VER ITABLE CHARTISIS. Q THE wrcs pontttiw. Very much ,obli ged to «v J ioeSBB,—I am " " '¦'¦"- ~" so laces. THE "T IMES. " who have invited me to man y p Sheffield at half-past two on ?tall be at TO THE EDITOR OP TllJJ NOjfTHEK.v star . attend the to Wednes day next, to soiree Sir , — Our " public inst ructor " are unquestion- ably a i vn I have been invited , and I shall be at most sage and consistent race of men. They stem perfect Friday nest. I will attend all the adepts in the art of deception and gul- I Sue on labil ity, Every ar ticle from their slop is i-nffed off from -which I ha re received ther towns soon as genuine , while the eommodiriesof their rivals ar e " , but I cannot yet name the day, as ueclar. d to be spurious and compounded of the 1not ati ons , is required in London now that most injuri ous ingredients *. Of courxe , each vend v pres ence the best and Company is being wound-u p—but I most efficaciou s remed y for perfecting 2a Land AND the cur e of a ' TRADES' nat ion in NATIONAL s ills, dilapidated , JOURNAL and restoring ^„„ nd trust God that I shall soon be nope «"» . . _ » <-,!, - _ constitut ions to their pristine ?igour. Some o£ irit of Chartism.- once more. th ose hie to rouse the sp % philanth ropic gentr y declare tha t John Bull is 8 TOL , U86I. tull ot wounds atte nd ed the dinner given to K.OSSUTH on ¦ " BV P. 730. ' LONDON SATDTUJAY ^BlBER ¦ ^ii5£?J2t KSS?*U.,:^1 - , and br uises, and nutrifvine sores. , I ' =— —- ... . ___^ • : • i_ r, la8 a Southampton , where the trom the crown of his head to the soles of his feet,'*, Tuesday * * — — ; On. Friday 1 and recommend a dose of Rus was in the chair , decided that I 7» Wellcrof t-street , Stockport. KOSSUTH. night the Committee met again at BRADFORD IRISH DEM OCRATIC ALLI- sell's Elixir , which; MaY OB, who -10, any infant of the most tend er HONOURED SlB,—I am instructed by the Wellmgton -street , Strand—Mr . Thornton Hunt ANCE, constit ution may taka not speak ; however , at the meetin g in the chair, with impunity. Another quill-dri should council of this localit y, to you ( Concluded from our Eighth Page.) A member of the Committee stated ving politico- physi c dinner at the Ma yor' s house , where request , if cian say s John Bull is in a galloping before the METROPOLITAN CENTRAL COMMI TTEE , that ho had , at the request of the chairma n, waited On Sunda y the usual weekly meeting of this bod y consumption , passible , to pay Stock port a- visit about the t herefo re he must take Cobden ' there was a large number of the workin g upon Kossuth that morning to know whether he was held at ;tbe Neptune Inn , Bridge- street. Mr. s cotton , and stop time you come to Man chester , Padiham, &c. accepted , the invitation of his ears , Others say he is a drowsy, moping, me- classes, I did speak , and was loudl y cheered ; IBB PROPOSED DEMONSTRATION AND BANQUET the Committee to accept M . Moloney in tho chair, The case of Mrs . ' Thomas Clktvs. their addres s at a great public meeting on Monday Qiii l bette r, lancholy fellow, therefore they recommend more and I think that this will prove to you DECLINES ,. g ey, known as thO i widoff of the reln-l next. Kossuth had received him with great cordi- captain of '98 , was br ought before the churches for his accommodat ion , and a lar ge qua n« the higher and middle classes hav e The meetin g of the Central Demonstrat ion Com- meeting. arouse him that Sheffield , Oct. 27, 1851. ality, expressin g his sorrow at not having been able She is at presen t in very low circumstan ces in the tit y of sleep-imparting sermons to to f eeling for the workin g classes ; and, mitt ee last night, at 10, Southampto n-street , to give a definitive incompre hensi- Do Dear Sib,—I am instructed to inform answer before , which , howe ver , count y Tipperary in Ireland , and Irish benevolence more activity . But of all the queer, you Str and , was very fully attended. was owing to his as Cob- aS I have often told you before , I do not knowing whether the Birming- need only be informe d to rush to the aid of ; ble chaps in the arena of quackery, those, that the Hall of Science has been taken for a Mr. Thorn ton Bust on taking the chair, in- ham autre ^., blame the middle and higher classes, , ban quet might not take place on Monday —a and smooth the " few years of be lt would say, who " do the bloody old 'Times,"* not Soiree, to be beld on Wednesda y the 5th of formed the committee that an answer to their invi- point the aped widow . , however , which he had now ascertained , and Twenty shillings wore subscribed in the room ami carry the palm. hut I blame the working class ; for, if they rema rks upon , November. We had no other alternative tation had arrived. He made a few therefore he was .in the h nds of the Committee , it was arr angeu r that: the list sliouM The other day I took up one of their preoioua united for one month , you would not : the position at present occup ied by Kossut b, and and would meet remain open ttere with out paying a most exorbitant price , tbem on Monday. He placed him- lor a month. ; Mr. Sullivan then brought before the sheets, and found , for lack of other matte r, they or a pauper in reco mmended the committee to pay entire deference self in the hands of have a dr unkard , a criminal, which we thoug ht would look as well in the a the Committee and the people, meetin g the West Ward affair , where Tory and Wnig h ad hit upon a method of disabusing the mind s of io the wishes of the great Hungarian , and concluded hop ing that they would our forei gn visitors with respect to our n.itional th e laud. But , those who live upon your Honesty Fund. You would oblige as "by deal with him honourably coalesced ; also the North Ward , where the same by reading the answer of Kossuth , as follows :— and fairly . H e would go to the place appointed for trick had been practised character. They presume that those visitors have sweat, your marrow, and your blood, care not saying Oct. 25. , and in Bowling Ward what time you could be with us, and " Wincheste r, the presentat ion of the address as he thought every moan s had been iried ' r eturned homo with the impression that we are a , criminality, or pauperism. " Dear Sir ar guments you to upset *kr. Meore , about drunkenness by what line of railwa y you will come. In the ,—Notwithstandin g the beet ; and the room must be strictl y pri va te in simply because he is a Char tist. very hospitabl e, moral , and well-conducted people ; adduced to per - Their labour , how- I need say no more than that , when times meant ime, , I am compelled with deep rfgrel ; which he would receive the address , the Com- ever, is in vain. Mr . Moore and Air. Sharp arc and , to show the reverse , the doers of the " Times" sist in declinin g tho proposed banquet, whichM: mittee and a few mount tlie stool afford it, I will visit all the places to'which I I remain , on behalf of the Council , friends alone being present. safe and in Little Horton ; Mr. Huds on in also , and strin g together a mass of sincere gratitude and respect , for those who prV. He would speak to the assembl police reports have been invited ; and I think $bat these in- Geor ge Catill. y from a window secure . Thus hi Bowling, two Tories ar e rep lact-d , as cTidence of our brutal and vioiOUB pose this to honour me would have given me muck or balcony. The following resolution was propensiti es vitations will prove to the countr y, that , then by two Democrats in Little llorton ; one Chartist . Now, Sir, allowing the correctness of pleasure in accepting, bu t which I must decline, carried unanimousl y: — " That this Committee each and all of these reports , tutd aUo allowing that . ' re tires thr ough ill health , and is to be replaced by however reviled , persecuted , and prosecuted 1 Simpson s Court , Caldewgate , on the broad princi ple of not acceptin g any similar pledges itself to resist any at tempt which might another Char tist , and in for eigners have formed err oneous opinions of our . the im- twelve months from this have been, that I have not lost the affection Carlisle , Oct. 21, 1851. demonstr ation which might subject me to have a tendenc y to give a sectional or part y cha- date , we shall beVable to retu rn character , does it not ar gue that something is very putat ion of hayin g mixed with any part y whatever , two or more of those to elevate whom I have sacri ficed Dbar Sir ,—At a meeting of Chartists , 1 racter to the demon stration which it has been ap- Irishmen to the Town Coun cil. And if the Iri sh wrong in thi s tight little island— this envy of aur * or any par ty question whate ver , in thi s country— f riends, family, fortune -an d profession ; and was instructed to write to you, to express the pointed to organise and conduct , on beha lf of Alliance progress as they have up to the present rounding nations , and admiration of the world? a connexion which , Notwi thstandin g any disinclin a- public bodies comprisin The " Times" preach the let-alone doctrine and bu again however reviled perse- satisfaction they feel at your willingnes s to of all shades of opi- time, the local affairs of Bra dford will undergo a , , I tell y , , that , , tion or disavowal on the part of the mover of that nion in English politics " The police commissioners thoroug h reform . ' with the laces to which you have been . The question of engaging a room same