EDWIN FRANKO GOLDMAN FINAL ADVERTISING FORMS FOR THE FALI, SrtGIAL GO TO PRESS IN CINCINNATI AUGUST20 Allcopy requiring position in any particular department must be in Cincinnati by Wednesday, August 17 This will be the Big Issueof the Season: SpecialFeatures-GreatlyIncreasedDistribution MAIL YOUR COPY TO AY

The World's Foremost Amusement Weekly 25-27 OPERA PLACE CINCINNATI, OHIO PHONES: MAin 5306-07 OFFICE OFFICE ST. LOUIS OFFICE PHILADELPHIA OFFICE Palace TheaterBldg. 4thFloor Woods Bldg. 390 ArcadeBldg. 7222 Lamport Rd. Medallion 3-1616, 7, 8, 9 Central8480 Chestnut 0443 Madison 6895 Vol. L ( August 13, No. 33 The World's Foremost Amusement Weekly 1938

Published weekly at Cincinnati, 0.Entered as sacand-class matter,Junp 4,1897, at Post Office, Cincinnati, under Act of March, 1879. 84 Pages. Subscription, $5 per year. Copyright 1938 by The Billboard Publishing Company. NIGHT CLUBS EYE W. F. CAS' Regina Exhibition and RAS EarlyNew York Spots Live in Hope; Figures Register Good Increase REGINA, Sask., Aug. 6.-For the fifthtawa; Jack Byers, Western Cat-Hanging On for That W. F. Gravy

consecutive week of Canadian Class Atle Breeders' Association, Calgary; Sid W. exhibitions, Royal American Shows rolledJohns, manager Saskatoon Exhibition: J. up an increased gross over last year'sE. Rettie, manager Brandon Exhibition; Hope they'll be around when the World's Fair dough figures for the first three days, despitePercy W. Abbott, managing director Ed- high winds, some rain and cool weathermonton Exhibition;E.L. Richardson, starts spreading-WF itself has only three cabarets set on Tuesday.Children's Day on Mondaymanager Calgary Stampede and Exhibi- -if WF crowds disappoint, it will be murder was best in 11 years, said General Man-tion; Mr. and Mrs. Duke Mills, Lee Man - ager Dan T. Elderkin. obeli, Polack Bros.' Circus; A. D. Munro, Ceremoniesmarkedtheaddressofpresident;Charles Wentz, John East, NEW YORK, Aug. 8.-With business pretty bad, the local night club field Lieut. Gov. A. P. McNab on Wednesday.Carl Palmer, directors, Saskatoon Exhibi-seems to have settled down to a watchful waiting game.The angle is to hold when he was guest of honor and was(See REGINA EXHIBITION on page 62)on until the World's Fair.That hope is keeping a lot of night clubs still open made an Indian chief.Reginafair has despite the red ink.The big spots are afraid to close for fear their reputat ons almostasmany IndiansasCalgary will be destroyed before they reopen for that World's Fair gravy.The smaller Stampede, there being more than a score spots have trimmed floor shows and reduced their bands to a minimum, hoping of tepees on grounds. RAS sound truck,TMAT Groups to stick around until the World's Fair crowds start coming in. In other wards, witn Billy B. Mack, went to Moose Jaw the entire town is going along mostly on on Tuesday with a delegation to invite hope. And if something happens and the neighbors to the exhibition on Wednes-Get More Power;fair flops, there will be plenty of quick day. A cavalcade of several hundred foldups. motor cars came from the States for The World'sFairitselfapparently American Day. Citizens' Day on won't have too many night clubs on itsOutdoor Show Wednesday, with perfect weather,Officers Object grounds.Only three spots seem def i- swelled midway business.The Regina NEW YORK, Aug. 6.-Two-day an-nitely set, Moe Gale's Savoy Ballroom, Leader -Past and The Regina Star pub-nual meeting of the Theatrical Man-Sam Grisman's Cuban Village and Morris lished two exhibition editions and madeagers, Agents and Treasurers' Union atGreen's Greenwich Village, all of whichTax Liens Due special pictures with their own camera-the Hotel Claridge and the Lyceum The-will include cabaret features.Pending men.A dozen reporters were assignedater, August 2 and 3, netted the mem-are a French Village, which will include to the exhibition. after-bership a new form of government, ana Montmartre cabaret section and a Billy Attachments to be fr.ed noon and evening broadcasts were madeeconomy resolution and the creation ofRose Casa Manana cabaret idea.There from the midway studios of CKCK, anda motion picture division.The consti-will undoubtedly be a few more night by Treasury Department short wave by CJRC. Advance publicitytution. which was to have been votedclub ventures set before the fair opens and advertising was handled by Ewartupon, will be further revised to conformin the spring. against '37 SS delinquents Macpherson and Stan Wayte, of the new philosophy of semi -autonomy Of the big local cabarets, the Inter- national Casino appears to have adjusted CINCINNATI, Aug. 8.-Word has been Gibbons, Ltd. for the component groups and a greater received by The Billboard from Wash- Visitors early in the week included W.degreeofself-government. Lodewickits financial difficulties for clear sailing M. Neal,vice-president, Canadian Pa-Vroom, president, presided. next year. The MCA ice revue will con-ington, D. C., that the Internal Revenue cific Railway, Winnipeg; T. S. Acheson, tinue until the last week in September,Bureau of the Treasury Department has Under the new arrangement, which isthe casino then closing for rehearsals ofabout completed the check-up on Sccial generalagricultural agent, and T.P.being worked out as a constitutional Security tax payments due for the year Devlin,generalagriculturalsuperin-change by acommittee composed ofClifford C. Fischer's London Casino revue, tendent, C. P. R; R. M. Scott, federalequal representation from the remodeling of the small stage and re-1937 and that the Treasury Department markets branch chief of publicity, Ot- about ready tofileliens against a (See TMAT GROUPS on page 18) Fischer will bring over the current Lon-number of outdoor shows which have don Casino revue which has been run-failed to report their SS taxes for last ning in London since April and whichyear. Pittsburgh Acts Mull Idea of closesabroadSeptember8. Fischer It is revealed that liens will be filedIn asailed Wednesday for London in orderthe near future against at least 40 out- to open the new London Casino revuedoor shows, including fiveor six cir- September 22.He will return here incuses.In some instances show owners Semi -Autonomous AFA Branchtime for the October 5 opening of hishave neglected tofileany reports or

show at the IC. Fischer will change themake any tax payments for1937. In cast of his London show somewhat forothersonly the last few months of the Meet to consider offer of semi -autonomous branch,withthe local run, which is expected to lastscow season are unaccounted for.The several months. He is in on a guarantee (See OUTDOOR SHOW on page 6r) status as local a later possibility-EFA had threatenedand percentage deal with the receivers of to go CIO-agents may take AFA licenses the IC. MCA will again book the bands. The IC is now grossing around $35,000 a week, the hot weather making its ice In This Issue PITTSBURGH, Aug. 6.-In a drive to convert 300 members of the Entertainers'show especially strong in drawing power. Fages Federation of America to the American Federation of Actors, a drive whose reper-billyRose'sCasaMananaisdoingAir Briefs 8 cussions may change AFA national policy, Secretary Ralph Whitehead will speakaround $30,000, also doing especially well Broadway Beat, The 5 tomorrow afternoon in the Fort Pitt Hotel before Western Pennsylvaniaper-when the weather is hot. With Rose al-Burlesque Notes 22 formers and tomorrow night before Pittsburgh bookers.Supported by leaders ofready working on his pageant show at the Carnivals 33-48 the American Federation of Musicians, the billposters' union, the stagehands'World's Fair and dickering fora WFCircus and Corral 23-31 union, the waiters' union and kindred AFL locals whose executives previously have (See NIGHT CLUBS on page 18) Classified Advertisements 5D-53 kept hands off the night club field here, Coin Machines 64-84 Endurance Shows 22 Whitehead returns from Philadelphia, Fairs -Expositions 35-36 where he spent three days in planningtertainers in dealing withtheEnter-Ky. Reduces Penalty for Final Curtain 25 a projected membership drive.His fly-tainmentManagers'Association. The General News 3-5 ing squadron of 12 organizers has signedstatus of AFA in Western PennsylvaniaFailure To Report Tax General Outdoor 6.3-63 several scores of performers in suburbanwas also threatened by EFA members, FRANKFORT, Ky., Aug. 6.-There isHartmann's Broadcast 27 spots who will attend tomorrow's meet-who have threatened to throw their sup-now in effect a large reduction in the Legitimate 14-15 ings to lobby for AFA. Letter List 2E-27 ani53 port to CIO after having been informedpenalty which can be assessed againstMagic 22 Whitehead informed two meetings ofthat their plea to the Pittsburgh Centrala place of amusement in Kentucky forMinstrelsy 22 entertainers and agents that AFA rulesLabor Union for recognition as an AFLfailure to report its admission tax. TheMusic 1D-13 might be revised whereby talent will belocal outside AFA jurisdiction had beenlaw now reads: Night Clubs -Vaudeville 15-21 permitted to organize autonomous localsvetoed. "Any person who fails to make anyNotes From the Crossroads 27 similar to the AFM set-up, and thus re- Moving into action to line up supporttax report or return or pay any taxOrchestra Notes 12 fortheAFA,organizerDan Parks -Pools 32-34 tain part of their annual$12 dues, Hurleyrequired by law within the time speci-Pipes 53-59 which to date have been turned over tostarted a campaign among night spotfied for making such report or return, orPossibilities 4 the AFA national office. No other Fourperformers in co-operation with Georgepaying such tax, for which a specificRadio 6-9 A union has such a set-up. LaRay, regular local AFA representative.civilpenaltyisnot provided by law,Repertoire -Tent Shows 23 In three days Whitehead spoke at meet-shall pay a penalty of 10 per cent of the Rinks -Skaters 37 Forced by CIO Threat ings of bookers, performers and the CLU, tax found to be due, with interest from Orchestra, page 10. Acts, Whitehead came toPittsburghlastThe Hurley-LaRay team, aided by threethe date due at 1 per cent a month orROUTES:Units and Attractions, 24-25 week -end, finally forced to act on his or-deputy organizers and eight volunteers,part thereof, or $10 if the penalty andand 60.Dramatic and Musical, 60.Reper- ganization's behalf because an investi-predicted that tomorrow's meeting wouldinterest so computed be less than thistoire,60. Carnival,60. Circus and Wild gator from the National Labor Relationsbring many converts.The majority ofa mount." West, 61.Miscellaneous, 61. Board had come to the city to gather in-agents professed publicly to have no set All reports and remittances must be formation on the potential bargainingopinions on the AFA-EFA differences. delivered to the Department of RevenueShow Family Album 51 power of the EFA, which sought exclu- Claiming that the current crusade inbefore the 10th of the month followingSponsored Events 49 sive rights to represent Pittsburg0 en- Thru Sugar's Domino 4 (See PITTSBURGH ACTS on page 19)that which the report covers. Wholesale Merchandise -Pipes 54-59 4 The Billboard GENERAL NEWS August 13, 1938 Atlantic City Niteries Get A Performers' Union IN THE days when the American Federation of Actors was struggling to gain a Break, Finally foothold among performer unions, and for several years thereafter, The While the conductor of this column is on Billboard was one of its strongest and most enthusiastic supporters.The Bill- hisvacationthe pillar will be devoted to chit ATLANTIC CITY, Aug. 6.-Cafe, tav- board supported the AFA because The Billboard's first and most fundamental chat and general impressions gleaned in Holly- ern and night spot operators are this policy has always been to support anything that will benefit performers.In wood by Sam Honigberg, of The Billboard's week rejoicing about three things. First, the same manner it has supported Equity, the Screen Actors' Guild, the Ameri- Chicago staff.Honigberg has been with The the season started to break in a big way can Federation of Radio Artists, the Burlesque Artists' Association and many Billboard more than five years. He started others.But in all these cases it reserved the right to judge individual acts of as correspondent in Pittsburgh, was promoted and there is plenty of business; second. the organizations on their own merits; it judged each act according to whether to an executive post on the Chicago office the ACLBA got together with big -shot or not it would in the long run benefit performers; and The Billboard has at- editorialstaffand is now on a special mission political leaders and repeal of the Sun- tacked all these organizations on various occasions for policies which were tothe Coast. The regular column resumes either short-sighted or dictated by political cliques, to the harm of the mem- with the August 27 issue. day morning curfew is about to take bership at large. place; thirdly, the vice crusade of a local In the same way, even when it was most enthusiastically supporting the HOLLYWOOD, Aug. 6.-Not until you AFA for a gallant fight to organize night club and vaudeville artists and hit the local scene do you realize reform party simmered down and it looks guarantee them humane working conditions and a living wage, The Billboard that making movies isa. most serious like smooth sailing from now on.All kept a carte blanche, never giving a blind, blanket indorsement to the or- business and calls for most concentrated the night spots are running, with plenty ganization, but praising it for a long succession of praiseworthy accomplish- work from all-producers, directors, writ- of talent around and more change of ments.The AFA was watched carefully, like any other performers' union; it ers, actors and technicians.Itis hard shows this year than ever before. did much to praise, and it received such praise from The Billboard. labor this movie making, scene by scene The Gateway Casino, one of the high Recently, however, it has committed acts and embarked on policies which taken over and over and over again be- spots of the prohibition era, but which The Billboard feels are to the detriment rather than the benefit of performers. fore passing the bigwigs' final test.No has not been anything much since, is Most of such acts and policies center around the AFA's closing of the Ringling- glamour on the lots, the biggest of them Barnum circus, but that is not the point here and now, nor is it the chief pointmingling with the lowliest to achieve on the comeback trailin a big way. common good.It is only in the neigh- Using big orchestras and charging ad- of condemnation. boring publicity workshops that the in- mission.It is a large seating place. Red The chief point of condemnation is the fact that the AFA, while busied with Norvo and Mildred Bailey played there its organization of workingmen and laborers in circuses, has neglected per- dustry first dons theroyal robes and for a week, followed by Jan Savitt. formers in night clubs and vaudeville, the fields that it was formed to aid. presentsitspuppetsthrurainbow - The Billboard, adhering to its policy of "performers first," feels that such neg- coloredglassesforthegoodofthe Babette's will put in their new show lect should be attacked. country's box offices. Wednesday.Jack Rick, former straight In its recent almost frenzied efforts to play inter -union politics and extend Location trips in a large measure com- for Three Stooges, returned this week to the fields of its jurisdiction the AFA has included transient laborers in its pare with traveling vaude units, only in emsee the Chez Paree show and Floria membership and is now even fighting the Theatrical Managers, Agents and the case of movie companies taking to Vestoffisstarringat Lou Shapiro's Treasurers' Union for jurisdiction over circus press agents and box-office men. the road to shoot scenes in special loca- Torch Club. The Billboard, feeling that a community of aims must necessarily be the basis tions their only audience is the behind - of any union, cannot countenance making vaudeville performers the union the -camera crew and the working hours brothers of transient laborers; it cannot see the sense of putting Helen Morgan are regulated by the weather man. Thru- Chi Stadium Sees Big Season in the same union with a man who hammers tent poles, of putting Veloz and out the year dozens of companies acidLo Yolanda in the same union with a transient laborer hired to pull tent ropes.It the prosperity of towns and villages used CHICAGO, Aug.6. - "With Sonja cannot see the sense of putting such people in one union particularly when, in for exterior scenes.Like a circus or huge Henie already booked, we are looking the highly unified legit field for example, even actors and stagehands working carnival they camp for periods ranging forward to a big season," says Donald S. together on the same stage have different unions.It certainly doesn't see from a few days to several weeks, pack MacLeod, manager of the Chicago Sta- the sense of the arrangement when actors must suffer because of it-when ac- the hotels and consume loads of food- dium. Special events already scheduled tors are neglected because a union formed primarily to protect them is busy stuff.All the majors at present have will keep the stadium busy from early organizing workingmen. one or more groups away from Holly- fall right thou the winter. Two steam In Chicago, for example, booking row wanted for a time to improve con- woodworkingonbothdistantand electric generating plants with a capacity neighborhood locations. of 150,000 watts are now being installed ditions and sought AFA aid, but booking row was told to mark time while Ralph in the stadium. The management also is Whitehead, AFA executive secretary, busied himself closing the Ringling-Bar- Producers adviseactsto stay away replacing every ceiling light in the arena num circus. Guy Magley, Chicago AFA representative, was yanked out to work from Hollywood unlesscalled out on and erecting what it claims are the larg- on circus lots, and the AFA's office substitute was told to "stand by."As a re- specific assignments. They indicate that sult Chicago conditions in night clubs are now both brutal and deplorable- theyare more than anxioustosign est spot arc lights in the world. even tho the AFA had a chance to improve them with the aid of booking row. talent they such an The AFA can be an actors' union or a workmen's union, it can be a vaude- arrangement,theactwillfinditself ville -night club union (as it was formed to be) or a circus union-but it can- working under more profitablecondi- Edwin Franko Goldman not be all four things at once, at least not without one branch suffering. tions.That performers do not heed The Billboard, exercising its right to judge each act of the AFA on its ownsuch advice Is proved by the mob scene (This Week's Cover Subject) merits, most certainly does not want the sufferers to be night club.and vaude- on Hollywood and Vine streets, composed ville performers. of unemployed acts that came in on a When the AFA again does things The Billboard feels are praiseworthy (in gamble and hang around evenafter FDWIN FRANKOGOLDMAN was born In night clubs, circuses or any other field within its jurisdiction) The Billboard reaching the "hand-out" stage. The local Louisville, Ky., in 1878, of a family whose will again commend the AFA.But such actions and policies must be directed actor lessenshis chances offacinga musicalaccomplishmentspresaged a bright towards the benefit of performers in such fields.And The Billboard feels that camera, for those in a position to use future for the boy in thatfield.Embarking the AFA must first decide whether it is a performers' union, working primarily him tire of his personality that wears on his career at the age of eight, he learned for the performer, or a laborers' union, working primarily for workingmen, as out its welcome after too many casting to play the cornet so well that at 14 he re- it has been in recent months. officevisits. ceived a scholarship at the National Conserva- It can't be both. Sidelights glanced in and around the tory of Music, studying composition under An- Columbia Pictures lot: Actors, generally, tonin Dvorak, and at 17 he became solo cornet - must be great spenders, judging by the 1st of the Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, theMet after 10 years, and spent the next 13 smart shops dotting the neighborhood, youngest musician ever to hold so responsibleteaching and building his vision of something with nary a price tag in any of the dis- Goldman left thenever before attempted-a band comprised of a positionin that group. play windows. . . . FredMarshall, wind instruments which would be truly sym- former press agent for Coney Island's phonic in character, ranking with the world's Luna Park, is now Lew Maren's assistant finest orchestras.The dream became anactu- NEW & USED Pocsibilities in the praise department. . . . Anne THEATRE EQUIPMENT alityin 1918 when he conducted his first season Shirley, a tiny mite, showing the im- MOVING PI, TORE MACHINES. SOUND EQUIPMENT. SCREENS. of outdoor concerts on the Columbia University pressivefinishingschoolsetusedin OPERA CUR RS. SPOTLITES. STEREOPTICONS. FILM COIRINETS. Green, playing nightly to thousands of people. CLEANED BY MEMBERS OF THE PORTASILE PROJECTORS. M P CAMERAS. GENERATOR SETS. Girls' School, now in production.With RECTIFIERS. REFLECTING ARC LAMPS. REWINDS. VENTILATING These concerts have since become a part of BILLBOARD STAFF Nan Grey she worked all afternoon re- FNS. CFIRJEIS. FILM CEMENT. TICKETS, IINGICI LAMPS AND New York's summer life and are now held both SUPPLIES eVERTTNINC, FOR TNT THEATRE. making a single scene.. . . Sam Hines, WRITE FOR 'NEE CATALOG . on the Mall in Central Park and in 's The purpose ofthisdepartmentisto former legit man, brushing in for a few Prospect Park.During their first six seasons benefitproducers,bookers,agentsand MOVIE SUPPLY CO., Ltd. the money necessary to support them was others concerned with the exploitation of minutes to check on the employment sail S. WASASH AVE. CHICAGO, ILL. talent in the major indoor fields thru The situation. . . . Earl Carroll planning raised by subscription, but in 1924 they were the to erect a French Casino near the studio Gug- Billboard's coverage of every branch of underwritten by several members of the show business. which will be in the neighborhood of genheimfamily and presented as a gift to the the imposing CBS and NBC buildings. New York public. SHOWMEN INTERESTED IN SPECIFIC Get into the "POSSIBILITIES" MAY ADDRESS THEM IN . . . Pictures must parallel with the Since the death of John Philip Sousa, Dr. CARE OF THE NEW YORK OFFICE OF THE times, Chief Press Agent Maren explains. Goldman stands unchallenged as the dean of BILLBOARD, 1564 BROADWAY. He points out that the reason Holiday Road Show Business American bandmasters, not only because of is not a sock hit at the box office is that Hundreds of men are making big hisconducting activities but also because of the leading character in the story wants the more than 80 brilliant marches he has writ- at an early age and takeit moneyoperatingTalkingPicture For FILMS to retire ten, the most famous of whichis "On the easy for the rest of his life. . . . Showsintheaterlesscommunities. Mall."He is thefirst musician ever to be WILLIAM POST JR.-who is with On the Warner lot: Almost everyone We rent 16 mm talking pictures for honored officially by the City of New York, the Mohawk Drama Festival in Sche- you meet was some time or other con- from S20 to $25 per week, and and has had accolades conferred upon him by summer. nectady,N.Y.,forthe nected with thestage. . . . Ronald rent and sell Projectors. other cities and by several European countries, Caught doing Benedick in Mitch Ado Regan, on the Brother Rat set, tells you Write today altho he has never personally conducted abroad. About Nothing recently, he made a that he was quite happy as a radio an- At present Dr. Goldman Is working on a dozen deep impression.Is a young refresh- nouncer until a scout insisted on a test. ormore newmarches,requestsfortheir ing fellow who speaks linesexcel- And now heis prominently cast with Ideal Pictures Corporation composition having come from universities, the lently and who can build a strongtwo of Fred Waring's former starlets, Dept. B.B. Department of Agriculture and several national characterization.Certainly deserves Priscilla Lane and Johnny (Scat) Davis, Ill. organizations. Heisheard on CBS twice attention from Hollywood. in the movie version of this stage comedy. 28 East 8th Street, Chicago, weekly, having switched from NBC last year. . ..In the studio restaurant you bump into most of the working notables.As far as lunch-hour clothes, almost any- SPECIA L STOCK thinggoes. AnitaLouise,inshorts, For VAUDE lunching alone. . . . Walter Huston en- PRINTED ROLL TICKETS thusiastically revealing to Pat O'Brien orMACHINE ONE ROLL $ .50 LES LEIBER-who playedatin ROLL ICKET TEN ROLLS 3.50 whistle with the Paul Whiteman Or- and James Cagney that he has just been RESERVED SEAT - PAD - STRIP FIFTY ROLLS15.00 signed for Maxwell Anderson's Knicker- COUPON BOOKS-RESTAURANT chestra at theJonesBeach (Long 100,000 ROLLS 2,000 EACH Leiber gets bockerHoliday,amusicalslatedfor CHECKS - SALES BOOKS AND Island) concert recently. Broadway this fall.Huston was out with ,oR$20.00 ALL ALLIED FORMS Double Coupons, amazing music out of his gadget and ( 409 LAFAYETTE ST., N. Y. C. Double Price should be perfect as a novelty music his family to watch O'Brien lead Cagney 127 N DEARBORN, Chicago No C. 0. D. Orders turn in vaude or with a stage band. to the electric chair on the Angels With ELLIOTT TICKET CO11615 CHESTNUT ST., Phila. Ai.cepted (See SUGAR'S' OMINO opposite page) August 13, 1938 GENERAL NEWS The Billboard 5 BULOVA MYSTERY THICKENS

Broadway BeatAGMA Sets Deals (George Speivin, who takes his vaca-With Met, Hipp Modified Chain, Dropping tion with a vengeance, has skipped town for eight weeks, insinuating this column NEW YORK, Aug. 6.-American Guild can't be conducted without him.Staffof Musical Artists won recognition by memberswillpinch-hituntil hisre-and signed contracts with two of theOf Outlets, Held Possible turn.) biggest employers of its members here, the Metropolitan Opera Association and By M. H. ORODENKER the New York Hippodrome Opera Co. NEW YORK. Aug. 6.-Arde Bulova isstation in question, operating on5,000 Both deals grant AGMA exclusive collec-reportedasalmostreadytotakeawattsasagainst1.000,adecisionin PEEVES . . Half-baked bandtive bargaining power for solo singers,more active part in radio with the oper-its favor would be logical. PETleaders who go high hat on you be-choristers, solo and ballet dancers, stageation of a chain of stations. A modified Again in order to build upWBIL,it is cause they know how to dig air -pocketsmanagers,etc.,with exception of thenetwork is reported in the offing. Thisclaimed that the station would have to with a stick . . you knew them whenMet chorus, which is under the Met -opinion is voiced by observers, who pointoperate on a full-time basis.In order they were digging ditches with a shovelGrand Opera Choral Alliance contractout that the trend of Bulova's operationsto accomplish this thru the FCC, feeling . . . aixl it was so becoming. . . . Theuntil next season. definitely indicates such a move. Soisthat the WPG stationinAtlantic palsy-walsy you befriended and helped AGMA agreed to recognize pre-exist-farBulova's radio activities have beenCity would have to be dropped.Bulova along in your own little way . . . hising contracts held by the companies.carried on without benefit of ballyhoo,isreported to have paid $200,000 for secretary answers when you write himAssociated. Actors and Artistes of Americabut heisregarded as master -mindingWPG, and reports are that if permission now . . . he brags that he paid a littleJust recently transferred opera chorusaline-up of eight stations.Some oftoallocateitstime to WBIL do not girl $5C a week . . but he forgets tojurisdiction from the Alliance to AGMA.these he owns outright and in othersmaterialize the station will be brought add that,inaddition to her talents,At expiration of GOCA's contract nexthas a controlling interest. nearer New York.Trenton, N.J.,is everything else had to be thrown in.. .. season, AGMA will re-enter negotiations considered likely. High hats, indeedy ... not because theirwith the opera companies to include the They are WSPR, Springfield,Mass.; Apropos of the WBIL-WPG tangle, it - . . WCOP,Boston; heads are high .just swollen. chorus in its jurisdiction. WELL NewHaven;IL said that one of the conditions under With signing of these contracts, AGMAWPEN,Philadelphia; WPG,Atlanticwhich the municipality of Atlantic City HEARTY HATES (even if I am dizzyclaims recognition from every opera com-City, and WBIL, WNEW and WOV, Newsold WPG specified that the buyer must ' ork. from trying to get the brass ring on thepany active in this country, with excep- take the station out of the city.WPG's Merry -Go -Round) .. . Barbers who proption of the Chicago and n Francisco Should the chain scheme be decidedtowers are considered a hazard to the their razors against your nose and thentroupes, which are being tackled next byupon definitely, the future of WPG andmunicipal airport, and the airport is re- start picking at your politics. . . . Saxo-Leo Fischer, executive secretary. Fischerone New York stationisregardedasported as anxious to have this matter phone players who practice in front of aleft Wednesday for the West Coast touncertain.In some quarters itisfeltcleared in time for the World's Fair mirror . . . so that they can tell if theirround up these two and renew agree-that Bulova will discontinue one of thetrade. face iniiseles are co-ordinating properlyment with the Southern California Sym-New York spots and try to get more Time now allotted to WBIL is 6 p.m. . . . se they say. . . . Those nasal galphony Association, producer of operaspower for WBIL, perhaps 50,000 8 p.m. daily, 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. Fri- singers who will do anything for a stagein the Hollywood Bowl. Stationcurrentlysharestimewithdays, 3:15 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. and 8 p.m. career . .. and they do. . . Night -life WPG.Angle pointing to this trend ofto 9:15 p.m. Sundays.WPG's =hedule visitors who, when handed the check, thought is that WBIL and one of thefor Sundays is 8 a.m. to 3:15 p.m., 4:30 count it over a dozen times and thenRoss, Pierre, Schuster Splitaforementioned New York stations arep.m. to 8 p.m. and 9:15 p.m. ta 1 a.m. demand the manager . . . they pay it CHICAGO, Aug. 6.-Ross, Pierre andonly 30 kilocycles apart in their waveForMondays,Tuesdays,Wednesdays, just the same.. .. The lad who's alwaysSchuster act split here after ending itslength, a difference too small to normal-Thursdays and Saturdays, 8 a.m. to 6 giving you a hot tip about his competi-Australian tour.Act was contracted toly satisfy the Federal Communicationsp.m. and 8 p.m. to 1 a.m.On Fridays, tor. . . but watch out when you printappear on the Barnes & C uTuthers fairCommission.Insofar as WBIL is more8 a.m. to 2 p.m., 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. and the truth about him. .. . Tho it tookcircuitthisseason and,accordingtopowerfulthantheother New York8 p.m. to1 a.m. Nears and years for astronomers to buildAgent Harry Grebbin, Frank Ross and a telescope that could magnify a starAnita Pierre will join with Bud Sweeney 41. a million times . . . the press, agent takes it upon himself to perform theto fill those dates.Schuster is on the AsYouWant 'EmE same function for you in seconds andCoast. ROLL AND minutes . . . and then wonders what mS made you lose that inferiority complex.SUGAR'S DOMINO WhenYouWant (Continued from opposite page) DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE ZOUNDS IN THE NIGHT. . At 47thDirty Faces set.The Deed End kids, FOLDED street we find that the front-page pub-also in this picture, kid the daylights licity about that comic's drunk -cure isout of Pat and Jimmy, who are unusually Shipment Within 24S double -trackinghissingle-track mindclose friends. . . . Sidney Skolsky crash- S . he was never as funny on stage asing a luncheon party and making him- TICKETS Hours-If Requested he was on the street corner making aself at home. . . . Bette Davis on The mess of the newsboy's neatly arrangedSisters set cleaning up after finishing S stand . . not drunk, just ossified. . an earthquakescene. . . . Barton CASH WITH ORDER PRICES ---1x2 INCHES ---NO C. O. D. At 57th street the boy friendinvitesMcLane and Glenda Farrellare back, 10.000....$8.95 30,000....$ 9.89 100,000 _520.00 I Duplicate Coupons the boy friend to thipa thocolate thoda.the customers insisting that they con- 20,000.... 8.40 50 000.... 12.75 200 000...34.50 I Double These Prices .. . At 142d street we pass a lodge halltinue the Torchy Blane series. . . . Above prices for any wording desired. For each change of wording and coloradd S3.00 Where a prayer meeting is being con- In upholding the Hollywood tradition For change of color only, add 50c. No order for less than 10,000tickets ofa kind orcolor. ducted on the third floor and a swingof doing things in a big way, Paramount ROLL band is beating it out in the basementarranges for a special train to take a STOCKTICKETS WELDON,WILLIAMS & LICK we couldn't tarry for the finish, butload of people to the Del Mar race tracks 1 ROLL 50e it was nip and tuck between the rug -for a preview showing of Bing Crosby's 3 ROLLS -0 40c FORT SMITH, ARK. cutters and the prayer bones for quitenew picture, Sing You Sinners. And then LO ROLLS...035c $50,000.00 Bond G tees Quality and Accuracy a while. the magnanimous Crosby invites the en- tirelot tohis palatial home for the THE MAIL -BAG: This democracy ofweek -end.It costs a small fortune, but ours is certainly full of musical royalty.the boys believe it's worth it. . . . First A letteraddressedtothe"Kingofimpressions of Hollywood are that all LOWCOST MONEY' ORDERS Swing' will now reach 36 ork leaders, 14women dress and look like movie queens, FOR MAILING tap dancers, 12 singers (one a baritone),that you can wear anything on the streets and get away with it, that theat- People in show business are finding this Postal Telegraph service a simplified 6 radioannouncersandonecoffee and inexpensive way to make remittances, pay bills, etc.All you have to do ahoppe dishwasher. But seriously, whilericaloffices on Sunset boulevard look is go to the nearest Postal Telegraph Office, purchase the Money Order and the profession thrives on fan mail, some-more like small mansions than 10 per mail it yourself. And the cost is surprisingly low-as little as 5 cents. times it's quite funny mail.There's thecent -and -up abodes and that you can letter Will Hudson, orchestra leader, re-havea swelltime(ifyou have the ceived that reads: "I am told you aretime-and money). also a great arranger.Please prove it by al ranging for me to take Jane Dover, postal Telegraph your band's singer, to dinner tomorrowyou asked what my occupation was.I night.I'll be much obliged."-and whotold you I was a grocery clerk, and you When speed is essential telegraph wouldn't. advised me to stick to my profession.I money orders at low cost. Then there's the letter Kay Kyser re-was good and sore at the time.But not Every telephone is a POSTAL TELEGRAPH office. ceived"Perhaps you will remember Ifinally took your advice and A few years ago, when you played atstuck to my profession. Now I own my our Armory on Halloween night, youown grocery store." gave me anauditionon saxophone. And Shep Fields must have roared PROTECT YOUR PROFITS when he read:"I have framed many Our Patented Dance Checkfitsthrough When I finished playing a hot chorus button -hole. Cannot be removed and passed orchestras.Kindly send me your pictureIki* DANCE /to another without destroying. Guards your so I can frame yours too." profits. Pricedlow,$10.00 a Thousand. Asstd. colors, without printing.Samples on THE FILM WEEKLY I WONDER if the city editors know HALLS leI request.Order today.Made in U. S. A. AUSTRALIA that they are passing up a sure-fire yarn LII Mtn NON -1 R,,14.sI LitABLE DANCE CHECK 00verIng theMotionPicture andEntertainmentabout the democratic Danish royalty in Field Generally. Baron Timothy Lou Rosenkrantz . . 402 N.Exchange St., Conducted by MARTIN C. BRENNAN. Timmy's the McCoy, excepting that heWESTERN BADGE & NOVELTY CO., ST. PAUL, M NN. 198 City Tattersalls Building, Pitt Street, Sydney, Australian Office of THE BILLBOARD. bas thumbed Park avenue "s smart set in favor of Harlem's society. STOCK TICKETS WE MANUFACTURE ONE ROLL....5 .50 SPECIAL AT LIBERTY ADVANCE AGENT BLACK -OUT:AllieBrockman,who, FIVE ROLLS... 2.00 PRINTED - upon finding that a ravishing blondie TEN ROLLS... 3.50 Roll or Machine. With Car.High powered far any kind of Stage At- FIFTY ROLLS. 15.00 10,000..$6.95 traction_ Hillbillies, Cowboys, Girl Shows. Bands.had invaded the sanctum sanctorum of 100 ROLLS ... 29.00 Would 2ousider taking over Six -People Western Mu- TICKETS 30,000.. 9.85 hisoffice, sical A -.traction to work under an established name. gazed stupidly at her and ROLLS 2,000 EACH. OF EVERY DESCRIPTION 50,000.. 12.75 Mustbeable to do Stage Show.Also broadcast andgroaned, "I'll give you exactly 24 hours Double Coupons, 100,000 ...20.00 play tot dances when needed.If you are broke andto get out of here." Double Price. 1,000,000.. 150.50 haveCieshow,don'tbe ashamedtowrite me. THE TOLEDO TICKET COMPANY Trouble makers, drunks lay off. TOMMY TOMP- NoC. 0. D. Orders Double Owens. KINS, WQDM Radio Station, St. Albans, Vt. This is where I came in, glee: Dingle Tick., lei". Toledo, Ohio. Double Pries. 6 The Billboard RADIO August 13, 1938 Conducted by JERRY FRANKEN-Communications to 1564 Broadway, New YorkCity Program Survey of Portsmouth, N. H DAYTIME ANALYSIS SHOWS DAY AUDIENCES LARGER Additional Data Available . Charts showing the breakdowns THAN NIGHT...STRONG LOCALS..NETS PULL WELL for every day of The Billboard sur- vey in Portsmouth, N. H., are avail- WITH SERIALS...LISTENING PERCENTAGE UP, WITH able.These charts show the actual number of mentions each program MIDWEEK BETTER THAN WEEK -END...WNAC LEADS received day by day and may be had for either daytime or evening pro- IN MENTIONS...RECEPTION ON SIX STATIONS grams. Requests are to be made to the chart no less than eight local and spot Radio Department of The Billboard, By PAUL ACKERMAN Listening Percentage Up daytime programs scored the requisite New York office. Second part of The Billboard's radio Analysis of figures on first -mentionedtally.These are WEEI's "Sunkist point shows the weekly daytime listen-Time," scoring 17; "E. B. Rideout," survey of Portsmouth, N. H., is pri-ing average to be a fraction more than erated by the Granite State Broad- marily concerned with daytime shows. WEEI, 10;"Devotions," WHEB, 8;casting Corp. Data, prepared by Market Research34 per cent, as contrasted with slightly"The Church in Wildwood," WBZ, 8; under 27 per cent for nighttime pro-"Singing Sam," WNAC, 9; "Services Significantalso that threeof the Corp.of America, represent informa- leading locals are religious programs. tion obtained thru 1,077 completed tele-grams.This percentage difference re-Park Church," WHDH, 6; "News Re- phone calls made during the week ofverses the usual order of things andview, WHEB, 6;"Unemployment," Leading local shows are more fully July 14-20.Conclusions drawn fromislargeenoughtowarrantseriousWHEB, 6. considered in a sepaillate story in this the facts presented should be weighedthought when considering Portsmouth Note that of the locals listed, threeissue. against factors competing with radio, aand similar localities in the light of aare creditedto WHEB,owned and op -(See PROGRAM SURVEY on page 8) detailed account of which was given inmarket for radio -advertised products. the last issue of The Billboard. Briefly,Separate boxed story shows that period Portsmouth is a seaport town with aof most listening is midweek, as com- population of 15,000.During the sum-pared to week -end for nighttime pro- Leading Daytime Portsmouth mer season radio competition is stronggrams. and includes such resort facilities as In terms of people,listeningper- beaches, summer theaters and picturecentage of 34 means that of the 1,077 Programs houses. Town isa shopping centerpersons queried, 370 stated they had for near -by communities.Employmentlistened to the radio before 5 p.m. This conditions are not good. During periodcompares to a figure of slightly under HOUR AND ONE-HALF PROGRAM surveyed weather wasfavorableto33 per cent for Raleigh, N. C., which radio. in turn was slightly less than the day- (Once Weekly) Three chief points are immediatelytime percentage inothercitiessur- apparent in the survey of daytimeveyed. Portsmouth figureisallthe Services Park Street Church WHDH 6 shows:(1)Daytime programs havemore noteworthy in that the summer larger audiences than nighttime pro-is at its zenith. HOUR PROGRAMS grams; (2) Local programs offer strong StrongLocalPrograms competitiontothenetworks; (3) IncontrastwiththePortsmouth (Six Times Weekly) Dramatid serials constitute the nets'nighttime survey,in which no local Club Matinee WBZ N 20 heavy battery anddrawlargeau-shows made the five mentions neces- diences. sari for listing in the leading shows (Once Weekly) Magic Key of RCA WBZ N 12 Local Live Talent and Disc HALF-HOUR PROGRAMS (Six Times Weekly) Breakfast Club WBZ N 24 Programs Strong in Survey Sunkist Time WEEI R 17 Eight local daytime programs have builtuplarge audiences in Portsmouth, (Four Times Weekly) N. H., as shown by The Billboard survey. "Sunkist Time" on WEEI is a combination transcription offering with Devotions WHEB L 8 local atmosphere done by Ken Ovenden, local announcer.Has been on the (Once Weekly) air since November 1, 1937.It was placed for Sunkist Oranges by Lord & S.Marine Band WEEI N 5 Thomas' Los Angeles office.Program varies from day to day in music and U. script, which comes on a World Broadcasting platter.Ken Ovenden furnishes such items as correct time, weather and three or four news flashes given him FIFTEEN -MINUTE PROGRAMS each morning, Monday thru Friday, by WEEI's news editor.Program has received as many as 150 to 200 letters daily.Giveaway offer daily and another (Six Times Weekly) weekly. 8 "E.B. Rideout" does a five-minute weather broadcast over WEEI. He is The Churchin Wildwood WBZ L on the air twice a day, Monday thru Saturday.Broadcast is divided into three (Five Times Weekly) sections, each of which is sponsored by a different client.Day sponsors are Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch WNAC N 40 Frank Bownes Paint Mfg. Co., placed by Redmond Agency; Albany Carpet Woman inWhite WNAC N 38 Cleaning Co., placed by Dickie-Raymond Agency, and Boston Edison Electric David Harum WNAC N 37 Illuminating Co., placed by Batten, Barton, Durstine & Osborn.Nightspon- John'sOther Wife WNAC N 37 sors are Narragansett Racing Association, by Chambers & Wiswell Agency; Lorenzo Jones WNAC N 35 Boston and Maine Railroad, Doremus Agency, and Edison Electric Illuminating lust Plain Bill WNAC N 34 Big Sister WEEI N 13 Co., by BBDO. Pepper Young'sFamily WNAC N 13 Rideout used to be associated with the U. S. Weather Bureau and has Joyce Jordan Girl Interne WEEI N 11 been sponsored by more than 100 clients. Vic and Sade WEEI-2;WBZ-9 N 11 Three local religious programs, "Devotions" on WHEB, "Park Street Ma Perkins WBZ N 9 Church" on WHDH and "The Church in Wildwood" on WBZ."Devotions" Singing Sam WNAC R 9 is a half-hour live talent sustainer, has been on the air six months and appeals AuntJenny'sStories WEEI N 6 to 15 sects with seven languages."Park Street Church" has been on the air Betty and Bob WBZ N 6 about eight years and for the last few years has been conducted by the Rev. Story of Mary Marlin WBZ N 6 Harold John Ockenga."Church in Wildwood," quarter-hour program on air Hilltop House WEEI N 5 six times weekly, is an NBC Thesaurus transcribed program representing inspira- (Twice Weekly) tional music.John Seagle, baritone, is assisted by William Meeder, NBC staff News Revue WHEB L 6 organist.It has been on WBZ and WBZA for the past six weeks as an early 5 morning feature of the WBZ "Musical Clock," Unemployment WHEB L "News Revue," 15 -minute program heard over WHEB, shows up very well.It is sponsored by Genest Bakeries and has been on the air six months. "Unemployment," another 15 -minute program on WHEB, is presented in FIVE-MINUTE PROGRAMS co-operation with State re-employment service.It is sustaining, has been on the air two years and has had a continuous response. (Six Times Weekly) "Singing Sam," five -a -week 15 -minute shot on WNAC, is a platter program News WBZ N . 16 sponsored by Coca-Cola Bottling Co., of , Ga.Account handled thru E.B. Rideout WEEI L 10 D'Arcy Advertising Co., St. Louis.Program first went on air May 24, 1937, and platter made by World Broadcasting. MISCELLANEOUS Carried on a regional net, WAAB's baseball broadcasts are of special Baseball Came WAAB N 21 interest.Program tallied 21 mentions on WAAB and is heard over 14 other sta- U. S. Navy Band( Mon. 3-4) WBZ-10 N tions of the Colonial network. Home games of the and Boston (Fri. 2:30-31 WEEI-5 15 Bees are sponsored on alternate days by the Kellogg Co., thru Walter Thompson, IL S. Army BandI Tues. 3:30-4) WBZ-4 N and the Socony Vacuum Oil Co., thru J. Stirling Getchell.This is the second (Sat. 12 :30-1:30) WBZ-5 9 season for the two companies.Fred Hoey does the broadcast. August 13, 1938 RADIO The Billboard 7

DAYTIME PROGRAMS HEARD IN PORTSMOUTH, N. H. FROM JULY 14 TO JULY 20 Total Total Hour Programs Program No. Hour Programs Program No. Listening Heard Origin Station LIstenina Listening Heard Origin Station L s'ening 7:00- 7:30 SunkistTime WEEI 17 11:45-12:00 Aunt Jenny's Stories WEEI 8 7:05- 7:15 Recordings WBZ 1 11:45-12:00 Getting the Most Out ofLife WBZ 7:15- 7:30 The Church in Wildwoed WBZ 8 7:30- 8:00 Don't Be Late WHEB 2 12:00-12:45 Let'sWaltz L WHEB 2 7:30- 8:00 Rhythm andRomance WEEI 1 12:15-12:30 TheO'Nells N WNAO 4 7:45- 8:00 Musical Clock WNAC 1 12:30-12:45 Singing Sam R WNAO 9 12:30- 1:00 La Rosa(Italian) L WAAB 1 8:00- 8:05 E.B.Rideout L WEEI 10 12:30- 1:30 National Farm and Home Hour N WBZ 4 8:00- 8:15 News Revue L WHEB 6 12:30- 1:30 National Grange Program-U. 8. Army 8:00- 8:15 MusicalClock L WNAC 1 Band N WBZ 5 8:05- 8:30 Morning Harmony L WEEI a 12:30- 1:30 Radio City of the Air Cham- 8:15- 8:30 Weather Reports 1. WNAC berMusicSeries N WBZ 2 8:15- 8030 Riseand Shine L WHEB 1 8:30- 8o45 Radio Almanac L WEEI 1:00- 1:15 The Goldberg` WEEI 8 8:30- 9:00 MusicalRoundup L WNAC 3 1:00- 1:30 CatholicQuestion Box WNAO 2 8:30- 9:00 Good Morning, Neighbor L WHEB 1:15- 1:30 Vie and Sade WEEI 2 8:45- 9:00 Tonic Tunes L. WEEI 1:15- 2:00 George and Juanita WNAC 1:30- 1:45 MatineeMelodies WBZ 1:30- 2:00 Rotary Club Luncheon WBZ 9:00- 90 As You LikeIt WBZ 1 1:45- 2:00 Jack andLoretta Clemens 9:00- 930 Devotions WHEB 8 WBZ 1 1:45- 2:15 Edward McHugh, the Gospel Singer N 9:00- 9o45 The Merry -Go -Round WAAB 1 WEEI 2 9:15- 90 Gretchen McMillen WNAC 2 2:00- 2:15 Unemployment 9:30- 9o45 Joyce Jordan WHEB 5 GirlInterne WEE! 11 2:00- 2-15 Betty and Bob 8:30- 9:45 Tho Old WBZ 8 Refrain L. WHEB 2 2:00- 2:90 9:30- 9:45 Music of the Masters Musical Roundup WNAC WHEB 1 2:00- 2:90 Hampton Beach Concert Band 9:30- 935 BreakfastClub WMEX WBZ 24 2:00- 9:00 Magic Key of RCA __ 9:30-10o00 JournalofLiving WNAO Wax 12 1 2:15- 2:90 ArnoldGrimm's Daughter WBZ 9:45-10000 Bachelor's Children WEEI 4 4 2:30- 2:45 Valiant Lady WBZ 4 9:45-10:00 TheMysteryChef WNAC 3 2:30- 9:00 Central City PlayFestival WNAC a 9:55-10:00 News WBZ 16 2:30. 9:00 U. 8. Navy Band N WEEI 5 2:30- 3:00 U. S. Marine Band WEEI 5 10:00-10:15 PrettyKittyKelly N WEEI 1 2:30- 3:00 Concert International WNAC 1 10:00-10:15 Sweethearts of the Alr N WBZ 1 2:45- 9:00 Hymns ofAllChurches WBZ 3 10:00-10:15 Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch N WNAC 40 2:45- 3:00 Betty Crocker WBZ 10:00-10:15 MildredCarlson L WBZ 10:15-10:30 John'sOther Wife N WNAC 37 3:00- 9:30 GoldenMelodies WRAC 2 10:15-10:30 Melody Time L WBZ 1 8:00- 9:30 NationalRededicationCommittee _ N WBZ 4 10:15-10:30 Charioteers Pi WNAO 3:00- 4:00 Everybody'sMusic WEEI 2 Myrt and Marge 10:15-10:30 N WEEI 2 3:00- 4:00 U.S.Navy Band WBZ 10 10:30-10:45 HaveYouHeard? L. WHEB 2 3:00- 5:00 BaseballGame WAAB 21 10:30-10:45 JustPlainBill N WNAC 34 3:15- 9:90 Ma Perkins WNAC 1 Josh Higgins of Finch:dile 10:90-10:45 N WBZ 3 3:30- 3:45 Pepper Young's Family WNAC 13 10:30-10:45 HilltopHouse N WEEI 5 3:30. 4:00 ContinentalVarieties WBZ 1 MusicInternational 10:30-11:00 ff WNAO 3:30. 4:00 Rhythm and Rhyme WNAO 2 10:30.12:00 Services Park Street Church L WHDH 6 3:30- 4:00 U.8.Army Band Win 4 10:30-12:15 Tremont TempleBaptist Church L WAAB 1 3:45- 4:00 Do You Remember? WEEI 1 10:45-11:00 Stepmother N 4 10:45-11:00 Woman InWhite N WNAC 98 4:00- 4:15 Backstage Wife WNAC 2 Ma Perkins N 10:45-11:00 WBZ 9 4:00- 4:30 Concert Hall WHEB 4:00- 4:30 Sunday Vespers WBZ 1 PressRadio News 11:00-11:05 WBZ 1 4:00- 5:00 Club Matinee Wax 20 11:00-11`15 David Harum WNAC 87 4:15- 4:30 StellaDallas WNAO 3 11:00-11:15 MaryLeeTaylor WEEI 1 4:90- 4:45 The Hughes Reel-Rush Hughes WNAC 2 11:00-11:15 Tho Story of Mary Marlin WBZ 8 4:30- 4:45 Wings Over the World WHEB 11:15-11 30 LorenzoJones WNAC 95 4:30- 5:00 Popular Dance Tunes L. WHDH andSado 11:15-11:30 Inc WBZ 9 4:46- 5:00 GirlAlone WNAC 2 11:90-11 45 BigSister WEEI 19 4:45- 5:00 Of Men and Books WEEI 11:30-12:00 MadrigalSingers WNAC 2 4:45- 5:00 Betsy White WHEB

linquish jurisdiction to AFRA on theMotion Picture Relief Fund, with MCA grounds that it was a young union and,having anexclusiveon booking not strong enough to combat the CIO the Petrillo May Drop Chicago angle.Announcers at CBS now, how-screen talent. ever, are not satisfied with the 20 per cent increase received under Petrillo's Announcers Seeking AFRA Tie contract with the station, since it does not provide an extra wage for commer- cials.AFRA will meet with agencies CHICAGO, Aug. 6.-Failing to shareconsciousannouncersarethoseem-within the next 10 days and announcers the melon which American Federation ofployedat CBS Station WBBM here.feel they will have to be aboard the Beginning Next Week RadioArtistsbagged for singers andThese are the boys over whom all theband wagon if they are to benefit from actors with the recently signed sustain-discussionofjurisdictionwas raisedcommercial jabs doneonstation time an Additional Feature ing con racts from NBC and CBS, thesome months ago when James C. Petrillobut without extra pay. announcers are now pounding on AFRA'ssteppedinandorganized CBS an- Itwaslearnedfrom authoritative -of special interest toadver- door fon membership.AFRA did notnouncers, production men and soundspokesmen this week that a committee tisers and advertising agencies negotiat. announcers' contracts with themen, taking them in as associate mem-appointed by the CBS mike men will -will be incorporated In nets principally because the union didbers of his music union to avert theircontact Petrillo this week in the hopes THE BILLBOARD'S radio sur- not have amajority of thespielersjoining of AORAP, which Petrillo be-ofhaving the musiker chieftransfer veys. Itwillbe based on organized. lieved to be a CIO blind. them over to AFRA.When asked by the question, Chief among the now anxious AFRA- At that time Petrillo refused to re -The Billboard representative what deci- sionhewould make when thean- nounc2rs met with him Petrillo stated "WHAT PRODUCT he would stick to his word and release the men from his union, returning also IS ADVERTISED," their initiation fees, if he could be as- andwill be Day Leads Night Listening in sured that they were going into "safe askedonly of hands." Petrillo further stated that he those who had not listened to had enough headaches with his own the radio the dayor evening Portsmouth; Wednesday Is Best union and would gladly do what was of theinterview,but who had right with the CBS spielers. nevertheless mentioned afa- Breakdown of listening averages for daytime programs in Portsmouth, vorite program.Answers re- N. H., indicates that mid -week audienes are largest.In the nighttime survey From all appearances this spells a clear highest percentages were credited to Saturday, Sunday and Monday, with field for AFRA in radio and a burying ceivedwilltherefore come Sunday holding top spot with 35 per cent. of any differences between AFRA and frompeople who areNOT Thisis reversed in daytime Petrillo within the next 10 days. AFRA conditioned;theywillhave survey, with Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday having percentages between.organized all announcers at WJJD this no particular program fresh in 43and 45 plus.Friday dropped to 30 plus, ditto Saturday, and Sunday fell week and also hopes to do the same to 18.Monday begins the upgrade with 32. with WIND, at which time it will open theirminds. bargaining negotiations with Ralph At - Presentation of this material DAYTIME 'LISTENING NIGHTTIME LISTENING lass, manager of both outlets. willbe alistingoffavor.te Dar Li -'ruing Not List. Total List. Pct. Listening Not List_ TotalList Pot programs, number ofcorrect Wednesday 68 83 151 45% 33 118 151 21% sponsor identifications and tie Thursday 63 78 141 44% 31 121 152 20% SAG, MCA Air Show Set percentageofsponsoriden- Tuesday 65 86 NEW YORK, Aug.6.-Dealbetween tifications. 151 43% 41 109 150 27% Screen Actors' Guild and Music Corp. Monday 49 102 151 32% 45 105 150 30% of America for a proposed air show is Friday 49 114 163 30% 38 125 133 23% reported set, with a talent budget esti- Saturday 49 111 160 30% 48 114 162 29% mated at $15,000 per week.Texaco is Sunday 27 133 160 16% 56 104 160 35% understood to be the client set thru Ben- ton Sr Bowles.Salaries will go to the The Billboard RADIO -REVIEWS August 13, 1938 6 possible to start it off on the wrong foot by indulging in a lot of nonsensical prat- Look for tle. As for Berch, he at least is the pos- This Feature: sessor of a nice baritone, and backed by Program Reviews the Stevens Band he makes the musical portions worth while. EDST Unless Otherwise Indicated Analysis of Bert Parks announces. D. R. tion and making of the film, which was Irving Berlin Tribute the only low spot in the proceedings, Trends in Radio due to Miss Parsons' habitual namby- "Ed East's House Party" ReviewedWednesday,9 :30-10 :45pamby phoniness. p.m. Specialbroadcast over WABC, Show was scheduled for one hour, but By AL SIMON (Station WHN) Reviewed Thursday,10:30-11a.m. New York, and the CBS network. necessitated running over15 minutes Style -Chatter, withtranscribedmusic. Climaxing the terrific ballyhoo cam -into the Household Finance Corp. pro- r aign undertaken by 20th Century -Foxgram time.Announcement was made in the Sustaining on WHN (New York). on behalfof the IrvingBerlinfilm.that latter outfit was glad to relinquish Half-hour morning spot conducted by Alexander'sRagtimeBand,wasthisthe quarter hour as its contribution to Ed East is a pleasant period. Production hour -and -a -quarter salute to America'sthe tribute to Berlin. D. R. Fall Special of ideaisvery simple-that ofahouse best known songwriter by leading lights party. WHN stenos and secretaries pro- of the screen,stage, radio and band The Billboard vide the atmosphere, clattering dishes, worlds.Timed just right, two days be- "My Error", chattering and lending a feminine touch. fore the New York premiere of the plc Ed East emsees informally and on some and several days beforeitsreleasein Reviewed Tuesday, 8:30-9 p.m. Dated August 27 programs sings occasionally. other key cities, program was unques-Style-Quiz. Sustainingon WEVD Backbone of the period is transcrip- tionably one of the greatest promotion(New York). tions.Pop, tango and other music used. stunts for a motion picture ever planned. another link in the seemingly In-between time filled in by East and Still dently just waking up.On theair,his bevy of WHN damsels. P. A. With a nation-wide audience listeningendless chain of quiz -audience participa-tho,the dramatic chromos have one on 116 stations to a million -dollar arraytion shows, My Error manages to get it-distinct advantage: a little of the lush of talent selling Berlin, Berlin's musicself a seasonal and distinctive gadgethamfatting can goalong way,and and Berlin's Alexander's Ragtime Band,todrawattentionandinterest. Itthe reduction of the plays to a half-PROGRAM SURVEY the ultimate result at movie box officesworks on a true -or -false set-up-the vic- is obvious. tims have to tell whether a statementhour running time helps. (Continued from page 6) Most surprising-and gratifying-partis right or wrong in fact or grammar On the show caught, the second in of the broadcast was its high quality ofwith reasons-but it also sets up a sortthe series, Red Acre Farm was presented. Net SerialsPotent entertainmentdespitethefactthatcf intellectual baseball game.It's playedIt's an excellent specimen of the type, Cursory glance at the leading pro- actuallyitwas nothing more than aby teams rather than individuals; eachcompletewithmortgage,squire,citygram chart shows that Portsmouth goes glorified sales talk.And even forgettingcorrect answer isa base hit and eachslicker,beautiful daughter who stealsheavily for an impressive line-up of theplugangle,thetoo -many -cookswrong answer isan out.Thus therethe pearls and Cinderella daughter whodramatic serials. The hokey stuff dished adage is often sadly true when as manyhave to be three hits(three men onisaccused of the theft and goes outout in 15 -minute periods five and six names and personalitiesas this show and becomes, in desperation, a great base) before a fourth hit can score aactress.It has one immortal line-thetimes a week leads in mentions and is boastedarecrowded togetherinonerun.Someone on the opposing team the chief strength of the network bat- performance. Itisto the everlastingpitches the questions to the "batters." farmer's declamation at what was prob- credit, therefore, of Charles E. McCarthy, W. Curtis Nicholson acts as umpireably the end of the third of the con-tery. WNAC, owned and operated by directorofadvertisingandpublicityand conducts the session, doing a pass-ventional four acts."We ain't got notheYankeeNetwork,hasterrific for 20th Century, and Bill Bacher, whoable job but by no means a good one.accommodations," he roars,"for actorspower here, as indicated by the follow- produced the show for CBS, that theyHe seems a bit uncertain and there'sand thieves!" ing analysis: "Mrs. Wiggs of the Cab- managed to turn out a grand 75 minutesa devastating lack of personality in both Cast,unbilled,acquitsitselfnobly,bage Patch," scoring 40; "Woman in of radio entertainment despite all thehis voice and his air approach. most ofthe playersgivingjusttheWhite," 38;"David Harum," 37; factors which could easily have militated At the session caught, second in theright touch of gentle satire.McGill's di-"John's Other Wife," 37;"Lorenzo against such a feat. series, a team of men beat a team ofrection is excellent. E. B. Jones,"35;"Just Plain Bill,"34; Introductionsofthevariouscelebswomen, 4-2.Despite the plethoraof "Pepper Young's Family," 13; "Ma were handled smoothly, with Al Jolsonsimilar programs, this reporter(who's doing an excellent job of emseeing, anda sucker for a quiz show anyhow) en- Jack Berch Perkins," 90, each performer did the Berlin song mostjoyed it immensely E. B. Othersmakingthechartinclude suited to his or her talents.Outstand- Reviewed Tuesday, 8:30-9 p.m."Vic and Sade," heard over both WBZ ing were Heat Wave and My Walking Style-Variety. Sustaining on WABCand WEEI; "Betty and Bob," WBZ; Stick (latter one of the two new tunes "Four Corners Theater" (CBS network), New York. "Joyce Jordan," "Big Sister," "Hill- from the film) by Ethel Merman, the What the networks are dishing out Lyn Murray Chorus and Al Goodman's ReviewedTuesday, 8-8:30 p.m.under theguiseof entertainment ontop House," "Aunt Tenny's Stories," Band; Connie Boswell's All Alone andStyle-Dramatic.Sustaining on WABCsome of their summer shows is amazing,WEEI, and "Mary Marlin," WBZ. Remember; Tommy Dorsey's Marie; Rudy(CBS network). the latest in the hot -weather parade of ,Leaders-Other Than Serials . Vallee's Say It Isn't So, and a medley of Idea of Four Corners Theater istoinconsequential, non -entertainingpro- . As Thousands Cheer numbers by Guybring back, in tabloid half-hour air ver-grams being this half-hour labeled Get - Apart from the serials, leaders are Lombardo. Dorsey was picked up fromsions,thoseripsnortingruraldramasTogether, starring Jack Berch.If the"ClubMatinee"inthesix -times - theCoast,ValleefromChicago,andabout mortgages and city slickers and30 minutes were restricted to the lat-weekly hour division, with 20; "Break- LombardofromtheWaldorf-Astoria,he -mustachedsquiresthatsatourter's baritoning and Leith Stevens' musi-fastClub,"inthesix -times -weekly which made it a bit of a Cook's tourgrandsires and great-aunts back on theircal efforts, the show might be acceptablehalf-hour division, 24; "Magic Key of in the bargain. tailcoats and bustles(respectively)inlightweight fare, but a hodgepodge ofRCA" intheonce -weeklyone -hour Sentiment ran high also, with Johnthe elegant 1800s.It's not a bad idea,chest "stars" draggedit down into aspot,and "Sunkist Time,""Devo- Steele singing the song he popularizedand it would be an even better one ifmorass ofstupidity from which eventions" and "U. S. Marine Band" in in the Follies of 1919, A Pretty Girl Isallowed to stand on the entertainmenta Jack Benny couldn't have emerged. categories. Like a Melody; the three Brox Sisters,that's actually in the old shows, rather How Lou Babian and Hope Emersonthedifferenthalf-hour now retired, doing once more the num-than blurbed out with some choice in-managed todeceivethepowers -that -WAAB's baseball broadcast, a two-hour ber they introduced in an early Musictelligentsia hogwash about their beingbe auditioning for thisisamystery.program, garnered 21, and "Services Box Revue. Everybody Step, and Eddie"much more expressive of the real Ameri-Bahian,choosing to be known asaPark Street Church," 90 -minute local Cantor, Sophie Tucker and Jolson re-ca than most of the hothouse produc-' collector of unfunny jokes," is exactlyon WHDH, tallied 6.Military hands, viving ditties they had sung years agotions that urban peopleareinclinedthat, which may make him unique butincluding army, navy and marine, all during their upward climb in vaudeville.toconsiderthetruedrama ofthishardlyentertaining. Miss Emerson'smade sufficient scores for lead show Even Berlin joined in one song, addingcountry."That's a lot of thickly slicedArlene Harris -like monolog, minus the an uncertain tenor to a trio composedheadcheese-but theplays themselvessparkle and cleverness that made thelistings. of himself, Cantor and Jolson, and theare a lot of fun. Al Pierce show chatterbox something to Two news programs, one a network Actually Four Corners Theater (whichlisten to, is bad enough, but her allegedbroadcast overWBZandtheother, sentimentalists had a field day. song number is the height of something Latter part of the program was givenis under the direction of Earle McGill, "News Review," a local onWHEB. CBS casting chief) is simply an offshootor other, probably inane silliness.Toscored 16 and 6,respectively. over to scenes from the picture, withof the gay '90s craze that began withaddtotheconfusion, Ed East and Miss Merman playingtheAlice FayeChristopher Morley's discovery of Ho-Ralph Dumke "droppedin"towish Detailed and simple analysis of lead- role opposite Tyrone Power.Miss Faye,boken in 1927 and to which radio is evi-the new program luck and did everythinging programs is shown in chart on this however, was piped in from the Coast page. for Now It Can Be Told, backed by the Dorsey crew.Excerpts were well han- Stations aled,Miss Merman showinghitherto Portsmouthdaytimeprogramsare unsuspected dramatic ability.Prior to heard on six stations, according to re- the dramatization, Louella Parsons in- Current Program Comment turns on The Billboard survey. Of the terviewed Darryl Zanuck on the concep- This column is devoted to brief reviews of programs which have been on the airtotal number of program mentions re- for some time, as well as shows, which, already reviewed, rate further mention.ceived, shows carried by WNAC re- Basis is that a one-time program review is inadequate for a production that variesceived 244.This commanding lead is each time it is presented. distinctly attributable to WNAC's po- Harrisburg Varieties, piped into New George S. Kaufman and Moss Harttent line-up of dramatic serials. WBZ, W114,;0 N ork over WABC from WHP, Harrisburg,brought added enjoyment to Informa-owned and operated by Westinghouse Pa.,3:30-4 p.m. Friday afternoons,istion, Please on WJZ, New York, and theElectric and ManufacturingCo.and and his MUSIC (2) Now At like101 other variety programs ofitsNBC -Bluelast Tuesday and pro-serviced by NBC, is second with a score Broadcasting Over genre, only a bit worse.Usually onevided listeners with another grand halfof 129. WEEI, leased and operated by CATARACT * NBC entertaining feature crops out on thesehour from 8:30-9 p.m.This is unques-CBS, is third with 74. WAAB, WHEB HOUSE * NETWORKS. shows, but here it's all pretty hopeless.tionably the best of the quiz programs,and WHDA are fourth, fifth and sixth NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y.* Howard Gale leads a band that seems tostanding head and shoulders above itswith scores of 21, 19 and 6. Mgt. CONSOLIDATED RADIO ARTISTS. suffer a bit from ennui; Mary Nicholas,nearest competitor. The reasons are ob- swing singer, neither swings nor sings;s ious-intelligence,showmanship,per- Stations WMEX and WCSH, both of Cal Swain mutilated the lovely Springsonality and humor. which carry nighttimeprogramsto Is Here, from I Married an Angel, and In addition to the quips of the play-Portsmouth, were not reported on day- the Swing Trio ought to listen to Adrianwrighting partners. Franklin P. Adamstime shows. Rollin' and learn how to manipulate aand John Kieran were joined by Quincy vibraphone, guitar and bass. Iiowe, author, in the amusing battle of No Don't Know Answers Evidently inspired by the success ofwits.Kieran, incidentally,isexcellent As in the case of the nighttime sur- last week's Irving Berlin Coast -to -Coastontheseshows,and demonstratesavey, none of the 1,077 persons inter- ESTABUSHED 1888 tribute, Gale decided to conduct his ownfund of knowledge that some day mayviewed gave "Don't Know" answers PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU, his. Eerlin program, with eight of the com-transfer him from his New York Times World -Telegram Building, poser's numbers figuring in the broad-sports column to a feature pillar,likewith reference to naming the station 125 Barclay St., New York, N. Y.cast caught. Mangled would describe ithis ex -colleagues Westbrook Pegler andoverwhichaparticular showwas BArch'', 7-5371. better. Heywood Broun. beard. Aust 13, 1938 RADIO The Billboard 9 offers of screen tests from Hollywood. Two of the children, Pat and Miee, are CIO Woos Radiomembers of the hillbillyband.After turning down alloffersthe 0 -Daniel family and the hillbilly band cook AirBriefs Workers in Chi two-week vacation to go fishing. By CHICAGO,Aug. 6. 6.- LouisGoyette, Dh'11LOIT, Aug. 6.-W. Lee OTieniel's theta ilatk?AUL ACKERMAN ca5o By HAROLD HUMPHREYhead divisionof example has inspired Roscoe Ccnkling American Communications Association,Fitch,aspiranttothegubernatorial TRUE STORY mag may put a show on EDUCATIONAL departmentsarebe-arrived here from New York this week tonomination in the Republican preesries, 1- network if trials over a couple of coming the big thing in stations here.discuss problems confronting radio engi-to hire a hillbilly band and equip a stations! click. . . . Twentieth Century -WBBM justshippeditsnew higherneers and particularly to meet memberssound car to tour Michigan wish the Fox fo tedbillfor everything exceptlearning director, LaviniaP. Schwartz,of the Associate Broadcast Technicians,bard and advertise his candidacy. other talentn the Irving Berlin air show. indie radio engineer union at CBS here. to New York for a polishing course fromAs a result of an NLRB decision last week,candidates remain to be heard final. Propeknicked the Edgar Guest show,the CBS profs.. . Two local accounts immecli tely following, for 15 minutes.switchedagenciesthis week-Chicagor BT will conduct an election within the . . . P Spitalny n.xed pictures of hisMotor Club from McJunkln to Aubrey,next few days to determine it it shall girls fothe newspapers, refusing to al-Moore and Wallace, and Morris B. Sachsaffiliate with the CIO union. Gregory Succeeds low the ad agency to make them. Anglefrom Schwimmer & Scott Meetings of ABT members will be held was theGeneral Electric, the sponsor, toWadeTuesday by Goyette, who is expected to agency.... Bob Crosby's Ork will tres-point out advantages to be had if ABTNelson at KDKA might s uawk. .. Lou Frankel will bepass sacred portals October 19 when it editor the revamped National Radio votes for an ACA connection. ABT also PITTSBURGH, Aug. 6.-Sherry En D. gives a concert in Orchestra, Hall, spon-has another offer from the InternationalGregory,nowassistantmanglerof Rcci'te . . . Torn Cochran, writer -di-sored by a charity org yet to be named. rector, Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, butbroadcasting for the Westinghouse Elec- s preparing a radio version of . . . Singer Terry O'Donnell has joined Li'l Ab er, comic strip, for United Fea- since it involves only the acquiring of atric and Mfg. Co., with offices in Balti- the WAAF staff, . . . Actress RuthClass E charter, officials of ABT havemore, will became manager of KDKA in tures. . .. Gordon Thompson will pro- duce t Bailey is nursing injuries sustained in anheretofore frowned on any truce withPittsburghSeptember 1, it WEE an- Vallee show in place of Tonyaquaplane jaunt... . Announcer Tom-IBEW. nounced today by A. H. Morton. general Starrfor. , who goes on vacation after hismy Bartlett is vacationing. ACA already holds a large radio tech-manager of National Broadcasting Co. trip to Chicago.Hampden set for the nician membership in New York andoperated stations,of which KEKA is Vallee rogram August 18.. . . Rose WhenCharlieGrimm,deposed 'Washington, and at the meetings thisone.Gregory will succeed A. E. Nelson, Marie b ck on the air twice a week over Chicago Cubs manager, wes hired by week Goyette will also point out that arecently taken from KDKA and made NBC-Bl e,beginning Monday. . . . H. Leslie Atlass as a baseball an- split of this kind is detrimental to bothsales manager of the NBC's Blue net- Stars ostage, screen and rad:o drank nouncer for WBBM, he hadn't re- factions. work. Morton's announcement ind cated milk at the WNEW party last week, the ceivedanysalaryquotztionand there would be no change in the operat- occasiobeing the third anniversary of ing policies of KDKA. The Mi man's Matinee. didn't find out for over a week until ManagerAtlassreturnedfroma O'Daniel, a "Name" In his new post Gregory willitentrol yacht trip.It's set now, but nobody the station's programing activitiesHe Na onal Broadcasting Co. is try- knows the figure except, of course, has had charge of two Fort Wayne, Ind., iny tget Sinclair Lewis and his co - the involved parties.. . . Looks as Now, Nixes Ripley stations since their purchase by West. worksatthe Cohasset S miner if all the big shows originating in FORT WORTH, Tex., Aug. 6.-W. Lee,rghouse some time ago. Thear for an air version of "It Chi this fall will be counted on the O'Daniel, who won the nomination for Ccn't Happen Here." . . . Larry fingers of one hand. . . . Curley.. Ho/cob, radio director for Sherman Miller and his KDKA hillbillies are governor of Texas in July election viaWPEN Salesmen Quit K. El V; agency, addressed students the radio as emcee on his own flour playing Midwest theater dates.. . . company's hillbilly programs on WBAP PHILADELPHIA, Aug.6. - Fo:bwing at.d eacherslastweek on "Five Ethel Shvtta will guest on a WGN and the Texas Quality Network, has hadrecent organization of the Radio Sales- Tinzea Week Radio.". . .Several program next Wednesday. Fib- numerous stage and radio offers bothmen Guild, sales staff of six at -.VPEN spores Ts reported bidding for NBC's ber McGee returns to the air Sep- for himself and his hillbilly band.Hehere handed in resignation.Staff an- "Clipping Bureau."... "The Chart- tember 6. but whether Molly will re- has turned all of them down. nounced organization of Guild last week oteert arc set for Paramount Thea- turn with the show is problematical. It's said Robert Ripley sought O'Danieland presented demands to emp:oyers. ter, starting August 10.Booked by and his family for his program, andGroup is unaffiliated. Henry Frankel, of WOR Artists' Bu- FAIR, local comedienne, stoleMCA is said to have offered the gov- reau.. . . WNEW's Grouchmaster is RUTHthe Rudy Vallee show, broadcasternor -elect and his band $12,500 a week MOUNTAIN PETE'S Mountaineers have now going in. for "Lessons in unsuc- from here Thursday.Her monology asfor a tour of the East. A Dallas hotel'sjoined WHO, Des Moines, Ia.Pete Angel cess," or how to be successfu ly un- a travel lectureris top-notch humor.night spot sought to give the hillbillybrings his band here from WXYS, De- stcceerful. . . . Jack and Loretta . . . Harriet Pripps is the name of thatband a nice contract, and other ball-troit, where they appeared for the past Clem ns are making transcriptions new secretary at WIND. . . . for Directorrooms dickered with band for dance en-seven years.They will be heard on 4llan-Alsop-EddyRadio Reccrdi- Cecil Underwood's new home has justgagements. WHO's Sunset Corners Frolic and cn the g. been completed. The O'Daniel children received twoCorn Belt Hour.

ROOSTING AT N.Y. PARAMOUNT THEATRE WITH HIS OREN EST RA afiteitiett;4694.eata And zapti ELLA FITZGERALD CREATOR OF THE SENSATIONAL SONOISKET.A.TASKET" NO NEST TooBIG FOR THIS ATTRACTION Dance Direction Personal Management Theatre Direction CONSOLIDATED RADIOARTISTS GALE, INC. WILLIAM MORRIS AGENCY 10 The Billboard MUSIC August 13, 1938 ORCHESTRAROUTES Following each. listing appears a symbol. Fill in the designation cor- responding to the symbol when addressing organizations or individuals listed. Lewis, Ted:(Topsy's) Los Angeles, nc. (Routes are for current week when no dates Light, Enoch: (Taft) NYC, h. aregiven.) b -ballroom;c -cafe;cb-cabaret; Lopez,Vincent:(PipingRock) Saratoga, ABBREVIATIONS:a -auditorium; N. Y., nc. A cc -country club; h -hotel; mh-music hall;nc-night club; p -amuse- Lucas, Clyde: (Claremont) NYC, re. Abbott, Dick: (Statler) Boston, h. house;re -restaurant;s -showboat;t -theater. Lyman, Abe: (Chez Paree) NYC, no, Adcock. Jack: (Manoa Inn) Manoa, Pa., rm. mentpark;ro-road Alberto. Don: (El Chico) NYC, nc. M Alexander, Joe:(To -Jo -Farms) Detroit, nc. McCune, Will: (Bossed) Brooklyn, h. Allen, Dick: (ENB Club) Akron, nc. McFarlane, Frank: (Chateau Moderne) NYC, Anderson,Al: (Merry-Clo-Round)Newark,Golly, Cecil. (Club Greyhound) Louisville, nc. nc. Gorrell, Ray: (Greystone) Detroit, h. Irish, Mace: (Chanticler) Millburn, N. J., nc.McGrew, Bob: (Muehlebach) Kansas City, h. N. J., nc. Gray,Len: (NewCedars)NewBedford, (Clark Lake) Andrews, Jimmie:(River Tavern) Lonsdale, Mass., nc. McKinney's CottonPickers: R. L, cb. Gray, Glen: (Palomar) Los Angeles, b. Jackson, Paul:(Old Mill Tavern)Jackson, Mich., nc. Apollon,Al: (Surf Beach Club)Virginia Mich., nc. McShann, Jay: (Continental) Kansas City, no. Beach, Va., nc. Grayson, Hal: (Saltair) Salt Lake City, b. Jahns, Al:(Riley's) Saratoga, N. Y., nc. Maglione, Joe: (Chi -Amt Chateau) Mountain- Arnaz, Deal: (Fan & Bill's) Glens Falls, N. Y.,Grey, Tony: (Sal Tabarin) Paris, nc. Johnson, Johnny:(Boardwalk Cafe)Jones side, N. J., ro. Grier, Jimmy: (Bon Air) Wheeling, Beach, L. I.,c. Melones,Jay: (Shamrock Club)Redding, Austin, Sid: (Laurels) Sackett Lake, N. Y.. cc. Joy, Jimmy: (Bill Green's Casino) Pittsburgh, Calif.,ro. Auwater,Fred: (Flamingo Club)Orlando,Hall, Jay: (Montclair) Montclair, N. J., h. Manns, Lee:(Casino) San Clemente, Calif., Fla., nc. Harbur, Clayton: (Wildwood) Kansas City, b.Jurick, Larry: (Twin Dragon) Seattle, Wash., nc. Ayres, Mitchell:(Village Barn) NYC, nc. Harris, Claude: (Joey's Stables) Detroit, no. na Manse.Art:(Merry -Go -Round) Kingston, Harris,Buddy:(The Duke's Club)Myrtle N. Y., ro. B Beach, S. C., nc. K Marlowe, Tone: (Mountain View House) Port. Baer, Billy: (Bear Mountain Inn) Bear Moun-Harris, Ken: (Edgewood Club) Albany, N. Y..Kassel, Art: (Kennywood Park) Pittsburgh, b. Kent, N. Y.,till Sept. 5. tain Park, N. Y., nc. nc. Katz, Al: (Ocean View) Ocean View, Va., nc.Marsala, Joe: (Hickory House) NYC, nc. Baker, Gene: (Hollywood)Buffalo, nc. Headrick, Pearl:(White Swan Club) Johns-Keene, Sherman:(Monterey)Asbury Park,Martell, Paul: (Arcadia) NYC, b. Baker, Fred: (Kaiser's) Buffalo, re. town, Pa., nc. N. J., h. Martin,Freddie:(St.Francis)San Fran- BRUM., Ray: (New Pavilion)Myrtle Beach,Heidi, Horace: (Lyric) Indianapolis, t. Kelb, Bill: (Navy Pier) Chi, b. cisco, h. S. C..b. Kemp, Hal: (Astor) NYC, h. Bardo, Bill:(Claridge) Memphis, Tenn., h. Heller, Jackie: (Washington-Youree) Shreve-Kendis, Sonny: (Stork Club) NYC, no. Martin, Don: (St. Regis) NYC, h. (Tavern - on - the - Green) port, La., h. Martin, Lou: (Leon & Eddie's) NYC, nc. Barrett,Hughie: Hensley, Sam: (Ocean Drive Casino) OceanKing, Chubby: (Del-Reho) Rehoboth Beach,Masters,Freddy:(CapitolPark)Hartford, NYC, re. DeL, h. Basle, Count: (Famous Door) NYC, no. Drive, S. C.. nc. Conn., b. Bass, Paul: (Chateau Modern) NYC, nc. Maya: (Monte Carlo) NYC, nc. Baum, Charles: (Ross Fenton Farm) Asbury Mellan, Earle: (Atlantic Beach Casino) More- Park, N. Y., re. Orchestra Routes must be received at the Cincinnatioffices not head, N. C., nc. Bauman, Charles: (Wivel) NYC, nc. Melvin, Jack: (Half Moon) Brooklyn, N. Y., h. Bernie, Ben: (Beverly Hills) Newport, Ky., cc. later than Friday to insure publication. Merofi, Benny: (Orpheum) Los Angeles, t. Biltmore Boys: (La Salle)Chi, h. Messner, Johnny:(McAlpin) NYC, h. Block, Bert: (T bee Beach) Savannah, Gab. Mchr, Bob: (Old Country Club)Phoenix. BoneIli, Michael: Lake George, N. Y. Ariz., no. Bonick. Lewis: (Club Mayfair) Boston, nc. Herbert, Arthur: (Ambassador) NYC, h. King, Hal: (LaBelle) Gull Lake, Mich. Morris, Gruff: (Washington Lounge) Washing- Bono, Americo: (Chez Ami) Buffalo, nc. HickS, Billy: (Merry -Go -Round) Newark, N.J..Kinney, Ray: (Lexington) NYC, h. ton, Pa., nc. (Vesper) Lowell, Mass., cc. nc. Kirkham, Don: (Blakeland Inn) Denver, nc.Moten, Buster: (White Horse) Kansas City, Bowen, Al: Himber, Richard: (Essex House) NYC, h. Kress, Andy: (Avon Inn) Avon, N. J., re. nc. Bragale, Vincent` (Piping Rock)Saratoga, Kuhn, Louis: (Mayfair) Tulsa, nc. Mozet, Billy: (Capitols) Capitols, Calif., b. N. Y.. no. Hines, Earl: (Grand Terrace) Chi, nc. Brashen, Abe: (Oasis) Seattle, Wash., nc, Holden, Virginia:(Normandy Inn) Warren.Kurtze,Jack: (Oranview Lodge)Dakota,Myles, Lee: (Park Central) NYC, h. Breese, Lou: (New Penn) Pittsburgh, nc. Pa., no. Minn., no. N Brigode, Ace: (Waco Pavilion) Lake Wawasec,Holland, Peanuts: (Grandview) Angola,Kyser, Kay: (Pennsylvania) NYC, h. Naylor, Oliver: (Club Rex) Birmingham. nc. Ind., July 30 -Aug. 19. N.Y.,b. Neighbors, Paul (Club Powatan) Detroit, nc. Burk,Billy:(Terrace Gardens)Springfield,Hollander Will: (Lincoln) NYC, h. Nelson, Harold: (Rotisserie) Vicksburg, Miss., 0_ b. Hoist, Ernie: (Belmont Plaza) NYC, h. Lamb, Drexel' (Wonder Bar) Grand Rapids. no. Burnside, Dave: (Ocean Forest) Myrtle Beach,Horton Girls: (Sky Harbor Tavern) Lake Mich., nc. Nelson, Ozzie: (Eastwood Park) Detroit, p. George, N. Y., nc. Lazaro, Leo:(Continental) Birmingham, nc.Nicola, Frank: (Log Cabin) Chandaken, N. Y., S. 0., h. Howard,Vincent:(Patina Farm)Andover,LeCroy, Trent: (Amber Lake) Alton, Ala.,p. no, Busse. Henry: (New Yorker) NYC, h. N. J., ro. LeRoy, Howard: (Club Arcadia)St. Charles, C Howell, Ed: (Casa Moreno) Jax Beach, Fla., h. Ill., nc. 0 Champaign.Hudson, Dean: (The Wlers) Lake Winnepe-Lee, Julia:(Milton's) Kansas City, no. Owens, Harry: (Biltmore) NYC, h. CampbellsTrio: (McGuire's) (Fairyland) Kansas City, p.Ozenbaugh, Leon: (Pepper Tree Inn) River- Ill.,c. saukce, N. H., h. side, Calif.. no. Carlsen, Bill:(Trianon) Chi, b. Carlyn, Tommy: (Peyton's)Steubenville, 0.. p nc. Pablo, Don: (Reid's Casino) Niles, Mich.. nc. Carr. Jerry: (Arcola Inn) Arcola, N. J., ro. Songs With Most Radio Plugs Page, Hot Lips: (Plantation) NYC, nc. Carroll. Jimmy: (Danceland) Rockport, Tex., Palmer, William:(Place Elegante) NYC, nc. nc. Palmer, Skeeter: (Seneca) Rochester, N. Y.. h. Ceppos.Michael:(Guido's Sapphire Room) Pearl, Ray: (Lake Breeze) Buckeye Lake, O., Eatontown, N. J., cc. Is;(State Fair) Springfield, El., 13-21. Cheskin, David:(Club Delavan) Buffalo, ne. Pedro, Don: (Graemere) Chi, h. Chester. Bob: (The Den, Hotel Texas) Fort "A Tisket, A Tasket" Beats Pendarvts, Paul: (Palace) San Francisco, b. Worth, h. Peyton, Jimmy: (Plaza)Pittsburgh,re. Clifford. Tommy (Vogt's Tavern) Mountain - Phillips, Carl:(St. Nicholas) Decatur, Ill., h. home, Pa., ro. Piemonte, Vic:(Warwick) NYC, h. Conrad, Judy: (Fox Tower) Kansas City, t. Pirro, Vincent: (Riviera) Fort Lee, N. J., nc. Cornelius, Paul: (Aragon) Houston, nc. All Ballads in the Basket Pooley, Bob: (Hampton Beach Casino) Hamp- Costa, Joe: (Woodlawn) Delavan Lake, Wis., ton Beach, N. H., b. nc. Press, Jack Arnold:(Berkeley Carteret) As- Costello, Dicsa: (Belmont Plaza) NYC. h. bury Park, N. J., h. Costello,Charles:)Commodore) Songs listed are those receiving 10 or more network plugs (WJZ, WEAF. WABC)Pritchard, David: (Katsinas) Champaign, Crocker, Mel: (Moose Club) Erie, Pa., nc. between 5 p.m. -1 a.m. week days and 11 g.m.-1 a.m. Sundays, for the week ending re. Crosby, Bob: (Blackhawk) Chi. h. receivedon WOR, WNEW, R Cullen, Tommy: (Glenwood) Delaware WaterThursday, August 4.Independent plugs arethose Rainey, Dud (The Crest) Pittsburgh. nc. Gap, Pa., h. WAWA and WHN. Film tunes are designated as "F," musical production num-Raiser, Freddy: (Danstetter's) Buffalo, nc, D Randall,Charles:(Playland) RyeBeach, Davis, Johnny: (Miami Club) Milwaukee, nc.bers as "M." Based on data supplied by Accurate Reporting Service. N. Y., p. Davis,Fess:(Houseof Jacques) Oklahoma Rapp, Barney: (Nicollet) Minneapolis, h. City, Okla.. nc. Position Title Publisher Plugs Raschel,Jimmy:(Pleasant Lake)Jackson. Davis, Eddie: (Larue's) NYC, re. Net but Lake City,Last Wk. This Wk. Mich., ro. Daziel,Jack.(Caberama Club) 7 1. A Tisket, A Tasket Robbins 33 25 Ravazza, Carl:(Junction Inn) Santa Cruz, S. C.. nc. 29 27 Calif.,nc. 2 2. Music,Maestro,Please Berlin I., De Carlos, Joe: (Happy's Cabaret) Glendale, 29 24 Redman, Don: (Surfside) Long Beach, L. L. I.. cb. 1 2. Now It Can Be Told (F) Berlin no. Dennis, Mort(Statler)Cleveland, h. 5 2. When Mother Nature Sings Her Lullaby.Santly-Joy 29 17 Renard, Jacques: (Westminster) Boston, h. Dixon, Dick:(Gloria Palest) NYC, no. 3 3. You Go to My Head Remick 26 28 Reyes. Chica:(Continental)Detroit, nc. Diamond, Lew: (New Eden) La Grange, Ill., b. Robbins 25 25 Reynolds, Tommy: (Readc's Casino)Asbury Dorsey, Jimmy: (Bon Air)Chi, cc. 7 4. I Married an Angel (M) Park, N. J., nc. Dreiske, Hal:(Bal Tabarin) San Francisco, 9 4. There's Honey on the Moon Tonight Miller 25 19 Riley. Luke: (The Crest) Greensburg, Pa.. ro. nc. 8 5. I'm Gonna Lock My Heart Shapiro -Bernstein 24 22 Rives, Joe:(St. Regis) NYC, h. Driscoll, Murray: (St. George) Brooklyn, h. 18 5. Beside a Moonlit Stream(F) Famous 24 10 Ritz, Red: (Blue Lantern) Island Lake, Mich., Drummond, Jack: (Meeker's) Albany, N. Y.. h. ABC 23 24 no. Duerr, Dolph: (Green Derby) Cleveland, no. 3 6. I Hadn't Anyone Till You Rohde, Karl: (Frolics) Salisbury Beach, Mass., 4 7. I Let a Song Go Out of My Heart Mills 21 28 Duke, Jules: (Bismarck) Chi, h. 21 22 nc. E 5 7, Where in the World? (F) Feist Rollickers. Three: (Grand View Lodge)Da- Edgerton, Roger H.:(Westport Yacht Club) .. 7. I've Got a Pocketful of Dreams (F) Santly-Joy 21 7 kota, Minn., ro. Westport, N. Y., cc. 7. Hi Yo Silver Chappell 21 7 Rosen, Tommy: (Wisteria Gardens) Atlanta. 10 Eichler, Fran: (Westview Park) Pittsburgh. b. 12 8. There's a Far Away Look in Your Eye Tenney 20 Engel, Freddy: (Laketiew) Tenderhook Lake. 20 2 Ross. Randy: (Le Deauville Inn) New Bed- 10 8. Bambina Spier N. Y., ro. 17 ford, N. J., re. (Cavalier) NYC, nc. 4 9. Says My Heart (F) Paramount 19 Rym Dolce: (International Casino) NYC, nc. Erante, Chappie: 19 5 Ernie, Val: (Versailles) NYC, re. 10 9, Will You Remember Tonight Tomorrow?. Bregman S 18 8 F 16 10. Naturally Lincoln 17 21 Sallie. Lou: (Beverly Wilshire) Beverly Hills, (NetherlandPlaza)Cincin- 7 11. Flat Foot Floogee Green Bros. Farber,Bert: 17 17 Calif., h. nati, h. 13 11. Saving Myself for You Harms Sanders, Joe: (Sylvan Beach) Houston, Tex.. 14 23 - Farmer, Willie: (Promenade) Rockefeller Cen- 10 11. My Walking Stick (F) Berlin 17 12-21;(Spring Lake)Oklahoma City ter, NYC, re. 17 9 Aug. 13, p. 15 11. Spring Is Here Robbins Coney Feldkamp, Walter: (Monmouth) Spring Lake, 15 10 Schell,Sandy: (Steeplechase Park) N. J., h. 12 12. In a Little Dutch Kindergarten Fox Island, N. Y., b. Fredrics, Jan: (Boulevard Tavern) Elmhurst, Gilbert 15 1 Schillinger, Willard: (Tennis Club) Buck Hill 11 12. Colorado Sunset 15 L. I., nc. 10 13. Little Lady Make Believe Olman 14 Falls, Pa., cc. Frederick, Marvin: (Stevens) Chi, h. 13. Stop Beating Around the Mulberry Bush.Bregman 14 7 Siegel, Irving: (Pine Inn) Hollywood Fla., nc. Freedman, Dave:(Herb's 1412 Club)Phila- .. 14 8 Smith, Joseph C.: (La Rue) NYC, nc. delphia, ne. .. 13. Toy Trumpet Circle Smith, Buster: (Antlers) Kansas City, no. Ferdi, Don: (Stratford) Bridgeport, Conn.,li. 14, On the Bumpy Road to Love Feist 13 11 Smith, Lew: (Club Chez Ernest) Three Rivers, 13 8 Fielder, Al: (Flagship) Union, N. J., ro. 12 14. Alexander's Ragtime Band (F) ABC Que., Can., no. Fuhrman, Clarence: (Admiral)Capc May, Paramount 13 Smith. Jimmy: (Royal Pines) Lake George, 14 14. What Goes on Here? (F) N. Y., ro. N. J.. h. Walled Lake. 14. Garden of the Moon (F) Remick 13 2 Funk,Larry: (Few Casino) 12 8 Smith, Stuff: (Onyx Club) NYC, no. 15 15. Meet the Beat of My Heart (F) Feist Snyder,Billy:(Lookout House)Covington. Mich.. nc. 12 6 Ci 15. This Time It's Real. Spier Ky., nc. 11 14 Southern Gentlemen Orch.:(Roof Garden) Gegen, Frank:(Statler)Detroit, h. 14 16. Lullaby in Rhythm Robbins Garvin. Val: (Half Moon Club) Steubenville, 10 13 Arnolris Park, Ia. 15 17. Lovelight in the Starlight (F) Paramount Sparr, Paul:(Versailles) NYC, no. 0., nc. 17. Girl in the Bonnet of Blue Crawford 10 10 Stabile, Dick: (Baker) Dallas, h. Gibson, Al: (Alhambra) Buffalo. ro. 10 8 (Ft. Shelby) Detroit, h. Gilbert,Jerry:(Edgewater Gulf)Edgewater 17. So Help Me Remick Steel, Leonard: Park, Miss., h. 17. Oh, Ma, Ma Shapiro 10 8 Stipes, Eddie:(Frankle's) Toledo, lie. Goho, Billy:(Bedell House) Grand Island, 17. Toytown Jamboree Red Star 10 4 (See ROUTES on page 13) N. Y., h. 16 August 13, 1938 MUSIC The Billboard 11 Conducted by M. H. ORODENKER-Communications to 1564 Broadway, High and Low Martin's Miseries Weber Prepares for Dog Fight COLUMBUS, Mo., Aug. 6.-There'll be no more Texas touring for maestro George Martin.Arriving home this To Return Music to Pic Pits Kaycee Gates week with what remained of his orig- inal 12 -piece combo, Martin related how his band was set for three weeks at Hotel Lubbock, Lubbock, Tex., but Confab with movie moguls set for late fall-radio a Martin's 14C Fairyland's gave up the ghost after two. pipe compared to waiting task of increasing theater First, Andy Whitehouse felland high-Rita Rio's $125 hits broke the neck of his bass fiddle; jobs-hits block booking and doubles then two ofthe band boys were bottom-Tumino manager thrown in the doghouse because they were not aware the town was as dry NEW YORK, August 6.-Campaign of American Federation of Musicians to KANSAS CITY, Mo., Aug. 6.-Two new as the Sahara. Another day his pian- increase employment for its members in radio will seem like a light workout season records were chalked up at Dick ist quit without the formality of a compared to the forthcoming battle)to put musicians back into the pits of Inotion Wheeler's Fairyland Park Ballroom the notice.Finally, Gene Bohanan, busi- picture theaters.Prexy Joe Weber expects no easy sailing when it comes time past week. 3ut one was pretty hard to ness manager and sax player, became to discuss the matter of picture house re-employment of musikers with the Coast take. powers -that -be.Weber and the executive board had originally planned to leave Tony Martin, taking over Everett ill and took leave.So Martin figured for Hollywood and conference with the producing companies within six weeks Hoagland's band for his trek east. stopped it was time for him to take leave. He alter the recent AFM convention, but it off here Friday night to bring in agathered the remains and headed for was deemed advisable to conclude nego- bang-up $1,400 for the solo.Martin's home. tiations with the radio Indies fIrsa.In showing cracked the high mark set early BG's $6,750 Gives addition, Weber will attend the Ameri- in June when Orrin Tucker tucked away can Federation of Labor Executive Board $1,175.All-time banner gross was re-Weeping Clouds Cut powwow in Atlantic City this month. corded in July, 1936. by the Casa Loma Ravinia a Neat Net Coast trip is slated for late October or band, giving Fairyland $4,100 on a day CHICAGO, Aug. 6.-Benny Goodman's November. that had the temperature hitting 109. Weems' Tex. Stand invasion of the fashionable and ultra- No one realizesbetter than Weber Martin's showing helped some to at - FORT WORTH, Tex.,Aug. 6.-Tedultra Ravinia Park on Chi's north shore himself that the drive to put live music tone for the other record-the lowestWeems, highest priced band to play BobWednesday proved a study in contrasts back into theaters is not going to be gross of the season, set two nights pre-Carnahan's open-air Show Boat, drewfor the 6,200 people who gathered toeasy. Without resortingtoextiemes. viously by Rita Rio.Manager Johnmostly bad weather during his eight -Lear this thing called swing, some ofthe union has managed to effect a re - Tumino counted only $125 in spite ofnight stand last week.But despite thethem for the first time.During inter-turn of about 3,000 men to pic houses the fact that ducats were at the give-elements Carnahan marked up a profit,mission some of the super -sophisticatesin the last few years, bringing the total away price of two bits. since capacity crowds turned out withand lovers of Beethoven left Goodman oftheater musicians toabout 5,000. Tumino took over the ballroom's man-the clearskies on the two Saturdaycold by walking out and leaving their From a pre -sound -picture high of 22,000 agement this week, with Dick Wheelernights andfaircrowds boardedthechoice box seats to be scrambled for by men employed the figure had dropped to going to Dallas to head a branch bookingland boat during the several rainy nightsthe dyed -in -wool jive fans. x,000.AFM's intention to increase sub- officeforRockwell -O'Keefe. Tuminoof the week. Carnahan anticipated sev- Financiallyspeaking,however,thestantially theater jobs for its members managed the ballroom last year and thiseral wash -outs during the summer, but"freak" going to be, in Weber's own words. "a season was assistant to Omer J. Kenyon,was not quite prepared far the "un-General admish was tagged at 75 centshard nut to crack." Fairyland general manager.Itisre-usual" rainsof the past two weeks,per head, with 1,400 of the mob obtain- Two greatest barriers to rehiring of ported that the ballroom is in the redwhich caused floods in other parts of theing pavilion seats at $2.25 per squat.pit musicians, in the union's cpinion, for $2,000 since opening 10 weeks ago.State.It was tough to take so manySome of the jitterbugs arrived as earlyare block booking and double features. Weekday biz. using local bands, has beenrainy nights in a row, especially whenas 10 a.m. complete with lunches, blan-Campaign will be directed at the elimi- very spotty and accounts for most of thethe band attraction, Weems, showed allkets,etc. Cash registerhit a merrynation of these evils, with efforts made losses.And very few of the name bandssigns of being potent. tune of about $6.750, with Goodman get-to show exhibitors that such elimina- playing week -ends were able to show a Since Casa Manama has returned toting three grand for the concert. tion will be as beneficial to them as to profit for Wheeler, many even drawingthe field, Show Boat has changed its musicians.Federation holds that bad under their guarantee. Tumino will con-dancing hours to take in the Casa's DICK DORSO, head of CRA branchbox-office returns are due to the onblic's tinue buying names, but Mario and Vic-after -show biz.Boat now opens at 9in San Francisco, back at his desk afterdislike of the dual film policy anti a. lack tor Brancato. park owners, announced ap.m., with dancing from 10 to 3. Admishconfabs at home office in New York.of confidence in the quality of piztures change in week -night policy in hopes ofreduced after 1 a.m., Casa's closing hour.Agency will route Ina Ray Hutton, Ritareleased under the block -booking sys- perking up biz before the mid -Septem-Phil Levant iscurrent, lingering thruRio and Chick Webb into Dorso's terri-tem.Replacing one poor picture, half ber closing. August 11. tory this fall. of a double bill, with good live enter- Jacksboro highway, which boasts both tainment can be one effective method of the Show Boat and the Casino, the larger providing more pit jobs, Weber believes. dansants on Lake Worth,isfast be-automatic music machines for the music. Weber intends to arbitrate a-ricably coming the White Way amusement stem In the city the Den at Hotel Texaswith producers when he treks welt and Chi News Stands Aidof Texas.Main trafficartery,itisis finding a money maker in Nick Stuart, hopeful of arriving at some satisfac- jammed each week -end with out-of-according to Manager Henry Love. Open-tory solution thereby.If oppos.tIon is Song Sheet Freeze town visitors pleasure bent.There hasing nights are always gala affairs here,presented, however, a sterner policy will been a mushroom growth ofsmallerbut Stuart's debut on July 22 was the(See WEBER PREPARES on page 13) CHICAGO, Aug. 6.-Song lyric sheetstaverns along the road, and even grocerybiggest the Den has experienced since have passed from sight at corner newsstores and gasoline stations have putitsfirstnight15yearsago. Stuart etands here,and, according to E.S.upa"dancing"sign,depending onmakes way for Bob Chester on August 12. Hartman, local ASCAP rep, illegaldis- Look for tributicn of the pop songs has suffered its most telling blow. These Features : Hartman recently brought suits against acme of the boys operating the news-Up -State New York Big for Big paper kiosks, and Sunday called a mass meeting of the entire membership of This Ballroom the news venders' union, asking them to refrain from selling the contrabrandBands ButaBust for Locals Business goods.Hartman said their reaction was BEMUS POINT, N. Y., Aug. 6.-Thetooters who just about eke out the entirely favorable and he felt they couldGhatauqua Lake region in this vicinityscale if they are lucky. By WILL H. WITTIC be depended upon inthe futuretohas seen much band activity this season Locally the musicians' union has been shun distributors' offers. for the first time in many years.Nothaving a thankless task in trying to ASCAP has been continually thwartedsince the Bemus Point Hotel was razedmaintain the $5 minimum for one-night in uncovering the printers of the sheetssome six years ago has this neck of thejobs in beer gardens, most of the taverns Hitch Your butfeelsthis attack on distributionwoods offered dancers the better bands.raying $4 and $3 regardless of union will put the shady entrepreneurs out ofThe hypodermic was the unshuttering ofor nonunion, and many paying just beer. biz. the Casino on June 28, new dansantWorse yet, payoffs have been so far be- Wagon to owned by Arnold Lindstrom and man-hind lately that the union has warned aged by Frank Meyer.Cperating oneallmembers to demand pay nightly, A-Style night weekly, biz has been consistentlyeven on full -week stands.In fact, mem- JERRY KRIEGMAN, dance pro-good. bers failing to collect nightly and then moter at Wheeling, W. Va., has taken The highest mark of the season, bothgettingstuckarenotaffordedthe By SHEP FIELDS over management of Arden Wilson andin dollars and attendance, was rung upunion's collection service. has the band playing thrice weekly atJuly 19 when Ozzie Nelson took the Among the hotels only the Ten Eyck Oglebay Park here.Also spotting namestown by storm.Record crowd of 1,800and New Kenmore use bands.At Sara- On Publicizing for solo stands at the park's Pineromn.dancers made for a $2,000 gate, withtoga Vincent Lopez plays Piping Rock Had Benny Goodman this week and Philducats peddled at $2 per couple in ad-Club,Al Jahns atRiley's Lakehouse, Barris set for August 15. ante and $2.25 per couple at the boxEmil Coleman at Arrowhead Inn and the Dance Band office.Highest box-office scale was setDave Berend at Meadowbrook Club. A June 10 for Benny Goodman at $3.30new roadhouse, Fan and ,Bill's, on the By IRVING LEHRER Calling All Phillips per couple in advance and higher tariffsGlens Falls -Lake George road, has Desi fordance -nightpurchases. Receipts,Arnaz's Cuban Band.Jimmy Smith's KANSAS CITY, Mo., Aug. 6. - It however, were better on Nelson's stand.colored crew is at Royal Pines near Lake happened down on 18th street, in the Other bands playing solo stands hereGeorge, and bands are being used at Going Great warmest corner of Kaycee's Harlemsince Jimmy Lunceford led off includeNicklaw Manor on Lake George road and sector,theother night whilethe Phil Levant, Gene Krupa, Count Basle,Hotel Mayard at Lake George. band boys off work gathered for some Artie Shaw, Art Kassel, Claude Hopkins Guns serious sipping. and Ben Bernie.Future dates have JAMESTOWN, N. Y., Aug. 6.-J. G. Eddie Phillips, tender of the bar, been set for Horace Heidt, Guy Lom-Campbell,owner -managerofCeleron By PAUL WHITEMAN extended a greeting to Eddie Phillips, bardo and Kay Kyser. Park, experienced no recession this sum- beaterofthe drums with Harlan Lindstrom and Meyer depend for theirmer on the banks of Lake Chautauqua in the Leonard's Band.On the rebound draw on Jamestown and Buffalo, N. Y.,for his Celeron Park Casino. Operating drummerPhillipsintroducedbar- and Warren, Pa., where regular ticketon the social plan, tickets scaled at $2 tender Phillips to Eddie Phillips, also offices are maintained. per couple, the name bands on one-night Fall Special of a drummer, who beats thehides gallops have been pulling in the green- around these parts with Joe Sherer's ALBANY, N. Y., Aug. 6 -Salaries forbacks for him.Season's high spot to Aristocrats. musicians in up -State New York aresate was Chick Webb's stand on July The Billboard The three Eddie Phillips solemnized much depressed.Except for Saratoga2, when 850 couples made for a $1,700 the occasion by having a drink to- during the racing and gambling season,gate.Next in line was Henry Busse on gether. few name bands play this area.MusicJune 25 with 650 couples for a $1,300 Dated August 27 makers in these parts are mainly localtake. 12 The Billboard MUSIC August 13, 1938

"The Smiling Maestro Is on the Air."

Orchestra Notes EGGIE By M. H. ORODENKER Talk o' Town ' not returning to New York until next January to replace Cab at the CC . . . THE too -too ritzy St. Regis Hotel hasfollowing his week at the Paramount CHILDS let the color bar down . .. but allTheater, ending the 16th, CHICK WEBB . AND HIS the way down .. for the first time atakes to tour time again .. . set for The colored combo will locate at that smartBal-Air, Worcester, Mass., the 19th and ORCHESTRA sipping resort goes to trumpeterCasino at Asbury Park, N.J.,for the Now Playing Six,opening COLONIAL HOTEL & TERRACE BILLY HICKS'Sizzling following day . . . MURRAY DRISCOLL September 28 on a 30 -week binder . . . continues for a third month at Brook- GARDENS, ManitOu, Ind. BILTMORE Billy, whose tootling has been confinedlyn's Hotel St. George. Broadcasting NBC Network three mainly to Harlem hideaways, auditioned times weekly.

and their for the spot early in June, and it was Direction: Just this past week that owner Vincent On Eastern Stands CONSOLIDATED RADIO ARTISTS, INC., OYSORCHESTRA .. . no Astor decided to tempt tradition DEAN HUDSON isaholdovertill 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, N. Y. Currently 17th Week little credit for the coup goes to BillLabor Day at the Weirs, Lake Winnie- LA SALLE HOTEL, Chicago. Burnham, CRA salesman, who arrangedpesaukee, N. H., then one-nightingit Mgt. CONSOLIDATED RADIO ARTISTS, INC. the buy . . Hicks is currently at the Merry -Go -Round in Newark, N. J., tarry-to Beverly Hills Country Club, Newport, ing till the 16th, when STUFF SMITHKy., to start a fortnight's stay Septem- ber 19... JIMMY PEYTON lingers at takes over ... JOHN KIRBY is back atPlaza restaurant, Pittsburgh, his binder LEE WILLIAMS the Onyx Club stand but without MAX-with Freda Pope almost a lifetime re- and his Orchestra INE SULLIVAN ...their recent mar- EDDY ROGERS newal .. . and in the same Smoky City, NOW Playing FAUST HOTEL. Rockford, Ill. riage has already phftted . . . FERDE nightlyover WROK. C.ROFEdidaquickieattheCasaLUKE RILEY lingers at the Crest indefi- Broadcasting nitely; LOU BREESE has been extended Chicago Office, 1111 Republic Bldg., ON TOUR. Manama, opening and closing in one . until September 10 at the New Penn 209 S. State St., Ferde is back in the MCA fold again .. . Direction: at the waxworks HAROLD OXLEY isClub, and JIMMY JOY is the Charley CONSOLIDATED RADIO ARTISTS. seeking a release from Decca on JIMMIEAgnew replacement at Bill Green's Ca- AND HIS ORCHESTRA sino... Agnew holds forth this week LUNCEFORD altho the contract has untilat Cincinnati's Coney Island, with PHILDON PHILLIPS' ORCHESTRA the end of the year to run ... will moveHARRIS taking over the 12th for a solo with Jan Dunavent to another label, the better offer bag- nowplaying stand.. . EARL MELLEN locates the gingthecatch . . and ERSKINE DETROIT'S FAMOUS PARK ISLAND LIONEL ****HAWKINS bid adieu to Vocalion, going15th at Gray Wolf Tavern, Sharon, Pa. ForFall and Winter Dates Contact ... NORMAN TOFTE makes his third CHAS. H. PHILLIPS, Secy., over to Decca ... Hawkins' Savoy Ball- Lake Orion, Mich, room stand has been taken over byreturn trip in two years to El ChicoBox 949, ROY ELDRIGE. Cafe, Binghamton, N. Y. .. . FRANK

thisweekaneight- NICOLA opens weeker at the Log Cabin, Schandaken, On a Western Wing N. J., and MEL CROCKER locates at the RAND* Most unfortunate that TOMMYMoose Club, Erie, Pa. ... PAUL SABIN and his DORSEY had to cancel his one-nighthas taken on Donna Lee for the tune string, the entire band being kept onselling at his Hotel Syracuse(N.Y.) ORCHESTRA the Coast because of a diphtheria quaran-stand. tine... JIMMY DORSEY continuesto improve his top drawer band, taking on two of Bob Crosby's trumpeters, Yank Coast to Coast *POSTERS Address Lawson and Charlie Spivak . . . GUY LUNCEFORD plays the Labor Rno CRRCIS Permanent hisfour weeks at LOMBARDO starts Day week -end at Palisades Park andOhllloy! They're Knockouts!Newest Orchestra . . . JIM= 300 W. 49th St., Chi's Palmer House September 23 sticks close to New York to celebrate hisDesigns; Four Flashy Colon!: 200 14x22 Window after a long run at Lake Lawn Hotel, Cards, $9.00; 1,000 Paper, same, 514.00:9 x22 New York City. 4( fifth year in the big town with the Sep-in. Cards, 200, $8.10; 1,000 Paper, same, $12.00. Delavan,Wis., LEE WILLIAMS startedtember 9 week at the Apollo Theater Cash with order.SpecialSills engraved to order, an indef stay this week at Hotel Faust, 512.00 up.Wire your order NOW, or write for then one -nights it until the 21st. whensample*. New Date Br,,,Fr and Price List. Rockford, Ill. . . DREXEL LAMB lo-he locates in Boston at the Southland catesat Wonder Bar,Grand Rapids, Cafe for a monther. . .at the SouthCENTRAL SHOW PRINTING CO, Fox Sues 20th Cent.Mich., set by Milwaukee's Music Service plays Co. ... BOB MOHR gets a CBS lineoutJerseyresorts,MAL HALLET MASON CITY, IA. of the Old Country Club, Phoenix, Ariz.Hamid's Pier, Atlantic City, the August And Robbins on Loss 13 week . .. GLENN MILLER follows . JACK TRACY completedtwo months at the Kansas City Club in thatfor a week and then moves to Hunt'sSwing Hypoed Sales Of Tie on Pic Tunescity and there is no closing date in sightOcean Pier, Wildwood, for the August 27 week . . . Hamid'salsohas CLYDE $1,500,000as yet . . . REGGIE CHILDS getsa NEW YORK. Aug. 6.-A LUCAS for the September 5 week . . . For Horn Merchants suit against Loew's, Inc.; Robbins Musicrunover until after Labor Day at Colo-ItEGAR ELLIS takes in the August 13 Corp., Inc.; Jack Robbins, 20th Century -nialInn, Rochester,Incl. . . . BOBweek at Ocean Pier before locating the CHICAGO, Aug. 6.-Swing has been Fox and Movietone Music Corp. was in-GRAYSON opens for a fortnight August cne of the biggest hypos in recent years 7 at Riviera Ballroom, Lake Geneva, Wis.26th at Hotel Adolphus, Houston, replac-for the manufacturers ofmusicalin- stituted in the New York Supreme Court ing Ran Wilde . . . Ellis has signed astruments. according to spokesmen this Wednseday (3) by Sam and Harry Fox, . . . FRANK DAILEY stopsat Hotelbinder with JOHNNY O'CONNOR, Fred Nicollett,Minneapolis, August 11 and week at the annual Music Trades Con- doing business as Sam Fox Publishing Waring's personal manager . . . HAL Co. Two charges are involved in thegoes for three weeks. vention, which closeda four -day run KEMP setfor four October weeks at here Thursday. action, alleged "conspiracy," for which DrakeHotel.Chicago . . LOWRY isasked from Loew's and Dixie Doings It was also reported that. altho the $1,000,000 CLARK locates at the Mansion, Youngs-amateur isstillthe big fieldfor the Robbins, and breach of contract, carry- MCA has already started picking thetown, 0., the 13th for an indef run .. . ing withita demand for half thatcream of Mason-Dixon's crop of bandsBOB OPITZ'S Versatilians get a four -instrument maker, professional ork men sum from the picture company and its are buying more horns than ever be- ... first to ink termers withthe agencyweek holdover at Abraham Lincoln Ho-fore.Manufacturers claim thisisbe- music subsid. . . . DAVID are DAVE BURNSIDE, who will continuetel, Springfield, Ill. causetheyarecontinuallychanging Plaintiffsassertthatin1931theyat Ocean Forest Hotel, Myrtle Beach.PRITCHARD is set at Katsinas Restau-styles and models, much on the order (Strange)and . . . entered into a contract with 20th Cen-S.C.,and FRANKIE rant, Champaign,Ill. GEORGIAof automobilecompanies,andnew tury for the exclusive exploitation of itsJOHNNIE'S (Gilliland)ork, who leaveTRIO stroll into Fort Hayes Hotel, Co-trends in music such as swing call for musical businessforaperiodof20Henry Grady Hotel, Atlanta, to locate atlumbus,0.,the15th . . . BUDDYnew designs, especially for the drummer. years, but that in 1935 Loew's and Rob-Sagamore Hotel, Rochester, N. Y. . RUSSELL'S Manhattan Trio open this Pianos, piano accordions and guitars binsallegedlyinduced thestudiotoPAUL WHITEMAN gets the call to playweek at Hotel Fontenelle, Omaha . . . still lead the field for sales, and much break the agreement and to sign withthe North Carolina Tobacco ExpositionBUDDY FISHER starts his third returnof this is laid to the fact that merchants Robbins.Voiding of the dissolution ofand Festival at Wilson on the 18th . .. trip this year on the 10th at the 400are sellinglessons with theseinstru- Movietone Music Corp. is also sought byit's the prize tobacco dance of the sea-Club, Wichita, Kan.... GLEN GRAYments.Electronic violins, guitars and the Sam Fox company, and the courtson .. . DEL COURTNEY opens the 9thcloses at Los Angeles' Palomar Septem-piano -organswere muchinevidence has been asked to fix damages for al-forafortnightatIroquois Gardens,ber 13 and then goes outdoors to playand even a transparent glassclarinet. leged losses between 1935 and 1937 be-Louisville, Ky. . . . PAUL WOLFE re-the Poanoa County Fair from September Records for home use and portable cause of the alleged conspiracy and anyplaced Danny Schraeder at Lookout Mt.16 to October 2. . . SKINNAY ENNIS . ZIG and phonographs are also staginga come- additional losses which might arise inHotel, Chattanooga, Tenn. . hasn't left as yet to start a two-montherback.Many reasons for this trend were the future during the periodof theZAG start their strollerizing this weekon September 12 at Mark Hopkins Hotel,advanced, among them thefact that music copyrights. atJefferson Davis Hotel, Montgomery,San Francisco, but has already signed athe novelty had worn off of radio and . Hotel Applicationhas beenfiledby theAla.. . BILL BARDO lingers at binder to return immediately to Victorthat a new crop of music lovers (may- plaintiffs for an order which willbeClaridge. Memphis, till the 17th, whenEugo'sHollywoodniter),forasix-be the jitterbugs) had sprung up who heard on August 15 for an examinationISHAM JONES takes over for nine daysmonth spell. were not satisfied with radio's varied ... EDDIE CAMDEN leavesLouisville's before trialof Sidney R. Kent, 20th diet. Century -Fox prexy, and other of theGypsy Village to open the 8th at the Some 3,000 dealers and manufacturers company's officials. Ines in Pittsburgh. Notes Off the Cuff attended the show, one of the biggest * JACK ROSENBERG, New York's 802in recent years.Next year's convention Broadway Band Stand prexy, has designs on a senator's salu-will be held at the New Yorker Hotel, RATHER than Joe Glaser to be thetation. . . Jack has been slated by theNew York. first taking a white band under hisLabor Party as a Congressional candidate Tyro Martin Swell at 12C wing, it's Moe Gale who does the honors,from the 19th district . . . MAURICE SALT LAKE CITY, Aug. 6.-On hisinking a binder with EMERY DEUTSCHZOLOTOW, who is uncredited for ghost-Tenn. Terpsies a Washout . . CEIL CAMPBELL,former secretarying the Tommy Dorsey Love in Swing - first trip as a band leader, Tony Martin, time story, has left the George Lottman CHATTANOOGA, Tenn., Aug. 6.-This radio and screen singer, proved profitableto Billy Burton, has taken over the lat- year's dog days have brought on a rainy at Saltair for a single stand last Tues-ter'sdesk at R-O'K . . . Burtonispublicity office to stake his own among . . . season that has played havoc with out- iersonal repping Jimmy Dorsey . . CABspace -grabbers those band boys on day.Tho the temperature was high, top never know how close they are to thedoor dance spots on Lookout Mountain. 2,200 dancers turned out made for aCALLOWAY playsthe Auditorium at Beginning in April, the rainy season has $1,230 gate.Ticket price was upped toOttawa, Can., the 18th and two daysbottom until you read about AL KVALE, 56 cents for the date.Spud Murphy islater at Celeron Park, Jamestown, N. Y.whose name was tops in Chicago eightcontinued right on thru June and July, . 22d to startyears ago and is now ailing in a charitygiving 'Noogans the same jitters that holding forthuntil August12, when . then hits the stem the Sadie Thompson must have experienced Tommy Dorsey comes in for a solo stand,the Cotton Club show rehearsals . . . ward at the Loop's Cook County Hos- . Nor has this followed by Anson Weeks, who lingersDUKE ELLINGTON hits the road againpital . . and so we send our cuffs toon the Pago Pago isle. until the 20th. the 10th, starting in New England andthe cleaners. month brought any let-up. August 13, 1938 MUSIC The Billboard 13 Music Items TheReviewing geet-finuSic feaetS Stand (For Week Ending August 8) Duke Scores who continually dances as she waves her SalesofmusicbytheMaurice Enric Madriguera 'Arend, also has a nice microphone style Richmond Music Corp., Inc., are not Musical Saga (Reviewed at Ben Marden's Riviera, in announcing novelties. Another strong included, due to the exclusive selling Fort Lee, N. J.) factor is the Winstead Trio, comprised agreement with a number of pub- of two personable young men and Elaine lishers. Acknowledgment is made to DIIRING hisrecentconva:escence The best than can besaidaboutMerritt,gorgeous brunetsinger, who Mayer Music Corp., Music Sales Corp. -1-0 Duke Ellington completed his mu- Madriguera's band -stand effortsis thatteam together to add spice to the vocal and Ashley Music Supply Co., of New sical saga on the history of the Amer- they are adequate.Technically his 14 -choruses. York; Lyon & Healy;CarlFischer, ican Negro from the Jungles of Africa piece crew is proficient, providing a good Inc.; Gamble Hinged Music Co. and to Harlem. Elaborate work, as long as enough rhythmic andmelodic All in all, a swell bet for any ball- back-room,theaterornitery band stand. Western Book and Stationery Co., of an opera, has occupied Ellington's spare ground for the couples on the floor, butGirls, attired in formal gowns, are an Chicago. time for the past five years. Duke has the proficiency stops there.People can Position also finished the score for a musical to dancetoanythingplayedinstrictattraction in themselves, but the band Last tvk. This Wk. be produced by Eugene von Grcna on is even better. Dexter. 1 1. Music, Maestro, Please tempo, but not anything makes them Broadway this fall. . . .Batoneer Don feel film dancing, and Madriguera's un- 4 2. I Let aSong Go Out of My Mario placed his rumba -conga Blow the inspired grinding out of one time after Woody Herman Heart Candle Out with E. B. Marks Marvin another results in complete enervation (Reviewed at Hunt's Ocean Pier, 2 3. Says My Heart Haney, musical director for Hal Roach, for those patrons who like to be lifted 3 4. Cathedralin the Pines back at the Coast studio after a three- to their feet by a band that gives. Wildwood, N. J ) 7 5. When Mother Nature Sings Her Lullaby month leave of absence; his 11th year Ork's performance is marked by a lack Some two years ago, when Isham Jones with Roach in his present capacity. ... of showmanship and personality, withmade one of his many retirements from 5 6.Little Lady Make Believe Yip Rexburg and Harold Arlen are doing nothing distinctive in either orchestra-orkdom, sax player Woody Herman and 8 7. A Tisket, a Tasket thelyrics and music for MGM's The tion or instrumentation.Taking intoseveral of the other tootlers decided to I I 8. When TheyPlayed the Polka Wizard of Oz....Collabbing with mem- allowance the factthat quiet reservestick together and formed the nucleus 15 9.I'm Gonna LockMyHeart bers of his band.Vincent Lopez has rather than blatant flashiness is more inof a co-op band that has Woody as the 9 10. I Hadn't Anyone Till You writtenseveral"suaveswing"tunes, orderinthe swank spots Madrigueraclarinet -playing front man.Abetted by 13 11. 1 Marriedan Angel Swinging at theGraveyard,Swinging plays, there is nevertheless a happy me-rich and rhythmic bary pipes and a per- 6 12. Lovelight in the Starlight With the Goons, A Trip to the Moon, dium, and whetherit'sthe Waldorf-sonality that sells strong)}, selection of 13. Now It Can Be Told ParadeofthePinkElephants,Two Astoria or Joe's Joint a band ought to 12 14.Flat Foot Floogee Nights in a Turkish Bath, Ham on Rye have a few showmanly qualities to makeleader couldn't have been a happier 15.There's Honey onthe Moon choice. Tonight and Going Hollywood. it something to watch and listen to. In the current vogue for trade -marked Bandisessentially a sweet combo,fox-trotology, Herman has hung out his following the set formula of new andshingle for the blues-billing as "the Ira Steiner left Mills Music publicity old pops with an occasional waltz and department for a flingin advertising. man who plays and sings the blues."Ya, Ya, Hans, No. 1 .. . Harry Duncan, of the Radio Rubes, rumba and featuring a three-man violinAnd tho the blues is Jazz in Its basic sold his first compo, Every Day Will Be section in addition to Madriguera's fid-form, it has never reached the commer- Mother's Day to Bob Miller.. . . Four dle.Other instrumentation is standard,cial stage outside the Negro race.PublicSong is B. M. B. D. S.of Ralph Benatzky's big Europeem hits with the exception of a Hammond elec-acceptance has hardly gotten beyond the BERLIN, Germany, Aug. 6.-Among tric organ, which is not used to espe-St. Louis Blues, tho its appreciation is will be heard in forthcoming MGM films, cially good advantage.Outfit offers nonot beyond mass apprehension.As athe American songs most heard on thewith Gus Kahn workingonEnglish featured performers other than Patriciaresult the band is among crusaders. Andair, tho with German lyrics only, andlyrics for The Fiddler, There Will Come a Ginn -lore, who gives the band whateverthere is marked sincerity in its inter-most played in dance halls and similarDay, Why Do You Lie to Me? and I Fell sparkleithas thru her capable andpretation of this musical form. in Love. "... Irving Siegel's turning them personable warbling. It's aplaces, often with Englishlyrics,topout fast and furiously these days, with bit above board, but the hand's highfavorites are Bei Mir Bist Du Schoen andSweetheart of Wisconsin, with As entertainment band rates a bigdegree of danceability and a compensat-Vieni, Vieni.Then follow hits of theCharles J. Kingsbury, placed with Joe round zero.As a foot -tapping inducering personality equation en the part ofCrosby film, Double or Nothing: TheMcDaniel; I'm Down at the Bottom, with it's not much better, but once they'rethe members makes It highly acceptableMoon Got in My Eyes, It's the Naturalassistance fromCora Windeckerand up on the floor it does well enough tofor a whirl around the polished floor.Thing To Do and Smarty, and the songsMyrtle Lee, released by20thCentury keep them there for a set.AppearanceFor those who appreciate the intent, it'sfrom Broadway Melody of 1938, especiallyMusic, and Meet Me intheRockies, is good, but why the dark suits for amuch more agreeable Just to listen. I'm Feeling Like a Million, Your Broad-aided and abetted by Robert Sauer and summer engagement? Richman. For the fastest fodder to feed the flea -way and My Broadway and Some of TheseMary Hale Woolsey. hoppers. band dips its stomperoos intoDays. The film, incidentally, had a rec- Sandy Schell the dixieland style.Related, but a wel-ord run of almost three months at the come change of pace from the blues.Marmorhaus, Germany's leading houseRiley Repeat Another 12C (Reviewed at Steeplechase Park, And the balanced sections (four brass,for American films, with Sophie Tucker Coney Island, N. Y.) four sax, four rhythm) are adeqtate fordrawing special applause. COSHOCTON, 0., Aug. 8.-A capacity Sancy Schell is now playing his ninththe assignment, with instrumental high- Recording favorites are generally thecrowd jammed the Lake Park Pavilion consecutiveyearintheballroomatlights in tenor sax Sexy Mansfield, trom- again last Sunday for Mike Riley's re- Steeplechase Park, Coney Island.Thatbonist Neal Reid, Hugel horn Joe Bishoprime as above. Also the following are goingturn date. At$1.55per,nearly 800 is probably some sort of record, particu-and Woody's clarinet. Mansfield is plentystrong: O000h Boom!; Mama, I Wannadancers made it a $1,200 repeat, almost larly for a spot like this, which repre-bullish for the novelty lyrics, having aMakeRhythm,andMoonlightandas much as the band grossed on its first sents many difficulties to an orchestra.keen sense for comedy; Woody warblesShadows. The best record sellersarestand here four weeks ago.Dice Johns, First, the ballroom is a very long one All You Want To Do Is Dance coupledowner -manager, opined Riley peeved on the blues, and Sue Mitchell is for thewith It's the Natural Thing To Do astwo visits here to be one of the best but quite narrow, making it difficult topop ditties, singing 'em in ditty fashion.sung by Bing Crosby; Congo and I've Got get good musical balance.Secondly, the Band has plenty on the entertainmenta Guy as played by Chick Webb, andmoney-makers booked at the pav_lion in orchestra shellisextremely small andball apart from the forthright dance in-I Ain't Got Nobody, together with In athe more than 10 years he has operated acoustically weak.Thirdly, the place iscentives and should prove Just as strong the local amusement park.Band at- noisy, what with the customers hollering Little Spanish Town, by Chick Webb'stracted dancers from as far as Zanesville on the stage as on the stand.LibraryLittle Chicks (quintet). Runners-up areand Newark. 40 miles distant, despite an on the rides and the noises of the rides'is loaded with originals and oldies butPanana and Big Apple Call by Bob Cros- motors. leans on the current pops, a commonby, and Louis Armstrong's On the Sunnyall -evening downpour. Schell has nine men (three sax, threefault of bands playing the one-nightSide of the Street and Once in a While. brass, three rhythm), the matestro lead-gallops. Orodenker. Shots from Benny Goodman's CarnegieROUTES ing ar.d lending vocal force to the song (Continued from. page 11) lyrics. Hall concert in New York were recently Hard to judge the voice, what shown at the newsreels and provided aSudy,Joseph:(RioDel Mar)Del Monts. with the poor amplification qualities of splendid occasion for the fans to get a Calif.. cc the p. -a. system and the attendant noise. Off theRecord. glimpse of their idols, tho they have T Band uses an unorthodox set-up before never seen them in person.Jess Stacy,Tassilo, Bill:(Clayton Casino) Thoasand Is- the m:ke-the brasses near and the saxes By M. H. ORODENKER lands, nc. away. Reverseofthisprocedure Gene Krupa, the brass section and,' ofTatro, Bill: (Bridgway) Springfield, Mass., h. is course, Benny himself were caught byThies, Henry: (Webster Hall) Detroith. usually the case, but the peculiar condi- Swell Screen Songs the camera. Three Commanders: (CatsinaIChampaign, tion make this set-up the best under the'VOW that Alexander's Ragtime Band Ill.,C. circumstances. -I-1 has made its auspicious screen de- Other American films recently releasedTofte,Norman: (ElChico) Binghamton, Band is well organized and produces abut, the turntable'sneedle pointstoin this country are Private Number, Hap- N. Y., no. volums greater than the number of menother pressings from forthcoming flickerspy Landing and Topper, title for the lat- ter changed to Blonde Ghost. Venuti, Joe: (VillaVenice)Los Angeles, nc. indicates, but not a blare volume. Swingwhose tune content shows promise of Dietrich Schulz. Versatilians, The: (Abraham Lincoln) Spring- numbers, tho, can be toned down a bit.keeping'emwhistlingand humming field, Ill., h. The basic dancing rhythm is quite ap-along.And the instrumental content Voorheis, Byron: (Belvedere) Saginaw, pealing to the varied crowd frequentingof the couplets will undoubtedly keep Mich.,h. the hall. Franken. 'em stepping along. From Bing Crosby's Vorden,Vivian:(Twin Mountain Inn)San WEBER PREPARES Antonio, ro. Sing You Sinners (some of the labels (Continued from page 11) Ina Ray Hutton carry the original screen title of The Wade, Johnny: (Romance Inn) Angola, N. Y., Unholy Beebes), HAL KEMP tops the lotbeinvoked,involvingwithdrawalof nc. (Reviewed at Fairyland Park, with his dulcet and sometimes semi-union musicians from the studios.It isWardell, Tick:(Brielle Yacht Clut)Brielle, Kansas City, Mo.) swingo style for I've Got a Pocketful ofnot expected that this in itself will turn N. J., re. the trick, but aside from this Weber hasWardlaw, Jack: (Pier)F011y Beach Charles- Except for an occasional vocal solo byDreams and Don't Let That Moon Get ton, S. C. Miss Hutton herself, music purveyed byAway on Victor. And if you're ripe forno set plan in mind.He prefers toWatkins, Sammy: (Hollenden)Cleveland,b. the ail -girl Melodears is strictly in theripples SHEP FIELDS isloyalto hisawait the developments of his openingWatkins, Waddy: (C. S. J. C.) Edmond, Okla. swing groove.Virtually all the arrange-followers on Bluebird with the sameDiscussions with the movie men beforeWeems, Ted:(Catalina Island)Catalina Is- ments have been made by Negroes, insongs. deciding upon a definite line of action. land, Calif., nc. Widmer, Bus:(Mile -Away) Grand Junction. orthodox swing pattern, and eachis FREDDY MARTIN lendshissilky Just what bearing, if any, the govern- Colo., b. played as intended skillfully by the gals.syncos to a commendable coupling fromment's monopoly suit against the pro-Wiegand, Ted:(Green Park) Blowing Rock, From the danceability angle the bandWarner's all-star musical, Garden of theducing companies may have upon the N. Ch. ..ores 100 per cent, with emphasis placedMoon. Both Confidentially and Love Williams, Lee: (Faust) Rockford, Ill,,h. situation, in the event that the studiosWilliams,Clem:(GatewayCasino)Somers Jn the rhythm and brass.Latter sec -Where You Find it on Bluebird listen aseither anticipate federal action by di- Point, N. J., nc. ;,3n, incidentally, is the chief feature ofpotential hits.And Martin makes hisvorcing themselves from their theaterWilliams, Sandy: (International Casino) NYC, the Hutton style.Composed of threepop sides, There's a Brand New Pictureholdings voluntarily or are forced to do nc. trumpets and three trombones, it is ca-en My Picture Frame and So Help Me,so,is ae:other matter to be considered.Wine -Gar, Frank: (Hulett's)Lake George, pable of blasting terrifically on "hot"mean as much. N. Y., h. Weber stated that at the moment itisWolfe,Paul: (LookoutMt.)Chaotanooga, numbers, while at the same time it can Sonia Henie's My Lucky Star makes itsdifficulttotellwhether the govern- Tenn., h. and does back up the reeds with a solidbid with I've Got a Date With a Dreamment's action will have any effect uponWorth, Roy: (Lincoln Terrace) Pittsburgh, ro. attack. and This May Be the Night. Songs arehis own problem or not, and ifso, inWright, Phil: (Newton Inn) Elmira, N. Y., nc. Not only is this unit one which danc-swell but they deserve better treatmentwhat way.He intends to meet these Y ers enjoy, but from a purely showman -than the stock fate they get from WIL-difficultied as they arise, but is sure ofYates, Billy: (The Pines) Pittsburgh, ro. ;hip angle it certainly is one of the most Young, Sterling: (Topsy's) Los Angeles, nc. LIE FARMER on Bluebird. one thing, at least-that he's in for aYoung, William: (Briarcliff Lodge) Briarcliff Jrsatile.Miss Hutton, a swell looker (See OFF THE RECORD on page 67) tough struggle next fall. Manor, N. Y., h. 14 The Billboard LEGITIMATE August 13, 1938 Conducted by EUGENE BURR-Communications to 1564 Broadway, New YorkCity

