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June 2007 October 2006 Volume XXXVI Volume XXXV Number 6 Number 10 A Publication The of the American A Publication Translators of the Association American CHRONICLE Translators Association In this issue: Seven Ways to Improve Marketing and Other Copy Telephone Interpreting in Health Care Interpreting in Domestic Violence Settings ATA JUNE 07 BI-REV.qxd 5/24/07 12:27 AM Page 2 ATA JUNE 07 BI-REV.qxd 5/24/07 12:28 AM Page 3

June 2007 American Translators Association Volume XXXVI 225 Reinekers Lane, Suite 590 • Alexandria VA 22314 Number 6 Tel: (703) 683-6100 • Fax: (703) 683-6122 Contents June 2007 E-mail: [email protected] • Website: A Publication of the American ATA at the Meeting of the Translators 11 Association Joint National Committee for Languages By Jiri Stejskal The goals of the National Committee for Languages and the National Council for Languages and International Studies are similar to those of ATA and, in particular, to those of ATA’s Public Relations Committee. 12 12 Copywriting Principles: Seven Ways to Improve Your Marketing (and Other) Translations By Danny Verbov Professional copywriters use some simple principles to relay their clients’ messages and achieve desired marketing and sales results. Translators would do well to learn from them. Telephone Interpreting in Health Care Settings: 18 Some Commonly Asked Questions By Nataly Kelly Here are some general facts that all interpreters who are interested in working in this area need to know. Make sure to clip this and show it to potential clients.

Interpreting in Domestic Violence Service Settings 22 By Jennifer J. Polzin 22 An introduction to working with individuals or families who have experienced domestic violence and with their service providers. Readers will gain familiarity with frequently used terms and resources for continued learning. Student Syndrome 27 By Bob Donaldson Are we as aware of our current tendency to pace ourselves as we should be? Taking the Plunge: Part I 29 By Naomi J. Sutcliffe de Moraes If you do not yet use any tool, if you bought a tool, tried it once, and gave up, or if you have only one tool and are not aware of the many different tools available, this article is for you. Glossary Mining: Science, from Anthropology to Chemistry 32 By Lee Wright 27 These links present the best that science can place at your fingertips. Columns and Departments 6 Our Authors 42 Member News 49 Success by Association 9 From the Executive Director 42 ATA Certification Exam Information 50 The Translation Inquirer 10 Letter to the Editor 44 Upcoming Events 52 Humor and Translation 38 Business Smarts 45 Dictionary Reviews 54 Directory of Language Services 39 The Onionskin 48 New ATA-Certified Members and 41 GeekSpeak Active Membership Review 3 ATA JUNE 07 BI-REV.qxd 5/24/07 12:29 AM Page 4

The ATA Chronicle (ISSN 1078-6457) is published monthly, except bi-monthly in November/December, by the American Translators Association, 225 Reinekers Lane, Suite 590, Alexandria, VA 22314. Periodicals postage paid at Alexandria, Virginia, and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The ATA Chronicle, 225 Reinekers Lane, Suite 590, Alexandria, VA 22314. The American Translators Association (ATA) was established in 1959 as a not-for-profit professional society to foster and support the professional We Want You! development of translators and interpreters and to promote the translation and interpreting professions. The subscription rate for a member is $43 (included in the dues payment). The U.S. subscription rate for enthusiastically encourages members and non-members to a non-member is $50. Subscribers in Canada and The ATA Chronicle add $25; all other non-U.S. subscribers add submit articles of interest to the fields of translation and interpretation. For $45. Single copies are available for $5 per issue. Submission Guidelines, log onto The ATA Chronicle Reprint Permission: is published 11 times per year, with a combined November/December issue. Requests for permission to reprint articles should be sent Submission deadlines are two months prior to publication date. to the editor of The ATA Chronicle at [email protected]. Editor Jeff Sanfacon [email protected]

Proofreader Sandra Burns Thomson

Design Ellen Banker Amy Peloff

Advertising Matt Hicks Advertising McNeill Group Inc. [email protected] Directory (215) 321-9662 ext. 19 Fax: (215) 321-9636

Executive Director acrossSystems Monterey Institute of Walter Bacak 5 43 International Studies [email protected] Membership and 2 Beetext Productivity Systems General Information National Security Agency Maggie Rowe 37 [email protected] 53 CLS Communication website: SDL International 56 43 FITTS Services Moving? 7 Star Group America, LLC Find an error with your address? Japan Pacific Publications, Inc. 43 Send updates to: The ATA Chronicle 225 Reinekers Lane Suite 590 Alexandria, VA 22314 Fax (703) 683-6122 [email protected]

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Our Authors June 2007

Bob Donaldson is vice-president of Jiri Stejskal is currently serving as strategy at McElroy Translation in ATA president-elect and conference Austin, . Contact: organizer. He also serves as the treas- [email protected]. urer of the American Foundation for Translation and Interpretation and chairs the International Federation of Translators Status Committee. He has a Ph.D. in Slavic languages and litera- Nataly Kelly is an independent consultant tures and an executive MBA in general business. An active trans- based in New Hampshire. She is also a certi- lator, he joined ATA in 1991 and founded a translation company, fied court interpreter (State of Missouri) for CETRA, Inc. (formerly Central European Translations, Inc.) in 1997. English and Spanish. A former Fulbright In addition to his duties as a translator, company owner, and scholar in sociolinguistics, her research inter- volunteer for translator and interpreter organizations, he teaches ests focus on interpreter certification, quality graduate language courses at the University of Pennsylvania. improvement programs, and telephone inter- Contact: [email protected]. preting. She currently serves on the National Council on Interpreting in Health Care’s Outreach Committee. She is the author Danny Verbov is a copywriter and specialist in marketing transla- of Telephone Interpreting: A Comprehensive Guide to the Profession tions. He has been a graphic artist at an ad agency and a (Multilingual Matters, 2007). Contact: [email protected]. marketing coordinator for an international magazine, and he has fundraising and sales experience. He is fascinated by the relation- Naomi J. Sutcliffe de Moraes is an ATA-certified ship between words and human psychology, and is studying copy- (PortugueseEnglish) freelance translator based in São Paulo, writing with the American Writers and Artists Institute. He regularly Brazil, where she recently completed a Ph.D. in linguistics at the uses copywriting principles in his translations and other writing, University of São Paulo. Originally from the U.S., her B.S. in and has a lot of fun with them, too. mechanical engineering and her M.S. in physics are from the Contact: [email protected]. University of California, Los Angeles. She specializes in engineering, legal, and medical translations. Contact: Lee Wright has been an ATA member since 1975, and is [email protected]. ATA-certified (SpanishEnglish). He served two terms as an ATA director and four years as editor of The ATA Chronicle. Jennifer J. Polzin, director of Strategic Initiatives, joined Tubman After working eight years as the in-house translator for a major Family Alliance (then Family Violence Network) in 1992. She has international engineering and construction firm, he started served in a variety of capacities working with clients, volunteers, freelancing in 1982. From 1990 to 2004, he was an adjunct community members, and staff. Her current responsibilities include associate professor of Spanish translation at Kent State University leading interdepartmental program activities, strategic planning, (Institute for Applied Linguistics). He currently teaches online outreach activities, and serving on community collaborations, courses in SpanishEnglish legal and technical translation for New including the Immigrant and Refugee Battered Women’s Task York University. Contact: [email protected]. Force. She also taught in the Department of Human Relations at St. Cloud State University as an adjunct faculty member for eight years. Her undergraduate degree is in speech communications, and she earned her M.A. in organizational leadership. Contact: [email protected].

ATA Conferences and Professional Development Seminars ATA Translation Company Division ATA 48th Annual Conference Annual Conference October 31–November 3, 2007 July 26–29, 2007 San Francisco, California San Antonio, Texas

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Are you connected?

Many of ATA’s announcements and special offers are now sent to members by e-mail. E-mail you will receive from ATA includes:

• Information about seminars, confer- ences, and regional group meetings • Association and division news updates • Membership renewal reminders • Notices of certification exams, division newsletters

Don’t miss out! Keep your ATA contact infor- mation current. You can make updates online at, or you can send your information to [email protected] with your ATA membership number in the subject line.

ATA does not sell or rent the e-mail addresses of its members. ATA JUNE 07 BI-REV.qxd 5/24/07 12:31 AM Page 8 ATA JUNE 07 BI-REV.qxd 5/24/07 12:31 AM Page 9

From the Executive Director Walter Bacak, CAE [email protected] Board Meeting Highlights

The ATA Board of Directors from ATA President Marian S. Greenfield the Medical Division until the division met May 11-12 in Alexandria, will be e-mailed to all members. This ini- election in November 2007. Esther Virginia. Here are some highlights tiative is seen as both a humanitarian effort agreed to serve after Patricia Yacovone from the meeting. and a show of public support for fellow resigned. Thanks to both Esther and translators and interpreters. Patricia for their work with ATA’s third ATA Elections: The Board discussed largest division (behind the Spanish the nominating process for officers and 2007-2008 Budget: The Board Language Division and the Inter- directors. Among the concerns has been approved a working budget for July 1, preters Division). requiring the Nominating Committee 2007 to June 30, 2008. The proposed that already has a strong candidate for an $2.7-million dollar budget will be Dispute Resolution Study: The officer position to come up with another finalized at the July Board meeting. Board approved a motion that the candidate—an individual who in all Business Practices Education likelihood has no chance of getting Ad Hoc Code Review Committee: Committee study the need for, desir- elected. In addition, we have seen other Former ATA Director Jean Leblon was ability, and feasibility of offering a associations moving in this direction, approved as the co-chair of the Ad Hoc formal process to assist members with particularly as it is getting more difficult Code Review Committee. Courtney the resolution of business disputes. than ever to find members willing to Searls-Ridge is the other co-chair. This serve and commit as much of their time committee is updating and revising the The minutes of the meeting will be as the officer positions require. ATA Code of Professional Conduct and posted in the Members Only section The Board passed a motion Business Practices policy. (To see the of ATA’s website ( instructing the Nominating Committee current policy, please go to membersonly). Past meeting minutes that it is generally preferable to have one are also posted on the site. The next highly qualified candidate for the officer professional_conduct.php.) Board meeting is set for July 21-22 in positions. However, if the Nominating San Diego, California. As always, the Committee feels that it has two very Medical Division: The Board meeting is open to all members. strong candidates for an officer position, approved the appointment of Mary it may put forth both candidates. Active Esther Diaz as acting administrator of members may also petition to be placed on the slate. There was no change in the instructions regarding elections for directors, which usually have two candi- dates for each of the three directors’ Terry Hanlen Honored for 10 Years of Service positions. (The ATA Board consists of four officers—president, president-elect, secretary, and treasurer—and nine direc- RESOLUTION tors. The officers serve two-year terms. The president-elect, after serving two Whereas, Terry Hanlen has served 10 years with the American years, moves up to serve as president. Translators Association as of April 21, 2007; and The directors serve three-year terms.) Whereas, Terry’s efforts in serving as the Deputy Executive Support of Translators and Interpre- Director and Certification Program Manager have contributed to ters in Iraq: The Board approved a ATA’s success and growth; motion to express public support for pro- Therefore, be it resolved that the American Translators Association tecting and aiding threatened translators thanks and honors Terry Hanlen. and interpreters in Iraq. The Public Relations Committee is leading this effort The Board of Directors of the American Translators Association, and is monitoring various pieces of legisla- May 11, 2007 tion in Congress. A message on this matter

The ATA Chronicle June 2007 9 ATA JUNE 07 BI-REV.qxd 5/24/07 12:31 AM Page 10

Address your letters to Jeff Sanfacon at [email protected] or American Translators Letter to the Editor Association, 225 Reinekers Lane, Suite 590, Alexandria, VA 22314.

An Ounce of Prevention him. I received numerous e-mails from American Savings Bank in Thank you very much for ATA from the client telling us that he was Honolulu, , and was signed by Executive Director Walter Bacak’s sending a cashier’s check. The check a third person. We were able to con- February column, “New Internet was for more than what was owed, so firm with the bank that the check was Scam Targets Translators,” and please the client requested that we deposit fraudulent. thank Lisa Siegel-Cruz for sharing her the check, take out our fee, and mail a So, I would like to thank you again experience. We were very lucky to check with the difference back to him. for sharing this information with us! have read your article, because the It turns out the difference was signifi- same incident happened to us. cant, $3,000. Daniela Sassman I had been e-mailing a client, who The billing address given to us was Branch Manager said his name was Garcia Antonio, in France, but the check came via Skrivanek Translation Services back and forth for about four months DHL from an address in Kansas City, after we had done a translation for Missouri. The cashier’s check was

ATA Translation Company Division 8th Annual Conference Deep in the Heart Highlights:

of Translation Trends • Thursday evening reception and banquet • Two days (Friday and Saturday) of informative educational sessions tailored to the needs and concerns of translation company owners and managers • Topics will focus on workflow technology and project management July 26-29, 2007 • Plenty of time and opportunity for networking, networking, and more networking! • Optional Friday or Saturday evening activity exploring the sounds and flavors of San Antonio ( Hyatt Regency • Sunday morning buffet breakfast Advertising, exhibit, and sponsorship opportunities available. Stay tuned to San Antonio, Texas for more information!

Kim Vitray Ellen Boyar TCD Administrator TCD Assistant Administrator [email protected] [email protected] 512-472-6753 215-386-0100 ext. 1331

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ATA at the Meeting of the Joint National Committee for Languages

By Jiri Stejskal

Every spring, the Joint of Spanish in high school do not • According to the 2000 census, National Committee for Languages make you a language professional. only 9% of Americans can speak (JNCL) and the National Council for JNCL arranged congressional a second language, whereas over Languages and International Studies visits for the delegates, and on the 50% of Europeans speak one or (NCLIS) organize a collaborative Legislative Day I visited the offices more foreign languages.