breath , pronounc e us rotten to the cuted, and prosecut ed I may he by all classes , visit the various p demonstration , or on my own, would not fail to be have been communicated mtli , with the view of for the Alliance core . invited , and seeing that you intend being at construed to meet in, was postponed to Sun- that I am resolved not to abandon Chartism , , by malevolence , into an unseemly in- directin g their attention to the line of route laid day next (to-mprrow ). Is there not a cause for the declension of morale * l , again, that 1 would rather Newcastle, to earnestl y request you- will be terference in the domestic concerns of a country down tor the pr ocession , which will form in which they seem proud to exhibit as characteris tic aud i will te l you not my own, meal a day, and not see kind enoug h to make your arrangements so and which has so generously afforded •ffus'seil-square at eleven o' clock,, on Monday , and of Englishmen ? Certainly there is a cause , - but live npon one humble me protection and hospitality. On this - account I . jPata l. Acciden t , at Eyesham. i~ A dis- as to honour this town ,with your presence. proceed by Keppel-street , Store- stree t, Tot tenham- th ose blind leaders dare onl y look at effects, least a drun kard , a crimi nal, or pauper in the land , have found it necessar y to decline all invitations tressin g and fatal ace'dent occurred at Charl- they offend their masters . If. i lam, &c court-road , • • the Hampstead road , High-3treet, gnorance and crime th an be Emperor of the world , and have a of this na ture , unless from corpor ate bodies which, ton (near this place) on Sunda y are such glaring evils in the state, why do not these John Gilbertson. , Camden-town , and the Camden-road , to Copen- mornin g to a million millions a year. from their nature, ar e supposed not to represent hagen House. the carter of Mr. Dingley, who was removin g horror-stricken leadermongers come forth and war any part y. In conclusion , I must beg leave defi- Fait hful, and Ucompromisi ng a loaded gun from a cart in which against , and l a bour t o count eract , the causes pro- Your nitively to acquaint you, th at it would be most it was Friend and Advocate Mbb tin o at Hobselvdown .—On Wednesday ducing those baneful effects ? , Qfyaxtint agreeable and conven ient to me to receive the ad- placed by a man belon ging to the premis es, Ic is an incontrovertible truth that. " the evils Fear gus O'Cobno b EntelUgetue. nig ht a crowded meeting was held in the hall of dress , by which you inform me the w orking classes the Institution , Fair-street , Horselydown , for the who had been scarin g birds from the newl y of a state are the effects of its legislation ;" th en, NATIONAL CHARTER ASSOCIATION. propose to honour me, at my own residence , the purpose of giving expression of feeling to the illus- planted corn . In drawin g the gun with tho for consistency 's sake, let those who hold up our day following that on which I receive the addres s trious Kossuth , Mr . Thomas Parish in the chair. muzzle towards him , out of the cart (it is sup- deformi ties, or crim es to the world 's eye, wield the Offices—14, Southampton-street, Strand. from the Lond on Corpora tion . axe, and aiu in destroying that Upas4ree--mis * TO F. O'CONNOR, ESQ., M.P., An address of hearty welcome to Kossuth was posed with the object of placing it in a more The Executive Committee of this body " I am, dear sir, your very obedient servan t, adopted , and the best than ks of the meeting were government. The " Times " will surel y do thia " secure situation) it exploded, and the entire % held their usual weekly meetin g as above on " L. Kobsuiu. given to the liberal press. or ask pardon of the nation . Padiham, Oct. 20th, 1851. " To Thornton Hunt " char ge entered the upper Wedne sday evening last . Present : Messrs. , Esq. Inv itation ot Kossuth to Manchester. —The part of the poor fel- The editors of the " Times " would , doubtless Hosot j rbd Sir ,—I am instructed by tho MoMDAy EvBrao .—The attend ance at the Com- working classes of Manchester held a public meet- low' s thigh, shattering the limb, and ru pturin g have been one of the greatest curiosities in tht Arnott, Grassby, Hunt , Jones, and Milne . mitte was Cha rtists of this town to request that when very full. The following resolution was ing on Tuesday evening, in the Music Hall , to con- the leadin g, blood vessels, in consequence of " World' s Fair ," had they been caged in the grea= Messrs. Harne y and Hol yoake, being in the carried by a majo rity over several amendments : — booth. There forei gners would have beheld the you ta ke your tour to rally np Chartism , sider the propriety of inviting Kossuth to that to wn, which his death was . almost instantaneous . countr y, were absent , as was also Mr , " That this committee , con sisting of delegates re- whe n the following resolutions were adopted :— wonders of Old Nick ' s . crea tion—animated incon- tou will come to Padiham. It " you could come T. F. Smith , Esq., sur geon of Evesham , O' Connor. The corres pondence received was presenting the industrious classes of London , being " As tho principles of civil and relig ious liberty sistencies, singing the praises of Haynau , and on a Sunda y, it would be the most convenient of opinion that the characte r of the demons tration was as quickl y as possible in attendance , who thunderin g of Bri- read . must ever be dear to the humane and enlightened anathemas against tho victims for us; for there are a great many people at a dis- intended by the working men and other inhabitants of all nations , the people of Manchester in public gave it as his opinion tha t poor Kni ght (the tish misgovernment. There w oul d have been seen Messrs. Highley and Hulett, from the Mar y- of London has f tanceof eight, nine, and ten miles from Padi ham, been misrepresented to Kossuth , by meeting assembled take this opportunity of giring name of the unfortunate man ) could not have the incarnati on of a l sehood and decep tion , with lebone and White Horse localities , attended persons who eitherfear or hate the working men of expres sion to the deep sympathy they have f el f or vituperation flowi ng like a torren t from their pol« that would be anxious to come and hear you ; but t survived the explosion of the gun more than and gave in the following report :— London , resolve that the trades and other bodies the strugg ling patrio ts of Hungary—an d whilst lut ed pens. you were to come on any of th e week one or two minutes, Kni ght has been a valued if 'We , the undersigned , hereb y state that represented on this committee, be requested to as- feeling a k een and lasting indignatio n at the tem- Rut no ; it would not do to let the animals be it would be impossible for any of them semble in publ ic meeting on the day appointed for and trustworth y servant of Mr. Dingley for subjected to cither tho inspection of forei gner s or nights , havin g inspected the votes received for the porary triumph of her oppr essors, hail with delight to do so; hut if yon come on the Sund ay, the presentation of the address in the most and gratificat ion the appearance on our shores of years. If the person who placed the gun in to the gaze of our countr y cousins, They must bo there election of a fit and pro per per son to fill the would be hundreds pour in from a great dis- eligible place contag ious to the residence of Kos- the chief and bravest of her defenders , M. Louis the cart had been accustomed to the use of invisib le, and be only heard through the WE tub es vacanc y in the Executive Committee of the suth ; tha t the deputation proceed from the meeting , of Printi ng-house Square. tance, to see one who has always been at his Kossuth, and re solve to giro him a hearty such a deadl y weapon, he would instead of National Charter Association , caused by the present the addre ss, and request Louis Kossuth to welcome to this tho ' manufacturing metropolis Yours respectf u lly, post to defend the rights and liberties of man. putti ng the hammer down on the cap (a mis- resignat ion of Mr. G-. W. M. Reynolds, do return with them to the meeting, and deliver his of the world . That this meeting views with Wit. RlDBB. Respected Sir , I am also directed to inform answer in person to the people. In the event of take all ignorant persons make) , have left it certi fy that Mr. Robert Le Blond is dul y satisfac tion the noble and heroic conduct you that our confidence remains unshaken in Kossu th declinin g, the deputation to return to the of the Sulta n of Turke y, in affordin g hospita- at half cock, this distressin g accident would elected to fill such vacancy, by a majority of meeting, and report " you ; that we are extremel y grateful tha t we the result of their delegation. lity and protection to M. Louis Kossuth and his co- not have occurred. ' more than three to two. Mr . Iron sides was despatched with this resolution gputitf amufttintiiift - behold in you for the last twenty years the patriots in exile, notwith standing the threats Bur glar y and Attem ptedMurdbr. —Olbbub y, (Signed) 'W. J. Highley, Mar ylebone to Kossuth at Southampton , also namin g Monday and intimidation of Austria and Russia ; this Worces tershire. —A daring burg lary and att empted " uncompromising, gratuitous advo- DRUUY-LAKe THEATRE. bold, aud locality. as the day on which the demons tration would be meeting do, theref or e, heartil y th ank the Sublime murder was perpetrated on Wednesda y, at the farm cateof our cause ; and may the Divine Being held. The equestrian troupe termina ted their perfor- 1 James Huiext , White Hor se Porte for responding to the call of England , house oi a maiden lady, named Nicklin. About two mances on Saturday night last. The success which grant you long life, health , and happiness , Tuesda t Evenin g.