MESOAMERICAN ART ARH 347L Unique #20820/LAS 327 Unique #39970 Spring 2021 VIRTUAL Dr. JuliA Guernsey (email:
[email protected]) ZoOm Office hOurs after class TuesdAys And ThursdAys or by appointment Teaching Assistant: Daisy Adams (
[email protected]) Office hOurs TuesdAy And ThursdAy 11-12 by recurring ZoOm link ClAss: TuesdAys/ThursdAys 9:30-10:45 on Zoom Course Description and Goals: This course surveys the art, architecture, and mAterial culture of a number of the ancient civilizations of PrecolumbiAn MesOAmericA thAt flourished in whAt are nOw the mOdern cOuntries of MexicO, GuAtemalA, Belize, And HOndurAs. The cOurse spAns the time of the Olmec thrOugh that of the Aztecs, or from the 2nd millennium BC through the arrivAl of the SpAnish in 1519. The goal of this course is tO provide students with a general knOwledge of the history, ritual traditions, and belief systems of ancient MesOamericans, as expressed through sculpture, painting, architecture, archaeological remains, and ancient writing systems. This cOurse cArries the GlObAl Cultures flAg. GlObAl Cultures cOurses Are designed tO increAse yOur fAmiliArity with culturAl grOups Outside the United States. You should therefore expect a substantial portion of your grade to come from tests and Assignments covering the practices, beliefs, and histories of at least one non-U.S. culturAl group, past or present. Suggested readings: There is nO required textbOok for this class. Instead, the schedule below contains a list of suggested reAdings thAt hAve been posted to Canvas or provided through external links. These reAdings are designed to supplement the informAtion presented in class lectures.