OpenUVR: an Open- System Framework for Untethered Applications

Alec Rohloff§ Zackary Allen§ Kung-Min Lin§ Joshua Okrend§ Applied Research Associates IBM University of California, Berkeley Riverside Technology, Inc.

Chengyi Nie§ Yu-Chia Liu Hung-Wei Tseng Stony Brook University, New York University of California, Riverside University of California, Riverside

1 Abstract—Advancements in heterogeneous computing The major obstacle in developing effective untethered VR technologies enable the significant potential of virtual reality (UVR) systems lies with a mismatch between the bandwidth (VR) applications. To offer the best user experience (UX), demand for high-quality visual content and the sustainable a system should adopt an untethered, wireless-network-based architecture to transfer VR content between the user and the bandwidth provided by the underlying wireless VR links. content generator. However, modern wireless network technolo- Though compression helps lower the bandwidth demand to gies make implementing such an architecture challenging, as VR tens of Mbps, the increased visual latency is unacceptable to applications require superior video quality—with high resolution, latency-sensitive VR applications. Recent research projects high frame rates, and very low latency. have promoted millimeter-wave (mmWave) wireless technolo- This paper presents OpenUVR, an open-source framework that uses commodity hardware components to satisfy the de- gies to avoid the trade-off between latency and bandwidth [17], mands of interactive, real-time VR applications. OpenUVR signif- [18], [19]. However, such technologies severely limit user icantly improves UX through a redesign of the system stack and mobility because they depend on line-of-sight signaling. As a addresses the most time-sensitive issues associated with redun- result, currently available UVR products can offer only mildly dant memory copying in modern computing systems. OpenUVR entertaining novelty titles. presents a cross-layered VR datapath to avoid redundant data op- erations and computation among system components, OpenUVR This paper presents OpenUVR, a fully open-source, open- customizes the network stack to eliminate unnecessary memory architecture VR system framework that resolves the three- operations incurred by mismatching data formats in each layer, way trade-off between latency, bandwidth, and UX. Rather and OpenUVR uses feedback from mobile devices to remove memory buffers. than treating a VR application as a type of video streaming Together, these modifications allow OpenUVR to reduce VR with bandwidth issues, as is often done, OpenUVR improves application delays to 14.32 ms, meeting the 20 ms minimum la- the end-to-end latency that is critical to real-time, interactive tency in avoiding motion sickness. As an open-source system that action titles. OpenUVR also builds on an important lesson is fully compatible with commodity hardware, OpenUVR offers from modern high-performance I/O systems—that redundant the research community an opportunity to develop, investigate, and optimize applications for untethered, high-performance VR memory copies comprise the most significant part of data- architectures. exchange latency [20], [21]. We have found memory copies from three sources to be especially problematic for UVR I.INTRODUCTION architectures: (1) data exchanges between memory spaces, (2) With high-performance graphics processing units (GPUs) data transformations between system modules/stacks, and (3) and hardware accelerators, modern heterogeneous personal data buffering between system components. computers already have the computing power needed for OpenUVR’s design revisits the complete datapath (including virtual reality (VR) applications. But latency and mobility are graphics/video libraries and the network stack), and accounts still a problem; to provide the best user experience (UX), for application demands in order to minimize the number of arXiv:2101.07327v1 [cs.NI] 18 Jan 2021 a system must be enabling the user to move around freely memory copies in delivering VR content. The OpenUVR API and able to deliver VR content to the user in 20 ms to avoid and kernel modules work with commodity hardware compo- motion sickness in real-time gaming [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], nents to eliminate redundant memory buffers/operations and [7], [8], [9], [10]. Unfortunately, existing commercialized VR avoid context switches before data is sent to or received from solutions adopt either a tethered architecture that limits user network stacks. OpenUVR further simplifies the network stack mobility [11], [12] or an untethered architecture (using mobile by using peer-to-peer network architecture and abandoning devices) that limits visual effects [13], [14], [15], [16]. the traditional multilayer network-stack delivery design that regenerates packets to accommodate the headers of each layer. 1This paper is a pre-print of a paper in the 27th IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium. Please refer to the Eliminating unnecessary memory copies allows OpenUVR conference proceedings for the most complete version. to achieve an imperceptible delay of just 14.32 ms in real-time §Alec Rohloff, Zackary Allen and Joshua Okrend are former undergraduate VR applications—and this is done with affordable compo- researchers at North Carolina State University advised by Hung-Wei Tseng. nents and current-generation Wi-Fi technologies. And because Kung-Min Lin is a former summer intern at University of California, River- side advised by Hung-Wei Tseng. Chengyi Nie is a former undergraduate the OpenUVR mobile user device (MUD) performs minimal researcher at University of California, Riverside advised by Hung-Wei Tseng. computations, it can be powered by a simple single-board computer that costs only USD 35. Gaming PC User Device By exploring the unique properties, challenges, and trade- Synchronization Internet offs inherent in the design of a UVR system, this paper makes Cloud Server Rendering User Inputs several contributions. Content VR application Wired Presentation (1) The paper reveals the inefficiencies of system stacks Gaming PC connection User Device and the need for cross-layer optimizations in wireless VR (a) systems. As an experimental system, OpenUVR shows that User Device VR application the latency overhead from each layer in the system stack Rendering Synchronization Internet can be remedied through optimal buffering, memory copying, Cloud Server User Inputs transcoding, and data exchange. Our observations suggest that Wireless Content Connection Presentation an efficient VR system must present local optimizations in all User Device layers instead of focusing on a single-point design. (b)

