
PTE/15/16 Cabinet 11 March 2015 Flood Risk Management Action Plan 2015/16

Report of the Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment

Please note that the following recommendations are subject to consideration and determination by the Cabinet (and confirmation under the provisions of the Council's Constitution) before taking effect.

Recommendation: It is recommended that Cabinet: (a) approves the implementation of the 2015/16 Action Plan by the County Council’s Flood Risk Management Team; (b) delegates to the Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment, in consultation with the Cabinet Member with responsibility for flooding, any changes to the programme and related expenditure of less than £50k.

1. Purpose

The aim of this report is to provide Cabinet with an update on delivery of the 2014/15 Flood Risk Management Action Plan and gain approval for the implementation of the proposed Action Plan for 2015/16. A process, by which actions can be amended or reprioritised, subject to delivery opportunities, is also proposed.

2. Summary

As a result of the widespread flooding experienced in over recent years a prioritised programme of works has been developed. This has been prepared in accordance with the Local Flood Risk Management Strategy and where possible in partnership with other Risk Management Authorities.

3. Update on Achievements for 2014/15

As a result of the works delivered by and in some cases through partnership working with the Environment Agency and District Councils, up to 150 properties have been provided with improved flood protection this year, so reducing the risk of further internal flooding. The studies underway and potential works to be delivered over coming years will aim to reduce the risk of flooding to over 500 further properties directly, as well as provide wider community benefits. In particular the close working relationship between Flood Risk Management and Highways has enabled a number of schemes, benefitting both property and the highway, to be delivered jointly and has also assisted in identifying locations where gullies require a stricter maintenance regime.

Detail on the work undertaken by the Flood Risk Management team during 2014/15 is set out in Appendix I. The current projection is for the full extent of the approved £1 million budget (i.e. including a carry forward from 2013/14) to be successfully applied through this range of practical works and studies; with a further £0.5 million spent through a separately approved capital allocation in favour of the Flood Defence Scheme. This represents the largest ever flood risk management programme delivered by the Authority.

4. Proposed Action Plan for 2015/16

Building on the successful delivery of the 2014/15 programme, a number of studies and investigations now need to be progressed to the design stage and, those more advanced, to be delivered through practical works. The new programme of actions for 2015/16 is, therefore, a continuation of those works already in hand and commencement of new schemes. The specific proposals have been prioritised on the basis of the criteria set out in the Local Flood Risk Management Strategy for Devon.

The proposed Action Plan for 2015/16 is attached as Appendix II. This currently shows 16% over-budget profile expenditure for the projects element of the budget; this is normal practice to account for projects that are completed under budget or, are delayed for various reasons. This will be closely monitored throughout the year to ensure delivery is kept within the available budget. Additional funding from Defra’s “Flood Defence Grant in Aid” and Local Levy will, after justification, be accessed as required. Other opportunities for partnership working with other Risk Management Authorities and key stakeholders, such as Parish Councils and Flood Action Groups will also be considered accordingly.

5. Consultations/Representations/Technical Data

The delivery of local flood improvements will require regular consultations with residents, community groups, Parish Councils, local Members and all other Risk Management Authorities to ensure expectations are managed appropriately. This will assist in a joined up approach to ensure those affected will be fully engaged and also to identify any partnership working between the various authorities that can be achieved.

6. Financial Considerations

The funding allocations for the works identified in the 2015/16 Action Plan will be from the DCC Flood Risk Management revenue budget. Where projects can be undertaken collaboratively, this will be linked to additional contributions through other Risk Management Authorities. For larger schemes requiring capital funding, this will be achieved through Defra’s Flood Defence Grant in Aid and supported by Local Levy and/or additional partnership funds from local sources such as developers, businesses and other scheme beneficiaries (including local residents). Where appropriate, DCC revenue allocations are capitalised.

In order to limit future or ongoing financial liabilities to the Flood Risk Management budget, every effort is made to avoid any enduring maintenance responsibilities when supporting the implementation of new flood protection works.