• According to an American Council on Education poll, 79% of the American people agree that stu- The joint mission statement of the two dents should have a study abroad organizations states that all Americans must experience, but only 1% of U.S. students actually do study abroad. have the opportunity to learn and use English Zeroing in on the field of transla- and at least one other language. tion and interpretation, the message to the senators, crafted by ATA’s Public Relations Committee, was that transla- tion and interpreting mistakes can be event for language organizations. of the two Pennsylvania senators costly, or even disastrous. You cannot This year, the JNCL-NCLIS (Pennsylvania being my home state) risk getting it wrong. You need a qual- Legislative Day and Delegate to discuss the importance of lan- ified, professional translator or inter- Assembly were held May 3-5 in guages in general and the critical preter to get it right. Washington, DC, which I attended role of translators and interpreters in Judging from my own visits and as the ATA representative to JNCL. particular. Here are some of the from the reports of other delegates JNCL provides a forum for coop- topics discussed: who visited their respective senators eration and discussion among lan- and representatives, the attitude guage professionals representing • A pervasive lack of knowledge toward language learning has more than 60 organizations and about foreign cultures and for- changed dramatically for the better encompassing major areas of the lan- eign languages in the U.S. over the past few years, and a guage profession: language training threatens the country’s security number of bills have been drafted and pedagogy; research; linguistics; as well as its ability to compete in concerning foreign languages and and translation and interpretation. the global marketplace and to international education. Two new NCLIS is affiliated with JNCL and produce an informed citizenry. bills are also being introduced serves as a lobbying organization regarding the plight of translators engaging in public advocacy on • According to the U.S. Depart- and interpreters working in war behalf of languages and international ment of Education, less than 8% zones—stay tuned! education. The joint mission state- of U.S. undergraduates study a ment of the two organizations states foreign language. that, “all Americans must have the opportunity to learn and use English and at least one other language” (italics mine). The goals of JNCL- For More Information NCLIS are similar to those of ATA, and, in particular, to those of ATA’s Joint National Committee for Languages Public Relations Committee: to and the National Council for Languages increase public awareness, and to get and International Studies the message out that two semesters

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Copywriting Principles: Seven Ways to Improve Your Marketing (and Other) Translations

By Danny Verbov

One day, a young mouse was puttering around in his hole when he smelt some cheese. As he was about to rush out and grab it, he stopped, remembering his father’s advice to always listen before going for the gorgonzola. So he listened. And he heard a faint “Meow, Meow.” Our young hero patted himself on the back (as mice do) for remembering his father’s advice. The next day he spotted the cheese, stopped to listen, and this time heard, “Woof, Woof!” Assuming that the dog had chased the cat away, he rushed out to grab the cheese. However, as he did so, the cat pounced and gobbled him up, saying (with her mouth full), “I’m glad I took my father’s advice and learned a second language.”

As you will soon discover, our cat used an important copywriting principle to get her message across. This article is a heavily squeezed, less humorous version of a lecture I pre- sented at the 2007 Israel Translators Association Conference. I will briefly share some copywriting principles you can use to improve not only your mar- keting and advertising translations, but your regular translations and other writing, too.

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Translation Versus Copywriting Understanding Your Market as you struggle with the text. Broadly speaking, translation is faith- Johannes Tan, an English But, asks William Zinsser in On fully reproducing document Indonesian translator and cross-cultural Writing Well: into the target language. It is a reflection analyst, says: “...translators must recog- of what the author wants to say. nize varied and diversified characteris- “Who is this elusive creature, the Copywriting has been pithily tics of the target audience... This reader? He is a person with an defined as “salesmanship in print.” It premise even applies for ‘non-mar- attention span of about 20 seconds. usually expresses a marketing or keting’ translations....” But he cautions, He is assailed on every side by advertising message aimed at pro- “...fine-tune the translation to satisfy forces competing for his time: by ducing a certain result (e.g., increased market realities, but don’t go overboard newspapers and magazines, by sales and requests for more informa- by ‘doctoring’ it. Translation is not television and radio, by his stereo tion). Copywriters write anything copywriting and your accountability as and videocassettes, by his wife and from e-mails to brochures, e-zines, a translator comes first.”1 children and pets, by his house and his yard and all the gadgets that he has bought to keep them spruced up, and by that most potent of com- In contrast to translation, copywriting should be a petitors, sleep. The man snoozing in his chair with an unfinished reflection of what the reader wants to hear, and not magazine open on his lap is a man necessarily what the author wants to say. who was being given too much unnecessary trouble by the writer [or the translator].”2

web pages, direct mailers, white In our deadline-driven world, it is papers, film scripts, and book covers. not always easy to make time to Copywriting Commandment #2: In contrast to translation, copywriting understand our readers. In this article, Know Thy Product should be a reflection of what the I humbly offer you some basic copy- Knowing and understanding the reader wants to hear, and not neces- writing principles you can effectively product well, and, even better, sarily what the author wants to say. slip into your marketing translations believing in it, will help you write For example, a grass seed manufac- while preserving your accountability more convincingly and passionately. turer wants to wax poetic about the new as a translator. This is also true when you write for technology, high mineral content, and Let me first outline two “copywriting nonprofits or services. You will know million dollar investment he has put into commandments” you would do well to what problems they solve, what their his product. But this does not interest the bear in mind before starting to work. benefits are, and what makes them reader. In other words, tell them about stand out against the competition. their lawn, not about your grass seed. Copywriting Commandment #1: Back in 1919, Schlitz beer As another example, take the cat in Know Thy Reader approached advertising genius Claude our little story at the beginning of this The secret of writing strong, com- Hopkins. Their beer sales were in article. She wanted to say “Meow,” pelling copy is to care about the 15th place. Hopkins toured the but that would not have achieved her reader. Therefore, we should discover brewery and came up with an ad cam- aim. The more she thought about it as much as we can about him or her. paign. His ads described “crystal clear and focused on the “reader” (in this Picture the person you are writing to, water from a special artesian well,” case, the mouse), her target transla- and remember: we are always writing and told of the one “mother” yeast tion was spot on! to just one person. Your article, cell that produced all the yeast for fer- brochure, or web page is being read menting the beer. Schlitz was the by one breathing human being. result of over “1,500 experiments and Always have that “end-user” in mind produced a very distinct fresh, ➡

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Copywriting Principles: Seven Ways to Improve Your Marketing (and Other) Translations Continued

crisp taste.” He told of how the bottles 2. Write to Express, Not to Impress In our marketing translations, our were “sterilized 12 times to ensure A common misconception is that primary aim is clarity, and our sen- purity, so that nothing would interfere copywriters just write TV and print tences should be even shorter, with the clean taste of the beer.”3 ads. In our marketing translations, we between 6-16 words. Here is an The Schlitz people hated Hopkin’s are not aiming to win creativity awards example of what is currently working campaign. They told him, “All beer is or impress. We want to convey a in copywriting. This is part of an e- made the same way.” Hopkins calmly defined message about the product or mail from personal development assured them people would be fasci- service to provoke a defined response. coach Mike Litman: nated with the behind-the-scenes So, Professional Practice #2 is to use look, and that no other beer maker had shorter and simpler words. We are “You have so much potential. Your ever told the story. Six months later, looking for clarity of expression rather birthright is for you to discover and Schlitz beer was the number one selling beer in America. The more we research and reveal about the target market and the product, the better and more market-oriented our Knowing and understanding the product well, and, translations are likely to be. And that even better, believing in it, will help you write means a more professional and tailored solution for our clients. more convincingly and passionately. Once the cat understands the rela- tionship between the mouse and the cheese, she can use her power of lan- guage to achieve the desired result! than ingenuity of impression. live your life assignment. As James Michener advises us in Seven Ways To Better Marketing The World Is My Home: A Memoir: You have a strength. A skill. A solu- Okay, let’s go! Here are seven “The writer’s challenge is not to use tion to someone’s problem that you ways to improve your marketing (and big words, but to accomplish extraor- can share and create incredible wealth. other) translations: dinary things through ordinary words.”4 Express one idea in one sen- What are you passionate about? 1. Write to Your Aunt Jenny tence. Clarity is always more impor- Aunt Jenny (like billions of other tant than literary merit. We would be What do you enjoy doing? human beings) enjoys reading clear, wise to follow the example of simple, easy-to-understand writing. American Airlines and the guidelines Find where you’re celebrated. So, write the way you talk. Your work on their complimentary peanuts: Discover your strengths. Ignite should not sound like a translation. “Open bag, eat nuts.” your spirit. After all, you are talking to a real person. And if you must choose 3. Short and Sweet Inspire yourself. Inspire others. between writing naturally and being We should be aiming to fit our grammatically correct, write natu- short words into short sentences and Get off the sidelines. Get in the rally! Whenever you can address the short paragraphs. Rudolf Flesch, best game.”6 reader directly, do so. Remember, you known for his books Why Johnny are speaking to your Aunt Jenny. Can’t Read: And What You Can Do 4. Action-Packed Active Service “Your sparkling floor will be the envy About It and The Art of Plain Talk, The general purpose of writing of your neighbors,” not “Our widget says the best average sentence length marketing copy is to convince Aunt cleaner implements the most for business writing is 14-16 words. Jenny to buy a product or an idea, advanced hygiene technology since He adds that 20-25 words is border- donate money or time, or vote for Mr. Clean.” line, but anything above that becomes something. The best persuasive unreadable.5 writing tends to be conversational,

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You can make your writing much stronger simply by eliminating unneces- The more we research and reveal about the sary words. If eliminating the word does not change the meaning, take it out. target market and the product, the better Here are two classic offenders:

and more market-oriented our • Instead of “He said THAT poli- cosanol is...” say “He said policosanol translations are likely to be. is.…”

• Instead of “The report OF hers is on your desk,” say “Her report is and that means writing in the active and get Aunt Jenny wriggling with on your desk.” voice. excitement in her armchair. Your client wants the reader to take action! And three more serial killers in this Four Easy Ways to “The pain was there in her knees category are superfluity, superlatives, Banish Passive Voice every day” becomes “The pain seared and nonsensical words. “Very unique” • Use “You”: Instead of “a good through her knees every day.” You is redundant. Something is either hotel is to be found,” say “you will have not changed the meaning. You unique or it is not. And a “full mile” is find a good hotel.” have just brought it alive! no longer than a mile. As for a non- And always use present tense where sensical word such as “nice,” “exclu- • Make sure the subject of the sen- possible. Present tense outsells future sive,” “awesome,” “incredible,” etc., tence performs the action tense because the present is now, and avoid these “filler” words that do not expressed in the verb: “When your reader wants benefits NOW. really say anything—or that mean deadlines are met by translators” something to one person and some- becomes “When translators meet 5. Avoid Jargon, Clichés, and, thing else to another. As Zinsser puts deadlines.” Please—No Nonsense! it, “One man’s romantic sunrise is Bob Bly has two simple rules for another man’s hangover.”9 Marketing • Drop part of the verb: “The school using jargon: copy is full of these words: pretty, was opened 10 years ago” becomes lovely, state-of-the-art, upscale, “the school opened.” • Do not use a technical term unless idyllic, cutting-edge, beautiful, etc. 95% or more of your readers will You are a professional translator. You • Use another verb: “Our conversa- understand it. If your client insists own a thesaurus. Do not use words tion will be kept confidential” you use jargon that is unfamiliar to like these! becomes “Our conversation will your readers, be sure to explain remain confidential.” these terms in your copy. 6. A Word is Worth a Thousand Pictures After activating our translation, it is a • Do not use a technical term unless It is our job to be sensitive to words. good idea to add more action by reviving it precisely communicates your In the three examples below, consider our verbs. First, do away with as many meaning.7 the connotations for the reader: forms of “to be” as you can (is, are, was, were, and am). When you trim “to be” Concerning clichés, George Orwell’s • Collie versus Dog (specific picture from your writing—you obviously advice from 1946 is still worth fol- versus general) cannot eliminate it entirely—you imme- lowing: “Never use a metaphor, simile, diately make your sentences more active or other figure of speech which you are • Seminar versus Workshop (work- and arouse your reader’s imagination. used to seeing in print.”8 shop sounds like work!) Use verbs that describe an action Yes, there is a fine line between and offer a visual image. Remember, speaking in the vernacular and not using • Problem versus Challenge (what we are looking to stimulate emotion clichés, but the idea is not to overdo it! would you rather have?) ➡

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Copywriting Principles: Seven Ways to Improve Your Marketing (and Other) Translations Continued

And an ad saying “How to Repair Cars—Quickly, Easily, and Right” was very successful. But “How to Fix Additional Information Cars—Quickly, Easily, and Right” resulted in a greater response. Does fix not sound easier than repair? Words American Writers and Artists Institute create different images of value in con- (AWAI) Copywriting Course sumers’ minds. It is usually too late to change the names of the products you work with, but you can still choose the The Golden Thread (AWAI newsletter) language you use when describing those products and services. thegoldenthread/index.php Here are three examples of selecting higher-value words when Al Uszynski’s Sales newsletter communicating with your reader. See if you can understand why.

• “More Economical” is better than “Cheaper” which sounds like more will be going to The general tendency is for organ- • “Can…As Early As” is better than charity? izations to talk about their needs or “Can’t...Until” ideologies, and to bore the reader with 7. Be Specific dry and general statistics. The same is • “Investment” is better than “Price” Instead of saying 50% of all people often true for product brochures. in this country have a split person- When we translate such a document Avoid starting a sentence with “There ality, say “Five out of every 10 literally, Aunt Jenny will be nodding is” or “There are.” For example, Americans are schizophrenic.” off after the first line. When we use instead of saying: “There are five dis- specific examples, she is stirred, tinct benefits to using our product,” “If those who have studied the art hopefully to action. It is also much say “Our product offers you five of writing are in accord on any one more credible when you can say “last winter your generosity bought heaters for 1,573 pensioners in Illinois,” instead of “We help hundreds of old people throughout the States.” We want to convey a defined message about the In conclusion, ask your clients for as product or service to provoke a defined response. much detailed information as possible about what you are translating: who the target market is, what their product/ service does for the customer, and what they want your translation to achieve. distinct benefits.” Once again, we are point, it is this: the surest way to talking to Aunt Jenny. arouse and hold the attention of the One More Tip for Reading And here is another example of reader is by being specific, defi- This Far (or, the Cat’s Meow) how one small word change can make nite, and concrete. The greatest And one bonus copywriting tip you all the difference: “A percentage of the writers—Homer, Dante, Shake- can use for your translations when profits will be donated to U.S. chari- speare—are effective largely appropriate. Try using a human interest ties,” or “A percentage of all profits will because they deal in particulars or personal story in your opening. If be donated to U.S. charities.” Now and report the details that matter.”10 Aunt Jenny is not attracted straight

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away, she will just throw your hard 4. Michener, James. The World Is My 7. Bly, Bob. The Copywriter’s work into the trash can. Remember, did Home: A Memoir (Random House, Handbook (Owl Books, 2006). my cat and mouse story not hook you 2007). into reading this article? 5. Flesch, Rudolf. Why Johnny Can’t 8. Orwell, George. Why I Write Notes Read: And What You Can Do (Penguin, 2005). 1. Tan, Johannes. Market-based Trans- About It (HarperCollins,1986) lation: Fine-tuning the Translation com; Flesch, Rudolf. to Satisfy Market Realities. The Art of Plain Talk (Harper- 9. Zinsser, William. On Writing Well Collins, 2000). (HarperCollins, 2001). 2. Zinsser, William. On Writing Well 6. This is just an example of one of (HarperCollins, 2001). the daily e-mails Mike Litman 10. Strunk, William, and E.B. White. sends to his subscribers at The Elements of Style (Allyn & Bacon, 1999). 3. Hopkins, Claude. My Life in Advertising and Scientific Adver- tising (McGraw-Hill, 1966).