(2) The paper presents a general design philosophy for Gaming PC User Device wireless networking applications that require low la- Synchronization Internet tency and high throughput. OpenUVR’s holistic, latency- Cloud Server Rendering User Inputs mitigating system framework bypasses the inefficiencies of Content VR application Wireless Presentation network stacks and uses existing hardware accelerators to yield Gaming PC Connection User Device a robust wireless VR infrastructure. The same efficient design (c) can easily be applied to wireless systems with similar demands Fig. 1. The VR task allocations in different VR system architectures as an alternative to expensive, throughput-oriented wireless network technologies. (3) The paper advances research by providing a pub- of 60 frames per second [FPS] in resolution for both licly available, open-source solution to VR system chal- eyes) [22]. lenges. OpenUVR’s hardware components and wireless Response latency A delayed response in immersive VR technologies are widely available and relatively low-cost, and applications can cause motion sickness, so a VR system must its software may be freely inspected and modified. As a fully complete all task loops with reasonably low latency (20 ms). open-source solution, OpenUVR will help researchers extend Physical comfort In many VR applications, especially § and optimize VR architectures. games, the user can move about to perform VR actions, so the MUD, which sends/receives inputs and displays visual effects, II.BACKGROUND must be lightweight and untethered to maximize comfort and We now describe the basic architecture of a VR system and minimize constraints. the challenges of building a VR system that promotes UX. Unfortunately, no existing commercial VR system rises to We also discuss existing VR solutions and their associated meet all of the above challenges. drawbacks. B. Existing VR systems A. Basic operations and challenges of VR systems A typical VR system needs to accomplish three main types Since the release of ’s Rift VR headset in of tasks: 2016 [11], VR systems have steadily gained market share as User input collection The system must gather all user companies have introduced improved designs. Figure 1 depicts inputs from the commands that users explicitly send through the three most common designs for modern VR systems and a device (e.g., a keyboard, microphone, or controller) and data how these systems allocate VR tasks among their components. from sensors that detect the user’s motions. Tethered device Figure 1(a) illustrates the system architec- Content generation The system must process user inputs, ture of a VR system that uses a tethered device. A VR system select the elements to appear in the VR content, and render the relying on a tethered device consists of a high-performance PC content according to application specifications. Rendering VR and a low-performance wearable device. These two compo- content requires high-performance computing resources and nents are connected by wires that power the wearable device, data retrieval from either local storage or a cloud service. transmit audio-visual output to the device, and carry user input Content presentation The system must display the VR con- back to the PC from the device. The Oculus Rift and the tent to the user, usually as video frames and sound effects. The HTC Vive [12] are examples of such systems. The Rift only user then reacts to the VR content and generates corresponding tracks the orientation of the headset, and the Vive uses room inputs that initiate another task loop. sensors to track the motion of the user in 3D space. In both To deliver the best UX, a system needs to address three systems, wires connected to the interactive device limit the challenges when completing the aforementioned VR tasks: user’s movements, create a tripping hazard, and undermine Visual effects The system must render video frames that the immersive experience at the heart of VR. provide immersive views of virtual scenes. Such rendering Untethered device without a host PC Figure 1(b) il- requires high resolutions and high frame rates (on the order lustrates the concept behind this type of VR system. All- in-one devices place all VR tasks on the MUD, with the §We will make our private GitHub repository public once the paper has exception of social-synchronization tasks or leverage the cloud been accepted. for rendering. MUDs fall into two main categories: MUDs powered by and MUDs powered by standalone As with OpenUVR, Furion [2] leverages mature com- devices. modity IEEE 802.11ac technology to transmit content from -powered headsets such as the Day- the host PC. By parallelizing the video codec and splitting dream [13] and the Gear VR [14] rely on a smart- background/foreground rendering, Furion minimizes latency phone’s computing power to render images, the phone’s screen to the same level as OpenUVR. However, Furion’s approach to display the images, and the phone’s accelerometers to track requires multiple fully active processor cores on both the host the user’s motions. Since the Google and Samsung systems are PC and MUD. As a result, a UVR system with Furion still limited by the capabilities of the user’s smartphone, highly needs a smartphone as a MUD. GamingAnywhere [28] is an detailed VR games and experiences available on a PC are earlier open-source game-streaming system design that can be unavailable to users with low-end phones. used directly with an IEEE 802.11ac wireless network. Like Standalone VR systems like the Oculus Go [15], the Ocu- Furion, GamingAnywhere requires a MUD with significant lus Quest, and the Lenovo Mirage Solo [16] are similar computing power. Nonetheless, GamingAnywhere is an open- to smartphone-dependent VR devices, except that the Go source project, and the system’s inefficiencies have benefitted and Solo have their own screens, sensors, and smartphone- OpenUVR’s design. grade processors to render and display images. As with the smartphone-dependent devices, the Go and Solo are unable to III.PERFORMANCEOF MODERN UVRSYSTEMS render highly detailed, complex VR experiences because the In this section, we evaluated the performance, particularly processors in their devices are so limited. the visual latency between the host PC and the MUD. of To enable complex VR experiences while maintaining the system frameworks that can carry VR content untetheredly simplicity of MUDs, the recent cloud services including without relying on proprietary hardware components. Our Google Stadia [23], [24], and ’s evaluation shows that all existing system frameworks fail to Geforce Now, adopts the system architecture of using the meet the desired 20 ms deadline in avoiding motion sickness. GPUs on cloud servers for rendering. To address the high We further investigated the latency in each component of latency due to the distance and unpredictable traffic condiction the fully open-sourced GamingAnywhere platform [28] and between cloud servers and the MUD, the system intensively figured out the performance bottleneck in existing systems. employs techniques including post-render warp [25], [26] that render only informative parts of the upcoming frames on the A. Experimental methodology remote cloud. However, doing this requires significantly tuning This section describes the hardware platforms that we used on the game engine and the visual library, increasing the to build the host PC and the MUD for selected frameworks overhead of game development while the MUD still suffers as well as the proposed OpenUVR that this paper will intro- from the long latency with cloud servers. duce later. We also explain how we measured latency in all Untethered device with a host PC The most promising evaluated systems. approach to creating a fully immersive wireless experience on 1) Evaluated system platforms: We evaluated three plat- par with that of wired VR is to render visuals on a separate, forms that can generate VR content on a desktop gaming powerful computer and stream the visuals to a wearable device PC and communicate with an MUD through wireless links. using a fast wireless network (e.g., a network based on IEEE We selected these platforms as they (1) rely on modern, 802.11ac or 60 GHz mmWave solutions). commercialized wireless technologies, (2) all support Unreal A few startup companies like Amimon, KwikVR, and engine to enable fair comparisons , and (3) at least allow the TPCAST (and some research groups as well) are developing server software installed on a custom-built gaming desktop. such UVR systems using 60 GHz mmWave wireless networks; These three platforms are (1) NVIDIA’s Moonlight [29] that however, the systems haven’t yet reached the wider market can use either a laptop or a RPi 4b as MUD with only the due to the limitations of mmWave wireless technologies. client software open-sourced. (2) SteamLink [30] that uses TPCAST advertises a latency of less than 10 ms using a a dedicated wireless end-user device with an open-accessed 60 GHz wireless connection, but a 60 GHz signal suffers API. (3) GamingAnywhere [28] that can use either a laptop from very high attenuation. Furthermore, a 60 GHz signal may or RPi 4b as MUD, but fully open-sourced on both desktop PC rely on beam focusing to overcome attenuation, so users can server and MUD clients. In addition to the above three, we also easily lose the wireless connection for a VR application when evaluated (4) HWA-GamingAnywhere, an improved version they move the head-mounted display (HMD) outside of the of GamingAnywhere that we modified to leverage NVIDIA’s transmission beam. MoVR [19] tries to address the limitation hardware accelerated NVENC on the host PC/laptop. On the of 60 GHz mmWave with a specially designed antenna and RPi4b MUD, HWA-GamingAnywhere uses the OpenMAX mirrors carefully positioned in the VR environment; this is Bellagio IL on [31] to write an H.264 packet into GPU far from ideal, as MoVR still requires special environment to memory and use the on-chip VideoCore IV accelerator to work. Zhong et. al. [27] and Liu et. al. [18] investigate the use decode and directly render frames to the screen. of 60 GHz wireless networks and rendering pipelines placed 2) Experimental platform/target hardware architecture: In between the host PC and the receiver, but 60 GHz wireless all evaluated UVR architectures, the host PC uses a middle- networks require a high decoding rate and have a severely class CPU and a high-performance GPU, an assembly similar limited range. These UVR systems also rely on laptop PCs to most gaming desktop computers, to generate VR content. that fail to match the power, weight, and budget limitations of The MUD of HWA-GamingAnywhere and OpenUVR, by a MUD. contrast, consists of only a Raspberry Pi computer with a Fig. 3. A side-by-side comparison of terminal output from the host PC (orange) and the MUD (pink)

