lets stay home FIFTY-THIRD YEAR LOWELL, MICHIGAN, DECEMBER 20, 1945 NUMBER 33 Did you know that one-fourth Jurt btctuw the is orer of the village taxes go to the gar- many folks feel that now is the Idella Erb, One of bage collector? Perhaps our low time to do some risitinjr, without THI$ tax rate has something to do with Jmposine a hardship on our Loan Programs to Nativity Scenes Long-Lived Family that high fraction. transportation system. But evi- CHRISTMAS LIST The local American Legion post | dently they haven't read the Idella Evangeline Barber was Is confronted with the problem! This week Wednesday, Dec. 21, papers about all of the movement born Dec. 14, 1883, on a farm over- CAN BE CUT Impress Hnndreds looking Pratt Lake (rem the north. of housing the veteran's and their i Homemaker Units was the shortest day of the year. of military and naval peraonel by DOWN She was one of ten children of Al- families. Topics Deal in Subjects The sun Is turning northward trtins from all oarts of the again and from now until next country. November and Decem- fred Barber; of these, six lived to m It Is requested of the people of Of Wide Interest June 21 will continue to warm the ber will find the heaviest traffic, On Opening Night be over 75. Her father died at 91. the community to help co-ordinate earth. we were told, and this has been one sister was over 93, one brother the housing problem. Any family A new loan program service true so far. The railroads have was over 92, one sister was 88, one anticipating a vacancy of a home, for home extension groups and Program to B« Repeated DEATH CAN You might prefer a painting by been suffering: under this orfca- brother 83, and she died Just four an apartment or a room; furnished other organizations in the state is Carot or Rembrandt, but there nized travel, for facilities don't Evenings Through days before her 92nd birthday, on or unfurnished please contact Wm. now being offered by the home TAKE A Isn't anything wrong with the art take care of all of those who Chriitmaa Eve Dec. 10, 1945. Christiansen, chairman of the economics extension repartment want to ride. Crowded to ca- At 16 years of age she married HOLIDAY housing committee, to see if there at Michigan State college. on a Victory bond. Remember, too, pacity and still tryin* to meet The NatWlty scene In Richards Moses ErU living first In Grand UOUOAV isn't a veteran needing that loca- The loan program topics deal that all bonds taken during Dec. schedules the railroads have done Park was duly dedicated on Tues- Rapids, then In Huron County, AUTO tlon—noW. 33-34 with information in home econ- apply on the Victory Loan. a srood Job. We should not make day evening, Dec. 18, with appro- then in Saginaw. They came to ACClOfcK^ omics or related fields. The ma- it harder by makin* any really priate • ceremonies. Lowell in their later years and CHUMES PLAY CAROLS terial ia in addition to that pre- Grass on the other side of the unnecessary trips by air, bus or The new public address system, lived here until Mr. Erb's death uAVT OF CHRISTMAS DAILY by specialists at training fence wasn't so green after all, r. railroad. The w*r is over but purchased by the children of the in 1928. Since then she has lived oec^js**- schools held in the counties lour lot of men tell us, who have beea Lowell should still ask itaelf, school mainly through the wle of in Salt Lake City, Utah. Music of familiar Christmas ca- times yearly. explains Miss working In city factories. Wages "Is this trip necessary " magazines, functioned perfectly un- Two sons were born to them, MICHI6AK rols Is ringing out from above Rachel Markwell, state home were high, sure enough, but the der the capable handling of Mr. Bert Alfred and Claude DeVere, Christiansen's drug store and wfll demonstration leader. Loan pro- transportation problem, Union dues WINTER'S FLU Ray Avery. The figures of the the later survives, as does his son, continue to do so throughout the grams mav be presented in talk^ and now the strikes are adding up holiday season. The carols are by a leader or member of the Cominsr in the wake of winter creche were purchased through DeVere, 15 nephews and neices, a to leave them without any more large numoer of two later genera- played at 12 noon,and at 4, 6 and club, or by panel or chib discus- money at the end of the year than is that bugaboo we call influenza. the sponsorship of the Garden IHJUW** tions, and many friends Join In again at 8 p. m. Adeste Fedeles. sion. Instruction sheets for the Qtx states alreadv have reported Lore club, Mrs. Lee Lampkln, pres- CAU^RO l»V If they'd taken a Job at home. a large number of cases and in- ident and tireless promoter. mourning the looss of "Aunt Dell" Silent Night and other carols and program leader are included, She was an active member of the favt ofcww* hymns loved by all are being play- The program may be secured fluenza throughout the nation is Trees for the background were Did you know that Emll Pfelffe •, Methodist church, until falling ed with the effect of chimes. The by writing to the Home Exten- hieher than the average of the made available through the thin- who sings bass In the choir at St sight during the past five years, muslc Is audible for some distance, sion Office. Michigan State Col- past five year?. And even if ning of doubles In the school for- Mary's church, used to play a cor- and a broken hip two years ago MS lege. East Lansing, Mich. First has not reached epidemic propor- est The Hghta were Installed by net In a band In his native Bohe- tions. It can, and we in L«we,J prevented outside activities. NEW MABKETINO SPECIAUOT •nd MC0"d , ClK,iCe' sh»u,d b.e mia before coming to this country Supt. Frank McMahon and his given as well1 as name or orgam- are not wanting any part of it Following the funeral service In IP, some 40-odd years ago? Mr; Pfelf- crew, and were turned on at 8 p. m. i gation. number of members, date Salt Lake City she was brought here. Care of oneself during sharp by Lt. Earl G. Anderson. fer also plays the flute and ia these cold months when the need- to Lowell by her son, Claude, and ass&s." of meeting, and name of person W. W. Gumser, Supt. of Schools, to whom the material should be skilled as a violinist. In additioq ed sunshine may have to come ta was laid to rest In Oakwood ceme- to his musical accomplishments capsulfe form and the diet is dif- and program chairman, was mav tery beside her husband at 2 p.m. sent. Requests should be made ter of ceremonies. The ftev. C. E. a month before the meeting date Mr. Pfelffer Is a courteous gentle- ferent from summer sUndards, on Monday, Dec. 17; Rev. C. E man. all defends on each of ua in or- Polluck, Pastor of the Methodist Polluck officiated In the service to allow time for preparation. church gave the invocation, and at the grave. Topics available are: Using less der that we don't add to the m- Did you ever stop to think that fluenza total. Watch those colds, later in the program the Rev. Paul sugar in cooking, mora] in the home. familv relations—the some of us should take out mem- guard others from vour own. use Hoornstra. pastor of the Naxarene News Parapack bership In the O. C. P.? It will be common sense and your doctor's church, gave h very Interesting foundation of human relations, five-minute talk on the meaning of vour rural community, youth remembered that O. C. P. stands ^dvice. Lowell Oil Company Christmas. Mrs. Lee Lampkln looks to vour community, econo- for the Order of the Clean Plate— From Yokobw mic adjustments of therural fami- which means not to lake more HEED THE ADMONITION thanked all for their generous aid In securing the Creche and setting Makes Annoancement ly. house plants—use and culture, than one can eat Even in this Since the days of primitive Ledger's Pencil Pukher indications of illness, prepart- prosperous community there are It up. George Story and Claude Thorne man. the individual has wanted Mr. Henry Weaver spoke for the Writes Observations tion of equipment for the sick- some people, even children, wha "to get from where he is to Form Partnership to Handle Board of Trade; Mr. Bruce McMa- room. democracy at worfe. de- should have the food that is bein.-r where he wants to tfo , sitting Mid-West Petroleum Products | Below are some of the I obser- News ot Our Boys mocracy as a way of life, the citi- wasted. hon replied on behalf of the re- vations picked up by Pfc. Harold down and in a hurry. turning* veterans; Mr. C. H- Runcl- Announcement has Just been zen in a democracy. • Almost universal ownership ol Jefferies While covering assign- Russell Faulkner, who Is sta- man spoke for Mr. Theron Rich- made that George Story and Claude It would seem that the Common automobiles attests to modem ments for the U. C. Army in tioned on Guam, has been promo- REVENUE DEPUTY COMING mond, president of the village, who Thorne, both well known business- Council should be able to find a Americans' insistence upon com- Japan. He sayt: ted from Corporal to Sergeant TO ASSIST TAXPAYERS was absent through illness. men of Lowell, have formed a part- fortable, rapid transportation to While in Tokyo the other day * * • way to keep the snow removed Music for the occasion was fur- nership to market and distribute A Deputy Collector of Intern .l from both sides of Main St Snow satiafv this desire. I had time to visit a number of Cpl. Dick Young has received bis nished by Mrs. Harry Stauffer at Gasoline, Motor Oils, Fuel Oil and department discharge from the army and has Revenue will be at the Post Office plows throw the snow against the Sad to relate, however. • the shops, also - a big Dr. Arthur Mauch. formerly with j ry 2 and 3. the church organ, and a quartette Lubricating products. arrived home from Fort Ord, Calif. Mlch on aniui curb llines, which, if allowed to autoraobUe, to \flo many Amer- store whicH had a large open the U. S. Bureau of Agrlcultual Ec- m the pre- from the school consisting of Mrs. The new company, to be known * • • m6 to tMwerg remain wastes parking space, ican, is not an unmixed blessing. space in the center, three stories onomlcs. has joined the extension estimated Ardls Merrill. Miss Vivian Brooks. as the Lowell Oil Co., will sell Mld- Robert E Lee returned home rmUon of lncome thereby creating a real hazard, to The very speed made available high, in which was placed a large staff of Michigan State College. As . p33-34 Mr. OrviUe Jessup and Mr. Gumser. Wcst petroleum products. To facll- Saturday from California, having returns say nothing of the inconvenience to by the automobile, in the hands Christmas tree nicely decorated a specialist in the marketing of of persons lacking in prudence In spite of extremely cold weath- Itate efficient storage and hand for the nice of the received his discharge from the those who are obliged to wallow bovs—very fruits, vegetables and poultry, Dr.!, . , . .. , _ er the dedication ceremenles at- ling, a modern bulk storage plant Japs to try and keep us happy. construction engineering corps. . . .. A ypoo l champ says it is a living through deep snow In order to and caution, becomes a menace. Mauch will work extensiively witih tracted a large number of people has Just been erected at the North * * * but he has never been able reach their cars. It is a menace to themselves and The Tokyo stores and shops various groups throughout the other persons on the v to Richards Park for this interest- village limits. Robert E. Ellis arrived home save. In 75 years all he has bank- ing event The display will be re- It was announced that the new seem to have more' goods on sale state. street* and highways than I aaw on crevfous ^rfeite. Saturday,, having received his dis- ed iias been the 15 ball in a side Since Friday of laet week Old Michigan, the birth state of peated each night at 8 o'clock company has set up modern equip- The Oinza is lined witB people a- cbarge, after 3 years In the Army pocket. Man Winter has held the country through Christmas Eve, Dec. 24 ment and service facilities for the automobile, like the rart of long the curb selling stuff such Air Force. Mrs. Ellis is the form- Wembly Christmas Ties In an icy grip from the Rocky and will be supplemented by pro- handling home-owners' and farm- the country, has been on an orgy as shoes, shoe laces, pots and er Doris Stormzand. Select his from our great Christ- mountains to the Atlantic coast ers' needs for gasoline, motor oils, The best portion of a good of speeding since »tojwaa grams. pans, hardware of all kinds, pic- * * * mas display. The quality Is far be- and south to the gulf of Mexico. The outstanding features Wed- fuel oils and lubricants. A feature man's life is >.'.3 .iftl®,nameles s made urocurable m untold tures, tangerines and just about Mr. and Mrs. James Collins have yond the price and he'll be proud vi Below zero readings are reported nesday night were the organ play- of this service will be prompt and unremembered ac'-s kindness quantities and speed restrictions everything you can imagine. received word from their son. Pvt. of your good taste.