7. Sustainability, Equality and Public Health Considerations

All flood improvement schemes will be developed in accordance with the Equality and Environmental Assessments produced in support of the Local Flood Risk Management Strategy. Each individual scheme will be assessed at the appropriate stage using the corporate, integrated assessment tool, with relevant equality and environmental impacts identified and acted on as necessary.

The works outlined by the Local Strategy and the 2015/16 Action Plan are all designed to improve the protection afforded to communities and individual properties currently at particular risk of flooding and, thereby, support health and wellbeing. More than just protecting the properties alone, it should be noted that flood water has the potential for transporting contaminants, such as sewage; so, reducing flood risk has clear health benefits.

8. Legal Considerations

All works will be carried out in accordance with the powers and duties assigned to DCC under the Flood and Water Management Act 2010, the Land Drainage Act 1991 and any other relevant legislation. The lawful implications and consequences of the proposals and relevant actions will be taken into account through their development.

9. Risk Management Considerations

It should be noted that flooding is already identified as a high risk in the corporate risk register and that this programme is intended to address that. As each scheme is progressed, it will be assessed to ensure that all necessary actions are carried out to safeguard the Council's position.

A recent exercise carried out by the Place Scrutiny Flooding Task Group called in all other Risk Management Authorities to explain their ability to fulfil their responsibilities as identified in the Local Flood Risk Management Strategy for Devon. This highlighted the lack of resources available to many of the District Councils and the potential risk that some will be unable to deliver as required. This risk will have to be monitored on an ongoing basis to ensure that it does not affect the successful delivery of the DCC Action Plan for 2015/16, given the collaborative approach to many of the schemes.

10. Discussion

The delivery of an annual programme of flood improvements is essential to continually reduce the risk to many properties within Devon that have suffered or are at a high risk of flooding. The proposed Action Plan for 2015/16 includes a number of physical schemes that will benefit in excess of 200 properties, together with a number of proactive studies for future schemes to be developed in line with Defra’s 6 year programme. All of the Risk Management Authorities have regular contact through forums such as the Devon Operational Drainage Group to share the priorities of their organisations and look for partnership working opportunities. Work is ongoing to coordinate the Action Plans and establish a joint plan across the authorities.

11. Options/Alternatives

In view of the large number of communities having suffered flooding in recent years and the growing expectation for assistance, the option to do nothing has been discounted.

The proposed projects identified in the 2015/16 Action Plan (Appendix II) have been prioritised based on the specific criteria set out in the Local Flood Risk Management Strategy for Devon. It is likely that the detail of this programme will change over the course of the year, due to funding opportunities or uncertainties over delivery etc. Any changes up to a £50k limit will be undertaken in consultation with the relevant Cabinet Member and the Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment. Each scheme will undergo an options appraisal process to identify the preferred option that will give maximum benefit for the community within the available budget.

12. Reason for Recommendation/Conclusion

The extent of flooding to properties over recent years has created a large list of communities requiring assistance to reduce this problem. There are many other communities who are at significant risk of future flooding, particularly from surface water sources, as identified by our programme of studies. The effect of flooding on people’s properties and businesses is devastating and there is an essential need to reduce this future risk in order to benefit Devon’s economy and the health and wellbeing of affected communities and individuals. The adoption and implementation of this Action Plan by DCC will demonstrate the proactive approach being taken by DCC in its role as Lead Local Flood Authority.

Dave Black Head of Planning, Transportation and Environment

Electoral Divisions: All

Cabinet Member for Highway Management and Flood Prevention: Councillor Stuart Hughes

Strategic Director, Place: Heather Barnes

Local Government Act 1972: List of Background Papers

Contact for enquiries: Martin Hutchings

Room No. Lucombe House, County Hall, Exeter. EX2 4QD

Tel No: (01392) 383000

Background Paper Date File Reference


pc230215cab flood risk management action plan 2015 16 hk 03 260215

Appendix I To PTE/15/16

Update on Achievements for 2014/15

1. Devon wide

Highway related flood improvements – The Flood Risk Management Team have continued to support Highways with the provision of funding for minor improvements to reduce the risk of flooding to properties caused by surface runoff from the highway or blocked/damaged highway assets. Successful works, to the value of over £66k, have been completed in Newton Poppleford, Broadclyst, Stoke Canon, Bere Ferris, , Stockland, Yealmpton, , , , Pinhoe, Whipton, and Braunton. Up to 40 properties previously flooded and in excess of 30 more at risk will benefit from these improvements.

