Candles: 6:58-8:13 : 9:13 Welcome to the Parshat Balak Parsha: p. 856 July 5, 2014 7 Tammuz 5774 : p. 1189

.Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri שבת .Fri July 4 July 5 July 6 July 7 July 8 July 9 July 10 July 11 Independence Day Shacharit 7:30, 9:00 8:00 6:35 6:45 6:45 6:35 6:45 Latest Shema 9:20 am 8:00 Mincha/Maariv 6:50 8:00/9:12 8:15 8:15 8:15 8:15 8:15 6:45 Earliest Shema 9:20 pm COMMUNITY sponsored by the Zazulia family in honor of Aaron's birthday on the 4th of July and Corina's birthday on the 16th; and by Phillip, Iris, Rina, Sahpir and Mayahon Freedman in loving memory of Fern Freedman at her Yahrtzeit. SEUDAH SHELISHIT sponsored by the Shul.

DAT MINYAN NEWS AND EVENTS  Please note that with many people away, LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES several classes are not meeting this Shabbat. DAY TIME TOPIC TEACHER PLACE Please see box at right. Fri. After Mincha D’var Torah Dr. N. Rabinovitch MPR  Notice—Thank You to all those who contributed to the Eruv’s emergency appeal. Not Meeting Tefillah Rabbi Klein N/A Thanks to the community’s support, the Er- 9:45 am Women’s Parsha Chavura 204 uv will not need to be taken down. You can Haft/Mussaf Pirkei Avot Rabbi Gitler 111 still donate anytime by going to the Eruv After Mussaf Derasha Reb Noam Horowitz MPR website, 6:00 pm SHAWL Dr. R. Rabinovitch 111  Third Annual (Almost) 14’er Hike—July 13. “Women and Mitzvot Aseh Sheha’zman Grama, שבת We will be climbing Rosalie Peak, altitude: Women and Their Obligation in Positive, Time-Bound Mitzvot” 13,575 ft., a challenging and fun hike with 6:45 pm HS Boys Gemara Dr. N. Rabinovitch MPR some fantastic views. Hike organized and 7:00 pm Pre-Mincha Open Beit Midrash MPR led by Ari Hoffman of Avanim Adventures. Not Meeting 3-4 Grade Mishna Amichai Ungar N/A Hike will be followed by a BBQ at the Hoffman home, 355 S. Newport Way, at Not Meeting 5-6 Boys Mishna Rabbi Alter N/A $10/person (children under 10 years old are After Mincha Seudah Shelishit Ari Hoffman MPR Not Meeting Parsha Class Rabbi Klein N/A free). Anyone can attend the BBQ, but Tue. climbers get a special treat. Speak to Ari Lohf Shaiman Jacobs Hyman & Feiger PC—950 South Cherry St., Suite 900 Hoffman to RSVP for the hike, the BBQ, or both. Learn to sew your own maternity skirts in four two-hour  Learn to Sew with Morah Gross—Rivka Gross is of- classes ($160). Prices do not include materials fees. fering three sewing courses this June and July: Basic, Speak to Morah Gross for more information. Altering/Mending, and Maternity. Learn sewing basics  Please keep all food in the Multipurpose Room, and in four two-hour classes ($160). Fix-it-yourself sewing please ensure that your children and their friends do the workshop in four one-and-a-half-hour classes ($125). same!