—Coons, from many states of the mid-west ing of Mrs. H. ThurteU, the music efficient delivery service by met- and of love. were lifted following V-J Day _ You may be interested to know Ernest Colllna, that he arrived at Some sections of Michigan have Thousands of drivers. U* m*- by the school sextette, consisting ered tank trucks, for guaranteed Camp Hudekstept Calo, Egypt, Dec. that t visited a couole of camera hovered around the zero mark iority of them "m a grtfct hurry of Robert Kyser, Ralph Warner, accuracy in gallonage. It was also shops in Tokyo and saw some 1, the trip taking only two weeks. *lth a snowfall of about eight Inch- ioing nowhere." have teen yield- Dorothy VandenHout, Helen Storm- announced that customers wouli Leica cameras for sale for 2,000 * * * es. Trains, buses and mail service ing to the temptation to step on zand, Ronald Jessup and Hum- j ^ ^ benefits of experienced Yen (1133.32 in American mon- Lloyd George Powell S 2/c, ar- Up and Down Kent Connty Roads have been behind schedule. phrey Johnson, and some selections engineering council, especially In ey). The Leica I bought some- rived home Sunday afternoon from By K. K. Vlnlng, Kent County Agricultural Agent ^The'reeult has bean hundreds by the faculty quartette. fuel oil and farm lubricants and time before the War and which Philadelphia. Pa. for a 12-day leave ViUed thousands injured and sor- the choice of the right product with his mother, sisters and broth- Charles Green and Verner Miller, Beet of Programs was later stolen from my car, Ira Bull, Ezteosion forester, at| Many growers who were oppos- ***** 10 for the heating or lubrication prob- fa*. Lloyd has been In the service both of Saranac. who were hurtiled The features ot «ch night are cost me nearly 500 bucks. Michigan State College, sends usjed or lukewarm to the project a hrough the air a, distance of 50-ft many homes. , lem at hand. a year. Speaking of fancy work, the each year figures on the number'couple years ago are now asking some three weelfs ago, when a cab- We now are spproschuur th as follows; ' v ^ The new firm states: "The public * * * Thursday, Organ music by Mrfc. ladies will be interested in the of trees going on to Kent county Yuletide* a time when wants the best People have been Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Miller of for the removal of their trees. le tore itself loose from the top Stauffer, Christmas music by the ceremonial robes I saw in a de- farms. We were somewhat sur- should be light and everyone joy- looking forward to the post-war Lowell R 3 received word this week rung of a ladder on which they school band, trumpet solo by Mr. oartment store. They were em- prised at the total for 1945. both ful. But past Yuletides have period with confidence that they that their son. Ward D. Miller We were sorry to read in the were standing while working on O. Jessup, a vocal solo by Dolores broidered in gold and were very spring and fall plantings. marred by tr^edie^-many would enter teto an era of better F 2/2, bad left for the Pacific area daily press of the cancellation of the new building at the C. H. Run- Kutche, the girls choir of the Ooxi- colorful, but the price was quite From the college nursery to of them caused by drivers speed- living, with better products, in on the heavy cruiser, U. S. S. Tus- the Annual Farmers Week pro- ciman Co. bean elevator, were in ing. perhaps to a holiday family gregatlonal church and recorded high, over 2.000 Yen or rf>out farmer were sold 125,881 seed- gram at Michigan State College town Tuesday. Mr. Green appears every line of goods. Gasoline and $132. Am looking for a ftney calooea. lings. From the State Department music. • « xr motor oils aM.fael oils will cer- • * * scheduled for late in January to be as good as ever but Mr. Mil- i. "Th. Ml"" Friday, Organ music by Mrs. H. kimona to bring home wbkh of Conservation to farmers 68,- tainly play an Active part In these Horace M. Summers M. M. 2/c but after hearing President John ler will have a stiff arm aa it was Thurtell, girls' quartette of the hope to find when I have a fchance 960 trees. Into school forests The Automobile Insurers Saf*- hopes. And in making our decision la home on a 30-day leave. Horace's Hani.ah, of Michigan State Col- necessary to remove the elbow. Association, working in c0®* Naxarene church, composed of to get out into the smaller towns from the State Department of lege, tell the Michigan State Hor- in choosing a line of petroleum ship was lost at sea on their last Mary Newell. Darlene Weeks. Irene where some things sell for 1 Conservation 89,500. This makes ticultural Society, at their recent taction -ith th. Michiw Sto. products, we put our emphasis on trip. He will report to the Naval The big Oiriatmas tree on top of Police, the Michigan Safety Coun Weeks, and Gladys Stevens; music money. a total of 274.341 trees.» It is a banauet about the rapid increase highest quality—knowing that our hospital at Dearborn for treatment the King Milling Company wheat cil and the Michigan State Hu^ by third and fourth grades led b/ Oar Thanksgiving dinner was sizeable amount and when you in enrollments at the college, succesa®ln this new business ven- and reassignment to duty Jan. 6. figure that about 1000 trees per storage tanks has aroused maafc way Department, is conductir.* Mies Betty Roth; and recorded exceptionally good. We had tur- shortage of class room space and interest and comment. The trae an educational campaign to help ture would rest wholly on one fac- key, mash potatoes, squash, ice * * * acre were planted it means about the tough housing conditions in music. John M. Phelps has received his and lights can be seen for many cot down the •^dent toll. Saturday, organ music by Mrs. tor—quality, cream* fresh fruit cake and nuts. 275 acres. Yet the county could East Lansing, we can easily see discharge from the Army Air miles. Due to the height of the We all would do yell to heed H. ThurteU, duet by Walter Gum- Mr. Story also states the policy Work here goes on as usual plant more. how the influx of farm.folks for of the Lowell Oil Co. would be ded- Force at Lowry Field, Colo, after tanks, nearly 100 feet It was neces- their admonitions. ser and son, Walter, recorded mu- visit the Provost Marshall's offices Bull advises us that the college a week would futher impede the icated to maintain this high qual- three years In the service. He and stock of trees is very low. in fact sary to get a 30-foot tree, and even sic. every day. also the jail in order regular college work. then from the street level it appears ity consistently, in their dealings to report on conditions there. A visiting her parent,, their supplies will be gone before Sunday, Organ music by Mrs. For many folks the time spent to be about the size of the usual Stauffer, duet by Mr. Gumser and with their customerss and dealers. few Japs have been caurfit with (Mr- Edw«d D^vener m spring. The State Department of at the college during Farmers The new organisation. The Lo- home Christmas tree. With the flag Income Tax Finf ton. program by Congregational runs and hand grenades but. noMg»«y. N. D., until after the boll- Conservation has a fair suply. Week was part of their vacation. well Oil Co., will maintain its office daga floating over it by day and the big Sunday school. Americans have feeen killed by Many came along and stayed neon sign lit by night, it is a symbol Monday, Organ music by Mrs. at 223 N. Hudson St them as yet, so far as I know. * * w This Rural Program Caravan right through the week. Skipper Bruce Walter arrived of the joyousness of the Christmar Sane as last Year Stauffer, vooal solo by Mrs. Thur- A formal announcement appears The Japs who work around that we wrote about last week. ^ ^ arranjnnjf for home Friday from Great Lakes, eason, unmarred by the worrlea tell, solo by Delores Kutche. the in this edition of the Ledger o^ mail and srnpUeB steaj stuff aD which is scheduled to be in Kent organizations that regul- Many enquires aa to the dead- 111., having been granted a 30-day nd restrictions of war. reading of the Christmas story another page. the time, when caught they are county Febmray 7 promises to be^ me€t ^ ^ m hold ^ Una for filing either the esthaate sick leave, at the conclusion of by Humphrey Johnson. turned over to the Jap authorities a real affair. Not only wiU there ^ ^ or final return for the federal in- which he will return to the Naval be plenty of pictures, charts and Jokes, jests, jabs and jibes just come tax are being received by Too much credit cannot be given CUB BOY SCOUTS but the next day they are back at hospital at Great Lakes. Bruce con- models of labor saving devices but; by Jeff: We work to find ways to the farm management depart- the Rev. N. G. Woon for his un- work again. Something will be A Christmas party will be given tracted a painful skin Infection there will be quite a number of • • u xu ^ kill off man, says a Lowell friend, ment at Michigan State coUsga. tiring efforts in behalf of the en- done about this matter. for all Cub Scouts parents and Havent drank a glass of water while serving in the So. Pacific. them th« will work. All advance! • *»> but aren't doing much about ml'M Arthur H. Haist. tax specialist terprise ,m frienda Friday night, Dec, 21, at In over a month aa It is chlorin- * * • information » mod, so Rood that """ and rats—and that's no joke.... in the department, pointa out the City Hall, at 8 o'clock. Bach ated and tastes peculiar. I drink T/Sgt. Bob Yelter arrived at every farmer in Kent county I," ^ The papep.^rr shortag»uurt-,e0 I»s offo44,, accord- that regulations are the same scout Is to bring a 25c gift. All lng 10 a 0 thta. year aa last Either an esti- Vergennes Farm Bureau offee or fruit juices that can be Camp Kilmer, N. J. Monday. From should plan to see the show. Place . that Dirk Marhiolp' L *®!! womant when boya parents are urged to attend. bounght at the PX. is not set for sure but the date Rf ^^.tLt ringing doorbells to sell mag- mate or the final return must be An Interesting meeting was held there he telephoned his mother, nt The Japs are putting up build- Have you put the circle around " "loie of his time on I ^rfptiona made by January 15, 1946. If Dec. 14 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rosella Yelter that after go- to pay their ings of wood in both Tokyo and February 7? Better do it now. ** Trust that after Uie P the final return cm be made be- Mrs. Wm. Condon. Charles Mon;- NOTICE ing to Fort Dlx to receive his dis- first of the year he will be able way through college — We now gomery was guest speaker and told Yokohama, fitting their houses to- charge, he would start for home, return to that life where plncera fore that date, the estimate is not Due to Christmas week the Cale- One of the banes of the com- to do so. necessary. U estimate is of hll experience in helping orga i- gether like erapdfather did a- expecting to be here by Christmas. means dealing with teeth and eye* donia live stock auction will be round Brighton, without using mercial fruit grower are the large Winter is here at hand with its turned in before January 15. then Ixa the Kent City Farm Bureau. He was two weeks coming from brows rather than military strate- held on Thursday, Dec. 27. number of old and some younger particular fire hazards. Gone is the final return is necessary on or Our group is interested in hav- many nails. Quite good crafts- Berlin, Germany, to the states. gy.... We aren't too far off the c33 Caledonia Live Stock Sile men. neglected orchards. In a county,the old kerosene lantern with usual path when local children before March 15. ing a feed grinding and egg grad- as old as Kent and where fruit ;the advent of electricity. But The ride to Tokyo and back, start polishing up, their manners However, the farmer who has ing station in Lowell. Discussion growing has always had a promi- the tank heater is still in the barn been using a 12-raonth period HOLIDAY MAIL SERVICE standing UD. is terrible. I can Lefion Benefit Dance In preparation for Christmas by all followed. nent place in its agriculture, it is vard and while many are not a other than the calendar year as see why some don't make the trip Too often the fellow who carries Next meeting will be the third The Lowell poetofflce will make Lowell Post of the American only natural these orchards would fire hazard it isn't at all uncom- the basis for paying his income Pictures of the N. Y. subway the rabbit's foet doesn't do any- Friday night In January at Ver- complete delivery of mail service Legion is aponscring a dance to be be prevalent. A couple years mon to see one that is. tax may file his estimate 15 days have nothing on this. You should thing to deserve such good luck. gennes hall.—Mrs. Floyd Clark, re- Saturday afternoon, Dec. 22. Post- see them pack ttw people on held at the City Hall, Friday eve- aeo an effort was made to get rid Cold spells often mean frozen after the close of his accounting porter. office home each week day. In- most of them have big packs or ning, Dec. 28, starting at 9 o'clock. of these orchards and many were pipes with the problem of thaw- year. Proceeds for Lowell Legion build- cut down. The last legislature ing them out If it's a blow The full amount of the tax cluding Saturday, are 7:00 to 6:00. bundles They really jam them ng fund. Tickets on sale at Chrls- torch you are using, use it with Tax Notices mnat always accomnany the final BULL CHANGES OWNERSHIP Mabel H. Blbbler, Acting P. M. in. The door was closing on one enacted a law with teeth in it, so Jan but he kept rushing, jaming lansen's drug store, or from any much so that the state can move care. return. Fred Fuss, a Brown Swiss breed- Vergennes Towuship to get in. Pinallv an outsider, Legion member. Adulta $1.00, high in and cut or push over these Electric lights are used longer. er on Foreman's Dr., Lowell, has Rlvervlew Inn, New Tear's Eve standing on the platform helped ohool students, 50c. c32-S3 trees. It is bein*' done right now Have you gone over your shades, The undersigned will be at the November ground water levels tn recently sold the bull No. 72583, Make your reservations early for nush from behind and he fipally in this county on a rather exten- bulbs, etc.. to remove dust and Lowell Bank on Saturdays: Dec. the north central part of the south- Susie's Harry, to Joseph Brinks, New Year's eve, at Rlvervlew Inn. got on. Going up this morning sive scale. debris that a hot bulb mieht ig- 8, 15, 22, 29 and Jnn. 5 to receive ern peninsula were L28 feet high- Grandville Mich,, according to a No admittance without reserva- wasn't bad but coming back was other G I's and sailors. Instead of cutting the trees nite? A fire is bad any time and and receipt for taxes now due.