Week's Announcements Cowbarn Notes Theater Council Conclave Primrose Path, dramatization by NEW YORK, Aug. 6.-Change of sched- Robert Buckner and Walter Hart of a ulewillbring Fay Wray to the Spa novel by Victoria Lincoln.Formerly Players, Saratoga Springs, N. Y., in The known as February Hill. Was held for Night of January 16th August 9 for a Set To Mull Road Return a while by Sam H. Harris.Will be week's run, and again, August 23, in NEW YORK, Aug. 6.-If sponsors ofback the motion -picture -going public. the season's second item on the pro- Tomorrow's Sunday.Ethel Barrymore The ATC, aware of these, has gone ducer'sschedule,comingbetween will sandwich in a week between these the second annual convention of the The Boys From Syracuse (Comedy of American Theater Council, September 13ahead with its plans, confident it can dates.. . .Paul Huber will direct Jo- and 14, are serious about their businessachieve its goal.It has announced the Errors) and The Meal Ticket.Pro- sephine Evans, Earle Mitchell, Art Bar- of making the road a paying proposition,following convention order at the Hotel ducer, George Abbott, 630 Fifth ave- nett, Louise LaMont, Dick Start and Roy and if the two-day session will be moreAstor: First day, opening luncheon and nue, CIrcle 5-5820. Johnston in The Barker for the Barter than a gab feast, an outlet for prettyafternoon business session; second day, Thirty Days HathSeptember,a Theater, Abingdon, Va., August 11. . . . speeches, the introduction of celebritiesmorningbusinesssession,luncheon, Four new play tryouts are set for the after - comedy by George Frank and Roland and the garnering of publicity, there isafternoon business sessionand Kibee.Not to be confused with the Bass Rocks Summer Theater, Gloucester. some hope that good may come of supper. play of the same title by Irving Gau- Weekly schedule, beginning August 8, That opinion held sway along the Stem mont and Jack Sobell, already set by includes Slice of the Moon, with Ivy this week following the ATC's convention KirbyGrant,Inc.,forSeptember Troutman, Douglas Gregory and Ellen announcements. Hopkins' FTP Rep opening.This one is scheduled to go Love; La Femme en Fleur, with Ina It is understood that William Brady, into production in September, with Claire or Francine Larrimore; Glory of with the help of Frank Gillmore, willMoved to West Broadway opening the month after. Youth, with Grant Mitchell and an un- probably toss out a working plan by CHICAGO, Aug. 6.-Charles Hopkins Producers, Alex Yokel and George named political satire. which the members of the ATC hope towill relinquish his post as producing di- Jessel, 210 West 46th street, LOngacre Cecilia Loftus and Edith Barrett will bring back part of the road business.rector of the New York State Federal 5-3413. be co-starred in Tonight at 8:30, opening IATSE executives are ready to get behindTheater -of - the - Four - Seasons, Roslyn, August 9 at the Newport Casino Theater. move for what it could do to increase Lady on, Horseback, a comedy by . . . Between August 10 and 17, the L. I,, about the middle of August to be- Ben Cohen and Seymour Korman. stagehand employment. come producer of repertory for 13 Middle Hopatcong Players (N. J.)will present Paul Dullzell, executive secretary of Producers, Alex Yokel and George Outward Bound.. . . Joseph S. Daltry, Actors' Equity, which is also interestedWestern States. Jessel, see above. Hopkins' repertory company willbe musical director, and F. Cowles Strick- in jobs foritsconstituents, had somemade up of actors from this territory. On the Cuff, a comedy of unan- land, stage director, report good busi- misgivings about the successful outcomeHis productions will be in a new local nouncedauthorship. Nowbeing ness for their touring University Gilbert of any plan to restorethe road.Hetheater being designed for his purposes. written.Title tentative.Alex Yokel and Sullivan company. viewed as almost unsurmountable fourJohn McGee, national associate director and George Jessel, see above. problems which raised havoc with theof FTP, made the appointment. legitimatestage.One, financialoffers "Knights of Song" from Hollywooddrainedtheacting talent supply of the stage without pro- viding for replacements, nor is filmdom Okeh in Debut doing anything to build up its own fu- ST. LOUIS, Aug. 6.-Knights of Song ture supply, which it will probably con- was given its world's premiere Monday tinue to suck up from other fields. Two, night before an audience of 8,446, at the similarly, picture producers have caused a Front Forest Park Amphitheater, by theSt. dearth of playwright talent with their From Out Louis Municipal Opera Association. New buys.Three, housing facilities for the By EUGENE BURR musical dramaisgood entertainment most part are in a run-down condition thruout, the humor and comedy is nat- on the road and rehabilitationwould Words have a habit of bouncing back to sock you in the teeth, longafterural, the characters all authentic and be costly.Four, box-officeprices willyou've forgotten that you once pegged them into the outfield.Thus, while goingsplendidly portrayed and the dramatic have to be made low enough to winthru old issues of The Billboard in the exigent interests of TheBillboard Year Bookscenesconvincing. The story of the of the New York Legitimate Stage, I happened across a column I wrotenearly aopera tells of the lives and works of Gil- year ago, greeting with hosannas an announcement of theplans of a contem-bert and Sullivan, with the best of the plated little group to be called the Mercury Theater. In the eight or10 monthsGilbert and Sullivan music, front such. Non -Playing Ork forthat have passed, the overlords of the Mercury have failed to seeentirely eye to eyefavorites as Pinafore, Mikado, Pirates of with me on various of the Mercury productions; and the leadingspiritof thePenzance and others added. group, the militantly young Mr. OrsonWelles, has rapidly The new opera is presented in two acts House Without a Pit assumed in my mind the somewhat dubious honor ofbeingand 12 scenes, staged by Zeke Colvan; SYRACUSE.Aug.6. - Threatened the flattest young actor and most mannered andegotis-orchestra directed by George Hirst, set- strike against the Strand Theater, break- tically self-conscious young director that I have ever seentings by Raymond Sovey and produced ing up the successful summer seasonof featured in so-called profetssional presentations. Andyetby Richard Berger.Principals include road shows offered by Jules Leventhal, the enthusiasm of a year ago was not entirely foolish;Mr. relief -Nigel Bruce, William Williams, Natalie was averted here last week withsigning Welles' slender reputation then rested only upon his Hall,ReginaldBach,MollyPearson, of a five -piece orchestra whichwill not project production of Dr. Faustus, the Mercuryhad an-Robert Chisholm, Joseph Macaulay, Earl play but will draw salary nevertheless. nounced a number of plays that it never did getaroundMacVeigh, Reginald Sheffield, Annamary including three weeks' back pay for the to doing, a skillful press agent or over -enthusiasticexecutiveDickey,EricMattson,MarcellaUhl, threeweeks the theater has already had intimated that Aline MacMahon might be amemberLauramae Pippin, Jacqueline Jones, Sid- operated. of the company-and my hosannas were strangely temperedney Busch, Henry Mowbray, Muriel Starr, Musicians' local had threatened to call hosannas at best.Inthe midst of all the enthusiasmJeanne Gustavison, Gillette Malcouronne, Out stagehands, and international rep- there seemed to be a foreknowledge-or at least afear-Avery Donalds, John Adair, Myrtis Jack- resentatives were called in by the stage- of what was to come. son, Frederic Persson, Larry Siegel and hands to avert the loss of jobs, the Rochelle Payntar. Frank B. Joerling. first in about three years.Settlement EUGENE BURR The enthusiasm (tempered) over Mr. Welles himself by hiring the non-playing orchestra was was based, of course, on the fact that he hadpresented made at a conference between ErnestDr. Faustus. In the Faustus production, which he had reduced to anhour -and - Crouch, house manager; Richard Walsh,a -half running time, there was much that was mannered andamiss-but there wasMeet To Revise internationalrepresentative of theno way of knowing that Mr. Welles' passion for cuttingthe bejeezis out of the stagehands, and George Roberson, musi-classics would assume the proportions of a drug habit."Itistrue,"saidtheLeague By -Laws cians' local president. No musical showscolumn, speaking of Faustus, "that he cut the running time down to a meagerhour NEW YORK, Aug. B.-Membership of are booked for the season, so no or-and a half-which is sacrilege, horrible and damned-but at leasthe was respon-the League of New fork Theaters will chestra is required, and there is no pit,sible for a production of Faustus, no matter how short, no matter howmanneredmeet August 16 to revise the organiza- so none could play anyway.Conse-its type of presentation." tion's by-laws sothattheboardof quently, the only time the orchestra will There was caution, too, in the praise lavished upon theMercury's plans: "Itgovernors may operatemorereadily. have to report at the theater is Saturdayis to be hoped that the revivals at the Mercury will keep thespirit of the originals,Under the old stipulations the board had night, when the boys will have to showhowever, without cutting too much and without insisting uponmannered presen-to have the full written consent of all Up to get their salaries. tations. The old plays may just as well be left on libraryshelves if they are broughtLeague members before it could Room Service last week did "satisfac-therefrom simply to serve as springboards for agile somersaults of adirectorial ego."make commitments or take action on tory" business, altho not up to Tobacco matters concerning the group. That be- Road, which opened the theater. That, of course, is the crux of the matter.Not only did the presentations seem fitted only to display the directorial egotismof Mr. Welles, but they carriedcame a physical impossibility, particu- to fantastic lengths his penchant for hacking the classics.In each case there waslarly when the membership ran to 128. an exception; the production of The Shoemakers'Holiday was both smart andEven now, tho the register is down in the Look for effective (tho the script was cut until only the dirty passagesremained), while60s, such a procedure blocks the exec- production wasutive board when prompt action and Heartbreak House was given in its heart -breaking entirety (tho the decisions are called for. This Feature: featured by the flatly incompetent acting and direction of Mr.Welles). Board is asking for just such powers Even the semi -repertory angle, pivot of thewhole Mercury scheme, wasas will enable it to operate for the good abandoned early. When Welles' original but ineffectiveplay, Death of a Dictatorof the League when there is no time to The One Unor- (inexplicably known in certain quarters asShakespeare's Tragedy of Julius Caesar),poll the entire membership. took the town's militant intelligentsia by storm,Itdwarfedtherestofthe schedule; and it wasn't until late spring that the thirditem in the "repertory" got ganized Branch itself presented, even tho the original plan had beento offer a new show each of the Theater month, no matter what the success of the early productions. Chi Legitless Hope for improvement during the new season seemsslight.The announced By JAMES F. REILLY overboard, with the announced tie-This Summer repertory system has been thrown completelyMercury and the moneybags of the Theater (Executive Secretary, League of up for one production between the CHICAGO, Aug. 6.-Endofmonth Guild. And Mr. Welles' passion for literarybutchery will be pushed further thanfinds thecity without a singlelegit New York Theaters) ever before-to such debased depthsthat he will present Shakespeare's entire Henryattraction, Federal Theater, only active and Falstaff cycle of histories as asingle performance. There have been manyproducer this summer, closing both its in the mass murderers of human beings-Burkeand Hare, Haarmann, Neil Cream, Jackcurrent productions-Anthony and Anna the Ripper, Landreau and all the rest of the unsavorylist.But never before to myand a ballet-July 30. knowledge (with the possible single exception ofGolly Cibber in the early 18th FT scheduled to open Power at the Fall Special of century) has there been a mass murderer of theclassics. Blackstone August 15, but date is tenta- tive, while the opening of Mikado, fea- The Billboard Last year's hymn of modified praise ended:"A reporter who must abashedlyturing an all -Negro cast, has been post- admit that he likes great and beautiful plays far morethan smart and timely playsponed until fall. sincerely thanks the Mercury. He thanks itfor its schedule now-even if later Grand Opera House,Harris,Selwyn Dated August 27 things should so turn out that he is unable tothank it for anything else."I stilland Erlangeraredark, withno tare thank it-for its schedule.It's a pity that it was never carried out. expected in before September. August 13, 1938 LEGITIMATE The Billboard 15 balance of the plot, with a friend ofBlanchard, appears and at once falls in Dwyer's, who doesn't appear in the play,love with Lily.Within a fortnight he Summer Theater Reviews eventually publishingthegal'sopus.proposes and a marriage ceremony is The dialog is bright and there are sev-about to take place, but some other eral good laughs. neighbors, Cleona Brinsfield and William Gilbert and Kerr decide to resume their Dean Jagger seemed a trifle nervousMickley (newlyweds), dot.% approve and "Best Dressed Woman in theillicit friendship. as Dwyer, but steadied down asthecontact Lily's daughter, who comes in World,, play progressed.Good work was alsolike a tornado, stops the ceremony and Good business is injected thru Rolanddone by Georgette Harvey, as agin -breaks up Lily's only thing to live for. (Berkshire Playhouse) Hogue as a tramp with a British accentdrinking colored maid, and by Edmund STOCKBRIDGE, MASS. picked by Gilbert as a water -front char- Just prior to the ceremony William acter for his new book, but who turnsDorsay and Bertram Thorn. ReginaSater pays up an old debt to Lily, 42,100, A comedy by Jock Munro.Staged byout to be literary.His appcinted returnWallace, Eleanor Powers and James Toddwhich he borrowed from Lily's husband round out a cast well above the sum-yearsbefore. McCabe and Shipman William Miles.Settings by Charles Hol-later with Donald Towers, a dog carts pro-mer theater average.Massey's direction den. CostumesbyVirginiaVolland.prietor, furnishes some nifty comedy. is lively and to the point, while Eleanoraren't exactly selfish, but they could use Cast: KatharineAlexander,Herman If this one doesn't click, then some-Farrington designed a single set whichthat money in buying Shipman's com- Waldman, Lewis Martin, Norman Leavitt,thing is wrong. pany stock, thus putting him into a Eloise Keeler, Mary Wickes, Gage Clarke, Sidney J. Paine. is excellent. C. L. Baker. solid position as far as his job is con- Edmund George, Helen Brooks, William cerned. Whitehead, Judson Laire, Ann Mason, "Michael Drops In" "Consider Lily" Blanchardhashearttrouble Sayre Crawley, Janet Fox, Edna Edison, and (Ridgeway Theater) (Rockport Theater Colony) McCabe's rush -indidn't helpisany.. Ira Frank, Lee Pope, Ellen Hall, Virginia WHITE PLAINS, N. Y. The doe says it's either six days or six Holden,RobertFitzsimmons,Richard ROCKPORT, MASS. months, and maybe it's better to part Conroy, Archie Leonard, 011ie Williams. A comedy by William Du Bois.Cast: ArleneFrancis,DeanJagger,Regina A tragedy by Stanley Kauffmann.with Lily now rather than then.But Makings of a Broadway tenant. Wallace, Eleanor Powers, Georgette Har-Directed by T. C. Upham. Setting bybefore he leaves for good he plays her Edmund George and Helen Brooks,vey, Bertram Thorn, Edmund DorseyRalph Alswang. Cast: Vivienne Peterson,Sweet Alice Ben Bolt on hiscornet, with Katharine Alexander, come to Newand James Todd.Directed by EdwardDonald Scott Blanchard, Betty McCabe,which he lugs wherever he goes. 'ork from Kansas City and put up aMassey.Setting by Eleanor Farrington.Richard Shipman,MarjorieHerzberg, Blanchard, as the forlorn cornet trou- swell 'mast to solicit a $50,000 loan from William Du Bois, who wrote Haiti, aWilliam Mickley, Cleona Brinsfield, Wil-badour, is probably the best in the weak Judson Laire, former flame of Alexander.current FederalTheaterhitin Newliam Sater and Rowland Bishop. cast.Direction is way off. But comic development of Alexander'sYork, has authored an entirely different The author of Consider Lily should Sidney J. Paine. going to the opera in a $40 Morpheussort of script in Michael Lrops In, anhave considered the audience when he gown, a bearskin rug for a wrap and aextremely light but amusing comedy of"wrote" it. A poor cast gave it a pitiable poinsettia for a corsage and copping alllife in a Manhattan penthouse.Withinterpretation, and on top of this combo "Franzi" honors and attention from Ann Masonsome tinkering and with a cast changethe stench of codfish in the theater was is a nifty first -act closer that primes theor twoitwould stand a chance onso bad that at times it was difficult to (Farragut Playhouse) audience for click comedy In the offing.Broadway, provided the competition for RYE BEACH, N. H. Entire production continues at a pacethis sort of play isn't too tough. decide which smelled worst. An operetta adapted from the Hun- suitable for the typical Broadway crowd. Asseenatthe Ridgeway Theater, The producer said Lily was written asgarian of Ladislaus Bus Fekete by Edwin The sheets grab Alexander as excellentWhite Plains, the story deals with Judya star vehicle, and on the program it isGilbert. Lyrics by Edwin Gilbert. Music copy, and at once she is besieged withMorton,expertlyplayedbyArleneplugged as "A Broadway Tryout." May-by, Alec Fogarty.Staged by Dorothy interviews, offers and contracts. She be-Francis, a geometry teacher from Sweet -be Broadway, Rockport, Mass.Plot isM. Crane.Settings by John Sollers. gins a new trend in style which takes agrass,Ida.,where those potatoes arechildish and its treatment high school- Cast:Helen Ford, Miriam Battista, polite rap at the fashion trade and be-raised.She sublets a Fifth avenue ter-ish.It probably was intended to beJosephine Lerman, Roland Hogue, Otis hind the scenes of ritzy folk. race apartment so that she can meetanother American tragedy, but its trag-Bigelow, Jean Guild, Don Glenn, An- Mason. dethroned by Alexander fromMichael Dwyer, a publisher who has theedy lies in its presentation. thony Andron, Alec Morrison, Barbara the social belt, also has tough competi-penthouse overhead.She has written a ItconcernsLily(Peterson),whoWhitney,MaraleeSmith,Donald M. t.on as Laire's woman.Finally, Alexan-novel which she wants him to publish,walks around in a completely absent-Macauley, Frank H. Trefether Jr., Bernie, der sells over her popularity rights tohaving followed his career in the slickminded manner, who finds life empty,Kerr,Eleanor Johnson, Mimi Francis Mason, and Alexander switches to Laire.paper magazines which found their waymore so since her only child, Betty Mc-and Walter Coy. Cast is a standout. west.What she doesn't know is thatCabe, married Richard Shipman. Newly- The 1938 cow -juice emporium circuit's Dwyerisbankrupt, with creditorsinweds have taken Lily to her new cottagefirstmusicaloffering. Even the the Best Dressed has good flicker possibili-possessionof' his office.How he fallson the outskirts of New York, where shebook is none too brilliant in its adapta- ties in addition to its probable acceptancefor her and for her novel makes up thewillbeallalone. Buta on the Stem.Fashon theme can be neighbor,tionitisbetterthanlastseason's worked into bigger import. operetta, Three Waltzes-Boston premiere Sidney J. Paine. -and Right This Way, musical comedy. ,Franzi stars Helen Ford as a.cute operetta figure intent on marrying off "Gallavanting Lady" her daughter, MiriamBattista,Itoa (Farragut Playhouse) government statisticsclerk, Alec Mor- rison.As a concession she even intends RYE BEACH, N. R. Stage Whispers to marry the father of her daughter. A comedy by Tom Prideaux.Staged The Dramatists' Guild, feuding withperformance, with exactly 134,903 peopleAs for her doctor -son (Walter Coy) she's by Dorothy M. Crane.Settings by JohnGilbert Miller because he has so far re- lost him to the aristocracy of Berlin. Sollers.Cast: Katherine Squire, Lauren having paid to see it since it openedThe father, in order that his daughter fused to sign the new basic agreementMay 11, and with the till totaling justmay have a furnished home, "borrowed" Gilbert, Berilla Kerr, Walter Coy, Rolandof the Guild (he produces foreign plays8346,248.... Max Gordon's production Hogue, Barbara Wooddell, Donald Tow-almostexclusively,and foreignplaysofSingOuttheNews,the Rome -a sum of money from a market frau. ers, George Bolton. don't come under Guild jurisdiction),Friedman musical, which was favoredUnless he returns that money the police Undoubtedly tops as a definite Broad-has written to J. B. Priestley, over incandidate for the honor of leading offshall hear of It and so will the groom - way possibility.Small cast, with singleEngland, urging him not to sign up forthe season, isn't quite so favored nowto -be. IndesperationFord gees to drawing -room setting, keeps operatinga Miller production of his I Have Beensince it postponed its opening date for aBerlin to seek the support of her son, expenses down. Here Before. The play, if Priestley signs,week.It's set to come in September 13received none too cordially by her son's will open Miller's season in New York. mother-in-law, BerillaKerr. She's Theme of a self-satisfied author, Lauren instead of September 6, allowing a longertreated humbly, but the presence of her Gilbert, who lives on the comforts of a. .. The awaited acquisition by Eddietry -out period in Philadelphia starting divorcee, Berilla Kerr, only to have Kath-Dowling of American rights to the newAugust 29.Phil Loeb has flown in fromtwo grandchildren makes her happy and erine Squire disrupt that arrangementone by Paul Vincent Carrol:, author ofthe Coast to join the cast, and Gordona song and dance for the kids make her by substituting as a prospective mistressShadow and Substance, took place thiswill be accompanied on the productiontheir favorite.Finally the son comes to Gilbert instead of taking a five-yearweek, and Dowling immediately wentbilling by George S. Kaufman and Mossthru, advances the cash, the marriages planned triptoGreeceisBroadwaycut to get a leading actress.He con-Hart, who have been making contribu-are in the offing and everything's hurray fodder.It is better than a lot of come -tacted both Helen Hayes and Katharinetions and suggestions.Kaufman andfor everybody. Gies that have had long Canyon runs. Hepburn, with small chance of gettingHart have had money in shows before, Augmented by a line of girls, stronger Gilbert utilizes any woman with dougheither; Miss Hayes has announced thatbut this is the first time they get pro-cast in places, hype -up of the tunes and as both succor and sucker, either finan-she will do nothing for a year, and Missduction billing....William A. Bradymaybe Injection of one or two others, cially or on a love set-up. He switches toHepburn is tied up not only with pic-won't do St. John Ervine's new one,Franzi can get a Boston -prior -to -Broad- Squire after he learns that her visits totures but with a verbal commitment toRobert's Wife, after all.It's now run-way tryout. histemporary apartmenthavebeenthe Theater Guild. Dowling, tho, claimsning successfully in London, and Brady By Appointment to the King, sung by caused by her intense love for him sincehe's confident that one or both will feelwanted to bring over the English cast.Ford with the two kids, is probably the aiff erently after reading the script.It'sWhen hecouldn'tgetthecasthebest tune novelty in effect. Other tunes: schooldaysand soonconvinceshercalled The White Steed, and its Broad- that she d have a lot more fun keeping dropped the play.... There's talk thatI Promised Your Mother, End of a Beau- him than going to Greece.Walter Coy,way opening will probably take placeOur Town will move out of the Moroscotiful Friendship, A Honeymoon at Home, as an efficiency expert, has a crush onafter S&S goes out on tour.. . Walterafter Labor Day, traveling across theGentleman Who Invented Love and Mid- Kerr, so it seems that everything is jakeHuston's next Broadway opening appear-street to the Booth, and that You Can'tnight Waltz. A good lot of nuni3ers. en swapping mates. ance will be in a musical-but a some-Take It With You, the other current Sidney J. Paine. Pride and honor win out for Squire inwhat special musical.It's the operettaPulitzerPrizewinner,willtherefore the end.Irresponsibility of Gilbert, whoknown as Knickerbocker Holiday, withleavetheBoothforanotherhouse. also attaches himself to Barbara Wood -book by Maxwell Anderson and music byLaurence Schwab's production of the cell, Squire's pal, who has come to theKurt Weill, on the schedule of the FiveMiltonLazarusfarce,OnceUpona city to :earn things besides a 'summerProducing Playwrights.Burgess Mere-Night, would then go into the Morosco. Niene .1.71z1Veaktre dith had supposedly been set for it, but, . journalistic course, makes up her mind . Casting started this week for Clare (44th Anni y) when the time comes, rehearsals willTree Major's six companies which will CoursesInActing,Teaching,Directing,Personal to take the Greek vacation.About thisproceed under Joshua Logan whether Development and Culture. time Squire and Coy become lovers, and tour the country in repertories of chil- DRAMA -- SPEECH - VOCAL Meredith has returned from Europe bydren's plays. No kids in the companies, DANCE - MUSICAL COMEDY then or not.If he does get back, it'stho; they're confined to adults becauseGraduates:Fred Astaire, John Bryan, Una Merkel. said, there's the second of the two big Lee Tracy, Louise Latimer, Etc. of child labor laws in the various States.3 In 1 Course - Stage, Screen, Radio - Asolid BROADWAY RUNS soles waiting for him.... John Golden'sAbout 80 people are being picked, mostfoundation In the technical essentials of toting In revival of Lightnin', with Fred Stone in conjunction with professional stock theatre training Performances to August 6, Inclusive. of them veteransofprevious Majorwhile learning. the part created 20 years agc (time flies, Students appear In full length plays, a week In each, Dramatic OpenedPerf. all right) by Frank Bacon, will come totroupes, but there are places for fromaffording experience necessary to qualify foe profes- Broadway during the week of September sional engagements. 20 to 30 new players. Write T. BELL, Secretary, 66 West 85 tit., N. Y. Bachelor Born (Lyceum) Jan.25___ 225 12, probably to the Hudson or the Na- OnBorrowedTime tional, after four weeks in the cowbarns. acre Feb. 3__.. 21$ Our Town (Morosco) Feb. 4___ 213 .. . Golden, meanwhile, has dropped a Totiace.,It -t .. Dee.4.'33_19Sb couple of other plays from his schedule AMERICAN ACADEMY OF DRAMATIC ARTS What a Life (Biltmore) Apr. 13___ 135 You Can't Take It With 1 -,at -Ws, the Willoughbys, by Myer Kanin FOUNDED IN1884 BY FRANKLIN II. SARGENT (Boots) Dec. 14;36 702 and Harry Ingram, which was tested early this summer at Stockbridge, and HE foremost institution for Dramatic and Expressional Training in Musical Comedy A Streak of Pink, by Janet Marshall. America. The courses of the Academy furnish the essential I Married an Angel preparation for Teaching and Directing as well as for Acting. (Shubert) May 11___ 102 At the matinee performance today (6) I Manisa an Angel will play its 100th N\. FOR CATALOG Address Secretary, Boos 145, CARNEGIE HALL, NEW YORK A 16 The Billboard NIGHT CLUBS -VAUDEVILLE August 13, 1938 Conducted by PAUL DENIS--CommunicatIons to 1564 Broadway, New York City

rt 5 -Hour Show at Ft. Worth Look for ClubTalent New York: This Feature: SOPHIE TUCKER followed her Riviera stay with an engagement at the Bath Draws X25,000 Opening Wk. and Turf Club, Atlantic City, her first FORT WORTH, Tex., Aug. 6.- CasaManana, the show opens with The Night A Million Dollars there in many moons,She opened at Manana Varieties of 1938, presented in theIs Young, unofficial theme song of Casa the resort August 6.... open-air cafe -theater of that name hereManana revues, and closes with The Eyes by Music Corp. of America for a group ofof Texas. for local business men, got off to a fine start A new system inaugurated by MCA Chicago: last Friday, grossing $5,100 at opener;that is productive is that of numbering Entertainment BOB TOMLINSON TRIO opened at the $4,700 Saturday, and $3,400 Sunday, ac-seats and tables for reservations to cut Manhattan Club in Winona, Minn., and cording to Lew Wasserman, MCA producerout excessive tipping.Cold drink prices An Interview with RALPH HITZ after a few more short dates leaves for in charge.Attendance came from thru-are down to regular level, but food prices Australia. , . . DON JULIAN AND MAR- out Texas for the first week -end. Wasser-are about same as they were last year. JORIE continue for the remainder of man has worked up an all-around excel-About 400 persons, all local except the in the the season at Grand Hotel on Mackinac lent show, and from present indications,name orchestra and acts, are employed Island, Mich., and will then return for a one that should make money for bothhere.This angle is being played up as Fall Special of club engagement in Chicago. producers and backers.First week's nuthelping employment here and as being RALPH GINSBURGHisstaginga was $17,500, and first week's gross wasa local enterprise with local money. huge convention show at the Palmer expectedto reach $25,000.Rain and Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy The Billboard House for three days starting August 15. threats of rain almost marred the open-are booked for two performances here Most of the available names in town ing and following nights' shows. August 24 at $5,000. Jan Garber replaces willbeused. . . . THE CANSINOS The five -hour show, at popular pricesWayne King August 12 for two weeks. Dated August 27 (Carmelo, and Gabriel) have been held ranging from 55 cents in mezzanine toNew vaude acts come in also.One of re- over at Frank Hutchins' Villa Moderne. $1.10 for reserved seats and $1.65forquirements set forth by local backers is .. . DICK SCHREIBER closed a 10 -week tables, features Wayne King's Orchestra,that only acts never seen here before be engagement at the LaSalle Hotel. Morton Downey, Edna Sedgewick, Sergeused in this year's show.Ruth Huff. PAUL REGAN is held over for another Flash, Three Nonchalants, Monroe and Talent Dearth four weeks at the Stevens Hotel Con- Grant, Walter Nillson, Peggy Taylor adagio tinental Room.... trio, and Horton Spurr.Ed Lally's localTwo New K.C. Spots ork plays for first half of vaude, while KANSAS CITY, Mo., Aug. G.- TwoMaybe as Acts King plays for last half and for most ofnew clubs opened here despite adverse Here and There: the dancing. Spot opens at 7:30 p.m., andconditions and steep competition. THE ASHBURNS began at the Provi- closes at 1 a.m., with vaude beginning at The Bowery isusing Joe Zammar'sEye World Fairs dence-Biltmore Hotel, Providence, R. I., 9 p.m. Band and a floor show, consisting of CHICAGO, Aug. 6,-Dearth of goodon the first of the month. . . CHARVE MCA showed excellent taste in choosingGrant Murray, Norman Stokes, Jimmytalent for flesh houses and niteries inTWINS, girl guitarists, are now in their talent.All give smooth performances.Marlow and Mack and Raye. the Midwest promises to head into a10th week at the Rustic Lodge, Asbury King's Orchestra adds glamour to this Tim Moran and Harry Snitz unshut-new crisis by the end of year, when thePark, where they appear nightly. For- already glamourous spot.Downey was merly featuredwiththeRoyal the show -stopper at the first three per-tered the new Log Tavern, with Roybetter acts will start their exodus to the Ha- Kelley. Paul Schaeffer and Happy Cookworld's fairs in New York and San Fran-waiians at the Steel Pier, Atlantic City. formances. He sang for 25 minutes Satur-providing entertainment. . .. TIMMIE MYERS is emceeing the day night. cisco. shows at the Avalon Club, Cleveland, Vaudeactshadonedisadvantage. Bookers attempting to set some book-which has catered to such as Martha They came on with no introduction.New One for Buffalo ings for next year or to submit talentRaye, Abbott and Costello and others. Those without programs (25 cents) didn't into European areas for 1939 are being ... DILLON AND PARLOW, following know which act was which. BUFFALO, Aug. 6.-The second newstalled by performers who are waitingtheir holdover week at the Club Roherta, Edna Sedgewick is a young and at-club to open within a month here is the Mayfair, on the north side, closed forformoredefinitefairentertainmentSan Francisco, open at theElNido, tractive dancer, doing ballet, tap, rumba plans. Vallejo, Calif., August 17.. .. RICHARD and a fast bolero that was very good.almost a year. The emporium, once Buf- NEWELL is now in Boston vacationing The generous supply of comedy offeredfalo's most popular, will be completely New York is the favored spot in thewith his folks.He has just completed by the Three Nonchalants, Peggy Taylorredecorated by its new owner, Bernieeyes of the local performing crowd, actsnight club dates in the Midwest and adagio trio;Spurr, comedy dancer andElliott, manager of the Alhambra andbeing eager to land a spot in a hotel,a run with Ed Gardiner's Passing Pa- pantomimist; Monroe and Grant, andassociated with the Club Savarin or in some venture en the fair-rade show. ., BERT LAYTON moves Nillson, unicyclist, was tops, but the gon-An elevated staged will be in readinessgrounds. Many acts will head eastwardinto the Club Delavan, Buffalo,after chalants' exuberant antics lead the field.when the club opens the latter part ofregardless, whether or not they have any August. a 10 -week stay at the Plaza, Pittsburgh. Serge Flash stands out as one of the best set engagements by the time of the fair . .. FRANCIS RENAULT and his intact jugglers.The acts having to use mikes opening. show have been at the Frolics Club, At- suffered at opening because of faulty Of the local bookers, Jack Fine is thelantic City, for the past 10 weeks. . . . sound system.This has been remedied.Brookfield Club Rebuilt TED AND ETHEL WALKER at the Green MCA is using acts which are seen more MILWAUKEE', Aug. B.-Clover Club,first to have a show on the grounds, re- Brookfieldnitery razed byfiresomeportedly of a freak nature.Most of theGables, Drums, Pa., are featuring a com- than heard because of the size of thetime ago,is being rebuilt at an esti-agents here, however, will work thru Newedy dance number, the Walker Wobble. cafe -theater, which seats between 3,700mated cost of $10,000. York offices in selling talent and ideas. . Vacationers-JUNE HART in Peoria and 4,000. and FRANCIS MARIO inFayetteville, The 40 -girl chorus and 12 showgirls, Tenn. all graduates of other casa revues, were . THE VARONNES, Carlos and Dolorez, well turned out for show by dance direc- hold forth at the Southern Dinner Club, tor Paul Oscard, and they make an at- Houston. . .. WOODS AND BRAY will tractive background for the acts.Girls Number Four in a Series of closedanengagementattheGray have four numbers, a waterfall number OpinionsoftheNation's Wolf Tavern, Sharon, Pa., August 7. incellophane, whichisbeautiful;a tropical rumba, an American bolero and LeadingNightCluband JACKIE MASON, after closing the sea- a Tiller routine for the finale.All cos- Hotel Owners and Managers son with Owen -Bennett unit, is working the Wonder Bar, Cincinnati. . . . TED tumes remain at standard set previously about the Night Clubs -Vaude- MERRIMAN andhisHollywoodStain and all are scant. finished two weeks at Club Lido, New Only the original Casa blue -and -white villeDepartmentofThe Brunswick, N. S., and opened for a week set is used, which does not detract from Billboard. in Montreal for Jack Adams... . JOSE excellence of production. Lighting effects DEL RIO and Connie De Lane have and colorful and rich costumes make up signed a contract with Davis Orchestra for sets.No original music was written for a Havana cruise August 20.Don for show.As is the custom at Casa Casanova will emsee the show. . . . RAY FRANCIS and John Lonas are filling a return engagement at the Spinning Wheel, Seattle,Wash. . . . COL. MANNY Hotel Entertainment PRAGER, BobbyGibson,LilaDeane, ReadingerTwins,PaulGerrits,Bob FRANK W. BERING Sidell, and Laverne, acrobatic danseuse, Buyers Set Meetings share the limelightatBeverlyHills PITTSBURGH, Aug. 6.-Six regional Country Club, Newport, Ky., this week. meetings of the International Greeters' . .. SID WARD is in his fourth week -of Club ofAmerica, composed of10,000 of the a return engagement at Ye Olde Tavern, hotel men in the United States, Canada Fort Wayne, Ind. . . . DICK AND and Mexico who include hand buying in EVELYN BARCLAY, after this week at their daily routines, will be held between the Palomar Theater, Seattle, for Bert now and convention time next June, re- Levy, go to Vancouver, San Francisco cently elected President Edmund L. Flynn, HOTEL SHERMAN and Los Angeles. of the William Penn, informed last week. California's sessions will be held in Sep- CHICAGO, ILL. tember at Yosemite, the Mexico City meet- Racine Bars NightClubs ing the same month, as well as a South- eastern conclave at Charleston. The Cen- RACINE, Wis.,Aug.6. - Allnight tral Southwest hotel men will meet in clubs will be barred from operating in December.siteyetunchosen;Middle Says : this town beginning September 30, ac- Atlantic in Washington in March, and cording to a new ordinance voted re- Midwest at Des Moines, date unsettled. cently by local aldermen. Taverns will be IGCA membership includes men who allowed to continue under the new edict influence the purchase of entertainment "I think The Billboard is a fine source of with a $165 a year license and a 1 a.m. for the growing nitery business in inns, closing. Previously night spots paid a as well as the auditing department, whose information for the night club field.I enjoy $500 license to include entertainment. heads pare talent budgets. IGCA has 65 Musicians',bartenders'andwaiters' charters. reading it each week." unions hotly protested the action, stat- At the regional meetings orchestras, ing that at least $150,000 worth of biz singles and unit acts are usually booked annually would be driven from the town. in wholesale numbers so that the talent New blue -nose ordinance also includes a buyers can get an idea for their own dancing ban, but does allow a radio or spots from the exhibitions. automatic phonograph. August 13, 1938 NIGHT CLUBS -VAUDEVILLE The Billboard 17 Colosimo's, Chicago foreconomical entertainment. 'liminess very good and service excellent.Floor Plenty of show with accent on variety showchanges weekly. here in this nitery, one of the oldest in Dave Dexter Jr. town and with a lot of the original in- Night Crul, Reviews terior decorations intact. giving it a Mc- Coy In Old Chicago tang. trio, pattern their work after the oldspecialty with plenty of hip work, but is Clayton, Jackson and Durante combo.not outstanding.Three Sharps andaClub Mayfair, Yatesville, Pa. Gold Diggers, openingproductionprobably since this Jackson is from theFlat, four boys with a guitar, bull fiddle number, brings on Dorothy Wahl war-old act.Their work isnoisyandAland a tom-tom, beat outsomereal Altho several of the smaller spots ars bling Esdie Was a Lady and finishing withStone's imitation of Durante isa goodswing which pleases. cutting out their floor shows or closing a typical torso -tossing routine in frontcarbon, but gags are old and go over- MercerMarques, heavyweight bluesfor the summer, Joe Bianco continues of the line. Bob Wyatt adds a song hereboard on smut. singer, fits into this spot just right withto maintain his policy of presenting two and alternates with Si Reeve as emsee, Wind-up at show caught was marredher corny and low-down song material.shows nightly.Featuring the &urea but is weak on both scores. when Francita was unable to do her il-Proved to be a trouper, too, when sheattractionisCliff Conrad, m. c. whD Spec and Spot, comedy unicycle duo,lusion act, due todifficulty with thesuffered a bad fallin her second en-made a hit with his humorous ly-ics to hand in a good job. especially the oneblack -ray spot used in theact.Finaletrance. Called back several times. popular tunes.Accompanying himself lad'sdrunk pantomime while on thewas rushed on instead with line girls do- Number featuring Sonny and Mush -on a studio upright, Conrad real'went single wheel. Act is strung out too long,ing an Alexander's Ragtime Band num-mouth and theline,deckedoutinto town. As an encore he sang sr. orig- tho, and biz of getting a boy and galber and acts reappearing for a final bow.Scotch kilts, furnished the finale. from the audience to take a ride doesn't Henri Gendron's Orkstillcurrent. Harold Humphrey. merit the time and effort. Harold Humphrey. MY SINCERE THANKS TO De Bold Twins, striking feminine team, come on for a tango number which is Grosvenor House, LondonPerkins Club, Kansas City, easy on the eyes; but girls need a more intricate routine to give it sock, Grace LatestversionofMusicCorp.of Missouri Drysdale_ a holdover here, does her usualAmerica's 'Cafe Society has new prin- Johnny Gunier's Band and three acts nifty glove -marionette turn and pleasescipals. provide entertainment at this Southwest 1111E 1,111A11 everyone. Laugh hit of the show is registered byboulevard spot. Yvette,stripper,hasdiscardedherJoe Termini, American somnolent melo- Dillon and Parlow start the show with FOR MY ENGAGEMENT AT muff -dance routine for a Dance of thedist, whose musical clowning lays thema tap routine to Tea for Two and net White Goddess, in which she uses a bril-In theaisles. Joeisgiven excellentniceapplause.Team returns for an THE CHEZ PAREE AND MY liantly hued parrot.Dances to jungle -aid in his mirthful act by Jean Hamil-eccentricdance. Number wentover FIRST CHICAGO APPEARANCE beat music and strips to the waist, re-ton,whistling songstress, and by Joeneatly also.Couple works hard to please vealingan eye -fillingfigure.DorothyClayton, harmonica -playing comedian, and succeeds.Gunter, emseeing when Marthyn follows, singing Siboney in an ArtMahonandVirginiaRucker,he isn't playing the guitar with his band, IRIS WAYNE operatic manner rather out of place here.American dance team, click heavily withthen introduces Weldon Barr, youthful Geraldine and Joe, doing comedy acro-routinesthataredaringlydifferent.and nattily attired dancer with a pleas- batic dancing, show plenty of versatilityRange from boleros and tangos toaing style, who raps off and encores a and pep. Do an apache with the girlsmart waltz number into which they in-fast tap series.Final turn offers blond dishingitout, and go over well.Joetroduce expert sleight-of-hand tricks. Alan, Alan and Alan, also known hereand buxom EleanoreLeonard, whose singles 'with a seriesofaerialsomer- vocalversionofAfterYou'reGone saults and handsprings. as the Three Canadians, offer a comedyproved she is anything but a singer. DR. ARTHUR MARCUS Jackson. StoneandReeve,comedyacrobatic act that has some good bits Ounier winds things up by singing "THE MAD MAGICIAN" but many of them are ill-timed. George Hale's Glamour Girls remainWhy'd Ycu Make Me Fall in Love? with and they are plenty easy on the eyes. fair success.Hank Schreiber's tenor sax 19TH WEEK Bert Ross. and Charlie Grimm's trumpet make up COLLEGE INN Chinese THIDA LOY for the weaknesses of Gunier's drummer HOTEL SHERMAN Princess of Character ck: Intertre- and pianist. the Dance tireDanceCreations. S. S. Fulton, Albany - Club is big as a barn but it's a bargain CHICAGO GLADSTONEHOTEL. Casper, Wyoming, Until Further Notice. New York For Open Dates Either Phone or wire. BERT PITTMAN AGENCY, The excursion steamer Robert Fulton Tabor Building, is one of six chips making the New York Denver, Colo. to Albany run dailyfor the Hudson River Day Line.All of the ships use a Melodious songs by five -piece band. Band on the Fulton when caught was that of Freddy Engel, who is well knownnle=1111111111111111 in up -State New York.Engel, a jolly - Jane looking mustachioed drummer, combines with a trumpet, piano, string bass and sax for good danceable music that fol- lowsclosely thedance tastesofthe * * Farrar patrons. When the crowd is too tired to Direction: ARTHUR GROSSMAN, dance the band sweetens up and makes BrillBuilding, 161$ Broadway. N. Y. C. the music pleasing for listening.Band plays southbound to KingstonPoint, disembarks for an hour and a half, and ROSE'S Now Playing then plays on the next boat going north THE ORIGINAL RKO THEATERS to Albany. Biggest. Little Show The other bands are on similar half - PARISIAN on Earth. trip schedules.Other ships in the line Mrs. IKE ROSE are Hendrick Hudson, Alexander Hamil- MIDGET (Manager) ton, De Witt Clinton, Peter Stuyvesant 461 Audubon Ave.. and Chauncey M. Depew. New York City. V1ETTIE * Engel has a10 -piece band playing DARE FOLLIES nightly at the new Lakeview roadhouse, Tenderhook Lake, N. Y. Uses the same WITH HER SACRED PARROT IN young musicians he has on the boats, The Great alternating five each day.Paul Denis. "THE DANSE OF THE WHITE GODDESS" A NEW AND ORIGINAL IDEA IN ARTISTIC NUDITY INDIAN FAKIR Grand Terrace, Chicago NOW PLAYING REPEAT ENGAGEMENT Outside of a couple of well executed COLOSIMO'S CAFE, CHICAGO production extravaganzas, capably Mesmerist ofAnimals. handledby LeonardReed.theonly Pretent ingthe greatest thing really worth talking about in this Variety-Musir Hall Art in spot's all -colored is theworld. Running time 1 hour. 50 Crocodiles, melange Earl 50 Lions, 50 Snakes. (Father) Hines and his boys, who will For promotion: 145different striking lithographs. hold forth for the next several weeks. AND 1,000 cuts, 3 complete wagon loadsof material. Summer has takenitstollinthis RAUL EVA REYES modernistic black-and-tan nitery, caus- OUR 1938 RECORD ing operator Ed Fox to prune the enter- January and February-Biltmore Hotel, Miami tainment budget.Saturday nights see March and April-Royal Palm Club, Miami the best crowds, but week -clay customers May and June-St. Regis Hotel, New York City are easily taken care of at the ringside tables. NOW PLAYING TheHinesaggregationisplaying CHEZ PAREE, CHICAGO danceable solid jazz during the dance sets and using the more erratic "hot FEATURING THE NEW CUBAN DANCE SENSATION licks" stuff for the show only. This Is - LA CONGA - goodmusicmerchandising onHines' part and with the NBC wire it should Management-Bill Kent, 1776 Broadway. New York City PermanentAddress: pull more dance lovers.Hines isfea- THE BILLBOARD 1564N Br age. ,tured early in the show, beating out a couple of hot ones on the piano. First production number opens with Katherine Perry singing Saving Myself \IN L.M6.\\W \\1\116.\ 011.\,7for You, later assisted by Leroy Harris, BACK IN BUSINESS FOR ork's sax man. Twelve -girl line appears Clark Dennis MYSELF for a good snappy routine, followed by N.B.C. SINGING STAR PI ;Pedro and Dolores, striking dance team, Entertainment for All HELD OVER FOR FOUR WEEKS Occasions whose work, altho not sensational, 16 exceptionally graceful and well put over. Sonny and Sonny. ebony tappers, come BON AIR COUNTRY CLUB BETTY BRYDEN on for some hot and fast footwork. Tap - CHICAGO 302 Fox Bldg., Detroit, Mich. toe number by one of the boys is a real Management-N.B.C. ArtistsService C11101101011MIIMMI6116.WIMMINhiclick.Connie Harris rumbasatorrid 18 The Billboard NIGHT CLUBS -VAUDEVILLE August 13, 1938 copation all the way. Arrangements areOther acts were Patsy Marr and Cook Mal song, In My Dream of Old Broad-there's a $1.60 fee for supper patrons. and King. way.His voice was even and clear andTom Montgomery continues as p. a. by William Scott, tenor man. should help him go places. Sam Honigberg, Business good.Service excellent. Frank and Lois Walsh did several tap Dave Dexter Jr. TMAT GROUPS team specialties, gaining most applause (Continued from page 3) with their tap rumba. Grosvenor House, London An agile acrobatic dancer was young Dorchester Hotel, London groupsin the union, thetreasurers, Jean Stelmak.Her body is very pliant. For the summer, MCA dispenses with managers,etc.,may holdtheir own Al (Bianco) Barry and his orchestrafloor shows and uses regular acts at this Newcomer here is John Hoysradt, nov-meetings, police the conduct of their supplied the music, with Al taking partpop spot.Current three -act layout Iselty entertainer, who clicks solidly withmembership,establishstandardsof ctrong. a versatile act in which he does take -offsworking conditions and admission req- in the program by rendering I Hadn't Jeanne Devereaux, American ballerinacn Roosevelt, Mussolini and others. Alsouisites and be directly represented on Anyone Till You in his rich baritone inEnglishand voice. who won much popularity and publicityshows thedifference the all-over governing board. They will Milton Miller. as a result of dancing before the KingAmerican fight commentaries and thenot have group officers other than a Biz good. and Queen in Paris last week, is a hit.different temperament inContinentalmeeting chairman and committeemen, Girl is exceedingly graceful and a superbacting. but will be allowed to maintain a group Berkeley Hotel, London aancer. Does a balloon number to a De- Jack Holland and June Hart are re-treasury so long as the members meet bussy air and some fast pirouettes andtained with their graceful and rhythmicall financial duties to the general union. An outstanding attraction here andother tricks to a Gershwin selection.- modern dance steps.Couple are very All external relations of the union, new to LondonisGraziellaParraga, Boy Foy, youthful juggler on a uni-popular here.The Chesterfields, twohowever, will still be conducted by the Cuban songstress, who renders tunefulcycle,is dynamite with amazing, have an amusing pantomimicry andcentral board of governors, with whom native and pop numbers to her ownSwell personality helps him to chalk upclowning novelty that is never boisterouswill rest the final powers of making con- guitar accompaniment.Singer has aa terrific hit. butalwaysfunny. RichardHaydn,tracts with employer groups. Under the deep and intenselypleasing contralto Oliver Wakefield, English monologist,Englishtravesty impersonator andpresent structure, groups have a repre- voice enhanced well known here.Clicks heavily butmonologist, is a laugh hit.Oliver Wake-sentative on a powerless council.Feel- Makes an excellent Job with her ownmanages to get plenty dirty at times.field remains as emsee and does well. ing is that the new plan of government version of Ti -Pi -Tin. Bert Ross. Bert Ross. will be more democratic and truly rep- Marietta and Rudy D'Aix are a lik- resentativeofthe sentimentsofthe able and graceful dance team with their membership, since board members will waltz and other numbers sufficientlyGreater Windmill, Natchez, Silver Grill, Buffalo be directly responsible to their respec- original to command attention. Click Mississippi Decorating job on this renovated clubtive groups.Provision has been made solidly. is typically and authentically submitthenew constitutional Business remains good here. Largest nitery in the Southwest openedMusic is by George Ku's Paradise Island-changes to recently admitted members Bert Ross. its regular summer season July 17 withers, plus modern and traditional Hawai-in ether parts of the country.All new- Harry King Barth's Band.Barth's Bandian arrangements by George Sapienza'sly organized chapters had personal reps Club Fiesta, Chattanooga Is currently causing much talk in theseContinental Band. Native drinks a spe-at the meeting. parts and is believed to have one of thecialty. Convention moved to place the union Club Fiesta, Chattanooga's newest andbest combos that has played locally. Interior decorations are by C. Theo-on a sounder financial basis following only downtown night club, opened this Using eight men, Harry is featuringdore Macheras.Air conditioned thruout.the reading of $12,000 operating expenses week with much fanfare.Located inIsobel DeMarco, young pianiste and ac- George Ku, playing the Spanish guitar;forperiod betweenlastOctober and spacious quarters in a downtown officecordionist.George Gray, first tax man,Charlie Opunui, with Hawaiian steel gui-June 30.Details for greater budgetary building, it consists of taproom and ball-is doing a nice job with the vocals. tar, and Johnny Kauinana, tenor guitar,control will be incorporated in the con- room occupying all of two floors. Band personnel includes Harry Kingcomprise the islanders, direct from De-stitution and by-laws and are also in Taproom opens at11a.m. and theBarth,bass and leader;Jack Weber,troit's Wonder Bar. Booked here for 16the hands of the committee, which will ballroom at9p.m.Cover charge forGeorge Gray and Tilden Lawrence, saxes;weeks. report its plan to another general meet- ballroom is $1.10 per couple. Music isIsobel DeMarco, piano and accordion; J. George Sapienza, a guitar playing banding scheduled for August 24.Rumor furnishedbyAlbertandhisEightB. (Wimpy) Varnido and Lou Escobedo,leader, is abetted for his arrangements ofthat membership will have to shoulder Caballeros. trumpets, and Norman (Slapsie) Law-tangos, rumbas and conservative dancean additional tax to defray operating Manager Elliott Shapiro expects to addrence, drums. numbers by Ed Duffy, piano; Johnnieexpenses was not received cordially. floor shows in the fall. To date Barth has drawn the biggestMiller, violin; James Coppola, tenor sax; Meeting's going on record for the new Murray Wyche. crowd evertoattend any danceinJoe Tramont, bass, and Sue Renzi, vo-group government plan is said to be a Natchez, over 600 paid admissions. Thecalist, victory for the Yiddish theater members cover charge is very light, but in keep- Room opened July 28 and has playedand the press agents. Most of executives Continental Room, Stevens ing with the times. Band was booked into capacity since. now in office opposed the idea.At one Hotel, Chicago for only two weeks but now has indefi- Minimum 50 cents on week nights andpoint in the meeting an officer of the nite stay arrangement. H. M. Case. '75 cents Saturdays and holidays.Seat-Union brandished a paper said to be a A remarkable phase of the summer ing capacity is 220. H. J. Warner. telegram from American Federation of night club season here is the record run LaborheadquartersinWashington, being rolled up by Glover and LaMae, Club Continental, Kansas declaring a move toward group semi - dance team now ending its third month City, Mo. Ted Nelson Tie With autonomy was prohibited by charter in this smart room.Inaspotthat regulations. Membership thought It odd switched teams every fortnight, this duo Four mildly entertaining acts and theParis Agency on Talent that such a message should have arrived developed a following that brought amusic of Jay McShann's seven -piece band NEW YORK, Aug. 6.-Ted Nelson, headbefore discussion was half an hour old, noticeable increaseinbusiness duringcomprise the current bill. and wondered how the Washington AFL the warm -month lull. ArtSherrickisemseeacceptably,of Metro Artist Bureau, has effected anknow what was going on here. Team's "champagne hour" featureisworking to best advantage as a singer.arrangement to work in with the Or- betweenshows,with ganization Artistique Internationale, one stillpresented Warbled Somebody Loves Me, his tenorof thelargestEuropeantheatrical champagne and dinner prizes going topipesregisteringwell. Sherrick thenagencies, located in Paris.Michael Hor-NIGHT CLUBS the contest -dance participants receivinggave way to the dance team of Marino (Continued from page 3) most applause.Itisgood entertain-and DeVoll, whose routines built aroundwitz, son of F. Horwitz, owner and man- ment, amusingly conducted by LaMae,the Latinesque rhythms of Siboney andager of the Paris outfit, will work withLight club as well, he has not been gi7- aided by Alice Glover. Speakeasy were okeh but not startling.Nelson in the representation of Europeaning his entire time to his Casa and it is Show is opened by Paul Regan, im-Latter, a bolero, was the better of theacts in this country.Metro willalsonot definite whether he will hold on to personator who has improvedgreatlytwo. send American talent abroad for handlingthe Casa until the WF opens. during the last year. Makes a neat ap- Ginger Green, with everything but aby the French office. Struggling to remain open until the Michael Horwitz is at present touringWF brings that hoped -for cash, the Para- pearance in tails and does a passablegood .voice, came next to try Ain't Mis-South America with Marion Anderson, emsee job, his voice registering convinc-behaving and When a Lady Meets a Gen- lining updise Restaurantisbringing in a new ingly.His impressionsarerealandtleman Down South.Gal, a good looker,colored opera singer, and is show Labor Day.Marjorie Fielding will entertaining. Stands out with his .War-vetted fair applause, but climax of thedeals for Nelson. Leaves Rio de Janeiroagain stageitand Teddy Powell will ner Oland, Joe E. Brown, Edward Everettbill was reached a minute later withSeptember 20 for Paris, after which heprobably do the music. The Paradise cor- Horton and a serious portrayal of PaulDottie Dee's act, a dance in the dark toreturns here to stay.Young Horwitzporation's77breorganization planis Muni in a scene from Zola. Blue Prelude, with a single spotlighttraveled with the Trudi Schoop ballet innow before Judge R. B. Patterson for Glover and LaMae present three ver-playing about herindigo -painted,al-this country. ckeh.It provides for payment of 10 per satile routines. Act is smooth, gracefulmost -nude body.Sherrick returned for Metro expects to add more bands tocent to unsecured creditors. another solo, using Duke Ellington'sIits roster in the fall, at which time the TheHollywoodRestaurant,which ballroom work blending with impressive officewillhaveincreased manpower.folded a few months ago, has been re- musical scores.Emphasize the beaUtyLet a Song Go Out of My Heart as ma-Freddy Masters, now at the Capitol ball - Of the dance. terial.Fared well. modeled and is set to open the middle Marvin Frederic, orchestra leader,is It's the band, not the acts, however,loom in Hartford, Conn., is under Nel-of September. At that time, NTG is due on early with a popular piano recital,which probably is responsible for the fullson's management. to open his Midnight Sun Club in the playing in an engaging style.Here allhouseshere. McShann,ayoungster Wintergarden Building. summer, the Frederic combination haswith an intriguing personality and amaz-Half Moon Steps Up Policy Meanwhile every night club in town been dishing out pleasing "society band"ing piano techniqque, is socko on the is running a temperature trying to figure music that is easy on both the ears andkeyboard and when he sings blues.Bob STEUBENVILLE,0.,Aug.6.-Halfout World's Fair tie-ups. Those too tired feet. Mabane, tenor sax, and Ed Hale, altoMoon night club, near here, has inau-to dope out tie-ups are just hoping there Present set-up will probably remainsax, also handle vocals.Gus Johnson'sgurated policy of floor shows and betterwill be enough tourists around to give Intact until Labor Day, when a new bandorums, Gene Ramey's bass and Billybands. Current are Val Garvin's Orches-everybody a break. is scheduled to move in and, possibly, anSmith'ssoft trumpet styleallblendtra and a show emseed by Don Harris. The hotels,ofcourse, are planning enlarged floor show. superblywithMcShann'sspectacularGee Ames Dancers, just returned fromnovel entertainments and other fancy No minimum for dinner guests, butpiano, making for soft and restful syn-a Pan-American tour, head thebill.baits for the WF crowds. *4 From One Ace Spot to Another1-1 7; 'he FAMOUS YACOPIS From RINGLING BROTHERS and BARNUM & BAILEY COMBINED CIRCUS To BILLY ROSE'S "CASA MANAMA" ,P4c August 13, 1938 NIGHT CLUBS -VAUDEVILLE The Billboard 19 Vaudeville Notes Scylla or Charybdis KingaVaude Fan, But N. Y. ANDREW SISTERS will get a return NEW YORK, Aug. 6.-Unexpected engagement at the New York Paramount assistanceinCommissionerMoss' with the Casa Loma Band late in Oc- campaign to license all agents, book- tober or early in November. . . ROY ers and managers may be forthcom- ATWELL opens a vaude tour in Indi- ing thru the Bureau of Internal Rev- Center Theater Unimpressed anapolis August 29,with Philadelphia enue and its Social Security Division. NEWYORK, Aug. 6.-Even the Kingrevue attractions here and abroad had and New York following. . JOE MOR- Agents, trying to get out of having of England's name didn't impress thetentatively agreed on a guarantee and RISON, now in Hollywood, goes into the toapply foralicense,have been Rockefeller interests enough to close apercentage arrangement that would net Earle, Washington, September2,fol- claiming that they are employers, not deal foravaudeville revue policy forthe Center Theater owners $150,000 a lowed by the State, New York. . . . IKE commission men, and therefore ex- the Center Theater.Kurt Robitschek, ofyear.He had $32,000 ready to deposit ROSE'S MIDGETS have been given more empt.If they insist upon classifying French -American Productions, Inc., andtoclose the deal, which would have one and two-day dates in the New York themselves as employers the govern- the Center Theater had a deal for thebrought in vaude revues at $1 top, with area by RKO. ment will have them pay Social Se- London Palladium type of shows readybillschanged weekly. Robitschekis curity and Unemployment :nsurance for the clotted line when Center Thea-now negotiating with other Broadway CAB CALLOWAY did big business for taxes for all the acts they book. ter reps asked for a list of the type ofhouses.His idea is to bring names like the Interstate time in Dallas, according Local license fee is only $25, plus patrons of the Palladium.RobitschekCharles Boyer and also standard acts to Robert O'Donnell, circuit head. . . . a $1,000 bond. said he wouldn't give them a list, butand to intersperse the acts with produc- BOXY THEATER, New York, has de- one name ought to be enough: the Kingtion ideas. clared a cash dividend of $1.50 a share, of England.(The royal family is quite Robitschek is confident the trend is to respectively. preferred.. . . JOAN ABBOTT, the Big Stanley,Pittsburgh,fol-famous for its patronage of vaude.) vaude-but not stereotyped vaude.He Apple Dancers and Jack and June Blairlows on September 2 and the week after But the King apparently didn't im-thinks the English vaude houses have have been added to the cast of Harryhe plays the Palace, Chi. press the Rockefeller people much, forthe right idea and points to the London Howard's revue bookedforAustralia. the deal was canceled, and now thePalladium's$250,000annualprofitas Millard Jurgen is staging the show. BELLE BAKER, headingthe vaudeCenter Theater is dickering with Richardproof that vaude revues have pull.Not show, and Holiday drew winter profitBerger to bring in his St. Louis Municipalonly that, he says, but look at the talent EDWARDS SISTERS are in Australiabusiness at the State, New York, lastOpera Co. for the fall and winter season.featured in European vaude houses.It's on the Tivoli Circuit.. . . HUGH HER- Robitschek, who produces vaude andmostly American. For example, the cur- week during therecordhot weather. rent Palladium show has five American BERT deserts his film chores for Warner . . HILDEGARDE returned August 8 this week for at least six weeks to maketo New York from Europe and goes into actsout ofnine. Robitschek's own a p. -a, tour in New York, Philadelphia, AFA, indicating they had resolved on aLaughter Over London unit is almost en- the Mounds Club, Cleveland, for four American acts domi- Washington and Pittsburgh. . . Mc -weeks. united front. tirely American. Plays the Savoy Plaza, New York, Phil Doyle, representing theIATSE,nate the bills at the Scala, Berlin, and KAY AND VALLEE work the Hippo-middle of September. . . . DON SHER- drome, Liverpool, England, week of theWOOD, Warner booker, was "arrested"hoped that he "could see the differencesother European key city houses. More 15th, then follow with one each at thewhen he stepped off the train in Falls -between the entertainers and the AFAthan 300 Americanactsareplaying Palace, , and Elephant Castle, straightened out." Charles Levey, of theEurope today. Some of them do so well burgh,N.Y., on hisvacation.Thebuilding maintenance union, exclaimed,there that they remain abroad for years, London, before playing the South ofpinch was a gag planned by friends. returning every five years only in order France ar.d Paris. . . . JEANNE DEV- "There is no room for dual unionism in EREAUX isenjoyingafeaturedsolo the labor movement." to retain citizenship. dancer spot at the Bal Tabarin, Paris. VELOZ AND YOLANDA return to the Aftersonorouslymaintaining,"The If European and other foreign vaude Miss Devereauxisthe only AmericanChicago, Chicago, September 30. . . . American Federationof Laboristheand revue houses make money with ballerina to perform before the presentPAT ROONEY JR. has gone to Holly-labor movement," James Sipe,ofthepolicies that thrive on imported Ameri- wood. cantalent,then whycan'tAmeri- King and Queen of England. . . . JACK Pat Sr. will continue as a single.Moving Picture Operators' Union, prom- GWYNNE. Fritz and Jean Hubert and . . . BERT WHEELER, who opened inised, "If you sit down and create a mili-can theaters do the same thing, asks Tod Liebleng are recent additions to theEnglandlastweek,hascl.ckedandtant organization, we'llallget behindRobitschek. He points to the Los Angeles will stay abroad indefinitely.. . . Paramount's $7,000 grosses with straight MCA banner. . . . KITTY DONER, vaude THEyou and drive out sweatshops, get you headliner of the good old days, is happyHOLLYWOOD DOUBLESUNIT,playingdecent wages and better your generalpictures and how the gross jumped to London, will play Paris and the Con-conditions." $20,000 when It played Ted Lewis re- on her New York farm now but keeps He claims the time is ripe for the common touch with reminiscenttinent also. . . . STAN KAVANAUGH Climactic sympathetic union appealcently. plays the State, New York, September 1for AFA came from Leo Abernathy, bill-cashing in on vaude attractions and pieces for Liberty. .. . SYLVIA, FRANCO amazementthatAmerican AND DRIGO have been booked to appearwith the Ed Sullivan unit.. . . JACKIEposter president, who also heads the Cen-expresses at the Ro:ling Green Park, Sunbury, Pa.,JORDAN,14 -year -oldactor,has beentral Labor Union, with the decision, "Thetheater men should be so short-sighted beginning August 10. given en MGM test.He's the son ofpastisallover.Speaking for 100,000as to shun vaude. Jack Jordan. . . . BILLY COSTELLOworkers in Western Pennsylvania, I can (Popeye) is touring Australian vaude. say that noorganizationaskingfor STATE -LAKE, Chicago, booked its first union status will receive one iota of sup-Names Booked for Major Bowes unit, set to open Septem- port unless it is affiliated with the AFL." ber 9 and contracted by booker HarryPITTSBURGH ACTS Whitehead began his appeal for EFASanta Cruz Hotel Greben. . . RED NORVO and Mildred (Continued from page 3) Bailey open at the Tower, Kansas City, - conversion to AFA with the admission SANTA CRUZ, Calif., Aug. 6. --Continu- the night club field is a signal that AFAthat "there is more strife in Pittsburgh Friday. . . . RITZ BROTHERS are work- ing a policy of name bands, the Cocoanut ing hard for that $15,000 this week atwill for a while devote more time to thethan elsewhere." Attributing much of theGrove of the Casa Del Rey Hotel has the Chicago, Chicago, giving 42 showsindooramusementworld,Whiteheadlocal strife to bookers allegedly throw-brought in Larry Kent for two weeks, for the week. nevertheless told indoor entertainers thatinga"smoke -screenfortheirownfollowing Buddy Rogers' Band.Kent the addition of circus workers to AFAprofit," he held, "we've no quarrel withplays nightly except Mondays, when An- JAN GARBER set for a theater tourmembership is a strengthening needed toagents, except shysters." son Weeks and Tommy Dorsey take the taking him thru September, starting athelp big top performers secure higher Then he entered a 15 -minute reviewstand. the Tower, Kansas City, the first.Playswages and better working conditions. Heof the AFA-Ringling battle. Lea Frederickson is again emsee. his theLyric,Indianapolis,September9;also said he expects a favorable answer Wants "Fortune" Back third season of 20 weeks each, and with Stanley,Pittsburgh,the16th;Earle,from AFL giving AFA permanent con- "I get a pain in my heart every timepartner Poppy Frederickson headlines as Washington, the 23d, and the Strand,trol over circus gatemen and treasurersI think of it," he almost whispered, andsolo and team dancers a show that in- New York, the 30th. . . TONY MAR-in defianceof TMAT, AFL unioninlaunched into atiradeagainst "Johncludes Ben and Wanda Woolsey and Lil- TIN, movie leading man now fronting awhich treasurers are already organized. Ringling North, the arrogant college boy,lian Roth. Shows being booked by Jack band, plays the Earle, Philadelphia, and Entertainers' opinions seemed in thewho thinks money can do everything."Lewis,oftheWorldwideTheatrical the Earle, Washington, August 19 and 26,majority set in a decision to affiliate withAfter claiming that "most of the 1,700Agency, San Francisco. AFA if the local could retain autonomy.performers and workers who were with Whitehead's counter -proposal was thatthe Big Show are working again, in At- during the current membership drive thelantic City, with the Barnes Circus andGinsburg Expands; lnatetial existing dues plan must remain, with theatfairs,"including AFA members, he $12 from each performer annually beingpledged that "AFL unions willpicketNames for Mayfair sent to New York, but that a governingand boycott the Barnes show wherever Actection guteau board of president, secretary, treasurer,it travels. We've spent a fortune in this BOSTON, Aug. 6.-Boston will have an recording secretary and six d rectors befight and we're going to get it back!" "Intennational Casino" ofits own in A Free Service for Readers elected to work in co-operation with the "We've got the East and West CoastsSeptember. Garage property surrounding paidrepresentatives.Afterdiscussion,tied up with closed shops as tight as aBenny Ginsburg's Club Mayfair has oeea ATTENTION is directed to The Bill- which included threats from some EFAdrum," he claimed."In Chicago, cer-purchased for about $60,000.Spot will board's Material Protection Bu- sympathizers toaffiliate with CIO, hetain individual problems have retardedhave no cover. Minimum,$1.50. reau embracing all branches of the said he believed that the flnan.lial set-upour progress, and in Philadelphia we've Sophie Tucker will preem showbusiness,butdesignedpar- might he changed, if the size of member-been slow in gaining strength, due," hename policy September 14 for one week ticularlytoservetheVaudeville, ship warranted, to permit the local tostated, to Tommy Kelly's "desire to runat $3,000, with a week's option.Cther Night Club and Radio fields. retain part of its treasury. AFA." plans call for Harry Richman, Cross and Those wishing to establish idea or Agents' opinions, after the:r evening Anticipating queries on why AFA willDunn, and Jimmy Durante. Shows 3n a material priority are asked to inclose with Whitehead, were mostly that AFA'snotrevealthesizeofitstreasury,big-time presentation scale, with line, will descriptions of same in a sealed en- campaign would be successful, primarilyWhitehead said, "We have close to 14,-predominate. velope,bearingonitsfacetheir because affiliated unions favored it.Not000 members, but our council will not name, permanent address and other allbookers were sympathetichowever,permit me to reveal the amount in our information deemed necessary. Upon because a meeting of the EMA scheduledtreasury.Itisless than thesizeof Nice City! receipt the packet will be dated, at- for Monday, where Whitehead and Hur-membership would indicate." He added tested to and filed away under the leywerescheduledtoexplainAFAthat "paid -up members may examine the ATLANTIC CITY, Aug. 6.-At the' name of the claimant. licensing of agents similar to the AFAbooks if they wish." beginning of the season Phil Barr, Send packets, accompanied by letter license plan, was not held, altho EMA who runs the 500 Club here, was requestingregistrationandreturn directors had promised to call a session AFM Pact Claimed talked into a city-wide safety adver- postage, to Elias E. Sugarman, The of their general members. He also claimed that AFA is on the eve tising campaign, with his club spon- Billboard'sMaterial Protection Bu- of a national agreement with AFM which soring more than 300 metal signs at reau, 6th Floor, Palace Theater Build- 40 Actors Attend will include AFA's establishing a con- street corners bearing safety slogans, ing, New York City. Only 40 of 400 Pittsburghers attendedstitution similar to the musicians, and his sponsorship being about four - TheB Ilboardtakeseveryreasonable thefirst AFA general meeting in thechangingbranch offices to locals inch strip on sign.Campaign, cost- precaution to safeguard packets submitted Fort Pitt Hotel. Chairman LaRay intro-chartered by headquarters. He did not ing $1,000, was given the okeh of for registration with the Bureau but does duced F. Wilkens, of AFM Local 60, whosay, however, that he had been given Director Cuthbert and Phil put out not guarantee or assume anyliabilityin removedthemusiciansfromtheirpermission to do so by either the Four his dough.The signs went up-for connection with same. previous non -committal attitude by de-A's or the AFL. about two weeks-when Mayor White The Bureau is not designed to supplant claring, "We are going to give co-opera- At tomorrow's meeting Whitehead will changed his mind and had the police Inany way the service performed by the tion to the AFA, just as we did the bar-present provisions of the projected AFA go around and paint out the name of U.S. Copyright Office, Washington, D. C. tenders, cooks and waiters," charter, to be accepted or rejected by the 500 Club on each sign. TheBillboard'sintention with regardto After Wilkens, a paradeofsympa-the membership.If accepted, another The cityisstill using the signs, theBureau is to provide a means of estab- thetic union leaders broughtoffthemeeting will be called the following Sun- and another good-hearted amusement lishing priority of ideas that is not within shelf their previouslylukewarmatti-day to elect officers and ratify suggestedoperator is taken over for the well- the scope ofthe Copyright Office. tudes concerning entertainers' organiza-demands for higher wages and better known cleaning. tion and substituted advocacies of theworking conditions. 20 The Billboard NIGHT CLUBS -VAUDEVILLE August 13, 1938 sand two men.Their costumes are Loew's State, New York swell. As anemseeEddieWhiteisn't (Reviewed Thursday Evening, August 4) bad. Hisvoice holdshimdown, Show this week is offered in presen- Vaudeville Reviews but he has an engaging line of patter tation -house style, with Ruby Zwerlingproduction, Bruno Maine for settings,merit plenty of credit for this number.and a song that wows them. It's about and his pit boys up on the stage andWilla Van and Marco Montedoro for House expects to hold the film for fivehis tailor, and using the melody of Oh, four tables lining the front of the bandcostume designs, H. Rogge for executionweeks, and judging from the opening -Lord, You Made the Day Too Long, White stand giving a night Club effect.Nickand Eugene Braun for stage crowds, will have no difficulty doingwarbles Oh, Sam, You Made the Pants Kenny, headlining the bill;the OxfordThe Music Hall symphony orchestra, un-so. Daniel Richman. Too Long. Trio, and four girls, who contribute noth-der Erno Rapee, continues as a prolog. Rounding out an excellent show with ing to the show but their presence, re- Mother Carey's Chickensisa weak the plc Professor, Beware!, house should main at the tables thru the 69 -minutescreen successor to the twice held over Chicago, Chicago get an all-time summer high this week. performance. Algiers. Sylvia Weiss. Edgar Jones. Outside of some ineffectual emseeing (Reviewed Friday Afternoon, August 5) andastrainedattemptatlooking Strictly a Ritz Brothers' field day here modest while Jerry Cooper extolled the this week with crowds packing the houseMajor Bowes' Second Anni- virtuesof the Kenny songhits,the Hippodrome, Hamid's despite a downpour of rain on opening columnist -composer did little to rate his day. Zany trio does six shows a day and versary Revue star billing. Entertainment was entirely Pier, Atlantic City from all indications heavy biz will pre- in the hands of the supporting cast, and (Reviewed at the Rosy Theater,Salt ( Reviewed Monday Evening, August 1)vail thruout its seven-day stay. Lake City, July 26) each one did a capable job. Hardeen did a brilliant return to At- Maysy and Brach, unicycle duo, on Oxford threesome led off with theirlantic City this week as the top flighterfirst following Adrian's house ork open- Manager Andy Flor brought in this vocal impressions of prominent bandsof the Hipp stage show here.Withing.Team works fastanditshighspecialstageattractionforCovered and duplicated their success at the Par-his ever-present Mr. Collins, he easilysingle -wheeler, with girl balancing onWagon Days week.The show did un- amount and the AstorRoof.Francesstole the show despite strong competi-one foot atop her partner's head, getsusual business. Faye, whose introduction by Kenny as a big hand. Brach's hoop juggling while Opening act, Flying Tophatters, fea- "Bing Crosby'sco-starinDouble ortion of the Gae Foster Roxyettes and tured two exceptionally good roller skat- the Balabanow Ensemble. aloft is also a neat bit. Nothing" had this reviewer racking his Show has music, novelty, mystery and Gloria Day turned in a polished per-ers and their lighting of two cigarets brain trying to remember herinthe formance with her loose-jointed, eccen-while skating was a dash of originality. film, gave out with some current popsdancing for an all-round treat withtric tap numbers.Girl makes a good The Six Harmonicas did themselves like Week -End of a Private Secretary;wide variety. appearance and her smooth, seeminglyproud presenting a repertoire ranging A Tisket, A Tasket; Gypsy in My Soul Opener is snappy bit by Ward andeffortless work goes over. from Limehouse Blues to Swamp Fire. and This Time It's Real in a way toKing followed by a Russ number with House band, working on thestage,Jacques Gokey proved an exceptionally make one wonder if maybe the classicsthe Foster girls.From one of the for-takes over, featuring a new electronicnimble tap artist, and the fact that he aren't to be preferred after all. mationsemergetheBalabanowEn-minipiano, and ork member, Rudolphstaged his entire act on top of a small For originality and sheer audience ap-semble with their $7,000 worth of ac- platform eight inches in diameter added cordions.Their routine on the smallWagner, solos on it for agood hand. peal it's hard to think of anyone to topaccordions, supposed to be the smallestWayne Van Dyne, local radio tenor sing-to novelty. Bob Williams and his trained dog, Red ing here the past few weeks,doesa Pretty Jean Rose accompanies Gokey Dust. First half of the act, with Wil-everconstructed,isaknockout andmedley of Irving Berlin tunes, pluggingand Albert Hill, of London, in imitation liams' pleas to the pup to do tricks re-had the cash customers asking for week's screen attraction, Alexan-flute solos and adds much to both acts. sulting in absolute nothing, is uproar- Near the end is another routine byder's Ragtime Band. Ork closes with thisShe alsoleads Andy Flor'sOrchestra. iously funny, and when the dog finallythe Roxyettes to introduce Bobby Pin-tune and takes to the pit. Hill,incidentally,did a finepiece of does some .stunts they are unlike anycus, who gave the show its laughs. As- whistling in his Nola. sisted by Ruth Foster, who is a fast step - Three Titans, muscular control acro- other -animalact.This turn aloneis bats,followwiththeirslow-motion Mildred Maye, billed as "Amateur Kate worth the admission price. y er in her own right. hand -balancing and lifts. Work in frontSmith," not only possesses the necessary Eunice Healy follows with alively Hardeen opens with a doll -house num- brightspot,avoirdupois, but her song numbers were dance routine, with Jerry Cooper on next,ber.After that the act is fast and leadsof a black drop with a good imitations of the star.And her up to one of Houdini's favorite tricks,which adds to the trio's clean-cut ap- baritoning I Love To Whistle, You Go to Finale is a whirlpearance. Went over with good response.dancing added to her merited applause. My Head, I'm Gonna Lock My Heartdisappearing clocks. Ritz Brothers closed and the audienceA Negro boy with the name Ben Stein and Stardust in an ingratiating, person-of color and flags produced from a smallwore out its mitts calling the boys back.possesses a real baritone voice.He gave ablestyle.Following hisownstint,fish bowl. They cut loose with a repertoire of stuffOld Man River and Lonesome Road. Cooper goes thru a build-up process for Roxyettes close the show with a yellow Pearl Robbins proved a real tap -toe Kenny, warbling snatches of his songs,basket number, their best. done in their recent pictures, includingdancer that added a finishing touch of W. H. McMahon. a Mexican song -and -dance and a version while the lattertriesto look embar- of the Queen's treacheryinDisney'scolor and beauty to thebill. rassed. Snow White.Theseandtheirnon- The impersonations of famous char- Barto and Mann wind up the ses- sensical renditions of the Russian ballad,acters brought applause for emsee Dave sion with their familiar clowning, which Roxy, New York Dark Eyes, and,a stock bit of pantomimeBarry, who has headed a previous Major 16always adefiniteaudience-pleaser.(Reviewed Friday Evening, 'August 5) Bowes unit here.Closing act featured These two are clever and really deserve in making the one brother do all theFour Brothers of Swing, colored boys, the palm -beating they get. With Alexander's Ragtime Band takingspecialties in a would-be alternate dancewho sing, dance and play the stringed Tropic Holiday (Paramount) is on the15 minutes short of two hours to unfoldexhibition, proved sockeroo stuff. Wheninstruments in a manner that appeals. screen. House comfortably filled secondon the screen, the Roxy can be excusedone of the boys jumps into an aisle and The show made good summer fare. Daniel Richman. for the midget stage show it's offeringstarts the shag withafernticket - Hal Jenson. evening show. during the run of the Irving Berlin opus.purchaserthe mob hops toitsfeet For that matter, no stage show wascheering and whistling. Closed singing necessaryforthemultitudes whoBei Mir Bist Du Schoen. Bob Oakley Music Hall, New York jammed the theater from the momentannounces the various acts. State -Lake, Chicago (Reviewed Thursday Evening, August 4)its doors opened at 8 a.m.They were Harold Humphrey. (Reviewed Saturday Afternoon, August 6) Again the RadioCity show palacethere for only one thing-to See the pic- One of those in between affairs here emphasizes thespectacular and sub-ture they had been hearing about thru this week which despite a couple of merges individual talent to its grandioseone of the most terrific publicity cam- sock acts couldn't be saved from the Earle, Washington Edmund Lowe isthe pattern despite the elegant line-up ofpaigns ever undertaken by a film com- (Reviewed Friday Night, August 5) run-of-the-mill. PaulandGraceHartman,Chaunceypany-and the flesh performance was headliner and, altho his name may be Morehouse, the Starlings and Beatriceonly something that had to be endured Eddie White mimes this week's fare,a help at the box office, his performance Joyce.Consequently, the variety thesebefore the main event. which is one of the best booked intoadded nothing to the bill. talents could lend, if given elbow room this town for a long time.Bill opens Verne Buck's house ork opens with among the mass of Rockettes, Corps de Actually, the live entertainment, run-with the Three Samuels, two boys andthe line going thru a short routine. Billy Ballet, orchestra and glee club, is stifled.ning only 25 minutes thru three acts, isa girl, who work together on straightBlake with his trumpet is next and his One of the most lavish uses of stagea great deal better than might be ex-tap to excellent advantage, but whenImitations of Henry Busse, Armstrong settings and trick lighting greets the eyepected from what the Roxy managementthey simulateclumsinessfor comedyand McCoy net a good hand.His stage must have considered as a necessary evil.effect their stuff fails flat.Harriet Hayes at the close of the 45 -minute presenta-Vivian Fay, of The Great Waltz and the presence is weak, but he really beats tion.Hilda Eckler leads the ballet and gives the trio a chance for a costumehis chops on the horn. Rockette companies thru an ultra mod-Marx Brothers' A Day at the Races, lendschange by performing her own style of Terry Tracy, juvenile singer, pleased her grace and talent to an attractive bal-acrobatic dancing, which is a relief fromwith her comedy style.Sang Joseph, erninterpretativedanceagainstthelet with the Gae Foster girls and further backgroundofarestoredColosseum, the usualseries ofjerks and jumps.Joseph and should use more of the Fan- mirrored revolving stage and sparklingcontributes a spirited routine to La Cu-Attired in military costumes, they windnie Brice dialect technique which she costumes.In addition, statuesque posescaracha. A toe -danced tango rounds outup with a routine whichispolishedinterspersed withhere. Her straight and awing colors were brought into un-a nice performance. to the nth degree and which nettedstuff is only fair. stinted play. RolfHolbein, from Europe's musicthem a call back for an encore, some- Duval, magician with varicolored silks, In great contrast to this extravaganzahalls, has an unusual turn with his ani-thing unusual for a Washington audi-turns in a polished act assisted by a the show opened with Chauncey More-mated drawing board.Sketches roughence. stately blonde and another man. He house perched high among his illumi-outlines of a stove, a dog, a bird, a cou- Gall -Gall, billed as an Egyptian magi-works smoothly. nated N'Goma drums. He demonstratedple walking a baby carriage on a largecian, really is one of the best sleight-of- Radcliffe and Rogers, colored duo, fol- theirfullchromaticscale,buthadwhite flat, and thru the board's trickhand artists this reviewer has ever seen.low and stopped the show.Boys could against him the odds of an alltooconstruction the stove lights up, theA somewhat Zodiacal backdrop, plus redrare the time consumed, as there are a dominating accompanying orchestra anddog barks and wags itstail, the birdfez and flowing robes, helps create thecouple of lulls, but their gag material the hip -swaying Rockettes.The Gleesings and the couple appear to he walk-Egyptian scene.Gali-Gali uses no as-end Radcliffe'svoice pack plenty of Club. disguised under Argentine gauchoing their bawling twins.Original actsistants; works with cards, corks, jewelrysock.Boys have added another member, costumes, served as prop for the richthat gets a nice hand and deservedly. and some baby chicks.Producing asLittle Willie, who comes out for a hot singing of Beatrice Joyce and the danc- Foster girls, inspired, according to themany as five living baby chicks from ingsatirists - theHartfnans- whosep. -a. system announcement, by the Ber-the pockets of two audience volunteers talents were partly dimmed among thelincavalcade on thescreen,presentand his torn playing card which re- Fizincatt and extraneous stage fixtures and the vast-their own cavalcade of excerpts fromassemblesitselfinsidea toyballoon ness of the hall. past routines.Number is effective, butwere sockeroos. The Starlings delighted with coloraturea bit of a strain on the nerves of those Frances Langford, in the third spot, numbers, lending full meaning to theirin the first few rows, since the girls draggives her usual polished performance, singing It Had To Be You, Week -End of YVON E designation, Mountain Echoes. out their most difficult creations, in- PSYCHIC WONDERS" All four parts were grouped under thecluding bike riding, roller skating, fenc-aPrivate Secretary and Cole Porter's single theme Tempo, a rhythmic caval-ing, and the closing and best routine ofNight and Day.The romantically in-'VIM/80YMa & DOC.M.112.VING. balancing on large rubber balls.Girlsclined got an extra measure when Eddie SENSATION'4313 Roosevelt BTv'di Philo.Pa. cade pattern which credits Leonidoff for White called Miss Langford in for an encore and then dragged in her new husband, Jon Hall, for an introduction. Hall borrowed the band to lead it thru Music, Maestro, Please for Miss Lang -pE1169501101 1 1 1 0 ford's final number. Closing spot was handed to the Six 111W FOLLIES THEATRES Anteleks (from Ringling Bros. and Bar- New On num & Bailey Circus) who showed the WestCoastTour. 1270 Sixth Ave. Radio City, New Yorkaudiencehowbalancingactsreally Mgt. Bob Bloke Page, shouldbalance. Actcomprisesfour 314 -21st Avo., Altoona,Pa. August 13, 1938 NIGHT CLUBS -VAUDEVILLE The Billboard 21 jam session on a harmonica and goes ever well. Lowe closes with a short-but not Maryland Licenses NeededVaude Outlook A System! short enough-bit ofcrossfire gagging NEW YORK, Aug. 6.-Ia a letter KANSAS CITY,Mo., with a blond foil who is supposed to to Howard Wheeler, president of the For New York Aug.6.- heinterviewing him. Linesarenot Entertainment Managers' Association, Oliver Messmer, tap dancer, has a cnly corny but old.Audience greeted foolproof system of his own design Harry C. Jones, employment commis- Is Much Better which keeps him working steaciLy in the Hollywood man with plenty of mitt sionerofBaltimore,warned pounding, but at the finis they were local NEW YORK, Aug. 6.-The vaude out- local night clubs.Appears on the too busy grabbing their hats. bookers that to operate in any way in bill for a week at one spot, moves to the State of Maryland agents or their look has brightened considerably, with other side of the city next week and DollyNiggemeyer'slinecomes out representatives must take out ali- Warner Strand's switching to band pres- ',gain for a variety of individual turns entations August 26 being considered the then skips about in hopscotch fash- by allthe girls.Well done and de- cense.Many New York offices now ion until he can begin again and book shows into Baltimore without most hopeful sign. Ben Bernie and band work the entire route over.To cap serving of the hand received. Maryland licenses, it is and the film, Boy Meets Girl, start the Harold Humphrey. it off, Messmer rates the "return en- "The Maryland law reqaires that policy, with Ozzie Nelson's Band and gagement" billing in every one of the every person doing business in Mary- HarriettHilliardfollowing,and Jan spots in which he dances. Palace, Blackpool, land whose functon is to secure em- Garber's Band set after that.Each is ployment and collect a fee for this set for two weeks and options.Specialty England service must be licensed," the letter people will be used with each show. read.Law applies to both residents If the Strand enjoys any sort of suc-Night Club Press (Week of July 25) and outsiders. cess, it is expected that the Capitol may Most important of England's seacoast be forced to resume either a band or resorts caters for a good vaude public, a presentation policy.Like the Para-Agents To Unionize especially during summer.Local thea- mount, the Strand will have to use a NEW YORK, Aug. 8.-Night club press ter is partial to American acts. Talent Agenciesstand-by band every time it plays anagentswilldefinitely form a union, V. and F. Browning, good Continental out-of-town band.This is one of theprobably affiliated with the Theatrical, trick cyclists with a dash of comedy, AGENCY name of SLIGH & TYRRELL,angles, along with inability to get at-Managers and Treasurers' union. are an okeh opener.Collinson and Dean,Chicago, is being retained by Eddie Slightractions, that has kept the Capitol in After talking for years about cut rat- strictly English male comedy team, areuntil September 1.Phil Tyrrell severedstraight films. ingandchiselingcompetition,those mild inthe deuce spot.Retta Ray,hisoffice connections recently. The ShubertswillputOlsen andp. a.'s that have been around for some easy -to -look -at tap and rhythm dancer Johnson's Crazy Show vaude unit intotime and are considered reputable have from America, clicks solidly.Girl has RAY S. KNEELAND, Buffalo, is book- some nice routines and has paid gooding the bands for Bemus Point Casino,their 46th Street Theater on a two -a -daydecidedtounionize. They planto attention to costuming and orchestra-Celeron Park Casino, Fort Niagara Beachvaude revue policy at pop prices, prob-establish professional standards that will tions. ably $1top, about August 15.Kurtkeep out some of the newcomers who Plenty of talent as well as looks.dancehall,Olcott Beach Casino andRobitschek is still dickering for a Broad-are,allegedly,undermining thep. -a. Gaston Palmer, international jugglingGrandview (Angola) this summer. All business. humorist,isalways way house forhis Palladium -type re- sure-fire. Smartspots are in Western New York withinvues.And thereisstilla possibility and with a good line of comedy. easy driving distance of Buffalo. . . . Bebe Daniels and Ben Lyon, the oneDUBICK AND ROGERS,- Buffalo,arethat the Center Theater may try a vaude team offlickerstars who remainabooking talent for the Showboat Cana-revue policy after running operettas next permanentvaudeattraction,haveaaiana, run by Crystal Beach Company.month.All this flesh activity has givenPlan for 8 Vaude grand act.Two superb performers with acts and agents great hopes that the Report a big line-up of talent bookingsbottom hasfinallybeen reachedin excellent material and a flair for show-for local conventions in September. . . . manship, they put over a scintillatingART ARGYRIES, Rochester, is bookingvaude and that there will be a definiteWeeks in Montreal act.Show -stop. Les Karsovas, mixedfioor shows for Chez Ami, Buffalo, thisupturn. MONTREAL, Que.,Aug. 6.-Famous dance team, open intermission with ansummer.. . . WALLY GLUCK, Buffalo, Warner'sStrand,Brooklyn, isex-Players -Canadian Circuit may have eight average acro-adagio routine. aads another new club to his alreadypected to resume week -end vaude afterweeks of vends. soon.Shermar Produc- Lai Founs, Chinese entertainers, havestrong chain of exclusive Gluck spots,Labor Day.Harry Young, personal rep,tions is in line to produce and book the a coloiful and versatile act that holdsincluding Alhambra, Savarin, Cafe Ma-who has turned vaude producer, willtalent. everything from acrobatics to the usualdrid, Club Delavan, by getting the callstage the first of his vand-vaude shows Terrence O'Donnell, local representa- plate spanning.Fast and spectacular.from Bernie Elliott to book the Clubat Randall's Island Stadium Wednesdaytive of the American Federation of Ac- Haver and Lee, male comedy team ofMayfair, Buffalo, soon. night.Cast includes Eddie Garr, Ferdetors, is negotiating an agreement cover- radio, are the weakest act on the bill. Grofe in a program of Gershwin compo-ing performers with Shermar. Crosstalkispuerileandunfunny. SALLY FIELDS, Detroit booker, is leav-sitions, a chorus of 24 and other acts. Hintoni Brothers, comedy acrobats, doing for California.Business and pleas-The showing will be a sort of "audition" a succession of smart stunts on a tableure. for the Park Commission, which okelss and form an admirable closer. entertainment policies for parks.If theStar Doubles Book Ahead Business excellent. Bert Ross. SAM ROSEY AGENCY, of San Fran-show clicks, Young hopes for an okeh cisco, has August bookings set for theto alternate productions between Ran- LONDON, Aug. 8.-After a shaky start dall's Island and Jones Beach stadium. on English debut French -American Pro- Four More London Houses Bal Tabarin here; Colombo Cafe, in Reno, ductions'novelattraction,HollrwoodP Nev., and Cal -Neva Lodge, at Lake Tahoe. The local Paramount Theater, mean-Stars Doubles,is finding favor at the LONDON, Aug. 6.-General Theaters Opening August 17 at the Bal Will bewhile, continues to set the pace for localPalladium, remaining three weeks. Corp. and Moss Empires take over fourEmile and Eveline, Haskell and Dianevaude houses.Chick Webb and Ella Originally booked for an eight -week more important vaude theaters in theDenise forthreeweeks. A HawaiianFitzgerald come In next week with GiveEnglish tour, the act has caught on and Londonarea,KilburnEmpire,Ilfordtroupe is current at the BaL Me a Sailor.Zasu Pitts, making her firstitis booked well into November. Dan Hippodrome, Hammersmith Palace and Set for the Colombo Cafe were thep. a. in this city, and Phil Spitalny andEckley, emsee, leaves the cast at the, end Croydon Empire. Allstart their newVagabonds, Lucille Iverson and LoritaSpawn of the North open August 17.of the original eight weeks.During the policywithstrongvaudeprogramsand Ardo. And going into the Cal -NevaMark Warnow and 17 -piece band, Ray-tour of the key cities of England English booked in conjunction with the Londontonight are Gallants and Leonardo, Hugomond Scott and Quintet and Maxinefilm "doubles" will augment the com- Palladium and Holborn Empire.ThisMartinelli and Lee Purdy. Sullivan, along with Bing Crosby's Singpany. means four more weeks of major vaude You Sinners film, are due August 31 or for American acts coming over for this International Association of PrintingSeptember 7.A Lewisohn Stadium con- tour. House Craftsmen Convention, at the Ho-cert by Warnow is planned to precede telStetler,Boston, August 14 to17, Vaude for Goodman awarded its entertainment contract tothe Paramount date. Seek More Midgets CLEON B. WHITE Entertainment. Bos- NEW YORK, Aug. 8.-MCA is lining up ton. Warner booking office adds the Foxseven vaude weeks for Benny Goodman. HOLLYWOOD, Aug. 8.-A search for Theater, Philadelphia, September 2. MalOpens at the Chicago, Chicago. Septem- additional midgets tofillthe supply Hallett's Band opens the new policy.ber 2, followed by Tower, Kansas City. demanded for the series of six all -midget DE ARV BARTON and the missus areEarle Theater in Philadelphia, also War- vacationing at the Cavalier Hotel, Vir-ner, continues with vaude policy.AtSeptember 16, with other dates to fill. pictures on schedule forco -producersginia Beach, Va.He's with the Cleve- His Chicago date will be his first Chi Sol Lesser and Jed Buell will take the least five Warner one and two-day spotsdate since he became a big name. After land officeof MCA. . . . BERNARDresume vaude after Labor Day. latter on agigantic midget hunt inBERNARDI, New York floor show pro- RKO resumes booking split -week vaudehis vaude tour, Goodman goes into the Europe some time thisweek.Theirducer, is looking for specialty talent andinto Troy and Schenectady, and possiblyWaldorf-Astoria Hotel here. firsteffort,TerrorofTiny Town,is Offers 30 weeks. being dubbed in Spanish, Italian, Frenchchorus girls. Albany, after Labor Day.The Palace, and German.Second and third films Cleveland, is set to get RKO vaude reg- are skedded for lumber camp and seaVaude Unit for Fairs ularly as a result of Martha Raye's rec- McNALLY'S backgrounds, respectively. ord -breaking week recently. CHICAGO, Aug. 6.-A second unit, BULLETINNO 20 Laugh Parade, for the Gertrude AverySavoy Does Well in Spokane PRICE ONE DOLLAR Martha Raye Record BreakerproductionsofBarnes -Carruthershas NEW, BRIGHT, ORIGINAL COMEDY been sent out by Russell V. Hupp here SPOKANE, Wash.,Aug.6. - Harry 15Monologues. 7 Acts for Two Males. 7 for a 10 -week tour of fairs, opening thisSavoy and his vaude troupe of Jean, Acts for Male and Female. 18 Parodies. CLEVELAND, Aug. 6.-Martha Raye's Ventriloquist Act, Female Act. Trio, Quar- personal appearance at the RKO Palaceweek at Chippewa Falls, Wis. Show con-Joan and Jack; Jerry Coe, Joe Morris tet and Dance Specialty, Tab and Burlesque. grossed house's biggest take since thesists of a 16 -girl line, a 12 -piece bandand company and Cortello and canines 16 Minstrel First -Parts, Overtures and Hale, 48 48 Monobits, Blackouts.Review personal appearance of Mae West. Rayeand Paul Sisters, Arturo and Evelyn,drew good houses at the OrpEeum last Scenes, Dance Band Stunts.Hundreds of headedafive -actbill. PriceswereHarry Sykes and the Littlejohns.Ran-week during a four -day engagement. Jokes and Gags.Remember, McNALLY'a ismusicaldirector and Katherine Ellis, psychic, was held over BULLETIN No. 20 is only one dollar; or boosted to stage -show levels of 30, 42dolph Avery will seed you Bulletins Nos. 10, 11, 12, 15, and 60cents,as against the straightemsee. Firstunit,DiamondRevue,three days. 1(1, 17, 19 and 20 for 54.50, with money - picture prices of 30, 35 and 42 cents. which opened at Minot, N. D., during back Guarantee. the July 4 holidays, is still on tour. Gus Sun Fetes Managers WM. McNALLY Vaude Stays in Mex City 81East 125th Street, New York Vaude Bookings Split SPRINGFIELD, 0.,Aug. 6.-Theater MEXICO CITY, Aug. 6.-The Teatro managers from Pennsylvania, West Vir- Lirico has refused to join the move of NEW YORK, Aug. 6.-Band attractionsginia, Kentucky, Indiana, Michigan, Illi- the few remaining playhouses here inforthePalace,Milwaukee,andthenois and Ohio will gather at the Van adopting straight pix policies and willTower Kansas City, are being bookedDyke Club, near Mechanicsburg, 0., Au- WANTED FOR THEATERS AND NIGHT CLUBS. remain as a stage -show house.The op-thru the local Skouras office by MCAgust 23 for an annual picnic as guestsVAUDEVILLE-- tVELTY-SINGING-DANC. eratorshavemadeagreementswithhere.Billy Diamondisstillbookingof Gus Sun, president of the Gus Sun1NG ACTS. CTIORI7S GIRLS for stock.7.100D vaude into the spots from Chicago. Booking Exchange. MEN COMEDY TEAMS.Give full detals. stagehands' and actors' unions to pre- WRITE OR WIRE serve the flesh policy. JOE MALL, 457Hippodrome Bldg., Cleveland.0. Ted Lewis Breaks Record Vaude for Asbury Park Death Takes Stanislaysky SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 6.-Attendance ASBURY PARK, N. J., Aug. Q.-Walter MOSCOW, Aug. 8.-Konstantin Sergei-figures set by the appearance of TedReade's Paramount Theater here, whichSTROBLITE 75. Lewis and band atthe RISO Golden vitchStanislaysky, noted Russian has been playing straight films here for Luminous Colors That Glow In the Desk actor and producer, died here yesterday.Gate were the highest since the personalyears, resumes vaude today.Opening Sensational Costume and Scenic Effects. Full details will appear in next week'sappearanceofBurns and Allenlastfull -week bill is headed by Belle Baker Spectacular Displays, Decorations, Eto. issue of The Billboard. year.Prices were tilted for Lewis, and Benny Youngman. STROBLITE CO.,Inst. 64. al W. II Rs lima s& 22 The Billboard August 13, 1938 Minstrelsy. Magic Burlesque By BOB EMMET (Cincinnati Office) By BILL SACHS (Communications to New York Office) '(Communications to Cincinnati Office/ LASSESWHITE reportsthatEmil New York: Columbia wheel, will celebrate his 79thPeterson,old-timeminstrelmusician. PHIL D'REY, ventriloquist and emsee, EVELYN MYERS, originally signed forbirthdayAugust 18. . . . STINKYwith whom he trouped for three seasons after a successful engagement at thefour weeks at the Eltinge, will remainFIELDS and Jack Little move into theon the Al G. Field Minstrels, visited Heidelberg Hotel Roof, Baton Rouge, La.,another month to August 28, postponingStar, Brooklyn, when that Raymond -Ad-him at Lynchburg, Va.,recently and Is now in his sixth week at the Nuther contemplated return to the Coast.ler house reopens for the season Septem-that they had a "gabfest."Emil, ac- Club, New Orleans.He's being held over ber 2. . . . BABE LAURIE, of formercording to Lasses, is living at the Elks' . . .MR. AND MRS. DAVE BELL, Re- indefinitely.... PAUL HUBBARD, who burly drys, is now Ethel Quinn in theHome, Bedford, Va. opens his magic show in Northern Ohiopublic executive,left August 3for abeauty -making business in . three-week Trinidad cruise. . . . JOEY territory about the middle of September, . ..EILEEN HUBERT, after a lengthy F'AYE dividing his time between comick- C.E. DUBLE, formerly ofthe Dode will play a string of school dates in Cin-ing at the Totem Lodge, near Albany,stay in carnivals, and Sunny O'Day, for-Fisk Circus, reminisces from Gastonia, cinnati during October.... MARVELO. mer burly principal and dancer, Joined featuring his liquid fire drink, was amongN.Y.,and rehearsing here for Max Gor-the Republic's front -liners August 5....N. C., about the Roy E. Fox Lone Star the featured acts at the 85th annualdon's new musical, Sing Out the News,DORIS WESTON doubling between show-Minstrels,ana11 -white organization, visiting day celebration at the St. Josephdue to open August 29 in Philly. . . girl line and strip -tease principal (herwhich he recalls being on the road over SUNYA (SMILES) SLANE, recently 25 years ago, playing under canvas in Infant Asylum, Cincinnati, August7.closed at the Mutual, Indianapolis, hasfirst attempt) at the Republic AugustTexas and traveling on its own private . . TOUGH SPOT: Pinch hitting for 5 week. Bill Sachs while he's vacationing andinsured her jewelry for $1,500.Follow- car.Band was an advertised feature trying his hand at outwitting the in-ing a vacash she leaves for the Coast. JERRIE MARSHALL. new strip -teaseandItsleader's name was Whitney, . . . LESTER MACK,formerburly Duble recalls.Eddie See played a flashy habitantsofMichigan'smanylakes.straight man, has the part of the villainprincipal, closed six weeks of stay in an . . . GERBER the magish, who con- triple-tongue cornet solo.Duble wishes in Michael Kelleser's new drama, WifeAtlantic City nitery and back to Newthat some of the boys with Foxin 1910 cludedasuccessfulweekstandin York for burly engagements. . . . ED - Owosso,Mich.,lastweek,beginshison Approval, that opened at the Or-DIE GOODMAN returned to managerialwould oblige readers with more data. string of fair dates next week asa freepheum, Jersey City, July 28. duties at the Republic last week after act,featuring his rock break, blindfold JEAN ROCHELLE, dancer, left the Re-10 days of in Asbury Park.. . . MARX L. FRISBIE, with F. S. Wolcott (See MAGIC opposite page) public August 4 to open the Sunday fol-CELL DeVLNE, billed as Wauneta, openedfor the past 15 years, writes from Port lowing in Warren, 0., with High Hat, aat the Troc, Philly, August1. . Gibson, Miss.. that Wolcott's Rabbit Foot new musical, to play open-air parks theBILLY KLEIN, former burlesk show ad-Co. and Huntington's Minstrels are com- next six weeks.Booked by Joe Reider.vance man, now in front of Spicy Mo-bining to make one of the largest tent Charles (Tramp) McNally, burly comic,ments, a Luna Park, Coney Isle conces-minstrel shows ever to tour the South. also with the troupe. ... LEONE THUS -sion. . . MANNY HERTZIG, of theShow will open about the middle of TON, recently of the Eltinge, celebratedRepublic's staff of operators, together (See MINSTRELSY opposite page) a birthday July 29 after show time atwith his wife and juniors, back from her Gerrittsen Beach, Brooklyn, home.three weeks of vacation in Saratoga with Among the guests were Jeanne Pardue,many autographsofcelebritiesand Tommy Raft, Mary Sharp, Doris Westonplenty of cash from the bookies(he says).. . JEANNE PARDUE during her We supply and many relatives and friends.A fea-recent stay at the Eltinge was billed as all entertainment ture was a swimming contest near by.Janina. UNO. needs for lodges, . . . LOU REALS, former burly show CONTESTANTS dramatic clubs, owner and manager, now handling th' Borrah Minevitch harmonica outfit.. .. Chicago: Opening Sioux City,Ia.,Friday, schools, etc., and GEORGE YOUNG starts rehearsals for DOROTHY DEE and Bozo Snyder. foreveryoccasion. the coming season of stock at the Roxy,booked into the Roxy, Toronto, by Milt August 12. Catalog Free. Cleveland, on August 22.Opening onSchuster, . . . HAMP AND BECK are T. S. DENISON & CO. August 26. . . . JEAN MODE, Juliaspendingtheirsummervacationin Come or Wire 203 N.Wabash Ave.. Dept, 16, Chicago,III. Bryan and Dot Dabney replaced JeanneGrand Rapids, Mich. . . . BILLY B. Pardue, Leon Thus -ton and Diane RayMACK replaces Charles Country at the at the Eltinge August 5 Rialto, Chicago, while the latter goes on C.M. HAYDEN vacation. . . . GAYETY, MINNEAPOLIS, CRYSTAL .AYMES, with Jean Lee andopens with stock August 26. . . . LEW Auditorium,SiouxCity,Iowa. WANTED Jess Mack, of the Republic, visited HelenFINE, the burly comic,isplaying fair Morgan at the Riviera, Fort Lee, N. J.,dates.. . . MARGIE BARTELL opened one night last week.Miss Aymes, whoFridayattheNational,Detroit,after used to perform with Miss Morgan inclosing stock in Seattle. . . . BILLY 'Burlesque People one of the Scandals editions.. . . SAMLEE and Harry Cornell are operating a In AllLines forGayetyTheater, SCRIBNER, former big chief of the oldnight club now in Ellicott, Md. Minneapolis, Stock Opening August 26. ATTENTION, Also Chorus Girls, Bobbie Pegrim pro- CONTESTANTS-Another Big ducing. MILTON SCHUSTER "POP" DUNLAP CONTEST 36 Wast Randolph St.- - - - Chicago OPENS IMMEDIATELY AFTER CLOSE OF PRESENT CONTEST. $2,000.00 Prize Money. Endurance Shows BIGGER - BETTER - MORE POP- ULATION THAN PRESENT CON- (CommunicationstoBillSachs, Cincinnati Office) TEST-AND THAT'S SAYING Edwards.Bill Stein airs the show three SOMETHING. WANTED 12 Remain in Dunlap's times daily over Station WOL. AllContestantsofDunlapStandard Silver Spring Contest Contact Roller Derby News RAY "POP" DUNLAP CHORUS GIRLS WASHINGTON, Aug.6. - Withthe At Once, AMERICAN LEGION WALKATHON, I Dancers and Show Girls) 900th hour passed, Ray (Pop) Dunlap's SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 6.-Leo Selt- Silver Spring, Md., justzer's Roller Derby closed at the Civic Silver Spring, Md. Write or Wire walkathon at Auditorium Wednesday, completinga DEWEY MICHAELS, across the Washington District line, is Palace Theatre, Buffalo, N. Y. four -week run and playing to 250,000 still packing them in.Twelve teams re-persons.Show opens at the Oakland THE ORIGINAL main in the running, Stan West and(Calif.) Rink tonight. New skaters, according to Seltzer, are Maxine Lang, Clyde Hamby and wife,being brought from the East to bolster Geo,W. Pughe Derby Show WANTED!!BillyWillisand RuthCarrol,Louisthe teams in their East Bay appearance. CHORUS GIRLS FOR SEASON OF OPENS AUGUST 25. STOCK BURLESQUE. Meridith and ViolaComerford, ElmerDerby will be runinseveralPacific No traveling.Must be young and experi- DuPree andLrucilleDelmar, JohnnieNorthwest cities before returning here. Watch Next Issue for Details. enced. State age, height, experience In letter Reed and Jennie Busch, Hughie Hendrix - or wire.Rehearsals Monday, August 22d. Entertaining Sprint Teams and Staff contact Season opensFriday,August 26th.Top son and Patey Patterson, Sammy Kirby by Air Mail. salary for good -working, reliable girls. and Opal Fertig, Hobo Hobaugh andTen Couples Remain in GEORGE YOUNG wife, Harry Hamby and Eileen Thayer,Hagerstown, Md., Walkie Address, GEO. W. PUGHE, Northland Hotel, ROXY THEATRE, Cleveland, Ohio. Roy Meyers and Millie Bungers and Jack Green Bay, Wit. Berquist and Marge Strom. HAGERSTOWN,Md.,Aug.6.-The Addedattractionssuchas" which alive," colored revues, musical comediesgot under way here June 6 with 37 and the 45 -minute treadmills have beencoupleshasplayedto good business effective attendance pullers. Floor Judgeduring the week and capacity week -end Wanted At Once Dick Layer is doing a swell job of makingcrowds.Ten couples remain.They are Walkathon Principals and Chorus Girls for stock engagementseveryone hate him for his rigid judgingCurly Kent and Edna Green, Clyde Wood Contestants wanted atonce. Virgin oilfield or one Organised Show. Girls must do specialties.of the contest.Platform is handled byand Grace Baysden, Bob Turner and territory. Salary518.041 aweek. WriteF.R. ROACH, Starts August 18. Knoxville, Tenn. Irving Friedberg, Lennie Paige and DickI illian Bowling, George Walker and Carol only. Mgr., Roxy Theater, Defea, Kenny Laux and Evelyn Thomp- Write son, Bobby Allen and Rosalie Lynn, Jack BIG RICHPlileyE, St". Davis and Ruth Boyd, Itsy Bacrach and Jean Smith, Tim Hammack and Mae Eason and Schnozzle Carr and Eleanor Johnson. Two teams are sponsored. Count Hastings' Bandisfurnishing JERRIE MARSHALL the music, while Phil Murphy and Wal- A Real New Sensational Strip Teaser in the East ;ie Adams are emseeing the show, as- LAST CALL sisted by Cliff Real and Mickey Sheehan, Entry List held open 48 hours.Don't miss comedians.Show isaired twice daily this one. Singer 'Dancer - walker over Stations WJEF, Hagerstown, and Direction MONTE HALL. Perm. Add., 100 W. 86th St.-Phone SU 7-9230-N. Y. C. WFMD, Frederick, with Adams handling Air Conditioned Building, Pearl and Gilbert the mike.Jim (King Kong) Coffey by Streets, Beaumont, Tex. (See Endurance Shows an opposite page) August 13, 1938 REPERTOIRE -TENT SHOWS The Billboard 23 Conducted by BILL SACHS-Communications to 25Opera Place, Cincinnati,0. Bros.' Stock Co. recently and opines it Is DUKE HALL,aftersuccessfulnight one of the best shows he has seen in aKinsey Players Draw 'Em club engagements at Dayton, Springfield long time. . . OUR SCOUTS tell U8 end Russells Point,0.,is performing Rep Ripplesthat the John Van Arnam Show was do- MANSFIELD, 0., Aug. 6.-Madge Kin-hisrepertoireoftricksatMurray's ing an okeh business when sighted atsey Players, now in their fourth weekBuffet, Richmond, Ind. . . NORMAN several Maine stands..., FRANK WARD,under canvas on a lot near the down-THE WIZARD is still working his vent BILLY WAGONER, well-knowntentrep andcarnivalagent,sinceclosingtown businessdistrict,revivedUncleact in the girl show and doing a plat- show trailer blazer, is this season with Tom's Cabin for four days to capacity the World of Mirth Shows, in charge ofwith Toby Nord's Comedians, has made form freeactof magic on Zimdars' fair and celebration dates in New Zea-business, despite the heavy patronage atGreater Shows. ... SANDY LYLE is still the bill car. His wife. Ella. and son, Billyland, Australia and almost allof thethe annual Richland County Fair thefooling them with his comedy eigaret Doss, are vacationing until SeptemberPacific Islands. For the last two yearssame week.The bill had not been pre-trick at Old Vienna Gardens, on Indian 1 at Myrtle Beach,S.C. . . . CRAIG sented, hereinalmost25years. A BROS.' SHOW reports fair biz in Newhe has been filling the general agent - Lake, Russells Point, 0... . ship on Doc Zeiger's Shows. . . . BILLquartet of Negro singers augmented thesleight-of-handtrixter,presented two York State.Outfit totes a band and aFRAZER, who does the emseeing andKinsey group for the occasion. Businessmagish shows in Oregon last month. one hillbilly ork. . . . MUNCH FAMILYpresents his family show on Billy J. Col -since the opening here has been goodat the Lithia Theater, Ashland, and the SHOW, in Northern Minnesota, hasline' Revue, postals that the organizationand may toplastyear, according toother at the Grange Show, Phoenix. Duke experienced a noticeable increase in b. -o,will starta three-month tour of fairsHarry Graf, manager.Recent visitorsMontague's "Walking Thru a Ribbon" take in recent weeks. . . . LEON C.beginning with the Clay Center (Neb.)included Mr. and Mrs. Jack Nedrow,was featured at both. KELLEY. formerly with the Original Wil-County Fair. Maynard (Doc) Mast, Bernice Lentz and liams and Heffner -Vinson shows, is con- Mr. and Mrs. Rex McConnell. fined at Marine Hospital, Cleveland, and ACE WILLIARD, youthful magish, re- wculd appreciate a line from old friends.By -Gosh Notes cently concluded a successful two- "Don't need help," Leon pencils, "as this Heffner -Vinson Hi-Lites week stand at the Price Hill House, one is a government hospital and I get all OAKLAND, Md., Aug. 6.-The By -Gosh of Cincinnati's suburban niteries. .. the care a man can get.Have been flatTent Show is doing much better now PENNINGTON GAP, Va., Aug. 6,-OnLECKVOLD, mentalist -magician, is prep- on my back the lastfive weeks withthat itisin territory where By Gosharrival at Middlesboro, Ky., we foundping for a fall tour of schools and thea- arthritis.' . . . ALICE RICHEY andis well known and has a good following.the lot a quagmire after an all-nightters in the South at the wind up of his members of her company, still playing Banner man is overloaded with ban-rain and had to pass it up.Old Jupestringofclubengagementsinand along the Coast, recently bumped intoners and is selling everyone except thePluvius has been a daily visitor the pastmound Seattle and Everett, Wash. ... Frank O'Rourke, erstwhile leading man, BIRCH THE MAGICIAN is still enjoy- post office.By Gosh and his new ideaweek. ing in Grass Valley, Calif.. and Paul Work-cfStatestoreliquid candyisgoing Hoxie Tucker narrowly escaped death healthybox-officeplayonhis man, tab and rep comic. in San Fran-aver 100 per cent. at Pineville when an inebriate fired twosummer tour. . .. HASKELL will open cisco.The Richey company is now work- Manytheatermanagersfromallshots at him, one of which entered hisa two-week stand at the Bal Tabarin, ing return dates in the latter city around are daily visitors, as By Goshabdomen and passed thru his side. Luck-San Francisco, August 17, the day after GEORGE C. ROBERSON and his tentplays theater circuits in th.s territoryily,he only sustained an ugly fleshhe concludes his present stayatthe show players came in for a lengthy andeach season. wound and after a night in the hospitalTrocadero, Hollywood. . , JEAN TOLE favorable story in The Milwaukee Journal Mac D. Ferguson and Red Harris haveleft with show. The inebriate attemptedcontinues to fool 'em at the Moose Roof of Sunday, July 24. written by Richard S.been added to the cast.Business hasto crash the front door without a ticket.Garden, Pittsburgh.... PALMER AND Davis, Journal staff man. who caught theincreased 100 per cent since cur opening Harold Hendricks, formerly with HarryDOREEN, with their Magic Kettle mysti- opry recently at Wisconsin Rapids, Wis.rights. BERNICE EXCESS. Shannon and other reps, joined recently.fier, are now in the fourth week of an Besides Roberson the following members The HerbertsvisitedGeorge Bartlettindefinite engagement at Bartlett Club, of the trcupe also came in for ie mention: and party at the Roxy Theater, Knox-Rochester.. . . HARDEEN packed the JosephToniutti.JackSexton,EddieMcOwen Mutterings ville, Tenn., recently. Hippodrome at Hamid's Million -Dollar Gardner, Wayne Von Hinkle, Lee Eyrse, E. D. (Bud) Hutton, former rep musi-Pier,AtlanticCity,lastweek when, Phoebe Fulton. Marion Sexton. Dionne YORK, Neb., Aug. 6.-Combined Mc -cian, visited at Barbourville, Ky., wherewith a tie-up with the M. E. Blatt Co., Gardner, Helen Alton, Wilbur Emhs, RoiOwen Players and the McOwen Sisters'he has been public school music super-he made an escape from a packing box LaR.enzo, Barney Ferro, Homer Pinkstonshow has been playing to spotty business.visor for past six years.Carleton Clark,built by store employees. He accomplished and Billy King, Due to a mix-up on the lot la Hastings,brother of Myers Clark, musician withthefeatinnineminutes,butwas Neb.,the company was compelledtovarious units, was on lot in Corbin. plenty winded after the affair.. A move, and owing to this change the ShowspassingthruCorbin shouldGROUP ofSeattle magi returned to EDEACON ALBRIGHT and Lew Bel-troupe lost some business on openingwatch for fee -grabbing constables. Twotheir homes last week after capturing moat are playing halls and schoolright.The week as a whole, however,orivers here were victims of a shakedownsome high honors and acclaim atthe auditoriums in Indiana and Kentuckywound up satisfactorily. there the past week. recent Pacific Coast Association of Ma- with their Showboat Revue,12 -people Opening here was big.Organization Several with the show had an enjoy-gicians' convention In San Jose. Calif. vetide "met, using Evansville, Ind., as trip to Norris Dam from Coal Creek,PartyincludedJamesEyster,Harry base town.Boys play the dates underAdvanceisgetting good spots for theTenn.,ake and also took a cruise on NorrisMiller, M. C. Hickerson, Richard Swan- auspices and hustle the local merchantsshow's paper. son, W. L.Stroud, Ray Gamble and for program ads. . . . OTIS L. OLIVER. Rhythm Boys played for Legion danceCharles N. Smith, president of Seattle veterantep and stock manager. con- at Barbourville.Buddy (Romeo) Haw-Ring No.59. Smith won firstprize clucted his cooking and charm school atBillroy's Briefs for the best vent act and stage presen- kins hopes we play near Bristol, Tenn.,tation. Millercapturedthe Gamble Melody Gardens, Playland Park, South FARIBAULT, Minn., Aug. 6.-We're inhis home town, so he can get some home Bend, Ind., July 19-22.He's reported to cooking. trophy for his card feat, while maker - be clicking okeh with the new venture.a quandary: Either we have an excellent AL PITCAITHLEY. son won the award for the most original ... CAMDEN PLAYERS have closed aftershow orthenativesinthisterritory trick. nn unsuccessful swing around the Maineare pushovers, for they've been receivingENDURANCE SHOWS resort towns.They blame weather con-cur offeringsenthusiastically.No act (Continued from opposite page) ditions... EMILE LOWMAN is reportedhas failed to score. MINSTRELSY Tommy Lucas, Bird Luellen and othershis strict judging retains his standing (Continued from opposite page) to be framing a small circle in Atlanta.held a jam session after hours in Winonaas one of the most hated judges in the He plans work into Florida in the fall.with Ernie Palmquist and his MCA band.field.Tim Hammack was "frozen alive"August foe a 12 -week season in Dam . BRYANT'S SHOWBOAT is now in its Tuesday night for 28 minutes and 37sissippl, Louisiana and Arkansas, F'rislate. fourth week at the foot of Lawrence street,Members of band present were Al Plock, says. Cincinnati. BillLeeming,WarneyRuhl,Claudeseconds. Businessisshowinglin-1{nott.BillJohnson,HarleyWalker, rrovemene after a somewhat slow start.Maurice Roberts, Louis Pastora and Al MARSHALL ROBERTS, walkie con- ED (GENTRY) WALSH, for many This is the Bryant craft's eighth sum-Kitty. testant, is back in the trucking businessyears with E. -H. Jones attractions, has mer season in Cincy in the last nine Ashton Stevens, Chicago dramatic crit-in Chicago for the summer."Recentlyretired and is residing in Port Gibson. years. . . . BENNY (FATS) WAYLANDic,recently caught show in Rochester,visitedCharlieHayden'scontestinMiss. postals from Stanardsville, Va., that hisMinn., as did Pete Lyman, former repAurora, Ill.," Marshall writes. Ken -Ben's Comedians are doing all rightleading man and program director at for, themselves in that section. . . . ED -Etation KROC there. PEGGY LAMONT and Joe Garry postal DIE MASON is doubling his well-known We day and dated Aulger Bros.inthat they will enter the Bloomington, FOR SALE country store feature between the Madge Ill., walkie. COMPLETE DRAMATICOUTFIT Kinsey Players in Mansfield, 0., and theFaribault.On their program are Joye Including Trucks, Seats, Scenery, Plano.Everything Gregg, Earl Gregg, Lois Lane, Harrison ready to set up.All new. Only used S weeis. Kathryn Kinsey Co., Marion, 0., doingAulger, Corinne Longdon, Don Muckel,MAGIC one night each week in each town. TheAddison Aulger, Edde Lane. CARL KENNEDY SHOW TENT HOUSE idea is reported to be getting excellent (Continued from opposite page) 1140 ILLINOIS AVE.. DALLAS. TEX. results.. JOHN D. FINCH. . BOB CONN and wife, Joan dive and other illusions.. .. DeCLEO Vaughn, who have been laying off in and Co., comprising six people, is play- WANTED Cincinnat: the last four weeks, joined For one-nightstandpresentationunder carman Van Arnam Notes ing Northwestern Ohio territory, withAgent with car, Piano Player, Hillbilly andRadii! the George Bishop Tent Show at Mil- DeCleo standing the natives on theirAct.M. C. who can sing.Banner Man.Write, lerstown, Pa., July 20. SYRACUSE, N. Y., Aug. 6.-It's just don't wire. Those who wrote before commtLticate heads in wonderment with his tea ket-Paxley, August 11; Hazlehurst,12; Alma13; one rain after another in New Englandtle nifty.... THAT WINDY HIGGINS,Vidalia, 15; Eastman, 16; Cochran, 17; Hawkins - this summer, but we are getting usedPaul Stadelman's dummy, is taking aVille, 18; Vienna, 19; Ashburn, 20; all in Georgia. ARTHUR J. FOX has his three -peopleto it. prominent place in Kentucky's politicsTommy Burns wire. FRANK(RED) FLETCHER. show clicking in Nova Scotia terri- Thomas Marmey,front -doorticketwas evidenced last week when he received tory. . . . GORDON PLAYERS. under di- rection ofA.GeorgeGordon, formersuperintendent and cookhouse chef formore than a dozen votes in Hopkinsville WANTED several years, closed in Eastport, Me., toIn the New Era's straw vote on SenatorA-1smallOrganized Unit(tent theater) good manager of RKO Palace Theater, South proposition.Established show.Hurry. Write for Bend. Ind., opened near Mishawaka, Ind.,be married to an Eastport girl.We'llAlben W. Barkley's senatorial race withparticulars. August 8. .. miss him. Governor A.B.Chandler. StadelmanFOR SALE-Dramatic Outfit. 501(110. practical- LINWOOD SCOTT has his Barnett Bros.' Circus played. 20 milesand Windy gave out with their vocally new, complete, cheap. Write small show playing Western Texas to calisthenics for the vast throng which ORIGINAL WILLIAMS STOCK CO., fair business. . . BOB (RUBE) TARRfrom us in Bucksport, Me., and many (En route)Uvalde, Ga. hi' readying a small outfit in Manchester,with the show here saw the matinee per-attendedtheBarkleypoliticalrally formance. It'sa swell show and wethere.... MARQUIS postals "greetings" N. H., to !Jay Maine and New Hampshire from Panguitch, Utah, with the word spots. . . . BELIEVE US the softest spotwere given a royal welcome by Col. Cox, in the world isn't pinch-hitting for BillCO -Owner. that he is sojourning in the Southwest. Sachs while he tries his hand at invei- Clarence Reed again showed his ver- .. HARRY BLACKSTONE is still va- ANTED cationing at his mint ranch and birdClean Rep, Tab or Dramatic Show undercanvas gling the members of Michigan's pisca-satility by taking Wingy Sanders' job as to play good town. Auspices, City School Band. torial tribe into snaring themselves onboss canvasman.Wingy was called tofarm at Colon, Mich., after a 101/2 -monthWire or write tour with his 22 -people attraction.... his hook. . . . REPORTS from NorthernGeorgia on business.Clarence has done E. D. HUTTON, Director, Barbourville, Ky. New York indicate that the Billy Blytheeverything but play in the band. Players are enjoying fair business in that We play only one theater a year, and neck of thewoods. . . FREEMANthe new route card says we play the TURGEON, ex -rep actor,is now asso-Premier Theater at Littleton, N. H. Van ciated with a Boston newspaper. . . Arnam's Minstrels opened it 17 years ago ROLL TICKETS MUNCH FAMILY SHOW, currently tour-and we have played it every year since. ing Nebraska, is clicking.. .. MARJORIE Last Sunday at Machias, Me., almost Printed to Your Order KENNEDY ie playing Maine resort towns,the whole show stayed at Anr.'s Cabins. CheapestGOOD TICKET on the Market 100 000for under auspices. to good turns.. .. EARLAnn Taylor, the owner, used to be one D. BARR, retired rep musical director,of the leading stock company actresses letters a 'hello" from Faribault, Minn.,in the old rep show days. eystone Ticket Co., snamiltii,"Pa.$17.50 with the word that he visited the Aulger BILLY C'BRIEN. Cash With Order-No. C. 0. D. STOCK TICKETS -415.00 per 100,000, any apartment. 24 The Billboard August 13, 1938 Lewis Jr.. Ted (Surfside) Long Beach, L. L. N. Y., nc. ACTS, UNITS AND Lind, Christina (New Yorker) NYC, h. Lit,Bernie(Atlantic Bar)Wildwood, N.J., ATTRACTIONS no. Lonas, John (Spinning Wheel) Seattle, Wash., (Routes are for current week whenno dates rte. Long, Avon (Plantation) NYC, no. are given.) Route Department Long, Leon: Pennington Gap, Va., Aug.1-1; St. Charles 8-13. Abdallah Girls, Six(Leon& Eddie's) NYC, nc. Long, Chet(Delavan)Buffalo,no. Adrian, Iris (Leon & Eddie's) NYC. no. Lowa, Tanya (Chez Maurice) Montreal, no. Following eachlistinginthe ACTS -UNITS -ATTRACTIONS section Love, Edmund (State -Lake)Chi,t, Aimes & Vivenne(Black Cat)Wilmington, a Fillinthedesignation Del., nc. oftheRoute Department appears symbol. Lucas, Nick(Lyric)Indianapolis,t. Allen, Stuart (Essex House) NYC, h. corresponding to the symbol when addressing organizations or individuals Lucille,Margaret(Nemerson)South Falls - Allen, Ed (Palmer House) Chi, h. listed. burg. N. Y., h. Anderson Sisters(Plantation)NYC, nc. M Andrade, Raymond (Biltmore) NYC, h. EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS McCormack, Frank (Delavan) Buffalo, nc. Andrews Sisters (Capitol) Washington, N., McKay & La Vallee (Troxy) London, Eng., t. Antaleks, Six (Earle) Washington, t. a-auditorium;b-ballroom;c-cafe;cb-cabaret;cc-country McKenna, Joe & Jane(Capitol)Washing- Armon, Dorothy (Chez Ann) Buffalo, nc. ton,t. Arn, Vera(S.S.Bear Mountain)Battery club; h-hotel; mh-music hall; nc-night club; p-amusement park; Mack, Ernie (Wive]) NYC, re. Park, NYC, 8. ro-road house; re-restaurant; s-showboat; t-theater. Major, Bob & Bobbie (Studio) Clifton, N. J. Arnold. Floyd (Greenhorn Tavern) Hickman nc. Mills, Mo. NYC-New York City; Phila-Philadelphia; Chl-Chicago. Mann. Marion (Blackhawk) Chi, nc. Ash, Paul. Band (Roxy) NYC, t. Manon, Sylvia(Palace)Chi,t. Ashburns, The (Providence-Biltmore)Provi- Mapes, Bruce (International Casino) NYC,no. dence, h. Marcus, Doctor (College Inn) Chi, h. Astwocd, Norman (Afrique) NYC, nc. Dean, Joey (Babette's) Atlantic City, nc. Gyldenkrone, Baron Ebbe (Garbo) NYC, re. Marcella, Rose (Afrique) NYC, no. Attles, Joe (Plantation) NYC, no. Deana & Del Campo (Adelphial Phila, h. Gypsy Four (Blue Danube Grill) Chi, nc. Merits (Old Roumanian) NYC. re. Austin & DuBally (Boulevard Tavern) Elm-Del Rio, Jose(Gloria Palast) NYC, nc. Marinos, Los (Trocadero) NYC, nc. ' hurst, L.I.,nc. Dell & Hamory (Essex House) NYC, h. H Marlynn & Michael(RadioCity Rainbow Avon Sisters (Sanford's Showboat) NYC, s. Del Carmen, Maria (Havana -Madrid) NYC,Hale, Teddy (Kit Kat) NYC. no. Grill) NYC, nc. B nc. Hale,John(Sni-a-BarGardens)KansasMarquises, Three (La Marquise) NYC, nc. Denis, Clark (Bon -Air)Chi,cc. City, Mo., nc. Marquita & Meece (Ray -Ott Club)Niagara Bailey Sisters (Edgewater Beach) Chi, h. Dennis & Sayers (Black Cat) Burlington, Vt.,Hale's,Chester,24 Texas Comets(Capitol) Falls, N. Y., no. Baines, Pearl (Kit Kat) NYC, no. nc. Washington, t. Marshalls, The (Radio City Rainbow Room) Bangor, Kay (1412) Phila, nc. Diamond, Jack & Ethel(Nemerson)SouthHammond, Earl F., Eskimo Troupe (Ice Follies NYC, no. Barnes, Lillian(Babette's)Atlantic City, nc. Fallsburg, N. Y..h. of 1937) Atlantic City. Marthyn, Dorothy (Colosimo's) Chi, nc. Barra, Cappy, Ensemble (Palace ) Chi,t. Dillon & Parlow (El Mido) Vallejo, Calif., nc.Hanneford, George, Family(Steel Pier)At-Maurice & Betty (Leon & Eddie's) NYC, TIC, Barth, Ruby (S.S. Bear Mountain) BatteryDimitri & Helen Virgil (El Gaucho) NYC. nc lantic City June 26 -Sept. 15. Maysy Brach (Chicago)Chi,t. . Park, NYC, s. Dlo Trio (La Cava) NYC, re. Hardin, Dan (President) Swan Lake, N. Y., h,Medranno & Donna (Arrowhead Inn) Sara- Barto & Mann (State) NYC, t. Dittman, Grace (Palmer House)Chi,h. Harney & Connors (Leon & Eddie's; NYC, nc. toga Springs,N.Y.,nc. Bass, Paul (Chateau Modernel NYC, no. Doane.Barbara (Meadowbrook) Saratoga,Harrington, Pat (Club 18) NYC, nc. Mercer. Maryon (Village Barn) NYC, no. Bates, Lulu (Meadowbrook) Saratoga, N. Y.. N. Y., no. Harris Marcia(S.S. Bear Mountain) Bat-Merriman, Ted(Broadway Club)Montreal, nc. Donnelly, Harry (Gay Nineties) NYC, no. tery Park, NYC, s. Can., nc. Beaucaire, Pierre (Monte Carlo) NYC, nc. Dorita & Valeroy(El Chico) NYC, nc. Harris, Muriel (Villeplgue's) Sheepshead Bay,Mignone, Miss (Bon -Air)Chi,cc. Behan, Arthur (Gay Nineties) NYC, nc. Dorn & Yosey (S. S. Bear Mountain) Battery Brooklyn. re. Miller, Beth (Roumanian Village) NYC, ne. Belmont Balladeers (Glass Hat) NYC, nc. Park, NYC, s. Harris, Phil, & Band (Lyric) Indianapolis, t.Mills, Eddie (Sanford's Showboat) NYC, s. Below, Ted (Village Barn) NYC. no. Douglas,Dorothy (YeOldeTavern)Ft.Harris, Don(Half Moon)Steubenville,0.,Miraeva. Inna (BublichltilHollywood. nc. Bennet, Ethel (Old Roumanian) NYC, nc. Wayne, Ind., nc, no. Modie & Lemaux (Nicolet)Minneapolis 11- Berl, Ben (Lyric)Indianapolis,t. Harrison, Spike (Gay '905) NYO, nc. 24,h. Berk, Irving (Roumanian Village) NYC, no. Dowling, Tom & Sls (Monterey) Asbury Park, N.J.,h. Hart, Walter (Finocchies) San Francisco, no. Moffett,y,nAorl.elaide(PipingRock)Saratoga, Bernie, Al (Paramount) NYC, t. Harvey -Brixton & Ross (Nut Club) New Or- N. Fallsburg,Downey, Morton (Cara Manana) Ft. Worth. Beyer,Enis (Nemerson)South no. leans,nc. Mole. Joe (Fernandez Shows) Honolulu. N. Y., h. Droner, Paul (Chez Parcel Chi. nc. Havilland, Dick (Club DeLisa) Chi, nc. Hawaii. Bigelow & Lee (Chanticler)Millburn. N.J.,Drayton Sisters & Jack (Club Roberti) SanHayes, Samuels & Harriet (Earle) Washing-Monroe & Grant (Casa Manitna) Ft. Worth, no. Francisco July 27 -Aug.10,nc. ton,t. nc. Btrse, Darla (Russian Kretchma) NYC, re. Drew. Charlie (Lombardy Bar) NYC, re. Healey. Eunice(State) NYC, t. Monti, Millie (Savoy -Plaza) NYC, h. Blake, Larry(Earle)Phila,t. Heathen, Boyd (Nemerson) South Fallsburg,Moore, Diane(1412)Phtla,no. Hollywood, Drysdale, Grace (State -Lake) Chi, t. B lakstone, Nan (Club 17) Du Pont,Bob(Grosvenor House;London, N.Y.,h. Moore & Revel (Bon -Air)Chi,cc. Blanchard. Jerry (18) NYC, nc. Eng.,h. Heller & Riley (Tower) Kansas City. Mo., t. Morales Bros. & Little Daisy (Celebration) :Flake.Billy(State -Lake)Chi.t. Duffy. Bobby (New Yorker) NYC, h. Hill, Florence (Plantation) NYC, nc. Adrian, Mich. y lane, Rose (Chez Paree) Chi, no. Durante. Jimmy (Casa Mamma) NYO, cb. Hilliard, Harriet (Stanley)Pittsburgh.t. Moran & Piemonte (Warwick) NYC, h. 2,lue, Ben (Casa Manana) NYC, nc. Duval Sisters (Monte Carlo) NYC. nc. Hoffman, Lou (Villa Venice) Chi, cc. Morgan, Helen (Riviera) Fort Lee, N. J., M. 1,ond, Francis (Club Villa Di Detroit, nc. Holbein, Rolf (Remy) NYC. t. Moriche, Jose(Trocadero) NYC, r. soots & Saddles (Afrique) NYC, no. E Holland & Hart (Dorchester House) London,Morison, Alex(St. Regis) NYC, h. Loran,Arthur(WestEndCasino)LongEgbert, Marion (Plantation) NYC, nc. h. Mura, Corinna (Bon -Air) Chi, cc. Branch, N.J.,July 30 -Aug.12. Ellis, Marge (Paradise)NYC, cb. Don (Palmer House) Chi, h. Myers, Helen (New Yorker) NYC, h. B orgia & Oliver (Coq Rouge) NYC, re. (Village Barn) NYC. no. Hopkins, Bob(El Chico)Plattsburg, N.Y., Lourbon, Ray (Rendezvous) Hollywood, no. Eltons, The co. N ouvier, Yvonne (St. Moritz) NYC, h. Emerson, Hope (Savoy -Plaza) NYC, h. Howard, Joseph (Bill's Gay '90s) NYC. ne. Napua (Lexington) NYC, h. AnniversaryUnitEmmy's, Carl, Mad Wags (Capitol) Washing- Nazarenko(St. Regis) NYC, h. Bowes,Major. & Third ton,t. Hoysradt, John (Dorchester House) London,Nelson, Ozzie, & Orch. (Stanley) Pittsburgh. (Riverside)Milwaukee,t. Endor & Farrell (Clover) Hollywood. nc. h. rovee, Arthur 'Barney Gallant's) NYC, re. (Club Rio)Allentown,Pa.,Hudspeth,Dr.Charles & Madame(Palm t. Boyettes' The (Dutch M111)Baltimore, nc. Escorts,Three Garden) Cincinnati, nc. Nesbit,Evelyn(Cavalier)NYC, nc. Bronte, Ann (Villanova) Saratoga, N. Y., nc. 9-23. no. Huston,Elizabeth(President)Swan Lake,Nevins, Thelma (Boulevard Tavern) Elmhurst, Brice. Rhoda (Village Brewery) NYC, nc. Everett & Conway (Starland) Montreal, Que., N. Y., h. L.I.,no. Bromley. Bob(Radio City Rainbow Room) Can., t, Newdahl, Clifford (One Fifth Ave.) NYC, h. NYC, nc. Newton, Peggy (Hickory House) NYC, nc. Brown. Evans (Chula Vista Resort) Wisconsin Night Hawks, Four (Edgewater Beach) Chi, h. Dells, Wis.. 5 -Sept.3. be received at the CincinnatiNillson, Walter (Casa Manana) Ft. Worth, nc. Brown, Dolores (Black Cat) NYC. no. Night Club and Vaude Routes must Ninon & Villon(Villa Venice)Chi,cc. Bryants, The (Casa Manama) NYC, nc. publication. Nonchalants,Three (CasaManana) Ft. Burnell, Buster & Billy (Sanford's Showboat) offices not later than Friday to insure Worth, ne. NYC,s. Norris, Harriet (Alabam') Chi. no. Byrnes. Jimmy & Jerre (Blackhawk) Chi, nc. Novak & Faye (Paramount) NYC, t. C F 0 Internationals, The (Lounge Bar) Bingham-O'Day, Darlene(Bismarck)Chi.h. Campbell,Aaron & Carolyn(McGuire's)Farrell. Bill (Place Elegantel NYC, no. ton, N. Y.,c. Champaign, Ill.,c. Fawn & Jordan (Park Central) NYC, h. Irving, Val (President) Swan Lake, N. Y., h.Odeta & Kahala (Biltmore) NYC, h. Cansino, Carmela & Gabriel)(Villa Moderne) Fay. Vivian (Roxy) NYC, t. Odom, Susie (Wive)) NYC, re. Chi, nee Faye, Frances(State) NYC, t. 011yette,Nina & Dmitri(Lookout House) Cantatore, Maria (Gamecock) NYC, c. Faysseux, Hypnotist: Savannah, Ga.,12-13:Jackson, Half Pint (Black Cat) NYC, no. Covington, Ky., nc. Carlile, Chas.(Capitol)Washington,t. Columbia, S.C.,15-16; Spartanburg 17-18.Jackson, Stone & Reeves (Colosimo's) Chi, nc.Ortego, Rosita (Villa Venice) Chi, cc. Carlos & Canto (Villa Venice)Northbrook,Ferguson, Bobby (Wonder Club) New Orleans,James, Freddie (Surfside) Long Beach, N. Y.,Owen, Guy (International Casino) NYO, DO. Chi, cc. nc. nc. Oxford Boys (State) NYC. t. Carr, Billy(606 Club) Chi, nc. Fern. Vera (Paradise) NYC, re. Janet of France (Janet of France) NYC. re. Oxford Trio (Astor) NYC, h. Carroll, Billy & Kitty (Ye Olde Tavern) Ft.Flash, Serge (Casa Mariana) Ft. Worth, no. Jane & Lynton (Shoreham) Washington, h; P Wayne, Ind.,nc. Floverton, Consuelo (Chateau Moderne) NYC, (Lyric)Indianapolis19-25,t. Page. Lucille(Casa Mamma) NYC, ne. Chandler, Evelyn (International Casino) NYC, nc. Jarvis, Sam (International Casino) NYC, no.Palmer, n&eDoreen (Bartlett Clubl Rochester. no. Foster, Gae, Girls (Roxy) NYC, t. Johnson, Mae (Surfside) Long Beach, N. Y., Chandler, Anita (1412)Phila, nc. Fox.Dorothy(Radio City Rainbow Room) nc. Pancho & Dolores (Havana -Madrid) NYC, nc. Charles & Barbara (Chez Maurice) Montreal, NYC, nc. Jones, Owen (Leone's) NYC, re, Paris, Frank (Stanley)Pittsburgh,t. Que., Can., nc. Fox,Dave(BoulevardTavern)Elmhurst,Joyita & Maravilla (El Chico) NYC. nc. Park & Clifford (Astor) NYC. h. Charve Twins (Bustin Lodge) Asbury Park, L.I.,no. Jozsey, Vilma (Leon & Eddie's) NYC, no. Parker, Bob (Murry's) 'Fuckahoe, N. Y., no. N. J., nc. Frances, Dixie (LaSalle)Chi, h. Parker, Lou (President) Swan Lake, N. Y., h. Chavez, Alfonso (Trocadero) NYC, re. Wheel) Seattle, Francis,Ray (Spinning Kaleolani,Alvin(Biltmore) NYC,h. Penile. Ben (Club Villa DI Detroit, no. Chocolateers(Surfside)Long Beach, N.Y., Wash., nc. BatPeaches & Palmer (Black Cat) NYC, nc. ne. Francita (Colosimo's)Chi, nc. Kane,Allen.& Boys(MonteCarlo Peppy & Peanuts (Delavan)Buffalo, no. Cobey, Lew (White) NYC, h. Franklin. Gloria(Astor) NYC, h. Hotel) Chi, h. Perry, Mary (Afrique) NYC, rm. Cocco, Gabriel(Ambassador) NYC, h. Frazer. Jack (Playland) Rye, N. Y., p. Kane, Patsy(Boulevard Tavern)Elmhurst,Perzade & Jetan (Billiken'S) Lake Cossayuna, Collette & Barry (St. Moritz) NYC. h. Frederickson, Les (Casa Del Ray) Santa Cruz L. I.,nc. N. Y.,. ro. Collette, Joan (606 Club) Chi, nc. Beach, Calif.,h. Karson,Maria,Musicales(Circle Bar)E.Peter Sisters, Three (Earle)Phila,t. Collins & Peterson(Earle)Phila,t. Freitas,Lel Lani (Hermosa Biltmore)Her- Dubuque.Ill.,nc. Petty. Ruth (Villanova) Saratoga. N. Y., no. Colton. Betty (Swing) NYC, nc. mosa Beach,Calif.,h. Kaye, Johnny & Playboys (Nitespot) San An-Pierce Si Harris(St.Regis) NYC, h. Conklin & Thomas (Paramount) NYC, t. Furman, Ed (Bill's Gay '90s) NYO,no. tonio, Tex., no. Playboys, Three (Sanford's Showboat) NYC, Consolo & Melba (Bismarck) Chi, h. Kellams, Eddie (Graylyn Blue Room) Indian- apolis,nc. s. Cooper, John (Kit Kat) NYC, nc. C Kennedy, Buddy (Murray's) Tuckahoe, N. Y.,Plaza, TrimI Gaucho )NYC, nc. Cooper, Jerry(State)NYC,t. Gall -Gall(Earle)Washington.t. Powell. Jack(Capitol)Washington,t. Coralli (Bublichki)Hollywood. nc. Garland & Frawley (Bismarck) Chi, h, nc. Preisser, Cherry & June (Riviera) Fort Lee, Corlies & Palmer (Lookout House) Covington.Garr, Eddie (Riviera) Fort Lee, N. J., nc. Kenney, Billy (Cortez) El Paso, Tex., h. N. Ky., nc. George, Great, & Anita: Downs, Kan. Kenny, Nick (State)NYC,t. Prima, Louis, & Band (Earle) Phila, t. Counts of Rhythm, Two (Sanford's Showboat)George & Eloise (Delavan) Buffalo, nc. Kent, Avis (Hollenden) Cleveland, 0., h. Pryme, Alberta (Afrique) NYC. nc. NYC, & King, Mary Lou(1412)Phila,no. George & Barbara (Chez Maurice) Montreal,Knight Sisters (Tower) Kansas City, Mo., t. R Crackerjacks, Four (Paradise) Atlantic City, nc. nc. Kraddocks, Four (Palmer House) Chi, h. Radcliffe & Rogers (State -Lake) Chi, t. Crump, Pleasant (Glass Hat) NYC, nc. Geraldine & Joe (Colosimo's) Chl, nc. Kruger, Jerry (Famous Door) NYC, nc. Ramos. Francisco(El Chico) NYC. no. Gilbert, Paul (Chez Anil)Buffalo, nc. Krupa, Gene, & Band (Paramount) NYC, t.Randolph, Amanda (Black Cat) NYC, no. D Gilmore. Buddy (Black Cat) NYC, nc. NYC, nc. D'Arcy: Jean (McAlpin) NYC. h. Glover & LaMae (Stevens) Chi, h. L Ransom. Blends(Cavalier) Dale, Maryon (Le Mirage) NYC, nc. Gonzales, August (McAlpin) NYC, h. LaRue, Sylvia (Delavan) Buffalo, nc. Ravaye & Margo (S. S. Theodore Roosevelt) Chi. re. Goodner, Jean (Boulevard Tavern) Elmhurst,LaSalle, Dorothy (Royal Pines) Lake George, Chi.s. Dalton, Jack (Monte Cristo) N. Y.,h. Rays & Naldi (Riviera)Fort Lee, N. J., no. Daniels, Jean (Plantation) NYC, no. L.I.,nc. Landes, Jean (Riley's) Saratoga, N. Y., nc. Regan. Paul (Sterns( Chi. h. Daniels, Putney (Furnace) NYC, nc. Granados, Asuncion(El Chico) NYC. nc. NYC, nc. Daniels, Eddie(Geo. Washington)Jackson-Gras, Clemence (Old Roumanian) NYC, re. Lane, Don & Betty (Leon & Eddie's) NYC, no.Renard, Rita (Monte Carlo) Grauer, Bernie (Gay '905) NYC. no. Lane, Mary (Jimmy Kelly's) NYC. nc. Renee. ,Lucille(1412)Phila. nc. ville,Fla.,h. Lane. Toni (Tower) Kansas City. Mo., t. Reyes. Paul & Eva (Chez Parer) Chi. no. Darell, Jane & Lee (Sawdust Trail) NYC, nc.Gray. Jack (Park Lane) NYC. h. Langford, Frances (Earle) Washington,t. Rhodes. Dorothy (Black Cat) NYC, nc. Dario & Diane (Piping Rock) Saratoga, N. Y.,Green, Al (Pioneer Nut) NYC, nc. Kansas City,Rich, Jack (Chez Paree) Atlantic City, no. nc. Green,Bennett (Meadowbrook) Saratoga.Latell & La Claire(Tower) Richards, Hal (New Yorker) NYC, h. Dash, Al (Nemerson) South Fallsburg, N. Y., N. Y.,no. Mo.,t. Greenway, Ann (Riley's) Saratoga, N. Y., nc.Law lor, Terry (500) Atlantic City, nc. Richmond, Margaret (New Yorker) NYC, h. h. Le Brun Sisters (Chez Ami) Buffalo, no. Rte!cson. DecreeChateau Moderne) NYC, no. Datsko, Yasha (Russian Art) NYC, ,e. Gordon, Paul (Riley's) Saratoga. N. Y., no. t. Davis, Eddie (Leon & Eddie's) NYC. nc. Grey.Betty(Bismarck)Chi.h. Lee, Bob (Wlvel) NYC, re. Ritz Brothers (Chicago)Chi, De Angelo & Porter (Casino De La Plaza)Grogan.Willie(18)NYC. nc. Leopold, Billie (Pen's) Milford, Conn., re. Robins, A.(Casa Manana) NYC, nc. Havana. Cuba, nc. Guerlaine, Annette (Bill Bertolotti's) NYC, re.Lester & Irmajean (New Penn)Pittsburgh.Robinson Twins (Riviera) Fort Lee, N. J., ro. Chicago, nc. Gulzar, Professor (New Yorker) NYC, h. nc. Rogers, Why. Quartet (Park Central) NYC, DeBold Twins (Colosimo's) Lewis, Ann (Plantation) NYC, nc. De Marcos, Three (Capitol)Atlanta, Oa., t.Gushes, Stephen (Half Moon) Coney Island. Roland fi. Verditta(Pavilion) sittnocque. DeWolfe,Billy(Frolics)SalisburyBeach, N. Y., h. Lewis, Dorothy (International Casino) NYC, Mass., pc. Gwynn, Jack, & Co. (Palace) Chi, t. no. WU« P. August 13, 1938 The Billboard 25