Surface Water Management Plans, North and South – The programme of Surface Water Management Plans, as recommended in the initial strategic review of Devon, has continued, with new investigation progressed within Ilfracombe.

Flood Resilience Community Pathfinder Project – This 2 year Defra funded project is in its final stages and has achieved successful outcomes for the 24 communities included within the programme as well as additional communities that have requested similar assistance. Many of the communities now have well prepared emergency action plans and self-help resilience measures, from watercourse flow monitors and rain gauges, to warden equipment such as torches and tabards. The legacy of the project is to use the lessons learnt and continue to assist other communities across Devon. It is estimated that over 4,000 properties will benefit either directly or indirectly from the resilience measures being implemented through this project.

North Devon Nature Improvement Area – Ongoing support for this project has enabled the delivery of a number of natural flood related improvements that not only reduce flood risk but also improve water quality and land management. Such improvements include the management of farmed, semi-natural habitats (particularly Culm grassland) to store water and reduce runoff. Also, lengths of watercourse have been fenced to avoid cattle entering them and eroding the banks, which improves water quality and reduces blockage due to sediment movements.

Minor Flood Improvement Works – A number of opportunities have arisen to deliver small schemes and reduce the risk of flooding to many properties. These include works at Shaldon, Stokeinteignhead and Luton near , the latter being delivered by the Parish Council, with partnership funding from Flood Risk Management and Highways. The level of flood risk to over 30 properties has reduced as a result of these works.

Minor Flood Investigations – A number of small investigations have been carried out to gain a better understanding of particular flooding issues. These include , Stoke Canon and East Allington. A partnership approach with South West Water is also being progressed in Old . Further phases to these particular investigations are expected as the year progresses.

Property Level Protection – A number of individual properties, which will not benefit from a community wide scheme, have been targeted for property specific resilience. In partnership with District Councils and the Environment Agency up to 20 properties will be supplied with products such as flood boards/gates, air brick covers, pumps and non return valves to stop the ingress of water.

Sustainable Drainage Approval Body – In line with the funding provided by defra and the instruction to prepare for becoming the Sustainable Drainage Approval Body, a dedicated Sustainable Urban Drainage System (SuDS) Engineer was appointed and the essential software purchased. An alternative proposal for checking and approving SuDS is now being considered by Government, which would make DCC a statutory consultee to provide technical advice to the Local Planning Authority, who would ultimately be responsible for ensuring an appropriate SuDS is installed and a robust maintenance schedule agreed. This would remove the responsibility on DCC to adopt and maintain the systems which would have been a large burden and potential high financial risk to the County Council.

2. area

Axminster Millbrook – Detailed design of the flood improvement scheme has been completed in-house by the Engineering Design Group and initial construction of Phase 1 commenced in mid February 2015. The project has been phased to take advantage of funding opportunities and to ensure delivery of these essential works at the earliest time. Phase 1, which consists of a flood wall barrier is to be funded by DCC. Phase 2, which will include the replacement of an arched culvert and culverting of an open channel to direct flows away from properties and under the railway to the main River Axe, this is to be funded with “Flood Defence Grant in Aid” together with support from DCC and East Devon District Council. The scheme will aim to reduce the risk of further flooding to over 40 properties that suffered internal flooding in 2012 and provide benefit to approximately 120 other properties in the area.

Feniton – This project is being led by East Devon District Council (EDDC) with funding support from DCC. Work is currently being progressed on the initial studies and design options, prior to the main construction work which is scheduled for 2016/17.

Sidmouth Surface Water Management Plan – The full Sidmouth Surface Water Management Plan for Sidmouth is now complete and has identified a number of improvement options to be considered for implementation, subject to available funding. A bid for “Flood Defence Grant in Aid” funding has been made and is included in the Defra 6 year programme. Detailed appraisal of the preferred options will be progressed to ensure funding can be realised and improvements delivered as soon as the opportunities arise.