— er than a year ago, the conserva- report from Fred S. Idtse, Secre- lons. terrible. I rode in the little com- Best regards to all, the state is using a bull dozer and a winter fire alwavs seemeS to [Mrs. Fred Franks, treasurer Ver- tion department's geological sur tary of the Brown Swiss Cattle Now serving hamburga and chill. nnM nartment with the conductor on Harold it certainly does knock an orch- me to be worse than any other l*® township. vey division reports. Breeders' Association. Belolt, Wli CS2-S4 Curly Howard. the rear of the train with some December 3, 1945. : > lard down in a hurry. time of the year. etl-M • 1 TWO THE LOWBU, LKPOEB, LOWKLL. mOHIOAy, THUBflDAY, DEC. M, IMfi THE LOWELL LEDGER, LOWEU* MICIDOAN, THURSDAY, DEC to. IMS Mr. and Mrs Jules Erler nf Che Cowtll Ctdger this problem upon the same com- munity trends? MICHIGAN AND THE OLD NORTHWEST "W iW St. Ipace By Luke Scheer Grand Rapids were week-end mni ALTO SOLO Mule Track Money Br. C. T. Piikkirst Edited by Mllo M. Qualfe guests at the J. E. Bannan home. PuMUb* rrtry TburyUy momiy >1 The inve^CTtion going on in Ionia, BOohlgaa Local News Dean Collins of Battle Creek Bfitmd at PortoffiM at icictaicaa. ConsTesn shows that the Execu- spent Sunday with his grand-par- u second cum MMier. .tive heads of the Government had By ELSIE WILLIAMS \ '~i \ in ents, Mr. and Mrs. James Collins. B. O. Jefferies, Editor and Publisher not only days, but weeks of warn Eye, Ear, Nose & Throat j b for McClure Newspaper Syndicate. Harold Washbum spent the / F. D. Jefferies, Asst Publisher * J the attacjc on Pesri WNU Featurea. week-end In Detroit Mrs. F. A. Gould. Mrs. Fred Gra- Harbor. Even Army and Navy mer, Mrs. John Roth and Mrs. W. H. F. Jefferies, Advcrtishif Mgr. Your eyes scientifically re- S | "top hats" in Hawaii had plenty Clyde Davenport Is home from A. Roth were in Hastings Thurs- (Now serving In U. fl. Infantry). ^ fractod; frames and mount- S of notice. You know the rest of "X/fE? FARM? You're crazier n i Lansing for the holiday vacation. day. • lags styled In the most mod- ^ MrmbCT MICMCAB PRM AaSMlkttM iV1 than you look, Hampl" the story as well as anybody else. em types to fit you Individ- y Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hill of Ionia Mrmlxv NaUowU Editorial AewxtaO* Banty McCann spat contemptuously Mrs. Ralph Mullen of New Hud- The blame is so wide-spread that ually. ( spent Sunday at the Art Hill homo SUBSCRIPTION RATES it will fade into: "Give 'er up and hitched up his overall pants. son was a Saturday visitor at th* > o all paints in k>wer Michigan: i pjve >er up. He glared up at Hamp Anderson. Bounteous greetings for the Yule- Mr. and Mrs. Albert Roth of De- home of her aunt, Mrs. E. L. Kln- One Year $2.00 Six Months |U6 __ "I Ai't no farmer. Who wants to OFFICE HOURS: troit spent a few days last weik yon. mess with a truck crop when the UrtO Three Months 70o Single Copies Bo, All the politicians in America 8:S0 to — 1:00 to 4:N Fr. Marquette had opened To escape hostile Sioui, the tide sesson. To one and all we with Mrs. Mabel Knapp. mast is as good as It Is this year? Saturday Nights, 7:00 to »:M 1669: Louis Jolliet, guided The Detroit information led Mr. and Mrs. Uyn Fletcher and| To all points in contineatal United seem to atrree that there has been Michigan's first mission Huron and Marquette moved Hogs will be fat •• butterballs by by a captive Iroquoi*, finds Fr$. Dollier end Galinee to want to extend our slncerest wish- Wm. Foreman and Earl Mltcho.'l son, Allyn, were Sunday guests of States outside lower Michigan: what they called "an upsurge in at the Sault m 1668 Ihanksgivlng. Farm? Phooey!" in 1671 to Mackinac. Detroit strait. of Northville were week-end guests Mrs. Burke Kenyon In Grand Ra- Give Him One Year |2.6o Sbt Months $L40 prices." and th(* imitated the use Jolliet's route. • es for a Merry Christmas and Hap- at the Charles Young home. pids. Three Months 76o narrots who insist that they "are Hamp Anderson placed a foot All mbscnptioni payable in ad- of inflation and must avoid carefully on the porch step, cut a py New Year. Robert Olney of Detroit was a Mr. and Mrs Ralph Sherwood chew of tobacco Just as carefully Shortenlngs or fats to be cream- vance> it You may stuff official statis- ELMDALE week-end guest of his sister, Mrs. spent Sunday with their daughter, WEMBLEY and lucked It into a comer of his LOWELL D1ST. NO. 6 MRS. IRA SARGEANT WEST LOWELL ed for baking cakes or cookie* tics and political baloney into MRS. J. P. NEKUUAM Smith—I find my wife's cooking William Arehart and family. Mrs. Don Wilsted and family In mouth before he spoke. "No patri- MRS. MELVIN COURT may be removed from the refrig- every ch.n.el of inJorj-Uon, amazing. Miss Bertha Jean Schneider Is Greenville. ww consolidated with the Ledser Jam, from rag-time radio to nigh pollt- otism, I see," he said quietly. "Here erator and let stand at room temp- the Gnv'mlnt is bollerin' for vegeta- Miss Marian Needham is on the Ye scribe and family wish the Jones —Mine's amusing! She home from Wayne University, De- i».T. Tb« jewrnal, 1SI4. icMl authority. and you can't Mr. and Mrs. Harold Green en- erature for awhile before needed. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Shear, of Bat- Ceiuolldated bles and you want to traipse the sick list at this writing. Ledger staff and all Ledger read- oooks the food and I try to guess Gee's Hardware troit, for a two weeks vacation. jmake the general jiublic believe tertained with a shower Friday They'll be softened enough that tle Creek, spent Sunday with their Murraytown Ties IS. 1B3S. woods. Look: Them hogs'll fatten The Davis family made a shop- ers, a very Merry Christmas. what It Is! that "inflation" is anywhere, ex- evening for their brother and wife, they'll combine with other Ingre- Lowell, Mich. Miss LaVance Morse, a former mother, Mrs. Oma Shear and aunt, thelrselves. While they're doin' that ping trip to Grand Rapids on Tues- A Christmas program will be cept "present" They know that Mr. and Mrs. Howad Dennle. dients in a much shorter ^Ime. Lowell resident, Is reported ven Mrs. Anna Yardley. you can work a acre of cukes." day. presented at the Church of the Ledger want ads do the business {thev are paying twice as much Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Court of 111 at her home In Grand Rapids. . . he will be proud A stout, round-faced woman came Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hlnkle were Brethern, on Sunday evening, Dec. Mrs. Florence Whitfield and Har- • for their cost of living than be- Port Huron wore Sunday dinner out and eased her bulk into a spe- visiting in the north the past week. 2S. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Llngeman of old Bozung and family were Satur (Sditor/ai Ifore the war. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Melvln Conceit A little story says a cockroach cially reinforced rocker. Hamp Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Davis and Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Stahl spent Grosse Point were week-end guests day evening guests at the Wm. of your good taste Court. lives from six months to two years. Anderson raised a hand to his wide- son, Elery and daughter, the week-end with friends In De- 'Ts Tom conceited?" of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Summers. Cowles home In Beldlng. The U. S. Bureau of Census Judy Green spent from last Tues- EDITORIAL THOUGHT. brimmed hat "Howdy, Aunt Mat. Evertln, visited Wednesday with troit The latters mother, Mrs. Earl "Conceited? Say, he joined thd It has a keen sense of smell, is a Solid colors, parade stripes, STARTERS \ announces that the population of How are you?" day until Friday with her aun!, Mrs. Tim Conant suffered two Mr. and Mrs. John Williams of their nelce ahd husband, Mr. and Starboard of Lowell cared for the Navy to let the woild see him!" shy creature, but can see to the mi . • , , . . ." 'the Nation is now more than 140 Mrs. Clifford Evans, near Clarks- strokes Saturday evening. Hor Grand Rapids were week-end Th. . om,c bomb ". b. k n . "Fair to mlddlin', I reckon, Mrs. Frank Deyeo of near Rock- children during their absence. forest figures, mission bro- C wK ch >n Hamp. You-all talkin' cukes? Tom vllle. front, back and both sides. It will daughter, Mrs. Fred Burnett of guests of their parents, Mr. and ford. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stahl were in be headlines fttt week, and with ^ 8 33 „ ,inee 1940 always did like to raise 'em, but he Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Court and •TWO jo siaodxa cat all sorts of things, but It pre- Battle Creek is here assisting lr it scientific assurance that any| Lake Odessa and Sunfleld on busi- Mrs. Art Schneider and family. never could eat 'em." Tender- children were recent visitors of jUB^Joduii oqj JO euo c; otqpoi fers bedbugs. her care. cades, swirling paisleys, 40 ness Wednesday. ! nation with $500,000,000 p c niIlJ> STAY Miss Jean Butterfleld was ill roVFGOVERNMENNMFNT H hearted Aunt Mat raised a comer of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis spend is capable of producing this | T SHOULD STAY Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Dawson with mumps last week. Mrs. Roy- OUT her checked apron to her eyes when VERGENNES CENTER Rollins and Mr. and Mro. Melvin iewel tones, lustrous priirts knock-out weapon. Does this indi-j MilS. ARVIL UEIUUAN and children arrived home from she mentioned. her late husband. Court. den Warner has been substituting cate the futility of any continu-i "There is no more reason-why Kentucky Monday, Wayne having for her in the second grade room. Hamp cocked an eye upward and Mrs. Dlckerson will have hor and cathedrals. Noreast injr policv of secrecy? Would it.the eovernment should go into received his discharge. peered judiciously at the sky. "Like- Mrs. Jessie Krum returned to Christmas tree and program Fri- Ms. Hattie C. Scott received Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Mick, Jr.. .b e .better. , a. s suggeste•d •b y man.« y iI the fertilizer business on a vast ly be a dry fall . . . how about It, Stanton Saturday after visiting word Tuesday morning of the death leading advocates during the arrived In Tampa. Fla., Saturday. day at 7:30 p. m. at the schoo!- non-crush. Boxed scale than there would be for it Baflty? Want to try a little easy at Lone Pine Inn. house. of her nephew. Earl Davidson of week, to try to eliminate compe- to take over all the farming busi- money?" It is hoped that the changc of cli- Mr. ffhd Mrs. Adelbert Odell and Mr. and Mrs. John Baker attend-! Lansing. Mr. Davidson, with his tition by sharine atomic energy ness of a state, like Iowa, say, "Sure wish you would, son," said children were dinner guests Sun- mate will be benlflclal to Jrs on an oien international basis? Aunt Mat. "Ain't had a crop since health. ed a family Christmas dinner Sun- FURNITURE Gifts Mrs. Leslie Wilson, who has been and run it for the benefit of con- day of Mr. and Mrs. Austin Mun- day at the home of Mrs. Susan $1 $1.50 sumers. Yet that is what is pro- Lester Long, who was born and spending the past four months in son in Grand Rapids. Baker In Lowell. Newspapers, vii«.vchurchesw.,, schools—.pose— d in bills before Congress to raised in the community ipassed Florida returned Sunday to th<» W Charles Collar was a Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Falrchllti all educational forces today are i establish government owned and caller on John Carey In Cascade. away at the Veteran's hospital at ... for year 'round pleasure home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs I and daughter of Lowell were Sun- Christmas Wine Gifts H. L. Kyser. giving increasing emphasis to operated fertilizer factories. If Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Kerr and Detroit Friday afternoon. Mr. Long what thev term the need for]the production of fertilizer is to entered the hospital 8 months ago. day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Imported and Domestic Wines and Champagne family, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Maloney Monks. Mrs. Claude Thome spent two Men's world-mindedness. Is there some-j be subsidized for the benefit of and Miss Sue Kerr were Sunday Funeral services were held Tuesday make an enjoyable and delicious gift We have days of this week In Detroit wl'Ji afternoon Mr. snd Mrs. Nell Wolfred of thing that can be said locally on |farmers, why not the subsidiza visitors of Mrs. Rosa Kerr. at the Beatle Funeral her daughter. Donna, who Is taking tion of food production for the Saranac were Thursday supper many brands to choose from. this? What is the position in of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Read spent home in Clarksvllle. Burial In the Occasional Tables a part of her nurse's training In a Lambskin Lined the average American community benefit of consumers? Clarksvllle cemetery. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Monks. Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. KevRev. Clay, oorf Caledonia, is re- hospital there. in the light of a shrinking world "That road leads straight to Duan p K>n,iBB «« , . - Caledoniab , 1 There's an oocaslonaMe table to fit every need In T. W Read in honor of Mrs. T. W. Lowell Beer Store Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Roth en- bnd a growine weight of interna- state solialism. government own- Read's birthday. ^ • the home. We have Drum TaWes in walnut or ma- tional problems? will the com- tertained with a pre-Christmas din- ership and operation of all busH Janet and Susan McPherson ac- son. Duane was recently discharged ' ' Lowell, Michigan Vests munity eo on livino- its life just from service. R**d the Ledger ads. hogany. Priced from ner Sunday for Mr. and Mrs. John ness, which obviously is the pur- companied their grandmother, Mrs. as before, or will it feel change? Roth and family. Miss Marian Hale ^ -- pose of people who __otherwis _ e ap- M. B. McPherson to the Christmas tending to bring it into closer pear to be sane. What we have and Miss Gloria Doyle. Golden fleece shearlings, Party at the Women's City Club contact with the world? jin this country—and that is a ... $13.45 Saturday in Grand Rapids. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith and — jgood deal!—has been brought a- Mr. and Mrs. Michael Myckowlak children of Grand Rapids called zippered or button Americans' were pittured re-1 bout through free enterprise with and Michael, Jr., were Sunday sup- on their grandmother. Mrs. Flor- centlv as the most restless people i its material rewards based on per guests of Mr. and Mrs. Louis ence Parrlsh, one day recently, at in the world. But television is in achievement. World history is Arkema in Grand Ra.plds. the home of Mrs. E. L. Kinyon. . $8.44 the offimr. promising to bring dis-lreplete with instances of the fail- tant evenf,5 and the magic of^ure of substitutes. Unless some- Mrs. Arvil Heilman and Phyllis Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lalley and • strange nlaces closer. What will thing hapens to bring people back attended a bridal shower in honor LAMP TABLES daughter, Kathy, and Mr. and Mrs. of Elaine Miller Tuesday evening be the effect of this? Will it in-jto their sences we appear to be One of the new trio of lamp, end and cocktail L. J. Delhanty of Grand Rapids crease restlessness or tend to re- on the way to trying what has at the home of Mrs. Wesley Miller were Saturday evening dinner 'Want to try a little easy money! in Fallasburg. tables featuring beautiful Hue glass tops duce it? failed elsewhere. In that re- guests of their mother, Mrs. John Town and Campus spect we are far behind Russia, —since Tom passed away. Aunt Lalley. Boys' Blanket Robes Communitcommunity lifmee is said to boe but still determine"— d to follo'—, w Mat sniffed heavily. ... $9.76 Mrs. Harold Yeite retumed home the foundation of a nation. WhatlRawi»n tr*51 to ^lure. Ruasta "Well—" said Banty again, "I SEELEY CORNERS MRS. 8. P. RETNOLDH last week Thursday from Toronto, i -11 be the effect of future large-been through it The ideal reckon I will Bring on your seed Canada, where she has been coring Bright plaid patterns, warm and fleecy. Fingertip 0 R scale mass transportational meth-l * tate socialism was tried and your fertilizer, Hamp. Dog- for her mother for many weeks gone! Me—a farmer!" The four Community Farm Bur- Some are 50% wool. Sizes 6 to 14. Boxed ods ,on community trends? Will it there, and abandoned as a fail- Plastie Clothes Hampers . $5.25 ip past. Her mother's condition is Russia iB afruin fo r a11 prac Easy money! Everybody ssid Vegetable* mean a greater trek to the larger . , ' eau groups will meet oon Thursday, somewhat improved. cities or a new commuter move- jtical purposes, a capitalistic state cokes was easy money! Banty Dec. 27, at the Snow W. S. C. S. Coats ment outward to expftnd the jWith individual rewards based on thought savagely as he finished hall for a joint session. Buffet Mrs. fc. C. Foreman took her roots of average community life? |individual enterprise. bedding out his last piece of land lunch will be served. Bring your SMOKERS . . . $3.07 daughter-in-law, Mrs. Philip Althen in the rich pond bottom. He was own table service. Attractive, durable all metal Smokers with chrome top. and baby, by auto, to Wauwatosa, $3.85 — | "It isn't that the American anxious to get back into the woods Along this same line, the atomic fertilizer industry has failed, fts There will be no church or Sun- A fine gift for the man of the house Wis. Friday, where they will visit and see about his hogs. Screw APPLES Mrs. Althen's parents. Mrs. Fore- All wool fleece, full lined fin- bomb has been viewed as a threat record rates high among highly worms might kill a hog if he didn't day school services at Snow Sun- to modem cities and some plan-1 efficient American industries. In man retumed home Monday. find It in time. 'Gators might be day morning, but Christmas ser- gertip length coats in camel, ners and architests have gone so fact, commercial ferfciligers were catching the shotes. Snakes might vices will be held in the evening. Mrs. Joy Weeks, Mrs. Laura far as to propose decentraliza- relatively cheap right through have pizened one. All present enjoyed the W. S. C. S HANGING SHELVES . . $2.43 Blough of Star Corners, Mrs. Lucy luggage and blue. Smartly tion. What will be the effect of the war years, even though the Cucumber seed comes up fast supper at the hall last Wednesday Blough and daughter, Mrs. Fran- industry was called upon for im- especially in the fall, and Banty had evening. Mrs. Claude Cole will pe cis SteCe of Alto, Mr. and Mrs. styled—a really fine garment portant war contributions in the no time for bog hunting. Then hostess for the Janusry meeting if ATtANHC A MCfFTC'TCA CO CORNER SHELVES '"It" $f.7t Archie Thomas of Cascade were House Slippers for Men form of essential chemicals. It came the rains — hurricane sea- at the hslL This building Is being week-end callers of Mrs. Wm. Cos- for dress wear. Sizes 8 years is that farmers have votes, and son! The torrential downpour filled repaired and improvements mado griff. to 40 breast there are a lot of farmers in this all the middles and flooded the the work being done mostly by TANGERINES All kid leather, roomy last, built for com- country. For votes, there are ditches Banty hadn't taken time to Dr. and Mrs. F. E. White, Mr. men of this vicinity and tne cost and Mrs. H. L. Weekes and Mr. political interests that would sell clean out Water backed up In bis being met by iionaSons. When MAGAZINE RACKS fort, appearance and service low field. and Mrs Frank Newell attended America dow- the rhrer, and that finished It will make a nice com- 4/6 b* bos '3?? the Burton KL Holmes Travel sod is back of these indefensible fer- Banty took off his shoes, rolled up munity center. tiliger factory bills."—(From the legs of his pants and waded Adventure program at Fountain Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Hesche $4.99 Chicago Daily Drovers Journal). in with hoe and shovel. Hamp An- 1 Street Baptist church, Thursday derson rode up to the fence on his went to Chicago by plane Sunda: evening. $3.33 $22.75 SOUTH BOSTON GRANGE big bay mare. "Looks pretty damp," aftemoon to attend the National fiWHWIIT 10—Hf Hamp admitted. Farm Bureau convention. Mrs. Rosella Yelter returned last Owing to contagious diseases, the "Damp you aay?" Hamp's delib- Mr. and Mrs. Alex Robertson N O'MAR'PAD S Save your furniture Wednesday from Grand Rspids grange Christmas has been post- Along with the wonderful things erate understatement angered Ban- spent Sunday in Kalamazoo with where she had been staying with poned and will be held following ty. "Woods Is full o* water, too. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Snyder. her neices, Caroline and Dorothy in your stocking are our Clirlstm is the business meeting of Jan. 6. Ex- CELERTPRTS 1=1? Ought to see "bout my hogs. This Mr. and Mrs. Howard Shrowl Lustig, while their parents. Dr. Mei's layea aid Wm! Mn'i Imri wishes for you—as bright as the change of gifts and social time. La- whole cuke patch ain't worth a spent the week-end In Sturgis with and Mrs. R. T. Lustig were in Chi- dles bring popcorn or candy shotel" his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles cago on business. lights on the tree—aa sweet as the "Oh, we'll make out fine," Hamp f • • The Juvenllle grange will also Shrowl. CIGARETTES Mr. and Mrs W. W. Gumser en- auger canes. have inlti-tion as well aa installa- said easily. "Reckon you'll save FRUITBRSKETS "B" MUSTARD Atfi Trtyt Dress Hose and Anklets two-thirds this field." CORDEXTI tertained Saturday evening with a Two-Tone Sweater Coats tion of officers at this meeting. Blueprint For Bettor Babies |$|26| IW dinner honoring their nephew, Lt —Worthy Lecturer When the ground began to dry carton ArtOUteh Stripes, argyle squares, English ribs. 10% to Knit sleeves and collar, tweed body. Assort- out the plants grew unbelievably Scientific studies prove that ex- Com. Wellan Stanton of Ionia, ed colors. An ideal jacket for business fast. "Be pickin* less'n 45 days pectai* mothers who eat the cor AN IDEAL GIFT 3 who recently retumod from Ssl- 100% wool Sizes up to 14—60c, $1, $1.35 Boyd's Grocery Wash scratched or spotted YRMS SHAG ROCS wear. from plantin' seed!" exulted Aunt rect food have healthier, haptpler pan. Other guests were Mrs. Stain- At Grand Trunk Depot ed surfaces with a little turpentine CAUPOtMIA MAVai —HH Ml ft in White, Rose, Green and Red Mat. "Bet you make money, Lon- babies, while deficient diets lead c ton and baby and Mr. and Mrs. to clean before rewaxing. Wax for nie." Lowell Phone 309 to weaklings with serious defects A. A Rather from Ionia. I very dark wood should be colored Banty patted her fat shoulder 69 24x48 inches . $5.34 $1.50 before applying. awkwardly. "Don't get but half. A "Blueprint For Better Babies," ORANGES 2 Mrs. Merton Aide rink and young $3.09 Aunt Mat Hamp's fumishin' me," with a sample menu for normal' 30x60 mcbes . $8.37 son from Grand Rapids spent from he reminded her. "Well, I'm goln' in mothers-to-be, will be found in the 9 ARABIAN FIGS Friday to Sunday night with Mrs. MMSO BOASTO) jtaSnf " — mm the woods today and see 'bout my American Weekly.with this Sun Alderink's mother, Mrs. Oma Shear, hogs." day's (Dec. 23) issue of The De- PEANUTS who is ill at the home of Mrs. An- msii—iAura 2Sc Men's Leather Coals Fur Collar Reefers SEASON'S GREETINGS . The herd was on the creek bank. troit Sunday Times. CAULIFLOWER na Yardley. Another daughter, Mrs. One sow had farrowed and lost all SPANISH PEANUTS Mtrr BARBECUE Lawrence Steffus of Beldlng is Gabardine shell, shearling lined, beaverized FANCY le* "•« S3c ALL WOOL Selected skins of suede, or capeskin. Blouse but one measly pig. Two shotes had Let us be of good cheer, however, caring for Mrs. Shear this week. collar. You can't get cold in one of these screw worms In their ears, and one remembering that the misfortunes ALMONDS or coat length, rayon or plaid flannel lining. SIKDUSI SNEFRU IT11" 3 - 25c son, Emest, a sailor name on leave, coats. Sizes 40 to 48 had nearly lost his tail A fourth hardest to bear are those that never $9.85, $12.95, $19.50 hobbled on three legs. come.—Oliver Wendell Holmes. SUNMAID RAISINS ^ 13c CEREALS SCATTER were returning from town and "Cukes!" he said aloud. "For RVTABAQAS blinded by the snow failed to see blamed cukes—!" He tumed and the train at the crossing. Both Squ.r. W.6V4" Octagon •" Wi* walked away. WHtn HOUK were rushed to a hospital, where $14.95 $10.05 Banty rode to market with the Mr. Davidson passed away Sun- first load of cucumbers. Hamp EVAPORATED Choke o# Three 411* OfurQC* from the looms of Mohawk day morning. Ernest received sev- was unusually silent. He's keepin' Shapes In Six Color* £vC ZIOl v9C eral cuts and bruises but was able somethin' back from me, puz- MILK COCKTAIL Beautiful reproductions of fooled leather in Brown, 27x54 tndies . $5.70 to leave the hospital, after receiv- Cnshion Sole Hose zled Banty, looking at the glum ing treatment Saturday night ""CHEERIO man. Wonder what? Rod Tan, Maple, Ivory and Blue. Smooth velvot-like Zipper Billlolds He soon discovered the reason for 4ix6 feet . . $16.81 Fer Sorviee Mei 4^35< under surface protects furniture from marring. Hamp's gloom. Posted bulletins and Brown and black calfskin. Including fed- Brightly burned the star of Beth- angry truck farmers had one eral tax White and khaki 60% wool Bear Brand theme: "Government regulation. cushioned sole regular length hose. A special lehem—so brightly burns the torch October ceiling price on cucum- ST* IKI-AMTWHat^H PLUMBING number for service men. Sure to please of Victory this Christmas lighting bers—$2.10 per tub." Banty McCann clenched his fists. Be«be SIBOL prorldei to] Diimond Matches 6 jBttu for aunj 1 ROTH & SONS COMPANY $4.20 the way to happiness In a world He flung a stream of abusive words 1 & HEATING at the market, at farmers, and at PASTE WAX Lowell, Mloh. of Peace. • SLOW TO COME IN UEAT^ Phono 66 FURNITURE 89c cukes in particular. • RETAINED APTERBISTH Sheet Metal Work "Easy money — mule track • DISCHARGE FROM VTOMB BOWL COVERS * * ** tk money! Phooey I" •ll-Xft-40-S0 WATT I Set Voir SHRINE CIRCIS Tieketi at This Store All Prices Include Sales Tax 0»eiii{ht Bags $1.23 to $2.46 •MAZDA BULBS 10c Ray Covert Henry's Drug Store Do not paint over whitewash. Those desiring reserved seats may purchase general admission tickets here and redeem them at Strap or zipper. Black or brown. Wash it off, using clear water. Al- NY CLEANER laoe value for reserved seat ttckete at the box office at Civic Anditortmn. THE PLUMBER Lowell, Mich. low surface to dry thoroughly, then apply the paint . •'' y.'ux• -jlittiit'imtftlt — i"