AASHN - John, eight -foot nine -inch Santa Mcnit,d Lodge, BPO Elks.Sur- circus side-showgiant,in Mendocino vived by a son and daughter.Services StateMentalHospital,Ukiah,Calif., inSanta Monica Elks'Temple, con- August 1. He was with Barnum & ducted by Elks and PCSA, were largely Bailey and other circuses.He also was attended August 3.Interment in Elks' in the movies.Survived by a sister, aThe Final CurtainRest Cemetery. resident of Montana. burg.Survived by his widow and foureran of the World War.Survived by REILLY-RobertE.,63,owner and ALLISON-Doc, 56, stage mechanic, ofchildren. his widow, son, mother, two brothersoperator of Capitol Theater, Riverhead, East Liverpool, 0., July 26 in a Chicago ELDON-Harry, 71, former dramaticand a sister.Services in Youngstown.L.I.,N.Y., in Presbyterian Hospital, hospital aftera long illness.He had New York, July 31. been identified with the Ceramic andand vaude actor, July 21 at his homeBody was sent to Cleveland for crema- Survived by his other East Liverpool theaters for morein Alexandria, Ind., after 10 weeks' ill-tion. widow, eight brothers and a sister. ness.Eldon and his late wife, Bessie LE FURGH- Doris,24,well-known ROSENSTEEL-Floyd H., former circus than 20 years.A sister and a brotherClifton, operated their own show forwaikathon contestant,also known asand carnival tattoo artist, December 24, survive. Body was sent to East Liverpoolmany years and also appeared on theBillie Shannon, of the Hollywood Twins,1937, in a hospital in Newark, N. J., It for services and burial. Keith Circuit. has just been learned, Burial in Greens- BOURNIQUE-Colonel Alvar L., 72, for He was a member of theafter a brief illness in Denver, Colo., 50 years a prominent Chicago dancingElks' Lodge.Survived by two sisters,June 28.She participated in a numberburg, Pa. master, July 23 in Leland, Mich.. afterMrs.H.Sitt,Alexandria,andMrs.of top-flight contests in recent years, three months' illness.Survived by hisJoseph Cresswell, Victoria, B. C., Can.her last appearance being with the Hal widow; two daughters, Mrs. M. D. Bul-Services July 24 and burial inJ. Ross show in Oklahoma City in 1935. lard. Ann Arbor, Mich., and Mrs. W. C.Alexandria. LLOYD-Rollo De Leon, 55, stage actor, Munnecke, Chicago; a brother, Eugene ENGLISH-Mrs. Paul,42,foryearsdirector and writer, July 24 at his home IRVING SIMON A., and a sister, Elizabeth M., both ofleading lady of the Paul English Playersin Hollywood.Survived by his widow Chicago. under her maiden name of Katherineand son, Rollo Bruce. JULY 28, 1938 BRENNER-Richard, 60,concessionerMadden, July 29 at her home in Baton LUDLOW-Wanda, former well-known with Goodman Wonder Show and atRouge, La.,after an illnessof threedramatic actress, May 5 in McPherson C.V.Y. Palisades Amusement Park, FortLee,months.She taught dramatic art withMemorial Hospital, Howell, Mich., it has N. J.,cif carbon monoxide poisoning inher husband at Baton Rouge since bothjust been learned.She was the wife of Ellenville, N. Y., August 2.He was aretired from the stage several years ago.thelateFrederick B. Wright, known STEWART-Dr. John D., 57, husband member of the National Showmen's As-Fred Madden, a brother, for many yearsprofessionally as W. B. Fredericks, andof Olga Petrova, former stage and screen sociation.Survived by his widow, fivewith stock under canvas, is now attachedretired five years ago.Miss Ludlow wasstar, at the Post Graduate Hospital, New brothers and sisters. with the New Orleans Federal Theaterborn in Cincinnati and for a number of Project. York, after illness of two months, Au- CHAVEZ-Ruth,5,daughter of Mr. Rites July 30 with intermentyears headed her own stock company,gust 4.He was a staff doctor at the and Mrs. Ben Chavez, Detroit magiciansin New Orleans.Also survived by threelater appearing in legitimate productions.Post Graduate Hospital. appearing in Methuen, Mass., July 30 indaughters. She was last seen in The Auctioneer with VERNER-Arthur L., for many years the latter city of suffocation when she GARDENER-Lily, 62, last of the teamDavid Warfield.Burial in Howell. connected with the J. B. Rotnotr Tent was trapped behind the locked door ofof Carroll and Gardener, August 2 at McGRATH-James N. Jr., 63, for manyShow, July 29 of a heart attackSur- a burning trailer. her home in Chicago of heart failure.years stage manager of Syria Mosque,vived by his widow, Lola Davis, and CHERNIAVSKY-Abraham, 82,com-Survived by a sister, Fannie Hoffman. Pittsburgh, former president of the En-relatives in London.Services July 31 poser. former conductor of Royal Opera GEE-Benjamin C., 67, for many yearstertainmentManagers'Associationofand burialin Forest Home Cemetery, House, Moscow. and father of Leo, Jantrumpet player in Cincinnati bands andWestern Pennsylvania and booker, Au-River Forest, Ill. and Mischel, known as the Cherniayskyorchestras, August 5 at his home in thatgust 4 at his home in that city after two - Trio. August 5 in Los Angeles of a heartcity after two years' illness.He was amonths' illness.McGrath was formerly attack. member oftheCincinnati Musicians'stage manager of theAlvin Theater, He was a relativeof Joseph Pittsburgh. whenitplayedlegitimate Mattcayes Cherniaysky, musical director at StationsUnion and Masonic Order.Survived byattractions.Survived by a sister, Mrs. WLW and WSAI, Cincinnati.Survivedhis widow; a son, Benjamin Jr., and a ALUSIC - MUTIMER - JosephAlusic, by five other children. daughter, Mrs. May Kromme.ServicesMary Gallagher, and two brothers, Ed-radio engineer with NBC, Chicago, and anti burial August 8. ward and Frank.Services August 7. In- CORT-Warren L..72,recentlyin terment in Homewood Cemetery, Pitts-ElizabethMutimer,inRockford,Ill., Mansfield, Conn., after a brief illness. KNISELY - Russell G., 51, widelyburgh. July 30. He was a member of the Metropolitanknown circus and carnival showman, MAIORI-Antonio, 69, Shakespearean ENNIS-ANDERSON - KennethEnnis, Opera Co. many years ago. August 3 in City Hospital, Akron. O.,actor, producer, founder of the Italianbass player with Joe Sherer's Orchestra, CRAIG-MettlinE..44, member ofof a spine ailment after two months'Theater in America and vice-presidentand Ruby 'Anderson, nonpro, in Kansas Tony Salerno's Orchestra, August 1 inillness.He was born in a circus wagonof the Federation of Italian Actors, at hisCity, Mo., July 23. a hospital in Madison. Wis.Survivedon June 23, 1887, at Lima, C., and beganhome in Brooklyn July 30. GRAYSON-McMULLEN-Hal Gtatyson, by his widow, son and daughter. his career as child clown with circuses MARTIN-Ernest J., 69, pioneer scenicorchestra leader, and Phyllis McMullen. CRICHTON - LeybrunDuncan, 84,with which his parents were connected.artistin motion picturebusiness, innonpro, in the Hotel Utah, Salt Lake stage carpenter, July 29 in Petersburg,When 12 years old Knisely began doingNew Rochelle (N. Y.) Hospital July 26.City, July 27. Va.,after a shortillness.He was aa high -wire act at fairs, later appearingSurviving are his widow, a son, three LAYNE-HARRISON - Don Layne and member of Local 531, IATSE, and thein vaudeville, which he left to returndaughters and three sisters. Marie Harrison, both of the T. J. Clark Eagles'Lodge. ServicesJuly 31andto the outdoor field.During his career MEYERS-John C., 81, at one time as-Shows, in Troup, Tex., July 21. burial in Old Blanford Cemetery, Peters -he trouped with Bostock-Ferari, Harrysociated with the late Florenz Ziegfeld, Wright, Smith Greater, J. Frank Hatch,shot to death at his home in St. Louis LEONARD-ROCKLIN - PaulLeonard Jack Hampton's GreatEmpire, DanaJuly 24.He and Ziegfeld were part-and Olive Rocklin, known professionally Pearl White Thompson's Dixie and H. (Tubby) Sny-ners for three years in the '90a whileas Zala, who form the dance team known der shows.From 1916 to 1922 he hadtouring with Sandow. Survived by a son,as the Temple Leonards, August 8, in Pearl White. 49, heroine of Perils of carnivals of his own on the road, butArthur C., St. Louis. Christ Church, Cincinnati. Pauline,ExploitsofElaine anda in the last-named year re-entered the OLAND-Warner, 58, film actor, best MOORE-ARNOLD-Gene Moore Kan- dozenothermovieserialthrillers circus field in partnership with his lateknown for hisrole of Charlie Chan,sas City, Mo.. night club and radio or- which brought her wealth and fame, brother, V. F. Knisely, operating KniselyChinese detective, August 6 in Stock-ganist, and Barbara Arnold, nonpro, in died August 4 in American Hospital, Bros.' Circus until 1926, when his broth-holm, Sweden, of pneumonia.He wasthat city recently. Parts, of a liver ailment after several er died.The following year he touredtorn in Umea, Sweden. and was educated MORGAN-CAMPFIELD - JamesMor- 'weeks' illness. withhisNationalExposition Boston.Before entering films he ap-gan and Velda Ploy Campfield, of the Miss White was born in Greenwood, Several years ago he formed a partner-peared in Shakespearean and Ibsen rolesBuckeye State Shows, recently, Mo., March 4,.1889, making her debut ship with the late Charles Rooney, op-on the stage.Oland played villainous OSTRER-SPIAK-Vivian (KW) Ostrer, when 6 years old as Little Eva in eratingtheAll-AmericanCircus. InChineserolesinOld San Francisco,nonpro, and PaulineSpiak,formerly Uncle Tom's Cabin. When 13 years recent years Knisely trouped with LewisWheel of Chance and The Mysterious Dr.Judy Ruck of a London dance troupe, old she was a circus bareback rider, Bros.' Circus and for the past two yearsFu Manchu before appearing in the firstin Deauville, France, recently. latergoingtothestage,whence had been agent for the Wa;ter L. Maincf the series of money -making Charlie ROSS-KENNEY-AnthonyRoss, ac- she entered the movies in 1913 when Circus. He was a member of the MasonicChan films.Survived by his widow, thecordion instructor and orchestra leader, the iniustry was in its infancy and Lodge and Grotto. Survivedbyhisformer Edith Shearn, stage actress, andand Alice Kenney, both of Youngstown, patrons thrilled to the death -defying widow, Myrtle; three sons, Robert, Paula brother living in West Hartford, Conn.0., in that city July 20. feats performed by the heroine. and Eugene; two daughters, Frances and PICKERING-Ernest C., pioneer West SHIRRA-STARR - John Shirrs,base Miss White retired from films in Mrs. Gertrude Martin; his mother, Mrs.Coastamusementpurveyor,aprimeviolin player with Hal Kemp's Orchestra. the early '20s, going to Paris to re- Jennie Atwood, and a sister, Mrs. Velmamover in the building of Venice andand Judy Starr, band's first vocalist, in gain her health, and except for brief Mallory.Services August 5.Burial inOcean Parkpiers and more recentlyNew York August 2. visits to the United States in 1927 East Akron Cemetery. operator ofrides and concessionsat THOMASON - WHITLOCK - L.(Al) and 1937 remained there until her KNOTT-John Francis, 39, night clubMission Beach, Calif.,in a San DiegoThomasonandMargueriteWhitlock, death. She is survived by her father, singer of the team of Knott and Bennett,hospital July 31.Stricken with cerebralwith Buckeye State Shows, recently. Edward C. White, Springfield, Mo. July 27 at his home in Youngstown, 0.,hemorrhage at Mission Beach on July 30, TONEY-CLIFFORD-William V. Toney, Private services were held August 8. ofangina.He recentlyappeared inhe was rushed to the hospital. He was amanager of the National Theater Supply with burial in Paris. Toledo and at Youngstown Hotel. KnottpastpresidentofthePacificCoastCo., Des Moines, and Grace Clifford in was a native of Madison, Ga., and vet-Showmen's Association and activeinthat city July 28.

Rollickers Trio (Grandview Lodge: Dakota,Sedgewiek, Edna (Casa Mananc) Ft. Worth,Starr, Bob (Sanford's Showboat) NYC, s. Minn. ne. Steele, Lee (Frolics)Salisbury Beach, Mass., Rolling Cloud.Chief, Dog TownFolliesSeverin, Billy & Joy (Bon -Air)Chi,cc. c. (Colony) Portsmouth, Va., t;(Plaza) Nor-Shandor (Buckingham) NYC, h. Stnerling, Wynne(Roumanian Village) NYC. folk 7-13,t. Shatlen, Anna (Roumanian Village) NYC, re. re. Rollo. Joe (President) Swan Lake, N. Y., h.Shaw, Helen (Meadowbrook) Saratoga, N. Y., Romona (Cavalier) NYC, nc. nc. Stewart. Jackie (Old Roumanian) NYC, re. Rosalean & Seville (Bon Air)Chi, cc. Sherman Bros. & Tessie (Royal Pines) LakeStone, Mary (Alabam') Chi, nc. THE TITANS Ross. Dr. Sydney (Radio City Rainbow Room) George. N.Y.,nc. Suzanne & Christine (Jimmy Kelly's) NYC, NYC. nc. Shore, Willie (Iii -Rat) Chi, nc. nc. "RHYTHM IN SLOW MOTION" Ross. Lee (Nut Club) New Orleans. nc. Shutta, Ethel (Chez Pares) Ch.. nc. Swann, Russell (Piping Rock) Saratoga, N. Y.. Royal HawaiianSweethearts (Biltmore)Simmons, Lee (Plantation) NYC, nc. nc. NYC. h. Simms. virainia (Pennsylvania) NYC. h. Syhrio & Melba (Havana -Madrid) NYC, nc. PALACE THEATER, Chicago, III. Royal Rangers (Village Barn) NYC, nc. Simpson, Ca:l & Faith (Orpheum) Los An- T Rufus & Richard(Surfside)Long Beach, geles,t. Dir.: MILES INCALLS & JACK DAVIES. N. Y., nc. Sinclair Sisters(Lyric) Indianapolis,t. Tarant & Decita (Monte Carlo) NYC, nc. Rush. Ann (18) NYC, nc. Singing Strings Trio (Katsinas Cafe) Cham-Tavares, Freddy Kaulana (Biltmore) NYC, h. Rushing. Jimmy (Famous Door) NYC, nc. paign,Ill. Taylor. Smiling Lou (Cavalier) NYC. nc. Russell. Maude (Surfside) Long Beach, N. Y., Taylor. Harry. & Five Kewpie Dolls (Glen) Slim & Slam (Cafe Martin) NYC, nc. Williamsville. N. Y., p. Tomlinson. Bob. Trio (Manhattan) Winona. cb. Smith & Dale (Casa manarnn NYC, ric. Minn., nc. Ruiz, Maclovin (Blackhawk) Chi, nc. Smith, Loring (Nemerson)Smith Fallsburg,Taylor,Peggy.Trio(Casamanana)Ft.Tracy, Terry (State -Lake) Chi, t. Ryers, F:ankie (18)NYC. no. N Y.,h. Worth, nc. Tracy, Ray (Sanford's Showboat) NYC, a. Snakehips & Clementine (Afrique) NYC, ne.Taylor, Sonny (Armando's) NYC, re. Trahan, Al (Palace) Chi, t. at. Claire & O'Day (Tivoli) Melbourne, Aus-Spark Plug(Ye Olde TaverniFt. Wayne,Terrace Boys (Barney Gallant's) NYC. nc. tralia. June 30 -Aug. 26,t. Ind.,nc. Thomashetsky. Boric (Rainbow Inn) NYC, re.Tucker, Sunny (Ivan Frank's) NYC, e. Sandine & Fairchild(Cavalier)VirginiaSpec & Spot (Colosimo's)Chi, nc. Tilton, Martha (Pennsylvania) NYC, h. Tucker, Sophie (Bath & Turf) Atlantic City, Beach. h. Spencer & Forman (Nemerson) South Falls --tanner, Dot (Black Cat) NYC, no. no. Banker. /castle (Bublichkl) Hollywood. ne. burg,N.Y.,h. Tisdale Trio 'Le Mirage) NYC, nc. Tyler, Smiling Tex (Green Tree) Cincinnati, Savoy Lindy Hoppers (Casa Mamma) NYC, nc.Sperry, Frank(Roosevelt)NYC, h. Titans, Three (Chicago) Chi.t. nc. Schrieber, Richard (La Salle)Chi, h. Spurr, Horton(Casa manana:Ft.Worth.Todd, Dick (GlenIslandCasino) NewTyrol. Richard (Chez Maurice) Montreal. no. Scott, Virgie (Black Cat) NYC, a Tex., July 29 -Aug. 11. Rochelle, N. In, ro. -nr1TES on page 60)

26 The Billboard August 13, 1938 French, Chas.D. MAIL ON HAND AT Humphreys. Mrs. Christensen, Joe Demetro, Tom Edna Christianson. Demetro, Archie Frinch, James Humphry, Billie LeonardDent, Bob Fudger, Geo. A. CINCINNATI OFFICE Hunter,Mrs.Mae Christie, W. R. Derbois,HenryJ.Fulton, Gale & 25-27 Opera Place. Huntsinger, Lore,,e Christy, Ralph DesJardin, Tom Marion Van Church, F. W. Devin,HarleyE. Fulton, The Hutchins, Mrs. Church, John Devine, Eugene Pane, Ed Parcel Post Church.Lawrence Devlin,Robt. Furner,Joe Colleen Letter List Cimino,Joe Dglossock,Mr. Gable,Ronald Irene, Madam Augustino,_Lo Mrs. Granger.Martha. Isom,Mrs.Sophia Clancey, Joe Dick,Billy Gagnon -Pollock uis.8c lleJackson, Babe. Clark,ArchieS. Dillon, Ty (Dunn) Tent Show Behee, Mrs. Rose.Heck. Luther, 110 CyclistNOTE-Mail held at the various offices of The Clark,Bozo Diner,Albert Gains, T. W. 4e Kerry, Kip, 4c James, Mrs.A.F. Clark, Cliff DiSanti,Joseph Gaither. Woodie Bowen, D. 51.. 80c McCullom, Win., Jarvis,Ruth Billboard is classified under their respective headsClark, Elhridge B. Disney, Verne Gale,Larry Carroll.Catherine. Sc Clark, Keith Dixie, Geo. Gallahger, Eddie J. 3o McQueen. R. L.. 4cJewell, Mrs.Bessie- Cincinnati Office, NewYork Office, ChicagoClark. Willie Dixie Model ShowsGallagher, Jack Carroll, Ruth. 80 Murphy. Warren. Johnson, Judith Clarkson,Al Dixon, Henry Gamberdella,Sol Castro, Dora, 8c 10cJohnson, Orrel Office, St. Louis Office.Requests to have mail Clay. Wiley N. Dixon, Howard M.Gamble, Curley Conlon,J.J. Myron, Arthur,5cJohnson, June Clayton,J.E. Doane, Warren B.Gann, James Cutler, Rose, 30 Nelson, Lew Rella.Jolley,Mrs.A. C.forwarded must be received in Cincinnati by Friday Clear,Frank Dodd. W. H. Gannon, John Donner. Chas. J. 3cJones, Alma Clear°, Clifford Doebber, H. M. Patrick 6e O'Connor.Frances,Jones, Mrs. C. B. morning (early) and in New York, Chicago and Clements, Burley DukeGarner, Joe H. Cushing. Capt. F. 20cJones, Mrs. Virginia Clements, Knife Donahue, Jimmy C.Gaulke,R.P. H., Sc Peppers,F.W., Jones, Mrs.ViolaSt. Louis by Thursday morning, otherwise names KjngDonahue, Jack W.Gavel, Vincent Go Karrat Kay Gayle, Gus Doran, Richard. Kersey,Mrs. of those concerned will be repeated in the follow- Cleveland, Guy W.Donahey,Vincent 6cWhite, Richard. Myrna Clifford,Lou Donath, Joe Gelb, Joe Franklin, C.C. 14c Clifton & Jules Donoghue, Chas. F.George, Frank 20e Winner, Lucky. SoKeen, Mary ing issue. Cobos, Thomas Donnely, James George, Terry Kellerman,Sue Coburn, Jimmie Doolin,Fred Gerber, G. L. Kelly, Bernice Gerber, G. A. Women Kelly,Mrs.Julia Cockrell, Geo. Doran. Dick Kennedy, Murphy. Mrs. Stirk, Cleopatra Vilker,Mrs.RosiaBluff,Zellie Cody,Frank Doren, Walter Gerber, Joe Red Mrs.H. Warren HurstVogel, Jackie Boden, Art Cody.J.M. Dotty.Jack Gibbons, W. D. Abbott.Mrs.Noel Davis,Mrs.Leona D.Mylon., Marcia Stone, Jr.FredVogel, June Boggs,IrwinP. Colborn, Harold R.Douglas. E. P. Gibson,F.L. Lee Davis, Phyllis Keown, Mrs. Helen RuthStonley, Mrs. W. E.Wagner, Flo islander, Frank Cole, Jack Downing, Willie Gifford. Jesse Abby, Mrs. MargeDay, Mrs. Agnes Kidd, Mrs. Texas Bolding, Jimmy Gilbert. Sidney Adams.Alice I ieGafferelly,Mrs. Knowles, Mrs. ErbyNappe. Mrs.Chas.Stringer, Mrs. Wales, Ruth Cole,Pete Doyle,Harry Marie Nasser,Georgia JackieWalkins,Frances Bond,Clark Cole, Smokey Doyle, Jimmy Gindora, Frank Adams, Mrs. Gladys Knowlton, Marian Natalie & Howard Strossburg, Mrs. Wampler, Eula Boone, Chas. J. Willard Doyle, Loren J. Ginnsberg, Sam Alabassi,CountessDeLaTorres, RosalieKoch,Virginia Boothman,Eddie Cole, S.DeMitchell, Mrs.o. Nazimova, Madam Ed Maude Coleman, Andrew Draper, Roy Gish, Nicholas Alexander, Mrs. RuthNeff, Velma Stubblefield,_ Mrs. Wasserman, Mrs. S.Bonin, Richie C. Coley, W. R. Dray, E. R. Glasscock,D. C. Koehler, Mrs. Nelson, Mrs. Morris DeloryceWatson, Mrs. Boswell, Billy Collins. D. J. Dresken, Philip Gleason,Art Allen, Edith DeRita, Mrs. HarryNelson, Mrs. M. J.Sugard, Doris F. R.Boswell, E. O. Collins, E. G. Drown, R. C. DenyGlenn, Jack Allen.Peggie FlorenzKridello,Lillian ChickBower, "Tenn" Glidden, Blackie Allen, Rosie Dean, Agnes Kuntz, Mrs. F.E. Newcomb, Mildred Sutherland, Clara Watts. Mrs. Collins, Elbert DuBois, Franklyn Anchors, Mrs. J. Decker, Mrs. Other Noble, Majorie Swain,Mrs.DaisyWebster, Helen Bowlen.B.J. Collins. Lee (Tex) J.Glabon, Frank LaGracia, Madam Nock, Mrs.Ethel A.Wells, Fanny MaeBox. A. M. Collins, Richards Duckoff, Gladstone, Eddie Anderson, Stella Dickman. Marg Stella Boyle,J.F. Andre, Nits& or Dilbeck, Irene LaMar, Dolores Norcross. Mrs. DardSwar,Ginger Wells, LilyI.A. Collins,Win.J. ConcessionerGlosman, Bill Disney. Verne F.Sydney, Shirley Wendell, Mrs. Bozo, Raggedy AnnConarrae, Lee S. Duffy, Bruce J. Godfrey,Jerry I.altayne, Mrs. Norlin, Dorothy Tatum, Eloise LouiseBracy,Bob Conceit°. Arthur Dugan, Edward Godsey, J.C. Anna, Mlle. Dobish, Mrs. Jos. Pearl Taylor,Mrs. Westlake, Aileen Bradford, Goff, Newell Anthony.Mrs. W.Dot & Smoky LaRue,Bessie Northey,Kathryn Bradshaw. Paul Conkling, Will E. Dugan. J. G. W.Driscoll, Juanita Nutt. Mrs. Nona ClothillGrahamWhitten, Kay Conley, H. C. Dunbar, Smokie Goglia, Joe LaRue, Mae O'Day,Zona Taylor, Mrs. MargyWilliams, Mrs. Braley, Archie (RedjDunkin, L. Goldberg.Murray Applegate. Joy R. Dn Bois, Jeattea LaSalle,Mrs. Taylor,Mrs. TonleBranscombe,Jack Goldenstean, Ike Arckle,Mrs.Jim DuShane, Dolores ConstanceOtte, Mrs. Conley, Thomas F.Dunlap, Ray DuVell, Mrs. Hazel Elizabeth RaymondWilliams, Virginia Braswell, Billie Conlon, J. G. Dunn, Arthur Goldstein. Morris Armstrong.Radie LaVon, Boo Fergie, Princess Teske, Mrs EdwardWillis.Mrs.PearlBraun,Chas. Dunn, Lyman H. Goll, Wm. F. Arnheim, Mrs. Edw.DuVell, Honey Lafollyoore,Imilda Brazon,Felix Cnnn, Harry E. Arnold, Mrs.ClaraDubey, Mrs. FrankLane, Mrs. John L.Park, Mary L. Thames, Mrs. GeneWilloughby,Marge Conner, James Dunn, S.I. Golub.Meyer Dukes,Gladys Parker, Mrs. H. L.Thomas, Ruth Wilson,Agnes Breese,W. M. Conrad, Geo. Duplessis. Ernest Good,Monroe Arrants,Jeane Lang. Mrs. Rose Parrish, Mrs. Kay Thomaschek, Mrs.Wilson, Billie Bremer,Bud Conway, Danny PerryGoodman, Dave Baldwin, Mrs. BillieDuncan, Mrs. !Anther, Percilla Wilson. Esther Brennan, Mickey Goodwin, Arthur Bales,Betty Vada HavanaLawrence, Mrs. Patton, Toots Hattie Sue Conway. H. D. Durant, Wm. Duncan, Mrs. Ted I'earce,Katherine Thompson, EvelynWilson, Mrs. MaryBrennan, Morrey Cook. F.S. nrante, Al 0. Banks, Mrs. MaryI'erna,Ida Thompson, Jackie KnoxvilleBremer, Allen Duval. Herb Goodman, Harry MarthaDyer, Maje & Brenner.Roy Cooper, Arley Barbara. Mrs. MaineLayne. Leah Pickens,Mrs.InezThompson, Mrs. C.Wilson, Ruth E. Cooper, Buck Duvall, Geo. Goodwin, Geo. F, KathleenDyer, Mrs. EleanorLee, Chang Piercy, Mrs.Geo. J.Winston, Sherri Brett, Howard Cooper. Frank DuVall. Ray Goodwin, Jo Lillie Lee,Dixie Pierce, Mrs. W. L.Tierney, Viola Wiscom, Mrs. MabelBridges, J.C. MalvinDye,Cecil Blackie Barber, Bobbie Edgerley, Lee, Dot Pitser,Irene Tinsch, Mrs. MaryWolf, Mrs. Marie Briscoe, Benny F. Gordon, Alvin Barker, Dorothy Eisenman, Mrs. Bromley, V. E. Cooper Jr.. Jessie Dye, Gilmore Bolen GertrudeLee, Lila Pittenger,Neva ToffelSr.,Mrs. Wolfe, Mrs. La F.Dyer, Johnny Gordon, Robt. A. Lee,Lily Pope, Mrs.Billie Johnny VeraBrook, Bob Rose Corbin, Kenneth "Stilt"Gorman, Sunset Barrett. Margaret Elam, Ginger Brooks, Buddy Amuse, CO. Bartholomew.Mrs.Emerson, Mrs., Lucille Poplin, Jewell Triplett, Mrs. Wood, Mrs. Bert C. EarleJr.,Geo. N. W. MildredLee, Mrs. Ernie Rinehart CassieWoods, Henrietta Brooks. Wm. H. Corey, Nail Edgar, Geo. Gould,Eddie Eneswiler, Mrs. Leonard,Dolly Potter, Mrs. M. C.Trotta,Lillian Wright, Jean Brookshire, Bob Curlew,Billy AmiEdgefield, Geo. Gory, Gene & Bartlett, Jackie Leonard, Doris Mrs.JennieTurner, Mrs. Yellow Robe, Brown, Bill Shorty Roberts Bates,Mrs.Sarah Rose Price, Brown, Geo. L. Corley.Red Edwards, Charles M.Ethridge, Mrs. Letarte, Emma Price,Mrs. Steve Gertrude Chauncina Corn. Earl Edwards, Charlie Gourfain, Harry. MinnieLevoyer, Mrs. HelenFritts, Frances I. Twatt, Ophelia Young, Lucille Brown, Herman Correa, Eric W. Mgr. Baxter.Mrs.MaryEstrella, Madam Libby,Mrs.FrankPugh, Mrs. Geo. Udy, Mrs.B.C. Young. Mrs. Brown & Lynn Cotsello,George Edwards. J. D. Grabs, Louis Bedsole,Eva Liedtke, Mrs. V. A. W. Georgia Lyons Show Evans, Evelyn Valencia, Mrs. M. Couch. C. C. Filer,R.E. Grady, Richard G. Bee, Mrs. Frank Evans,Jean Linam, Mrs. D. W.Purchase, Mrs. Van Lidth, Mrs. E.Zell, Mrs. June Brown, Ray E. Coulson. H. G. Elam,Jack Graham Jr., A. C. Beisel.Marge Evans, Margaret Liniam, Doris AliceVarner, Mrs. R. E.Zimmerly, Mrs. Brown, Robt. M. Courtney, Chas. Eli,Geo. Gramberg, Ray Bell.Lucille Evenston, Edyth Littleton,Mrs. Qualls, Mrs. FerneVenus, Bunny DrewBrown, W. B. Govan, Dewey E. Ellison,JamesG.Granger,J.C. Bell, Margaret Fasutino, Mrs. RachelRalston,Mary Vermillion, Irene Zimmerman, Mrs. Brownell, W. H. Coven, Sam Nige Endicott, Gilbert Grant,Bill Berman, Mrs. Helen PearlLivermore, Belle Rallous, Mrs. Vernon, Mrs. Ruby DukeCowen,JohnE. WestbrookGrant, Bobbie Neita Felton,Floello Lolxiell, Bernice Wilma Zoy, Madame Broyers, Louis A. Cowen. John B. English, W. H. Grant, Geo. Berridge, Eileen Field, Betty London, Hazel Rattle Snake. Vieva, Mrs. Mary Bruhlman, Robert P. Graves,Jammie Berry. Ms. Jack Long, Mrs. F. D. Princess Brooks' Comedians Enochs, Ray Fletcher, Rose Brunner Cox. L. L. Ephraim, Frank Graves, Tex Beira, Mrs. Flinchum, Martha Lovell.Mrs. Raye, Olga Men J.R. Cox. Paul Eppich, Ed Gravette, Horace VictoriaForest, Mrs. Arline VirginiaRaysdale, Mrs. Ann Bruno,Pete J. Cox,Walter Gray.A.J. Bible. Mrs. 0. R. Lucas, Bonnie Red Horse, Mrs. Abbott,NoelLeeBallenge,Cecil Bryan, Charles Erickson, Whitle Foster, Mrs.Inez Abdiziz, Hasson Bamboola (Fire Buchanan, Tommy Cox, Wm. Estridge,ClarenceGraybill,Maurice Bill, Madam Foster, Mrs. MelitaLudwig, Mrs. Blanche Crabtree, Edward Ethel,John Grayson. Bob & Bingo.Mrs.BillieFox, Hazel FrankRenfro, Melita Ben Eater)Buck, Go Go Crafton, C.D. Vergie Bistany,Slay Lyles, iI rs. Jack V.Rhoades, Lois Aburto, Pedro Bankratz, Louis Buckley, Eddie Craigan, Gordon Etzler, Stephen S. Bizell.Mrs.EloiseFranklin,Mrs. Macrend. Mrs. Richards, Nellie Aces, The Two DutchBufkin, F.mmit Evans, E.C. Grayson, Frank Hazel Adams, Doc HarryBanks, Wallace Btikett, Charles Crago Players Evans,Geo. Green, Mike Black. Lela Fraser, Mrs. James HarryRoach, Etuade Cramer, C. A. Evans,Little Joe BerniceFreeman, Ada MacNally,Mrs. Roberts, Dixie Adams, FrankJ. Banor, Frank BullsBulls Cramer, Burt Green, Thomas H. Black, Mrs.C.L. RalphRoberts, June B.Adams. John 0. Barbee, Jim Bumgardner, Lester Evans, Sam Greenaugh, Allace Freeman, Mrs. G. Adams, Ned Barett, Roy Bundy, Rudy Crane, Robt. Eves, Kenneth Greene, Dan Black. Mrs. Ruth H.McBee, Mrs. Roberts.Mrs. Lula Cravat, Nick Ezario, Joseph FernFuller, Mrs. C. BlancheRobinson, Alma Adams, Tony Barfield, Carl Bunner, Eddie Crawford, C. W. Greene,Lenord Blackburn, Mrs. McBride, Avolyn Rogers, Peggy Adkins, Geo. B. ArthurBurgdon, James Fabry,Steve Greene.Paul Gale, Laverne F. Adkinson, Gordon Burgess, Hiram Creatore, Maestro Fahey,Frank Greenstein. Joe Geo.Gallant, Helene McCoy.Jean Rosenberg,Mrs. Barlow,Edw. H. Crenshaw, Edward Fairbanks, Emerson Blackman, Mrs. Gaylor. Ann McDommer, Mrs. MattieAdler, Alfred Barnet', Dr. E. B.Burgett, Frank D.Crewe & Summers Gregory, Robt. Andrew FlorenceRosenberg,QuenieAdler, Felix Barn°.Lewis Burke,Geo. Fallan, Charles Gregory, Win. Gidaro, Mrs.J.C. Adolph,Clarence Crittenden, Wm. FeltonGresham, A. L. Blackstone.HelenGilberts, Mrs. RebaMcDonald. Ross, Mrs. Jack Barrington, Jack Burke,J. Crombie,Pat Blanchard, Lula Gleason, Mrs. C. L. ElizabethRossano, Helen Adler, Harold Barringer, John A.Burke,Sailor Jack Croineetimi.Hollie Fallen,Hal Grey, Wm. Blaney. Beverly Gleason, Mrs. JeanMcDonald. Mrs. Rosteck, Alva (Happy)Barry. Geo. Burkhouse.David Cronin,J.L. Farley, Albert Griffin, Ralph JoanGlenn,Mrs.Mae SampsonRussell,Nelda Alarcon, Doc AlfredBarry, Jack Burknel, Duke Crowe, Bill Farnsworth, W. M.Griffin, Sidney Blevins, Mrs. Flo Goodman, Mrs. Sanders, Reba Albanese, Ben Barry's LaboratoriesBurleston, Jack Crowe, Donald S. Filmier, Charles Grfifith,John B. Bliss,Nellie McGaha, Mrs. HahnAlder,Clarence Burlingame, George Farrell, James B. Griggs, Dollar Gene Bertha Batty, Joe Crowe, W. J. Jack Blizzard. Loretta Goose,Mrs.JewelMcGabn, Mrs. Sartwell, Dorothy Alexander. Leon Bauer, Doanld E. Burns.Chas. Crowley,Geo,C. Farrell,John GrAnes, Blue, Mrs. BeatriceGrambardella,Mrs. HelenSchellenberg,Mrs. Alexander, Sir Bauer, Joseph TomBurris, E. H. Crusins,A.F. Farrell, Thomas L.Grissom, Cotton Black Lila E.McGee. Jeanne J.E. CecilBaughman, B. G.Burns, Frank J. Cruz,Dewey Farrington,J.L. Griswald, AL I. Bookman. Edith Granger, Martha McGuire, Opal Schenks, Mrs. Alexander,CharlesBaxter,Bill Burrell,Jerry Cruze, Convey Farris, Alonzo Gritzmaker, A. L. Bottger, Mrs. H. Grant, Dixie McKean& Jean ClarenceAlexander, Wm. E.Beal, Geo. BrintonBurt, Al Cube, Al Farthing, J. D. Groffo,Miller Bresk, Mrs.F.A.Grant Mrs.HazelMcKee, Nancy Schneider, Jean Allen, Fred C. Beall, H. Burt,Chester Cundiff, A. B. Faun,CarlJ. Groffo, Ephraim Briggs,Jacqueline Gray, Mrs. Roy Mack, Mrs. Schriber, Mrs. JeanAllen,JamesP. Beall,Wally Burto, Frank Culley,Carl Faust, Jack Grosburg, Oscar Britton, Mrs.D. Gregory.Mrs. ErnestineScott, Mrs. Allen,JamesH. Brand, Boston (Frenchy)Cummins, H. G. Fausts, Aerial Grossman, Irving A. ChesterManning, Mrs. KathleenAllen,Mert Beard,Jack Bush,F.A. Cundiff, Carl Fayscoux,. Neal H., Mgr. Bromlett. M rs. Grey,Glenda ViolaSeeck, Mrs. Geo. Allen, Bosco Beardsley, W. L. Butcher, 0.J. Cunningham, SheetFee, Leslie M. Gumburg,Dennis Chiearl B.Grissom, June Marcy, Mrs. Cora Seigrist,Helen Allen.Walton Beaty, 0.J. Butler, Roy E. WriterFeggan, Edward L.Gustafson. 0. G. Brown, Mrs. AgnesGundy,Mrs. MayMarion, Mrs. Sesinger,Mrs.E.Allison, Merrill Beaty, Sam Y. Butler,Russell Curran, Mike Feliz, Nabor Guy,Steve Brown. Mrs. Gunter, Mrs. DorothySeymour, Lucille Aired,Russell Beaux Art Butter,Bill Curry, Bert F. Felton, Kfng Gwinn, Johnny Frances ThompsieMarsh, Mrs. LillianSharpe,Bobby Alton,Jack 'theatricalAgencyButter, T. F. Curry,Gord Irendriek, Boyale Haas, Harevy Brown. Mrs. ZuellenGutshall, Althea Marshall,LorraineShepard, Miss, GayAlvarado, Don Beckley. Paul Buttons, W. R. Curry, Chas. Ferguson, Al Haddix, G. H. Brumfield, Mrs. Hale, Mrs. Ruth Marshfield. Pane ShowAnderson,Arthur Bedwell, L.B. Byers, Lawrence Curtis,Rube Ferguson, MeD. Haddix, Ted DeweyHelena, Princess MargaretShore, Mrs. ArthurAnderson, Bill Beehler, Monty BettsCushing, Frank H. Ferguson, Stephen HadesimanMax Braman, Mrs. Hall, Mrs. E. H. Martell,Georgie Shozer, Helen Anderson,Charlie Behee, Earl R. Byrd, Steve Custer, Robt. P. AllenHadley,Warren PaulineHall. Mrs. Mae PhilisSiegal, Fredona Anderson, CowboyBejano, J. J. Cain.J.L. CutlerJr.,EliC.Ferris, Howard Halley. C. Bi7don,Mrs.LeeHamblin, Mrs. Martimeler- Mrs. Silliman,Christine RayBell, C. W. Ca llara,Joe Cutler,Willie BuzzHaines, Art Bunnell, Betty Claude JerryStillman, Mrs. Anderson, Robt, P.Bell. Herbert A. Caine.% Clarence H.Dabbs, Cecil Ferris,Lester Haines,Roy Burdge,Irene Hamilton, Lois Martin.Fern Myrtle MillerAndrews. Jack Bell,Jack W. Calk, FredB. Daely, Downs Fewox,Bill Hale, Buster Burke, Peggie Hammer, Patsy Martin,Josephine Simms. Kenner AndersonJoseph Bell. 0. Herbert Cameron, Clyde Daley.B.J. Finch, Harry Hale, G. V. Goody Burrell, Virginia Hanie, Mrs. Martin, Mrs. C. J. Andre,f.A. Bell, St. Louis FatCampbell, John E.Dallas, Johnee Finley,Luther Hale, Tom Lee ShannonMartin, Mrs. Sims,Mrs.GoldieAnsher,Joe Benbow, W. M. Cannon, Buddy Daly & Daly Finn, Tobias Haley,Jack Butler,Alice Harcourt. Lady MauriceSisk, Mrs. C. G. Anthony,0. Bender, Kelly Cannon, Frank D. Daly, Jack Finotti,Lou Halke,R.S. Harman,Elise Slatten,Sally Anton. Frank Benebil, Joe Cantrell, Dallas Dams. A. C. Fish, Jimmie Hall, Prof. D. D. Byrd. Dorothy L Martin. Mrs. S. T. Marcella Fisher,Bob Hall,Edd Cain, Lou Harnett, Beverly Martin, Mrs. VioletSloniger, Apker, Russell Bennett, H. E. Carlson, Edward Dana. Gene Hall, H. W. Callahan, Boats - Harris,Mrs. Mae Slusser, Mrs. Earl Applebaum, Sam Bennett, Nelson Carlson, Frank Daniels,Tex Fisher. Chas. Patsy Harrison, Mrs.J. Maxon, Mrs. E. Smith, Betty Aranckle,H.P. Bennett, Owen Carneer, J. Bill Danny, Joseph (Chuck)Hall, Lew Carrico, Meeker, Florence Smith,Florence Hall,Russell Carroll, Kay H.Melville, Mrs. Archer, Jack Benoit, Frank CarolinaMinstrelsDare, Virgil B. Fitzgerald. Babe Casey,Mrs.FrankHarrison, Mrs. (Shorty)Arizona Kid Benson, Dr. 0. N.Carrington, Dare,Wally Fitzgerald,JimmyHallstrom,David Marcella BerthaSmith, Madam Armond, Billy Bequet te, Taxie Harold K.Darling, Happy) Hallwell,Geo. Castle. Really Melville, Mrs. Francbon Fleming, W. G. Halstead, Clyde Castro. Dora Harrison Sisters' Thelma Armstrong, Glen Berridge. W. R. Carroll, J.Scotty Flick, Edward Halton, J. K. Chapman. Mrs. ShowMercer, Mrs. Dot Smith. Madam Arnett, Daney Berry, Bert H. Carter, Fred Darrow,John Flynn.J.Francis Fern HMIs,Mrs.Rilla GertrudeArnheim, Eddie Betz, Teddy Carton, Edward Datson, Frank Folk. Carl J. Flames,Bill H.Metz, Grace Smith, Mrs. EvelynArthur,Jack Be, eredge, GlenLCaruso, Johnnie Daughty, L. L. Fonda, Gordon Hamilton Jr.. J. D. Cheeks, Mrs. Gilbert Meyers, Mrs. R. J. Caruthers, Bob Lee Red Hamilton, Phil Christensen, Mrs. Hawkins.Mrs. Michaels, Anna, Smith.Mrs.PudieArthur, John R. Sewer, John Fontaine, Pat Hainley. Ray Sam Smuckler, Mrs. Asher,Charlie ltry,lieu Cary, Ray Davis, Ben Boots Ford, Prof. C. Blanche Weir, Lucille Bill Hammer, Candy. Clark,PearlG. Hearn, Mrs. Fay Miller,Iva MarieAtwood. Fred Bickford, Percy Cash, Lester GareetDavis. Forrest, Dr. Joseph Rodeo Clark, Mrs. VirginiaBecks,. Mrs. R. G.Miller, Mrs. C. M.Suellen, Harriet Avalon, Robt. Biddle, F. W. Cass. Gene Davis, Carl 0. Forshay, Del Hammon,Robert Clemmens, Bobbie Hendrix, Mrs.O. (Red)Snidikes, Mrs. A very, Tommie Biddle, W. F. Ca,ter. Geo. Davis, John W. Fort, Harold M. Hammond. Bill G. W. GraceBaba, Prince Ali (Slim)Castiglia, A. J. Davis, Ken Forwolo,Albert Cluff, Mrs.A. Miller, Mrs. Lena Babe, Bruce Bingman, Howard Caston, Laney Davis, Mickey Foster,Eddie Hammond, Bob Coatney, Mrs. Annie Henry.Margaret Miller, Iris Snodgrass, Mrs. Loy Bozo Hammond, Earl Colk, Mrs. L. D. Henry, Mrs. Lou Miller, Mrs. W. R. MonaBat rield ,Herman MorseCaswell, Johnnie Davis. Fox, b, C. Hammond, Earl F. Collins, Alice Mitchell, Mrs. Snodgrass, Mrs. Batty,Earl Binns,Victor Caughley, Wm. Dawson, W. G. Foxworth, Doc Hammond, Ray C, Hernando, Mrs. Bertha Mae TomBagley, Howard Birchfield, Bob, Cavanaugh, Edw. J.De Baccer,Earl Frain,Frank Cooke,Mrs.Chas. Louis S. Snow, Mrs. Janet Baile,King MusicianCaylor, John & DeBarrie, Wm. Francis, John Hampton, Clarence FHighsmith. Mrs. Mitchell, Jean MyraDeCamo, Chas. CurtisMonroza, Donna Somers. Mrs. Bailey,Bill Bircket, C. L. Frank, E. J. Corrine, Mlle, Mooney, Helen FlorenceS.Bailey, Chas. E. Bird Wiki Chandler, Don DeCardos, The Frank,Geo. Hampton,Charlie Costiglio,AntoniaHillBetty Lou Soret,Mrs.MollieBailey, D. M. Black, Frank B. Chandler & DeClerq,Al Frank, Toney Hamrick,Gail A. Millburn, Mrs. H. Moore, Ethel Olive ClemensDeLong, Fred H.Morales, Teresa Sparks,Mrs.SadieBailey,E.E. Black, Frank of Franklin. Benny Hanasaki, F.S. Coutts,Billie J. Spear,Mrs.Bill Bailey, F. R. AerialBlacksChavonelle, Roger De Metro, Walter Franklin, Doc E. Hancock. Sollie Craddock. Pearl Hilton,Mrs., Mrs. Spear, Mrs. Ida M.Bailey, Hal C. Black, Gus M. Chem Chief DeRay, Gene J.Haney, Bill Crody, Mrs.Bessie Hinkle, Mrs. Opal Doug Black,Lester Chernut, Geo. T. Decker, It.L. AtlanticMorris, Mrs. Chip Sperling, Mrs. LoisBally, Jim Franklin, P. C. Haney, Ott Crowell.Mrs. Morse, Bobby Spicer, Mrs.Earl Bain, Riley Blackie, James Chicago, Paul Decker,Earl Franks,Victorial flannagan. John J. Harold Hodgini, Caroline Moseley, Marie Stcaey,Mrs.LydaBaker, Geo. Wm.Ch ickola Delman, Ed Frashier,Ace Harcourt,Walter Cunningham,Con Holland, Jean BellBaker, HughC. Blackstone. Vick Chidester, Wm. J. Delman% Joseph Frazier, Roger Harick & Dixie Holmes, Lillie Movarckly, Angeline Bland. Childers, Ralph Holt, Leona Mullins, Dasie Stevens,Mrs.MayBaker,Johnny Albert Delmonte.Joseph Frederick, Cecil Harlos, Mr.&MMrs. Curtis, Edna JohnsonStillman, Frances Ballard, Joe /Mock, Wm. Sollie Demur), theGreatFreed. Carl arie Dale, Mrs. F. E. Hooper, Mrs. Freels, Buck Harris, Cy Daniels,Mrs. Paul Happy Freeman, Geo. H. Harris, Amer Danner, Irene Hopkins, Mrs.Ella (Aussie)Harrison, Buck Davies.,Mary Jane Hoskyn, Mrs. Geo.Geo. When Writing for Advertised Mail, Please Use Postcards. Freeman, Geo. Harrison. Fred Davies, Mildred Howard, F' Freeman,Harold Harrison. James R. Darla. Dallis Howard. ' Freeman, Mitch Hart, John B. 'Behar Row" - ow long the forwarding address is to be used. Freeman, Three Bart.Louis August 13, 1938 The Billboard 27 why women should purchase a common kitchen chair, table and stool.I am 44th YEAR wondering hoar many amusement men Notes From the could sell a common chair and table for Hartmann'sthe kitchens of the country and make a profit, yet the manufacturers of these articles believe in their product to the Crossroads Billaard extent of paying for a large radio hook- By NAT GREEN Founded by W. H. DONALDSON Broadcast up. The Largest Circulation of Any Amusement "The presentation over the radio went WORK of the Circus Fans' Association Weekly in the World AFTER a rainy and cool spring and MemberAuditBureauofCirculation with a few of the circuses making ansomething like this: 'Ladies, are you the at its annual convention in Madison. early return to the barn, a word of cheerold-fashioned type that believe the hard-Wis., last week represented a sincere effort Published Every Week should be especially welcome to amuse-est way to do your housework is theto help circuses in the crisis that con- By TheBillboardPublishingCompany ment purveyors at this time. This cheerbest?I trunk not.There are very fewfronts them this season. It should bear R. 8. LITTLEFORD SR., President. women who do not want to take ad-fruit.While the association's member- E .W. EVANS, Secretary -Treasurer a General is provided in the knowledge of whatvantage of modern household appliances.ship is not large, it includes many men Manager. others are doing to inject human andbut have you ever given a thought to whose influence is A. 0. HARTMANN, Editor personal appeal in their selling efforts, fargreaching. The OutdoiP Depts., 25 Opera Place, Cincinnati. 0. andwepassithow much you stand on your feet every E. E. SUGARMAN, Editor alongtoamuse-day when you might sit comfortably on president,Melvin Indoor Depts., 1584 Broadway, New York, N. Y. a chair or stool with a table to work D. Hildreth,is a Main Office and Printing Works, The Billboard ment owners andfrom?' man of great capa- B uilding,26.27OperaPlace.Cincinnati,O. managersinthe The announcer then went on Phone, Main 5306.Cable Address, "Belem," hope that it mightwith the real pull in this advertisement. bilities and he isCincinnati, 0. help them to "putHe told the ladies WHY in these words: In a strategic posi- B RANCH OFFICES: NEW YORK -6t1 Floor 'The average woman is 65 inches tall tion to accomplishPalace Theater Bldg., 1584 Broadway. ?hones. something on the MEdallion 8.1616, 3-1617, 3-1618. CHICAGO - ball" and make aand therefore should have a chair 16 the greatest good4th Floor Woods Bldg.. Randolph and Dearborn finefinishofainches high, a table 24 inches high and for the associationStreets.Phone, Central 8480.ST. LOUIS -890 a stool 25 inches high.Science and, ex- In its praiseworthyArcade Bldg.. 8th and Olive Streets.Phone, Chest- season that got off efforts. nut 0448. PHILADELPHIA - B. H. Patrick. to a bad start. perience have proved these heights are Mr. Ell-7222 Lampert Road, Upper Darby. Pa.Phone, the most efficient to work from.'Don't dreth leaves short-Madison 6895.LONDON-Bert Ross, cars "The ycu th ilk a lot of women began to check ly for Geneva as aPerformer." 18 Charing Cross Road, London, W. 0., Many of you no NAT .GREEN delegatetot h e2. SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA-Kevin Brennan. Cieer doubt have heardthe heights of their kitchen chairs, tables Tattersall's Bldg., 198 Pitt Street. PARIS -0._ .M and stools?I do. League of Nations.Chambers,careAmerican Express Co.,11 Rue A. C. HARTMANN the story about a The movement started by the Detroitfkribe. big red rooster one "Here is what I am getting- at. We in SUBSCRIPTION RATES, PAYABLE Ile AD- morning finding a big ostrich egg in thethe outdoor amusement business knowadvertising club to assistin creatingVANCE-One Year, SIS; Two Years, $5. These hen yard. more about its public appeal than eithersentiment favorable to the circus hadrates apply in the United States, U. S. Possessions. Calling all the hens around its genesis in the CFA.Frank Magin,Canada. Rates in other foreign countries upon segued. him for the morning conference, he said:of the foregoing, yet we just cry instead Subscribers when requesting change of address should "Ladies, I know you are hard workersof getting out and doing something aboutchairman of the ad men's committee, isgive former as well as present address. and that you try to do your job well andthe months of August and September. an enthusiastic Fan.He says the De- DISPLAY ADVERTISING-FiftyCentsper troit club has been in touch with prac-Agate Line. Whole Page, $350; Half Page, 81751 I know you will continue to do so, but Quarter Page, $87.50.No display advertisement I just wanted to show you what some ticallyall the advertising men of themeasuring less than 10 lines accepted.Last adv.?. others are doing." "In the last bulletin of the Nationalcountry and that they are in a positionUsing form goes to press noon Monday. Association of Amusement Parks, Poolsto "raise a lot of hell or know the reason No telegraphed advertisement accepted nubs re- With this story still fresh in his mind mittance is telegraphed or mailed so as to reach rob Cy Bond, of the Dodgem Corporation, ofand Beaches, Al Hodge, executive secre-why" in an effort to keep the circus onStation office before noon Monday. Lawrence, Mass., read an article in The.tary of the organization, came acrossthe road. Already thousands of children's The Billboard reserves the right to edit all adver- World's Fair of Oldham, Eng., and laterwith some timely suggestions for pro-names have been signed to petitions totising on. heard a broadcast over the radio whichmotions, and there are a million othersave the circus and these will be sent to stunts that can be worked for the bal-President Roosevelt.At the rate the ../!4 he considered very apropos.The World's 7 1B Fair article was about the sales value ofance of the season.All they need is anames are being secured they probably .. a soda fountain. build-up and a little constructive think-will reach half a milhon. ing to get everyone to come out and Vol. L AUGUST 13, 1938, No. 33 "Some of us for years have thoughthave a good time. we knew all about the value of soda fountains in parks and amusement cen- "Just give the rooster and egg, the cently, snapped a tendon and will not be ters," says Cy, "but this article presentedchair, table and stool, and the soda foun- Thanks to Frank D. Fenderson for hisable to work for several months. . . . many possibilitiesastocleanliness,tain stories a thought and you will findcircus library catalog listing more thanMadeline Woods, Schine theater circuit speed, accuracy, volume of business and,a great deal of promotion value for parks publicity head, in town handling pub- and carnivals. 100 books on the circus published in the most of all, the ability to cash in on a last decade.. .it's a handy referencelicity for Chicago's New Century com- better product. I do not know who wrote "Let's go to it and have a grand finishlist.... Bonnie Hunt, late of the Ringlingmittee. . . Matt Saunders, at old the article, but I'll bet they will sell moreof a season that started good. but got ashow, had a tough break.... After beingBuffalo Bill show exec, conferring in Chi soda fountains in London. setback with rain.Everyone on hislaid up for weeks with a broken leg sheon a show proposition. "The lanadcast was a sales talk ontces!" started rehearsing for the fair season re - (See CROSSROADS on page 56)

Hart. Ray Home, R. R. Johns, Bunny Kinney. Geo. Lee Jimmie O'DearMcCoy, Col. Tim Melton, Paul Murphy, Jimmy & Osborn, Irvin Price, W. V. Hartley, Gee. Hope. 0.J. Johns, Vincent KirkendollMarvin Ledman, Wm. McCullom, Wm. Melville. Bert BeverlyOwens, B. W. Pringle, JohnlY Hartley, Wm. Honer, Norman Johnson, A. N. Kirkland,Jack Leininger, Su. McOrme, Wm. Melville. Ralph Murphy. Leon Owens,Jerry Pritchard, BIB Hartsburg, Cbas. Hopkins, H. R. Johnson, Chas. B.Kirkman, Orville ElateMcDaniele, Carl Meranda, Wm. Murphy,Neil Owens, Mack Floyd Hartz, Ben Hopkins, Herb Johnson, G. R. Kirkner, Doc Letzten, N. McDevitt, G. W. Merkle, J. B. Murphy. K. L. Owens, Marvin Pritchard, B. 0. Harvey, Al Hopkins,Jimmy Johnson, Happy FrankLeman, Jack McDonald, Jack Merrihews, MusicalMurphy, Ralph Owens, R.E. Pritchett, Jack Plarville, L. R. liorain, Thomas P.Johnson, Jessie Lenard, Fred Page,George Proctor, Geo. Hassler, Hobert Horton Jr., Wynn Johnson & Hall Kiser, G. B. DenzilMerritt, 15r. R. A.Murray,Dave Hatfield.Jeek Kitchens, George Lenard. Leo McDonough, S. B. Meyerhoff.Henry Musser, Melvin Page, Jack ProekY, Cent Horton Jr., W. W. ChoirKittridge.CharlesLenard,Sid McEwen, Bill Miller. Al H. Myers, Bert Paige, Geo. W. Frysi. Pete Hathawaythe Houck, Mike & Johnson, Hot Dog Lennon, Richard J.McFarland. F.J. Miller,Chaz. MyersBill BlackeyPaige, Jack PublicDare -Devil Magician PaulJohnson. J. A. Klaus. FA Haufmann, Arthur Klein.BillJ. Leonard, Arthur McFarland. Jack (Poo)Mellor,Clyde Palmer, H. S. No. 1 Houghton. Frank AbnerKlein,C.A. Leonard,Vic SiGcee, Chas. Miller, Eli Napolitano, CharlesPalmer,Harry Purl, Billy Hawk, J. Fred S.Johnson Flying Knapp, Vincent Leo's Sole Show McGill. Carl Miller. Frank Nash, Jimmie Palmer, Wm. P. Pyle, Cbaa. 0. Hawk, Tames B. House,Roht. Service Leroy. Sticks McGray, Jimmy Miller. Harvey W.Nathan. Samuel Palooka, Joe put n,Ray Hawkins, Bud, (Sambo)Johnson, Dr. JesselKnight, Al Circus Knight, Henry CharlieMcGuire, Prof. W.Miller,Robert Nee, J.J. ChicagoQuigley, Johnnie Hnverstick, G.E. Johnson, L. F. H.Knot. John Leslie,Don McHale,Phil Miller, Ted Neft, Ray Paris Jr.,Presley Quillen, Robt. Hawkins, Ralph H.Howard, Irish Johnson, Matthew Knox,Ten, Lewis, Dick, PlayersMcIntyre, Dan Milliken. G. V. Reiland, Walter Parisatto,Louis Quirk, Frederick 3 Hawkins, Ray Howard, MysteriousJohnson, Mike Knudson, Karl Lewis John McKay, Bill Mills. Cecil D. Neise Troupe Parsons, Bud Rabbitfoot, Hadyen. Charley Howard, R. W. Johnson, Mickle Hoban, Kaichi Lewis.Phil McKay, L. F. Milton, Paul R. Netvling,Clifford Patrinos, Nick Raines. Grosse E. Hayes, Robt F. Howe Bros.' Johnson, SmackoverKo No. Doc Lewis. R.E. McKinney,JamesMinken, Sam Nelson, Bud Patron', Frank Rambo, Wesley Healy, Mike 3 -Ring Circus WhittyKopeenksePhil Lewis.Sailor McKinney, Weber Mitchell, Alex Nelson.0.,Co. JosephRamsey, Earl Heaney, Gerald Howe, Rex Johnson,Prof.T.Korney.Jas. LewisSainte McKnight, C.H. Mitchell, Bert Nelson, Chas. Patterson,Harry Ramsey, Ted Heckman Times Howey, Clyde C.Kosher. Charley Lewis. W. L. McKwade IllusionsMitchell. Bob WbistlemanPatterson, J. P. Randall, Larry Heeney, Thos. }toyer. Henry Johnson, Wm. Koski, Tierra LibbyFrank McLaughlin,BruceMitchell, E. W. Nelson, Elwood Paxton, R. L Randolph, Bilalgin FrancisHubbard, Boldest Jones, Al, Bar X Kourtez, Chico Lightfoot. Andy McLaughlin, Mitchell. Epbfrom Nelson, Harry Payne,Pant Raasmasen, Arida' Heiman, Gee. Abnia RanchKraemer, Will Lightman, Earl MichialMitchell, Frank C. SanderPanlert.Albert Ravese,Frank Heiser.Frank Hubbard, Grayson Jones. Buddy E. Krause. Willie Liles,Cliff McLean. James Mitchell. Geo. J. Nelson,Jack Peary. L W. Raymer, Walter J. Heffern, Dr. JosephIlubell,Art Jones, Charlie Krawczyk,Lucian Limmerman, Sam McLemore, WalterMitchell, Jack & (Rodeo)PeckAdolph Raymond, Gene Heller, A l Huddle, Glenn (Groom Kridler,J.H. Lippincott, Mal B.McLennonNeal VeraNelson. Morris Pelkins, Elmer Raymond, Gets. 0. Heiler, Johnnie Huddleson, Ace Jones, E. N. Krim, Donald Litter, Jimmie McPeak,Jack Mitchell, John Nelson, Stanley Penfold. Norman Rebman, L. H. Doe Heiman, Manritse RedJones, Kelly Kuhen, Bob _(Burk)McPeak, James C. Mitchell, John C. (Neldrett)Pendleton.CharlesRed Feathers, Henemispien. neelindock, Dave Jones. Mandel Hulick, Ben L. Litileconls. Thos. 81eQuilliam, H. 0.Mitchell. L. S. Nettie,Joe Penturf, Frank ChiefLittle Hemmer. Bill DalesHudspeth. T. Jones,Spider Kurtze, Earl P.MeRanie, T. J. Mitchell. Larry Nettles, Win.acksonPepper, 0. F. Reckless, Fred Henderson, Mr. C. Jones. Wardell McReynolds,EarlMitchell, Larry C. Percell,Jack Reddin, Dick Hoffman, Roy W. Kyle, Geo. T. Loehr*, Geo. Elmer DotieHughes, J. C. Jorgenson. James I.LaBa. Demey Lockwood, Jack L.Mitchell,LawrenceNewman, FrJank Perdue, Hedrick,Chas. Henchman, FennerHughes, Jim & Jose,Prince LaBreque, Harry Lodge, Paul McTavish, A. H. Mitchell, Leo Newman, Norman Perkins, James P. Reed, Elwood L. Henderson. T. M. Carrie3 OPT, lack ElmoLollar. Roy McTavish, Red Mitchell, Lester Newsome, Bill CyReed, Jimmy Hendrickson,CecilHugo, Capt. E. H. Joyce,James LaCoste, Donald Lone Star Jim Mack & Williams Mitchell. Lewis Newton,I.T. Perrotta, Pat Homer Hennessey. Led Hugo, harry Judd. Harmer LaFon & LaFon Long, Harry Macornell, RichardMitchell, Louis Niblick,EllisB. Perry, Ernest Reed. Mike Henry. .1, Hull.Hilbert Jogai..Frank LaMont, Bozo Long, Paul Maddish, Frank W.Mitchell, M. W. Nicholas, Miller LPeterman.Henry Reeves, Doc L. H. Henry, Lew Mulvey, Edward Jung. Paul Larose. H. A. Loos, Edw. Maddox, Bob Mithcell,Steve G.Nichols, Floyd C. P.Reeves, Hower] Henry, S.S. Hummell, Joseph Rain, Albert LaRue. Bobbie Lopes, Joseph Maddox, Earl Mitchell,Torn Nickerson,S.W. Peters, Lee E. Eaward Henry,Speedy RussellKane,Edward LaRue, L. Maddox, W. E. Mitchell, Walter Nistol, Ernest Peterson, Guy E.Reeves, James Henysen, Don Y.Hummel]. Ray Kanerra, Gns LaSure, Thad Lorenz. Henry T. Madison, C.J. Mix, Art TampaPhelps,Joe Bxgall, Mike Kaplan, Fred LaValle, Russell Lorenzo, Jack SliversMohoney, Jack Pbilhert, Edwin Regan, Tommy Herrier, FA Humphries, Cecil Lorraine,Richard Nolte. Emory Phillion Bros. Reilly, Herring. F. C. Humphries.J.C. Kaplin, Frank LaVarre, Buddy Loncise, Don Mahon, Charles Mohrdieck, Jean Noonan. Prof. Leo C.T. Herring. Win. Handley, R. II. Earn. Edw. L. LaVelle, Rey Louse, Geo. J. Maiers, Harry lionohan, Will & Norcross, Hard F. Phillips, Eddie Reilly,R. T. Herrington, Odies HuntSr..CharlesEaster,Robert Lackey, Jim Lovell. Ben afalanga,Geo. ComMotifs, Herman Phillins, Horace Reinhardt, Gab, Herron. Carl Hunt, Freddie CyrilKetch,Rennie Laird, Marvin Levine, Dr.E.J.Males.Jack Monroe. Tex Norman. Vers' Phillips, J.D. Reties*, Eddie Hess, G.L. Hunt, Rohr,. C. Katz, Harry MoonLowe, Chas. R. Malone, J. Whitie Montague, Ernest NornardBob Phlean,Phil Rendezvous. Tin Heth, Floyd R. Hunter, Charley, Keck, Jack Lakin, 'Ray B. Lowe, Cliff Mann, Carl Montana, Chief Norris, 'Harry J. Phoenix Speech" Reno, Paul Hey, Doc M. W. Mgr.Keen,Bill Lamb, Drexel Lowe, Jim ansf ieldShootingMontgomery. Tex North, Ted, PlayersPierce, Jim Retlaw, Walter Hibbert, Ton Keifer, George Marcus, itobt. Red Norton, R. Frank Pierce, Mathew Revolt, Bobbie Hunter, Clarence Kelley, Herman Lamb. Ray Lowery, Carroll R. Mooney, Thos. J. Pinkstan, J. W. Reynolds, Eddie Hilbert. Roy Hunters' Artist Lambert, Joe Leo Lowla Jr., N. Marcuse, Herrin Moore. Blackie Noustino, Roy G.Pittington,ElmerReynolds,Frank Hilburn. Dictie BureauKelley. Pee Wee Lane, Charles Lownsberry,Guy Marfoot.O. E. HughNovak, Robert Hill,Henry Kellie,Carl Lane. Frank B. Lucas. Bernard W.Margo Moore, Hubert Nowroth, Paul F.Reynolds, Harry Hill, Hunter,Eddie Mongulnzzo Pittman, A. A. Rhodes, John Shorty Hunter, Harry 0. Langford, Jack Lucas, 0. W. Mark,' Mitchell Moore, Sam Meson. Frank E. Pitts,Shirley Duckey Hilton,Joseph Huntley, Wm. Renter, Eugene Langley,Wilson Lucas, Sammy Marlowe, Ed Morales, Geo. & Nuomon, Chuck Pitzer,Billie Rhodes. Willie Lee Himmel, Son Huston, Charlie E.Kellogg, Loyce C. Lankford,Walter Luck, Paul B. Marohl, Ernest AlbertO'Brian,Geo.F. Plague, DomminickRice, C. E. Hinckley, Ray Hutchins,S.H. Kelly,J.B. Larabee, James Lundquist, LeonardMara Robt. Morales, Pedro O'Brien, Don Plass, Stanley Rice, Dan Rama Hirsh, Leo Hutson, 0. W. (Chef)Laramee. Arsene Luther, Roy Marshfield, L. C. Mordaunt, Hal O'Brien, Mickey Plummer, Al Rice, Gordon L. Hirer, Charles Hylance,Dick Kendrick, Richard Laswell, Thos. W.Lyons. A.E. Martin, Bill R. Morgan, Pete (Candy Show) Hoagland, Maks Kennedy, James L.Laughlin. Robert Lyold, Wm. Martni. Ed (Pop)Morris. Carlton O'Connell, Ted Polk, Coop Rice, Lee II. 0. A. Ranch Pollitt, John Rich, Harry Hodges. Chas. Wild WestKenner, Benne A. Lautem. Emile MacCallan,H.G.Martin, Ely% Morris. Joe O'Connoronald AlexanderRichards, Jackie Hogan, Sande Irving, Martin Kenney, henry Lawrence. Gibson llfacClone. P.J. Martin. Grover Morrisop, Chuck O'Hare.BarneyB Pons, Jack Richardson,Steve Hoene, Edward Iverson,Carl Kerr, Thos. R. Lawson, Aubrey McFarland,Jack Martin, Thomas Morton.Bob O'Dea, Paul Pope,Wm. Richling, Al Holcomb, Bin Ivey, J W. Kessler, Johnnie Lay,C.H. McAbee, Blackie Martin, Wm. Terry (Sign Painter)O'Hara, Harry Z.Porter,Walter Riddicks, Johnnie Holcomb, Jack Jack, W. E. Ketrow, Frank Laye, JohnCurleyMcAllister. Jackie liascoe,Fred Mossey. John O'Shea,John Postak, Wm. Riley. Raymond Holderman, Dr. Jacob, Lou Ketrow,Robt. Lavelle, Win. R. DawsonMason, Freddie hiossman. Earl O'Shea, Texas Potter, M. C. Riley, Sam JohnJackson,Richard Ketrow Wm. Lazone, Elmer 31cArdell, E. J. Mason, Ralph H.Mott. Joseph Oakes, Ray S. Potter, Roy H. Rippe', Chas. Wu. Holdridge. Nv.D. Jacobs, Joe & SallyKeys, JJ.H. LeFevre, Antonie McCabe. Blackie Mathew, Henry Moyer, Capt., Oaks, Al Potts,J0117, Robbins, Harry Holliday, Frank James, Fred Kiauick, Andrew Lel'aule, Walter McCarless, ClarenceMatthews,George TrainerOakley, Elton PathfindersCo.Robbins, W. It. Hollis. John B. JROICS011, LeRoy Kidney, W. A. LeRoy, Richard Mcratihr. Geo. 'I'. Maxello, John Moyer, Dave E. Oakley,Geo.H.PottsR.A. Roberge Victor Hntheen. San Jameson, Marvin Otto W. LeRoy, Wm. JohnalcCaiey, J. H. Maxwell, R. E. Mullie, Sailor JackOden, Freeman SchleyPowell, S. B. Roberts, Adrain Holmes, Curley Jardon,Clyde Kimmel, Harry LeTourneau, IV.G. McClanahan, D. H.Mayo, James Mullins, Phil D. Powers, Leo Ornieer Holmes. Del Jarri-,Lon King, Jack W. Leader, L. M. .1i1cClailcie, II,W.Maze, W. B. Mud's, C. E. Odzark, Danny Powers, W. 0. Roberts. Davit t Holmes. D.It. Jenkins,Bill King, James Ledbetter. Willis McChing. C. C. Meadows, Edwin Murpbree, Vernon OldhamBarney Prather, Ileiny It. Ira Jenkins, Robert King & Roche HenryMcComb, Gilbert Mefferd, Bud Murphy. Eugene J.Olsen,John M. Holmes, "Old Mena, Speedy Olmony. Fred Prentice,Bill Roberts, 0. IL Faithful"Jennings. 'red King, Dr. W. L. Lee, Coy McCort Alex Murphy, Frank K. Presson, Sidney Roberts. Clint 11:1171cii Alex Jerome,Sensation King,Dr. W. R.Lee,Major, McCoy, Seoul & Meters, Al Murphy, Horace °real,H. . Jean .A. Jewett, Charles Kings,Kellie Cowboy Band MaxineMeisterman, EddieMurphy, John Mamie. Bernard See LETTER LIST on gags 53) 28 The Billboard CIRCUSES August 13, 1938 Conducted byCHARLES WIRTH Communications to25 Opera Place, Cincinnati, 0. 3IZ SLUMP HALTS COLE TOUR

Show Goes Into Quarters After Downie Sets Struggling Along for 16 Weeks Opening Date

Paraphernalia, equipment, animals to be kept intact- preparations for 1939 season start soon - Manager Starts at Columbus, Ga., Terrell praises employees for loyalty and co-operation August 15-show same

size as in the spring BLOOMINGTON. I/1. Aug. 6.-After battling the business slump almost con- tinuously for 16 weeks, Cole Bros.' Circus at the conclusion of the night performance here Wednesday drew in its belt and called it a season.The circus trains, travel- MACON, Ga., Aug. 6.-Downie Bros.' ing over the Nickel Plate Railroad, departed at1 a.m. for winter quarters at Circus reopens at Columbus, Ga., August Rochester, Ind.The paraphernalia, equipment and animals will be kept intact 15,Manager Charles Sparks has an- and plans will soon go forward for the 1939 season.The hearty loyalty and nounced.Fleets of showtruckswill co-operation given the manneement by the employees of the show hasprobably leave Macon quarters the preceding Sun- never been equaledinthe annals of day. the white tops.Joe Weber, president Show will go out same size as in the American Federation of Musicians: Leo spring, but there will be several new Abernathy, president' International Al-Agee Welcomed in acts. Among them are the Walter Guice lianceofBillposters andBillers, and troupe, theRidingGuices, from the Ringling-Barnumshow. TheGuice Ralph Whitehead, head of the American THE ELEPHANT GIRLS with the act Federation of Actors, all three organiza-Old Home Town Hapenbeck-Wallace Circus.Left to troupe, which alsohas an aerial tions affiliated with the American Federa- CANTON, 0., Aug. 6.-The Tom Mix right: Bobby Peck McGough, Marion billed as Aerial Walters, was a feature of tionofLabor,co-operatedwiththeCircus was hooked for Quincy, Ill., July Knowlton and Bobbie Warriner. the old Sparks railroad show for many management inevery way possible to31, but a short time before the date it years before going to the Big Show. keep the show going. was found necessary to cancel the town. Bert Dearo and wife,Corinne,also When John Agee learned that the date from the Big Show, will be with the As the amusement business is a luxury show. atbest,the recessionquickly caughtwas open he prevailed upon the manage- James M. Beach. general agent, has the Cole show, as well as other circuses,ment to take the show into Canton, hisRobbins' 13th been on the road for two weeks. early in its tentacles this season.Open-old home town.Necessary arrangements While most of the department heads ing the middle of April at the Chicagowere made and Agee was given specialWeek a Winner will be the same, there will be a few Stadium, alwaysasure-fireinothernewspt.per notices. newcomers. Charles Katz remains as as- seasons, business this sprint: shrank to On circus day the name of "Brother" MIDDLETOWN, N.Y., Aug. 6.- Thesistant manager, and Clint Shuford as less than one-half of the normal take.Agee was synonymous with all other in-13th week of the season for Robbinstreasurer, Harry Mack continues as press On the road the Chicago business was.terests around the show. Crowds gatheredBros.' Circus was anything but unlucky,agent hack and announcer. but acriterion.Almost inevery cityabout his trailer, children followed himas the sun was shining and crowds came Preliminary activities at Central City business with the chow was off fromabout the streets and the cash customers,to the show at every performance.The who were plentiful, asked at the front12th week was one that will long be re-Park strongly resemble pre -season work. 33 1-3 to 50 per cent. As a rule the showdoor if that was the place they entered All equipment is being inspectedand experienced about two satisfactory days' membered for rains and muddy lots. renovated. business a week against four losing see Toni Mix and his pal, "Brother" At Middletown, N. Y., Clarence Adolph, In the face of such obstacles the tourJohn Agee.The crowning moment for24 -hour agent, founditnecessaryto was continued after a consultation withJohn was when the homefolks presentedswitch lots because of the hard rains the the employees, who unanimously statedhim with a beautiful ring. week previous.The lot used was a highMichigan Not Good they were willing to string along and and dry one,just opposite the State hope for a business pick-up. 11,663 Petitions Signed Asylum.One hundred and sixty-fourFor Lewis Bros. patients were guests of Manager Jess Ad- DETROIT, Aug. 6.-Lewis Bros.' Circus ZackTerrell'sStatement By Oklahoma City "Kids". kins at the afternoon performance. There "Never had to experience such con- also were 16 children of the day nurserypassed thru Southeastern Michigan terri- tinual bad business and weather during OKLAHOMA CITY,Okla.,Aug. 6.-as guests jointly of the circus and Thetory last week en route to play down to- the 35 yearsI have been in the circusFrank(Doc)Stuart,localadvertisingMiddletown Times -Herald. One "patient"ward Southern Ohio and West Virginia. business," stated Zack Terrell, and former circus press agent, sentof the asylum gave his name as EdwardShow has been playing chiefly in Mich- The only cheerful and heartening partthree air -mail letters Monday to officials igan for several weeks, making the gen- of the season was the unselfish loyaltyof the Ringling show.withpetitionsProvost and came unattended, bringingeral route up the West Coast and down and help furnished by the employees toeimed by 11.663 local "kids from 6 to 96pictures to prove his former occupationthe East, then into the famous "thumb" years old," begging for a circus perform-as musician and asking for a Job. Visitorsdistrict, where a correspondent of The a man. When salaries fell behind there included Sig Zeno from Carbondale, Pa.,Billboard attended it at Lapeer. were no attachments; in fact, the em-ance here this fall. The letters went toand Elmer Kemp, of Trenton, N. J. ployees acted as if they were all partnersGeorgeW.SmithandMrs.Charles Playing towns of from 5,000 to 50,000, in the amusement institution they wereRingling. The arrival at Middletown was a littlethe show has had comparatively poor seeking to carry on to success. The petitions were signedduring aafter 4 a.m., but in switching the flatbusiness in the State this season, in- two-day drive last Friday and Saturday,cars in the Erie railroad yards there oc-dicating that the smaller towns are just "For weeks the show battled days of curred two derailments which held up rain of torrential proportions.Yet thewhich attempted to get 20,000 signatures. about as badly hit as the big industrial show moved with marvelous precision"We couldhavegottenthatmanythe unloading until a little after 8 a.m.cities, altho agricultural complaints in the and almost invariably opened on time.easilyif we had more booths," StuartThe parade was a half hour late but theState have been few so far this year. The Thousands of loyal circusgoers greetedsaid Monday. afternoon performance started on has been making short jumps, al- us daily, but their attendance withother most from one county seat to another, so thousands absent because of non -employ- that the State has been thoroly can- ment was the difference between a profit vassed and centrally located towns played and a loss. in each spot. "Not in any way do I think the per-CFA Aims To Intercede manency of the circus is on the wane, World Bros. Headed The businessgrossed by two ofthe larecot circuses on the road last season was greater than the combinedgrossIn Circus -Labor Problem For Crop Country Good of all the circuses of 30 years ago. ALLIANCE, 0., Aug. 6.-World Bros.' times fill the red wagon with bounteous are Circus has fared much the same as all returnsbutlikewisehardtimes Resolutions committee agrees upon plan at 13th annualothers this season, executives told a rep- keenly felt." resentative of The Billboard here as the convention at Madison, Wis., to be submitted to asso-show played the first of four days in the Buckeye State on its hurried trek into Hagenbeck-Wallace ciation membership-details not disclosed the Midwest and crop country.Con-

