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THE CHURCHWARD ENS, OVER : f0 :" j^^ &SSb ^/ i " Interests of the Company,Confpanv , the committee itall meet a* g sBERS, AND GUARDIAN " OF such time and place as may be agree d upon at the pre. hEDERSFIELD PARIS H. vious meeting. \ 3. That the committee shall meet one month previous Conferen ce, for the tho ,—l was just to cadi purp ose of ascertain ing gentlemen about to reply to opini ons »f the various memoirs of i iii-h branch , us jp - ur letter, addressed to me in last Saturday's j;:»rds tin- programme of business for \ho ensuing Coa. v0 ferenc e. Journal/ when I was suddenl I Gloucester y 4. Tha t the committee also prepare , for the guidance of jj ed from home. I trust, therefore, that the thi! directors , any suggestion which may appear ^o them : in fornar dinf, the welfaie of the Land Company, tiH next week will not be attributed to lQ of util ity ' jlelay andUUll protecjji witiiiiMf, ting the»"^ interests-" of the number s th ereof.*•"•• courtesy. S' respectfull y suggest to want of My answer shall be MB ^il NAL TMD JO 5. That this committsc the <li, URNAL six necks notice to ^ E . pr oprie ty of g iving the in the same respectful terms as your rectors the ached various brunches , for the calling of the Conference , as Vtter, for which I feel obliged, as my object VOL- X. N? they think that the late rul e of one month' s noiice is not ¦v 503 • ¦ • •= - ¦ , - LONDON, SATURDAYrJUNE 12, 1847 • Five Shilling***w* and mmm*!* Sixp«-nc<' to discuss the questions ever been to elicit the truth or falsehood ___ __. __. per (gnaMcr sufficient time for the branc hes jjs thut may arise , and properly prep are their delegate for laint* which existed against its introduction. Mr Oastler with us, let us travel in company lions of money, (f fomp gave a graphic as far as we can it should every fraction be spent in so, would they keep truckling to faction ? Now tied the Conference. honour to remain account of the resistance made by b ' 6. That in anticipation of the nest Conference being j jave the , Gentlemen, the people in various portions agree." (Cheers.) Well, we did travel with them, La our s cause. (Loud cheers.) I now conclude, to the tail of O'Connell; now kissing the Pope's too of the manufacturing asking yonito reflect held iu July, this committee ju dge it to be necessary to Yonr very obedient Servant districts, and said that he had. stated these facts in the Whig Reformer holding a DARK LANTERN ; and not to be led astray by the at Maynooth ; now pretending justice to the Dissen- bo called , f ters ; now worshipping the Cliurch with appoint the next meeting of this committee to the hope that they would reach the ears of Lord John ' excitement of the moment, or allow your mind to be new bishop- published F. O'Connor. his shojjtroad was a bit of our journey, but he did ricks ; now laid by the secretar y as soon as the prog ramme is , Russell, whom he designated a " right down good confined to this narrow Hall, but to expand it to prostrate before a Cobden ; now pay- Keys West riot y/antto pass his own door to go on to the end ing golden tribute to the landlords ; now butchering at the house of Mr Win . Gilroy, Cross , fellow." (Hisses.). He repeated it. He leltgrate: Manchester and the North, and think what your feel- Ilolboin ful to Lord f the Portuguese people; now cring ing to the Russian , South Shields. POOR AND THE CHARTER. John Russell because he had given them o ours, so when he got to WHIG CROSS, heflashed ings will be if you pass this slavish , self-destroying 7. That James Nisbett Gibson-strcct , Newcastle. XflE LA.^. the Ten Hours tyrant! (Loud cheers.) No, gentlemen ! if you , of 6, ' Bill ; and whatever might be his the lantern in our face and then closed it, resolution, when the national indignation is the upon -Ty nt!, be the secretary of his ci.niraitti 'e, to whom lordship's demerits in other respects, and want to represent the people, you must look to the jpllC MEE TIKG AT THE CROWff AND AJfCHOR . he conld not but universal response. I wm now submit mv all communications arc requested to be addressed. feel gratitude to him for that great measure which sajd , " Good night to you, Mr Radical, I am at amend- People for your strength , and to Profession for your Tuesday evening a crowded pnblic meeting, , ment, leaving its AOlllVIC If. —JlIK J.AA 'D AW) LA1S0UR iiiSR.