ANXIOUS TO PLEASE South Kent Dairy Herd Testing Report News From Grand Rapids FOR THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER PUBLIC NOTICES A famous tvangelist of fifty years Of Former Uowne Folks Lowell Ledger OLARA M. BRANDBBURI Number herds tested 24, totaJ oows 463: cows dry 86; aaa'n average ago was s gentleman farmer in his ORDEB APPOINTTNO TIMK FOB HEAB- leisure moments. Between engage- per cow, milk 617; fat 26.0; num berf)er 80 lb. cows 53; gtalw ralons bal- 1NO CLAIMS iMnts as a revivalist, hs would anced 24; rations changed 4; number feeding alfalfa 6; alfalfa brome 8; A very Merry Christmas to the Bute of MlchlcUi Tbn Prot>a*» Conrt spend a week or two on his farm at Want Ad Section fresh heifers entered 16; cows (bought 4; calves born: bulls 22; heifers for the County of Kent. Editor of the Ledger, all his fami- At a MMion of Mid court, held at the Nythfleld, Mass., bossing the hired ly, correspondents and readers! WANT AD RATES GENERAL LINER RATES 21; total cows removed 17. probatt off let, In th« cKjr of Orand Rap- Iplp and' discussing crops with the Mrs. Frank Martin received word TWO HIGHEST COWS IN EACH CLASS—B. F. BASIS id*, In aald county on the 27th day of iieighboring farmers, who were al- First 20 words 86c First page, per lias 12Vio Test Fat November A. D. IMfi. Tuesday from her father, Addison High cow under three yean: Breed Milk Prwent, HON. JOSEPH R. OILLARD. ways trying to unload their decrepit Up to 26 words 460 Inside pages, per Hoe 10c 1st, J. Buth and L. Schestag.... .p. H. 1,140 4.6 62.4 Judge of Probate. stock at fancy prices. Erb, of Grand Ledge, telling her In the Matter of the Estate of Up to 30 words 50o Card of Thanks, per line. .10c WANTED-Man to cut buzzwood f CHRISTMAS is the time for cheer, 2nd, A. P. Edison -Jl. J. 876 6.7 50.0 On one occasion he spent a whole that he was much better and able FOR SALE]—Girl's full sized bicy- FOR SALE—coal or wood stove, FOR SALE—Girl's sidewalk bicycle, Wanted: Reliable middle aged or WANTED-High school girl to Richard D. Bergln, deceased. to sit up again. In Memoriam, per llne..!.10o on shares. William Klahn, US 16, but insure with us throughout High cow under four years: aftemoon bargaining for a cow. The Each word over 80 words, l^c cle, in good condition. Joe Dyke, also laundry atove and oil cook- good condition, SIS. John (Hall, Vt elderly woman to keep hotue help with housework Saturdays. U appMJlng to the court that Uit Ume -Obituary poetry, per line..10c We Are Buying Good pay. Mrs. T. A Anderson, Alto phone 628. p33 the year. We have all types of 1st, Paul Ruehs .R. G. 1,806 6.0 65.8 for preaentatloo of claUni afalnrt eald t^wner was so vague about the snl- Mrs. John Keller and friend were Alto, Mich. ,R, F. D. L pSS er. Mrs. DeCommerce, Jefferson mile south of US-16 viaduct. p33 from January 5 to February 3 64.7 391 N. Washington Ave. Lowell insurance to fit your needs. Peter 2nd, Lyle Hunsberger .R. G. 1,587 4.2 Mtate should be limited, and that a Uir* HELPING A LITTLE mhl's antecedents and characteris- in Chicago shopping last Wednes- Obituaries, no charge. St., Lowell. p83 for three children, girl aged 9, FOR SALE—^International manure High cow under five years: and place be appointed to receive, examine tics that the evangelist finally got day. FOR SALE—Three burner, table- boys 9 and 11, in school from phone 39. c33 Speerstra. Phone 269, Lowell. c33 end ad]net aH claims and decnandi against RATES quoted are cash with ordsr. IXXiT—Man's Bulova wrist watch, POULTRY spreader and 3-sectlon' drag, in 1st, Lyle Hunsberger Jl. O. 1,600 4.8 72.0 said deceased by and before said court: William Ewart Gladstone used to IrApatlent. William Spears, wife and son top, white porcelain oil range, 8:30 a. m. to 4:00 p. m. dally. Mod- with gold band. Reward. F/O FOR SALE—small sire riding sad- good condition. James Bazan, 2nd, E. W. Ruehs JR. G. 1,561 4.2 65.2 It Is Ordered, That all the creditors of tell friends about a neighbor's little "Come now," he roared, striking were Saturday evening guests of ALL ERRORS in telephoned advertisements at sender's risk. with very good baking oven, al- ern home, work light, good pay. All kinds of live poultry FOR SALE—A pressure gasoline said deceased are required to present their Kenneth Wingeler, Lowell phono dle. Raymond Hesche, Lowell Lowell Phone 66-F2. p33 Mature cows, five years and over: -i.im. to said court at said Probate Offte* girl who really believed in prayer. the side of the barn a mighty blow John Mishler and wife. Mistakes are often made when ads are given over the telephone. so lady's princess fitted blue Parents going south. Mrs. John stove, 4 burners and oven, $10.00; 1st, Allen Bros .G. H. 1,839 4.6 84.5 on or before the ISUi day ot Febreary A. Her brother had made a trap that with his fist, "how much milk does Mease mall or bring your ad in, If at all possible. 862. • pU Phone H6-F22. p83 cloth coat with detachable grey Timpson, Lowell R 2 or call Lo- roll top desk, $5.00; bed and coil FOR SALE—about 25 fine white D. IMS, at ten o'clock In the forenoon, she give?" Highest Prices Psid 2nd, E. W. Ruehs - .R. G. 1,674 4.8 80.6 said time and place being hereby appointed caught little sparrows and she RATES are based strictly on uniform Want Ad style. fur collar, size 20, like new. In- well Phono 226-F11. c33-34 springs, no bugs, $10.00; 2 clean j rock pullets ready fo lay. Mrj. His New England neighbor was At Shell Service for the examination and adlustment of all prayed thot it might fail. Suddenly STAR CORNERS Because of the small amounts Involved, charge ads are accepted quire Mrs. Hazel Moore at pool- flour barrels and heads, 75c each; Isabelle Needham. R 2. p33 TWO HIGH HERDS IN EACH CLASS—B. F. BASIS claims and demands against said deceased. for three days her face was radi- not daunted by oratory. After a long una. IRA BLOUOH room or 411 E. Main, Lowell. p33 SUPERIOR LrVTBHOTY —Our Bergy Bros. Elevator 2 new fir plank, 2x12 x 20 and 221 It Is Further Ordered. That public notice pause, he said, reflectively: "Wnl as an accommodation, but at a higher rate. All advertisements Medium herd, 9 to 16: No. Breed Milk Fat thereof be given by publication of a copy ant when she prayed and her abso- customenT results the past season feet long. $12.50; 7 h. p. upright Dry Your Soft Corn- I don't kijow as I can answer that mailed in must be accompanied by remittance Ip coin, stamps, Alto, Mich. R. A G. J. 579 86.1 of this order for three successive weeks lute faith in the futility of the trap WANTED TO RENT—unfurnished have again Justified our claim of steam boiler, needs new flues, We can dry it on the cob for you. 1st, Otto Fischer..!.. .16 previous to said day of hearing. In the question precisely. I ain't never Mr. and Mrs. Ammon Miller of or check. 658 85.0 Lowell Ledger, a newspaper printed and so noticeable that her mother asked: house or apartment, preferably Superior Livability. Caledonia $15.00; Whippet car motor and D. A. McPherson, Lowell phone 2nd, Paul Ruehs .18 R. G. measured what Deborah gives, to be PInhook were dinner guests Sun- PHONE 200. Copy for Advs on this page should be In the Ledger Large herd, 17 and over: circulated In said county. "Julia, how can you be so positive?" day at the Btahl-Seese home. in Ada or vicinity, by veteran Farmers' Elevator. cSS transmission, needs some repairs, 71-F2. c 33-35 9 JOSEPH R- OIU-ARD She smiled. "Because, dear truthful. But she's a mighty good- Office before 4:00 p. m. Tuesday, Laatern and Cookstove 1st, Godfrey Waldlch .21 R. G. 777 36.0 Judge of Probate Mrs. Fred Oescb and Mrs. Darry WE NEED with permanent position In Gd. $10.00, also radiator for same. Mama, I went out three days ago natured cow, and she'll give all she WHY PAY RENT ALL YOUR ROOSTERS (June) for sale, 4 to 5 2nd, Nick Scrlpsma R. H. 960 84.5 A true copy: Schutle were Saturday callers of Rapids. John Kovtan, phone $4.00; a slab of white marble, 2 In. FRED ROTH, and kicked the trap to pieces!" can!" LIFE and then not own your FOR SALE—Chickens, dressed or lbs., 64c to 80c each. E. M. Mar- Grand Rapids 98251 beforo 4:30, or x 12 in., 10 or 12 feet long; one- , —James Simmons, Supervisor. Register of Probate. C31-33 Lizzie Hoffman. home. See your local Building alive. Mrs. Ben Speerstra, Lowell vin, 3 ,3 miles east and 2 miles Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Wingeler ac- Ada 72721 later. p33 quarter h. p. Delco induction IJnsry, HMvrt, Pbrips A VanderWal. AMy s Danger Ahead TRIPPED UP well and Roger Rollins of West in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Howard and loan. F. F. Coons, Sec. Phone 272-F4. c33 south, near Mclntyre's. p33 companied Mrs. Alma Fingleton motor, needs a switch, also a 32 Grand Rapids, Mlchlian Old Lady—Are you a licensed Lowell. Dennle at the Harold Green homo DETERMINATION OF HEIB8 and son, George, and Mrs. Alice SLIPPPERY ROADS mean ha- LOST—Large male Redbone hound, volt D. C. motor, and a 16 Inch Buy and sell through ti'e want GAS pharmacist? INVESTMENT—Big dividends In State of Michigan, 'H.e Probate Court Mrs. Byron Weeks and Mrs. Ira In West Lowell. WORKERS zardous driving. Let us Insure named Dan, December 15, at coal stove, powerful heater, but *,1^. Wingeler of Hastings to the Ro- comfort and wear. Wolverine .Prevent TB E. J. ENDRES for the County of Kent Druggist—Yes, ma'am. Blough attended ths Swiss L A. B. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Vaughn, Miss your car against loss with our has seen better days. Oh, me—| 4 | At a session of said court, held at the Old Lady—And you never make bert Wingeler home near Moseley Shell Horsehide work shoes dry Pratt Lake. Charles Leece, Highest Quality Thursday afternoon at the home of Ellen Seese and Archie Vaughn fulHprotection p o 11 d y. Peter would like to pick up a kitchen Auction Sales Probate office In the city of Orand Rap- a mistake or poisoned anyone. Thursday for dinner. soft after soaking and stay soft Clarksvllle. p33 Ids. In said county, on the 10th day of Mrs. Albert Blaser in Alton. of Grand Rapids spent the week- Druggist—Never. Mr. and Mrs. John Krebs and No Post War Depression Here Spe^rstra, General Insurance, range, heavy cn the coal, not too Today'i Paying Prices per dor Bookings for auction sales may December, A. D. IMS. end at Ray Seese's. $3.95 up. Coons. heavy on the masuma, and a few . „ r i Present: HON. JOHN DALTON, Judge son, David, were Sunday guest? Mr. and Mrs. Ira Blough and Lowell. c33 be made with Harry Day, State Old Lady—Well. then, give me a bright spots to make it look «or bggs—I'ederal-Mate Grades of Probate. nickel's worth of cough drops. of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Kimble and son, Ivan, attended a pre-Christ- WANTED-TVucking—short or Savings Bank, Lowell, or with me, In the Matter of Uw EsUte of laey Early merchants in the west Farm Property Wanted A Boylon, Defeased. sons In Grand Rapids. mas family gathering In Freepon It You Wish To Inure Your Future long hauls. New truck. O. Meeuw- direct William A. Boylon having filed In said Lucky Bird! The Young People's class o. Sunday at the home of their par- did not trade their goods, but sold sen. Lowell Phone 105-F3. c33-34 We are receiving many calls for ™ .STv, r: ^ court his petition praying that said court With A Steady lob We Can Use You Heim & Ellis If you are planning a sale, you The preacher had Just finished a Apostlic church enjoyed a Christ- ents, Mr. and Mra Wm. Blough. them for gold and silver. On a 33-41 farms, large and small, near and "Ittk eW. probably * MwUum, Or^l. . '44c adjudicate and* determine who were at trtp from Santa Fe, one trader must have your cows tested. I will the Ume of her death the legal helm of chicken-dinner. As he looked up out mas party at the Philip Wingeler far from Grand Rapids. If it Is or 8. H Small, On*. A tic Mrs. Albert Wigfield, Mr. and AT ONCE FOR SALB>—Registered Guernsey River Drive, S. E. Lowell Phone be glad to help. said deceased and entitled to Inherit the of the window, a rooster strutted by. home Friday evening. brought back nearly |200,000 In In Michigan we would like to hear Large, Grade B 43c Shell Service the real estate of which said deceased Mrs. Thad Wigfield and daughter bull, 11 months old, with good Book your sales early so you "Bruddah," said the preacher, these precious metals. from you If your farm is for sale, **• Medium. Grade B S9c and died seised. Sunday dinner guests at the By- of Saranac spent Monday after- pedigree; alfalfa hay, first and can have the date you want It Is ordered. That the Mb day of "dat sure