tinued rains in recent weeks, coupled Show Has Decided MADISON, Wis., Aug. 6.-With the slogan "Save the Circus for America," thewith only fair business at most stands, C'reus Fans' Association opened its 13th annual convention at the LoraineHotelhas kept the show struggling to keep here Sunday and after three days' sessions Melvin D.Hildreth,, but from allindications it will Pick -Up in Businessnounced that a proposal had been formulated which, it was hoped,would helpfinish out the season. Equipment was In. FORT COLLINS,Colo.,Aug.6.-the circus save itself. The resolutions committee, of which J. A. Wagner,of Desgood shape.A good program is under Hagenbeek-Wallace Circus has been en-Moines. was chairman, worked for nearly 12 hours behind closed doors,threshedthe direction of George Meyers. joying a decided pick-up inbusiness,out conflicting opinions and finally agreed upon a plan to be submittedto the This town, hard hit by the industrial with comfortable matinees and capecityassociation membership. Because of the recession, gave the show a fair matinee nieht houses.Weather has been ideal. seriousness ofthecircussituationit and a better than half a house at night. Two especially satisfactory stands werewas deemed inadvisable to disclose de-owners and the demands of organizedSide Show had a fair day, as did the con- Cheyenne, Wyo., and Greeley, Colo.Intails of the proposal adopted.Instead,labor, and suggestions that circuses becessions.At New Castle, Pa., the previous Cheyenne manyoftherodeo -contestthe resolutions committee submitted toorganized in craft unions, with the per-day, business was just fair. winners and officials remained over tothe body the following: formers,teamsters,workers.etc.,In Show is billing heavily with very at- witness the circus as guests of. the man- "Be itresolved, That the committeeseparate groups. tractive paper going up on the country agement. Monday's business was greatlyon resolutions of the CFA appoint a sub- routes. Jimmy Heron is contracting and augmented by thesoldiers'payroll,committee on the formulation of a plan Attendance Large directing the advance forces.Show is there being over50,000 assembledatfor the preservation of the circus. which Attendance was much larger than hadmoving on a minimum number of trucks Cheyenneforthecomingmilitarysubcommitteeisinstructedto present been anticipated on theshortnoticeto reduce overhead, officials said. Alliance maneuvers. such a plan to those in authority who given members of the association.Reg -Review gave plenty of space. Merit Bellew and Frank Miller havemay assist in reaching the objective de-istration of Fans totaled about 70.In theMissourithorobredhorses,pur-sired." addition there were many friends of the PREACHER WEST recentlyreturned chased lest winter, working in perfect The proposal is understood to embodycircus in attendance. Several prominentfrom South America and reports condi- (See Hagenbeck-Wallace opposite page)planks recognizing the claims of circus (See CFA AIMS on page 31) tions very good in that country. August 13, 1938 CIRCUSES The Billboard 29 hearing.James V. Aylward, circusat- With the Peru Pickups Harris Bros.' torney,was notified this afternoon. PERU, Ind., Aug. 6.-Al R:tchie, "Pop - The order was a "stop" order and a eye" of "Believe It or Not" fame, stoppedShow Disbands victory for the circus.Application for a Circus 'lotshere en route from Cleveland, 0., to Ot- permanent writ will be considered again tumwa, Ia., accompanied lay when the Supreme Court meets in Octo- By THE RINGMASTER wife andAt Hanover, Pa. ber.Until then the circus does as it CFA two daughters. Stated booked solid until pleases. PresidentSecretary fall. GETTYSBURG, Pa.,Aug.6. - Great It- has been in and out of re- MELVIND. OILDUETHW. )1. BECKINGRAM ceivership now four times in the last 716lksansBldg.. Thames Bank, Dad Abbott, ride and concession man,Harris Bros.' Circus, scheduled to appear Washitgton, D. C. Norwich, Conn. is back in city.Coming fall will againhere yesterday, failed to arrive.Wordthree weeks-some sort of a record. (Conducted1.p WALTER TIOT1F,ADEL. Editortake to road. from Hanover is that financial disaster -The White Too," rare Hohenadel Printing J. C. (Peg) Turrell, tractor expert, isovertook the show in that city Thurs- Company, Rochelle,Ill.) back and has taken over management ofday evening, causing it to disband after pOSTCARDS ROCHELLE. Ill.,Aug. 6.-Our mem-a large trucking concern. giving afternoon and evening perform- pi( Ao Lni. ber, F. W. Magin, of Detroit, announces Steve Finn purchased a down -townances. Quaily koprodurlions that Fred L. Shaw, also of that city, isnight club.Is meeting place of troupers. Trucks and autos used to transport our newest member. Johnny Bessignanceisemsee, assisted S traight Reproductions of any Pho:cgrapb the circus were repossessed by former or Drawing. OnecopyNegative mide per Dr. William M. Mann, chairman of theby Charles Gabel. owners, and empty trucks of the Great lot.Gloss "Mirror" finish only. James E. Cooper Top, recently had a Prof. Albert German and family, ofAmerican Shows, Inc., arrived in Han- 100, $2.25; 250. 54.65; 500, $7.90; delightful visit in Iceland with JohannesDecatur, Ind., visited show farm last Sun-over yesterday afternoon presumably to 1,000, 514.25. Josefsson,ownerofthe Borg German is authority on wild animalremove the menagerie and performing Send 50% CashwithOrder, Bal. C O.D. Josefsson had the Glima Troupe withmedicine and preventive serums. animals that had been the property of Original. returned unharmed. SATISFAC- Charles Brown was here renewing ac-the circus. TION GUARANTEED. the Ringling show for eight years. quaintances. Members of the Cooper Top greeted. Ray Marsh Brydon, manager of the S x10 Lobby Photos, Special, Now 12 for A thrilling free act is being perfectedshow, reported that good crowds at- 52.25, D. W. Stock. Get our prices en any Robbins Bros.' Circus when it showedby Jess King. size from Miniatures up to 40:60 Minim, Richmond, Va. tended both matinee and evening per- Steven Lautz, who recently suffered aformances at Willow Beach Park In SPECIALLY DESIGNED GROUPINGS Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hartless, of Chi-broken leg, is receiving attention at Fra-Hanover. AND GREETING CARDS TO ORDER. cago, and Mr. and Mrs. George Freeman,ternal Order of Eagles home. E. J. Kelty, New York circus photog- of Peoria, at close of the convention in Fred Voight, circus farm attache, is arapher, came hereyesterday totake Olen w Nob Attr. Se kW 1 )7,II Madison, Wis., left by auto for a vaca-patient at Duke's Hospital.He had apictures on the show, only to be dis- tion in Portland, Me. sunstroke and was buried under severalappointed.He recently took photos on Fans stopping over in Chicago on waytons of hay. Was rescued by attaches. Robbins Bros.' Circus and intends to go home from the convention were William Private car No. 39, manager's car of theback to that show next week for addi- Montague, West Hartford, Conn.; CharlesBarnes show, was moved when the showtional ones. asitis said the show is TENTS A. Devitt, Springfield, Mass.; Harrisonplayed South Bend, to Peru, Ringling car Large stock new Tents ready to ship, and a being enlarged to 20 cars and will fea- few slightly used ones.Sidewall, new and B. Waite, Waco, Tex.;Joe M. Heiser,sheds. Occupied by Edward Kelley, man-ture Clyde Beatty, who had been with Write us what YOU want. Houston, Tex.; George Duffy and Wil-ager of Sarasota, Fla., quarters, and JamesCole Bros.' Circus. used, bargains. liam Lilmey, Fort Plain, N. Y., and Mr.Reynolds, a Barnes attache.Kelley's visit We'll save you money. and Mrs. W. H. Hohenadel. to Peru, it was stated, was to dispose of D. M. KERR MFG. CO. Frank Upp spent the day with Tom169 head of baggage stock of the Ringling 1954 Grand, Chicago. Mix Circus in Macomb, Ill.. July 21 andinterests. Admire and Eakin Dissolve visitedwithBumpsyAnthonyand A special train containing horses pur- CINCINNATI, Aug. 6.-J. C. Admire family. chasedbyEdwardGreen -pure,homestates that he has dissolved partnership F. E. Loxley, Cranston, R. I., attendedbroker, New York City, was moved towith D. R. Eakin in the Admire & Eakin USED TENTS the K. of C. outdoor circus at Woon-Lowell, Mass., in charge of Perry Planck,Circus, which closedasuccessful12 For socket, R. I., July 30. to be sold at auction. weeks' season atShoals, Ind.Admire CONCESSIONS AND SHOWS Bart Clickard and wifevisitedtheadds that he will have his own circus Good Condition. Barnes show at South Bend, Ind. and will open some time this month, also Priced Right for Quick Sales. that most of the people who were with Parker & Watts the show will be with him. CAMPBELL TENT & AWNING CO. Stinson Receives MONROE AT THIRD, SPRINGFIELD, ILL. Biz Satisfactory Unfavorable Report HAGENBECK-WALLACE- SYDNEY, Neb., Aug. 6.-The Parker &From North on Project (Continued from opposite page) Watts Circus finished the 15th week of unison. Many new clown numbers have the season at Holyoke, Colo., July 30. DETROIT, Aug.6.-Strong responsebeen recently added. TENTS -BANNERS Afterleavingthemountain countryfromadvertisingclubsthruoutthe 601190 Round End Khaki Top with 9 Ft. Side show has been encountering hot weather. Robert Ellis With Show wall, a used tent In fair condition with poles and country was reported by Fred Shaw, of guses, center poles Jointed. $350.00. Business has been very satisfactory allthe Adcraft Club of Detroit, to the move Robert Ellis, famous Hollywood writer, CHARLIE DRIVER-BERNIE MENDELSON season. Manager Ira M. Watts is enlarg-originated two weeks ago by the localhasbeentravelingwiththeshow ingtheshow.The performersthatorganization to bring the Ringling showcreating anotherofhisbrilliant sce- 0. HENRY TENT & AWNING CO. started out with the show arestillback on the road this season.Tunisnarios with circus background.Other 4611 North Clark Street, Chicago, III. with it. (Eddie) Stinson, veteran manager of theimportant visitors were the Right Hon- Mr. and Mrs. Chester Espy visited Mrs.Detroit ShrineCircus,conferredlastorable Sir Basil and Lady Speight, of Dorothy Hilbert when they passed thruweek with John Ringling North, receiv-British East Africa, who have just com- Salt Lake City.Mrs. Hilbertisin aing an unfavorable report from North onpleted a visit to Alaska.They have in- hospital there.She fell there two yearsthe project. vited Howard Y. Bary to be their guestFORSALE Complete Advertising Business ago while with the Joe B. Webb Circus. Proposal was made by Fred Schaller,in January on a five -week safari, when Est.12 Years Mrs. Espy is treasurer of the show anddirector of publicity for the Michiganthey will film the transporting of the Bulposting, Sign Erection, Surveys, Circulars, Chester :s in Lee Hinkley's Band. WalterState Fair, that advertising men thruoutwhite rhino already being held in the SamplesDistributed,UnionAffiliations,125 8 Sheet, ProminentLocatedBillboards,3Trucks. and Ruby Pruitt visited in Burlington,the country unite in a campaign to un-Sudan for Bary, who arranged forits Inventories$3,000.First$4,000TakesIt. Colo. derwrite a short season fortheBigcapture when in Africa two years ago COMMERCIAL ADVERTISING COMPANY Earl Keene puts on a good concertShow and present this proposition toat the time the famous pygmy elephants 129 N. with the calliope between shows.HeNorth with the probability that it wouldwere bought.Lady Speight took action E. 1st St., Miami, Florida. now has charge of the front door. Macbe favorably considered. picturesofBlacaman, Hindu animal McGinn, of Mac's South Sea Islanders, hypnotist. His entire act is now given is now planning winter dates.Warren in the main part of the performance. PICTURES (Smitty)Chamberlain has joined.Is Property men, grooms and other at-of the Col. Tim McCoy Wild West Auction Sale, 256 superintendent of ring stock. The showGood Night House tendants have new flashy uniforms with Each, or 0 Different Pictures, $1.00 isreceivingplentyofgoodafter -For Barnes at Madison striking caps to match. SPENCER A. STINE notices. Vernon Reaver and Ward Sugden, con-141 11th St., S. E., Washingtor, D. C. ManagerWattsisputtingJimmy MADISON, Wis., Aug. 6.-The Al G.tracting agents, have reported to C. A. Barnes and Sella-FlotoCircus a INDOOR CIRCUS ACTS Watts thru every department on the had Lawrence, general agent, that the broomAlso Novelty Vaudeville Acts, for small Indsor Cir- show.Pete and Jack Fenton have beensplendid night house here.Show wascorn crops in Oklahoma and the cattle cus. Acts of all description.Nineweeks in North- gettingplentyof banners,reportslateingetting up andthematineeshipments in Texas have exceeded rec-west, opening October 1.Those doing threeor more. Also want Small Animal Acts.State all andlow- Thomas (Skinny) Dawson. started about an hour late, with aboutords of past seasons. est in first letter.Pay your own.We furnish m- one-third of a house. Night, while not Ty E. Colvin is now doing special workoil only, and pay weekly. NOHOLD BACK.Send a full house, was very good. for Colorado, Inc., with excellent, which will he returned.Have you tglftone Business at Rockford,Ill.,was only MEL SMITH. cuts?P. T. A. CIRCUS, care Billboard, Randolph WPA in Windstorm fair. At Milwaukee the one show on Fri- and Dearborn, Chicago, III. day night was light due to tae fact that there was little opportunity to advertise Writto Supreme Court At Clifton, N. J. the show, as it came in unexpectedly, KANSAS CITY, Mo., Aug. 6.-Hagen- WANTED GENERAL AGENT cith ear, capable of makingauspicescontracts. Also CLIFTON, N.J.,Aug. 6.-The WPAhavingcanceledRacineatthelastbeck-Wallace attorneys took appeal for$,l,' Show Acts and Dancing Girls for SideShow. minute.Saturday and Sunday businessa permanent writ of prohibition, pro-SurTolk, August 8; Cortland, 9; North Emporia, Federal Theater Circus closeditsen- hibiting 10; Lawrence,ille. 11: Blackstone. 12;KarsvIlle, gagement here July 29.Biz was lightwas satisfactory. receivershipappointment,to13; Sonth14.--aton,15; Gretna,16. Allvireinia. thruout. Newspapers were generous Eddie Woeckener, Arthur Windeckerthe Supreme Court today after JudgeRICHARDBROS.' CIRCUS. with space and pictures. On July 29 atand "Frenchy" Healy left the show atHopkins B. Shain, in the Kansas City 6 o'clock a severe windstorm came upMilwaukee. Court of Appeals, refused a writ of pro- and for a while threatened the big top. Showisstillexperiencir.glatear-hibition to enjoin creditors from throw- Several quarter poles were blown downrivals, but addition of a flying squadroning the show into receivership yesterday and many large holes were ripped inis expected to overcome the difficulty. in the Jackson County Courthouse. TIGHTS the canvas. The Supreme Court issued an order OPERA HOSE Visitors were Joe Minchin and Charlie TRAH J. WATKINS, with his trainedtoday tohold upallproceedings in 90 Taaffe Wescott, Circus Fans; Myrtle Hendersonanimals, left Mighty Haag Circus at Mc-Jackson County Circuit Court pendingKOHAN MFG.CO.,ssBrooklyn. N. Y.V. and son Herbert, who are the wife andMinnville, Tenn.. July 25 and parked for daughte:ofJackPalmer Henderson,several days on fairgrounds at Nashville. band leader, reports Wendell J. Goodwin.Tenn., having received permission from Phil Travis, fair manager.The Nash- ville Exchange Club engaged Watkins to THE 11111EATTITS Mrs. Al Ringling in Hospitalpresent a show in front of erand stand CLYDE HARRIETT for its big day with the orphans.Will Working the largest Croup (43) BARA300,Wis.,Aug.6.-Mrs. Alwork at the fair therein September. Working theonlyMixedLion, Ringling, 85, is confiner to a local hos-Firc,t fair will he at Urbana 0., August ofLionsandTigerseverpre- Tiger and Elephant Actinthe pital suffering from a fractured vertebra10-11.Will leave Port Tampa, Fla.. last sented. world. sustained in a fall in her home here.of November for Havana, Cr:ba, to work FEATURED WITH She was actively connected with Ringling10 weeks for Santos & Arligas Circus. COLE BROS.' CIRCUS Bros.' Circus for 25 years. making 14th time in Havana. August 13, 1938 30 The Billboard CIRCUSES Creditors Bid in nesmgRoom gossit PARKER & WATTS - Everybody is Under the Marquee At Auction Sale of looking forward to the first annual mul- By CIRCUS SOLLY ligan to be held in Atwood, Kan., August McCoy Wild West 7. Arrangements are being made by MERLE EVANS is now handling TheMatsumoto.Word has just come from Skinny Dawson. He is being assisted by Billboard and mail on the Barnes show.Mrs. Richard LopezJr.,thatShinge WASHINGTON, D.C., Aug. 13.- AsAlex Brock, Whipping Smith, Mrs. Viola Matsumoto, her father, was released fromitem after item of the defunct McCoyConners end Mrs. William De Barrie. PAUL M. LEWIS, owner of Lewis Bros.'detention and arrangements were per-Wild West was put up by AuctioneerJoe B. Webb informs that he bought an Circus, reports that Duke Drukenbrod isfected soasto permit voluntary de-Weschler here this week, It was apparent800 -acre farm in the Arkansas Ozarks, doing well with the concert on the show.parture of the Matsumotos for Mexico,that creditors were protecting their mer-near the Charley Brady farm, and that where they will join their eon." chandise by bidding in themselves. he will establish a dude ranch there KEN MAYNARD is making personal Baggage,cookingandlightplantnext year.He will haveitopen all appearances with his horse, Tarzan, in ASIDE FROM a few persons, none ofwagons,etc..were knocked downatyear.Something we never expected to Ohio motion picture theaters. the personnel of Cole Bros.' Circus wereprices around $500 and $600 to Judgesee-William De Barrie, manager of the informed that the show was to make aFellows of the Springfield Wagon Co. side show, fixing the loud -speaker motor. HAROLD BARNES,tight -wireper-home run from Bloomington, Ill. They Flat cars were bid at $475 apiece byHe says that it has been working over- former. is at Harald's Million -Dollar Pier,boarded the show train thinking theyH. L. McCormick, a local attorney, fortime.The kid show has been doing big Atlantic City, for the season. were bound for the next stand, La Salle,the Warren Tank Car Co.McCormickbusiness and always stays up for the 111. It was not until they awoke indenied that he was bidding for his client,blow -off. The writer is spreading plenty BILLY DeARMO, clown with wisRochester, Ind., that they learned thestating that his bid was made for aof paint getting ready for Southern tour. Bros.' Circus, and Margie left the showshow had closed.Jorgen M. Christian-"Mr.Mackintosh,ofOilCity,Pa." JIMMIE THOMAS. to play fairs. sen, horse trainer with the show, drove"Mackintosh" was described by McCor- to La Salle in the belief that It was tomick as not a showman, but a man who TOM MIX-No longer do you hear the CHARLES C. BURKE, of Newark, N. J.,play the stand. wants the cars as an investment. question, Where is the best fishing spot? writes that he has organized Local No. 1 It was learned at the sale that effortsInstead thequestion nowis,Where of the National Billposters, Carders and JOHN H. DUNN, administrative officerwould be made to have the Wilmington,is the swimming pool located? Plenty of Distributors' Union.It is a CIO affiliate.of the Treasury Department and wellDel., court set aside any mortgage en-visitors recently.Bob and Ruth Clark, known in circus circles, was severely in-cumbering the baggage wagons.It wasof Madison, Wis., caught the show sev- PEDRO MORALES and Luis Martinez,jured August 2 in an automobile accidentalleged that a mortgage came due oneral times the past week. Ruth demon- hand and head balancers and tumblers,about 40 miles from Washington whiletheSpringfieldwagonsrecently,and returning from a visit to Robbins Bros.'other creditors were of the opinion thatstrated to her husband her versatility, who have been playing vaude and night the Springfield company was bidding onappearing in the big -show program and clubs, will sail for London August 12 forCircus, and is confined in the Garfield alsocarried the mail.Frank Verdi's Hospital there.Injuries suffered were athe wagons with the handful of paper a tour of eight months. In its possession. brother recently spent a day on the broken leg, several broken ribs and head show.Benny Pete had welcome visitor SAMUEL GOLDMAN, who was injuredlacerations.He will be remembered for If any shows bid on the equipment, his assistance around the McCoy showthe fact was well concealed.Only show-in Mr. Waugh, whom Benny 'had not early in the season, is in the U. S. Vet- man recognized at the sale was E. Law-seen since they trouped together on the erans' Hospital, Annex 2, Ward 23, Wood,when it closed in Washington. Dunn was Old Buffalo Show.The writer's father, and wouldliketo hear fromat one time connected with Social Secur-rence Phillips, of the Johnny J. Jones Wis., ity taxes on shows. Exposition, who expressedinterestinDr.Theo L.Boyd, and cousin,Rev. friends. some of the flats.The only real con-Harley Boyd, spent the day on show at LULU DAVENPORT, of Chicago, life-test came when a smalllightplantMacomb, Ill.Among Circus Fans who AFTER SEVERAL WEEKS in Tennessee wagon was put up for sale.The Spring-visited during our recent Illinois stands the Mighty Haag Circus recently madelong friend of Mrs. Sam B. Dill (Nettie), were JoeTaggart,E.Wilson, W. H. some of the mountain resort spots inwas called to her bedside at Toledo, 0.,field company initiated the bidding, but but arrived too late.The Davenportthe item wasfinallysoldtoE.C.Hohenadel, Walter B. Hohenadel, Sverre NorthCarolina. Showisunderthe Flaherty, of Long Island City, for $200,Braathen,DaveJarrettand BurtL. capable leadership of Mrs. Alice Haag andfamily writes: "Lulu and the late Reno Allen. daughter, Mrs. Helen Haag Hayes. McCree Sr. taught Nettie to ride bare-Flaherty said that he was acting for back and she worked later in the Daven- E.B.Kelley, a lighting plant manu- Additions to the show's personnel: Bob MAX WHITE and wife closed withport-McCree act for a number of yearsfacturer, who also bought the wagon'sStevens, Betty and Ginger Willis. Danny Haag Bros.' Circus at Clinchco, Va., Julyon Ringling Bros.' Circus.The death ofplant for an additional $410.On someGordonis now producing clown, and Mr. McCree in 1916 left Lulu owner oflarger lighting plants Flaherty went ppLeo Boyd has been added to clown alley. 31 and are now visiting In Covington, 45th Ky.White played in band and madethe act and she carried on with $700 a piece to outbid others. Homer Hobson Sr.observed his big show announcements and his wifeIt was while Nettie was in the act that Receivers and auctioneer are to appearwedding anniversaryandElizabeth Was reserved seat ticket taker. she met and married the late Mr. Wilmington for court ratification ofClarkeherbirthdayanniversarylast - -- She retired from the act to join hersale.Receivers will probably ask courtweek and many congratulations and DURING LAST WEEK Barnett Bros.'husband on the John Robinson Circus.todisallow bids on heavier items ofpresents were showered upon them. The Circus touched thenation'snorthernTwo weeks before Mrs. Dill died Luluequipment. WPA clown number gets big hands from border, playing stands along the boundaryreceived a letter from her stating that the audience.Some of the girls have of Maine, including Calais and Houlton.she was planning a week's visit in Lulu's ConfirmsSaleof SixItems gone in for the fad introduced by Ruth Show has been in New England since Maynew furnished home in Chicago." Mix, that of weaving Indian bead de- 31 and is now in 18th week of season. WILMINGTON, Del.,Aug. 8.-Judgesigns.The midseason painting session John P. Nields, in United States Districtis now in full swing.The trunks and MISS CORDA, of the Aerial Smiths. Court heretoday, confirmed thesaleprops of those who will accompany Tom has left the act of Jaydee the Great and of six items and rejected four others inMix on his tour of Europe are getting is now doing single high -pole act (com- Dexter Fellows the auction of the assets of Col. Timapplications of Tom's ranch colors. (CSSCA) McCoy & Associates, Inc. binationoftraps,perch and muscle Judge Nields' order on the sale is: DR. GEORGE W. T. BOYD, grinds).Is booked solid at parks, fairs 1. That the sale of miscellaneous mer- and celebrations in the Middle West and chandise and other equipment of bank-R -B Case Taken to South until middle of November. Tent Tattles rupt for $14,426.74 is confirmed, By FRED PITZER 2. That the sale of two prairie schoon-Labor Board by AFA SHOWS HEADED South find encouragement NEW YORK, Aug. 6.-No one regretsers to Morgan Chaney for $100 is con- In good crop reports. Itis generally believed firmed. WASHINGTON, Aug. EL-Charges were the South has suffered less from the recessionmore than the writer the recent death filedby the American Federationof of Harvey Mayer.Out of circus season 3. That the sale of 5.193 folding chairs than many other sections of the country. Ashe never missed a luncheon of the Dex-to C. E. Flood for $13,115.80 is confirmedActors with the National Labor Rela- usual, prospects point to keen competition forter Fellows Tent and we often had chatsand that the said sum remain subjecttions Board yesterday accusing Ringling choice Southern stands, altho showmen shouldabout the good and welfare of the or-to any claim of Kalamazoo Sled Co. withBros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus of have learned long before this that opposition respect thereto. having "Illegally, fraudulently and dis- Is often very expensive. ganization.The last words that Harvey criminatorily"discharged1,200ofits spoke to the writer were to extend an 4. That the sale of 38 circus wagons,union employees.The complaint said WHEN theFairly & LittleShowsinvitation to come over to the office andcertainseatingequipmentandonethat the Circus broke a five-year closed played Wahpeton, N. D., last week inlook thru his files at the fine collectionprairie schooner to the Springfield Wagonshop contract in order to make the dis- July members of show placed a wreath atof heralds, programs, etc., gathered byandTrailerCo.for$31,005,payablemissals. the grave of four Ringling troupers inhis father, whom Harvey respected andin smtes of the bankrupt secured by the The complaint continued that despite Riverside Cemetery. The Ringling Bros.'revered.Many of us willmiss himcertain chattel mortgage of bankrupt toan agreement to remain closed the cir- Circus encountered a severe storm ingreatly, for he was never a fellow whoSpringfieldcompany bearingdateofcus transferred some of its equipment that city 41 years ago, during which thewould thrust himself on you, but whenApril 4, 1938, is confirmed, subject, how-to Al G. Barnes and Sella-Floto Circus, showmen were killed. once in a conversation one was always onever, to payment by Springfield companya subsidiary. interested listener. to receivers, prior to delivery of circus ELLIS GOE, adjutant of Man o' War Our softball team. isn't as soft as somewagons, seating equipment and prairie ATLANTIC CITY, Aug. 6.-Mrs. Elsie Post, American Legion, Lexington, Ky.,of the opposing teams thought it wouldschooner,inthe sum of $1,240.20inDemetriz, of the Flying Demetriz, slipped extended an invitation to members ofbe. The splendid work of Winthropcash, less $101.20, being the set amountt.,nd lost her grip on a rope, falling 20 the Legion on Cole Bros.' Circus andRockefeller against the nine old men ofreceived by the estatefrom Morganfeet to wooden decking of the outdoor Vie Robbins' Band, Robbins beingaLowell Thomas' is still the talk of sport-Chaneyinpaymentfortwoprairiearena of Steel Pier before a crowd of member lastseason. Women of theing circles.A complete summary of theschooners, subject to lien of the chattel2,500 on Tuesday. She and her husband, circus and the Legion participated inseason's games will appear in the Sep-mortgage. William, and brother, Oscar, were per- dancing and refreshments. tember issue of Short Hauls. 5. That the bid of H. L. McCormickforming a "Tower of Death" act about Jim Schonblom comes in with thefor 12 fiat cars for $11,100 is rejected.100 feet above the pier.In Atlantic City AL LOLissLER informs that RobbinsfollOwing:"Announcementhasbeen 6. Vat the bid of H. L. McCormickHospitalitwas said she sustained a Brcs.'Circushadtwonear -capacitymade by officials of the Lillian Leitzelfor eight stock cars for$5,800isre-pelvicfracture,brain concussion and houses at Waterbury, Conn. City officialsTent of the Circus Saints and Sinners'jected. internal injuries,Later her condition and police department co-operated withClubthat the Mighty Watson Shows 7. That the bids of E. Lawrence Phil-was reported fair. the management in every way.Loefflerhas been rented to Lewis Mallory III,lips,Inc.,fortwo standard pullman met a number of the folks. Sam Strat-who thereby becomes the active managercoachesandfour woodenpullman tonandGilbertConlinn,wifeandfor the remainder of the 1938 season.coaches for $2,650 are rejected, but thatequipped with snubbing posts and that daughter visited. This announcement confirms earlier re-E. Lawrence Phillips, Inc., having raisedsaid bid is $350 in excess of bid of H. L. ports that the circus group would rentitsbid at the return of sale for theMcCormick for said cars at the sale, it is YOUNG'S WONDER SHOW had veryout the shows each season to a singlewooden pullman coach known as No. 44ordered by the court that leave be and good business at Benker Hill, Mich. Hadmanager. Mallory is expected to bringfrom $300 to $450, the sale of this coachthe same is hereby granted to receivers a late arrival at Dansville-no biz.At-the show toSartwell,Pa.,late nextfor $450 is confirmed. to sell two last mentioned flat cars to tendance okeh in the Michigan sugarmonth to capitalize on the publicity of 8. That the bids of M. Segall for fourE. Lawrence Phillips, Inc., for $2,200." beet country.Homer Gibson has thethe trial over the shows' ownership be-wooden coaches for $975 are rejected. canvas and Willie Fish ring stock. Pro-tween the Circus Saints and Sinners and "Thatitfurtherappearing to the 15 minutes.the McKean County Shrine Club." court that said receivers have received gram runs an hour and A saddened note crept into our seasona bid from E. Lawrence Phillips, Inc., in Show gives concert-vaude numbers. last week when Elmer Bryner died. Hethe sum of $2,200 for two flat cars OfPRIVILEGES OPEN WILLIAM H. KASISKA, ofBaraboo,.was one of the original Mighty Watsonthe above named bankrupt, saidflatLunch Stand. Flocs Candy. Juice, eta, on reliable Wis., writes: "In a recent issue theregang, becoming owner back around being one with a light weight of20 -truck show. Long season. Wire or write 00N - 56,500poundsandtheotherlightCESSION MOR.,careCircus. Hermosa, S.D.. was an item from Joplin, Mo., about theHis son, Ernie, sold us the shows last August 13; Edgemont, 14; Crawford, Neb.,15. arrest and possible deportation of Shingewinter. Weight with 56,400 pounds, both being August 13, 1938 CIRCUSES The Billboard 31 ' of $3703.08, which will be turned over toing in view of the serious problems con-must not go off the road." One at these the local hospital board. Receipts at thefronting the circus world, the nominatingadvertising men, Frank W. Magin, of De- first Carmangay stampede in 1932 to-committee, Burt L.Wilson, chairman,troit, was in attendance at the Fans' The Corral taled $660. presentedits recommendations for of-convention.He saidthatadvertising ficersanddirectors,nominatingMr.clubs in Detroit, New York, St. Peters- By ROWDY WADDY FEATURED PERFORMERS alreadyHildrethto succeed himself.Mr. Hil-burg,Philadelphia,Columbus;Gary, contracted to appear at the Homestead-drethfavoredselectingsomeoneelseInd.;Springfield,Mass,;LosAngeles, Indica!ions are that allis not working wellers'Jubilee Night Rodeo inCaldwell,for president, pointing out that there isDallas and Fort Worth have formed coin= between theRodeo Associationof AmericaIda., include Monte Montana, Hollis Har-much good material in the association.mittees to assist in therescuework. and the Cowboy Turtles Association. ker, Jasbo Fulkerson and Homer Hol- Like-comb. But in view of the present crisis the body"The advertising clubs have no brief for wise friction issaid to exist,astopolicies, Event is being sponsored by theinsisted on thepresident'scontinuinglabor or for management," he said. "All between membersofthe RAA aswellasChamber of Commerce, of which E. L.and he consented. we want to do is to see that the oircus- members of the Turtles. 'Vassar is president, and Charles Lauren - In the absence of Secretary -Treasurerand by that we mean the Big One-is Thisistoo bad.Both organizations wereson, secretary. Walter Buckingham, FlorenceKinney,not forced out of existence. For we think formed to do away with the undesirable fea- THE of Des Moines, acted as secretary thru-that if the circus goes, pretty soon it turesincowboycompetitivesport. They 13TH ANNUAL Buffalo Rodeo,out the convention.Annual report ofmay be baseball and other enterta!nment were to work togetherforthe bettermentheld at Doby Springs, Okla., July 16-17the secretary showed the association tothat is forced to follow the same road." of both managements and contestants. under direction of Ace Smvard, secre-be in the best financial condition inThe work of the advertising clubs is Quarreling, bickering and alibis, with muchtary -manager,playedtogood crowdsyears. already bearing fruit. President Hildreth publicityof anadverse naturebeing givendespite the fact that a creek near by Following election of officers the reso-calledattention to the petition from the rodeoas a whole, have been no goodflooded the rodeo grounds the first day.lutions committee presented its report.Oklahoma signed by 11,000 children. The for the rodeo as a legitimate business. BeutlerBrothers furnishedthestock.In addition totheresolutionquotedmovement was started by theDetroit That a thoro reorganization will be effectedContracted performers included Weaverheretofore, the following were adopted:Advertising Club and Mr. Magin is chair- atthecloseofthe present season seemsandJuanitaGray,trickandfancy Be it resolved, That the Circus Fansman of the committee, Imminent. riders; Wiley McCray. Don Stewart, PalAssociationisin full accord with the One thingisquite evident: Members ofClarey, Loretta and Bud Hampton and apolicy followed in similarly successful Koo-KoosMeet both organizations won't abide by the agree-groupof Cheyenne Indians.Results:organizations of the president holding Followingthe businesssessionthe ments entered into by theirrepresentatives.Calf Roping - Firstday,Ace Soward,office but one year, this to become ef-Fans were taken for a launch trip on The Billboard has earnestly sought for overBarton Carter, Ralph Chappel.Secondfective in this association after the crisisLake Mendota, after whichmaltyof a quarter of a century some organized bodyday, Ace Soward, Jonas DeArman, Gladewhich is now here has been terminated-them visited the Madison Zoo.In the to officially govern competitive sport.ItstillHerndon.Finals, Ace Soward, Bartonthat is, commencing with the next con-evening the entire delegation journeyed thinks that such an organization is necessaryCarter,Bill Hedge.Bulldogging-Firstvention-and saidoffice runforoneto the Natoma CountryClub,where ifthesport assuchistoreceiveproperday, Charlie Barnes, Bill Walgamut, Bobyear. dinner waif served, followed by a meet- Neff.Second day, Jonas De.Arman, Tex recognition by press and public. Beit resolved, That the CFA hav-ing of the Koo-Koo Club. President Hil- Managements and contestants should haveSlocum, Bob Neff.Finals, Bob Neff,ing watched the growth, progress anddreth presided.After somefelicitous their own organizations to represent the In-Bruce Ross, Andy Curtis.Wild Cowachievement of the WPA Federal Theaterremarks and excellent stories he called terests of both, but the main governing bodyMilking-First day, Elmer Randal, IraProject's Three -Ring Circus in New Yorkupon various members to provide enter- should be a joint board whose word shouldFranks, Barton Carter. Second day, LeviCity under the able leadership of Burnstainment. Chief among the entertainers be law. London,IraFranks,ElmerRandal.O'Sullivan, managing director,andwere Dr. Tom Torney, who had an inex- Sound, sensible policies are required, basedBronk Riding-First day, Prank Martz.Wendell J. Goodwin, general press rep-haustible stock of delightful stories, and upon justice and fair dealing to every man-Bruce Ross; Andy Curtis and Earl Westresentative,takesthis opportunity toDr. Waldo B.Demond, who provided agement and contestant in the business. Thesesplit third. Second day, Bruce Ross, Earlsend felicitations and greetings to Messrs.much merriment with his feats of magic. policies mustbe enforced without fear orWest, Dusty Doyle.Finals, Bruce RossO'Sullivan and Goodwin for the splendid favor, and those acting as representatives andand Frank Martz split first and second;work they have accomplished with the Circus Day contestants inboth organizations, as well asEarl West. Steer Riding-First day, HoytWPA circus.(Copies to President Roose- All of Tuesday was devoted to the cir- thejointboard, should be confinedstrictlyHefner, Frank Marion; Elmer Martin andvelt,Hallie Flanagan and other repre-cus. Many fans were up early to meet to men who have proven success, ability andWiley McCray split third.Second day,sentatives of the Federal Theater). the trains at the runs and later to watch experience to their credit-men who will com-Hoyt Hefner, Earl West, Frank Marion. the tops rise on the lot.Lunch was mand the respect and confidence of manage-Finals, Hoyt Hefner, Frank Marion, Earl Be it resolved, That next to The Whiteserved in the cookhouse at noon, and the ments and contestants alike. West. Tops we have The Billboardand weafternoon was devoted to visiting the Ifthe press and public areto be asked cordially thank Al Hartmann and Natbackyard, where hundreds of pictures to recognize honest, clean competitive cow- Green for their kindness in attendingwere taken. our conventions and ingivingusa In the evening the Fans boy and cowgirl sport as such, and support it,Richard Show Plays Day weekly column. attended the show in a body. After the those legitimately engaged in it, in allAnd Date With Hunter Be it resolved, That the CFA, whethershow Fans and circus performers and of- branches, should seethatitisputinthat ficials gathered in the Crystal Ballroom shape instead of one group blaming the other. CEN I'E'RVILLE, Md., Aug. 6.-Richardassembled in convention or giving theirof the Loraine Hotel for the banquet. Bros.' Circus played day and date withsupport from their "home towns, thank Charles Hunter's Showboat here. R. M.the officers one and all for their fine The DAYMONEY winners for the first por-Harvey has been on the sick listforleadership during the past year, bring- The annual banquet was a gala affair, tion of the 15 -day second annual Rodeoseveral days. ing the association to the high rank itwith 227 persons seated at the tables. and Wild West Combined atSuffolk Buck Leahy is The Billboard and mailhasattained,each doing his utmostAt the speakers' table were J. W. Wagner, Downs, Boston, under direction of Georgeman.Recent visitors: AlF.Wheeler,for this most unusual hobby, the Circustoastmaster; Melvin D. Hildreth; John A. Hamici and Col. Jim Eskew.(ResultsElmer Perdue,BobJohnson, JimmyFans' Association, RinglingNorthandHenryRingling are from July 31till u August 3 andSimpson and his minstrel troupe. Other resolutions were adopted thank-North, executives of the circus; J. C. Mc- areforeveningperformancesunless ing the W. C. Coup Top of the CFA forCaffery,presidentoftheShowmen's otherwiseindicated.) SteerRiding- its hospitality and co-operation in mak-League of America; Father William Ma- First day (matinee), Curly Hatchell, ArtCFA AIMS ing the convention a success; expressinghoney, of St.Raphael'sChurch,and Keller, Omer Whitesell.First day (eve- (Continued from page 28) appreciation to the Madison and Wiscon-Congressman Harry Santachoff and Mrs. ning), Frank Quirk,Omer Whitesell.Fans, among them Col. C. G. Sturtevant,sin American Federation of Labor andSantachoff. A deliciousdinnerwas Fourth day (matinee), Omer Whitesell,Harry Hertzberg and Harper Joy, werethe Wisconsin Committee on Industrialserved, the menu including fresh crab - Curly Hatchell, Jack Wahtley.Fourthunable to attend.Melvin D, Hildreth,Organizationfortheirco-operation;meat a la Barnes -Sells Floto; Big Top any (evening), Red Lund, Frank Quirk,of Washington, D. C.,wasre-electedthanks and appreciation for courtesiespotage, broiled sirloin steak a Ia Ring - Omer Whitesell.Bronk Riding-Firstpresident, and Walter M. Buckingham, ofshown by the Loraine Hotel; the Heid-ling -Barnum, potatoes ala king pole, day (matinee), Art Keller, Pat Plaskett,Norwich, Conn., was again chosen secre-elberg Hofbrau and its owners, Williamstringer wagon stringbeans, Martha York Floyd Lingle.First day (evening), Arttary -treasurer.Vice-presidentselectedH.andCarlHommel;The Madisonsaladwithdressingroomdressing. Keller and Jimmy Downs split first andwere: Eastern, George Barlow III, Bing-CapitalTimes,TheWisconsinStateLorenzo dressing, kid show sundae with second: Red Lund and Francis Davieshamton, N. Y.; Western, Stan Rogers, ofJournal, the city and State officials, theart toy cakes, marquee rolls, and drinks split third.Second day, Pete Forrester;M -G -M, Hollywood; Central, John Grace,street railways company and the Na-a la ye elephants. Red Lund and Pat Plaskett split secondKokomo, Ind.; Southern, Frank Walter,koma Country Club. and third.Third day, Jimmy Downs;Houston, Tex. Thenew directorsare Colonel Sturtevant was again named Because of the necessity for the show. Fat Plaskett and Pete Forrester split sec-Frank H. Hartless, Chicago, chairman ofhistorianoftheassociation;W. H.people to leave early to board the train ond and third.Fourth day (matinee),the board; Walter E.Loughridge, SanHohenadel, editor of The White Tops,the banquet session was necessarilybrief. Pete Forrester, Dave Sanford, Buster Eu-Antonio: Tom Scaperlanda,SanAn-and John Shepard was named assistantToastmaster Wagner called attention to taker.Fourth day(evening), Jimmytonio;BillMontague, WestHartford,editor of The White Tops. the fact that John Ringling was present Downs, George Ward, Buster Eubaker.Conn.; John B. Tetlow, Peoria, Ill.; W. T. Speaking of the membership and Theat the first meeting of the CRA in Wash- Calf Roping-First day (matinee), TonyLinney, Fort Plain, N. Y.; Fred Becker,White Tops, President Hildreth said: "Ifington and the association was formed Travers, Junior Eskew, Buddy Mefford.Fort Wayne, Ind.; Mm. Delilah Hagan,we can reach the maximum membershipalong jines suggested by him.It was First day (evening), J. D. Frank, JuniorUniontown,Pa.; Dr.WilliamMann,of 1,000 we can place The White Tops onfitting, Mr. Wagner said, that twoofthe Eskew,BuddyMefford. Secondday,Washington, D. C.; Elliott J. McKnight,a monthly basis. A special effort shouldJohn Ringling family could bepresent Buddy Mefford,JuniorEskew,J.D. at the Madison convention. TheNorth Frank. Third day, Buddy Mefford, TonyGardner, Mass.; W. L. Jackman, Madison,be made to secure editorial contributionsboys briefly acknowledged their intro- Travers, Bill Parks.Fourth day (mati-Wis.;Sverre Braathen, Madison,Wis.;from members of each top; also the pub-duction.Congressman Santachoff was nee), Buddy Mefford, Bill Parks, JuniorJimChloupek,Oakland,Calif.;Donlication of articles by our members onintroduced. "I have no fear of the future Eskew. Fourth clay (evening),BillHowland, Columbus, 0. various things of interest regarding theof the circus," he said."Any man or Parks, Junior Eskew, Floyd Lingle.Bull Fans Tour City circus," woman who seeks to destroy the circus Dogging-First day(matinee). Tommy Following registrationatthehotel There were brief remarks by Henrywill themselves be destroyed." Toastmas- homer, Slim Welsh, Floyd Lingle.FirstSunday the Fans had luncheon at theDuffy, Karl Kae Knecht, J. A. Wagnerter Wagner read a wire of greeting from day(evening),Buster Eubaker, CurlyPine Room of Heidelberg Hofbrau andand others. Letters and wires of regretClyde and Harriet Beatty. He also called Hatchell, Percy Moore.Second day, Billimmediately went into business being unable to attend were readattention to the help given the resolu- I- arks, Curly Hatchell, Lucky Boy Wil-Heidelbergisoperated by WilliamH.from Cleveland Williams, Fort Leaven-tions committee by a labor man who is liams. Thirdday,Slim Welsh, JackHommel, former showman, and Hommelworth; the Scaperlandabrothers, Sana friend of the circus but whose name, Jackson, Tommy Horner.Fourth daydonated the use of the spacious roomAntonio; Joseph V. Chloupek, Oakland,for obvious reasons, he did not mention. (matinee), Slim Welsh, Jack Jackson,for all the convention sessions. OpeningCalif.; Charles D. Collins, Chicago; BobHe asked the assembly to extend a vote Euster Eubaker.Fourth day (evening),session was brief, being devoted to anMouton, Lafayette, La.;Voyle N. Arm-ofthanks tothisunnamedfriend. Bill Parks, Lucky Boy Williams, Jimmyoutline of theassociation'splansbystrong, Wichita Falls, Tex.;I. K. Pond,President Hildreth was called upon and Downs. President Hildreth and appointment ofChicago; Dr. Robert Carothers, Cincin-delivered a stirring address, which was committees. The Fans then were takennati; Dr. and Mrs. H. A. Staples, Newapplauded again and again. R.L. ROUNTREE reports that Fayon a tour of the city. Madison has manyHaven, Conn.; Walter and Mabel Buck- Hudson sustained a broken leg when abeautiful lakes and parks as well as nu-ingham, Norwich,Conn.;ArmandR. horse fell on her during the last per-merous points of interest, and an enjoy-Emrich, Evansville, Ind.; John R. Tar- formanre at the rodeo held in Forestable afternoon wasspentseeingtherant, Norwich, Conn.; Harry Hertzberg, City, Ia., recently.Officials at the eventsights. San Antonio; Charles F. Lauterbach Jr., WANTED were George V. Adams, manager and Petersburg, Va.; William Kasiska, Bar- Cowboys, Cowgirls, Trick Riders and Ropers owner; Cy Compton, arena director, and Business and Pleasure Monday aboo; Marshall King,Alexandria,Va.; for 6 weeks of Fairs, Including Cherokee Hammonds, assistant manager. Because of the long session of the reso-FredHigh,Waynesburg,Pa.;Ralph CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION, lutions committee, whichlastedfrom(Tommy) Thomas, Milwaukee; G. H. Bar- Toronto. FINANCIAL REPORT of the Carman -Sunday afternoon to early Monday morn-low Jr. and George Barlow III. Stack Lee, Leon Lamar, Jack Moore. Virgil gay,Alta., stampede committee showsing, there was no morning business ses- President Hildreth called attention to Earp, come on. increases over last year in both gate re-sion Monday. The meeting convened atthe movement that has been started by ceipts and entries.Receipts of the re- 1 o'clock.Afterbriefpreliminaryre-large groups of advertising men thruout Crosby and Garvit Police Stables cent stampede totaled $1,382.75.Expen-marks by President Hildreth in whichthe country to "stimulate public senti- Dearborn, Mids. catures were $1,066.67, leaving a balancehe stressed the importance of this meet-ment into a realization that the circus r7441F,Wr" ''''''Tir4rgiWlr-Rr9.1rr%r't'T'177.r,TtVr7:T:*7rT"TMM,,rr:TW3r7"77T'''!

August 13, 1938 32 The Billboard PARKS -RESORTS -POOLS Conducted by CLAUDER. ELLIS-Communicationsto 25 Opera Place.Cincinnati,O. Five Instead of Ten BRIDGEPORT, Conn., Aug.6. - UP Assistant State Attorney -General F,DGEWATER BIZ Frank J. Disesa has made publica ruling that the law regulating em- ployment of women and minors does not apply to amusement resort em- ployees.City of Bridgeport, operat- ing Pleasure Beach Amusement Park Rise About 20% here, released eight women cashiers about a month ago following com- plaints to the State labor department For Past Month that they were being forced to work long hours.Since their release the park's ticket system has been rear- ranged and five men now do the work Conditions reported better of 10 women. Whereas previously the in Detroit area - picnic city had boothsbeforeeachride there are now a few centrally located schedule thru August booths for purchase of tickets, DETROIT, Aug. 6.-One of the most encouraging reports from Detroit area parks this season came from Manager Celeron Reports Paul Heinze of Edgewater Park this week inmaking analysis of the trend of busi- ness.This disclosed that business has Boost in Business been improving since the Fourth of July, first time in the history of the park that Of 40% Up to Date this has been true.Increase has been about 20 per cent in the past month, JAMESTOWN,N.Y.,Aug.6. -In attributed chiefly to slightly better busi- Celeron Park here J. G. Campbell, owner ness and industrial conditions. and manager, reports a 40 per cent in- Park was host on Friday to customers crease over business at this time last of a big dairy, with strips of tickets of- year.Promotional stunts, unusual 1n= fering reduced prices on rides passed out the general run, are credited with fine with every bottle of milk placed on con- crowds.Free -parking signs have a mag- sumers'doorsteps.The fourthchain netlike attractiveness.Free movies help store picnic of the season was held on night crowds.Wrestling Friday nights, Sunday, a managers' association affair. IN THIS GROUP PHOTOGRAPHED IN BELMONT PARK,Cartiervule, boxing Tuesday nights and league base- On August 20 Dearborn municipal em- Montreal, are, standing, left to right, Bill Kirshner, manager of therestaurant, ball during the week are good draws. ployees will hold their first picnic. and Benny Rosenberg, frozen custard concessioner.Seated, left to 'right, are There are 25 rides and 30 concessions Mannie Klein, concessioner; D. J. (Dave) Mulvie, restaurant ownerand, ride and 5 speedboats, holding 16 persons Roster of thePark operator; Jack Greenspoon, a visitor, who was in Montreal onabuying trip each, for rides on Lake Chautauqua. Roster of the park, notpreviously re- for his concessions with the World of Mirth Shows duringfair dates, and Concessions and operators include portedthis season, includes: Harry A. Illions, owner of Funhouse and rides.Late July business was reported flasher and cigaretwheel, Helen and Administration, Charles S. Rose, presi- lair with unfavorable weather. George Coyle; bingo, Mr. and Mrs. Henry dent,Edgewater Park,Inc.;JohnA. Getman; shooting gallery, Milo Lawson; Miller, vice-president; C. D. SeCheverell, salt -water taffy, Sadie Weatherbee; Fair recretary;PaulHeinze,treasurer and Japan, rollball, string game, fishpond, general manager.General office, Mrs. FrankYasita;pitch -till -win,Charles Ella Bosworth, head cashier; B. F. Mc -Eastwood Indoor 3 -Cent Days Aid custard,penny Nab, promotion andpicnicmanager; Weatherbee; frozen Edna McNab, bookkeeper; Helen Gould,Ballroom's Lower arcade, pop corn, Thomas Carr; Heidel- office assistant; Rufus Bezesky, watch - berg, four hot-dog and soft-drink stands, (See EDGEWATER BIZ on page 34) Jefferson BeachThomasCarr;miniaturegolfcourse. Rate Is Drawing DETROIT, Aug.6.-Jefferson BeachWilfredMyers;parking,Mrs.Webb; Amusement ParkdoubleditsFridayphoto gallery, J. G. Campbell; illusions, Pool and Dancing Gross DEIROIT, Aug. 6.-Eastwood Amuse- MelvilleVanDyke:monkeyisland, ment Park is drawing younger customersafternoon business last week, when bet-George Hall. Big at Lake Park in Ohio three nights a week by operating theter weather enabled its new 3 -cent pol- Following rides are operated by these indoor ballroom at 15 cents with popularicy, in effect on Wednesday and Fridays,companies: Custer Cars, Dodgem, Merry - COSHOCTON, 0., Aug. 6.-Dick Johns,bands, while the outdoor ballroomisto bereally,effective.Manager J.F.(See CELERON REPORTS on page 34) owner and operator of Lake Park here,operating with names, suchas EddyGibson said he has found that patrons reports business to date ahead of lastDuchin last week, at 50 cents.Young-this season are economizing on ride costs season's, attributing the successful op-sters go for the lower priced ballroom.rnd allowing youngsters a limited budg-Week Is Best in Fairyland eration to concentrating on bathing and Average attendance is reported: Mon-et.He has arranged to have the same KANSAS CITY, Mo., Aug. 6.- Past dancing. They havereturnedbiggerdays, 1,700; Thursdays, 2,100; Saturdays,rate apply to soft drinks and sandwiches,week in Fairyland Park was best of the grosses than in several years. he said,1,200.The low Saturday figure proveduse of somewhat smaller sizes makingseason, said Omer J. Kenyon, general and the last two weeks have given bath-(See EASTWOOD INDOOR on page 34)this possible.One result of 3 -cent daysmanager, with several large political and ing its best period in several years. is that good will is being built, and 3 -factory picnics hypoing gate, rides and Elimination at start of the season of cent patrons tend to return on othermidway business.Mr. Kenyon will leave several concessions, which in recent yearsPickering Was Pier Pioneerdays, he said.Jefferson Beach has beenlate this month to assume duties in con- have not been making the park a penny, LOS ANGELES, Aug. 6.-ErnestC.indorsed by three organizations demand-nection with the Hamid-Morton Shrine greatly reduced overhead.Apathy forPickering, whose death in a San Diegoing the most rigid requirements and itCircus in Toronto.John Tumino, as- come park rides hereabouts resulted inhospital on July 31 after being strickenwill have picnics sponsored by them, St.sistant, will manage the park until the them not paying out in recent years. at Mission Beach is reported in the FinalJohn's Day League, Masonic charity or-season's close.Dick Wheeler, ballroom Dance pavilion, operating on Thurs-Curtain of this issue, was one of theganization; Catholic Women's Organiza-manager, left to take over new duties in days, Saturdays and Sundays, has beenbuilders of Venice and Ocean Park pierstion, who will hold a picnic next year,Dallas, Mr. Tumino temporarily manag- grossing big.Manager Johns has beenand recently had rides and concessionsandDemocraticWomen of Wayneing the big room.Climax of the season using district bands on Thursdays and (See 3 -CENT DAYS on page 34) will be a Labor Day picnic atiendedby Saturdaysand middle -bracketattrac-at Mission Beach, Calif. tions on Sundays and upped admission members of the city's 65 unions. prices have appealed to a better clientele, Mr.Johns has operated the park more Crowds Jain Pontchartrain than 10 years, personally supervising it NEW ORLEANS, Aug. 6.-Daily rains with the assistance of Mrs. Johns and failed to keep down night attendance Jimmy Rice.Until October1 he will at Pontchartrain Beach as that resort divide time between the park and some touchedoffathree -nightquestfor Ohio fairs with which he has contracted Miss New Orleans, who willrepresent his flashy Playland, an amusement ma- the city at Atlantic City.Thousands chine concession. lammed the boardwalk. A boy and girl, chosen King and Queen Jitterbug Fri - clay night in the Casino, got a two weeks' Lagoon Biz Is Holding Up engagement in the Casino.A. E. Selden, SALT LAKE CITY, Aug. 6.-Despite a "The Stratosphere Man," went into his cold and rainy Fourth of July Lagoon is second week.He is due for a third week holdingits own against the elements. at the beach, and Manager Harry J. Batt Ten days of stormy weather preceding will then present his final free actfor and followingthe Fourth tooktheir the last three weeks of the season. toll, particularly from the pool.How- ever, weather since July 15 ha,-; been ideal. Several celebrations over the July 24 Elephants to Cincy Coney celebration,aStateholicia-,detracted CINCINNATI, Aug. 6.- After a two some during the day.Lagoon orchestra weeks' engagement in Cincinnati Zoo is the only organization in the State Robinson's Elephants have opened an featuring two pianos and the novelty Is engagement of several weeks in Coney going over big.Resort Manager R.C. Island here.Besides free -act perform- Healey and Concession Manager Henry ances, the elephants are being used for Plekaar and their wives were recent visi- shortridesaboutthegrounds, with tors to Denver. chieftrainerGeorgeThompsonin charge. CINCINNATI.-At Coney Island swim- ming pool on August 12 selection will A SEASON to date much better than be made of a "Theme Girl" for the of- RUDY COOMBS TAKES HIS THREE WHEEL RACING CAR aroundthe last yearisreported by Jack Bogart, ficial parade of Cincinnati's Sesquicen- straight wall of S. W. Thomson's Motordrome in Riverviewt Park, Chicago, asa high -stilt man and ventriloquist with tennial Celebration on October 2-4. The Whorrall's free attractions, playinglake theme girl will be known as Miss Sesqui. regular nightly feature, claiming to be the only rider in the business now doing Public Observance Association is spon- this stunt.As an added attraction Rudy races the car withamotorcycle rider, regionsofNorthernWisconsinand soring the celebration. passing withina fewinches of each other. Michigan. 1

.. August 13, 1938 PARKS -RESORTS -POOLS The Billboard 33 a changeofpolicy now would hurtAttendance last year at this point was atfeatures.Both are being nicely received weekly grosses.Weather has improvedleast3,000,000more. Spotty weatheras a variation from preceding routine of The Pool Whirl plenty in the past month, and on recentseems to be the only answer for thebands.It just occurred that if acme of By NAT A. TOR days attendance has topped that of lastdrop. the "20 -year" concessioners would spend year at this time. more timewatchingresultsbeing (All CommunicationstoNat A. Tor, Mike Liebl, manager of the Chutes achievedbynewcomersratherthan CareNewYorkOffice,TheBillboard)ride,rounding outhis28th yearin agreeing with one another that times Riverview, reports his ride as popular as atlantic Oft/ could be more moneyed they'd be a lot New M unicipools on the day the park was cpened. Nor- better off come October.As a start A month or so ago plans were reportedman Doerr, who assists his mother in ByW. H. McMAHON they could look at the guess -your -age here for city -operated barge swim cribsrunning the two African Dips, has a side ATLANTIC CITY, Aug. 6.-Resort isbooth.A new talent blooms in Grant proposed for New York City. Last weekline now selling airplanes.John Motley,back in its stride after being plenty sickThompson'screwwithPianistJerry these new municipal aquatic facilitiesoperator of basket -ball stands, and Epattheearly -seasonbeatingittook.Brainin authoring two new tunes already became a reality.A unit of two so-Gloesser,string -game op arewithPiers and other amusement spots aremeeting favor.The three musketeers called floating swimming pools openedthe Johnny J. Jones Exposition runningputting on their heaviest schedules andof theoffice,Joe, Bobby and Johnny, with much fanfare in the Hudson River,concessions. FrankTrinket, busierwarming up to a battle of names for thenow have become the four horsemen, off West 93d street, with another poolthan a pin setter in a bowling alley withlatter part of the month.At presentbeing joined by Artie. on renovated barges being constructedhis milk -bottle stands, is to be compli-this sizes up with Benny Goodman and Doc Morris'sFeenamint week lived to round out the unit.Flanking a cen-mented on the way he keeps up hisRudy Vallee on one side for Steel Pierup to grosses of the past, which is 'nuf tralbargethat hasdressing rooms,spots.Another who deserves a pat onand Mal Hallett and Paul Whiteman onsaid.From overheard snatches of con- showers and other appurtenances,allthe back is Rudy Coombs, riding man-theotherforHamid'sMillion -Dollarversation,Jack andIrving Rosenthal new and sanitary, the barges are bor-ager atS. W. Thomson's motordrome.Pier. are planning plenty of new features dur- dered by canopied promenades and at-Besides giving customers a thrill with a Up the Boardwalk Bobby Morrisising the New York World's Fair next year. tached to a central float by gangplanks.four -motorcycle Australian pursuit race,carrying the Globe burlesque shows andFromreports, Tommy Mills,ofthe Another gangplank connects center ofRudy tops this with a rice betweendoing his best work to date.Auditori-Casino Ork, is working in nicely on radio the unit to a pier at the water's edge andJimmy Allen on a cycle and himself in technique after a long spell of strictly um, with a change in the Ice Folliespersonal work. a nauticalmotif,similar to that ofa three -wheel racing auto. bill,ispacking 'em in.Midget auto Harry Dyer and Adolph State -operated Jones Beach, L.I., pre- Parkhasreceivednumerous com-races will compete in week -end biz.AllSchwartz continue to debate who has vails thruout. plaintsonits25 -centparkingfeeconcessions are going full tilt.Boom ofthe moreartisticfronts,but Beanie Swimmers in either of the pools, 40initiated early this summer at its twothe big cannon used by the ZachinnisBorrell sits by and thinks of the new by 65 feet, may have the illusion of be-large lots.Higher tariff has forced autoin their act on Steel Pier had City Hallcute tricks hislittle Bobbie did that ing immersed in the Hudson, but theowners to park for blocks around thebesieged with phone calls as to wheremorning. Andifan orchid may be park, leaving the lots only a third filledthe fireworks were.Rufe Davis headingpresented, it should be to 'Police Chief watertight, asbestos tilelined pools con-and causing neighboringresidentsto Frank Borrell for his unraveling of what tain fresh city water, chlorinated ac-squawk about having their own drive-Steel Pier show this week, with Jimmyat one time seemed an almost impossible cording to regulations.When first an- Joy holding down the musical end. traffic situation. nouncement of these plans was madeways blocked. Addyearlyannouncements: "There here it was thought Hudson River water will be no more automobiles chanced was to be used in the floating tanks. off here-Mayor White." Tex Cooper, 82,Bouquets for Billingses This is New York City park depart- kissnow with Tom Endicott at his Dude New York. ment's first venture in floating natatori-Reoete Reach, Ranch, led the grand march at Hamid'sEditor The Billboard: ums.angle barge pools were familiar By BEACHCOMBER Pier party the other night. Back in the big city after two fine sightsalongFatherKnickerbocker's weeks with that master showman, Rex water front prior to era of sanitary mod- Weather man was good on the week- Billings, now of Belmont Park, Montreal. ern pools.Cost of unit was estimatedend of July 30, and Sunday was a per- Yes, sir, and do you know that up there last week at 45 grand. fect day, much to the satisfaction of all. Inoticed the youngest concessioner I Red Brady has taken his Octopus ridePlatilatt?, Ale, 72 have ever seen, a little chap, six years toplaysomefairs. William(Bill) old, known as Master Billings.He han- CleverCopy Wilkes returned to his post as manager By J. WILSON CLIFFE dles the little Kiddie Cars, and can he Always a leader in advertising stylesof the Custer rides after being released Exit Jupiter Pluvius, entertropicalinterest you on any question!One of for the metropolitan area, St. George in-from a hospital.Business Men's Asso-heat.The past week beach and poolhis inquiries was, "What would 'e the door tank, Brooklyn, came forth with aciation is collecting for free acts for thehave been crowded tocapacitydailynut on a concession of that type?" You clever ad which ran Inall New Yorkbeach, fireworks and a campaign onand as a result the boys are not com-finally wonder whether you are talking newspaperslastweek. Beingofthethe air, in newspapers and in street cars,plaining even tho their shirts are stick-to an engineer ora dyed-in-the-wool opinion that pooloperators elsewherehoping that it can pull some trade froming to their backs.Heat brought on acontractor. Then there is the big boy, might profit from the unique wording,the upper reaches of New England. Tomplague of Japanese beetles.Thanks toRex D. Billings Jr., who is on his way the catch -line, "The Shortest Trip forHarding, George Sabagh and John Hur-a non-poisonous formula Chief Gardenerto be a radio announcer, with a pleas- a Salt Water Dip," is reprinted here.St.ley in the saddle for the beach program.Tiffany Linda concocted, loss has beening voice and good diction.He is prov- George played up that slogan, consum-Free acts will be engaged until Laborreduced to a minimum. Linds' assistant,ing a standout and is very popular with ing about half the space of the ad.ItDay. George (Judy) Senitta, has been hard atMontrealers. EARLE REYNOLDS. seemed to have brought home the bacon, Larry Trevor has gone to work forwork fighting the pests. too, for after it ran one day I checked.Boston's Mayor Maurice Tobin's staff Ifitbe true thatfirst impressionsPlayland Host to 100,000 with the pool box office and was toldand leaves the beach and gee -gees flat.are lasting, then visitors should have a this particular -type copy drew very well.Dick Cronin can't wait for the season'sfirst-class opinion of the park.The first SANFRANCISCO, Aug.6.-Yearly It certainly pays to study advertisingend to drive his new Pierce -Arrow andthings they see are Dave Asta's nattySafeway Summer Carnival attracted near- copy thoroly, for often just one word orcrew to Los Angeles for the VFW con-looking parking crew.They cut quite aly100,000visitorstoPlayland-at-the a group of them will decide whether thevention.Norval (Palisades Park) Hen-figure in trim blue and white uniforms.Beach during its first week, good weather ad draws. nings writes that he is readying for hisBeach Cafeteria and Roof Garden restau-prevailing.It will continue until Au- fairs, opening in Brockton.George La -rants are proving mighty popular.Heatgust 14.Carnival is a semi -participating Men and Mentions Follette is preparing his unit for a fallhas brought a big influx of biz.Refresh-event with Safeway dealers handing out and winter vaude tour in case a Bostonment Manager Fred Merrit is preparingcut-rate ducats to Playland rides. Alexander Ott, director of water sportsdeal fails for a winter museum. for Children's Day on August 23, con- at Miami (Fla.) Biltmore pool, is com- Nautical Gardens. closed all summer,tracting for miles of hot dogs and tons JIMMY JAMISON, high diver, touring bining biz with a vacash at Lake Hopat-due to go under the hammer this month.of hamburgers. Long Island with Mike Prudent's Long cong, N. J. Free attraction, the Arlens, is makingIsland Amusement Co.,isbooked in Willie McGinnis' real estate holdings at Hewlett Point Park,L.I., Reason for lack of publicity on JoeRockaway Beach, L.I.,condemned toa big hit.Jimmy Hendricks, new man- during an Day's Manhattan, Oriental and Brightonmake way for Bob Moses' picnic grove.ager of Harry Baker's Octopus, surelyannual Water Carnival, being one of a beaches, New York, may be that RayHe operates the Custer Cars at the beachknows his business.Soft ballis goingseries booked by Jamison at beach re- McCarthy and Al Goldberg are only pub-here and says he may retire.Hurley'sover in a big way.Daily the diamondsorts on the Island. licity consultants this season instead ofPalm Garden a very busy place at night.isoccupied with red-hot games. On doing the work themselves as In previousW. J. O'Brien has opened a new refresh-August 26 the Free -Lance Photographers' FORT WORTH, Tex -Roy Smith, for- years.Stuart Cameron, erstwhile sportsment stand and seems to be clicking. Guild will descend for a day of snap -merly in Casino Park near herenow ed of the United Press, has resigned to shooting.Look your prettiest, boys andwith a shooting gallery at Casa Mariana join the Steve Hannagan crew in ex- girls. NationalHorseshoe Champion-here, has put in a penny pitch at Bob ploiting 'peaches, like Miami et al. shipisscheduledfor September 3-5.Carnahan's Show Boat near here.Ray Pool operators do much better in of- folly .1s1aPt You barnyard -golf experts better startConley, formerly stock man in Casino fering complete information to the press practicing.It's very caliente today, soPark, is operating it.Bob Shetter, who when an unfortuante accident occurs By ALFRED FRIEDMAN Haste. Luego! operates a photo machine at the Show than in trying to suppress the facts.It Boat for J. B. Berryhill, who has picture is practically impossible to hush up a FROM ALL AROUND: Clear -tipin machine and miniature train in Casino drowning orthelike but dailieswillweather brought a cheer -up in biz. Art Park,hasputinguess -your -weight co-operate in many cases in deleting the(Lynbrook) Kastner plotting a patent on Palisaes, 72.g. scales at the Show Boat. Weight -guesser name cf the pool if co-operation is giventhreeitemspertainingtolife-saving is Leonard Throop. to them.However, if they are given theequipment. Inclementweatherwas ByCLEM WHITE run-around one can be certain that nofavorable to pool operators, who lured At last comes what looks like an un- such consideration will be given. many who would otherwise have gone tobroken streak of weather and the girls Rockaway,L.I.,lifeguard Francisthe beach. and boys are starting to uncross their MANUFACTURERS OF Bruce was permanently scarred last week Large number of out-of-town motor-fingers. Poolbizfineand new life-Roller Coasters, Mills, Fun Houses, Miniatipe Rail- when a stranger threw acid at him whenists patronizing Jones Beach Is astonish-guard demonstration by Boy Scout trooproads, Leap Frogs,Electric MillBoats andPort- his back was turned. Francis is in Rock-ing.Grand Central parkway route towas built into a nice performance. RayableCoasters. away Beach Hospital. the World's Fair being renovated.CivicCurtis, at the Casino, reports that swing - THE NATIONAL AMUSEMENT Wooicliffe pool, Poughkeepsie, N. Y.,leaders and citizenry plan toprotestdance contest and radiotalent quest DEVICE COMPANY recently was host to a group of kiddieagainst the 25 -cent toll charge on At-arebringingresults. Highnumber Dayton, Ohio. readers of The New York Daily Mirror.lantic Beach Bridge, which has been inheard thus far in one evening was 84 Paper to3k the children up the Hudsoneffect more than 10 years.It is thoughtaspirants.The "scoop" re Anna Stein- on a boat and then gave them a freecost of the structure is that time hasberger'smarriagewascorrectinall VVHIF" swim in the park tank. been covered entirely or re :Weed in aparties-except it was Phil Smith, pool FOR SALE very lai ge degree. manager, who madeallarrangements. Maybeseen in operation at LONG BEACH: On Saturday and Sun- Stage show has Helen Reynolds and BroadRipplePark,Lnrlianapnlia. day nights games are so jammed oneher skatero and Sensational Waldos as W.B. HUBBS Rioetoiew can't get near 'em. Dan Hea,y is always Box 5964, Indianapolis, Ind center of a gay gathering c,z amusement folks. ChamberofCommerce,with By HAROLD HUMPHREY Mayor Edwards, is planning something Auto -SKOOTER-Water Two -cent clays. Tuesday and Thursday,in the nature of a Mardi Gras for the are keeping the wolf from the door.summer's end. SHOWMEN Mostconcessionersfollowthruwith ROCKAWAY BEACH: Attendance fig- GET THE RIDES THAT PAY YOU 2 -cent signs, and 10 -cent rides drop toures for the season to date fall far below BIC DIVIDENDS EVERY YEAR. a jitney on these days.Altho opinionthose of last year, when, according to LUSSE BROS., INC., Is divided asto whether this bargainstatistics of the Chamber of Commerce, AOTO 2809 N. Fairhill St., Phila., Pa., U. 8. A. DATIL& 111COOTIOL price hurts on other days, all agree thatmore than 25,000,000 came to the shore. SKLUITIZEIL DR011., LTD.. Central Masa, 41 ILIarswaa. Emig. W. 0.8, seilina. 34 The Billboard PARKS -RESORTS -POOLS August 13, 1938 Roberts, Mrs. Lee Benedict, Charlottethe park rides, is coming out daily for a Clave,HelenPrice,BernettaHiggins,fewhours,convalescing fromseveral Ontetican RecteationalKatherine Strom, Gladys Schleick, months' illness.Harry Dunnigan, ride Otckat) 1?eack ude Schmidt. superintendent 11 years,isindirect By CLEM SWEET Park -owned concessions: Virgil Jones,charge.Well -placed benches and lawn Eiuipntent associationSkee-Ball alley;Gerald Higgins, shoot-chairs along the many walks are proving (Pinch Hitting for Howard Stanley) ing gallery.General, John Trombley,popular. bus driver;Walter Kiebzak, sound -car If the entire season was as successful By R. S. UZZELL driver; Melvin Chronister, August Hahn, as the week -end of July 30 Old Orchard A note to John T. Benson, of wild -E. W. Conner, parking field. 3 -CENT DAYS concessioners could take a winter vaca- (Continued from page 32) animal fame, came thru from the other Godfrey Manages Rink tion in ease, for every enterprise had side to the effect that a tumor on the County, signed for August 21.There lung was the cause of Harry E. Tudor's Concessions are leased by: Shepard's,will be a big Republican rally in thetopnotch business.Weather during the death in Glasgow, Scotland, on July 19.Inc., Tony Mazel, manager, all refresh-park on the first Sunday after its sea-day was too sweltering for anything but a rugged man ofhisphysicalments;ElaineDavidson,waffles; K.son's closing in September. beaching or resting in the shade. Eve- Only Shiono, three stands; Barr & McNab, six Manager Gibson has started a policy make-up could have endured it so longgames; Jack Cahill, three games; Barry nings,however,found people coming and kept going.He never complained,Green, one game; Mrs. Hazel Kelly, oneof advertising in AFL and UAW localdown in droves and spending liberally. so none of us knew of it. papers.Parkhasanunprecedented game; Max Serling, weight scale; Tonynumber of union picnics this season,Hotels and rooming houses were bulging Belmont Park, Montreal, has had itsMazel,Aquaplane; Sam Siegel,photoand all park employees classified underwith guests and restaurants were unable Share of rain, too.Rex D. Billings re-studio; Manfred Linick, Penny Arcade;regularcrafts'jurisdictionare unionto seat overflow of diners.Extra help built this place and his health at oneBen Ellis, award shooting gallery;, it was pointed out. wasingreatdemand. Despitethis and the same time.In wet weatherGenevieve Grout, Miniature Railroad; A. Free transportation from downtown, apromise of better business and no mat- automobiles slip and so do parks. Bel-W. Grout, pony track; Wa-De Co., Loop -distance of about 20 miles, is being in-ter how good the remainder of the sea- mont slipped but Billings' health dido -Plane; 0. A. Aubin, wire jewelry; Louisaugurated this week for a month's trial.son may be, most of us will be fortunate not.He put in such a thoro healthWish, bowlette game. lake Shore Bus Co. refunds allfaresto meet expenses, so bad was the first foundation that it holds. But his park Roller rink, operated by Madison Gar-paid by passengers disembarking in fronthalf,dealt a dirty deal by Old Man did not slide as far as American parksdensCo.; OrvilleGodfrey,manager; Weather. Leonardof the park.A string of 5 and 10 -cent have done, altho Canada experienced theVerneHorsefield,skateroom; storesisgiving stripsoffreetickets Freddie Dittmer's Beano games at fairs same wetness. Godfrey, head skate man; Douglas Mc-with all purchases, good for free rides.are getting bad weather breaks. Slow Donald,skateboy; MikeEswashen, IIlions Is Transplanted The picnic grove has been given addi-take at the beach here forced him to AdolphBrinson,Harvel Thomas,Billtionalequipment.A bigbeertent,close his Beano earlier in the evening, We have been told so often that car-Bielak, Harold Bogart, floor men; Alfrederected at a cost of $1,400, gives spaceshifting players to his Tango across the nival men could never become amuse-Cody, doorman; Joan Lee, featured or-for as many as 16 bartenders at once. street for the remainder ofthe p.m. ment park men that we were almostganist. Jerry Gardner is again planning a big ready to believe it when a veteran comes Christmas Beano party for charity, to along and wipes the slate clean. HarryEASTWOOD INDOOR CELERON REPORTS runsimultaneouslyineightMassa- A. Illions took his Bozo, Rapids and (Continued from page 32) chusetts cities and attracting an esti- Magic Carpet to Belmont. Magic Carpet (Continued from page 32) mated 100,000, with Boston good for an includes thetilted house and severala surprise, but out-of-town attractions,Go -Round, Midget Autos, Midget Air-easy 40,000, using the Garden or Me- other Philadelphia Toboggan Co. tricks.resorts and beer gardens seem to get theplane,W. J.Brown Amusement Co.;chanics Hall. Thomas E. Morrissey, man- Harry purchased 13 Spook Street, mak-dough Saturday nights.A popular fea-Whip, Greyhound,Airplane Swing,ager, and Joe Ferullo will probably assist. ing four attractions under his owner-ture is that ballroom patrons get pass -MiniatureRailway, Laff-in-the-Dark,Marathon here on August 10 should at- ship and management. out checks entitling them to 5 -cent ridesGiant Loop -the -Loop, Clyde Carnahan -tract thousands from neighboring sec- His road employees man these devices.on any except the Loop -o -Plane. Wilfred Myers Amusement Co.; Ben-Hur,tions. Motorcycle gypsy tour willnot He did not desert his faithful men be- General business in Eastwood has beenTilt -a -Whirl,George Lee Rides,Inc.;make Old Orchard this year. cause he was leaving the road.Theyfair.Rilai McLain, veteran owner oflarge Ferris Wheel, J. G. Campbell. Altho Jim Stamos and Tom Siatras are clean, courteous and gentlemanly have not done so well this season with with no loud talk and always on the job. candy concession, they will be back next The men on the Magic Carpet, especially year with a new venture,Benny Gor- at the bottom of the rollers, where they don's Sandwich Shoppe, enlarged and pick up the passengers and help them featuring new streamline equipment, is to their feet, are as thoro and efficient as doing fine, he reports.Al Fink, still we ever have seen anywhere.So hereConey Island, New Yorkstarring at C. W. Usen's Palace, doing isa man with about a quarter of a By UNO even a better Job after taking a few century of road life to his credit mak- brushing -up lessons on microphone de- ing the grade as a park concessioner (Pinch-hitting Jr., full week Wagner has had thislivery.Billy Earle, showman and emcee, to the satisfactionof the amusementoff on a vacash, gives Uno a break to tellrainy season. Genial Mrs. Wagner (Saraentertaining to huge receptions at Sears'. park management.He keeps his ridesabout Coney, where Uno, during the oldNadler toold -young -timers)enjoysa Old Orchard will benefit from a PWA in as fine appearance as his men andconcert -hall days, ran his own weekly,record of 42 years of life at Coney. Usedgrant, Portland avenue being scheduled has the most beautiful front on hisCity Life, when Coney was not so wide-to operate a Concert Hall.(Doc) Charlesfor a new road construction and cement Magic Carpet Funhouse that we havestreeted and when there came dollar -W. Foster, lecturer, celebrated his 10thsidewalks.Localites are contemplating seen anywhere. spending patrons instead 01 the nickel-year at Wagner's. Bert Tobias is assistant "Always be nice to the lecturer.Charles Phelan isas able anan airport here. Figures From Glasgow and-dime variety of the present era.) ladies,especially the beautiful ladies," Over in Feltman's, where the Carouselemsee as he is a heavyweight lifter andis one of many pleasantries emanating David Mulvie, once commissioner ofis still rotating and doing rushing biz onstrong man. Belle Bonita, lion tamer, re-from the correspondent, Howard Stan- public morals in Ottawa, Can., has the centlyfull -column publicizedinThe restaurant in the park and has made itthe Surf avenue side, we found JuliusDaily Mirror, will be at Hubert's Museumley, for whom I am pinch hitting and He isTolces, concession manager, and Erwin without doubt the best mike man ever the best the park has ever had. Gottschalk,affable260 -poundgeneralon West 42d street, New York, again nextto grace the rostrum of any Beano from interested in two ridesalso and hasmanager, who, despitehisavoirdupois,winter.Her pet slogan, "YoursforaTimbuktu to Hoboken. The usually re- with him his splendid wife.He devotesmakes many trips from early morn toRoar," will go with her. stricted ritual of bingo lingo losesits all of his time to the restaurant and hisearly morn overtheentireacreage. Luna Park on August 3wentintostereotypedstyle when hegrabs the rides,as the government retired himErwin has been here since1921. Thesolemn seance, holding a jinx parade inmike. with a cash settlement. Oddly enough,execsareCharlieFeltmanandhishope of banishing old Jupe Pluvius for he had sent his son on a trip to Scotlanduncles, Alfred and Charles L. the rest of this, so far, continuous rainy with aletter from Rex D. Billings to Tolces looks after the Monkey Race,season. Pluvius has been in evidence 50 Barry E. Tudor at Glasgow feature in the Arcade, owned bydays out of 68 since Decoration Day. Tolidlo being called Belles ofthePark. Alas, the boy and the letter got thereHarry Witt, who also owns the new andhelp kill Mr. Jinx many odd stunts wereJulius Budd, of the pass booth, is the just afterHarry'sdeath. Itis"the ride.employedinthemarch steppedtoBeau Brummell. Abe Fox, of the Photo letter that never arrived."William C.heavily -patronized Boomerang Gallery, has a chicken farm on the side. 11zzell, who was with Tudor at Rock-Tolces, hard working, has lots of otherfunereal music up and down Surf avenue.John Mooney, captain of Luna's police away, had also given the boy a messageArcade features under his wing, includ-Last jinx parade in Luna was stagedforce, is a lover of the boxing art. Police- ing Tilter World ride, Feltman-owned;about 18 years ago. Jimmie Williamson,man Bill Parker has asked to be trans- to Tudor when accompanying him toPhotoStudio,modelandmodernly To.a., fathered the affair. August 3 and the boat In Montreal. fitted, operated by True PhotoCorp.,4 were Drake's Cake days, featuring aferred to the Willow Grove and co -cop TheninMontreallastweek yourwith Ed Millerincharge;long-rangehuge cake near the entrance, automatic-Ed Van Pelt has been promoted from author met Peter McLaughlin, a stewardshooting gallery, supervised by Johnnyally and electrically manipulated. Overin front to rear of the circus.Murray of the Letitia, who took the boy overKing; Machine Guns, operated by Metro-WNEW announcements by Martin BlockFelton, of the Dipsy Doodle show, was and had made the return trip.He saidpolitan Amusement Co.;open-air, old-of amateur swing band contests to beseen talking to himself, which indicates the 5,000.000th patron was admitted totime movies, in a picturesque grove withheld starting about the middle of Au-he has a large bank account. Billy Klein Glasgow Exhibition just before he leftJack Stern at the helm; American Ballgust every Friday and Saturday nighthas his own nudist colony at the Spicy the Scottish city.He tells us the perFountain game, owned by Vidor, who hasuntil the close of the season in WillowMoments attractions. Murray Sasanoff, capitaexpenditures have beendisap-one similar in Luna; poker game; pistolGrove, for which the musicians' unionartist,. doublesas"spieler"here and pointing and the weather over there hascigaret shooting game; Skee-Roll game,has granted permission topark bandthere.Jackie and Charlie Greenbaum, behaved nobetterthanhereorinowned by Wurlitzer;Skee-ball,8 -spotleader Jimmie Victor.Entries are ex-of Playland games, intend spending the 'Canada. He let us have clippings on thegame, electric rifles, fortune-telling ma-pected to reach about 100. Every Sundaywinter in Bermuda. Sol Esposito, man- exhibition from acopy of The Dailychines, fishponds, spot shooting gallery,night a contest is held in the ballroomager of the Grand Canyon, spends spare forvaluableprizes.Manager CharliemomentsinSpicyMoments. Harry Record which he had and promised toelectric ball game, adamatic ball game, Kaufman, scale wizard, doesabetter bring some more on his return trip. TheBingo Zipper, age -guesser by Fred Schaf-Miller's office staff comprises Kai Thaae,guessing Job with racing guide. Taki, of exhibitionwill run thru August andfer and Cock-eyed Castle, bossed by Fredauditor; Jack Mullins, assistant; Harrythe Japanese poker roll game, is still the September. Fansher, Ozer, head cashier; Anthony Gozzola, Al Richman, assistants; Louise Schaaf, daysmiling wonder of the park.Josephine JinxParadeinLuna stenographer; Gertrude Sauerhoff, nightGeorge admits thisisherlastpark EDGEWATER BIZ Arcade shorts: Serious Brigham Young,steno: Adeline Nasti, reliefsteno andseason. Albert George, of the Mile Sky (Continued from page 32) ticket man atthe Boomerang, moreswitchboard operator; William Lombard,Chaser, is studying to be a fingerprint man and policeman.General staff, Her-solemn since Susie quit selling paste-promotion man, in his 18th year at theexpert,Betty Stern, cashier, has been superintendent ofboards. Mrs. Tolces, behind the premiumpark; Richard Schram, chief electrician;shifted from the Keyhole to the Coal bert Schoenhals, booth counter, says her exacting duties Mine because of her liking for donkeys. grounds;EverettMeyer, Sam Walker, John Gulfi, superintendent.James J.Mrs. Schible, Luna's nurse, takes good call for a raise. Boomerang is the big-Victor was host week of August 1 to Sam Pollino, assistants. gest draw, next in importance the old- care of employees' ills and woes.Dick Rides: Harry A. Brown, superintend- brother, John, and wife, from Abilene,Schramm, chief electrician, and Nick La - ent;Art Krave,Whip;Milton Morse,time movies. Arcade and establishmentTex., where John isa music publisher Lee Benedict,may run way intofall and past theand head of Victor Publishing Co. JohnChase are to be partners in a big aog House -That -Jack -Built; Mardi Gras, says Julius. Rain does not kennels. George Tannen and Pete Rollo Lindy Loop;Harry Green,Streetsof visited the New York branch of his con- boys who dotheir Paris; NoahBarr,Coasteroperator,affect business here, the entire place be-cern, of which Harold Flammers is chief.are the spotlight assisted by George Taylor; Jack Schleick,ing under cover. Prince Nelson stuff 123 feet in the air. Dodgem; Harold Anthony, Bug: Ed Tay- Sam Wagner's Big Wonder Show on Two Victimsof Touch Nick"LaChase's busiest time is after mid- lor, Honeymoon Express; Harold Barron,Surf avenue gave free admission to 150 Luna shorts: Vincie Ryan, Vincie .Pal-night. It cost generous Manager Charlie Airplanes;ButlerClave.Merry - Go -kiddies from a local orphan asylum onmer and Josephine George, relief cashiers,Miller one buck to find out a doctor was Round; George Klix, Caterpillar oper-July 27. Zimmie, legless swimmer, bleware looking over auto catalogs.Harrynot a doctor and charitable Julius Budd, ator;Cashiers,Mrs. .IreneBuchanan,them all to ice cream and cake. ZimmieOzer, Al Richman and Anthony Gozzolaat the pass booth, two simoleons to find Ethel McMillan, Grace Cunningham. Lu-will leave in three weeks for Toronto Ex-are ambitious weather dopers.Adelineout a fireman was not a fireman,both cilleSchmidt,IreneBounds, Marthahibition. Week of July 25-31 was theNasti, Gladys Golden and Agnes Mart-victims of the quick touch. August 13, 1938 FAIRS -EXPOSITIONS The Billboard 35 Conducted by CLAUDE R. ELLIS-Communications to25 Opera Place,Cincinnati, 0. Look for This Feature: G. M. STEPS OUTAT W. F

Is the Fair -Carni- val Businessa Andrews Quits Partnership? By L.B. HERRING JR. New York Post

in the Denial is made of official rift-Flanigan put in new Fall Special of vice-presidential berth

The Billboard NEW YORK, Aug. 6. - W.Earle Andrews, general manager of the World's Dated August 27 Fair since May 20,1936, resigned his duties during the past week in order to .9 devote more time to private practica of engineering.He will continue to serve the fair as consulting engineer. First Annual in Ohio Altho Mr. Andrews' resignation has been rumored for several days, it came Has an Okeh Report as a blow to showmen who have regarded him as an important friend of the show MANSFIELD, 0., Aug. 6.-With a rec- element in the administration of the ord opening -day crowd, Richland County fa:r's amusement zone. Fair here, July 27-29, first in the State this season, had total attendance of more Whalen Adds toDuties than 37.090. and fair officials are grati- With Mr.Andrews'resignationthe fied.Rain halted races on opening day. position of general manager is abolished, C. C. Heat, secretary of the cattle divi- it was disclosed.At a meeting of the sion,reported 232 cattleentered, five AERIAL VIEW OF ST. JOSEPH COUNTY FAIR GROUNDS, Centerrii fairboardofdirectorson Thunaday times musk than at any previous fair. Mich., where, reports Treasurer Lester R. Schrader, a $4,000 waterworksproject Commander Howard A. Flanigan, U. S N., Nine tents were erected for the overflow. has been completed and 133 workmen are constructing four additionalbuild- retired, was elected to a newly created All rli,1,1,y halls were well filled. ings, a horticultural and school exhibits building of two stories, 230 by 50feet, position of vice-presidentof thefair. Midway, one of the beetin recent and three live -stock barns, each 100 by 33 feet.Cost of new structures will be Mr. Flanigan has been administrative years, had among attractions Art Stires' $28,370.The maple trees around the trace- are 53 years old. assistant to President Grover A. Whalen animal exhibit; Buck Maughiman's giant since June, 1936.It is understood Mr. horse show, with Marian Clark assisting; Flanigan will take on some of the duties Texas Slim Collins' Pit Show and pony formerly assigned to Mr. Andrews, with track, F. G. Clark's trained duck, Fram's PresidentWhalenassumingthere- cookhouse, more than a score of conces-New Pueblo Conc,essioners mainder. sions and Jolly's Seccaium Park rides, At the meeting Mary Louise Joreick Merry -Go -Round, Ferris Wheel, Octopus Was elevated from the post of assistant and kiddie ride. Sion for More (See G. M. STEPS on page 37,1 Grand -stand show opening night wasPlant Ready B. Ward Beam's Congress of Dare -Devils, Revival Good in Logansport Thursday and Friday nights a Gus Sun Space in N. Y. revue and several acts were presented, LOGANSPORT, Ind., Aug. 6.-After a includingAvalonTroupe,teeterboard, Huge project on Colorado NEW YORK, Aug. 6.-Contracts forlapse of four years President Ben Pen- Night sessions were again held, climaxed State grounds done jointlytwo more concessions in the amusementnington and Secretary William (Babe) with fireworks. area of the World's Fair and two foodThomas successfully revived Cass County over period of two yearsconcessions were signed during the week.Fair here on July 24-29 with attractions Harry G. Traver, New York, will operate and harness racing for purses totaling Some Construction Is 80% PUEBLO, Colo., Aug. 6.-Nearly all ofthree Stratoships, and the Dodgem Corp.,over $3,000. On Sunday one of the larg- Complete in San Francisco numerous improvementsmade andLawrence, Mass., has agreedto buildest crowds in the fair's 40 -year history buildings erected on Colorado State Fairtwo Auto Dodgem pavilions.Richard-attended.Zimdars Greater Shows were SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 6.-Construc-grounds here will be ready for openingson Corp.,Rochester,N.Y., obtainedon the midway and concessioners re- tion for the 1939 Golden Gate Exposi-of the 1938 fair.Work was done by therights to operate 38 root -beer stands,ported good business. Acts were B. Ward tion has spurted ahead on all contracts,WPA, which allotted$233,335for theand Star Pop Corn Products, Inc., willBeam's Congress of Dare -Devils, Blanche exposition,federal,State,foreign andproject.Remainder of about $250,000run 25 pop -corn stands. Kenney's Horses; the Raymonds, comedy private, said officials this week.W. P.was made up by city commissioners and Details on Winter Wonderland Showcontortions;Flying Howards;Howard, Day,vice-presidentanddirectorofState Fair commission. Work has beensigned by Robert Sipchen, Chicago, an-trampoline; Wimpy, diving dog; LaTine works,sandcontractsonallexhibitunder way for two years under directionnounced last week, disclosed that theand May, comedy; Midiach and Com- buildings, roads and underground utili-of Terry J. Owens, Pueblo zone WPA di-attraction will be situated near centerpany,slackwire and peeling;Olive ties are more than 80 per cent completed.rector, and city government. of the amusement zone on an acre andCraig, acro toe dancer; Sybil, aerial but- Work 2.a= begun on five concessions, Latest of the improvements and to bea quarter and will cost an estimatedterfly; Roberts and Company, magic, and includine Chinatown, a Penny Arcadeready for this year's fair is a 4-H Club (See CONCESSIONERS on page 37) Wigand Trio, teeterboard. and restaurant stands.Some exhibitsexhibit building, on which $25,837 was for the IThcfir Basis area will be shippedspent besides much salvage from an old in sectionsafter being constructed inexhibit building.Half of money spentUnion Labor in at Detroit Weather Cuts Early Midway exhibition countries. by WPA was used in construction of four Play at North Montana State Visitors will be given opportunity tomodern horsebarns andapaddock DETROIT, Aug. 6.-Labor at the 1938 building, providing accommodations forMichigan State Fair here will be strictly compare this with the 1915 Pan -Pacific200 racing and show horses. Each of theunion wherever union jurisdiction ex- C-REAT FALLS, Mont.,Aug. 6.-At Expo.There will be a 1915 Day, whenfour stables has 50 stalls. North Montana State Fair, which opened costumesendeventsoftheperiod, Natural lime-tends, said Ed King, business agent ofto good attendance here on Monday, pusher a it manes, 1915 autos and musicstone has been laid in a spider -web de-Local 38, IATSE.Nine men are nowChildren's Day, the midway had a big will dominate. Music will be by Charlessign, pointed with black mortar, and aworking from the union on stage con-play during the day, but missed the H. Cassese, conductor of the 1915 exposi-spacious arcade fronts the bares. struction, and about 15 stagehands willnight grand -stand blowoff because of tion band._ Complete storm sewerswillreducebe employed during the 16 days of theheavy wind, followed by rain as fireworks maintenanceexpense,alldr.veshavefair in the Coliseum show.Ushers atwere being shot.Tuesday attendance (See NEW PUEBLO on page 37) the fair will be union men, said King. was light, but on Wednesday Henries Minn. Annuals Have Record Bros' Shows had a good day on the Gates and Top Grand Stands midway. Ralph Lynch and family, Grand Forks: ROSEAU, Minn., Aug. 6.-Attendance Gene Buck Melts San Francisco C. M. Baker and T. A. Hornibrook, Cal- records were broken at Roseau County gary (Alta.) Exhibition, and H. L. Fit- Fair here on July 25-27 and at Mahno- By WALTER K. SIBLEY ton and Paul Vornholt, Midland Empire men County Fair, Mahnomen, Minn., on Fair, Billings, Mont., were early visitcrs. July 28-31, it was reported. SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 6.-Gene Buck,at this early date left me a little breath- Roseau'senlarged grand stand hadpresident of the American Society ofless."Neither New York nor any placeFair Resumed in Michigan overflows at every performance. OpeningComposers, Authors and Publishers, afterelse so far as I know has anything to night featured WLS Barn Dance, fol-visitingTreasureIslanddeclaredtheequal Treasure Island.It not only has site of the 1939 Golden Gate Interna-beauty but accessibility as well and both WEST BRANCH, Mich., Aug. 6.-For lowed the next two days by Radio Revelstional Exposition "the most magnificentare important factors from the show-the first time in several years a fair will Revue, produced by WHO Radio Enter-stage setting in the world." Here to at-man's viewpoint. beheldhere when five-day Ogemw prises, Inc., and free acts furnished bytend the Bohemian Grove play and to "Naturally I am especially interestedCounty Agricultural Fairis sponsored the sameoffice,including Wade andconferwith by the American Legion, reports Presi- Wade, Great Hillvard, Olive Miles and HarrisConnickgeneralin the exposition's plans for music ondent Wilbur F. Davis.Fair will be man- Company, Dave and June Roberts, Danc-manager of the exposition, Buck, whoTreasure Island.Knowing Mr. Connickaged by Mr. Hockett.Barkoot Bros' ingDebutantes,andJerry,yodelinghas written and produced innumerableas I do, I am confident that the musicShows have been contracted for the m_d- cowboy. musical shows, said the expos tion hadwill be in keeping with the most mag-way and grounds has a new grand stand. the ideal set-up for producing a show ofnificent stage settee-, in the world." Dee Lang's Shows were on the midwayunparalleled beauty. There will be a Children's Day with free in both spots. As head of ASCAP Buck, also a mem-ox roast and a Merchants' Day.Exhihit Mahnomen played the "r wonder if the people of San Fran-ber of the exposition's concession com-bookings are nearly completed. sameattractions,with WLS inforcisco fully appreciate what they have inmittee, conferred with Connick on the Thursday night and the WHO revue andTreasure Island," he said. "To me it isreleaseofmusical numbersforthe actsforthreedays,withWinkley'sreally amazing.The architecture lendsWorld's Fair of the West. Buck expressed BOGALUSA, La.-Delos Johnson, Slate Suicide Club afternee rattraction Fri-itself admirably to the Pageant of the Senator, was unanimously elected presi- day and Saturday ,ter. hope that the exposition would utilizedent of Washington Parish Fair for 1338. Pacific theme, and the landscaping even (See GENE BUCK on page 37) Mayor Dan T. Cushing is vice-president. 36 The Billboard FAIRS -EXPOSITIONS August 13, 1938

NOW -WEST'S WORLD'S WONDER SHOWS -SEE IT FIRST-NUFF SED Skowhegan WillCelebrate SKOWHEGAN, Me., Aug. 6. -Celebrat-611461 illi" THE FOUR 0' HEARTS ingIts100thanniversary, Skowhegan POISE - PRECISION - PERFECTION - PERFORMANCE. Fair, said Francis E. Croteau, secretary, 110 -Ft. Double Ladder Act.Some Available Time. has arranged a special program.Acts to TI/4 ik° be furnished by George A. Hamid, Inc., ° EAST. MID -WEST. FOREIGN. includeWinter Bala- FRANK WIRTH BOOK- COLLINS ENTERPRISES, CHAS. L SASSE, Garden Rcrue, ING ASSN., INC., Elliott Hotel Bldg., 300 West 49th St., banow Accordion Sextette, Flying Otaris, 1580 B'way, New York City. Des Moines, la. New York City. Tip Top Girls, Five Juggling Jewells, Dr. BY THE SACRED BEARD OF THE PROPHET- Ostermaris and Dehoes, Slivers Johnson World's AYE LAD-. A SUPER SKY-HIGH THRILLER! -CRASH DUNIGAN. and Ventre's Stetson Radio Band. Night- Highest ly fireworks will be by American Fire- Aerial Act. works Co. Ben Williams has the midway Late Southern Dates Wanted. Availablefor shows and rides and a large number of Fairs, Parks, independent concessions have contracted space. Week will include Children's Day Celebrations. Salina, Kan. (ANueGwuri°90.0srpiu.1 FAIRwith free admittance to grounds and Address grand stand, harness racing, horse -pull- Care of The Billboard, Cincinnati,0. 25c DAY GATE -AFTER 5 P.M. FREE ing contests, historical pageant, flower show, amateur cameraclub,highway August 29-30,Jimmy LynchDeathDodgers;August31 -September 1, safety and State department exhibits. Harry Hodges Gayety Girls, September 2. WHEN HillBillys, J AY D E E Races orothernon -conflictingsensational Attractionfor The Great WANT Auto York Acts Bill Approved THE OLD APE MAN Saturday Afternoon, September 3. Amazing Trapeze Novelty - Other attractions now booked: Oscar Babcock's Loop the Loop; Timbo, the YORK, Pa., Aug. 6. -Managers of York 100ft.high. Newand Interstate Fair have approved selection thrilling: Present- Human Ape; 4Kressells;LeDoux andLouise;De Mario andMarlette; ing a terrifying ap- Mighty of acts for the 1938 grand -stand show pearance In his ape Salina Municipal Band and other County Bands,Drill Teams, etc., made by President -GeneralManager costume. - Open Sheesley Midway. Samuel S. Lewis and John H. Rutter, After Sept. 17. FOR SALE -Straight Concessions of all kinds. No exclusive. William 0. Thompson and I. D. Weiser, 100% JerryD. Martin other members of the attractions com- GeneralDelivery, Address CHARLES SCHWITZER, Mgr., 140 South 7th St., Salina, Kan. mittee.Bill will include the revue, Fol- 11.F. A. Rittman, Ohio, liesInternationale, and acts furnished Week Aug, 8-13. by Ernie Young, Peerless Potters, cast- ing;Professor Lamberti, comedy xylo- phone;DickandIotaNash,ropers; VIRGINIA SENIOR...,;*. GRANDSTAND SCHUYLKILL ThreeSt.JohnBrothers,balancing; 60's 285' SteelConstructed. 3,000 Seating Three Reddingtons, trampoline; Jay and SKY HIGH Capacity, Folding Chairs. COUNTY FAIR Lou Seiler,skiartists, and Varsity Eight, GIRL vocalists.Henry Rapp was given the SENSATIONAL LADY PRICED LOW FOR QUICK SALE POTTSVILLE, PA., pyro contractfor American Fireworks AERIALIST. Hazardous And Thrilling IRON & STEEL PRODUCTS, INC. Aways Opens LABOR DAY. Co. Ending with a "Teeth Chicago (Hegewisch Sta.), Ill. 5th Largest in State.No Hard Times Here. SlidpeertrnoranLenifte." Phone, South Chicago 9430. Address, Concessions write to F. W. BAUSUM, Secy. Hendrix to Fat Stock Show Care of The Billboard, Cincinnati, 0. Attractions to CHARLES HAUSSMANN, FORT WORTH, Tex., Aug.6. -Secre- Pottsville, Pa. tary -Manager John B. Davis, Southwest- OGEMAW COUNTY ern Exposition and Fat Stock Show, an- nounced appointment of John M. Hen- CARNIVAL WANTED AGRICULTURAL FAIR Small organization having 2 or3 Rides,for Silverhin. drix as director of publicity and publicAla.. Ir.sponsored by Chamber ofCommerce. WEST BRANCH, MICH., relations for the show. He is well known SEPTEMBER 26 TO OCTOBER 1, INC. September 6-10. in the Address Biggest thing In Northern Michigan. Over WANTED CARNIVAL to breeders and rodeo officials A. M. PHILIPS, Secy., SlIverhill, Ala. 1,000 Season Ticketssoldalready. Free Southwest, having resigned as editor of Acts,Fireworks, Races --$1,000 Premi- FOR West Texas Today, regional publication, ums. Free Barbeque.Merchants closing to accept the expo berth. Merchants' Day. WANTED -Free Acts, Con- PROGRESSIVE DOUGLAS COUNTY FAIR cessions, all kinds. $2.00 per Ft. Grind Stores. ALEXANDRIA, MINN., AUG. 24.25.26-27. CAN USE Independent Shows, no Girl. FARMERS' FAIR Big new Midway and ...560,000 Grandstand.Out- WILBUR DAVIS, Pres.; H. t. HOCKETT, Sec. standing County Fair SpotinMinnesota. Inde- August 29 to September 3. glows pendent Midway. Write LEXINGTON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE & qtan?-qtao R. S. THORNTON, Secretary. AMERICAN LEGION, LOTTIEMAYER'S Disappearing Water Lexington, Mo. Ballet has been contractedfor Dane County Fair, Madison, Wis., in addition.CARNIVAL WANTED to half a dozen vaude acts. COLORED TRI-STATE FAIR, FREE FAIR September 22-23-24. COVINGTON, IND., The largest Colored Fair in the Smith.The attend- August 22-27, 1938. ACTS BOOKED for Clark County Fair, ance will reach 50,000 people in three days. Wis.,include Three Olym- DR. L. G. PATTERSON, Secy.-Mgr., WANT Shows and Concessions. Gooding Neillsville, Memphis, Tenn. Rides Booked.Write WANTED CARNIVALpians, Great Ricardo, Beebe Company 164 Beale Avenue, GEO. P. SCHWIN, Covington, Ind. and skatingbears,Three Namedil Broth- With Legitimate Concessions to Play ers and Merry -Go -Round Revue. CONTRACT for balloon ascensions at CARNIVAL WANTED GENTRY COUNTY FAIR the 1938 Belmont County Fair, St. Claire- Fur the Following Dates: CUYAHOGA COUNTY FAIR Albany, Mo., September 6-10. OCTOBER 11. 12, 13, 14, ville, 0., has been made with William P. ORANGEBURG COUNTY COLORED FAIR. BEREA, 0., AUGUST 17-21. Seventh Annual County Seat Free Fair; 20,000 Henderson, said FairSecretaryCarter W. C. LEWIS, Secy., Orangeburg, S. 0. (Wednesday to Sunday, Inclusive) people daily; $1,500 in premiums. Wire H. C. Thornburg. Frozen WANTS Games.Scales,CaneRack. McCOY, DirectorofConcessions. Custard. USE clean Shews. Most heart Wanted for and hestlaidcost grounds inStateofOhio. AT BROOME County Fair, Whitney Strong gattrartions-gred evening crowds.You Point, N.Y., August 2-5, Lucky Teter deal directly with Fair Board. J. M. SIMPSON, Mgr. Concessions, Berea, 0. and his Hell Drivers. Uncle Ezra's Radio FALMOUTH FAIR BarnDanceandSaturday AAA -auto Falmouth, Ky., August 17-20. Shows and Concessions, lunch Stands.Carl Folk The Mobile Greater races were featured. answer. MRS. DEMPSEY BARNES, Sec.,Fal- mouth, Ky. BARNES-CARRUTHERS' Soaring High Gulf Coast Fair has been contracted to appear in Waco, WANTED Tex., in connection with the 1938 Brazos Unusual and Outstanding Attractionfor October 24th -October 31st, Mobile, Ala. Valley Free Fair, sponsored by Korem WANTED September 14 and 15, 1938. RUBIN-CHERRY EXPOSITION Shrine Temple, reports Nat D. Rodgers,Legitimate Shows, Free Acts andConcessionsfar COLUMBIANA COUNTY FAIR. Legitimate Concessions Wanted.Must put B. -C. special events representative. Write full particulars, naming best figure. REYNOLDS FREE FAIR our Merchandise.No Crift Allowed. September 7, 8. 9, 10. in' Agents. H. E. MARSDEN, Secretary. FOURNIER J.GALE, Pres. AFTER closing their summer home in ALBERT GEIER, Secy.,Reynolds,Indiana. P.0. Drawer 277, Lisbon, 0. EDWARD T. ROSENCRANT, Secy. Fruitport, Mich., Monroe and Adams Sis- ters want to Great Falls to play North Montana State Fair, August 1-6.TheirShows, Rides & Concessions fair season will be under the Barnes - Timonium,Md.,StateFalr September 4 to 15.Day and Night FRANCESVILLE Carruthers banner. Demonstrators,we have roomthisyearinthe WANTED Evhihit ionBuilding. INDEPENDENT SHOWS, FOR STREET FAIR CRASH DUNIGAN'S highthrillact,JOHN T.McCASL IN,125E. BaltimoreSt.. Baltimore, Md. PLAINWELL FAIR August 31 -September 1, 2, 3 the Four o' Hearts, which has been fea- FreeActs--Concesslons-Shows tured with West's World Wonder Shows, AUGUST 31 TO SEPTEMBER 3. Allkind;wanted. Nilargegambling. Rides contracted. De Young Rides Booked. will start playing fait about the middle AMERICAN LEGION FAIR ASSOCIATION, ERNEST E. SMITH. Phones 147 and 112, ofAugust. PersonnelincludesHarry WANT MORE REVENUE CHAS. H. WADE, Secy., Plalnwell, Mich. Francesville,Indiana. Smith, manager; Jimmy Millette, Ray Perez and Mickey Duval. for Clean Shows and A RECENT advertisement in The Bill- YOUR ORGANIZATION? Warren Township Fair board concerning a high -pole act Concessions Wanted WARREN, MICH., SEPT. 2-3.4-5. 1938. brought wonderful results, reports W. C. Read September 5-6-7-8. 1938. FerrisWheel, Rides, Simi, and Concessions wanted. (Billy)Senior, who has already booked WYOMING COUNTY FAIR, Write theact,to becalledSenioretta, lady "BINGO BUSINESS" Tunkhannock, Pa. JOSEPH LEWIS, Secy.-Mgr., NaPoeiticely f;tsibling. aerialist, for 14 weeks of some of the 28671 Mound Road, Warren, Mich.largest fairs in the country. AColumn AboutBingoin the NATIONAL ENTERTAINMENT SERV- WHOLESALE MERCHANDISE WANTED CARNIVALS ICE has booked the Original Wisconsin Department Rides, Shows and Concessions for Slides, Concessions ofall kinds wanted. Day andNational Barn Dance atfairsinWis- NightFair.lie gateadmissionday andnight. consin and Michigan, including those in THE HEMLOCK FAIR One ofNortheast Nebraska's largest countyfairs. THIS WEEK flu,' EVERY WEEK SEPTEMBER 7-10, DAY AND NIGHT. September1,2,3,4.Neligh,Neb. WALTERLa Crosse and Superior, Wis.; Faribault. GLENN C. McNINCH, Secy., Conesus, N. Y. BRADLEY, Concession Manager. (See Grand -Stand Shows opposite page) August 13, 1938 The Billboard 37

Bermuda.Attendance was good despitesyntheticsnowfall. TherewillbeaAttractions are booked until middle Of hot weather. A new organ has been in-toboggan slide, ski jump, skating rink,October inIllinois, Indiana and Ohio. Rinksand Skatersstalled, with Mrs. Goetz at the console.sliding dance floor, 1,000 -seat restaurantAmong the 14 acts are Wigand Troupe, By CLAUDE R.ELLIS Other visitors were Billy Stewart, racerand village square.Attraction is to beLeVine and Mae, Houghton and Hough- (Cincinnati Office) andtrickskater,formerlyofPalaceopen daily from 10 a.m. until 2 a.m.Inton, Roberts and Company, Flying How- Garden Rink, Cincinnati, and a groupaddition to an hourly ice show, thereards, Bassett and Bailey, Olive Craig and MICHIGAN STATE summer champion-from Norwood Roller Rink. will be exhibitions of ski jumping, to-the Raymonds. ship raem were held on August 7 in bogganing, hockey and speed and fancy Edgewater Park Rink, the new Detroit KEITH WHEELER, who recently set askating.Dance floor will slide over the OHIO HEADQUARTERS of Austin C. rink inaugurated this season by Edwardroller-skating record of 220 miles in 47ice rink when not in use.AdmissionWilson Thrill Show Units have been and Orville Godfrey.Event was sanc-hours and 23 minutes in Australia, willcharge will be nominal, it is said. practically swamped with requests for tioned by the Roller Skating Rink Op-attempt to break the 24 -hour endurance Frank Buck is all set for a site in thecelebration and fair dates, reported Mr. erators' Association of the United States.mark of 246 miles and 129 yards madenorth section of the amusement zoneWilson, who said that never before in Men's events included quarter, half, one,by Joe Schutte in 1931.Max and Marie,next to the French Village.Here hehis 25 years' experience has the demand two and five -mile races, and women'sroller-skating act taken to Australia bywillerecta Monkey Mountain morebeen as great.With 33 contracted fair includedquarter,halfandone -mileJ. C. Williamson, Ltd., for the produc-than 80 feet high, designed to accommo-engagements in nine States, following races. tion of Okay for Sound, have signeddate between 600 and 800 monkeys. Plansrecord attendances at still and celebra- Phyllis Lynch, of Westgate Rollerdromeare to show as realistically as possibletiondates, heisoptimistic regarding ONE of the Evans brothers, of Reneestaff, as a member of the act.Westgatea section of jungle.In the center willconditions.Clem (Jo -Jo)Stark, Spo- and Evans Brothers, roller-skating team,Rollerdromehas developeda numberbe a clearing for scheduled activities,kane, will make his initial Eastern ap- which appeared at the Rose Theater,of basket ball teams that are up towhile wild animals will be chained inpearance with Wilson's thrill show unit. Thorpasvale,Ga.,withRossRussell'sthe Sydney competition standard.Thewoods, rather than caged, to maintain Spring Serenade unit week of July 18,Glaciarium, Sydney, has started an Icenaturalappearance.TheStratoships sustained an injury to his arm on JulyFollies.Recently opened Ice Palaisisconcession marks the second for Harry CENTENNIAL BELLES, a musical com- 23 which required11stitches, reportsprovingpopularwithiceskatersinTraver,he havingalreadycontractedmemorating Iowa'sTerritorial Centen- William Snell.The sharp handle on aSydney. a Funhouse. nial and featuring more than 200 players, screen door cut an artery, causing him will be given at Iowa's Centennial State to lose two quarts of blood and neces- A. RILEY, manager of Casino Roller - Fair, Des Moines.Musical score will be sitating a layoff of about three weeks.way, Nuttings Lake, Billerica. Mass., re-GENE BUCK played by Cervone's Band.Fair officials ports good business, rink operating five (Continued from page 35) announced three changes of programfor INSTALLATION of an electricsign,afternoons and eveningsweekly, withthegreattheaterintheCalifornianight entertainment, two nights to fea- one of the most novel in that section,private parties Tuesday and ThursdayBuildingforproducingsomefast-ture Cavalcade of Iowa, with castof has been completed at the new rollernights.New lighting and sound sys-moving and tuneful musical shows. more than 1,000.There alsowi:1 be rink in Meyers Lake Park, Canton, 0.tems have beeninstalled. Rink ex- "I'm bringing my family to San Fran-fireworks and acts in front of the grand, Largeilluminatedlettershavebeentends overthewater,insuring com-cisconextyearforastayoftwostand. erected on a shaft atop the rink on thefortable skating in hot weather.Dick,months," Buck added, "for I figureit midway, the work of Bill Clark, sign artistBob and Taylor's Skating Cilia, Arling-will take me at least that long to see MANY OHIOfairmanagershave in the park.Sign is visible for a halfton,Mass.,arefrequentvisitorsandeverything planned by the exposition."booked thru Gus Sun Exchange, said mile in all directions. assist as skate dance instructors.Club A yearly visitor to San Francisco toGeneral Manager Bob Shaw, including plans a banquet at end of the season.see the Bohemian Grove plays, Buckfairs in Urbana, Bellefontaine, London, ON JULY 23 and 24 skaters from Coli-On the staff are Mary Dolan, tickets:stated that this year's production, in hisXenia, Dayton and others in the Spring- seum Rink, Dayton, 0., went to RussellsHenry Shyvert, doorman; John Dolan,opinion, surpassed a whole series of finefield area.All vaude attractions at the Point, 0., to visit Al Kish's Sandy BeachJohn Taylor.Instructors;Paul Tintte,productions of the Bohemian Club in1938 Ohio State Fair, Columbus, will be Park Rink and Orchard Island Rink,Al Lyons, skate boys; Mary Riley, Helenthe past.While here Buck was guestfurnished by Sun.Bookings for fairs operated by Harry Lawrence and Nor-Loud, refreshments. of Milton H. Esberg, chairman of theeast of the Mississippi have been aome- man Volz reports Armand J. Schaub Sr. expositionconcession and amusementwhat heavier thisyear than in:937 Both rinks are doing well in the parks THREE WHIRLING BEES,Duddy,committee.He left by airplane for Loswhen there was record volume, Shaw despite inclement weather and businessBetty and Bob, recently played AmericanAngeles.After a brief stay here he willsaid.Robert Sun, youngest son of Mr. recession.Lawrence and Volz invitedRoller Skating Arena, Oakland Beach,fly to New York. and Mrs. Gus Sun, is in the fair denart- Mr. Schaub, Mrs. Louise Stevenson andR. I., one of New England's largest rinks. ment of his father's office during sum- her daughter. Louise, who is being in- mer.He was graduated from Yale last structed in figure and dance skating by CANTON, 0., roller rinks face SundayG. M. STEPS spring and will take up a law course in Schaub, to visit the rink on July 17. closingifcitycouncilacts favorably (Continued front page 35) on a request of residents in the vicinitysecretary, which she has held for twothe fall. ART ROGERS' annual roller-skatingof one rink, who have requested legis-years, to that of secretary.It was in- party in his Capitol Beach Rink, Lin-lation that would ban Sunday sessions.dicated that Mr. Flanigan's post of ad- HAVING completedan engagement coln, Neb., for the show business turnedA petition has been presented. Propo-ministrativeassistantwouldnotbewith the Mighty Haag Circus, Watkins' into a general howl this year. About 150nents of the measure favor a uniformfilled. TrainedAnimalTroupemovedinto showmen, tent, radio, movie houses andclosing hour of about 10:30 or 11 p.m., Favor Mass -Appeal Spec quarters on grounds of Tennessee State danceoperators,turnedout. Alvinwith no rinks open on Sundays.City Fair, Nashville, preparatory to fair en- Hendricks.theatermanager,wasahas two rinks within corporate limits, DespitethefactthatMr. Whalengagements.This courtesy was extended genuine casualty, having his shirt rippedLand o' Dance and Dalton rinks. Meyersand Mr. Andrews declared to the pressby Phil C. Travis, State fair manager, completely off.R. H. Pauley, managerLake Park Rink is in an incorporatedthat this resignation was the result ofwho was so pleased with the act at the of Turnpike Casino Ballroom, handedvillage. no rift,itissaid that disagreementsSunshine Special of the Exchange Club pieces of it out at the door for souvenirs between the two have been many, espe-on the grounds on August 2 that the oftheoccasion. PETER J. SHEA, Detroit, widely knowncially over amusement zone policies. Watkins Troupe was signed for the 1938 It was the secondformer rink operator, is planning to re- While nothing definite has been dis-State fair as a feature for kiddies. While annual observance. turn to active rink management, prob-closed, there is the possibility that dif-in Nashville Irah J. Watkins and wife, ably in a city of about 100.000. it is said.ferences of opinion as to the type ofMrs. Sylvia Watkins, and son, Buddy, EDWARD AND ORVILLE GODFREY,He thinks Detroit, where he has residedattraction that should be scheduled forwere guests of Mr. and Mrs. Travis at of Madison Gardens Rink, Detroit, hostsmany years,is too big for the type ofthe spot at the lower end of the midwaytheir home on July 31. Grand -stand bill at anall -day party sponsored by therink he wants to open.He has returnedhad much to do with the resignation.willincludeFiveAlbanis,Balbatow Majestic Theater for youngsters who at-from a trip during which he was shop-Mr. Andrews had apparently assured con-Family, Red McEwen's State Fair Band, tendthehouse' for a location.He recently visitedcession applicants that a mass -appealHoagland's Hippodrome and fireworks. Event was under management of EddieDells Rink, Fort Wayne, Ind. spec would be placedthere to draw Jacobson, manager of the Forest Theater crowds down the midway paths.Many for the Schreiber Circuit. SKATING HAMILTONS, Americanshowmen,itissaid, have signedfor INDIANAPOLIS. - After officiating at roller skaters, are with the Amar Circus,space on the strength of such promises.fairs in Old Washington, O.; Troy, 0.: MR. AND MRS. E. EYER, Eyer's RollerFrench tent show, in Algeria. Rumors havecropped uprecently,Corydon, Ind.; Lewisburg-Ronceverte, W. Rink, Anderson, Ind., accompanied by E. however, that at Mr. Whalen's requestVa.; Charleston, W. Va., and Kentucky Louis Honele and Merle Patterson, floor KARL STERLING, veteran rollerthe spot would be given over to a nightState Fair, Louisville, Fielding W. Schol- manager,visitedNorwood(0.)Rollerskater, who has appeared in rinks andclub, which would be just what con-ler, veteran harness race starter, will go Rink on July29,reports Armand J.audeville since 1907 and later touredcessioners do not want since they do notto Athens(Ala.)Fair and play acme Schaub SrVisiting Mrs. Corse and herwith his wife as the Starlings, is operat-believeitwould have thenecessaryother dates in North Carolina, his 35th sun, Harold, operators of Dayton (0.) Col-ing a summer resort rink at Sul -Oraappeal to attract the masses. fall fair season in the South.He has iseum Rink, the Eyers invited club mem-Lodge, Bloomingburg, N. Y., and reports been at Lewisburg-Ronceverte six con- bers and Schaub, who was also a visitor,business good.Rink opened on May secutive years and three straight years to attend a midnight frolicat Eyer's9.He plans to continue operations thruGRAND -STAND SHOWS-at Louisville. Rink on July 30.Among those at thethe winter, as there are enough small (Continued from opposite page) frolic were members from Dayton (0.)towns near by from which to draw. Minn., and Ironwood, Mich., report Man- ARLINGTON, Tex. - Tarrant County Skateland and Coliseumrollerclubs; agers George Francis and Barney Wal-Fair Association elected Dr. 0. 0. Hol- Hagy'sClub;Muncie(Ind.)Skating lace. lingsworth,president;F.H.Wadley, Association; Marion (Ind.) Club; Indian-NEW PUEBLO secretary;ClaudeWileman,treasurer. apolis Club and Yorktown (Ind.) Club. (Continued front page 35) HAVING started their fair season inEvery section of the county will berep- Dayton skaters gave a dance demonstra-been graded,drained andoiled,andFairbury, Dl., on July 3 and 4, Raymonds'resentedat the 1938 fair. tion.OnAugust 2 Schaubvisitedsheep and hog building, started under Smith's Rhak, George Smith, proprietor,previous federal work relief programs, as guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. Bibbler, rinkhas been completed, the largest building managers. Smith recently returned fromon the grounds.Rodeo headquarters fair commission offices and modern rest - A NOISELESS DUSTLESS RINK rooms were built thru aid of a $13,816 project.New rodeo pens, chutes and with automatic Speed Control The First judging stands have been built and a Best Skatenew fence around the race track.Steel -NEW- grand stand was painted and repaired. Concrete walks have beenlaidalong -Sensational principal thorofares.Work in progress includes improvements to cattle barns, GLIDER SKATE modernization of stalls and a roof on the judges' stand.With crops at their for Use on best in a number of years, exhibits are Waxed Floors expected to excel anything yet shown in Pueblo. write for details QUALITY CONCESSIONERS (Continued from page :35) RICHARDSON BALLBEARING SKATE CO.$600,000 to produce.Atmosphere and CHICAGO ROLLER SKATE CO., Established 1884. setting will be of a typical Swiss Village 3312-3315 Ravenswood Ave., Chicago, III. complete with a stork tower and cuckoo - clock tower. 4427W. LAKE ST., CHICAGO, ILL. The Best Skate Today One of the features will be a nightly Trr'7C1147'77-7 '"

38 The Billboard CARNIVALS August 13, 1938 Address Communications to WILLIAM JUDKINS HEWITT, Carnival Editor, 25 Opera Place, Cincinnati, 0. "Stork" Age Old Bird Castle Sells Out Lights on "The Bees" RUSSELL SPRINGS, Ky., Aug. 6.-A To Martone big bird believed to be a "stork" was seen flying thru the heavens in the rain over the F. H. Bee Shows on the fairgrounds here Wednesday.Later Disposesofinterestin events proved the assumption true, as Heart of America Shows aseven -pound girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Bee Jr. in St. Mary's' and leaves for California

Hospital, Huntington, W. Va.It was an eventful day both on the show lot KANSAS CITY, Mo., Aug. 6.-Sale of and in the Bees' home town. John R. Castle's interests in the Heart Mother and child continue to be of America Shows to his partner, Toney "doing nicely."The fatherisex- Martone, was announced this week at pected to recover; that is,if he can the Reid Hotel here, where both live. quit smiling and talking about the The terms of deal were not announced. first baby.-WILLIAM R. HICKS. Martone, formerly affiliated with the Fairly-MartoneShows, tookoverthe Great Sutton Shows property with Castle as half -owner early this year.Castle, president of the Heart of America Show. Dodson's Out of men's Club in 1936 and prominent in showbusinessthruouttheUnited SHOWMEN AND COMMITTEE CO-OPERATED for the good of the carnival States, formerly was connected with the Ohio With Profit business: Here in front of West Bros.' Shows' office are seen the men who United Shows of America, later sold to worked hard and succeeded in getting the first carnival permit in years for Orville W. and Harry W. Hennies. Duluth, Minn., reports Bruce Barham.They are executives of the shows and Martone did not comment on the Much repairing and paint- members of the Lakeview Post of the American Legion..Left to right seated: transaction.It is expected he will con- John Held, Peter Currey; Lemuel Culbertson, Commissioner of Public Safety, tinue to operate the carnivalin the ing done and new equip- and R. G. Brown, Post Adjutant.Standing: Frank Owens, general agent, and Kansas City area.Show is now playing Bruce Barham, assistant manager of shows; Donald Ritchie; George Graff, post in Kansas City, Kan., to good business, ment purchased commander; Larry Nelson, secretary to mayor; Ernest Bodin, city commis- it is reported.Castle, immediately after sioner; Rudolph Berghault, mayor; Steve McCabe, Lloyd Claveau; Alva Merritt, disposing of his interests, left with his NEW CASTLE, Pa., Aug. 6.-On a tour city commissioner; Crawford Kingsley; J. W. Laughlin, owner -manager West wife for California. of six weeks in Ohio Dodson's World's Bros.' Shows; Ambrose Nolen, and Heil Campbell, assistant city attorney.Ted Martone's acquisition of the carnival Fair Shows was fortunate enough to come Cope, shows' secretary, standing in. the office doorway, and Jimmie Heth, special attracted wide comment among show- cut a winner.Following stands were agent, on the porch. Photo was taken by Cliff Barnhart just before the steak men here, especially those who are mem- played, Dayton, Lima,Lorain,Akron, dinner that was given the city officials and legion officials and members, bers of the Heart of America Showmen's Canton and Sandusky, with only two Club, of which both Martone and Castle nights lost on account of rain.Every are prominent members and supporters. one of the above cities were productive of better than average returns with the Beck & Thomas Dissolve exception of Canton which was only fair. Frank M. Sutton To Dayton turned out to be very good andWestern States Partnership in Show Lima to be the best date of the season SPRINGFIELD, Mo., Aug. 6.-Early inHave a Show in '39 until that time, but business kept im-Has 2 Winners the year Dug Thomas and Al C. Beck proving all the time, with Lorain and formed an association in the operation OSCEOLA., Ark., Aug. 6.- Frank M. (See DODSON'S OUT on page 43) of the Dug Thomas Shows, of this city,Sutton, operator of a tourist camp near formerasgeneralrepresentative andhere, announced this week that he will Salt Lake City, Cheyennelatter as general manager. This partner-return to the road in 1939 with the Johnny Jones Jr. ship arrangement was dissolved recently,Great Sutton Shows, which he oper- dates of record propor-Beck stated to a reporter for The Bill-ated for 30 -odd years prior to selling tions--Skooter big winnerboard. out to John R. Castle and Tony Mar - Now Asst. Director tone, of Kansas City, this spring. In this connection Beck said: "The Sutton saidto a reporter for The MUNCIE. Ind., Aug. 6.-During the NORTH PLATTE, Neb., Aug. 6.-Theseverance of my connection with theBillboard relative to his present activi- engagement of the Johnny J. Jones Ex-double feature consistingof the SaltThomas show wasforreasonsbestties,future plans and other items of position in Salem. Ill., last week JohnnyLake City "Covered Wagon Days" annualknown to myself. Am returning to myinterest to the carnival business: "Prior J Jones Jr. was definitely promoted tocelebration, July 18 to 23, and the Chey-home in Cleveland, but expect to be onto the sale of my show property this the position ofassistant to Director -enne, Wyo., "Frontier Days" Celebration,the road again about the middle of thisyear I built what is generally considered General William C. Fleming. July 25 to 30, of the Western Statesmonth. Business conditions look a littlethe finest tourist camp and night club Fleming has decided to take youngShows program paid off in big dividends.better now than they were early in the Jones under his wing and to teach him summer." between St. Louis and New Orleans. The all the inner workings and details of (See WESTERN STATES on page 43) complete plant cost me about $30,000 thisvast amusement organizationof and now what a headache. which he is the active executive head. "When a man has been in show busi- From now on Johnny J. Jr. will be in ness practically all his life and tries to harness on the lot and will make his settle down in one place he soon finds headquarters in the office wagon. gatitittoo gtos:eitcutatig45Exp.out that it cannot be done.This is the Young Jones is a college man having position I now find myself in.Conse- recently closed a session at the Florida quently I have decided to return to the Military School, Haines City, with high carnival fold next season with the Great honors. For some time past E. Lawrence a eeku, ct A4itSaw Sutton Shows inallIts former glory Fhillips, owner of the exposition, has and possibly even better.I regret to been aware of the fact that he, Jones, BySTARR DeBELLE say that I have visited several carni- had inherited the showmanship talents vals this year and found them doing ofhislate -lamentedandillustrious Armada, Wash. town and location at the speed of 250very little business.Next year is an- father and in consequence decided to Week ended July 30, 1938. miles per hour.All jumps and loca-other season and I have confidence in reward him with an executive positionLear Red Onion: tions will be made in from two to threethe future, so show business will be my with the Johnny J. Jones Exposition. "Will wonders never cease!" The Bal-hours.Two stratosphere ships will bebusiness from then on." lyhooBros.'Circulating Expositionison hand at all times for the purpose of still forging ahead as the midway of allcarrying concessions up above the three-Mrs. Ellis Winton Given Sam Lawrence Completes time."What will they do next?"Thismile limit, customers and all. is the unanimous question from the lips America's major league showmen willA Big Birthday Party Fair Bookings to Novemberof millions of showmen, fair secretariesrejoice and soon follow our footsteps. and midway patrons.Not yearly, notNo wagons, no tractors, no stakes, no LOUDON, Tenn., Aug. 6.-Mrs. Verna BERWICK, Pa., Aug. 6. - Sam Law-monthly, not weekly but daily, new fea-train, no trainmaster or train crew, noWinton, wife of Ellis Winton, owner and rence, general manager Sam Lawrencetures, new ideas, new mechanical devicesneed for autos, and the crews of work-manageroftheCumberlandValley Shows, announces the completion of histhat include a sawmill, a cotton gin, aingmen can be cut '75 per cent.TheShows, was given an impressive birth- fair bookings for the season as follows: show will be put up once a season andday party while the show .was playing HughesvilleandHatfield,Pa.:Frontstill, a threshing machine and the seem- Sweetwater last week.All members of Royal, Va.: Carthage, Spring Hope andingly impossible in transportation facili-will be taken down one time. The bosses ties are added.We have every devicehave already figured a saving of $2,000, -(See MRS. ELLIS WINTON on page 43) (See SAM LAWRENCE on page 43) known to bring the farmers to the lotCOO a year.Thatis,providing they and do their work while they play. would have taken that much in. And now in the middle of the season The lot superintendent has been given House Trailer Idea comes to the show world the greatesthis notice and a wood -joiner has been Look for mode of transportation of the presenthired.Bunkhouses have been built be- Claimed by Applebaum age. Today the five brothers and ownershind the tops to take the place of our This Feature: ofAmerica's Mastodonic Combine ofcoaches.The dining car will not be DETROIT, Aug. 6.-A. C. Apple- Diversified Amusements signed contractsneeded due to the cookhouse being on baum, of Detroit, lays claim to be the with the "Stratosphere Transportationlocation at all hours.An extra day's first showman to have the forerunner The Press and Co." relative to moving the entire mid-privilege has been added to all eating - of the modern house trailer in the way on a four -section plan.Our 350stand concessions to make up for the form of a portable camping outfit on Outdoor Shows carpenters were immediately put to workpie car's winnings.As for publicity the wheels.Applebaum came up from building a permanent wooden lot thatshow will get that free from every news- the South, where he had been with will covet three city blocks and be madepaper as well as in the newsreels. Mayors his own shows, the Apple Amusement in the up in four sections that will at all timesand other city officials will welcome the Enterprises, and first went into camp fit together nicely regardless of the con-show and bid for its appearance.And, with his aboriginal trailer in 1909 at dition of the ground.Huge jacks haveabove all, an attachment will not mean Pontiac, Mich. Fall Special of been built to hold the new lot high andanything unlessthesheriffowns a This was, as far as known, the first ary as well as level at all times. plane. such outfit on wheels destined for Three of these mammoth platforms Thecontractcallsfortransporta- camping right on the show lot. Apple- The Billboard will carry the shows and rides, while thetion and spotting of the show. The move baum and his cousin, the late Harry fourth will carry the concessions.At 12is to be made C. 0. D. with a guarantee L.Applebaum,ownedtheApple p.m. Saturday these 400,000 -ton shipsthat the midway must arrive or no pay. Shows, one of the earlier carnivals to Dated August 27 will drop skyhooks, picking up the sec-Again the Ballyhoo brothers triumph play Michigan. tions and transport them to the newover all. MAJOR PRIVILEGE, August 13, 1938 CARNIVALS The Billboard 39 Mrs. T. P. Renaklus, Ted Wright, Slim Mario LeFors GivenMason,NinaMason,BobbieWaters, Keith Terwiliger Sutton, J. W. Wilson, L. Heydon, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gilchrist, SPILLMAN PRESENTS Party on Birthday Lee Verne Raymond, Victor Muller, Hazel ConsistentDividends-RIDEE-0 THE DALLES,Ore.,Aug. 6.-FromSweinhart,DallasRoot,FredSmith, RIDE-WorldWideAcceptance midnight until 6 a.m. eighty guests en-Lloyd Hole, Bonnie Hole, Pa and Ma New Fun House Ride-HI-DE-HO-FourStartlingFeatures joyed dinner and dance given in honorStover, J. Don Hurt, Roy Ccotes, Frank Smart, Racy, New-AUTO-SPEEDWAY--TheProfitPlusRide of Mario LeFors on her umpteenth birth-Hens, Johnnie Hertl, Martin Glabb, Bert The Ride Supreme-FLYING TURNS-For Big Operators day by her husband, Ted LeFors,atJensen, Buck King, Edward P. Farren- The Big Repeater-HEY-DEY-Pleasing,PositiveProfits Brundage Hotel in McCall, Ida.Hotelaorf, Richard West, Earl Ruff, Gladys SPILLMAN'S FAMOUS JUMPING HORSE CAROUSSELLES situated on banks of beautiful PayetteGardner, Homer Gardner, Claude Ren- Modern, Smart,Indispensable To Any and All Shows Lake created an ideal setting for event.ner, Amato Hayes, Elmer Rip Water. Main dining room and cocktail loungeFrank Burns, Sallie Behler, Rose Mitch- Brilliant, Clamorous-LIGHT TOWERS-Visible forMiles were thrown open to guests who dancedell,MannyMitchell, Ted Mitchell, RigidConstruction-PORTABLESTAGES -6' xl8'Sections and frolicked.Mario was recipient ofGeorge Mitchell, Larry Mitchell,J.B. an autoload of gifts and an overnightDailey, Ray Sweinhart, Joe Bishop, Rob- SPILLMAN ENGINEERING CORP., North Tonawanda, N. Y. hag from personnel of the White Cityert Langford, Earl Gold, Joe White, Mr. Shows.Mr. and Mrs.J.P. Renaklus,and Mrs. H. G. Long, Mr. and Mrs. Casey World's Largest Builder of Amusement Devices owners of the Brundage Hotel, presentedTaylor, Frank Powers, James Puckett, Mario wish a huge basket of AmericanJohnnieSterling,MaxKaplan,Carl Beauty rDS05 and an elaborate box ofHageman, Chris Hageman, Harlan Harris, chocolates.Telegrams and letters wereDorris Dorrine, Mlle. Adelle, Rita Rosalie, received from Mrs. Relley Castle, HeartLucille Francila,Mr. and Mrs.J.0. IF YOU CAN STAND PROSPERITY of America Shows; Mrs. Peggy Forstall,Kelly, Ted and Mario LeFors, and writer, Invest in the Time -Tested presidentofLadies'Auxiliary PCSA;Walton de Pellaton. Hazel Fisher and Verna Seeborg, Hilder- bra nd'sUnitedShows;GraceAsher, Crafts Shows; Babe Miller, Venice Enter- T1LTA- WHORL prises;StellaLinton,Tillie Palmeteer, Mabel Bennett, Etta. Haden, Inez Walsh,Dick Best Scoring Flashy-Reliable Money Getter MarthaLevine,MoraBagby,Mother For Particulars, Price and Terms Write Fisher and Mother LeFors, all from LosBib With Side Show Angeles. SELLNER MANUFACTURING CO., Inc. Faribault, Minn. REGINA, Sask.,Can.,Aug. 6.-With Highlights of evening was presentationwell-balanced working acts and featur- offantastic and unique dancesper-ing Frank Lentini,three-leggedman, formedby MarieForrest,LeeVerneDick Best, owner and manager of the Raymond, Howard Tydings, Lucille King,Freak and Oddity show on the Royal BOOMERANG Ted and Mario LeFors, Eddie HerscheftAmerican midway, this year has shown Providing Thrills on Many Midways and Ming. Toi.Lee Verne Raymond's Capacity ENDORSED BY THE LEADING RIDE OWNERS OF AMERICA Send for acrobatic dances took guests by storman increase of approximately 20 per cent and Marie Forrest's famous flower potin gross receipts over a corresponding Gross Boomerang Mfg. Corp. Illustrated canoe received many encores. Lucilleperiod of '37. Repeats HARRY WITT, Sales Mgr. Circular King creased a sensation with her mus- For the first time in the,hissory of the 366 HAMILTON AVE. BROOKLYN, N. Y. cle dance, while Howard Tydings, showWesternCanadianexhibitionscircuit clown, was a riot.Mario was gowned intwo of Best's attractions have had com- a new creation of blue covered withmercial sponsors on the air thru Radio golden spangles and carried off honorsStation CKCK, Lentiniadvertisinga as hostess in a gracious manner. haberdashery; Zilla, mentalist. and Tom ALL NEW MONEY -GETTING RIDES Rankine advertisinga women's smart RIDE COMBINED.A big money earner-a gorgemza Entertainment program was asfol- R 0 - L 0 - EP:CROUSEflash-loads AND on one wagon-quick to erect-now operating on Royal Ames- lows:LeeVerneRaymond,acrobaticapparel shop. ican, Coleman Bros., Gooding Greater, Happyland, Sol's Liberty. So land, others. dances; Marie Forrest, flower pot dance Lentini'stie-up involved a guessing KIDDIE AUTO RIDES-Ov.n.ISO sold-showmen every, here say "The Biggest profit fromthe Smallest investment,"New modernistic design more attraci i ye tram over. and musical saw act; Howard Tydings,contest on how far he could kick a foot- STREAMLINED PORTABLE CARROUSELS, AllSizes.CompleteInformation on Request. adagioandsoft-shoedances;Lucilleball with his third leg.Thousands were King, muscle dances:Mingo Toi,fanon hand to witness the wind-up of the ALLAN HERSCHELL CO., INC., North Tonawanda, N. Y. and apache dances; Mario and LeFors,contest.Zilla, with a psychology radio Bowerydances;EddieHerscheft,Bigprogram, has pulled in more than 30,000 Apple;William Anderson, Irish songs;letters in United States and Canada in LucilleKing.hunter'sretreat;Mlle.the past two months. UNITED STATES TENT Adelle, skater's waltz; Walton de Pella - DickBest'sprogrampresentsthe ton, piano capers; May Collier presented S. T. JESSOP,Pres. AND AWNING CO. GEO. JOHNSON, V. P. diver'sfatalleap:Mario and LeFors,Great Gravityo, billed as the man of a portraying a fantasy entitled "The Dar-thousand thrills, who joined at the start CIRCUS, CARNIVAL AND CONCESSION TENTS, SIDE SHOW BANNERS THAT WILLLASS. ing Young Man on Flying Trapeze." Tedofthe Canadian exhibitions;Rubber Send for Used Tent List. LeFors was emsee, and ladies assistingMan, C. L. McCormack; the girl with the LEADERS FOR OVER 40 YEARS. Mario to receive her guests were Mrs.iron eyelids, Lillian McGregor; girl who 701 North Sangamon Street, Chicago,II. C.F.Corey,LucilleKing, Mrs.Jellyswallows neon swords, La Goldie. Capt. Long, May Collier, Mrs. Myles Nelson andDave Francisisanother new feature. Mrs: Frank Forrest. Known as the man who was crucified by asect of self -torturers in the South- Guests were Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Corey,western United States, Francis has been Mr. and Mrs. Jelly Long, Lucille King,highly publicized nationally and in other Ming Toi, Mr. and Mrs. Myles Nelson,countries.Lazard Ali presents a strong Mr. and Mrs. Howard Collier Tydings,man act of merit and is known as the Mr. and MrS. Frank Forrest, Mr. andman who could not be hanged. PopeyePerry,coloredboy;Twisto, human corkscrew; Irish Mack, the human LISAMP Show Tents are preferred by Show People.Built right. Priced right.Indicate balloon, and Lloyd Fowler, "frog boy." size you want in convenient space below and FrontiswellhandledbyGeorge mail order and deposit today to branch office Marshall, who has won radio announcers' in territoryyouare showing. Fill IN SIZE contests, and Roy Daseerau.assistant. FULTON BAG & COTTON MILLS, A B E Tom Rankine Jr. is the well -liked emsee Atlanta-St.Louls-Dallas--Minneapolls-. in presenting every act.Reported by New York-New Orleans-Kansas City, Kan. Francis F. Healy. CANDY FLOSS & CORN POPPERS Cheapest, Best..Genuine. litOriginalBall -BearingMo- Minneapolis Profitable Luis tor. 10Patents,Latest

. i April,'87.1 -Piece Bands, ST. LOUIS, Aug. 6.-W. H. (Bill) Rice, Ribbons.$3.50 Ea.*.two, For Goodman Show general agent Mighty Sheesley Midway, 55.50;6 Asst,$14.00 Originators;1007'e true ROCHESTER, Minn.. Aug.6. -Thewag a Billboard office visitor Tuesday en Spinnerheads,$20;Double. Goodman Wonder Show still basks inroute to Sedalia, Mo. Rice has recovered$28;no wobbly heads.All postpaid.Guaranteed from recent illness, during which time perfect.Highest grade.1 lb. sugar brings$2. Cat- the sunshine and smiles of Minnesota alogfree.NATIONAL CANDY FLOSS MACPPIE amusement seekers. The show concludedhe was confined for 10 weeks in Ameri-CO., 310 East 36th St., New York City. a seven -dry stand at Minneapolis airportcan Hospital, Chicago. Monday and is now sojourning at the Ralph Miller, owner of Miller Amuse- Olmsted County Fair in Rochester. Thements, wrecked g brand-new car which TRUCKS show has made the most of splittinghedrove outofadealer'splaceinAUTOMOBILES - MOTORIZEYOUR SHOW. week -ends, so Sunday shows are in lineCharleston, Ill., at 3 p.m. July 26.No Write and profitable. The Minneapolis engage-one was injured and Miller resumed his CHARLIE T. GOSS ment, in spite of remote location of thejourney to Louisiana after Mrs. Miller With STANDARD CHEVROLET CO., lot, was entirely satisfactory, and thebrought over his old automobile. EAST ST. LOUIS, ILL ALTIR DEVOYNE, shown above, elements were kind to the show, as no RalphRay,prominentconcessioner occupies a rather exclusive and out rain fell during the engagement. andforpast two months on Snapp ofthe ordinary position asoffice The Flour City placed the stamp ofGreater Shows, is in city visiting friends. USED SIDEWALL manageroftheRoyalAmerican approvalontheGoodmanoffering. Carey C. Emrie, one time in outdoorGood as new.3,000 feet,8 -ft.high, anylenEtb. Shows. He puts in more weeks each While there were no stampedes to theshow business, was among other Bill-suecialls priced23c Foot.Concession Tents, £4x10, season tehind the wicker in active lot,therewasasteadyappreciativeboard office visitors Wednesday.Emrie$27.50. work than possibly any other man patronage and everyone was satisfied. visited quite a few shows in Missouri MAIN AWNING & TENT CO. in, the carnival business, more hours The night before the show arrived induring past three weeks andisnow230 Maln St., Cincinnati, 0, per day and has the shortest layoff Rochester Bilroy's Comedians played tovisiting relatives here. in quarters.However, he is an all a turn -away crowd.In the midst of Walter B. Fox, general agent of Wal- the yeas around man and while the performance their announcer praisedlace Bros.' Shows, spent several days in Jackpot Paper Targets Supply wourself with the most reliable Targetsmade. inquarters is in charge of the Goodman Show and recommendedthis city this week. $6, 57, $8 and $10 per Thousand. Orders shfpued time records, expenditures and other all to see it here at the fair. Jack and Doris DeLoris came to St.promptly on receipt of deposit.We build and details.His vacation period is sel- Opening Wednesday night,one dayLouis Thursday and purchased a newShort Range Shooting Galleries. dom mo-c than a few days in mid- ahead of the fair, the shows played toautomobile and an Elcar house trailer. RED CIRCLE GUN CLUB winter.In other words Devoyne is an unusually good crowd at the OlmstedThey played the Sparta(Ill.)Fair last695 Washington St., Boston, Klass. week. The DeLorises a working man in. all that the term County Fair here.Reported by Beverly arewell-knownEnd your correspondencetoadvertisers by men. implies. White. girl -show operators. Coning The Billboard. At

CARNIVALS August 13, 1938 E. Willis, the general agent for whales, visited your shows some time back and SETS UP IN 12 HOURS said you had a unique carnival organi- zation. BABY ELIWheel. IdealforFairsand Celebrations. Moves DAVE JARRETT, of Rockford, and on a 1% -ton truck. former circus man, is truly the carnival Sets up in 1% boors. Our Midwayman's friend.He has a kind heart, a One man to operate. Completewithelec- sense of humor and knows people, hav- tric or gasoline power, By RED ONION ing traveled far and wide during his days weighs 2.594 lbs. A. BIG ELI Quality on the road.Ever see him do a roller- Product, built for Communications to 25-27 Opera Place, Cincinnati, O. skating act? Manyyearsofde- pendable operation and money -making. Ask for additional IT IS probable that F.E.Gooding will formation. Great Aspirin Shows! tour of a noted magician this fall andplace more and a greater variety of rid- ELI BRIDGE COMPANY winter.He has taken a number of themingdeviceson theOhio StateFair around the world on tours and can do itgrounds this year than ever before seen Builders of Dependable Products. AL C. HANSENis reported to have aagain in the regular Bleyesque manner.on a midway at one time. No shows are SOO Class Avenue, JACKSONVILLE. ILL. carnival on the roadtitledHansen's permitted at this great annual event at Great Hippodrome Shows. ' LOULOUETTE cards from Hunaewell,Columbus. THE FINESTbingocountersRedMo.: "Have severed my connections with Onion ever saw were on the bingo gameGross' Cavalcade of Wonders. Now have "The Show With a Worth -While Reputa- a slogan of one, but they PENNY with Dodson's World's Fair Shows thisside and snake shows with Barlow's Bigtion." Thisis Season. City Shows,Business here at the three-should all be that. PITCH day Home -Coming Celebration was good." GAMES OUR MIDWAYnever heard how much RALPH N.BLISS cards that he and Size46x46", damage the recent storm inCalgary, MRS. L. E. ROTH, secretary -treasurerDennis O'Leary stayed around the Pitts- Price $20.00. Alta., Can., did to the midway and at-of the Blue Ribbon Shows, letters fromburgh territoryforseveral weeks but Size48x48", Booneville, Ind.: "Now that I am backdid not find money growing on trees, so With 1 Jack tractions there. Pot, 530.00. home I wish to thank my many friendsthey movedintoWestVirginia, he Size alkali", with 5 Jack Pots,$40.00. BUSINESS with Byers & Beach Showsfor the many letters, cards and flowerscarded from Fairmont. Carl W. Byerssent me during my long illness." PARK SPECIAL WHEELS is reported improving. FAIR AT HOME is a good carnival 30" In Diameter. Beautifully Painted. We and Harry Beach are plugging along and carry In stock 12-15-20-24- and 30 number trying to do business in a business way. R.B.BOOKER, secretary -treasurertitle and George W. Traver Is the gen- Wheels. Price $12.00 Hilderbrand's United Shows,writesaeral manager.George W. is the man ARTHUR PRESLEY cards from War-good straight -to -the -point business let-who "chautauquaized" carnivals, which BINGO GAMES ren, Pa.: "Am manager of the Midgetter.Very few words but says what hea magazine carriedarticles about re- 76 -Player Complete 55.00 7.25 Village with Max Gruberg's World's Ex-means. Last heard from he was busy incently. 100 -Player Complete position Shows. Business is good." the office wagon at Yakima, Wash, SEND FOR CATALOGUE. WAL SAVIDGE cards from Schaller, Full of NewGames, Blankets, Dolls,Lamps, Aluminum Ware, Canes,etc. ONE OF THE"largest"carnivals ROY G. MARR carded from Bismarck,Ia.: "The Billboard readers can believe should play Cincinnati.It cannot beN.D.: "Have ball games and percentageIt or not, but my rides are doing 50 per SLACK MFG. CO. ExpositionShows. 124-128 W. Lake St., Chicago, III. done, however, by general agents whowithAll-American cent better business to date than in are glued to the "Magic" Carpet," HotelBusiness was good July 4 as It did not1937.Have the same crew on each ride Sherman, Chicago. rain until late at night.Mrs. Marr andwe opened the season with and all are well.We are playing celebrations." AS T R 0 FORECASTS JIM McHUGH joined World of Mirth Shows some weeks back as press agent AND ANALYSES but for some reason withheld the news. All Readings Complete for 1937-1938. When press agents join shows and leave Single Sheets, 8'/a x14,Typewritten. Per M .. $5.00 think Analysis, 8-p., with Blue Cover.Each .03 shows it is news, but some do not Analysis, 8-p., with WhiteCover.Each .15 so.Funny people In this old world of Forecast and Analysis. 9-p., FancyCovers,Ea .05 ours. Samplesof the4Readings, Four for26c. No. 1, 34 -Page,Gold and Silver Covers. Each.30 Wall Charts, Heavy Paper, 81re 28x34. Each 1.00 CLAUDE BARIE, of Hilderbrand's Gazing Crystals, Ouija Boards, Planchettes, Etc. United Shows, lettered from Aberdeen, NEW DREAM BOOK Wash.: "O. H. Hilderbrand, owner of this 120 Faces, 2 SetsNumbers, Clearing and Pol- show, has a line-up of about every attrac- icy.1200 Dreams. Bound in Heavy Gold tion that can be booked, but his main PaperCovers, Good Quality Paper. Sample .$0.15 HOW TO WIN AT ANY KIND OF SPECULA- one is his charming one -year -old daugh- TION. 24 -PageBooklet,BeautifullyBound. ter, Betty Joan. Do they strut?" Samples, 250. PACKof 79EGYPTIAN F. T. CARDS. Answers WHEN A ROLLDOWN isused as a "free AllQuestions, Lucky Numbers, etc., 35c. ZODIAC FORTUNE CARDS, Fine Set of90 attraction" witha carnivalit should never Cards,350. be located Jam-up against the main entrance Shipments Made to Your Customers Under Your LabeL No checks accepted.C. 0. D.. 25% Deposit. marquee. Our name or ads do not appear in any merchandise. PENNY ARCADES:Thereisplenty SIMMONS & CO. of room for improvements in Penny Ar- 19 West Jackson Blvd., CHICAGO cades. An old-fashioned squawky piano Instant delivery.Send for Wholesale Price,. does not do them any good as far as be- ing attractive is concerned.Look over what the International Mutoscope peo- ple have to offer and get busy improving your arcade. DID YOU EVER WALTZ WITH A REGAL PYTHON? The saurian in the CHIEF WILD SUMMERS cards from njCtilig;T: reed. above picture measures 27 feet, says Walter Hale, press agent for the Beckmann. m.oholoo or Leo Pasty & Gerety Shows, and Doc H. D. Hartwick, holding this "monster," voices that Williston, N. D.: "Am from Minnesota outdoor Shoo sort.. Four .cant to altOOo4 this reptile trips the light fantastic with aslitherallits own.Doc was and ifIdo sayitmyselfI am the fro., hIghoot qualltr. 1...a pries*. Otent 11017 snapped with. his jungle partner by J. W. Conklin, official photographer for 'world's Indian boy fire eater' Took in olonlaus 12 -quart kottlos. 8-qoart kettloo.rotary gore the Milwaukee Museum, when the shows played the Mid -Summer Festival in. the Fairly & Little Shows at Wahpeton, R. tar a toy that city recently.Doc gets considerable publicity as the "Carnival Frank N. D., July 30 and met Nick Blue Sky. prices. A1oo ...apow,. Buck," and Barney S. Gerety, who enjoys a bit of sly wit, has remarked "That He helped me take down the girl -show as long as Doc gets his picture in the papers we do not have to pay him, top." NORTHSIDE MFG. & SALES CO. but the snake must be fed."In the background is seen a portion of the Mon- 1628 19TH ST., DE8 MOINES, IA. sters show front, and Ruben C. Rymer, of the shows, and an unknown spectator W. F. HARDEN, of Los Angeles, some looking on with apparent interest. time back reported himself as an invalid BUDDHA PAPERS-SUPPLIES butinterestedinThe Billboard and 1988-'38 ASTRO DAILY, HOURLY FORECASTS show business, as Mrs. Harden is in show Buddha Papers, 1-4-7 and 35 -page Readings, Zodiac myself areconsistentreadersof Ourbusiness and a member of the Ladies' Display Charts, Horoscopes in 11 styles, Apparatus Great Stuck -in -the -Mud Shows! for Mind Readers, Mental Magic,SpiritEffects. Midway. More power to Red Onion." Auxiliary of the Pacific Coast Showmen's Mitt Camps, Books, Graphology Charts. MABEL FONDATRIO, free act, closed Association. Our Midway has been won- 148 PageIllustratedCatalogReady. dering how W. F. is now. Mostcomprehensive line of Apparatusand SupplieswithGreaterExpositionShowsand FAIR SECRETARIES, celebration com- in the World. Catalog 30c.None free. joined Lynton DeWolfe'sunit, whichmittees and chambers of commerce: The NELSON ENTERPRISES started out from Cincinanti recently tocarnival Editor does not book carnivals. GIVE CREDIT: Doc Waddell always 19$ 8. Third St., Columbus. fairs. If you need a carnival your problem isproperly preparespictures he submits with the advertising department of Thefor publication. He also closes his letters with "LOVE- Good Thot - PRAYER." WHAT EVER became of Mr. and Mrs.Billboard-not the editorial. However, Doc probably thinks it is right Inc. John L. (Jack) Murray, George L. Dob- to conduct Sunday Schools on carni- mr. yns, Joseph G. Ferari, James T. Clyde, SLIM AUSTIN cardsfromRonan,vals that are not "Sunday School" carni- HUBERT'S MUSEUM Mr. and Mrs. Raymond E. Elder and JohnMont.: "Siebrand Bros.' Piccadilly Cir- 228 W. 42d Street, NEW YORK CITY. vals. WANT FREAKS AND NOVELTY ACTS OF Alexander Pollitt? cus -Carnival is doing good business thru MERIT AT ALL TIMES. Montana.Itwillplay in Idaho and JAMES FLEMING, formerly with Ring - State salary and all details in first letter. FRED CHRIST!What is doing now?Utah.Am closing with them Augustling -Barnum circus, visited The Billboard Open All Year Round. How about Christ United Shows later on10 and returning home to Los Angeles."office last week.He is managing Mrs. SCHORK CrSCHAFFER. in the season?Stay in the busin'ffss, as Josie Karn's Australian Bird Circus. He fall will be good for fairground anti cele- ONCE AGAIN: Advertise your business toleft town to look over some of the larger bration amusements. stay in business or you will eventually havecarnivals with the idea in mind of join- to advertise your business for sale. WILLIAM McCULLOMcardsfrom ing oneif he can get placedas he POPCORN South Bend, Ind.: "Left Kline Greater HARRY COFFIN visited The Billboardwants to. GOLDEN - Jumbo (Dynamite). 0-MI-JAP Shows and back with Sailor Harris andrecently on a trip from Mt. Clemens, (hulloes).White Rice, Holden PEARL, 100 -lb. There areplentyoffairsthat are not bags.JAP-O-NUT BUTTER (golden color), for his Believe It or Not Wonders on Zim-Mich., to Cincinnati on business. He "buttered" corn, frying potatoes,etc.Packed promisesan important announcementworth the percentage or flatrate they ask 10 25 and 50 -lb cases.GLASSINE Cones (7 dars Greater Shows." and get, but what can or is the average car- Colors). also Bags and Cartons for "buttered" soon which, he says, will doubtless be corn.CornSyrup In 125 -lb. steel drums, half bar- Some people are very happy to say thatof interest to outdoor show people. nival manager going to do about it? rels.etc.Cash deposit withorders. (Eat.1003). everything is all wrong. HOWARD POikfft! Sendin some HARRY LEWISTON, who hasside BILkDSHAW Co. PEOWILleterrr. FELIX BLEY is likely to manage thenews about the Buffalo Shows.Maconshow with Conklin shows, writes that

August 13, 1938 CARNIVALS The Billboard 41 he had big weeks in Medicine Hat, Onecarnival general agent opines thatthanks to and good wishes to The Bill-booked in Wisconsin, Iowa, Nebraska, 11ifooseJaw, Lethbridge, Yorkton and Mel -railroad mileage is hardly worth pickingboard for the nice way it handles ourIllinois and Ohio.Now booked up to fort, Can., and that remainder of seasonup.Well, why? Answered with a ques-show news." the Circleville (0.) Fair.Later we will looks very good.Harry Ritley is joiningtion. Some, not all, abused the privilege go to Florida to rest and fish.Regards his wife, Jo Rittley, on Conklin showswhen therailroads wereliberalwith HILL BROS.' CARNIVAL in England,to The Billboard and Red Onion, too." in Petertoro, Ont., Lewiston also states.their "script." Business is business andlocates its double Loop -o -Plane ride in fair play Is essential in show business,the center of the midway and has it in- DAVID W. TATE, one time known asbut there are some in the business whoclosedwithanornamentedcircular ERNIE (POP CORN) SHELL letters "Whitey," is now an executive of thedo not seem to know right from wrongfence.In the United States and Canadafrom Conneaut Lake Park, 0.:"After Amusement SalesCo., which featuresand as a consequence they will continuethis ride is usually located on the sidehopscotching for early part of season, do- mammoth bingo games and has beento mess up the business.What are youlines of a midway with a square everything from working with train very successful.David W. was one ofgoing to do about it? Why?For many long years in foreigncrews to fiat stores, I wound up :n this if not the first candy -wheel men, and countries riding devices have been high-park. Been withMightySheesley, at that period of the carnival era they "SKILL -0 tops Merry-Gc-Round re-ly ornamented.Only in recent yearsWest's World's Wonder, J. J. Page and called it "demonstrating candy." ceipts!" Following was received from ahas much attention been given to "highJames E.Strates shows.Now getting concessioner who still thinks gyp con-ornamentation."It is time for conces-C. C. Smithson's rabbit game in shape PEOPLE WITHOUT IDEAS somehowcessions are a part of show business. Ques-sions to have more ornamented frontsfor fairs in Northern Michigan and Wis- never fall to try to capitalize on thetion: Would a midway composed entirelythan some of them now have. consin.Have not made any money so ideasofothers. Takethecarnivalof gyp concessions get money from the far this season, but have had plenty of merger, for instance. Red Onion knowsnatives? We don't think they'd get a TED C.TAYLOR cards from Eliza-fun. Now I must get myself anda bank who first laid out the plan for such adime under any conditions if they werebethtown, Ky.: "The stand here marks Combination.However, there is "gravenot surrounded by a band, freeacts,the seventh consecutive Saturday night fear" there will be no combine, so there-shows,rides,bingo and a few otherthe Funland Shows have lost. Six were due fore"credit" will be "Gone With theunits of a carnival, including a cook-to rain and one by the power company's Winds." house. terminal burning outatTaylorsville, EVANS Ky.Show has had tough breaks, but MONEY MAKERS MATTHEW J. RILEY, general agent of ROY E. LUDINGTONcardsfromeverybody is mighty happy to be able Rely on Evans 48 Years' Experience fat Endy Bros.' Shows, once said that it wasMerced,Calif.: "We areback in theto keep going and to stay off the relief Latest and Bost Amusement Equipment. rain, mud and raging elements that keptbig tree country.Infact,a roadwayrolls.Mayor Miller and firechief of show businesd from being overrun withruns thru one of them and a 32 -footTaylorsville, Ky., signed the shows for suckers.He is also author of the OldMerry -Go -Round could be set up in thetheir first fair to be held in five years. Equalize,' and not the man who claimsopening.The tree is 'Wawona' in theDates are in August and they will have * most of the credit for it. During his life-Mariposa bigtreegrove. Weatherisexhibits, live stock and other fair fea- time Red Onion has received one letterwarm in this section now." Well. Roy E.,tures. 0 and one telegram from Matthew J.He is, however, a prolific conversationalist. BUSINESS BEI LER:W. G.Wade, owner -manager W.G.WadeShows, IN HOSPITAL: Ted C. Taylor, of Fun - letters from Newberry, Mich.: "Business land Shows, cards from Hardinsburg, was very bad for us early in the season Ky.: "Dick (Blackie) Morgan, formerly in the Detroit sector.However, it be- of New Deal, Happy Days, Rubin & gan to pick up when we played Luding- Cherry and other carnivals, for the past ton, Mich., week ended June 25.Since two years has been in the Dell Towery then it has been very satisfactory. New- Tuberculosis Hospital, Montgomery, Ala. berry was our last stand in the upper He does not ask donations, but would Michigan peninsula and we crossed the like to bear from friends and to get straits July 31 for Traverse City, Mich., reading matter."

