Shooting Guide – “Home-Court Challenge”

1) Pacesetter Decathalon - 10 categories of “game” shots – shoot sets of 100 Choose from the following categories of Pacesetter Decathalon shots. You may shoot 10 shots in each category or shoot 100 in one category or mix categories. But always shoot categories in multiples of 10, like 10-20-30....100. Record total of 100. A) Touch shots – 10 “perfect form shooting” shots 1) 6-foot right side 2) 6-foot middle 3) 6-foot left side 4) 8-foot bank shot right side – just above out of lane 5) 8-foot bank shot left side - just above block out of lane 6) 12-foot right side shot 7) 12-foot left side shot 8) 15-foot elbow shot right side – highest lane marking 9) 15-foot elbow shot left side – highest lane marking 10) B) Free throws C) Power shots – 45-degree angle bank shots from 3 feet – alternate sides – right-left-right, etc. Jump off two feet. D) Mikan shots – 45-degree angle hook shots. Start 3 feet in front of basket facing sideline. Take one angled step between block and basket and swing “arm-extended” hook shot off . Alternate sides – right-left-right-etc. E) Jump hooks – stand 3 feet from the basket facing the baseline between the block and the basket. Jump off both feet and shoot hook shot from standing position – no step. Jump straight up, arm to ear, and flip ball off backboard. F) Bank shots – First shot 3 feet away at 45-degree angle, step back to 6 feet for 2nd shot, then 9 feet, 12 feet and 15 feet. Alternate sides - shoot 5 shots on each side. Shoot all shots with your strong hand. G) Lay ups – Start near RIGHT elbow with strong-foot fake and get to basket in one dribble. Alternate straight in RH lay- up and crossing lane LH lay-up past basket off glass. Start LEFT elbow. Strong foot fake – shoot 5 lay ups – alternate. “AROUND THE WORLD” – Perimeter shots or high shot – Distance should be feet = to age. 10-year old shoots from 10 feet, etc. H) Dribble shots – Start LEFT SIDE - 5 spots around world – side-wing-middle-wing-side. Repeat from RIGHT SIDE moving left. Dribble hard with 1-2 dribbles, then square up to basket for jump shot or high shot. I) Spot shots – Catch and shoot – pass from partner or spin-pass to self. Move right 5 shots, then left 5 shots. J) 3- shots – Shoot from anywhere outside of the 3-point line. Shoot from any spots or move around world.

NOTE: 10 shots in each category = 100 diversified “game” shots. Or focus on a category for more repetitions. Always sets of 10 for shooting and always sets of 100 for completing a “set” and reporting. Record # of shots made also and challenge yourself to increase your percentages – especially in weak areas.