—The minute s havin g been America , and other powers, in finally liberating o' clock in t he mor ning, Mr. Nicklin , her brot her , localit y,' confirmed a strong feeling was manifested by many has attended these ar tists at Drury-Jane Theatre and enable you to see the consumma tion of , t hose heroic and generous patriots. That this saw two men with blackened faces standin g at his Thornton Hunt being comp elled to attend of the delegates , at the manner in which Kossuth his been extremel y great th e Exhitition having your earnest desires , is the devoted and meeting do authori se the delegates of the trades bedside , one of whom dealt him a violent blow on the benefited the speculation as lar gely in pr opor t ion aa the Kossuth Demonstration Committee it was had been deceived , in order to induce him to and other bodies now assembled to draw up an head with a bludgeon , after which two pistols were heartfelt wish of our association. it has done everything elser . The house has been, deemed advisable to adjourn the transaction s retract the promi se he had previously given to the address to be presented to (he hero of Hungary, f ired, wounding him in the cheek and arm. After . deputation that he would be glad to receive any more or le=s crowde d every eveniiig ; and thoug h I remain , Honoured Sir, of business until Wednesda y evening, , as the best means of representing to him the views ransacking the house the burg lars decamped. Mr. October attentions which the working men of London the company as a whole was not remarkable for Yours ver y trul and opinions of the working classes of this town. Nicklin remains in a dangerous state. A rewa rd of ' y, oth. might be pleased to pay him. its excellence, there was now and then indi vidual Benj amin luh g And further , this meeting calls upon the trades and fifty pounds has already been offered for the dis- ta t of no ordinary kind , and upon all occasions Pi , Secretar y. Signed on behalf of the Committee , Communication s were received from various delegates c«wv - len ot her public bodies to send to act with of the offender? a varied successi on of ajnut-ements was presented. Grimshaw Well, Padiham . John Arnott , General Secretary. . bodies in London , adv ising the committee to persist the presen t commit tee in arrangin g the intend ed Anoikn t Ord er op the Gom>en Vlbbob. —Bkad- Tho " na tional" theatre—having thus once more in holuin g the demonstration , Communications demonstr ation to a meeting at the Cotton Tree TOBD Unitt. —A Lodge of the above ord er , , called got rid of the horses , the clowns, and the tunihlera Bishopwea rmouth were also received from the provinces , showing Great Ancoats-street on Monday evening, " The Oak in the Valley, " ' was opened at , Sunderland, Manchester .—A delegate meeting was held in the Inn , , No. 94, —r everts fora brief period to M. Jullien , who , earl y that arrangments had been made with the Midland , at seven o'clock. That this the bouse of E. C. Broadbent the Commercial October 23rd, 1851. large ante-room of the People' s Institute , on Sunday the 3rd of November , in this mont h, commences his winter series and other railways to run special trains on the t n believing that the working people of this Melbourne-str eet, Stal eybrid ge on Saturda y Respected Friend ,—At a meetin g of the last, Mr. Joseph Houghton , of Stockport , in the mee i g, Inn , , promenade concert s. To Jullien succeeds Bunn , days of the demonstr ation and banquet. A letter town will be anxious to attend the proposed de- Octobe r 25th , when thir ty-four members of Chartists of this town chair , when the following resolution s were unani- evening, and the perform ances after Christmas will there- , held at their meetin g was received from Mr. Harris , honorary secretary mon stration on the arrival of Kossuth , do most were entered. After the bu siness was concluded mously adopted :—" Tha t Mr. William Grocott , of fore, we presume , again wear something of a legi- room in Bishopwearmo utb , on "Wednesda y to the Islington association , stating that many in- urg ently and respectfully request the employers of by Br. Edward Evans , D.G.M., Br. Bu tterwo rth , Man chester , act as secretary till the next delegate fluenti al gen tlemen in that neighbourhood had de- timate theatricalas nect. evenin g, the 22nd , it was moved by Mr. Mo- " ** That arrangements be made for a all branches of trade to afford their workpeople as Y.D.G.M., Br. Thomas Dransfteld , P.B. S., Br . meeting. cided upon holdin g a ban quet at Highbury-barn , narch , seconded by Mr. Adams — ' That Mr. more general promulgation of the princi in the opportu nity of doing so." The meetin g was Rowley, D.T., and other Brs. from the Hudd ers- ples of honour of Kossutb , but hearing that the Central ROYAL POLY TECHNIC INSTITU TION. O'Connor be respectfully Cha rtism , by an inter change of lecmrer g in the well attended , and the sentiments of the speakers f iel d district , the evening was spent in the greatest The professors of this truly national institution invited to visit Sun- Commi ttee had decided upon the same proceeding, s exertions and sufferings harmony and good fellowship. The Lod different localities of South Lancashire , each dele- in admira tion of Kossuth' ge promises are still enga ged in delivering a series of lectures on derland when on his tour to the North , and and not being anxious to create any ill-feeling, they for this country was loudly applauded . A requ isi- well it being the first in this neighbourhood of gate to come prepared at the next meeting with the , the the Manufactures of Great Britain. Tho surpas- that th e wish of this meeting be sent to Mr. would willingly co-operate with the Committee in ' calling up on the town above flourishing society . names of persons competen t to address public tion is in preparation , sing meri t displ ayed bj Dr . Uachhoffuer on all sub- O'Connor without hopin g that we shall the intended ban quet. They had ' provided music , An invitation Society. The directors have dela y, meetings , and who are willing to attend to council also to join in the invitat ion. Redem ption — deter- jects which he treats , is well known to our [readers &c., for the occasion and had received promises of had been alreauy forwarded to M. Kossuth from a mined to send two more shoemakers to tho Commu- get timely notice , so as we may make the their appointments if put on the lecturers ' plan." the simplicity and cleanio * « ith which he treats a very large attendance. meeting of gentlemen beld some days ago in Man- nity. The election will take p ace — meetin g worth of the man as we know of no " That no person be received as a lecturer unless he , l on Monday , learned and abstruse scientific y , Mr. Pkttib moved , and Mr. Hah seconded— chester and they are said to have received a November 17tb. Monies received for the th e most ideas , and other be an enrolled member of the National Charter Asso- , week ; renders them , bj his popular mode of delivery, man that we can place the same confi- " That they resolve themselves into a committee of favour able repl y fr om the mayor of Southampton Leeds , £1 12s. ; Mr. Reed, Epwortb , 5s. ; Coven- ciation. " That a more general system of tract particularly adapted for all classes, and even intel- dence in as our well-tri ed and persecuted ways and means , in order to carry out the demon- on behalf of M. Kossuth. try, per Mr. Shufflebotham , £1 os. id. ; Longton , distribution be established , the next delegate meeting stration , as agreed to by the resolution dispatched ligible to a child . His example , mid that of his cham pion, Fcargus O'Connor. ' to determine whethe r the expenses be paid from the GREAT MEETING IN MARYLEBONE. . per Mr. Riley, 2s. 4d. ; Building F und : L- .-ods , to Kossuth ." 3s. ; Mr. Reed E hi ghly gifted coadjutor . Ai r. Pepper , seem, to a Dear Friend , I am requested by this meet- local or district funds. " " Tha t we earnestly im- ever held 5s. 6d. ; Coven try, , pworth , 10s. ; Mr. H. IIoltoakb proposed as an amendment— On Friday tho largest indoor meeting , k'reat degree, to influence the severa l pr ofessors who ing pres s upon the councils of the different lo calities the assembled in the Pro pagandist Fund 7s.