Coming this Tisha B’Av to the DAT Minyan …

Rabbi Yaacov Glasser Rabbi Ari Lamm Rabbi Menachem Penner Mrs. Shoshana Schechter Rabbi Steven Weil David Mitzner Dean, William Fischman Max and Marion Director, Mechina, Senior Managing Center for the Rabbinic Intern, Grill Dean, RIETS Stern College for Women Director, OU Jewish Future The Jewish Center, NYC Please help make our Tefillot meaningful by refraining from talking during Davening. DAT Minyan Rabbi Asher Klein 6825 Alameda Ave., Denver, CO 80224 Twitter: @datminyan In Memoriam: Weekly Halacha Eyal, Gilad, and Naftali Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon courtesy of Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks (the Virtual Beit Midrash of Yeshivat Har Etzion) Emeritus Chief Rabbi of the British Empire Is one allowed to make instant soup, pasta or This past Shabbat we read the parsha of Chukkat mashed potatoes on Shabbat? How may one with its almost incomprehensible commandment of the red Q heifer whose ashes mixed with “living water” purified prepare instant baby food or formula on those who had been in contact with death so that they could Shabbat? enter the Mishkan, symbolic home of the glory of God. Al- We must examine how the prohibition of lash, most incomprehensible but not entirely so. kneading, relates to the increasingly pervasive phe- The mitzvah of the parah adumah, the red heifer, A nomenon of the past half-century: instant food. Very was a protest against the religions of the ancient world that often, preparing these foods means adding liquid to grains or glorified death. Death for the Egyptians was the realm of powder and stirring the mixture. Is this lisha? the spirits and the gods. The pyramids were places where, it We must note that aside from the issue of lash, prep- was believed, the spirit of the dead Pharaoh ascended to aration of these foods needs to avoid the prohibition of bishul heaven and joined the immortals. (cooking). To summarize: one may not prepare these in a pri- The single most striking thing about the Torah and mary vessel (the one “on the fire”) or in a secondary vessel Tanakh in general is its almost total silence on life after (which one pours into from the primary vessel), but there is death. We believe in it profoundly. We believe in olam room to do so in a tertiary vessel (poured into from the sec- haba (the world to come), Gan Eden (paradise), and tech- ondary vessel). (Nevertheless, it is best not to do this regular- ly, since this resembles cooking on Shabbat.) In cases where iyat hametim (the resurrection of the dead). Yet Tanakh the bishul issue has been overcome, the question then arises: speaks about these things only sparingly and by allusion. is there a problem of lisha in preparing instant food? Why so? Let us differentiate between three situations: Because too intense a focus on heaven is capable 1) If the instant food is a liquid, such as soup, or of of justifying every kind of evil on earth. There was a time similar consistency, there is generally no problem of lisha. when Jews were burned at the stake, so their murderers 2) If the instant food consists of pasta with sauce and said, in order to save their immortal souls. Every injustice the like, it may be as liquid as soup; but at on earth, every act of violence, even suicide bombings, can Cont’d on page 3 be theoretically defended on the grounds that true justice is reserved for life after death. Parsha Pointers Against this protests with every sinew of 1) When did Bilaam receive his prophecies? (22:8)

its soul, every fiber of its faith. Life is sacred. Death de- 2) Why did the malach kill Bilaam's donkey? (22:33)

dignity. human with concerned is d -

files. God is the God of life to be found only by consecrat- G Bilaam." silenced

ing life. Even King David was told by God that he would that donkey the "Here's say, and it see shouldn't people that So 2)

not be permitted to build the Temple because Cont’d on page 3 night. at Only 1) Refuah Shleima Please include the following names in your prayers. May each be granted a Refuah Shleima. Names are kept on the list until the next Rosh Chodesh. Help us keep the list accurate by verifying the necessary details each month on the Cholim GoogleDoc.

