Berlin's Communists Take Over Complete Control of City Hall

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Berlin's Communists Take Over Complete Control of City Hall V/ ■ -.'v. ' v / k f- TUESDAf, NOVEMBER 80,1948 rAQE rOURTEEJf iMattfhggtgr lEngntiiB IjgraUi IMF wmmmmmmmm wmm mmmm* his patitloa to build a two-family cleasr to tha eaat slda Una than Sun today did much to melt off dwelling on Brookfield atreet so regulations allow on Columbus FENDER AND BODY — 1.~ ’"-rriirri ice from the highways and make Couple Mark Engaged to Wed II Board Grants no action was taken. Last Month street. AboutTown auto travel safer, but police warn his request to build two two-fam­ Martha Sheehan has been grant-^ that conditions tonight may be ily houses on the same property ed permlaslon to enclose an exist­ WORK The Cliristmai paxty and pot* similar to those of last night when Wedding Date Seven Pleas was turned down. Residents of ing front porch that ta closer to Jlimu3ie$ter-~^A City o f Vittago CHann Jock aupper at the Dorcaa Socle^ renter frose and made certain high­ the Brookfield street area were the street line than ia Ulowed by SoHnenfi and F la tf, fate. of the Emanuel Lutheran chureh way sections treacherous. present last night to oppose the rontng regulations at 11 Knighton ■M Osnlst Mrssl (Claeelfied Adverttetag OP Page U) MANCHESTER, CONN„ YYEDNE8DAY, DECEMBER 1 ,194« (TWEOTT*Sn: PAGES— IN TWO SECTIONS). F O U R C E N T S U achaduled for 6:30 tomorrow Seven Sons Arrange Two Petitions for Zone Sandals application but they were street. Permission to convert a VOL. LXVHL, NO. 51 night In the church veatry. Mem- St. Mary’s Guild will Jmeet not called upon to testify. single home into a two-family Isera are reminded to bring e don- Thursday at twelve o’clocfii as Party on Parents’ 25th Qianges Denied; No The petition of Ralph Lauritzen dwelling at 193 Porter street was aUon tor the aupper aa weU aa an usual. Tea, coffee and dessert Action on Another to conduct an automobile repair granted to Fred BatUjpani. Inexpenalee gift for exchange. will be served by the hostesses, Anniversary shop at 852 Vernon street was TRUSS FITTING Chinese Nationalists In Action Rev. carl E. Olaon, the paator, Mrs. James Kilpatrick and J ^ . granted for two years. Minnie IT Seven of the ten petitions for By AMKON Oradnatod Experta. Nationalist Armies will have charge of devotions and Henry Lord. ** Bolton, Nov. SO — (Special) — Flammer received permission to Berlin’s Communists a ««s vaola Thoren will tell about changes in the sohing rules were conduct a tourist .home at 17 AND Also Ahduaitnal Snpporta. Clas- The Women’s Home League of Mr. and Mrs. Anthohy Fiano of her trip to Sweden this past sum­ granted at last night's meeting of Spruce street, and Gustav Schal- tlc Hosiery, and all types of so^ \' mer. the Salvation Army will meet to­ Birch Mountain Road, Bolton, were ler will be allowed an extension of Am iN G gtaal eppilanocs. Private Fit- morrow afternoon at two o’clock. the Zoning Board in the Municipal given a surprise party Saturday permission to conduct a business Hag Boons. Seek to Establish A new air whlsUe siren wlU be Every member Is urged to be pres­ building. Two of the Vetitions •4 night by their seven sons In ob­ of storing humus and housing tested tomorrow at 7:30 p. m. by ent to complete work for the an­ Were denied while no action was EcceRente Take Over Complete trucks for same on the north aide the Manchester Fire Department. nual sale ’Thursday which will be- servance of their silver anniver­ ' « ' ' P * : •!* Quinn’ s Pharmacy taken on another. of Tolland Turnpike, West of Mc- St. Tel 4757 It was annoimced today. The siren ^ n at three o’clock and continue sary. ’The couple were married on Dented was the application of Nall street. la located atop the Firehouse at throughout the evening at the December 3, 1923 at St. Anthony's The application of the Para­ .1 New Defense Line Main and Hilliard streets, and is c'tadel. church In Hartford. The party Abraham Pelaer for permission to conduct a tourist home and to mount Home Improvement Corp. reported to aend out a very loud held at the (tommunity Hall . in to enclose an existing front porch blast Residents hearing the test Bolton Center was attended by have a sign for the same at 531 Control of City Hall Past matrons of Temple Chap­ that is closer to the street line signals should not become alarm­ East Center streeL Residents of Desperately Trying Now ter, O. E. S.. will hold their an­ more than 250 guests who came than regulations allow at 11 Ann China’s First ed, it was stated. nual Christmas party Thursday frOm New York, Hartford, Man­ the area appeared in