Uplyme Flood Study – The study is complete and has identified some improvement measures that could be made. Many of the affordable options have also been completed to reduce the risk of flooding to those properties at greatest risk. Funding opportunities for further and larger improvements will be challenging due to a low cost to benefit ratio. Up to 15 properties are reported to be at risk of flooding.

Branscombe – By taking advantage of a road closure already scheduled by South West Water, it has proved possible to accelerate highway drainage improvements, as well as associated changes to farm management practices through an adjoining landowner, such that full delivery of this £250k scheme is now almost complete. A successful submission to the Environment Agency’s Project Assurance Board achieved £85k of “Flood Defence Grant in Aid” funding, with the additional local contributions of £70k and £95k derived from Flood Risk Management and Highways budgets, respectively. A total of 10 properties that suffered multiple and frequent internal flooding will have the risk reduced and at least 10 other properties will also benefit.

Whimple – This scheme is being led by the Environment Agency, but DCC continues to provide support and encouragement where possible.

Lympstone – A small investigation study has been completed with proposed options for consideration, subject to funding, to protect 11 properties at risk of flooding from a tributary of the Wotton Brook.

3. Exeter area

Exeter Flood Defence Scheme – The Environment Agency led scheme is progressing well with Phase 1 works at Trew’s Weir and the adjacent flood relief channel nearing completion. Phase 2 is due to commence later this year. DCC’s contribution of £3 million towards the scheme is to be paid in stages with the first payment of £500k being from the 2014/15 capital budget.

Exeter Surface Water Management Plan – This study, which is looking at the risk of flooding from surface water and minor Ordinary watercourses, is nearing completion and will provide a list of proactive measures that can be considered for implementation, subject to funding. A bid for national “Flood Defence Grant in Aid” has been submitted and is now on the Defra 6 year programme. Efforts are being made to tie this in with the timing of the main Exeter Flood Defence Scheme.

4. Mid Devon area

Cullompton Study – A study, including topographic survey and hydraulic modelling, is well underway to further understand the flood risk in and around the Pound Square area and consider any potential flood improvements that could be progressed subject to funding. Further partnership working with the Environment Agency, including property level protection, is also being progressed. A total of 47 properties suffered internal flooding during 2012 and will benefit from these joint works; further properties will also have the level risk reduced.

5. North Devon area

Braunton Surface Water Management Plan – The Surface Water Management Plan is complete and a number of preferred options have been derived. The project is being delivered in close partnership with the Environment Agency, South West Water, Highways, North Devon Council, Braunton Internal Drainage Board, Parish Council and resident/business representatives. The preferred options are to be progressed into detailed designs and a robust business case developed to enable “Flood Defence Grant in Aid” funding to be drawn down. The scheme will aim to reduce the risk of flooding to the majority of the 65 properties that flooded in 2012 and provide wider benefits to other properties at risk in the area.

Umberleigh Flood Investigations - A short study is underway to understand the risk from surface water flooding and its interaction with the main river. This is due for completion by the end of March 2015 and aims to identify any short term measures that could be considered for implementation. Any improvements to be progressed will aim to reduce the risk to at least the 14 properties reported to have flooded internally during 2012.

Barnstaple Flood Study – This study, which is being undertaken in partnership with North Devon Council, is nearing completion and will provide essential flood risk knowledge to inform any future economic development opportunities for the area.

6. South Hams area

Ivybridge Flood Improvements – Works are being delivered in partnership with South Hams District Council. Phase 1 improvements, funded by DCC, are underway and detailed design of Phase 2 will commence shortly, in line with the availability of “Flood Defence Grant in Aid” funding. This will benefit more than 20 properties with a high risk of flooding and four which have suffered regular, internal flooding.

Kingsbridge Study – The initial study is now complete and a number of high level issues have been identified for further and more detailed review in partnership with other, relevant, Risk Management Authorities. Up to 30 properties suffering internal flooding, some with multiple flooding, will be incorporated in any design proposals for consideration and subject to available funding.