Bentzion ben Masha Yehudit Michael Aharon ben Hasia Nataniel ben Elisheva Avraham Shalom ben Henna Barak Mordechai ben Edit Yochanan ben Malka v'Yaakov Baruch Dov ben Sarah Yaffa Batya bat Fradel Boruch Getzel HaKohen ben Esther Chaim Benjamin ben Bracha chaim shmuel ben Miriam Channa Rochel bat Henna Chaya Esther Chava bat Sarah Devorah Leah bat Chanah Dina bat Hyla and Shayla Dov Shmuel ben nechama rivka Galina bas Rachel Chaya Eliyahu Chayim HaKohen ben Sarah Rivka Ida bat Esa Kalman ben Esther Leah bat Sarah Meyer Pesach ben Etel Miriam Tova Chaya bat Chanah Naomi Miriam bat Sarah Emanu Raphael Natan ben Shoshana Michal Raphael Yotam ben Efrat Rochel Leah Nechama bat Esther Sandra Miriam Shoshana bat Chanah Sarah Esther bat Faiyge Sarah Shoshanna bat Sarah Sheyna Esther Bat Sarah Shoshana Michal bat Sarah Simcha haKohen ben Chana Tova Leah bat Chana Yonna bat Esther Yosefa Aliza bat Sarah Leah Zvi Yehoshua Ben Ilana Faiga Avraham Asher ben Hinda Nachum Noach ben Sarah Raizel Shayna bas Basya Ita Sheiva bas Udya Yechiel Tzvi-Herschel Ben Zeisel Kayla Yitzchak Izik ben Nina Shalom ben Mnoochah (Rabbi) Tzvi Gershon ben Shaindel Shaina Raizel COMMUNITY CALENDAR  Merkaz Presents Summer Shiurim:  Rabbi Tzvi Mordechai Feldheim—Four part series: ”We Can Be Better People.” Mondays, 8:00-9:00 pm. July 7—”The World Was Created For Me.” July 14—”Meeting with G-d.” July 21—”Building Your Beis Hamikdash,” July 28—”More Meaningful Prayer.”  Rabbi Freedman—Three-part series: “Shabbos: The Ultimate Kiddush Hashem.” Wednesdays, 8-8:45 pm. July 9—”The Laws Pertaining to Asking a Non-Jew for Help on Shabbos.” July 16—Medicine on Shabbos: Can I Or Can I Not?” July 23—”Shabbos: What It Does for Us.” Classes will be held at Merkaz Torah V’Chesed, 295 South Locust Street. All classes are for both men and women.  The Jewish Women’s Theatre Company Presents Peter Pan July 13, 2:00 pm, at Aish Denver, 9550 E. Belleview Ave. in Greenwood Village. $5 for ages 4-5, $7 for ages 6-9, $9 for ages 10+. Directed by Wendy Greenwald with Musical Di- rection by Randy Weiss. Cast includes DAT parent Rivka Cohen; DAT students Rachaela Cohen, Dasi Cohen, Tova Nar- rowe, Suzanne Rabinovitch, Talya Schreiber, and Rivka Miriam Reiffman; and former DAT students Chana Weiss, Chaya Tessler, and Jade Shurtleff. Crew includes DAT parent and teacher Carolyn Reiffman and DAT students Hadassah Sara Reiffman and Adira Marguiles.  Radio Chavura—This Sunday, July 6th, at 6:30 pm at, we air an special exclusive interview with U.S. Congressman Doug Lamborn (CO-05), co-chair of the bipartisan Israel Allies Caucus, about how he and his colleagues are taking action following the tragic murders of Eyal Yifrach, Gilad Shaar, and Naftali Frankel. -

