Tishrei 28-29, 5781 PA RSHAT BEREISHIS/MEVORCHIM October 16-17, 202 0

SHABBAT SCHEDULE Candle Lighting 5:55pm SP ECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT Mincha/Kabbalat 6:00pm WELCOME Shacharis 8:45am Welcome to all our guests and visitors here for Shabbat. Latest Shema 9:43am - Welcome to our newest community members: Daf Yomi: E ruvin ( In Social Hall) 4:00pm ✸ Gene & Ingrid Paymar Mincha 5:00pm ✸ Uri and Nechama Halle and family Seuda Shlisheet at home THANK YOU Maariv - Shabbat ends 6:56pm - A vi and Efrat Kemp for sponsoring Daf Yomi and Rabbi Danzger’s Candle Lighting next Shabbos 5:47pm class last Wednesday in memory of Shimon Yosef Ben Harav Daniel Avraham (Shimi Grama) on his Yahrzeit. - Joel and Marlene Gerendash for sponsoring Rabbi Bogopulsky’s WEEKLY DAVENING TIME Weekly Torah Message this week and Daf Yomi on Shabbos in Shacharis memory of Marlene’s father, Yehoshua ben Binyamin A”H, on his Sunday Rosh Chodesh: 8:00am Yahrzeit, 29 Tishrei. Monday Rosh Chodesh: 6:05 HAPPY BIRTHDAY Tues- Friday: 6:15am Breana Retin, Fay Bloom, Zohar Soncino. Henry De La Toba Mincha/Maariv REFUAH SHELEIMA Sunday - Thursday: 5:50pm Bob Kelin, Irving Bernhardt, Fred Lepow, Dennis Mesnick, Steve Horowitz, Miriam Lewis, Dassi Atanelov, Raphael Silverman, LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES Alberta Jenkins, Rena Bloch. ZOOM now requires either a passcode or a "waiting room" COMING UP for all Zoom meetings. The vast majority of our classes are TOWN HALL MEETING WITH RABBI BOGOPULSKY currently set to the "waiting room" option. Please be patient This Sunday, October 18 at 7:30pm. as you wait for the presenter to grant each person access to the room. Thank you. WOMEN INSPIRED TORAH - SIGN MAKING EVENT Monday October 19 at 7:30pm for those who signed up. All slots Daily are taken. - Daf Yomi: Monday - Friday 7:15am

Sunday NEW CLASSES FOR MEN AND WOMEN - Mishnayos Class w/Rabbi Danzger: 9:00-9:45am - Youth Zoom: 10:00am Two amazing weekly learning opportunities with Rabbi Danzger Monday begin this coming week of October 19: - Partners in Torah: Keep on learning with your chavrusa. Tuesday: - F or Men - Semichat Chaver Program (SCP): an innovative, - Women’s Halacha Class with Rabbi Danzger 1:00pm fast-paced, interactive halacha learning program. We begin by - Semichat Chaver Program for men w/ R’ Danzger 8:00pm learning the Laws of . We’ll start on Tuesday Oct. 20 at Wednesday 8:00pm, but Mondays at 8:00pm after that. I f you are interested in - Mussar/Jewish Philosophy Class w/R’ Bogopulsky (Ladies participating in this tremendous opportunity, please register at & Men) 2:00pm Questions? r [email protected] - “Lessons from the Prophets: A Deeper Look at the Weekly Haftarah" with Rabbi Danzger O FF - For Women - L ’Kavod Shabbos Kodesh: The Practical Thursday: Halachos of Shabbos. I n this brand new weekly online class, we - “Insights into the Weekly Parsha” w/ Rabbi Bogopulsky: will study practical aspects of the laws of Shabbos. T opic #1 - 7:30pm Introduction to the Melachos. Tuesdays at 1:00pm beginning October 20.