—J. Henderson , Secretary , are from time to time associated in the to forward the wish of yonr friends, and " Tha t the Committee take no further steps until in the grea t parish of Marylebone , 162 Briggate , Leeds. grand objects imperative necessity which exists for determined Concert Room of the Princes s' s Theatre for the , The they are many in this town, hoping that you they receive a definite answer from Kossuth. " After , Libera l Landloros. We are pleased to hear that of the: establishmen t. object which at presen t efforts to support the Executive , and thus enable addresses to Kossuth and to "— the learned doctor ' s atte ntion will honour us your presence. Your a long discussion the original motion was carr ied, purpose of adopting at tho tent audits of John Iliglord , Esq., unga tes , is tho beau- with th em more eff ectuall y to carr y on the agitation at for the shar e he held on answe r A motion was passed tbat ail trade ' s or other L ira Palmerston ; to the latter Tuesday and Wednesday last tiff i art of Electroplating, illu strated with nume- direct , or through the ' Star, ' will this important crisis. ' * " That as same of the locali- , that gentleman , rous specimens lent for the pur pose bodies, should report what arrangements they had had in procuring the liberation of the Hun garian through his agents , generously continued his , by Messrs . much oblige. ties represente d at this meetin g are desirous of know- chair. The re- made for the demonstration . pitriot. Lord Dudley Stuart in the turn of 20 per cent, to the respecti ve tenants of Eikington. The lectuiv chosen by Mr. J. II. Pep- ing what cours e the Chartists of Lancashire ought every part his .r durin g the past week , has been on the Applica- Youre, Mr. Sorar , of the Pain ters ' Society, and Mr. immense room was densely crowded in , estates in this county. —In consquence of the de- pi' to pursue in reference to the Parliamentary Reform doors outside who and Steel in all Jlranches of Manufac- Edward lawns. SloecoMbe , were added to the committee. and hundreds surrounded the pressed state of agr icul ture , the Rev. John Jo nes tion of Iron Agitation this delegate meetin g, after a lengthen:d admission . The pro- , ture. This discourse is rend ered , had been unable to ob tain of Langr ove Cottage , Langarren , in this part icularly in* discu ssion, respec tfully requests their Chartist ACCEPTATION BY M. KOSSUTH OF THE ceedings were of the most unanimous and enthusi- county , and araufing b " allowed his tenant at Lanca yo, terest ing y the quantity ot experi- Hull , 20lh October, 1851. brethren to attend all public meetings called lor the INVITATION OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE near Usk , 10 per astic chara cter , the onl y int erruptions being those cent, on last Michaelmas rent. — Hereford Journal. ments exhibited. One of themes worthy of notice: Hon oured Sir ,—Seeingyou are promisin g ting public opinion as to the most METROPOLITAN WORKING MEN'S DEMON- eff orts prof esf- cr after having m»nijf.tctured a portion purpose of tes caused by tho tremendous pressure , and the Pk usence op Mind .— Presence of mind is occa- tho a tour to the North the undersi and either pro pose STRATION. outside to obtain admittance. At the in a moment deprived the liqu or , we, gned , beg satisfactory measure of reform , of persons siona ll sho*n in quick conception of some device of Prussian -blue , the Charter as a substantive resolution, or as an Wednesda y evening —The following reply to the , y by pouring in it a few drops of am- to remind you that we consider we have a long . conclusion , three cheers were given for Kossuth orgexpedient, such as we usually suppose to be an of all colour , amendment on any plan of reform (no matter by sent by Mr. Ironsides to Kossuth was of a most unearthl y character for monia. stan din g claim to a visit from you, arisin g commun ication and three groans emana tion of superior intellect. This has been re- whom propoun ded) of a less compre hensive nature ; " from teemed and read by the Chairman. I t had been the " Times, and the meeting separated. peatedl y exemplified in rencon tres with the insane. a promise given by yon at Lincoln , when bu t to meetings called b t t or meetin gs for from an official in y icke , received in the form of a message MEETING AT NOTTINGHAM. A lady was one evening sittin g in her drawing- THE GREAT EXHIBITION . selling the allotments there , that you could the advocacy of any particular measure wherein the employ of Kossutb. Kossuth had reconsidered not A publi c meeting was hold in the Exchan ge Hall , room alon e, when the only inmate of the house, a possibly come to Hull at that time, but an expression of public opinion is not required , it his determination relativ e to the demonstration. He layed in rem oval seemed on in this tow n , on Thursday night, to consid er the brother , who for a time had been betraying a ten - Tho activity disp would take an earl y oppo rtunity to do so. would be unjust to offer any obstruction , unless would accept it in the following sense :—The demon- dency to unsoundness of mind , entered witn a car- Monday to be rather on the increase , especially in Chartism be att acked or misrepre sented. In all stration might assemble at any convenient place propriety of pre senting an address from the inha- IVe shall be proud of a line from you, or an distinguished Hunga- ving-knife in his hand , and , shu ttin g the door , the foreign departments . Allusion has* often beea cases of this kind we recomm end the Chartists pre- near to his residence ; he would come to the balcony bitants of Nottingham to the announcement in the • Star ' when you think were enthusiastic in came up to her , and said "Mar garet , an odd idea made to the fact that numerou s sales are effected , sent to claim the right of rep ly." ' * That the next and address a few words to them, but the state of rian patrio t. The proceedi ngs you can call to see us. Eyre was called on to has occurred to me. I wish to paint the head of by exhibitors. Another locomotiv e engine fol- delegate meeting be held on Sunday, November 9th , his physical health was such that his voice would the extreme. Mr. Councillor " Kossut h , which was John the Baptis t, and I think yours might make an lowed that of the Great Western Company on Mon- We arc , dear sir, at the Chartist meeting-room , Wa ter-street , corner only be beard at a short distance. Tins was one of preside , and an addr ess to if moved by Rev. G. A. Syme, and seconded by Rev. excellent study for it. So, you please , I will cut off d ay mornin g. In fact the whole of that part of the Yours Respectfull y, of York -street , Ashton-under-Lyne - Chair to be the chief reas ons why he had at first declined to your head ." The lad y look ed at her brother ' building devoted to articles of that and a similar taken at half-past ten o' clock in the forenoon. " J. A. Baynea , having been adop ted , the meeting s eye , Geo. Barnefx , Sec. attend an out door demon stration. The Address he and seeing in it no tok en of jest concluded that description is now in nv tion . The sugar mill has "ADDRESS OF THE DELEGATES REPRE- separated , , he Barnett Chappel -lane. would receive at his own house , at the hands of a meant to do as he said. Ther e was an open win- nearly vanished ; the machine for prin ting the II ' Address G. , 10, SENTING THE CHARTISTS OF MANCHES- MEE TING AT CLERKENWELL. deput ation , and would reply to it in writing. His dow , aud a balcony by her side, with a s lustrated London News went on Saturday last. Messrs. John Brankling, Rd. Anderson , STOCKP ORT, ASHTON-UNDE R-LYNE treet in , TER , answer to the address would , he believed , be satis- A vestry meeting was held on Thursday evening, front ; but a momen t satisfied her that safety A f arewell d inner on a scale of great liberality Win. Adamson , T. Oliver, Henry Hamlyn, &c, TO-THE CHAR TISTS GENERALLY. factory. It would be one of the two communica- in the vestry- rooui of St. James ' s, Clerken well, did not lie in that way. So, pu tting on a smiling and splendour was given at the London Coffee- " Henr y Lavarick , John Dibb, and man y more Brethre n—A sincere desire to promote the tions which he wished to address to the people of having been convened by the churchwardens in pur- countenance , she said , with the greatest appare nt house OU Mottday i-v&ning, by Geor ge Peabody , of demo a and to effect a more determined cause cr cy, England ; the other would be addressed to the meet- suance of a req uisition from the ra te-payers , an cordialit y, ' ' That is a stran ge idea Esq., an American gentleman long resident in we have not time to hunt up. and united agitation for the attainment of the , George, but ing to which he had been invited by the Corpor ati on addre ss of congratu lation to Kossuth and his fellow would it not be a pity to spoil this pretty lace ti En gland to his countrymen who have contr ibuted ' , must be our apology for addres- p- , People s Charter of Birmingham . His address to the Cor poration of countwm en was adopted . The chair was taken by pet I h ave got ? I'll just step to my room to to the Great Exhibition. There were present Mr. No. 1 Fairfield-etreet Travis-street , sing you at this/important crisis. When professed put , , the Ci ty of Lmdon would be merely formal. He Mr D T'itmu ss, one of the churchwarden s. it off , and be with you in half a minute ," Lawrence the envoy ; Lord Gran- liberals , aided by men from whom we expected With out , Manchester, Oct. 21, 1851. could not positivel y state that he could receive it on MEE TING IN LAMBETH, waiti ng to give him time to consider ville ; Sir Uenvy Bulwer tho British minister to better things are endeavourin g to secure your co- , she stepped , Hon oured Sir —You pr omised, prior to , Mond ay, as be was not sure whether the Birmin g- li ghtl y across the floor , and passed out. In America ; Sir Joseph P.ixto n ; Mr. Thomas llan- , operation in forward ing their own designs