And National Trades' Journal
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¦¦ % ' .if e?/- ^y ^ s S 'S ha -^v/ ' $£ ^ /h' £fr 'i<4>£>€s<J hh *c<Gj ^/Yt&p&nAsz, - ^ n s /A ott er pien s gooa ./e^ ^^ Ppiness m of Ins diKf^ prid e 1 IMPORTANT FROiM ^mthe ^-muut-Sai comiorfc,comtr of^r ^lus ' ^ ' ^ I IMPORTANT FROM FRANCE.^ —Shaksper e. condition. " d^^/l FRANCE.^^^ PARIS IX MILITARY OCCUPATION T0 THE . CLASSES. (From the Globe.) ^ Paris, Wednesday Afternoon.—This is another Mr Pbiesbs,— lamentable thy for i>:„.is :mj F*.ai)ce. All the worlung men are out This weekthe list of subscri of doors—bodies of troops aro ptions for bonus parading to and fro-grea t part of the National for location on ihe Bromsgrove estete CW buards1 are under arms—the gardens of the TuU lenes, the Place T* de Carrousel, the Palace of tho ^"iidat eswill i^d President, published, nTTw the Place VendOme, the principal public wayS preyed buildings the mairies, Ac, arc occupied bv sol- better faith mfll l£ wS! g AND" ^ diery—all the shops are ^class es " ~ ~ ¦—' N ——^_—^^—^———— ^—^—^-^^—— closed—business is entirel ta other man «* A TIONAL TRADES' JOURNAL. y suspendod—in a word W confided ^ ^J , emeute is again raging, but , I shaU he prepared^ to return up to this moment (three o'clock) without barri- tte amount VOL. p f^pe™* or paid by the S uccessful caudi- XII. P. 608. LOHDON SATD8DAY JBME IS 1849 » cade's, and without slaughter. It is said, indeed, I that some snots neve oeen exchanged between J»*' Ja« say, many who have in- the ™*S ed tiieir -which is gendarmerie and the people, and that some of the little all in railway and other more often the case, the love even of other member s to do the same ? if you will, you can, and if you arc -sincere you will. they have so shamefully deceived, and from mob have fired on the commandants of the troops ; such that small quantity of land and the For the present may present itself, shall never compel me to re- ^ announce- , dread and I remain, whom true there has, I repeat, been mentST from theST holders horror of losin g it Mr. Edito r, yours faithfull y, I understand they have exacted fees for trograde a single step. but even if tbis be , of their money, not only , gives the employer a greater James Tati.ob , jun. their iso regular conflict. The >vIioIe town , h owever , 19 control professional services ; of course I allude to Old Guards JOY, Hot With surprise, a9 it is over the occupant I, upon the , we have fostered and nurtured in a atate of trmondous excitement, and there is H unusual other The only comment that I shall make upon somo of the refractory allottees ^process. hand, have , and every one this bantling of ours, when the rulers of Eng- no saying what my happsB-v Nearly all the hod established my Plan upon a prin- the ahove is, that I trust the peop I am now ciple which le, Land of whom, with God's blessing, and to the ad- land based their opposition their persecu- ttein violent cxcStnUons"- looting out of my window will make every man his own em- memhers and memhers , nay, jouroala of this morning cof at all , of all other societies, vantage of the occupants, ere long, get presentatives of the aorfe of vehicles, conveying all sorts ployer, and will sweeten every man' I will, tion, upon the world's tranquillity : but now to the? _ people frenv the re of people s hardest WILL PETITION for the Charter, as the rid of. Mo.unt-vSa, from the jDemocratfo-and Socialist Com- to Hampton Kaces tofl by the cheering their hands are tied ; other countriesy where , within an hour's drive of reflection that he shall be ahsence of those petitions will he urged b the Next mittee, foam tlie Comiait'tee of itlie Schools, the lie my the first y week I will publish several articles, not the mind has been kept in bondage are assert- " house ; and although that sport partaker of the fruits of his own in- Minister , publican Brass, , -te. , and hunt- , and relied upon by the ignorant, as from my own pen, but from thc " Times" Ac - ing and agriculture -were dustry. ing their rights by thc sword, while I hope to d' ** tk*- , amusements that I proof of popular apathy. A gran >acific demonstration,, in favour of iormerl M newspaper, and from practical works upon establish them by the mind. For, maris me - y took great delight in, I have aba-a- y friends, I have established this Land There is also a Utter si , Constitutiofty took