-- Serving the State Th. Weather University of Iowa Fair aD' w-.er &May ..........t.IIIP ....y I. Campus and aw "'L 0at.I0IM ,_ FrI, Iowa City II..,. parily eift4y ... owan wera. fst. 1868 - A' leased Wire. Wirephoto - five Cents I Iowa City, Iowa, Thundoy. September ., 1955 GJ' s Toughened Up. Fires Rage Forest Losses Ivn Into Millions SAN FRANCISCO (JP)-Forut .Training and brush lires roarlnc over a ~y 'Cruelty" quarter mJlUon aCf blazed n r . 1 WASHINGTON (IP) - Manu­ -------------~--------- the au klrts or two CalJfornla factured cruelty is beln, dosed is quite pos Ible tbat lOme make m n anlry," Newsweek cities Wedn day - Santa Bar- out to American flghtln, men to changes wlil be made at Stead. says. bara and Yrelta. harden them against treatment Newsweek aU ests to the accu- Weak ,.lI Hit A 50.000·acre brush (Ire along, .5 Million they may receive It captured by racy of its reporter, Peter Wy­ an unscrupulous enemy. "Each man II tickled where the South rn CaUfornla CO den. he is mo t VUlnerable. Otflcers rould re ch the outsklrt& of Pentagon sources said Wed ­ McKenzie Is already en route nesday the tralnin, courses are who a k for water let It thrown ~anta Barbar , a city of 50,000, Turks Riot Over Cyprus Dispute to Washington for questloniog In the I ee. Meek 'prl oners' are unless the wind chanced. beln, conducted in all branches about the story. bounced a,alnal the wall by the In exlrl'me northern Camornla ot the service to prepare men Officials said the Air Force tor the ,rim 1I1e qf a prisoner of high command wants to know brawnie t inlerro,ator. Men who a 40,000- ere til'"e In tho Klam th ar hy about undre loe m y National Fo l blued aloM war. whether the story Is overwritten not ke ~ p their shorts on. Inter- Ilve-mUe front only (lve mile Rough and realilltic, the or is an accurate account of courses teach how to evade cap­ techniques being u cd by offi­ rogators munch sandwiches In from Yreka, a town of 3,500. ture In the first place and then cers and men, themselves former !ronl of the hungrl t trainees," Nelther city was In Immedi- how to resist brainwashing tech­ prisoners of war, In the trainIng "A m jor who lei slip thtlt he ate dan er, U.S. Forest Service niques like those used by the course. had only an eighth Irade edu- offlcills ald. '1 Communists in the Korean War. Newsw~k in its current Is ue caUon, Ind a lieutenant whale moke hun o,er Yreka 11k" WASmNGTON (iP> - Some Newsweek mal{azlne published describes the unusual 17-day membership card In alcoholics heavy fOI nnd vh from th 19 million students wlU enroll a stark description Wednesday of course as "Ingenious combina­ anonymou laid him open 10 rl. forest tire bl nketed I tre lind In the nation', schools and rol­ such a cour~ conducted at Stead tions at physical and mental dicuk about his w akn SI for roor 11kI' a are.v frost. IC'fC'S thi.l year - 1,868,$00 more Air Force BRso outside Reno, stresses." alrohol, wer h mm rell untU Both fire wcr_ out of rontrol. than last y~ar - the ,overn­ Nev., where it said hunger, paln Raw Food erved they talked Juat to end th Ir Th e and a core of other ment e!rt1mated Wednllday. and fatigue are part 01 the traln­ The arUcle speaks of the lraln· humlIIaHon," fire black n d more than The Oltlce of EduclIU,m said Lng. ees being served uncooked spin­ The new U.S. military code 1250.000 .crel of California tim- thi.l is the II ttl ronsec:uUve year Air Foree Silent ach and raw spaghetti, of being adjures American prisoners of ber d bru h land and caused In which the total has Increased Newsweek $ald the story had given frightening bul harmless war to tell their captors only millions of dollar of dama,e. and predicted the trend will con· been cleared by the Pentagon, electric shocks, of being forced their n me, tank and erial num- Forest UlJIt tlnue for at leall the nex1 nine but the Air Force declined to to spend hours in a dark hole, ber. yea",. It forullw an enrollmt'nt comment on It pending a report up to their shoulders In water, or The mailazlne .ccount aid the U.S. FOre! t service ortlclats In cxcf of OHt million by 19f4. (rom Col. Burton E. McKenzie, In a "scat box" where a man can training is taken under the su- estlm ted 10 In two nation I S. M. Brownell, commislloner commander of the base. neither stand, il Qf lie down. per vision of medical