Vol. 48, No. 2 EWS April 2019 N of the Historyletter of Science Society TABLE OF CONTENTS The European Society for History THE EUROPEAN SOCIETY FOR HISTORY OF SCIENCE’S (ESHS) RECENT MEETING: of Science’s (ESHS) Recent Meeting: Reflections and Lessons REFLEctIONS AND LESSONS FOR HSS MEMBERS for HSS Members 1 To “See the Suffering” 6 Dr. Pnina G. Abir-Am, Resident Scholar, WSRC, Brandeis University. (
[email protected]) Dreams of Diversity for HSS 8 The 8th biennial ESHS www.eshs.org( ) meeting was depend on interaction with European colleagues and on held in London on 14-17 September 2018, with the archival resources. At the same time, the “Group Travel Member News 10 Institute of Education at University College, London Grant” requires a PI (principal investigator) who cares HSS News 19 serving as its main venue. Half a dozen members of enough for the public good to assume its administration. the History of Science Society (HSS) benefitted from As someone who almost missed a crucial conference in News from the Profession 23 a “Group Travel Grant” awarded by the NSF-STS Tokyo,3 precisely because such a PI was not available, Program,1 in line with its prior sponsorship of similar I wish to emphasize the key role played by those who groups of scholars to ESHS-2016 in Prague, among graciously agreed to serve as PIs of these “Group Travel other international conferences.2 These grants are Grants” for ESHS-2018 & ESHS-2016, namely Marsha particularly useful for US-based HSS members who Richmond and Donald Opitz, respectively (see their work on European or transatlantic topics, and who thus details in Note 1).