"TRUCKING"isdancing andalsomeans SHOOTING GALLERIES hauling goods and showparaphernalia. Why IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. askwhatisthematter withtheEnglish Complete LinoofShootingGalleries, language and why some people finditso Suppliesfor All Makes. hard to nester. TOM HASSONcardsfromElkin. N. Y.: "Samuel D. Eddy, professionally known as 'Determination Eddy,' has been released fkom Mountain Top Sanatorium, wherehewasrecuperatingfroma serious operation on the brain.Some defect caused him to lose his memory, but he has fully recovered and is back at work.He has been with my show allseason," MRS. TEX BRIGGS, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Red Watson, allof whom were at one time with Ring - W. R. HARRIS, general manager of the ling -Barnum Circus asthe Riding Model Shows, cards from Danville, Ky.: Watsons.Mrs. Briggs was on the "We wish to thank The Billboard for its World of Mirth Shows for five years co-operation and as a result we were along with her husband, which en- enabled to send two rides and other gagement ended in 1937. She is now equipment to play the St. Agnes cele- resting at Coney Island, N. Y., and bration in Louisville last week. Our en- taking life easy along with her pet gagement in Danville showed fair busi- dog, Buster, who sitsat her feet. ness,despiterain at intervalsduring He was with shows for three years. first three days.Again thanks to The Photo was taken at Coney Island re- ADVANCE STAFF that is keeping Billboard." cently and furnished by Mrs. Red Charles A. Hartzberg'sKeystone Watson.Note the roof of a house Shows on the map this season. Left, PERSONAL AFFAIRS: What men and on JonesWalk andtheWonder William C. Murray, general agent, women do or do not do to each other Wheel and Virginia. Reel rides in the and William Cooke, special agent. and their family affairs are of no con- background with the Atlantic Ocean Murray has been in show business cern to The Billboard.Therefore Red two blocks distant. since 1913 and during the years be- Onion wishes that scandalmongers and tweenhasbeenwith.lateLeon gossipers would stop sending in their Washburn Mighty Midway, Smith drivel to Our Midway.To make theirwhy not set up a Merry -Go -Round in Greater, Dykman & Joyce, Krause contributions more insulting they insistthat big tree as a publicity stunt? Red Greater Shows and others.Photo EVANS DICE WHEEL that they be published.Under no cir-Onion thinks you are a born press agent was taken in front of the shows' One of themostpopular wheels.New at that. main entrance July 4at Rimers - Junior size 32" Indiameter. Face of cumstances will they be published, so burg, Pa. wheelIscovered withglass and orna- to low -brows we say, "Stop it!" mentalmetalwork, handsomely plated BARNEY L. LAMB wrote from Fulton, and polished.Write for Prices. BILLY WINTERS cards from Wilber,N. Y.: "When I get my copy of The Bill-where we played for American Legion. PADDLE WHEELS Neb.: "Fredricks Amusement Co. playedboard I turn to the carnival departmentAfter Manistee date we start fair season. of All Kinds $7.50 up a three-day celebration and picnic here.first.Business with us has been veryFred Hargan joinedat Newberry with Streets were crowded and all attractionsbad due to variable weather, and thehis new Ro-Lo funhouse." EVANS ALUMINUM got money.People out here are realpeople who visit the Art Lewis Shows do MILK BOTTLES show -goingfolks.Fredrickshas Del-not seem to have any more money than Far superior to old wood Bottles. Bound bertNye,boundingropeand handa lot of others who visit other midways. HARRY E. BAUER, aerialist,letters Ilke falling glass when knocked over. balancing; Starey and Starey, krazy karHowever, all on the show and show visi-from Indianapolis: "Sue and Iclosed $10.50 PER and novelty bicycle stunts, and Victortors give Art Lewis all due credit forour15 -week engagement withF.E. SET Drumm, high tower, asfreeacts. Allkeeping the equipment up and the showGooding Greater Shows, No. 1 unit.It on the show are satisfied with the man-moving.The cookhouse back of ourwas very pleasant indeed and we cannot FRFE CATALOG agement and business." Side Show is still serving full and regu-say too much in praise of this organiza- tion, as we were really treated swell and H. C. 'ANS & CYCLONE HARRY BAKER, motor-lar meals." they met all obligations to the letter as 1520-1530 V "a St.,Chicago, 111. dromerider,lettersfromWildwood BACK IN THE BOTTLE:Several carnivalper contract. We opened our fair dates Beach, N. J.: "Max Goodman, of Good-managers have poured theirpress agents backatBrownstown,Ind.,and havefairs man WonderShow,extendedeveryin the bottle this season.Too bad, but what courtesy to some of my relatives whenelse could they do.When the seasonis on they visited his shows at Duluth, Minn.,nothing should interfere with work men have and I certainly appreciate it.Am herebeen assigned to do. with Joe Dobish's motordrome and could OCTOPUS not be with them, so I think Max dis- PRINfrat - PRESS AGENT: EDDIE played both fellowship and showmanshipKELKER wrote from Seguin, Tex.: "Am LOOP- 0-PLANE in the manner in which he entertaineda talker and also a printer.As a printer my folks." I manage to get a few days' work in TWO BIG WINNERS newspaper offices in each town, so I keep CRACKED CORNon Bingo games:"It hasbusy.Ira Brudick is building ap the All PERMANENT OR PORTABLE. been broughtto my attentionthatithas Texas 16. organization into a good show.I Loaos on une beimTrailer. EYERLY RIDES GUARANTEE BIG PROFITS_aids on Seen so tough around some shows this seasongenerally get good newspaper publicity Stan i theEastthat Bingo operatorsareusing in each town by working for and co-op- EYERLY AIRCRAFT CO., Salem, Oregon Truck.dard acted corn as markers.-R. F. McLENDON. eratingwiththenewspapers. Many ABNER K. KLINE, Sales Manager. Lusse Bros., Ltd., Blackpool, England, European Suppliers. 42 The Billboard CARNIVALS August 13, 1938 roll together and do hope that the fairs CAREY C. EMRIE,former circus clown,ruined and truck was put out of order will be good for all in the business." wrote A.C. Hartmann from Crocker,due to being under water.Have been Wanted For 10 So. Carolina Fairs Mo.: "Visited Bortz carnival at Waynes-making a living this season, but this In Heart of Tobacco Belt ville, Mo., and found Mr. and Mrs. Leosetbackisterrible. However,Iwill The world's largest midway is just what it somehow get started again, as I have is probably the reason itBortz to be very fine people with a nice I I We open I Shows I claims to be. This clean show, no gambling of any kind.many friends in show business. When I tRidesh don Sept. wit good continues to draw crowds and pile up high Attrh actions. Met the original Johnny Hitsfield, whoam going again I plan to make some Conat flict.'t All fairs6. . gross receipts each week while en tour.Itis managing the athletic arena. Johnnyfairs I have booked." Editor's note: In Clean Coneessio isonly.See owriteW. W. really does pay to have a carnival that spe- His son,summer of 1936 Red Onion rode with MCMURDO,this week at3fo kssille,N.C.: is54 and still going strong. week August itat Newton, N.C.No Flat cializes in entertainment features. Buddy, 17. is a fine youngster.He hasHomer C. and family In their housecar Joints. AllotherswriteJACK ARNOLD, been in 250 boxing bouts and has neverfrom Harrisburg to Marion, Ill., and had Asst, Mgr., 126 E. Chevis St., Florence, S. C. FACE THE SITUATION LIKEBUSI-been knocked out.Mr. Bortz said busi-a Jolly time. Homer was then with L. J. 2 HighActs wanted, fast Billposter and Help. NESS MEN: There are many carnivalness is not so good, as people are notHeth, and the Onion soldtickets on. managers who should adjust their routes Heth's Chairplane. The world moves on! R. & A. SHOWS to meet present conditions and to mimi-spending as much as they did last sea- mize their mileage moves to the leastson and weather conditions have been possible number.There is no profit inbad also.Will be in Cincinnati about EDDIE KELKER letters from Hamil- giving all the gross receipts to the rail-September 1." ton, Tex,: "Jack Hamilton now has two roads and filling stations.No man in showswithIraBurdick'sAll -Texas SHIAWASSEE COUNTY business is ever criticized for using just H. G. ARENSON AND C. R. DENT let-Shows, Hall of Oddities, and Alura and common ordinary business sense in theter from New York: "Our Evelyn Fre-Illusion show. He recently added LeRoy, operation of his business.Get wise andchette attraction is still going strong inhuman frog, and Henry, needle -headed FREE FAIR adjust those routes and do it in time totheaters in the East.Played the Wil-man. He bought new canvas from Craw- Corunna,Mich.,Flve Days andNights fully satisfy fair managements and cele-mer -Vincent Circuit recently, the bestford -Austin Tent and Awning Co. and Beginning August 17 bration committees.In other words, dotheatersinPennsylvania. Recentlyis making new banners for the Oddities Can place Independent Shows and Legitimate Show.Clifford Talley is a recent addi- Lights furnished it before the time comes when the showclosed a run on Broadway at the Crit- Concessions. $2.30 a foot. cannot move any place. erion Theater, which proves that thetion to this show on the front in No. 1 free. Address general public remembers John Dillinger.ticket box. Talleyisalso the show's W. G. WADE SHOWS To us things don't look any too brightscenic artist.Alura Show has George Manistee, Mich., this week. ADVERTISING COPY: While the Goldfor fairs this fall, so we are going toWhite announcing and Ralph Williams Medal Shows were in quartersH.B.stick to theaters.Miss Frechette's con-is on tickets,Willie Arnoldiselec- Shive designed several styles of adver-tract with us expired the other day,trician and illusion mechanic.Writer tisingcopyalongsomewhatoriginalbut she renewed it for two years.Theis still talking on front of oddities and lines. Commenting on them, Shive said:Billboard surely has some circulation onputting them thru the door at 25 cents. "Oscar Bloom uses plenty of newspaperBroadway. The news stands display theGreat Knoll and Carl Beasley visited re- Circus Acts Wanted advertising during the season and thecopies way out front and everybody incently and talked of the H. W. Campbell styles the show now has can be used Shows, which they claimed was the most Ground andAerial Long seasonfrom now show business on Broadway seems to until December. We Punish board and gas in the big -city newspapers on down tohave a copy in his hand the day itcolossal carnival of 25 years ago. Beasley for yourcar.State your lowest salary expected. reaches the news stands.Best wishes toat that time was general agent and is Mustloinnotlater than August29. Two, three days and week stands.Also want Side The Billboard." now special agent and trainmaster for ShowActs. Wire,writeAnaconda. Mont- Burdick's Shows." August 10to 15. GLADIOLA HEALY, press department RoyalAmericanShows,lettersfrom WHAT KIND of show business is this?A BrothersShows Saskatoon, Sask., Can.: "Some time backcarnival played Dayton,0.,recently and found Siebrand this column mentioned the factthatthat alocal amusement park was operating Marjorie and Walter Kemp's Motordromeits rides for 3 cents, so the carnival cut Its pricesto5 centsperride,butitdid no businesstospeakof. Some oftherides grossed as much as $1.40 nightly.Years ago a carnival owner got the bright idea of pric- ROYAL ing four of his rides for 10 cents.He wanted to get people on the lot so the steal -'em - EXPOSITION SHOWS stores could get aplay. Moral:He went histrain. Want Concessions of all kinds.Rates in keep- out of business and sold ing with the times. Cookhouse privilege in meal tickets. Bingo, Custard, Ball Gans, Shows ONE CARNIVAL, at least, is forced to With or without outfits.Girls forPosing and Dancing Shows. Top salaries. Sensatioad Free play one and two-day stands owing to Actstojoinatonce. Thisweek Johnson - the strong stores.Some weeks this car- burg,Pa.; week August 15,Port Allegany, nival gets in as much work as two days' Pa. Address all communications to play, as the gyp concessions get them run. BILL "BAMA" STOREY, ASst. Mgr. out of town after one and two days' op- eration. County after county in Virginia is putting on prohibitive licenses because beating, knifing and pistol-whipping of BORTZ SHOWS WANT ',ictims after they lose their money is Ferris Wheel Man. Must be first class.$15 /,er week. Shows with own outfits.Other Ride Belli. JAMES (IRISH) KELLY and Marie getting to be more than the natives and Fairsecretaries,have few opendates. Getin authoritiescan standinthatState. touch with us. Houston Reunion, August 8 to 10; O'Del on the lot with Endy Bros.' The racket is going to be the end of a 15to20, Mountain View. Veteransof Foreign Shows.Note Wilno's cannon used Wars; allMissouri. lot of heretofore good territory.Where in his free act and a concession tent are the brains of some men who, under SECOND-HAND SHOW PROPERTY FOR SALE in the background.Kelly has many $125.00 Gen. Peruvian Shrunken Head & History. dutiesaroundtheshow,oneof thepresenteconomicconditions and $25.00 Small Hand Organ with Rolls, working order. other worries, continue to do everything 512.50 Irdlan Head Gear, Beautiful Col. Feathers. whichishandling The Billboard Even $1.50 Pah', 1,000 Pairs White B'saln Men's Parade sales.Photo sent in during shows' they can to hurt their business. Shoes, all :lees. engagement at Summit, N. J., early members of the "law" who heretofore $35.00 Auto Bumper Game, with ear and track. took "fixing" money are turning against We Buy All Kinds of Rink Skates. Pay Cash. in July. ANTENE PANONE, supreme dep- WEIL'S CURIOSITY SHOP, 20 S. 2nd St., Phila., uty chief of staff of the Military the boys and girls with the "steal -'em - Pa. Order of Cooties of the Veterans of stores," Therealbigcarnival men the small-town weeklies. We used plenty Foreign Wars. is seen here sitting on should do something about such condi- ofspaceinTheDailyNews -Index, the lap of Dolly Dimples, famous fat tions as herein mentioned.Business is WANTED Evanston, Ill., during engagement there. woman with the T. J. Tidwell Shows. tough enough without having men in R. W. ROCCO As far as I know Gold Medal is the only Scene was taken at Roswell, N. M., the business who continue to make it of the GOODMAN WONDER SHOWS carnival using the particular styles the recently when the shoes exhibited tougher by their tactics. Where are their WantsAgent for Bowling Alley or Blower toIan show uses."Oscar BloomIsa good there during the VFW State Conven- brains, or did they ever have any? at once.Winona, Minn.; then Mason City. .,booster for The Billboard. Photo furnished by Roy E. Fair. tion. HARRY WITT can certainly put riding Stein, shows' press agent. devices over as attested by his success with the Waltzer and, his latest, "The was known as the 'Thrill Arena.' TheyBoomerang."He also has another ride T. J. TIDWELL SHOWS AND CARNIVAL now desire to have this attraction toin the making that he will launch when be known as 'Thrill Arena.' The Kemps,conditions warrant.Harry writes from WANT WANT as well as the Royal American ShowsBrooklyn: "Have sold quite a few Boom- publicitydepartment,appreciatetheerangs despite adverse conditions and Foreman for Octopus.First-class Talker for Minstrel, Fan Show.Grind Store prominence given the account of thelackofmoney. Starting with Endy Agents and two Concession Wheel Agents.Will place shows not conflicting. business done by the 'Thrill Arena' onBros.' Show's, I sold a few of the top- Wire what you have.We may be able to place you. Also want Photo the present tour of the Western Cana-notchers, including Royal American. F. Machine, Hoopla, Lead Gallery.We have best route we have ever played. dianExhibitions. Show's business in Council Grove, Kan.(Fair) ;then Wichita, followed by long string of fairs. Saskatoon and other Canadian stands Le Roy wants Side Show Acts to feature, also Half andHalf. continues good.Some of us were won- Krekos West Coast dering the other day if any show has anything like the short lay-off season the Amusement Co. Royal American has.Last date of the November 13in Beaumont, Wants for 10 Weeks of Fairs and Celebrations. seasonis Ending Nov. 11 at Porterville, Calif. CENTRAL STATES SHOWS Tex., and if I am not mistaken the 1939 Armistice Day. NOW BOOKING SHOWS AND LEGITIMATE CONCESSIONS FOR SIXFAIRS AND CELEBRA- season opens the first week in January." lei!itimate Concessions, Hoopla, Penny Pitch. TIONS IN WESTERN KANSAS,FOURFAIRS IN OKLAHOMA. Mitt Camps enure nn.Week August 22. Mutt- HIGHER EDUCATION: There are many car- ,poinalt Fair at Grisham, Ore.Then Lakeview WANTGeek Show, Mechanical Show and any Grind Show. Have Top and Front for organizedTen - WILL BOOK Mitt Camp, Fish Pond, Cigarette Gallery. lloard, Snow ('one nival owners,managersand others with them Itodeo, or as per route. in -One. Alma, Ncb., Celebration, Ani.iist 11 to 13.Write nr wire. Note-Barry Taylor, please get in touch with and other Concessions that work for stuck. who send their children to schools and col- us.Important. Jack Plestma -.vaults Fighters for Athletie Show The future generation of carnival peo- CENTRAL STATES SHOWS, P. M. Moser, Alma, Neb. leges. MIKE KREKOS, Mgr. pleislikely to be collegebred. Bill Lynch has a large number of college boys with his carnival in Nova Scotia, Can. HIPPODROME SHOWS 1'.5NTI.:1) for our Wiseitisin Fairs and t'elebrations. HOMER C.KILBURN,well-knownSlaw.. of all kinds wish own outfits, Conces- si,ms of all kinds.Privilege the lowest of any Show FAIRS pop -cornand soft-drinkconcessionerin the country.flood opportunity for Cook Honse, CAN PLACE FOR CELEBRATIONS AND and former sales agent for The Billboardalso good opportunity for Kitfle iridesBob Fox, UNTIL NOVEMBER 15, Bonier Kilburn wire.WANTED-Lot, Man, Mer- Grind Shows. Ball Games, Grind Stores, Mce.ver, Bowling Alley and Wheels.All jolting now will have on L.J. Heth Show's, with which he Route: Berwick, Pa., weer: August 5: Suntairy Firenieo's fromry -Do -Round and Mix-Cp Foreman. happy Graff, preference for Key West Paid; 'his winter. Fi,,lnon'e Cuutcntiuu. Dc Bois, wasforseveralseasons,letters Can place yon. AZentS for legitimate Concessions. Celebration,Sunbury. Pa.,August 17; Central Pennsylvania's Stat., Nashville: "I was in a flood in Paris,Kirov,August8-14;Lancaster,August.11-217 Pa., weekAugust 22. Bloomington. August 22-2s: Plymouth, August 29 Tenn., while there with C. D. Scott, ofSocmherSri 3. All WisconsinFairs.Celebration BANTLY'S ALL-AMERICAN SHOWS Scott Bros.' Shows. My equipment wasto follow. -17Te7 77 7 "-"''' W.afjrallyritga77. arejerewa .7717r

August 13, 1938 CARNIVALS The Billboard 43 E. Gooding, James E. Stratea and George W. Traver. Have more prospects in hand. Some prospective buyers are awaiting better weather, with which good busi- ness will follow,is my opinion.The Boomerang at Feltman's Pavilion, Coney Island. N. Y., has proved a big success. MARKS SHOWS, Inc. It is a 12 -car unit, with Niagara Falls and other effects.Am getting nibbles r= MILE LONG PLEASURE TRAIL = for a Boomerang to be installed in the New York World's Fair grounds.I read the Carnival Department of The Bill- board regularly and nothing seems to be WANT--- NOW --WANT lacking.I was well pleased with the indorsement the Boomerang got from F. E. Gooding. Am well pleased about the CAN PLACE FOR THE FOLLOWING OUTSTANDING whole matter of Boomerangs." CELEBRATIONS and FAIRS *BOILER ROOM: Walter B. Fox refers Beckley, W. Va., auspices Police Dept., week August 8.Oak Hill, W. Va., American to editorial departments of news and LegionFair, week August15. Richwood, W. Va., Spud and SplinterFestival, trade papers as ''boiler rooms." He wrote week August 22. Greenbrier Valley Fair, Ronceverte, W. Va., week August 29. Roanoke from Des Moines, Ia., when on a mission Fair, Roanoke, Va., week September5. LynchburgFair,Lynchburg, Va., week as general agent for Wallace Bros.' Shows September 12.Great Mount AiryFair, Mount Airy, N. C., week September 19. of the tall corn section: "Two show let- Cumberland CountyFair,Fayetteville,N.C., week September 26. Charlotte Agricultural Exposition, Charlotte, N. C., week October 3.Great Pee -Dee Fair ters a month should satisfy the praise and Tobacco Festival, Florence, S.C., week October 10.Athens District Fair, agents of all shows except the big rail- Athens, Ga., week October 17.Great Dillon Fair, Dillon, S. C., week October 14. road organizations.This policy of mine HIS ISA UNIQUE BUSINESS: Week October 31pending. Home Coming and Armistice Celebration, Hopewell, for our shows should give all an equal Here is a likeness of Jack E. Dads - Va., week November 7. opportunity to be seen and heard.At well, former newspaper editor, col- Fort Dodge, Ia., I finally had the oppor- umnist and carnival press agent. For CONCESSIONS: Legitimate of all kinds; no exclusives except Cookhouse; only tunity to look the Goodman Wonder four seasons he was with the Royal carrying a few concessionsatthe present. Show over.Max Goodman has a nice - American Shows and distinguished RIDES: Wanted-Stratoshlp, Twin Loop -o -Plane and Boomerang. looking show and thereare no'flat himself as a photographer and ex- SHOWS: Big Snake, Flea Circus, Fat or Midget Show or any attraction cepa tole stores,' for which I give him credit. It is ploitationist.Part of this season he of getting money.Will furnish complete outfits to showmen of proven ability. almost impossible to work the 'flat ones' has been devoting his time to mak- RIDE HELP: Grinders, Talkers and useful people inall departments wanted; in Iowa.Missouri and Mississippi have ing photographic shots of carnival preference given to semi -trailer drivers. passedmoststringentlaws regarding activities for newspapers, The Bill- - them. It may eventually be so that the board and other national publica- 'lucky boys' may have to seek other gain- Write or wire JOHN H. MARKS, General Manager, Beckley, W. Va., thiswatt*, tions as a free lance.He has made then as per route. ful employment. Regards to A. C. Hart- photos on Rubin & Cherry, Hennies mann, Claude R. Ellis, Charles Wirth, Bros., Greater Exposition and John- Bill Sachs and Red Onion."Credit to ny J. Jones shows since closing his whom credit is due.Walter B. Pox is engagement early in the year with one of the few who can and does press Royal American. He prams future agents work in advance of a carnival. activitiesin his new special work Some others should give a thought to which will take him practically all becoming more versatile in advance than over the United States before the MARSHFIELD, MASS., FAIR they are now. end of 1939. August 22 to 27, Inclusive -6 Days, 6Nights night.The "Frontier Days" Celebration WANTED-RIDES: Octopus, Kiddie Rides. SHOWS: Monkey Drome, Monkey Tribute to Women officially opened Tuesday, billed as the Circus or any Grind Show.CONCESSIONS of all kinds. daddy of them all, was a week of con- Fairstofollow:Lewiston,Me., September5to10;SouthParis,Me., Of Tented World tinuous merriment and whoopee.Cars hearing the licenses of practically every September 13 to 17; Farmington, Me., September 20 to 22. By LARRY MULLINS State in the Union could be seen.This FREE ACT WANTED for weeks of August 15 and August 29. (Of Western States Shows) was the second time for the show to Flay this event. For space write or wire DICK'S PARAMOUNT SHOWS, Morrisville, Vt., to NORTH PLATTE, Neb.,Aug. 6.-It There was very little activity on the August 13, and Middleboro Mass., week of August 15. * was the time of evening when the set-midway until the grand -stand features ting sun was castingitsfinal shadowwere over, but from 6 o'clock in the eve- across the tall, majestically spread treesning until the wee hours of the morning of a modern tourist camp located in thisit was a carnival owner's dream come WANT FOR RICE CO. FREE FAIR city. true.Leadingfinancialreturns from LYONS, KAN., WEEK AUGUST22, The cool breeze was flapping the artis-rides were brought in by the Skooter. SHOWS, RIDES, CONCESSIONS. tically decorated curtains that adorned SHOWS With own, 20%. We have two Tents. Can furnish others.Account I.J. Clarkleaving, cook One man held the exclusive on this ride House, Bingo.Photo, Ball Games and all other Concessions open. No X at Lyons.This will be ale of the windows of a showman's trailer nes-for over an hour. He purchased double -' Biggest Pairs.Both oil and good crops.Those wishing can join show for long season South, tled beneath in the shade of the trees. priced tickets for his party consisting of a, we play and know the South. Thii week, Caldwell. Kan.; then care Chamber of Commerce, Lyons, Kam From thetrailer came the pleasant20 or more and they rode to their hearts' voice of a woman singing a song thatcontent.The net gain for the various GREATER U. S. SHOWS made me want to join in with an off -show operators was highly satisfactory. P. S.-Want Electrician.H. J. Clark, Pat McGinnis, Concession Agents. tenor "la de de de da." One could easilyReported by Larry Mullins. tell that the song came from a heart that was happy. I moved a little closer to the window CAPABLE TALKER WANTED so to see without being noticed justDODSON'S OUT what prompted this pleasant outburst of (Continued from page 38) FOR LARGEST MARRIED COUPLE IN THE WORLD. song.There, seated on a divan, was anAkron giving the show tworealred attractive member of the show sewingones. buttons on her husband's shirt. The high spotoftheseason was GOODMAN WONDER SHOWS The women of the tented world areSandusky, on LakeErie. First show WINONA, MINN., AUGUST 8 TO 12. not only wives and mothers; they arein this town in 15years,and, while also business partners, helpers, advisersconsderable opposition was experiencedforts of the presentofficers.Ladies'tears to the eyes of Mrs. Winton and and bankers.Yes, bankers. How manyfrom officials at Cedar Point, the showbridge club holding weekly sessions inmany others around the festive board. times has the reader heard this remark,had one ofthe largeststilldatesoflocal hotel, with Mrs. C. Guy DodsonShe was presented with many useful "I could let you have it now, but I willlast five years despite rain on Sunday.and Mrs. Melvin G. Dodson holding thegifts.This occasionwilllong bere- have to wait until I see my dear wife;That day thousands of visitors crowdedwinning honors to date.Juvenile Socialmembered by showfolks of the Cumber- she has all the money"? the downtown streets. Whoopee Club, headed by Ruby Dodsonland Valley Shows.Reported by P. B. Now that the 1938 season is well under Considerable building and painting isand Duina Zacchini, sponsoring partiesReed. way and we have paid tribute to thebeing done by Bert Miner, assistant man-for the kiddies of the show. many carnival owners for their "Biggerager, and crew.All wagons have been Contrary to reports, Dodson's World's and better shows," complimented thepainted red, with the title of the showFair Shows have enjoyed a fairly suc-SAM LAWRENCE - various showmen fortheir "New andinletters of a specially prepared gold paint. cessful seasontodate and, according (Continued from page 38) novelfeatures,"aswellasallother All the fronts have been greatlyto C. Guy Dodson and Melvin G. Dod-, N.C.: Conway and Kingstree, branches of the carnival business, let usenhanced with hundredofyardsofson Sr., the show will go thru the season give credit where credit is most due, tolumite which seems to withstand the S. C.; Fitzgerald and Waycross, Ga. the best troupers in the business, THEwear and tear of the road and giveswithout exhibiting at any fairs.The In speaking of the season, in part, Law- impressive effects.Bill Harvey and trainDodson brothers claim that just as longrence said to a reporter for The Billboard, WOMEN OF THE TENTED WORLD! crew painted the train red, white andas their show can play to as many as"Business has been spotty, due tc bad blue. 25,000 people weekly it would be suicideweather at times and at other times to WESTERN STATES Several big semi -tractor bodies fromto exhibit inside of a pay gate otherlocal industrial conditions. However, (Continued from page 38) 20 to 24 feet in length were purchasedthantheshows'own.Independentthereisanoticeable uptrend. Show Both events fully justified the- businessinClevelandtoreplace some oftheshowmen on the midway seem to beplayed Wellsboro,Pa., to excellena re- acumen of Owner Jack Ruback andwagons. A 70 -foot all -steel baggage carsatisfied with the present set-up.Re-turns and several stands of recent date General Agent J. A. Schneck. was purchased from the Model Showsported by Roy B. Jones. have been profitable. The show made its debut into Utahand the train and rolling stock is in "We are happy to state that mast of when it played the Salt Lake City cele-fine condition. the people who joined at opening are bration.The entire set-up was ideal, MRS. ELLIS WINTON still with it and the staff is Intact The located one block from the center of the Present Policy To Continue (Continued from page 38) late fall fairs should show good returns." city, backed up by many well -established Very few changes in the personnelthe show were present and Mrs. Winton events and with stories and pictures car-of the show with the exception of E. C.was taken by surprise As the arrange- DOVER,Del.,Aug.6.- Hol:ywood ried daily in The Deseret News, The Trib-Gunnels, billposter, being replaced byments were all made without her know-Follies,Inc.. was incorporated here to une and Telegram the date could notHarry Droege, and Jack Paige takinging anything about it.A big dinnerproduce exhibits and carnivals, yrth a have been anything other than a redcharge of Gay Paree, Chez Le'Femme andwas prepared by all the women of thecapital of 1,000 shares, no par value. The one.A final check-up on the three 10 -True shows when Lillian Murray leftorganization and a repast was set in oneincorporatorsareM.S.Cook,A. L. cent pay gates revealed that 25,000 peo-to join another carnival.W.Iliam Fisherof the show tops fit for a queen. Raughley and J. M. Townsend, of Dover. rle had paid admission to the midway. added to the office staff as assistant to The band marched into the top play- Vernon Korhn. ingaspecialselection."Uncle Bob" OGDEN, Utah, Aug. 6.-Monte Young's LongMove, Salt Lake to Cheyenne Tri-weekly partiesof the Arthur E.Hallum then got up and spoke aboutShows closed week here after the best After traveling 468 miles to CheyenneDodson American Legion Post have beenthehonored guest, and the dramatic"Pioneer Days" in the five years Young everything was ready to open Mondaya huge success, due to the untiring ef-speech that "Uncle Bob" made broughtLas had midway.

4. priPJFIRirrr"'"7., . lett

August 13, 1938 44 The Billboard CARNIVALS adding monkeys to his collection. Ken- tucky Bill Joined side show with fire Endy Bros. act.Manager W. S. Curl has all tops Albany, N.Y. Week ended July 23. Full -Date Carnival Show Letters repaired by show's canvas man.Aus- Location, Schuyler Bridge. No auspices. pices had several concessions on midway. Weather, rain four nights. Business, fair As Reported by News Representatives for the Shows Several bands from near -by towns played when clear. on midway each night.Big Eli Wheel topped rides.Casa Loma Follies topped Shortest jump of season from Cohoes.Mathew J. Riley arrived with line-up of rounds.Business, good. Weather, rainshows, with side show second. Again, now for fourth consecutive week,fair dates to complete season. first two days. LOUIS E. COLLINS. rain spoiled a date that promised every- GLENN IRETON. Show opened one day prior to fair. thing.First general get-together meet- Rain commencing at noon July 4 fell ing ofpersonnel washeld Thursday until 3 o'clock and spoiled day's busi-Funland nightand continuedfarintoearlyMiller Bros. ness, tho crowds did turn out well at hours.Bobby Mansfield acted as emsee, night, but grounds were very muddy. Elizabethtown, Ky.Week ended July introducing officestaff, show owners, Spencer,la.July 11-16.Location,Rain also fell Tuesday, but midway was30. Auspices, American Legion. Weather, concessionersanddepartmentheads.opposite fairgrounds. Auspices, Americanvirtually packed at night.Midway wasrain two days.Business, very good when. David B. Endy responded with a wordLegion.Business, worst blank of season.put in condition with many loads ofclear. of thanks to all for co-operative atti- Committee, headed by Commander D.gravel.Good receipts reported by all Committee,headed by Commander tude.Eddie Lippman also delivered aMorgan and secretary of Clay Countyon closing night.John Sweeney's bingoOscar Chaput, gave 100 per cent co-op- short talk, stressing need for cultivatingFair,Mr.Peterson,co-operatedwell.stand had best gross so far this season.eration.Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Harry and maintaining great big family feel-Show had to close about 9 p.m. TuesdayWalter Wyatt is now Octopus foreman.Hunting, Chairplane owners with Dixie ing.Entertainers from Mansfield's Casabecause of mosquitoes.Fearless GreggsIrvin Brown is new mail man and TheBelle Shows, who stopped while passing Manna show put on an impromptu butjoined with their cannon act.ThereBillboard sales agent. thru.They reported their first fair in fastrevueto warm applause.Jackwerelessthan1,000patrons during Warren, Minn.July 7-9.Auspices,Kentucky okeh.Ben Tosh is handling Ormsby was elected by unanimous ac-week. Marshall County Fair.Location, fair-lot; Mrs. Ida Broegge calling. bingo. claim to role of emsee for next week's Perry, Ia. Week ended July 23.Busi-grounds.Business, fair.Weather, clear TED C. TAYLOR. session.Joker LaVann, of Big Eli Wheelness, lair. but rain closing night. Crew, left in an Albany hospital with Tho many here were busy threshing Thursday Children's Day. Show ar- infected elbow. Barney, giant Reis mon-and cutting oats, attendance was goodrived and set up in time for afternoon0. J. Bach key belonging to Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Week ended Week's Monkeyland show, was subject ofeach night. The Archer concessions leftmatinee.Best business on closing night Au Sable Forks, N. Y. a big pictorial splash in Albany Times -here. even thoitrained. Kenneth RitchieJuly23. Auspices, AmericanLegion. Omaha, Neb.Week ended July30.and Lloyd Schemel are now foremenWeather, rainy.Business, fair. Union. Dewitt Schuyler, columnist on Aus-on BigEllWheels;Milton Anderson It has rained almost every night for same paper, devoted most of his Tues-Location, 15th and Vinton streets. T. O. St. Ger- day space to Popeye and Wimpy, twopices,SanberdinoChurch. Business,is Chairplane foreman. past two weeks and so much so that ringtails from Week's menagerie.Thelair. maine, of Midway Cafe, was takenillManager 0. J. Bach asked writer not to simians visited the "Winchell of Albany" Morris Miller was greetedherebyhere and remained in hospital. mention rain.If and when this show at his apartment and nearly wreckedassistant chief of police Munge and In- Moorhead, Minn. July 11-16. Auspices,does get a clear night that will be news. the place, according to account. Bennyspector Hayes.Show was praised forAmerican Legion. Location, College place,However, fairly good crowds in attend- Weiss, W. J. Tucker and others bemoan-cleanliness, as there is no girl show andat 14th street and Fifth avenue, South.ance and spendingwell,considering no questionableconcessions. FearlessBusiness, fair.Weather, clear. number on lot.Weekly socialparty, ing fact that they would be out of thisGreggs continue to pull big crowds with Second time for show to play here.scheduled for Wednesday night under section before Saratoga opening on July Firststilldateafterplaying severaldirection of Chuck Linn Cowboys, ter- 25. Severalin Matt Crawn's Harlemtheir cannon act. MORRIS MILLER. Broadcasters cast purchased cars. Pro- minated abruptly when several intoxi- fessorKuntz's Ten -in -Oneconsidered cated locals crashed gate looking for His talker trouble.Altho showfolks outnumbered hardest working with show. them and could have given them plenty is invariably first to start and last to of what they were looking for,they say "good night." General Agent elected instead to adjourn party until following week.Announcement to that effect being made from floor, and show - folk quietly left their places and filed WANTED out, thereby furnishing locals with a much -needed lessonin good manners for FAIRS-FAIRS Larry Mooney joined CAN PLACE Penny Arcade, Candied Applea, and deportment. Ice Cream, Frozen Custard, Peanuts, for our to handle tickets and second openings long stringofNorthern and SouthernFairs. on George White's One -Ring Circus. Six CAPABLE AGENTS AT ALL TIMES CON- new performers also joined same show TACT US.Real Showmen, Ride Owners,Spe- cialPropositions, Needreliable Ferris Wheel when Lady, trick dog, gave birth to five Foreman, Popcorn. WhitieBrownanswer. sons and a daughter, latter dying shortly CAN PLACE Man for Long Range Gallery. American Palmistry open.ReplyROY GOLD. after birth despite unceasing efforts of STONE, Royal Midway Shows,Pinckneyville, Mrs. 0. J. Bach to save her life by bottle ()arm', Anna, Ill.; all Fairs; then South. feeding. LEO GRANDY. Hilderbrand's (Motorized) WISCONSIN AND MICHIGAN Yakima, Wash.Week ended July 30. SCENE AT THE WEDDING SUPPER GIVEN MR. AND MRS. JOHNWILSON Circus lot.Auspices, M. 0. C. of V. F. W. FAIRS by the staff and members of the Goodman Wonder Showduring the show's Weather, good.Business, fair. WANTED SHOW'S.Can place Loop and TIlt, Festive board was set in one of the Yakima welcomed show back as 0. H. any Skill and Science Concessions, Shows and engagement in Duluth, Minn., recently. Rides, 20% for the following Fairs:Madison, show tops and the repast consisted of the best the marketafforded.Those Hilderbrand has playedhereforpast Wis., August 16to20.Marquette, Norway, present and many shown in the above picture were:Lewis Birch, Mr. and five seasons.Both morning and eve- Mich.:Craden,Wabeno,Neenah,Menasha, Brandrif, f, Mr. and artand streets, and Milwaukee, as per route. Mrs. James Bland, Mr. and. Mrs. Thomas Bowers, Lorraine ningpapersgenerouswith Mrs. John Brooks, Ruben Buggie, Nolan Castle, Mr. and Mrs. GrantChandler, stories.As show was littleearly for HENKE SHOWS, Inc. John Cain, Rube Curtis, Mr. and Mrs. Goldie Fitts, Dr. SamuelFriedman, Morris fruit -packing seasonpursestringsof Milwaukee, Wis. Galleni, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Goodman, Mr. and Mrs. MaxGoodman, Leo some were held tight, altho each night 2815 W. State St., Greenspan, Pete Griffith, Mr. and Mrs. George Hamilton, Mr.and Mrs. Ray midway was packed. Children's matinee, Hamilton, Egon Heinemann; Mr. and Mrs. John Harrison, parentsof the bride; Saturday, drew 3,500 kiddies and was Rellie Harrison, Philip Hendricks, Richard Hilburn, Mr. andMrs. Jack Holbrook, sponsoredbyMerchants'Association. Doc Johnson, Robert Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Al Kennedy,Eddie Latham, John Manager E. W. Coe busy escorting visit- WANTED Lee; Mrs. Lee Lieberwitz, of Sol's Liberty Shows; MaxKlepper, Smith Lewis, ing fair committees around midway, O. LEGITIMATE SHOWS AND CONCESSIONS Mr. and Mrs. Al McCall, Cecil McGowan, George MoStocca, AlMeltzer, Mr. and H. Hilderbrand, wife, and daughter, Joan, FOR FOLLOWING: Powell, Mr. and Mrs. left for visit to Hood River, Ore.Pierre PHILIP. S. D.,August 18-20. Street. Mrs. Milton M. Morris, Mr. and Mrs. Murphy, William MUM)°, S. D., August 25-27. Fair. Roland W. Richards, Mr. and Mrs. Rocco, Mr. Stern, JuliusShuster, Mr. and Ouellette and wife and George Morgan TRIPP, S. D., August 30 -Sept. 3, Fair. Mrs. David B. Stock, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stone, Mrs. BettieWeaver, Mr. and wereback with show fortwodays. PARKSTON, S. D., September 5-6, Celebration. Vern Wolf, Jerry Fred Stewart's Mystic Show and Lewis' Don't write,just come.Can place you. Mrs. Doc Welch, Joseph White, William Willoughby, Leo Wise, WILLIAM FIX, Parkston, S. D. Rocco, Steven Roth; Mr. and Mrs. Victor Roper, thenewlyweds of season 1937: Kongo in battlefor top money with Mr. and Mrs. Rounds, Mr. and Mrs. Shaffer, Mr. and Mrs.Bo Sherman, Mr. and Berle's French Casino and Bird's Athletic Mrs. Frank Siebert, Clinton Smith, Mr. and Mrs. LeonardSmith, George Thomp- Arena getting nice late play. Rides well son, Mr. and Mrs. James Valentine, KennethValentine, Louis Yaffe, William patronized.Fred Thumberg opened new IMPERIAL SHOWS Young, John Zackery, James Zaharee and several notablesof the Aad Temple Auto Ride, which had very good week. WANT Side -Show Attractions.We have Duluth. Photo and datafurnishedbyBeverlyWhite,show's Stillin Indian country.Hazel Fisher complete Girl Show Outfit.WANT Man- Shrine, and Verna Seeborg, who have pop -corn ager and Dancing Girlsfor same. CAN press agent in advance. stand, sold out nightly because corn to PLACE Penny Arcade, also Cook House. All Concessions open except Corn Gameand an Indian is like caviar to Toots and Ball Games. Address EDWARD A. HOCK, weeks of fairs, so folks had an oppor-Sammy Epple.Ed and Ma Lahay op- Macomb, Ill., week August 8; Canton, John McKee tunity to catch up on needed rest anderating Midway Cafe to perfection, for week August 1S. sleep.Business not as good as last year.which no small honors go to both Jeff Alex, Okla.Week ended July 23. Aus-Father of Mrs. Ted Reed died inSt.Jeffries and Sam Mitchell for their cul- pices, American Legion.Location, up-Louis.On way back to show after at-inary art.However, Morris Lahay has town.Weather, fair.Business, fair. tending funeral Mrs. Reed; her son, Her-flashiest eat house.Johnnie and Billie All rides and bingo got fair business,bert Bailey, and wife met with car acci-Hicks, Ralph and Margaret Balcom, Mr. WANT MORE REVENUE but other concessions did poor.Athleticdent in which their car turned overand Mrs. Art Anderson, Mac McQuillan, Show, managed by A. J. O'Dell, had goodmany times.At this time allare re-Fern Chaney and Rube Miller had busi- for week.People came out early and stayedcovering from many cuts and bruises.ness with concessions. Bob Booker, sec- late.Several visited from J.J. Colley C. R. NEWCOMB. retary -treasurer,entertained Dessadean YOUR ORGANIZATION? Shows. L.A. Newland, who has been Shakleford, of Portland. Ore., guest of suffering with mastoid trouble, is im-W. S. Curl Mrs. 0. H. Hilderbrand. Birthday party Read proving.Mrs. Ernie Newland returned for Manager Coe's shadow, Toby.Cake from a two weeks' visit with her parents Camden, 0. Week ended July 23. Lo-with Toby's age in candles and inscribed "BINGO BUSINESS" and friends in Jonesboro, Ark.Managercation, streets. Auspices, Business Men'swith those familiar words to be heard Toby is A Column Abcut Bingo inthe John McKee booked some fairs and cele-Club. Weather, fair. Business, profitable.around midway, "Obus Tobus." brations. MRS. L. A. NEVVLAND. Business at this annual celebrationstill suffering from a cut on his foot Was almost up to past seasons.Manyreceived while helping E. W. lay out lot. WHOLESALE MERCHANDISE from neighboring towns attended.Betty Coe, Fern Chaney, Leone Buie. Department Dee Lang's Splendidco-operationwasgivenbyHazel Fisher and Verna Seeborg busy (Motorized) auspices.Joe Miller joined with grocerywith preparations for show to be staged THIS WEEK and EVERY WEEK Hallook, Minn.July 3-6.Auspices,wheel.The Spencers left to play theirfor PCSA Ladies' Auxiliary at Spokane. Kittson County Fair. Location,lair -fair dates in Indiana.Doc Edwards isMarion Ritchey,flageoletplayer with August 13, 1938 CARNIVALS The Billboard 45 French Casino, was surprised when he accorded to Arthur Butler,himselfaspent week visiting his brother, Morris Walked into top where a crowd of show carnival man and operator ofa largeLipsky, operator of concessions. personnel was gathered.Each presented concession businessin Northwest.It STARR DeBELLE. him with a gift, occasion being his birth- finally became necessary to have a writ day.Bud Cross' new Roll -o -Plane very of restraint passed to continue operation popular, as first time ride has been in of shows and concessions against an ob-World of Mirth Yakima.Babe Grisham, Jimmie Heller, stinate member of city commission who(Railroad) Bill Summers and C. C. Rhinehart, with was only one on an emergency council Holyoke, Mass.Week ended July 30. lot superintendent Fred Stewart, have who refused to say yes to giving a per-Location, South Main street.Auspices, rides, rolling stock and electrical equip- mit.A hurry -up call was then givenVeterans of Foreign Wars. Weather, rain. ment functioning 100 per cent. General Agent W. T. Jessup,of thisBusiness, poor. CLAUDE BARIE. show, and Manager Krekos, who came Rain ruined business for fifth straight into Portland.After a conference withweek. Threatening weatherallweek, John H. Marks committee it was decided to furnish rid-with plenty of rain, kept many :people ing devices and shows for Fleet Weekaway irom lot, and Friday night, which Clarksburg, W. Va. Holdover.July and turning over shows' concessions towas pay night in town, was a complete 25-28. Location,NixonPlazashow - Arthur Butler to be a part of large num-washout, with rain starting early and grounds. Weather, variable.Auspices, ber he is operating. Then from openingcontinuing thruout night.Sawdust and none.Business, fair. night to closing, 10 days later, midwaystraw were strewn all over midway, holes was packed to capacity.From 10 a.m.dug for drainage, but rain was too heavy Owing to continued rains of week of until2a.m. everything operating re- July 18, show remained over four addi- ceivedaterrificplay.M. E. Arthurand lot turned into mud. Show did not tional days in hope that rains would operating Believe It or Not show, pack-arrive in Holyoke until Monday morning. cease. UsualthunderstormMonday ing them in 12 hours daily every day.Seven days of rainin Lewiston. Me., night at 5:30 held attendance and spend- CycloneFranco, withAthleticArena,left wagons in up to their hubs and as ing down to a minimum, but Tuesday packed people in.Business was so goodresultit was Sunday afternoon before and Thursday were excellent.John H. he bought a new car and paid cash forlast one rolled off.This, together with Marks and Paul Lane had a narrow es- 100 -mile jump, made for late arrival in CLAUDE A. BARIE, producer of it.Joe Zotter crowded his riding devicesHolyoke.In spite of this lot and train cape from serious injury Sunday, July girl revues, who with his wife is pre- to capacity daily.Bob Osage and his 24,while driving from Clarksburg to new Roll -o -Plane topped midway daycrew worked efficiently and had show Richmond, Va.En route at Charlottes- senting the French Casino with Hil- ready to open on time Monday night. derbrand'sUnitedShows,making after day. Gus Douras sold his girl showShow people are hoping for a break in ville, Va., car driven by Lane was struck their second season with 0. H. Hil- topandequipmenttoWestCoast byanotherautomobiledrivenby a Amusement Co. weather after leaving New England. Mr. youth and badly damaged, one front derbrand. Show is presented behind Theyimmediatelyand Mrs. Ernest Mitchell are now han- an 80 -foot front, says Mrs. Barie, bought a big new Federal truck to trans-dlingTwo -Headed Baby Showfor wheel teing torn off.Lane, at wheel, who also states that this show has portitand appointed Ernie Windish made a quick turn and car was driven general manager.He in turn shaped aMitchell's sister, Mrs. Judy, who also has into a ditch, barely missing a telephone talent, unusual wardrobe and elec- Minstrel Show.Their daughter, Betty tricaleffectsandusestheonly five line of girls with a six -piece bandAnn Mitchell, is with them. Following is pole. Bothpassengersescapedwith wagon front on the Pacific Coast. and a feature dancer. minor bruises and proceededto their W. T. JESSUP. personnel of Fred La Reine's show, Snow destination.Tex Conroy, talker on "Be- Barieis The Billboard sales agent White: Lew Peters,talker. "Dwarfs": lieveItor Not" show,is announcing and show letter writer far the Hil- GeorgeSeveski,FrankCuckseyJack Captain Delmar's lion act in inimitable derbrand organization.He is also a Smith, Major Doyle, Frankie Saluta, Al- style. Joe Payne, adjuster, meeting many member pf the Pacific Coast Show- Rubin & Cherry bert Rendiger andCharlieMcCarthy. men's Association.Photo by Mc- (Railroad) Shirley Parker is "Snow White."Ticket old friends while on tour.Word comes Croskcy, Los Angeles. from Bantly's Shows that Joe Marks, Janesville, Wis.Week ended July 30.sellersare MarshallChapmanand veteran concessioner, is seriously illat Weather, rainy.Business, fair. Tommy Chaplin.Earl Purtle has follow- a hospital.New and palatial private ing people with his Lion Drome: Ethel office trailer, equipped with all moderncushion; R. N. Menge, ventriloquist and Peter Cortez' new Side Show openedPurtle, and Jack Lorenzo, who stages conveniences,includinganair-condi-magician; George Ryan, painproof man,here with brilliantflash,Attractions:lionact. Riders: Johnny Lucktrick tioningunit,arrivedfrom Richmondand Mr, and Mrs. H. B. Knapp, marineAllen Greenstreet, rice writer; Flip, theand fancy riding; Harry Simpson. Ran- and win be used by Manager Marks onexhibit.Mel -Rol departed.JosephineFrog Boy, 37 -inch musician; La BelledolphLewis,DonaldThompson and tour.Charles A. Lentz, insurance man,Generro and son to Pacific Coast. Rose, iron -tongued girl;Earl Hall, manDorothy Thompson. Show now presents on for a brief visit.Eddie Lewis, former GEORGE WEBB. with two mouths; Shadow Harry Lewis,four lions and three new ones are being livingskeleton;Amok,Igorroteheadtrained by Captain Lorenzo, who has hope girl show manager, left at Clarksburg to hunter; Doris and Thelma Patent, Albinoof being able to include them in act join another carnival.Harry Ramish,Keystone twins;ColonelCasper, midgetenter- an old Marks stand-by in former years,(Motorized and baggage cars) tainer, and Paul Herrold, military giant. rejoined show in an executive capacity. Shadow Harryis manager forCortez; John H. Marks planning three new Franklin, Pa.Week ended July 28,C. C. Noller, inside talker, and Jack and shows for fairs.Charles Abbott, generalAuspices, American Legion. Weather,LeonaHalligan,mentalist,ofannex. agent, spent several days on show. good.Business, fair. Unexpected visitor on midway here was3000 BINGO WAL rEtt D. NEALAND. Heavyweight cards, black on white.Wood mark- Moved from Rouseville and set up toMrs. Harry Houdini who, motoring fromers printed two sides. No duplicatecards. Put operate in record time.Committee gaveHollywood to Chicago, took a detour toup in the following size sets and prices: everyco-operationpossibletomakegreet friends on show. Newspapers made35 cards. 55.25; 50 cards, $8; 76 cards, $8.50; Crowley's 100 cards, $10; 150 cards $12.50; 200 cards, event a red one.Shows' second consec-much of occasion.Mrs. J. D. (Maxine)$15; 250 cards, $17.50; 300 cards, $20; Re- Fort Madison, Ia. Week ended July 30.utive season to play here under samePowell,guest of honor atasurprisemaining cards sold $5.00 per 100. Location,Eagles Ball Park. Auspices,auspices. Saturday nightpartlylostparty in observance of her birthday.Pie Eagles' Lodge, with C. H. Duffy director-owing to rain just as crowds started tocar a gala scene and ice cream, for once,Set Of 20 Lightweight Bingo Cards, $1.00, general.Pay gate, 10 cents.Weather,fill up lot.Visitors from Strates Showsonitsmenu. FrancisBlighmade ideal.Business, fair. included Ben H. Voorheis, press agent,spectacular entrance, struggling under Twenty-five mile move in good time.and Bob and Jean Hallock, of promotionburden of huge cake.Many new faces Opened Monday night to fair business,staff.Bob and Jean Hallock were no-on midway, with fairs only two weeks 3000 KENO which continued thru week.Mr. andticed talking with General Agent Williamaway. RALPH WILLIAMS. Made in 30 sets or 100 cards each.Playedin3 Mrs. W. S. Brown gave dinner and danceC. Murray.They were together on staff rows across the cards-not up and down.Light- of late Ben Krause shows several years weight cards.Perset of 100 cards withmarkers. at their Lincoln Cafe, celebrating 10th $5.00. wedding anniversary of Harry Bush andago.Zinida Zan and Side Show goingJohnny J. Jones All Bingo and Lotto sets are complete with wood Dolly DiKon, midget.Showfolk had do-over big.Unicus Troupe and Revolving(Railroad) markers,tallyanddirectionsheet. ALcards ings for them on lot.Jack Hamilton,Arontys well received for their free act size 5x7. astrologist and director Flying Hamil-performances. Weather held up wonder- Salem,Ill. WeekendedJuly30. THIN BINGO CARDS tons, and Great Knoll, contortionist, con-fully during week until Saturday night.Soldiers' and Sailors' Reunion. Weather,Bingo cards, black on white, size 5x7. Th n cards Titusville, Pa. ideal.Business, good. such as used in theatres, etc.They are marked or ferring with Manager 'Crowley. Midnight Week ended July 30. punched in playing and then discarded. 3.000 differ- party for Bertrand E. Stople, advertisingAuspices, Central Trades Council. The eight -day engagement ended withent cards. per 100,51.25,without markers.Set of airectorDaily Gate City, Keokuk;Weather, variable.Business, good. a wow Saturday, largest one day's busi-markers,50c. Automatic Bingo Shaker, realclass $12.50 Charles and Ma Alderfer and Ed Hines, Lot located in heart of town.Firstness ever grossed at this event.Busi-Lapboards, white cards, 8 x14. Per C 1.50 Keokuk show owners.Howard Gregoryshow in two years.Promoted by Specialness slightly higher on whole engage-Stapling Bingo Cards on same, Extra, per 0 .80 Agent William Cooke, who had commit- Midway was wellBingo Card Markers,instrips,25,000 for1.80 and wife, Hazel, newcomers to conces- ment than last year. Send forfree sample cards and price list.We pay sion row.Hubert Hall and his tenttee lined up in fine shape to handle alllaid out, with each attraction locatedpostage and tax, but you pay C.0. D. expense. restaurantsucceededbyFrankanddetails, owing to its being a green com-to a good advantage by Manager T. M.Instant delivery. No checks accepted. Peggy Waldron, from Zimdars Shows.mittee as an auspices.Opening nightAllen, who knows all of the trees, space T. F. Knitpatrick and Jack Smith new-to large crowds.Kept up all week, ridesand locations by heart, having laid outJ. M. SIMMONS & CO. comerswithshootinggalleries.Royand shows doing wonderful business butthis lot not only for this show but many19 W. Jackson Blvd. Chicago Reynolds, wrestler, new Athletic Arenaconcessions suffered. Octopusrideothers as well.The well-known pub- manager.assistedbyFrankieO'Day,topped.Loop -o -Plane and Tilt -a -Whirllicity director, story writer, photographer wrestler and boxer.Chief Chewacheki,close second.Parisian Revue got goodand president of Outdoor Press Club, heavyweight Indian mat wonder, guestshareof show receipts. SideShowJack Dadswell, and family spent several of Reynolds.Joe C. Jones scored withpacked every night.People seem to bedays with show.Jack and his camera high striker, record of his career.Louisshow and ride -minded.Towards laterworking overtime making pictures of Cottrell and his Mississippi Serenaderspart of week people seemed to lean to-show, people and stages.From all in- entertained.Playing out ofhere onwards concessions, which came in for fairdications a great collection of human pleasure steamer Jess.Henry Zyp andplay. Thursday night storm withainterest as well as unusual photographs wife, of Cincinnati, joined with conces-heavy downpour. Lot was full of peoplewill soon be on hand for press depart- sions.Special voting contest returnedand they stayed in rain and mud andment'suse. Well-knownshowman OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Theresa Varnes most beautiful model inplayed rides and shows. Hughie Mack and wife joined to man- Sammie George's posing show. James V. BOB CRUVER. age and produce CavalcadeofGirls Boone gene elsewhere. Tom Squires and Revue.Eddie Taylor now orating on Harry Zisr guests last half of week. Don front of Ernie -Len, double -bodied boy. Of every size, heralds, etc. Cotton and Skidmore's Penny Arcade to for all occasions-special de- Krekos' West Coast Lipsky & Paddock's concessions went signs for your show-quickson- fairs.Granville Gordon, from Parker & over the top, corn game hitting a high vice-low prices-write for scmples. WattsCircus,hasfrontofSammie Portland, Ore.Fleet Week.July 22 -mark.Mrs.liody Jones spent week George's Miss America.Joe C.Jones,August 1.Location, foot of Couch andvisiting Mrs. Walter A. White in her PRINTING COMPANY manager Crime Show.George Hershleyfoot of Glisson streets.Weather, ideal.palatial home at Quincy, Ill.Mrs. JonesMETROPOLITAN1321 VINE ST PHILIIPA has Baza show.Charley Ross, middle-Business, best of season. reporteda wonderful time and Mrs. weight combination man, new addition After being canceled out of this standWhite a great hostess.After undergoing to Athletic Arena. Rita Lalley newcomershow passed it up and set up in Albany,a major operation Harvey Wilson is now MAKE $50.00 A DAY ON CANDY FLOSS Ore., More andmore people Lre buy- on Fay Mier's Waikiki Nights.Fay and becauseofcouncilrefusingtoconvalescing at his home in Owensboro, ing our Candy Floss Machines. Ike Wollenburg to their annual fairs.grant "Fleet Week" a permit to hold aKy.Visitors: Ban Eddington, Columbia thereason is-we make the New faceinconcessionrow,Cliffordcarnival in Portland. However, town wasShow Printing Co., and Frank B. Joerling, Best, the Original 01111.Guar- anteed. Thebiggestmoney- Smith, son of Jack Smith. Slim Johnson,finally opened up thru greatest piece ofmanager of The Billboard office, St. Louis. maker known. For Service--- of Midwest Novelty Co., a this writer has ever seenMr. and Mrs. George Davis were visited Sati-vaction - Depenience, Valee Webb visiting. 's at Hale, Mo.performed in his 20 years of show busi- sendusyourorder. Write by his mother, Mrs. Melicent Navarre, TODAY.ELECTRIC CANDY Bud Gross' Cavalca ,Vonders aug-ness.All of credit for this almost un-and his nephews,C.D. and Morgan FLOSS MACHINE CO., 202 mented by Pat Mai human pin-believable feat of showmanship must beTodd, all from St. Louis.Ralph Lipsky 12th Ave., 8., Nashville, Tenn. -.naprz:w-. BIBroBirlirTfTr"Tr.r-a7sIrmirriv.77,aree-,77- 7,Ssairiawasa-rayas a a , ca,-./7.-raiiaaT,Fsa"r .

August 13, 1938 46 The Billboard CARNIVALS gram, featuring Chuck the Yodeling Charlie Kidder,Dewey Schmidt, privilege man; Ben Pen.each evening and attractions well pat- soon after starting fairs. fair,and Baberonized.General Agent C. W. CracraftBuckaroo from Radio Station KDKA, show carpenter, and Jim Reeves, shownelton,presidentof returned to show after visit south andwho visited and gave singing, comedy painter, are busy men these days.WithThomas, secretary.Show was honored sketch and yodeling, which went over only two weeks left before opening inwith visits of many fair officials fromwas busy entertaining old friends in Oil Carl Faul joinedCity.Mr. and Mrs. Mal Fleming visitedbig.Several contests were held, among Ottawa, Ont., show is rapidly getting inother Indiana fairs. them aspellingbee,whichGeorge shape for fairs.Constant rain has leftto work new funhouse.Frank Waldronshow all week, coming from their home artist Reeves little time in which toleft with his cookhouse and has goodin Fryburg, Pa. Mal is a real friend ofGraham won.Song by Marie Kaus and wishes of the entire show behind himall showfolks and was a welcome visitor.cast.Kaus and McIntyre kiddies did a complete his painting schedule.Sur- Francine Cowan, daughter of Mr. andsinging and tap-dance number. Blondie prising that shown which has been inIn his new move.Office staff has been Mack has been appointed new lot man, mud so much, can look so clean.New-rearranged, with Al Fine taking overMrs. William Cowan, celebrated her 11th comer to Nations on Parade Show isBuddy Braden's duties.Vic Millerisbirthday and had a partyinPete'swith Bob Howell assistant. New conces- JIM McHUGH. working on banners. BUDDY MUNN. Superior Cafe and all show kids were insioners are Mr. and Mrs. Leon Travis Laura Selby. attendance.Several visitors came overand Mr. and Mrs. Guy Cowan. W. C. from KeystoneShows,exhibitinginKaus is building, repairing and adding 15 miles away, among themto midway getting set for fairs.Visitors: Buckeye State Titusville, Tom Hasson, ride show manager, and Zimdars (Motorized) being George Spirides and staff.Two congenial personalitiesaroundtheSammy Lewis, minstrel show manager. (Motorized) Hattiesburg, Miss.July 2440.Aus-Strates midway are Mr. and Mrs. Denny DOT GORGRANT. Logansport,Ind.Cass County Fair.pices, DAV. Location, center of town,Corr.Show is in tiptop shape for be- Business, very good. Weather, some rain.between WFOR studiosand Baptistginning of fair season at Caledonia,N. Y. Church. Weather,showers.Business, BENH. VOORHEIS. Kaus First fair proved to be best engage-excellent. (Baggage Cars) ment show has played since way back Hattiesburg had been having rain for Reports received from faira month, so an occasional shower didByers & Beach Dunmore, Pa.Week ended July 23. last season. not even dampen ardor of crowds which(Motorized) Auspices, Willow Club. Weather, one clay officials are that midway business waspacked midway untillateatnight. rain.Business, poor. 32per cent better than it has been inRides, shows and concessionsalldid Arcola, 111. Week endedJuly30. Week did not open very promising, Auspices, Arcola Home -Coming commit- asshowers inlateafternoon Monday last eight years.Gate admissions werewell, Owner Joe Geller slipped away last and early evening cut down attendance. per cent better. Show opened a dayfour days for a much -needed holiday intee.Business, fair. 26 seclusion.General Agent Gentsch busy Business fore part of week slow, butRain again Thursday, night completely before actual opening of fair and playedcompleting route for season.To time "home -coming" had terminatedlost.Good attendance each night the show finished with a good week's permitted and midway packed to a large crowd which had come out toGaiter goes credit for one of best weeks Show lucky to get in see Ward Beams' Congress of Dare date.Officer 0. W. Ladner, of newShow had competition from three nameSaturday night. State Highway Patrol, rolled up a spec-bands and a number of versatile freethis night, as rain started at midnight First day of fair was better than mosttacular score at shooting gallery. Sammyattractions that kept crowds scatteredFriday and continued with little let up firstdays, and business increased asO'Hare, who was with show last year,last three nights.Friday night gooduntil late Saturday afternoon.Money days went by.Altho it rained two after-visited.M. A. Metzger, owner of WFORcrowd of spenders milled about lot whenwas scarce and with few exceptions no noons, night business made up for loss.and several other radio stations, was infreeattractionswere not on display.greatbusinesswasreported. Cotton Office reports that fair board co-operatedtown a few hours Saturday and paid aSaturday, with mist enveloping lot en-Club played to near -capacity houses each 100 per cent and that it was a pleasurebrief visit to lot.Eddie Vann, WFORtire evening, a real group of carnival -night and easily took first place. Stanley to do business with men like Sheriffmanager and former showman, was onminded people were in attendance. De-Stellman,stillin home territory,did lot every night with Mrs. Vann. A realspiteelements,rides and concessionsnice business on his Motordrome. Another feeling of camaraderie was built up be-had a night's business that was almostwho hails from the town isGlasgow, up to previous day.Among celebritiesglass eater in side show., Patronage on tween members of show, staff and enter - rides was rather evenly distributed. How- "Deep Cut Prices" ever, twin Big Eli Wheels had one of best weeksin sometime. Beers & Not on soaps orsaltsor cigarettes Barnes Circus was playing in Hawley BUT ON and following motored overtovisit friends:Mrs.Elberta Mack,Mr. and USED TENT EQUIPMENT Mrs.AlKadell andOtisHerrington. Tops, Walls, Ballys, Marquees, Curtains,etc. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Davis took trip home to Tonawanda, N. Y.While there they THE NEW LIST IS READY visited friends on Gruberg's World Ex- With Fire Sale Prices position Shows. Master William Belford came back with them to spend balance Write - Wire - Phone of his vacation with George Davis. Thurs- BAKER - LOCKWOOD day was birthday of Joe 17thand Central KANSAS CITY, MO. Davis and Bessie Traylor and Friday America'sBigTent House was Dorothy Overman's.They held an Eastern Representative. A. E. Campfleld impromptuCelebrationincookhouse. 152 W. 42d St. New York City, N. Y. Mrs. Edith McPhillips, of Scranton, was an all -day guest of Mrs. TillieBurns. Charles and Leo McLaughlin, of Roches- ter, spent two days with their brother, Frank McLaughlin, lot superintendent. FEATHERWEIGHT 0. F. Mack was a visitor latter half of week.Mrs. Edward Main and Marie BINGO SHEETS Peters,of Tonawanda, were guests of Size 51:'2 x8. Very large numbers. Packed 3,000 the Carl Devises. LESTER KERN. to the Carton, Weight 13 lbs. Numbered from 1 to 3,000. Printed on white and 43 additional A VIEW OF WEY LS' PRODUCTIONS taken in front of the mainentrance colors. Serial number in red. Sold In blocks of 1,000, 1,500, 2,000, 3,000. at Polk, Pa., recently. The location was on the Children's Playground, onwhich White City is a large natural swimming pool.At ticket box, left to right:Edward Weyls, PRICES :Minimum Quantity1000. owner -manager of the shows; Mrs. Edward Weyls,secretary -treasurer, and Dr. Twin Falls, Ida. July 18-23.Location, Harvey M. Watkins, superintendent of the State's largest school for thefeeble- Harmon Park. Auspices, Idaho on Parade PostageExtra. minded, and friend of the Weyls.In the marquee are members of the com- Celebration.Business,good.Weather, Loose Sheets (not in Pads), per 1,000 161.25 mittee and back of them the Kiddie Auto rides.Photo was taken by a member hot.Pay gate, 10 cents. Numbered Pads of 25 Each, per 1,000 Weyls reported the date at Polk as very profitable. "Idaho on Parade" celebration brought Sheets 1.50 of the school's staff. Largest Sheet on the market.Immediate deliv- thousands of visitors from all parts of ery. Samples free. State, but spending. inside did not come J. M. SIMMONS & CO. tainers at station.Show furnished con-on midway during home -coming wereup to par.Saturday night after "Bat- siderable talent for various broadcasts,Ted Fio-Rito and Clyde McCoy, orchestratleof Argonne" record crowd of week 19 W. JACKSON BLVD. Chicago, and Vann was most liberal with time forleaders. SocialSecurity,petbeaglearrived to see Governor Clark crown special carnival features.Result, mid-hound of electrician Harry Pallor, has"Miss TwinFalls " Verne Newcomb way was packed every night. added several little "securities" to showproduced and managed this event and TED JOHNSON. colony. DON TRUEBLOOD. exhibited his usual aptitude for produc- ing successful celebrations.All parades FOR SALE and contests were triumphant successes. One Hermaphrodite Goat, double sexed and a freak Thursday, cool evening, brought out big of Nature.Four months old, normal in size and good Jolley Jaillett W. C. Kaus crowds to witness performances of Mario health.$125.00. L. W. WESTBROOK, Del Norte, Colo. Sherman, N. Y. Week ended July 16. and LeFors and May Collier, who were Weather, Amsterdam, N. Y. Week ended July 30.showered with flowers and gifts. Gov- Auspices, Volunteer Firemen. SocialClub, good.Business, fair. Auspices, Mount Carmel ernor Clark and Lieutenant Governor Business, good.Weather, rain. Bessett were guests of show office, where WANTED Business was slow first of week but Due to late train schedule opened very Clean Shows and Concessions (NO GRIFT).Fallpicked up considerably Friday and Satur- they were entertained by Verne Newcomb Festival, on Streets, at TOPEKA, IND., Septem-day.Firemen had a big parade Satur-late Monday night to good crowd. Fewand C.F. Corey.Attendance for six ber 14, 16, 16, 17.ROY WEER RIDES, Arch- attractions on midway unfinished, but bold, 0., August 8-14; Wauseon, 0., August 16-17; day afternoon.This date has always days was estimated by local periodicals Bryan. 0., August 18.20; Dundee, Mich., Augustbeen a three-day event, but Frank Bland,mostof them open werepatronizedto be over 50,000.Ted LeFors' bingo 22-27; Knox, Ind., August 30 -September 3. general agent, booked it forsix days.liberally. Tuesday rainall day untiltopped concessions, Johnnie Hertl's Octo- Committee had a large beer camp onopening time.With good supplyofpus the rides and Frank Forrest's Ten - midway and an open-air dancehall,sawdust and shavings show able to at-in -One the shows.Ted Right's new Hi which appealed toallfolks on show.tract and hold a good crowd. Saturday,Hat Revue took second money. Lucille AL. C. BECK Owners Jaillet and Olson are having allwith clear sky, banner night of season.King's banner campaign went over in baying dissolved partnership with Doug Thomas in theshow framee and panels painted for fairBig attendance and everyone doing near -a big way and marquee was too small operation of Thomas & Beck Shows, is at liberty Concessioners were asLegalAdjuster,BusinessManager.Secretary, dates.Don Carlos left show to bookcapacity business. to carry all the banners.Johnnie Hertl Trersurer or Concession Manager.Write or wireindependently, so Ralph Oarlostooksatisfied.Helen Owens and her attrac-celebrated his birthday with a dinner- AL. O. BECK, 915 Selwyn Road, Cleveland, 0. over Side Show with same attractions.I ive bingo atttendants held crowds late.aance at a local night club.Mr. and DICK MARTIN. Big Ell Wheel topped rides. Leslie's Tilt -Mrs. Grady Calvin Lanford departed for a -Whirl next, and Netzler's U -Drive -Ithome in Fort Collins, Colo.Bert Jen- WANTED close. Mr. and Mrs. Speedy Ray's motor-sen added a photo gallery and B. Carson SMALL, CLEAN CARNIVAL James E. Strates drome is new attraction on midway andseveral concessions. Mrs. Verne Newcomb is topping shows.Bob Howell's Ten -in -and her son born in Twin Falls July 4 EAST SUMNER FAIR (Railroad) One next.Princess Luana's Hawaiianare doing nicely and were visitors on September 8, 9, 10, 1938. N. H. BAULCH (Pres.), Westmoreland, Tenn. OilCity,Pa.Week ended July third and Carlotta Barnard's snakemidway.Mr. and Mrs. Ray Newcomb No auspices. Keystoneshow close behind.Reckless Freddie isalso visited.John Deen, commander of Weather, good. Business, fair. thrilling crowds nightly with his highAmerican Legion, Pocatello, spent two Zimdars Greater Shows Oil City did not prove a "red one," butfree act. Personnel of show spent mostdays on show.Mr. and Mrs. Myles Nel- business was satisfactory until Thursday,pleasant time at skating rink near lot.son took in Mormon celebration Sunday Inc. Wants Kaus' Social Club held its weekly meet-at Hagerman with their concessions and CookHouse. Photo Gallery. Concessions of all kinds.when rain killed the night.Friday and Showswith or without outfits.Fairsbalance of sea-Saturday were two best days of week,ing Thursday night in Hawaiian Viriagereportedexceptionallygoodbusiness. son. Addressthis week: Good pro- Fairmount, 111., or per route In The Billboard, with more than 4,000 paid admissionstop.Helen Owens emcee, Hi Rat Revue ?rated by Ted Right August 13, 1938 CARNIVALS The Billboard 47 and Ming Toi presents a flashy appear-he agent of one of whale exhibits. Alice ance.Cast: Doris Dorrine, Cinderella, owing to weather conditions.Fair asso-straits.Show assembled at Mackinac and Benny Frank Fowler, he agent ofciation 100 per cent In co-operation InIsland and made remainder of move to Elva Stta, Lucille Francila, Rita RosalieHaag Bros.' Circus, and a number of per-trying to keep grounds in shape, but and added feature, Ming Toi.Scandalssonnel of that circus, plating near by. Grand Rapids in one unit, where Pat on Parade, featuring Mlle. Adelle, did they had had 12 straight days of rainFord, special agent, had all arrangements Mrs. Jim Cane and friends,ofParis,prior to opening of fair.Considerablewell in hand.Crowds each night were fair business.Pa and Ma Slover's cook-Ky., also visited.Jim Care is on sickdamage was done to trucks and trailers house and new pop -corn stand sold outlist and in hospital.Was formerly sec- satisfactory, but past front gate spend- nightly.Amato Hayes, star feature ofretary of show. by pulling them with tractors, as theying was very light.Move was long, plus Frank Forrest's annex, had best week R. E. SAVAGE. were mired to body in places.This allan expensive town to play, consequently ofseason. Mrs. Myles Nelson added goes with outdoor show business andprofits for show were a great deal less orangeade stand.Mr. and Mrs. C.F.Crystal all took it in right spirit, tho a goodthan many of smaller cities played this Corey were hosts toallnewsboys of date waslost. I Cetlin away untilseason.Grand Rapids will perhaps he twin Falls Friday night. Saturday night Pulaski,Va. Week ended July23.Thursday on business.Visitors: Georgelargest city where a stand will be made queen and her court of12 attendantsLocation, center of town.Auspices, FireA. Harnid; Mr. and Mrs. Harry La Brequethis season.Boots and Reno shins have were guests of office and were escortedDepartment and Band.Weather, rain.and daughter, Barbara, of New Jerseysuddenly been acquired by all girls on about midway by Governor Clark, Lieu-Business, fair. State Fair;J. A. Gardy, of Doylestownmidway, even by chorusofMinstrel tenant Governor Bessett,Verne New- Everyone was surprisedatbusiness(Pa.) Fair; John T. McCaslin, of Timoni-Show.They were originally worn only comb and C. F. Corey.General Agentdue to fact that It rained every (Md.) Fair, and C. W. Swoyer andby cast of Dottie Moss' Thrill Arena. Arthur Hockwald completedhistourSide Show and Athletic Show didex-son, of Reading (Pa.) Fair. H. B. SHrVE. cf Nevada and is now resting in Port-cellent.Chief Pierce of police depart- GEORGE HIRSHBERG. land, Ore. Virgie Miller Martin departedment co-operated.Rides were packed on a tour of UtahNew sound systemSaturday night right in rain.Manager Grub erg's was placed in operation at marquee andW. J. Bunts bought a new sound truckGold Medal can be heard several blocks. here.Writer and wife had a good time(Motorized) Tonawanda, N. Y.Week ended July WALTON DE PELLATON. with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Roberts, of Vir- 23. Auspices, Niagara Hose and Drum ginia State Police. Grand Rapids, Mich. Week ended JulyCorps. Lot, Canal Fill and Niagara street. Ten -cent gate. Bristol,Va. Week ended July30.30. Location, old brickyard show grounds. Weather, fine. Business, Blue Ribbon Location, Tenney -a Field.Weather, fair.Auspices, Old Kent Post, Veterans ofpoor, (motorized) Business, good. Foreign Wars.Weather, hot.Business, Lot in center of city, with highways First show to play inside city limitsfair. to Buffalo and Niagara Falls on each Rockport, Ind.July 25-30.Spencerforeightyears. Manager Bunts was Eighteenth week of season found Goldsidepracticallyonstreets.Narrow County Fair.Weather, good except raincommended' for show's cleanness.Min-Medal Shows playing furniture capitalgrounds made but a single line of shows, Sa:Yirdcry. Business, fair. strel Show topped shows; ofworld. with alternate riding devices for a. dis- Side Show Long move from Salt Ste.tance of three city blocks.Ideal loca- First fair of season any everyone didwas second.Doc CarloMarco'sLifeMarie, which included 10 miles by boattion some business.Pop Wheeler had quiteShowdidbestbusinessofseason.across straits.All on lot at midnight under normalconditions. But a little difficulty in laying out lot, asJohnny Bunts has a new Cadillac car.and ready fur opening shortly before 8conditions not being normal, business fairgrounds Is covered with trees. AfterYoung Billy Bunts and Mrs. Johnnyo'clock Monday night. Crowd estimatedwas poor, altho better than last week in much maneuvering around everythingBunts, with little Warren William Bunts,at 2,000 persons waited for lights to beRochester.Good co-operation by aus- was set up but one Big Eli Wheel. Con-returned Friday from a visit with rela-turned on and the gates to open. Creditpices and extensivebilling by Morris tivesat Stokes.Plenty ofart and storiesin cessions had good week's business. Roy Findlay,0.Traffic Managermust go to Bill Dunn and his able as-Tonawanda Evening News, Niagara Falls Wood's Hell Riders took top money forGillette of Robbins Bros.' Circus visitedsistants for way this move was handled.Gazette, Lockport -Niagara Press and The shows. Ridesdidwellat night butSaturday night.Bill Gin:inlet, managerInstead of letting drivers sleep beforeNiagara Press, Tonawanda, helped much. nothing much doing in daytime, as freeof Pet Dairy Products Co., gave showdeparting from lot as has been customand thru courtesyof WBEN, Buffalo gateatnightattractedbigcrowds.lots of publicity on his radio broadcasts.for a good many years, moving out fromEvening News station, show was given free Grand -stand shows kept crowds too longHe also purchased10,000 ride tickets,Soo each driver as his truck was loadedbroadcasting publicity, but still business and hurt midway business considerably.which he gave away with each 5 -centwas instructed to drive to ferry loadingpoor.Management tried out a novel Saturday night grounds were packed tosale of ice cream.Show has a contractyard at St. Ignace and sleep there untilnew ride, "The Tank," in form of a capacity.Rain started just as midwayforStatesville,N.C.,and Harriman,all of first contingent arrived. Arrange- Tenn., fairs. miniature tank, inventor beingI.N. closed and continued thruout night. News from Crystal River,ment had previously been made withMcKenzie, ofthiscity.Self -operated JACK GALLUPPO. Fla., winter home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J.ferryofficials to ferry show across inwith a speed of about eight miles an Bunts, is that work is progressing rapidlytwo contingents, but by time first con-hour, seats four.One machine made on show's new winter quarters there.tingent had been loaded on ferry secondsofaras an experiment.GedIe H. Weer Walter Bunts and Charles Staunko arehad arrived and they got in three hours'Cramer, president Spillman Engineering supervising renovation of show for fairsleep before they were ferriedacross. Ashley, Ind. Week ended July 9. Loca-season.Stanley Ciscavage, owner and Corp.,welcomevisitor,togetherwith tion, streets.Weather, fine.Business, Many were on their first boat trips, andJohn Wendler, president Allan Herschell operator of Penny Arcade, sold all hisregardless of how sleepy some were allCo.George La Rose and Mrs. Ls Rose, good. equipment and went to his home inwere on alert for 10 -mile trip across Tilt -a -WhirltoppedridesandJoePennsylvania. R. G. FELMET. many years with the Nat Reiss Shows Hilton's Girl Show the shows.Mr. Weer joined here and will accompany Mrs. Weer rest of season.He has been busyF. H. Bee meeting friends and has speeded things up in short time he has been on. Harrodsburg, Ky., Fair.Week ended FRUIT CONCENTRATES MRS. M. R. WEER. July 30.Weather, fair, except Friday and Saturday, only fair. FOR SNOW -BALL AND DRINK STANDS Shows, rides and concessions had best GOLD MEDAL FRUIT CONCENTRATES willgiveyou the drink or Snow -ball syrup you J. J. Page three days of season first week. Fair have wanted for a long time.They have the rich, full-bodied flavor of the real fruit let Lexington, Ky. Ten days ended Julyboard co-operated in every way possible are priced with the lowest. and that made weekvery 16.Location, North Lime shorgrounds. pleasant. Follow the lead of the leaders this year and line up with GOLD MEDAL Sendfor Weather, good, then some rain.Busi-There was not one iota of disorder on complete details today and get started right this year. ness, fair. grounds, as all law enforcement officers in county and city as wellas several GOLD MEDAL PRODUCTS CO., Lexington, in center of Blue Grass dis-State patrolmen were on duty day and 133 E. Pearl SL, Cincinnati, Ohio trict and familiarly dubbed "home ofnight.Big Ell Wheel top receipts on the thorobred," gave show a nice gross.rides, with Tilt -a -Whirl second.Min- Business was aided materially by dailystrel Show top, followed by Alfredo's spot announcements on radio, LexingtonSide Show. Both F. H. Bee and writer Cab Co., busses carrying show advertise-were a little sick here but kept on go CAMBRIDGE FAIR. ments and a Sunday showing. Groundsfrom early morning until late at night. FOUR DAYS AND NIGHTS, AUGUST 17-18-19-20. two miles from Joyland. an amusementLeonard McLemore wasv.ellsatisfied park, had showfolk asdailyvisitors,with his grand -stand privilege.Several CAMBRIDGE, N.V. especially pool, where most of folks wentconcessions joined here and remained CAN PLACE Shows ofall descriptions, also Concessions, Wheels and Grind Stores, $2.00per to cool cif.Engagement had fair weath-for next fair.Two shows were added foot.CAN PLACE Merry and Wheel Man. er with exception of two days, when tor-here,Devil and Vampire, and Louis HAVE A FEW OPEN DATES FOR FAIRS

rential rains hit, accompanied by highLouise Logsdon with Sex Show.Both Address winds. Everyone on show wholeheartedlyreported a very good business.Special W. L.GIROUD, General Manager, New England Motorized Carnival, Inc.,or stayed with it until wind abated, sav-Agent Brown did himself proud with PHIL S. McLAUGHLIN, Business Manager, ing any possible damage.Season as apaper here,as whole countryside was WeekofAugust 8 to 13, Troy, N Y.; Week August 17 to 20, Cambridge, N. Y., Far. whole has been spotty.Heavy rains,billedformiles around.BillCooley with Saturdays as especial target.Butcame on with his Penny Pitch.Mrs. withal showtolks take it with a smile.Cooley is operator.Bill makes openings Roy Fenn did a nice job in laying out.on Side Show.Bob and Leona Parker He was accorded a surprise visit from hismade a brief visit, as it was first time brother, Frank, who stayed on for threethat Leona has been on show sinceHOFFNER AMUSEMENT CO. WANTS days and left to join another brother.returning from Germany.I- looked like FOR HOMECOMING AND QUEEN FESTIVAL, ALEDO, ILL., AUGUST 24 TO 27, ON STREETS, also in show business,Frank Fenn hasold home week, with all ladies greeting Everything except Corn Game, Novelties, Grab, Punk Rack, Cigarette Gallery and Karmel K3rn. her. Must work for stock and 10c. Biggest Celebration in Western Illinois.Sponsored by Business operated funhouses since the inception Agent Caw for Model Shows and Men and Junior Chamber of Commerce.All communications to C. L. STORER, 413 No, Mad- of that device.Chief Deerfoot, who isMrs. Caw were visitors and renewed sev- ison Street, Bloomington, III., this week; New Windsor, Ill., next Week.Pay own wire-. handling Ten -in -One show, is bringingeral old acquaintances. WM. HOFFNER AMUSEMENT CO. In results and knows what it takes to ,WILLIAM TiaHICKS. build a show of that sort.Mrs. Frank Earl and son, Jupe, left to spend week- end at :heir home in Louisville.Mrs.Cetlin & Wilson Levi Barnes is paying homefolk a visit Harrington, Del. Week ended July 30. CUMBERLAND VALLEY SHOWS WANTS atCanisteo, N. Y.Flying FlemingsDelawareStateFair.Weather,rain. For 14 Bona Fide Fairs In Tennessee-Georgla.StartingInWartrace. Tenn.. August lath. are still going strong.Herbert FlemingBusiness, fair. Octopus. Loop -Plane, Kiddie Airplane. or any other Slide Biat does not conflict. SHOWS-Motordroine, Mechanical City, Crime Show, Monkey Circu, 3 in 1or 5 in1, orany avers that folks really enjoy act, evi- Last week's rain continued this week other Show capable of getting money aith or without.Can place two Comedians and Trimmer Pliyer denced by ovation received after eachwith rain from Monday to Saturday. that can lead Minstrel Show Band.Percentage and salary, or nonld consider an organized kihow. presentation. CONCESSIONS-Bowling Alley, Lead Callers, Pitch -Till -Win, Hoop-l.a. String Game or any oilier DorothyLeePagein-'Fairgrounds a sea of mud and it took Concessions that work for stock.Wrestlers and Boxers for Ath. Show.AddressELLIS WINTON, rig% herited a lamb while in Paintsville, Ky.until Wednesday morning to get show Cleveland, Tenn., this week; Wartrace, Tenn., Fair, to follow. Luther Montgomery. son of Mr. and Mrs.set up.Every piece of show property Bert Montgomery,arrivedhere fromhad to be carried from hard road to Pennsylvania and will spend balance oflocations.Credit is due to workingmen season on show assisting dad on rides.for their untiring efforts. Trucks, cater- Twenty-aix dogs on show and all thoro- SIDE SHOWS pillars, teams and sleds, as well as plank WANTED FOR THE S. D. STATE FAIR AT HURON, AND THE RED RIVER VALLEY FAIR breds. Theyallhad "shots" againstroads, were used to get show on and off AT FARGO, N. D., rabies recently. Visitors: Cy Cooper, offairgrounds.In additionf sir associa- Clean Shows of Merit. CAN USE a good Flat Ride also.Some Concessions open.Positively Paintsvine, just elected State commit-tion and show put 11 carloads of cinders, no grift.18 Fairs in all.Telephone, Wire or Write teeman of State organization of Ameri-shavings and sawdust on grounds, which can Legion.He puts July 4th doings inmade it possible for patrons to at least ART B. THOMAS SHOWS Paintsville.Mr. and Mrs. Buddy Willis,walk around.Very little money spent Lennox, S. D., or per route. August 13, 1938 48 The Billboard CARNIVALS of Mount Carmel Church, and lay com- and other carnivals, who reside here onhibit with Mazuka also is being over-mittee headed by Michael E. Falcone. lot every night.Clarence Walker, pasthauled and repainted. post commander American Legion, Ni- R. F. McLENDON. GLENN IRETON. agara Falls Post, and wife paid a long 15tleats a9c visit.Walter Wolf, brother of Norman Hennies Bros. Wolf of French Casino fame, with showNew England a few days.Mrs. Morris Stokes, Mrs.(Baggage cars and trucks) (Railroad) Del Crouch, Pancakes Hewett, Arthur Butte, Mont.Ten days, ended July (From The Billboard Dated Westfield, Mass.Week ended July 23.30. Auspices,Lions'Club.Location, August 11, 1923) Stokes, Don yenning, Jimmy Rafferty, Harrison and Grand circus lot.Weather, JoeMannheimer,ProfessorKing,AlAuspices, U. S. Army Reserve.Business, ofbad.Rain all week. favorable.Attendance, excellent. Busi- Paulert and others explored Cave Auspices co-operated trying to dry outness, good. Dykman & Joyce Shows were playing Winds and otherattractionsatFalls Considering the fact that this city de- Pension Funddate, during week.Nancy Gruberg and partylot but task was hopeless.Rides prac- Logansport,Ind., bad a high old time picknicking there.tically layed dead all week. Concessionspends entirely on mines and they havingunder local fire department auspices, to Better results in bingo department here.received little play.Benefit show wentbeen shut down for weeks, merchants andgood crowds. . . . West Hammond, Ill., After rigid inspection Mrs. Rose Gru-on Wednesday night as usual, but ap-everyone crying blues, this show playedproved one of worst stands of season for Great . . . berg did some business with Frozen Joy.parently emseeing of Clarence Giroudto a wonderful 10 days' business. DeKreko Bros.' Shows. Victor Lee was sorely missed, as show flopped ascommittee, headed by Lewis H. Graham,severedconnections withHass -Levine Concessions gotalittlemoney. Dr. president Lions' Club, turned out to beShows, paid all side-show salaries in full Perrier,ofLifeattraction, taken sickfar as entertainment went.Looks like and had to give up for a time. DeweyClarence and Sonia better leave theira"one-man band,"heattendingtoend was on his way to New York with a Huff recovered from hospital treatmentrecipe for successful shows with some-everything himself, and with member-sizable bank roll. . . . Miller the Magi- and joined show.He is again superin-cne to carry on.This stand was un-ship of but 18, furnished some 40 -oddcian left Smith Greater United Shows tendingFrench Casino. CharlesJoyquestionably most forlornithas everticket takers each evening and for thresand was playing fairs and celebrations Gramlich with his beauties, which in-been writer's misfortune to play in 25matinees.Lions' Club held this big funin Ohio and Indiana. . . . Roy Beemer clude Italian dancer Marguerite Mon-years in show business.Rain, rain andcelebrationfortheir Sunshine Campwas officially appointed mail agent for tanaro, was among top money shows,more rain, mud, mud and then morefund, a most worthy and well thoughtthe Greater Sheesley Shows.He was as was Preacher Monroe with Hallofmud.They always said that most de-of projectinthis mining community.also disposing of plenty of copies of The Monkey Circus, with Mr. andpressing place to be around was a car-Run into Butte from Eau Claire, Wis.,billboard every week.. ..Bert Lavin, Science. nival lot on a rainy day.Charles Wulp,some 1,300 miles without a mishap, withpopular carnivalite and king of flower Mrs. A. D. Dawson, joined from Louis- William Brennen taking charge of showboys around Philadelphia, was making ville.Jack and Ruby Nelson, Freddieconcession manager, departed with two Goodrow and Virginia Campbell, withconcessions to play Western fairs. Billyspecial en route at Great Falls, Mont.,his home in Pittsburgh and could be Arthur Presley, as manager. are holdingGiroud and Phil McLaughlin bought aafter TrainmasterP.J. McClane left.seen daily at General Forbes Hotel. their own and bringing Midget Villagetwo and one-half ton Diamond T, mak-During engagement, Show Artist Bobby Rubin & Cherry Shows blew into into prominence.William Sylvinhasing five trucks inall.Frank StanleyWickes painted a wonderful lion's headFlint, Mich., for a week's stand after a things under control in the Look at-and family joinedthis week withaon a nine -foot rock at entrance to Lions'satisfactory engagement in Port Huron. . . . Indiana Harbor, Ind., was proving traction.Everybody strengthening theirbeautiful set-up only to run into rain.Sunshine Camp, which members of club Mrs. Verne SoulesTrucks did not have too much difficultygreatly appreciated. RadioStationahighlylucrativespotforSmith's shows for fair season. getting on and off lot to load.DuckyKGIR, of Butte and Helena, owned andGreater United Shows.... Good weather and Mrs. Bibb with diggers have returned Bros.' to show.Grace Firpo still tops ticket -Miller, superintendent of rides, will re-operated by Ed Craney, did much towardand huge crowds greeted Miller selling department, with Rose McNeillyturn after playing a series of celebrationsputting show over in this section.BothShows when they appeared in Jefferson- close second. Ruby Davis, very versatile,with financialsuccess. He willtakeButte newspapers and dailies at Dillonville, Ind., after a week stand at Har- took important role over at a moment'schargeofrides for Business Managerand Anaconda, Mont., were used to her-rodsburg (Ky.)Fair, which was inter- in Casino and did well.Wil-Phil McLaughlin and get them in shapeald show.Billposter Rolland Davis didrupted almost daily by rain.... Greater notice for fair season. some goodbillingforthisdate,andSheesleyShowsbidadieutoUpper hamena and Lottie May Pennsy learning itenjoyed new parts. DICK COLLINS. New Britain, Conn. Week ended JulyHomer Gilland had a great week withMichigan peninsula, where 30. Location, Vibbetts Field. Auspices,banners. A group picture of entire per-four consecutive weeks of biggest busi- Italian -American War Veterans'Thirdsonnel was made by a local photographerness in its history.... Officials of L. J. Annual Convention,Weather, threaten -in Butte.Many went fishing duringHeth Shows completed negotiations to 0. C. Buck Mg.Business, fair. stay.Foremost fisherman was Harry Terre Haute, Ind., week of August (Baggage cars and trucks) Weather kept some people away. Mrs.Hennies, who rigged himself up with a13.. . . Bennie Smith was vacationing billy Giroud was visited by her sistermost expensive outfit but returned aat Goldsboro, N.C.,following a busy Herkimer, N. Y.Week ended July 31.and her husband, Mr. Kennedy.Rayvery tired young man, minus even a fishseason. Location, Manion field.Auspices, Polish.Stone, formerly Jimmie Sakoibe's right -fin. JOE S. SCHOLIBO. Royal American Shows had just com- Roman Catholic Church.Weather, man, is running a ball game for pleted negotiations to play Elgin,Ill., Business, ordinary. Phil McLaughlin. week of August 13.. . . Mrs. Forrest WILLIAM J. GIROUD. Fairly & Little Smith left Kansas City, Mo., to join her Off to bad start, week proved just a Isler get -by stand.Monday, business noth- (Motorized) husbandatTama,Ia.,where ing. Tuesday,rainedoutentirely. Fessenden, N. D. Week ended July 15.Greater Shows were appearing and on which, whichorganization herhusband was Wednesday,circusopposition, Endy Bros. Weather, ideal. Business, good. special agent.... Zenola, mentalist, and however, seemed to help and brought a(Baggage Cars and Trucks) Engagement during five days of fair good crowd. Balanceofweek,good was best in four years show has beenher manager, G. W. Randall, left road crowds butlittlemoney inevidence. Roseto, Pa.Eight days ended Augustmaking the dates.C. D. Scott completedand permanently located in Kansas City, ., Billy Streetorleft Isler Greater Threatening weather first four days also1.Auspices, Our Lady of Mount Carmelhis snake show and added several newMo, . kept many away from lot.Newton Bros.'Celebration. Weather, good.Business,illusions to his March of Time show.Shows in favor of playing a few inde- pendent dates in Missouri territory. . . . Circus played old fairgrounds onexcellent. Alice Strout's Godiva Show and Artists' playing Wednesday and much visiting among Poor train connections from Albany,Models run neck and neck in daily re-Gerard'sGreater Shows were business New top for Dodson's HollywoodGreen Island, N. Y., to lucrative results troupers. Reportsofslack N.Y., and subsequent latearrival ofceipts. . under McGowan Hose Co. auspices. . . comes from every side.This last weekbaggage cars did not allow Monday open-Monkey Show arrived. A new ChevroletMcLeansboro, Ill., was proving a red spot ofcontract withBilly Ritchey Watering. Commentary on formeristhattruck was delivered for transportation of .Circus. which has been abig featurerailroad mileage totaled 300, while trucksmidway lighting towers.Mr. and Mrs.for D. D. Murphy Shows. since opening day.His act will, however,had to travel only half that distance.Van Cura, of fair, entertained Mr. and play severalfairs with show thru hisHowever,first sustained good weatherMrs. Phil Little and Mr. and Mrs. Noble booking office.Sammy Lewis' Ubangiin a month, plus celebration with aC. Fairly with a chicken dinner Sunday Truck and Trailer Revue closed here after 15 disappointingvengeance on part of locals and manynight. weeks; just could not cut it.A. J. Sykes'former residents, who returned for oc- Langdon, N. D. July 18-20.Weather, Parlor, Bedroom and Bath show is fin-casion, made this best stand so far thisrain Monday. Business, good. Legislation ished and ready to open at first fair nextseason.All rides and shows prospered This year's fair was largest in both NEW ORLEANS, Aug. 6.-New motor week.Mrs. ClarenceSt. Germain onabout equally as slate workers turnedattendance and receipts for many years.trucking statutes allowing an increase show for balance of season with hus-outfortheiryearlyspendingspree.Dick Forkner, secretary of fair, deservesin load limit to 8,000 pounds for four- band, foreman Ridee-O and The Bill-Benny Weiss leftat end of week tomuch credit for way he handled thiswheel trucks and a maximum of 14,000 board sales agent.Dick Tolman kissedsupervise personally opening of his newfair.Monday at 6 p.m. a hard wind and,poundsforcombinationtruckand center pole of marquee Saturday.Says500 -seaterbingolayoutatLewistonrain struck, but by 7 p.m. skies weretrailer went intoeffectinLouisiana no more for this season. Dick hascharge(Pa.)Fair. Hisbrother,Harry,willclear and largest crowd In fair's historythis week.Highway officials announced of front gate and tickets.W.C.Kauspinch-hit with Endy Bros.' Shows.Heturned out.Wednesday show movedthat first offenders to the new ruling and Spot Cooper, his adjuster, cordialpurchased another Ford truck to carryinto Hamilton, N. D., and opened at 4will have the opportunity of unloading visitorsforan afternoon.Show wasadditionalequipment. W.J.Tuckerp.m. Friday and Saturdaywerebigtoallowedlimit,but secondoffense playingAmsterdam. JudgeLeonard,renewed home -towntiesinadjacentdays.Mrs. Carey Jones left for Muncie,means license revoking for State trucks Commander Austin and others of IllionBangor, where he stopped withMrs.Ind., where her husband isill.Mrs.and heavy fines for others.Included committee recently playedfor nightlyTuckerat home ofhiscousin, RoyBuster Shannon inhospital at Fargo,among other new requirements in the visitors.Gerald Snellens, of World ofLaBarre.Jake Davis took considerableN. D., in very bad condition. State is a speed limit of 40 miles per Mirth Shows, also visited.Manager O.ribbing because Eddie Lippman placed Wahpeton, N. D. Week ended July 30.hour insteadof35, with busses per- C. Buck announced arrangements haysformer's Funhouse in front of adjoiningWeather, rain two nights. Business, verymitted an increase from 40 to 50 miles been completed whereby he will againcemetery, due to cramped quarters ofgood. per hour.Registration certificates must play Mineola fair for 15th year. Mrs. Joesmall lot.Great deal of anxiety was This was a still date but business wasbe carried in a special folder in the truck. Falco and two sons joined Joe here andfelt during Wilno's shot on Tuesdaygood even tho two nights were lost due will remain for balance of season. Mr.night, as a downhill pitch from cannonto rain.Everything being repainted for JACKSON, Miss., Aug. 6. - Buckeye and Mrs. Burns have taken over net created an opticalillusion offairs.Recent visitors: Max Goodman, ofState Shows will furnish midway attrac- bowl, illusion show and are rebuildingovershooting latter,Frank Martz has aGoodman Wonder Show; Dee Lang, oftions for Lincoln County Free Fair to be and redecorating for fairs.Reptile ex -smart -looking new grab stand which isDee Lang Shows; Doc Ottinger; Mr. andheld at Brookhaven, Miss., according to doing thriving business.Jim Smith,Mrs. Ed Mueller, Art Beaumen and wife,President Eddie M. Young. This is sec- drummer, and Julius Dixon, trumpet,of Jamestown, N. D.;R. D, Pfund, AlondconsecutiveyearthatBuckeye AMERICA'S HANDIEST TRAILER with Matt Crawn's Harlem show, haveSchackle, Al Lovejoy, F. F. Zimmerman,Shows have had this event. Backs es easy as Mrs. Speedy Merrill fin- itgoesfonvart bought cars. Dick Forkner, Franklin Page and Mr. and If you want a ished another set of costumes for WallMrs. Jack Wilson. M. VAN HORN. handy. of Death riders.Incidentally, Speedy Management neat looking trail- has recently added a sock finale to trio's and Mrs. Robert Howitt, erwrite Cunningham's of extravaganza has been taken over by ECONOMY routine that leaves customers gasping. Bill Lowther.R. B. Schueler, represen- TRAILER CO. Management of shows wishes to acknowl- fative of The Billboard, was avisitor. edge splendid support accorded by Rev. Byesville,0. Week endedJuly30. Sedan. Kansas Auspices,AmericanLegion. Weather DOROTHY CUNNINGHAM. Joseph Ducci, C. M., pastor of Our Ladyand business, good. Show hadbigattendancethruout week.A balloon ascension was made High LOOK EL3 each evening by Mrs. Joe Parks, IN THE WHOLESALE aerialacts were also a part of per- PHIL SMITH-Showmen'sRepresentative formances. Some repaintingandre- MERCHANDISE SECTION MOVE YOUR RIDES ON FRUEHAUFTRAILERS pairing was doneinpreparationfor forthe Special Finance Set-up For SIPoernon fairs.Mrs. Willise's Side Show is going All Types-All Prices-An Sizes over very good. Among its performers LATEST NOVELTIES. IRIZES COMPANY . Detroit Mite and MajorShort, PREMIUMS AND SPECIALTIES FRUEHAUF TRAILER Sales and Service to All Principal Cities arePrincess Wood's Oldest and largest Manufacturers cf TruckTrailers midgets, known' in private lifeas Mr. August 13, 1938 The Billboard 49

Pioneer Days WANTED FOR MakeaProfit Sponsored Events aro'lenemew" NATIONAL P 0 TAT 0 OGDEN, Utah, Aug. 6.-Receipts from Veteran, Lodge and Other Organization Festivities Pioneer Days, ending on July 25, totaled PICKING CONTEST $19,391, with expenses of $15,000, accord- LABOR DAY, SEPTEMBER 6, ing to Frank Vause, treasurer.Mayor BARNESVILLE, MINN. Harmon Peery and his committee termed Corducted by CLAUDE R.ELLIS Rides, Shows. Concessions, Aerial Acts. the celebration a success in every way (Communications to25-27 OperaPlace,Cincinnati,0.) BIGGEST EVENT IN RED RIVER VALT.TY and particularly from a financial stand- ROY GOULDEN, Concession Chairman. point.Ogden has netted several thou- sand dollars each year and the rodeoCovered Wagon70 Times Town's was termed the best ever presented here. A new feature on July 24 and 25 was Population Drawn a show at Ogden airport, featuring Tex THE ARMSTRONG COUNTY LABOR Rankin, movie stunt man; Laura Ingalls,DaysaSuccess transcontinental flier, and George Cook, SALT LAKE CITY,Aug. 3.-With re-For Centen Event DAY CELEBRATION parachute jumper. The rodeo drew bigceiptsof about $36,000 and expenses GREEN CAMP, 0., Aug. 6.-Centennial Held on the Armstrong County Fair Ostrands, crowds to the Stadium.Annual Ogdenabout$29,000,Covered WagonDays'Celebration here on July 20-23 was one KITTANNING.PA. of September 5, Horse Show was heldin conjunction.five-day celebration closed here on July the most successfuleverheldin Hasopenings for Novelties, Concessions, Penny Mayor ?eery said the 1939 celebration25, celebrated as Pioneer Lay.Gus P.this section, when 45,000,'70 times the Pitch and Ball Games.50,000 people valid be will be on five days instead of seven. Backman, celebration chairman and sec-town'snormalpopulation, on the grounds on that day.Activitieswill attended commence at 10 A.M., continuing until Mid- Two big parades, one for kiddies, drewretary of the Chamber of Commerce, saidfrom surrounding territory, said Dana night.A Unit of the National Barn Dance to thousands from near -by towns.Ogden'smore interest was shown than ever be-G. Barber, secretary. Special night was be the main attraction, featuring Lulu Bele and fore. setasideforthe Scotty. Address Old Mill, a new advertising year-round The rodeo was better attended AmericanLegion. LUKE BRETT, Chairman. feature, erected with money made fromthan last year.A parade on the lastThursday nightahistorical pageant was (See PIONEER DAYS on page 57) day drew an estimated 100,000 onlookers.given and Friday night about 25,000 saw Western States Shows on Auerbacha parade. Field were the largest of their kind to Over 100 served on committees which play here. Rides and shows had a goodbegan work eight months ago with a WANTED play. Free acts at the carnival included ahome talent show to raise funds and high diver.The Cavalcade of Pioneers WILLARD, OHIO RIDES-CONCESSIONS sell $600 in advertising for an 80 -page On the Main Street, BALLOONIST was the feature so farat.presentinghistorical booklet.Chairmen were J. B. a replica of the coming of pioneers intoPorter, Arthur E. Haberman, Noah H. AUGUST 15 TO 20. DEXTER KIWANIS CARNIVAL Salt Lake City Valley.University ofClinger, Ivan R. Barnhart, M. B. Weston WANT Concessions ofallkindsexcept September 5-6-7 Utah stadium housed 10,000 on nightand F. T. Uncapher. Bingo and Ball Carnes. WANT Stock VAeel Write JOHN F. HOEY, Dexter, Mich. of July 24. The parade ended in Liberty andother Concessions.Also small Shows Park, where Art Gardiner had conces- Free acts were Unicycle Hay; Three that can set up on streets. sions.A kiddies' costume parade hadMacks and Steiner Trio, bar and comedy. This is an Annual Celebration.Write or more than 5,000 youngsters. R.A.Jolly'sFerris Wheel, Merry -Go - wire for more information. Round, Loop -o -Plane, bicycle and auto T. J. O'GORMAN, Rawson,0. AMERICAN LEGION Free acts presented on main streets in-rides were on the midway, as were Tim HOMECOMING cluded Billy Crowson, high wire; GreatNolan's and Edward Thompson's athletic AT PI.ER CITY, ILL., SEPTEMBER 2-3. Ricardo, high swaying pole; Janet Sis-and glass shows. Two Elm Days and 2 Big Nights.No Gate ters, dancers; Evers and Dolores, tight Charge, wire; Two Jays, comedy acrobats; Hud- Concessionerswere W.L.Cassidy. 62nd ANNUAL CELEBRATION 7PrICPSSicn s and Shows Wanted, tlanket wheel; Don Stewart, novelties, R. R. ROBERTS, Chairman. son and Hudson, hand balancers, and Keene Twins, tumbling.Freddie milk bottles and balloon pitch;C.L. CHIEF PONTIAC POST was emsee.Steve Moloney again han-Walker, cat rack; Gene McDonald, cigaret dled publicity, as he has done since theshooting gallery; J.F. Selbert,huckley- No. 1699, V. F. W. WANTED RIDES celebrations started in 1935.Altho it isbuck;FredZimmerly,snowballs;R. East Carondelet, ACTS AND CONCESSIONS. not possible to give complete financialSaylor, high striker and milk bottles; (East Side MississippiRiver, near St.Louis) C. R. Prettyman, pop 'emin; DoubleFeatureProgramatSchwartztrEuber returns as yet, it is said the celebration Ralph Park NIANTIC HOMECOMINGis in the clear again.J. Farley WhiteTanner,photogallery;CliffThomas, September 2, 3, 4, 5.4 Big Days and Nights. September 8, 9 and 10. bingo and milk bottle; James W. Burke. Over 10,000 people lastyear. NIANTIC, ILL. handled ticket sales, with business houses WANT Rides, Shows, Concessions of all k nds. co-operating. devil's bowling alley; Mrs. E. M. Arbo- Also Free Acts. gast, candy floss; A. Phillips, pop corn Address BOX 15, Dupo, Ill. and peanuts; Fay Dixon, African dip; Dickey Signs Radio NamesThomas Nugent, pitch -till -you -win; But- WANT TO RENT ler's long and short range lead galleries; 5,000 PORTABLE SEATS for September 7 to 10. For K. C. Annual Jubilesta Write or Wire H.B.Swigert,noveltycanes;E.L. KANSAS CITY, Mo., Aug. 6.-LinColnSchultz and L.A. Dixon,ice cream; ART OLSON, Sec'y. G.Dickey. general manager of KansasLee Roy Cupp, cannelcorn;Robert WANTED A CARNIVAL Creston, la. City Jubilesta, third annual, announcedDavis, addaball;Robert Davis, radio signing of added attractions for the fallwheel, and Ervin and Tibbals, root beer. for the week of Sept. 5-10, 1938. WANTED festival in Municipal Auditorium. With Address J. T. DANIELS, Box1 )6, Forweek3epteniher23. good. clean Carnival withhis assistant, Peg Willin Humphrey, he at least ten Riding Ihvices, fifteen Shows and tworeturned from a shopping trip to Chi-Attractions Break Records Clymer,Pa. outstanding nee Attractions,forCotton Festlial. Should draw 40,000 thru gate. cago, third he has made _.nthe lastAs Ill. Fete Makes Profit DELTA STAPLE COTTON FESTIVAL ASSN.. two months. Clarksdale, Miss. Heading listof new acts are Henry ARCOLA, Ill., Aug. 6.-Altho hindered Burr, veteran singer; Uncle Ezra (Patby weather, a good program of acts and Barrett), of an NBC show, and Hoosierattractions broke attendance records at Annual Fall Festival Hot Shots.Also signed was the cast ofthe Annual Home -Coming Celebration SEPTEMBER 14 TO 17, INC. WANTED 46 of a CBS Sunday show, Laugh Liner, WANT Promoter, Rides, Shows, Concessions, Small sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce Rodeo on percentage. No grift.Held during To- SHOWS, RIDES AND CONCESSIONS starringBillyHouse. Previously con-here on July 25-30, and the committeemato Pack. Factory working. Address 2ND ANNJAL FALL FESTIVAL, AUGUST 25-27 L. A. MASSEY, Chairman, Shirley, Md. Write or Wire AL TABOR. tracted are Rudy Vallee and companyfinished in the black, reports Chairman 3821 S. Broadway, and George Burns and Gracb Allen.AtThomasMonahan. Featuredwasa Englewood, Colo.least a dozen other names w 11 be addedbroom -corn palace, with displays from within the next month, Mr. Dickey said.foreign countries. No attractions have been signed yet Byers & Beach Shows on the midway FALL FESTIVAL WANTED for the Little Theater, Music Hall andreported good business.Free acts were MENDOTA, ILL., SEPTEMBER 14-15-16. Exhibition Hall.Sale of scrip is goingthe Danwills, Will Hill's Elephants, Peer-Free Rides.Quote price on of 4 or 5 Riles to Rides and ConcessionsforFreeMelonDaysat L.J. °ESTER, Mendota. Guttenberg,la.,August 23, and Bellevue,la., well, with more than 100 young womenless Potters, Radke Sisters, Tarzan and Concessions Wanted. August 24, 25. Percentage. Write competing forforeigntripswithex-Naida-Pareez. Care GENERAL SALES CO., Dubuque, Ia. penses paid. Three orchestras, led by Ted Fio-Rito, Clyde McCoy and Tony Martin drew big crowds, with Martin breaking attendanceWANTED Rides and Concessions. September 3,4, 5 Ez- N. W. Events on Increase records Saturday night. cept Hamburger, Beer and Bingo Stancs. SPOKANE,Wash.,Aug. 6.- Of27 WATERTOWN CENTRAL LABOR UNI)N 14x22, FourthofJulyfireworks shows and Watertown, Wis. 22x28 paperand Newcombe Active in Idaho ALYCE ROWLANDS, 818 CadySt.. cardboard posters, one sheets, celebrationsinEasternWashington. heralds, etc., for all occasions. Northern Idaho and Western Montana TWIN FALLS, Ida., Aug, 6.-American Quickservice,lowprices. all showed increases in attendance, someLegion Post -sponsored celebration, Idaho RIDES, CONCESSIONS Write for free catalog. as great as 50 per cent, but arerage takesonParade, closeda successful six -day AND SHOWS BOWEF SHOW PRINT 5.a«. FOWLER ,IND.fell off 30 per cent, according to Herbrun here on July 23 with 10,500 at Siege -for- Sutherland, of Hitt Fireworks Co. Folksof Argonne fireworks.White City Shows LABOR DAY were out to see the freeattractions.played to good crowds and business, said Annual Event; Crowd 5,000 to 8.000. More towns held celebrations than inTed F.Corey, manager.May Collier, Write Village Clerk, Shannon,Ill. WANT MORE REVENUE previous years, Sutherland slid. high diver, and Marlo and LeFors, aerial- ists, drew throngs nightly.There were for a public wedding, crowning of Miss Vic- Va. Firemen Have Profit tory, boxing, Baby Show, big parade and WANTED eight -county picnic.Verne Newcombe, YOUR ORGANIZATION? LOUISA, Va., Aug. 6.- Aitho moneywell-known Western showman, was di- was not as plentiful as in previous years,rector, and J. Edward Warner, general Rides and Concessions Read annual Volunteer Firemen's Fair here onchairman. For Benld,Ill., Home -Coming, September 3, 4, 5. July 4 was a financial success, reports AddressJ.W. CHULICK, Benld, 111 "BINGO BUSINESS" L. S. Key, manager.Weather was good and 8,000 attended.There were conces- AColumnAbout Bingo in the sions, fireworks, horse tournament, band concerts,publicwedding,autogive- RIDES, SHOWS, CONCESSIONS, FREEACTS WANTED WHOLESALE MERCHANDISE away and parade ledby Shenandoah FOR THIRD ANNUAL WISCONSIN CRANBERRY HARVEST FESTIVAL, Department Municipal Band, with cups awarded fire WISCONSIN RAPIDS, WIS.-SEPT.16, 17, 18 companies making the best appearance. event attracted 20,000 People last year. H. C. Poats'Merry -Go -Roundand Same Sponsored by Junior Chamber of Commerce. THIS WEEK and EVERY WEEK Chairplane were on the midway and the Good business assured. Write Flying Sensations were free act. GEO. T. FRECHETTE, Cha:rman, Festival, Wisconsin Rapids. August 13, 1938 50 The Billboard Classified Advertisements Setinuniformstyle. No cute.No borders.AdventBarnette Bentby AT LIBERTY We re- telegraph will not be inserted unless money ia wired with copy. Sc WORD (First Line Large BlackType) COMMERCIAL the right to reject any advertisement or reviseCOW. 2c WORD(First Line and Name Black Type) serve lc WORD (Small Type) 10c a Word Figure Total of Words atOne RateOnly FORMS CLOSE (in Cincinnati) THURSDAY No Ad Leas Than 25c. Minimum -$2.00. CASH WITH COPY. FOR THE FOLLOWING WEEK'S ISSUE, CASH WITH COPY.

