The BG News May 1, 1992

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The BG News May 1, 1992 Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 5-1-1992 The BG News May 1, 1992 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News May 1, 1992" (1992). BG News (Student Newspaper). 5381. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. Colored Ink G The BG News Friday, May 1,1992 Bowling Green, Ohio Volume 74, Issue 144 Weather Nation reacts to King verdict Troops called in to halt Los Angeles riots —= Inside:— College students show concern by Jeff Wilson 60 miles to the east, where a gun Pays six: The Associated Press battle between a security guard -I Bush vows full investigation. about racism in King decision and a motorist that police said Q 300 arrested in Atlanta. was riot-related left one dead. PiB* nvtn: by Melissa Henry and Greg Watson stunk," he said. LOS ANGELES - Riots, arson Santa Monica, to the west, closed Q Ohioans express frustration. The BC News About 1,000 students gathered and looting raged throughout the its beaches, and vandals de- Q Squabbles start in Cleveland in a rally at Central State Univer- Los Angeles area Thursday and scended upon historic Hollywood Alto: sity. the death toll rose to 18 as Boulevard, setting fire to at least QCross bums on Toledo lawn. Students protested across the Carrying signs that read: National Guard troops moved one business. □ KKK to march in Cincinnati. state as University students ex- Sunny and warm: "Time For Armed Resistance" into neighborhoods torn by out- As many as 40 fires were burn- pressed shock and disgust at the and "Justice Must Be Served - Friday, mostly sunny, rage over the Rodney King ver- ing as a citywide dusk-to-dawn capital, Sacramento. acquittal of the Los Angeles warmer and becoming We All Stand A Chance Of Be- dict. curfew took effect. At least six Much of the city shut down. Police Department members ing Rodney King," the students breezy. High in the lower About 450 people had been in- new major blazes ringed down- Bus service was halted, profes- charged with excessive violence took turns voicing their protest 70s. South winds increasing jured and 300 arrested in the town, enveloping the city's sky- sional sporting events were post- for the beating of Rodney King. to IS to 25 mph. Chance of The rally was attended by stu- outburst of destruction that ter- scrapers in thick smoke. poned, thousands of businesses "I've seen the videotapes, and I dents of Central State and nearby rain 20 percent. Friday rorized vast parts of the city for Arizona Gov. Fife Symington and schools were closed, and don't understand how they [the night, partly cloudy and Wilberforce University, both a second day, from downtown to said California Gov. Pete Wilson some flights were rerouted LAPD] could be not guilty," said predominately black schools in mild with a slight chance of the suburban San Fernando Val- had asked him for National around columns of smoke. Melanie Kempton, freshman showers late. Low SO to 55. southwest Ohio. ley. Guard equipment and told him: Shoppers stocked up on batter- graphic design major. In Bowling Green, Darin Stou- Chance of rain 30 percent. At nightfall Thursday, violence "It's out of control." Wilson was Freshman psychology major Saturday, partly sunny with had spread into San Bernardino, flying to Los Angeles from the See Rioting, page six. Todd Blain agreed. "I thought it See Students, page four. a chance of showers and thunderstorms. High around 70. Chance of rain 40 per- cent. Cheaters on Hi **• A 1 -i L H^UCCA AM A'A'A i At ftM**** L\2fc* T On Campus *vT college SAT ■■*■■■■«''ai £■*-' 3* Afro-art presented: ■ * exams often An Afro-Caribbean en- -.a *v »o semble will sing sacred and secular songs from Cuba 1 i : .-.*! .,«-—. J get caught and Africa 8 p.m. Saturday ■ ■-i-^Hi=-=} »w. .„,__ at Grounds For Thought, 174 ■* by Richard Keil S. Main St. ■■ ^ : jr* A The Associated Press Winners announced: • >-< Steven Seasly and Amy WASHINGTON -- You can Pawlaczyk were the winners probably cheat on your college of the Administrative Staff ^^■j entrance exam, but whether you Council scholarship, accord- can get away with it is another ing to Susan Darrow, mem- matter. ber of the selection commit- Officials at the Educational tee. Testing Service, which adminis- ters 1.7 million Scholastic Apti- Outside campus tude Tests every year, can't ) guarantee that impostors won't Deadline approaches: show up at test sites around the Ohioans who want to reg- nation to take the exam for cash ister to vote have until Mon- or as a favor to a friend. day. But once the results get to ETS All