Conference on the Concept of the Believers' Church

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Conference on the Concept of the Believers' Church Conference on the Concept of the Believers' Church Gheens Lecture Hall Southern Baptist Theological Seminary June 26 - 30, 1967 DAILY PROGRAM CONFERENCE PARTICIPANTS ORIENTATION AND INFORMATION GRI NSTEAD DRI VE • •5 -22 CAMPUS GUIDE 1-Alumni Memorial Chapel 2--Barnard Hall: future conference center 3-Boyce Centennial Library 4-Broadus Hall: recitals and conferences 5--Brown Cottages &-Cafeteria, Post Office, Bookstore 7-Fa.culty Center ~-Foster Hall: faculty-staff housing 9--Fuller Hall: married housing l~Gheens Lecture Hall 11-Heck Recital Hall 12--Judson Hall: married housing 13-Levering Gymnasium 14-Maintenance Buildings 15--Manly Ball: men's dormitory 1&-Mullins Ball: women's dormitory 17-Norton Ball: offices and classrooms lS--President's Home 19--Rankin Hall: School of Church Music ..Tolaumrllt liS60 2~Rice Hall: married housing 21-Sampey Hall: student center, barber shop, and men's dormitory 22-Samuels Missionary Apartments 23-Whitsitt Hall: men's dormitory 24-Williams Hall: men's dormitory 25--Woman's Missionary Union Hall The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary 2825 Lexington Road Louisville, Ky. 40206 Established 1859 MONDAY, JUNE 26 THE BELIEVERS' CHURCH 1: 00 - 6: 30 Registration, Lobby, Norton Hall ................... Wayne E. Ward First Session - Jam es Leo Garrett, Presiding 7: 00 Invocation ......................................... John W. Brush 7: 05 Welcome ...................................... C. Penrose St. Amant 7: 15 The Conference: Purpose, Procedures, Presentations, and Announcements ..... Litten Jam es Leo Garrett 7: 25 Address: "The Concept of the Believers' Church" .......... Franklin H. Littell 8: 15 Panel Discussion: Maurice Blanchard, David J. Draewell, J. P. Jacobszoon, Clyde L. Manschreck, James D. Mosteller 9: 15 Adjournment 9: 20 Coffee for Conference Participants and Observers ..... Boyce Centennial Library TUESDAY, JUNE 27 A BELIEVING PEOPLE Claypool 8: 30 Worship, Broadus Hall ................ John R. Claypool, Hugh T. McElrath DAILY PROGRAM Second Session-C. Penrose St. Amant, Presiding 9: 15 Call to Order 9:20 Findings Committee 9:30 Address: "A Believing People: Historical Background" ..... William R. Estep, Jr. 10:20 Response .......................................... Cornelius Krahn Estep 10:40 Discussion 11: 15 Adjournment Third Session - Wayne E. Ward, Presiding 1 : 3 0 Call to Order I : 3 5 Findings Committee 1 : 4 5 Address: "A Believing People: Theological Interpretation" ..... Warren F. Groff 2 : 3 5 Response ............................•................ J. K. Zeman 2 : 5 5 Discussion 3: 30 Adjournment Groff Fourth Session - W. Morgan Patterson, Presiding 7: 00 Invocation ....................................... William W. Baum 7: 0 5 Findings Committee 7: 15 Address: "A Believing People: Contemporary Relevance" ...... T. Canby Jones 8: O5 Panel Discussion: C. Howard Ben tall, Cornelius J. Dyck, Roger E. Sappington, Robert Soileau, Earl Waldrup 9 :-00 Adjournment Jones WEDNESDAY, JUNE 28 A PEOPLE IN COMMUNITY 8: 30 Worship, Broadus Hall ................ John R. Claypool, Hugh T. McElrath Fifth Session - James Leo Garrett, Presiding 9: 15 Call to Order 9:20 Findings Committee 9:30 Address: "A People in Community: Historical Background" . George H. Williams 10:20 Response ........................ " ................ Richard M. Pope 10:40 Discussion 11: 15 Adjournment Williams Sixth Session - Findley B. Edge, Presiding I: 30 Call to Order 1: 35 Findings Committee 1 :45 Address: "A People in Community: Theological Interpretation" ............ William G. MacDonald 2:35 Response . .................. Wayne E. Ward 2:55 Discussion 3:30 Adjournment MacDonald Seventh Session - Duke K. McCall, Presiding 7:00 Invocation ........................................ C. Wayne Zunkel 7:05 Findings Committee 7:15 Address: "A People in Community: Contemporary Relevance" ............. J. Lawrence Burkholder Burkholder 8:05 Panel Discussion: Allen C. Deeter, Vernard Eller, Leland D. Harder, Walker N. Stockburger, Nat Tracy 9:00 Adjournment THURSDAY, JUNE 29 A PEOPLE UNDER THE WORD 8:30 Worship, Broadus Hall ................ John R. Claypool, Hugh T. McElrath McElrath Eighth Session - C. Penrose St. Amant, Presiding 9: 15 Call to Order 9:20 Findings Committee 9:30 Address: "A People Under the Word: Historical Background" ............. Alfred T. DeGroot 10:20 Response . ........................... Donald F. Durnbaugh 10:40 Discussion 11: 15 Adjournment DeGroot Ninth Session - W. Morgan Patterson, Presiding 1: 30 Call to Order 1: 3 5 Findings Committee l: 45 Address: "A People Under the Word: Theological Interpretation ........... Abraham J. Malherbe 2:35 Response .......................................