RABBI BETH JACOB CONGREGATION SAN DIEGO ASSISTANT RABBI Avraham Bogopulsky ● 619-287-9890 ● o f[email protected] Yoni Danzger

YOUTH AND FAMILY HAPPENINGS - Y outh ZOOM Every Sunday at 10:00am Ages 7 and up. Password is BJC. PARASHAT BEREISHIT - I ce Cream Un-Social - Every Sunday at 11:00am at Menchie’s Page 2 in the Stone Chumash La Mesa. Parents: Let Yisroel know that your child learned and/or 1st Aliya: T he creation of the universe is detailed day davened this week to get their free treat. by day concluding with the creation of Shabbos. Note the emphasis on Speciation throughout the six day account. 2nd and 3rd Aliya: T he creation of Adam and Chava and the story of Gan Eden is detailed. 4th Aliya: Adam and Chava are expelled from Gan Eden and the story of Kayin and Hevel is related. THE FUTURE - B ETH JACOB CHAI LEGACY CIRCLE 5th, 6th, and 7th Aliyot: Chronologically, the time LEGACY: WHAT WILL YOU LEAVE BEHIND? covered in Parshas Breishit is from year 1 (the One of the easiest ways to leave a future legacy gift to Beth Jacob is creation of humankind) through the birth of Noach’s through a change of beneiciary form with your 401k, IRA or even a life insurance policy. Most companies allow you to do it online. three sons in 1556. The inal three Aliyot list the 10 No lawyers necessary. generations from Adam through Noach that lived DECLARATION OF INTENT FORM during that time, as well as the degeneration of man’s Please have a look at the Declaration of Intent form. This is a basic relationship with Hashem. It is important to note that and easy to ill out one page form found on our Legacy page - Noach’s generation was the irst generation not to www.b have personally known Adam. ESTATE PLANNING SEMINAR - COMING SOON Beth Jacob Congregation and The San Diego Jewish Community HAFTARAH MACHAR CHODESH Foundation are working on an exciting and informative live on-line seminar customized for our community on the timely and Page 1207 in the Stone Chumash important topic of Estate Planning. Now more than ever, we see I Samuel 20:18– 42 how precious and delicate life is. Therefore, we recognize the need

to do whatever we can now to secure our families. Look for more Today’s h aftarah is read on a Shabbat that is information soon. immediately followed by Rosh Chodesh. Indeed, the reading opens with the words, “Jonathan said, SUPPORT LOCAL KOSHER ‘Tomorrow is the [irst of the] new month.” The story MOISHE’S TAKEOUT GRILL - OFF THIS WEEK is one of loyalty and devotion. David and Jonathan are OFF - Shawarma, schnitzel, falafel, salmon, burgers, burritos and dear friends. Jonathan’s father, King Saul, despises more. (619)817-5914. David, fearing that he will depose him from the throne. MOISHE’S PIZZA AND MORE TAKEOUT Sensing danger, Jonathan told David to hide in the ield Thursday O ctober 22, 4:00-7:00pm. Pizza, Fish Burrito, Fries, Fish rather than attend Saul’s Rosh Chodesh feast. Jonathan & Chips, & Soup. Pre-order (619)817-5914. then attended the feast and gauged the king’s mood. PLACE CAFE @ THE JCC Realizing that Saul was determined to kill David, Available for takeout. You can ind their menu and prices at o r by calling 858.362-1353. Jonathan went out to the ield, shot three arrows and LANG’S BAKERY SELLING DIRECT TO PUBLIC called to his assistant, “The arrow is beyond you,” a Order Tuna, , Bagels, and other delicious bakery items by predetermined signal to his friend that it was not safe 12:00 noon for pickup the next day. Call 619.280.5264 or email to return to the king’s palace. Before parting, the two [email protected] friends kissed and wept, and swore to maintain their MENCHIE’S LA MESA mutual affection for generations to come. Frozen yogurt (pareve choices available). 8 046 La Mesa Blvd, La Mesa, CA 91942 . (619) 724-6633


PRESIDENT BETH JACOB CONGREGATION SAN DIEGO EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Philip Silverman ● 619-287-9890 ● o f[email protected] Rand Levin