opposition. To Save Jittery Capi­ Also denied ’was the application street was granted. The Board evening in the Masonic Temple. chester, Bolton, Danielson, Spring- also gave the Johnson Construc­ The temperatures reported from Each member is asked to provide field, Windsor and Andover. Mr. of William G. Boehm for permis­ tal vfrom Advancing' Police Bar Acting Mayor this section today are the lowest sion to build a filling station on tion Co. permission to build a Lady Arrives Warning Given Newspaper Leader a gift for exchange, and if unable and Mrs. William Bogner and Mrs. MlM Shlriey Bennett dwelling that wrill be tw o. feet ChincM Communists; Of LegaUy Elected for the fall. In many areas read­ to attend they should notify the Asunta Soma were successful in Middle Turnpike, West, immediate­ Taken by Death ings of only 12 degrees were made. president. Miss Mabel Trotter. getting the unsuspecting guests Mr. and Mrs. Bertram K. Ben ly eaat of the railroad tracks. A Diplomats Expect To Seek Help Government from Of­ of honor to the Community Hall nett of 29 Charter Oak street an­ petition signed by residents of the Three Powers area waa presented by those who fice; Ebert Later En­ The Pine Civic Association will where they were ahowered with nounce the engagement of their Evacuation of Capital hold Its monthly meeting tomor­ confetti. Mrs. Fiano waa presented appeared in opposition. MARY CONSOLl ters for Conferences row evening at the Y. M. C. A. daughter, Shirley Irene,, to Arthur Nathan Sandals did npt press Mme. Chiang Kai-Shek Likely to Act with a corsage of pink camellias Dressmaklag aad Altsratiims Nanking, Dec. 1.— (/P)— Suffering Mrs. Kenneth Morrison will be in and two bouquets, and a carnation G. Holmes, soh o f Mr., and Mrs. With Chief o f City Covered Bnttons-rBattoalMlea Two Nationalist Army groups Met at Washington charge o f the program, And each bbutonlerre waa i^ven Mr. Fiano. Mark Holmes of 26 Woodbridge Also Remnants S ta rt, member is asked to provide a 25 were reported today desper­ Economies Agency; From The hall wad decorated with a street. Miss Bennett was grad­ 82 Elm Street. Bast Hartford Airport ' by Wife of Joint Note on Berlin cent gift for the grab bag. Re­ Chinese Nationalist troopa In vicinity o f Soctaow, N ov. 25, stand ready to attack Comnmalst troopa. huge white and allver bell and uated from Manchester High Phone Hartford 8-8S29 ately trying to establish a freshments will be served by Mrs. Secretary o f State They'are sheltered in trenchea taken from the Chinese Reds only a few hours before. SnMke at Handed to Bramuglia Money Cry Renewed streamers in the game colors. A school with the clasa of 1946 and la INSURE Your Xnras new defense line to save this Asthma? F. Leo Barrett, Mrs. Chester Ho­ now employed in the local office of oeater ia rising from Communist fines. (A P wire photo). big feature of the evening was a with gan, Mrs. David Starrett and Mrs. the Southern New England Tele­ jittery capital from advanc­ Washington, Dec. 1—(P)—Mad­ Soon After Naming Berlin. Dec, 1.— (A’)— Com­ SANSltN’S ASTHMA four tiered wedding cake also McRINNEY BROTHERS Frances Cochran. decorated in wnite and silver. The phone Co. She is also a leader in ing Chinese Communists. ame Chiang Kai-Shek, first lady of Of Rump Government munists took over complete r e m e d y ' the local Girl Scout organisation. Raal estate aad lasaranea Shopping guests were entertained with Diplomats expSet to hear C^ina, arrived today to seek new Three Flaws control today of the ^rlin- Lakota Council, No. 61, Degree music and dancing aa well as an Mr. Holmes ia a World War II SOS MAIM.IIT. TEU C060 Tax Exemption Laws Has helped many people of Pocahontas, will meet tomorrow from the government— ^per- American backing for China’s Paris, Dec. I — (A’) — The Big City Hall, which lies in the impromptu speech by William veteran, a graduate of Manchester HALE’S hapa within 24 houra—that Nan­ lead a aormal. active life by even ing Odd Fellows hall. High school in the ciaaa of 1946, hard-pressed Nationalist govern' Three western powers have warned Soviet sector. Russian-con­ removing the paintal symp­ Bogner on how to have a success­ E arly and king la no longer aafe for them. ment. In Economy ful marriage. A quintet consisting and a graduate of the American they may act to counter Russian trolled (zenman police barred toms of asthma. Warning Being Prepared The Chinese first lady was met of Mr. Bogner, his son, William; Academy of Emb^mlng, New Headquarters Deapite government denlala. It For Veterans Upheld attacks on their position In Berlin. the acting mayor of the le­ York City.
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