as a reference design on MUD with intensive computing power. 3) Performance measurements: In evaluating the perfor- mance of VR systems, the most important metric is the end- Fig. 2. The prototype MUD to-end latency between VR-content generation and VR-content presentation. Unfortunately, fine-grain synchronization (e.g., in µs) of clocks on different machines is impossible, so simply wireless network-interface card (NIC). The wireless network comparing the received packet timestamp with the time on a uses IEEE 802.11ac technology. When we tested each UVR different machine is not a feasible solution. framework, we found that some interference from other wire- We addressed the difficulty of measuring the latency be- less networks was unavoidable; each use case operated within tween the host PC and the MUD by using photography an environment that included 12 competing access points. (Figure 3). We first turned on the timestamp feature in each a) The host PC: We built a host PC with a quad- game so that each rendered image would contain a timestamp core processor based on the Coffee Lake architecture. when generated on the host PC. We then displayed each image The processor runs at a maximum clock rate of 4.6 GHz on a monitor connected to the host PC and a separate monitor and dynamically adjusts the voltage between 0.8 GHz and connected to the MUD, with the displays from the two devices 4.6 GHz. The system has 16 GB DDR4 DRAM for main presented side-by-side. By using high-speed photography to memory and an NVIDIA RTX 2080 GPU attached to the host compare timestamps shown on each display, we were able machine via 16× PCIe Gen.3 lanes. The NVIDIA RTX 2080 to calculate the latency between different nodes. As shown GPU provides hardware-accelerated NVENC encoder that in Figure 3, the host PC’s timestamp is 03:43.67, but the evaluted UVR frameworks can leverage. To provide wireless timestamp from the MUD is 03:43.41, reflecting a latency network capabilities, we installed a PCIe wireless card with of 260 ms. These photos also helped us assess the quality of a Qualcomm Atheros chip and a 2×5dBi omni-directional, delivered picture frames; for each framework being tested, we external, detachable, dual-band antenna supporting the IEEE randomly sampled 1,000 frames. 802.11ac standard at 867 Mbps. By default, we tested the performance of these frameworks b) The MUD: The target MUD architecture in OpenUVR using Unreal Tournament [33], an open-source, first-person uses a Raspberry Pi 4 Model B (RPi4b) single-board computer shooter game. Though Unreal Tournament is not, strictly that costs only USD 35 [32]. RPi4b runs a simplified speaking, designed for VR, the game is by far the best choice distribution (Raspbian) on a Broadcom BCM2711. The SoC for testing a VR system for the following reasons: (1) Unreal runs at 1.5 GHz with built-in GPU cores and has hardware Tournament’s first-person shooter gameplay allows the user to accelerators for decoding H.264 video/audio. The RPi4b wire- easily perceive visual delays. (2) Unreal Tournament runs on less NIC supports the IEEE 802.11ac standard. The MUD can an open-source game engine (), which makes output VR content to a wearable display like the VISIONHMD optimization and code instrumentation easy. (3) Many popular Bigeyes H1 584PPI 2.5K Screen 3D Video Glasses we used VR systems like the Oculus and HTC Vive use Unreal Engine. to test HWA-GamingAnywhere and OpenUVR. We also in- To guarantee that motion was encoded when performance stalled gyroscopes and accelerometers on the MUD and wrote was measured, we used scripts that emulate player input by our own programs to translate sensed signals into meaningful causing a character to spin counterclockwise at a constant rate movements and operations inside games. Figure 2 shows the while standing in place and keep moving around in the scene resulting MUD prototype. for 10 minutes. This virtual action effectively simulates the Although this work targets at system frameworks using user behavior commonly found in VR applications. ultra-light-weight MUD based on small and simple devices like RPi 4bs, we also tested the performance on a Inspiron B. The Performance of Existing Systems 15 7559 laptop that uses an Intel Quad Core i7-6700HQ Figure 4 shows the visual latency of evaluated platforms. In processor with a dedicated NVIDIA Geforce GTX 960M GPU general, platforms using laptops performs significantly better 1] 2] 1] 2]aluetesm aaah Nt that (Note datapath. same the [2], use describes all II-B [28] Section [18], UVR that device. PC [27], mobile host [19], the a to frame’s PC with the host and Frameworks the frame picture from a streaming of audio datapath the illustrates 5 ure representative. is architecture system GamingAnywhere’s HWA- imple- showing system HWA-GamingAnywhere, we the resembles (3) and mentation code and MUD counterparts, Moonlight’s that other the investigated designs as delivers performance reference HWA-GamingAnywhere user same-level have (2) the platforms mobile open-sourced, the the fully of on systems are none HWA- power (1) UVR as in computing side designing latency laptop-class the for lack of valuable that analysis is detailed the a functions GamingAnywhere on that stack deep library believe software in HWA-GamingAnywhere underlying and the investigated (c) only the and We and MUD. modules, application, stack game engine system host game and HWA- the of the (a) code (b) in instrumented system we GamingAnywhere applications, VR real-time Latency of Sources The the C. type failed in what sickness latency using motion prevent visual matter gaming. to average real-time threshold no ms platforms’ However, 20 all sec. recommended is MUD, 1.2 4b as of RPi high on latency as hard- GamingAnywhere’s NVENC’s laptops. HWA-Gaming- acceleration, Without and ms. using ware ms 38.3 36 with around HWA- achieves of compared Anywhere average latency and an visual increases Moonlight achieves the platforms Moonlight When MUDs, both as average. laptop 4bs a of on RPi with ms use Moonlight GamingAnywhere 35 than Steamlink’s longer at MUD. still MUD of the but latency as visual laptops. the laptop using outperforms ms a sometimes 28 device using at dedicated Moonlight, when HWA-GamingAnywhere as average, latency NVENC, on client visual of same similar the help almost 1.96 with delivers ms) the is 26.5 latency With v.s. ms the laptop. 52 and powerful (i.e., Moonlight codec more than GamingAnywhere the video original to software The due uses laptops. 4bs on RPi power using computing than latency visual

)Dtpt fafaei HWA-GamingAnywhere: in frame a of Datapath 1) for latency end-to-end failed of sources the out figure To Visual Latency (ms) 15 30 45 60 0

NVIDIA Moonlight (RPi4b) i.4 iulltnyo vlae platforms evaluated of latency Visual 4. Fig.