am a mighty proud look- ron Weeks home were Mr. and Mrs. noon at the Hay Seese home. Buy Your whether you care to list it or not. Jamury A. D. 1MB. at ten o'clock ing rooster you'U's got dere." second crop; also bean pods and Please write or call us collect. CORSAGES for those holiday E. J. ENDRES, In the forenoon at said probate office, Charles Posthumas and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Weeks at- Fish are the principal food of Both Men and Women Wanted BERGY BROS. ELEVATOR Electric Repair "Yassuh," replied his host. "One wheat and oat straw. Will de- We have two offices to serve you. parties, beautiful orchids, gar- Phone Grand Rapids 116-V28-F3 be and Is hereby appointed for hearing Judy, Miss Xfarjorie Post of Lo- tended a shower Friday evening the American bald eagle. ; Alto, Mich said petition. ob his sons done jus' enter de min- liver. Phone 8-F11. Ralph Roth. Let us advertise your place. Or Harry Day at Lowell Bank denies and camellias. Phone 225-1 Prices subject to cbanfre It Is Further Ordered. Ttat public istry." c83 notice thereof be given by publication CHOICE OF DAY OR NIGHT SHIFTS SQUARE REAL ESTATE F2 and place yourtorder, or stop; May—You mean to say she got Christmas in at Kiel's Greenhouses A Gift; of a copy of this order, for three suc- SALES A EXCHANGE fired for not watching her step? cessive weeks previous to said day of Real Trouble 1591 Plainfieid Ave., N. E. Shop, 1 block north of City Hall. I hearing. In the Lowell Ledger, a news- Kay—Sure. She dances In a cho- ••vx!r printed and circulated In said Harry—Sure 1 look worried. I Good Pay and Good WorKing Conditions 512 Peoples National Bank Bldg. We deliver. c33-341 rus. NICK BEUTE county. have to decide whether to go to a WE PAY Grand Rapids. Michigan Buy Christmas Seals JOHN DALTON, wedding tomorrow or not? With Vacations WANTED—Steady or part time Judge of Probate. Bad Apple Tree Phones: 7-3803 8-2317 3-5662 Jerry—How could that worry any- Auction Sales A tree copy. p32-37 help to wcrk in onion storage. one? Sarge—Did you hear about that Bookings for auction tales may FRED ROTH, HIGHEST Lee Lampkin, Phone 88-F2. p33 Register of Probate c33-3t Harry—It's my wedding. meap old general? Group Hospitalization — Accident, Health and at be made with Harry Day, State WANT TO BUY—Used typewriters Loiiie—No. what's wrong with FOR SALE —Baby bed, large Savings Bank, Lowell, or with me LOCAL MARKET REPORT Lite insurance Available and adding machines. I pay cash. DRINK DEEP him? PRICES See me for typewriter repailrs. enough for year-old child, like direct Corrected December 19, 1945 u Sive Up To 33i Sarge—He was rotter; to the corps. Rebuilt office machines bought new; pair boy's hockey skates, mi»!RV CHKUIITlAi OF YOUR FUEL NICK BEUTE, Wheat bu $ 1.67 Heim's Texaco Fo, FURS and sold. Expert service on all size 7; pair hoy's blue wool pants, Telephone Moliue 524. Rye, bu 1.46 Black WLiow, Toe makes. Peter Postma, Grand 28 inch waist. Mrs. Horace With lohns-Manville Byron Center, Mich. Corn, bu 1.12 I |l' Guide—And this is the statue of Lowell Manufacturing Co. Good Selection Rapids Phone 88686. After 6:00 Weeks, 924 W. Main St. Lowell the famous Indian chief, Black Insulation Buckwheat, cwt 2.00 WEPMAN p. m. call 38787. p28tf Phone 447-F3. c33 Barley, cwt 1.20 Hawk. Lowell, Mich. These trees will retain their needles LOWELL, MICH. Comfort the year around Oats, bu 73 ' Tourist—Oh, yes. I heard of his Phone 409 or 882 •WANTED—Used cars, nighest cash FOR SALE—3-burner cil stove, can Once again the Star of Bethlehem son. Tommy. price. Webster's Used Cars, Lyle be used for heating or cooking; CALL Bran, cwt Middlings, cwt 2.88 C28-39 Webster, 120 N. Monroe, Lowell 5 Venetian blinds, wood slats, two shines down upon a peaceful Lew Dykstra Sloppy Joe's 36 inch and 3 29 Inch, like new. 1945 Crop Phone 323. c36tf Waitress-How did you know we Alto Phone 626. c33 earth. On this Christmas, we hum- John Fahrni Pea Beans, cwt.... 6.28 Auctioneer had a new dish washer? WANTED—Able to give prompt, bly pray to God that always may FOR FREE ESTIMATE Dark Red Beans, cwt 7.65 Dbier—The fingerprints • on the guaranteed service on repair of FOR SALE—T h r e e Shropshire Phone 248-Ft LoweU 896 60th St, S. E., Grand Bapids Light Cranberry Beans, cwt... 5.90 dishes are different. washing machines, wringers and rams, see Charles Niles, 2 miles we have the blessings of peace. Phone 606-45 F 6 Light Red Beans, cwt.. 7.65 Ironers. Call Glendon Bovee, 86- west of Ada, on Ada drive. p33 Twenty years* experience and Yellow Eye Beans, cwt 6.76 Waiter—You sure must like cof- Ssve the Surface F4, Lowell. p31-33 'All beans bought on a hand-plckad basts) FOR SALE—Shallow well electric many satisfied customers qualifies fee. Isn't this your fourth cup? Jane—You can't cheat Father Butter, lb .54 Diner—Sure I like it That's why Time. WONDERNUT BAIT for Ice fishing. S. Bibbler, pump, also corn. Ted Prawdzlk, me to handle your sale of any kind- Butterfat lb M Book your sale early and I will I'm willing to drink so much hot Joan-No. but come women drive Chicken Noodle Soup 1052 Riverside Dr. Lowell Phone Lowell R L p33 Christiansen Drug Company Eggs, dos. - 42 water to get a little of it. gn.avjtul close bargain with him. 274-F5. p32-35 lexers arrange for Bangs Teat LOST FROM CHAIN—amber stone Hogs, live, cwt 18.00-14.66 ;r Th* Store Hogs, dressed, cwt 2L00 L- " * ^~ MAKE OUR ELEVATOR FOR SALE—8 dairy heifers. TB. In gold setting. Finder please not- Bad Company Vacation Time Larson's Vog-AII Lowell Mich. Plinbiigft Heatii g • :eef, live, lb .06- Joe—I Just saw your friend Smith- Visitor — Not many mosquitoes and Bangs tested; also 2 steers, ify. Mrs. J. B. Hawk, Lowell R 2. 5 Beef, dressed, lb .18-JS 5-year-old Holstein cow due soon. Phone 240-F5. c33 SPECIALIZING ers and h^ bad a pinched look. here, are there? Chickens, lb J0H-J6 Bill—What was wrong? Native—No. but the hotels all Lowell Phone 63-F4. p32-33 New and lie modeling Joe—I don't know. He was walk- sting you. REX P. DAVIS IIAMOII WALMTS b. 41c 'OR SALE—22-Inch coal furnace Bath Rooms ing between two cops. (used), very good 'condition; coal Fresh From the Can Your Headquarters for Concentrates Auctioneer burning hot water heater, used; Steam and Hot Water Heatiag Small Boy—I'd like some beans. McCORDS NATTERS mbhh £4lc oil burning hot water heaters, 2760 Charieegate, & W. MRS. R. T. WILLIAMS What with radar, that picks out Grocer—What brand, son? new; Superfex and Duotherm GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. the landmark, and the atom bomb, Small Boy—Brand new. that atomizea the same, civiliza- NAVEL forced air furnaces available Call 240-F2, Lowell Rev. and Mrs. Weaver of Grand XHAt CAMIY b. 27s Phone 68668 tion at the crossroads would be after the first of the year. Ada Rapids were Friday night supper BASSO PBOFUNDO C34tf wise to move on to some place POULTRY— Sheet Metal Shop, Ada-Grand guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ballard. Oranges less conspicuous. CANY lAISAM MM 2 far 7S Rapids Phone 72986. p32-33 John and Martin Poslina called Fine for Juice or slicing on Mrs. John Postma at Blodgett Vour richest everyday BUTTERMILK for stock, 3c per hospital Sunday afternoon and If you need anything, try a Led- TWHKLE •nd Puddbig* ^ source of vltsimin C. gallon.—Lowell Creamery. c32tf found her much improved, expect- Every oraago guaranteed! Folks Over 40 ger want ad. tf SALE—White Holland tur- ing to return home Tuesday. Blue Ribben 32% Poultry Concentrate Ul JWmWMTStfHT s, as you want them. C. W. Weekend callers at the George PMIT-ETT Si£, lis straining due to constipation is the start of many breakdowns. Dygert, Alto Phone 444. -32-83 Linton home were Mr. and Mrs, DR. F. E. WHITE Straining can bring on a stroke, heart attack, hernia, prostrate Dentist trouble. Reed Cooper and family, Mr. and NMlim *•» Ms Dl^tJES, CHINA, OLD GLASS, oil FOLKS OVER 46 need a mild, gentle Laxative Food to keep Mrs. Levi Cooper and Mr. and Mrs. — PHONES — lamps, clocks, antiques, old furni- regular and should avoid the use of harsh. Irritating laxatives. Frank Warner. Office 161 Realdenee 186 FLOIIIA ORANGES ture wanted. Telephone 291 or /5% lower feed cost OFFICE WILL BE CLOSED HOGS- * Mr. and Mrs. Blake Vanderlip re- ra aeui o-v*-* i Sft ise write Mrs. N. E. Borgerson, -MONDAYS and THURSDAYS— Robinson's Breakfast Meal turned home Monday after visiting • & 59c Lowell. c30-June '46 two weeks at the Clark-Williama Is designed for you. Made of GBANUIATED WHOLE WHEAT, x ^ per pound gain on home. B. H. SHEPARD. M. D. eooua it* U. S. No. 1 Quality, WHOLE RYE, WHEAT GERM, BBAJf AND GROUND FLAX- l, s Phone 47 lie Heads hea' *d 29C SEED. Hie soothing and lubricating qualities of grourd flax- Cauliflower Snow-While Blue Ribbon 40% Hog Concentrate seed have been recognised tor generatloos. TRY IT FOR A With the revival of oaseball in J. A. MacDONELL, M. D. EH BOOtUS uiabbN lis (Abaant—In Service* large stalk 1 MASTER MIX Broiler Mash WEEK AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. Good for the whole fam- Nippon, look for the kamikaze Jimmy—Uncle, will you sing for Pascal Celery Fancy We Remove Dead Animals batter—the one who puts his Office Phone 86 ily, especially good for you. ( ua? - jl — — IDAHOS. Office Boors MWCEMEAT z°S3£t' 5f skull in the wjay of a fast pitch, Uncle—Why do you want me to POTBlO@S (Michigan, peck 45cV 10 bag 49c For Prompt Removal ^ < ; with M-V — SOLD AT — to fill the bases. 2:06 to 4:66 P. M. each week day sing? : Except Thursday 6l Old, Crippled Jimmy—Tommy and I are play- Uttco N tnr i £ we DAIRY— 7:66 to 8:86 P. M.. Mon.. Wed, Sat ing sailor and we need a foghorn. 1m tngtr Stsn WW Isvi 8 Umkf Selectiw if •r Deed Hones Bay, Leelanau, and Emmet are For the Duration Fresh fntit *4 V8fit8M68, laeMtag: Aft P , C. Tbontsud Miiree Fori MkL the only Michigan counties with and Cows J Stew Bad NWIEK! IDCAI « £ Ic CIAWEIUES. TANBEUKS. TOMATOES. RAIIINES, ess than 100 miles of stream each. DR. J. W. TRUMBLE Cook—Isn't it sad that poor little ...and your dealer's Broiler Mash made with p80-35 I HEEN ONIONS, IRAPES. FIESN DATES, VETERINARIAN lamb had to be sacrificed Just to PHONE ^ FRESI PEARS. BROCCOLI. SWEET POTATOES Blue Ribbon 37% Dairy Feed Office—118 N. Division St feed us? SH-tKEI <*• 2tc Master Mix 32% Chick Concentrate follows the same faster-growing, Diner—Yeah, it's tougbl 68 Lowell, Mkfc. money-saving formula Service! UUI IKStUI pw 16c Grapefruit 96 size 4 29c DR. R. T. LUSTIG • i Announcing the Opening of Diner—Everything comes to him Oim READ ABOUT the divided flock tests that proved Master Mix Broiler Mstb Osteopathic Pbyslelan aad who waits, I suppose. eaeeM KCaMS WHOLE- No.2 aj- Apples fine for Eating or Cooking 5 & 69c Yuilb M V put weight on broilers at 15% lew feed cost per pound gsio. You've Specializing In Rectal Diaeaaes Waitress-Yeah. But the guy who BRfeEN BEANS Coonlrvaub can 24c seen the figures on faster growth .. . figures that meant getting broilers to market won't wait gets his first FRUIT lASKITS FOR GIFTS Orders are rolling in for Fertilizer. weight up to 2 weeks earlier. a Lafayette, S. E. Graad Rapids And you've probably wondered-what about home-grown grains? What about ay Ford Garage for Service SWEET PEAS Avoodsi# ^ 15c Cellophene Wrapped - Popular Price* Order Now I dealer's Broiler Mash made with Master Mix Concentrate uilb M-V and home-erown Gabble Babble Office 88178; Bee. 68484 grains? Will 1 get as good resulu u if 1 buy the Complete Master Mix Broiler Mask Jones—My wife talks to herself. uilb M-V? DR. H. R. MYERS Smith—So does mine. But she DON'T BE TOO LATE And there's just one answer. Results will be comparable wben the Master Mix font doesn't know it. She thinks I'm Ready lo Use WHAT » ula is followed, It s the formula and the Master Mix Concentrate u-ilb M-V that Wednesday, Dec. 26,1945 Physician listening. Gold Medal "SST ^sl.19 ECC MOC KimitaUy pT*d««« mi. ^ 807 E. Skip It Look f§r M-¥ (Methio-Vite) on the Complete Service on Ford Passenger Cars and Trucks Office Hours: —10:00-12:00 a. m. Mack—Did you ever hear the sto- Grapefruit Juice 2 « 55c Querl 45C Place Your Order NOW! 2:004:00 and 7:004:00 p. m. ry about the peacock? It'i your utunnn (hit new found Mtthlo-Vltt and other makes. if ALLEY CHEMICAL CO. i> picunt in iatnlifirally.tpprovtd qutntidn in except Thursdays Jack—No. Mack—It's a beautiful tale. the feed you boy. M-V appeui oulj on A trained Staff of Mechanics to serve your needs, and all Cottage Cheese c^l 2 2 25c Root Beer, Cola or Matter Mi* Feedi and on your deiler'i feedt W. A. LARGE, D. C. nude Mtording to the Mttter Mi* formula late model shop equipment ava^able to place your car or Slight Lisp CINCERALE | wing Muter Mi* Conantniei uilb M-F. Remriufaer. the moncy-uving resulti depend on truck in first class operating condition. Chiropractor , Nit-What's a twip?' For Extra Smooth Pie» No. 2 /£ can Matter Mi* Cooceotraies utlb M-V! Dfflce Hours:—10:00-12:00 a. m. Pumpkin 15c New cars and trucks will not be available to all prospective •Wit—I'd say a twip was a wide on 3 23c | Closed All Day Monday, Dec. 24 2:00-5:00 and 7:004:00 p. m. a twain. Row fortified with M-V (Mothio-Vito) buyers for sometime, so we suggest that you bring in your except Thursdays New Crop lb. COOK present car or truck for service so that it will serve you un- 806 High St Lowell Baby Walnuts 33c Popular Brands 12% CHICK CORCERTMTE til new ones are available. Two blocks north of City Hall Jimmy—I can't seem to get this Pliunbiag and Heating 48 uroona floor Office electricity through my bead. 59c CICARETTIS Johnny—Too much resistance. Spotlight Coifee ^ 3 £ MUSTER MIX BROILER MASH BY APPOINTMENT Ocean Carton Sheet Metal Work t Up to Date si .24 Mra-mfl M 1Mb. OKMm .