Modbury Flood Management Scheme – A detailed options appraisal is underway to derive the preferred and most beneficial option for flood improvements. Once achieved, development of the Project Appraisal Report will be progressed in order to draw down “Flood Defence Grant in Aid” funding. The scheme proposals will aim to reduce the risk of flooding to the 27 properties that flooded in 2012 (including those with repeated flooding) and will also provide wider benefits to other properties within the community.

Yealmpton – Minor improvement works have been carried out in the Boldventure, Forde Road and Creamery Close area in partnership with South Hams District Council. Flood defence improvements on the main river are being led by the Environment Agency. Up to 6 properties will benefit from the minor works being delivered by DCC, with more than 20 likely to be helped by the Environment Agency led project.

Chillington – Investigations are being carried out to understand drainage issues leading to flood risk.

Frogmore – Landowner agreements and scheme design have delayed a scheme being progressed by the Parish Council; completion in 2015/16 is now anticipated.

Buckland Tout Saints/Goverton – A successful scheme has been delivered by the Parish Council with funding from DCC, with the risk of flooding reduced for up to 10 properties as a result of these works.

7. Teignbridge area

Kennford – Flood Improvements are being led by the Environment Agency, with a small contribution from DCC to alleviate a minor surface water issue. The scheme aims to reduce the risk of flooding to the 40 properties that suffered severe, internal, flooding in 2012.

Appendix II To PTE/15/16

Devon County Council Action Plan for 2015/16 to Support the Local Flood Risk Management Strategy

2015/16 Other Lead DCC Funding Projects/Works/Schemes Details of Proposal Authority Contribution Sources

or or Works £ £ Study, Design Study, Design

Devon Flood Risk Management Team DCC - 200,000 Resources required to deliver the Flood Risk Management functions as the Lead Local Flood Authority. Devon North/South Surface Water DCC S 75,000 Further detailed assessment of those areas identified in Management Plan the Strategic Surface Water Management Plan for Devon, including Dartmouth, Newton Abbot or Teignmouth. Minor Works and Improvements DCC/ W 50,000 Delivery of minor flood improvement works, subject to Others resources and in accordance with the DCC priority list and opportunities with other Risk Management Authorities (RMAs). Minor Flood Investigations/Studies DCC/ S 50,000 Delivery of flood investigations, surveys and studies, Others subject to resources and in accordance with the DCC priority list and opportunities with other RMAs. Property Level Protection DCC/ W 50,000 25,000 Allocation of funds to support Individual Property Others Protection and supported with additional Flood Defence Grant in Aid (FDGiA) funding through Defra’s Medium Term Plan. DCC Highway related flood DCCH W 50,000 Contributions from the Flood Risk Management budget to improvements support various minor highway improvement works where the risk of flooding to property can be reduced.

2015/16 Other Lead DCC Funding Projects/Works/Schemes Details of Proposal Authority Contribution Sources

or or Works £ £ Study, Design Study, Design

North Devon Nature Improvement Area DWT W/S 20,000 DCC contribution to support the project and encourage the use of sustainable drainage methodology. Natural Land Management DCC/ W/S 25,000 To develop best practice and progress opportunities for Others delivering natural flood risk management techniques in partnership with other RMAs and key stakeholders.

East Devon Axminster Millbrook Phase 2 DCC W 50,000 150,000 Detailed design of phase 2 of the flood improvement works and contribution towards scheme in line with Defra partnership funding system. Old Feniton SWW S 10,000 10,000 Flood investigations and drainage assessment in partnership with South West Water. Sidmouth Surface Water Improvements - DCC D 30,000 Consideration of the preferred options leading to detailed Design design and preparation of the Project Appraisal Report for FDGiA funding. Flood Study EDDC/ S 20,000 Consideration of preferred options and preparation of DCC Project Appraisal Report to support FDGiA funding bid, subject to viable scheme being available. Whimple Flood Defence Improvements EA W 673,000 DCC phased contribution of £50k (£30k in 2014/15) towards flood defence scheme to reduce flood risk in 20,000 village affected by significant flooding in 1997 and 2008. Lympstone DCC W 15,000 Progression of recommendations from the flood study either as minor works or development of major scheme design for future funding requirements. DCC S 25,000 Review of Integrated Urban Drainage assessment completed in partnership with South West Water. Consideration of flood improvements and future funding requirements.