NVIDIA Moonlight (laptop)

SteamBox (dedicated device)







HWA-GamingAnywhere min average max × (laptop) longer Fig- otn notentoksakstasotlyr( feed layer to transport library stack’s network streaming Mbps the a 20 into uses content framework a UVR that the device, show [1] al. et bandwidth with demand. Bao quality empirical video/audio by balances our 1080p effectively Further, bitrate work that [22]. suggests and that HMD work for study resolution prior sufficient 1080p as is default use, resolution systems the VR chose modern we resolutions, 4K content transcoded the encode to library GPU- NVIDIA’s (e.g., encoder). codec video/audio NVENC hardware accelerated on-GPU the exploit the to 5.) correspond Figure paragraphs in subsequent steps in numbers circled SC ihcmie P n P oe)t eoethe decode to cores) GPU and system-on-chip CPU ( a content combined (typically with resource computing [SoC] own to its signal uses a receives ( processing daemon over user-end take user- the the and to buffer application, transport-layer end the from moves then Content ( buffer another into result into input format an into RGB content converted the from buffer place content and space captured color YUV the convert content shared works generated a the access retrieve to to GPU) allowed the is within that buffer frame process separate a (usually rmwr n audio and framework content transmitted the captured has pro- CPU between needed Consequently, steps 802.11ac are buffers IEEE size. main-memory multiple and packet and cessing size, size, 2,304-byte packet packet a 65,507-byte 2,480-byte specifies a a packet specifies specifies and UDP IPv4 format the example, protocol-specific For repartitions own size. layer’s and the checksum into data and header protocol-specific (steps ( layer network the through pass signals application ie,Iv) n h iklyrsf A rwr.Tenet- The firmware. MAC soft protocol link-layer the network-layer and system the IPv4), RTP/RTSP), VR transport- (i.e., the (i.e., from the includes comes which protocol of PC, latency host layer the stage of on source stack each network significant the in most latency The pipeline. the down breaks datapath stages. the the pipeline in to synchronizing due step of latency every overhead increases through the pipelining go Rather, eliminate above. to not outlined frame does each pipeline pipelining for exploit But need own 5). our (Figure like parallelism systems UVR modern ponents, ( layer transport the to stack network the over take to stack network the signals and 3 12 odlvrteecddcnett h etnto mobile destination the to content encoded the deliver To codec video/audio the invokes framework UVR the Next, frame picture a generates application VR a When netentokitraehrwr ntembl device mobile the on hardware network-interface the Once )Ltnyaayi fHWA-GamingAnywhere: of analysis Latency 2) com- system of utilization and throughput the improve To ordc h oueo noe otn,URframe- UVR content, encoded of volume the reduce To . and 8 14 4 26 13 and hsi yial oei P eiemmr to memory device GPU in done typically is this ; through and eoerahn h ewr-nefc hardware network-interface the reaching before ) 15 27 . 17 .Tedeo hnhnsoftedecoded the off hands then daemon The ). 2 19 .Ec ewr ae tahsisown its attaches layer network Each ). 28 aigcpuigsraigdaemon capturing/streaming gaming a — oa M-cesbebuffer HMD-accessible an to 6 24 huhmdr Pssupport GPUs modern Though . and 10 and 25 18 .Teue-n daemon user-end The ). 11 aamv akup back move data , n h iklayer link the and ) 9 5 19 aams then must Data . n lcsthe places and through 7 iue6 Figure and 1 28 the , 23 8 . ). ) Shared Frame Encoder Input Encoded GPU Buffer Buffer Frame Buffer 1 3 4 5 6 7 Video/Audio Video/Audio Video/Audio Capture Module Encoding Module Streaming Module 8 Main Transport Network Link Layer Host VR Game 2 Game Capturing/Streaming Daemon Layer Buffer Layer Buffer Buffer Computer memory Application 10 11 12 13 14 9 System Network Stack CPU

15 16 NIC Phy

17 Wireless Channel


NIC Phy Mobile 19 User Main Link Layer Network Transport Decoder Frame memory Buffer Layer Buffer Layer Buffer buffer Buffer Device 25 26 27 28 20 21 22 23 Game Display Application / System Network Stack 24 SoC Input Capturing Daemon