IN MEMORIUM (cont’d from P. 2) HALACHA (cont’d from P. 2) dam larov shafachta, “you have shed much blood.” times, the mixture is more viscous, and Judaism is supremely a religion of life. That is the logic of the To- the sauce makes the pasta cohere. rah’s principle that those who have had even the slightest contact with death 3) If the instant food consists of a need purification before they may enter sacred space. The parah adumah, the powder, the water may sometimes turn the rite of the red heifer, delivered this message in the most dramatic possible powder into a very thick mass; this is the way. It said, in effect, that everything that lives – even a heifer that never bore case with instant mashed potatoes (potato the yoke, even red, the color of blood which is the symbol of life – may one puree). In this case of a belila ava (thick day turn to ash, but that ash must be dissolved in the waters of life. God lives mixture), sometimes the very addition of in life. God must never be associated with death. water creates the belila, without any fur- Eyal, Gilad and Naftali were killed by people who believed in death. ther action, and sometimes there is a need Too often in the past Jews were victims of people who practiced hate in the to stir it so that a mass will form. name of the God of love, cruelty in the name of the God of compassion, and In the second case (pasta with murder in the name of the God of life. It is shocking to the very depths of hu- tomato sauce), the resultant mixture can manity that this still continues to this day. be pourable and thus defined as a belila Never was there a more pointed contrast than, on the one hand, these rakka (thin mixture), and sometimes it is young men who dedicated their lives to study and to peace, and on the other defined as a belila ava. A belila rakka the revelation that other young men, even from Europe, have become radical- may be created with a shinnui (alteration), ized into violence in the name of God and are now committing murder in His by altering the sequence of ingredients — name. That is the difference between a culture of life and one of death, and instead of putting boiling water in a con- this has become the battle of our time, not only in Israel but in Syria, in Iraq, tainer of instant food, one should empty in Nigeria and elsewhere. Whole societies are being torn to shreds by people the contents into another vessel, pour hot practicing violence in the name of God. water into the now-empty container and Against this we must never forget the simple truth that those who afterwards put the instant food back into begin by practicing violence against their enemies end by committing it its container. In addition, one should do the mixing with a shinnui, e.g., sheti ve- against their fellow believers. The verdict of history is that cultures that wor- erev (crosswise). ship death, die, while those that sanctify life, live on. That is why Judaism Nonetheless, even if the resultant survives while the great empires that sought its destruction were themselves mixture is a belila ava, one may be lenient destroyed. and prepare it with a shinnui, because Our tears go out to the families of Eyal, Gilad and Naftali. We are generally speaking, instant food cannot be with them in grief. We will neither forget the young victims nor what they prepared on Erev Shabbat, as it will be lived for: the right that everyone on earth should enjoy, to live a life of faith cold and unappetizing by mealtime on without fear. Shabbat. One should stir the belila with a Bila hamavet lanetzach: “May He destroy death forever, and may the shinnui, and it is desirable to change the Lord God wipe away the tears from all faces.” May the God of life, in whose sequence of ingredients. image we are, teach all humanity to serve Him by sanctifying life. Continued Next Week! DAT MINYAN YOUTH ANNOUNCEMENTS

Happy Birthday: Shabbat, July 5 Parshat Balak Gabriel Salehrabi Sammy Mogyoros Nechama Rubin Zachary Thorner

Toy Sponsorship Our Advisor Aaron Zazulia Thank you to the Is your child’s birthday not listed? Nadel family for Email Mor Shapiro at [email protected]. their generous donation of puzzles to our groups. Donations and sponsorships are Snack Sponsorship always welcome! Please email Mor at Youth snacks sponsored by [email protected] for more information. Dr. Robert and Erin Salehrabi in honor of Gabriel’s 7th birthday. Contact Mor at [email protected] DAT Dollars for all donation and sponsorship opportunities. Hey 1st-3rd Graders! Earn DAT dollars! Calling All Teens! Spend on cool prizes! Interested in being an advisor or sub  Arrive by 9:45 next year and this sum-  Daven nicely mer? Contact Mor This Behave Coming properlySunday, 12/15 Shapiro at [email protected].

Youth Group Guidelines:  Pick up for all groups (including 4th-6th graders) is indoors.  Please bring your child’s labeled water bottle, hat, and jacket to groups with them. Advisors and kids will no longer be allowed to get these items from the coat rack or strollers during groups.  A parent or guardian must be on shul premises when children are in groups.  Children not attending groups must be supervised by a parent or guardian at all times.  Please remember to pick up your children immediately after the Rabbi’s speech.

DAT Minyan: A dynamic and friendly Modern Orthodox synagogue for all ages dedicated to meaningful prayer, personal spiritual development, community growth, youth involvement, Torah education and Religious Zionism.

DAT Minyan Rabbi Asher Klein 6825 Alameda Ave., Denver, CO 80224 (303) 281-8999