2017 in the ANNUAL MEETING of the PARISH COUNCIL Will Be Held on MONDAY 8 MAY Meeting

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2017 in the ANNUAL MEETING of the PARISH COUNCIL Will Be Held on MONDAY 8 MAY Meeting HOLFORD PARISH COUNCIL The ANNUAL MEETING of the PARISH COUNCIL will be held on MONDAY 8111 MAY 2017 in the HOLFORD & DISTRICT VILLAGE HALL at the conclusion of the Annual Parish Meeting. The press and public are cordially invited to attend. AGENDA Apologies for absence. 1. Election of Chairperson 2. Election of vice-Chairperson 3. Appointment ofPlanning Committee 4. Appointment of one or two representatives to sit on the Village Hall Committee 5. Appointment of Councillors with specific oversights 6. Appointment of Steward of the Bowling Green _ (} _ , '\ 7. Te.vt!Aak- 1 Declarations of Interest and Requests for Dispensations V\: eJ ] "\{ 9. Matters of interest from SCC . 10. Matters of interest from wsc S'W?.-uo-t-.s/UWCt v:t::!i 11. Public comments on agenda items only 12. Minutes ofthe meeting held on 13 111 March 2017 ' 13. Matters arising from this meeting and not included on the agenda 14. Chairperson to Report 15. Planning- report on applications received since the last meeting 16. Finance: a] To authorise the following payments: Clerk salary March/April expenses March/April AON Insurance b] concerning the 2016-17 accounts: To receive a summary of the receipts and payments account for the year ended 31/03/17, To approve Section 1 of the Annual Return for the year ended 31/03/17 =Annual Governance Statement, To approve Section 2 of the Annual Return= Statement of Accounts 17. Highway and Rights of Way Matters 18. Maintenance Matters 19. 'The Great Get Together' -letter from The Lord Lieutenant 20. Reports: AONB, SSG, etc. 21. Correspondence received - and not dealt with elsewhere 22. Items to Report 23. Open discussion - at the discretion of the Chairman Mrs. H. Stanley, Clerk and RFO HOLFORD PARISH COUNCIL A meeting ofHOLFORD PARISH COUNCIL will take place on MONDAY 13th MARCH 2017 at 7.30pm in the Holford & District Village Hall. The public and press are cordially invited to attend. AGENDA Apologies 1. Declarations of Interest and Requests for Dispensations 2. Matters of interest from SCC 3. Matters of interest from WSC 4. Public comments on agenda items only 5. To receive and approve the minutes ofthe meeting ofHolford PC on 9th Jan.2017 6. Matters arising from these minutes and not covered elsewhere on the agenda a] Open meeting on fracking - PG to report 7. Chairperson to report 8. Planning- report on applications received 9. Finance: to approve the following payments- a. Clerk salary Jan/Feb £262-50 expenses Jan/Feb ./1-8'4- b. H&DVH -hire of hall April •16 to March' 17 £84-00 10. Highway and Rights of Way matters 11. Maintenance matters- to include: a) progress report on purchase of equipment for use by Lengthsman, b) Dog Pound -PG to report 12. Coast Advice Partnership -request for PC approval of CIM application 13. AONB Report- PG 14. Correspondence received and not covered elsewhere in the agenda 15. Items to Report: a] appointment of new Clerk & RFO. b] HPC archives- Clerk to report na.st.:r. c] New PCSO d] Alfoxton House- Channe1 5 programme 16. Open discussion- at the discretion of the Chairperson P. Brimson, Clerk (7 41 413) HOLFORD PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of a meeting ofHOLFORD PARISH COUNCIL held on MONDAY 131hMARCH 2017 at 7.30pm. in the Holford & District Village Hall. PRESENT: Cty. Cllr. H. Davies; Dist. Cllr. C. Morgan Cllrs. T. Ayre, S. Coleman, P. Grandfield, C Hayes, D. Salvidge Also present P. Brimson (Clerk)+ 2 members of the public. Cllr. Salvidge took the Chair and welcomed those present. APOLOGIES Dist. Cllr. S. Goss, Cllrs. E. Prince, G. Weed Minute 016/17 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST and REQUESTS FOR DISPENSATIONS No declarations or requests were made. Minute 017/17 MATTERS OF INTEREST FROM SCC Cty. Cllr. Davies reported: 1. The Cty. Council has pledged support for research and initiatives into the use oftidal power. 2. Work on the Williton 'Park & Ride' is due to start in the summer and will provide 100 spaces. 3. The Knights Templar 1st School achieved a favourable report in a recent 'Ofsted' inspection. 