it be- On Frid ay night a meeting was held in the Lec- another our , ham men might not have fixed on that day, but he momeii' she was safe in her own room , whence key, Governor of the Bank ot Eng land ; Mr. Bates ; y going over to the Continent , to visit comes our duty to remind you of th e allegiance ture Hal l , Webber-str eet , Blaokfriars-road , for she would give them a speedy reuly. easily gave the alarm , and the madman was se- the Ameri can Coram iasionerb ; the Secretary of Manch ester, and address a meeting of the you owe to Chartism , together with your of t Mr. Ikonsidb s reported the result of his inter- the purpose of adop .ing an address of welcome and emed. —A lady one day returnin g f rom -a drive Legation ; and about eighty or ninety other gentle- inhabitants . We deferred writing to you repeated pledges of a strict adhe rence to your own view with Kossuth at the Banquet at Southampton, congra tul ation to tho illustrious Kossuth and his , Mr. Baines was in the chair. - Mr. looked up and saw t wo of her child ren , one abou t men . Th o banquet room was appropriately d eco- since your return , hoping you had not for got association. We do not wish to offer any obslruc. He was received with the greate st kindness , and co-pa triots. and Ame- moved the first resolution — •* That this f ive and the other about f our years old , out side the rated with flags and banners of England yonr * tion to any class of re formers , nor do we attempt explained to Kossuth the true character of the in- Wheel er Ma- promi se. It appears , from the INorthe rn meeting, rega rding Louis Kossutb , th o ex-Govern or garret window , which they were busily employed rica , en veloping full-length portraits of her to impugn the motives of any man or body of men ; tended demonstr at ion ; inf ormin g him of his having and the President of tho Star ,' you have made arrangements to visit of Hung ary ! as the represen tati ve of the. noble in rubbin g wi th their handkerchiefs , in imitati on jesty, Prince Albert , but we confess we are somewhat staggered at the had great intercourse with the working classes of tat es. The proceed in as wore of the most several places, but Manchester is not men- the "Walnisley strugg le whiuh the brave Hungarians made to of a person whom they had seen a few days before United S cours e pursued by par ty ; who, while the north of Eng land. Notwithstanding the sneers enthusiastic character , and th« eloquent and prac- tion ed, I maintain their righ t' and liberties against the des- cleaning the windows. They h ad clambered over have therefore been requested by they attribute past and present misrule to class legis- of the " Times," the demonstrat ion at Southamp- the bars which had been intended to secure them ti cal remarks of the respectiv e envoys , the lord After sonic dis- potism of Aust ria -uid Russia ; and having watched the Chartists of this locality to give you an- lation , and adm it the right of every man to the ton was worthy of the occasion. from dang er. The lady had sufficient command comrnifsioner , the Hon. Mr. Walker , Sir J . Paxton, strengt henin g government , in trans mitted to with great anxiety his patriotic exertions for that other invitation , and to franchise , are the cussion , a telegrap hic desp atch was over herself not to appe ar to observe them ; she did and the other gentlemen , prolonged the social assure you of a hearty meeting ; purpose , desire to tender him their heartfelt con- wbithholding that right , and bolstering up class Birming ham to ascertain the day of their not utter one word , but hastened up to the nur- meeting to a late hour , an d caused all present to rece ption and a cordi al welcome ; any Sun- , &c, gratulations on his libera tion from an unjust cap- privileges by their advocacy of measures , which, and committees were form ed to get out bills sery, and inste ad of rushin g forward to snatch separate with kindly feelings towards their liberal day evening would suit us, or Wednesda y or great portion of At this stage of the pro- ti vity (to which he would never have been if conceded , would still leave a with the greate st speed. them in—which might have frightened them , and host , and with a warm acknow ledgment of the cov« Thurs day evenin gs, as most convenient to our countryme n the same unenfranch ised serfs they ceedings a special messenger arrive d from Kossuth , subjected bu t for the treacherous conduct of Georgy,) bail with delight his safe arrival on these caused them to lose their balance—she stood a lit- diality with which the American visitors have this yourself. 1 am happy to inform you that are at prese nt. Brother Chartis ts, it is time you and stated , that Kossuth having learned th at an shores ; and , believing as they do that the best tle apart , and called gen tly to them , and bad e them year been everywhere received in this country. Chartism is in a mor e bestired yourselv es, for advantage will be tak en impression had got abroad that a slight had been corne in. They saw no appearance of hurry or prosperous condition in th- guarantee for internal tranquillityand international of your ap athy. Shall it be said , after years of cast by him on the committee , he would, notwi mamma , so they took th eir Man chester than it has been for some time in any peace is to be found among the free people , hereby agitation in their time, strugg ling, persecutio n, and suffering, after an standing the state of his health , meet them the bars and landed safel PARLIAMEN TARY REFORM. past. a short declare their strong abhorrence and detestation of and deliberately climbed , y expenditure of so much money and valuable time, public place, and address the assembla ge for terror—o ne tone , either throu gh the his th at reactionary policy which is now being pursued in the room. One look of of im- Your answer ' Star * or after the imprisonments , the torturings , and mar- perio d, but owing to the state of his chest , patience from her—and the little creatures might Man chester. —A meeting of the Coun cil of tht to the by nearly all the continental states of . " — Reform Association wa letter , addre ssed to me, will much oblige tyrdom of so many of your friends , that you voice was jso wea k that his principa l answe r have become confused , lost their footing, Mancheste r Parliam entary » that no Mr. F. O' Connor seconded the resol u tion , which and been evenin g, Yours ver y respectfull y, preferred what , at best, is but a sectional measure address must be in writing. In order destroyed. —iSoutfi American Advocate. held at M anchester on Tuesday Mr. to your own loriou s for ob- was un animousl y agreed to,—Mr, Bezer moved a and influentially at- William Groco tt. g Charter ? We believe J OUr offence should be taken by the Bourgeotie The Orlea ns Family.—Several packages have George Wilson in the chair , answer will be in tb© that the re solution condemnatory of the conduct of the prop riety of a Conferen ce negativ e ; then lose no time struct ing the streets , Kossuth suggested rece n tly arrive d in this country fr om France be- tended to consider the P.S. Not knowing your present address , I in reorganising yonr vario us localities. Now is the demonstration should take place a short distance " Times" in referenc e to Louis Kossuth : that such being held in reference to the measures of ve« opinions were unwarranted and were not partici- longin g to her Majes ty Marie Ametie, the ex-Queen hav e cent this note to the office. time for action. Lord Joh n Russell has promised f rom town, where there was some inn or public , form said to be contemplated by tho govern- pated in by the English people.—Th e resolution of the French , the whole being restored property be- to introduce a measure of Reform next session ; build ing, This message was received with enthu- ment. After a deliberation , in which grea t being seconded was una nimously —Three longin g to the ex-Queen , aud which have been for- Colne Lancashire , Oct. 28, 1851 . and it teats with the countr y whether it be an ef- After some difcussion , it was decided that agreed to. un animity of sentiment pr evailed , it was agreed , , siasm. cheers for Kossuth were then heartil y given fol- warded to this Count ry by order of the government of fective one. Let your voices be heard on the side the demonstration should be held at Copenhag en , up on the motion of Mr. Bri ght, M. P. , seconded Dear Sir ,—I am directed by the Com- lowed b three tre mendous " Times." the French Republic. The restored property be- of justice and truth . Keep the agitation for the Fields, Islington , and a deputation despa tched to y groans for the by Mr. Kershaw, M.P., that the P rime Mi- mittee of the Char tist Association to forward Thanks were then voted Chairman and the longing to the exiles at Clare mont have by special Char ter paramount , whatev er line of policy you secure that place. to the nister having annou nced it to be the inten tion to jou an a visit to this permission been forwarded direct to their destina- invitation to pay purs ue, and ultimatel y your labours will be crowned Messrs. Psrii and Nicholls moved that the word meeting was dissolved. of the government to introduce a measure for with success ; and Visit to Manch ester. —Mr. George Wilson has ti on on arr ival in this country, town when you come down into La ncashire. our beloved country will be, " late " prior to the words " Governo r of Hun- the reform of the rep resentation in the coming ses- in deed and in truth received a let ter from the Mayor of Southamp ton The Manc hester Illumination .