Fig. 5. The baseline architecture in a modern UVR system

system. Figure 7 shows the system stack of OpenUVR. On HWA-GamingAnywhere (RPi4b) the host-PC side, OpenUVR receives data from an application 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 through the OpenUVR API, uses the OpenUVR content- Latency (ms) video encoding (host PC) network stack (host PC) wireless network transfer capturing module to encode VR content, and delivers the network stack (MUD) video decoding (MUD) encoded content to the MUD via the OpenUVR network Fig. 6. Latency breakdown in HWA-GamingAnywhere module. Once the network module has receives data on the MUD side, the OpenUVR content-presentation module will Host PC Mobile User Device decodes the content and allows the user-space MUD program Kernel Space User Space User Space Kernel Space to display the decoded data to the user. If the user experiences VR Engine / Graphics Library any feedback through sensors or a joystick, the MUD program OpenUVR MUD VR Application Prgram captures the input and sends it to the host PC in reverse order. In designing each OpenUVR module, we carefully op- OpenUVR Host API OpenUVR MUD API timized the software latency to eliminate (1) unnecessary OpenUVR Content Capturing Module OpenUVR Content Presentation/User Input Module data transcoding, (2) unnecessary memory copies, and (3) system-level control overhead. The system-stack architecture allows each framework to flow through the datapath shown OpenUVR Network OpenUVR Network Module Module in Figure 8—a datapath that is significantly more streamlined Wireless network than the datapath in Figure 5. The following sections describe Fig. 7. The OpenUVR system architecture our design and the techniques we used to reduce latency. A. OpenUVR content-capturing module work stack on the host PC contributes 17.63 ms to the end-to- Because the OpenUVR content-capturing module runs on end latency on our testbed. The video encoding latency, which the host PC, the module can intercept VR-application content contributes 13.94 ms to the total latency, ranks in second place. while working closely with real-time video/audio-compression The aggregate latency measured in the host PC software stack hardware accelerators before delivering the encoded content to is 31.57 ms. the network module. The OpenUVR content-capturing module On the other hand, the fixed cost in the network subsystem includes three sources of optimization to minimize unnec- is only 3.2 ms; this includes propagation delay, physical mod- essary operations and reduce latency: transcoding avoidance, ulation/demodulation, and link-layer control. The total latency plug-in modules, and kernel-space functions. on the MUD is only 3.64 ms, as HWA-GamingAnywhere 1) Transcoding avoidance: In HWA-GamingAnywhere, the requires minimal computation from the MUD while utilizing largest contributor to latency in the game-streaming daemon accelerators on the highly optimized SoC. arises from converting the GPU-generated VR content from In summary, our measurements indicate that if we can RGB format to YUV format. (YUV format is generally minimize software latency, we can reduce end-to-end latency preferred for video-compression applications because it al- and prevent motion sickness in the user—and this can be done lows efficient lossy compression to reduce video size without with existing wireless network technologies and a simple, low- having an appreciable effect on perceived video quality.) cost MUD. HWA-GamingAnywhere, Furion and GamingAnywhere use YUV420, which splits an image into its components of luma IV. OPENUVR SYSTEM DESIGN (black and white intensity) and 2-dimensional chrominance With lessons learned from implementing HWA-Gaming- (color). YUV420 downsamples both chrominance components Anywhere, we identified the potential of fulfilling the 20 ms in the horizontal and vertical dimensions, thereby reducing the threshold that prevents motion sickness through simply reduc- data required for each component by 50%. ing datapath software latency. In response to the potential In spite of the advantages that YUV420 offers, conversion points of optimizations, this paper presents the OpenUVR between two different color spaces can incur considerable Shared Frame Encoded GPU Buffer Frame Buffer 1 3 4 5 Video/Audio Video/Audio 6 Encoding Module Streaming Module Main OpenUVR Host VR Game 2 memory OpenUVR Network Buffer Computer Application 8 OpenUVR 7 CPU Network 9


10 Wireless Channel 11


12 Mobile OpenUVR User Main Decoder Frame memory Network Buffer buffer Buffer Device 13 14 15 16 OpenUVR Game Display Application / SoC Network Input Capturing Daemon