· ..... Bruce Shelley 2:55 Discussion Malherbe 3:30 Adjournment Tenth Session - Wayne E. Ward, Presiding 7: 00 Invocation ...................................... Gene W. Newberry 7 : 0 5 Findings Committee 7: 15 Address: "A People Under the Word: Contemporary Relevance" .... Dale Moody 8:05 Panel Discussion: Clifton J. Allen, Ross T. Bender, Wilmer A. Cooper, Riley M. Mathias, Roy Bowen Ward 9: 00 Adjournment Moody FRIDAY, JUNE 30 A PEOPLE IN THE WORLD Eleventh Session - Duke K. McCall, Presiding 8:30 Invocation . .. Chevis F. Horne 8:35 Findings Committee 8:45 Address: "A People in the World: Historical Background" ............... Kenneth Scott Latourette 9:35 Response ......................................... Pope A. Duncan Latourette 9: 55 Discussion 10: 10 Coffee Break 10:40 Address: "A People in the World: Theological Interpretation" ........... John Howard Yoder 11 :30 Response ... .................. C. Emanuel Carlson 11: 50 Discussion 12:05 Adjournment Twelfth Session - Kenneth L. Chafin, Presiding 2:00 Call to Order Yoder 2:05 Findings Committee 2: 15 Address: "A People in the World: Contemporary Relevance" ... Louis P. Meyer 3:05 Panel Discussion: T. Eugene Coffin, W. Barry Garrett, G. Avery Lee, Ray McGlothlin, Jr., Joseph R. Shultz 4:00 Adjournment Thirteenth Session - James Leo Garrett, Presiding 7:00 Invocation ......................................... James G. Harris 7:05 Remarks ........................................ James Leo Garrett 7: 15 Report of Findings Committee Meyer John H()ward Yoder, Chairman; William L. Lumpkin, Vice Chairman; John J. Kiwiet, Secretary; Donald J. Burke, Chauncey R. Daley, Donald F. Durnbaugh, Dean Freiday, Charles Garrison, Glenn 0. Hilburn, Harold L. Phillips, Maynard Shelly, David Stewart 7:50 Conference Action on Findings Committee Report 8:30 Adjournment Roster of Participants CLIFTON J. ALLEN, Editorial Secretary, SUillday School Boa.rd, R. PAUL CAUDILL, Pastor, First Baprtist Chu11ch, Memphis, Ten­ Southern Baptist Convention, Nashville, Tennessee 37003 nessee 3811~ RJjCHARD E. ALLISON, Minister, First Brethren Chmc,:h, Goohen, KENNETH L. CHAFIN, Billy Graham Associate. Professor of Evan­ Lndian:a 46626 gelism, Southern Baptist Theo,logkal S'eminaxy, Louisville, Ken­ tuc'!cy, 40206 MYRON S. AUGSBURGER, President and Professor of Theology, Eastern MelllD.onite College; Harrisonburg, Vwgin.ila .221801 . RAY F. CHESTER, Minister, Col1ege .Church of Clwist, Se,arcy, Arkansas 72143 HAROLD E. BAUMAN, College Pastor, Goshen College, Goshen, Indi8111a 46526 MINVIL L. CLARK, Executive Director of Education and Publication, Geneml Association of General Baprtisttl, !Poplar Bluff, Misso,uri ROSS' T. BENDER, Dean, GOSlhen College Biblical Semilnary, Goshen, 63901 Indiana 46526 JOHN R. CLAYPOOL, Minister, Crescenrt Hill B~pitist Church, Louis­ LEWIS BEN.SON, Retired Businessman, Author of Catholic Quaker­ ville, Kentucky 40206 ism, Brielle, Nerw Jersey 08730 T. EUGENE COFFIN, Executive Secretary, Evangelism and Church C. HOWARD BENTALL, Senior Minister, First Baptist Church, Extensi·on, Friends United lVJjeet:lmg, ruClhroanJd, Indiallla 47374 Calgary, Alberta, Oanada WILMER A. COOPER, Dean, Earlham School of Religion, RichmOl!ld, MAURICE BLANCHARD, Pastor, Austin-Second Bap,tist Church, Indiana 47374 515 North Pine Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60644 I. K. CROSS, President, Eastern Baptist Institute, Somerset, Ken­ PAUL D. BREWER, Professor of Philosophy, Carson-Newman Col­ tuckw e01 lege, J.effurSOIIl City, Telllilessee 37760 C.R. DALEY, Editor, Western RJecorder, Miclidletown, Kentucky 40043 JAMES BRITT, Pastor, Eastwood Baptist Church, Bow1iltlg Green, DAVID F. D'AMICO, Pastor, Iglesia Baptista Buena Voluntad, Fort KentUJCky 42101 Worth, Texas 76104 (Argerutina) JOHN W. BRUSH, Professor Emeritus of Church History, Andover ALLEN C. DEET'ER, Associate Professo·r of Religion, Manchester Newmon Theological :Scho1ol, Newton Centre, Massachuse,tts 02159 Oollege, North Ma,nchester, Ind~ana 46962 DAVID D. BURHANS, Graduate Student in Church History, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky 40206 ALFRED T. DeGROOT, Professor of Church History, Brite Divinity School, Texas University, Fort Worth, Texas 76129 DONALD J. BURKE, Pastor, Braemar Baptist Church, Edmonton, Alberta, Can:ada LARRY K. DIPBOYE, Graduate Student in Christian Theology, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky J. LAWRENCE BURKHOLDER, Victor S. Thomas Professor of 40206 Divinity, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 DAVID J. DRAEWELL, Secretary of Stewardship and Higher Edu­ MARK S. CALDWELL, Graduate Student in Church History, South­ cation, Norith American Baptist General Con:flerenJcie, Forest ern Baptist Theological SemtnJary, Louisville, Kientucky 40006 Park, Illinois 60130 WILLIAM A. CARLETON, Dean, Golden Gate Baptist Theological JOHN
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