—The consump- Our town is only nine miles from Padiham , , the envy and admira tion of gary," was struck out of the address to Kossuth . sion of Parl iament , this council , comp lying with the world. Signed on beha lf of the was now annou ncing Kossuth' s intention to visit Manchester. tion of gas by the people of Manchester in their and we should be happy to see you here. We delegat es, An Hungaria n stated , th at Kossut h ' many urgen t requests from various par ts of the ' Jose ph HoeomoN than ever ; We under stand tha t a requisition is being got up, illumination in honour of the Queen s visit, was can get good accommod ation for a public , chairma n " more legitimat ely Go vernor of Hung ar y 2,316 000 cubic feet , at 4s. 6d. per country, r esolves to convene a meeting of the It was then resolved , that all letters hut eignt- and being signed by many members of the town , and the cost, intended for during the perio d of bis office there were thousand friends of reform , chiefly, thou gh not exclusively, meetin g, and hope you will be able to grat ify the next delegate meetin g be addres sed they were council requestin g the Mayor of Manches ter to feet, more than £620 to W tentbs of the people in his favour , now ' The Ref ugees.—T . Brown informs us tbat thore frowv. Lwacashwe and Yorkshire , for the purp ose cf us with your pre sence aud abilities. Grocott, 1, Fairfield-atre et, Manch ester convene * meeting of the municipal body to consi- . That this all united in recognisi ng bis claim, . " who still require support. conferrin g on the steps which may be necessary to Josh ua . meeting adjourn to Sunda y, the 9tU of earned d er the propriety of presenting an address to Kos- are three old Refugees Watson , Secretary November. Afier some discussion , the motion was 's Wells theatre is declined. give duo expression to publi c opinion , ami thus to se« Bri ghton. —A special general meeting suth .—J/anc/iester Examiner. Tho ben efit at Sadler was held with two dissent ients. , f ind by a cor respon- cure such a mea sure of reform as may be satisfactory at the Running Horse Inn , King-street , on Monda y agr eeu Ri val Steamboa t Offers to Koaaniu. —M. Fund for Kossuth. — We , Stockton-on-Tees , Oct. 28, 1851. The following line of procession was then dence in the American papers between an enter- to the country. evening, October 27th. Mr . John Pa ge in the chair. upon. Asssmble at eleven o' Russe)l-fq«^ref Kossuth has, jc is stated , accepted the invitation of Honoured Sir,—Your friend s in Stockton clock in prising citizen and the Mayor of New York , that Arrangemen ts were to be made, if possible , The following persons wer e duly elected as council leave there at t welve o' clock , and procee d up Tot- the Ocean Steam Navigation Company of New York wish you to give them a visit when make - M. John N. Geniu propose s to be one of a hundred to hold the conference in the first week of Decem- you for the ensuing quarter .—Messrs . Williams , Page , tenham Court-ro ad , Haropatead-road , H igh-st reet , to take passage in the steamer Washington , on the cour Norther n tour as persons to contribute 1,000 dollars each toward s ber. , you pro mised the Siniro ck, Rest, Kent, Battram , and Dean; Mr. Camden- town and Camden-road , Kossuth 13th of Nov., from South ampton , Mr. Iselin , the , meeting a gift which will render the great Hung arian inde- yommittee when you came near the Fiest , Treasurer ; and Mr. Page, Secret ar y. Pro- at two o' at the Copenha gen gener al agen t of the New York and Havre Steam place you clock, fields. pendent upon his arrival on our shores. The mayor vould certainl y call. They are pose d by Mr. Nieass, seconded by Mr . Boyce :— Mr. Siandf jbld and Mr. H awkks members of Navigation Company, has also offered a free pas- Dbath of one of Nbmon' s Likutenan ts — Vice- wait ing your , has consented to act as treasurer Of this fund. " That the sum of ten shillings be sent to the Exe- the Society of Friends of Ital y, attended the Com- sage co M. Kossuth and suite in the steam er Hum- Admiral Ja mes Noble, who died on the 24th uic, answer, and your compliance ^ will confer The telegraphic cable between Dover and cutive Fund. " Carried unanimously . After a de- mittee and placed at the ir service the combine d boldt. An invitation to a Ireo passage to America Calais was the " Noble " spoken of by Nelson when iu a great honour on them. , ,000. lows sultor y conversa tion, the meeting was adjour ned to flags of Ital y and Hunga ry . has also been offered to Ko.-sutn by the proprieto rs cost £15 his despatches he refers to " those fine iei , Jonathan Ja ckson Six individ uals , all belonging to one famil tue , Thomas Monday evening next. The offer was received with thanks. of a new screw steamer about to run between y, have Hurdy, Gage, and Noble." Deoased was on Wallx and Joh n Tobin. Mr. Iboksims and other friends gave invaluabl - The meeting then adjourned. England and New York , recent ly died in Peath from Asiatic cholera. " res erved half-pay Use." ¦ ¦- 1 . THE NORT HERN STAR. .. s. - ' ^V.^ .""" j 2 ^ _^L thea tre . SUPERFLUOUS HAIR now Cap Vafn Dudley Rentage is about to pro- success at the same : ,A sum of five thousand may b* waitin g in the str eet with a strori g.rope; which he with the Pres iden t of the French Republic.; I have and *J in two minutes , by the applica tion of a dI?^ 0ved jf omgn intelligence. onstantin ople with foe consul-general s francs to the author of. a wbrk jnjpu r or five acts , tity of M ADAME COCPELLE'S l pul led up to the a packthrea d ; Kinkel been told on good authority tbat M. Louis Napoleon ceed to, C success at OEPIL MORV W Cann ing. in prose .or yersej , represented. ^wlth any process the removal of hair becomes so i ."" ?}" tied it lowered into Bonapar te was favourable to the . aggrandis ement of despatches to Sir Stra tford ' 6im ri n thii PRANCE. round his waist, and was thus wqr iejfen, if given for the first time safe, that it supersedes everythin g el»a w ' the king dom of Naples and its extension to SWITZE RLAND. theatre In nf ahe »*M - The so-call ed journals of orde r had counted on the the stre et.' -: - , * . ' Bologna. ' theatre , ' which shall be of a Hitherto the tediousness , uncer taint y, wd atL Kl denied he had SPAIN. The governmen t journals vomit fire and fury on in a pr ovincial poisonou s proper ties of thoa genteem reception of Kossutb at Southampton being a com- in an after examina tion Bru ne the instruction of the labouring ployedas ^,«*"' thl asserting he had The Madrid Gaze tte ' of the 22nd utt . the population of Lucerne . It app ears that the nature to serve in have greatly limited their use ; an easy and saf totit! plete failur e. They exhibit their disappointme nt in ever actuall y received any money, ' contains , of sound ideas and the in removing superfluous hair will -O hun- attac ked a former ju dge, named Amman , classes, by the prop agation ¦ ther efore be lit " "' N The ' Presse' aud other democratic papers aided the escape out of mere humanity. ne in Latin and Spanish , an apostolic .letter of the people able and useful ; . , ™ *Wt» sneers. nam e is universal ly execrated , and who spectacle of -good example s!' A snm of three dred and fifty-one tbaters were found in hisftoom, Pope * dated tbe 5th of September , rela tive to , the whose very : Price 4s. per bottle , sent post free, with dirow enter with enthusiasm into the grandeur of this leave his safe quarters in thou sand franc the .autbor of any such piece of receipt of fifty-four postage stamps ons gold ; but he produced evidence Concorda t. It begins by stating that the conven- was so incautiou s as to by Madim e fJ ' m -welcome, which they regard as an era in the history fifty of them in represented with .success in any and to be had through all venders. ^"Mfc tha t the sum bad been in orde r to visit his brother-in-law in less than four acts, XT U C«~ */v tttrt n»n.v.*t ...... J ._t_ . I Kossuth ' f$om the Savings Bank tion undertaken by Pope Gregory XVI., of hap py Innsbrack , N. B.