Attention ATA’s 48th Annual Conference • San Francisco, California Exhibitors October 31-November 3, 2007

Plan now to exhibit at ATA’s 48th Annual Conference in San Francisco, California, October 31-November 3, 2007. Exhibiting at ATA’s Annual Conference offers the best opportunity to market your products and services face-to-face to more than 1,500 translators and interpreters in one location. Translators and interpreters are consumers of computer hardware and software, technical publications and reference books, office products, and much more. For additional information, please contact Matt Hicks, McNeill Group Inc.; [email protected]; (215) 321-9662, ext. 19; Fax: (215) 321-9636.

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Telephone Some Interpreting Commonly in Health Asked Care Settings: Questions

By Nataly Kelly

The following frequently asked questions regarding telephone interpreting in health care settings Telephone interpreting should not be used in most may be helpful for interpreters, lan- mental health settings. The presence of telephone guage service companies, and health care providers who wish to learn more equipment could itself present a hazard, since about telephone interpreting, as well as its potential benefits and limita- it could be used as a weapon. tions in health care scenarios. Electronic copies of this guide for educational purposes may be downloaded at no charge from to health care organizations. However, 1. When mental health services are many large health care providers have being provided: Telephone inter- articles_monthly_archive.php, or by interpreting services departments with preting should not be used in most e-mailing the author at natalyekelly@ staff interpreters who also perform mental health settings. The pres- telephone interpreting. In some coun- ence of telephone equipment could tries, telephone interpreting is pro- itself present a hazard, since it What is telephone interpreting? vided as a free service by the could be used as a weapon. In addi- Telephone interpreting is provided government. tion, with certain mental health when an interpreter, who is usually conditions, telephone interpreting based in a remote location, provides Is telephone interpreting a might confuse the patient. interpretation via telephone for two replacement for face-to-face individuals who do not speak the same interpreting in health care? 2. When serving patients who are language. Most often, telephone inter- No. Telephone interpreting and hard of hearing: Some patients preting is performed in the consecu- face-to-face interpreting both have who are hard of hearing and/or eld- tive mode. This means that the important roles in health care settings, erly may rely more on lip reading interpreter listens to each utterance but the two types of interpreting do than they realize. In these first and then proceeds to render it into not replace each other. instances, it is preferable to have a the other language, as opposed to face-to-face interpreter. speaking and listening simultaneously. When is face-to-face interpreting preferable to telephone 3. When communicating with Who performs telephone interpreting? children: Children often have dif- interpreting in health care Telephone interpreting should be ficulties communicating over the settings? avoided, if possible, in preference to telephone. Therefore, when a In the U.S., the majority of tele- face-to-face interpreting, in the fol- provider is communicating directly phone interpreting is performed by lowing health care situations: with a child, it is usually preferable for-profit companies that are external to have a face-to-face interpreter. If

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the provider is communicating with an adult about the child, how- ever, telephone interpreting can A large amount of nonverbal information can be normally be used. perceived through tone of voice, inflection, breathing 4. When providing patient educa- patterns, hesitations, and other auditory input. tion with visual components: Often, for sessions in which the provider is giving instructions to the patient (e.g., wound care, blood phone interpreting is advisable in member of their culture, a member of sugar testing), teaching aids or these cases. With the rise of the opposite gender, or speaker of equipment is used. When this telemedicine and a variety of serv- their language. Conversely, however, occurs, it is usually preferable to ices being provided over the tele- some patients may have a greater have a face-to-face interpreter, phone, these situations are sense of trust when an interpreter is since an over-the-telephone inter- increasingly common. For example, present in person. Patient preferences preter will not be able to see what when patients call appointment may vary even among groups of is being demonstrated. However, if lines, triage lines, nurse advice speakers of the same language. Each all of the patient’s instructions will lines, and other numbers for service circumstance is different, but it is be provided verbally, with no over the telephone, telephone inter- worth considering that the anonymity equipment demonstrations or preting is the best option. of a telephone interpreter can be an visual aids, telephone interpreting advantage at times, especially where may be an acceptable alternative. 2. When trained interpreters are not modesty might be a consideration. available in person. When it comes 5. When there are multiple individ- to choosing among the patient’s What type of equipment should be uals present with limited English family member, friend, an untrained used for telephone interpreting? proficiency: Telephone interpreting bilingual staff member, or a tele- A speakerphone is often less than is best suited to conversations phone interpreting service, it is usu- ideal, as it can reduce audibility for all between a provider and one patient ally preferable to choose the parties and pick up unwanted back- only. Telephone interpreting is not interpreting service. This assumes, of ground noise that can interfere with ideal when the provider is speaking course, that the telephone inter- the interpreter’s ability to hear both to multiple patients at the same time preting service being used has pro- speakers properly. Telephones with (e.g., health education classes) or fessional, trained interpreters. Most two receivers, commonly known as when multiple individuals are health care organizations ensure this “dual receiver telephones” or “dual present (e.g., the patient and several through the process of procuring a handset telephones,” can be rented or family members). service provider. You also may ask purchased from providers. These the individual telephone interpreter devices can enhance audibility and When is telephone interpreting what kind of training he or she has improve the quality of the communi- preferable to face-to-face received, and what professional stan- cation. Another option, if allowed by interpreting? dards of practice he or she observes. the facility, is to use cordless tele- Telephone interpreting is prefer- phones with two handsets. Most hand- able to face-to-face interpreting in the 3. When it is preferable not to have sets have the option to connect a following health care situations: another party in the room. headset, allowing both the patient and Depending on cultural, religious, and the provider to move around freely 1. When both parties (patient and individual preferences, some patients without being restricted by telephone provider) are already communi- may prefer not to have another cords. It is important to sterilize the cating via telephone. Face-to-face person physically present in the equipment before and/or after each interpreting is not a practical option room, especially when discussing use. Disposable mouthpiece and ear- when the primary interaction is sexual health issues. Some patients piece covers may also be advisable. taking place via telephone, so tele- may fear judgment from another ➡

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Telephone Interpreting in Health Care Settings: Some Commonly Asked Questions Continued

Is it true that telephone important aspect of both documents. In the patient can understand, if possible, in interpreters cannot perceive any addition, many companies have internal writing, as should patient education nonverbal cues? guidelines and policies, as well as con- materials. It is preferable to translate No. A large amount of nonverbal fidentiality agreements that are signed such materials in advance. Doing so will information can be perceived through by all interpreters. When a health care also provide significant cost savings to tone of voice, inflection, breathing pat- organization contracts with a telephone organizations in the long run, especially terns, hesitations, and other auditory interpreting provider, these issues are when compared to the cost of paying for input. Interpreters who work via tele- usually addressed contractually to telephone interpreters to produce this phone should be trained specifically in ensure that privacy is maintained. same information verbally, to multiple listening skills that enable them to per- patients, over time. In some cases, it is ceive and process this type of nonverbal How should medical records be not possible to translate information in information better. Interpreters working documented when telephone advance. For example, when a provider via telephone cannot perceive informa- interpreters are used? writes a prescription, there may be no tion that is transmitted visually, such as For most telephone interpreting choice but to have the telephone inter- gestures and facial expressions. companies, the single most important preter explain to the provider how to item to note when tracking a call is the write those words so that the patient will How necessary is the visual aspect time at which the call took place. understand them. of interpreting? Therefore, it can be useful for providers It depends greatly on the context and to note the start time of a call with an What about video interpreting? the circumstance. For some settings, interpreter, as well as the end time of the Does it have the potential to such as one where patient education is call. In addition, the provider should replace telephone interpreting and being provided, an interpreter might note the identification number of the on-site interpreting completely? benefit from seeing the process that is interpreter, if applicable, and the name Video interpreting combines some being described in order to interpret of the interpreter. Some companies do benefits of both on-site and telephone accurately. Also, if an interpreter has not not allow the interpreters to provide interpreting. High-quality video inter- been trained in telephone interpreting their last names. If this is the case, the preting equipment can be cost-prohibi- and is accustomed to interpreting in first name and the identification number tive, but as the costs associated with the face-to-face settings, he or she may feel are sufficient to track the call if a need technological requirements decrease, at a disadvantage when visual elements ever arises. Aside from noting when the video interpreting is becoming a viable are removed. To ensure quality, what call took place and the interpreter’s option in some cases. Still, there are cer- matters most is that the interpreter is identifying information, if more than tain settings for which having an on-site competent in the type of interpreting one telephone interpreting provider is interpreter is usually preferred. In some being performed, be it face-to-face or used in your facility, it may be helpful to situations, such as when dealing with a telephonic, and that he or she follows note the name of the company as well. person with a terminal illness or mental professional standards of practice. health issue, there is no replacement for Can a telephone interpreter help having another human being present. How can I ensure that me convey written information Likewise, there will continue to be situ- confidentiality and privacy of (patient education materials, ations in which telephone or audio-only health information are maintained consent forms, prescriptions, etc.)? interpreting is preferable, especially in when using telephone interpreters? Telephone interpreters can provide situations where modesty and/or Professional interpreters should limited “auditory translation” by lis- anonymity are important. As tech- always be guided by a code of ethics tening to the health care provider read nology becomes more accessible and and standards of practice. Many information aloud from a written source economical, it is likely that there will providers of telephone interpreting document, and then rendering it into simply be audio and video streams endorse the National Code of Ethics and another language. However, this is not when calls are placed over the Internet. Standards of Practice issued by the advisable for a variety of reasons. Any If a patient prefers not to be seen, or if National Council on Interpreting in legal document, such as a consent form, only the audio portion is required, it Health Care. Confidentiality is an should be made available in a language would be easy to choose to have either

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Training Web Resources Online Training for Doctors on The Art of Working with Interpreters: A Working with Interpreters Manual for Health Care Professionals. This web-based program, developed by intrp.htm Cindy Roat and Dr. Elizabeth Jacobs, con- This article by Holly Mikkelson provides fers up to 2.5 continuing medical education helpful information on working with health credits through Rush Medical College. It care interpreters in various settings. It is uses video and case studies to train doctors available for download at the above link. on: how to work with professional inter- preters; how to guide an untrained inter- Moreno, Aura, and Lilian Ramsey. preter; how to work with a telephonic “Telephonic Interpreting in Health interpreter; how to work with interpreters Care:Answers to a Few Questions.” in mental health settings; and how to start Interpreters Voice (Fall 2006) to develop a language access program internal to a hospital or clinic. For more This article from the newsletter of ATA’s information, contact Bob Amend at (520) Interpreters Division includes several ques- 722-1970 or [email protected]. tions about telephone interpreting that are answered by professional health care Books interpreters. Kelly, Nataly. Telephone Interpreting: A Comprehensive Guide to the Profession Getting the Most from Language (U.K.:Multi-lingual Matters, 2007). Interpreters This publication includes a “Client 37gett.html Considerations” section with detailed advice, This article by Emily Herndon and Linda as well as a mnemonic with 20 guidelines for Joyce from Family Practice Management working effectively with telephone inter- includes a small section with guidelines for preters. The publication also includes model working with telephone interpreters. It is standards of practice for telephone inter- available for download at the above link. preting in health care, along with practice scenarios. A free electronic sample chapter Other Resources may be requested at the above link. The majority of telephone interpreting providers offer free client training materials (in print and electronic formats), web tutorials, newsletters, training sessions, and/or multi- media presentations.

or both options available using Internet Where can I learn more about However, the resource list provided in telephony. Also, both providers and telephone interpreting in health the box on this page can be helpful for interpreters will require extra training in care settings? those interested in obtaining addi- video interpretation techniques and There are not many resources tional information, guidance, and equipment use in order to provide a devoted specifically to telephone practice. high-quality service. interpreting in health care settings.

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Interpreting in Domestic Violence Service Settings By Jennifer J. Polzin

Additional Considerations What is domestic violence? for Immigrant and Refugee Generally speaking, domestic vio- Battered Women lence (also referred to as domestic We know that women are victims abuse, family violence, intimate of domestic violence throughout the partner violence, or battering) is any world, not just in the U.S. As a result, behavior that results in the mistreat- the Power and Control Wheel has ment of another person in an intimate been modified to address the specific

Domestic violence affects women, children, and men at every stage of life and across all lines of race, culture, income, education, religion and socioeconomic status.

or family relationship. Domestic vio- threats immigrant and refugee bat- lence affects women, children, and tered women face, both in their home men at every stage of life and across countries and here in the U.S. As all lines of race, culture, income, edu- stated by Bri Chomilo in the introduc- cation, religion, and socioeconomic tion to the adapted Immigrant & status. It also happens in same sex Refugee Power and Control Wheel, relationships too, as well as in rural available on the website of the areas, cities, and suburbs. More in- Minnesota Center Against Violence depth information about the issue of and Abuse ( domestic violence can be found at “Immigrant and refugee women Abuse can be physical, sexual, know that in their countries of mental, emotional, financial, or spiri- origin, women have been tortured tual. The Power and Control Wheel, with sexual abuse by the available on the website of the army/rebels, kidnapped into prosti- National Center on Domestic and tution, forced into marriages, Sexual Violence (, is killed in honor killings, used for an educational tool developed by the sexual slavery, stoned to death, and Domestic Abuse Intervention Project. often experienced other gender The diagram illustrates many forms of related abuses. There is a male ten- abuse within a relationship, and is dency in some parts of the world to used by many service providers. It is a devalue women and view them as particularly helpful tool in under- property. This has led to the cre- standing the overall pattern of abusive ation of cruel practices against and violent behaviors that are used by women, including femicide, infan- a batterer to establish and maintain ticide, rape, battery, torture, widow control over his or her partner. burning, veiling, foot binding, witch burning, chastity belts, cli- teridectomies, and infibulations. These examples of violence are