ABSOLUTELY LEGITIMATE -NO PRIZES, NO MIXED FIXED DENS PITCHMEN! SOLICITORS! - NEW NO SLIP - ANIMALS, BIRDS, ping Garment Hanger readyformarket. rewards necessary.Bally's (Sc) Basket Ball Snakes, Boas, Dragons, Iguanas, Giles, Mon-Absolutely stays put when placed on clothesMachine, beautiful cabinet, remarkable game CAGENTS AND DISTRIBUTORS keys, Parrots, Macaws, Parrakeets for Wheels. at$32.50each, Bally's 5 -Ball Mercury, SNAKE KING, Brownsville, Tex. au20xline.Sells for dime.Blueprint free.Sample hanger 15c.TRIPLE SERVICE HANGER CO.,$10.00: Silver Flash, $20.00.Deposit required. WANTED ANIMALS, BIRDS AND REPTILES -IMPORTED706 W. Maple St., Centerville, la. KLOTZ SALES, 17 Wellhouse Bldg., Atlanta, .) by MEEMS BROS. Cr WARD, Inc., 'Box B, Ga. POP CORN MACHINES - NEW MODELS. Oceanside, N.Y. Rockville Center5006. ALL FOLLOWING GAMES $5.00 EACH - BIG MONEY TAKING ORDERS -SHIRTS, TIES,Write for price list. Geared Kettles, Griddle Stoves, Tanks, Burn- Hosiery, Underwear, Raincoats, Pants, Dresses, ers and other Concession Supplies.Wholesale Bumper, East and West.Buttons.Rugby, Fire Eall, Fire Cracker, Excel, Neck and Neck, etc. Sales equipment free.Experience un-DENS FRESH SNAKES - 12 SMALL SNAKES,and retail.IOWA LIGHT CO., II1 Locust, Des necessary. Write NIMROD, 4922-A Lincoln, $3.00; 12 Medium, $5.00; 12 Large, $10.00;Moines, la. se3xShort Sox, Sequence, Banker.Following $7.50 Chicago. se24x ELLISON MITCHELL, St. eacn: Ricochet, Live Wire, Boo-Hoo, Outboard, 20 Large, $15.00. Elec. Board,Bally Stephen, S. C. "QUICK CASH" DEMONSTRATING NEWBetterUp,Mystic, Score BIG MONEY APPLYING INITIALS ON AUTO - Social Security Pocket Keychecks. Rush 25cBooster, Hot Springs, Skooky. Following mobiles. Write immediately for particulars THE FALL SPECIAL ISSUE OF THE for sample and literature.BAHN CO., Box 86,$12.50 each'Homestretch, Mercury, Skipper, and free samples.AMERICAN LETTER COM- BILLBOARD WILL BE DATED AUGUST Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Stormy,Replay. One-halfdeposit. BOYLE PANY, Dept. 20, Dunellen, N. J. 27.CLASSIFIED FORMS CLOSE IN CIN AMUSEMENT CO., Oklahoma City, Okla. CINNATI AUGUST 17.INCREASED CIR- CULATION. MARK YOUR COPY "CLASSI- COSTS 2c -SELLS 25e.FAST SELLING NECES- FIED" AND SEND IT IN EARLY. ATTRACTIVE BUYS -10 ABT lc BIG GAME sity for agents, crews, demonstrators.Sam- COIN -OPERATED MACHINES Hunter Pistol Target Machine, $10.00 each; ple 10c.Details free.LINNELL, Box 1963-B,LIVE ARMADILLOS -ALL SIZES. COMPLETE 25 Columbus Sc Peanut Vencors, $3.00 each; Cleveland, 0. tfnx Families, $7.00; each, $2.00:pair,$3.50. SECOND-HAND 10 Adlee 4 -Column lc Peanut Vendors. $5.00 Prompt delivery. Good feeders.APELT ARMA- each. ROBBINS CO.,11416 DeKalbAve., THE FALL SPECIAL ISSUE OF THE au20 BILLBOARD WILL BE DATED AUGUST DILLO FARM, Comfort, Tex. se24 Brooklyn, N. Y. 27.CLASSIFIED FORMS CLOSEIN CIN- BALLY FAIRGROUNDS, EXHIBIT CHUCK -A - CINNATI AUGUST 17. INCREASED CIR- MARE COLT -BORN IN APRIL WITH RICHT CULATION. MARK YOUR COPY "CLASSI- front foot split like a cow hoof.Will sell Notice Luck, Shoot the Moon, WurlitzerP -12s, FIED" AND SEND IT IN EARLY. reasonably. R.J. PULLEY, Zearing,la. $49.50 each. PacesRaces,Evans Galloping Dominos, $89.50 each.5c Green Front Q.T.s, EXPERIENCED SUBSCRIPTION MEN WANTED Only advertisements of used machines $35.00; lc Q.T.'s, Cherry Reels, $19.50: Rol - Attractive ClubPLENTY SNAKES - ARMADILLOS, IGUANAS, inthis column. -Rural work exclusively. Giles,Dragons,Alligators,Horned Toads, accepted for publication A -Score,Rol -A -Base. $25.00 each. 1 /3 de- National Magazines. Liberal proposition. Machines of recent manufacture and being PUBLISHER, 630 Shukert Bldg., Kansas City, Chameleons,Monkeys,PrairieDogs,Coati- posit. KY. GUM COMPANY, 3406 Garland mundis,peccaries, GuineaPigs,Rats,Mice, advertised extensively in The Billboard by Ave., Louisville, Ky. Mo. se Parrakeets, Wild Cats, Guinea Baboons, Puma manufacturers, distributors or Jobbers may JUMPING BEANS -SAMPLE25c; $1.00HUN-Cubs, Lion Cubs.Wire OTTO MARTIN LOCKE, not be advertised as "used" in The Bill- BALLY BAMBINOS, 3 @ $45.00; 9 -FT. TARGET dred; $5.00 thousand; $20.00fivethou-New Braunfels, Tex. se3x RollJr., Bowling Games, 3 @ $24.50 crated; Wire NATIONAL board. Seeburg Selectophones, 6 @ $25.00 crated: sand; $35.30 ten thousand. Machine, PRODUCTS CO., Laredo, Tex. RINGTAIL MONKEYS, SPIDER MONKEYS 1 Brand New Es-Ki-Mo Shooting Marmosettes, ColombianParrots, BeeBee never uncrated, $175.00 All perfect.Third LADIES -OWN PERMANENT BUSINESS INParrots, Macaws. Complete list sent.SOUTH- A BARGAIN -GOLDEN WHEELS, AIRWAYS deposit. SILENT SALES, 192814th, N. W., Home Town.Send 10c for sample and de- Silver Flashes, Ski -Hi, Rocket, $22,50; CaromsWashington, D. C. ERN CALIFORNIA BIRD Cr PET EXCHANGE,and Spring Times, $12.50; Cross -Line, Ball Fan tails. NU -WAY MFG. CO., 1614 Hortense,Bell, Calif. se3 Dallas, Tex. and Bumpers, $10.00; Chico Derby, FootballsBARGAINS - MARKSMEN, FLYING DUCK, SPECIAL -MONKEYS, RHESUS, JABA GREY OR and Mercury, $17.50; Bally Reserves and Mills $39.50,andSelecto- MAGIC RINGS -NEW ITEM, FAST SELLING, All equip- $25.00;Popmatics, Specialty men, African Green Monkeys, $15.00 each; $150.001.2-3, $49.50; Fleetwood, $74.50. phones, $30.00.E. Cr R. SALES CO., 813 Col- big profit, real sales helps. dozen. Ringtail Monkeys, alltypes, $20.00;ment guaranteed first-class condition. One- lege Ave., Grand Rapids, Mich. concessioners, pitchmen. Write H. ACKER- 10feet, C.0.D. TWENTY Judge for your-$210.00 dozen. Boa Constrictors, thirddeposit,balance MAN, Box 72, Pontiac, Mich. $50.00 each; 5 feet,$10.00. Wire cash.RECORD PHONOGRAPH CORP., 206 Washing-BARGAINS -4 1937 TRACK TIMES, $125.00 self, sample 35c refundable. UNIVERSAL PRODUCTS CO., Laredo, Tex. xton St., Tampa, Fla. each 1938 Kentucky Club, $180.00; 1938 - MISPLATES, Galloping Dominoes, $140.00; 1937 Galloping YOUNG TAME SPIDER MONKEYS, $16.50A REAL BUY -LIKE NEW RESERVES, $37.50; values to 35c retail; 10 dozen pair, $5.30; each; Young Tame Honey Bear (Kinkajous', Dominoes, $100.00; Dewey Jr., $60.00; Flash- MODERN PRODUCTS Mills Big Races, $69.50; Mills Rio, $79.50.ingThru, with Stand, $35.00; Lincoln Field, 100 dozen pair, $44.00. 520.00 each; Golden Front Parrakeets, $5.00 D. RUFUS M. CO., Buffalo, Minn. 1/3Deposit,balance C.0. $85.00.1 /3 deposit.P.CrT. COIN MACHINE each:Agoutis,$12.00each:YellowHead WHITE, 1206 South Ave., Syracuse, N. Y. x CO., 306 Third St., Baton Rouge, La. NEW ADVERTISING CALENDAR -SIMPLIFIED Parrots,$8.00 each. LACKEYS PET SHOP, one tablefiguresforentire year withoutSan Antonio, Tex. ABOVE REPROACH OR YOUR MONEY BACK -BARGAINS -ARCADE MACHINES, 200 PEA - pads.Sample 10c.SIMPLEX CALENDAR CO.,4 TRAINED DOVES -WITH PROPS, FIFTEEN Bally Reserves, $42.50; Mills 1-2-3, $42.50; nutMachines,Snacks,Diggers,Buckleys, 225 Second Ave., Lombard, Ill. Dollars. Climb Ladder,RollBarrel,RideGolden Wheels, Caroms, Racing Form, $17.50;Eries, Merchantmen, Mutoscopes,Iron Claws, Air Ways, SilverFlash,Track Meet, Chico Machines. NATIONAL. 4242 NEW FOGLITE INVENTION - STRANGEMerry -Go -Round and Ferris Wheel.THOS. L. Shipping instruc- Candy Bar amber material snaps on headlamps.Pierces FINN, Hoosick Falls, N. Y. Derbys, Beam Lites, $16.50. Market, Philadelphia, Pa. Samples sent on trial. tionswith 1/3deposit. EAGLE VENDING loc.Knockout seller. COMPANY, Tampa, Fla. au2Ox Rush name. KRISTEf 131, Akron, 0. BARGAINS -I BALLY TARGET AUTOMATIC. Pay, 520.00; 1 Ray Gun, 535.00; 1 22 -Rifle NO PEDDLING -FREE BOOKLET DESCRIBES( BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES )ALL BARGAINS - GOOD CONDITION - 15Shooting Gallery, $30.00; 1Mills McCoy Auto- jackpot, 107 money -making opportunities for start- Mystery B Front Vendors, single 1 Ten Grand Automatic 10 Melon Vendors, $79.50; 2 Millsmatic Pay, $10.00; ing own business home, office. No outfits. $49.50; Pay, $10.00; 1 Tycoon Automatic Pay, $10.00. au27x Club Consoles,like new, $99.50; 6 Watling ELITE, 214 Grand St., New York. MIDGET SPEEDWAY AMUSEMENT RIDE - 1 '3 deposit, balance collect.WHITE AMUSE- Boardwalk, Santa Cruz, Calif. Track,Treasuries, like new, $47.50; 1 Ray's Track,MENT COMPANY, Hutchinson, Kan. PERFUME BUDS - COST lc EACH, SELL 5c.Garage, electrical work complete. Sixteen newNo. 3600, at $79.50; 10 Fairgrounds, $59 50- Particulars free. Sample 10c. Agents, street - Foto Finish, $35.00; 1RoyalCAPEHART PHONOGRAPH, $47.50 - 1936 men, demonstrators. MISSION, 2328 W. Pico,cars this season. Now operating.Good chance5 Preakness and 1 for reliable party.D. E. CIPPERLY, 107 Broad-Races, $25.00. J.H. WINFIELD CO., 1022 Model, good condition and appearance.Pic- Los Angeles, Calif. au27xway, Santa Cruz, Calif. Main St., Buffalo, N. Y. aul 3xture cn request.BOX C-607, Billboard, Cin- SELL BY MAIL - FORMULAS, BOOKS, PIC- cinnati, 0. tures, Novelties, Signs, bargains! Big profits. Particulars free. F. ELFCO, 438 North Wells DISCONTINUING BUSINESS -$50,000 STOCK St., Chicago. tfnx of Paytables, Novelty, Counter and Bowling Games sacrificed for quick clearance. Advise SIZZLING! HOT! - SNAPPY ILLUSTRATED your requirements.AUTOMATIC, 628 Madi- 3 Color Sho-Cards.Fastest 25c sellers.Cost son, Memphis, Tenn. au27 4c. Samples 10c. HANSEN SIGNS, 3129 N. LAST CALL Linden, Chicago. EIGHT 1937 POPMATICS-WITH NEW STYLE Corn Chutes, perfect working condition and WESTERN OVERLAP COWHIDEBELTS - ready to operate.A realbargain at $37.50 Beautifully decorated,$1.50seller;$9.00 Classified Advertising Forms each or $290 takes the lot.Send 1/3 deposit dozende'ivered.No C. 0. D. WALTER DE to MILLER VENDING COMPANY, 615 Lyon, MOSS, 458 E. Washington, Indianapolis, Ind. Grand Rapids, Mich. au2Ox for the big annual FOR SALE - ROCK -O -BALL ALLEYS WITH WHERE TO BUY AT WHOLESALE 500,000 Visible Triple Scoring Device,Seniors and Articles.Free Directory and other valuable Juniors, 550 00.BULLION, Station "0," Box information. MAYWOOD B. PUBLISHERS, 925 118, New York. au27x Broadway. New York. se3x THE FALL SPECIAL ISSUE OF THE BILLBOARD WILL BE DATED AUGUST 27.CLASSIFIED FORMS CLOSE IN CIN- CINNATI AUGUST 17.INCREASED CIR- ( ANIMALS, BIRDS AND PETS ) CULATION. MARK YOUR COPY "CLASSI- Fall Special FIED" AND SEND IT IN EARLY. ALLIGATORS -HARMLESS ASSORTED SNAKE GOODBODY'S BARGAIN LIST IS WAITING Dens: S Large, $10.00; 10 Mediums, $3.00; issue for You. We Buy, Sell or Exchange. GOOD - 10 Large Water Snakes,$5.00. PriceList. BODY, 1824 East Main St., Rochester, N. Y. ROSS ALLEN, SilverSprings,Fla.;wirevia au27 Ocala, Fla. au 1 3x Close in Cincinnati WEDNESDAY, GUARANTEED BARGAINS - CAROM, $12.50; Cargo,Airway,Ski -Hi,Bull'sEye,Chico Baseball, $25.00 each; Mercury, Track Meet, AGENTS AND SALESMEN $15.00 each; Running Wild, Forward March, Long Beach, $12.50 each; Skooky, Batter Up, AUGUST 17 Chico Derby, Tournament, Replay, $10.00 each; read Bumpers, Boosters, Equalite, Scoreboard, Fire- "rush your copy and remittance -TODAY" cracker, Crossline, $7.50 each.32V Rock-Ola DIRECT SALES STUFF No. 2 Regular Phonograph, $75.00; Wurlitzer 616, $150.00; Seeburg, $250.00; Reel Spots, RATE -10c A WORD, CASH WITH COPY; MINIMUM $2 $5.00; Western 3 -Way Grippers, $8.00. Send A column about Specialty Salesmen, 1/3 deposit, balance C. 0. D. DELONG NOV- working house -to -house andstore - ELTY CO., Dade City, Fla. to -store MASTER TOY VENDERS AND MASTER 77's o wanted for cash -Penny Cigarette Machines, In the ,:e $3.95;otherCounter Games,$3.95;Bally Zephyr Tables, $24.50. BLACK NOVELTY CO., WHOLESALE MERCHANDISE 1127 Kinney, Corpus Christi, Tex. 1 1 / ar MILLS BLUE FRONTS-FUTURITYS, $35.00; Department LiorHeads, $17.50; Penny G.A., $25.00; 25 OPERA PLACE CINCINNATI, OHIO Dukes Races, $12.50; Single Jacks, $7.50.1/3 deposit. L G. HUNTER, 309 N. Locust, Pitts- THIS WEEK and EVERY WEEK burg, Kan. au20x :Et -7"""7"'"'","..frr7-F7 "3-7777- 7.777577.17-,r77 "P'.1'',4.. ;

August 13, 1938 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS The Billboard 51 ONE 32V ROCK-OLA No. 2 REGULAR PHONO graph, $75.00; 2 Twenty Record Seeburg Rex, COMPLETE COOKHOUSE OUTFIT -40x60 TOP. $179.50 each. Allguaranteed mechanically Good condition. Bargain for cash.0. D. perfect. Also, 5 Reel Spots, $5.00 each; one JACKSON, 5325 Theodosia Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Sum Fun $3.50; Silver Flash, $22.50, Fireball, CONCESSION TENTS - EVANS BIGSIX, Twister, Ricochet, Totalizer, Screamo, Sequence, Masons Small Big Six, Portable Dance Floor, Home Run, $5.00 each.1/3 deposit with order. 5 Kilowatt Lighting Plants. INGALLS,142 Ordersunder Show Family Album $10.00 cashinfull. PAUL Burrill, Swampscott, Mass. HODGES, Dade City. Fla. GOOD USED 7 -FT. KHAKI SIDEWALL-WITH. PHONOGRAPH SALE -10 WURLITZER 616s, out windband, 18c ft; with windband, 2Ic $135.00; Reckola Rhythm Master, 16 record, ft. Write CRAWFORD-AUSTIN MFG. CO., $100.00; Imperial 20, $135.00; Rhythm King, Waco, Tex, $65.00; Seeburg A's, $50.00, B's, $55.00.All in A -Icondition. CARL D. KING, Elwood, HOOPLA COMPLETE -NEW LAST SEASON. Ind. Canvas, Stock ready to work, bargain, sixty- five dollars; Address System, no Mike, almost REAL BARGAINS -MARKSMEN, $20.00; FLY- new, fifteen dollars; Concession Top, 8 by 10, ing Duck, $20.00; Jungle Dodger, $10.00; good condition, sixteen dollars; two Ventril- Sclectophones, $25.00; Turf Champ, $24.50, oquist Figures,Professional Negro and Silly and Popmatics, likenew,$37.50. Write. Kid, nearly new, eighteen dollars each.Sick- E.CrR. SALES CO., 813 College Ave., Grand ness cause selling.VIRGINIA TOONE, 1705 Rapids, Mich. Fairmount Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. RED HEAD TRACK TIMES, $119.50;1937 LOOP -O -PLANE - "EY ERLY" SINGLE CABLE, Skillfield, $75.00; 1938 Skillfield, $115.Cu; used 5 months, $550.00, F. 0.B. Perfect, Tanforan, $59.00; Derby Days or Liberty Bells, notJunk. JOE LOWNDES, ImperialBeach, $49.00;SaddleClub,$65.00; FastTrack, Calif. $39.00;LateSeries RaysTracks,$59.00; Rosemont, $35.00.Half deposit.CLEVELAND THE FALL SPECIAL ISSUE OF THE COIN, 2336-8 Prospect, ClevelanO, 0. BILLBOARD WILL BE DATED AUGUST 27.CLASSIFIED FORM CLOSE IN CIN- CINNATI AUGUST 17.INCREASED OM SKI -HI,$24.50;FOOTBALL, $10.00; HARE OULATION. MARK YOUR COPY "CLASSI- andHound,$22.50;ChicoDerby,$7.00; FIED" AND SEND IT IN EARLY. Mercury, $10.00; Tops, $12.50; SilverFlash, $17.50; Airways, $20.00; Dux, $15.00; Re- TENT -10x14, CHEAP. DEEP SEA WONDER serve, used 3 days, $24.75; Jack Pot, $50.00; Show and Curios. 4 Fibre Show Trunks, Bally Bumpers, $5.00; Golden Wheel, $12.50; Punch -Judy Figures.2615 Eads, St. LOOS, Mb. Stoners Air Races, $10.00; Buckley Diamond Mines, $8.00.1 /3 deposit, balance C. 0. D. TRUNKS -FIBER, STRONG, GOOD CONDITION, BROWN Cr McKINNON AMUSEMENT CO., with keys, $5.00 each. Size 42-24-28". 1610 S. W. First St., Miami, Fla. Send deposit. WM. LESSER, 517 Monroe, Chi- cago. SNACKS -18 PENNIES, 4 NICKELS, 5 DELUXE Stands, 12 Folding Stands,- allin first-class USED CONCESSIONS - TOP, 20x12, MER. condition, $300.00 for lot.One-third deposit chandise Wheel, Fibre Trunks, Bumper, Roll with order.STAR SALES COMPANY, 108 W. Downs, Trunk Flashers, Velvet Backgrounds. Hill Ave., Valdosta, Ga. THE EVERETTE JAMES FAMILY, former members of the Mighty SAM WINSTON, 125 Homestead St., Rubury, Mass. THE FOLLOWING EQUIPMENT OFFERED FOR Haag Shows, taken at Altamaha, Ga., December 25, 1916.James was immediate delivery.One-third deposit with band director and Mrs. James was an aerialist.Both are now located in 4 PAL CARS WITH FENCE AND TICKETBOX oroer, balance C. 0. D.Prices F. 0. B. Miami. Beaumont, Tex. -Good condition,new tires. Permanent Allequipment guaranteedtobeinperfect Theirson,Harry,seatedonJames'knee,isnow address: MR. L. R. McNEECE, General Delivery, mechanical condition and having the appear- trumpeteer and assistant director of Benny Goodman's Orchestra. At the Sugar Creek, Mo. au20 ance of new merchandise.An additional 10% left is their daughter, Fay, now on the road. discount will be granted for any order of five 40x60 TENT - PRACTICALLY NEW, POLES cr more games. 3 Beam Lite, $15.00 each; and Marquee, $250.00. Also Stags,four sections blues, light equipment, 12x20 cook- 9 Chico Derby, $6.00 each; 16 Dux, $12.50 The Billboard invites its readers to submitphotos taken from.15to 1 trailer. each; Electric "21", $3.50; 1 Florida Special, 20 years ago. house top, four-wheel 26 Budlong, $25.00; I Hare and Hound, $20.00; 7 Long It is specially requested that pictures be CLEAR andthat Hillsdale, Mich. Beach, $12.50 each; 3 Mars, $12.50 each; they be accompanied with completedescriptivedata.Group photos are 1 Outboard, $3.50; 5 Silver Flash, $15.00 each; preferred, but pictures ofindividualswho are STILL LIVING will be 21 Stoners RacesI readjusted to positive pay- welcomed. They uill bereturned ifso desired.Address Show Family out cf 50%1, $12.50 each; 2 Stormy, $10.0C AlbumEditor,The Billboard, 25-27Operaplace, Cincinnati, 0. ( HELP WANTED ) each; 5 Speed, $7.50 each; 2 Trackmeet, $15.00 each; 39Domino,withskillattachment, $100.00 each; without skill attachment, $90.00 ADVANCE AGENT - TO BOOK MAGICIAN Must have each; I Fairgrounds,$50.00; 1 Fleetwood, with schools, clubs, etc. WANTED -USED BUCKLEY DIGGERS. STATE S. BARNES, Lock Box III, Hartland,Me. $50.00; 3 Golden Wheel, $15.00 each; 1 FORMULAS- LATEST MONEY MAKERS. Lin- serial colnSkillField,$120.00; 29Mills1-2-3's, numbers,model,condition. Write Write for free literature describing newest FULL ACTING CAST -DOUBLING ORCHESTRA BOX C-587, Billboard, Cincinnati, 0. au 1 3 $42.50 each; 13 Paces Races, with skill attach- Formulas for Fast Sellers. H-BELFORT, 4042 and Specialties. Open immediately. Will ment, $100.00 each; without skill attachment,4 1937 ROCK-OLA WORLD SERIES, $135.00N. Keeler, Chicago. considerorganizedshowpercentagebasis. $90.00 each; 1 Rio, $75.00; 5 Skill Time, 25c, each or $525.00 for lot.Perfect mechanical Year roundproposition. HARVEYS SHOW, $140.00 each; 9 BellSlide,$10.00 each; 1 - condition. 1 /3deposit,balanceC. 0.D. Salem, Ky. ColumbiaVendor,$35.00; 2 DialVendor,EAST COAST PHONOGRAPH, 625 10th Ave., FOR SALE -SECOND-HAND $35.00 each; 5 Dixie Domino, $8.00 each; 35New York City. MED PEOPLE WANTED -TEAM OR BLACK. Deuces Wild, $15.00 each; 3 Mill Wheel, $9.00 GOODS face. Play own music. AlsoHillbillies. each; 14 Reel Spot, $5.00 each; 4 Skill Draw, 3 SHORT RANGE ALL METAL JACKPOT Wire or write EDDIE CLEVER, Mgr., Trevor - Shooting Galleries. Like new.Cost new ton, Pa,No tickets.Join on wire. $10.00 each; 1 Turf Time, $10.00; 3 Zephyrs,$199.00 each; $65.00 or 3 for $150.00.Will $7.00 each; 149 A.B.T., Late Model F, Silent trade for Ccin Machines. SPORTSMAN'S COM-BUTTER -KIST CANDY CORN MACHINE -AT -WANT DANCE PIANIST, TRUMPET, SAXES. Penny Targets, $12.50 each;Mills10c BluePANY, 108-10 E. Oak, Louisville, Ky. tractive display model. Ideal for fairs, car- Others write. Steady job,split basis.No FrontBellsorVendors,$40.00 each;Mills nivals, confectionery.Cost over WO. Used tickets,DOC SHORT. Devils Lake, N. D. 25c Blue Front Bells or Vendors, $43.00 each:8 -COLUMN ROUND U -NEED -A PAK WITH seven months, Price $275 cash.G. D. CUN- Mills 50c Blue Front Bells or Vendors, $49.00 Stand, $8.50; 130 capacity five -cent CandyNINGHAM, Nelsonville, 0. THE FALL SPECIAL ISSUE OF THE each; Jennings Silver Dollar Chiefs with Jack Bar Machines, two column, $12.50.IMPERIAL, BILLBOARD WILL BE DATED AUGUST CANDY FLOSS MACHINE -ALL ELECTRIC, 27.CLASSIFIED FORMS CLOSE IN CIN- Pot, $125.00 each. SOUTH FLORIDA AMUSE-2015 Market St.,Philadelphia, Pa. A-1 condition,A realbargain for quick CINNATI AUGUST 17.INCREASED CIR- MENT CO., 329 W. Flagler St., Miami, Fla.x10 MILLS DANCEMASTERS, $250.00; WAR sale. EUGENE S. MAY, Bloomsburg, Pa. CULATION. MARK YOUR COPY "CLASSI- TOM MIX RADIO RIFLES -LIKE NEW, COM- Eagles, Rolatops, $25.00; Pace Nickel, Dime FIED" AND SEND IT IN EARLY. Kitty, $29.50 each; Penny Slots galore. CANDY FLOSS IN STAND -EXCELLENT CON- WANTED -A SPONSOR FOR A "POPEYE IM. pletely overhauled, reconditioned in our own COLE- dition.Photo on request, $85.00.E. BADE, factory, 5150 each.Also limited quantity ofMAN NOVELTY, Rockford,Ill. R. 10, Ft. Wayne, Ind. personator."Will appear in person in Com- used Junior Rock -O -Ball Electric Bowling Alleys, mercial tie-ups, etc.ALVA cAumilS, Ha- 40 ELECTRIC 5c LEINK PIANOS, 8 ELECTRIC CORN POPPERS - FEARLESS, BURCH, LONG - ten feet long, $95.00 each. 1/3 deposit, bal- 5c Leink Phonographs. Routes, equipment vana,Ill. ance C. 0. D.ROCK-OLA MFG. CORP., 800for sale on account of death. Eakins, Champion, heavy 12 -Quart PoppingWANTED - TEN EXPERIENCED YOUNG No. Kedzie Ave., Chicago, Ill. aul WIDOW, 1426Kettles; Caramelcorn Equipment; Gasoline E. 115th St., Cleveland, 0. Burners, Tanks, Tubing, Repairs. NORTHSIDE Women for Taxie Dance Floor in Tennessee's TRADE MILLS CIGARETTE MACHINES, WUR- sA," BALL GUM, FACTORY FRESH, 11c BOX;CO., 1528 19th, Des Moines, Ia. sel Ox most beautiful amusement resort. Must be litzer F'honographs, Mills Scales for Consoles, Tab, Stick,Midget Chicks, every Vending eighteen years cr older.THE WIGWAM, Route Paces or Rays Racesor ColumbiaSlots. Corn. AMERICAN CHEWING, Mt. Pleasant,COVERED WAGON -CUSTOM USED, $795.00. 2, Crestview, Tenn. O'BRIEN, 89 Thames St.,Newport, R.I. Newark, N. J. aul3x Others,$135.00 and up. Distributors forWANTED TO HEAR FROM ACTS, ENTERTAIN. TWO 10c, ONE 25c CAILLE CADET, $20.00 new Schutt, Royal, Covered Wagon and Alma ers, Blues Singer, Hawaiian or Cuban String each; three 25c War Eagle, $25.00 each; Silvermoon. 6% financing. Write or phoneBands and Entertainers. One Girl to feature five10c Mills Blue Fronts, $30.00 each; two collect. SELLHORN'S, East Lansing, Mich. for Kokomo Inn, opening August 22.Send 25c Caille Ben Hur, $20.00 each; two 5c A. C. COSTUMES, UNIFORMS, aul3xreply and photo.. FIVE POINT BEVERAGE CO, Caille Seven Slot Bells, $85.00 each; four 25e, NEW HIGH STRIKERS, $135.00; ONE USED,Dothan, Ala.Will be returned. three 10c Mills Cherry Bell, $60.00 each; two WARDROBE $80.00; Mauls, $5.00; Rubbers, $6.00; Whip 50cJenningsChief,$60.00 each;lcRex, (operating),$500.00. J. B.ALEY, Rt.4, $10.00; Little Duke, $17.50; lc Watling Blue Anacostia, D. C. Seal, $15.00; two 10c Watling Roltop, $30.00AMAZING VALUES -COSTUMES, $1.00 UP ( MAGICALAPPARATUS ) each; two 5c Superior Double Jack Pot, $10.00 Hulas, $3.50; Shoes. 50c pair;Fans,Rally NEW "VELVO" FROZEN CUSTARD AND ICE - each; fifteen 5c Mills Front Venders, ReserveCopes, Gowns. CONLEY, 310 W. 47th, New creamMachines, completefreezing and York. storage unit, $159.00.Write FROZEN CUS-A CATALOGUE OF MINDREADING MENTAL Jack Pot, free play, $12.50 each; ten 25c, five Magic,SpiritEffects, 10c Mills Jack Pots, $12.50 each; ten 5c MillsBARGAINS - TENT CURTAINS, RED BANDTARD CO., Gastonia, N. C. se3 Horoscopes, Buddha SideVerders,Reserve Coats, and 1938-'39 Forecasts. Graphology Sheets, JackPot,freeplay, Caps. White Mess Jackets,Cello-POPCORN, PEANUT WAGON-DUNBAR, TWO Books, Crystals, Lucky Pieces,Palm Charts. $12.50 each,All machines first class condi-phanes, Trunks,Minstrel, Chorus Wardrobe, Poppers, Gasoline, Steam Engine. Perfect tion, crated ready to ship. Fans.WALLACE, 2416 N. Halsted! Chicago. Most complete line in world.148 illustrated 1/3 deposit with condition, cheap.N. RITA, 314 S. Sacramentopage catalogue, 30c. NELSON ENTERPRISES, order.DIXIE SALES CO., Boston Road, Thomas- THE FALL SPECIAL ISSUE OF THE Blvd., Chicago,'II. 198 South Third, Columbus, 0. ville, Ga. BILLBOARD WILL BE DATED AUGUST aul3 27. CLASSIFIED FORMS CLOSE IN CIN- SACRIFICE - TWO LORD'S PRAYER MA -LARGE PROFESSIONAL MAGIC CATALOGUE, WANTED TO BUY - MUTOSCOPE HOCKEY CINNATI AUGUST 17. chines, one Machine three Dies, Catholic and Machires. INCREASED CIR- 25c. MAX HOLDEN, 220 W. 42d St., New State condition and best price. CULATION. MARK YOUR COPY "CLASSI- ProtestantPrayers and Ten Commandments.York City. au20x BIRMINGHAM VENDINGCO., 2117Third FIED" AND SEND IT IN EARLY. Eauipped with feeder and meter registering all Ave., No-th, Birmingham, Ala. WESTERN CURTAIN, $12.00; MAROON VEL- sales. Price sixty dollars.Other machine, fdur MAGICAL SUPPLIES -CARDS READERS. INK, dies, including Hebrew Ten Commandments, Daubs, Books and Trick Dice.Free literature WANTED -1000 COUNTER MACHINES OF ALL vet, 11x30, $25.00; Cellophane Hulas, Red sent on request.VINE, HILL Cr CO., Box 35, types for cash. We buy,selland trade.Band Coats, Caps, Gowns, Trunks, Costumes, Equipped as other machine.Price eighty-five Send for our list of reconditioned Counter Ma-Tent Curtains,WALLACE, 2416 N. Halsted, dollars. Half cash, balance C. 0. D.HARRY Dept. B.B., Swanton, 0. chines. COUNTER MACHINE EXCHANGE,Chicago. GREENBERG, Hotel Lee, Worcester, Mass. Ventriloquial Figures, Punch and Judy and 3307 Armitage Ave., Chicago, III, x STEEL COOK'S CHESTS, $1.50; NEW COOK-Marionettes. PINXY, 1261 N. Wells, Chicago, III. Illustrated folder free. WE BUT USED SCALES,SCALE ROUTES, ing Kettles, tinned steel, $1.25; Army Field au27 Broken Scales,etc. State kinds, condition FORMULAS Stoves, $3.50, $5.00.TAVETIAN, 61 RutgersVENTRILOQUIAL FIGURES -24 -PACE ILLUS. andlowestprice. SILENTSELLINGCO., St., New York. trated Catalog,10c. FRANK MARSHALL, Marion, Ind. 5518 S. Loomis Blvd., Chicago,III.Used by EXPERT ANALYSIS. RESEARCH. INDUSTRIAL all leading ventriloquists. WILL TRADE -LIKE NEW GINGERS OR USED se3 Development.Newest guaranteed Formulas.(FOR SALE -SECOND-HAND Wurlitzers for Late Model Slots, CigaretteBiggest catalogfree. Special Machines, prices,leads. Tit -Tat -Toes. 1cTargetSkillsorGIBSON LABORATORY,Chemists,BH-1142 Triple Grippers. MARION COMPANY, Wichita,Sunnyside. Chicago tfnx SHOW PROPERTY MISCELLANEOUS Kan. aul3 THE FALL SPECIAL ISSUE OF THE WILL BUY 50(FIFTY) ROCK-OLA WORLD BILLBOARD WILL BE DATED AUGUST Series. Give best price. Must be in good 27.CLASSIFIED FORMS CLOSE IN CIN- CIRCUS BLEACHER SEATS -ALL SIZES, NEWARMADILLO BASKETS, LAMPS, ETC. - THEY shape. HARRISON MUSIC CO, McKees Rocks, CINNATI AUGUST 17.INCREASED CIR- and used, out or indoors, with or without are differentanddistinctive. Write for Pa CULATION. MARK YOUR COPY "CLASSI- foot rests.PENN BLEACHER SEAT CO, 1207our low Interesting quotations. APELT ARMA- FIED" AND SEND IT IN EARLY, West Thompson, Philadelphia, Pa. aul3xDILLO FARM, Comfort, Tex. se24x August 13, 1938 52 The Billboard CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS

MEXICAN JUMPING BEANS - THE MOSTWESTERNS, SPECIALS, ROADSHOWS, TALKIES, ROLL DEVELOPER-EIGHT HIGHEST QUALITY Silents for sale or rent.Projectors for sale. Velox Prints, Wide Paneled Borders, Deluxe Original Curiosity in the World.They at- Enlargement Coupons, TENTS -SECOND-HAND ) tract universal attention.JOAQUIN HERNAN-Buy Silents. LONE STAR FILM COMPANY,Album, twovaluable Dallas, Tex. Premium Catalogue, all 25c.KNICKERBOCKER DEZ, Exporter, Alamos, Sonora, Mexico. au20 LABS, 131 W. 27th, New York City. au27x THE FALL SPECIAL ISSUE OF THE 35MM. SOUND WESTERNS, COMEDIES, SHORTS SIDEWALL BARGAINS - 7.68 OZ. DRILL, BILLBOARD WILL BE DATED AUGUST available. Fulllineof equipment,lowest handroped,clean,white,goodas new, 27.CLASSIFIED FORMS CLOSE IN CIN- prices.ZENITH, 308 W. 44th, New York. 7 ft. high, $18.00; 8 ft. high, $21.00 per 100 CINNATI AUGUST 17. INCREASED CIR- ft.long. Concession Tentbargains. KERR CULATION. MARK YOUR COPY "CLASSI- SALESMEN WANTED COMPANY, 1954 Grand Ave., Chicago. FIED" AND SEND IT IN EARLY. aul 3x SOUND AMPLIFIER SALE-HALF PRICE, 15 PARTNERS WANTED)SALARY AND COMMISSION PAID MONTHLY Watt Output, 2 Speakers, Carrying Case, unnecessary. Nationally tohonest men. Experience CrystalorVelocityMicrophone. Some goodterritory now open. PORTRAIT CTHEATRICAL PRINTING) known manufacturer, $174.00list, your costWANTED - PARTNER WITH SUFFICIENTADVERTISING CO., Quanah, Tex. au20x $87.00. Idealforindoororoutdooruse. capital to assist in organizing Dramatic Tent VAN SICKLE RADIO SUPPLY CO., 34 W. OhioShow.Write SHOWMAN, Box 146, Rockford. THE FALL SPECIAL ISSUE OF THE COLORED HANDBILLS - 3x8, 1,000, $1.25; Ind. au20Minn. je IL LBOA R D WILL BE DATED AUGUST $3.25;6x9,1,000,$2.00;5,000, St.,Indianapolis, 27.CLASSIFIED FORMS CLOSE IN CIN- 5,000, CINNATI AUGUST 17.INCREASED CIR- $5.00.200 Letterheads, 200 Envelopes, $1.50, CULATION. MARK YOUR COPY "CLASS!. prepaid. STUMPPRINT, South Whitley,Ind. M. P. ACCESSORIES & FILMS)CPHOTO SUPPLIES AND FIED" AND SEND IT IN EARLY. se3x ( SELL BUSINESS CARDS, $1.50 THOUSAND- POSTERS AND CARDS FOR ALL OCCASIONS- DEVELOPING Business Stationery, Book Matches, Adver- Special designs for orchestras. Flashy 14x22 "BIRTH" --SHOWING THE ACTUAL BIRTHS tisingTape, PaperTowels,DrinkingCups, Hospital filmed.Shows all. Rubber Stamps. cards, $2.50 per 100.CATO SHOW PRINT, of two babies. Pencils,Salesbooks,Labels, Cato, N. Y. au27x New 16MM., $40.00 complete.M.B.M. PRO-ACT NOW, 4 -FOR -DIME OPERATORS-AMAZ- Free salesportfolio.35% commission daily. DUCTIONS, Newton, fa. aul 3x ing offer,New Portable Foto-Flash Outfit,Money -making specials. DAVID LIONEL THE FALL SPECIAL ISSUE OF THE MOVIE ROAD SHOW BARGAINS - 35MM. only $140.Send for free catalog of completePRLSS, 312 S. Hamilton, Dept. AT, Chicago. x BILLBOARD WILL BE DATED AUGUST Largest stock direct 27.CLASSIFIED FORMS CLOSE IN CIN- Sound Portables, complete limited quanti-line of money-makers. CINNATI AUGUST 17.INCREASED CIR- ties DeVry, Weber and Universal, with Ampli-pcsitive suppliesin country assures quickest CULATION. MARK YOUR COPY "CLASSI- fiers, Speakers. Every equipment fully guar-delivery. MARKS & FULLER,INC.,Dept. FIED" AND SEND IT IN EARLY. au27 SCENERY AND BANNERS ) From $ i 89.50 up. Special bulletin.BC -11, Rochester, N. Y. ( anteed. Also 16MM. Sound Projectors. CONSOLIDATEDALL 4 FOR 10c OPERATORS WRITE FOR NEW WINDOW CARDS -14x22, ONE COLOR, 100, THEATER SUPPLY CORP., 1600-B Broadway, catalogue containing new prices on supplies $2.5U. 50% deposit, balance C. 0. D., plus au20x A-1AMERICA'S LEADING CIRCUS-CARNI- THE BELL PRESS, Winton, New York, N. Y. ar.d equipment. WABASH PHOTO SUPPLY, valSideshow BannerPainters. Devotingshipping charges. , THE FALL SPECIAL ISSUE OFTHE Terre Haute, Ind. au20our time serving the showmen. MANUEL'S Penna. BILLBOARD WILL BE DATED AUGUST STUDIO, 3544 North Halsted, Chicago.au27 200 6 -PLY 14x22 WINDOW CARDS, $6.00; 27.CLASSIFIED FORMS CLOSE IN CIN THE FALL SPECIAL ISSUE OF THE CINNATI AUGUST 17.INCREASED CIR- BILLBOARD WILL BE DATED AUGUST BEST CARNIVAL AND SIDE SHOW BANNERS 1,000 Ticket Sellers'Reports,$3.50; 250 27.CLASSIFIED FORMS CLOSE IN CIN- Positively no disappointments. Envelopes, $3.75. DOC ANGEL, CULATION. MARK YOUR COPY "CLASSI- INCREASED CIR- onEarth. Letterheads, CINNATI AUGUST 17. , FIED" AND SEND IT IN EARLY. CULATION. MARK YOUR COPY "CLASSI- NIEMAN STUDIOS, INC., 1236 S. Halsted St Ex -Trouper, Leavittsburg, 0. PARTNER WANTED WITH TALKIE EQUIP- FIED" AND SEND IT IN EARLY. Chicago, III. au20 ment.Open immediately. Have complete THE FALL SPECIAL ISSUE OF THE Tent outfitinSouth. Write or wire TENT PHOTO POSTCARDS, PHOTO GREETING BILLBOARD WILL BE DATED AUGUST Views,En- CWANTED TO BUY SHOW, Marion, Ky. Cards,Photostamps,Souvenir 27.CLASSIFIED FORMS CLOSE IN CIN- ) largements, Statues, Cuts, Mats. WILLIAM CINNATI AUGUST 17.INCREASED CIR- UNUSUAL BARGAINS IN USED OPERA CHAIRS, FILLINE, 3027 N. Kostner Ave., Chicago, III. x CULATION. MARK YOUR COPY "CLASSI Sound Equipment, Moving Picture Machines FIED" AND SEND IT IN EARLY. BLEACHERS WANTED - STATE FULL PAR- REGULAR $275.00 STRIP PHOTO OUTFIT- Must be Screens, Spotlights, Stereopticons, etc. Pro- DYE DROPS-LIKE NEW, OVER 300 DESIGNS, ticularsinfirst correspondence. Mjection Machines repaired.Catalogue S free. Makes 4 for dime, also 3 for quarter size SCHELL reasonable. BIGELOW FIELD, INC., Division MOVIE SUPPLY CO., LTD., 1318 S. Wabash,photos, $125.00 complete. HASSAN, Box 971, from $10 to $25, according to size, SCENIC STUDIOS, Columbus, 0. and Conrad, Grand Rapids, Mich. Chicago. au20 Parkersburg, W. Va. au27

AT LIBERTY - SIX -STRING GUITAR MAN, doubling Violin and Trumpet. Name band AT LIBERTY experience, MUSICIAN, Box 46, Wakonda, S.D. (AGENTS AND MANAGERS DANCE TRUMPET - PLENTY EXPERIENCE, At Liberty Advertisements Double voice. Tone andrange. Address Se WORD, CASH (First Line Large Black Type).2e WORD, CASH (First Line and MUSICIAN, General Delivery, Denver, Colo. BRIGADE AGENT OR BILLPOSTER-DESIRES Name Black Type).lc WORD, CASH (Small Type) (No AdLess location with reliable Show at once.Wire Figure Total of Words at One Rate Only. DRUMMER-AGE 24, SINGLE, READ, SMOOTH, or write L. A. GUNNELS, 225 MissouriAve., Than 25c(. new equipment. No Elmers. BUDDY East St. Louis,Ill. au20 STEVENS, Box 42, Farnsworth, Tex. aul3 THE FALL SPECIAL ISSUE OF THE GIRL TENOR SAX-DOUBLE VIOLIN, CLAR- BILLBOARD WILL BE DATED AUGUST MODERN EIGHT -PIECE DANCE BAND available inet, transpose. Union, experienced, young. CLASSIFIED FORMS CLOSE IN CIN- Both sweet and swing. Have racks, AT LIBERTY 27. INCREASED CIR- immediately. MISS SHEILA SENARD, 101 Cherry St., Punx- CINNATI AUGUST 17. complete modern library, specials, vocals and enter- sutawney, Pa. au20 CULATION. MARK YOUR COPY "CLASSI- tainment.Organised three years and can furnishIl FIED" AND SEND IT IN EARLY. hest of references.Willing to cut to six or seven or M. P. OPERATORS augment to nine or ten men.Guarantee complete GUITARIST - RHYTHM, DOUBLE ELECTRIC EXPERIENCED AGENT-Booking schools, want(satisfaction and can cut any floor show. Will go any- Steel.Experienced all type work.join any - to contact. notcl, unusual units for coming season.where for reliable work. Wire or write. BOX C.595, here. BOX C-599, The Billboard, Cincinnati. Animal actspreferred. Work percentage. Have Billboard, CincinnatL aul3AT LIBERTY- SOUND PROHCTIONIST. aul3 contacts in all southern States. Prosperous season Thoroughly experienced. Reference. State assured. Address AGENT, 820 N.ChurchSt., particulars and salary.VIRGIL WOOD, Para- THE FALL SPECIAL ISSUE OF THE Chid]. rte, N. C. au27 BILLBOARD WILL BE DATED AUGUST AT LIBERTY gould, Ark. CLASSIFIED FORMS CLOSE IN CIN- THEATER MANAGER-For run-down house only, PROJECTIONIST-Ten years' experience in shiny 27. Your proposition or mine. CINNATI AUGUST 17. INCREASED CIR- anywhere, any size. business. Wants to operate and manage a small CULATION. MARK YOUR COPY "CLASSI- EaDert exploitation. Buyer.Act now,BOX 329, CIRCUS AND CARNIVAL)town theater on percentage orsalary. Age 29. FIED" AND SEND IT IN EARLY. The Billboard, Chicago, Ill. ( P. W. EDWARDS, Charleston, Tenn HANDSOME GUITARIST SPANISHI-DESIRE something legitimate with future.Strolling, AT LIBERTY EXPERT ELECTRICIAN- AT LIBERTY etc. Working in band now.Pee Wee Hunt Join at once.JOSEPH KOMM, 223 W. 115 type of vocal.Age 22, union. Deluxe Epi- BANDS AND ORCHESTRAS St., Chicago, Ill. au 1 3 phoneGuitar. Acknowledgeall inquiries. ( MUSICIANS BOB PULVER, Auburn, Ind. THE FALL SPECIAL ISSUE OF THE BILLBOARD WILL BE DATED AUGUST PIANO MAN - EXPERIENCED, READ ANY - BOY AND GIRL COCKTAIL UNIT-ACCOR- CLASSIFIED FORMS CLOSE IN CIN- Male Guitarist with 27. CELLIST - UNION, EXPE- thing, arrange.Age 20.Want location cr aion doubling Piano. CINNATI AUGUST 17.INCREASED CIR- rienced, young, conservatory trained. Willtroupe anywhere. Write COX, Plant1, Shef- exceptionallyfinevoice. Harmonysinging. CULATION. MARK YOUR COPY "CLASSI- travel.EDER, 72-37 57th Ave., Maspeth, L.I., field, Ala. Completewardrobe, library, all essentials. FIED" AND SEND IT IN EARLY. au20 Young and presentable.just finished six months N. Y., Newtown 9-2444. TROMBONIST-WELL EXPERIENCED WITH 3, betel engagement.BOX C-600, Billboard, Cin-AT LIBERTY-BOBBIE THE TATTOOED LADY. 4 and 5 Brass.At present playing first with cinnati, 0. au 1 3 Who will give me a job?All alone. IRENE TENOR SAX ,TRUMPETfull trombone section (3). Well experienced MILLER, 203 W. Central, Ft. Worth, Tex. aul3 Men -Tenor doubling Alto and Clarinet.on second horn, team excellently.Go, C range. DICK CRAWFORD AND HIS ORCHESTRA- single. Location work last two Read, take -off,tone, Desire change. Ifinterested writefullpar- Available at once. One year at in South.Apply immediately. WENDELL OR-ticulars.BOX C-603, Billboard, Cincinnati, 0. locations.Six pieces, usual doubles, splendid AT LIBERTY CHESTRAS, Red River, N. M. wardrobe,up-to-datelibrary, 60% specials. TRUMPET AND DRUMMER - BROTHERS. Outstanding vocalists, modernistic fronts. Car, Young, plenty experience, union.Trumpet furnish recommendations from country's lead- DRAMATIC ARTISTS STRING BASS - DOUBLEcan read, phrase, take -off, play first or second. ing clubs, etc.Ages 22 to 28. Dependable, Piano. Swing any rhythm section. Will fur-Drummer is steady, can read, good outfit, plenty can cut any show and will prove an asset to any nish library.Start work at once,Wire BOB SHAW, King St., Quincy, Fla. rhythm. Have car.We are reliable and can place needing good music. Union. LocationALTO SAX - DOUBLE CLARINET, VOICE, join immediately.JACK AND BOB WALKER, only.DICK CRAWFORD, 2009 28th Ave., So., Good reader, fake. Appearance, sober,re General Delivery, Evansville, Ind. aui3 Minneapolis, Minn. liable.Do parts, general business, etc.Like toTENOR SAX - CLARINET hear from reliable originator.Lucky Banner -Also Alto. Experienced college man, ex-TRUMPET - READ, FAKE, EXPERIENCE. ELEVEN -PIECE BAND-SWING AND COM-Mari. TOM MATNEY, Waynesville, N. C. cellent take -off,fine tone, transpose, sight- MUSICIAN, 22110th St., Columbus, Ga mercial. Union. Special arrangements, read,phrase. Single,sober,reliable,union.TRUMPET - READ, CO, TONE. MARRIED, vocalists,novelties, wardrobe, public address THE FALL SPECIAL ISSUE OF THE WALTER LANE, 122 W. Center St., Marion, 0. De- BILLBOARD WILL BE DATED AUGUST reliable. BOX C-601, Billboard, Cincinnati, stem, transportation, photos, publicity. A-1 TROMBONIST - JOIN IMMEDIATELY.Ohio, au20 sire change of location. ORCHESTRA LEADER, 27.CLASSIFIED FORMS CLOSE IN CIN- Swing or CINNATI AUGUST 17.INCREASED CIR- References. Good tone, range. VIOLINIST-DOUBLE VIOLA. ACE 28, 11.1L - Box C-610, Billboard. Cincinnati. CULATION. MARK YOUR COPY "CLASSI- play sweet. No panics.BOX C-606, Billboard, FIED" AND SEND IT IN EARLY. hard graduate, member of Local 802.Radio, EXPERIENCED5 -PIECE BAND FORCLUB, Cincinnati, 0. symphony and dance experience.Can furnish cocktail lounge, supper dance or hotel, avail- ACCORDIONIST - PIANIST - UNION. READ,fine references. Interested only in first-class 15. Travel anywhere. State Travel Write or wire JOHN HOWELL, Hotel able after Sept. AT LIBERTY fake.Age 21.Reliable, competent. work. all first letter.BOX C-602, Orchestra Leader, or locate. Have car.State allin first letter.Brevort, Indianapolis, Ind. care Billboard, Cincinnati. MELVIN HEUMANN, 3830 N. Francisco Ave., ALTO SAXOPHONE, CLARINET-II:Ivo ear. dis- MAGICIANS Chicago, Ill. tance no object. Prefer Middle West or South. WINIFRED McDONNELL AND HER DEBU- Tellallinfirst. Plenty experience. WILKINS, tantes-Six-PieceGirlBand completing 5 THE FALL SPECIAL ISSUE OF THE Liberty Hotel. Gallup, N. M. months' engagement October 7.Union. Would BILLBOARD WILL BE DATED AUGUST MYSTIC -CARD READER - CHALK CARTOON- 27.CLASSIFIED FORMS CLOSE IN CIN- AT LIBERTY-old-Timo Guitar and Violin Player. like hotel location or better type cocktail lounge. Cruises orBer- CINNATI AUGUST 17.INCREASED CIR- Wi al 1like a ',lime with soine good string band. Sweet musicfeaturing "The ThreeMarys," ist.-European education. CULATION. MARK YOUR COPY "CLASSI- FAB'. bti8LIN. All P. Main St., IMOuoin, III, violin trio, and pleasing vocal trio, guitar, bass,muda preferred. Write registered, stating full FIED" AND SEND IT IN EARLY. particulars.PRINCESS ETTA, Moultrie, Ga. AT LIBERTY-1;ml Trembone.Experienced in all piano, sax and trumpet.Y. W. C. A., Helena, AT LIBERTY-TRUMPET, 1ST OR 2D, SIGHT lines.I iance and stage work. Can takere.Ad- Mont. reader. Experienced, excellent tone, range, 'tressIlf1X 1'4105, Billhoard, Cincinnati. 0. THE FALL SPECIAL ISSUE OF THE fake, jam.Union.join immediately.Address BARITONE SINGING EMSEE-With wide range, BILLBOARD WILL BE DATED AUGUST AT LIBERTY "TRUMPET," 509 Beaumont Ave., Charlotte, Personality, good looks, Stage, radio and night 27, CLASSIFIED FORMS CLOSE IN CIN- N. C. club experience. College grrobiate,age 24,toll, CINNATI AUGUST 17. INCREASED CIR- sober and reliable. Correspondence welcome CULATION. MARK YOUR COPY "CLASSI- MISCELLANEOUS AT LIBERTY - SIX -PIECE DANCE BAND. hidstrictly 1111SillOSS. Prefer tojoin!same hand FIED" AND SEND IT IN EARLY. Modern sweet swing style, suitable for hotel ornight club nork, hut all offers considered. J. AVAILABLE AFTER AUGUST 14th-Rah Toni orclub, Co anywhere. Wire ORCHESTRA,11.5I.LAI1.1N, Box C-604, Billboard, Cincinnati. 0, linson Union Swing Land Trio. Play eight dlr.STUNT DRIVER-AUTO. TWO YEARS PER-1103 jenny Lind St., McKeesport, Pa. au20 ferent instruments; olso put on OW11 surprise floor sonal practice. I have a few new and orig- VOCAL, DRUMMER-Plash, gond equipment. Willing to slime. Singing.dancing.ventriloquism,comedy inalstunts. I want to join organized crew.BASS - DOUBLING BASS HORN. go anywhere. No panics. Young, reliable and Many other professional special- Acknowl- jiggling, repine. I am freetotravelanywhere. NORMAN Age 24, union, fine appearance. sober. Write or wire ALBERT HAMNER, 228 7tb ties. Address hull TOMLINSON, Manhattan Nita edge all Inquiries.KENNETH LONG, Bryan, 0.St., Fond du Lac. Wia Club, Winona, Minn. WEISER, 5010 Longshore, Philadelphia, Pa. August 13, 1938 CLASSIFIED -LETTER LIST The Billboard 53

GUITARIST -Modern style. Read, fake. take -off.AERIAL ACT FOR ALL OUTDOOR EVENTS -CHAS. AUGUSTUS - High -Class TrapezeArtist. Doubling Violin, String Bass.Sing baritone in High Swaying Pole and Trapeze.Appearance Committees wanting a real feature Novelty Act AT LIBERTY trio. Drion. Experienced in large, small bands. as a free attraction for your celebration and other Young, single, sober. Prefer location.Have tux.guaranteed, BOX C-464, care Billboard, Cin-outdoor events, get in touch with me.My act can No corny outfits. CHARLIE HANSEN, 732 Igle-cinnati, 0. au27 he erected on your platform and featured.I have hart Ave.. St. Paul, Minn. aul8 complete and flashy apparatus and do a realact. PIANO PLAYERS BALLOON ASCENSIONS WITH PARACHUTELiterature and price on request.Address CHAS. ORGANIST - Swing, straight.Former theater Drops furnished for all occasions. HENDER-AUGUSTUS, care Dreier Drug Co., 602 Calhoun soloist. Extensivelibrary. Long EXPERIENCED PIANIST -READ, FAKE. ETC. experienceSON BALLOON CO., Haskins, 0. !formerly ofSt.. Ft. Wayne, Ind. Reliable,ability. Address PIANIST, 931 Hammond electric. Restaurant,cocktaillounge.Toledo). skating rinkpreferred. JESS ROSSBACH, 111 au27 FAIRS AND OUTDOOR CELEBRATIONS -Quar-Sixth St., care Lambda Chi Fraternity, West Hawthorne St...Roselle, N. J. se3 tette. String music and sing.Platform or grandLaFayetre, Ind. BALLOON ASCENSION - WORLD CHAMPIONstand, and for dances. Write WEBER'S TROUI E. SECOND TRUMPET -Age 21. Arrange, double Lady Parachute Jumper, doing one to eightI ou N. Broadway, St. Louis, Mo. aul8PIANIST- ALL ESSENTIALS. ARRANGE, fiddle, some vocals. Fully experienced, take -offparachute drops on oneascension. ETHEL compose. BOX C-608,Billboard,Cincin- and essentials.Proposition must he reliable.State PRITCHETT, Spring Lake, Mich. au20 CHARLES LA CROIX-Original Outstanding Nov- fullditai.s.Write \VALUE FOBART, General ell) Trapeze Act.A high-class Platform Free At-nati, 0. Delivery, Appleton, Wis., or wire care of WesternBESSIE HOLLIS & CO. -HIGH FLYING SINGLEtraction. Available for Street Fairs, Celebrations, Union. Fairs, etc.Very attractive equipment.Special large THE FALL SPECIAL ISSUE OF THE Trapeze Act. Finish Endurance Muscle Grindmodernistic advertising posters free.Wonderful act, BILLBOARD WILL BE DATED AUGUST Revolves. 27. SWING GUITARIST-Dribling Piano.Young, de- Act Two, Two People Comedy Acro- elaborately costumed, big drawing card.Platform re- CLASSIFIED FORMS CLOSE IN CIN- batic Act, High Table Rocks and Falls for finish. quired. Act priced reasonable. CHARLES LA CINNATI AUGUST 17.INCREASED CIR- Pendahle, experienced orchestra work, radio, stage. CULATION. MARK YOUR COPY "CLASSI- Go anywhere with good outfit:GORDON CROMP-Bothfirst-classattractions. Address, 3369CROIX, 1304 S. Anthony Blvd., Fort Wayne, lad. FIED" AND SEND IT IN EARLY. TON 289, Totowa Ave., Paterson, N. .1. aul3Col I ingwood, Toledo, 0. CLOWN MOTORCYCLE COP -General Clowning, wire and Juggling Acts.Clown Dog,ComedyPIANIST -Wide professional experience, bothcon- TENOR -CLARINET -FLUTE - Arranging,Bari-CARMENE'S CIRCUS REVUE - FOUR COM- certand dance, desires reliable opening Mimed!. tonevoice. Horse Act.Comedy Cow Act.Hollywood experi- Sight transposition Age thirty. plete and distinct Free Attractions. Price ence. AerialGrandstandAct. ART ATTILA,ately in hotel orchestra.Young, single, depmdable. Congenial. Wide experiencealllines. Collegeand literature on request.Address BOX 21,Billboard, Chicago. Ill. State particulars,RAYMOND DEMPSEY.Prank. graduate.Location only.BOX 102, Macomb. Ill. iinville. N. Y. tel VJilliamston, Mich. se3FRED AND MARIE GUTHRIE Four separate acts for price of one.Double Tight Wire Act,PIANIST -After August 12.Location,hotel, eta. FLYING SULLIVANS AT LIBERTYAFTER Single Trapeze Act, Lady Butterfly Iron Jaw Act Good reader.Concert or dance work. Unions September 12th -Would like to hear from and Double Trapeze Act. Reasonable, Bradner,experienced.Give particulars. LARRY SCHEBEN, AT LIBERTY secretaries desiring a good Flying and Return Ohio. au27520 W. 6th St., Little Rork, Ark. Act of three people. We want to work in theHIGH SWAYING POLEand HighestAerial Con-PIANIST -Age 21.Real swing or sweet, plenty PARKS AND FAIRS Carolinas and Georgia. Would consider good tortionAct,withoriginalcontortionthrilling experience. TakejobanywhereimixediatelY. carnival going into Carolina.One that reallyfeatures.Two different acts.BOX C-530,Bill - JOHN SLATER, Madison Hotel, Perth Amboy, N..1: pays off.Up to date our last fair is in Kansas.hoard, Cincinnati, 0. au20 SOLID RHYTHM - Modern take -off. Young. Address answers to this ad to my permanentSENSATIONAL HIGH FIRE DIVE - Has some union, experienced.Can bring Trumpn. MU- A BALLOON ASCENSION aadress, 607 1/2N. Roosevelt Ave., Blooming- open time.Address CAPT. EARL McDONALD,SICIAN, 113 Caimans& St., care Mrs. Berm. Mont- -ton,Ill. rare The Billboard, Cincinnati, 0. se3 gomery, Ala. By Daring Young Lady Aeronauts.Three units available.Equipment and personnel inFOUR HIGH CLASS ACTS - WORLD'S BESTSUM SUM -The Hollywood Clown, puts real life Ohio. CONTINENTAL BALLOON CO., care into any program.Two separate acts. Also, Billboard, Cincinnati, 0. Wire Act, real Comedy, Tramp Juggling Act,the Smallest Performing Doge.In a carnival of AT LIBERTY se3 Novelty Trapeze Act, Hand -Balancing and Acro-fun for youngsters from six to sixty.Write for de- batAct. BINKS' CIRCUS ATTRACTIONS,tails.Billboard. Chicago. VAUDEVILLE ARTISTS AERONAUTS - BALLOONRoute 1, Cudahy, Wis. au27 THE ORIGINAL WOLTERS 'TRIO -Two men, one Ascensions byLady or Cent. Established lady; three distinct acts that are tops in acrobatics, 1911. Write, wire. OKLAHOMA BLACKIE IN PERSON -THREEbalancers and contortion.For fairs,celebrations.AT LIBERTY -For Vaude or Med Show. Hokum JOHNSON BALLOON CO., separate acts. Five 12 -Year -Old RazorbackLabor Day open. We do not disappoint or inisrepre- Comedy Team, Toby or Black Comedy, Harmony Clayton, N. J. au20 Hogs, seven Samoyede Dogs, Whip Crackings.ut.Write, wire care Billboard, 54 W. Randolph,Singing and Talking.Change strong for ten days. Chicago. Don't ask our loss eat. state what youpay.THE NOR - and Sharp Shooting.Flashy wardrobe. Satis- au27TONS. 1216 Thomas, Memphis, Tenn. aul3 BALLOON ASCENSIONS faction guaranteed. For price and literatureTHEODOSIA THE CLOWN - Clowning Grand- -wire orwriteOKLAHOMA BLACKIE,careof stands,Theodosia has joined the Coriell Family THE FALL SPECIAL ISSUE OF THE Parachute Jumping.Modern equipment for The Billboard, Cincinnati, 0. aul3 Show, now playing fairs.Head Slides, Head Jumps, BILLBOARD WILL BE DATED AUGUST fairs, parks, celebrations any place, any time. One -Arm Flanges,TeeterbeardAcrobats.Vetyell 27.CLASSIFIED FORMS CLOSE IN CIN- Always reliable.CLAUDE L. SHAFER, 4704 W. THE FALL SPECIAL ISSUE OF THE juggles 5 clubs,'Zara does a wire act.Five min- CINNATI AUGUST 17.INCREASED CIR- Washington St.,Indianapolis,Ind. au20 BILLBOARD WILL BE DATED AUGUST utes to an hour program, 8 people.Open time after CULATION. MARK YOUR COPY "CLASSI- 27.CLASSIFIED FORMS CLOSE IN CIN- October 1, maybe.Week August 14, Le Center FIED" AND SEND IT IN EARLY. CINNATI AUGUST 17. INCREASED CIR- Minn. AT LIBERTY -Team for Med. Vaude or Clubs. BALLOONISTS AND AIR- CULATION. MARK YOUR COPY "CLASSI- THEODOSHIA, THE CLOWN - Clowning Grand A-1 M. C., Feature Tenor Voice. Straightsin plane ParachuteJumpers. Coast -to -Coast FIED" AND SEND IT IN EARLY. Stands.From railroad shows to fairs, to Army in Acts. Female Impersonator,Singing and Talking service. Cash bondifdesired. Established France, back to fairs, then to rend shows. NowSpecialties.Female, Straights in Acts, doublePiano. A COMEDY SENSATION for your Grand Stand, Hove car and trailer. 1903. THOMPSON BROS. BALLOON & PARA- Indoor Circus or what have you.Do 'Fizzle Lishback to fairs.Always clowning.Week Angnst 8, JACK JEWELL. General De- CHUTE CO., Aurora, Ill. au20 Chancier: also White Face Clown and Announcer.!'ark Rapids. Minn. livery, Lansing, Mich.Allow time for forwarding. CH ESTER SHER af AN. Billboard. Chicago. THRILL ACTS- High Fire Plunge and High Sway-MED LECTURER - Car, stock and experience. AERIAL COWDENS - Three Standard Acts. Fast ingPole Acts. Two spectacular actsinone. Registered druggist,Shriner. South preferred. BALLOONIST -PROF. Double Trapeze, Comedy Revolving Ladder andFifteen feet flame on tank.12 acts on pole. World'sDR. C.E. HANKENSON, 080 Mansfield, Mem- CHAS. SWARTZ.Committees write, wire. Illuminated Swing Ladder.Literature and price onFair '34.Dates open due to layoff for movie stunt -phis. Tenn. Address Humboldt, Tenn. au27request.Address The Billboard. Cincinnati, 0. work.Other thrill acts. Write or wire THE GREATTHE LERCHES-Lady and gent C,omec.y Table nut3 CITARLEY-BOY, 841 Selby Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Act: also Aerial Act.1801 W. Main St. Belle- ville.Ill. AT LIBERTY -Four separateActs. Wire Walker. TWO ACTS - Spanish Wire and High Trapeze au27 TUMBLING ATWOOD S - Novelty Juggler Act. Balancing Trapeze Act, Dog Colorful costumes. Special lighting equipmentVERSATILE NOVELTY TEAM -With platform Bozo,Raggedy Ann,Falling House. Bill-Acts. Something new and different from fornight appearances. Bondifdesired. BOX outfit and transportation.Lecturer and tome board, Cincinnati, 0. au27CHESTER HUBER, Wabasha, Minn. au20C-465. care Billboard,Cincinnati.0. au27write.GI.ENNY & FORD, Billboard. Cincinnati.

Stands,Frank Thomason,Victor Wallingfords,The Wiedeman, Fred Day,Jean 0. Leroy, Estelle Rich,Charles finearly. L. E. LETTER LIST Stanford, Walter Thompson. Chas. Walls, C. W. Wiedman, John De Frey, Nita McArthur, Alice Rieger,MerleH. Spielman (Contmved from page27) Stanley,Bob X.Walsh,Danny Thomasde ParishMadameMcKenna, Ann Ringens, Peek's, Sprinkle,C.J. Stanley, Geo. & Thompson. D. R. Walsh, Patrick 0. Wightman, Burt Devine, Jele (Harrington) Rogers,Paul ThreeSailors Robert (PDpeye theShaboo, Eddie LizzieThompson, Paul Walters,Bob Willander, J. M. Drew. Marion hfarston, Babe Rummel. Albert F. (Jason, Robson 4, Sailor)Shaffer,Win. Stanley,Gus Thompson, EphraimWalters, Herb Willard, Clyde Du Chaine, Helen Marvin, Constance Russell, Frank Blue) Roberts, I. C. Shanks, DeWitt Stanley,lludnnt Thompson, Frank Walters, Joe Willard. Vernon Duval, Sylvia Mitchell, Gerry Russell,Geo. & Trimmer. Frank Roberts, olinny Shanks. hoe Stanley,L.L. Thompson. J.L. Roberts, Thayer Slianley,J. Walters, JohnF. Williams.Bob Ellis, Janet Nanette.Miss Adelaide Le BlancWaters, Tem Roberts, Vardanean Shaperio, Stanley,Stanley Thompson, Wanapony, Wm. Williams, Dennis French, Roses Neff, Floy Russell,JackB. Weston, Stanley J. Johnnie Stanley, Willard E. Lawrence HarryWilliams, Dome FrancoiseO'Keefe, Theresa Savage, Ted White.Billy Robertson,Henry Sharp, Cowboy Stanton, L.P. Wanks. Miller Williams,Donald Green, Mrs. CharlesParker,Gerry Sawyer, C. C. D.Sharp, Danny Shames, Sidney Thompson,Lester White. Jock Robinson. Bill Sharp.Joe Thompson. Ray Ward, Ralph Williams, Eddie Hall, Mrs. H. H. Pine, Ruth Scott, Geo. Watson Happy" Stephenson, Geo. Thompson. Roy & Warner, Geo. ChickHarrison, Sonia Reeve, Jean Seller,Jackie Wilkesman, Donald Roche. Edward Sharp,Man L. StumpWilliams, Eddie Jarman, Mrs. Reilly,Mrs.Thos. Sharon, Alfred Rockford,B. Shea,ley.Geo. Stephens,Bill Virginia Winnie, Capt. Dare Roessler.August Shell,Ernie Thompson, S. Warr. Leroy (Snuffy) Charles J. Silverlake, A. Zinger°. Prank Stevens, G. W. Thompson,Willie Williams,FredX. Joyce,Flora Itobbins, Pat Simpson, Bob Zuckerman. Able Rogers, BE. Shelly.Jack Stevens,Geo. Watkins, Mark Williams, Jack C. Kirchoff,Mary E.Roberts, Geraldine Rogers,Joel Station,Ernest A. Watts B.Watson,Ira Roger:, W. B. Shelton. P. G. Thornblom, Ray A.Watts,Cotton Williams, James Koch, Marge L. Roberts. Kitty MAIL ON HAND AT Stevens,Iron ManThorne. GeraldR. MackieKoort, Katherine Rose, DorrisB. Roland, Jeff & Shepard. E. H. Stevens, Mickey Watts, Donald Williams,Jay La Marrs Dorothy Smuckler, MarieK. MarySheppard,N. Thorne'', TOMMY Watts, Herman H. CHICAGO OFFICE Stevens, Mitchell Thunderbird, ChiefWatts, Roy Red Williams,Orinal Lawton, Judy Trevor, Madeline Roland, N.P. ShermanJr.,CarlStevens,l'ete Williams.T.D. Le Roy, June Waters.Gerry Rollins, Harry L.Stevenson, Pete JoeWaver, Anthony Williams,Texas Ryland 404 Woods Bldg., Rooney,Paul Sherman Roy Stewart, B. W. Thrush, W. W. Minnon Rosania, Mr. PatsyShields, Floyd Timberlake.MelvinWayland, Fred Slim 52 West Randolph St. Rose, Dace, Chem.Shievely, Fred Tex Webb, Dean Williams, Woodrow Men Stewart, C.0. Tips, Will, Amuse. Williams. Wm. B. Cr). Shipley.Sterling Stewart,Dan Webb. Jae B. Wilson, Clyde Adams,Billy Harris. Buddy Women Ito:ea na John Shorten.I 'scar Stowerta. Bova Co.Webb,Mack Wilson,Ernest0.Allen, Edgar Healy, Frank Rosebrook,Bob Sled well. Doc Todd, Keith W. Webb & Brooks Alden,0. Henderson, Allen, Mrs. A. I.Honey, Mrs Alf. she,' er, Stickney, Buan Tollen,LouisB. Weer, Roy Wilson, H. D. J. Billy Rosen,Ifarry Mark Stiltz, Charles Tolrin, Jack Wilson, Loyd AllenJr.. Jimmie Hildebrandt, Bailey, Miss Bill Honey. M -a.Daisy Rosen, Leonard Shork. Era nicT. Stinnes,Dr. Wegner, Geo. M. Mickey Allison, John Bert GrgeBailey.Marie Hope, Mrs. Rosen.Make Sloth. Frank C. Edmund H.Tom, Geo. Weils Curiosity Aloa,theAlligatorHolland, C. MaeouriceBaird, Car Gladelle Rosenberg. Maitre Gebel,Michael Tompkins, Chas. ShopWilson,Paul BoyHolzer, Jean A. Barton, Mrs.D. Kline, Do-cthy Ross.Frank Sieslo, Albert Stipp.D.C. Tompson, Sam L.Weinhurg, Jack Winkle, Edward Arden. B. Mottle, B. W. Bell, Jeanne La Salle, Connie Roules,(IrvineS. Situ roan,v Lew Stick.Stanley Toms,Frank Weir, Alexander D.Winkle,Rip Bailey, F. R. Howard. Phil Bernard, Myra La Vents, Betty Ihowls,Ekner Sinclair, Wm. Steaks,John Tovalin,Jack Weiss,Harry Winters, Billie Baker, Joe (Peanuts) Bernardo, Billie Lamar, Marie Royal Dm Singer, Dave Stokes, Frank Towel,Eddie Welch, Chas. \ Vise,Ralph Baniini,Charles HowertonRoy Brand, Mrs.IreneLevine, Mrs. Ben Royal Palm Show Sinnel,II.H. Stone. Geo. B. Trainor, Raymond Wendt. Charles Witt,Mark Bengston. Carl Hughes,John Butler, Evelyn Martin. K'ttie Royale, Gen. Sinus Doc Stoney, Jahn R. Travis,L.H. Werry. Cherries H. Wong, Jim TroupeBerkes, Johnny FranklinCoralRenita May.Kathleen Rozinas,the Sitton, Ky. Storey, W. I. Trennrrie, Frank Wesselnlall,L.B.Wong, Nee Bielber,Ray Hunsberger, WalterDennis, Alice & Patent,If -s,Ada SensationalSilts,A. W. Stottsberry, C. V. Triplett, Luther West, Jack Woodall,Billy Bock,B. Jones,Billy JackRoebuck, Shirley A. Slamhey, Eugene Stowe, John F. Tolson, Gale West, Leon Woods, F. A. Droege, Bonnie Rogers, Miss Rubin,NI. Strankman, A. L. Max Bunny,John Jones,Paul Sidney Sloan, Lee R. Tubis, 1Vest ern, Jimmie Woods, J.B. Callahan.Bob Keevan,EdS. Farmer, Mrs. Suer,Mrs. J.M. Rudiell.Louis Smallwood,Robert St rayliorn,JoeL.Tucker,Ernest H.Western, Stanley Working Village PaulineTaft, Rush, Char. Strode,Bill Tullis, Wm. A. Carey. Wm. Kennedy, Raymond Thelma Rush, Fred S111,111,..orl. Roy Whalen, J111111'SE. Wright, H. C. Cark,Frank F.Freels Verne Tanglne Russell & Smith, Andrew E. Stuart,Bob Turley, H. 0. Wharton, G. W. Wright, Warren Cadet. Bud & Co.King,Frank Genders, Mrs. Teeter, Jaque Smith, Bob Stull, Sam & PhilTurner. James Whidding, ChristianWyatt, Buck Carney, Robert Ernest GracieWalsh. Marie Christine Co.Smith,1'.ar. Stumpf, C.L. Turner, Terry C.Wyatt,I.L. Rust.Pete Stiirges, Ben Upton, Edward G. Casey,J. ThomasKleinman.Rubin Hall, Mrs. E. Wilson. Jim Sylvia Ryals,Albert. Smith, Jack Dot White, Doc G. W.Wyatt, Thomas Cecil, G. B. Kline,B.J. Hart,Mrs.0. J. A. Ryan, Jimmy Smith..1. Davis Silber,Buck Upton, Geo. J.Wyble, Glenn Cecil, J. P. Korrie, Ralph Herbert, Lillian Worton. Miss G. Ryan. Ray Smith, JohnI. Sullivan, Robert F.Urusy,Clifford White, Guy Yaeger, Chas. Church, Luther Kunats. Stanley SmithJr..Geo. Sully.John Vagge, Milo White,Ray Yancey,Elmer "Pollock" Sagan, M Smith,Lewis Summers, R.L. Veinier, Rudolph emokeY Yandell, Lee Cleary, Mrs -Frances Men Sallee,Peril RestosSummers, Shorty Van Demark, Tex White,Thos.J. Tel Bob La StarrS. Sarver,Eugene Smith,Roland Sumner, Jack Van ZandtJelly White Wolf, Chief Yerger,II. Daly,Frank Lang,Win,J. Adams, Ilay Pete Eldridge.William PedroSmith. Roy & Sunipkin, Lamar Vannsse, Charles 0.Whitten, W. H. Yost, Fred C. Dalton, John E. Lawson Jr.. Erie J.Albanese, Ben A. Savage, Clyde ShirleySunshine, Doc Vandervort ferry Whittier, A. D. Young, Green Davies, Eric A. Lee,CarlE. Albanese,Jimmy Feinstien. Benny Savage,Ted Sunset Amuse. Co.Varnell, Chick Whitworth,Harry Zarate, Lope Davis, Nelson R. Lentz,Bill Alvarado, Mr. Forrest. Charles Sawyer,C.C. Smith,Steve Su t ton,Frank Vaughan, Gene Wibberley,It. \V.Zoeek,Ernest Dawson, Skinny Lewis, Eddie A. Anderson,Charles (Barnett Bros.' Schad,J.P. Smith, Tom SWII in, Frank H. Vaughan,Rue IV iedentatin. Thos.Zogi, Prince DeClerq, Alphonse Linton,Alex Beeliee,Bob Circus) Schaefer,V. rode Smith,Virk Swanson, CA rl Vdowitz, Irwin F.Zolar,Prof. Demetro, Sam Lownds, Harry Bengston, Carl Freitag, Alfred I. Scheirer,Charles Smith,Virgil Swicegood. Earl Velock,Ray Deverker,Wm.J.Lyoni,Bayne Bloom,()scar Goias,Gecrge Schenk. Al Siiiitt,.lack Switzer,Charley Vermont..Chas. Dial, Roy McKay,Charles Brady, D. & Mrs. Graham,J.B. Schmidt, Elmer Stookei,JoePedroSylvian,Win. Vent,Jimmy MAIL ON HAND AT Donahue. George C.Mack,Jack LorraineGreenwood,Capt Schnerr. J. C. Snediker,It.W. Ta f felt,Joe Vernick, Jas. A. Doss, Jimmie Maine. Leonard C.Brammer. Larry Harry Schoen,Sans Snyder. 1101 Talley. H. B. Vi erieck, Wm. (Doc)Markham. Wm, Brandys,Edward Hale. Willie Schooley, Wendell Snyder,Bob Tanner Jr., Wm. Villanucci, Joe NEW YORK OFFICE Dowry,3.R. Mason, Billy Brown, Hal Hammon, Cherrikee F.solluirg, Sol Tarr,W.B. Vire, W. L. Dukaff, Theodore Meline, Frankie Brawn, R. W. (Adams Rodeo) Schreiver, Eugene Sonny & Tanya Tarrant,BertD. Vogt, Frank 1564 Broadway, Farley, Art Merson, Morns Bunch, Mr. & Mrs.Hattaways, Schultz, Albert. E S,011,1, Ernest 'Farrington,RodneyVoight, Ralph Faske, Herbert Milanese,GiuseppeCam,Earl Sensational Schulze,Bob Son tpol. Earl Tassel',Barney VIM Miller,Carl Foley.Jack Miller,Eddie Carroll,J. Hendrix. M. C. Schwarting, John Spain,Bill Taylor, harry, Wade, Ralph L. Parcel Post Foley,Joseph Miller, Roy F. Carrell,M. Hill. Lonnie Spangler, Dr. Wade, Win. Montana,Bob Schwartz,If erman Gorden S. Rodeo rockery. Mr. Fox. Joseph P. Chavez,Benito Roger. James IL Scofield.7.1.E. Taylor,Louis Wadsworth. H. S. Francis. Sue & Montgomery. LesterConley's. Ted Howard. Pert Scott,C.W. Spears,DallisII. Taylor, Paul Wagoner. M. E. (World Bros.' LarryMoore,Herb DennisHoward, Garry Scott, John C. Spencer. Travis Taylor, Russell S. Spike Circus),I lc Fremont.Richard Morgan, D. J. Corthay, Tex Hunt, Toir Scott, John CowellStrickler,Samuel Taylor, Shelby Waite, Kenneth Gagme). ROY P. Morgan, George Cox. Claud M. Jennier, Walter Scott, W alter septic, Roscoe Taylor, Thomas J. Waldron. Dutch Women Gangler, Joe Newman, Harry De Camo, Chas. Johns,H.S. Screbneff. Wm. Spraggins,George Taylor, Wyman F.Waldron, F. M. Gash, Alex Noble.Harry DeForrest, Dr. Johnson, Edward A. Seewald.Val W.Teer, J. A. Walker, Chester & Ala bassi,CountessBois,Mrs.Jack Cirond, Clarence Padmne,Jimmie HarryJudd, Ti.(Red) Seifer,UpwardL.Spring, Tony Tennis, Theodore VeraAndrews, Noella Brooks, K. Gomez, Don Luis Perdue, Elmer Dolan, Thomas F.Kimberley, Robert Seigler, Wm. Sproat,Ellwyn Tennsyon, Dave Walker, Harry Appleby,Edna "Giggles"Goswell, Julian Plunkett, Arthur Donahue. George 0.King, Clarence Sellars.Geo. L. Spurgat Bros. Terris.Jackie Walker,Slim Astrid.Laye Campbell, Virginia Green, Joe Powers,Arthur C.Donahue, Jack Kirk, John(Jack) Sim Ray Teske, Joe Walker, T. Duff icyAvilez,Mrs.Cleo Carlson.Peggy Groesbeck, Wm. Powers. Jack Edwards.G.A. Langford, Harold SellsSellers VhillDonald S' 'a,Art Thames, Gene Wallace. Harold L.Bell. Gertrude Carroll,Della HenryProvencher,Lucien (Jan)Lerman, Jahnny Seville,Fred Alfred Thoams, Leo Wallace,JohnH.Black,Pauline Casson. Louise Haig,Sid Quirks. Five Elders, U. Le Bean. Pee Wee Sewell,Garland Geo.Thomas, Lee Wlalace, Joseph Bookman,Mrs. Coelman,JoB Harding, Al Rants, ArnoldI.. Benton, Albert en Thomas, HaliM Wantons.Alfred RussellCrawford, MargaretHarding, Gene Rime.Joe SeeLITT= LlIT on page 57 54 The Billboard August 13, 1938

Conducted by MAYNARD L REUTER-Communications to 1564 Broadway, NewYork Fair Workers Look for Big Direct Seller Passes Heat Wave Ups NEW YORK, Aug. 6.-The direct - selling world was shocked to learn of the death of William Gordon on July Harvest From Bumper Crops 28.Death came suddenly as the re- Resort Sales sult of an operation.Gordon was

well known for his ability to detect sure-firedirect -sellingitems. His Reports from early fairs indicate cash will be free this best known products were the suc- Crowds flocking to seashore that concessioners and tioncupspecialtiessuchasthe spots to escape heat ups de- season - wholesalers report Windshield Ash Receiverandthe pitchmen are stocking up on merchandise Coat Hanger. From a small one -room mand for hot weather items

plant he developed a business that CHICAGO, Aug. 6.-With the harvesting of a wheat crop estimated by govern- occupied a complete floor.Gordon NEW YORK, Aug. 6.-Torrid rays of ment experts to be the largest in the history of many sections of the North and was a pioneer member of the National Old Sol which .have sent the mercury Midwest, concessioners, corn -game ops and fair workers of various merchandise Association of Direct Selling Compa- soaring to record heights for the year items are looking forward to big takes during the fair season.Reports from early nies. He is survived by his widow. It along the Eastern seaboard have also fairs, especially on the Canadian circuit, indicate that banner crops should result is reported that the business will be had theireffect on hot -weather mer- in banner profits for the boys. Harvest cash has long played a stellar role in the carried on by others. chandise items.With throngs flocking amount of biz done by those playing the fairs, and while pricesoncrops are not up to the shore spots to seek relief from to last year's levels, still the prospects the heat, souve workers and concession- of larger yields are expected to loosen ersare doing abriskbusiness. For the purse strings of fairgoers.Reports has shown almost as much interest inmany of the men this is the first real from houses supplying merchandise to this as in the stamps themselves." hebreak they've had all season save for the fair workers indicate the boys are stock- 111111 I II says."Since the back cover of the al-Independence Day week -end. ing up.Altho fairs in almost allof AColumn for OPERATORS & bum carries the address of every mer- Sun glasses, beach balls, balloons, par- the rural districts are just now getting DISTRIBUTORS of SALES - chant in the neighborhood it is readilyasols, beach umbrellas and other hot - under way, early turnouts seem to have BOARDS, SALESCARDS and seen that each storekeeper distributingweather items have been in big demand. convinced the boys that it will be wise TRADE STIMULATORS. the album isactually distributing anElectric fans, sports equipment and kin- to have a big supply of items on hand. advertisement forall the other travelared numbers are proving to be the ones Almost all of the demand is for new stamp merchants in his section.There-with appealforthe concessionboys. items that have appeared on the market fore the plan may be regarded, and isSouve workers are reported doing well since last season; still it is evident that presented, as a co-operative movementwith several new creations they are fea- there exists a strong preference among among a local merchant group. Becauseturing this year in addition to the old oldtimers for the hardy perennials of of this the deal is sold only to one mer-stand-bys. the novelty world.Even here, however, By BEN SMITH chant in a given line in each section. the call is for items that have been re- The druggist will derive benefit from As long as business keeps up at the designed or are now being offered in In travel stamps we have a good ex-the travel stamp activity of the grocerpresent pace it appears that the boys new colors or materials. The influenceample of what can be done with an oldandfromtheother non -conflictingwill not mind sweat getting intheir of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfsidea when a little ingenuity men in the neighborhood." eyes.Rain and cold weather of early Thereisnothing newaboutusing summer kept the crowds away, and the is plainly visible by the brisk demand * * * for low-priced creations of these popularstampsina trade -stimulating plan. Rut present hot spell may easily prove to be members of the Disney troupe.Ventin giving the public an opportunity to A new firm, Knickerbocker Novelty Co..the salvation of many of the men. dolls, new toy balloon numbers, un-exchange stamps for free transportationhas been started for the prime purpose usual stuffed animal creations, noveltyand in giving the storekeeper, thru aof creating deals for operators.Jules hats and canes are coming in for theirtravel stamps album, a chance to capi-Bloom is heading the firm and associated share of attention, too. talizeonsome valuable group advertis-with him are men who were formerly To cash in on the strides madeining at a comparatively low cost, Travelconnectedwithsuccessfuloperating rural electrification in recent years. dis-Stamps, Inc., has converted an old ideagroups."We know what the operator plays of electrical appliances are expectedinto something refreshingly new and dif-*ants and needs to make a deal produce to form the backbone of many stands.ferent. and itis our aim to give it to him." Men are counting onelectriclamps, Because of this, from all indications,Bloom explains."We now have a can- radios, clocks, irons, coffee makers andthe travel stamp is taking hold.In adid -type camera deal and a musical baby other numbers to attract a good portionlittle over two months since it was firstgrand piano deal which were brought of the throngs who are interested inintroduced and in one of the toughestinto the combine to start the ball rolling, acquiring something that will add ma-testing grounds in the country 400 mer-and we are working on serveral new deals teriallyto theconvenienceoftheirchants have already signed up as travelwhich we expect to announce soon." homes. stamp users,according toD. George THIS IS THE STORY of a little boy. Reports from houses supplying mem-Dumeresq. "And," he says, "if the mail We hear that salescards will again playHis name was John Smith.His father bers of the tripes and keister fraternitywe are receiving every clay from all sec-an important role in fund-raising cam-was a bricklayer and his mother a hard- state that orders to date indicate thetions of the country means anything itpaigns planned for the fall by Chicagoworking housewife whose whole life was boys will be out in full force with peelers,won't be long before merchants every-churchesandfraternalorganizations.wrapped up in her home and her family. juicers and cooking gadgets in an effortwhere will be taking advantage of whatOperators have made big money con-Inthedaysbeforethedepression to get their share of the harvest dollars.we believe to be a great sales stimulator."ducting such drives in the past, and thoJohnny's father worked about 10 months activity in this field has slowed downout of each year and received a reason- Operators working this deal have an- ably good wage for his labors. other source of income thru the sale ofconsiderably in the last year or so, there Football Interest display advertising space on the insideIs no reason why a dollar can't still be The Smiths prospered in a small way. pages of the stamp album, according tomade in this type of promotion. They purchased a home and a car and were happy.When the stock market Off to Early Start Dumeresq. "The album plays an impor- crash heralded the dark days of the de- tant part in our plan, and the merchant Happy Landing. pression little Johnny Smith was seven CHICAGO, Aug. 6.-Interest in foot- years old.The job on which his father ball noveltiesis off to an early start had been working was halted because here due to the interest built up in the the contractor could not further finance all-star game scheduled to be played it, and the builders were in a precarious f See FOOTBALL INTERET on page 57) financial position and had to drop their plans. 6 The little money the Smiths had saved Look for Popular Items disappeared rapidly.Building, likeall Place, other lines of endeaver, was almost at a Write to The Billboard, Buyers' Service Department, 25 Opera standstill. AndthenlittleJohnny This Feature: Cincinnati, 0., for addresses of companies in this department Smith, age nine, was stricken with in- supplying the items which interestyou. fantile paralysis.There was no money The Players' closely similar to bingo but played withwith which to send him to a hospital, Barrage the modern fad, airplanes. no money with which to pay the doctors. Severalfreehospitals andclinicsat Side of Bingo -- A new game known as Barrage and which the Smiths applied for aid were reported to be a new version of bingoShaving Accessory overcrowded, taxed beyond their capabil- A Symposium is being marketed by Modern Amuse- A new solution to the problem ofities with many more cases than they ments.As now designed, game is putwhere to put a safety razor and how tocould efficiently handle. out in books containing 15 game sheets.dispose of the blades is offered by the In order to carry on their fine work in in the Itis also adaptable as a straight gameRazor Park, placed on the market by thebringingbackthousandsofJohnny for big sponsored parties in the sameJob Products Co.Consistsof white -Smiths to health the hospitals needed form as bingo.Card gives each player-enameledholder,aboutfourinchesfunds badly.Regular sources of raising Fall Special of played in the home form with one oppo-square, with a slot in the upper part tosuch funds were wiped out with the de- nent-twoplayingfields, plustwohold the razor.Beneath this are twopression.And then along came bingo. The Billboard ' fleets" of airplanes.These are placedboxes, one for new; the other for usedAfraternalorganizationinJohnny in the squares on the playing field, andblades.Productisreported designedSmith's neighborhood sponsored a mam- one player aims at the squares where heand manufactured by a pitchmanofmoth bingo party, the proceeds of which assumes his opponent's planes are. Rec- 'o the local hospital Dated August 27 ord of hits is kept, and score tallied atmany years' experience and is plannedwere to be donat (See POPULAR ITEMS opposite page) (See BINGO P qS on page 57) eiend ofthegame, providinga game August 13, 1938 WHOLESALE MERCHANDISE The Billboard 55 POPULAR ITEMS *Hand Lettered WALT DISNEY'S 7C I10C SNOW WHITE (Continued front opposite page) Each in 100 AND 7 DWARFS as a swell pitch or specialty agent item. Lots. Specialdisplaywith twocontrasting shelves, one showing the usual untidy Your Dollars Buy Real Values Here! mess with, a razor and blades on the shelf,theother withthiscontainer neatly attached to the wall. are planned Get Going with this for demonstration. Hot Number ! TRIXO Good Luck Key Chain Hand Cast Metal Horse Shoe with Nickel Finish Flexible Key - chain. Each carded, In Monkey Mexican Sandals cellophane envelope. Composition head POSITIVE shaped exactlylike SENSATION on A. S. Hooe, manufacturer of fancy Mexi- a monkey's.Cloth can souvenir specialties, is featuring a line B26 C22 body. Each In litho- of Houraches, sometimes knc wn as "Wah- graphed display box. LIVE LUCKY TURTLES Rah-Chazes." These leather woven san- B 38N11 An immense hit!Profits galore, selling for dals are reported to be finding favor in Per eA nn 25c EtFairs,Parks,Carnivals,Circuses, Per Resorts,etc.About 2 Incheslong.Deco- the concession trade, particularly those Gross in'tsLU Gross$16.50 ratedwithSnow White, Seven Dwarfs, established in lake and mountain resorts. Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck in water- KEY CHAINJ Per proof, full colors. Name of your attraction, Dozen$1.50 town or person's name, hand lettered. im- - media:e delivery. r.!!!=1 Walt Disney Designs, Sample Doz._$1.50 We Have a Combination Glass Cutter Knife Floral Designs, Scottie, etc., In 100 Full Line of lots. Each 90 I. !ERR INI 2 Blades, Glass Cutter Individual, Self -Mailing Postal Ap- and Corkscrew. Nickel proved Boxes. Each io Beacon finish,metalhandle, Wonder Turtle Food In Cellophane iii'r; iii center has colored cel- Envelopes (10c seller). Per 100._ 2.50 II iii Blankets luloidinlay.Shackle F. 0. B. Chicago. Approx. 6 lbs. per 100. for chain.Size closed, Exclusive Licensees for Turtles by 3 r4in. 1 dozenin Walt Disney Enterprises, for package. Immediate B10C 176 It seems that hotel patrons are attracted 111-..11M11_'iii10110111 Delivery *ll fs-lkisloile tetra*to this type of merchandise. While lend- Gross $12.00 IDozen ILO'S 1430 N. ORLEANS ST.. CHICAGO ing themselves readily to souvenir sales, the sandals are in reality practical foot- wear. Soles are made of genuine cowhide 'Write for Our Big Catalog No. B130I and builtforlong wear.Firm also manufactures a line of men's belts, like- wise adaptable for the premium -conces- Features Everything for the Show World DO YOU WANT sion field.Belts are made of crocodile (Iguana),lizardand varioustropical State Business You Are In, As We Do Not Sell Consumers A PERMANENT snake skins.All are standard widths RAPIDLY GROWING and come in various lengths as desired. Company has a new illustrated catalog INCOME? which it will be glad to supply uponN. SHURE CO. 28°ArirsTr. CHICAGO request. WE HAVE THE GREATEST SALES Steering Wheel Muff STIMULATING PLAN What is claimed to be the most prac- A VALUE SENSATION! EVER OFFERED tical low-cost auto accessory introduced in years is the Palmen Mfg. Co.'s Steering The ELGIN DE LUXE TERRITORY AVAILABLE Wheel Muff.Item is made of fine qual- Electric Dry Shaver ity mohair with rubberizedinsideto Reaches a new highin quality and peen :m- THROUGHOUT THE prevent slipping on wheel.Fits any size ance-compares with any of the higher p -iced shavers on the market --yet is astoundingly low UNITED STATES of steering wheel snugly and is held in priced. Each Elgin Deluxe is complete with place by heavy elastic band.Can be a genuine leather carrying wallet. put on or taken off the wheel in a Jiffy, OPERATORS-Write for ConfidentialPrices! For Full Particulars Write to according to reports.Firm reports the practical features of the device are that SEND FOR YOUR FREE COPY itkeeps the hands warm inwinter, TRAVEL STAMPS clean in summer and eliminates hand OF OUR NEW 1938 CATALOG NOTE THESE FEATURES Hundredsofillustrated pages featurmg 11 W. 42d St., New York, N. Y. slipping while driving. thousandsofclever,originalnoveltycre- Precision Built Motor ations for Concessionaires. Pitelimer, Novelty Workers, Etc. Don't fall to send Self -Sharpening Cutter for your Wee copy of this big "Buyers Guide" Rubber Fan A. C. or D. C. Current today! Expanding itslineof rubber -bladed 119North Fourth St fans, the Samson -United Corp. has de- BROS MINNEAPOLIS. MINN. veloped a 24 -inch circulator fan which GELLMAN CONCESSIONAIRES!! is not only suitable for hoard deals and bingo awards but can be used nicely by many bingo ops who are straying indoors MERCHANDISE FOR during the summer. New unit is actually a rubber -bladed air cooler and is said to EVERY GAME ON THE be many times quieter thorn most air MIDWAY circulators.Itisalso claimed to cut cooling costs in half since it consumes only 195 watts in compariscn to 275 to LOWEST PRICES 350 consumed by ordinary circulators. SAME DAY SERVICE New Stock- Carnival NoveltiesJust Arrived Sponge Blocks BB1 Men's Toy Wrist Watches 11B6 High Hat Fur Monks, S in.Oro. WYK CATALOG FREE FOR THE 1 in box Om $3.75 HWZ Piggy WiggY. Conipo., S % in. Doz.1.25 Among novelties recently introduced 11118Cell. Doll, 7 in., with Plume ASKING BB2 Gillette Style Blue Dress Gro. 6.50 by the Auburn Rubber Corp. are sets of Blades Per 10003.00 5139 Swagger Sticks, 86 5.50 sponge -rubber blocks, one of which con- BB3 Flying Birds, Outside 11010 China Head Swagger Sticks . Gro. 6.75 sists of 12 lettered blocks put up in an Whistle Oro. 1.85 BB11 Jap Cig. Cases Gro. 4.50 BB4 Flying Birds, Inside BI11.2 Reach Bounder Balls Doz. 1.15 HEX MFG. CO. attractive two-color carton.Other set Whistle Gro. 2.35EtB13 Carnival Print Balloons. is comprised of eight blocks, placed on 13115 High 'Hat Fur No. 8 Oro. 2.35 468-470 SENECA ST. an all -rubber wagon, 61, inches long, of 6 ysin. Gro. 3.50B014Spiral Balloons, 45 in. ore.3.30 red rubber with black rubber wheels. 1938 CATALOG NOW READY. WRITE FOR YOUR COPY. BUFFALO, N. Y. Both sets are made to retail at a reason- 26% DEPOSIT REQUIRED ON 13. 0. D. ORDERS. able figure. TERRE HAUTE, LEVIN BROS. IND. 2.25 Extra Value! Each Peeler Sets The line of safety graters, rotary minc- WHITE PEARL PEN & PENCIL COMBINATION AND ers, garnishing sets and orange juicers MIDGET KNIFE DEAL With Push Card.Selling GOGGLES put out by Acme Metal Gocds Mfg. Co. Like Wild Fire.Write for Details. is more popular than ever, according to Carded. for $10 50 5 for $10.50 Premiums, SalesBoards,Notions,Lotions,Perfumes, Carded Goods, Assorted Color. Charlie Fischer.He expects business to Blades, Soap, White Shoe Polish, U. S. Rubber Swatters, Balloons, told strong for his firm right thru the Electric Clocks and Lamps-Sideline Merchandise. Special aw No. BB 85133-Ladles' Bracelet Watch. Ex- fair season.A number of changes and Wagonmen, Pitchmen, Home and Office Canvassers, Get Free Catalog Dozen ngz.0 quisitely Styled 10 I..Chrome cases in as- additions were made in the plant recent- Listing Money -Making Items. sortedengraved de.,i2pswithbeautifullink CHAMPION SPECIALTY CO. 814-F CENTRAL ST., KANSAS CITY, MO. bracelet to match.Guar -"teed jeweled more- ly to make doubly secure the Acme rep- l.,c . v.tation for prompt, efficient service. meats. Eachin v%,;ase. An amazingly Big Valn. 64, 4:4:.1 premium country in one consignment. The Mexi-and lively."Firm further announces a item. Savemoney 44,4rderingfive can Jumping Bean is a hardy perennialnew catalog just off the press, ths title Watches for $10.50. Jumping Beans in the novelty field and is regarded asof which Is A Thousand Laughs.Book staple as wheat.Altho it's an old itemiswell illustrated and gives wholesale Franco -AmericanNovelty Co. an-itneverfailstoattractand amuse.prices on many jokes, tricks and novel- ROHDE-SPENVER CO.nounces that it has received what is saidOumanoBrothers,who conducttheties.Many old favorites are listec to- to be the largest shipment of MexicanFranco -Americanfirm,statethat thegether with a number of new ones. 223 W. Madison St. Chicago Jumping Beans ever to arrive in thisMexican Jumping Beans are "all freshCatalog on request. 56 The Billboard WHOLESALE MERCHANDISE August 13, 1938 served as bartenders.Celebration was4* 4* * * * under supervision of HelenWarny. CHECK THESE HAGN SPECIALS The weather was fine and to the The Most Sensational TIE CLIP strains of Auld Lang Syne it was voted SETS to round up again at the same spot next Premium Item of 19381 summer. $3.50 Morris Rosenbloom & Co., wholesale "UNIVEX" GROSS Jewelers and general merchandise distrib- utors, recently moved into their own ORDER SUPPLY HOUSES No.8201. building at 29-33 St. Paul street, Roches- MOVIE CAMERA No. Item Price ter, N. Y. B202 -As Above, Carded.Gross 5 1.95 Occupying four floors of the building, 9203 -Tie Chain A Collar Holder Sets organization is launching an aggressive on card.Gross 4.00 In about two months Teddy Grodin 5204 -As Above. Boxed. Gross 8.00 will move his place of business furthermerchandising campaign thatisex- B205 -Color Bead Necklaces.DOZ.. .75 up Broadway to larger quarters.Teddypected to enhance its business consider- 8206 -La Fitt° 111" Pearl Necklaces, .85 has been manufacturing his own line ofably. According to information from 8 Clef CAMERA 5207 -Enamel Double Compacts, Doz. 2.25 pens and pencils under thetradi?nameJack Hoffman, manager of the specialty EXPOSURE 88888 B209 -Ring and Pendant Set, Doz 1.95 sales department, the concern now is in 52010 -Rhinestone Breeches or Ear Underwood, and he reports business has Drops, Doz. .86 been picking up steadily for him sincea positionto carrygreatlyincreased 52011 -Jumbo Dlp Pens.Gross 12.00 he started.Inits new quarters thestocks in all lines.This, together with B2012 -imported Wind Lighters. Gr 10.50 52013 -Assorted Charms. Gross 85 Grodin Pen Co. sales office and factorythe plant's improved traffic conditions, 132014 -Electric Shavers. Ea. 1.85 will be combined under one roof, whichwill speed up service, Hoffman says. 8251 -Kwik Shave Electric Shaver. Ea,2.50 Rosenbloom's was established in 1886 82016 -Amer. Made Lipstick Lighters. should enable Teddy to give faster and Doz. .79 even more reliable service. and today sells all over the world, altho 82016 -Blades (5 In pkg.) Per 100.. 3.00 The bulk of Its business naturally is con- 132017 -Filter Clgaret Holder.Doz 1.26 the 82018 -Guar. Pocket Watches. Ea .84 centrated in the Eastern sector of B2019 -Guar. Alarm Clocks.Ea .84 United States. 62020 -Electric Alarm Clocks.Ea .98 What is hoped will becomea perma- 82021 -Amer. Made Wrist Watches. Ea. 1.48 event was the first annual picnic B2022= -Ladles' Jeweled Watches.Ea 2.10 nent CROSSROADS B2023 -Sun Goggles (12 on card). Gr. 9.00 held by the Toy Balloon Co., Inc.Em- (Continued front page 27) B2023 -Opera Glasses.Doe 1.76 ployees, their relatives and friends mo- 62023 -Pigskin BillfoldsDoe .75 Had a pleasant chat with Frederick B2024-Jap K (mono, asst. colors.Doz. 5.94 tored to Belmont Lake State Park, LongWeddleton, director of concessionsforthe 132025 -China Head Canes.Gr. 8.96 Island, N. Y., July 31 and held forthGolden Gate Exposition, who stopped off B2026 -Maple Canes( Amer.). Gr.. , 18.50 92027 -Asst. China NovcIties.Gr 7.20 from9 a.m.until 10 p.m.The partyIn Chicago on his way from New York to Gr 1.25 went in for all kinds of sports, including 52028 -Needle Books (26c). the West Coast. . . . He says work Is 62029 -Baseballs.Gr, 8.00 rowing, canoeing, baseball and handball,going along nicely and the expo will 82030 -Blankets. Indian design, Ea 1.25 and a goodly supply of beer, hamburg- 82031 -Monks Glove Doll. Doz 1.35 start on time. . . Harrison B. Waite,* 8252 -Candid Type Cameras.Ea 2.10 ers,frankfurters and sauerkraut wasWaco banker and circus fan, spending Movie Camera sales are breaking all records! Prizes were given to winners of Everybody wants one! Amazingly EASY 2541, Deposit on C. 0. D.Jewelry, Novelty and served. some time in Chi after attending the SALES and BIG PROFITS for you with Premium Cat. No. 383, or Sporting and Home unique races and contests. . . history! Goods Cat. No. 382 sent on request.Mention CFA convention. L. B. Greenhaw UNIVEX. LOWEST PRICE In your business. We do cot sell retail. Arthur Tann, in charge of shipping de-writes from the Parker & Watts show AY Nationally advertised. Wire or write for bigbeautifullycoloredcircularandour partment, served as chef and won thethat George Duvall, general agent, has* special Moyle Camera offer.No obligation. JOSEPH HAGN CO. acclaim of everyone.Mildred Stefano,done a good job of routing the show and WholesalersandImportersSince 1911. Anna Chielmow and Mary Rauh servedthey are getting a little money in towns* EVANS NOVELTYCO., * 217-225 W. Madison St., Chicago, 111. as waitresses with the aid of other girlsthat have not had a circus in many from the shipping department.Ray-years. . . . With the Johnny J. Jones* 946 W. 'Mersey, Chicago, III. * mond Warny, Jim Arbuco and Jane RauhExposition playing Gary, Ind.. this week there will be plenty of visiting on the* * * * * * * 4 4 AP Magic Carpet. . . . Burt Wilson and SPECIALS! - REAL BARGAINS! other circus enthusiasts garnered a flock DOUBLE EDGE RAZOR BLADES -$2.25 of half, one and three -sheet Barnes and Ss, Cello. Wrapped. 1000 Ringling posters that decorated the lobby SINGLE EDGE RAZOR BLADES - of the Loraine HotelinMadison during FAIRS AND CARNIVALS Ss, Cello. Wrapped. 1C00 4.50 MISS FAIRY MEN'S HANDKERCHIEFS -White, the CFA convention. I6x15. Gross 2.20 MEN'S TIES -WashableMaterial. Fancy The best seller of 1938! Summer Patterns and Colors. Frank J. Walter, wealthy Houston oil Gross, $5.50. Dozen SOC man, who ownsaprivate circus just for SHOE LACES - USA, Black, Brown the fun of It and gives a big performance and White.27".Gross arsokfC ORDER A CARTON TODAY FACE POWDER -Asst. Shades. every year for kids of Houston, attended 10c Box.Gross 2.50 the CPA convention in Madison, Wis., Rush yourorderforprompt delivery DIXON PENCILS -2 for Sc Seller. 1.25 and was one of the first on the lot when Gross. Hexagon Shape.Gross the Barnes show pulled in. "Many times Flying Birds with Inside Whistie....$2.50 CHARMS -Asst. Kinds.Gross 550 Snow White Balloons 3.00 16c Each 25% Deposit, Balance 0. 0. D. I have thought of getting rid of my Streetmen Special Balloons 3.00 PACKED 12 TO A CARTON 1938 CATALOGUE NOW READY! circus," he said, "but when I see the faces No. 10 Mickey Mouse Balloons 3.25 Over 3,000 Numbers, 164 Pages. of all those kids who might not other- Nosey Mouse Balloons 3.75 Snow White Toss -Up 4.00 wise see a circus, I getaweak feeling Lash Whip with Whistle 7.00 Turiddi Plastic Art Products and have enough spirit revived to keep Lash Whip with Loop 8.00 BENGOR PRODUCT/ co.going for another year." Balloon Reeds .26 2420 No. Third St. Small Silk Parasols. Doz .75 878 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, N. Y. Large Silk Parasols. Doe 1.60 MILWAUKEE, WIS. We have all kinds of Canes for Scalemen and Novelties for Pitch-Til-You-Win game. ELGIN & WALTHAM 25n, Deposit Required. All Orders Shipped C. 0. D.Catalogue on request. RENEWED WATCHES VALUE FOR NASELLA BROS. Sample Prepaid 10e Original 50cWORLD'S FAIR GIFT 2 Dept. I-13, 41 HANOVER ST.,BOSTON, MASS. Contains 10 useful needsSells last. $165 PERSIA New NEEDLE THREADERS, with loop, Cases. On bardwith directions. Gross $ .35 SELF THREADING NEEDLES, 1.70 NEVER UNDERSOLD. 10 to package. 100 packages . DRUM Send for FREE Catalog. $5.00 FLASH NEEDLE PACKAGES, LOU MALTZ Per 100 Silver Eye, 20 to a package stuck .63 139 So. 8thSt. Philadelphia,Pa. Vg TAILS 100 superior packages Majors The largest, bushiest TRANSPARENT HANDY NEE- genuine FurFoxTails DLE PKGS.,contains 15asst on the market, with two $45 VO'00 Artwork Needles.. 100 Pkgs 1.45 strong cords for tying to Sample, ARMY and NAVY NEEDLE BOOK $8.40i" 'Doz. radiator cap,motorcycle, 10o. 1.15 bicycle, etc.Flashyred, In a 25c envelope.Gross as in.. FREE white and blue streamer. SAFETY PINS, 12 to card, asst 1.44 Rush yourordertoday 1/3 Dep., sizes, fine grade.Gross Cards $18.00 Doz. 1938 Wholesale forsame dayshipment. RAZOR BLADES, 5 to a package, Before buying Bal. C.O.D cello. wrapped. 100 Blades .25 Catalog any coats send Ventriloquist Fur Coatsfor our catalog$1.00 Deposit With All Orders. Major Has 260 pagesof GENUINE LAMBSKIN 1000's Other Bargains - FreeCatalog. Dummies world-wide bargains; FUR RUGS each 4,000 salesmen's White, brown or gray fur shades. 1 /3dep.. MONARCH IMPORT CORP_. $9.60 Doz, specialties; selling Big flash.Hot $5 sellerInallbal. C.O.D. Ibur,ficoX plans; new crea- dept. stores.Measures2x3ft. Same Day 874 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, N. V. oPuni tions; outstanding Sure-firemoneymakeratthis Shipments Write forPrices lx:.7-4a7.1mr values - atrock - close-out price. Order today! Guaranteed. onothertypes SPOR5 EOMPRNY bottom wholesale H. M. J. FUR CO. o f Dummies, prices. This cata- 160 W.28 St., New York, N. Y. Dogs, Rugs, log Is Free.Send Pandas, Bears, for a copyJody. WALTHAM etc. MEN'S WRIST WATCH -01 Doz. to Case. Size,7 Jewels, rebuilt new, yel-25% Deposit, AUGUST BARGAINS low,fancyshapedIllinois MIN Bal.0.0.D. No. Item. Gross. MAKE BIG PROFITS leatherstrap, Ingirt C211 Wash Ties Ninety tab sales board. box. In lots of 3, Each PERSIA $4.60 NO BLANKS. Pleas- T358 Wm. A. Woodbury Dental Cream_ 5.95 ingassortmentPier. Samples,50cExtra.$3.95 7p 15" ReproductionPearlNecklaces_ 2.26 SendforExtraMoney Making chandlse.all Items MFG. CO. T86 FacePowder 2.76 boxed, Takes In $9.00. Watch end Diamond Catalog. North N284 Clip Combs 2.95 418 N310 Men's Quality Black Pocket Comb 2.26 Realopportunity for PLYMOUTH JEWELRY EXCH. Sangamon St., K66 Zinc Pot Cleaner 2.10 "live wires" to cash in 163 Canal St.,New York City. CHICAGO. .65 while limited quantity V89 Assorted Charms available. Sells readily. Small Camera with 2 films 3.95 TakesupmIrnimum Army & Navy Needle Book 1.09 counter space. Size, '4145 Chinese 8" Sowing Basket. Doz. .59 211/4 inches high. 14 Al 01StarRazorBlades oncard 1.11 Inches wide, 4 Inches CARNIVAL BULLETIN JUST RELEASED. H354 HamiltonElectric Shaver 1.95 deep. Shipping weight V640 CandexCandid Camera 2.33 10 pounds; packed 2 HUNDREDS OF NEW PREMIUM ITEMS AT SingleEdgeRazorBlades,1,000 4.35 to shipping case. SPE- SPECIALpf Double Edge RazorBlades, 1,000_ 2.20 CIAL CLOSE OUT LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. WRITE FOR YOURCOPY BPORS CO., 8-38 Erie St., LeCenter, Minn. PRICE. $3.50 each in lots of 8, F. 0. B. TODAY. BE SURE .TO MENTION YOUR L/NE OF BUSINESS. Kansas City, Mo. ADVERTISE IN THE BILLBOARD - Deposit required. RUSH ,OUR ORDER: MIDUKST MeRCHANDISC CO. YOU'LL BE SATISFIED WITH H. R. BRANDT COMPANY 10711 Er BROADWAY. KANSASCITY, MO. RESULTS 729 Baltimore Ave., Kansas City, Mo. August 13, 1938 WHOLESALE MERCHANDISE The Billboard 57

