IMPORTS Yonder Id I Est1 Rooters May Well Be Skeptical They Believe They Spy a |^Lh About Their Ability to Make up ** the EVENING STAR, Washington, D
Braves'Hopes Kept Aliveby Clouts by Bonus Pair Seven Straight Solace for Senators fjm ¦ M| ¦' Mathews' Long Clout Helps Beat Dodgers; Yanks Win on Homers Killebrew Turns Bf ... “JB x CT»” ¦Bplf 1 By the Associated Press Boos Into Cheers With Eddie Mathews hitting C* \ in the fashion that made his In 18-7 Debacle name a household word a couple By BURTON HAWKINS of years ago. things are really may looking up for the Milwaukee The Senators be chin- Braves. But even their staunch- , deep in weeds, but *way over IMPORTS yonder id I est1 rooters may well be skeptical they believe they spy a |^lH about their ability to make up ** THE EVENING STAR, Washington, D. C. couple of roses. That sweet "'« •’¦ * A-12 ' Sg __"“-fe»| ' / '-•• ' < - all that ground lost to the front- SATUBDAY, JUNE 26, MSS i Dodgers. scent, however faint, is drifting running Brooklyn • m’ Manager Charlie Grimm’s their way as the result of wel- athletes, picked by many to win ; come hitting by a pair of bonus the National League pennant, I youngsters, Harmon Killebrew like contenders timed in didn’t look much ; and Jerry Schoonmaker. MAKE ROOM FOR MORROW— Boulder, Colo.— and Dean Smith of Texas, who also were during the early part of the sea- Bobby Morrow (second from right) makes a dra- 9.5. Art Bragg, defending champion from Balti- son. The pitching and the hit- The hapless Washington club matic entrance into major track competition by more, lost out m the semifinals. Left to right are ting that was to deliver the big BL lost again last night, of course, winning the 100-yard dash in 9.5 seconds, one of Jerry Prewit, Texas, sixth; John Haines, Drexel Hill, reward for all that fantastic fan this time by the rather emphatic Bob Washington, support barely kept In wedged the hignlights of the National AAU meet here yes- t Pa., fifth; Richard, Morrow, and them the ¦ score of 18-7, but into terday.
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