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real threats that immigrant and standards for qualified interpreters tant implications for a court case, and refugee women face if forced to and translators are absolutely crucial could affect the other types of services return home. and should consistently be upheld to which the victim is entitled. For while working in all domestic vio- example, substituting the word chest “In addition to these threats, immi- grant and refugee battered women in the U.S. have many difficulties accessing legal and social services in a country which is not their own. Confidentiality can literally be a matter of life and They face cultural differences and death for victims of domestic violence, barriers, which abusers may use to their advantage. Immigrant and especially in remote communities. refugee battered women are an underrepresented population because many of the incidents are undocu- mented. The women believe they lence service settings, even those for breast in describing the assault, have no rights, no way out, and which may appear to be casual or even if motivated by respect for the no help.” social in nature. victim’s modesty, conveys a very dif- Confidentiality can literally be a ferent meaning and could lead to a Non-governmental organizations matter of life and death for victims of much different outcome. and nonprofit organizations have been domestic violence, especially in Maintaining professional distance working to address this issue. For remote communities. The advocate means setting aside what you believe example, in Minnesota, the Immigrant should ask the interpreter whether or or want for the client or family. This and Refugee Battered Women’s Task not he or she knows the victim, the can be especially difficult when Force, a grassroots network of bat- perpetrator, or the children. The advo- dealing with such emotional and life- tered women’s advocates and service cate should also ask the client or altering situations. providers, works cooperatively to victim whether or not they know the increase awareness about the special interpreter. Even if the interpreter is Roles needs of refugee and immigrant bat- not asked, the interpreter should dis- While there is an ongoing differ- tered women, and to improve the close any familiarity and potential ence of opinion in the interpreting field skills of people and organizations who conflicts of interest. Depending upon over whether or not interpreters should work with them. In addition to pro- the situation, the victim and advocate be advocates, I believe the work of viding an annual training institute for may ask the interpreter to continue, or Cindy Roat, an expert in the field of professionals, the Task Force is cur- may dismiss the individual and secure health care interpreting, can be applied rently exploring ways to expand the a different interpreter. equally well to most domestic violence capacity of service providers to utilize Being accurate and complete in service settings. On the Resources for better the services of interpreters and providing a word for word translation Cross Cultural Health Care website translators. is imperative. In order to get help, vic- (, Roat states that tims (the majority of whom are interpreters should strive to be the least Ethics and Standards female) usually have to describe their intrusive, and makes the following There is no standard code of ethics experiences and share very intimate recommendations: for interpreters specific to the field of information when filing a report or domestic violence, aside from those during an initial intake meeting. This • Adopt the role of conduit as your that apply in the court system or in usually includes details about the default role, unless you perceive a some health care settings. Affidavits physical or sexual assault that may clear potential for misunder- of translation convey credibility, but feel shameful to discuss—even standing. are not required in every domestic though the abuse is not the victim’s violence service setting. However, the fault—especially in front of a male • Take the role of clarifier when you general principles and professional interpreter. These details have impor- believe it is necessary to ➡

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Interpreting in Domestic Violence Service Settings Continued

facilitate understanding. more technical medical and legal glos- Confidentiality: Ensuring that infor- saries that can be found elsewhere. mation is accessible only to those • Take the role of a culture broker In addition to the glossary, a authorized to have access. Some types when cultural differences are resource list has also been provided. of communication between a person leading to misunderstanding on the Although some of the information and certain professionals are “privi- part of either the service provider referred to is specific to my home state leged” and may not be discussed or or the client. of Minnesota, the information con- divulged to third parties. While advo- tained on these sites is important to all cates are currently not legally bound • Act in the role of advocate only interpreters who work in this area. or protected by exactly the same rules when the client’s needs are not as attorneys, advocates are called to being met due to a systemic bar- Glossary of Basic Terms act with the highest regard for the rier, such as the complexity of the Abuser: A person who has committed safety and privacy of those they serve, health care system or racism. an act of domestic violence; some- and are bound by the policies of their times also called perpetrator, batterer, workplaces. For example, advocates As pertains to the last bullet, I or offender. In settings such as batterer do not divulge the identity of victims would add that in such cases, the intervention programs or anger man- staying at shelter programs, and gener- interpreter should enlist the help of agement groups, the term client may ally share information with other advocates on a need-to-know basis, and with the client’s knowledge and consent. There is no standard code of ethics for interpreters Control: The ability to block or limit specific to the field of domestic violence, aside from influence. In the context of domestic violence, control is most often used to those that apply in the court system or in describe the abuser’s manipulation of some health care settings. the victim. Crisis Line: Sometimes called a help line, this is a no-cost service provided the domestic violence service provider be used to describe the recipient of via telephone offering support, informa- to address the issue or barrier. Domestic those services. tion, and referral. Domestic violence violence advocates have received com- crisis line services are provided by staff prehensive training, and, as a general Advocate: A volunteer or paid staff or volunteers who are specifically rule, it is their role—rather than the person whose job it is to support the trained in domestic violence issues and interpreter’s—to provide support and victim, help identify options and who are knowledgeable about other services. resources, explain processes, and/or community resources. Crisis lines Just like in the court setting, advo- speak on the victim’s behalf. The operate 24 hours per day, 365 days per cates want to provide services in advocate may work in different set- year. Calls are confidential with some someone’s first language through tings, such as a shelter, hospital, or exceptions required by law. trained and qualified interpreters in court, but is not an attorney or mental shelter and community settings. health therapist. Some, but not all, Domestic Violence: Any behavior that However, they often face geographic, advocates are survivors of domestic results in the mistreatment of another time, or resource challenges that are violence themselves. The word advo- person in an intimate or family relation- further compounded by the unsched- cate is also used as a verb meaning to ship. Also called domestic abuse, family uled nature of crisis work. Therefore, speak on others’ behalf in order to get violence, domestic assault, or intimate the short glossary of terms provided their needs met, to persuade, or to partner violence (sometimes shortened here includes the most basic terms cause change. to DV by service providers in conversa- commonly used in shelter and other tion with one another). community contexts to supplement the

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Survivor: This term is often used when referring to a victim who has Maintaining professional distance means setting healed and become strong again.

aside what you believe or want for the Victim: A person who has been client or family. harmed by abuse or been the target of a crime. In the domestic violence field, many use the term battered woman because the majority of adult victims Order for Protection: A civil court Shelter: This is a safe place to live for are female. The term victim is used order that limits the contact an offender a short period of time, usually during a more broadly and can include men of can have with a victim of domestic vio- crisis. There are different types, any sexual orientation and children as lence for the victim’s and his or her including homeless shelters and bat- well as women. Some service children’s safety. This is referred to as tered women’s (or domestic violence) providers use the term client; others a restraining order in many states. shelters. Victims can stay at a battered are opposed to that term. women’s shelter with their children at Power: The ability to influence. While no cost while they make decisions Violence Against Women Act power can be used in both positive and about their future. Each shelter oper- (VAWA): A law passed by U.S. negative ways, in the context of ates a little differently, but shares the Congress in 1994 and amended in domestic violence, power is most goals of safety and support. Women 2005. This legislation strengthens law often used to describe coercive who stay at the shelter are often called enforcement’s response to domestic behavior on the part of the abuser, or residents, regardless of their immigra- violence, strengthens services to vic- to describe the victim reclaiming their tion status or previous address. tims, promotes education about autonomy. domestic violence, and provides Support Group: Domestic violence immigration relief to immigrant vic- Safety Plan: Identifies specific strate- support groups offer a means of tims of domestic violence. VAWA also gies and resources to help individuals sharing a confidential conversation permits immigrant victims to self-peti- try to protect themselves before, with, and receiving emotional support tion for immigration status (without during, or after a dangerous situation. from, others who have been in abusive the support of their spouses, which is Safety plans are customized to an indi- relationships. Such groups are usually usually required) and cancellation of vidual’s or family’s situation, and usu- facilitated by trained staff or volun- removal (deportation). VAWA also ally address things like securing teers, and are often centered around provides that domestic violence documents and other necessary items, some educational content or theme. offenses and violations of protective building support systems, and identi- orders are deportable offenses. fying places to go in a time of crisis. ➡

ATA Scholarly Monograph Published in recognition of the growing importance of localization. Series Vol. XIII Price: $30 for members; $138 for non-members Perspectives on Available directly from: Localization John Benjamins Publishing Company Edited by Keiran J. Dunne (800) 562-5666

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Interpreting in Domestic Violence Service Settings Continued


National Center on Domestic and Sexual Violence Minnesota Coalition for Battered Women The Power and Control Wheel (MCBW) NOSHADING.pdf The statewide membership organization of pro- grams for battered women and their children. National Center for State Courts MCBW’s mission is to: provide a voice for battered women and member programs; challenge systems ResourceGuide.asp?topic=CtInte and institutions so they respond more effectively to Contains information on state codes of responsibility the needs of battered women and their children; pro- for interpreters in legal settings. mote social change; and support, educate, and con- nect member programs. National Domestic Violence Hotline (800) 799-SAFE (7233) Minnesota Center Against Domestic Violence and Abuse Minnesota Advocates for Human Rights The Immigrant and Refugee Power and Control Wheel An organization dedicated to the promotion and immigrantwheel/immigrantwheel.html protection of internationally recognized human rights. Minnesota Advocates’ 2004 report, entitled Resources for Cross Cultural Health Care The Government’s Response to Domestic Violence Against Refugee and Immigrant Women in the Minneapolis/St. Paul Metropolitan Area: A Human Tubman Family Alliance Rights Report, is available on their website. This report highlights many of the innovative programs Tubman offers a full range of violence prevention and and legislative initiatives that advance the safety of intervention services in Hennepin, Washington, and battered refugee and immigrant women in the com- suburban Ramsey Counties in Minnesota. Tubman munity and the prosecution of their abusers. The works with victims, people who have been abusive, report finds that battered refugee and immigrant witnesses, and concerned community members. women in the Twin Cities area face serious obstacles Tubman’s website also includes information about the in accessing protection from domestic violence and issue of domestic violence—including the cycle of government services, and in pursuing accountability violence, safety planning, the effects of violence on for their abusers. These obstacles include: language children, how relationships tend to change over time, barriers and inadequate access to interpretation serv- what you can do to develop healthy dynamics in a ices; barriers from within immigrant communities relationship—and how you can get help for yourself, that impede government effectiveness; fear of gov- or help someone you care about. ernment institutions and immigration authorities; inadequate funding of necessary services and pro- Violence Against Women Act grams; and other obstacles in the law or implementa- tion of the law. The report also includes an analysis of the government’s compliance with their obligation Minnesota Domestic Violence Crisis Line to protect the human rights, safety, and security of (866) 223-1111 refugee and immigrant women who are victims of violence.

26 The ATA Chronicle June 2007 ATA JUNE 07 BI-REV.qxd 5/24/07 12:32 AM Page 27 Student Syndrome

By Bob Donaldson

The following originally appeared in the April 2007 issue of the TCD News, the newsletter of ATA’s Translation First, as individuals we should have the discipline Company Division. to set aggressive targets for ourselves and There is a well-known phenomenon in project management then strive to hit them. circles having to do with so-called “safety time.” “Safety time” is the amount by which we all pad our task completion estimates to account for does this work? Let’s look at the typical deliver”…and please do not get me the reality of uncertainty. Uncertainty sequence of events: started on that overused cliché! can come in the form of unexpected This leads to a final estimate that difficulties, interruptions, last-minute • I am asked for a time estimate to we probably have an 80% or better “minor” changes, etc. Of course, we complete a task. If I have an appro- chance of achieving. should expect that sometimes this priate amount of experience, I will uncertainty would work in our favor, have a pretty good idea of the kinds • So why don’t we finish early most as well; a task would be unexpectedly of challenges the task may present of the time? Precisely because we easy, or we would breeze through an and the range of potential task know that we have built in “safety entire morning of uninterrupted pro- durations I might expect. But that time.” Someone interrupts with a ductivity. And that is where the phe- is not the end of my estimating business problem? Glad to help! nomenon I am referring to comes into process. I’ve got time. Someone drops by to play. It is often expressed as follows: share pictures of their grand- Delays in one task are always passed • I also need to take into account my daughter? No problem! I’ve got along to the next task in the chain, other workload, the likelihood that time. A new message pops up in but time saved in a single task is I will be interrupted, etc. Now I my e-mail inbox? Plenty of time to almost always lost. have a somewhat longer estimate, knock out a quick reply. After all, Why does this so often hold? One one that we might refer to as an this task isn’t due until 4:00 p.m. reason, of course, is that when everyone “average predicted duration.” But And sure enough, a burst of energy is tightly scheduled, it may not be pos- there is more. beginning at 3:40 and we finish sible for the next person to start his or right on time. Unless, of course, her task early, but this does not ade- • What is the penalty (in terms of that unexpected difficulty shows quately explain the situation. Boiling customer disappointment or man- up at 3:45. down a lot of research, we end up right ager disapproval) if I am late? where we probably should have started Again, experience tells me that it is This behavior pattern is so in the first place…human nature. How better to “under promise and over common that it has received its own

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Student Syndrome Continued

name in the literature: Student uncertainties. The idea is that if we out of the individual tasks and aggre- Syndrome. Student Syndrome is the fall a little short of an aggressive gating it into a “buffer,” we accom- practice of pacing ourselves so that target, that may be much better than plish two things: we finish our “assignments” right on achieving a target set with too much time (but never early). We probably built-in safety time. • We reduce the overall estimated length of the chain of tasks, because it is reasonable to believe that some of the uncertainties will Delays in one task are always passed along to the next cancel each other out. task in the chain, but time saved in a single task is • We protect the end customer from the impact of a delayed task, almost always lost. because we have a single project- level buffer to absorb those delays.

This approach to project management all recognize ourselves in this descrip- Second, as an organization we and productivity optimization is part tion as it applies to the student years, should support aggressive targets. of a way of looking at business but are we as aware of our current There should still be accountability processes called “Theory of tendency to pace ourselves as we around missed targets, but like the Constraints.” For those with more should be? Probably not. Thankfully, “degree of difficulty” component of interest, you might want to look at this though, there are some approaches to diving or gymnastics scoring systems, website: For all of counteracting Student Syndrome that we should reward staff members who us, though, we might work at can help. consistently strive for high goals. “redeeming the time” by finishing First, as individuals we should And lastly, those with responsi- early whenever possible, rather than have the discipline to set aggressive bility for setting customer expecta- being satisfied with meeting a gen- targets for ourselves and then strive to tions—project managers, sales staff, erous deadline. hit them. These targets should be real- etc.—should continue to make use of istic, but optimistic with respect to safety time! By factoring safety time

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Taking the Plunge: Part I By Naomi J. Sutcliffe de Moraes

The following presents a basic introduction to computer-aided translation (CAT) tools for the uniniti- The number of languages that a standard optical ated. If you do not yet use any tool (i.e., if you use just Microsoft Office, character recognition software can scan is limited. Open Office, or an equivalent), if you bought a tool, tried it once, and gave up, or if you have only one tool and are not aware of the many different 2. They automatically search prior if you first convert the source text into an tools available, this article is for you. translations performed in the tool electronic file. Optical character recogni- for matches for entire segments. tion (OCR) programs can convert some Types of CAT Tools and What They Do source texts into word processor docu- CAT tools include: 3. They allow you to select a word, or ments, and the scanner you purchase nor- group of words, in the source text mally comes with OCR software on the 1. Translation environment tools (trans- and search for prior translations accompanying CD. However, the lation memory or corpus-based); performed in the tool. number of languages that standard OCR software can scan is limited. If you pur- 2. Terminology database tools; 4. They contain a built-in or compat- chased your scanner in the country of ible terminology tool that will your target language, the accompanying 3. Corpus tools; and search the terminology database software may not perform OCR on your you create for the words in the source language at all! Personally, I pay 4. Any other tools that help transla- source text. someone to convert texts into electronic tors in some way. format when I think it is worthwhile. 5. They allow you to align source and Some translators charge extra for this When most people think of CAT tools, target texts produced outside the type of source text exactly for this they think exclusively of translation tool, so that these translations will reason. environment tools like Déjà Vu X and be treated as if you had translated SDL Trados. First, these are not the the texts within the tool. Environment tools automatically only tools out there. Second, this kind search prior translations for of tool might not be the best option for Now let’s look at each feature above. matches for entire segments. Most you or the type of work you do. The first is the most important. companies selling tools of this type try to convince you that, “you will never Translation Environment Tools The text must be in a readable elec- have to translate the same sentence Translation environment tools have tronic format. If you mainly work with twice.” However, how often do we many features in common. printed, faxed, or scanned source texts, really see the same sentence twice? If and simply type the translation into MS you work with texts that do tend to come 1. They require the source text to be Word or some other program, a transla- back to you with small changes (quar- in electronic format. tion environment tool will only be useful terly financial reports, clinical trial ➡

