Musical Program
MUSICAL PROGRAM Exercises of Graduation William Neal Reynolds Coliseum June 2, 1962 CARILLON CONCERT: 9:30 A.M. The Memorial Tower Ralph W. Daniel, Carillonneur SYMPHONIC BAND CONCERT: 10:00 A.M. Fairest of the Fair _______ If Thou Be Near ____________________ we, Bach Two American Sketches Gn'selle Trauermusik Mozart Second Suite in F Holst PROCESSIONAL: 10:30 A.M. March Processional __ Grundman RECESSIONAL: University Grand March ......... ,,,,,, Goldman SYMPHONIC BAND Robert A. Barnes, Director of Music J. Perry Watson. Assistant Director of Music Donald B. Adcock, Acting Director of Bands COMMENCEMENT PROGRAM Exercises of Graduation William Neal Reynolds Coliseum June 2, 1962 10:30 A.M. Donald B. Adcock PROCESSIONAL, Conductor, Carolina State College Band seatedThe audienceduring istherequestedprocessionalto remain John T. Caldwell PRESIDING .. Chancellor, North Carolina State College WELCOME INVOCATION A. .. .. .. .. .. -... -Mumum Rev. 0. B. Wooldridge Coordinator of Religious Afiairs ADDRESS Julius A. Stratton President, Institute of Technology CONFERRING 0F DEGREES .................................................... John T. Caldwell Chancellor, North Carolina State College John W. Shirley Dean of the Faculty Candidates for baccalaureate degrees presented bydegreesDeanspresentedof theCandidatesDean of thefor Graduateadvanced sentedSchool. byCandidatestheir sponsors.for honorary degrees pre- AWARDING OF GOODWIFE DIPLOMAS i..___.__..__.H._.M_M_Edward Norris Tolson President of Student Government ANNOUNCEMENTS 0F OUTSTANDING TEACHER AWARDS James Gary Futrell President, Class of REMARKS TO THE GRADUATING CLASS _..______-......,_.r.,, William C. Friday President, Consolidated University of North Carolina Terry Sanford Governor of North Carolina BENEDICTION RECESSIONAL seatedThe audienceuntil recessionalis requestedmusicto isremainconcluded. l- SOCIAL HOUR AND DISTRIBUTION OF DIPLOMAS Exercises of Graduation 2:00 P.M.
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