SHABBAT TIMES AND GUIDELINES SPONSORSHIP AND DEDICATION OPPORTUNITIES Friday night: Even during these challenging times, Beth Jacob continues to offer a wide array of learning opportunities and classes. Please consider supporting us while also marking a life-cycle event. including: ➢ Plag Mincha is at 5:02 pm. This is the earliest time to bring Shabbos in. ➢ Virtual or Shalosh Seudos: $360/$180 ➢ Repeat Shema after 7:00pm ➢ ZOOM Day of Davening or Learning: $54 (minimum) ➢ Virtual Lunch & Learn: $54 ➢ Rabbi Bogouplsky’s Weekly Parsha Message: $36 Shabbos Day: ➢ Tuesday Daf Hashavua Shiur: $36 ➢ Rabbi Bogopulsky’s Wednesday Class: $36 ➢ Rabbi Danzger’s Wednesday Class: $36 ➢ Sof Zman Kriat Shema is at 9:43 am ➢ Rabbi Bogopulsky’s Thursday Parsha Class: $36 ➢ Sof Zman Teillah is at 10:40 am ➢ Sunday Mishnayos Shiur: $36 ➢ Mincha on Shabbos day should be recited ➢ The Shabbos Weekly Bulletin: $18 ➢ Virtual Kinder Congregation Kiddush: $18 no earlier than 1:01 pm ➢ Beit Midrash drawer - $100/year or $1000/lifetime ➢ Shkiah on Shabbos day is at 6:12 pm. Main Sanctuary Seat - $1000 (Permanent High Holiday Mincha and washing for Shalosh Seudos Seat) should be completed before then. ➢ Shabbos concludes at 6:55 pm. ➢ should not be recited before GRATITUDE TO OUR CHAI LEGACY CIRCLE MEMBERS 7:05pm. (Rabbeinu Tam at 7:25 pm).

1. Rabbi Avram and Leah Bogopulsky Davening Protocols: 2. Mr Ralph Carson* 3. Mr. & Mrs. Lou and Estelle Dunst* 4. Mrs. Linda Eichler-Lepkowski ➢ Certain parts of Teilah are omitted when 5. Mr. & Mrs. Joel and Marlene Gerendash davening individually, including Barchu, 6. Mr. Larry Greenbaum* Kaddish, Chazaras ha-Shatz, and Kedusha. 7. Mr. Joseph Haleva* ➢ Friday night: Omit the beracha achas 8. Mr. and Mrs. Allen and Emma Jaffe* me'ein shevah (including Magen Avot) 9. Mrs. Doris Jaffe 10. Mr. & Mrs. Leopoldo and Marilyn Kahn after the Shemoneh Esrei of Maariv. 11. Mr. Lionel Kahn ➢ Shabbos day: Omit Berich Shemeih. 12. Rabbi Aaron and Hillary Kleinman Ashkenazim also omit Yakum Purkan. 13. Mr. Rand Levin ➢ The Parsha this week is BEREISHIS 14. Mr. Marty Orgel 15. Mr. Norm Orgel ➢ The Haftorah is from I Samuel 20:18– 42 16. Dr. and Mrs. Stephen and Bobbe Reitman ➢ We do not recite Av Ha'Rachamim 17. Mrs. Arlene Schloss ➢ Tzidkascha Tzedek at mincha is not said. 18. Mr. and Mrs. Yearl and Rachel Schwartz* ➢ Shabbos Mevorchim - Molad is Shabbos 19. Mr. & Mrs. Robert and Claire Sigal October 17, 2020, 3:23 am and 0 20. Mr. & Mrs. Philip Silverman chalakim. 29th of Tishrei, 5781, 3:23 am 21. Mr. and Mrs Raphael and Kitty* Silverman 22. Mr. & Mrs. Gidal and Pessie Sonabend* and 0 chalakim 23. Mrs. Hedwig Sonabend* 24. Mr. Bill Stern*

*Z”L - May their memory be a blessing


PRESIDENT BETH JACOB CONGREGATION SAN DIEGO EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Philip Silverman ● 619-287-9890 ● o f[email protected] Rand Levin