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Taking the Plunge: Part 1 Continued

protocols, etc.), then you may find you which is very common in computer selected word(s) in all prior translations really do see the same sentences repeat- manuals. Figure 1 shows the Déjà Vu X done within that tool. That way, if you find a great solution while translating a text today, you will be able to find the same solution again two years from now by using the tool to search through When most people think of CAT tools, they think all prior translations. Figure 2 on page exclusively of translation environment tools, but these 31 shows the result of a scan performed in Déjà Vu X. Unfortunately, no tool are not the only tools out there. underlines the translation as I have done in the figure. Most environment (and corpus) tools contain a built-in or compatible edly. I find this feature useful when trans- environment with a newspaper article stand-alone terminology tool, and will lating manuals for slightly different translation, although I really do not find search the terminology database for products from the same company. Déjà translation memory lookup capabilities the words in the source text. Vu X (and some other tools) has a nice all that useful for non-engineering texts. Unfortunately, many tool owners do feature called Assemble that is invaluable not use this feature as much as they for translating manuals. Environment (and corpus) tools could because terms must be entered For example, suppose the original allow you to select a word or group one by one (whereas translation mem- text says “The quick brown fox jumps of words in the source text and ories are built up automatically if one over the lazy dog,” and the new text says search for prior translations per- uses the tool to translate), so entering “The quick red fox jumps over the lazy formed in the tool. This feature is terms is often not as convenient as it dog.” If you have “red = rouge” in your useful even for less repetitive texts. If could be. (I will discuss and compare Déjà Vu X terminology database, the pro- you translate creative texts or texts different terminology tools in a future gram will insert the translation from the from the humanities, you will rarely article.) Some stand-alone termi- first text and will even replace “red” with see repeated sentences. If you click on nology tools may be very useful for “rouge.” This may not seem so won- “Context search” in Wordfast, translators of certain types of material derful in this simple example, but it “Concordance” in SDL Trados, or and for interpreters as well. If you becomes really useful when dealing with “Scan” in Deja Vu X, the program will currently use MS Word or Excel to long noun strings repeated ad nauseum, look for prior occurrences of the maintain terminology lists, you might

Figure 1: Déjà Vu X Translation Environment

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Figure 2: Results of a Scan Performed in Déjà Vu X Environment

want to consider upgrading to a termi- sion before, you may want to look the More to Come nology tool like LogiTerm. expression up in your previous transla- Next month, I will address how to tions. I have tried to do this in both Déjà get started if you have never used a Environment (and corpus) tools Vu X and in SDL Trados, and the results CAT tool and list the questions you allow you to align source and target were not pretty. Translation memory should ask yourself about your work, texts done outside the tool. This is tools were simply not designed to do this. your translation processes, and what done with an alignment tool or feature Corpus-based tools, such as LogiTerm you need out of your tools. If you (some vendors provide this tool with and MultiTrans, however, were designed have a specific question about tools, the environment tool, while some sell to do this, and do it remarkably well. For or would like to suggest a tool for it as a separate tool). Note that some searching monolingual corpus files (sort review in a future article, please con- tools, such as LogiTerm, have sophis- of like a Google search of just the files tact me at [email protected]. ticated algorithms that automatically you have placed in a specific directory on align source and target texts with no your PC), several free tools are available, work on your part. Other tools, such as like AntConc and TextSTAT. SDL Trados and Déjà Vu X, use seg- ment markers like periods to align text, and manual adjustments are almost always necessary. Quick Tool Links Corpus Tools The third type of tool mentioned is AntConc SDL Trados the corpus tool. Two examples are LogiTerm and MultiTrans. A corpus (plural: corpora) is a collection of texts in Déjà Vu X TextSTAT electronic format. A translation memory www.niederlandistik.fu- is a kind of “parallel” corpus containing source text segments and their transla- LogiTerm software-en.html tions. What is the difference between a translation memory tool and a corpus- Wordfast MultiTrans based tool? If you work with source texts that are NOT in electronic format, but know you have seen a word or expres-

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Glossary Mining: Science, from Anthropology to Chemistry By Lee Wright

This latest trip down the The Joint Institute for Laboratory GENERAL SCIENCE glossary mine shaft provides a com- Astrophysics (JILA) is one of the (SPANISH) pendium of various Internet resources leading physical-science research Ciencias de la Tierra y dealing with scientific subjects. institutes in the U.S. Its faculty, grad- del Medio Ambiente Because the sciences cover a lot of uate students, and postdoctoral ground, I only have room this month research associates explore some of ecologia/Hipertexto/00General/ to address topics from anthropology today’s most challenging and funda- Glosario.html to chemistry. The focus is on termi- mental scientific questions. JILA is This site emphasizes ecological terms. nology and reference materials for the jointly operated by the University of “pure” sciences, as opposed to the Colorado and the National Institute of Glosario PRL “applied” sciences, such as mechan- Standards and Technology. ical engineering or metallurgical processes. The list begins with several PCS Edventures, Inc. Novedades Científicas resources of a general nature and con- tinues in alphabetical order by sub- functions/termlib.php?action= ject. Once again, most of these items &alpha=A Sólo Ciencia involve English and Spanish, but there is one German into English glossary VisionLearning of biology terms, as well as several ANTHROPOLOGY multilingual glossaries. glossary.php (ENGLISH) VisionLearning is an innovative edu- Department of Anthropology GENERAL SCIENCE cational resource designed for stu- College of Arts and Sciences (ENGLISH) dents, teachers, parents, and anyone University of Alabama 101 interested in learning. The website features a free bilingual library of suc- This glossary contains nearly 2,300 This site provides links to numerous cinct learning modules that integrate unique terms and 2,800 entries cov- glossaries on a variety of scientific text, multimedia, and other resources. ering terms used in biological, cultural, subjects. Support for VisionLearning is pro- and linguistic anthropology and archae- vided by The National Science ology. There is a special emphasis on Joint Institute for Laboratory Foundation and the U.S. Department terms from kinship, biological anthro- Astrophysics of Education. pology, and medical anthropology. glossary/glossary_a.html

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Glossary of Anthropology Terms The focus is on terminology and reference materials for glossary.htm the “pure” sciences, as opposed to the “applied” This site includes both cultural and physical anthropology, as well as an sciences, such as mechanical engineering or archaeology glossary. metallurgical processes. Infoplease Encyclopedia 1anthro.html Astronomy 124 University of Oregon Oregon State University University of Virginia glossary/glossary.html anthropology/resources/glossary.php astr124/glossary.html The site includes outstanding graphics, many taken from the Encyclopaedia CalSpace Britannica. anthropology.htm virtualmuseum/Glossary_Astro/ ASTRONOMY AND COSMOLOGY gloss_a-f.shtml (SPANISH) ANTHROPOLOGY AstroCosmos (SPANISH) Canadian Agency Concha Doncel online Astronomy Glossary glosar.htm The site contains excellent Spanish antscglosario.htm resources/web_resources/CSA_Astro/ definitions. files/content/html/information/astro Universidad de Navarra _glossary.html AstroMía Asignatura:Introducción a la Antropología Cosmic Evolution Terminology This is probably one of the best sites for Tufts University Spanish terms. The site also includes tema1/pagina_2.html numerous articles on astronomical sub- cosmic_evolution/docs/fr_3/ jects that are profusely illustrated. ASTRONOMY AND COSMOLOGY fr_3_gloss.html (ENGLISH) Astronomía Absolute diccionario.html This is a guide to astronomical bodies 3020 This site is excruciatingly slow, but of all kinds. This site contains an exhaustive three- very good. part glossary of astrophysics terms. Amazing Science Espacio Profundo Kid’s Cosmos glossary Glossary of Astronomy and diccionario/Glosario_de_Astronomia/ The site provides very detailed definitions. Scientific Terms letra/A.html There are lots of useful cross-refer- Astronomical Society of the Pacific glossary.html ences on this site. This site is designed for the younger publications/tnl/14/14.html set, but it is very useful nevertheless. It Glosario astronómico also includes information about the metric system and scientific notation, glosario.asp plus a section on universal time. ➡

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Glossary Mining: Science Continued

La Web de la Asociación Larense Glossary of Forestry Terms an excellent resource for plant anatomy de Astronomía terms, complete with illustrations. term.htm letra_a.htm Texas Agricultural Experiment The definitions on this site are very Glossary of Genetic Terms Station detailed. Pmodules/glossary.html Vistas del Sistema Solar Life Science Dictionary This glossary is a complement to the previous site, with excellent definitions. homepage.htm search/dict-search.html This site contains a multimedia presen- This site covers virtually all of the life University of Sydney tation on the solar system and beyond. sciences, with over 8,000 terms, in addi- Fungal Biology:Mycology Glossary tion to a compendium of chemical BIOLOGY AND BOTANY acronyms, plus links to other useful sites. Glossary/glossary_a_b.shtml (ENGLISH) (two links) Massachusetts Institute of Technology Open Courseware dictionary.asp This site offers free and open educa- BIOLOGY AND BOTANY tional resources for educators and stu- (SPANISH) Cell Biology dents around the world. Browse the Biblioteca Dominico-Virtual links for an array of excellent hyper- biologydictionary/a/cellbiogloss.htm textbooks on various subjects, inclu- Biologia/IndiceBiologia.htm ding general biology and biological This is a general guide to numerous Dyer Laboratories, Inc. engineering. biological topics. microbiology/1a.html McGraw-Hill Online Curso de Biologia Vegetal This site contains German into Learning Center English terminology. Microbiology glos98.htm This is a good site for terms on plant Everything Bio sites/0072320419/student_view0/ biology. Life Science Glossary glossary_a-f.html Fisiología Vegetal index.php Molecular Biology Glossary The glossary on this site contains marcoletraglosario.htm almost 4,000 entries. doc/educ/dnapr/mbglossary/ mbgloss.html Glosario Biotecnológico Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations Plants, Animals, and the glosario.html Corporate Document Respository Environment Virtual Glossary Biotechnology and Genetic Glosario Botánico Engineering glossarya.html spanishglossary.htm X3910E04.htm#TopOfPage Texas Agricultural You can download a 260-page PDF Experiment Station Glosario de Botánica version of the glossary from this site. Plant Anatomy and Glossary glosario.htm Do not be misled by the URL. This is

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Glossary of Technical Terms in CHEMISTRY Plant Pathology (SPANISH) This site is designed primarily for students. Curso Hipertextual Etano glossary/Glossary.htm la Química del Carbono Eric Weinstein’s World of Illustrated Glossary of Plant Chemistry Glossary qorganica.html Pathology This is a Spanish hypertextbook for chemistry/letters organic chemistry. illustratedglossary/default.htm Faculty of Chemistry and Diccionario de términos de química Monsanto Agricultura Technology quimica/quimicasta01.htm glosario.html index.html This site contains general chemistry This is a glossary of biotechnology terms. This site also includes a downloadable terms with good Spanish definitions. (PDF) full-color Periodic Table of the Universidad de Extremadura Elements. Diccionario Inglés-Español de Lecciones Hipertextuales de Ciencias de Laboratorio Clínico Botánica Glossary of Chemical Terminology spandict.html b-online/ibc99/botanica/botanica/ glossary.html This is an extensive English-to- prese-tl.htm This site claims to be a “living glos- Spanish glossary of clinical chemistry This site contains a botanical hypertext- sary”; however, its last update was terminology with excellent supporting book from the Universidad de Extrema- made in 1998. documentation. Versions in TXT, dura with animated illustrations. DOC, and WPD can be downloaded. Great Big Chemistry Dictionary BIOLOGY AND BOTANY Glosario de Química (MULTILINGUAL) bigdictionary.html Multilingual Multiscript Plant ?c=3328 Name Database Inorganic Chemistry A printable version of this glossary is available at Sorting/Frontpage.html high/nomen/nomenbody.htm imprime.php?c=3328&. This site lists plant names and features less common languages, such as Thai. Organic Chemistry Help Introducción a la Química Orgánica CHEMISTRY (ENGLISH) Petrik Library albatros1/quimica/index.html About:Chemistry This is an excellent online resource for misc/glossary_of_org_chem.htm organic chemistry. blazlist1.htm This site is one of the best for English This is an excellent basic term list with organic chemistry terms. Spanish Guide to the Periodic Table some good links to other information. of the Elements ThinkQuest CHEMystery Glossary ChemiCool Chemistry Dictionary tabla-periodica.htm reference/glossary.html

Chemistry Dictionary Virtual Textbook of Organic Chemistry cic_hamilton/dictionary/a.html ➡ VirtTxtJml/intro1.htm#contnt

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Glossary Mining: Science Continued

CHEMISTRY CLASS ISN’T OVER YET! (MULTILINGUAL) Can’t get enough of the sciences? Chemistry Translated Well, you are in luck. Tune in next August 2–4, 2007 month, when I tackle the rest of the This is a five-language glossary of spectrum, from geology to zoology. Nebraska Association for Translators organic chemistry terms (English, See you then! and Interpreters Dutch, German, French, and Italian). 8th Annual Regional Conference Bellevue, Nebraska

Third Annual School Outreach Contest

Join ATA’s School Outreach movement and start educating clients one classroom at a time. It’s easy • It’s fun • It’s free • and ... it could win you free registration to ATA’s 48th Annual Conference in San Francisco, California (October 31–November 3, 2007).

1. Visit ATA’s School Outreach Welcome Page at

2. Pick the age level and click on it.

3. Download a presentation and deliver it at your local school or university.

4. Get someone to take a picture of you in the classroom.

5. Send it to ATA’s Public Relations Committee at [email protected] (subject line: School Outreach Contest) or to 225 Reinekers Lane, Suite 590, Alexandria, VA 22314. Please include your name and contact information, the date, the school’s name and location, and a brief description of the class.

Submission deadline: July 23, 2007

The best photograph wins free registration to ATA’s 48th Annual Conference in San Francisco, California (October 31–November 3, 2007)! The winner will be contacted no later than August 20, 2007. You may submit multiple entries, and any member of ATA or of any ATA-affiliated organization is eligible to enter.

Any questions? Contact: Lillian Clementi, [email protected].

