Roger Drinkall Resigns; Conflicts Cited Scheduled for a February, 1^77 Opening Is Journey to Jefferson, Robert L
IS The No 25 vol. wr niversity tfMpriff, 1976 Pi Omicron To Become - Oliver, Godspell Phi Sigma Sigma Slated for Members of one of UTC's local Kidney Foundation, since kidney disease sororities have voted to affiliate is the leading killer of women in America themselves with a national organization. today." Phi Sigma Sigma, according to Kathy Talking about the sorority's plans here UTC Theatre Harbison, president of Pi Omicron. at UTC, Ms. Bolshow commented lasl The UTC Theatre Board of Managers Harbison revealed that the sisters of Pi week, "The girls are talking already aboul ha.» approved and announced the major Omicron met last week with a Phi Sigma attending leadership workshops al our productions lor the I(>7(>-77 season, citing Sigma respresentativc, Nancy Bolshow, and National Convention this summer." She a notable change in the directions of after careful deliberation decided on the noted that enthusiasm within the group is campus drama. Bob Selcer, President of move to "go national." They are now very high. the UTC Theatre, announced Ihs slate on awaiting the approval of Chancellor James Ms. Harbison concurred with Ms. Tuesday, March 30, explaining that the I Drinnon, Jr. before beginning the Bolshow assessment of her group's selections had been chosen by the Board pledging process. enthusiasm and several Pi Omicron in consultation with Dr. David Wiley, head Phi Sigma Sigma Fraternity, founded in members hastened to add that in their of 'he Department of Theatre and Speech, 1913 at Hunter College in New York, is opinion, "It's time for a fourth national anu Jim Lewis, faculty advisor of the known more as a northern sorority but is sorority here al UTC." Nancy Bolshow, Field Representative for group.
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