Fig. 8. The OpenUVR datapath overhead. YUV420 may therefore contribute to latency be- the context), OpenUVR can poll the GPU memory buffer tween content generation and content perception. Addition- periodically and invoke the video-encoding library on the GPU ally, color-space conversion not only consumes computing memory buffer directly; OpenUVR simply needs to move resources and time, but also requires memory space and the final encoded VR content into the main memory minus memory access to accommodate the raw RGB content and the the raw VR content that the GPU generates. Without this converted YUV content (steps 4 and 5 in Figure 5). In con- optimization, the current GPU runtime would need to either ventional video-streaming applications, the added latency from explicitly copy raw rendered data from the GPU memory color-space conversion and buffering is acceptable because to a shared memory location (e.g., texture memory) or use these applications can tolerate longer delays or do not require a inter-process communication facilities (most likely the host user to interact with the content generator. Such applications DRAM). compensate for the delays from color-space conversions by 3) Kernel-space functions: The OpenUVR content- relying on higher video quality and lower bandwidth usage as capturing/presentation modules implement some of their well. functions as system kernel modules. For instance, after As VR applications are extremely latency sensitive, the API has initialized the OpenUVR context, the content- OpenUVR avoids color-space conversions, and so also capturing module acts as a kernel module when it remaps avoids color-space transcoding. OpenUVR can leverages the the user-space main-memory locations to the same physical hardware-accelerated encoder in the graphics card to compress memory locations as those accessed by the system wireless- VR content while the content is in native RGB format. network stack (e.g., the NIC driver). This design allows the OpenUVR then relies on the hardware accelerator in the RPi4b application data to directly reach the network stack without MUD’s SoC to decode the RGB data. In this way, OpenUVR additional copies from user-space to kernel-space (steps 6 is able to simplifies the process of generating encoded content and 14 in Figure 8). from steps 3 through 6 in Figure 5 to just two steps—steps B. Wireless network subsystem 3 and 4 in Figure 8. To tackle the most significant latency in the VR datapath, 2) Plug-in modules for VR applications: Unlike conven- the wireless network subsystem in OpenUVR applies several tional VR solutions that use a daemon to capture application design decisions that directly or indirectly lead to latency content, OpenUVR requires an application to either directly reduction. invoke OpenUVR’s API functions or indirectly invoke them 1) Direct peer-to-peer network topology: OpenUVR adopts through a plug-in module in the game engine. The OpenUVR the peer-to-peer (P2P) network topology specified in IEEE API functions do not create additional processes in the system. 802.11ac—a topology that allows the host computer and MUD Rather, the functions all work within the same process, so to directly communicate with each other (unlike the conven- they share the address space of the calling application. In this tional infrastructure mode that relies on a base station/router way, OpenUVR avoids the context-switching overhead and as an intermediary for wireless communication). memory copies associated with inter-process communication Using P2P mode provides three benefits. First, the mode and makes the signaling between the VR application and reduces the latency on wireless channels by eliminating the OpenUVR modules more efficient. one-hop delay on the wireless base station. Though this latency Because OpenUVR and the VR game share both the host OS is only 3.2 ms in HWA-GamingAnywhere, the latency can and GPU virtual memory space, the device memory locations double as OpenUVR generates RGB encoded data that can on hardware accelerators are visible to the OpenUVR content- increase the data size of each frame. Second, P2P mode capturing module. OpenUVR takes advantage of this visibility halves congestion on wireless channels because the host PC and avoids redundant memory copies by integrating hardware- and the MUD usually share the same access point in HWA- accelerated codecs. Since a VR application can associate a GamingAnywhere and OpenUVR; using P2P mode eliminates GPU-device memory buffer with an OpenUVR context (which the need for a datagram to go through the wireless channels allows the application to share the same memory space as within the same area twice. Third, direct communication between node pairs using dedicated channels removes the of a previous frame (and a dropped frame never arrives). This demands of the network-layer protocol; this, in turn, gets rid dependency means that streams with larger GOP sizes will, of memory copies from packet reformatting (steps 10 and 11 on average, be corrupted for a longer period of time when a in Figure 5). In the current OpenUVR implementation, peers frame is dropped. are connected on an 80-MHz-wide channel within the 5 GHz In general, a larger GOP size reduces bandwidth demand, spectrum, and hostapd is configured to select the channel but the larger size also makes an encoded stream more vulner- on which it detects the least interference from other radio able to network packet loss. A smaller GOP size increases the broadcasts. size of data transmissions and makes the encoded data more 2) Direct network I/O—OpenUVRDPP: The OpenUVR tolerant of packet loss. However, smaller GOP sizes increase data plane protocol (OpenUVRDPP) is customized to elim- encoding latency and bandwidth usage. Smaller GOP sizes inate memory copies when data packets are reformed and create higher demands on GPU-device memory and system headers attached in each layer of data-plane traffic. As real- main memory. time gaming is especially latency sensitive, the best transport- In order to reduce latency while decreasing the disruption of layer protocol for data traffic should neither perform additional visual stuttering, OpenUVR allows the MUD to send feedback operations nor use additional buffers (essentially a UDP pro- to the host PC regarding dropped frames. When the MUD tocol with no-ops). P2P network topology removes the need video decoder drops a frame because it hasn’t received all for the network-layer protocol and for packet reformation, of the data within a certain time limit, the MUD program allowing OpenUVR to bypass these two layers and minimize triggers OpenUVRCP to send a short message to the host latency. PC requesting that the host PC generate an I-frame on the So instead of using the port number abstraction of next transmission. The MUD sends this control message after UDP/RTP, OpenUVRDPP works with the OpenUVR kernel every frame until it receives an I-frame. When the host fulfills module to map the physical memory location of the data-link- an I-frame request, it ignores additional requests from the layer buffer to the VR application’s memory space. Given MUD for a predetermined period of time to prevent the such access, OpenUVR can copy GPU data directly into generation of consecutive large frames that would worsen OpenUVRDPP’s data-link-layer buffer (step 8 in Figure 8) network conditions. and generate packets without going through any conventional routing- and transport-layer protocols. C. OpenUVR API 3) Connection/quality control—OpenUVRCP: To set up an OpenUVR connection and provide basic quality con- To enable OpenUVR in a VR application on the host PC, trol, OpenUVR uses an off-band control protocol (OpenU- a programmer need only add a few function calls in the VRCP). OpenUVRCP is relatively less time critical and less OpenUVR API or have a plug-in module invoke these API bandwidth-consuming than OpenUVRDPP. Thus, we did not functions (if supported by the application framework). To implement a transport-layer bypass. Instead, we adopted UDP collect inputs and display VR content, the system needs the to carry OpenUVRCP control . MUD daemon to invoke the OpenUVR MUD API. Table I a) Connection setup: When a MUD launches its in- lists the basic functions necessary for the host PC and MUD stances and grants access to the host PC’s P2P network, to initiate OpenUVR in an application. the MUD sends an OpenUVRCP message to the host PC to Figure 9(a) shows an example of code that uses these request access. If the user chooses to grant the MUD’s access API functions in a VR application on the host PC. In request, the user adds the MUD’s MAC address to the whitelist the initialization section, the code creates buffer objects for or goes through the host PC’s administrative user interface. OpenGL (or another graphics library) to store the generated b) Quality control: As OpenUVR still relies on video content. After these buffer objects are created, the code uses compression to reduce bandwidth demand, video-codec pa- the openuvr_alloc_context function to associate an rameters play an important role in the trade-offs between OpenUVR context with a buffer object; the function also latency, visual quality, and network bandwidth. Among the allows the programmer to specify both a video codec and a net- most important parameters is the size of a group of pictures work protocol for carrying the VR content. Once the program (GOP). In the H.264 format that OpenUVR currently adopts, has successfully set up an OpenUVR context, the program can a GOP consists of an I-frame followed by a certain number set features for the context using openuvr_set_feature. of P-frames, where an I-frame represents the encoding of a The final portion of the code launches a thread that runs standalone image and a P-frame encodes only the changes concurrently with the VR application to deliver content and between the current frame and the previous frame. (The handle signaling between the host PC and the MUD. H.264 standard also defines a B-frame, which we don’t use Figure 9(b) shows code that the MUD daemon runs. The since it relies on the frame that comes after it, making a B- daemon first initiates an openuvr_mud_context using frame unsuitable for live-streaming applications.) The GOP the openuvr_alloc_mud_context function. Next, the size defines the number of P-frames between each I-frame. program registers each input device (using the corresponding P-frames are smaller than I-frames (about a quarter the size descriptor) and associates each device with an ID known by of an I-frame), so at a given constant target bitrate, having a both the MUD and the host-PC application. The program then larger GOP size should result in smaller data size; however, if invokes the openwvr_init_thread function to create a the client drops a frame, the display will be corrupted for all thread that continually displays the received VR content and following P-frames because each frame builds on the content polls for user inputs. Synopsis Description OpenUVR Host API struct openuvr_context *openuvr_alloc_context Initialize an OpenUVR context with the specified video encoder, the desired (enum OPENUVR_DECODER_TYPE dec_type, network protocol, and an OpenGL buffer. enum * OPENUVR_NETWORK_TYPE net_proto, void *ptr) int openuvr_set_feature(struct openuvr_context *context, Configure a feature of an existing openuvr context with the specified value. enum OPENUVR_FEATURE feature, int value) void openuvr_init_thread(struct openuvr_context *context) Create an OpenUVR thread using the given OpenUVR context. int openuvr_map_input_device(struct openuvr_mud_context Map a device registered with id on the OpenUVR MUD device to a local *context, int id, int fd); device using its opened descriptor. OpenUVR MUD API struct openuvr_mud_context *openuvr_alloc_mud_context(enum Create an OpenUVR MUD context with the specified decoder and network OPENUVR_DECODER_TYPE dec_type, protocol. enum OPENUVR_NETWORK_TYPE net_proto); int openuvr_init_mud_thread(struct openuvr_mud_context Create a MUD thread that captures inputs and renders the received VR *context); content using a standard display device. int openuvr_register_input_device(struct openuvr_mud_context Register an input device to a device id in OpenUVR using an opened *context, int id, int fd); descriptor. TABLE I THE OPENUVRAPI

