2 FEB. 20-MAR. 5, 2009 COMMENTARY /LETTERS PACIFIC E! CmZEN !fila' PAC I FI C ~.CITIZEN L~tters to the Editor· 250 E. First Street, Ste. 301, Los Angeles, CA. 90012 Guantanamo in the mail today. Thank you very much. r Tel: 213/620-1767, eqjoyed reading aU the articles. I am a senior 800/966-6157 An almost unnoticed article appeared in a citizen and I worked in Japantown before Fax: 213/620-1768 recent edition of Newsweek addressing the E-mail:
[email protected] issue of where to put the Guantanamo World War II. www.pacificcitizen.org detainees once the detention center is closed. It haS been suggested that these Gitmo prison YUKI KUMAKI Executive Editor: South Holland, JII. Caroline Y. Aoyagi-Stom ers l?e placed in existing federal facilities such Assistant Editor: as Fort Leavenworth. Howling protests arose Lynda Lin Pos,ter Boy for from not only the governor of Kansas but Re: Oshogatsu Office Manager: Member$hip Recruitment from other gO,vernors fearful of having their I enjoyed the column by Margie Yamamoto Brian Tanaka in the special New Year's issue so much I I enjoyed reading the interview ofu' Brian states involved in the move. Circulation: wanted to share my experience with Japanese Eva Lau-Ting Moriguchi in the Feb. 6-20 edition of the The major argument? It would pose a dan Pacific Citizen. The courage Brian dis ger to their community. This argument sounds New Year with yOlL . ~erican Publisher: Japanese Citizens played in challenging his racist superior offi similar to those arguments presented during I am the Italian American spouse of a League (founded 1929) 1765 Sutter Street, cers and paying the price for it these many the intemment of Japanese AmericaiIs during Japanese gentleman who came to the States San Francisco, CA 94115, tel: 4151921- in 1969 to attend university and has been here years was inspiring: wwn.