2015/16 Other Lead DCC Funding Projects/Works/Schemes Details of Proposal Authority Contribution Sources

or or Works £ £ Study, Design Study, Design

Exeter Exeter Flood Defence Scheme (2013 - EA W 32,550,00 Upgrade existing defences from the River Exe to provide a 2017) 0 higher level of protection. Although this is not a DCC led scheme in 2014/15 it should be noted that DCC are contributing £3million over 3 years to support the improvement works. Exeter Surface Water Improvements - DCC D 30,000 Design preparation of improvements to areas identified in Design phase 3 of the Exeter Surface Water Management Plan leading to development of the Project Appraisal Report required for FDGiA funding.

Mid Devon Cullompton Flood Improvements DCC D/W 10,000 Progression of recommendations from catchment study in partnership with the EA, subject to scale of works and funding requirements/opportunities.

North Devon Braunton Surface Water Improvements DCC D/W 75,000 400,000 Development of Project Appraisal Report and detailed design for preferred options as identified in the Surface Water Management Plan and progression of improvement works. Umberleigh Flood Investigations DCC W 10,000 Development of scheme proposals and flood resilient measures as identified in the flood assessment and subject to scale of works and level of funding. Bishops Tawton DCC W 20,000 60,000 In partnership with the EA to reduce risk of flooding from both Main River and Surface Water. Contribution from DCC to EA to incorporate surface water improvement works into main scheme.

2015/16 Other Lead DCC Funding Projects/Works/Schemes Details of Proposal Authority Contribution Sources

or or Works £ £ Study, Design Study, Design

South Hams Modbury Flood Management Scheme DCC D/W 80,000 300,000 Delivery of detailed design and Project Appraisal Report to achieve FDGiA and progression of recommended flood improvements. Ivybridge Flood Improvements SHDC D/W 30,000 80,000 Delivery of detailed design and Project Appraisal Report to achieve FDGiA and progression of recommended flood improvements. Kingsbridge Study DCC S 10,000 To review flood assessment report and consider options in partnership with other RMAs and carry out any minor improvements, subject to funding. Frogmore Parish D/W 15,000 To assist Parish Council with the design and implementation of minor flood improvements identified within the village.

Teignbridge Stokeinteignhead TDC/DCC D/W 30,000 90,000 To develop the detailed design and Project Appraisal Report to support funding request for FDGiA and to progress scheme delivery of preferred option.

Torridge There are currently no ordinary watercourse, surface or ground water schemes identified, in the Torridge area, on the DCC priority list. Other schemes relating to Main River or tidal flooding may be considered by the EA or minor drainage issues by the District Council.

2015/16 Other Lead DCC Funding Projects/Works/Schemes Details of Proposal Authority Contribution Sources

or or Works £ £ Study, Design Study, Design

West Devon There are currently no ordinary watercourse, surface or ground water schemes identified, in the West Devon area, on the DCC priority list. Other schemes relating to Main River or tidal flooding may be considered by the EA or minor drainage issues by the Borough Council.

Total Budget Allocation 1,000,000

The above budget allocations are estimates that are subject to change or maybe deferred as other priorities and opportunities arise. The total expenditure currently shows a 16% over-budget spend on the projects element of the budget. This will be monitored throughout the year to ensure the budget is not exceeded and will automatically defer incomplete projects. This means that some projects will not be completed during this financial year and will be considered for the following programme.

Incoming Budgets Grant to fulfil requirements as the Lead Local Flood Authority as defined under the Flood and Water Defra funding for LLFA 548,000 Management Act DCC contribution towards Flood Risk DCC budget allocation to support the implementation of Management 312,000 Flood Risk Management

Total Budget 860,000

Key for Lead Authority: DCC=Devon County Council, DCCH=Devon County Highways, EA=Environment Agency, SWW=South West Water, DWT=Devon Wildlife Trust, EDDC=East Devon District Council, SHDC=South Hams District Council, TDC=Teignbridge District Council, Parish=Relevant Parish Council, Others=Other Risk Management Authorities (RMAs) or key stakeholders