GLuint pbo; 60 max // generate an OpenGL buffer average glGenBuffers(1, &pbo); min // bind the created OpenGL buffer as a target to 45 //store generated content glBindBuffer(GL_PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER, pbo); // initializes the buffer object's data store glBufferData(GL_PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER, 1920*1080*4, 0, 30 GL_DYNAMIC_COPY); // read a block of pixels from the frame buffer glReadPixels(0, 0, 1920, 1080, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, 0); 15 // initialize the OpenUVR context ouvr_ctx = openuvr_alloc_context(OPENUVR_ENCODER_H264_CUDA, OPENUVR_NETWORK_RAW, &pbo); 0 if(ouvr_ctx == NULL) { NVIDIA SteamBox HWA-GamingAnywhere OpenUVR ri.Printf(PRINT_ALL, "couldn't allocate openuvr Moonlight (dedicated (RPi4b) (RPi4b) context\n”); (RPi4b) device) exit(1); } Fig. 10. The visual latencies of OpenUVR, HWA-GamingAnywhere, and // set the target FPS for OpenUVR other VR systems openuvr_set_feature(ouvr_ctx, TARGET_FPS, 60); // map an OpenUVR MUD input to the OpenUVR context HWA-GamingAnywhere int fd = open(“/dev/input/mice”, O_RDONLY); (RPi4b) openuvr_map_device(ouvr_ctx, SYS_MOUSE, fd); OpenUVR (RPi4b) // create an OpenUVR thread to send VR content and // receive user inputs 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 openuvr_init_thread(ouvr_ctx); Latency (ms) video encoding (host PC) network stack (host PC) wireless network transfer (a) network stack (MUD) video decoding (MUD) // initialize the OpenUVR context ouvr_ctx = openuvr_alloc_mud_context Fig. 11. The latency breakdown for HWA-GamingAnywhere and OpenUVR (OPENUVR_ENCODER_H264_CUDA, OPENUVR_NETWORK_RAW); if(ouvr_ctx == NULL) { A. Latency ri.Printf(PRINT_ALL, "couldn't allocate openuvr context\n”); In this section, we evaluate the visual latency of OpenUVR exit(1); } and describe how each optimization helps reduce latency. // map an OpenUVR MUD input to the OpenUVR MUD context 1) Visual Latency: Figure 10 compares the visual latency int fd = open(“/dev/input/mice”, O_RDONLY); of OpenUVR with that of HWA-GamingAnywhere and other openuvr_register_input_device(ouvr_ctx, SYS_MOUSE, fd); // create an OpenUVR thread to send VR content and VR systems such as the Oculus Rift. The average latency // receive user inputs of OpenUVR is only 14.32 ms, which is 2.67× better than openuvr_init_mud_thread(ouvr_ctx); (b) the average latency of HWA-GamingAnywhere. OpenUVR’s Fig. 9. The OpenUVR setup-initialization code in (a) the VR host application latency is also lower than the latency of the 60-FPS display and (b) the MUD daemon that an RPi4b can support. Of crucial importance is the fact that OpenUVR’s latency falls below the threshold for motion- sickness onset. V. OPENUVR PERFORMANCE 2) Latency reductions from optimizations: Figure 11 sum- marizes the effect of each optimization discussed in Section IV and shows how OpenUVR brings the average visual delay Using the observations from Section III, we optimized the down to less than one 60-FPS frame. The most significant OpenUVR system stacks to further reduce end-to-end latency. reductions in latency were produced on the host PC, with We then used visual-latency performance assessments, a user minor improvements observed for the MUD. study, and differing hardware configurations to evaluate the By avoiding the color-space conversion, OpenUVR removes optimizations. 5.51 ms of end-to-end latency. Though using RGB encoding increases data size, the increase is offset by the P2P network OpenUVR obtains the best SSIM value for a batch at topology, which reduces network-transfer latency by 0.8 ms. 0.961 and an average of 0.918 among all batches in our As a reference, with P2P and YUV encoding transfer latency experiments. The average SSIM score indicates that OpenUVR reduced by 1.6 ms. achieves “good” visual quality that surpasses the 0.9 SSIM Data sharing between OpenUVR and the running applica- threshold [36]. The SSIM of the worst-case batch in our tion reduces end-to-end latency by 4.71 ms. The data sharing experiments is 0.679. The worst-case scenario occurs when is made possible through use of the OpenUVR API for the user avatar enters a new room that is significantly different applications and the plug-in module for the underlying game from the previous room. We found that the of the engine). The direct-network I/O mechanism lowers network- host PC also drops at the same time, a potential source that stack latency by 13.67 ms on the host PC and 0.7 ms on affects the efficiency of OpenUVR host system modules and the MUD. OpenUVRCP’s feedback control improves overall causes drops of the encoded frames. latency by only 0.1 ms, but the resulting video quality is far 2) User study: We also conducted a single-blind A/B user superior to the quality achieved without feedback control. study to identify perceived differences between an OpenUVR experience and a native host-PC experience. We randomly B. Energy consumption selected one hundred college participants across different We also evaluated the energy consumption of the OpenUVR institutions. We asked the participants, aged 20–27, to play system. We used a single USB power bank with a maximum two sessions of Unreal Tournament. For session A, each user capacity of 5,400 mAh to simultaneously supply the whole played on a direct HDMI connection to the host PC. For MUD, the RPi4b, and the HMD (with RPi4b output connected session B, each user played on an RPi4b using OpenUVR. to the HMD). This single-power-supply setup allowed the Both connections were output to a single monitor. We used an MUD to run for 6 hours and 20 minutes. As a reference, a fully HDMI switcher to facilitate switching between the two inputs charged Oculus Quest running for 8 hours consumes 10,000 and set the monitor resolutions to 1920x1080 for both sessions. mAh —significantly more energy than OpenUVR needs [34]. Whether the user started with session A or B was randomized by flipping a coin. After completing both sessions, we asked C. Performance sensitivity of GPU architectures the user which session the user preferred in terms of latency As the main computation resource for generating VR con- and video quality. tent and encoding H.264 data, the GPU plays an important Whereas 51% of users preferred the OpenUVR-based ses- role in a VR system. In addition to using the RTX 2080 GPU sion on the RPi4b (session B), 49% preferred the session on (mentioned in SectionIII-A) to analyze OpenUVR’s perfor- the host PC (session A). Most users stated that they could mance , we used the NVIDIA GTX 1060. The GTX 1060 has not identify a difference between the two sessions, but 24% the smaller amount of memory than the RTX 2080 (6 GB v.s. of the participants were adamant about either the host PC 8GB) and uses an earlier Pascal microarchitecture and runs at or the RPi4b providing a substantially better-quality gaming about the same frequencies (1708 MHz vs. 1710 MHz). experience. These results suggest that there is no perceivable Both cards can stably generate VR content at 90 FPS on the difference between the quality of a wired system and a well- host side; however, the GTX 1060 has an end-to-end latency functioning OpenUVR system. that is 2 ms higher than that of the RTX 2080. OpenUVR still fulfills the 20 ms threshold even with a mid-range video card. E. Synchronous OpenUVR The source of increased latency is the longer encoding time In its default configuration, OpenUVR initiates an indepen- that the GTX 1060 requires. The performance of hardware- dent thread that uses a specific GPU-memory location to con- accelerated video encoding for modern GPU architectures thus tinually encode data and transmits the data to the MUD. This has a significant impact on end-to-end latency in the current design means that OpenUVR’s encoding and communication version of OpenUVR. processes