( CM C, br, n. Weyao J. UMmm. *——1 >r. I.t UU I i h Aft.wka-tw Mi p*Ait«n ^Tit ouMta. C. H. RuncimaB Co. Motor Sales DR. H. L. PRE FONTAINE Circus Boss—Who broke the tra- Cranberry Sauce Spray 18c C. H. Runsitnan Co. S Optometrist peze? Aitborized Dealer At Dr. Myers' Office Clown—I did it with my little acts. Ben Wade Quality Call 78 811 E. Main St, Lowell CIGARS LOWELL, FREEPORT. GRAND RAPIDS, MJCHIGAN BERGY BROS. ELEVATOR TO EXAMINE EYES AND DAVE CLARK, Mgr. 1. A total of 262 Mud lakes In 61 KROGER - e Monday evening, Dec. 10, to a • ger things. Monday. elected as follows: President, Mar- Mrs. Henry Slater and Bob call- party at Freeport last week. The elderly woman, arms laden with gift Oharlotte R. Fitch, Ph. M. 2/c, i with Mrs. Frances Kropf, director. before Christmas, Dec. 23, at 7:30. gram to spend 2 weeks vacation. Chop Suey supper. Five tables of The Leon Anderson family enter- lon Stauffer: Vice president, Ruth Alto Locals ed on Mrs. Lillie Lind Tuesday three girls played and sang. packages. Electric Milking Machines has ibeen transferred from tj,#ir.'he program will consist of thirty All are welcome. Euchre were In play. Head prizes lumber8 tained with a party Thursday even- Mr. and Mrs. Lieonard &azuin of Naval Base at Norman, Okla., tol appropriate to the Chrlst- Headworth; Secretary and Trea- Sorry about mlaprlnnt, ommls- aftemooon. Mr. and Mrs. Earl McDlarmid ing for St. Patrick's church. A Grand Rapids were Sunday callors went to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Dlnti- Wav-s' Quarters, Massachusetts A P** season, and all are extended a surer, Euborta Silcox. Ice cream, slon of Miss Marie Watson, honor Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Schwab man. wore In Ionia last Friday and were FOR WHITER • • • good crowd attended desplu the Mr. and Mrs. Clarence gave a of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Henry's Drug Store, LoweU, Mich. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Nebraska Ave., Washington. D. C, cordial welcome. A treat for every- cookies and coffee were served by guest at the miscellaneous shower and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fair- Mr. and Mrs. Basil Hayward en- on stormy evening. birthday party for Patty Sheets Priddy. Mrs. George Wleland. WEATHER arrlving there last Friday. , ® attending at the close of the the commltte and It was a very given for her Wednesday night, child attended the funeral of Mri. tertained with a pre-Chrlstmas din- pleasant evening. Mrs. Ronald Tronsen, Patricia Program. Dec. 19, at church. Floyd Schwab's mother, in Sagl ner on Sunday, guests were. Mr. A 4-H meeting was held at the Th hl h 8ch AHEAD Harvey 'Red-Hed* Hammermills Kay and Ruth Lorraine of Amble | ® « ool class of the Bun- naw, Wednesday. and Mrs. Russell Johncock and A. J. Wells home last Friday even- da Mrs. Emma Mofflt received a were guests on Tuesday of Mr. and y School will hold its annual Miss Ruby Broadbent Is 111 in ing to discuss plans for the com- ^ Kent County Pamona Grange telegram Sunday evening, stating sons of Delton, Mr. and Mrs. Lew ing year. • • • Mrs. George Chaffee. The children Christmas party following choir re- her nephew, Orvllie Macon of Tul- Blodgett hospital, her friends wish Warner, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Lau- Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Wells have enjoyed the day with their grand- haaroal on Thursday evening, Dec The Kent Co. Pomona Grange sa, Okla, had passed away. her a speedy recovery. rence and family, Mr. and Mrs. Th vent wlH received word from their son, John parents while Mrs. Tronsen went ^ ® « be held at the was entertained Thursday after- Mr. and Mrs. Franks of Poet- Clarence Cappon, Mr. and Mrs. N we11 h in MID-WEST REFINERIES, INC. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fairchild Prys, that he has been promoted Tank Heaters--Oil Burning Christmas shopping in Grand Rap- « o ® on Grand River noon and evening by the Alto Com- land were , Sunday dinner guests Elwyn Hayward and family of Ids. Road. were Friday evening guests of Mr. 'rom M. O. M. M. 3/c to M. O. M. M. munity Grange. Mr. and Mrs. Roy and Mra. H. H. Fairchild In Grand of his brother and sister-in-la'v. Hastings and Mr. and Mrs. James • • • Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Chaffee of Mr. and Mrs. Dale Franks at the Green and familly and Mr. and 2/c. His ship docked recently at Rapids. San Francisco from the Phllllplnes. Grand Rapids were Monday eve- FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Pattlson home, and they return- Mrs. Alvah Peet. Eighty-four pedettriani were killed by a E Pollock. Minister Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pattlson Mrs. E. H. Roth and Mrs. George ning visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. ed to Portland with them in the automobllei in Michigan lett December Church School at 10 o'clock. AKHMHUA'tfa AfifKUHtmatt tf were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. Any boys or girls wishing to go Hazel called on Mrs. Roth's aunt, DeLaval Elec. Cream Separators Chaffee. and Mrs. Will Riddle of Grand evening. caroling meet at Paul DlntamanV -eighty-four homei mede sorrowful. Mrs. Leona Mallery of Lowell Christmas sermon and music at Mrs. Edson O'Harrow, In Grand Rapids. Frank Pattlson and O. E. Mrs. Owen Ellis received word at 8 o'clock Christmas eve, with Most pedestrian accidents can be spent, the. week-end. visiting. Mr. 11 o'clock. Rapids Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Meyer and wives were also guests. from her (parents, Mr. and Mra. hymn books and flash lights. avoided. and Mrs. Webb Ward. Annual Christmas tree and John Jousma, that they had arrived O'Harrow Is 93 years old and a KNOW THESE FEATURES . ,, Christmas exercises .by the Sunday Julius Wester spent Sunday af- former resident of the Sweet Remember —• the pedestrian has the Mr. an.nd Mr,Mrs. MileMil.s, Fu., Ro.. , 0,cl0


Olympia Standi In Midtt Sedan, Old French War GOVE L ARB SOCIAL EVENTS Of Nature's Wonders MM. H. U COO BR . Ground, Set Auto Style COMING EVENTS It Can Happen Olympia, Wash., occupies what . The panzer breakthrough that Social Brevities Ctriilmi lifts ha i been pronounced one of Ameri- Winter Walter Quiggle had the misfor- flanked the futile Maginot line In The Community Farm Bureau ca'i finest examples of natural land- Miss Mary Kent waa hostess to To You tune to fall on the cement floor of 1040 occurred at Sedan. Once before groups of Lowell township, Includ- nuoreeoent kitchen flxtaraa. scape gardening, in a setting of the John and Prlocllla club on his garage, breaking hla rib*. He France's armies suffered decisive ing Mapes, Merrlman, Morse Lake snow-capped ranges, vast forests, Saturday evening. A poUuck sup- Flooroaoent caristUM Tree Is Improving. / defeat at Sedan by aggressor Qer- and Snow, will hold a joint meet- Complete Loss by Fire wild rhododendrons, and mountain Bouquets many. On September 1, 1870, during per was asrvad after which lames LlgMa, Door Chlmea, Ftaah- Mrs. Alex Knapp, of Dig Rapids, ing at Snow Community Hall, on streams. Mount Ranier rises to the were played and gifts exchanged. Mrs. Elfle Cardinal and her daugh- the Franco-Prussian war, • French Thursday evening, Dec. 27. There lights and Batteries, Solder- east; visible to the north are the (Hie Ideal Chriiteai Gift) army of 81,000 found Itself complete- ter, Mrs. Merle Knuppenburg of Mrs. Arnold Wlttenbaoh waa host- will be a pot luck lunch following ing bona. • • • lofty Olympics, whence the city ly surrounded and was systemaUcal- Kent City and Mr. and Mrs. Clifton the program. Snow group will'fur- takes its name. •1y cut to pieces In a bloody two-day ess to the Goofus club last Wed- Made of Robinson, of Big Rapids were nigh coff««. Please bring your own LET US ADVISE The governor's mansion Is in a battle. The Invaders quickly pushed nesday afternoon when a Chrlst- L Miller Etodric Go. park setting near the new state Eucalyptus^ Moonbeams, Tuesday guests of t^elr sister and on to Paris. nma luncheon, exchange of gifts table service. Alice Reynolds, 8no#r Phone J01 .Bowes mL, LoweU ON YOUR capitol, on a rising knoll. The capi- family, Mr. and Mrs. RUfffa Gre- 1014 France drew the enemy and euchre furnished the after- reporter. tal dome is modeled along lines of Cones, Pussywillows, gory. v allowing Sedan and other front- noon's entertainment that in Washington, D. C. The new The Christmas exercises of the Leaves, Pines, etc. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Slater, hav- ier forts to fall. The decisive, vic- Mrs. Richard Lampkln enter- C.OVERACE governor's mansion is of Georgian Congregational church school will ing sold their farm here, hare torious bstUe' was fought on the tained the members of the Es Ll- style, red brick with marble trim- be held Sunday evening, Deo. 7X bought a place and moved to Grand Marne and Paris was saved. Four brls club Tuesday night for their BLUE STAR MOTHERS • 9 • mings. The Gold and Silver years later, the American Ist and from six to seven o'clock. A»i peu- Rapids. Christmas party. Light refresh- Blue Star mothers Christmas The city developed at the head of Arrangements 42nd divisions were on the point of enta of the children and members Mrs. Douglass Is plarihing a ments wore served after the group meeting was held Dec. 12 with a I navigation on the Sound, end of the taking Sedan when the Armlsticc and friends of tho church are cor- Christmas program for this Friday sang Christmas carols and exchang- Call 144 Oregon trail, at a time when water- are outstanding was signed. The Yanks had reached dially invited to attend. good attendance of husbands and ways were the natural highways, evening, Dec. 21, at the school the suburbs across the Meuse river ed gifts. friends as guests. Officers n-ere preferred to overland routes. While house at 8 o'clock. elected for the ensuing year. A Stop in and look around only one kilometer from Sedan on The Bell Telephone operators en- RITTENGER the capital is dominated by govern Frank Phillips Is seriously 111 'n November 11, 1018. Christmas program with songs and! ment, excellent rail and highways joyed their annual Christmas par- N. McCORDS—E. CASCADE a hospital In Grand Rapids. During peace Intervals Sedan de- MRS xms COX readings was enjoyed, after whichi have developed the port Olym- ty Tuesday evening In the home Inturanca Scrvict A Christmas program will be veloped • textile Industry. Its 17,000 Mr. Rundman auctioned off Christ- pia grew on land belonging to Ed- of Mrs. dive Wood. The Hlmebaugh LOWELL — MICHIGAN WE DELIVER Inhabitants were mill . workers, mas and birthday gifta. The com- mund Sylvester, a Gloucester fish- held at the Honey Creek school turkey farm presented them with Sgt Fred Cox haa received hla weavers, and shopkeepers serving Thursday evening, Dec. 20, at "U a turkey for the occasion; this was discharge after -ihi years of servicemitte e served coffee, sandwiches erman who held the propertf un- the large garrison. The town has der the Oregon Provisional govern- o'clock. Then there wHl be uo greatly appreciated and enjoyed by In the army, some time oversees, and cake. Next meeting will be Kiel's Greenhoases been credited with giving its name ment. the original dating from 1848. school until Jan. 7. B. Coger, teach- the girls, who are working extra and arrived home Friday. Wenesday, Jan. 0, at 8 o'clock. AND GIFT SHOP to the sedan-chair and to the sedan- It was thus one ot the early north- er. ,:4 ; fa LltUe Philip Wilson spent Mon^ —i type automobile body. Covered and hard during the holidays. west settlemehts. 