county boards of elec- tr headquarters in Princeton, NJ., tion will be open until 9 p.m., things can get sticky. said Secretary of State Bob While fewer than 2,000 tests a Taft. wL year are scrutinized, ETS gen- To be eligible to vote, a eral counsel Stanford von Mayr- person must be a U.S. citi- '#**.. hauser said the testing organiza- tion can usually spot a fake and zen, be 18 years old by the ThcBCNcwi/J.yMurdotk Nov. 3 general election, and prove it. be a resident of the county About 30 students have sued and precinct for at least 30 the ETS on the validity issue in days. BG bands and guest the past 20 years, von Mayr- Voter registration forms hauser said Wednesday, "And all are available at election of- of the 20 or so that eventually fices, county or municipal speakers aid students ended up in court have been set- offices, public schools, tled in our favor." motor vehicle offices and "That's a fact I'm always most libraries. in rally for education pleased to discuss," von Mayr- hauser said as a Potomac, Md., More than 300 students high school senior admitted he Iran has nukes: by Matthew A. Daneman Scott DeKatch showed up for what was billed paid a University of Virginia stu- LONDON-Iran has ob- as A Celebration for Educa- dent $200 to take the SAT for him and Michelle Banks tained at least two nuclear tion. Organized by campus last November. warheads that had been re- The BC News radio stations WFAL and ETS officials had challenged ported missing from Ka- WBGU and co-sponsored by Lawrence Adler, who had com- zakhstan, The European It was kind of like Wood- MadHatter Music Co., piled only a 2.6 grade point aver- newspaper said Thursday. stock - there was music and Grounds for Thought and the age in school, after he scored in The article, based on a se- entertainment and even a Lesbian and Gay Alliance, the the 97th percentile in the verbal cret report from the Russian little enlightenment and edu- rally was intended to both en- section of the SAT and the 99th Foreign Intelligence cation about the greatest tertain and maybe even in- percentile in math. Agency, again raises ques- pressing issue of our time. struct students about the Tfc. BC N«wi/ Adler sued, but finally confes- tions about whether the suc- Except this time there was state of the University budget sed, telling reporters Wednesday cessors to the Soviet Union no rain, the social issue was and what can be done about it, (top) At the Celebration for Education outside the Student Ser- he had succumbed to "unres- will be able to control their state budget cuts in higher according to telecommunica- vices building Thursday, Ton entertains the relatively sparse trained greed." Adler, who as a most dangerous weapons. education and Jefferson Air- crowd, while (above) University President Paul Olscamp ad- 14-year-old was earning tens of The European did not say plane didn't attend. See Rally, page eight dresses the budget Issue, as well as Gumby. how it had obtained the in- See SAT, page five. telligence report. It quoted the report as saying several nuclear warheads vanished from the Semipalatinsk nu- Dead man Pornography and violence linked? clear test site in Kazakh- stan, which the republic's president, Nursultan Nazar- confuses Feminists, conservatives ban together to argue there is connection bayev, closed in early 1992. by Karen Nuesladt the only fraternity to file a formal com- roommate College Press Service "h the real world, there are people plaint. Others feel the aggressive group is mak- whose lives have been harmed by The Associated Press ing a strong message for women. Lottery Pornography and violent sexual assault pornography," "They are getting the job done," says Dan are in the spotlight on U.S. campuses and in Hilldale, a staff writer who has followed the KEY WEST, Fla. - A courts of law, with some feminists and con- Bob Jensen, Minnesota grad group in the Daily Nexus, the student news- Pick 3 Numbers: 0-1-2 78-year-old man thought his servatives forming an unlikely partnership student paper. Bob Jensen, a graduate student in roommate was ignoring to argue that a link exists between the two. journalism at the University of Minnesota Pick 4 Numbers: 0-2-7-4 him and didn't realize the Psychologists also say there is a concern has attempted to link pornography and vio- other man had been dead on for the increasing undercurrent of violence of Truthful Sisters" are taking action to lence in his doctoral dissertation, titled Cards: Jack of Hearts the kitchen floor for two toward women in pornography, though there demonstrate their anger about pornography.
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