The Electoral System of Bosnia and Herzegovina Suvremene TEME, (2009.) God
Maja Sahadžić: The Electoral System of Bosnia and Herzegovina suvremene TEME, (2009.) God. 2, Br. 1 CONTEMPORARY issues, (2009) Vol. 2, No. 1 UDK: 342.84:324(497.6) 327.56($+73:497.6) Pregledni rad Primljeno: 27. 8. 2009. The Electoral System of Bosnia and Herzegovina: A Short Review of Political Matter and/or Technical Perplexion MAJA SAHADŽIĆ Faculty of Law, University of Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina The Dayton Proximity Talks were held in the Wright - Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio, USA from 1-21 November 1995. They resulted with the General Framework Agreement for Peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina (e.g. Dayton Peace Accords, Dayton Peace Agreement) that was signed by the Re- public of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of Croatia and the Federal Re- public of Yugoslavia and witnessed by USA, UK, Germany, France, Russia and an EU special negotiator. The Dayton Peace Accords ended the conflict in Bos- nia and Herzegovina and shaped a basis for peace. But, the most important issues for democratic functioning of the state have not become conciliated with international legal standards; such as elections and the electoral system. The Dayton Peace Accords arose from compromises and different trade-offs which account for many open questions regarding the Bosnian electoral system. Key words: electoral system, Bosnia and Herzegovina, political and technical issues, elections, Dayton Peace Agreement 1. Introduction and reference groups, the actual political situa- tion, effects of concrete life conditions, political From a scientific view, elections are ex- socialisation of an individual, activity of electoral ceptionally interesting, since they constitute a campaign so as interested political parties and very important decision that, once brought, in candidates, the role of mass media and many next several years, depending on a concrete more unpredictable effects that compress in, at Electoral Law in an individual country, deter- the fist look, simple decision of choosing a cer- mines the repository of political power.
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