place this- mousing. A great gned " B" in the agriculture, and from able writers, as to the and mark mc well when I tell number of National Guai'ds- in -aiiform (anions' toned one and all, as well as Plan, then, as the great social object to be , you, that in a lucrative pro- " Nottingham Review" of last week, and if I capabilities of the soil and what will whom were several officei*s»-^soine of thorn of su- fession , to devote achieved b le when ; the re- this country any injudicious act upon my part, my whole time, to the im- y the peop they are politi- was in a j ocular mood, I would now answer vilers of the perior rank) bir5 without arias;, and- a vast crowd of provement " call Land Plan say, when they hear or any intemperate act upon your part, bat of the condition of the -working y enfranchised ; and I have established ifc in it; but , in fact there is nothing peop le of difterest classes, but chiefly workmen ia , to answer that the " Times" of last Friday has published tends to strengthen classes ; and my constant " order that no theoretical or Utop the hands of the enemy, blouses , assemwVd at the Chateau. d'Eau on the reward has been, the ian schemes except the charge made against the incapabi- the fact, that a farmer has made £45 10s. of -mmu%a-ted hostility should be used b theorists and and to weaken the anion and powerof the peo- Boulevards , and af ter foriuing bheiiueDves iu pro- of all other classes, and y prophets, lity of the Land and the idleness of its occu- one acre of when the grass, cut for soil ? and what will ple*—therefore, having gained wisdom from eession, descended the Boufevnttls ia ranks of not a sparing amount of insolence from people achieve politiaal power. And pants ; hut next week if I am a por- , in a happy they say when they hear that Mr. Priqe, the past experience, let me implore of eight or ten, arm-iaKii'in. A few National Guard9 tion of your own order. in order that there should be a unity and not mood I will you to show , give poor "B" such a BEL- manager of my Bank, who is cultivating his to those who walked first , to clear the way foir the- procession, However a diversity of political opinions boast of your loyalty, and deny , I base my constant advocacy of , in search ofa LO WSING- as will blow his wind out. There land according to my system, has fed " which tliey did by simply waving, alien/ hands for your diversity of impracticable one your dissatisfaction, that you are at length tlie- people to standi aside. As the head of the cause upon the principle, that I have , unattainable , un- is only one single sentence upon which I shall large Hereford re- cow, just calved ; two smaller united as 0110 man, and for one common pur- of ceived this insolence profitable, and visionary social schemes. Now, make a word of procession was a row Aational' ($uavdsr- in tlio only irom a very small comment now. Speaking of Ayrshire cows, also just calved ; one cart pose. that is my chief object W « centre of whom was Colonel i'oresfsier (whose ar- minority; and from the fact I deduce the , with reference to this Mr. heeler, he says :— I WAS TOLD horse ; three sows, jus- Land rearing twenty pigs; two As I before instructed you, Jet the name of rest some time ago by tho govorauiont cheated tice and practicabuity—nay, Plan — it is to throw the political mind THAT HE COULD MAKE f-ensation), the defence of SOME VERY sows, in pig ; one hog, two full-grown hoars, the members to whom petitions are sent to- great and one or two superioit offtcers. right, whicli -would round like a ball, in stead of seeing it scat- STARTLING , EtieiMM f Ara go was also'at tho ho:id at 'clie-pro ces- he administered by Uni- DISCLOSURES WERE and two calves , upon twenty-seven perches, or gether with the n tered lik umber of petitions from each 000* "cftiti-onjiL versal Suflrage. e grape shot ; and if I can glean HE SO INCLINED." Now, my answer is, about one-sixth of an acre of tares sion, which included fi'on«12,000 to lo, , , for three locality, be transmitted to the Executive Com- Guardav The procession advanced down, tiny Gensre 2tfow let me trace knowledge from the growing intelligence of that I def Mr. Wheeler— _ this conclusion, both so- y I defy Mv. weeks*" - . He says, " The statement is qpen to mittee in London of the- Boulevards with ai grave and sslbnin. snap, the age, I assert , and then if any should cially and politically.