m n and forests at more th n 6'" mllilon, ot education, e.tlmated there Is One Air Force s~kesman said "To break resistance, Inter­ five psychololl15ts, and "some dams,e Ir. Klsmath National a Ihorta~ of 141.300 Clllolified that If the account Is accurate it rogators tr'y almOlit anylhln, to 29,000 men ha" safely withstOOd For t, whet' 20 fir burned tOichen lor the term Just starl­ the 17-day coune." over 100,000 ICT , was pl ced In •. Trainee Don't Complain at $3' ~ million. and in Sequoia HIl cited ,taU tics Indlcatlntl It added that none of the Nation 1 Fore. t with 16.700 ere new elusroom construction In Ir Inees ha complained formal- b.ckened, at $3 million. 11154-&5 sll,htly exceeded the Iy about th' har,h treatment. Fire cled HIghway 101 north n~d brought .about by tho In­ Political Battle Seen McKenzie, him It a prisoner In of Santa narban ond tor a time creased enroll""cnt In public and Germany durIng World War II. Tu d y nlahl SlOpped train,.;. pr~ ltAl elementary and .erond· wa quoted a saying: "They National Guard_m n blocked irYJ IIct1oOl.. Some of the elasa· teke It because they repllze H', roads leading out or Yrek rooms, however, will be a orb­ as Important to them as lite in- he fire area. In the north. ed In replaeln, faclllUe 10 t Over 'Hoppe' Case suranee." A 12-mlle protection line was through fire, hilts to reduce Survival tralnln, cour are bulldo~d an~ backfired west ot tAP "".,--, overerowd.!n ••nd qther facton. W.ASHINGTON (IP)- Political ---------.---­ nothing new In lhe armed forces. Yreka, otter ~ne tIre nashI'd to TURKl" OLDIER .tand by an overlurned car til I tanbul after anU·Gr~ek de_.. Ir"''' JUrt.It .. Up th\1nde'r~eads gathered Wednes- position or importance that In World War II airmen and within tour mil of th city. The tared. four-hoW' wive of destruction which re ulted In P ~C'mler Adllall Mendere call1n; a a&ate The nation'. birth rille hot day around the case of Edgar E. proved to be beyond his capacity those who might be Involved In fire line ran to within tbree or marilal law In .. tanbu1 and hmlr. Greek hop. were wrecked and plll.,.ed and Greek OrtllCHI •• upward 1n WO'I'ld War II and has Hoppe, ao ousted inspection a~d ability." ,uerrlila n,htlng were {lven mil I of the city. Back of that C!hurehe were burned. stayed lit a hl;h level ever since, chief who is suing the Internal Humphrey did not touch on the train In, to heJp tl'lem evade cap- was a Une of pumper, capable accountJll( for the conslsten t Reve nue service for ,26,823 in "whitewash" charge or the claim ture or to cape after capture. of pumpln, water from creeks. expansion of enrt)llmcnUl In re­ back pay. ot a political COMpirsey. All ot the ervlcea-Nllvy, Ma­ Turks Adopt Oarden HOld C.nDee&ed cent. ;rea,. an4 the Increises seen Hoppe's I~wyer, John P. Wlt- Because 01 the lime Hoppe had rine Corps, and Army, aa well ahad. sil, said \ his client lost his gov- put in with the Revenue Service, as the Air Force - have been And back ot the pumpers, re'l­ T»c' blg jump, is usual, Is an· emment post through a con- Humphrey said, "It was hoped conducting modernized survival dents had thelr prden h I Martial Law llclpat . Ill'" elementary splraer by "polltlcal hatchet that he might be transfcrL'ed to II trllinlo, eour •. Incprporalin, conn atcd by order of th rire chlet,-ready to put out any blaze ~choo" - from klndef,arten meo" high up In the Eisenhower lesser posll.lon for which his what hlUl been learned 01 Com­ through craele 8. Public schools admlnll~ratlon. ability might adequately flt him. munist techniques from men that mliht be .tarted from hot cinders and !ISh rain In, down on To Halt Riots In tli.t CtltelotY are upected to Secretary at tho Treasury But it soon became apparenl that who were prlsoners of war In enron 25,215.000 ot the: 29,O~8,­ Humphrey ron1ended Hoppe wss even this was impos.slble because Korea. the city. Use of water for lawn.s ISTANBUL. Turkey (IP) - Th or gardeos was forbidden. ,000 element,lry pupils, a tot.al !Ired from the tax-collecting of his belligerent BtUtude and ,overnment r Impo ed martial LONDON (il'J- Britaln. Turkey Increasc of .bQul 1,300,000 over agency in 1953 because of in- disrespect for hl~ s~perlors." Fastest movlnJ fire was the Idw Wedne day night on !.'itan.
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