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Business Smarts Pricing Your Services Appropriately

In the present context of mation you have compiled. Look at As a courtesy to your regular global competition and web auc- your income situation and figure out clients, give them plenty of notice tioning of translation work, small whether you are covering your before you actually implement a rate business owners often hesitate to expenses with plenty to save for retire- increase. Send a brief, friendly letter or increase their prices for fear of nega- ment and unexpected events. Then e-mail in which you politely announce tive consequences. Appropriate consult your old invoices to see how your new pricing structure, including pricing is nevertheless an ongoing long your existing rates have been in an effective date. Thank your clients part of business management, and place. If you feel your pricing is no for their loyalty and continued busi- requires active steps. longer adequate, determine how much ness, and reiterate your areas of lin- more you could reasonably earn with guistic and subject-related expertise. Dear Business Smarts: an approximately equal workload. Not every customer will be ready to With everything getting more This financial review may also make the jump to higher prices, and expensive all the time, I am won- help you evaluate the other side of the you may see a temporary drop in busi- dering why my own income from profit picture: how your money is cur- ness volume as a consequence of translating and interpreting is not rently being spent. Potential cost sav- taking this step. At the same time, going up accordingly. Over the past ings may come from negotiating a openings in your calendar present an year, my insurance, utility, and tele- better insurance deal or from opportunity to attract new clients and phone bills have all increased, not to changing service providers for utili- accept more projects in your selected mention the price of gas. With all the ties, Internet, or telephone. Do not area of specialization. Since translation expenses I have, I am beginning to hesitate to shop around in order to agencies are under a lot of price pres- wonder if this is still worth it. maximize what your money can buy. sure from their corporate clients and As an example, with the increasing may not be willing to accommodate Dear Worth It: ease of e-mailing documents of all your price increase, you might also Although official inflation figures sorts, is it still necessary to have a consider exploring opportunities to continue to be optimistically vague separate fax line? work for direct clients, and concen- about higher living expenses, it is Next, carefully review your strengths trating your marketing efforts on a par- pretty obvious to any consumer that and areas of specialization. Would it be ticular industry or area of specialty. prices have risen considerably in the worthwhile to specialize further in a cer- past few years. Do not forget, how- tain field? Do you have particular clients ever, that every price increase is the who frequently send you certain docu- result of a cost calculation and an ment types that are your strength, such active business decision. Since you as contracts, patient letters, or patents? Comments? are a businessperson yourself, you Think also about the most enjoyable cannot expect the profits from your projects you have done in the past 12 ATA members can discuss business issues translation and interpreting work to months, as well as jobs you wish you online at the following Yahoo! group: rise automatically: you need to take had never accepted. Lastly, make a list of active steps to make it happen. the advantages you can offer in compar- group/ata_business_practices. You Start with a financial assessment of ison with your competitors. These might will need to register with Yahoo! (at no your situation over the last five years, include years of experience, special charge) if you have not already done so, based on tax returns, bank statements, training, certifications, and in-depth and provide your full name and ATA invoice statistics, or any other infor- knowledge of specific industries. member number in order to join the group.

The information in this column was compiled by members of ATA’s Business Practices Education Committee for the benefit of ATA members. This column is not intended to constitute legal, financial, or other business advice. Each individual or company should make its own independent business decisions and consult its own legal, financial, or other advisors as appropriate. The views expressed here are not necessarily those of ATA or its Board of Directors. Send your questions about the business of translation and interpretation to The ATA Chronicle—BPEC Q&A; 225 Reinekers Lane, Suite 590, Alexandria, VA 22314; Fax: (703) 683-6122; E-mail: [email protected]. Questions must be accompanied by a complete name and address, but will be published anonymously or pseudonymously upon request.

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The Onionskin Chris Durban [email protected] Translation—Literally a Matter of Life and Death?

Health care interpreters in A computerized three-dimensional treat- Reduce the Risk hospital admissions’ offices and emer- ment planning system for cancer therapy, A French official in Paris told the gency rooms—not to mention the doc- it defines the doses used in radiation Onionskin that the Loi Toubon “is tors, nurses, and patients they therapy, and has now been superseded by there to ensure that employees can do serve—are aware that obtaining accu- Eclipse™, say company representatives. their job properly and safely,” which rate information on client symptoms Unfortunately, the version of the sounds reasonable. Whether or not and history can make all the difference. program delivered and installed in the this was the case at Epinal, he said, A case in France underscores the hospital at Epinal was in English only, laws requiring information to be avail- importance of translation in health and there was no French user manual. able in the local language are also a care delivery at all levels, even as it This alone contravenes French safety net that protects the public from raises issues of compliance with the law—more specifically, Article 9 of people who have not understood a text law and, yes, liability. the 1994 “Loi Toubon” legislation, in a foreign language, and—just as In February this year, the which was supplemented in March important—from people who may not Inspection Générale des Affaires 1996 by a ministerial circular speci- realize they have not understood. Sociales (IGAS), the French authority fying that documents containing True, the IGAS report highlights a charged with oversight of public information needed for employees to host of other problems at the hospital, health and safety issues, published a execute their job properly must be but at the very least, documentation in scathing report on critical dysfunc- available in French. The circular cites French explaining the proper use of tions at the Centre Hospitalier Jean safety issues and refers specifically to medical software might have encour- Monnet near Epinal in eastern France. user manuals. aged technicians to react more From May 2004 to August 2005, 23 A call to the hospital confirmed quickly, said this official. Overdoses men suffering from prostate cancer that its administrators had been went on for over a year. were given serious overdoses of radia- unaware of the language requirement Varian’s European spokesman Neil tion during treatment at the hospital. To when they acquired the software. At Madle challenges the language issue. date, four have died, three as a direct least one appeared to have been lulled “In the past, customers have chosen to result of the overdoses, say the experts. into a sense of security by the pres- waive the requirement for native lan- Subsequent reports suggest that dozens ence of a “bilingual” staff member on guage software in order to gain the of other patients—including at least the radiation unit’s team. “Language medical advantages that were not oth- one woman suffering from breast was not the real issue,” he told us, erwise available to them and their cancer—were also affected. The insisting that poor software design patients,” he said, which to the per- woman died as a result, according to was the culprit. “It was easy to get haps naive Onionskin sounds like reports on French television. confused by the boxes to tick.” ignorance of French law. Many professional translators and But Mr. Madle has other arguments The Buck Stops... other observers disagree, for a number as well: “Medical physicians are often Conditions at the hospital were far of reasons. trained in English and consequently from ideal, as emerges clearly from For starters, “bilingual” is a notori- prefer using software tools in that lan- the IGAS report. This cites a host of ously slippery concept, with claims guage, even when the software is avail- problems, including botched training often inversely proportional to actual able in their own language.” Statistics, for radiologists and technicians, an fluency. In some cases, less-than- please. In the meantime—and even absence of quality control, and a jaw- bilingual employees are pressured to assuming that the MDs in Epinal had dropping failure to inform patients stretch their skills past the limit. In indeed trained in English, which the who had received too much radiation Epinal, training errors cited by the hospital could not confirm—our under- that they might have reason to worry. government report were a further standing is that the software was used But the report also identifies a lan- complication. Finally, navigating by personnel other than physicians. guage issue linked to a new procedure through documents in a language one Finally, says the Varian spokes- and the software program used for does not fully understand—the case person, “The French government thor- radiation therapy. for all non-“bilinguals” at Epinal— oughly investigated the Epinal The software in the hot seat is can lead users to neglect or misunder- incident and ultimately concluded that CadPlan™, produced and sold by Varian. stand essential points. it resulted from a failure to take ➡

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The Onionskin Continued

required quality assurance steps imposed a fine of €16 million (58 x With thanks to Bob Blake, Neil Inglis, before delivering treatment. The gov- €20,000), giving the company six Dominique Jonkers, Kay McBurney, Nick ernment did not trace the error to any months to mend its ways. The penalty Rosenthal, and Alexandra Russell-Bitting. issues with software.” This is an inter- was reduced to €580,000 on appeal. esting take that simply does not jibe But today, a GEMS representative with the IGAS report. assured us, “we are in full compliance Something tells us this one is not with the law; all of our documentation going to go away, and we will be is translated.” Likewise, Eclipse is The Onionskin is a client education tracking developments. available in French, says Neil column launched by the ITI Bulletin In an odd coincidence, Varian’s Madle—which means that Varian, too, (a publication of the U.K.’s Institute French office is in the same industrial is now in compliance. of Translation and Interpreting) in park as that of GE Healthcare, for- Yet the tragedy at Epinal is a timely 1996. Comments and leads for merly General Electric Medical reminder that health care providers future columns are very welcome; Systems (GEMS). In 2005, GEMS and companies in the industry have a please include full contact details. was taken to court by unions for vested interest in not only respecting Contact: [email protected] or fax failing to translate in-company docu- the law, but also reducing risk by +33 1 43 87 70 45. mentation into French. Union repre- taking all measures—including proper sentatives cited 58 documents, which translation—to ensure that their prod- they claimed were related to work- ucts are not misused. place safety; the judge agreed and

Free Online Resources

Superior Court of California, Sacramento County Comprehensive Legal Glossaries in 11 Languages

Arabic, Armenian (Western), Hmong, Mien, Mong, Punjabi, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Urdu, and Vietnamese. Hindi and Mandarin (Traditional Chinese) translations available in the near future. Comments: [email protected]. Translation Bureau of the Government of Canada The Pavel Terminology Tutorial English, French, Spanish, and Portuguese

Contains roughly 300 pages of text designed to teach the fundamental principles of terminology research. Over 75 interactive exercises with answers and explanations, in addition to over 25 charts and explanatory graphic elements. Includes a glossary of the terms used in terminology, an extensive bibliography, and a list of websites.

40 The ATA Chronicle June 2007 ATA JUNE 07 BI-REV.qxd 5/24/07 12:33 AM Page 41

GeekSpeak Jost Zetzsche [email protected] If I Had a Hammer…

Psychologist Abraham backup your computer? Windows can and do not cost anything! And as a Maslow once said that, “if you only have do that for you! You need to count rule of thumb, the more specific a a hammer, you tend to see every problem words, sort a text, edit an HTML file, problem is, the more likely it is that as a nail.” Though this quote has been or extract keywords from a text? Word you will find some freeware that can used frequently in all kinds of contexts, I can do all that and much more for help you solve it. Even if it is not free- love it because it is so applicable to us you! The problem is that any of these ware, it may be inexpensive share- and the way we use a computer. things can be done better by applica- ware, donationware, or (here is a cool I still remember back in the dark tions that are specialized in doing new term) postcardware. ages when I was using WordPerfect those functions. The only challenge that is left for on a DOS system. I was truly con- You can always hammer a screw you is to go out and find your (soft- founded as to why there needed to be into a wall, but it is better for the wall, ware) tools and then learn how to use so many different computer applica- the screw, and the picture you are them appropriately. tions when it seemed you could do going to hang if you drill a hole, insert Well, there is one more challenge. everything with your word processor. a screw anchor, and use a screwdriver. Just like your physical toolbox, it is Now you might think my perspective In fact—and this is what Maslow was helpful when your software toolbox was just a little simple-minded (and I referring to—you cannot even deco- (i.e., your computer) contains tools won’t argue!), but I am hazarding a rate your house with only a hammer that make sense to your specific needs guess that many of us have not moved because you cannot begin to envision and that are located where you can very far from that same concept. Yes, all of the amazing things you can do find them again. (Yes, I admit to we know that we need an Internet with the right tools. NEVER finding the right screwdriver browser and an e-mail client and, Now imagine your computer as the when I need to!) maybe, Excel for accounting, but house you need to decorate (or, in this many of us think that otherwise we case, to make more functional). Just are just fine with the capabilities as in the “real tool world,” there are offered by MS Windows and MS thousands of tools that are good for The GeekSpeak column has two goals: to inform Word. And that is no surprise. After specific things and are much better the community about technological advances and at all, both Windows (on a file manage- than the proverbial hammer (i.e., the same time encourage the use and appreciation ment level) and Word (on a file level) Word and/or Windows). But unlike of technology among translation professionals. Jost pretend to do (almost) everything. You the increasingly expensive world of also publishes a free technical newsletter for trans- want to zip a file, burn a CD, search physical tools, the majority of our lators ( for some content, rename a file, or tools come in the category of freeware

The ATA Chronicle FAQs

How do I get a copy of an article that was published in the magazine? ATA members have the benefit of online access to PDF downloads of the past six years of The ATA Chronicle. To take advantage of this membership benefit, go to, log on to the Members Only section, and click on “The ATA Chronicle back issues.” Non-members may request a reprint by e-mailing The ATA Chronicle editor at [email protected], with the article title and the month and year of the issue where the article appeared.

The ATA Chronicle June 2007 41 ATA JUNE 07 BI-REV.qxd 5/24/07 8:19 PM Page 42

Send your news to Jeff Sanfacon at [email protected] or American Translators Association, 225 Member News Reinekers Lane, Suite 590, Alexandria, VA 22314.

• Melly Bartholomew was the • Marian Schwartz’s translation • Laura A. Wideburg published recipient of the 2006 Charles M. from the Russian of Ruben her first full book-length trans- Stern Autonomous Award, pre- Gallego’s White on Black, pub- lation of Inger Frimansson’s sented by the board of directors of lished in paperback in January Good Night, My Darling the New York Circle of Trans- by Harcourt/Harvest, received (Pleasure Boat Studios, 2007). lators ( the Texas Institute of Letters Inger Frimansson is a well- Soeurette Diehl Fraser Award known crime author in Sweden • Alison K. Dundy recently pub- for Best Translation of a Book and has over 20 books to her lished an excerpt from Alain for 2006. name, but this is her first work Mackanbou’s novel, Bleu Blanc available in English. Rouge, which appeared in the online literary magazine Words Without Borders. You can read her translation at www.wordswithout blancrouge.

ATA Certification Exam Information Upcoming Exams All candidates applying for ATA certification must pro- vide proof that they meet the certification program eli- Arizona Colorado Tennessee gibility requirements. Please direct all inquiries regard- Phoenix Denver Nashville ing general certification information to ATA September 30, 2007 September 22, 2007 September 16, 2007 Headquarters at (703) 683-6100. Registration for all Registration Deadline: Registration Deadline: Registration Deadline: certification exams should be made through ATA September 14, 2007 September 7, 2007 August 31, 2007 Headquarters. All sittings have a maximum capacity and admission is based on the order in which registra- California Georgia Texas tions are received. Forms are available from ATA’s web- San Diego Atlanta Houston site or from Headquarters. September 8, 2007 August 11, 2007 August 11, 2007 Registration Deadline: Registration Deadline: Registration Deadline: August 24, 2007 July 27, 2007 July 27, 2007

San Francisco Michigan Wisconsin Ecuador November 3, 2007 Novi Milwaukee Quito Registration Deadline: August 4, 2007 September 29, 2007 September 8, 2007 October 19, 2007 Registration Deadline: Registration Deadline: Registration Deadline: July 20, 2007 September 14, 2007 August 24, 2007

42 The ATA Chronicle June 2007 ATA JUNE 07 BI-REV.qxd 5/24/07 12:33 AM Page 43

Scam Alert Websites

DOVR 1(: The Federal Trade Commission’s educational site about cross-border online fraud, offering information on common scams and tips on how to avoid them. Contains information on Rich Siegel’s book, Tuesdays With Mantu: My Adventures With a Nigerian Con Artist.