4. Cllr. Davies will not be attending meetings before the forthcoming elections but can be contacted by email. Minute 018/17 MATIERS OF INTEREST FROM WSC Dist. CUr. Morgan reported: 1. He is concerned about the state of the nuclear power industry which is severely underfunded with no apparent prospect of receiving more money. Sellafield is scheduled to become a storage area only, yet it regularly appears in the top 5 risk sites in the country-Pond No.30 for example, is listed as having 'contents unknown'. Public comments on agenda items only 1. The forthcoming open meeting to discuss fracking- this would appear under 'Matters Arising'. Minute 019/17 MINUTES 1. The minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on Monday 9111 January 2017 were taken as read having been circulated to Cllrs., and were accepted as a correct record upon a proposal by Cllr. Ayre and seconded by Cllr. Hayes after a correction to Minute 013/17.1 Minute 020/17 MATTERS ARISING and not covered elsewhere on the agenda. Open Meeting on fracking. Cllr. Grandfield reported that Dr. T. Harper School of Engineering, University of Exeter and an experienced expert offracking, has agreed to come. Cuadrilla has withdrawn from contributing and EDF say their policy is only respond to actual planning applications. Publicity notices will be put out tomorrow and parishioners ofHolford, Kilve, Stringston and Dodington are invited to attend on Friday evening at 7.00pm for 7.30pm. Mr. Ogilvie-White will be invited to put the case against fracking. Minute 021/17 CHAIRPERSON TO REPORT Cllr. Salvidge reported: 51 1. A new Clerk is expected to be appointed from 1 • April 2. A 'walkabout' the parish to identify 'things that need doing' is suggested. 3. Cllr. Grandfield deserves thanks for his efforts in arranging the meeting on fracking. Minute 022117 PLANNING Report on applications received: 1. Old Silk Mill. A copy of ideas for development of this area can be viewed at 'The Plough Inn'. Minute 023/17 FINANCE 1. the following payments were authorised: Clerk salary Jan/Feb £262-50 proposed by Cllr. Ayre seconded by Cllr. Grandfield expenses Jan!Feb £7-84 proposed by Cllr. Hayes seconded by Cllr. Coleman Holford & District Village Hall: hire £84-00 proposed by Cllr. Ayre seconded by Cllr. Grandfield Minute 024/17 HIGHWAY and RIGHTS OF WAY MATTERS Cllrs. reporting: 1.The area near the woodpile at the gate to Shervage Wood is used as a latrine- a cause for concern. 2. Broken masonry has appeared around the base of the tree near the gate from the strawberry field. 3. New signage in the village is being made and will be in place by the end ofMarch. 4. Gorse on A39 verge near Kilton Cross. Cllr. Grandfield has spoken to the police who have said they will arrange for its removal/cutting since it reduces visibility to drivers approaching the corner. 5. A tree branch at the Bowling Green is a potential hazard and needs removal. 6. The new broadband box on the A39 is now wired but is not yet active. 7. Slippage of bank and trees in Back lane was cleared by our Lengthsman. 8. Collapse of part of a footpath in the parish will be reported to the RoW Group (Glenn Martin). Minute 025/17 MAINTENANCE MATIERS Cllr. Grandfield reporting: 1. Lengthsman project. Cllr. Grandfield has identified equipment which will cost £1720-00 + £50-00 will be needed for a chain saw course. Insurance cover will be needed for the equipment. 2. Dog Pound. A space has been discovered under what appears to be the floor of the building; it will be investigated before other work is undertaken. 3. Walkabout. The Chairperson will email Cllrs. with suggested dates. Minute 026117 SOMERSET COAST ADVICE PARTNERSHIP Cllr. Grandfield undertook to make enquiries about the request by this group for endorsement. Minute 027/17 REPORTS 1. AONB - Cllr. Grandfield. The budget has diminished but is managed well. Fly tipping and burnt- out cars continue to be a problem. Illegal motoring activity will continue to be monitored. Resubmission of the previously unsuccessful Big Lottery bid is being planned. 2. EDF Community Support Group- Cllr. Ayre reported that 986 workers will be accommodated in specially built new housing in Bridgwater. 3. Stakeholders Group- Cllr. Ayre. Provision of underground storage will go out to consultation nationally. The 'A' Station turbine hall is soon to be removed. Minute 028/17 CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED - and not dealt with elsewhere in the agenda No such correspondence has been received. Minute 015/17 ITEMS TO REPORT 1. Appointment of replacement Clerk. Cllr. Grandfield reported he has produced a contract and offer letter which he hopes will be signed shortly. 2. Parish Council archives. The Clerk said he will prepare material for storage in the Heritage Centre. 3. The new Neighbourhood Beat Manager is PC 4376 Jamie Munro, Mobile No. 07889659436 4. Alfoxton House. This may be included in a ChannelS documentary on 'Abandoned Britain' Open Discussion at the discretion of the Chairperson No matters were raised. The meeting was closed at 9.35pm. Next meeting = APM & AM ofPC on MONDAY 81hMAY HOLFORD PARISH COUNCIL The ANNUAL PARJSH MEETING at which all local residents may attend and raise any matter they wish, will be held on MONDAY 8th MAY 2017 at 7 .30pm in the Holford & District Village Hall. The press is cordially invited to attend. AGENDA Apologies for absence I. Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 9th May 2016 2. Chairperson's Report 3.
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