was held at Myaka State Park. It was THE SILVER LINING 23· · Metzger. attended by all the local Sarasata March 5-Bras. August Balliger, af Kiowa church and visitors. The day was en- Willis Sauder, Arnald Rassi, Jahn the John joyed by all. Sauder af Tremant, and Bro. Jae A. members. The last gathering in the Sarasata Getz, Mortan, were in Sabetha for the and their house.of warship was March the 26th. dedicatio.n af the new Old Peo.ple's .eld, spent We were all thankful far the blessed Harne. ng family place af warship that the Lord has Ward was received here an March and Sis. pravided far us, and have enjoyed 8 af the passing away o.fdear Sister t Sunday the fellawship af all the brothers, sis- Barbara Reuter, 83, af Silverto.n,Ore- Wysangs. ters and friends that visited aur gan. She was the wife af Bro..Martin j Sis. Wy- hause af Gad in Sarasota. If the gaod Reuter. They lived in Tremont until . Bro..and Lard is willing, it's the wish and de- 1941. and Bro.. sire of everyane to. meet again next Visitars here on March 12 were ~ Burling- winter, especially on Sunday, to. hon- Bro.. Jo.hn Wagenbach, his wife and with the ar· and warship the Almighty Gad, athers fram Oakville.Fo.rrest Sunday Jers. Saviaur and Creatar of all, as only Schaal was here far the day. Bro..Jo.e hour was thraugh him and his gaad gifts is this A.' Getz was here in the afternaan. In M. at the made po.ssible. the evening, we had Christian ;Ep- .eld every Over Easter week end, Allen and deavar here, with Roano.ke, Go.ad- Iternately Connie Maibach af Detrait visited field-Congerville,Peo.ria, Marto.nand Sabetha with their grandparents, Ben and Farrest participating. •r the sum- Lucille Maibach Sr. March 19-we again had a blessed mid-week MrS'. Lois Newman and children, Sunday evening, with Fairbury, Grid- until fall. Karen, Jimmie and Kenny, af Toledo, ley, Eureka and Princeville Sunday · and Sis- spent Easter with their father and Schaals taking part in Christian En- ling hame grandfather, Gadfrey Schlatter. deavar. ter an ex- Visitars an March 19 were Bro..and TAYLOR, MISSOURI Sis. Lau Knapp af Forrest and Bro. Reporter: Mrs. Eli Sutter and Sis. Richa:rdWiegand and their DA Our E:Ider Bro.. Fred Grimm and two. children af Fairbury. dun his wife, Bis. Louise, have returned Friday, March 31, a girl was barn igned aur hame fram Calarada Springs, Calo., to Bro.. and Sis. Chris Pflederer Jr. ring the where Bro.. Fred has been receiving Saturday, April 1, a bay was barn to. Fairbury, treatment far the past seven weeks~ Bro..and Sis. Elmer Kaeb. !."t,Martin He is feeling quite well, but will nat We were happy to. have the Park, Ben ·be able to. return to. his wark far Bertsch family, Aaran and Bina ;mgstawn, abaut two weeks. Weare all glad to Bertsch, Bro..and 8is. Gene Bertschi oria, Mrs. have them back, after their lang ab- af Raano.ke,and Bro. and Sis. David rs. Albert sence, and are thankful to. the Lord Bertsch fram Lea, present far Goad ~oerr; De- for his recavery, and that he is again Friday services. ,Herman; able to. carry an his duties in the Our Bro..Glenn Dill and Sis. Mari- ~tor Hein- church. He wishes to. thank everyane lyn Zimmerman were married at Mar- )nard An- that sent him cards and letters. They tan, an April 2.,by Bro..Jae A. Getz. i Mr. and were very much appreciated. Quite a number of Tremont fo.lksat- m., Chris tended the wedding. Lugenbi1; TREMONT, ILLINOIS ;. Heatan; Reporter: Mrs. William H. Beutel UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS athy Kel- March 4-Mr. and Mrs. Fred En- Reporter: Dale ,Elisenmann dress Jr. and their two. sans, Mike On the evening af March 8, a goad eer Helen and Tammy, arrived safely harne, number af students and guests from Bro..Ben after 2~2 manths visiting his sister, Gridley, Gao.dfield and Cissna Park Sr. her mother, and ather relatives in were present, to. hear the messages ~, a picnic Germany. We are glad to. knaw they af Bro.thers Elmer Witzig and Ed ,rk. It was cauld go. and came back safe again. Ringger af Gridley, aur visiting min- r j I ! I THE SILVER LINING J isters. families away from here were Bro. Sis. Joyce Huber and her parents and Sis. Bob Schieler and family and of Fairbury were with us the evening Sis. Emma Furrer, visiting in New of March 22. They showed us the York; Bro. and Sis. Vernon Furrer pictures of their recent Holy Land and family and Bro. and Sis. Glenn visit, which we enjoyed very much. Furrer and family in Bluffton, and Bro. and Sis. Gene Lehman and fam- WOLCOTT, INDIANA ily' visiting in La Crosse. Rep,orter: ArIes Kropf Ministering .brothers visiting us SOJOURNS TO ALABAMA this past month were Bro. John Bah- [Continued from Page 2] ler of Rockville; Edmond RIoter of In 1953,a school house was bought F$irbury, Clarence Kachehnuss of by Bro. Melvin Huber, with the help Forrest, and Art Gudeman of La of northern brothers. This was re- Crosse. modeled, and makes a nice place for Our friend, Nancy Christopher, worship, with four Sunday School hsa been announced for proving, and rooms. if the Lord is willing, proving and baptism wiIl take place on April 9. In April, 1954, Sis. Clara Heiniger On Sunday afternoon, March 26, a from LaCrosse went down to Ala- large number of our Sunday School bama, to be helpful in teaching, and children, teachers, and parents· en- has continued up to this time. Hav- joyed feIlowship at the home of Bro. ing her home near the Hillsboro and Sis. Vernon Schwab. Following Church makes her feel at home in an outdoor supper and wiener roast, Alabama. the remainder of the evening was Bro. John Wagler and family from spent in singing. Chicago moved to .Athens in Febru- Our Sunday School children and ary, 1958. He was the first minister young people presented their Easter stationed there. program on Wednesday evening, Junior Hale and his wife, Manily, ~ : 'i March 29. We were happy to have were baptized May.25, 1958, at Hills- 'I boro. I Bro. Henry Beer with us, and also I a large number from Remington. Bro. Junior Hale was put in the 'I I Announcement was made on Eas- ministry Feb. 14, 1960, at Hillsboro. ter Sunday of the engagement of Sis- ter Janet Furrer and Gale Stoller of Latty. We wish them God's richest blessing. Word was received that our belov- OUfsympathy goes to Bro. and Sis. ed. brother and minister of our Vernon Schwab and also the Knapp church in Bremen, Herman Heuni, fam~ of Forrest, due to the sudden has passed away. His place in eternal passing of their father, Bro. Louis circles is now filled. Knapp. The family had spent Easter with the Schwabs, and on their re- the editor turn trip to Forrest, he was fatally stricken. A large number from here attended funeral services at Forrest on April 5. The May issue, the Lord willing, Visitors on March 26 were Bro. and the time of church services will be Sis. Sam Steffen of Fairbury, John printed of many or all the churches and Sis. Edith Mayer and family of Indianapolis, and Mr. and Mrs. Or- and groups reporting. ville Farney of Cissna Park. the editor Those spending Easter with their