—See to the stamp round each pack ' of nations. s speech is given in full, and The , mag istrates of Lucerne were Parisian or pr ovincial theatre . . . A commission , con- age withdra wn from it, and belonged to, his wife and memory , did not produce tbe desired resu lt, but that Switzerland. »r, Ure—M have analysed your four own, reads admirably in French. him in gaol to sisting of thedirec tor of the department of fine arts , pilatory, Hair D , son. The jury, however , did not believe he had the present Pope , on the prayer of his well-beloved compelled to arrest him and confine r viz. — 'De ye, Pomad e and Sni 'f .l,0l'i • -The ambi guous explanati ons of the ' Debats ' re. of the academy, and of four find all of them excellentl y adap ted for their • a»'i misled by his humane sen timents alone. dau ghter in Christ , M aria Isabella tect him from tbe people, who, hearing of his of four members var! 0Us Jative to the intentions of the Prince de Joinville , been , Ca tholic-Queen pro the theatres , aes.' . Pttt. popular charact er of his avocation was against had sent to that king , assembled in large numbers round the members of, the commission of Have disconcerted the bulk of the leading Orlean ists, The of Spain , dom the vener abl e arri val Do not Cut your Corns bwt C!Mr c , house in which he was, treated bim fust to a is to make a report on tbe pieces to be recompen sed, tbCU> Who counted hitherto upon the certai nty of the him— brother John , Archbishop of Thessalonica , to regu- Soft and hard Coma and Bvmiens may be in« ' ' Seldom when late the affairs of the church and of charivari , and were proceeding to more serious and . the minister is to choose tbe author from the lieved, and permanen tly cured in three or f«„,T" * f e. Prince ' s acceptance. This party now wish to know religion. * In ' ; of hatred ; -when the authorities list it is to presen t. The funds ar e to be take n Madame Coufklle s SOLVENT. It is sent Z, ,}«" t>j branch , and The steeled gaoler is the friend of men ' the negotia tions for the Concordat ,' says his Holi- demon stra tions receipt of thirteen postage stamps. mi "k the definitive decision of the younger was got across the frontiers safe from the subvention of the Theatre Francais, and «n which to rule their and it assumed he had been promised a bribe , if he ness, • a great consolation was given to us by the interfered. He Rev. tV. S. Clifton , West Willow, Romsev- .« desire some cer tain pledge bv the fine arts. tiously, and without Und ly held a meeting had not actually received one. decided will of our well-beloved dau ghter , in Christ , and sound on the following mornin g. Such an from the budget of eradicate expedi pain hiT o° '' proceedings. They have accord ing , of Archduke Albrecht' s order thirty years ' standing, after all the other nl- i 8 and decided to The trial lasted till a late hour of the in favour of reli gion. We have decided that in event is natural ly a God send for the absolut e press In consequen ce *¦ blessednf" r °' at tbe house of one of their chiefs, evening, by all who dies had failed. ' enJ e. to learn this Concordat it should be established before , all and they certainly make the most of it. that. the .national costume i» to be worn Foot«cray •. ' Your confidential envoy to C/ar emont when the jury, to the questions put by the court , , Mr. S. Stanford , — cure foc r . despatch a RUSSIA. desire an audi ence, the sabres , collected at the com- Bunions is the best I ever tried. ' ^" "is and as possible, tbe views of the Prince and found him guilty of wilfully assisting the escape of tha t the Catholic and ipostolic Roman church , with as distinctly is a repo rt of a consp iracy against thejm- mencement of the state of siege have been restored Mr. E. Barnes , West Parley, "Wimb ourn o - .i, „ In the meantime , the candidatu re of a stale pri soner for a promised toward in money, all the ri gh ts which it enjoys by divine institution , There of twenty five years' standing, are all cur ed ^ rns his family. at St. Petersburg, mentioned in to their owners . ¦ ¦ ;. ' ,. bJv mrvl making progress ; particularly in Nor- He was sentenc ed to three years 'imprisonment in and by the sanct ion of the holy canons , shall en- per ial governme nt . vent. ' Sol- Joinville is 'Cologne Gazet te which , in London by a committe e they say tbat he is pretty sure to tbe House of Correction , and deprivation of civil tirely regulate and dominate , as in the past , all the the second edition of the / The plan , entertaine d N.B.—Any of th e above will be sent (tr ee) per m mand v, where f the transport of post on receipt of the price in postage 0| ' day. In tbe departmen ts of the south rights ; with a declaration of unfitness to hold any kingdom of Spain—SO that the calami ties of past if true , is very im portant . It is as follows 5— of manu actnrers and merchants for stami K £ . carr y the in the Crystal DAME COUPELLE , Ely-place, Hou. orn.h iii i,? ? A- the candidature of Chan- times CMrttut cause it any detriment ; that Rumou rs are iu circulation of a newly discovered a por tion of . the articles exhibited consulted on the 0,| the legitimists incline to Government employment hen after, Uudw the oW , to the ex- ' wbere she may be above IIUUtrmn» t »:T ' i of St. Pete rsburg, Palace to the United States , for the purpose of ¦% , Marn ier, which is assiduo usly preached by thei r penal code the punishment would have been more clusion of all ot her forms of worshi p, the Catholic conspiracy among the nobilit y from two till five o'clock. persons York, ha s been very well re- local press. seie'e. Kruger was found juilty as an accessory, doctrine .shall be taught with purity in all univer- and of the arrest of several considerable exhibition in New it is Buschekt one of the under- ' M. de Lamartin e sends, from his retirement at but the jury being divided , seven to five , on the sit ies, colleges, seminari es, and public , and priva te standing very near the throne. The discovery , ceived in Austri a. M. tb e bod y guard of the is a brother-in- law of the late Minister of Brother Chartists beware of youthful Monceaux , an empha tic protest against all rupture question , tb e Court had to determin e for a convic- schools ; that the inviolable ri ghts of the church , sa id, was made by officers of takers , Ten Sh'll' the consp irators endeavou red to Baron Bruck , and is hi ghly respected in the Quacks who imitate this Advertisement 3 of legality in the crisis of 1852. He will go no tion or acquit tal , and considerin g the evidence im- princ ipally in spiritual things , shall be strictl y pre - Emp eror , whom Trade , '" who re vealed the ommercial community of the fnrtbe r than the repeal of the law of May 31st, perfect , discharged him. served ,- that the prelates and sacred minist ers shall bring over lo their par ty, . but manufacturing and c Emp eror. Fu rther deta ils are empire , and it is highly probabl e tha t they will PAWS WHS HACK, «3KAV Er „ t r „ the partial revision of the Constitution , the possi- A corresponden t, wri ting from Vieiu a, says:— be free in the exercise of their episcopal functi ons , whole matter to the JSAGO, ISIu lllllSitiSIM. IiOII I, IlKli-rJ , - '• journals make no take advantage of the ; favourable opportunity for s l0 bility of the legal candida ture of the President ; but • Kossuth' s reception in Eng land , the great meetings and in the holy ministry especially to guide tbe not known. The St. Petersbu rg Debility, . Stricture , «lect, etc. " i wha tever to the affair. But it is not to display ing the industrial products of the empire in CAUTIOrY -Ayouthfulself-sty will not admit any propaganda in favour of this held in his honour , the loud expression of anti- faith , and t o. defend the. doctrine , customs, and ec- allusion . led ten sliiiii„„ d should be (unblushin g impudence being his onl candidature. Outs ide the Constitut ion lie every Austrian sentiments in the bold and simple langua ge clesiastical . .discipline j and that setting aside all be expec ted that in Russia such events the other hemisphe re. y qualin catio u) i, pub licly anno unced till three or four months afte r ad vertising under the assumed name of an eminent i? sort of adventure , and tbe transgression of it will ol our country is not without effect. The ra ge of difficulti es and obstacles , all and each shall accord sician, highly injurious imitations of these medicines occurrence .' • 5! lead to ruin. the governmen t and the court , and of a great part of the consideration and authori ty due to ecclesiastical their an useless abbrevia ted copy of Dr. De lloos" cclebn, ? THE SILENT FBIEND , Medical Adviser , (slightly changing its NKW MINISTRY. the army, is incredible , it grows and incre ases with aut hority and dignity/ The Apostolic letter con- IW SJX riArV«UACtKS. titl e); suiW will therefore do well to see tha t the stamp bear fa. iP The new cabinet has been at last formed , and every cludes by stating that whoever shall have the Usttitatt g. FODBTIETH EDITION, le hour , notwithstanding the misr epresenta tions J ftwftm jP proprietor 's name , affixed to each box or boule is aT. Vias announced in the ' Moniteur ' on Monda y last, and calumnies which certain journals of the metro- audacity and temerity to attack that document , ap. CONTAINING THE REMEDY FOR THE jide GOV ERNMENT STAMP (not a base count erfeit), -^Jf vessels of war has ' The names are as follow-.