rBIGGERSTOCKS BIGGER VALUES BETTER SERVICE from ROSENBLOOM'S NEW HOME -A Complete Building to Serve You NEWEST MERCHANDISE - LOWEST WHOLESALE PRICES - IMMEDIATE DELIVERY A Few Opening Specials Stealing SERIAL PADDLES ATTRACTIVE Order Today! PAPER COLORS THE SHOW FOR ALL LEADING WHEELS Samson quality -built appliancesare busi- AllKinds of Cameras and Eastman Flirt at Wholesale Prices. ness -builders. Wonderfulforconcession IN SEVEN prizes, premiums! 1000BING0 CORSATORALTCTIVE SAMSON HEAT -METER IRON 1500 OUR OPENING SPECIAL! WRITE FOR SPECIAL PRICES 4%. Heat indicator No. 100 16 -Ribbed Oil Silk Umbrellas. .85 ea. 10"x19"x19" FALCON CANDID No. 101 Russet Zipper Military Sat. 1.40 ea. saves clothes. No. 102 Large Assorted Table Lamps. Quick heat - up Six Styles.Complete with shares. CAMERA No order for less than six accepted. .85 ea. REED speedsironing. No. 103 Metal Tackle or Cash Box .. 1.35 ea. Does the Work of an Expensive Camera. No. 105 Adams Book Matches 7.50 gro. No. 100 FALCON CAMERA .....$2.50 ea. Thrifty! No. 106 Adams Joy Buzzer HAMPER Eastman Film for Above. Regular, $1.80 dez. 1.75 doz. Verlchrome, $2.00 doz. No. 246..$2.10 No. 107 Adams Shooting Plugs. .40 doz. each Mo,$1.75ea. No. 108 SixCupDecoratedChina Dripolator .80ea. No. 108 Large Size Cold Pac Canner 1.30 ea. No. 104 16 -Qt. Aluminum Preserving Kettles ...... 85 ea. TOAST BAKER No. 109 Prime Flints.Cabinet of 3 Doz., 800 Pearl Pyralin lid. per Cabinet. Toasts rolls, muffins, Closely woven fibre. REED'S CREPE PAPER, HATS, NOVELTIES buns, a; well as Shapedfeet.Sturdy WRIST WATCH SPECIAL construction. For Cabarets, Dance Halls, Parties, Etc. bread. Wrist -Fit or New Haven. Newest Models. L. W. China Head Canes, Six Styles.. $6.07 gro. No. 193..., $3.e60 Metal band or leather strap. ach No. A 342. Each $1.35 ALL AMERICAN JUGS FAMOUS WAFFLER Neat heavy Signals when to pour metalJackets. SPECIAL! batter. Perfect waf- Aluminum While rustproof Quantity fles every time! necks. Extra No. 333 widemouth. Lasts! Seven popular MAJESTIC or models. MARVEL $2.40 each ELECTRIC PERSONAL SCALES No. 5 -One RAZORS ... That something new SAMSON APPLIANCES - - Callon ...65c ea. $1.75 for premium use... Each. No. B 218 $1.55 ea. featured byROSENBLOOM 1-1 rSleor.ve6. ,Bake- (1 or 100) litecover. No. B 317 1.70 ea. 950ea. Factory No. B 818 2.15 ea. as illustrated No. 7 Gallon, Guarantee. No. 828 2.95 ea. Streamlined Model Blankets witn Faucet, 51.50 each. PRICES OF OTHER MODELS ON REQUEST. make Warm Friend, Terms: 25% Deposit B 100 TOR A $1.30 ea. Get on Our Preferred B 101 MAGNET 1.55 ea. With Order, Balance B 102 MINGO... . . 1.55 ea. C. 0. D. Price List MORRIS ROSENBLOOM & CO. Mailing List for B 103 'LAID or INDIAN SHAWL 2.15 ea. 8 105 BLAZER BLANKET 1.50 ea. on Request. 29-33 ST. PAUL ST., ROCHESTER, N. Y. Tel. STone 2391 Monthly Specials FOOTBALL INTEREST PIONEERDAYS by Nat D. Rodgers,B. -C.directorofManager Albert F. Ward. Event, financed (t7nntinned from page 54) (Continued from peg': 49) special events, with Ak-Sae-Ben and Theby sale of tickets on merchandise awards, World -Herald jointly for Omaha Tradewas held to advertise the town.York's :ler° at Soldier Field August 31 betweenthe celebrations, drew its quota of danceWeek. Show will be in front of theGreater Shows with four rides, two shows the Washington Redskins, national procrowds. Altho Roman Gardens and Whitegrand stand at Ak-Sar-Ben.J. J. Isaac-and 12 concessions were on the midway champs, and the team of collegiate all-City staged special dances, the Old Millson, activities manager, will be in chargewith 11 independent concessions, includ- stars selected by direct vote of fans inbroke all records. and Frank L. Mangan will handle an American Legion booth.Free nation-wide newspaper polls. Monte Young Shows, located near the acts were Mrs. Charles Bean's Trained Anxious to cash in on the crowds thatcity hall, did big business.A fight to WITH 40 locals taking part, New Or- willattend boththis game and thekeep the shows on city hal. park wentleans Central Trades and Labor CouncilSteers and Uncle Ezra's Chore Boys. othertopnotchersscheduledfortheto a vote, and Mayor Peery helped thewill sponsor a celebration at Pontchar- Midwest during the coming season, menshowmen in every way possiole, it beingtrain Beach, said A. P. Harvey, council CONGRESS OF THRILLS, Frank Wirth who work these events are already shop-held that attractions would lose material- production, managed by Mack Kasson, president. James Dempsey, former coun-featuringAlDuranteandhisAuto ping around for field glasses, pennants,ly if the shows were placed In any othercil president and local representative ofManiacs; Wolandi, high wire, and Sensa- football emblem souvenirs, arm hands,location, as this is the center of town.IATSE and MPO, will be general chair-tional Jacks, appeared in New London good luck charms and other items pro-The clean shows and dealirg of Monteman for the fifth year. (Conn.) Calkins Park Stadium for bene- moted a: these events. Young, a natvie Utahan, who brought fit of Tall Cedars Medical Fund during two of his units from Provo, his winter OLD HOME WeekCelebrationinthe American Legion convention in that BINGO BUSINESS quarters, drew much praise.Ralph Mc -Hiram, Me., on July 25-30 was successfulcity on July 29 and 30 and was held over Collin announced for Young and Cap-despite rain early in the week and ended (Continued from page 54) tain Parry's Ride forLife The two until August1,reportsE.H.(Doc) fund.Committee members of the or-largest Ferris Wheels in the West, alongwith a crowd of about 8,000,reportsKelley.Attendance was good. ganization, working in close co-operationwith the smallest,alsoheldinterest. with ar operator, spent every wakingThis was Young's fourthconsecutive Bills, Mrs. Madge Hardin,Miss McCrorey, .7. M. hour making plans far the big game.year in Ogden. LETTER LIST Blackburn,Sirs. GladelleMcGregor,Donald, Filially, on the night of the game, some (Contnued from page 53) H. B.Hester, Mrs. Mae Shows Blanchard,Mrs. Jonas, Mrs. Edna Mansur, Shady 20.000 people paid $1 each to play. More Liliondia,Bob Roland, Jeff & Thos. A.Kemp,MissViola Martin, Terry than $1F,000 was turned over to the hos-Acts for Venetian Nights George MaryBryer, Mrs.Bill Lee, Catherine Marx Jr.,Phil pital.With this $15,000 much needed Lorette, Billy noseam,_ Chas. A. Bryer,Mrs.CarrieLoe,Mrs.Marie Miltona, Leen BEULAH, Mich., Aug. B. -Sponsored byMcAleer, S.H. Rose,H. Buchanan, Miss Mackey, Mrs. VioletMinser,Clyde equipment was purchased, a new wing McCarty, Bob Rosenbaum. QueenabethParker, Mrs. MyrtleMorgan, Riss was built onto the hospital, many othertheBusinessMen'sClut,VenetianMcDonald, Roy Herbert V.Buck, Mrs. Earl Russell, Helen Merlock. R W. .mprovementswereinstalled. Nights on Lake Beulah here, staged by JamesRowan,Ray Violet "Jeep"Morrie, Dm LittlePaul DuMont, showman,-will Marliedon, Nick Tiny,Del Conley, Mrs. Ted Sims.Mrs.Marie Nielson,Jimmy Johnny Smith, for the first time since featureMarianniPeterJ.SalesJr.,WilliamCrowell, Mrs. H. Stein,Mrs."Bee"Parker, M.H. he had become stricken, received ade-seven acts and line of 25 gi:ls perform-Ma,oll, Sherman Sampson, Roy Timmons, Mrs. Parks,Lester ing on a stage built over the water near LeroySamuel,Billy Dorey,Mrs.FAdie BobbleParrish,Dale quate medical attention and eventually Mennetti,Eddie Sheriff,Isidor Faldon, Miss HattieUpson. Mrs. Roy Paslay,Bert recovered. shore, with seats for 2,500.Show will ( BUMPS) Silliman, Mr. & MayWright, B. Passo, Romeo be held two nights.There will also beMiller, Jew Jake Mr,WalterFerguson, Mrs. ElizabethPayne, Spiler The district attorney of the town inan Ohio Fireworks Co. display, Carlson :s Pilo.Bob Slushy,1011i3 Betty.Wright.Mrs. Potts,Walter which the Smiths lived had been plan- Morgan, James Spencer,Bennie Forkum, Mrs. Etoil WarrenReed, Ted ning to sweep down on bingo and createrides, water carnival, yacht parade andM.irrison,Sandy Steffenhagen, George. Miss HelenYule. Mrs.E. LSeacord, Ernest music by Hank Scena's Bard. Mann. Bernard GeorgeHamilton. Mrs. Lois Smallwood,Bruce enough ofahulahaloo about "wiping Murray,Sargent Strehlow, August (Cudiel out the gambling evil" to he re-elected. BillStroph, F. M. Smith, H. Norman Ogle,Joe Terry,Little Men Stanley,Paul His wife, however, happened to attend Oliver, Larry Toimaeki=. The Stanley, Reckiie the mammoth bingo party and also hap- (VNiel. Tip Vanzondt, Jelly Adams, GeorgeV.Donahue, George C.Stearns, James Parent,W'.0. Vogel,Ralph Allen,Jos. Duffy, Roy T. pened to talk with the head of the hos- (Parent'sCannonWecker,\V. B. Au,tin, Dick Durante, Joe Stein,Jim Act)Weston,Sans Averbeck, 1'.A. Ford, Pat StephensonRalph pital about it a week later.At dinner Balinsen,WilliamForrest, Thomas P.Stevens,Vern PROFIT of 51,000 was shown by thePhillips, Tip White,Hal Stober, one evening, she toldthed.a. what Quirk, Wm. E. Wilkins, GroverC. Barbee, Ray Gable,John Tex bingo bed done for that hospital and theAmerican Legion Post, sponsor of a cele-Redman, E.It. Williams,Wart Boman, John Gailer,Tex Switzer.Pete people who came to it for aid. bration at Salem, Ore., on July 4 whenRenard.Al FlashBraun, W. E. Goad, Charles Taylor, D. n. (Art) The d. a.about 8,000 attended to see fireworksRichardson, Vangli Harry Brands, N. flea d .Dude Tommy, Tarts changed his mind about "crusading" Roberts,)'hilip & Wright, Vernon Bridges, J.C. Goldstine.Blackey Vinson, Vi -ail against :lingo.He was re-elected anywayand a vaude bill.There were conces- Boyd. FrankZaher, Ray Brae,Nick Hale,Bill Walsh, Geze sions, dancing, motorcycle :aces and a 'tier, Wm. Brooks,George Hall, EdwardL. Webster,Wayne by the largest vote ever piled up by a Dryer.Bill Hamilton. James Williams, -lark candida-T in that town. drill. MAIL ON HAND AT Bryer,Charlie Harris. Happy Willis,Maccm E. Bryer,011ie Hendricks,Joe NVilson,H.D. ST. LOUIS OFFICE Burroughs, JohnR.Holier, .1. A. Zogi, Prince F. A CARNIVAL is scheduled for Odessa Burton,lack Huff.Lewis ATTENTION (Wash.) annual Harvest Festival. Presi- 390 Arcade Bldg. Butcher, Stanley Hutton.M. C. Lord's Pryer and 'Fe, Cenneandieeei- rm new golddentAl Wagnerisarranging afree Parcel Post Castle, W. .1. Jorgenson, James iiniThed metal. polished. laccilierol and carded,90c per Clark, James Kuhn. Fred 100.They sell en sight.Trial order will convincebarbecue. Flannigan, Mr,. Huff, Lewis, lie Davis,It.W, Latighlan,Harold You.Bracelets,$5.00 a 100.Those are the year (Whitey)Leonard,Harry around prces. 3Samples10c. DeCamo,Chas. (Clown) DAVE MARKUS, BARNES-CARRUTHERS' musical show. Women Dentler, Cecil Lewis, Malcolm 131 South Honore St., Chicago, SoaringHigh,has Dickerson. Ralph Lucas,Don Ill. beencontractedArcher, Lucille Banks,Dora B.McClaskey, Jaok August 13, 1938 58 The Billboard WHOLESALE MERCHANDISE -PIPES REMINGTON SPRING-0-MATIC. THEY'RE PLUNGER VAC. THEY TATTLE -TA NEW 1 INKGAUGELPENS.ISELL PENS PENCILS COMBOS JOHNF. SULLIVAN 458 Broadway, NEW YORK CITY. A department for Pitchmen, Demonstrators, Novelty Sales- sten, Medicine Showmen, Agents, Streetmen andOthers. Big Profits! by BILL BAKER Own yourown busi- non.stamping K e Checks, Social Security (Cincinnati Office) Tags, N a m Plates. Sample, with name and There address, 25 cents. J. H. McCASKEY . Ill., was plenty good, however. periodical purveyor of note, tells fromisn't any money south of Chicago." HART MFG. CO. Hinton, W. Va.: "If present indications $11 Degraw Street, "JUST DROPPED Brooklyn. New York. TWO-COLOR mean anything and if the machinery of distributiondoesn't become congestedInhere from Oklahoma,"tellsFred BALLOONS we may have a looser lucre period soon.Steward from Savannah, Ga. "Have just My prediction is that improvement willjoined Tex Billy Finnegan's med show,UNDERWOOD with make its appearance slowly but surelyperhaps for life." willbe MULTI -COLOR and by September conditions IT'S NEVER too early to begin looking on gn;;ELE Letter and business fairly well on itsthe bright side of life, fellows. DECORATIONS feet.Have been devoting my time to the rural communities and smaller cities PLUNGERS-Special $18.00E70. JOHN FUGAZY . . . and I'm slowly acquiring a miniatureafter a successful engagement working PENSaPENCILSaCOMBOS STRIKING color effects, and flashier Items,bank roll that will eventually enable me 998 Broadway, to partake of the pleasures of my ruralcan openers,is now cleaning up withGRODIN PEN COri New York City. havebeen obtained by putting some of Oak's Social Security pamphlets working fac- retreat.If my plans now in the makingtcries in New York. Assisted by his wife, fanciest designs on two-color balloons.Askdon't miscarry I anticipate retiring fromJessie, heiscurrently working Tarry- this occupation and devoting my efforts Y., to lucrative results. ELGIN & WALTHAM your jobber,orwritetousforcompleteto raising vegetables.Afterall, showtown.N. Almost all of my Information. me a wealthy sheetie. CHARLEY COURTEAUX .. WRIST WATCHES $2.95 assets are experience and my liabilitiesand George Haney arestillworking In New Cases, are gray hair.Istill have a checkingdowntown Cincinnati's best pitch loca-Send for Circular. showing the Biggest Bargains in e account, however, and I hope I don'ttion. When visited last week the boys RebuiltWatches and unredeemed Diamonds in OAK RUBBERCo overdraw my deposits." the country. RAVENNA,OH10. were clicking handily with blades and Havethe Wonder Mouse. H. SPARBER & CO. NOW FOR the fairs, boys and girls. 108 North 7th Street, St. Louis, Mo. you prepared for them? E.A. PINE . . after a long silence, tells the following We Manufacture a Complete Line of Fountain Pens, FRED AND PHYLLIS THOMPSON .. . from New York: "Have been seriously Mechanical Pencils and Gift Sets. fast -stepping polish workers, are tellingill for the last 60 days and am confined no Fast -Selling Newest Items it to the natives in lower Michigan ter-here until the veterans' administration izZ, In Whltestone and Cameo ritory to fair results. can complete arrangements to send me Rings, Lockets, Crosses, Signet to a Western hospital.Looks as tho my Rings and Jewelry for Engrav- W. L. MARSHALL . . . SOUTHERN PEN CO. ers. Send $2.00 for Samples. pitch days are over, and I'd like to read tells from Rockford, Minn.: "Have beenpipes and letters from my friends and Manufacturers Since 1919. NOVELTY presenting free outdoor movies In vari- 16 H. Union St., Dept. B, Petersburg,Ve. OLYMPICCOMPANY ous towns in this section under mer-acquaintances in the field." 307 5T" AVE. NEW YORKchants' auspices for the past two years. Send 81.00 for Samples.Prompt Shipments. This territoryisfastfailing forthis ONE OF THE principles of physicsisthat type of entertainment, tho, due to themetal expands in warm weather and shrinks in weather. Oddly enoughtheweather Just Arrived * All Fresh Stock HEADQUARTERS FOR fact that too many are chiseling in.Poor cold shows and antagonistic aren'thas exactly the same effect upon the pitch - helping matters either." man's bank roll. MEXICAN JUMPING BEANS . . "HAVE BEEN . CHARLIE R. AMERSON . Five Hundred $ 2.00 SOCIAL SECURITY working Wonder Mice to good resultsis reported to be clickingwithhis pic- One Thousand 3.50 $ 6.00 per 100 thru Western Pennsylvania and am nowture gallery in Adel,Ga. Three Thousand 10.00 50.00 per 1000 working the streets here," lines Edward Postage Prepaid. Cash With Order. $2.00 Cr $4.00 per 100 CHIEF MOHAWK . . . Send for Free Illustrated Catalog of 1,000 CASES F. Turner from Cleveland."Things here Laughs. STAMPING MACHINES $85.00 allis managing to collect some of the long 13.50 are quiet due to the fact that almost green working the tobacco sales In Nash- FRANCO-AMERICAN NOVELTY CO. ENGRAVING NEEDLES of the big shops are closed.Will head New York City. HAND DIE SETS (Complete) 5.25 westward after making a few more Ohioville, Ga., according to word from that 1209 Broadway, Beautiful24 -Gauge ETCHED BRONZE neck of the woods. PLATE. Sellsonsight. 25c to$1.00. spots.Have been taking things easy, Not to be confused with cheaper,lighter working a spot on Tuesdays, Thursdays 'BRASS PLATE. Sample 10c. Write for REPORTS DRIFTING . . . particulars and pictures of everything.Must and Saturdays and fishing the remain-into the pipes desk from Moultrie. Ga., have 25% deposit with order.Immediate der of the time. Pipe up, Speed Hascal."indicate that the Connie and Dolly and shipment. Same dayservice. Doc Ward platform shows are both work-COMEX BLADES H.0.STRIKER THE FARMER realizes that he cannot hope 100 pCia. yEe.13,:.0An ,D Eger( 2g-, to5ns ) D is- 30c Established 1919. ing the city. Detroit, Mich. to reap a harvest if he doesn't have his farm 10 Cartons, $2.90. 7320 Tireman Ave., condition. That'sthe wayit inthebest lawyer? If 100 D. E. BLADES (20-5s) DIS.irla,.. should be with the pitchman and his layout. HAVE YOU ever employed a play Cards.Per Card aisir 'WIG you have, we're willingto wager that you'll 10 Cards, $3.50. never again indulge In the expression, "Talk There's only one Pen like a Banker and that's an-EARLE B. WILSON .. All Fully Guaranteed. other Banker.Box Levers, Can't Lose Me Clips, isIs cheap." 2 -Tone Points. Price List NowReady. scribes from Columbus, 0., that he 1/3 Deposit With. Order. anxious to read pipes from his brother,GEORGE HESS AND WIFE . Mack Wilson. Tommy Burns Jr., and Ossie Routt left JEDR 0 132 W. 32nd St. Cincinnati last week in quest of long COMPANY New York City "HAD TWO BIG . . green at the smaller Ohio fairs.Hess bloomers sofarthis summer, so I'vewill work his candy layout, while Burns JAS. KELLEY, The Fountain Pen King, switched back to my reliable layout andand Routt purvey rad. 487 B'way, N. Y. CHICAGO, 180 W. Adams working the resort towns in lower 1054 Mission St., San Francisco, Calif. Michigan," wigwags Ray Herbers from Holland, Mich. "Allegan,Mich.,isa"TOBACCO SEASON ., There'sanoilin Georgia opened July 28 and there's RETAILS FOR $1.00. ELGIN - WALTHAM & HAMPDENgood Saturday town. a good supply of tobacco on hand," Each boxholds20 Cellophaned boom there at present.Pipe in, DocH. 5c Paoks of Factory Fresh WATCHES $1.75 UP A. Williams." wigwags R. W. Wooley from Adel, Ga. Guml Snappy Display Boxes InNew ChromiumCases, allsizes.Satisfaction "It's bringing about 28 cents per pound help you to get qUick 100% te guaranteed or money refunded. and there are quite a few of the boys in 2009,profits.Be nor distrib- JEFF FARMER . . . utor-get started!Send 50e for sample box (pre- 5 USED RUNNING POCKET AND this section. My wife and I are working paid).GREAT FIELD FOR AGENTS. Write scribes from Veterans' Hospital, Moun- Doc Bill Smith is AMERICAN CHEWING PRODUCTS CORP., WRIST WATCHES tain Home, Tenn., that he will be out oftonic and jewelry. Newark, N. J. American and Swiss.Our Assortment $ 7 50the picture for several weeks due to anworking med; Allen Lanier, oil, soap and 4th and ML Pleasant Ave.. at the Special Price of infected hand.He adds, however, thatcandy, and Noble Whitson and Chief B. LOWE Room 1g8c,agKo,esirille.r Bldg., he will be on the Job in time to workHalf Moon have been making pitchesREX. HONES 3Each the Carolina tobacco marts, Now Less Traan C 54.25 a Gross BLADESYOU DON'T know what you can 'do until Cast -Iron Stomachs, Eh? Send 111.00, Bal. C. O. D.. Plus Postage. you have tried.Get out and get going. EachHonein flashy silver BuyDirectFrom the Cows in Helen, Ga., have taken a box, priced 50c. A real fast - Manufacturers. liking to trailers, especially the din- cutting abrasive stone of good 20 Million DREXELSA. G. EVANS . . . Quality. Wonderfuldemon- Soldin 1937. who has Just returned to the pitch field ing car type.At least that's what strator for Pitchmen. Hone men are cleaningnp. 50 Million after an absence of 15 years, pipes from Ricton, Barnum of the Sticks, has ACTQUICK. REX-HONE MFRS., 1500 West Will Be Sold In 1938.Indianapolis that he is clicking with the learned.It seems that the Barnum's Madison, BR8, Chicago, Ill. Send 10c for Samples. hand monkeys there. He adds that you show,whichistouringGeorgia, 1 a.m. can work a store front there toa$2 pulled into Helen at about REGENTMFG. CO. leader, which is good for one year. recently and immediately hit the hay. MEDICINE MEN 134 W. 32.d Street. NEW YORK CITY After a good night's sleep the en- Write today for new catalogueof Tonics, Oil,Salve, SPEED HOWARD . . . tourage awoketofindthree cows Scap. Tablets, Herbs, etc. Low prices-rapid service. who Infos that he is a newcomer to the loitering around the dining trailer. GENERAL PRODUCTS LABORATORIES pitch profession,writes from Chicago: Closerinspection,however, showed Manufacturing Pharmacists "Worked whitestones at Christian Coun- they had notonlyloiteredthere, 137 E. Spring St., Columbus, Ohio. YOU WILL MAKE FRIENDS ty Fair, Taylorville, Ill., to terrible busi- but had eaten away about half the SELLING OUR MERCHANDISE ress, and Idon't believe the carnival side of the trailer, and it cost about ADVERTISE IN THE BILLBOARD - appearing there made a dime.Business $20 to repair the damage."This, I Writeus your needs. conditions there are terrible, with the believe," says Ricton, "is one for the YOU'LL BE SATISFIED WITH ARGO PEN -PENCIL CO., Inc. mines working only two days per week. book." RESULTS 220 Broadway, NEW YORK CITY. Fourth of July celebration at Streator August 13, 1938 WHOLESALE MERCHANDISE -PIPES The Billboard 59 here.The chief of police here is a swellhighly successful season working East- guy, but he's poison to jam men. Theyern chain stores. absolutely cannot work the spot. When PEELER WORKERS-DEMONSTRATORS the tobacco season closes my wife and IFRENCHY THEBAULT . . . plan to head for the Pennsylvania fairsand Doc Haley are reported to be making and then go into Illinois for the winter."the tobacco sales at Tifton, Ga., to good results. Don't be let down when

OLLIE FREDERICKSON . . . is reported to be ontheroad to recoveryMRS. JAMES KELLEY... you need stock in a Chicago hospital after undergoingwife of the specialty kingis confined an operation there. in an East Orange, N. J., hospital with a serious but not alarming .11ness.Mrs. Kelleyiswell known to the pioneers FOR FIRST-CLASS MERCHANDISE GEORGE BEYER . . . of pitchdom. and wire report that after completing (Attractively Packed) and for the Western C.nada fair circuit theyHARRY WOODRUFF. .. will open instores about Labor DayFountain Pen King, scribes from Holly- with their oil and foot remedy. wood: "I'm leaving the road' and giving GUARANTEED RELIABLE SERVICE -DEPEND ON US my crown to the younger generation. GARNISHING SETS SPIRAL SLICERS ORANGE JUICERS TO SOME OFthemoreshallow -mindedHave purchased an apartment out here ROTARY MINCERS GRATERS ROSSETTE CUTTERS city dads: Where and in what profession willand will retire for a while at least, as I and Many Other Demonstration Items you find men ofgreater character,courage,have taken a job as studio guide at the staminaand integrity than in Pitchdom? Paramountstudios. Haven'tseena 2-24 ORANGE ST. pitchman in this city, althc there are a ACME METAL GOODS MFG. CO09 NEWARK, N. number of good spots here." I. MRS. GEORGE EEYERS . . . writes from Chicago that she wishes to thank all the boys for the kind remem- brances which they sent to her to de-IEvents for 2 Weeks liver to Jim Osborne, who isseriously AGENTS, PITCHMEN WANTED 111 innenera IHospital,Minneapolis. She adds that Jim and his wife are very CAPTIVE MONOPLANE (August 8-13) Four Feet Wide. grateful and are anxious to read pipesARK. -Batesville.White River Water Carni- FliesforHours. Educational, Thrilling, Fast Money Maker. Sample and from the boys. val,10-11. Information, 50c, Postpaid. CALIF.-1,one Beach.Golden Jubilee Anni- versary, 6-13. AIR TOYS DISTRIBUTORS RED DEWITT . Menlo Park. San Mateo Natl. Horse Show, 1002 Broadway, New Orleans, La. Jack Campbell and George Stacy are 6-13. working sheetatthe Douglas(Ga.) San Francisco.Coast Gift & Art Show, 8-13. tobacco mart to good results, according Santa Barbara.Old Spanish Days' Fiesta, to word drifting in from that sector. 11-13. MEDICINE MEN--AGENTS--PITCHMEN Santa Rosa.Dog Show, 13-!4. Sutter Creek.Gold Rush & Roundup, 13- SEND 10c IN STAMPS FOR NEW 1938 CATALOG "I'LL MISS . . . 14. all you fellows at the Northern fairs this Tracy.West Side Fair, 11-14. rD MEDICINES -TONICS -PILLS -TABLETS -SPECIALTIES year," scribbles Frenchy Thibaut from Venice.Mardi Gras & Carnival, 12-14, Douglas, Ga. "I'm down here in South-COLO.-Durango.Spanish Trails Fiesta, 13- (Mfg, Chemists) 14. ern Georgia working the tobacco mar- Ft. Lupton. 511 East 72nd St., Tomato Day, 13. EVORE MFG. CO New York Cify. ketsan willhead intoNorth andCONN.-Litchfield.Horse Show. 13. South Carolina in about a month. I'mIDAHO -Sun Valley.Rodeo, 12-14. still working med." ILL.-Plandinsville.Farmers'Picnic,11-12. Clifton.Homecoming, 13-14. Covington.4-H Club Show, 10-11. Agents-Fainvorkers-Pitchmen-RED HOT TO THOSE whohave beenwondering why Cullom.Homecoming, 12-13. 29 MILLION HOUSEWIVESthis Canning Season will theircommunicationstothepipescolumn "Greenfield.Homecoming, 8-12. buy "ELGINMAID" -Takesone minute to demonstrate HarveyVFW Circus & Rodeo, 11-14. -Show Housewife how"ELGIN MAID"can guarantee havenotbeenpublished:Unless yousign Lemont.Dog Show, 13. 100% against spoiling of contents in jar -Also reclaims your name In full to such communications we Libertydlle.Libertyville Day,14. all old covers-Simplytake a used jar creer and dent mustignore them. Meredosia. flange against jar -leaving dents in corer -Then show Homecoming, 8-13. housewife how to seal her jars by a single twist ci her Morrisonville.Picnic & Homecoming, 10- wrist -Fastest selling item on market -35cEach, 42.10 11. Oct. 100% PROFIT-Sample,18c.Write for Free Dirtails. BILL DAVIS . . . Worden.Hontecoming, 13-14. WALTER J. FABRICK MANUFACTURING CO., Box SE, veteranCanadianpitchman,isnowIND.-Centerville.4-H Club Exhibit & Old South Elgin.Ill working s picture layout in Vancouver, Settlers' Meeting, 9-13. Woodland.Beet Sugar Week Jubilee, 19- B. C.Writing from that city, he says: Cicero.Fall Festival, 11-13. 21. "Business thruout the province at fairs Danville.Celebration,11-13. COLO.-Akron. Round -Up,17-19. CRAZIEST SELLER OUT Milford.Street Fair & Homecoming, 10- Colorado Springs.Rodeo,19-21. andothercelebrationshasslumped 13. Denver.Market Week & Merchants' Fes- about 75 per cent.The many picnics InIA. -Boone.Vol. Infantry Picnic & Reunion, tival,15-20. this section are well attended, but the 14. CONN.-Saybrook.Horse Show, 20. people aren't spending much money." Comanche.Homecoming, 11-13. IDAHO -Caldwell.Rodeo, 18-20. "GOOFY" Miles.Firemen's Celebration12-13. Preston.Rodeo, 19-20. The Sensational Sigourney.Ye.a-Ruo-Gis, 12-13. ILL. -New Windsor.Homecoming & Horse New GLENN PEEVES . . State Center.Fall Festival,15-17. Show, 17-18. was sighted in Newport, Ky., recentlyKAN.-Leoti.Old Settlers' Picnic, 15-16.' Savanna.Fall Festival, 18-20. HAND PUPPET Phillipsburg.Rodeo. 14-15 Scales Mound.Cheese Day, 18. working peelers to good results.Glenn Sterling.Old Settlers' Picnic,12-13. Theyfalloverthem- Wood River.Homecoming, 20-21. selvesgrabbingfarIt. blew into the Kentucky city afteraME. -Bath.Horse Show, 13. IND.-Boswell.Live -Stock Show, 18-20, Orrington.Anniversary Celebration, 7-13. Carmel.Street Fair & Celebration, 17-20. Workedwith Thumb MD.-Sharptown.Firemen's Celebration,4- Columbia City.Old Settlers' Day, 18. and 2 Fingers, he bobs 23. Marlon.Old Folks' Day, 16. hishead,thumbs his MASS.-Cohasset.Horse Show, 11-13. nose,clapshishands, MICH.-Elkton.Homecoming, in Modoc. Homecoming & Street Fair, 19-20. scratches his head, per- MINN.-New Ulm.Northwest Territory His- Odon.Old Settlers' Meeting, 18-20. formscountlessether Whitestown.Picnic, 19-20. amusing antics--lionled torical Pageant. 10-19. Wolcott.Festival, 17-20. Sanborn.Watermelon Day,16. only by your ownInge- MISS --Water Valley.Watermelon Carnival,IA. -Denison.4-H Club Fair & Co. Centen- nuity. 11. nial, 17-10. $17751 MO. -Alton.Old Settlers' Reunion. 8-13. Monroe.Old Settlers' Reunion, 18. !so Hand Monkey Cassville. Old Soldiers & Settlers'Re- Mount Ayr.Fall Festival & Stock Show, $1.75 a Dozen union, 10-13. 17-19. The Finest Made, Sample 25e Penpeld Sidney. Diggins. Picnic & Homecoming, 11-13. Rodeo,16-19. HAam:SUS Du. Send 26% cash with Houston.Reunion, 11-13. KAN.-Waverly.Ohio Days, 18-19. order,bal. C. 0. D. Ravenwood.Legion Picnic,11-13. ME. -Saco.Horse Show, 20. Write for Large Quantity Prices. MONT.-Melville.Rodeo,14. MD.-Sharpstown.Firemen's Celebration, 4- NEB. -Burwell.Rodeo, 10-12. 23. ELMAN'S SALES CO. Cambridge.Veterans' Reunion, 10-13. MASS. -Southbridge.Celebration,15-20. 2300 W. Van Buren St., Chicago, III. Dorchester.Rodeo, 14-15. MICH.-UnionCity. Legion Home -Coming Milligan.Picnic,12-14. Festival,15-20. Omaha.St. Lucia Festival. 6-14. MINN.-New Ulrn.Northwest Territory His- Oxford.Fall Festival,9-16. torical Pageant, 10-19. Tfand-Polisbed o n Rushville. Fall Celebration & Barbecue,MO. -Buffalo.Soldiers' Reunion, 18-20. allsides.14Et. NEW POPULAR STYLES 7-13. Hopkins.Street Fair & Picnic, 18-20. GoldFinished acid - In Whitestone Rings, Cameos, Photo Jew- N. J. -Hammonton. Our Lady of Assumption Puxico.Homecoming, 15-20. Proofed chains. Clev- elry,Lockets,Crosses,Electric Razors to Festival, 9-15. Urich.Homecoming & Reunion, 16-19. erlydesignedwith retail$2.99,etc.Write forcatalogNo. N. Y. -Brockport. places for engraving. 23 today. Firemen's Carnival. 11-13.MONT.--Missoula. Lions'Club Race Meet, Send $1forson - N. C. -Roanoke Rapids.Lions' Club Festival, 18-20. pie line Crosses, Nov - 8-13. NEB. -Falls City.4-H Club Show & Horse & citiesandEngrave 0.-Arcnbold.Homecoming,11. Mule Show, 17-18. ing Items. HARRY Man & CO. Barnesville.Homecoming, 10-12. N..7. -Belt. Here.Farmers & Grangers' Pic- LAMODE BEAD .8 NOVELTY CO., Brunswick.Homecoming & Street Fair, nic,17. 42 West33rd Street, New Yorkon,. 5 No. Wa balk Ave..Chicago,Ill. 12-13. Raritan.St. Rocco Celebration, 19-20. Cygnet.Vol. Firemen's Celebsatlon, 8-14.N. Y. -Lake George.Dog Show, 20. Lima.Exposition, 8-13. Oneida.Police Field Day, 20. Magnolia. Homecoming & Street Fair, 12- Saratoga Springs.Dog Show, 21. SOCIAL SECURITY PLATES 13. ails 3 1/2 all Wayland.Firemen's Carnival, 18-20. 100 Plates PA. -Burnside.Lumbermen & Raftmen's Re-N. C. -Newton.Soldiers' Reunion, 15-20. SOCIAL SECURITY.: SOCIAL SECURITY union,8-13. 0. -Bryan.Horse Show, 17-20. -s 6.00 GOVIMIIPIT 1000Plates MACIHMESAND PLATES Eldred.Old Home Week, 8-13. Luckey.Homecoming, 19-20. - $35.00 Greenwood. Old Home Day, 12. Minerva.Homecoming & Expo. of Prog- A II 100Oases New Germantown.West Perry Old Home ress, 14-20. MACHINES A practical portable Ma- Week. 0-13. -34.00 chine for stamping names Quaker City.Homecoming, 18-20, Sample Plate 10o. and numbers on Social Se- R. I. -Portsmouth.Dog Show, 12. Warsaw.Homecoming, 17-20. Send for Circular, curityPlates. Noskill S. D. -Burke. Homecoming, 11-13 Willard.Homecoming, 14-19. ie65 required. Pine Ridge.Rodeo, 10-13. OKLA.-Stroud.Farmers' Picnic, 15-20. HART MFG, Degran,w St.., TEX.-Quitman, 10- CO.311Brookly NY PLATES Old Settlers' Reunion, PA.-Naw Milford.Firemen's Celebration, 18- 24gauge Richlow Brass 12. 20. Social.Security Plates VT. -Windsor.Horsy Show, 13. Windgap.St. Mary's Celebration, 15-21. . .Polished front and WASH.-Omak.Rodeo, 13-14. S. D. -Hudson.Firemen's Sports Day, 19. . ELGIN & WALTHAM 5 back . . 5c EACH- WIS.-Prairie duSsc. Centennial Celebra- Irene.Freya Day, 18. ANYQUANTITY tion, 11-12. TENN.-Pulaski.Dairy Festival,14-20. REBUILT WATCHES LERTHERET 75 VA. -Berryville. (August 15-20) Horse Show & Fair, 15-20. 7 Jewel, 18 Size, InS. COVERS' Salesmen . . . Agents W. VA.-Bluefleld.Industrial Exhibit,18-20. H. Engraved Cases, at . . .Operators write, wire ARK. -Mammoth Springs.Soldiers, Sailors &WIS.-Berlin.Historical Pageant, 16-18. for ,SpecialIntroductory Marines' Reunion, 15-20. HustIsford.Bridge Opening Celebration,Send for Price List. MoneyBack If Not SatIsfRIS. Deal. Complete samples CRESCENT CITY WATCH MATERIAL 00., IY2 Waldron.Old Soldiers & Horse Trainers' 20-21. 1111 N. Broadway, and details, 10c. Reunion. 10-13. Oregon.Festival, 20-21. St. Loma.MO. CALIF -Balboa.Tournament of Lights,20. Reeseville. SOCIAL IDENTIFICATION CO. Harvest Festival, 21. End your cortioninrespon to advertisersboard by men. 1660 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY. Santa Barbara.Dog Show, 23-21, WYO.-Casper.Wyoming on Parade, 16-20, 9 TheBill. August 13, 1938 60 The Billboard GENERAL OUTDOOR Rexola Troupe: Norwich, N. Y. (Continued from page 25) Revue of Tomorrow: Lockport, N. Y Spitler,Capt. Albert:Arthur,Ill.;Mauston. Wis.,15-20. Uppman, John (Manny Wolf's) NYC, re. Stoker Bros., Six; Ligonier, Pa., 6-13; Butler READY V 17-24. Valdao & Yvelle (Utah) Salt Lake City, h. Sky Rockets, Three: Cicero, Ind., 11-13; New- Valdez, Vern iFinocchios) San Francisco, nc. man, Ill.,16-20. Valera, Adelita avana -Ma drid INYC, nc. Soaring High:(Ak-San-Ben) Omaha 22-27. Van, Gus 1500) Atlantic City, nc. Steiner Trio: Ithaca, Mich.,9-13. CONCESSIONAIRES! Van Dyne, Wayne (Chicago)Chi,t. Stetson Band: Morrisville,Vt. Velez, Angela (Chateau Modernel NYC, re. Stooges, Original Three: Lockport, N. Y. SendforYour Copy Today. Contains Veloz & Yolanda (Palmer House) Chi, h. Teter, Lucky, & His Hell Drivers: Lockport, Largest Selection Corn Game Items, Flash, Venuta, Benay (Casa Manana) NYC, cb. N. Y.,9; Norwich 12. Plaster, Slum Verne, MiriamEssex Houser NYC, h. Unicus Troupe: Ford City, Pa. Canes. Chromeware, Glass, Vernon,Dal(RadioCityRainbowGrill)Waldo Sensation: Caledonia, N. Y. and Novelties NYC, nc. WatkinsAnimals:Urbana,0.,10-11;Wil- Vernons, The (Riley's) Saratoga, N. Y., nc. mington12. - AT LOWESTPRICES - Verrill,Virginia (Arrowhead Inn)Saratoga,White Bros.: Morrisville, Vt. N. Y., no. Victoria Troupe: Morrisville, Vt. Vestoff, Floria (Torch) Atlantic City, no. Whirlwinds: Morrisville,Vt. Villano & Lorna (Stork Club) Kansas City,Winter Garden Revue: Norwich,N. Y. Mo., nc. Wolandi: Lawrence, Mass. Vince & Anita (Tic Toe Club) Montreal, Can.,WLS Barn Dance: Norwich, N. Y. Continental nc. Volta (Lexington) NYC, h. , PREMIUM cAtART Von Hahn & De Negre(Frolics)Salisbury Beach, Mass., nc. REPERTOIRE 3 RD. Nt WELLS ST.MILWAUKEE.WIS. W Aulger Bros.' Show: Stillwater,Minn., 8-13. Wagner, Peggy (1412) FUEL, nc. Blythe ?layers: Moira, N. Y., 8-13. Wahl, Dorothy (Colosimo's)Chi, nc. Ginnivan, Norma. Show: Camden, Mich., 8-13. Wain,Beatrice(GlenIslandCasino)NewHeffner -Vinson Show: Jamestown. Tenn., 10; Rochelle, N. Y., nc. Cookeville 11; Harriman 12; Sevierville13. ARE YOU A LIVE WIREWainwright, Helen (Leon & Eddie's) NYC, nc.Schaffner Players: Camp Point.T11.,8.13. Wakefield,Oliver(Dorchester House)Lon- CONCESSIONER don, h. PARK MAN SPECIALTY MAN Wallace Bros.(Black Cat) NYC. nc. DRAMATIC AND MUSICAL PITCHMAN Walley, Nathan (International Casino) NYC, currentweekwhenno NOVELTY WORKER nc. (Routesarefor YOU WILL WANT OUR NEW CATALOG. Ward, Aida (Surfside) Long Beach, N. Y., nc. datesaregiven) Write Today for Our 150 -Page Book. Ware,Peggy(Nemerson)SouthFallsburg, Please state year business. N. Y, h. On Borrowed Time:(Biltmore)Los Angeles. Waring, Ruth (Wivel) NYC, re. Pins and Needles: (Geary) San Francisco. Washington, George Dewey (Surfside) LongSusan and God: (Curran) San Francisco. PREMIUM SUPPLY CORP. Beach, L.I.,N. Y., nc. Waters, Ethel (Casa Manana) NYC, nc. Wayne, Nick (Setter's Inn)Vineland, N.J., CARNIVAL ;eft' R011(3139 OLIVE ST.,ST.LOUIS,MO. Wayne, Iris (Greyhound) Louisville, Ky., nc. Wayne, Nick (Setter's Inn)Vineland, N..1., (Routes are for current week when no dates nc. are given. In someinstancespossibly Welch, Muriei(LaMarquise) NYC, no. mailing pointsarelisted.) Wences (Chicago)Chicago 12-19,t. GOLD CREST Wessels. Henri (Plantation) NYC, nc. All-American Expo.:Marshalltown.Ia. POPULAR PRICED PACKAGE Con- West, Buster (Casa, Manana) NYC, no. All-American Shows: Collinsville. Okla. tains Assorted Fruit Caramel Kisses. Wheeler, Frances (Ontario) Norwich, N. Y., h,American Expo.: Shelbyville.Ind. Colored Cellophane Wrapped. $27 5 Whirlwinds, Three White (Frolics)SalisburyAmerican United: Dillon, Mont. Per 100 ==. Beach, Massnc. Anderson-Srader: Oxford, Neb.; Kearneyilk Packed 100 to Carton. White, Jack (18) NYC, nc. 20. Send for FREE Illustrated Catalog. White, Eddie (Earle)Washington, t. Arena: Burnside, Pa.. 8-12. Whitney, Marjorie (Skyrocket) Chi,rh. C. 20% Deposit with Order, Balance C. 0. D. Wlcke, Gus "Popeye" (Radio Franks') NYC,B. & H. Am. Co.: Timmonsville, S. 130 E.11thSt., Bach: Mechanicsville. N. Y. DELIGHT SWEETS, INC New York City. nc. Barfly's All-American: Berwick, Pa.; Sunbury Wickse Bros. & Armida (Coliseum) East Lon- 15-20. don, South Africa, 5-11; (Opera House) PortBarn 'id' .-0C Pineville. Ky.; Har- Elizabeth 13-20;(Alhambra) Capetown 23 - lan Sept.17,t. Barker:er : Fe i r Arthur,Ill.;Noble 15-20. Willard, Harold (Gay Nineties) NYC, nc. Barnhart's Golden West: (FainRockwell Williams, Robt . & Red Dust (State) NYC, t. City,Ia.,11-13; Coon Rapids 15-16;(Fair) Williams, Betty(Half Moon) Coney Island, 18-20. N. Y., h. Bminet: Owen, Wis., 9-12; Mondovl 13-15. Wilson, Edna Marie (State Lire Tavern) Kan-Beckmann & Gerety: Springfield,Ill.,13-21. SCOTT BROS. SHOWSWANT sas City, Mo., 4-11,nc. Bee,F.H.:(Fair)Brodhead, Ky.;(Fair) Winter Sisters, Three (Paradise) NYC, re. Lawrenc2burg 15-20, Alabama. Works Withee, Jerry (Villanova) Saratoga, N. Y., no.Blue Ribbon: Huntingburg, Ind. For 12 Best Fairsin South Tennessee, Mississippi, Woolsey,Ben & Wanda(CasaDelRay) Bortz, Leo: Houston, Mo.; Mayview 15-20, Pulaski Horse and Cattle Show, week August15, Santa Cruz Beach,Calif.,h. Boss & Lane: Woodland, Miss. Mobile lots all winter. Wyse Jr., Ross (Casa Mariana) NYC. cb. Bremer Tri-State: (Fair) Glenwood City,Wis., $10,000 inPrizes, $2,000 spent advertising. Want Octopus, Kid Y 8-10; (Fair)Colfax11-13; (Fair)White kinds, Musicians and Performers for Yacopie (Casa Manana) NYC, nc, Bear Lake, Minn., 15-17;(Fair) Le Center Rides, Side Shows, Concessions all Yevo & Doro (Royal Pines)Lake George, 18-20. Address Columbia, Tenn., this N. y., h. Brown Novelty: Waycross, Ga. Colored Minstrel. All winter's work. Youngman, Henny (Bath & Turf)AtlanticBrown Family Rides: Douglas,Ga. C. D. SCOTT. City, nc. Buck, 0. C.: Norwich, N. Y. week. Yvette (Colosimo's)Chl, nc. Buckeye State: Water Valley, Miss,; Winona. Miss., 15-20. Buffalo Shows: Phelps, N. Y. FAIR GRAND -STAND Bullock Am. Co.: Rhodell, W. Va. Burdick's All -Texas: McGregor, Tex.;(Fair) ATTRACTIONS Fredericksburg 15-21. STATE FAIR OFRHODE ISLAND Burke Shows: Abbeville, La. KINGSTON, R.I. (Routesareforcurrentweekwhen noByersGreater:(Fair)Tipton,Ia.,9-12; AUGUST 31 -SEPTEMBER 5 dates are given) (Fair)StateCenter15-17; (Fair)Glad - The onlyagriculturalandindustrial WE CAN PLACE A FEW Arent, Orsola: Lockport, N.Y. brook 18-20. Ill., 8-11. We Arleys, The: Lockport, N. Y. Byers & Beach: (Fair) Lincoln, fair in the State of Rhode Island. MORE GAMES, GRAB JOINTS, Baldwin & Bristol:(Riverview Park) Penns- C.J.S.Attrs.: Lancaster, Minn. theold-fashionedfair Campbell's United: Lenox. Ga. areblending OR WHAT HAVE YOU? ville, N. J. Central State: Herndon. Kan. of our grandfathers withthe swing Basile, Joe, & His Band: Lockport, N. Y. Cetlin & Wilson: Uniontown, Pa. music of 1938.This fair has madeALL CONCESSIONS MUST BE Beno, Ben: Madison, Ind. Clyde United: Phillipsburg. Pa. Brown, Farmer, & His Pigs & Circus: Cale- Middletown.Conn.. 8-10: thegreateststridesduring thelast ABSOLUTELY WITHIN THE donia, N. Y. ColemanBros.: Fair east of (Fair) Middletown. N. Y., 11-20. few years of any State Carlos Circus: Lockport, N. Y. Colley,J.J.: Pond Creek, Okla. LAW. Carman, Frank & Ethel: Imlay City.Mich.,Conklin: Melville, Sask., Can., 12-13. theMississippiRiver. 10-13; Corunna 15-18: Northville 19-20. 9-14; DinUba Colleen°, Winifred:Morrisville,Vt. Crafts 20 Big* Fresno, Calif., Conley Troupe: Hackettstown, N. J. 16-21. N.C.; D'Arcy Girls: Norwich, N. Y. Crescent Am. Co.: Roanoke Rapids, Billies: Pamplico, S. C.,15-20. LAWRENCEBURC, KY., FAIR, WEEK AUGUST15. Dean,Skip,& NebraskaSandhill Crowley's United:(Fair)Burlington, Ia. Cedarburg, Wis., 12-14. Tenn.;La Follette 22. CrystalExpo.:Clinton, LEBANON, KY., FAIR, WEEK AUGUST Donahue & LaSaile: Caledonia, N. Y.; Little 15-20. AUGUST 29. Valley15-20. Cumberland Valley: Cleveland, Tenn.;(Fair) HODGENVILLE, KY., FAIR, WEEK Dowling, Elaine: Lockport, N. Y. Wartrace 15-20. SEPTEMBER 5. Fascination Review: Morrisville, Vt. Cunningham's Expo.: Powhattan Point, 0. RUSSELLVILLE, KY., FAIR, WEEK Ferguson,Alzora& Hank:BattleCreek, Fairs in Tennessee and Alabama. WANT Stock Curl, W. S.: Auburn, Ind. Followed by seven other straight weeks of Mich.;Nashville, Mich.,15-20. De Luxe: Lockport, N. Y. Concessions, no grift. CAN PLACE Showswith outfits, especially Ceek Show complete, or Fisher, Harry: Hackettstown, N.J. Morrisville.Vt.;Middle- Have Loop.o-Flane and Silodrome for salecheap.Address or Frazer, Jack (Playland Park, Rye. N. Y. Dick's Paramount: we will furnish Banners. Billings,Mont.; boro, Mass., 15-20. come on as per route. George.Great, & Anita: Dixie Belle: Hardinsburg, Ky. Northwood, Ia.,15-17. Dudley, D. S.: Crosbyton, Tex. Hodgini Bros. & Sister:Cicero, Ind.,11-13; Dyer's Greater. New Richmond, Wis.;Boyce - F. H. BEE SHOWS,INC. Newman,Ill.,16-20. Neb.;Kearney vile14-15;Cornell16-18. Jaydee,Great:Lexington, Edwards,J.R.: Rittman, 0.;(Fair)Berea 1520. 15-20. Juggling Jewels: Norwich. N. Y. EliteEvpo.:(Fair)Cambridge, Neb.;(Fair) Keaton, Billy: Norwich, N. Y. Beaver City 15-20. Kressells, Four: Eldora, Ia., 9-11; KeosauquaEllnian: (Fair) Monroe,Wis., 8-14. 12-13. (Fair)Ktitet0W13, Neb.,9-11;Ells-Endy Bros.: Dover, N.J.; Wanted La Tone Troupe: Gibbon. Pa.,15-20. Royal United Shows, worth, Minn.. 13-15. Evangeline: Cassville, Mo. Aerial:Mora,Minn.,11-13;Lan- following Celebrations: Big Fish Fry, Bath,Ill., August 11to LaZellas, Fair at Home: Claremont, N.H. Concessions and Shows forthe August caster, Wis., 16-19. Fairly & Little: La Crosse, Wis. August 14; Tennessee Fish Fry, August 16 toAugust 21; Farmington Home Coming, Lamont, Laddie: Lockport, N. Y. 30 to September 3; Labor Day on theStreets; Avon Fidler's United: (Fair)Carlinville. Ill. 23 to August 27; Prairie City, August follow. Lamphan's Band: Norwich, N. Y. Funland:(Fair) Morgantown, Ky. Home Coming, September 7 to September 10.All Illinois, and six other Celebrations to Levolo. Pat: Keosauqua, Ia., 10-11; Eldora 12-General Am. Enterprises: Decatur, Tex. mailROYAL UNITED SHOWS, as per route. 13;Alta 17-19; Knoxville 20. Gibbs, W. A.:Greenleaf.Kan.,8-10;Fair- Address all Lorenzo, Paul: Wausau, Wis.,14-17. (Fair) Auburn, Neb., 15-20, Malin & Thomas: Morrisville,Vt. view11-12; Maurice & Vincent: Lockport, N. Y. Gold Medal: Waterloo, Ia. Mazzone, Frank, & Co.: Lockport, N. Y. Golden State: Tracy.Calif. Morris, Will & Bobby: Norwich, N. Y.; Peter-Gooding Greater: Portland, Ind. Shows Want GoodmanWonder: Winona, Minn., 8-121 Goodman Wonder boro, Ont., Can., 15-20. Mont.; (Fair) Mason City. Ia., 14-19. Munro & AdamsSisters:Billings, Galesburg, Must be high class.We furnish beautiful 84 - Casper, Wyo., 15-20. Greater American To book complete Girl Show.illumination, new 40z100 -foot tentand stakes O'Done, Mildred: Norwich, N. Y. Greater Expo.:" :anion, 0. Greater Unite . (Fair)Burlington, Han.: foot front, with plenty of Wire at once. Polly's Review: Caledonia, N. Y. SevenFairsfollowing. No time to write. Rellim, Blondin. Troupe: (KennywoodPark) (Fair) Pars,ds 15-20.. for same. week, Greater U. B.: Caldwell,Han. this week, Winona, Minn.; next Pittsburgh 7-20. Herrin,1114(Fair) Vienna GOODMAN WONDER SHOWS, Reynolds, Helen,Skaters:(Hennywood Park)Groves Greater: Mason City, Iowa. Pittsburgh. 14-20. August 13, 1938 GENERAL OUTDOOR The Billboard 61 Manus, Bill: Alvarado, Tex. Happyland:(Fair)Imlay City,Mich.,8-12; PACIFIC WHALING (Fair) Bad Axe 16-19. atelier'sAcme:So.River, N.J.;Hammon- ton, N. J.,15-20. JUMBO GIVE-AWAY CANDY Henke Bros.:(S. Muskego & Bow sts.)Mil- PACKED 200 TO CARTON. $2.00 PER CARTON. COMPANY WANTS waukee. Wis.;(Fair) Madison 15-20. 1,000 PACKAGES, $10.00. Flea C rcus.Good salary to competent oper- Hennies Bros.:(Fair)Billings, Mont. 25% Deposit With All Orders, Balance C. 0. D. Send for P RES ator. Beth, L. J.: ,)Fair) Greenup, ILLUSTRATED 1938 CATALOG. CAN ALSO PLACE Ventriloquist Act. Hilderbrand: Spokane. Wash. Our Candy Is Guaranteed To Stand Up In All Weather. Can always Place good Feature Freaks. Wirc, Hippodrome: (Fair)Elroy, Wis., 8-14;(Fair) but ply them. Lancaster 15-21. MARVEL CANDY CO., INC. MACON E. WILLIS BIC 101.103 Wooster Street, New York City. WHALE EXHIBIT, Knoxville, Tenn., August Hodge, Al G.: Ontonagon, Mich. HofInerAm.Co.:Bloomington,Ill.;New 8-9-1C-11; Asheville, N. C., August 12- Windsor 15-20. 13-14. Hughey Bros.: Havana, Ill.; Colchester 15-20. Hurst, Bob: Hico, Tex.;Covin-)ton15-20. 4 -FOR -10c OPERATORS Hyde, EricB.:(Fair) Taneytcwn, Md. Ideal Expo.: Oswego, N. Y.,8-12. Imperial: Macomb, Ill.; Canton 15-20. Eastman's Super Speed Direct Positive Paper WANTED - Week Aug. 22 to 27 JacksonMidway: Plaster Rock, N. B., Can. Jolly Jaallet: Jamestown, Pa. is now ready for distribution by us, and sells for the same price as the regular Eastman Direct Joyland: Florence, Ore. Positive Paper. 11/2 In. x 250 Ft., $4.13 per Roll.All sixes carried In stock at Deep Cut Prices. Joy land: Ithaca, Mich. WRITE FOR OUR NEW CATALOG. Jones, Johany J.,Expo.: Danville,Ill. HANLEY'S PHOTO COMPANY, FA1R-FIREMEN'S -JUBILEE K. G. Am.: (Fair) Bedford, Ia_; Dewier, Mo., 205 East 12th Street, Kansas City, Mo. Show Lot, Arbor, N. }.,Near 15-20. PLAINFIELD, N. J. Kaus Expo.: Chester, Pa. All Kaus, W. C.: Rome, N. Y. Concessions, including Wheels, open. Keystone. (Fair) Ford City,Pa. CAN PLACEa fewgood Shows and Free Kline's Greater: Madison, Ind.;(Fair) War- HEADED SOUTH Acts.Address saw,Ky.,15-20. CHAIRMAN, Landes, J.L.:(Fair) Hastings, Neb.;(Fair) Pullman Hotel, New Brunswick, N. I. Colby, Kan., 15-20. Lang's, Dee, Famous: WillmarMinn., 8-12; Groves Greater Shows (Fair)Faribault 13-16;(Fai(')St. Charles 19-21. WANT FOR FAIRS AND CELEBRATIONS: Large, H. P.: Inverness, Miss. Lawrence, Sam: Freeland, Pa. Loop -o -Plane, Loop -the -Loop or any money -getting Flat Ride. Shows with or without Lewis, Art: St. Hyacinthe, P. outfits. Concessions of all kinds that work for stock.Herrin, III., this week; Fair, Vienna, $ Q., Can. III., next week; MissouriFair,week August 22; Jonesboro, Ark., week August 29; then the 0, WANTED McKee:Cherokee,Okla. money spot of all, Mammoth Labor Day Celebration and Progress of Labor Exposition, MagicEmpire: Omaha, Neb.; Pattonsburg, Greater Little Rock Central Trades "Council," Little Rock, Ark., entire week, beginning Mo., 15-20. Labor Day. All communications ED GROVES, as per route. p Jasonville Tri- County Fair Marks: Beckley, W. Va.; Oak Hill 15-20. AUGUST 16 TO 20. Merry MidwayAttrs.:Oceana, W. Va. Midwest: (Fair) PineRidge, S. D..11-14, 0All Concessions open, including Eats and 0 Drinks. Shows booked. Need Ride 0Miner Model: (Fair) Flourtown, Pa. 0 Help.Biggest Fair in years.Address Miner Model Ride Unit: (Fair) Flourtown, Pa. ROLAND SHOWS WANT CONCESSION MGR., }asonville, Ind. Model:(Fair)Shelbyville, Ky. Modern Amusements: Burlington,Vt,;St. FOR LONG STRING OF SOUTHERN FAIRS: ee m z i a ...w %.. m ..N&N Johnsbury 15-20. Concessions of all kinds, Shows with or without outfits. WANT Kiddie Ride and Flat Bide. i z ww.1 w i i ... 1 i m . Motor City.I Vernon Highway & Stair)De- PLACE Mechanical City, Monkey Show or Circus. troit, Mach., 8-14. Fair season opens in two weeks, and all Nail], C. W.: Smackover, Ark. Fairs and Celebrations until December, in choice tobacco spots of East. Address New England Motorized:Troy, N. Y.; (Fair) N. P. ROLAND, Fries, Va., this week. Cambridge 16-20. Gold Medal Shows Northwestern:(Fair)Milford,Mich.,10-13; Angola, Ind., 15-20, Zeiger, C. F., United: Browning, Mont.; (Fair) Oklahoma Ranch. Motorized: Shattuck, Okla. Kalispell 15-17;(Fair) Dodson 20-21. Orange State: Bassett, Va. Zin'darsGreater:(Fair)Fairmount. 131.: WANT Page, (Fair)Frankfort, Ind., 15-20. J.J.,Expo.: Hopkinsville, Ky.:(Fair) A solar, reliable. Electrician to Join at Lebanon, Tenn., 15-20. once, also Ride Men riat can drive semi. Pan-American: Kankakee, Ill. BEAT THIS CAN PLACE Photo Gallery,Cigarette Parade of Shows: Quitman,To,. CIRCUS AND WILD WEST Caller/ andother Concessions' operating Peerless. Pitcairn, Pa. for not over ten cents. It, & A.: Mocksville, N. C. Barnes, Al G., and Sells-Floto: Bemidji, Minn., DRUM MAJOR Waterloo, Ia., 9:Grand Forks, N. D., 10; Devils Lake 11; this week; Northwood and Decorah Fairs Reading's:(Fair) Columbia, Ky. Fargo 12; Fergus Falls, Minn., 13; Breck- next week. Regal:Keosauqua, Ia. DOLLS WITH HATS Reid, King: Middlebury. Vt. enridge 14; Aberdeen, S. D., 15; Mitchell 16; Reynolds & Wells:(Fair)Mankato, Minn.. Yankton 17; Sioux Falls 18; Sioux City, Ia., 12-16;(Fair) Bayport 19-21. 19; Omaha, Neb., 20. Egg.... 51 8.50 Rogers & Powell Am. Co.: Naylor, Mo. Beers -Barnes: Randolph, N.Y..11; Frews- burg 12. Per Doz., $1.60. Rogers Greater: Carthage, Tenn Downie Bros.: Columbus, Ga., 15. Roland: Fries,Va. THE IDEAL NUMBER Royal American:(Exhn.)Winnipeg, Gould's, Jay, Circus & Revue:Morgan, Minn., Concessions Wanted Can.; (Exhn.) Man.. 8-9;Atweter 10-11; Perham 12-14; Elbow FOR SCALES, Choicekg(ations Ft. William, Oit., 15-20. Lake 15-16; Dawson 17-18; Heron Lake 19- BALL GAMES, forLegitimateGamesstill Royal Expo.: Johnsonburg, Pa.;PortAllegany available. Low rates. WillsellDiggers ex - 15-20. 20. NOVELTY STANDS elusive. Three cars free. Sugar Beet Bonus paid. Kelley, Al G., & Miller Bros.: Clifton,Kan., RoyalMidway:(Fair)Pinckneyville,Ill.; 9; Leonardville 10; Riley 11; Wakefield12. WriteforourSpecial CARO FAIR, AUG. 22-26 (Fair) Carnal 15-20. Mix, Tom: Clinton, Mo., 10. Listings Corn Games, Write Royal United: Bath,Ill. Newton Bros.: Willoughby, 0.,10; Elyria 11. Grind Stores. CARL F. MANTEY, Sec.. Caro, Mich. Rubin & Cherry Expo.: Battle Creek, Mich.;Parker & Watts: St. Francis, Kan., 9; Geed - (Fair) Ionia 15-20. land 10: Colby 11; Oakley 12; ScottCity 13. Write for Information on Our LatestHalter Santa Fe: Barnes, Kan. Polack Bros.: Sheridan, Wyo., 15-20. Item -State Your Business. Savidge,Walter,Rides: Dedham,Ia.,9-10;Richard Bros.: Cortland. Va.,9; NorthEm- WANTEDSHOWS Westside 11-12; Wall Lake 17-18. With nr withmit emiipment.Will honk Ball poria10:Lawrenceville 11;Blackstone 12; Games. American Palmist. Fishpond, Custard. Scott Bros.: Columbia, Tenn.; (Fair) Pulaski Keysville 13, Pan Games,Scales,HighStriker. 15-20. Robbins Bros.: Newport News, Va.,9;Nor- WIS. DE LUXE CORP. Ton -Win or any Legitimate Conression. Show Shugart. Dr.: (Fair) Lexington -Purcell, Okla.. folk 10; Petersburg 11; Lynchburg 12;Roa- 1900 N. 3rd St., Milwaukee. goingsouthafter Labor Day.Fifteen weeks' 11-13; (Rodeo) Antlers 18-20. noke13; Bluefield,W.Va.,15. work inscoresterritory. Will hook one more Siebranci Bros.: Anaconda, Mont, 10-15. WPA: (President & Clawson ayes.)Brooklyn, Free Art.nocver,ille. Pa.. this week: Berlin, Silver State: Cody, Wyo. N. Y., 9-13. Pa., week of August15. Sims Greater: Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., Can. WEYLS PRODUCTION CO. Skerbeck Am. Co.: Rhinelander. Wis.; Antigo Ed Weyls. Owner -Manager. 10-20. INSURANCE MISCELLANEOUS CIRCUS, RIDES. TRUCKS. CARNIVALS. Smith Bros.: Roosevelt, Okla. Arontys, Aerial: Ford City,Pa., 8-13. Showman's Insurance Man. Smith,J.Lacy,Attrs.:Kilmarnock, Va. Arthur,Magician:Smithville,Tenn.,10-11; Smith's Greater Atlantic: Grantsville, Md. Cassville 12-13. CHARLES A. LENZ Sol's Liberty:(Fair)Escanaba, Mich.,8-14; Brooks Players: Muscoda, Wis., 10-13. Permanent Address, Bergen County Industrial Fair (Fair) Wausau, Wis.,15-18. Burke & Gordon: Oreana, Ill.,8-13. 440 Insurance Exchange Bldg.. Chicago.Ill. Spencer, C. L.: Springfield, Mo. Burro Ball', Hasbrook Heights, N. J.,10; Wy- August 22-27. Speroni, P. J.: Comanche, Ia.; Maquoketa 14- coff 11; Pearl River, N. Y.,12; New Mil- (yin placetides, Shows that do 16. ford, Conn., not conflict. FreeStrafes:(Fair) 13-14; Stockbridge, Mass.,15; acts. Onemillione.-nr,leto draw from.Arirer- Caledonia. N. Y. Brattleboro, Vt.,16; Keene, N. H., 17. TRUCKS ti.,(1far miles.Address MICHAEL GRASSO,Stephens: Murray, Ia.; Mt. Ayr :5-20. ByGosh Vaude. Tent Show: Terra Alta, Md..AUTOMOBILES - MOTORIZE YOURSHOW careVelodrome, Nutley,N. J. Sturnbo, Fred R.: Miller, Mo., 11-13. 8-13. Writs Swisher, H. C.: St. Paul, Kan. CoriellFamily Show: Park Rapids,Minn., Tassell, Barney: Orange, Va. CHARLIE T.GOSS 8-11. With STANDARD CHEVROLET CO., Texas long Horn: Altus, Okla. Coward, Linden, Magician: Kildare, Ga., 11- EAST ST. LOUIS, ILL. SAM LAWRENCE Texas Kidd: Lubbock, Tex.; (Fair) Mule Shoe 13. 15-20. Delmar,Hypnotist,Escape:(Ritz)Payette, SHOWS Thomas, Art B., No. 1: Baudette, Minn., 11-13; Ida.,9-11,(Fox Adelaide)Nampa 12-14; Little Fork14-15; ('anplaceonemore Show and Flat. Ride. Also Northome:6-17;Black (Fox American)Caldwell15-17;(Rialto/ KiddieRides,Wheels and GrindStores. Fairs Duck 18; Bagley 19-22. Boise 18-20. start 1Tughetrille, Pa.. August22. Write Freeland.Thomas, Art B., No. 2: Strawberry Point, Ia.,Hotfner & LaVell Show: Glasdorf,Ill., 8-13. WORLD OF FUN SHOWS Pa.,thissvwh;Millersburg following. 10; Jesup 11; Tripoli 12; Walker15-16; Hubert Tent Shcw: Holland, Va., 8-13. WANT Rides,Octopus, KiddieRides, Dows 17; Sherburn le; Waconia 19-21. Hunsinger, Harry, Magician: Matthews, Mo., Shows of all kinds, any legitimate Con- Tidwell, T. J.: Council Grove, Kan.; Wichita 8-13. 15-20. LevantShow: Matthews, Mo.,8-13, cessionsexceptBingo. Martha Principini Tilley:(Fair) Cambridge. RI. Lewis,H. Kay, & Hollywood Varieties: Hot WIRE Tri-State: Waldron, Ark.; Hackett 15-20. Springs, Mont., 13; Kalispell 15-16; Colum- J. J. STEBLAR, Martinsville, Vs. Valley: Kenedy, Tex. bia Falls 17: Browning 18. Wade, W. G.: Manistee. Mich, Magrum, C. Thomas, Magician: North Adams, Mrs. Mayme ButtersWallace Bros. of Can.: St. Johns, Que., Can. Mass., 15; Becket 16-17; Warner, N.H., 18; Macon, Ca.Important. Wallace Bros :(Fair) Eldora, Ia.;(Fair) In- Plymouth,Vt.,19. dianola 15-19. Magrum, C. Thomas.Magician: Chester, WANTED Ward, John R.: (Fair) Albion, Ill. Mass., 10; North Adams 11-13; Becket 15-16. SHOWS RIDES BINGO Weer, M. R.: 'Cygnet, 0. Marquis,Magician: HeberCity,Utah, 10; HAZEL ROCCO WANTS West Coast: Seattle, Wash. Vernal 11-12; Park City 13; Sandy 15: Mid- FREE ACTS West. W.E., Capable Canadian and American Readers for Toron- Motorized. Holstein, Ia.; (Fair) vale 16; Riverton 17; Lehl 18; Murray 19. irand London Exhibitions: also 11 fairs in States. Alta15-20. McNally's Variety Show: Gilbertsville, N.Y., LEE COUNTY FAIR ThoseI RTIOW g Ienpreference. Alsoran use West World Wonder: (Expo. Park) Pittsburgh, 8-13. SEPTEMBER 14-17 Headers why speak Frenchfor Art Lewis Shows Pa.; (Fair) Cumberland,Md.,15-20. Miller's, Ralph, Donkey: Port Huron, Mich., Glee meyour proposition. layingQuebec. 21TrIlior Ave., Toronto,Ont.,WestBros.: (Fair)Austin,Minn.,11-14; 8-10; EARL 0. LANIKOHAM, Secy., Canada. Whitmore Lake11;Fowlerville12; Pennington (Fair) Appleton 18-21. Jackson 13-14;Ft. Wayne, Ind.,15. Gap, Va. Western States: Wheatland,Wyo. Musical May Mack: St. Paul, Minn., 8-13. WANTED Weydt Am. Co.: Pittsville,Wis., 12-13. Ricton's Show: Brookton, Ga., 11-13; Murray - Good SketchArtist. manor woman, :loin at once.White City' Hood River, Ore. vine 15-17; Dawsonville 18-20. Workpercentagewithguarantee. Great chance Williams, S. B.: El Reno,Okla. Rappel's Community Show: Paytes,Va., 8-13. to Williams. Ben: Gorham, Me. make money. IluttunAnfengerExposition Sadler's Own Co.: Pampa, Tex.,13. Wanted At Once rutin,Baker.Ore..O. Wilson Am.: Clifton, Ill. 10: La Grande, 11,12; Seccaium ParkRides,No. 1 unit:(Fair) Pendleton, 13, 14: Walla Walla,Wash..15. 16;Wolfe Am. Co.; Hope Mills, N. 0. Richwood, 0., 9-12; No. 2, Bradner, 0., 8-12.T.,ecturer on Specimens. Onewho cansellbooks. Pasco,17:Toppenish. 18: Ellensburg .19: Yakima. World of Fun: Martinsville, Va. Steiner Trio:(Fair)Ithaca, Mich., 9-13. Wire by Western Union. 20, 21; Sumayside,22; The Dillea, 23; Portland.World of Mirth: Watertown, N.Y. Webb, Capt. George:(Fair) Ore., 24-28. Young,Monty: Ketchum,Ida., 9-:4. Burlington, Ia., DR. R. GARFIELD 7-13. °AlinA Wilson Shows, Uniontown. PA. August 13, 1938 62 The Billboard GENERAL OUTDOOR

StartaPOTATO CHIP I Regina Exhibition MostSuccessful BULLOCK AMUSEMENT BUSINESSIn Your High CO. WANTS KITCHEN ! In Years With Grosses Going Best crop expenses will be met, and it is expected Ride Help that can drive Trucks and Trailers. REGINA, Sask., Aug. that debenture charges can be paid out Must be sober and reliable and stand to prospects in10 years had a favorable have money, as we never miss payday. Want Make Big Money effect business at Regina Agriculturalof the gross receipts. Man Ball Game Agent, also few more legiti- Buy potatoes for 2calb. No racket.No Wheels. Make sensational new and Industrial Exhibition on August 1-6. mate Concessions. "Greaseless" Potato Chips Final figures released by General Man- Rhodell, W. Va., week August 8; Flat Top, andsellfor35calb. ager Dan T. Elderkin last night showed W. Va., week August 15. Ideal business for men or 7 womeninspareor 'full increases over 1937 or more than perREGINA EXHIBITION time.Small investment centinattendance,41percent for (Continued from page 3) buys complete equipment. - -- 17 per cent for No experience needed. I show you how to get storesgrand -stand business, tion; Max Goodman, Goodman Wonder to sell all you make: tell you boss to make profitthe take of pari-mutuels and 20 per cent CIRCUS ACTS AT LIBERTY Allnomination,pictures,pricesand Show;J.G. Gardiner, federal minister Winsfirst day.sent free. Send a postal card for FreeFactsfor gross of the midway. of agriculture, Ottawa; PremierW. J. Starting September 1 en this big "limn° Business" Opportunity.FOOD for any single nightPatterson, Ontario; Walter Ross, assist- Wecanfurnishcomplete showforestablished DISPLAY MACHINE CORP., 325 W.Huron, Biggest crowd fairsorportablefairs,celebrationsor homecom- Dept. D-128,Chicago. grand -stand performance since 1928 wasant secretary;Charles Yule, presidentings: Single Elephant Act, Lion Act, High -School recorded on Citizens' Day, third day of J. W.G. MacEwen,Horses. Trained Dogs, Ponies, Comedy Mule, Sheep, Calgary Stampede; Goats, Bears, etc.,Aerial Acts, Tight Wire Acts. the fair, when attendance totaled 16,296.professor of agriculture, Saskatoon col-Beautiful Hawaiian Spectacle, line of Chorus Girls, Main -gate attendance on the same daylege, and W. M. Van Valkenburg, gameSpecialty Dancers, Clowns. Acrobats, Funny Ford with Fireworks. All paraphernalia, including scats was 21,818. On Children's Day, Monday,advisory board. for 4.000 with or without canvas; Prefertoiise main -gate attendance totaled 26,091 and When a circus or carnival comes hereno canvas other than stable and dressing room. AJAX SHOWS Willfurnishallforsingleevent sirwillsplit grand stand 13,239, both well over lastorexhibition time rollsaround, boysinto units ready to go anywhere; .no junk. Address year's figures. and girlsofChildren's Shelter know PAUL M. LEWIS, 900 Jackson City Bank Bldg., WANT Main gate paid attendance for thethey will not be forgotten and that Mrs.Jackson, Mich. Acts for Side Show. Man that can do Punch. week totaled 107,678 as compared withFred Robinson will make sure that they Tattoo Man and otherSide Show Acts., 100,349 in 1937. Grand -stand attendancehave a chance to enjoy the shows and CAN PLACE GirlsforGirlRevue. Will With owners of the Royal Ameri- book Grind Shows with their own outfits, was 65,642 as compared with 46,568 lastrides. outfits forcapable year.Figures include the main gatecan Shows she arranged to have the 25%. Willfurnish ofthe BUFFALO Showmen. Concessions of AllKinds:Dig- only up to10p.m.Twenty -five -centyoungsters takenforatour gers,Custard,Cotton Candy.CAN USE gate was in effect until 12 p.m. eachshows, treated to all rides, given a picnic Promoters. All mail and wires ED MON- night, with an estimated400to 700 per-supper and then taken to the grand- TIETH, Williamson, W. Va., week August sons entering every night between 10stand show of Ernie Young's Follies In- SHOWS 8; Portsmouth, 0., week August 15. Lockport, N. Y., Mammoth Sons of Italy Cele- and12. Grand -standticketssoldatternationale.Mrs. Robinson has been bration. Seven Days, August 15.21. 50 cents, reserves at 75 cents. doing this for the past 18 years.Mr. Attica, N. Y., Annual Wyoming County Fair, From a financial standpoint membersRobinson, an exhibitiondirector, has Day and Night. August 23-26. of the board look upon the fair as thebeen actively identified with the fair a Want complete Shows and Concessions. Attrac. meat successful in years.All operatingnumber of years. tion wanted. WANTED HOWARDPOTTER. This week Phelps, N.Y. OUTDOOR SHOW It has also come to the attention of FREE ACT (Continued front page 3) the authorities that some carnival own- Wire description and salary. If satisfactory will amounts of the liens will include heavyers have changed thetitlesof their place for balance of season. Wire WANTTO JOIN penalties for the failure to live up to theshows this year.However, the present WatermelonFestival,WaterValley, Miss. regulations of the act. South'slargestcelebration,followedwith a J. GEORGE LOOS property of the show owner will be held bonafidelistoffairs and celebrations thou It is suggested by The Billboard that November.Will bookOctopusorChairplane GREATER UNITED SHOWS outdoor show owners delinquent in theirliable to tax liens, even if the employees Rides, one more Grind Show, Concessions that Week August5,Burlington, Kan. for whom the tax is delinquent worked work for 10 cents.Photo Gallery open. Want SS tax payments immediately contact FreeAct,preferHigh -WaterDive.Captain the nearest office of the Internal Reve-for a show with another title.As long Wire nue Bureau and explain to the deputyas theownership is the same, the re- McDonald wire. still JOE CALLER, Mgr. collector in charge the reasons for failuresponsibility for the show owner is BuckeyeStateShows.WaterValley,Miss.. to live up to the act.It is pointed outthere.In case of defunct corporations thisweek; Winona Old Home -Coming under that it is still possible, by approachingowing shows which have failed to pay Lions' Club following. the government before the tax lienisthe SS taxes, the treasurers of the cor- issued, to make a settlement with theporations willbe held responsible for WANTED lreasury Department and avoid penal-failure to live up to the regulationsof Experienced Fun House Man and Sober. Reliable ties. the act. CARNIVAL WANTED Ferris Wheel Help.Get in touch with Charley Holliday. Also TrainMaster. Can use good For Southeastern Colored Fair Train Hands and Poiera.Must be white. Get Have long Fair Charlotte, N. C., Week September 12. In touch with Wallace Cobb. Billedandboostedbycommitteeswithin150 Season. mile radius.PAUL H. WADDILL, 815 E. Trade WORLD OF MIRTH SHOWS, St., Charlotte, N. C. No showtoo big for this date. Watertown, N. Y., August 8 to 18. PAN-AMERICAN SHOWS WANT SHOWS-Will furnish outfits for Side Show, Hula and Single Pit Attractions. WILL BOOK Monkey Show and any Shows not conflicting for the following Fairs and Celebrations: ANNUAL LABOR DAY AND HOME WINNEBAGO COUNTY FAIR, August 15-21; JOLIET CIVIC CLUB CELEBRATION, August 22-27; WILL COUNTY FAIR, August 29 -September 1; GRUNDY COUNTY FAIR, Septem- tember 2-5. Two more Free Street Celebrations in Illinois, then South. CAN PLACE Dig- COMING CELEBRATION HAAG BROS. gers, Custard, Floss, Scales and strictly Stock Concessions of all kinds forbalance of seaf- New London, 0., September 5. WANT sober, capable Cook House Manager with car, on fifty-fifty basis.CAN Want Concessions ofallkinds, Balloon Ascension. son. Ad- merry -Go -Round, FerrisWheel.Writeorwire 3 RING CIRCUS WANTS PLACE good Grab Mari.H. I. Smith answer. WANT Legal Adjuster to join at once. F.H. CUNNINGHAM, New London. FOR SIDE SHOW-Man that does Punch and dress this week, Kankakee, Ill. Judy and Magic, that can handle Inside. Boss Canvas Man that will keeptopsin repair. Saxo- WANTED FOR CAMPBELL'S UNITED SHOWS phone thatdoubles Clarinet for MinstrelBand. Ferris 1Vtieel. Merry -Go -Round and Rides that don't ConcessionAgents. Mickey O'Brlonwire. Trom- conflict. Bingo, Small Cookhouse, any Legitimate bone for Big Show Band. Address L. Claude Concessions. Showpositivelycarriesnojoints. Myers, Band Master.Good Man that can keep Sound Truck,ColoredPerformers and'Musicians. poles,seats and other equipmentIn repair. Will buy a Minstrel Show Top.Place Shows with Route: Buckhannon, W. Va.,9th;Elkins,W. own outfits.Playing tobacco markets and fairs for Va., 10th; Franklin, W. Va., 11th; Hot Springs, WANT SHOWS, RIDES, CONCESSIONS hal:inceofseason. AddressH. W. CAMPBELL, Va., 12th. BINGO, DIGGERS, FOR FOLLOWING FAIRS AND CELEBRATIONS: August 8-13, Lenox, Ga. HAMMONTON, N. J., August 15 to 20; RED LION, PA., FAIR, August 22 to 27; YORK.PA.. CEL- EBRATION, Aimust 29 -September 3; TIMONIUM, MARYLAND, STATE FAIR, September4 to 15; NORTHERN NECK FAIR, Warsaw, Va., September 19 to 24.All address FOR SALE HELLER'S ACME SHOWS, per route: South River, N. J., this week. COOK HOUSE, COMPLETE WANTED Slat, 20 by 30 Feet. KItchen, 10by 20 Feet. New thisseason. Booked on Gold Medal Shows. Reason selling, poor health. FRANK B. HILDEBRAND Telephone Men Waterloo, Iowa. atonce W. C. KAUS SHOWS, INC. WANT ADDRESS of CARL REICKERT WANT: Legitimatir Concessions of all kinds, such as Bowling Alley, Fish Pond, Ball Gamer, Stock WILLIAM B. DALY 232 Church SL, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Wheels,Piteli-Til-Win, Scales, Penny Arcade, Diggers, NoveltiesandAmerican Palmistry. Good prices. BIDES: Bilge -(t, or Single or Double Loopuco-Plane.Organized Minstrel Show, complete Girl Show or (Smileythe Clown) Musical Comedy Show. Have you something new or novel?WANT Dancing Girls and Acts for Working independently as an Acrobat.Will compen- Side Show, or Freaks to feature.OurFairsbeginning Amnist 29 in Huntingdon, Pa., trim to November sate for satisfactory information received.\Vire col- 12. going South.Address all comnomications toW. C. KAUS, Manager, Binghamton, N. Y. lect,or write R.L. HOLGATE, 1389 University READING'S SHOWS Arc., St. Paul, Minn. COLUMBIA, KY., FAIR THIS WEEK. One Day, September 11 LEXINGTON, KY., FAIR NEXT WEEK. International StorkConcessionirWanted. Pitch'nWin, High 7 -Car Tilt -a -Whirl. MILLER AMUSEMENTS CAN PLACE AIR THRILL CIRCUS Striker, etc.Willpay cashfor KINDS, and Air Race W. J. WILLIAMS, Mgr. SHOWS OF ALL KINDS WITH OWN OUTFITS, LEGITIMATE CONCESSIONS OF ALL Sponsored by 44 women's clubsof FOR 7 LOUISIANA AND MISSISSIPPI FAIRS. Cook County. Starting Bossier Parish Free Falr, Plain Dealing, La., week September 19; West Carroll Parish Fair, Oak O'CONNOR & ORLOFF, 56 E. Con- Grove, La., weekSeptember26; Pike County Free Falr, McComb, Miss.. week October 3; South Louie - Donaldsonville, La., week October10;WashingtonParish Fair, Franklinton, La., week gressSt.,Chicago-Web. 2517. ShowsandConcessions Wanted laneState Fair, Fair, Jennings, La., Hippodrome. October 10; 71.1 -Parish Fair, Eunice, La., week October 17: Jeff Davis Parish For Rodeo,Society Circus and Racing week October 24.Address September 2 to S.Inclusive. RALPH R. MILLER, Lake Charles, La., this week; Alexandria, La., week August 15; Winnfield, La., Auspices Vets of Foreign Wars. week August 22. Want Legitimate Concessions of all kinds. Including African Dip, High Striker,etc.No Flat Joints. McKean County Fair Bar. Popcorn, Candy Floss and Bingo sold.$2.00 per front foot or can v.strk 2.1,,1, of gross to Veterans. Smethport, Pa., Sept. 5, 6, 7, 8, 1938. Minimum $15.00.Deposit required. Good clean Shows wanted. T. C. BROWN, 15046 Roby St., Harvey, Ill. WANT YELLOWSTONE SHOWS WANT FOR SALE Shows of all kind, Ath. Show People.Have complete outfit.Girl Shows, Side Show, or any LindyLoopcomplete,l'zzellAeroplaneSwing ELI NUMBER FIVE Show that can produce. CAN PLACE Lead Gallery, Cig. Gallery, Ball Games, Iron Claws or Lark type.Cars and mechanism forlargeCoaster Diggers, or any Concession that works for stock, also juice Joint, Snow Cone. Have ride. Four-AbreustPortableParker Merry -Go - WHEEL FOR SALE Write or wire Roundrrithcenter polesinw icon.gored Route 10 Fairs, starting Riverton, Wyo., August 18. 1, Bon 511. Dallas, Ten.Also 3 -AbreastParker $1,800cash. Real bargain. Can beseen inoper- Merry -Go -Round with center pole on wagon, stored ation here. want Merry -tip -Round Foreman. W. S. NEAL, Dillon, Mont., August 8-13. MURRAY JACKSON, IsleofPalms, Charleston, Paola,Kan.AddressMRS. C.A. WORTHAM, South Carolina. 114 Princess Pass, Ian Antonio, Texas. August 13, 1938 GENERALOUTDOOR The Billboard 63 recent operation and expects toleaveberg,concessioner of the Guess -Your - the hospital in a short tine.BrotherWeight Scales, continues to send in ap- gownlen's fea4ue Verne Newcombe sent in the pleasingplications of the salesmen in his employ. NATIONAL news ofa new arrivalin the family, Sam Rothstein, chairman of the house name is John Edward Newcombe, borncommittee, took time out from following SHOWMEN'S o July4. the anetica Send in your pledge to the Showmen's gee -geesat Saratoga to pen that Home.It requires no immediate outlayimmediately upon his return he will go 1 65W.MadisonSt., of cash and shows your desire to beintoaction on behalf of our annual ASSOCIATION Chicago,III. banquet to be held at the Commodore among the contributors and founders toHotel, New York, Wednesday evening, AnOrganizationbyandfor CHICAGO,Aug.6.-Aninterestingthis, the most outstanding ofalltheNovember 16.The banquet committee meeting of the board of governors wasleague's endeavors. andsub -committeesarenowbeing ShowmenandAllied Fieles. held August 4 with President J. C. Mc- formed. Proceedsfromthisbiggest Cafferypresiding.In attendance were showmen's event in the East go to the BENEVOLENT -PROTECTIVE -SOCIAL Vice -President Joe Rogers, Louis Torti, Cemetery Fund and tickets go on sale (Cemetery Fund, Hospitalization, L.C. Kelley, LouisKeller,WalterF. Pacific Coast this week. Make your reservations early! Driver.Jack Benjamin, Lou Leonard, Several letters have' been received by Relief Bureau) M. J. Doolan, Morris Haft, H. A. Lehrter the executive secretary of late from mem- and Hairy Mamsch. gtowwlen saS514bers inquiring why they have not re- Dues $10 Initiation $10 Applications presented for ballot and 730South Grand Avenue, Los Angeles, Calif. ceived their NSA buttons. The answer electedto membership were Frank R. is this-look at your card.Ifitdoes SixthFloor,PalaceTheaterBldg., Bickford, John R. Ward, Edgar T. Neville, LOS ANGELES, Aug. 6.-No meeting ofnot read "dues paid to July 15, 1939," Anthony M.Ybanez, MartinCarozza,Pacific Coast Showmen's Association lastyou are not in good standing, as only 1564 Broadway Bennie Fields, Arden W. Morris, JamesMonday night, this being one of skipmembers in good standing have received George, E. H. Hugo, Edward K. Johnsonnights.However, letters from memberstheir NSA buttons, New York City and Edward Gamble. in field came and are of great interest, Victor Kay, one of our new brothers Interest in the Showmen's Home con-especially one from Brother William H.proposed by Joe McKee, is a constant tinues and a number of members sentHobday, manager of Golden State Shows.visitor to the clubrooms and has offered in pledges during the week. This out-It contained a check for a substantialhis services in any capacity to aid the Bright Light Expo. Shows standing endeavor deserves full supportsum, being proceeds of "Show Within a WANT Shown, Rides and Concessions of eV kinds. fromallshowmen. ChairmenFredShow," recently held at Ewes Springs,organization. Harry Schwartz was a re-Everything open. Playing the peach orchards. where Beckmann and Carl T. Sedlmayr are con- cent visitor to the club on one of hiseveryoneisworking day andnight.The spots Calif.From Ted Le Fors of White Citystopsin town,He took time out tohave provenbetterthanfairs.Wire JOHN GE - fident of many more pledges during thisShows.His usual interesting news andbuild a stationery cupboard and take careCOMA, WarrenHotel,Harrisonburg,Va..this fair season.If your card has been mis-always assurance of his deep interest inof several other odd jobs about the club week.Crozet,Va.,next week. laid the secretary will be pleased to seeaffairs of this organization.Joe Glacy that others are sent members. air mailed for application blanks androoms. Membership drive is on in full forcePCSA buttons.He and Bill Williams Thru the efforts of Uno and Elias E. and 1939 cards are being issued on allon West Coast Shows are moving alongSugarman, of The Billboard, the Fowler WANTED applicationsaccepted. Vice -President Scenic Studios are going to donate theFive or more Rides at the La Crosse, Wis., Fair at top speed in membership drive. Aldrapes for the stage in the club's meet-Grounds, September 4 and 6.Horse Races and Frank R. Conklin sent in one for FrankOnken and Harry Seber, w,th Conklin Fireworks.No gate. R. Bickford. A number of the brothersShows, doing a good job in. interest ofing room. With donations in mind, andLA CROSSE TRADES AND LABOR COUNCIL. are in the contest for a Gold Life Member-PCSA. the weather being somewhat more favor- shipcard.Others can helpbyjust Most welcome wire from Harry, the house committee trusts that making a little effort.Those signifyingThere had been wires, letters and phonethose who made pledges for clubroom their invention in this contest to datecalls in great number asking details offurnishings will send in their contribu-HUGHEY BROS. SHOWS are Harold Paddock, Fred H. Kressman,an accident that was alleged to have re-tions as soon as possible so that the Ned E. Torti and John W. Galligan. clubrooms may be entirely equipped byWant smallCookhouse. Privilegereasonableto sulted in deaths of Harry and Maris,the time members return from the who will feed reasonable. Have 12 Merry -Go - Canadian SecretaryNeil Webb findsboth very popular with showfolks. Their RoundHorses withbrassrods, telescopesand time aside from his regular show dutieswire read: "We are very much alive." allfittingsforsale. Address Havana, 111..this to attendtomattersfortheleague. Ladies'Auxiliary week. This week he sent in dues for RobertHarry Hargraves going along with prep- Additional books have been contrib- Cooper, Arthur Radtke, Dave Picard, lazyarations for Gigantic, that will be pre-uted to the library by President Dorothy Brodsky, Nat Hirsch, J. J. Cnstock, M. M.sented at Venice -by -the -Sea and OceanPacktman of the ladies' auxiliary. Mem- Webb and F. A. Woods. Conklin ShowsPark Piers. bers again are reminded to look thru WANTED QUICK arestagine abenefit show atPrince Ladies' Auxiliary their bookcases at home and forward to Albert, Seek.. August 9.Other dues re- the association any and all books thatFamily or Team doing four orfiveCircus Acts LOS ANGELES, Aug. 6.-Meeting ofwill be of service in making this libraryand put on Concert.Good proposition. Alto want ceived recently were from Virl Hill, Jack:July 21 was called by President Peggy Side Show with own transportation. Address Greenspoon, W. H. Rice. James Campbell,Forstall. RubyKirkendall,secretary,one of the foremost in show circles. BUCK BROS.' SHOW, Tulsa, Okla. Max Linderman,DanBurke,Louisend Minnie Fisher, chaplain, were pres- Sowerby, H. H. Hancock, Harry H. Har-ent.Inez Walsh, treasurer, is vacation- grave, Eddie Davis. David Cohen, Thomasing. S. Moran, Thomas Murphy and Verne Nina Cooper and Retna Henry were in Newcombe. after long absence, and Mora Bagby and Col. F. J. Owens, Tom Rankine andMartha Levine were back from vacation. Gruberg's World's Exposition Shows Bob Miller are still on the sick list atStella Brake was in from Catalina Island their homes.T. Brent and Ben Landeswith a broken arm which she received Can place for longfairseason, Octopus. Wanted-Manager totake both still in the hospital and showingin an accident.Helen Brainard Smith, charge new framed Side Show.Bill Sylvan no longer connected. Wanted- improvement. Victor Weinberg left hos-visitor from Kansas City, gave a talk and Freaks and Working Acts for Side Show.Wanted-Man to take charge pital anc went back on the road.Mrs.drew cash award.Mrs. Levine's son was of Fun House. Wanted-Girls for Rainbow Revue. Wanted-Man to tace Max Kirnmerer is resting well since heralso a visitor. charge of beautiful framed Life Show. Only interested in man who knows The afghan writer is making is com- the Life Show business. Do not misrepresent. Wanted-Legal Adjuster for ing along fine. All yarn for it is donated balance of season. Must be sober and reliable-Wanted-Concessions all Showmen's League of by members.Annual midsummer party open; no exclusive.Wire via Western Union was announced for August 15 at Hotel GRUBERG'S WORLD'S EXPOSITION,Lancaster, Pa.,thisweek,and America Rosslyn. ThosepresentwereMinnieFisher, Harrisburg,Pa.,next week. Opal Manly, Stella. Linton, Etta Hayden, Ray Marsh Brydon,I wired you; get in touch with me.jack and Gladys Lelia Pepkin, Pearl Jones, Nettie Pulley, intouchwith J. M.Rafferty. Millie Dobbert, Margaret Welsh, Norma Foster,wire. HarryDavenport,get Burke, Marie Morris, Retna Henry, Blos- som Tifton, Ethel Miller, Nora Cooper, Stella Brake, Mora Bagby, Alfred Barnes, 165 W. Madison St., Chicago ReginaFink,EmilyLucksingerand writer, Tillie Palmateer. SHOWMEN'SHOME FUND FAIRS FAIRS Previousiy Acknowldedge S14,030.00 J. f. PAGE SHOWS WANT ROR WILSON COUNTY FAIR, LEBANON, TENN., AUGUST 15 tc 20, Received This Week 405.00 Legitimate Concessions except Corn Game and Cook House. CAN USE one more Flat Fide. CARL J. SEDLIVIAYR, General Chairman Drive Octopus preferred, and Kiddie Auto Ride. CAN PLACE Grind Shows that don't conflict.Clem- for Funds. 'national entine Coffey wants Girls and Musicians, Piano Player for Girl Show. WANT Acts for Side WRITE FOR PLEDGE CARD. Show. Followed by Fulton, Ky.; Bowling Green, Ky.; Trenton, Tenn.; McMinnville, rein.; A Home for Aged and Infirm Rome, Ga.; Newnan, Ga.; Lanett, Ala. All bona -fide Fairs, no still dates.Four more Fairs to follow in Alabama and Georgia.Address Showmen tuswittell.5 Showmen's Home Trustees J. J. PAGE SHOWS FRED BECKMANN - Chairman HopkinsvIlle, Ky., this week; Lebanon, Tenn., Fair, next week. M. H. BARNES - Treasurer E. W.EVANS - Secretary association J. W. Conklin W.R. Hirsch M. J. Doolan MaxLinderman Palace Theater Building, Max Goodman E. LawrencePhillips Rubin Cruberg Carl Sedlmayr New York. Harry W Hennies Elmer C. Velare NEW YORK. Aug. 6.-The terrific heat BAY CITY TRI-COUNTY FAIR of past week has not caused any of the AUGUST 15 TO 20-6 DAYS, 6 NIGHTS Worthy of Your Co -Operationbrothers to relax in their drive for new members. Infact,themembership Want legitimate Concessions of all kinds,No gambling. $3 a foot. First campaign rolls merrily along.Brother entertainment of its kind in Bay City this year.Everything has been kept W. E. WEST Joe McKee, ofPalisadesAmusement Can use any good cleanFair Ground Shows, Park, continues to be a demon worker. out on account of thefair. MOTORIZED CARNIVAL 25 per cent.Can use Independent Street Decorator.Can use a couple of This week he enrolled Dominick Sardone, good Platform Free Attractions to strengthen the show.Address all mail to Wants Ce.ner,sior, and Shoos, Side -Show Tal- William O'Shea, Charles Thiemann and ent, Merbanieal Farm, capable.Agents ofall M. W. WELLS, VFW Secretary, on Fair Grounds, Bay City, Mich. kinds, H deHelp. Preferlicensed Truck Louis Decker. Drivers. salaries paid every Monday. Holstein, Sam Wagner, chairman of the Coney Ia..this,eek:Alta,Ia..Fairnext week, Island Membership Drive Committee, re- thengoingsouthformorefairs.Come on, ports progress for the rallyto be held don't wire. W. E. Jack, get in touch with me. at the island after the parks and conces- sions close business on the night of Au- gust 11.His entire committee is work- B and V SHOWS WANT ing hard and satisfactory results are an- For MONMOUTH CO. FAIR, Freehold, N. I., August 23-27; FLEMINGTON, N. J., FAIR,August ticipated.FredPhillipsadvisesthat 30 -September5, Seven Days and Nites, including Sunday; MORRIS CO. Fair, Morristown, GIRLS GIRLS GIRLSCharlie Gerard, ofGerard Greater N. I., September 8-10.Will sell Exclusive Bingo. WANT Grind Stores, Merchandise Wheels, WANTED Oriental, Fan and Tease Strip Dancers,Shows, has lined up quite a few members. Shows with own Outfits.Carroll Miller and Jimmie Hellman wire. WANT Flat Rides and Loop - Chorus andPosing Girls with youth andlooks. There applications will be forthcoming o -Plane. We have X on Game Concessions at Freehold and Troy, Pa.Write or wire Phoenicia, Talker. Tirlt Sellers, other useful people. Address N.Y. RALPH DECKER, Ideal Shows, Oswego, N.Y. inthe next week or so.Murray Gold - 64 The Billboard August 13, 1938

r4AMUSEMENT MA(1-1INEf t1.1 r " vogurnottfrz weiatoa, Jabal, Dahibutomani Manufactateta_ Conducted by WALTER W. HURDCommunications to Woods Building, Randolph and Dearborn Streets,Chicago. WISCONSIN Wisconsin is an example of a State that comes to depend bling-or they go on to where such amusements are to be more and more on a growing summer resort business.The found. Now the leaders in resort areas are going to be faced State has been progressive enough to have a special com- more and more with the fact that they will have to provide mission to promote its widespread resort opportunities and petty gambling under legal restraints and approval in resort thus aid many lines of business in the State. areas or the racketeers will get to the tourist trade in some The summer of 1938 has also witnessed what seems to way. Or the people in the resort areas will have to set out be more intensely agitated drives against what may be called upon the impossible task of teaching their summer patrons petty gambling than in previous seasons in not to gamble. resort areas.In every case where it is pos- The Journal reporter found a second significant fact that sible to get at the seeming facts behind should be noted by the coin -operated machine trade as well the local agitation it has a definite political as the resort trade.It is the feeling among the big majority aspect. of owners of taverns and other resort establishments (loca- But the agitation in Wisconsin has some tions) that petty gambling machines, such as amusement lessons that will be of national interest, games and slots, should be owned by local people and given because the resort business and tourist trade some definite legal plan of operating.This is one of the are growing in all States fortunate to have greatest problems facing the coin -operated amusement games something toinvite tourists-and inall industry today and that isto keep the operation of such WALTER W. HURDthese resort centers the tourists or traveling games in the hands of professional operators who are known public are even beginning to demand some sort of petty residents of the city or State. gambling for amusement. But the attitude which The Journal has taken, and the Wisconsin also provides an interesting study in the pros attitude of most reform groups, drives the local professional and cons of providing petty gambling for summer tourists, operator out of business and sets up restrictions under which because The Milwaukee Journal has joined in the present only the racketeer can operate.It should be plaintoall crusade against petty gambling by publishing editorials in its thinking people by this time that the tighter the restrictions Sunday editions against the "vice." The editorials in The and the greater the opposition to gambling the better itis journal bear the mark of sincerity and careful preparation or for the racketeer and the big-time gamblers.Wisconsin has there would be no reason to reply to them. The Journal may within its area some of the best professional operators of be taken as typical of those sincere agencies and groups which amusement games and slots anywhere in the country.They think they have the best interests of their State at heart when are small business men who would abide by any reasonable they say that "gambling is sure to ruin the resort business." set of laws drawn up for their machines, and they would pro- The editorial attitude of The Journal illustrates a serious vide the petty gambling which tourists demand in moderate inconsistency that is common to all drives against petty form.It should be possible for resort States to reserve the gambling. The Journal publishes news of racing; The Journal petty gambling business to professional operators who are also publishes an excellent sports section.There is a glaring residents of the State. inconsistency in the policy of any newspaper that agitates a If anyone doubts the opposition to such things as amuse- drive against such petty gambling of amusement games but ment games does not play into the hands of big-time rackets, publishes racing news. Any person who takes a sober second let him observe Florida.In 1937 the leading lobbies against thought knows that the newspapers conduct the greatest pos- the Florida slot machine license law were the churches, the sible educational feature in gambling thru their news of the bolita gamblers and the racing interests.Note that the races.They also profit immensely by it. churches were lined up with strange bedfellows, all opposed If surveys of popular gambling like that made by The to licensing slot machines.Note the following special report Chicago Tribune two years back reveal the truth, newspapers to July 24, 1938: are also educating the public in gambling by publishing news "Seeking to boycott illegal bolita gambling, business men of baseball, football, etc.For The Tribune survey indicated of the Tampa area are attacking an evil that has become an that the major sports are fast becoming a close second of the economic parasite all over Florida. . . . Bolita and tuba, races for popular gambling.If that be true, then all religious similar numbers games, are in evidence everywhere." schools that have athletic teams are also indirectly encourag- In 1937 the churches helped the bolita and the racing ing gambling. interests repeal the Florida slot machine license law.The Newspapers, reform groups and civic leaders need to face New York Times now reports the result.Drive out petty these facts for what they are worth and arrive at some form gambling in any territory and the way is prepared for big- of consistency in their policies. time stuff. It is to the credit of The Milwaukee Journal that it sent It is plain that a big majority of the American people a reporter out into the Wisconsin resortterritory to get first- want some kind of petty gambling for amusement when on hand information.The first of a series of four articles on vacation.It seems that the resort States ouaht to be able to facts observed by the reporter appeared in The Journal July develop laws that would permit residents ofeir own States, 24, 1938.These reports ought to be read by editors, public experienced in the amusement games business, to operate officials and civic leaders in all States that have resort sections. under some kind of reasonable and legal control.That would Among the significant facts to be found is that summer be better than keeping the resort areas forever open to tourists are beginning to demand some form of petty gam - gangsters and racketeers. )

August 13, 1938 AMUSEMENT MACHINES The Billboard 65 Brickman, "but they likethe funda- mental principle back of this plan -that Games Back in of a distributing organization sharing its profits with the men who are making New Orleans it a success." KEENEY GAMES

Seattle Installs Authorities okeh use of LIKE GOLD BONDS skill machines - publicParking Meters SEATTLE, Aug.6. -After months of says this stands in back of ops discussion Seattle has succumbed to the TripleEntry lure of tidy traffic by means of parking referred tois NEW ORLEANS, Aug. 6. -New Orleansmeters and as a start will install 3,000 New England Operator the new Keeney authorities have given the "go-ahead"parking meters for a six-month trial. 9 -coin, 3 -dial, sign to operators of pinball machines. The city council has authorized the console game. Public sentiment clamoring for the ma-installation of 1,000 machines known as chines is credited with having broughtthe Park-o-Matic, an electrically oper- aboutthe return ofthe amusementated device invented by N. A. Whittaker, devices. ofSeattle,and manufactured by the Electric Automatic Parking MeterCo., The pinballs had been banned forInc., of Seattle. several months as an aftermath to an In addition, 1,000 Park-o-Grafs, man- adverse court case involving a payoffufactured by the National Park -o -Graf machine.According toreports, non -Corp.,ofChicago,willheinstalled. 0 payoff machines are popping up by theAnother 1,000 will be placed in opera- dozens and both operators and location .7. tion by Kar-Park, Inc., of Cincinnati. H. owners are reporting a very good play. 2 Ifeeney Said oneoperator: Its product, Kar-Park, is represented by "I make a fewthe Graybar Electric Co. Chic.agCalumet C00/ompany. dollars a week off my marble machine. Ave. The 3,000 meters, will be but a start, o, It helps to pay my rent and keeps cus- /1/. , tomers in my place, consequently I sellhowever,as morethandoublethat more merchandise." number are slated for use within a short Superintendent of Police George Reyertime.' The action of the three different types of meters will be carefully Judged $90 Triple after a recent examination of severalbycityofficialsinconsidering future in Entry machines on location said: "The ma- /ator four is chines are not in themselves violationsorders. and days. going The companies are required to install slugs the I like very of the law.The machines cannot bethe systems themselves and keep the ma- or long good. made to pay off 'per se' and thereforechines in repair, paying the city a per- service tube. theesca- cannot oe construed as gambling de-centage of the parking fees collected. I ca/ls. Nomore vices, since they cannot be converted Contracts stipulate thatas soon as begivenordered Into payouts." the companies have realized their pur- where 5more. City officials have ordered a hearing chase price from the meters the ma- itbelongs.Credit before the District Court for final ad-chines will become the property of the your There shou/d vicebut in the meantime have givencity. City officials plan to have the sys- games. is the gold nogambling operatorstheokehtocontinuetem in full operation by this fall, bonds The operations unmolested. when and investmentin disposingalways buYiag Track is Calcutt Ups List for Times of a ready like $250 I boughtthen?. sale Sales Good, Says machineseach. Isold Of Registered Ops All over 5 are of a year Badger Novelty FAYETTEVILLE, N.C., Aug.6. -Joe in our ago theJunk other CHICAZIO, Aug. 6. -The Badger Nov-Calcutt, head of the Vending Machine pi/e. eltyCo.,. thru William R. Happel Jr.,Co., reports that the list of registered ops Sincerely has announced thatitsbusiness hashe started compiling some time ago is in- continued thru the summer months increasing rapidly,"Every day we are re- yours, an unexpected manner. ceiving more applications from ops ask- (Nenneand Said Happel."We had a very gooding to be put on our registered list," operator address run on phonographs in the spring of theCalcutt stated. uponrequest)of year, and we have been looking for a "There are many advantages of being slight let-up thru the summer seasonon this list," he went on."For instance, when most of the ops have completedmany times we receive a number of ma- their equipment purchases. chines at an unusual price.We know "However, this let-up has never shownthat our registered accounts are entitled LIKE NEW. LIMITED QUANTITY. up.We are shipping as many phono-to a chance at these machines first. Im- graphs today as we ever did and withmediately they are notified and given the SeebLrg's new '2 for 1' plan businessthe opportunity of claiming these ma- BALLY RESERVES, $39.50 has shown quite an increase in the pastchines prior to their being announced to New Stoner Zeta, $99.50. Ready for immediate delivery. Wire order 1/3 Down, BaI. C. 0. D. two weeks." the trade at large.This one advantage He concluded with the remark, "So,alone, aside from the many others, has REX AMUSEMENT COMPANY as the old saying goes, never cross aresulted in the saving of quite a few 710 South Salina Street. Syracuse,N. Y. bridge until you come to it.We aren'tdollars for some of our registered ac- counts." crossing sny bridges for a good long time really "gunning for business" since the yet -not while the Seeburgs are moving WurlitzerTranscontinental Limited the way they are." stopped here. Homer Capehart's message Hart in Hospital was well received and it was nothing short of inspiring to the several hundred sssSHH Success of Oriole For Leg Operation men oftheindustry who heardit. Don't Tell Anyone Crummett and Mason, as heads of the NEWARK, N. J., Aug. 6. -Frank Hart,Central Distributing Co., placed an order Plan Pleases Execs of Eastern Machine Exchange, enteredfor a large number of new Wurlitzer BALTIMORE, Md., Aug. 6. -Officials ofone of the large hospitals here this weekmodels, and at present the Central staff "ROYAL FAMILY" the Oriole Coin Machine Corp. report thatfor a leg operation.It is expected thatfrom Crummett and Mason down to the their "Oriole Script" plan is meeting withhe will be absent from his office for atoffice boys are all doing their utmost to Bargains are Better unusual success since its announcementleast a month. push sales. Prior to leaving Hart stated that he What's more, they are mak- PAYTABLES. a few weel-:s ago."Ever since we disclosed ing sales -and plenty of them. Stables $59.50 Carom $10.50 this plan we've been swamped with ordershas been having trouble with the leg Preview ... 16.50 Preakneu 34.50 and inquiries for information," reportsfor some time but had pushed off an GoldenWheel 24.50 Hialeah 12.60 operation until the slack summer months. Salesofrecordsarestillbooming, Entry 57.50 Air Races.. 15.50 Eddie Ross, head of the firm."Ops are according to Mina Wilcox, head of the Latonla 21.50 HI Card .... 25.50 co-operating with this plan 100 per cent.He expects to be in first-class shape by Speed King 28.50 F'tball (CI'ck) 91.50 the time the fall rush rolls round. record department at the Jenkins Music Classic 22.50 Fairgrounds..74.50 The items we are featuring in our catalog Co.Automatic phonos are given much Bally Derby 15.50 Multiple .... 14.50 have caught the fancy of the men out on During his confinement the staff of Natural 15.50 Red Sails.. 18.50 Eastern Machine Exchange will carry on.of the credit for the revival. Ak-Sar-Ben 67.50 Credit 8.50 the firing line, and they are eager to get Pinch Hitter. 12.50 Rambler 7.50 the ones they want.We've received sev- Popmatic pop -corn machines are to be Round Up .. 10.50 G'I'dn Harvest7.50 eral requests for other items not includedCharlie Aronson in Bermudafound in almost every large drug store. NOVELTY. in this catalog of ours and we're doing Speed $24.50 Bally Reserve. $68.60 Fireball 11.50 Batter Up .. 14.50 our best to supply them." BROOKLYN, Aug. 6. -Charlie Aronson, "They're keeping me hopping all the Bumper 12.50 Cross Line ... 13.50 Ben B. Barber. promotion manager forof Brooklyn Amusement Co., is vacation-time," reports Carl Hoelzel, guiding hand Scoreboard 12.50 Carnival... 21.50 the firm, and E. W. Brickman, generalingin Hamilton, Bermuda, and postof the United Amusement Co. "Orders Lights Out 8.50 cards: "This COUNTER GAMES. sales manager, both report that the plan is the place to get awayare coming in regularly for United ma- Penny Smoke.' 6.50 Hol-E-Smoke.$ 0.50 has met with an enthusiastic receptionfrom itall.No price cutting and nochines and many products of the Bally Rithmatic 6.50 Reel 21.... 5.80 wherever introduced."Not only has thetrade-ins." lineand we haven't much time Cent -A -Pak 7.50 Derby ( Auto - idea of getting the items in our catalog for Zephyr 10.50 matte Payout) 5.00 anything but work.Conditions are a MISCELLANEOUS. gone over with the operators," declares lotdifferentthan they werea few Jungle Rola Score ..$42-150 months ago." Dodger SAILS° Merchantman Kansas aty Marksman 32.50 Digger .... 27.50 Targette 51.80 Big Play ... 81.50 Sorry! KANSAS CITY, Mo., Aug. 6. -This week With the Chamber of Commerce and Bowlette 47.50 Domlnett 69.50 findsmanufacturers,distributorsandthe daily newspapers here pushing the Get Our Special List of SLOTS. Due to an unintentional error there operators of coin -operated machines in"Sales Mean Jobs" campaign, men in the 1 /3 Deposit, Balance O. 0. D. was pub:ished in The Billboard, July the Kansas City area unanimously de-industry are inclined to believe the idea Foreign Buyers Cable "ROYCOIN." 23 issue, an erroneous statement in claring business to be the best since lastis producing results as far as coin -oper- regard tc the Crown Drug Co.'s chain - winter.Not only are small and largeated machines are concerned. ROYAL COIN MACHINE CO. store system. Item should have stated %enders ofalltypes sellingwell,but that the Crown Drug Co. is using, ex- automaticphonographsandcomplex Automatic cigaret venders are almost 2212 N. Western Ave., Chicago clusively, the Popmatic pop -corn ma- skill games appear to be making a strongas numerous as the Popmatic machines. chine.The Billboard offersitsre- comeback. Co., soon will be on the market.It grets. A. E. Sandhaus' new nickel Selmor,will be radically different from the pres- Tim Crummett and Rue F. Mason arelargest to be made' by the Great Statesent models, Sandhaus promisee. Taititv

661 The Billboard AMUSEMENT MACHINES (MUSIC SECTION) August 13, 1938 was to the effect that one of Seeburg'e greatest feats was the pioneering and Bradshaw Reports development of cabinet. illumination. "He stressed the fact that Seeburg has Phono Boom constantly, thru various factory policies, attempted to help the operators. At this DENVER, Aug. 6.-Rock-Ola officials point Mr. Otis presented for the first aretalkingaboutGibsonBradshaw, time to the Michigan operators the Uni- Rock-Olafactoryrepresentativefor Wyoming, Colorado and New Mexico. One versalIlluminatedCabinet.Mr. Otis official commented: "There is no more turned the meeting back over to Mike enthusiastic person selling phonographs Kratze, who went on to explain the new than Gibson Bradshaw!" Atlas two -in -one plan, where on one He went on to quote a statement of contract and atasmall additional cost Bradshaw's: "Gib smilingly stated, 'Never it was possible not only to get a new in all my selling experience have I en- machine but also an illuminated cabinet joyed selling a product as much as the for an older model. new Rock-Ola Monarch and Windsor 20 - "The meeting was then closed and) record phonographs.There are many a wild rush ensued as everyone tried to reasonsforthiswhichIshallnot Berlin Tunes Get Ops' Call; be the first to see the many features enumerate all at one time.The out- of this new cabinet.After the meeting standing feature that pleases operators refreshments were served and the festive and location owners alikeisthe new occasion wascelebratedfarinto the 99 per cent slug -proof coin chute which "Told," "Stick" Ride Crest night by the 100 operators on hand. keeps all its promises. Once the product "Everyonewaspleasantlysurprised is sold the crucial test for the salesman By DANIEL RICHMAN when Morrie Ginsburg, head of Atlas, is the perfect performance of his product sauntered in near the end of the meet- after its delivery to the customer. After NEW YORK, Aug. 6.-Most necessaryhit is I've Got a Pocketful of Dreams. Ining.He is regarded as one of the most Isella new Monarch or Windsor, onsongs to have in the machines right nowseventh place on theairlist,itjustprogressive coinmen in the business. He my return toa customeritis withareIrvingBerlintunes. Successofmissed out being included in the list ofhas done much towardsformulating great pride that I find the phonographthenation-widebroadcastintributebestsellersthisweek,butcertainlyplans which have helped other coinmen exceeding all expectations in earnings. to the songwriter last week, and theshould be up there in another sevenconsiderably. In this way he has earned "'Inspiteofanationalbusinessgeneral release of Alexander's Ragtimedays.By the writers of On the Senti-the excellent reputation and business apathy, my sales are far ahead of allRand, scheduled for this week, is certainmental Side, it stands to repeat that suc-now enjoyed by him and by the Atlas previous years due to the superior fea-to create a demand for many of his pastcess. Don't Let That Moon Get Away,Novelty Co.At the Detroit meeting tures of the Rock-Ola lineof phono-hits as well as the two new numbersfrom the same movie, also looks prom-Ginsburg was gratifiedby the many graphs, such as the tone quality, thehe wrote for the picture, Now It Can Beising. compliments directed at the Seeburg or- coin chute, the simple mechanism andTold and My Walking Stick. Told al- On their way down in popularity areganization. He stated that with a turn- popular cabinet design.'" ready is a big number on the radio andOh, Ma, Ma; You Leave Me Breathlessout such as that the music business Bradshaw's organization, the Denverits sheet sale is beginning to start, andand Lovelight in the Starlight, and op-couldnot help but be a continued Distributing Co., maintains a stock ofStick won't be far behind it. Operatorserators need hold on to these onlyifsuccess. all Rock-Ola models at all times.Said ashouldalso haveavailableoldBerlinthe demand in their particular locality "Incidentally, he is now in the FA Ft friend of his: "Mr. Bradshaw is not atunes likeAlexander's Ragtime Band,warrants it.Otherwise there are enoughon a combined business and pleasure Westerner; originally he came from Ala-AllAlone, Remember, Everybody Step,up-and-coming numbers tofilltheirtrip.He reports that he has found con- bama. Evidently he felt the call of theA Pretty Girl Is Like a Melody and Heatspots more profitably. ditions very good.Eddie Ginsburg is West and,as Greeley said,'Go west,Wave.The tremendous publicity cam- running the Atlas office in Chicago and young man. . . "Gib' went west.paign for the film, the Coast -to -Coast states that summer business is holding While in Alabama, up until 1936, Brad-Berlin plug of last week and the movieAtlas Music Tells and up exceptionally well. shaw wasoperating distributingitself can't fail to get the nickels into "AlStern,Atlasrepresentative, 18 coin machines.His long experience inthe slots for a revival of old Berliniana.2 -ford Plan traveling thru Illinois and Indiana and the coin machine business fitted him Next in importanceisA-Tisket A- hasbeensendingInveryfavorable admirably for the Rock-Ola distributor-Tasket, which has even more to it in the DETROIT, Aug. 6.-The following ac-reports." shipinColorado, Wyoming and Newway of popular appeal than Flat Footcount has been received from one of Mexico.In the space of two years heFtoogee.It's advisable to have the Chickthose present at the affair hereinafter has made himself known to every oper-Webb -Ella Fitzgerald recording of thisdescribed.It follows: ator in the territory and is liked andunder the needles since the public knows "On July 29 at the Hotel Statler theArtists Seek respected forhis unassuming mannerthat in addition to writing it, the sepiaAtlas Automatic Music Co., Michigan and square dealing." singer is responsible greatly for its suc-distributor cess. held a business meeting for MichiganPhono Revenue Novelties seem to be the order of theand Northern Ohio music merchants. NEW YORK, Aug. 6.-Battle lines are Record -Buying Guide day, and that being the case, get hold ofThe meeting was called to order by J.drawing tighter in the conflict between Stop Beating 'Round the Mulberry Bush,Mike Kratze, manager of Atlas Music,the phono recordmanufacturers and Going Strong-Keep 'Em Around Bambina and Figaro.Mulberry Bush,who expressed his thanks to the manyassociations representing performing art- Music, Maestro, Please like Tisket,is based on the old jingleoperators who came hundreds of miles toists in which the associations are at- I Leta songGo Out of My Heart that they sang back in their childhood,show their faith in the music business.tempting to set up an organization to SaysMyHeart. but the words and rhythm are stream-He then introduced Spencer Otis, spe-collect a "royalty" on all discs usedin A Tisket, a Taskst lined and swingy.This looks good tocial representative of the J. P. Seeburgcoin -operated phonographs. When Mother Nature Sings Her Lul- achieve hit proportions. Bambina is corn-factory, who gave a short explanation of This would mean a classification sys- laby ing up fast and Figaro appears to havethe Seeburg influence in relation to thetem for members whereby they would PlIadn't Anyone Till you a good chance. A number called Tu-Lidevelopment of the coin -operated musiccontinue to derive monetary gain even Tulip Time is being asked for over thebusiness. aftertheircreativedaysareover. On Way Up-Better Stock Them counter, altho it hasn't appeared on the "Hitting every thought rightontheWalter N. Socolow, counsel for the Na- listyet. It's wacky titleishead, .t was his belief that if it were nottionalAssociation ofPerforming Art- Now It Can Be Told air plug ists(NAPA), estimates that the take My Walking Stick in line with what appeals today, how-for music there would be no civilization.would be about $5,000,000 a year, most I'm Gonna Lock My Heart ever, so it may have possibilities. He went on to say that Seeburg was notof which would come from coin -oper- You Go to My Head A sophisticated ballad which is sur-confining its activities to music aloneated phonos licensed at the rate of $1 I've Got a Pocketful of Dreams prising even its publishers is You Go tobut that the engineering departmentper month. satvingMyself for You My Head. This song, not to be confusedwas constantly perfecting ideas In other Letters have been sent out by the with one called You Went to My Head,types of coin -operated equipment.Itprincipal disc manufacturers in which On Way Down-Not Worth Pushing however, despite its sophistication, seemswas his intimation that some of thesethey state that they have been advised Oh, Ma, Ma to have what it takes for popularity (adevelopments would be released to thethat no association, neither NAPA nor You Leave Me Breathless few music dealers reported a slight de-trade in the very near future. ASRA (American Society of Recording This Time It's Real mand for it this week), so you'd better "A cheery note was struck when heArtists), has the legal right to make get it. stated that Seeburg'sbusinessisat Lovelight in the Starlight One Bing Crosby song from his newpresent higher than it was last year at Girl in the Bonnet of Blue Sing, You Sinners, that isa potentialthe same time.His greatest punch line gteet-Music fea?eits (For Week Ending August 6) Salesofmusicbythe Maurice Richmond Music Corp., Inc., are not Included, due to the exclusive selling agreement with a number of pub- lishers. Acknowledgment is made to Mayer Music Corp., Music Sales Corp. and Ashley Music Supply Co., of New York; Lyon & Healy;CarlFischer, Inc.; Gamble Hinged Music Co. and Western Book and Stationery Co., of Chicago. Position Last Wk. 'i'his Wk. 1 1.Music, Maestro, Please 4 2. I Let a Song Go Out of My Heart 2 3.SaysMy Heart 3 4.Cathedral inthe Pines 5.When Mother Nature Sings Her Lullaby 5 6.Little Lady Make Believe 8 7. A Tisket,.a Tasket 11 8.WhenTheyPlayed the Polka 15 9.I'm Gonna Lock My Heart

