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Thursday, September 7, 2017 • APG News B3 PEO IEW&S holds 30-year anniversary celebration By Brandon Pollachek PEO IEW&S Former Program Executive Officers, alumni and current members of the Program Executive Office -Intelligence Electronic Warfare & Sensors, or PEO IEW&S, gathered at Aberdeen Proving Ground Aug 29, to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the organization. The event which was hosted by Maj. Gen. Kirk Vollmecke, PEO IEW&S, served as an opportunity to share in the collective stories and successes of the Soldiers, Department of the Army civilians and support contractors of PEO IEW&S. Joining Vollmecke for reflection of the three-decade old organization were PEO alumni such as retired Lt. Gen. William Campbell, retired Maj. Gen. David Gust, Edward Bair and Stephen Kreider, all former PEOs who shared highlights of the accomplishments of the PEO during their tenures. In 1987, the Goldwater-Nichols Depart- ment of Defense reorganization act placed project managers under program execu- tive officers, who in turn would report directly to the acquisition executive, and thus, Program Executive Office Intelli- gence, Electronic Warfare was born. Sen- sors would later be added. During its 30-year run, the PEO IEW&S home has moved from Vint Hill Farms U.S. ARMY PHOTO BY JOHN HIGGINS, PEO IEW&S Station, Virginia, to Fort Monmouth, New Celebrating the 30th anniversary of the Program Executive Office - Intelligence, Electronic Warfare & Sensors, current PEO Maj. Gen. Kirk Jersey and now APG. The subordinate Vollmecke, far right, is joined by former PEOs, from left, Edward Bair, Stephen Kreider, retired Lt.
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