ATA’s Membership Directory

You’ll find the most up-to-date contact information for your ATA colleagues online, day or night! Search by name, location, even by e-mail address— just click membersonly.

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Upcoming Events

July 12–15, 2007 October 11-13, 2007 November 24–26, 2007 International Association of Forensic Linguists American Medical Writers Association Organización Mexicana de Traductores 8th Biennial Conference on Forensic 67th Annual Conference Capítulo Occidente Linguistics/Language & Law “A of Leadership” 11th International Translation Seattle, Washington Atlanta, Georgia & Interpretation Congress “San Jerónimo 2007” Guadalajara, Mexico July 26–29, 2007 October 31–November 3, 2007 ATA Translation Company Division American Translators Association 8th Annual Conference 48th Annual Conference November 24–26, 2007 San Antonio, Texas San Francisco, California FIT Regional Centre Latin America 2nd Meeting of the FIT Regional Centre Latin America August 2–4, 2007 November 7–11, 2007 Guadalajara, Mexico Nebraska Association for Translators American Literary Translators Association and Interpreters 30th Anniversary Conference 8th Annual Regional Conference “Celebrating the Past, Imagining the Future” December 27–30, 2007 Bellevue, Nebraska Richardson, Texas Modern Language Association 123rd Annual Convention Chicago, Illinois September 29-30, 2007 November 15-18, 2007 Atlanta Association of Interpreters and American Council on the Translators Teaching of Foreign Languages August 4–7, 2008 1st Annual Conference 41st Annual Convention & Exposition International Federation of Translators “Language and Terminology” “Bridging Cultures Through Languages” 18th FIT World Congress Atlanta, Georgia San Antonio, Texas Shanghai, China

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44 The ATA Chronicle June 2007 ATA JUNE 07 BI-REV.qxd 5/24/07 12:34 AM Page 45

Compiled by Dictionary Reviews Boris Silversteyn [email protected]

ANTIDOTE RX ANTIDOTE RX is an elec- vated, you will need to contact Druide tronic prescription against the many Informatique if you change your com- Publisher: poisons of artful composition and sty- puter or reinstall your hard drive. Druide Informatique, Inc. listic elegance that invoke the Celtic During the installation process you wisdom of a Druid reborn in the elec- will also be prompted to enter informa- Publication date: tronic age of computational Wizardry. tion into the linguistic settings, 2006 This program will protect you against including: region (Belgium, France, such poisons as drab verbs, weak or Canada); whether you use traditional ISBNs: fuzzy meanings, and the misuse or or modified spelling; an indication of 2-922010-09-0 excessive use of certain forms that can your level of writing proficiency; and 978-2-922010-09-1 make or break your French texts. whether ANTIDOTE RX is to be used ANTIDOTE RX is also an electronic by a woman, a man, or both. All of this Price: prescription with a twist—RX stands information is designed to personalize €119.00 for Révolution dix [Revolution ten], the text checking functions. corresponding to the tenth anniversary Once installed, the powerful text Available from: of Druide Informatique, founded in checker and style guides, together with 1996. the program’s 10 dictionaries, appear (This site will give you a list of vendors in France, consistently as a three-button toolbar Belgium, Canada, Switzerland, and on the Internet.) INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS (see Figure 1 on page 46) on almost all ANTIDOTE RX runs with both of your applications (for example, Reviewed by: MACs and PCs (including Linux). Word, Outlook, Outlook Express, Françoise Herrmann PowerPoint, Excel, InDesign, For PCs Illustrator, WordPerfect, Internet • Pentium II (Pentium III recommended) Explorer, Hotmail/ Yahoo! Mail, Lotus • 128 MB of RAM (256 MB recom- Notes, Eudora, FireFox, WordPad, mended) GroupWise, Lotus Notes, and many • 130 MB of hard disk space (400 more specific to MAC OS and Linux). MB during installation) It is with these three easy-to-use buttons • Windows XP/2000/2003 (and their drop-down menus) that you • CD-ROM drive. will activate all or specific functions of ANTIDOTE RX. You can also access For Macs ANTIDOTE RX from the Programs • MAC OS X (Panther or Tiger) menu, from the Tools menu in MS • PowerPC or Intel Word, by using the ANTIDOTE RX vial • 128 MB of RAM (256 MB recom- icon next to the clock on the Windows mended) toolbar, or with a right click on any • 130 MB of hard disk space highlighted word. • CD-ROM drive. FEATURES ANTIDOTE RX is installed with a User Manual French Installation Wizard, which will Consistent with the organizing prompt you, when it is done, to unlock metaphor of Druids and magical the security feature with your serial potions, the 120-page user manual, number. Remember to follow this pro- including a fairly extensive bibliography cedure, or you will only be able to use and an index, is called Posologie the program for a 30-day trial. (posology). It will supply you with all Activating the security feature is also you need to know about Le remède à your ticket to free technical help until tous vos mots (the remedy for all your 2009. Once the security feature is acti- words). You will also be able to ➡

The ATA Chronicle June 2007 45 ATA JUNE 07 BI-REV.qxd 5/24/07 12:34 AM Page 46

Dictionary Reviews Continued

read in more detail about all the features Figure 1: The ANTIDOTE RX borrowings, anomalies, or levels of that are only addressed briefly, or toolbar: Checker, Dictionaries, language. For example, I was alerted omitted, in this review. and Guides to the questionable use of the expres- sion Suite à (Following [our conversa- Mega-Tools tion]…) at the beginning of a ANTIDOTE RX offers three mega- sentence—which differed from the tools for writing: preferred use of Pour faire suite à... or En référence à... (In reference to…)— 1. An advanced text checker that options. For example, you will be among several additional suggestions includes enhanced spelling, gram- alerted, with an explanation, to all the and references to sources. matical, and typographical checking, extra spaces in your text and to Advanced syntactic checking, how- as well as filters for the revision and whether these are just typos or incor- ever, is only one of the functions of the computational analysis of your text. rectly used spaces, such as those ANTIDOTE RX text checker. In the text spacing errors that may occur checker window, you will also be able 2. Ten dictionaries (definitions, phrases, between quantities and units of meas- to obtain a detailed evaluation of your synonyms, antonyms, concordances, urement or currency. Similarly, since performance, on a five-point scale conjugations, word families, analo- the ANTIDOTE RX text checker relies from Novice to Druid, and a computa- gies, citations, and anagrams) that on the rules contained in all of the tional analysis of your text that would open on a single screen for any given Guides to the pitfalls of the French make your WordCount function blush! word you highlight. language (575 articles!), as well as on The computational analysis includes a the information contained in the pro- rainbow-colored pinwheel with a 3. A series of references, called gram’s 10 dictionaries, the text breakdown per parts of speech, and Guides, to the pitfalls of the French checker’s sensitivity to language use counts that include words per phrase, language. is far more sophisticated. As a result, phrases per paragraph, and characters you are alerted to imperfect usage, per word, in addition to traditional Each of these mega-tools casts mul- such as regionalisms, false cognates, WordCount functions. tiple, or prismatic, views on your text, and together they will assist you to get Figure 2: The ANTIDOTE RX text checker window rid of surface errors and to change or polish the text in deeper and more unexpected ways.

Text Checker The ANTIDOTE RX text checker captures your text in an interactive window where errors are marked and explained in mouseover boxes (see Figure 2). In reference to what a bun- dled spell checker does for spelling, capital letters, punctuation, and var- ious grammatical errors, you will find that ANTIDOTE RX supplies a far more heightened and diversified sen- sitivity to those traditional spell checking functions, including more detailed alerts to questionable uses, misuses, or preferred stylistic forms, and the ability to interact with the checker for more explanations and

46 The ATA Chronicle June 2007 ATA JUNE 07 BI-REV.qxd 5/24/07 12:34 AM Page 47

Figure 3: The ANTIDOTE RX Dictionary Window with the Concordance taneously on a single screen each time Dictionary open for a search on the word poste [job] you highlight a word. It may be used in the pop-up mode during the com- posing process, for example, as you search for another word that is more precise or verify the conjugation of a verb. You may also use the Dictionary window in conjunction with the text checker for text revision. Having all of these dictionaries open at the same time, along with the ability to scroll through them on a single screen, saves you a significant amount of time in the already lightning fast electronic mode. ANTIDOTE RX also supplies you with a much prized concordance dic- tionary, enabling you to find the most statistically significant context of a word. For example, say you want to find a verb other than envoyer (to send) that co-occurs specifically with courier (mail). The concordances returned include expédier, addresser, verbs, such as to have, to be, to do, or and dépêcher (expedite, address, and Revision Tool to get, and recommends that you find dispatch), one of which you may use In addition to text checking inter- richer or more precise verbs or in your text with a single click on the actions, there is an extensive Revision expressions to make your text more Remplacer (Replace) button in the tool, which will help you make deci- elegant and exciting. Dictionary window. sions about your text based on a series of filters. There are a total of 32 filters Inspection Tool Guides Tool that may be applied to your text. The Inspection tool supplies you The Guides tool may become your Among these filters you will find with computational feedback on the new source of grammatical informa- Repetitions, which highlights repeated parts of speech in your text. This, in tion, style manual, or crash course in words and recommends that you combination with the other tools linguistics. It is packed with easy to verify whether the repetitions are war- available in the ANTIDOTE RX text access information on every aspect of ranted in terms of marking emphasis checking mode, will enable you to the French language, including some or precision, or whether they are over- explore your text from many unsus- fascinating articles about contempo- used (in which case, you would then pected perspectives, each of which rary French language usage and find alternatives in the synonyms dic- you can further adjust for more sensi- regional variations in the section tionary). You will also find a tivity depending, for example, on your called Points de langue (Language Charnières (links) filter, which high- own proficiency and level of tolerance points). For example, in the article lights all of the links coordinating the in reference to a norm. (There are 20 Pause chocolat (Chocolate breaks), ideas of your text, and recommends pages dedicated to the settings of the you will discover the differences that you verify the logical relationship text checker in the Posologie!) between tablette and barre (bars and that is invoked each time. My favorite slabs), and baton, bille, and carré filter, however, is a stylistic one called Dictionary Window (squares, beads, and sticks). Also, in Verbes ternes (dull/drab verbs), which The Dictionary window (see the article Histoire d’@ (History of highlights all those multipurpose Figure 3) opens 10 dictionaries simul- @), you will discover the ➡

The ATA Chronicle June 2007 47 ATA JUNE 07 BI-REV.qxd 5/24/07 12:34 AM Page 48

Dictionary Reviews Continued

medieval and Iberian origins of this not without unintended side effects. will only regret that there is no ANTI- character, which is called arroba in Translators will need to determine DOTE RX for English and all your French. those revisions and stylistic suggestions other languages. that do not compromise the faithfulness Overall Evaluation or accuracy of their translations. In the ANTIDOTE RX’s advanced prisms process of using ANTIDOTE RX, sec- for spelling, punctuation, and syntax, as ondary effects will also include an well as those referring to pragmatics, increased awareness of language uses. Françoise Herrmann is a freelance semantics, style, or logic, such as repe- Thus, for translators with a pre-existing translator and interpreter for French and titions, the degree of positive or nega- inclination for languages, this is a must- English (sometimes Spanish) based in San tive emphasis, the use of drab or have tool that will supply advanced Francisco, California. She occasionally teaches inexpressive verbs, or the logical artic- assistance for correction and revision, scientific translation at the Monterey Institute ulations between ideas, will guide you and, by the same token, send your of International Studies. Contact: through previously uncharted territory awareness of language uses to new and [email protected] or in your text. This remedy, however, is greater heights. Get it and enjoy! You

New Certified Members Active Membership Review Congratulations! The following people have successfully passed Congratulations! The Active Membership Review Committee is pleased ATA’s certification exam: to grant active or corresponding member status to:

English into Chinese Roger Martin Active Paloma García Romero Corresponding Lily Chen Coral Gables, FL Fadel K. Jabr Apple Valley, MN Michael C. Ferreira Arcadia, CA Dearborn, MI Long Beach, CA Arabic into English Anna Y. Sarzynski Iolanta I. Paneva English into Spanish Aline A. Blumetti Owings Mills, MD Toronto, Ontario, Canada Paola C. Gazzaneo San Clemente, CA Montevideo, Uruguay Josefina Vidal Noemie I. Parrat Santa Monica, CA Tallahassee, FL

Translation getting it right Translation: Getting it Right “By applying even half the tips in this guide, you will improve A guide to buying translations your chances of getting a translation that works.” Translation: Getting it Right is an ATA client education booklet

an americ tors available in print and online. ATA members can order up to 100 transla tion ssocia a copies at no cost. To download a PDF copy of this booklet, visit

48 The ATA Chronicle June 2007 ATA JUNE 07 BI-REV.qxd 5/24/07 12:34 AM Page 49

Success by Association Iowa Interpreters and Translators Association

• Acronym: (IITA) • Contact: The Iowa Interpreters and P.O. Box 12031 Quick • Established: 2004 Translators Association (IITA), an Des Moines, IA 50312 ATA affiliate group, is a nonprofit • Area Served: Iowa Tel: (515) 865-3873 organization. Incorporated in 2004, • Website: (515) 255-5327 (President) Facts (515) 278-5841 (Secretary) IITA has the following mission: (515) 237-3917 (Treasurer) • To promote the recognition of the translation and interpretation pro- fessions in Iowa. current e-mail addresses will receive Benefits and Activities an e-mail invitation to join soon. • To promote the communication Conference: IITA conferences feature and dissemination of knowledge a combination of plenary and regular Newsletter: IITA Links is the associa- for the benefit of Iowa’s translators sessions, along with exhibitors. IITA’s tion’s new online publication. Please and interpreters. third annual conference, being held contact [email protected] to submit this month in Des Moines, Iowa, fea- an article or to share an idea for what • To formulate and maintain stan- tures keynote speaker ATA President you would like to see covered. dards of professional ethics, prac- Marian S. Greenfield. In addition, IITA tices, and competence. is hosting an ATA certification exam. Website: In addition to membership and general information, IITA’s website • To stimulate and support the IITA Directory of Translators and ( contains a calendar of training of Iowa’s translators and Interpreters: Lists the current names events (conferences, training, testing, interpreters. and contact information for IITA meetings); an online membership direc- members. tory; and frequently asked questions. A • To represent actively the profes- members only section is under develop- sional interests of Iowa’s transla- IITA Yahoo! discussion Group/List- ment that will include: IITA’s member- tors and interpreters to actual and server: Open to all members, this ship directory; IITA’s articles of potential users of translation and group provides a way for members to incorporation and bylaws; nominations interpretation services. share and receive information about procedures; annual conference meeting upcoming events, post questions about minutes; and board minutes. • To promote professional and social terminology, protocol, and other areas relations among IITA members. of the profession. All members with

In addition to its affiliation with ATA, ATA chapters, affiliates, and local groups serve translators and interpreters in specific geo- IITA is an organizational member of graphic areas. They provide industry information, networking opportunities, and support the National Association of Judiciary services to members at the local level and act as liaisons with the national association. This Interpreters and Translators and the column is designed to serve as a quick resource highlighting the valuable contributions Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf. these organizations are making to the Association and the profession as a whole.