9 10. I Hadn't AnyoneTill You 13 11. I Married an Angel 6 12.Lovelight in the Starlight 13.NowIt CanBe Told 12 14.Flat Foot Floogee OPERATORS gathered in the Roof Garden Ballroom ofthe 15.There's Honeyon the Moon KENTUCKY AND INDIANA MUSIC Tonight BrownHotel, Louisville, July 23 to greet theWurlitxer Transcontinental Limited. August 13, 1938 AMUSEMENT MACHINES (MUSIC SECTION)' The Billboard 67 such demands on operators of coin -op-North. Latter ditty fares little be -ter on erated phonos. Dacca from songwriter TERRY SHAND, It is the opinion of Socolow that thewho also lends his singing to the pop USED PHONOGRAPHS READY FOR LOCATION matter will MILLS DANCE MASTERS $29.50SEEBURG C SYMPHONOLAS $59.50 be thrashed outin Newside, Let's Break the Good News. MILLS DELUXE 49.50 ROCK-OLA, 1936, 12 -Record 49.50 Iork in the fall when a case involving SEEBURG SELECTOPHONES .....29.60WURLITZER, 412$ "9 50 Paul Whiteman comes up in the Federal Hula Harmonies SEEBURGSELECTOPHONES, Deluxe.84.50 MILLS CIGARETTE VENDER 75.00 Court. 1-1ECCA is almost alone in its a:tempt SEEBURG A SYMPHONOLAS 49.50 SaidSocolow,"Under If to keep interestin the Hawaiian SOUTHERN AUTOMATIC MUSIC COMPANY thepresentmelodies sustained. 542 S. Second Street, 312 West Seventh Street, unstable situation operators are up in the This time they offer LOUISVILLE, KY. CINCINNATI, OHIO. air.If the NAPA were successful andan album of five labels, ncne of which all ops licensed the industry would bemeet the mass appeal of Eing C.aisby's stabilized.It would probably be ad-Sweet Leilani, whichissadly missinghameha, sticking strictly to fox trotology, in this shipment.Tho itisdoubtfuland RAY KINNEY betters Bing in mak- visable to get up a standard contractthat a demand exists, Decca still keeps form between record companies and per- ingrealdirgesofAcrossthe Sect, EXPERIENCED MUSIC MEN formers-similartothatexistingbe-'em supplied.And we suspect that it'sHoomanea,King'sSerenade and Old tween songwriters and publishers, Ac-theartist and not theofferingthatPlantation. tors' Equity and managers, etc." bears the selling burden,ifthey sell got ON Socolcw remarked, "Many band lead-at all.BING CROSBY, with DSc c Mc- Louie's Got Religion ers were foolish enough to sign awayIntire's strummers for atmosphere gives LOUIE ARMSTRONG, sans his satchmo their property rights.However, theregushy for Song of the Islands and Alohatootling,takesus backtojazzdom's PER MO POINT isatheoryoflawthatsaystheOe; HARRY OWENS, who had no littlecradle step-the bless -you -sister hosan- band leader may be protectedinhispart in starting it all, adds little colornas of tent revivalists.With Lyn Mur- property rights even if he thinks he isto therichmelodiesofGus Kahn'si ay's mixed choir for atmosphere, Louie More Than 2000 signing them away." waltzer, My Isle of Golden Dream.:, andoffers undiluted swing for sinners on Perfect Plays! his own Hawaiian Paradise: TED FIO-DeccainRobertMcGimsey'sBible Followingisthe other sideof the Only PERMO POINT vsstandard story as related in a bulletin sent outRITO overdresses My Little Grass Shackstories, Shadrack and Jonah and the equipment on ALL new phones. Is by three leading disc manufacturers. A4n Kealakekua, Hawaii and King Kame-Whale. Both sidesare superb.The recommended and sold by all record distributing compa- similar bulletin was released by RCA nies . . . Assures high fidel- Mfg. Co. some time ago.The bulletin ityreproduction-longer rec- follows: ordIlfe-truetone-undis. toned volume output, "To operators of coin phonographs and purchasersof phonograph recordsfor It's AU in the Patented use on coin phonographs: We are inelos- The WeeL's Best Records Elliptical Point! Mg herewith a free and non-exclusive license to use any of the phonograph Selected by The Billboard From the Latest Recordings records manufactured and distributed by theundersigned oncoin -operated Released PERMO PRODUCTS CORP. phonographs in the United States sub- ject to the conditions and limitations Metallurgists-Manufdceurers therein stated. That phonograph operators raay be more selective in buying records The 6415 RAVENSWOOD AVE. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS "We have recently learned from various Billboard presents this specialf( :amp. Each week's popular dance and race records are heard, but onto thosewith greatestplay potentialities are listed. sources that persons who claim to repre- qualities we find in Armstrong's raspy sentrecordingartistshave been ap- singingare nowentirelylackingin proachingcoinphonographoperators MAXINE SULLIVAN. HerSt.Louis andlocation ownersanddemanding SWEET MUSIC bluesandutterlylacking - in - taste from them so-called'license'or other BENNY GOODMANI've Got aDate Witha Dream and Could You Pass In Love? L'Amour,Tojours, L'Amour on Vector 'fees'for'permission'tousephono- (the swingo is subdued for these sides from Sonja Henie's does nothing more than emphasize the graph records manufactured anddis- Victor 26000 tributed by the undersigned companies forthcorr ing My Lucky Starscreenshow, Goodman giving fact that her pipes are of poor structure. on coin machines or threatening them 'em a rhythmic punch). And now that Claude Thornhill has oaken withlawsuits the Harlem out of her singing, it's poor unless they took such RED NORVO Put YourHeart in a Songand The Sunny Side of Things (Norvo listening.Which explains the constant 'licenses'andpaidsuch'fees.' Our appeal of swing diva BILLIE HOLIDAY, informationisthat representatives Brunswick 8182 followshe rhythmic pattern and Is Bailey's singing makes of 'cm alullaby. Save these sides untilthey start plugging her Vocalion coupling on thedistaff two organizations, one known as Na- Bobby B:een'sBreaking the Iceflicker). side with Says My Heart and Havin' My- tional Association of Performing Artists self a Time. (NAPA), and the other known as Ameri- FATS WALLER is in the right mood can Society Recording Artists(ASRA), RUSS MORGAN There's a Brand -New PictureandSo Help Me(Morgan lends for his Victor doubling of We, the People have been especially active in this re- Decca1922 hssmoothstyle to these two popular pops. Incidentally, and On the Bumpy Road to Love. And spect. you get the Morgan manner on the Decca label now). after lending a very tired ear to the "It is the opinion of our counsel that surta sad electric organology of SAMMY such demands or threats are made with- WILLIAMS on Vocalion for Hi -Yo, Silver! out any legalright, and that anyone HENRY BUSSE Will You Remember Tonight Tomorrow?(the Busse shuffle and Flat Foot Floogee, the instrument who purchases phonograph records Decca 1923 fins arelegion and Henryisloyalto 'em. Mated side, My Best Wishes,isundiluted fox-trotology and hasless finding a permanent place for itseLf on manufactured and distributed by any disks, it makes us wonder why Eli Ober - of the undersigned companies is under appealkrthe listening). stein has kept Fats from the console. It's no obligation whatsoever to procure any no secret he's as potent at the pump - 'permission'or'license'orpayany WILL OSBORNE Little Drumrier Boy and I'm Still Loving You(there's a deepen - board as at the keyboard. fee to any such representatives or or- irg wave of enthusiasm for thiscombo and these slow sides ganizations for the right to use any of De= 1926 get a mghty sweet treatment). Trumpet Delights the recorcs manufactured or distributed DLUEBIRDhas an extra added on its by the undersigned. LP Race list in reprinting for the serious "We desire to co-operate with you in BLUE BARRON Bambina(Barron givesthisdittya swing choir coloringfor rwing students a KING OLIVER&cable. order that you may not be subjected Bluebird 7709 the voca and his instrumental style is ever pleasing.Plat- Tho since displacedin pop favor by to any such demands or threats, and we termate, Garden of the Moon, isa gushy ballad from the Louie Armstrong, his Call of the Freaks wouldthereforeappreciateitbefore fcrthcom ng flicker of the same name.. Both sides in the and The Trumpet's Prayer always was taking any action or obtaining any such slow tempo). andstillistherealthing. HARRY 'license'cr paying any such 'fees'to JAMES withpianistJessStacey and any of the above referred representatives SAMMY KAYE I've Got aPocketful ofDreams and Don't Let That Moon Get most of the band highlights or organizations if any such demands Vocalion 4226 Away (all the bands are cutting these star songs from Bing his trumpet tootling on Brunswick for or threats reach you that you imme- Crosby's iewest and this versionis for the Kaye followers. Wrap Your Troubles in DreamsandLit- diately communicate with us. Pocketful side shows most promise forhit parade standing). tle White Lies. The sock arrangements "Very truly yours, are plenty soggy, but James is in fine "Brunswick Record Corp. form, tho his take -offs suffer in com- "Cokimbia Phonograph Co., Inc. SWING MUSIC parison with Armstrong, whose style he "American Record Corp." apes so religiously.And for the loyal FATS WALLER IfI Were Youand The Wide Open Spaces (nowthat Fatsis sugar blues fans, they must be legion, Victor 26002 inEurope, his releases will becomerarer.Thesetwo are CLYDE McCOY cuts his wah-wahs on Rathsbnrg Opens Pioneer in the wilier groove that gets 'em). Decca with Blue Prelude and Blue fan- DETROIT, Aug. 6.-New service and tasy. supply organization cateringsolely to BUNNY BERIGAN Russian Lullaby (this Irving Berlin classic gets a swingo dressing DUKE ELLINGTON has a thankless the music machine operator was opened Victor 26001 by this ace trumpet tootles and his band.Plattermate has task in such trashy tunes as La De Doody this week by John M. Rathsburg under Guy Lombardoplaying the same song in its original waltz Doo and The Stevedore's Serenade on the name of Pioneer Music Co. pattern). Erunawick.Latter side hasn't enough Rathsburg has been a familiar figure musical content to woo a garbage scow. The Doody Doo misfortune is Just as to operators in the Detroit territory for JIMMIE Down By the Old Mill Stream (no killerdiffer for this lodge some time, having been with several hagclassi:, but Lunceford'slif to is plenty keen. dull on Vocalion, despite the brave but other companies. LUNCEFORD Younger disparaging efforts of LEITH STEVENS. Decca1927 element will also go for theSweet Sue partner). And in spite of the fact the band is rtandard for the Saturday Night Swing OFF THE RECORD Session, they need more than 10 lessons (Coatinued from page 13) VOCAL in learning how to play the bluesif From Booloo, Beside a Moonlit Stream their Royal Garden Blues is theirsam- is pleasing in every way, whether you MILDRED BAILEY Born To Swingand Small Fry (Miss Bailey tells in song what everybody knows-that she was born to swing.Small Fry pling. get it on Brunswick by HORACE HEIDT, Vocalion 4224 Ellington'sstar pupils, JOHNNY coupled with Figari,a song ofVieni, is he Lary Bones type of song, and her tonsils areright hODGES at the head of the class for ienigenre;onVocalionwith song tor -idhere,too. DittyisfromBingCrosby's newest Vocalion's You Walked Out of the Pic- painter BUDDY CLARK adding a tango pic-ure). ture and Empty Ballroom Blues demands tease in his wistful piping of Let Me attention alone for Hodges' superb alto Whisper; or if you delight in plectrum sax phraseology. WILL HUDSON is an- pressings, ROY SMECK strumming soft- INSTRUMENTAL AND NOVELTY other to follow suit and bring his honor ly,completing thecouplet on Decca with Now It Can Be Told from the SLIM AND SLAM Tuttl-Frutti and Look -a -There(the flat foot floogie boys scat class to the fore.Debut of his Seven Vocalion 4225 hariemese with yourfavoriteicecream flavor and Fats Swingsters on Brunswick for Hangcver Irving Berlin flicker. Wader's icentifying battle cry). in Hong Kong takes its place in the Ray- ART KASSEL, leaning on Lombardo's mond Scott school of futuristic swing- sweet side, weaves a melodic motif for ology. Thismusicaltoss -togetheris Silver on the Sage on Bluebird and its FREDDIE FISHER Red Wing 10 iiinthetall corn country, thisisa hoe down brazen in blazing the Scott trail.But pop plattermate, I'll Still Be Loving You. Decca 1929 killer that' I have 'em calling numberswith the first5 cents. in the attempt of its plattermate toget The Sage song from The Texans gets the Mated with When They Played the Polkaisstrictlyfor gentle, Lady of the Night isn't any sad- stock standard treatment on Vocalion the tall corn country whileRedWing mighteven give them derin making listenable musicthan from DICK JURGENS, as does 1 Wish thar city folks a kick). those ladies in making the most ofa I Was the Willow from Spawn of the rainy night. August 13, 1938 68 The Billboard AMUSEMENT MACHINES (MUSIC SECTION) MusicOperators' Association.These were introduced later to the audience as THE LONG LIFE well as a number of other people well known in music circles in San Francisco NEEDLE MUSIC OPERATORS! and neighboring cities.Charles Fey, in- THAT PRO- ventor of the bell machine, was in the DUCES CLEAR SAVE MONEY! audience and was also given special rec- YOUR OLD PHONOGRAPH NEEDLES ARE WORTH MONEY-DON'T THROW THEMAWAY! ognition. TONE FOR Operators have certainly neededasuccessful way of repainting their used phonograph Results of the drawing for prizes were MORE THAN needles. We have developed and perfected the method for doing just this-ANDNOW you announced as follows: Mike Staler,of may reduce needle costs and MAKE MORE MONEY THROUGH YOURSAVINGS! Pallejo, Calif., won the Wurlitzer phono- 2,000 Up to 2,000 additional plays may be had out of each and every needle you havehitherto graph offered to some lucky operator. PLAYS thrown away! Think of what you can save in the course of a year! Mrs. R. A. Howe, of Honolulu, won the We want you to "be from Missouri."Let us convince you that repainted needles will Wurlitzer piano award. save you a lot of money-money you and your route man have been throwing awaywith each Homer E Capehart, vice-president of and every needle change. the Wurlitzer organization, explained in You risk nothing-you have everything to gain.Mail us 12 old needles-and send detail the Wurlitzer program.Gaining MAESTRO along a dollar bill or, if you prefer, we will ship your needles back C. 0. D. forcefulness and conviction as he talked Be sore to give your address and in just a few days you'll get your needles, repainted and with music merchants in various centers \ POINT ready for up to 2,000 more plays each. THINK WHAT THIS MEANS!For only 8 1/3 cents en the tour and seeing more and more each you save from 36c to 45c per needle depending upon the quantity price you pay for new of their general problems, he emphati- needles.Foronly one dollar you get what would cost you $4.32 up to $5.40! cally announced a new policy of public MADE BY After trying the first dozen needles we are sure you will never again throw away your relations which may well transform the old ones, but will always have us repaint them for you at $1.00 per dozen, or 8 cents apiece future of the automatic music industry in lots of 100 or more. if applied by members of the trade in THE ELDEEN CO. SAVE THE MONEY YOU'VE BEEN THROWING AWAY! SEND YOUR OLD NEEDLES Ave. TODAY! A TRIAL ORDER WILL CONVINCE YOU! their work in all parts of the country. 161 W.Wisconsin Capehart said: MILWAUKEE, WIS. McCORMICK MACHINE COMPANY "POOR PEOPLE PUT MONEY INTO GREENVILLE, N. C. S! OUR PHONOGRAPHS. POOR PEOPLEpiano and the Wurlitzer phono were HAVE A RIGHT TO THE ECONOMICALawarded. The lucky winner of the phono ENTERTAINMENT WHICH YOU OFFERand 150 records was L. A. Beyer.The THEM. POOR PEOPLE HAVE A RIGHT Catherine TO ENJOY GOOD MUSIC WITH THEIRspinnettepianowentto BEER OR THEIR SANDWICHES.IFChance.Next on the program was a West Coast Area Enjoys WE EMPHASIZE THIS GREAT TRUTHfloor show of 20 numbers.It was said IT MAY HELP DEFEAT UNFAIR TAXA-that it was one of the best on the tour. TION AND LEGISLAIION." "Bunkey" Wilson, of CBS, acted as em - The floor show, arranged thru thesee.The show consistedof the Five Three Wurlitzer Parties Music Corp. of America, included RahnMerry Maids, dance number; Saracino, Viviancomedy -pantomimemagician; Janice Ormand,comedian - magician; Blondie Luse, tap dancer -comedian; Piertel andReece,Russianfolkdance; Greene, Cuban versatilists;Ray Long,Mae, toe and tap; Jerrie Clorine, strut- West Coast gives big welcome to Wurlitzer-organizedeccentric dancer, and Mickey King, har-ter;BillieDeMayo,high -kickwaltz; monica player.Music was furnished by"Bunkey" Wilson, impersonations; Boice music men hear of new program-Capehart announcesBob Beal and his Seven Countsofand Ladd, couple comedy sketch; Adele Walker from Paramount, prima donna; epochal idea for public relations Rhythm. Val and Billie. sister act; Vivian Mae, Russian rhythm number; Lee Keener, SEATTLE. Aug. 6.-The final party of the historic Wurlitzer Transcontinental Los Angeles poet of the banjo; Val DeMayo, acro- Tour was held at the Olympian Hotel, Seattle. this evening.Here the final climax LOS ANGELES. Aug. 6.-The Wur-batic;Peggy Rogers,tap;Three Mac of the tour, which brought the Wurlitzer party into 21 centers, wasblended intolitzer Transcontinental Limited, for theGirls,old-fashioned coquettes;Harvey a gay program of music and fun. Two otherbanquets on the Pacific Coast during19th stand of the tour which has car-Sisters, dance in modern mode; Charlie the week included one at the Ambassador Hotel, Los Angeles, and asecond at theried the party thousands of miles, cametfie Hollywood Horse, comedy act; Doug- St. Francis Hotel, San Francisco.With a well -organized operating trade in theinto thiscity Sunday and found alllassWright, Lola Montague andCo.. Pacific Coast region, big crowds of music merchants came to eachmeeting to heararrangements taken care of by W. E.Wild West Revue and dancing for all, of the new Wurlitzer program. The tour Simmons, local rep of Wurlitzer. with Dick Armstrong and hotel orchestra. had gathered momentum as it proceeded Robert B. Bolles, Wurlitzer ad man- across the continent, and the Pacificguests at the Reynolds party. ager, said won- Coast meetings were marked by an im- Out -of -State visitors to the banquetderful from every point of view, adding: pressiveness in keeping with the bignessincluded 0. F. Kramer, Wurlitzer dis-"Large crowds greeted us at every stop,Southern Automatic of the West Coast music field.The hightrictmanagerfromOklahomaCity.and while the trip was not a direct sell- point of the Wurlitzer message was per-Operators from various sections of Okla-ing venture,itisanticipated thatitHolds 3 Meetings haps reached when Homer E. Capeharthoma also attended the banquet, in-will be the cause of the greatest pros- LOUISVILLE, Aug. 6.-Old and new issuedhischallengingappealto thecluding Mr. Rice, of the Rice Music Co..perity ever known by Wurlitzer and opsoperators gathered at the three meetings phonograph trade to herald the valueWurlitzer distributor for Oklahoma City.handling their machines." sponsored by Southern Automatic Music of the automatic phonograph in bring- out-of-townguests The affair was held at the Hotel Am- They Inintroducing Co. in Cincinnati July 30, Indianapolis ing good music to poor people. from the banquet floor Mr, Reynoldsbassador and everyone acclaimeditasAugust 3 and Louisville August 5.Joe have a right to hear it, he said. presented Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Barbee,most enjoyable. From 7 o'clock until 8Weinberger was in charge of the Cin- About 300 music men and their friendsof Shreveport, La.Mr. Reynolds alsowas cocktail hour. cinnatimeetingandintroducedhis greeted the Wurlitzer Transcontinentalread a letter of greeting from Marvin There were operators and guests frombusiness associates. Leo and Sam Wein- Tour at the Olympic Hotel here.FredMcLarty, of Lubbock, Tex., expressing re-NewMexico,ArizonaandSouthernberger (his brothers), Sid Stiebel and Field, Wurlitzer district representative,gret at not being able to attend theCalifornia, a count of which showed 623Bernie Redford.He then introduced worked in co-operation with the Wurlit-party on account of illness.Mr. Mc-present in the Fiesta Room of the hotel.Reed Crawford. Seeburg territorial rep- zer party to arrange the grand finale forLarty is said to be the oldest WurlitzerCommunity singing, led by Art Leard, ofresentative, who gave an interesting talk the tour.The meeting took on the at-operator in Texas. Buffalo, was a much -applauded preludeon what goes on inside a modern coin mosphere of a grand celebration honor- An interesting incident of the banquetto the business meeting. machine plant.Joe Weinberger then ing the Wurlitzer executives. was the enthusiasm with which guests W. E. Simmons introduced to thosehad a heart-to-heart talk with the op- At the speakers' table, besides Wur-danced to music by the Wurlitzer phono-presentJ. W. Brier, president of theerators and pledged full co-operation in litzerofficials, were Ed Perry, of Spo-graphs after a whole evening of dancingSouthernCaliforniaMusicOperators'solving their problems. kane; W. H. Smith, 0. F. Folsom, G. the lovely dance tunes of Carl Lam-Union, and paid tribute to theiror- Leo Weinberger took charge of the Johnson, alloperators of long experi-bert'sOrchestra, which playedearlierganization.He then introduced HomerIndianapolis meeting, and after his as- ence in the music field.Also LieutenantIn the evening.The terpsing continuedCapehart, who delivered the much-dis-sociates were introduced to the Indiana Governor Vic Meyers of Washington wastill 3 in the morning. cussed Wurlitzer seven -point program. operators Reed Crawford and Pete Otis, presenttobringofficialgreetingsto A charming touch of feminine appeal After Capehart's speech the spinnetteof the Seeburg corporation, gave brief the music men of Washington, Montana,was added to the Wurlitzer banquet addresses.Sid Stiebel and Leo Wein- Idaho, Oregon and Canada who wereroom in the exquisite floral designs that berger urged the "music dealers"(op- present at the meeting. greeted each banquet table.They were erators) to co-operate with one another The prize drawings brought good luckthe handiwork of Mrs. Earl Reynolds. Look for and work toward changing terms so they to Mrs. J. C. Bean, of Everett, Wash.,After the banquet wives and girl friends will get the long end of intake of phono- who wan the piano prize, and Richardwore the flowers as gifts of Mr. and Mrs. These Features: graphs to which they are entitled. Gensler, of Bellingham, Wash., who wonReynolds. The Louisville meeting was alsoin the phonograph award.Robert Bolles charge of Leo Weinberger and proceeded was spokesman of the operators in pre- San Francisco When Business Is along the same lines as the Indianapolis senting a beautiful silver service set to SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 6.-About 400 meeting held a few days previous. Homer Capehart. a Pleasure Operators attending all three meetings music merchants, their wives and sweet- were veryenthusiasticover the new The floor show corsisted of 11 actshearts greeted the Wurlitzer Transconti- two -for -one deal which Southern Auto- and was one of the high -quality showsnental Tour party at theSt.Francis By GEORGE B. ANDERSON matic Music Co. has worked out for of the entire tour.Music was underHotelhere Wednesday evening.The the direction of Frank Allen, and Artdisplay of new models was in the Italian them. Aftereachmeetingavery Leard was emsee. Room, and cocktails werealso served palatable lunch was served with refresh- there during the afternoon.The ban- Phonograph ments. quet and main program took place in Sidelights of Dallas Party the immense Colonial Room. The guests Records --the New Cleveland Paper Has DALLAS, Aug. 6.-On Friday eveningpresent represented the music business precedingthebigWurlitzerbanquetin Northern California territory. Its Little Joke, Ha, Ha here Mr. and Mrs. Earl E. Reynolds were The opening hour wasfilledwith Talent Medium CLEVELAND, Aug. 6.-Under a column hosts to the factory officials of Wurlitzermusic and community singing, led by heading, "Says the Night Watchman," at a party and banquet in the MuralArt Leard, of Buffalo.Music was fur- By IRVING MILLS appeared the following: Room of the Baker Hotel.Several musicnishedby BobBealand hisSeven "Well, our Court of Appeals says that operatorsandtheirwiveswerealsoCounts of Rhythm of local music circles. in the pinball machines are really just intended Lois Clark was vocal soloist. to amuse, instruct and fill the idle hour. When the formal program began there Theyain'tgamblingdevicesatall. were seated at the speakers' table Homer Fall Special of Citizens can play 'em to their hearts' MUSIC OPERATORS! F.King,Robert content provided,ofcourse,the ma- Save money! We repoint old phono- E.Capehart,Harry chines are properly plastered with city graph needles for 51.00 per dozen! Up Bolles,of the WurlitzerCo.;William The Billboard to 2.000 extra plays per needle! Send a Corcoran,Wurlitzerrepresentativein licensefeereceipts.That'sarelief." dczen old needles with $1.00! Results San Francisco area;Bill Simmons, of "A relief?" queried the fireman. will amaze you! LosAngeles;GeorgeA.Miller,Delos Dated August 27 "Sure is," said the night watchman, Operator's Service Supply Co. Osborne, Stanley Turner and Anthon J. "now the city doesn't have to worry 2045 Carroll Ave. Chitago Campagno, president of the California about paying back any license money." August 13, 1938 AMUSEMENT MACHINES (MERCHANDISE SECTION) The Billboard

IA V\Irt,\,111,,,... \It\N \ 'new gi49tatt? \,\ \ #iidextularthiNKER:air .0..... PROVIDENCE, Aug. 6.-Triangle Vend - aorwAnc ROUTS PAYS /SE REAL CASH ./4 ing Co. here landed a nifty installation DIVIDENDS.f ACTUALLY HAVE RID ,,/ with the planting of two Seeburg Regals ,NOT LOCATIONS 11/410iNG NE TO 1 in the ships of the Colonial Steamship INSTALLA POPMA 11 Co., the Arrow and the Comet.The umn. YOUSHOULD boats ply between Boston and Province - ,PUT POPPIATICs W YOUR ,TERRIFORY. town, on the tip of Cape Cod, as ex- GEORGE, WHILE THE BEST LOCATIONS 11 cursion steamers. Machines were bought 'ARE STILL AVAkAOLE. H' I from the Atlas Coin Machine Co., Boston. by David S. Bond, of the Trimount Coin BOSTON.-J. V. Fitzpatrick Co., Bos- Demand Grows for Machine Co., following his nation-wideton branch, has taken on the New Eng- trip. land distributorship of the Miracle Point GEORGE DOUBTFUL: ru; Drushell Vender Charles Dunlap,of Stockton,Calif.,phonographneedle,manufactured by I'M FINALL14CONVINCED. f HAVE during the San Francisco open housethe M.A.Gerett Corp., Milwaukee, on a CHICAGO, Aug. 6.-The J. D. Drushellat the Hotel Oakland tendered to Mr. HEARD THAT MANY OTHER POPreAlIC Co., th:^u its president and owner, has tentative basis pending success ofits 4., Bond, launched the idea for an associa-take with the trade. OPERATORS HAVE HAD THE SAME , announced the release of a new vender,tion of Snacks operators for California, If indications point Automatic Stores.The vender contains to a lucrative set-up the deal will be RESULTS AS YOU.I'M GOING TO consistingoftwo branches-Northernclosed. four separate compartments and holdsand Southern California. PLACE MY ORDER TODAY. 30 pounds of merchandise.Mr. Drushell pointed out that this was a very desir- The suggestion caught on immediately Joseph Zelesky, Worcester (Mass.) op- able feature in that itrequired littleand then and there Mr. Dunlap waserator, in the Hub looking over some new elected the association's first president,Rock-Ola Monarchs. servicing. with instructions to draw up a set of by- hi, Tins, Cus Be a Saccessful POPMATIC Operator! Said Drushell in commenting on thelaws. new machine: "It is of rugged construc- Ethel Rosenthal, secretary of the Hub DON'T DELAY ANOTHER MINUTE! tion and Is finished in three colors of The purpose of the association wouldAutomatic Sales, has given her body a baked enamel.It's the type of equip-be combined social and business, withcoat of Old Sol and looks like a gal from PHONE-.WIRE- WRITE ment that successful businesses require.the primary factor of exchanging perti-the isle of Bali. for complete details and *MS Many locations such as theaters, hotels,nent information anent the successful GeorgeJ. Many lens. Iron, pro.. rive POPMATIC operre or. In ow cocktail lounges and clubs would notoperation of Snacks. Young, Rock -Odadistrict Alm .,,d evaileble For your Imp. consider the average type of vender, but "Further," says Mr. Bond, "it proposesmanager for New England, cutting up they are very favorable towards Auto-to co-operate closely with other vendingthe Yankee roads with his beach wagon, matic Scores.Operators say that thesemachine groups and its purpose istorunning helter-skelter from one locale POPMATIC. MFG. ,INc. machine; are boosting their sales higherencourageco-operationand harmonytoanotherand attemptingtokeep 514 7 NATURAL BRIDGE' AVENUE and higher. amongst various Snacks operators in ad-executive dates at the same time. ST. LOUIS MISSOURI "Modernefficiencyandproductionjoiningterritories,thusbuildinga methods have enabled us to keep apacefriendly feeling and helping raise the Murray Herschkovitz, former Boston of demands.During June and July wegeneral prestige of the vending busi-operator and currently a Cleveland (0.) were taxed to the utmost and had toness." operator, made a visit to the Hub this take on additionalspace and equip- week, visited the coin machine boys, and ment in order to take care of the con- At the Los Angeles banquet tendereda special hello to Ben D. Palastrant, a MODEL stant and increasing demand from allto 47 people by Mr. Bond a short meet-close friend.Murray, his wife and two over the country. ing was held among the operators and And the reason forplansfora Snacksassociationwerechildren motored, making way -stops. SEL-MOR all this was the sensational success offormulated. ourAutomaticStores,thefour-way J. A. Camp, chief of the New England vender for1 -cent items.It certainly Sales and DistributingCo.,Inc.,has has caught the fancy of operators, loca- added another machine to its list, that 25 tion owners and consumers everywhere." oftheAndrewGorrettasix -column Roston candy machine, for which itis New SAMPLE BOSTON, Aug. 6.-A survey taken byEngland distributor. David S. Bond, Trimount Coin Machine (CHEAPER IN QUANTITIES) "Snacks" Vender Co., manufacturer of Snacks tri-columnar J. S. Chaplain, of the Automatic Spe- vendingmachines,todeterminethecialty Co., Inc., Worcester and Webster, Assn. Formed choice of confections thruout the coun-Mass., reports business okeh. Recently GUARANTEED lop5YEARS! BOSTON, Aug. 6.-Nucleus of key Citytry proved that a certain confection inhe had the experience ofthree spot andterritorialassociationsof Snacksone part of the country may be tops, butowners of Massachusetts soliciting him The AUTOMATIC :tending machines has been announcedin another locale may drop to an "alsofor the placement of Wurlitzer boxes. ran" position. He states that his takes have increasedToy and Candy over $100 weekly.He lays this to the Two typical reports, one from Chi-fact that in Webster three new factoriesSHOP that brings cago and the other from Lansdowne,have sprung up, with 1,200 men re- Pa., are given for comparison employed. BIGGER PROFITS! The Pan Confection Factory, Chicago, Ask any smart operator. cited that many factors had to be con- GeorgeJ.Scarfo, manager of the Bos- sidered, such as locations and clientele.ton branch of the J. V. Fitzpatrick Co., Children go for the attractive coloringsays that the Rock -Oda LoBoy weighing GREAT STATES MFG. CO. and have preference for fruit flavors andscaleis taking a decided upturn in DEPT. E. 1601-09 E. 39TH ST. KANSAS CITY, MO. MARKETEstablish a per- licorice.Adults veerstrongly towardbusiness, with eight scales delivered in DRUG manentpaying mint and solid colored items. one week to summer spots in Maine, STORES, business in your TAVERNS,community with Boston baked beans are tops for theMassachusetts and Rhode Island. Scarfo BARS, RES-Casterline.Mil- vending columns.Manufacture of thissays that the reliability of this machine TAURANTS.lions of dollars over a period of five years has marked For the Better Location CLUBS. spentmonthly candy rates between three and fourit plenty okeh. CIGAR for 5c nuts and times more than its nearest rival. STORES. candies. Mer- WAYSIDEchants eager to Here is how the Pan Confection Fac- If ycu want momentary entertainment STANDS, putMagic Sales- Many Othersman displaysontheircounters.tory lists the candy popularity: 1, Bos-getJ.S.Chaplain,ofWebster, and rhey pay only for the cellophane bagston baked beans; 2, smooth burnt pea -George A. Edward, Southbridge, Mass., SILVER KING of merchandise.You keep display filled-and collectruts; 3, rainbow peanuts;4, your regular WEEKLY INCOME.Strict territory black andto pronounce and then spell what is Bulk Vendor rights protect your ever growing business.Write. whitelicoricedibs;5,fruitdibs;6,better known asWebster Lake.The CASTERLINE BROS., licorice petites; 7, licorice lozenges. legendisokeh, too. 19164928 aunnyside Ave., Dept. BI, Chicago, First, the spell- Note that peanuts rate high. ing: Chargoggagoggmanchaugoggchaubu- nagungamaugg.It'snot alinotyper's $6.50 CharlesE.Winters,ofthe Candynightmare.It actually means Webster 30 Days' Free Trial A REAL BARGAIN! Crafters,Inc.,Lansdowne,Pa.,listsLake in Indian language.The legend EVER -READY 4 -COLUMN candies this way:1,licoricelozenges;goes that two Indian tribeslived on Money -Back Guarantee lc NUT AND CANDY VENDORS 2. rainbow peanuts;3, burnt peanuts;either side of the lake, and close to the Reconditioned Like New 4,Boston baked beans;5,bridge mix.shore did they fish until the piscatorial ROY TORR Says Mr. Winters: "The second andcapacity was exhausted.Thus did the third items are nearly equal in sales;two Indianchieftainstaketotheir 2047A So. 68th St. 00rainbow peanuts have a slight edge oncanoes and paddle out to the center of PHILADELPHIA, PA. burnt peanuts.We sell about 50 perthe lake, where a mild melee ensuedover cent more tonnage of licorice lozengesthe first -come first -fish attitude. Factory Distributor Each than we do of either rainbow or burntWhereupon the two redskin boys flew 5 or peanuts. Our sales of bridge mix during the warmer months are about equal to More. our sales of rainbow peanuts. IT'S TOPPER 2 to 1 "We find quite a difference in demand TOPPER Vends Everything from various sections of the country. In Sample the New England States, New York, Dela- Capacity: 5 Lbs. Mdse. - 900 Balls of Gum.Bee your Jobber ware, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsyl- for CompleteDetailsand LOW PRICES, or Write $8.00vania and Washington, D.C. licorice Each 'ozengesarerelativelymore popular VICTOR VENDING CORP. than they are in the country as a whole. 4203 FULLERTON AVENUE, CHICAGO. "In the entire South the candy -coated Remit. nutsoutselllicoricelozengesnearly Full three to one.From Ohio west to Colo- Amount rado, north of a line drawn east to west With tnru a point just south of Cincinnati, CALCO BALL GUM SETS Order. our sales of the first five items named Sensational profits are being made by operators using our Drilled Ball Wm Sits ,n the above schedule are almost equal. Several styles to meet deeds of all types of locations. "Those customers who have made it Write today for complete information. a habit to change the kinds of candies 141-BDEKALB AVE in their machines rather frequently are TOWNSEND MFG. CO. D.ROBBINS &CO.BROOKLYN.N.Y.from our observations most successful." 434 North Front Street, Dept. B, Baltimore, Mt 70 The Billboard AMUSEMENT MACHINES August 13, 1938

IT'S NEW! DIFFERENT! BETTER! cigarette IT'S OUR OWN SENSATIONAL BULK VENDOR! g3ob cWhite merchandisers' "A Whistling Good Machine" The BOB WHITE Vendor is BUILT TO LAST A LIFE- associatior, TIME!All our many years' experience rebuilding thousandsofvendorsarc incorporatedin BOB Address Communications to Maynard Reuter, 1564 Broadway, New York City. WHITE! BOB WHITE VENDS EVERYTHING! Peanuts, Candies,Pistachios,ToysPrizes, Ball THE Interstate Cigarette Merchandisers' Association will holda joint meeting with the Cam, etc.,etc. Extralargecapacity.Standard Cigarette Merchandisers' Association of New jersey at the Hotel Chelsea, Atlantic City, armor -clad,crinklefin- on Saturday and Sunday, August 13 and 14.Besides the members of these two groups, rep- ish. Highly polished al- resentatives of the various cigarette manufacturing firms, the merchandising machine com- uminum fittings. Big coin Sample only to attend. capacity.No corners to panies, match firms and other members of allied industries have been invited catchdirt. Pick -proof Highlights of the two-day get-together will be the Industry Banquet on Saturday evening lock. NEW SLUG -PROOF $ 60 0 and the Interstate Luncheon on Sunday.Le Roy Stein, manager of the CMA of New Jersey, MECHANISM! No extra isin chargeof the affair and reports reservations are already rolling in at a merry clip. parts.BOB WHITE has EVERYTHING!!Beauty! LOWER PRICES Durability! Capacity! FOR QUANTITY Vacation Notes: Jack Bloom reports that he took advantage of the vacation Slug Protection! LOW PURCHASERSI his two children are enjoying at camp to sneak off for a fortnight in the Adiron- PRICE!!!Hurry . . . decks. Judging by the stories he's been telling the boys he must have had a fine time.. ..Bill Peek has his golf sticks all shined up for a two weeks' assault on Rush Your Order Today! the courses in the Berkshires.Says he might try teeing off of a mountain top or two.. . . Several of the New York members have been trying to get Ben Orowitz EASTERN, 350 MULBERRY ST., NEWARK,N.J. to take a vacation.They don't like to see him walking aroOnd with a bottle of medicine and a spoon in his pockets. . . . The outdoor man of the New York group is now on his way to the wilds of Canada. There is nothing he likes better up the flag of truce, called it quitsandthan camping out on some isolated lake.He really roughs it with a vengeance, even cooking his own grub.Hisname? Al Miniaci. . . . Bernard Rosenblatt is 8 -COLUMN USED arbitrarily decided that the other fish He onhisrespectiveshoresformarinereported to be suffering from an acute case of acceleratoritis in his right foot. CIGARETTE MACHINES. was caught for speeding twice during the past week.. . . The coolest looking man sustenance. Hencetheepitomized No matter what the themometer reads, he A-1 CONDITION. $15.00 EA. meaning of the word, which we won'tin town these days is Michael Lascari. respell. "You fish on your side, I'll fishalways looks. like he stepped right out of a band box.Always attired in coat and on my side, and no one will fish in thetie, he seems impervious to the record -breaking temperature that has the perspira- tion running off the other boys in rivulets. . . Harry Kolodny, the ace flinger for PEANUT & GUM middle." the New Jersey Association's baseball team, has just returned from a boat trip VENDING MACHINES Arthur C. (Submarine) Sturgis, ownerthru the Panama Canal. oftheAutomaticDistributing Co., NEW, DIRECT FROM FACTORY Jamaica Plain, Mass., bought a 32 -foot Cigarette production in June, 1938, was 3.2 per cent higher than in June, 1937, cabin cruiser recently but has seen veryaccording to figures released by the Treasury Department.Figures were 14,716,- Only $2.40 and up little of it lately.Not that he's been624,943 in 1938, against 14,258,876,347 for last year.Cig production for the first half too busy to give his hobby attention, Over 60,000 Sold is theof this year showed a 2.3 per cent gain over the corresponding figure for last but his novice marine ability year.. . . Ciga.r production was slightly better than even for June but showed a. Write for Full Information Today reason.Apparently safely mooring the7.3 per cent decline for the first six months' figure.. . . Consumption of United cruiser at varied times, Sturgis returnsStates cigarettes is on the upgrade in France.Imports for the early part of this 5/8 Ball Gum at New Low Price. later to find that his craft has becomeyear doubled those of 1937. submerged. The fact that CMA members realize the value of their association was forcefullydriven ROY TORR ofRoslindale,Mass.,home here last week when 98 per cent of the New York membership were on hand fortheir 2047-A So. 68th St., Philadelphia, Pa. bought some Rock-Ola Monarch phonosmonthly meeting on one of the hottest nights of the year.Two new members were admitted Vfor Greater Boston locations. at this meeting, the G A D Cigarette Service, of Mt. Vernon, N. Y., and theIsland Cigarette Service, of Jackson Heights, L.I.Alex Frazer proved to be a real entertainer and made Angelo Scova, of North Adams, Mass.;the boys forget all about the heat with his humorous quips.Several of the men arc getting J.J.Naclerio, Waterbury Amusement Co., Waterbury, Conn., and Joe Ferris, oftogether to attend coming Interstate meeting at Atlantic City. Madison, Me., dropped in to the Rock- LUCKY BOY Ola distributing house in Boston re- Much interest has been evidenced by local men in the new transparentcigarette wrapper recently shown here to cigarette manufacturers byits inventor, Istvan cently. Tamas, a Hungarian author and playwright.Companies with which Tamas con- Only$595. ferred indicated they were withholding opinions until laboratorytests are com- Adolph Dugas, Webster (Mass.) musicpleted. Sample gigs shown here were made in Europe of Egyptiantobacco.While merchant, purchased 10 machines fromadmitting that public reaction was yet to be determined, Tamaspredic:led that the World's Lowest Priced 5 -Lb. J.V. Fitzpatrick Co., Boston, and theuse of the new transparent wrapper would snake white papercigarettes as obsolete lc Vender. Vends Toys, Salted latter's manager. George J. Scarfo, toldRS silent movies. Nuts, Candies, Etc. Money the reporter that that was the reason Dr. Cornelius Gustav, associate of Tamas, stated that tests made in theroyal Back Guarantee. 1/3 Deposit, why Dugas was bellowing forth in songHungarian testing laboratories showed the tobacco cellulose wrapper to be40 per Balance C. 0. D. at the Wurlitzer party.Dugas yelpedcent stronger than paper, 26 times as flexible and had an ash contentof 0.4 per lustily, and rather professionally at that. The wrapper was said to give off one -sixth the We have a credit plan for those wishing to cent against 20 per cent for paper. Write for partic- Dugan knows his music and tone. He Isfumes of paper. These factors were a.sserted to indicate removal of thedetrimental operate on a large scale. a professor of vocal and pianoforte ateffects upon the smoker of the by-products of combustion of the papercigarette. ulars. his home when not making rounds to Temporarily the new paper is known as Nicocell and is reported to be a cellulose KY. GUM CO. his locations.In addition he plays thederived from tobacco waste.Dr. Gustav declared that the new wrapper could be 3406 Garland Ave., Louisville, Ky. organ at his church. produced economically and eventually at a cost equal to that of paper.The most peculiar fact Is that Tames does not smoke himself.He says he started on the Hector and Philip Adams family, ofdevelopment of a, substitute for cigarette paper on the provocationof a friend who New Bedford, Mass., copped the "prize"was a heavy smoker.Turning over the matter in his mind he evolved the idea for having the largest family representa-of a cellulose wrapper and carried on experiments duringthe past two years. tion at the Boston Wurlitzer party. Guess the next ad slogan will be "See what you smoke." Experienced operators know the im- portant thing is to get the Vendor In the three years thatJ.A. Mc- A well-known figure In the cigarette merchandising world recently made theobserva- Into the location! Tons Thumb's gotIlhenny, New England district manager,tionthat the old adage about the grass in the other fellow's pasturealways looks greener is everything heat. Handsome, com-has been affiliated with Wurlitzer Homer who believe that they have saturated their pact,itgets into taverns, waiting an erroneous Impression held by many operators rooms, stores and restaurants closed E. Capehart, his boss, never had theterritory with cigarette machines and must remain stagnant or secureadditional territory in to ordinary vendors.Thousands al-pleasure of meeting his family. But at Consequently they arc amazed tofinda new andless ready Oared: room forthousands order to expand their activities. they had never more.Die cast precision machine;the Wurlitzer soiree Capehart was intro-experienced operator securing locations right in their own territory in spots no roue -barks. We'llmatchitduced to his charming wife, four daugh-thought to approach.Every experienced salesman will vouch for the fact that one can never against. any others in the low priced ters and son. telljust when a prospect is almost convinced.Various circumstances and changing condi- 1141. Has10revolutionarytea - adept modern methods of Big Opeortun.tures, inclialing Magic (Milk Reinter, tions will often impel the most conservative business man to Tale Tumbler locks, adjustable dig- John J. Murphy, Atlas Coin Machinemerchandising. If more operators would only retrace their steps and recanvass those pro- Ityfor Expe-eraser. Vends candy. gum or pea- be pleasantly surprised rienced Route snits. and 3-1h.sizes. Thou -Co., Boston, service man, leftto be-prietors who have frowned upon their previous attempts, they might Salesmen. sands of Tom Thumb Vendors nowcome the right-hand service man forto find their efforts well spent. brjugin.: ical profits to operators.Don't wait. Writ*Lou Levine, Jamaica Plain (Mass.) op- forfulldetails,prices and money -back guarantee FIELDING MFG. CO., Dept. 39, Jackson,erator. Mich. tered the music business a fortnight agoover served a double purpose for Mr. and Jack West, service man of Charles R.after resigning from The Albany Times -Mrs. Philip Kalirk.The feminine half Foote, Jamaica Plain, Mass., has takenUnion, intends to expand to approxi-of theK.; lick duoisthe former Ida unto himself a new mode of living inmately 100 phonographs as well as op-Shapiro,formersecretaryofBen D. eration of other coin -operated devicesPalastrant.As Palastrant's guests, the WHIRLWINDS the form of the good ship Stroomer, a newlyweds observed their sixth week of play NEW $5.00 each. 75 -footer.The sea -going lad has beenthruout the State of Maine, 1p dubbed with a nickname-Dungaree. nuptialblissattheparty.InMiss One FREE with five Tom Libby,ofHaverhill,Mass.,isShapiro's two years with Palastrant she LEWISTON, Me., Aug. 6.-GeorgeJ.steadily adding to his large operationsknew all the Wurlitzer music merchants WRITE FOR PRICES ON Young Jr.,sonof GeorgeJ.Young,thruoutNorthernMassachusettsandeitherthrucorrespondenceortheir ANYTHING IN SLOTS Eastern States district manager for theNew Hampshire.He has85phono-visiting Ben's headquarters. Rock -01a Mfg. Corp., has taken over thegraphs as well as about 100 cigaret ma- management of the Junior Music Co. ofchines thruout New Hampshire. His THE VENDING MACHINE COMPANY areinHaverhilland George J. Scarfo, manaperofJ.V. 205-11 Franklin Street Maine in association with Joe Ferris, ofheadquarters Madison, Me. Union, N. H.It was only a short timeFitzpatrick Co., Boston, started his two Fayetteville, N. C. Fitz- weeks' vacation July 18.The office re- The Boston branchofJ.V. ago that he took on music. ceived a card the next day, and it read: patrick Co. has sold the JMCM 40 Rock- "It is raining. here. Forecast: More rain." Ola music machines. . The Rudolph Wurlitzer Transconti- End your correspondencetoadvertisersby men- Young Jr., 19 years of age, who en -nentalLimitedBostonpastystop-Scarfo, at Onset, Mass., hoped to get in tioningThe anitioard. August 13, 1938 AMUSEMENT MACHINES The Billboard 71 a lot swimming, but the week wasprofiting from same.The cool nights visited quite often by the silvery spraybring them out to the hundreds of of Jupiter Pluvius. taverns, at which time the machines EXHIBIT'S NEW start clicking and the phonographs start COUNTER SENSATION Herb Cohen, of the Modern Sales andplaying. Amusement Co., Dorchester, Mass., has placed a Rock-Ola World Series baseball C. W. Winn, scale operator, has been fto e eioc.c) game in the new Commonwealth avenueadding new scales to his route. far (Boston) Johnson stand, the first game for that ultra spot. eeeee "HONEY" Operators are returing from their va- A6 BALL NOVELTY "LITE UP" GAME cations and seem to have a desire to WITH ACCUMULATING BANK NITE Frank Mills and Louis Northrop, of the FEATURE. Bridgeport (Conn.) office of J. V. Fitz-get into the harness again. patrickCo.,are spending their spare FAST-POWERFUL-TERRIFIC hours at beaches around Bridgeport, par- Frank Vogel, of the Columbus Vend- on any counter spot.BANK NITE award ticularly Sevin Rock, New Haven, andingCo.,Columbus,0.,and his two starts at $1.00 and builds up with every sandy nooks around Fairfield. sons were Ft. Worth visitors recently. second nickel.Top -510.95. They enjoyed a visk to Carlsbad Caverns Increasingaccumulation isautomatically Betty Lakin, office manager of the Tri-as the guests of Helen Ewing, of the Indicated by large size "LITE UP" register F. C. Ewing Co. with each play.The higher the awardthe mount Coin Machine, Boston, is the last Mr. Vogel was com- greater the appeal. oftheofficestaff to take her yearlypleting an extensive swing around the respite.The blond gal spent a week atcountry.He reported business condi- "The greatest counter game East Gloucester, Mass., all the time shetions looking up. everbuilt,"sayoperators, 1540 could be spared from her duties. WORTH TWICE ITS PRICE. Merchandiseoperatorsofthiscity Pays for itself In a few days J. J. Golumbo, New England Seeburgmake the F. C. Ewing Co. their head- anywhere. district manager, and Louis Blatt, of thequarters.One can always stumble into Atlas Corn Machine Co., Seeburg distrib,a half dozer or more vending machine ORDER YOURS AT ONCE. are back in the Hub after a three-dayops at the plant.Mr. Ewing keeps a EXHIBIT SUPPLY CO., 4222 W. Lake St., Chicago conference of salesmen and distributorswell-equipped repair shop in the rear at the Chi Edgewater Beach Hotel. Theand operators are welcome to use same two chiefs flew out and back. In making any repairs totheir ma- chines.The Ewing firm also handles all Sarah Klein (Mrs. Murray Berger) leftSorts of merchandise and machine parts. the employ of the Trimount Coin Ma- Foreign Trade 1-$1.25 Per DEAL- chine Co., Boston. after eight years of service recently. She had charge of sales The Globe Machine Co., maker of the WIMP5 STAR FINAL Globevendingmachines,hasclosed If you are worried that the United C1,30.10" -t 431i _W and operators and was an all-roundits place on Bryan avenue, according toStates has become "the worst country in - employee of keen business abilityinreports.The firm manufactured toy,the world," the following summary of associating with theoperators, whompeanut and hall -gum venders for aboutconditions in other parts of the world, she has known for years.Bond pridedtwo years. published by the United States News, I" 4 a I' himself in having on the pay roll so ver- July 25, will restore faith in the II. S. A.: otaec<: satile a person. She was an expert sales "New economic troubles are threaten- '40404 i.:11 person, could manipulate anything in The North Side or whatisbetteringfromabroad,asdomesticskies G the office, knew stenography, bookkeep-known as the Stockyards section of Fortbrigthen. ing.Talkedtheoperator'slanguage.Worth affords hundreds of rich spots for coin -operated devices. TheBritishareincreasinglyhard She married several years ago but the In this sectionpressed, squeezed between rising lureofthebusinesskept her withtheWesterncattleman predominates.armamentcostsand One rubs against the real cowboy who decliningbusi- GET A HIT. PECK'N. 15 -Star FINAL Trimount. ness. American money markets are be- 1260 Tickets 1260 Tickets 1260 Tickets Lillian Bloom, also of the Trimountwears worn leather chaps and 10 -gallonginning to interest Britain, accounting 5c $68.00.(4, 6c. $63.00@ 5c,$63.00 hats-cattlebuyers who carry heavy As.hey. Av. Pay. As. Pay. office staff, leaves the first of September for talk of war debt adjustment. --$40.50 ----542.00 for Cranston, R. I., where her husband,walking canes and spurs clinking on "Most of Europe is sharing in the de- ---$30.116 Gerry Gordon, hasaccepted a high-Texas boots.They play machines andpression. Even totalitarian Germany and As. Pft. Av. Pft. As. Pft. school teaching position. play them plenty.It is the operators'Italy are pinched with contracting mar- --$22.50 ___$21.00 ----$23118 paradise. 2280 Tickets 2280 Tickets 2280 Tickets After Miss Bloom leaves the Bond kets for their goods and consequent dif- @ 6e 5e dj) 6$114.00c office staff will contain this remaining ficulty in importing and paying for all- - 5114.00 _-_$114.00 -__. fern contingent: Ann Brown, married; As.Pay. As. Pay. Av. Pay. Operator J. W. Milligan has moved hisimportant raw materials. War talk, tem- - -__ 70.00 ___73.16 ___ 68.80 M. Myers. married, and Betty Lakin,headquartersfrom Valley Viewtoporarily, will recede as nations wrestle unmarried.Love and marriage appar-Roanoke. with domestic problems, Av. PR. As. Pft. Av. Pft. ently conquer all. __-_$44.00 ----WAG "Hard times in Latin America are in- 1280 Ticket Deals-$1.25 per deal in dozen EarlE.Reynolds,Wurlitzer districtcreasingpressurefor expropriation of lotsfor refills.Refills Include Tickets, Jack. J. V. Fitzpatrick, of the company bear-manager, is foreign investments, accounting for the pot Card & JaLabel. Jars 26c each. Holders ing his name, Boston and Bridgeport, is certainly on the go these 26o eaoh. Complete deals $1.75 per dealIn days.Earl can cover more territory instronger tone this goveknment in ad- dozen lots. Sample deals $2.26 each complete junketing between Bridgeport -New York -one day than a candidate can. dressing Mexico on confiscation of Amer- or$6.00 for a Ithree complete. Boston in the interests of operators and ican land holdings." 2280 Ticket Deals -51.75 per deal In dcaen giving them that personal touch of lots for refills. Jars 260 each. Holders 26o each. contact. Texas opsarepushingsalesboards Completedeals$2.25each Indozen lots. thesedays. Sample deals $2.76 each complete or $760 Counter games arealso for all three complete.If 2620 ticketsarede- coming into their own again. Oscar and Slash sired add 28o per deal. 1/8 deposit with War, balance ondelivery. Send for Catalog of Other Winners. ilouston MusiccontinuestoleadthebigSales Good-Genco WINNER SALES CO. operating parade in this State. "PICKA WINNER WITH WINNER." HOUSTON, July 30.-Plenty of busi- CHICAGO, Aug. 6.-"Hits without any 3307 ARMITAGE AVE.,CHICAGO. ILL. ness at the. recently opened Navigation question whatsoever is the consensus of Coin Machine Co.They buy, sell and coin men in every section of the country trade new and used amusement machinesIllness Keeps regarding our two new releases, Oscarand jackpot features.The player wins of almost every standard make. In addi- and Splash,"statedDavid Gensburg,the jackpot when he makes a score of tion to a brisk local trade they have aBudinon Shelf Genco, Inc., official. 12,000, and intermediate payouts start large national and export business kept with a score of 8,000. NEW YORK,Aug.6.-The "Here's a combination of games that Incorporated on booming withextensivetrade -journal illnessis selling, and how! From the looks ofOscar also is a new -style light -up jack- advertising.D. W. Willett and M. R.which has kept Herman Dudin, head of potregisterwhich shows theexact James areat Budin Specialties, away from the officethings we expect to set some kind of the helm of thisveryfor several weeks isexpected to pre-records with these sensational new re-amount inthe jackpot atalltimes. progressive concern. vent his taking an active part in theleases.These games are actually lessRegisters on both Oscar and Splash offer than two weeks old, yet the territory inoperators a further protection to :he Edwin C. Lear, Houston branch man-business during the next few weeks. Not enormous earnings of these new hits. ager of Ele.:,tro Ball Co., is back in histhat he expects to be entirely out of thewhich they have already been placed in- office after covering over 8.000 miles ofpicture, for he states. "I'll be droppingcludes almost every State in the coun- Southwest territory.Lear reported thatin once or twice a week to see hew thingstry, Canada, Europe and other points. the acute seasonal slump so marked inare going along, but the doctor has issuedI believe our organization is more en-Iverson Sets Sail the phonograph business a month agostrict orders for me to take a rest." thused over Oscar and Splash than any has passed and during the past two Budin also revealed that he expects toother games we've built.There are un-For Seaboard Sales weeks a great pick-up in sales has beenpush off for the sunny shores of thedoubtedly many reasons why they are noted. Pacific Coast in the next few pepped up over these games, but NEW YORK, Aug. 6.-Fred Iverson, "Think I'll go out there for a while andprobably the most emphatic is the out-new regional sales manager of Seaboard L. A. Blackwell recently spent severalsoak up some of that famed CaliforniastandingreceptiongivenOscar andSales,Inc., did some fancy navigating days in Wesc Texas. sunshine," he stated. Splash by coinmen everywhere, on the highways and byways of up - "Everyone genuinely likes Oscar andState New York and New England this H. W. Dafly, local operator and presi- Splash, and that's half the battle inweek spreading the happy news about dent of Stare Music Operators' Associa- putting a game over." his new position among the many job- tion, feels confident of being elected toGensburg Pinsa Explaining the game in detail, Gens-bers and distributors in that territory, the State Legislature from Harris County burg continued:"Splash featuresanit is reported. at the July 23 primary. Rose on Bert Lane animated cartoon backrack.Splash also Nursing a slightly sore hand, the re- features a combination free -play and asultof so many extra hearty hazel - NEW YORK, Aug. 6.-Bert Lane, gen-1,000 -point saucer -cup hole at the lowershakes from well-wishers, Iverson says: eral manager of SeaboardSales,Inc.,center of the playing field.This fea-"At last I've got the opportunity I've reported the arrival of an unusual pieceture enables a player to make a winningbeen looking for.Seaboard Sales has lott WAIL of mail at his office this week.l:t was ascore even with the last ball played, thusthe greatest new angle in the coin ma- E. J. Shelby, head of the Shelby Musicbox from Genco, Inc., and inside, lyingis a very strong appeal to players.As achine industry, acting as direct factory Co., Waco, was a Ft. Worth visitor re-in state in blue tissue, was a single rosecoin is inserted a man and woman fish-agents for leading manufacturers, thus cently. He reported business good in hiswith the following card attached: "Genet)ing from a boat and a fish in the watergiving our jobbers and distributors the territory.From Ft. Worth, Shelby wentwants to pin a rose on you, Bert, for theilluminate.As a ball travels over thekind of services that will benefit them to Dallas. where he purchased a supplysplendid job you are doing on Splashnovel playing field it contacts bumpers,materially.It really makes me glow to of late records.His firm operates pho-and spite of business condi-each contact advancing the fish towardsknow that now I will be able to do even nographs and cigaret venders. tions and summer weather you are al-the line.As the 10th contact or hitmore for all the up -State and New Eng- ready convincing us by your amazingagainst the bumpers is made the manland boys who have been so friendly Ft. Worth ops are still using a lot ofsales that we made no mistake in co-is shown landing the fish, pulling it intoto me." jar deals.The jar deals have been goingoperating with you on your new planthe boat and putting it on a stringer. Bert Lane, general manager of Sea- nicely here for several years. of direct factory agent.Here's wishingIt's this clever new play and action ofboard Sales, reports that a great num- you a very rosy future." The card wasOscar that's got the trade so all agog. Continuedhotweatherholdsthesigned by David Gensburg, executive of berofcongratulatorymessages have "Oscar is the identical game as Splashbeen sent to Iverson at newofficescf crowds inside these days and ops areGenco. but incorporates the intermediate awardthe firm. 72 The Billboard AMUSEMENT MACHINES August 13, 1938 AL SMITH ON GAMLING (Text of the address by former Gov. Alfred E. Smith on gambling before the After the 1894 convention the Legis- New York State Constitutional Convention at Albany, N. Y., July 7, 1938) lature had placed upon it the duty of enacting the gambling laws.They had Editor's Note: Due to the long publicshould be supported or whether any ofthisSection88tohandlethepool recordofAlfredE. Smithinliberalthem should be opposed, and they litselling, and what did they do?They REASONS WHY movementsthefollowingspeechonon this one. did not write it, they did not have any gambling is important as a public docu- Itwas duck soup for them. Andmore respect for it than the good, sound, ment.Smith's work in behalf of thewhat did they do?They appointed alcgal minds of that convention had for GEORGE PONSER repeal of prohibitionis now a mattercommittee to come down from Roundthe amendment.So they proceeded to of history. Lake and that committee cameintosee how they could get away from it His bold championship of the removalthis chamber and turned on the heat.and they set up a prohibitory statute of gambling bans may be equally asThey turned on the heat in the middlethat made it a felony to make a bet in CONTINUES TO h.storic as his work for repeal. of August. a poolroom. The editorial on "Monopolies" in this And this fool proposition was resur- But insideof the inclosureof an issue should be read in connection withrected from the ash can, found its wayincorporatedorganizationtopromote LEAD THEFIELD! theaddress,however,andalsofiledout to the calendar of the conventionthe breeding of horses that was a dif- with it for reference.If the repeal ofand finally into the constitution itself.ferentthing. Youcouldnotmake gambling and lottery bans in State con-That is how it go there. the bet in a poolroom.If you did you stitutions and statutes really gets under The gentleman from Nassau spokewere afelon.Butif you went into 1.Chicoin'sPEPPY way thereis sure to be many bitterabout the letters that he received fromthe inclosure of an incorporated associa- fightsfora monopolyofgambling.clergymen.I have been reading a lottion and made the bet the penalty was Powerful interests, with plenty of moneyof letters from clergymen.I have greatthat you could sue for your money back and2. EXPOSITION to spend, will pull every political stringrespect for their activities, because theyand the bookmaker had no defense. possible to get a monopoly on any formbelieve In their heart and soul that they Denies SportWouldSue of legalized gambling. are doing the right thing, and I would Well,now,Icanalmostimagine 3.Laval'sGREEN LIGHT The amusement games industry be-welcome a whole flock of them, but thethe members of the Legislature of 1895 lieves that the American ideal is againstgreat trouble is that they do not under-when they voted for that, trying to do monopolies in gambling-even againststand this proposition. it with a straight face, trying to keep and4. ROBIN HOOD government monopolies. The amusement themselves from laughing. games industry believes that all forms Parallelin Dog eight On the debate on the wire -tapping of petty gambling, from salesboards to That is their trouble.The gentlemanmeasure one of the gentlemen here said: 5. MULTI- keno and payout table games, shouldfrom New York said there was no com- policeof- Keeney's be given legal sanction when any stepparisonbetweenitandprohibition."Can you imagine suing a is taken to legalize big-time gambling.Well, before I get finished I will showficer?"Can you imagine a sport suing FREE RACESand It is highly probable that if this im-you that this particular amendment ofa bookmaker if he loses? portant point of fairness were presentedthe constitution and the attempt, the Well, in 1907 Governor Hughes came to former Gov. Al Smith he would take13 -yearattempt,toenforce thepro-to Albany and he threw this whole thing 6. TRIPLE ENTRY a bold stand against monopolies for anyhibitory laws are identical. into confusion by a proposal to close set or form of big-time gambling. He The same influences that would oper-up the race tracks and to bring the would favor giving the more democraticateforthedefeatofthisproposedfelony inside of the inclosure as well as 1. THE LATEST SELEC- forms of petty gambling the same legalamendment are the same influences thathaving it on the outside.There are a sanctionasbig-time gambling wouldwere feltinthis chamber against thegreat many men in this convention that be given. repeal of the Mullen -Gage law and theknow the history of that battle. TION OF THE FINEST UP- The Address ratification by the Legislature of this The governor finally won, but at the Stateofthe 18th Amendment, some-next session of the Legislature he found Thebest possible argument that couldthing that at no time ever representedthat his enactment did not work, be- TO-DATE USED MACHINES. be offered for the passage of this resolu- tion was offered by the former Congress-the thought and feeling of the peoplecause, instead of recording the bet, the man from New York, Mr. Bennet, yester-of this State. bet was made orally.You see, the fel- day, and, condensed into a few words, And my mind is taken back to thelow walked by the bookmaker, and he Writefor Prices Today! that argument was that this particularconvention for repeal.As fine a groupknew him, and he said, "Ten on Broom- section of the constitutionis not en-of people as ever gathered together anystick.""Okeh, boy, I got it."So racing forceable and has not been enforced, and betting went on. and has on the other hand been entirelychamber and unanimously-unanimous- So finally the governor came in with aisregarded not only by the great bodyly,withoutadissentingvote-voteda proposal to add to the statute "either of the peopleoftheState,but theto rip the 18th Amendment out of theorallyorinwriting."They did that Lcgislature Constitution. and nothing happened.Ever since that ottlizPPTI!N And I can see the dean ofall law-day, 30 years ago, there has been betting Now bearinginthe mind thatinmakers, as far as constitutional law ison the horses at every race trackin 33 WEST 60th ST., 1894, when this provision was put intoconcerned, Elihu Root, addressing thatthe State of New York, and the children NEW YORK CITY the constitution, it was aimed at horseconvention from the speaker's the high schools know all about it, lacing.Race tracks were in politics inThat is what happened when the peoplebecause whole pages of the newspapers 11-15 East Runyon St., NEWARK, N. I. 1894and werelargelycontrolledbyof the State had a chance to deal with Croker and Phil Dwyer, and the pur-them. are given to it. 1935 Bedford Ave BROOKLYN, N. Y. pose ofthis resolution was to loosen The seven -star extra, underneath the 900 North Franklin, PHILADELPHIA, PA. the grip of local political leaders on the Gambling Growth Doubted stars, has "full racing information." That is what it went To hear the debate against this reso- racing situation. lution one would imagine that as soon Even Judges Bet in there for.It was not needed for anyas this comes out of the constitution Now, of course,itisaltogether too other purpose. p ambling, widespread, all over the State,childish to think that the newspapers SLOTS Each RealDefinitionDenied is goingand the readers of the newspapers fol- 24 Mills Blue Front, No 0.A., Nigh unrestrained and unrestricted, low the races because they are interested Serial 535.00 We have had statutes against gam-to take place. 30 Jennings' Chief, No G. A 28.00 lotteriesforyears Nothing we canpossibly thinkofin the breeding of horses, to promote 35 Mills Sky Scrapers, All Mystery Pay 19.00 bling and against the breed of horses.Everybody bets. 20 Stop Reels Side Vender, High aerial 19.00 and years prior to 1894, but no sensible,could be farther from the truth. 3 Nickel, 1 Dime Futurity Reels, changed proper or reasonable definition was ever Bear in mind that we have here aJudges bet.That is no personal ref- to 20 Stop Gold Award Side Ven- made of pool selling. bodyofpenallawbacking up thiserence to any in this chamber, but they der 29.00 amendment because ofitselfitis notbet. 3 WatlingRolaTop FrontVender, Now let's take a little bit of the his- aslong as you do not Mystery 24.00 tory of the amendment. Have in mindself -enacting. Remember that that body And listen, 1 Mills 5c Cross Diamond, 50 F.O.K , of penal law remains.Donotask mehand me up, I will let you in on some- Escalator Mystery 27.00 that in the Constitutional Convention thing.I made a bet myself while I SeveralMills, Watlings Twin Jack, of 1894 there were the best legal mindswhether it will be respected or not, be- Pace Bantam, Jennings Triple and that were ever born into thisState.cause if the constitution is not respectedir as governor.I got a hot tip from a Double Jack Pots at give-away price. They State official and the only regret that Wire or write your needs. Did they likethis amendment? do not look for any too much respectI have was not a qualm of conscience or Several JenningsSingle and Double did not. for the penal statutes. Safes, front and back locks. On the other hand, they hatedit. Before I finish I can tell you whatanything likethat, the only regret I Each 510,00 and15.00 have is that the horse I bet on chased 1 BALL AUTOMATIC AND NOVELTY They did every human thing they couldshould be done to the penal statutes to GAMES. Each to sidetrack it, and the history of itsmake them effective.Let us take, first,all the rest of them around the track. 6 BellyReserve,LatestModel, 496 progressthrutheconventionclearlygambling.This, I take it, from looking Top $42.50 Draws Lottery Analogy 30 Belly Golden Wheels. Payout Model17.50 indicates that.Here it is: at the section numbers, deals with the Now lotteries.There is not any doubt 4 SilverFlash, 3 Airway.... 18.50 The resolution was introduced on thewhole question of gambling and there 1 Chico Swing, 1 Genco Gay. Time 27.50 that the statute and even the consti- 8 Chico Dux, $12.50 each; 3 Genco Football, 15th day of June and referred to theisa wholearticleofthepenal lawtution itself was directed against pub- $11.00; 5 Chico Derbys, 2 Running Wild, 1 committee on the Preamble and Bill ofdevoted toit,definition of what con-liclotteries operated for profit.That BatterUp, 1 Mercury, 1 Mills Tournament, Rights.It was reported back and re-stitutes a common gambler, the keeping 1 Mills Tycoon, $10.00 each; 2 Caroms, 2 was the common definition of a lottery. Classic, 1 Arlington,$12.50 each. Several ferred to the committee of the wholeof gambling apparatus, the keeping ofBut under this constitutional provision, FinalScore,BallyBooster, Home Run, Ball cn the 16th of August.A motion toa place for a game of policy, possessionwhen a little girl approaches me coming Fans,BallyBumpers, $7.50each;2 Chloo make it a special order on the 29th ofof policy slips, removal of tenants using Baseball, $25.00 each. out of church on Sunday morning and At machineslistedreadyforlocation. August-remember, the 29th of August,premises for the game ofpolicy andsays, "Mister, will you take a chance on Terms: 1 ./3 Deposit, Balance Shipped C. 0. D. a'tho the bill was introduced early inso forth. an automobile for the benefit of our or- T. E. ROBERTSON & CO. the month of June-was made and that Penal Law Remains r-han asylum?" "Certainly, how much 1001,..<, Platt St., Tampa, Fla., Phone H9421. motion to make it a special order was Itremains the penal law of this Stateis it?""Ten cents.""Here you are, put aefeated. with just as much force and just aslour own name down" On the 21st of August the committeemuch effect as tho it was written into Now, according to this provision, both MILLS MACHINES of the whole recommended passage andthe constitution itself. the little girl and myself have violated the report was adopted.It was finally However, there are some other things.not only the Penal Code, but we have MAKE MORE MONEY passed on the night of September 21.Let us take the definition first of pooltrampled under foot the constitution of Now all that time it was under discus-selling.I do not have to read it becausethe State. Who believes that?Nobody. sion, and I repeat what I said with greatI am satisfied that everybody in thisAbsolutely nobody. We have both new and used. emphasis, that all the best legal minds Now let us come to the similarity be- in the convention of 1894 tried to side-chamber knows exactly what pool selling Write for prices. is;itis more familiarly referred to asV,veenthisprovisionandthe18th track it and up to the middle of Augustbookmaking. Amendment.The one thing that did they had it in the ash can. From the time that that statute wentmore to repeal the 18th Amendment THE VENDING MACHINE CO. Church Activity Recalled on the books, and from the time thatthan anything else was the fact that 205-11 Franklin Street What happened? The Methodist Con-the constitutional amendment of 1894everybodyinthiscountry beganto Fayetteville, N. C. ference was in session at Round Lake, inwas adopted, it has never been enforced,believe that it was ridiculous;that it SaratogaCounty. They appointedaand why?Because thereisnot suf-was foolish and that it did not prohibit. IN THE BILLBOARD committee to study all the proposals be-ficient public sentiment behinditto I remember a hearing in this chamber ADVERTISE fore the convention in order that theybring about enforcement, and thatison the repeal of the Mullen -Gage law, YOU'LLBE SATISFIED WITH when Wayne wheeler, the counsel tor RESULTS might determine whetheranyof themthe plain and only reason. ''''7111F7ry'w7ei

August 13, 1938 AMUSEMENT MACHINES The Billboard 73 per cent alcohol, and everybody knew that, and they had no respect forit. SUPER VALUES From AMERICA'S And upon the same premise they do not A Magic Key for your Territory believe that that littlegirl committed LARGEST DISTRIBUTORS P sin. They have no respect for this, and COLUMBIA CIGARETTE BELL it goes on in church affairs all over this WITH CASH DRAWER PAYOUT State -churches ofall denominations, OR CONCEALED REAR PAYOUT. Knights of Columbus, Y. M. C. A., the Wonderful opportunity for fnanclally I CONSOLES I responsible operators to open new terri- Masonic Order, the Order of Elks, every tories with these discreet locking Co- BALLY SKILLFIELD $119.50 one at some time or another during the lumblas. Fully automatlo Payout, com- WESTERN FAST TRACK 47.50 year sells chances upon articles in order pletely slugproof. BALLY TEASER 89.50 to get money for charity. Already thousands on locatbns. Sold WESTERN DEWEY, JR. 52.50 on exclusive territory basis to bona -fide GA -LOPING DOMINOES 108.50 Nobody believes that they are violat- operators only.Write for full details. PACIFIC DOMINOLE 42.50 DARK HORSE 58.50 ing the law, and, of course, obviously, BALLY SADDLE CLUB 99.50 you will never see any prosecution of CH LICK AL ETTE (Single C o I n Chute) 43.50 any of these lotteries by the district at- RAY'S TRACK (Late Serials) 89.50 torney of any county in the State. MILLS RIO 87.50 In the first place, he would not be BA .LY FAVORITE 84.50 able to prosecute them.In the second place,if he was, there would not be sheriffs enough to arrest them. And in PAYTABLES that the position of deputy sheriffis exempt from the civil-sertece provisions, KEENEY DERBY CHAMPS (7 Ooln Slot) 8129.50 they could get enough deputy sheriffs MILLS BIG RACE 89.50 if the people could pay them. And at GOTTLIEB MULTIPLE RACES 74.50 the end,ifallthat happened, they BALLY ENTRY 47.50 MILLS 1-2-3(LatestModels) 87.50 would not have jails encugh to hold QUINELLA (7 Coin Drop Head)_88.50 them. HEYDAY(Like New) 117.50 GROETCHEN GOLDEN WHEEL 24.50 Proposal Called Hypocrisy CLASSIC 19.50 Something wassaidby somebody GOTTLIEB DERBY DAY (Red TOOL COMPANY Cabinet) 29.50 yesterday about hypocrisy,Why isit GOTTLIEB DAILY RACES (Red that the people ofthis country and Cabinet) 18.50 the people of this State, for that mat- 130 N. UNION ST., CHICAGO ter, every now and then feel that they have to make some hypocritical motion I COUNTER GAMES that doesnot mean anything? The CONSOLES PAYTABLES ABT TARGETS, ModelF. $18.50 whole history of prohibition was hypoc- MILLS KOUNTER KING 14.50 tisy. The whole history of the attempted TRACK TIME -1837 Red Head. .5122.50 MILLS BIG RACE II59.50 GROETCHEN ZEPHYR 10.60 KEENEY'S KENTUCKY CLUB 174.50 MILLS ONE, TWO, THREE 58.50 BUOKLEY BONES (Automatic enforcement of this constitutional pro- JENNINGS DERBY DAY 58.50 ARLINGTON 38.50 Payout) 25.00 vision has been nothing more or less SALLY'S SKILL FIELD 107.50 CLOCK ER 48.50 TRIPLE GRIP 7.50 but hypocrisy. BALLY BELLS 38.50 FAIRGROUNDS 62.50 DIXIE DOMINOES 8.00 PACIFIC JACK POT 28.50 PREAKNE8S 27.50 REEL RACES 6.00 You remember the story from the MILLS RIO 98.00 PADDOCK 17.60 DAVAL REEL DICE 8.00 Bible, when the Pharisee went to the PACE'S RACES -Cash Models 49.50 CENTER SMASH 17.60 BELL SLIDE 9.50 RAY'S TRACK 42.50 FOTO FINISH 19.50 front of the temple and said: MILLS TRACK KING 78.50 CLASSIC 14.50 "Lord, thanks to thee, I am not like EVANS' BANG TAILS 88.60 GOLDEN WHEEL 17.50 a TANFORAN ...... 52.50 I PHONOGRAPHS Iother men, sinner," and the poor BALLY'S FAVORITE -Late Model.. 67.50 BALLY RESERVE modest Publicaninthe rearofthe 48.50 WURLITZER 618 8147.50 temple raised his eyes up to heaven and MODERN AUTOMATIC EXCHANGE WURLITZER 718 157.50 said: 2618 Carnegie Avenue MILLS DANCEMASTER 27.50 CLEVELAND, OHIO SEESURG MODEL C 58.50 "God, have mercy on me.I am a sin- Write for complete list of Paytables, Novelty ner." Games,Slots,Counter Games and Phan& Who do you think got the divine waphs.- blessing? That crackpot up in the front, Terms 1/3 Deposit. Balance C. 0. D. that thought he was better than every- ea. body else?Not on your life. WURLITZER $144.50 Keep this in mind, this building will - 616 - (Lots of 10) ATLAS crumble into dust and go back to the SINGLE MACHINE -4164.50.816A -S189.50.P12-$78.50.716-$159.50, "The House ofFriendly Personal Service." earth from which. it came before any ROCK-OLA, Late 1836 Model, $79.60. 2200 N. WesternAve.,Chicago. legislativebody or any constitutional USED CIGARETTE MACHINES. KEENEY'S Branches -Pittsburgh, Pa.; Miami, Fla. convention will be able to regulate the ROWE8Columns)ARISTOCRAT Cable Address Atnovco. ( 9.50 habits and customs of the people unless STEWART A McGUIRE $22151BOWLETTE theregulatorystatuterunsparallel (S Columns) $27.50 (PRACTICALLY NEW) with the Ten Commandments or the NATIONAL 1987-9-80 $74.50 60% Deposit, Balance 0. 0. D. the Anti -Saloon League, appeared here,otherdivineinjunction tolovethy and he had a map which took up theneighbor as thyself. BABE KAUFMAN CORP.(cilIZFAL2> 250 W. 54th St., N.Y. C. whole side of the chamber, a map of Differing Viewpoints Cited the United States, all blue except along And that was the trouble withpro- thelineof theAtlantic Coast fromhibition,and that is the trouble with WANTED TO BUY Derby Days $60.00 NOVELTY TABLES Massachusettsallthe way down tothisconstitutionalamendment. You PENNY PACKS Liberty Bells 50.00 Bally Reserves $47.50 Maryland, with Illinois,Indiana, Ohio RESERVES Bally Favorite 40.00 Silver Flash 20.00 havenotroubleenforcingstatutes 1988 SKILL TIMES -Bally Club House ... 45.00 Hare & Hound 20.00 and Pennsylvania added to it. against murder, against burglary, against LONGCH AMPS Fast Track 80.00 PAYOUT TABLES. thievery.Why? Because Saddle Club 80.00 Flashers $65.00 Comment to Wheeler theyare 1938 Skill Fields -5125.00 Derby Days or Lib- Preakness 25.00 Well,ofcourse, when youlookedparalleled by the Ten Commandments. 1838 Skill Times .... 186.00 arty Belle 60.00 Fairgrounds 65.00 You have no trouble passing a local Kentucky Clubs 175.00 Jockey Club 40.00 Golden Wheel 19.60 at that map it was quite a sorrowful Track Times 100.00 Dark Horse 60.00 Caroms 15.00 looking sight for the wets.This smallordinance that compels the man on a Bally Bells 80.00 Rays Track 48.50 Flicker 12.50 retch ofthe United States was wettop floor to cover his garbage can, altho and this great big Western blue sky-it may not be offensive to him, but CLEVELAND -CHICAGO AMUSEMENTSALES CO., 2121 PROSPECTAVE., CLEVELAND, 0, line,North, South Dakota and Texashe has a neighbor on the first floor. and Montana, and Wyoming and Nevada, You have no trouble enforcing that.sane, sensible definition of what con-thne we had better tear up all these biue-it was great. But when you try to tell a man that,stitutes gambling and you can enforcetime -worn theories we have been talking So I interrupted the counsel for thewith his corned beef and cabbage dinnerthat because public sentiment in thisabout withrespecttorepresentative Anti -Saloon League and said: on Saturday night, he cannot have aState will be behind you. democratic government. "Mr. Wheeler, will you be kind enoughcold glass of beer, you are just out of But under the present conditions you to explain to the assembly just whatluck.You cannot do it. have a constitutional provision, you have Warningto Republicans isrepresented in Congress, people or And if you attempt by this constitu-a body of statute law and not a bit of Now I want to warn my friends on acres." tional amendment to tell the little girlit works. the other side of the aisle; you know There were more people living in theor the man or woman who wants to what happened to you in this State be- take a little chance on what they call a "Bookies" Tax Plan cause you clung to prohibition; little red spots along the Atlantic Coastraffle, which isreally a How didall the good people back you than there were inall the blue that lottery, that hillfeel allknow what happened to you because they are committing a sin, you cannotcn the last week after y oumisrepresented,grosslymisrepre- was shown on the map. got away with it. the attempts that have been made to But the argument was made that it is suppress bookmaking or gambling at thesented, the attitude of the people of in the law,itis in the constitutional Opposes Legalized Gambling race tracks when they picked up thethis State on that subject and for po- law of the United States, and the State What is the remedy?About half oftaper and found out that the controllerlitical reasons. of New York must enforce it. the people in this State may be againstofthe city of New York is trying to Now, be careful, be careful.If you What happened? The Republican partyit,I would not be surprised, becauseevolve a scheme whereby he can taxdo thatagainwithrespecttothis was given the credit for doing the bestthey do not understand it.I am thetheir profits? proposition, all of the gambling that is dodge act that was ever performed inlast man in the State that would be for And, lo and behold, they do not admitgoing on unregulated, already prohibited r.mericanpoliticsallduring the ad-legalized gambling.Do not ask why. any violation of the law, they do notby constitutional and statute law, you ministrations ofHarding,ofCoolidge And I am perfectly satisfied no Legis-aeny that they are bookmakers, butwill have a second penalty to pay, be- and of Hoover, because they were ablelature that will ever sit on this floorthey. make a counter proposition to thecause you can't carry water on both tosatisfyeverybody -that is,theyofthecapitolwilleverattempttocontroller that they would be willingshoulders, you cannot be for the con- thought theywere. They gavethelegalizegambling, because they knowto pay if they do not have to make astitution and the law of the State and drys the law and they gave the wetsin their hearts and souls they will neverwritten return. at the same time wink at violations, and the liquor. get away with it. Take our Legislaturehere on thisthey are going on every day in the year. Thatisexactly what has happened un- But what you can do is give us a sen-question of bookmaking.Here a couple Now I repeat my suggeption. Take der this.The good people back on thesibledefinitionofwhatconstitutesof years ago they passed a statute put-this out of the constitution.It has no hill got the law and the populace hasgambling, and you can get enforce-ting back again the old provision withplace in there.It was put in under the pleasure of betting.So itisallment of that. respect to suing the bookmaker, and theypressure, according to the record. Take even. Now I repeat again, forget the theoryrefer in the penal law to a statute thatthat out and let the Legislature appoint I said the 18th Amendment was fool-thathasbeenadvancedhere,thatfinds its way into the session law ofa commission of its own or by statute ish and I believe this provision of thetakingthisoutoftheconstitutionan amendment to the act that sets upset up a commission that may include constitution to be equally foolish. Themeans the promotion immediately ofthe racing commission for supervisionmen in position to study this thing first thing that brought it into disreputepublic gambling.No such thing canof the race tracks. ho are not members of the Legislature was the enactment of the Volstead Act,happen. Now itis a perfectly easy thing toand let them bring in and put in the that declared anything in excess of a But if this is taken out of the con-find out whether or not the people ofstatute a simple, sensible definition at half of I. per cent be intoxicating.stitution and an intelligent commissionthisStatedesirerace -trackbetting.gambling and you will have stopped Nobody believed is appointed to study this whole ques-That can be handled by the Legislature,an evil that this constitutional afnend- A cup of cc 1 two lumps oftion back as far as it goes in our history,and if the Legislature does not expressment has failed to stop over the 44 sugar lbit than one-halfyou can bring from that commission athe will of the majority of the people,years that It has been in the document. .,11zz71.13., 1958 7-i The Billboard AMUSEMENT MACHINES Vincent Shay Gonrta Lock My Heart' 11 Favorite in MinneapolisOn 'fop, Says Op Is Married MINNEAPOLIS, Aug. 0.-A new disc CHICAGO, Aug. 6.-"No matter how,e favorite reigns in Minneapolis, accord- temperamental the thermometer may be- a ing to Murray M. Kirschbaum, record, come, high or low, there's no tempera - Surprises fellow employees distributor in that area.He states mentalism in the bowling business he thatMusic,Maestro,Pleasehas in Pennsylvania."Such is the con' -takes Ethel White as bride slipped after holding first place for of a letter received by Rock-Ola Mfg. several successive weeks. froma Pennsy op in reference to,n_ -honeymoon in Wisconsin Rock -o -Ball. His selection of the records which th. are most popular in his area are as According to Rock-Ola records, CHICAGO, Aug. G.-"Vince is married!" follows: company reports that this operator has Amid cries of incredulous astonishment Numbers moving strong:1,I'mused these machines for some years and employees and officials of the Mills Nov- Gonna Lock My Heart;2,Music, has constantly repeated his purchases., elty Co. spread the news that Vincent They say that he boughtaquantity ott Shay, their genial sales manager, had Maestro, Please; 3, A-Tisket A-Tasket; the new 12 -foot Rock -o -Balls this spring., slipped away in his own quiet way and 4, I Let a Song Go Out of My Heart; in order to satisfy locations which hacia 0. 5, Flat Foot Floogee. .0- Numbers comingup:1,On the been asking for a bowling game. Bumpy Road to Love; 2, I've Got a Other paragraphs from his letter were, ,clh Pocketful of Dreams; 3,There'sa "Some of my machines are out in sum-'

City wins right to license machines under councilor- dinance -3,200 machines in operation-attorneyto APLAN appeal ruling in higher court Ttr, olc CLEVELAND, Aug. 8.-Cleveland's Court of Appeals has ruled that pinball games are legal.The court reversed a decision rendered on July 1 by Common Pleas Judge Hurd in which Hurd held pinball machines were gambling devices THE.PROVITS and tamed an injunction restraining the city from licensing the machines. Under TODOUBLE a city ordinance Cleveland has been licensing amusement devices at $3 a month LOCATIONS per machine.The city received revenue from an average of 3,200 machines a OF YOURPRESENT month during April, May and June.AU licensing was suspended last month increased to$20.00 pending the Court of Appeals decision. Earningsof $10.00 The majority opinion by Judges Levine increased to$30.00 and Terrel said, in part: "Perusing thisand shipping departments In the South. of $15.00 (pinbal4 ordinance in its entirety, theThey are now carrying machines made earnings increased to$50.00 intention becomes clear, namely, thatby Bally, Daval, Genco, Keeney, Stoner of $25.00 only amusement devices as defined inand Groetchen, they state.For the Earnings the ordnance may be licensed and fur-convenience of ops they are carrying a thermore that nothing shall be permittedcomplete lineof each manufacturer's by way of license if it in any way con-products. flicts with the provision of the General "This unsual expansion of business," Code of Ohio. said M. R. James, manager of Navigation "... That the city has the powerCoin, "proves that we are giving the to license any such device if not pro-operators a fair deal.Our large foreign hibited by the State laws there can beand distant business we contribute to Imagine! doubling your income no dispute. the fact that Houston is a :arge seaport "Under the circumstances present thereand that water rates are so cheap that practically over night - receiving is no justification for the interferencewe can ship to all parts of the world. just twice the profit from every one of a court of equity by injunction.For of your present Slot locations. the reasons stated above, the judgment Sounds too good to be true, doesn't of the' trial court is reversed and final it? - Yet this is just what our new judgmentisenteredforappeals, the plan will do for you. But don't city of Cleveland and other defendant Deftait take our word for it - write for appellants herein." DETROIT, Aug. 6.-A. C. Novelty Co., the plan today - try it - if it WilliamJ.Kraus,attorney,whomanufacturer of the A -C Multi -Bell, is doesn't do just what we claim for brought the suit to enjoin licensing theholding up its volume fairly well despite it - you haven't obligated your- machines on ground that they weretherecession.Under the enterprising self for a single penny. Fair gambling devices, said he would appealmanagement of Arthur Caine, this com- to the Ohio Supreme Court. Kraus saidpany is developing ideas for future pro- enough? Act now - write for the he would not seek a temporary injunc-motion as well as producing and selling plan today. tion from the high court. its present products. Meanwhile a dozen defendants who were charged with "exhibiting pinball PLAYS NICKELS. DIMES AND QUARTERS machines" were expected to be released Louis Berman, manager of the Cham- when their cases were nolle prossed. pion Automatic MusicCo.,returned GIVES ONE PLAY FOR EACH 5c Cleveland under the rulingis nowrecently from a two-week visit to New proceedingtolicense machines underYork. While there he was making nego- the ordinance and the pinballs are alltiationsfor the Champion Automatic 0. D. Jennings and Company, 4309 W. Lake St., Chicago, Ill. back in operation, according to reports.Vending Co., established some time ago The Cleveland News featured the storyby Jacob Chaskin, which is to be an with a live -column heading with boldaffiliate of the Detroit organization. The lettersaboutaninchandone-halfmusic business was reported as con- high, reading, "Pinball Game Legal, Ap-tinuing slow by Philip Berman. peal Court Rules."The secondary head read, "City Wins Reversal of Hurd's De- cision, Continues Licensing." William Girlock was the latest recruit GIVE YOUR LOCATION So tocay between3,000and4,000to the list of vending operators this pinball machines orlikedevicesareweek with the purchase of a group of entertainingthousands ofCleveland'sSmackers machines. AN "HONEST DEAL!" citizens. Gorey, Smitn & Thomas, Inc., newly Another of Superior's sensational Mechanically Operated Boards, formed,willdistributethe Pop -Corn packed with Player Appeal, Profits 'Vavigation Coin Robot in the Missouri territory.The and Action! new company has a capitalizationof All the features of the nation's most $5,000 and has established headquarters popular game, "Poker," are contained Reports Biz Good In HONEST DEAL: Players even draw at 6300 E. Vemor highway, Detroit. for fifth card-the fifth card popping HOUSTON, Aug. 6.-Navigation Coin Others of the company are Malcolm up to be played with the four cards Machine Smith and James Corey, both ofSt. shown onthefaceoftheboard. 7.7o. reports that because of a $40.71 profiton 2280 -holedeal, tremendous volume of business it hasLouis.All three are new to the coin 512.00more profiton 2520.hole found it necessary to more than doublemachine field. Corey,secretary -treas- deal. Players win up to 525.00 on its space end that it now enjoys one ofurer,Istobe resident managerin ROYAL FLUSH! Write for details. the most modern and complete shopsMissouri. SUPERIOR PRODUCTS, Inc. Henry C. Lemke,veteranDetroit 14 NORTH PEORIA ST. operator -jobber,is now sole owner of CHICAGO, ILLINOIS the Lemke Coin Machine Co. following dissolution of the old company and re -blown off.Result-one chicken at least registration. got his or her picture in the papers. Sidney N. Goldberg, manager of Decca Paul Henze, of Henze Machine and Distributing Co., announces that RussTool Co., manufacturer of the vender Morgan, former Detroit boy, is to makethe Trading Post, is pleased with the re- his first recordings for Decca..Morganception by the public of his new ma- led the Fox Theater orchestra at onechine. time. Goldberg states thatoperators have been doing better and are buying "Business is picking up a little bit," more records.He states that businesssaid Fred Gersabeck, of the City Music has shown quite a pick-up and nowCo. "People are going back to work and looks very encouraging. that creates more business all the way WARAI along the line. "As aresult," Gersabeck concluded, SLUG REJECTOR Reuben Ray, Detroit op, has taken"music operators can look forward to Patented Check and Check Separator give ertra over the Ray Music Co., of which he is protection.Individual checks available for each immediate increased business." operator-an added Income safeguard! See ysur now sole owner, and has moved to 580 Jobber or write Beaubien street., Ray Is an enthusiastic One oftho most hopeful signsof A. DALKIN CO. booster of Seeburg machines, which herevival was shown at the Robinson Sales 4311-13 Ravenswood Ave., Chicago. handlesexclusively. RaybelievesinCo. recently.A customer phoned in to giving some time to the study of port-get some nickels "in a hurry." He'd run able patronage of a location before plac-out of them.First time this happened ing a machine.Thru exercise of good business principles he has bolt up ain months, Robinson reported. successful business. The Robot Distributing Co. of Michi- SPECIAL SALE gan has opened offices at 131 Peterboro 1 Genco Magic Roll ...... SIM% Russell M. Raupp, Detroit op, made the 2 Daval Bumper Bowling Games. 'jack .27.50 JACK FINK, Popmatic factory rep- headlines street, just east of Cass avenue, to act 1 United Amusement Real 55111 29.55 recentlyfollowingabadas State distributor for the new Pop- 10 Deuces Wild. Each SAW resentative for Michigan, Ohio and windstorm.He has a small farm nearcorn Robot.The distributing organiza- 25 Fairgrounds.Each 97.1* Canada, shown looking over some Trenton, Mich., and in the storm several Popmatic pictures. of his chickens had their feathers alltion is headed by Mr. and Mrs. HarryA, NEW ORLEANS NOVELTY CO., Ferguson. US Irides St.. Nog

1, . a Au' 78 The Billboard AMUSEMENT MACHINES August 13, 1938 Exposition Sales Good, Says Chi Coin Packsof Cigarettes A CHICAGO, Aug. 6.- "Lights, action, thrills, suspehse, lots of money spent, monthly are sold through crowds of people, novel and fascinating GREAT NEW ideas and places of interest-these fea- tures and others are all characteristic TOKEN PAYOUT AUTOMATIC of the greatest show ever put on, a Cigarette Reel Games Century of Progress, held here in Chicago I. 4 PAYOUT a few years ago," stated executives Sam "Every Sale Certified" Wolberg and Sam Gensburg, as they Madrid/ litS1P3i' CONSOLE! mused over and discussed their newest Thousands of locations rave about the novelty game release, Exposition. tremendousstimulationwhich Ginger "Yes, just as these sparkling features automatic Token Payout has given to their amused, held the interest and attracted Cigarette Sales. the money of millions of people a few short years ago, so the features on our new five -ballnoveltyofferingto the coin machine trade, Exposition, will do the same-because It has the same type of features and appeals so strongly liked and desired by the public. "On location tests Exposition was the center of attraction from morning till night.Featured on Exposition are the new two' -way bumpers which help play- ers to add 200 or 1,000 points to their scores. The tubular lighting effects lend a gay atmosphere toitsappearance. And it's equipped with an income reg- ister to protect the profits of the game. "We'vealreadyreceivednumerous comments from operators upon receipt 1 -BALL PLAY ... of Exposition, and they're plenty ex- cited about it. WIN, PLACE, "Aside from the interest in Exposition, there are the immense profits now being SHOW and PURSE earned with our other recent releases, . Peppy and Cadet.Peppy is one of the AWARDS . fastestsellingnovelty games on the MYSTERY COIN market today.Orders for it have really taxed our working force to the utmost, CHUTE GIVING as they keep piling higher and higher. extra And Cadet is earning enormous profits Operatorsgladlypay thesmall PLAYER 1 TO 8 everywhere.Last but not least, Chico charge to obtain the "certified payout'' HORSES WITH Nags continues to be the novelty horse protection which redeemed payout tokens race high -score hit of the season." EACH COIN PLAY- give them. Mechanically perfect,withcheat -proof ED...6 -COIN gooseneck coin chute, Gingerturnsin MULTIPLE COIN Reserves Strong substantial profits every week. CHUTE. Ideal for large route operation In Maryland Write for quantify price. 925 W. NORTH AVE. CHICAGO, Aug. 6.-Art Nyberg, who Jimmy Johnson has been traveling thru Maryland as GROETCHEN TOOL COMPANY EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY CO.CHICAGO, ILLINOIS field assistant to John A. Fitzgibbons, WESTERN Bally Mfg. Co.'s Eastern distributor, re- 130 N. Union Street CHICAGO ports that territory still very partial to reserve -type games. Gum Consumption "Infact,"Art states,"reserve -type novelty games are in many instancesModern Execs OKLAHOMARemains Steady earning more than some payouts.Bally CHICAGO,Aug.6.-ProfitsoftheReserve is still going strong, with BallyCancel Vacations HEADQUARTERS three leading chewing gum manufac-Arcade serving as companion game in NEW YORK, Aug. 6.-When business turers in the second quarter and firstmany spots.Even in the payout class,gets so good that theexecutivesof a FOB BALLY'S NEWEST the favorite is Bally's Grandstand multi-firm are forced to cancel their summer half of 1938 continued to show greater - And than -average resistance to depression in-ple, which has a reserve feature. vacations itmust be good.That's what fluences.Earnings reports issued lastnow the run has begun on Bally's newNat Cohn and Iry Sommer report they've FLEET sceek show thatprofitsofthe gumPalm Springs, which isa semi -reservehad to no to take care of the rush of makers for the first half ranged betweengame, providing an opportunity for in-operators who have been thronging the OPERATE AS "RESERVE" TYPE 7 and 22 per cent below last year win -termediate awards.As far as I can seeModern Vending Co. offices here to in- OR REGULAR NOVELTY CAME. pared with a decline of a much higherMaryland willcontinue to be strongspect and order the new Wurlitzer models percentage for the induStry as a wholereserve territory." 500 and 600. on the basis of reports from 146 com- "Here Iwasallsetto soak up a lot of GRANDSTAND panies. sunshine at my home in Bell Harbor, MULTIPLE 1 -SHOT PAYOUT Indicationsarethat the futureis L. I.," Cohn stated, "but it looks like my WITH "RESERVE" FEATURE. brighter and that business in the last vacation will have to wait a while longer. half of 1938 will show an increase over Ever since we announced the arrival of IMMEDIATE DELIVERY previous quarters. the new Wurlitzer models we have been AT BEST PRICES. Sales volume of these units is believed besieged with requests for immediate de- CONTACT US FOR A BETTER DEAL. to have held fairly close to last year, livery.It looks like a big year is in store with declines narrower than in net earn- for the music machine operators." ings. Chewing gum manufacturers en- Iry Sommer stated that with all Mod- itron: joy a demand similar to that experienced ern employees on the job they've been able ENID by cigaret producers, in that habit plays to take care of the increased business in an important part in consumption. an efficient manner. "Meyer Parkoff, our Another similarity to cigaret produc- general manager, is taking care of all de- IfJackpot Bells or Venders are tion is that the use of machinery has tails in fine style.Harry Rosen has re- operatinginyour City or County, aided in the reduction of labor costs. covered from his illness and is also back write us immediately. We have 1000 As a result the cost of raw materials, on the ,Job.As for me, I expect to dash machines to lease. Give complete principally chicle, influences profit mar- down to Miami in the next week or two information first letter as to kind of gins to a considerable extent.These leading producers of gum maintain large for a few days and then return here." machines running, number of loca- inventories of gum materials in order tions you can secure, your age, refer- to minimize effects of price fluctuation. ences, etc.Make good money with a route of machines. Wrigley Profit $1.31 a Share CHICAGO, Aug. 6.-The William Wrig- Cohen Adheres to ley Jr. Co., of this city, reports a con- THE VENDING MACHINE COMPANY solidated net profit of $3,382,604 after Advertising Idea 205-1, Franklin Street Fayetteville, N. C. Depreciation, estimated federal income taxes and other charges, but before the MINNEAPOLIS, Aug. 6.-William (The surtax on undistributedearningsfor Sphinx) Cohen, of the Silent Sales Co., 7 SAkneeeybsallthe first half of 1938.This is equal to calls attention to the fact that he has $L72 each on 1,959,467 shares of no-par always been a stickler for form in adver+ FOR SALE capital stock, excluding treasury shares tising.Says Cohen, "In all my advertis- In first-clgss condition.Price reasonable for and compares with $4,354,901 or $2.22 ing I am careful that there is nothing quick disposal.Write a share earned in the same period last that could cause unfavorable reaction on year. the part of the public.For instance, I SAMUEL and NATHAN E. GOLDSTEIN,Inc. A net profit of $1,948,781 after allow- said recently in an ad, 'these two hits are 167 State St., Springfield, Mass. ances was reported by the Wrigley firm hitting all-time highs.'The thought to and its subsidiaries for the second quar- DARCY BALL AND ERNIE BALL, the operator is there and there is no ter of the year.This isequal to 99 of the Kiwi Novelty Co., Johannes- chance for a kick -back.I shall continue ADVERTISE IN THE BILLBOARD -cents a capital share.For the June burg, South Africa, inspect and ap- to practice this policy. which I know will YOU'LL BE SATISFIED WITH quarter of 1987 the firm reportedanet proveGottlieb'sfive-starReserve be of benefit to the coin machine in- RESULTS of $2,573,785 or $1.81 a share. while visiting Chicago. dustry."

s ' fugust 13, 1938 AMU ENT MACH INES n Mills Offers Drill -Proof Bell [t. CHICAGO, Aug. 6.-"Operstors, here's the new era in Bell operation -the 'drill 1AEZST CLEARANCE proof.' "Thus did theMills Novelty Co. disclose to the trade that it is now placing on the market a new Brown DAMNS Front Bell that will, they say, "resist all T'.? Following Machines Are Slightly ilsod types of steel hand drills." The use of and in Perfect Condition: the protective lining is optional with 1 the operator, prices being slightly ad- 1 -Paces Races, black cabinet, vanced for models with the lining. cash pay.Serial No. 3499 $110.00 Said the Mills bulletin: "At least half 1 -Paces Races,black cabinet, cash pay.Serial No. 2741 100.00 of the bell operators in the country have 4 -Ray's Tracks, 5c play, check suffered losses from drilling.On the separator, like new. Serial Nos. 4571, 4545, 4795, 4416. Ea. 75.00 Brown Front the lining is a solid sheet 4 --Galloping Dominoes, 50 play, approximately1-16of an inch thick - regular style coinhead,high really an armor plate that protects the serials, perfect condition. Each 75.00 4 -Exhibit Single Slot Chuck-A- machine fromalloutsideboring at- Lettes, So play.Each 32.50 tempts.The lining is made of a spe- 1 -Gottlieb, 9 -slot, 5c play, cially hardenedcold -rolledsteeland Console Horse Race, floor sample 85.00 1-Ballly Skilifleid, slightly used, completely lines the cabinet. like new. Serial No. 2143 65.00 1-K legPin, cash pay.Serial "You're in for still another great sur- No. 5740 210.00 prise on the machine. And that's 'knee - action' stop levers.It's a boon for play- 40 -Belly Reserves,guaranteed ers who have always been touchy about like new. Each 37.50 seeing reels stop too suddenly or bounce off a wanted character.The new ma- 1-Foto-Finish,ticketmodel,like chine's reels slide slowly into the stop 3 -Air Races, ticket model, like new. and come gently to rest -no jarring and Each ...... 10.00 no bouncing. 1 -Bally Racing Form,likenew, cash pay 27.50 "Added to thisisa new protected 2 -Airways, like new. Each 22.50 money cup.It protects the profits, mak- 1 -Flying High, ticket model,like ingitimpossibleto shove wires or 1-Genso Football Touchdown, floor spoons thru the cup opening to get at sample ...... 35.00 the jackpot.It's a great machine -and 1 -Green Lights, with meter, floor the ops will really go wild for it." I{ sample ...... 60.00 1-Stoner's Misa America, like new 15.00 6 -Mills Counter King, like new. Ea. 15.50 1 -Jennings Grand Stands, 1c play 15.00 1 -Bally Entry, like new ..... 80.00 Ponser Strong for 20 -Gottlieb DeluxeGripTesters, S. U.Each 11.00 Daval's Robin Hood 10 -Deuces Wild, with gum vend- er, [Ike new.. Each $20.00 NEW YORK, Aug. 6. -George Ponser was one of the most enthusiastic distribs ,.. All orders must be accompanied by 1 /3 deposit in the country this past week upon re- Inthe forms of P. 0., Express or Telegraph ceiving his first production sample of ,. money order. Write and ask us to put you on ,,,, nur mallins list.All used machines are offered Daval's new pin game, Robin Hood. subject to prior sale and all of the above prices "There is no doubt that Pavel has rare effective August 13, 1938. We have all ';- latesthits availableforImmediate delivery, stepped back into the pin game field with Stoner's Zeta,Bally Grand Stand,Arcade. a bang," Ponser stated."This new game Klondike, Pail Bennett's Deuces Wild. of theirs is proof of the pudding.It has that extra something that makes for a . MOSELEY VEND. MACH. EX. Inc. real hit and combines the best money- .0Yet making ideas in pin machines with the Otsego, I, 00 Broad St., Richmond, Va. latest developments in mechanical con- . . Day Phone 3-4511. Night Phone 5-5328. struction.The double light feature for A will: meet Your. extra score on this game instantly at- questionably to a tracted every one of the operators who saw Keeney Kaineramanus unpack the first sample machine. provpairaiihanically per*.

"In addition to its many features," he continued, "Daval brings Robin Hood Takes Some Pix to the ops at a very low price.The great success which we are enjoying with Green CHICAGO, Aug. 6.- States Keeney:Light has opened the operators' eyes to "To the best of our knowledge we areDaval games, and we believe Robin Hood the only coin game factory employing awill prove to be one of the big money - staff photographer.He Is Jimmy Hunt.getters of the year.Th6 tests we have conducted have proved its money -making He's a wiz and he has all the cameraspowers. and gadgets that Keeney could get so "This is the first game," Ponser con- that he could take pictures anywherecluded, "that we have ordered in carload under any conditions." lots in many months. We are so sold Elsewhereinthisissueare shownon this game that we are urging all of samples of Hunt's prowess with platesour customers to put one on location ' .7 4 - 1--#:*-y-,.,,;,,,,\,,,,e49i.e6 andlenses. Thethreeexceedinglyand watch the results, for there is no candid camera shots were taken at thedoubt that Robin Hood will prove Itself ,PLN1/4. ,,.'' (1116.:7:::.i.illIkrn.o..,44,(41,yd , 5 7--2 Y i r s r 0 , ,s,,r, 1 013 MIilla.%650 ..,.. recent Keeney Konclave and show Jackto be a winner in any spot." ss0 ,... 1,-.- r,, pcvainces Keeney in fancy pajamas helping Fred . gen SlidesQuill ;,41:--4:ri. . ,,,,,,k.. Yung, Keeney plant manager, repair a "whoopie cushion" and a third depicts PurltaWheels tr. bed suffering from fallen slats. Sales Manager Becker about to do a ?te 4. pi ,,,,L t VSVIEE-Ikt--,-1c..ner`rits "IA* : ::: 213.6.58, Wagon 4.5. Another view pictures Mel Binks, chiefone -and -a -half off of Yung's neck into GAME S. ,,, , .) s. so al, t4C'ul4h"GIN muss 8'iays .. 0 (Veoder as° engineer,as he parked himself on athe water. . tiech. 0,, f,,,,.. 4.50 Ai's° svaphY,t, ts'ei ovet:TYDerbY P :_., i'Lso 450 Solitaire in:i. 4.5r Auto .ii 66. -ga'e- bu Booster 95, a ci fC3555?) Irect'' picette .....

MES: ea" rd - Long Beach 6$0PUntito.g.; iiiioHifiSg ^-fsie ... culleSur4:ISfi cl4 .e .sp carnival tii;a .52:2*.Y0 .....- f,,iso sandv,s Hoses T. Wats s'.5p M5ills shyersilver fi,.0-,-.ioansent 5,c Q. T.Watling- " 32.50 coic Mills &joc *iiios. ' ROI-VVPUTON' 1 .so a Jacits . _ ...0 Oee pie_,, Richard 6 so a..0 peck- 131g sam 8u limo.1931 .e.e.:6 5%.5;o Bunning VesVocrIrds 8S;;;Iti:IIPa°8;ar; :: : :all; BateeelY47;;;;;;i" ..51.Sails,liollyweociFish \ ;407,tsf....1s.). King 9rti '1,...v.,,,...,T, Ace, Golf -.*::::,..... 413 Ivory . ,r., 11431\11

13 Tx 01 Ivor u 1.1

EX c" 63 Reel Vender. E-Getiina li. .:5:ii.i..r: Iel114r_tre°1aersonit(.418:11taa'ecles:m.'es..n.A.....:.e C.O. '14M:10;14,shl,:totit'ellitilcsl.c°.1:".....'.....',...... 1.. /1C,clej IA % 19":3 0! D. cat.

10u;Yt:,(.;Cls* . - s avance...._.;, pbone: \ Dux ...... a'as.,..,:

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FREE TO OPERATORS ,....m...... 1041111111.11=1 Weekly List of All the Latest. Frices of PIN GAMES. Just Send Us Your Name and Address. Us for Used Games That Are Really In Excellent Condition,All Nice end Clean,Repainted When TRY Necessary and ZAREFULLY PACKED. GAY TIME $32.00 MARS $18.00 EXPORT JUNGLE 36.50I 'JOGUE 18.00 "We Cover the World." MERCURY 12.50 EASY STEPS 35.00 Cable Address: Home Run, Ricochet. Outboard Gross Line, Hit and Run, 57.45 Each (3 to, 321.00). "NATNOVCO." THREE SHOTS taken by Keeney cameraman, Jimmy Hunt, at the recent 1 /3 Denosi With Order, Balance C. 0. D. Merrick, N. Y. Keeney 'Conclave.Loo: 1 as tho they had a lot of jun. NATIONALNOVELTY ca.., Merrick,L.IN. Y. AMUSEMENT MACHINES August 13, 1938

(3/4cent).The mu- f and 50 centavos r r**** r, nicipality of Lisbon requires from each operator 1,700 escudos ($78) a year for V the privilege of operating one or several machines. v The government takes Its cut on im- "WHATTA 4 V port duty by charging 1/3 of an escudo. per pound.This must be paid in gold. so multiply that by 25 and you shall * have about 37 American cents for each. YA MEAN pound of machine brought into Portu-. WITH THE gal In addition 20 per cent ad valorem* for the privilege of importing It. k ekTE AND DIFFERENT?" . Sweden . :EATUREI * Yep, we hear that many times a day * The Swedish laws pertaining to games * down here at Oriole. Especially since :ore is made, come under the lottery regulations and conform to a Royal decree of 1881. This * so many of our customers have been 4 the JACKPOT. ordinance does not permit any games of boasting about our kind of service, 4 3411' Starts at chance excepting for public charity. co-operationandpricestotheir 1 Skill and amusement games which do * friends. v not come under the category of chance* If you're still In doubt that there 1 Style are permitted.There are not many and * really and truly Is a different and r most are of German origin.Import duty * betterway tosupply your .r, * r IEGISTER 1s one oouronne (18 cents) per pound. needs... . There are perhaps more vending ma- chines in Sweden than in any other European country with the possible ex- ONEXT4MIEOTRYI:i ception of Denmark, where most of them , 150 originate.Import duty is 10 per cent F.O.B. ad valorem.

, Austria Chicago * 4 Games and venders now come under COIN MACHINE CORP. a the German regulations and these will a * Oriole Bldg., BALTIMORE MO. not permit the authorities to look upon * the Industry favorably. * -ALSO AT- v Under the Austrian laws games were * Pittsburgh Washington2Buffalo 4 not in favor exactly but enjoyed a. "cer- * t tain uncertainty" in the interpreting of ;TERS the many decrees. a 4 It was a country like the U. S., made Awards up of several states, High and Low Aus- tria. Styria, Salzburg, Carinthia, Tyrol, n etc.,where each state usedits own method tointerprettheregulations. The result was a certain tolerance in SKILL TIMES some and in others rigorously enforced. Converted, ,CAR Those that showed tolerance were the Reconditioned, Ready to Operate. ones with state-owned casinos, of which Sle Wr fo there are six, each having as many as 30 Machine $100.00 Lotite Price.r and machines of the payout type.Vienna =NI OMEN.. MIM MEM., M.o. rIM ,M11111. alsohas or did have a number of LATE 1937 SKILL TIMES, machines estimated at several thousand. Factory Model$125.00. I SAM MAY-"HAS IT" Guarantees to Save You Money. .---eild _...riATED CARTOON BACK - Students' Ideas . . . . COMBINATION 50 SAM MAY & COMPANY, FREE PLAY AND 1,000- 'IFse Offered Coiners 2011-13 Maryland Ave.Balto., Md. a F 0.1. POINT SAUCER CUP HOLE. Diens CHICAGO, Aug. 6.-Why can't coin featuel manufacturers make a machine similar to the one which has been constructed BERT LANE Coin Amusement Supp17, by a group of young college students? f. O. S. SEABOARD SALES Limited Must the intellectuals show the coin biz 111111111111111111111.' '1111111111111111111111 SSS 619 Tenth Avenue, crow 42 BethnalGreen Rd., how to make drawing attractions? JUDGE A DISTRIBUTOR New York, N. Y., London, Eng., Eastern Factory Repre- CansoDistributor for Take, for instance, the new machine by the sentative. England. developed by students of the Association COMPANIES REPRESENTED of Arts and Industries, the Smell -O -Meter. The "odor organ" was invented in the Eastern Distributors: course of experimental work by first -year 1.11101 NAOVIEG students.They were told to create ob- MILLS NOVELTY CO. jects that would appeal to the senses of A. B. T. CO. GROETCHEN MFG. CO. GENCO, CHICAGO, sight, hearing, touch and smell-and the Inc. smell machine came into existence. BALLY MFG. CO. H. C. EVANS & CO. t The thing Is simple.Sticking out of D. GOTTLIEB CO.WESTERN EQUIP. CO. a small white box is a "nosepiece."In CHICAGO METAL MFG. CO. BALLY TURF SPECIAL___--_$ 50.00 front of the box are six small handles FLEETWOODS 85.00 and an electric switch.Turning the KEYSTONE NOV. & MFG. CO. PREAKNES$ 25.00 Pais switch, a soft whirring noise is heard. PHOTO FINISH_ 20.00 26th & Huntingdon Sts. TANFORANS. Ray's TRAC% 50.00 That's the fan which blows odors thru CLASSICS, CAROMS, BROADWAY PARIS, Aug. 6.-In almost all coun-the nosepiece.Turning No.1 handle, PHILADELPHIA, PA. ANGELS, PAMCO TOUT 12.50 tries where coin machines are manu-you stick your nose into the nosepiece TRACK TIMES, Red Cabinet 100.00 factured American machines are copied. KENTUCKY CLUBS 175.00 and get an odor of perfume. You turn DERBY DAY, Con. Slant Tcp 75,00 Let an American machine come into ex-No. 1off and turn on No. 2.Now you istenceanda monthlaterthereisget an odor of banana oil.Other odors . something similar thrown on the Euro- pean market. come in succession-vanilla, alcohol and BEST NOVELTY C0. onion.If you drink water at the same We say similar and that is as much astime, they say, it's as good as an ice-cream 1047 St.C:alr, O. canbesaid. Forthatreasonthissoda. "Our Strength is based on article on what exporters must contend And that is where the coin machine biz Ouality&Flonest Service" with in Europe is written.The exteriorcomes in.Think of it-putacoin chute POWER PLAY. S 7.60 Isabout the same under adifferenton this machine and vend water. Colossal. BALLY RESERVE.... 37.50 name, but the "innards" is somethingGive them a mere whiffofflavoring TURF KINGS 11.50 "COMPARE" else again.Even at the exposition Just(cost $0.00000005) and a glass of water LONG BEACH 9.50 SPRINT 8.50 Used Pir Games at Money ended in Paris this writer saw machineand they think they've got something. STONER BASEBALL 12.50 after machine of local make that all the(Or will they?) BEAMLITE 18.50 Saving Prices. Get Cir- king's soldiers could not make function To theorize a little farther upon the CHICO DERBY 7.50 as was intended.Something would gopossibilities of this machine, let us con- CHICO BASEBALL 21.50 cular and Prices. haywire, and for that reason the pro-sider the possibilities of satisfying other 1/9 With Order, Bal. C. 0. D. spective buyer was skeptical and almostsensory powers otherthanthe sense of Cable address: "HERMEX." all went to the importer for a machinesmell.For instance, the sense of sight. THE VENDING MACHINE CO. of proven value. Manufacturers could install a real soda 205-11 Frank'inStreet In allcountries the laws regulatingin back of a locked, glass -faced partition Fayetteville,N. C. the payout machines are complex. Eachto satisfy the sense of sight. To help the HEREIJLESMACHINE EXCHANIGE,I country keeps adding new regulations tohearing sense they might arrange to have 1175 BROADST. NEWARK,N.J. the existing laws and in such a way thata constant fizz of carbonated water en- the men supposed to enforce these lawstering the soda. FOR SALE don't know what it's all about. May we express one warning, however. TWO KEENEY TURF CHAMPS Do not make the soda too realistic or MILLS ONE. TWO, THREE, $35.00 EACH. UsedThree Weeks - Guarsartteed Like NOV,. someone with a hammer is going to satisfy belly Saddle Clubs, 8 -Coin Multiple Play, $100.00Each - Both for $175.00 Portugal Console, $75.00.Bally Turf Specials, Con- his senses of taste and touch also. Evans 1938 Galloping Dom- CHAS. E. TILGHMAN The most popular amusement machine Aside from kidding about the Smell - sole, $55.00. SNOW 4ILL. MD. is the pin or bumper type, with about0 -Meter, it is claimed that the machine inoes, with Reriote Control, $150.00. 90 per cent of American manufacture. might find some use as a device for On 'Third Deposit. ADVERTISE IN THE BILLBOARD - The monetary unit in Portugal is theofferingsampleperfumesmellsand YOU'LL BE SATIS1ED WITH escudo (41,4cents), with the machinesampling at tea and coffee houses and BILL FREY, Inc.,Miami, Fla. RESULTS play in centavos, 20 centavos (14 cent)wineries. August 13, 1938 AMUSEMENT MACHINES Mr Billboard 81 tionery -Ice Cream World.According to the Liquid Carbonic Corp.. this tremen- Size: dous sum is expended by ordinary folks Int=tatain what may be termed'concentrated spots." By thlt terminologt the thought TOBACCO is expressed thatitisadefinite spot for the location of machines. SPECIAL With State and city sales taxes what

GENCO6 -ft.MAGIC they are, almost everyone comes away PAK POLL,FloorSample.. $74.50 with odd change; often they are willing to utilize this money in machines in or- NEW COUNTER HIT derto do away with the"bother of WITH BIG TIME "TAKE!" ONE BALLS carrying it." CI it.CIC 519.95 The amazing little cigarette C RACING FORM 24.50 Said the publication: "Seven out of game that's making theBIG srontsmANDeLUXE 22.50 every 10 persons entering a retail store HIT! Thesefeatures makeIt 111IFF CHAMP 24.50 having soda fountain facilities patronize sensational:MysterySelection! MysteryOdds!Lite-Up! ABT Fs, CLOCKER 37.50 that department.Soda fountains take Slot, last coin Illuminated! in 31 cents of every dollar spent in the MysterySlotbringsupnum- ber,whichrepresentsabrand SLOTS establishment." of cigarettes.If the total on the 4diceexceedsthatnumber, BLUE FRONT, 5c $39.50 player receives from 1package LION HEAD 24.50 to a cartonofcigarettes,de- WAR EAGLE, 10c 29.50 pending on the odds._ BallGUM F.0. K. SILENT 19.50 72ew Weans Attachment filled without openingmachine. Many other RELIANCE, 25c 22.50 NEW ORLEANS,Aug.6. -Business stand -out CHIEFS, 10c -25c 32.50 conditions have been unusually good features! COMET FRONT VENDER 22.50 thruout Louisiana and East Texas this PHONOGRAPHS summer despite the national setback, lc, Sc,lee and coin machine operators in all sec- 100% $24." Me or WUR:ITZER P-12 $69.50 tions of this State are enjoying good op- Corobina WM( ..ITZER 312 89.50 tier Slot ROCK -OLA No. 2 69.50 erations. With very few localities closed LEGAL to operations, there is no indication that the coin machine industry has reached SEEBURG RAYOLITE $139.50 a saturation point in these parts.There STEWART-McGUIRE 7 -Col. Cig. ".' Machines are new locations opening daily, altho DE LUXE 54.50 the swing at present is toward out-of- door sections.Along the lakeshore and in the park areas of the city operators GRIP SCALE are doing their best business now.In- GERBER & GLASS dependence Day without doubt set new 3 -WAY STRENGTH TESTER 914 DIVERSEY BLVD. high marks for play on the Gulf Coast Built by a manufacturer who knows CHICAGO, ILL. beaches, how! These quality features:New Sure -Grip 6 suction -cup base; new Frank Alessi reports that he is now Button Indicator Control for com- petitive play! Chrome Handles concentratinghisoperationsatthe throughout; Anti -Tilt, Tension -Ad- Calcutt Looks to Standard Novelty Co. to clax machines. justment to suit loca- Alessi has purchased a large line of new tion: Bell Adjust- Exhibit Merchantmen diggers and has 50ment to ring at any Big Fall Season placed them at strategic soots in the number; Non -Clog city. Slot;SeparateCash FAYETTEVILLE, N.C.. Aug. 6. -The He reports good results for the Box, etc. Metal Stand, Vending Machine Co. hereisreportedfirst two weeks. 1 $2.50 Extra. to be a beehive of activity these days, with Joe Calcutt making preparations F. W. King, of the C. & N. Sales Co., IMMEDIATE DELIVERY for a bannerfallbusiness."We arespent the Fourth on the Mississippi Gulf doing everything that we possibly canCoast, where he has big tung oil inter- to help the operators enjoy banner prof-ests,and reports that everywhere he D. GOTTLIEB & CO. its both rL7lit now and for the fall sea-looked coin machines were crowded with 2736-42 N. Paulina St. CHICAGO son ahead," he stated."Some of theplayers.Operators on the Coast from games we now have on hand are theWaveland to Pascagoula, he says,re- best we ever carried in stock, and we areported the biggestbusinessin many preparing to feature them big to opsyears and most of them report the larg- interested in acquiring more equipmentest patronage in their business expert for fall operations." ence.Thousands had to return to the Calcutt also revealed that the Balti-city Sunday night because accomoda- DIG LEAGUE 13ASE13ALIL, more office of the firm is fast becomingtions were not to be had. a major cog intheirset-up."From this officy we can give overnight delivery Louis Boasberg, of the New Orleans 5' Alf) .1;.-..'-151Ji service to ops thruout Maryland; Wash-Novelty Co., announces that he intends 4 SHOTS AT $25.00 ington, D. C.;Delaware, Pennsylvania,to maintain a large display and stock of NewJerseyand NewYork. R. E.Watling slot machines. Boasberg is high No. 2415 2400 Holes wri go". l.11.111 ,Iet n (Smitty) Smith is in charge of these of-in his praise of the Watling Treasury Takes in $120.00 "1110L111011 fices," Calcutt went on. and calls it the best buy of all bell -type "His work so Average Payout 58.99 far has drawn scoresof complimentsmachines by a big margin.The firm gm, from our customers. also reports a good demand for Gottlieb He is one of theDaily Races, Jr. true oldt:mers in this business and has Aver. Cross Profit $ 61.01 amounsincimmansuiculnianifun-...`Zl.awi.,..,...,,-.... been of nelp to operators thruout the tulsimminumennomon 11111111 Hell Seen together at the Group Theater's HI 111011111111M11111111 111 111011101 country for the past 25 years.His ad- Jackpot Tickets Printed With Names of Big vice and counsel are considered preciousrecent production of One -Third ofa 11111 1111:11111111121111 III 111111111111111111111 Nationwere threeofcoinmachine League Teams and Amount of Award. 1111 1l10lHa111Ot110I11 11161110111111111 by every operator who knows him.He IIII 1111111111H11011111111111111111111 1111011111 row's most youthful bosses,They were MI HM1111111118111161HO11143111 MINH plays a big role in the administration 1131111111111111311161112111011131111 1118111411 of Vemco'sfamous Louis Boasberg, of N. 0. Novelty; Melvin 111111111H111111111011111111111HHIllii1a1Hi service policy," Cal- IMIII11/011111111111111111111H1111511111151H11 cutt concluded. Mallory, of Louisiana Amusement, and IIIIHIIIIIIIIIUMM1112111011111111111111113HH Hank Friedburg, of Crescent Novelty Co. WriteToday for NC -15. Price Each 111111111111111111116111111111111111111111111111 Friedburg was last year's male star of Get Our New Low Prices. Only $4.94 IIHHIHNHHHHIlt111111111111g11111111111111 the despitehis IHIMIH6111$1111111111101131111/111111:1111141-4 Spend $4,000,000 Group Theater and 11114/111111IIIMM111151191101111111111111141111-1 "temporary" retirement in 19M seems set 1111111111111111/111111H1111111111116111141111111 I for a big comeback next season. 11111111111111111111+1411+11111 111116111111M1111-11 11115111e11111M111111111111101111111111/1/1101 : At Fountains Daily Jerry Germenis, of the Germenis Sales HARLICH MFG. CO. 111/1111/5:2110111112tHil1fHlti1fe111111111111+ (Location Story) Co., reports a fine increase in operations 1413 W. JacksonBlvd.,Chicago,Illinois. IMUMMUMEHCHIME!!!!!!!!!!1 CHICAGO, Aug. 6. -"American Publicofmerchandisevenders,particularly Spends $9,000,000 Every Day at 120,000from results of several new Mills ma- Soda Fotnitains"-headlineinConfec-chines he recently purchased. * * * * BUY FROM THE LEADER **** Auroran 5 9 50 Dux $12.50 Snappy 537.50 Beamlite 18 50 Easy Steps 27.50 Sprint 7.50 Bobs 19.50 Jungle 37.50 Sensation 1937 11.60 Boo Hoo 8.50 Long Beach 10.50 Turf Kings 12.50 Bally Booster 8.50 Outboard Bumper 7.50 Vogue 13.50 Baseball, Stoner .... 18.50 Bally Reservo 37.50 War Admiral Cargo 28.50 Rose Bowl 12.50 Zephyr 28.SC Chico Derby 9.50 Roll Over 7.50 Exhibit Basketball 10.6C Chico Baseball 22.50 Stoner Races 9.50 Track Time Keeney 89.5C


440 USED SLOTS FOR SALE 5c PLAY 1c SLOTS 40 Mills Blue Fronts, Single Jackpots . $30.00 25 Pace DeLuxe Comets, 1938, Used 50 Mills Blue Fronts, Double Jackpots. 27.50 3 Weeks $45 CO 250 Jennings Chiefs, Milco Heads..... 22.50 30 Pace Comets, Regular 20C.0 30 Jennings Silver Chiefs, Milco Heads, 6 Mills QTs 1500 3 Weeks Old 59.50 1 Watling Roilatop 20 00 S Paco Comet Consoles, 3 Weeks Old. 69.50 1 /3 DEPOSIT WITH ORDER. MT. ROYAL NOVELTY, INC. 306 E. BALTIMORE ST.. BALTIMORE, NC.

GEORGE JENKINS, Bally Mfg. Co. sales manager, demonstrates the new ADVERTISE IN THE BILLBOARD - YOU'LL BE Klondike multiple to Ted Bush, of Acme Novelty Co.. Minneapolis. SATISFIED WITH RESULTS 5. ta, -14.4y ,,,.!74,42,},, fr.:77-1:1 74f"^" '0571,11M7171g7."Pl7"7: 7n:'-)M9tiltkr"'4 'yr\ "'''`7472:r


PALM SPRINGS BALLY'S NEWEST RESERVE TYPE GAME WITH "We're tickled, thrilled and overwhelmed by the landslide of congratulations that greeted the opening of Seaboard Sales last week. It's good to know that we've got so many real INTERMEDIATE AWARDS friends,friends who said k with orders from all over the East.Fred Iverson, our regionalsales manager, is still talk- WINNER TAKES ALL ing about his wonderful receptionbythe upstate New York and New England coinmen with whom he is so popular. WHEN 18 BUMPERS HIT Bert Lane "All of which Is proof that our new angle of 'super distribu- 4.THANKS, GENOO, for tion' on the factory -to -you plan Is what Jobbers and dis- ALSO AWARDS FOR your splendid co-opera- tion' and for starting us off tributors have really been waiting for. 12 OR 6 BUMPERS with suchswell gamesas SPLASH and OSCAR! "Thanks a million, boys. We're all set to work with you!" ALL AWARDS ornEn SEABOARD SALES,Phone:WIsconsin 7-5688-9-90 METERED 619TErITH AVErILIE, nEui YORK, n.y. D,tect qactolif 442,14 _Czaeang ma4u,fac-4,42,24! ADJUSTABLE SCORE INSERTS

5 -BALL PLAY Wash. Judge Patent No. A REAL 500 SLOT 2088108 PRICE! Summer Special-WRITE! Okehs Pinball

MACHINES Holds that Legislature ap- proved machines-grants 300 Pay Tables injunction to stop officers GUARANTEED PERFECT GRANDSTAND SEATTLE, Aug. 8.-Legality of pinball CONDITION Payout Game machines has been conclusively affirmed PRICED TO SELL One Shot MULTIPLE in an opinion handed down by Judge D. G. Wright, of the Superior Court, DISTRIBUTOR FOR WITH $45 TOP"RESERVE" seated in Olympia, Wash.The jurist held that machines were legal under the Columbus Venders Win, Show lawspassed by theLegislature and granted an injunction to operators, who THE LEADING LINE OF and Purse Awards- interference by the p 1 u sSweepstakes had askedthat MERCHANDISERS CARRIED authorities be stopped. IN STOCK. Reserve! Write for "It appears conclusively to the court," complete CONFI- Judge Wright set forth, "that when the PHONE, WIRE OR WRITE FOR DENTIAL details Legislature atitslast session passed PRICES AND COMPLETE legislationpermitting gamesitmust INFORMATION and prices. have done so advisedly and withthe express purpose of permittingthe use of such devices as are nowcommonly called pinball games. FAYETTEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA Patent Not. "The question presented is not for the 2063108 courts.The court's only duty is to in- 2082708 terpret the law asit stands on the statute books.The Legislature, having plainly spoken, has established the rule." Write for often/ars on BALLY RESERVE,BALLY ARCADE, SPORT PAGE, concluded the judge. FLEET, LITE-A-PAX, BALLY'S PONIES, MILLWHEEL,LINCOLN, FIELDS. The recent opinion was renderedin the suit that had been brought by R.M. Littlejohn etal., in which petitioners, such as restaurant owners andothers, asked the court in the test case for a BALLY MFG. COMPANY permanent injunction against the law - BELMONT AVE. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS enforcement officers who had been inter- 2640 fering with the operationofpinball games intheir establialunPnts. Harrisburg Okehs Palm Springs Is SACRIFICE Parking Meters Bally's Newest HARRISBURG, Pa., Aug. 8. - After (New Came) CHICAGO, Aug. 8.- Announcing the TAX three months of experimenting with park-release of the Palm Springs novelty game, PAID Slot Machines! ing meters in this city, Mayor John A. F.Jim Buckley, general sales managerof ZEPHYR ;18.75 Hall has announced that 275 more ma-Bally Mfg. Co., stated that the machineTwo Machines in One-Cigarette Vender or Bell JENNINGS SLOTS chines will be purchased, bringing the Fruit Vender.Visible Bail Gum Vender, Ciga- SILVER CHIEFS, 10, 50.10o or was developed to meet a definitedemandrette or Fruit Symbols.4 Reward Cards.En- 25c Play, Slightly Used, BI-Metal total to 800. for a reserve -type game with inter-tirely new Mechanism designed for this machine. Check Separator, Skill Attach 840.00 A recent conference of police, engineer- ReeN spin much faster, completely without noise DIXIE MELON BELLS, 50 and10o ing and traffic officials gave 100 per centmediate awards. and are brought to a positive stop from which Play, BI -Metal Check Separates'. indorsement to the meters and it was "Palm Springs," Buckley said, "Isbtstthey cannot be shaken. Built -In Skill, Slightly Used 78.80 described as a split reserve game, withBALL GUM -15e a Box (100 TRIPLEX. Br, 10c, 250Combina- indicated that the additional machines Case Lots (100 Boxes)$12.00 tion. Slightly Used 95.09 would be purchased probably from thea juicy 10 -buck top for hittingall 18 Pieces), CHICAGO METAL STANDS, 8.00 Parkrite Co. bumpers and smaller awards for hitting Slightly Used. At present 340 meters at 5 cents for 45only 6 or 12.The big winner appeal is SICKING MFG. CO. still there to insure plenty of repeat 1/3Deposit With Order, Bal. C.0. D., minutes are bringing the city approxi- 1922 Freeman, Cincinnati, 0. mately $1,000 per week. play-plus the 'come-on' of more fre- F. 0. B. Baltimore, Md. quent winners.Due to this difference in play appeal operators can place PalmAvon No's lty Sales Life Savers Report Close Springs side by side with Bally Reserve CO.] or Arcade and get a bigplay on bothMoves to New Quarters SAVOY VENDING To Half Million Profit games. CLEVELAND, Aug. 8.-Avon Novelty 406-8 W. FRANKLIN ST. "Aside from the strong play appealSales Co., of thiscity,has opened net/ BALTIMORE, MD. PORT CHESTER., N. Y., Aug. 6.-Lifeof the split reserve idea, operators willoffices and showtooms at 2923-25 Pros- Savers, Inc., and subsidiaries report aespecially appreciate the fact that allpect avenue, where it will continue to net profit of $472,982 for the six monthsawards are metered. They will alto likeserve operators and jobbers in the Cleve- ending June 30.This is equal to $1.35the price-which, frankly, is a real 'sum-land territory.Art Nagel, well-known IN THE BILLBOARD a share on 350,140 shares of $5 parcapi- ADVERTISE tal stock, as compared with $537.814 ormer special' and offers the biggest pinthruout the amusement machine indus- YOU'LLBE SATISFIED WITH game value in a long, long time." try, isat the -head of the firm. RESULTS OM a share last year.