—13) Oi" On he believed would not have been passed but for bis home, you must grope the remainder of your way in adoption or rejection to the judg- leader! Tell this to your expiring parliament— u«ned in opposition to the New Poor Law, was ment and good sense of the meeting. I hope the We're Chartists here—we're Chartists fr om t he hill s lowing ns space in your valuable journal for a few teR» room of' lordship'sinfluence. .(Murmurs.) Well, they might the dark " (Loud cheers, and brief remarks ge the Norwich * &iain t!ic the Crown and Anchor differ, " true "). So we blood may .cease to flow in my veins, and that of Lancashire to the rocks of Devon—and , despite you will greatly obli N Strand ; Thornwf Wikely, Esq.. M.P., but he must express his honest convictions, and my locality. We are glad to find some of the localities SUn, in he trusted that were treated by Reformers—and then came FREE tongue may cease to wag, before I consent to such a you all. the people shall rule you , and scatter your \ ft chair. On the platform we noticed W. B. Per- by showing his lordship that he ap- are adopting plans to assist the National Land and preciated his goods deeds, bis lordship would be in- TRADE; and the Anti-monopolists in their turn stab as this now aimed at the principles of Demo- miserable tricks to the four winds of heaven. (Great iod. Esq.,M P-.* Charles Cochrane, Esq., Mr R. applause.) And , gentlemen Labour Bank. Wc are happy to say our locality has duced to pay the more attention to what he then said,' . How stupid ' cracy. (Tremendous and continued applause.) Mr , you'll want a " cry " to £.»ler, Mr F. O'Connor, Cantain Clarke, Mr J. " you are ! Monopoly is the one go before the country with. Believe me, all your aroused itself to action. An assistant company is Letters of apology wereread solemnly assured him was the determination of the O'Connor then read the following amendment , which formed ; its progress will be slow at first but we tfiffiams, &c- from Mr people not to grand obstacle in the way of the Charter ; remove jjarty-cries are stale. We don't care for Whigs or , tnshingtmi. Sir B. Hall, M.P.; Mr Hawea, submit to the continuance of this law. was received with repeated cheers, followed by lories now. Wc hope it will ultimately succeed. Some may smile at J (Cheers.) Mr Oastler concluded by calling upon the it, and then we go for the Charter" (Cheers). Well, 1 care for ourselves. You sec, gen- lip.; Lord Dracan, M.P. ; Mt T. S. Buncombe. waving of hats and handkerchiefs, and clapping of tlemen ! we've taken a leaf out of your own book. one penny per week deposits, but only calculate one 3 Lord John Manners, M.P.; stating meeeting to pledge themselves with him that they when my countrymen were, starving we resolved hands, and sat I he 1- actory Bill-it million pence weekly what an enormous fund it p!; and their never would yield till they had gained back again for down amidst a perfect tumult of was a fair cry ; but not enough. ftatflity to attend. : that hypocrites should not make Chartist opposition Chartist exultation :— Mueation—it is a sounding cry ; but not enough. wou hl create in one year, (upwards of two hundred 'k Englishmen their constitutional rights. (Great o-i.q Hnucii is. in onentn? the nroewdinmiJ aaidit Uuroli separation—it and sixteen thousand pounds). Co-operation is the . JUO v««»*- ~» "« ¦-—"O —¦- j- """™"'* fa Hl ^w»*»*v g.) Resolved—" That this meeting repudiates the : is a holy cry ; but not enough, businessto make a long cheerin to FREE TRADE an Anti-Saxon howl ; so we i ho I opr Law—it is a humane very life of society ,—liow are ships built , railways / -js not his speech to them, The resolution was then put and carried unani- notion of ^the industrious classes being made de- cry ; but not enough. wore several hen. gentlemen present who abandoned our opposition, and from that moment Now, then, I'll glVe you a word to take with constructed , and banking concerns carried on, but gibere mously. pendent upon any 'system .of Poor Laws for their you to * uld address them.' There was a small band, the FREE TRADERS have become MONOPO- the hustings;,. You'll be very much obliged to me, by. co-operation ? Then why should the. working \ 0 Mr FsRRAxn, M.P., moved the second resolu- support, and in order to secure^ to every working- no doubVfo classes remain'indifferent when they have so glorious rliose hatred of, and whose opposition to, the poor ' , ' r I'll give you a cry that is ringing tion:— _ ., .