can pipeline with VR-content generation, improving the throughput of system resources. D. Quality The default OpenUVR configuration also allows the host To evaluate the quality of OpenUVR, we conducted two to generate content at high frame rates (90 FPS for Unreal types of experiments. A quantitative analysis and a series of Tournament). But the Raspberry Pi MUD can only decode and user study. display video at 60 FPS, so generating VR content at 90 FPS 1) Quantitative analysis: To calculate the Structural Sim- does not improve UX. An application that can render at 90 FPS ilarity (SSIM), a quantitative measurement of loss in frame takes at most 1/90th of a second, or 11.1 ms, to execute its quality between the original version and the user-perceived game loop. If the application runs at 60 FPS instead, it has version that the video processing community uses [35], we 16.7 ms to run its game loop, giving it 5.6 ms of slack time to instrumented code on both the OpenUVR content capturing perform OpenUVR’s tasks, which only take around 3.72 ms. module and the MUD moudle to record the received frames on OpenUVR can thus provide a synchronous API that a game both sides. The modified modules will record 150 successive can use to trigger encoding and data-exchange tasks. The lack frames for every 10 seconds on both the host PC and the of need for a separate thread also frees up the full CPU core, MUD since the game starts. At the end of the experiment, potentially lowering power consumption and/or the cost of the we the average SSIM score for each batch of 150 frames and host PC. In our experiments, we did not observe any significant the average throughout the whole 10-minute experiment as change in visual latency or quality due to OpenUVR’s default Section III-A3. configuration. VI.RELATED WORK device, both architectures require the client or HMD to have a certain degree of computation capability, which compli- As we discussed in Section III, the two major bottlenecks of cates application design. (Note that Kahawai [36] presents datapath latency are the video codec and the network software a novel way to distribute tasks between the host PC and stack. To reduce video latency, parallel video codecs [37], [38], mobile devices in order to accelerate graphical rendering and [39], [40] divide an image into multiple segments to allow par- reduce bandwidth.) Since OpenUVR leaves a relatively small allel encoding/decoding. Furion [2] goes further by examining workload to the client and uses a more powerful local host the characteristics of VR content to achieve segmentation more PC to generate VR content, OpenUVR’s architecture better efficiently. OpenUVR’s latency reduction techniques, which addresses the network delay issue while keeping application avoid transcoding and virtual-memory overhead, complement design simple. The demands that OpenUVR places on the parallel video codecs and Furion’s enhancements of them. MUD are also the lowest among these frameworks. In addition, OpenUVR reduces computational and energy OpenUVR builds upon previous research to bypass requirements for VR applications. operating-system overhead and avoid unnecessary memory This paper did not explore optimizations for VR-content copies [66], [67], [68], [69], [43], [48]. Accomplishments generation because other researchers have already succeeded from GPUnet can also help reduce latencies further [70], but in this area; however, the parallelization strategies of VR GPUnet’s reliance on RDMA hardware support in wireless graphics engines do offer opportunities for improvement, no- NICs limits GPUnet’s usefulness when it is used with existing tably with respect to picture-frame tiling. The graphics pipeline commodity hardware. Without OpenUVR’s full-stack design, can be optimized by detecting redundant, identical tiles [41], GPUnet’s optimizations can only impact the performance of a [42], [43], by separating stable objects from frequently updated single system component and so fail to eliminate functionality objects [44], [45], or by prioritizing image areas that attract in each stack layer. user attention [46], [47]. Rollback-free value prediction [48], OpenUVR’s network stack resembles user-space Wi-Fi [71] Potluck [49], AxGames [50], and PATU [51] apply approx- in that the stack exposes the device layer directly to the appli- imate computing techniques to image elements that do not cation. OpenUVR adds a kernel module alongside the existing significantly affect UX. OpenUVR can work with any of these network interface. This feature allows conventional latency- frameworks to reduce the encoded video-stream volume. insensitive applications to access the network stack and benefit Slow-motion VR applications benefit from strategies that from optimizations in each protocol; only OpenUVRDPP use free bandwidth to aggressively predict, precompute, or traffic goes through the direct network-access feature. Note cache all possible images that a VR user might encounter. that OpenUVR preserves access to the network-device buffer As these strategies are hardware-independent, many VR sys- as a protected memory address in user-space and requires the tems use them to improve UX. Examples of such systems user program to grant such access. Consequently, OpenUVR include FlashBack [3], CoIC [52], Coterie [53], DeltaVR [54], does not create security issues in VR systems. MUVR [55], and the system developed by Mahzari et. al [56]. Much potential still exists for architectural and system- Nonetheless, for fast-moving real-time VR games, such strate- level optimizations in VR gaming applications. Atomic , gies may not work well since the user’s motions continually which demonstrates the usefulness of transactional memory, change. Problems are especially acute for VR games with serves as one such example [72], [73]. Aside from Atomic multiple players. Quake, the previously mentioned graphical pipeline optimiza- Placing computation-intensive tasks in the cloud provides tions, and OpenUVR, we have found only limited discussion an alternative VR architecture for thin user clients [57], [58], of how to modify computer architectures to enhance the [59], [60], [28]. VisualCloud [57] tries to predict the user’s performance of a complete VR system. orientation in order to reduce the latency associated with get- ting data from the cloud, and VisualCloud reduces bandwidth VII.CONCLUSION demand by appending video segments to the media stream. Even this combined approach isn’t enough to overcome the Due to severe constraints in latency and bandwidth, modern long propagation delay between cloud servers and the user UVR systems do not provide excellent UX. In addition, exist- device, so state-of-the-art solutions still suffer from more than ing VR-related research projects only take single-component a 70 ms delay (and Outatime is no exception). That being said, approaches to optimizing system design, which limits the some promise may be found among VR applications that use effectiveness of performance improvement. Moreover, a cross- edge nodes on 5G networks [61]. layer design is difficult to implement because many existing As network latency creates serious limitations for cloud- VR systems use proprietary software/hardware components based solutions, VR systems using edge-computing architec- with only partially accessible designs, thereby discouraging tures are attracting more attention [61], [62], [63], [64], [65]. or preventing the research community from completing a But these architectures need to distribute workloads between thorough examination of whole systems. cloud and edge nodes, which creates task-scheduling issues. This paper presents OpenUVR, the first full-system, open- Although communication-constrained mobile-edge computing source UVR framework. 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