206 Monroe Ave. Mrs. Effle Gregory has returned day with Mr. and Mra. Charlie aometimes enclosed^ man-carried The P. N. G. held their annual Use Ledger Want Affa. MORE LOCAL NEWS One Block North of City Hall Quiggle while his mother waa in twin . two w.rtc. WJrtMU*. the hiblon- Christmas party Monday evenfng granddaughter, Mrs. Delta Harker Grand Rapids. able means of city transport In the In the Rotary room of the Lowell and daughter at Muskegon. Mr. and Mra. Sam Prevoat were Claude Erb. who had brought Precautions Help to 18-18th centuries. Mrs. Margie Brown of Nunlca Cafe with a Christmas tree, gifts Sunday evening guests at the John the body of his mother, Mrs. Idella Preserve Dinnerware was a Friday visitor of her grand- for all and a nicely served dell- Cox home. Erb. to Lowell for burial, received clous dinner. This organixatlon has Many of the precautions usually mother, Mrs. Effle Gregory. Fred Wisner was a visitor of his a telegram Wednesday morning Saraiae Theater! reserved for fine china are In order IN MEMORIAM Hocus-Pocus—This Outfit a unique practice of each member grandson. Dale Wisner, In Grand stating that his wife had suddenlly having c "secret sister", who re- Rapids the past week. SARANAC. MICHIGAN for everyday dinnerware. Here are Capt Erwin J. Nummor Detects Counterfeits passed away at their home In Salt Snake-Bite Strums members them on all annlveearies Wayne Stebbloa. Mgr. a few suggestions that will help in The lives of thousands of trop- How an electric sparit may quick- Mrs. Eva Kaufman spent the Lake City, Utah. In loving memory of our de'ir during the year closing with Chlat- giving dinnerware good care: ical workers in essential war needs ly detect counterfeit coins Is re- week-end with the home folks In Scrape dishes with a rubber son and brother, Erwln J. Num- in as when their Identity is revealed. Grand IRapkla. FRIDAY - SATURDAY, DEC Sl-ZS Mrs. Ken Merrlman, who has sre being safeguarded by snake-bite vealed In a patent granted to HJ«1- scraper or paper instead of a metal mer, who lost his life on Leyte Is- been 111 and confined to her home serums and other vaccines produced mar L Petersson of Stockholm, About 30 guests enjoyed a very instrument that may mar their sur- land one y*ar ago the 16th of Dec. on Brazil's famous "Snake Farrn^ Sweden, (Pat No. 2.100.877). The In- pleasant afternoon Itst Thursday, JUNIOR FARM BUREAU for some time, had the misfortune faces. Stack them in neat piles ac- We think today of one we love. leyeud the Pent —the Butantsn Institute, tear the vention not only detects counter- when Mrs. Will Thompson enter- to fall recently, seriously Injuring cording to size—many crashes result Who makes his home miUi Ood above; The next meeting will be held her hip. My. Merriman will entor He gave his life ao we may live. city of Sao Paulo. feits, but automatically separates tained with a miscellaneous show- on Dec. 27. All members are to PLUS from haphazard or top-heavy stacks. His motto was. not take, but «ive; Poisonous snakes, toads, spiders, them from the genuine co^is. a Grand Rapids hospital for treat- Deep In our heart* he'll aJwaya be. er for ' her grandson, Edward bring a small gift and also their Wash Just a few dishes at a time cenUpcdes and other insects are As the coin drops down a chute ment. Our boy who died for liberty. Sower and hla bride of Saranac. Ice skates. and have a folded dishtowel in the among the many hazards toped by it is momentarily held and an elec- leuble Exposure Mr. and Mrs. Fred Num me r. Mr. Sower has recently received bottom of the dishpan or jlrain rubber gatherers in the fbnsAB: of tric spark is caused to jump be- his discharge from service. The pan and on the enamel, hardwood pSS brothers and sisters the , by farmers. ajw4»y tween Uic cola and an electrode. CARD OF THANKS or metal drainboard. This will help happy couple received many beau- SUNDAY-MONDAY, DBG »44 workers in newly developed inchis- Light from the spark passes into a I wish to thapk neighbors and reduce breakage and is especially trial areas. * spectroscope, a device which breaks tiful and useful gifts from their friends for the cards and greetings Oscar Wilde's needed for fragile china. The serums are widely dtBtnftuted^ friends. After an enjoyable social the light up Into a spectrum. sent me during my recent illness. Avoid harsh scouring powders, throughout the nation in se«tlohs The spectrum of light Is then time, the hostess served dollcious steel wool or metal cleaners which p83 George Chaffee where they are most needed, uaiiandu aaos focused on a slit. If the coin is genu- refreshments. The Picture ef may scratch dishes; dampened a result the mortality resultinItlngirog m ine, the focused beam of light will # whiting on a cloth will remove stub- The treated cases of snake bite happen pass through the slit and strike a The Martha Group held a silver CARD OF THANKS • bom stains. Remember too that tea for the benefit of a Boys' home •eriiifiray reduced from 20 to 22 peTr cent io photoelectric cell. The cell converts We are sincerely grateful to strong soaps, ammonia or washing from 2 to 5 per cent. in Grand Rapids Monday evenlns the light Into electric energy, which friends and neighbors for their soda is hard on gold and silver In the ^ cme of Mrs. Bernle Bedel! George Lowell Cafe operates a relay. In turn, the relay many acts of sympathy during our trims. with Mrs. Melvia Lewis as joint swings a hopper over the genuine sad bereavement Our apprecia- OonUnrnms Shows Every wishes Milk Supplies Riboflavin coin receiving box, into which the hostjas. A generous contrlbutioft tion cannot be adequately express- Riboflavin, essential for growth coin falls. was 'sken for :hls worthy cause, ed. Soak Dishes and general good health and for pre- On the other hand. If the coin is a .^n Interesting Christmas program TUES, WED., THURS. All Its Friends Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Elliott Many dishes and pans used in get- serving youth and vigor, probably counterfeit the electric spark gives enjoyod and annual election of DEC. t54M7 and family ting meals will wash more quickly has Its most important source in a spectrum which, when focused, officers held as ^ollows: President, and Patrons pS3 Charles McGrath family Special Holiday Attractlaa and easily if they are filled with milk, sincc milk is reported to fur- will not wholly enter the slit, but Mrs. Byrd Beach um; Vice-pres. WON-KOTE water immediately after using and nish almost half the supply of this hits a blocking screen. In this case dent Mrs. Chas. White; Secretary, Fred MacMunay la . Tli* "Wonder Palnf" for allowed to soak until washed. A vitamin hi the national diet. Milk boaut/fyhe walls . . . QUICK! A the relay is acuated to swing the Mrs. Wesley Clemen?.; Treasurer, It is better to think a good cold-water soak is recommended for is not the most concentrsted hopper over the box which receives Mrs. Charles Townsend. thought about a bad man than loosening starchy foods, like dough source, however, according to nu- the counterfeit coins. to think an evil thought about a EUie or cereal, and also for eggs and Merry Christmas tritionists, sincc liver, kidney Smith's Finitire Store Mr. and Mrs. Charles Radford good man. milk. A hot-water soak Is best for cheese, eggs and some greens like entertained the members of her utensils which have held sugary kale are richer. Meats, fish, poultry, 212 Kant Main St Lowell And A A Young love titers bridge club and their husbands, foods like syrup or .icing because dry beans, dry peas and peanuts Speaking of young inventors, Sir from Grand Rapids, Saturday even- sugar dissolves faster in hot than are also good wurces. All fiours William Perkin Invented aniline in cold water. Greasy utensils Happy New Yestr labelled enriche/J and ail commer- ing, the occaaion being their an- dyes at 18. Then comes William nual Christmas party and turkey should have all possible grease re- cially mode white bread are re- Siemens at 20 with the steam en- dinner. The following guests wer*. PORK — All Cuts moved — to save for cooking use quired to contain specified amount? gine governor, Bessemer at 21 with Clo. ed Christmas Day present: Dr. and Mrs. Irving Wil- later or salvage — and then should of riboflavin. electro-plating, Marconi at 21 with ters, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pant, Mr. L^ARD BACON be wiped out with paper and allowed his first patent on radio, Edison at to soak in hot water containing 24 patented the stock ticker, Howe and Mra Lloyd Karcher, Mr. and a little baking soda. A time-saving Phone your news to the Ledger. at 26 the sewing machine, Whitney Mrs. LeVerne Seger, Mr. and Mrs. FANCY MIXED NUTS 48c SALAD DRESSING way to keep silverware bright is to at 27 the cotton gin, Watt at 29 Don Carrick, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle have a little aluminum pan filled the steam engine, Bell at 29 the Ullery, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Hynes, Open every day, 7:30 until 9:00, except Sundays with hot soda water near the dish- telephone, Mergenthaler at SO the Mra. Margaret Thornton and son, pan and put Into it any silver, tar- SUNDAY-MONDAY: DEC. 25-24 first linotype, Nobel at 84 dynamite, Richard and Wayne Ullery. nished with egg or other food. Eastman at 34 the kodak camera, Ada Food Market the Wrights the airplane at 34 and KLUMPP a SUMMERS, Props. Strand 38, Fulton at 36 the submarine, Good- Buy and sell through the Ledger LOWELL want ads. C. 8. Eats Well year at 39 patented vulcanization of U. S. citizens have had 10 per cent MISERY FOR MANY! rubber. ' more food per capita during this war FRIDAY-SATURDAY, DEC. 21-K Fulton at 42 patented his steam- than in 1917-18—with 10 per cent few- FOR THREEI boat, Siemens at 44 the dynamo and \ H.&R. er on farms and a one-third increase open hearth process, Stephenson at in the total national population, and \ ACTiONPiuy ROMANCE! 45 the first successful locomotive, -Joy to the World, the Lord has ^ twice as much food has gone each Morse at 48 brought out the tele- The Cities Service year to the armed services and for graph, Roentgen made his X-ray oome." Truly this Chrtatanaa. Gol V overseas shipments as during the machine at 50, Daimler patented GAS ami OIL last war. Production figures dur- his gasoline vehicle at 52, and Har- Xaiio Service Co. has blessed the earth vita His y ing the two wars show: Wheat pro- vey patented Harveylzed steel at 67, East Main Phone S32 Presence ta leading us on to the > duction in 1944 was 1.079 million the end of the list bushels, compared with 904 million Victory we have won. May He con- Open 12 noon to 12 midnight bushels in 1918; corn, 3,228 million bushels compared with 2,441 million; Closed Thursday tinue to guide us ta the beef and veal, 10,732 miUioo pounds, Its Frieuis mi The barrels of flying bazookas, compared with 8,488 million; pork, peace for ever and ever. Mr. and Mrs. John Bozeboom which the amy air forces have in- 12,893 million pounds, compared stalled on the Thunderbolt and other Cutiemn with 8,349 million; chickens, 3,460 types of fighter planes, arc made million pounds, compared with 1,896 from a special paper plastic. Plastic million; milk, 119 billion pounds, was used because it is lighter than compared with li billion pounds; A other types of material and better total fats and oils, 7,787 million LOHELL CIEAMEIV adapted for this job. What resins pounds, compared with 4,886 million. were used was not revealed other 87 KL A. COMPAONER, than that it is fire-resistant to with- Merry Christms stand the fiery blast of the rocket Opened Meaabi missile when launched. Army offi- It was in 1892 that Henry W. Oli- ver, a Pennsylvania delegate to the and cials have referred to fighter planes carrying flying bazookas as "flying Republican National Convention at CLARK GABLE Minneapolis, heard of a new iron artillery." fiU France these planes were credited with contributing to range at Mesabi, Minn. He hurried in to Duluth, spent his first night the destruction of the German Sev- Bus Schedules sleeping on a billiard table because enth army In its retreat from the It is a pleasure to personldly say the town was filled with prospectors "CALl OF THE Falasie pocket. Firing ot the flying and every hotel room was occupied. bazookas Is controlled by the pilot "Merry Chriatmas" to all our old LMELl TIME Oliver bought a horse next morning in the same manner as he fires his WILD" .60-calIber wing machine guns, by Effective October IS, 1SIB and set out through the wilderness and new frienda. Never lues the to Merritts' camp. Impressed-by pressing a trigger set In the stick. the possibility of feeding the then- Christmas aeason been bappier, To Gr. Rapids Fo Lansing, Ann Infant steel mills of Pittsburgh from this vast new source of ore, he and to one and all we aay again 1:40 a. m. Arbor, Toledo MERRY CHRISTMAS Postwar tourists to Alaska will leased a mine and returned to the 4:17 a. m. 8:40 a. m. East That move "rubbed the lamp disembark at a port which is so new 7:S5 a. m. 10:25 a. m. of Aladdin." It brought together the TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, DEC. 25*«7 that it doesn't appear on most maps 12.85 p. m. 10:65 a. m. expanding needs of the blast fur- and ride into the interior behind 4:05 p. m. modem Diesel locomotives over a 2:10 p. m. naces with mountains of newly de- MERRY CHRISTMAS 5:44 p. m. veloped ore. railroad that has been built since 2:40 p. m. ,7.59 p. m. Pearl Harbor. This is the peacetime 5:46 p. m. ld.06 p. m- promise of a wartime development in transportation which has helped 6:56 p. m. Lanslng only Saven make Alaska secure against future 8:40 p. m. As sugar savers, use dried fruits, To FLINT rich In natural sugar, to add sweet- Invasion; and, which promises to aid 8:55 p. m. the postwar economic development 8:20 a. m. ness to desserts. Fill layer cake HUTTON of the territory by the reduction of 12:35 p. m. with chopped dried fruit, mixed with freight rates from Tide-water lo An- 6.20 p. m. nuts, and moistened with honey or Lowell Lumber & Supply Co. corn syrup. Make steamed dried chorage by 30 per cent and to Fair- ALL TRIPS DAILY fruit into fruit whips, or fillings for de (OtDOVA banks by 7.8 per cent Today the pies, turnovers and tarts. Instead Diesels are hauling vital supplies BRUCE WALTER in Paramounfi to U. S. army bases along the stra- — LOWELL STATION AT — of sugar in the center of baked ap- ples or pears, fill with raisiiui and tegic Alaska railroad, sole rail link Dad Walter at MSK^arlane Store —. corn syrup or honey, or with mince- between coastal points and the In- 'S Drag Storemea t terior. Clara McCmrty Del Ford Raymond Slayton Buy Ticket* Before BoArdlng Boa Nitrogen applied to peach trees Roy Vnughn Clyde Cooper George Foster Good habitat for cottontails » a place where there are plenty of , In California resulted in Increased brush pllae, bramble patches or but applied to prunes gave •ther hiding places. ^ period. /