—Ju stice, M. Coibin , polis of Austr ia are forced to pri n t. Kossuth is proved , ratified , and confirmed by his Holiness , must The construction of five new PREVENTI ON ; OP DISEASE. guard against the tru thless statemei ts of tliu j,](li ? Illustra ted by One Hundred Anatomic al and Explanatory . dual , which are published only for the basest Procureur-G eneral of the Court of Appeal of called all kinds of names. He is hated and despised know that in so doing he will incur the wrath of been commenced in differen t parts of France , viz., pur pose-* i , a corvette of the 1st Colour ed Engravings on Steel. .On Physical Disqualifi- deception on invalids , and fraud on the Proprietor . Bourges ; Foreign Affair s, M. Turgo t , formerly peer by his countrymen , according to the same autho- Almighty God , and of his Apostles , St. Peter and at fri gate of the 3rd class cation s, Generative Inca pacity ; and impediments to the 1st class of 400 9(5 DE ROOS' COMPOUN D of Prance ; Public Instruc tion , M. Charle s Giraud , rity. The people of Hungary are represented de- St. Paul. . The letter is sealed with the leaden seal. class , a steam-corvette of Marriage. A new and improved edition , enlarged to 1 DR. RENAL boats of the 1st class price 2s. 6(1. ;by post , direct from the Establish- PILLS , as their name Bennl (or the KidncvjiL- Institute ; Interior , M. de Thori gny, loring the weakness which induced them to listen ..The- ' Madrid Gazette of the 23rd ult. contains horse-power , aud two-advice pages, have in many instances effected a member of the p ment , 3s. GuYm postage stampa. cates, cur e when 11 Appeal another ecclesiastical document , in Spanish and of 200 horse-p ower . The numbe r of vessels at other means had failed, and ure now establis hed forme rl y Advocate-General of the Court of to the insiduous eloquence of a God-forgotten trai - * # All Communications being strictly confidential bv the <• present on the stocks is forty-ei ht , viz., twenty # sent of the FACULTY , and every person nho has at Paris ; Commerc e, M. , representative ; tor and rebel. I will not take the trouble to quote Latin. It consists of i-motuproprio of the Pop e, g Authors have discontinued the publishing of wttri i the ¦ ¦ ¦ them , as the most safe and efficacious remedy ' ¦ dated St; Peter ' s, at Rome , the 12th April , and men-of- war , nin eteen frigates, five corvettes , and ' ¦ ' bases. • t w Public Work s. M. Lacrosse , Vice-Preeident of the from any of tbe newspapers , but. simp ly state in • covered for the above dangerous eomnWini * n,"' General de St. A maud Com- that I have under the fisherman ' s seal , subjectin g every house four 1st class brigs. The oldest man -of-war on the CHAUOB 8 OP KIND , and Assembly ; War , , contradiction of their assertions , had THE SILENT FRIEND; AK* diseases ofZwi« mander of tbe Second Division of the Army of frequent opportunities of conversing with Magyars of reli gious congrega tion which may be established f-ffective list of the French navy is the Ocean , of A Prac tical Work on the Exh austio n and Physical and urinary organs generally, whet her resultin» frn , produced by excessive indul gence, imprudence or otherwise , which , if neglecte Paris ; Ma rine, M. Hippoly te Fortoul , represen ta- and with disinterested impartial individuals not in Spain during the nex t ten years to the diocesan 120 gun s, which was launch ed in 1790 ; the next is Decay of the System " d fm?u™,£ of infection , or the abuse of mercury, end In fistula , stone in the Madd er, and londe] , ordinaries , as delegates of the-a postolic see. This t he Maren go, eigh ty-two -guns , launched on the the conscqu eiices aflS6 lu tive; Financ e, M. B , Inspec tor-General of desirous of misstating anything. I learn that the with explicit directions for the use of the Preventiv e Lo- death ! ' => M. Charles Giraud is charged , ad interim , mass of the people still adhere with obstin ate firm - motu jjroprio i& offici&U?.,communica ted by the 12ih Oct. , 1810, in pre sence of the Emperor. Six followed by Obser vations on tbe Married State , and For gout , sciatica , rhematism , tix doloreux erysipelas Finance. tion , lossofhairand teeth - - ' - , ¦ with the Ministry of Justice , during the absence of ness to the belief tbat Kossuth will one day or Minis ter of Grace and Justice to all the bishops of other men-of-war were bui!t in the time of the th e'Disqualifica tions which prevent it; Illustrated by One dropsy, scrofula , ,a CVTCSSlonot , - Hundred Coloured Engravings , by R. and h. Vebbv and Co,, blushin g, incapacity ftw society, study or busiiu ss t n dom ; and the minister intimates tbat it empire , and all the others are of a more recent co»" 31. Corbia. M. Turgot is charged , ad interim, wi th other return to re-raise the Hungarian national he ki g Consulti ng Surgeon s, 19, Berners-strcct , London. Pub- fusion, giddiness , drowsiness , sleep witho ut refresh ment the Ministry of Finance during the absence of M. standard ; the impoveris hed by the war do not has received the sanction of the royal council. da te. The marine department has just struck out lished by the authors , and sold by Strange , 21, Paternoster- fear , nervousness , and even insanity itself, when ha ;! from , or com bined : '' Blondel. M. de Maupas , Prefect of the Haute- curse him ; the wound ed do hot blame him ; the The Parliament ought to make the Governmen t of the lists , as unfi t for service,. two men-of-war , row ; Ha nn ay, 63, and Sanger , 130, Oxford-street ; Starie , often the case) arising with Ur,na 23, " Titchborne-street , Haymarket ; and Gordon , 146, Diseases, they are uiiecmalled. By their salutary action Garonne , is appointed Prefec t of Police. exiled do not accuse him. Kossuth remains the ' laug h on the wrong side of its mouth ;' and , if three corv ettes , t wo brigs , three • advice-boats , one on acidity of the stomach ,, they correct Wle one transpor t, and two Leaden UivU-street , London ; J. and U, Raimes &, Co., Leith- anuwai™? Of the new ministers MM. Casablanca, Lacro sse, idol of three-fourths of the people. His patriotism prosecutions for offences of the press did not belong schooner , one chebec , wtilk , Edinburg h; D. Campbell , Arpyll-street , Glasgow ; tion, purify and promo te the renal secretion s, thwtbj St. Arnand , Giraud and For toul are decided Bona- and energy, his simplicity in power , and dignit y in exclusively to the police, who of course will no t steamers. J. Pries tly, Lord-street ; T. Newton , Church-street , Li vir- preventing the formation of stone , and estiiblisliino <¦„ Marie Therese , th e daug h ter of Louis XVI. and pool ; It. H. In gham , Slarket str vet, Manchester , and It. lifetbc healthy functions of all these organs. OXE TiIhi, partis ts. AIM. de Thor igny, Corbin and Blondel , misfor tune , compel and facinate tht admiration and prosecute any ministerial paper , they could not will convince the most prejudiced of their sur pUiug H. Powell , 15, Westmorland- street , Dubli n. pr))f are extra parliamen tary, and rather of the order ot affec tion of all true Magyars. ' begin their campaign better than by enforcing the Duch ess of Angouleme , expired a t Frohsdorf on the . The Au thors , as regularly educated Members ol the Medi. pei'lies. ordinary functionaries than statesmen . The Pruss ian parliament is, no doubt , if Prussia law in this instance against the ' Kreuz-Zeitnng, * mornin g of the 19th ult., (the anniyesa ry of the bal Profe ssion, having had long, dilltge nt , and Practical A5ay be obta ined with directfora, &c , at Is. Hfl „ 5s. S(j for endeavouring to the execution of her mother , Marie Antoinette ,) after a observations in the various H ospitals and I nstitutions fur is. 6d., lis., and 38s. per box, through all Medicin e W^j ' The new ministry were assembled on Sunday be at all to be considered , a constitutional , country, brin g constitution , and the or should any difficulty occur , they will be sent (fre») f ew days ' illness said to have ori gina ted in an the relief of those afflicted ivith Syphilis, Secondary Symp- uj last at the Elyses, where they held a conference the first authori ty in importance , and tbe second in first constitutional authority 'in the realm, into , toms, Stric ture , Venereal and Scorbutic Eru ptions of the recei pt of the price in postage stamps , by Dr. De Kooj from two to five- Emile de Girardin says ;—' What- rank , in the kingdom ; and it will be recollected cont empt. Nay, more—to brin g into contempt atta ck of cold. A few lines, not onpatbe tic , fro m Pace and Body, have , puvhaps , had an u.nbsuai, opportunity 35, Ely-place, Holuorn-hi ll, London . ' ever be the character of the new cabinet , tbe mi- tbe very emphatic way in which , in the prets , law every honourable motive by which public men can an old servant of tbe eider branch of the Bourbons , of witnessing their dreadful and destructive consequences TESTIMONIALS. this in all their various stages. Hence, knowing the practical To test the truth of which . Dr. De lloos solicits incaiirj nisters who propose to repeal the law of May 31st, offences against authority are pointed out to the be influenced ; for ' wha t, absurdity it is/ saj s the Count de Pnstoret , lamenting the decease of necessity of sound jud gment in such serious cases , and from the persons themselves. seed only this reason to have the support of all who mast signal punish ment. Not only numbers of jour - paper alluded to, 'to tal k of " breach of the con- princess , insued from her earl iest years to tbe having seen the injury that lias arise i. from the 'carelessness T. "Webster , Esq,, Sealford) near MdtOn MotvW. do not desire civil war.' nals have been seized on tbe pretext that by some stitution ," the *' deep humiliation of Prussia /' the most awful trials of adversity, are inserted in the and neglect of m study, M essrs. 11. min L. Pianti -have de- —' Having read your advertisemen ts, 1 felt assured idisirnst of the " < Assembl Nalionale. '' !Phe princess died in her voted their attention exclusively to the peculiar class of your Kenal Fills would be of service to some of ray Disturbanc es have taken place in tbe Var. The equivocal expression the public au tborities have " people , " moral impre ssions/' * maladies , and th e relief they have "consequently been en- neighbours. 1 have had twelve boxes, and they hare de- prefec t having ordered the closing of a democrati c b