TIP-Lab 16th Distance Spanish Open to English into Spanish translators worldwide. Excellent command of both Spanish and English is required. Translation/Revision Workshop Registration on a first-come-first-served basis. For information, call, fax, or e-mail: TIP-Lab, c/o Alicia Marshall July to December 2007 (847) 869-4889 (phone/fax); [email protected]; or

The ATA Chronicle June 2007 49 ATA JUNE 07 BI-REV.qxd 5/24/07 12:34 AM Page 50

The Translation Inquirer John Decker [email protected]

Of late, I have edited a lot rides/gaming tables). Slashes result of work by other translators. Editing from laziness or a writer’s desire to means paying attention to, among appear ever-so-trendy. Readers must Abbreviations other things, punctuation. If the var- apply the mental effort to decipher used with this column ious forms of punctuation could have how the items separated by a slash are personal slogans, the one for the linked. In recent editing, this editor D–Dutch G–German trendy slash would be a brazen, “I’ll eliminated 99% of all slashes, judging E–English H–Hungarian never tell!” Slashes can indicate two that they hindered communication. [E]–English I–Italian opposites or contrasting options Not to worry: another similar project acceptable as an N–Norwegian (go/no go), synonyms (toilets/rest is coming soon, with the signal-to- answer; the Po–Polish rooms), or similar items within a gen- slash ratio probably even lower this original query did Pt–Portuguese eral category where perhaps, a gener- time. My delete button is ready, ation ago, an ampersand could have waiting, and eager. not involve English R–Russian been used (amusement park F–French Sp–Spanish

New Queries ProZ. The information technology included, “Gesetz über Ordnungs- (E-G 6-07/1) Clear working days, as a phrase in English was “Wpar %s is not widrigkeiten, OwiG”). Who can help term in a contract, is anything but checkpointable,” and if this bold-print with this? clear. The context phrase that made a bit of terminology is common in the ProZer unhappy was: but in any case world of software, then I am pro- (G-E 6-07/8) A ProZer stumbled over no less than five (5) clear working foundly ignorant. What does it refer to? “Schnüffelloch” in the following days before the 15th day of each robotics context: “Eine aus G 89 13 month. Does this refer to weather? (E-Sp 6-07/5) Academic writing in 278 bekannte Gebarmatur für eine English often uses the word construc- hydraulische Bremse oder Kupplung (E-G 6-07/2) A winding-down session tion in a way that can be confusing, as enthält einen verstellbaren Anschlag is a clear concept in English when in the case of this ProZer who was für den Kolben, mit dem der referring to the end of an exercise trying to produce decent Spanish from Abstand zwischen Dichtkante und period, but, as a member of ProZ this phrase: But if the concept of heresy Schnüffelloch und damit der Leerweg pointed out, “wie sag ich’s meinem was no longer tenable in the public einstellbar ist.” Any ideas? Kinde?” The child must have a ready sphere, the rationale behind it was still way in German to know what this there: the construction of religious (I-Sp [E] 6-07/9) In engineering refers to, and we can help. identity, fear of the other, and main- mechanics, “lubrorefrigerante” puz- taining boundaries…. What, the ProZ zled a ProZer trying to go from Italian (E-H 6-07/3) Here is some bad geeky user asks, do you make of construction into Spanish. The overall context quoted stuff, and the translator deserves credit followed by three or more elements? was too long, but here is part of it: “Non for appealing for help with the è necessario l’utilizzo di olio intero Hungarian for only two words, pin (F-G [E] 6-07/6) In an ordinary stamp (anche se è comunque possibile). page. The entire sentence reads: There beneath a notarized certificate of pur- L’impiego di acqua emulsionata (con are only MJPG and YUY2 of Color chase there appeared, with nothing else, olio solitamente dal 3% al 10%) com- format on Option/Video Capture pin the words “droits de timbre sur état.”A porta un sensibile risparmio economico page of the image software AmCap. ProZer wants to know if anyone has a nell’acquisto del lubrorefrigerante… .” The Translation Inquirer does not seri- clue about the final two words. ously expect any answers for this, so (Po-E 6-07/10) The medical term “prze- prove him wrong! (G-E 6-07/7) A ProZ correspondent wodneinie w jamah op∏ucnowych,” had trouble with the abbreviation referring to the lungs, caused difficul- (E-I 6-07/4) Here is some more geeki- OwiG in a context of legal misde- ties for a member of ProZ. Is anyone ness, as presented by a member of meanors. The context sentence willing to try?

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(R-D [E] 6-07/11) I am glad to see rear. Peter Christensen’s rendering: (Sp-E 2-07/10) (Campana con inter- Russian back in this column after a Tall passengers will be less than ceptor de contratiraje): Luis Zepeda few months’ absence. We need good delighted with the car’s sexy, swept- says this should be chimney with down Dutch for this fairly clear agricultural back roofline that leaves them little draft interceptor, and recommends term, namely what is in bold print in headroom in the back. as a the following quote: ddjpbvfz gjl- reference on this with photographs. rfhfynbyyfz ghjlerwbz !gjlrfh- (G-Po [E] 3-07/6) (freihändiges Thanks! fynbyysq vfnthbfk> gjlrfhfynbyysq Sprechen): Nina Sattler-Hovdar calls it uhep@> nfhf b egfrjdrf ljk;ys ,snm hands-free communication in English, (Sp-E 3-07/10) (gastos necesarios cdj,jlys jn dhtlbntktq hfcntybq... noting that the people in the kitchen para su radicación): This, says What might it be? can communicate with the waiters, Graciela Daichman, probably refers to and vice versa, without having to keep the permanent “residence” of an (Sp-E 6-07/12) An abbreviation, pressing buttons. (Check page 49 of imported vehicle in the country. In “c.s.p.,” made life difficult for a ProZ the March issue for the full context.) Argentina, radicarse, from the Latin denizen trying to produce English radix, means to establish roots. Sandra from a text coming from Bogotá. The (I-F [E] 3-07/7) (corrispettivo): Very Bravo defines them as expenses you abbreviation comes at the end of this rarely do we get a response of this need to pay for customs clearance short message: “galería café libro kind. Elizabeth Hill reports that the and/or registration, in the case of an qué Bohemia! c.s.p.” Can anything be word can be left untranslated. Indeed, imported product. Carl Stoll offers made of this? to read well in the target language, it procedure of registering a vehicle. should be left out along with its prepo- (Sp-E 6-07/13) This query comes sitions. According to Elizabeth, it is This last column was quite full, and from the world of pop culture. Below just a bit of clutter that characterizes there are many people to thank. We the name of a musical group on an Italian legalese. If only Italian suffered have a good organization. When advertisement were the words “Soca y from such clutter! But Carl Stoll wants trouble came for this column last year Fusión.” What do they mean? a real equivalent for this, and offers due to a lack of responses, it was payment consideration, in the sense of during the summer months. Keep them Replies to Old Queries quid pro quo. coming during the dog days! (G-E 3-07/5) (Wer allerdings zu den Sitzriesen zählt): For this, which is (N-G 3-07/8) (som-bygget dokumen- This column is solely intended as a means of facili- quoted in full on page 49 of the March tasjon): For Peter Christensen, there tating a general discussion regarding terminology column, Carl Stoll offers the laconic: was no doubt that this Norwegian term choices. For feedback regarding pressing terminology The roof of the car slopes downward had been borrowed. Looking up as- questions, please try one of these online forums: in the rear. This looks very elegant, but built documentation on Google, he Lantra-L ( is impractical, since it restricts head- found lots of hits. The German equiv- .htm), (, or Translators Café room in the rear seats. Hakan Uyar alent was Bestandsdokumentation,a ( explains that this kind of car styling term that registered 27,000 hits, so it is Address your queries and responses to The results from the designer’s dilemma a safe translation, along with Translation Inquirer, 112 Ardmoor Avenue, Danville, that the more attractive a car looks Baubestandsdokumentation. Nina Pennsylvania 17821, or fax them to (570) 275- from the outside (curvy and stream- Sattler-Hovdar agrees with Peter about 1477. E-mail address: [email protected]. Please lined), the more problems you get with the English, but offers additional make your submissions by the first of each month to space on the inside. His offering: choices in German: Bestandspläne, be included in the next issue. Generous assistance from People taller than average can take Bestandszeichnungen. Per Dohler, proofreader, is gratefully acknowledged. little advantage of the stylish, but not so practical, roofline, which loses a lot (Pt-E 2-07/9) (elucubrações): Edmea more than usual in height while McCarty simply calls these laborious reaching to the back, which certainly studies. cuts down valuable headroom in the

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Humor and Translation Mark Herman [email protected] Humor In Unexpected Places

A translator reads the original very die selige Burg, sie steht nun fest gebaut. closely, and in so doing may find humorous nuances over- Das Prachtgemäuer prüft’ ich selbst, looked not only by previous translators, but also by those ob alles fest, forscht’ ich genau; reading the text in its original language. This has been dis- Fasolt und Fafner fand ich bewährt; cussed before in these pages, in the columns on the Iliad— kein Stein wankt im Gestemm. “The Classics” (October 1997) and “Irony in the Iliad” (August 2003)—and the column on the ancient Roman poet [Donner and Froh [Wotan’s brothers-in-law] are thinking Sextus Propertius—“Prejudice” (July 2005). Bringing this of a cozy home, humor to light is not always appreciated. Ezra Pound was if they would woo mates, they must be glad of a house. excoriated by traditional critics for finding humor in A proud hall, a strong castle, Propertius, as are many who defy received opinion about a was accordingly Wotan’s desire. “classic.” House and yard, hall and castle, But great writers often mix comedy and tradegy. How the happy fortress now stands solidly built. else can they mirror life? I tested the splendid masonry myself, Consider Richard Wagner’s Der Ring des Nibelungen I scrupulously inspected to check if all was firm; [The Nibelung’s Ring], discussed on several previous occa- I found Fasolt and Fafner [the two giants who built sions in this column. This 15-hour-long, 4-opera epic ends Valhalla] trustworthy; with the gods and their world going up in flames. Can a no stone totters on its support.] catastrophe of such biblical proportions include humor? Of course! The singable translation by Ronnie Apter and me, which the In the Ring, Loge is both a person and the all-consuming performer can inject with more or less irony as he wishes, runs: fire itself. He is an invention of Wagner, probably a combi- nation of the Norse trickster, liar, and shape-shifter Loki Donner and Froh are thinking of settling down. and the Norse fire-giant Logi. (Note that one of Loki’s Now that they’ve got a house, they must be glad. main shape-shifting forms is a salmon, and his name is ety- A stately home, a sturdy hall, mologically related to “lox.”) Loge’s humor often consists wasn’t that your desire? of his deflation of the gods’ pretentions. House and hall, fort and court For example, Valhalla is Wotan’s mighty castle in the air are solidly built: your stronghold stands secure. (literally), built by giants and approachable only via a I tested everything myself: rainbow bridge over the Rhine. In Valhalla’s halls, Wotan will each door and gate, pillar and post. revel with slain heroes; from Valhalla’s exalted heights, Fasolt and Fafner worked very well: Wotan shall rule the entire world. But in Loge’s estimation, the castle will not fall. Valhalla is merely a newly built family home that he (Loge) has just inspected, found to meet building code requirements, and is happy to present with a verbal certificate of occupancy: Herman is a librettist and translator. Submit items for future columns via Donner und Froh, die denken an Dach und Fach, e-mail to [email protected] or via snail mail to Mark Herman, 1409 wollen sie frei’n, ein Haus muß sie erfreu’n. E. Gaylord St., Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858-3626. Discussions of the translation of Ein stolzer Saal, ein starkes Schloß, humor and examples thereof are preferred, but humorous anecdotes about danach stand Wotans Wunsch. translators, translations, and mistranslations are also welcome. Include copy- Haus und Hof, Saal und Schloß, right information and permission if relevant.

ATA’s 48th Annual Conference Start Planning Now October 31–November 3, 2007 See details on page 55! San Francisco, California

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New Jersey Judiciary

Spanish Interpreter Vacancies Looking for a dynamic, multicultural work environment? We think we might fit the bill… Superior Court of New Jersey We are looking for FINANCIAL TRANSLATORS: Cumberland/Gloucester/Salem Vicinage Cumberland County Courthouse German to English English to German Bridgeton, New Jersey German to Italian

Court Interpreter (Spanish) The candidates should have native fluency, a degree, diploma or Provide interpretation services for court staff and the equivalent qualification in translation and experience translating financial texts. public They should also Court Interpreter 2 (Master) x have good IT skills $55,141.20 - $83,116.71 x be accustomed to working with Windows applications as well as with industry-standard translation tools supplied by Trados Court Interpreter 1 () x be comfortable working in an international environment, value a multicultural environment and enjoy taking initiative. $52,020.00 - $73,868.40 Vicinage XV Operations Division We are located in Weehawken, New Jersey - directly across the Hudson River from New York City. Attractive terms of employment, Applicants should submit a cover letter and current flexible working hours and a team-oriented environment with good career development opportunities complete the package. résumé complete with the job announcement number and both day and evening telephone numbers to: Interested? Then please send your resume and references to info- [email protected]. For more information about our company Joan P. Morisky, VHRM visit our website at We look forward Human Resources Division to hearing from you. Cumberland County Courthouse West Broad & Fayette Streets Bridgeton, NJ 08302 E-mail: [email protected] ANNOUNCEMENT # 07-03 August 4-7, 2008 Superior Court of New Jersey Union Vicinage XVIII World Congress Union County Court House of the International Federation of Elizabeth, New Jersey Translators (FIT) Court Interpreter 2 (Master) $55,141.20 - $83,116.71 “Translation and Cultural Diversity” Court Interpreter 1 (Journey) Shanghai International Convention Center $52,020.00 - $73,868.40 Shanghai, China Applicants should submit a cover letter and current résumé complete with the job announcement number and both day and evening telephone numbers to: The FIT World Congress, which has been held every three years since Edward L. Trueblood, Esq. 1953, is one of the most prestigious and influential international gather- Human Resources Manager ings in the global translation community. It traditionally attracts 600-700 Union County Courthouse 2 Broad Street, 16th Floor professionals worldwide to engage in professional development, global Elizabeth, NJ 07207 networking, and business pursuits. In 2008, the Congress program will E-mail: [email protected] focus on the theme of “Translation and Cultural Diversity.” ANNOUNCEMENT # No. 07-04 For more information (available in English, French, and Chinese), please For specific details, go to: visit or e-mail [email protected]

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