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14_044803 bindex.qxp 12/11/06 10:38 PM Page 301 Index See also Accommodations and Restaurant indexes, below. GENERAL INDEX Aquinnah, 67, 70 boating, 114–115 accommodations, 289–291 outdoor activities, 114–116 Aquinnah Beach (Gay Head), restaurants, 126–127 AAA (American Automobile 6, 273 traveling to, 112 Association), 55 Area code, 55 visitor information, 112, 114 The Academy Playhouse, 185 Armchair Bookshop, 140 The Barnstable Comedy Club, Accommodations Art galleries. See also Arts and 128 best, 8 crafts Bartlett’s Ocean View Farm, 260 family-friendly, 50–51 Dennis, 140 Baseball reservations services, 50 Martha’s Vineyard, 272, Bourne, 88 tips on, 50–55 282–283 Brewster, 152 Web surfing for, 37–38 Nantucket, 242 Chatham, 168 Actors’ Theatre of Nantucket, Orleans, 180 Dennis, 139 262 Provincetown, 217–218 Falmouth, 97 Addison Art Gallery, 180 West Barnstable, 118 Harwich, 159 Adventure Isle, 88 Art House, 229 Hyannis and Cotuit, 116 African-American travelers, 35 Arts and crafts Orleans, 179–180 Agricultural Society Annual Live- Brewster, 152 Yarmouth, 131 stock Show and Fair, 281 Chatham, 168–169 Bass River Beach, 129–130 Agricultural Society Livestock Dennis, 140 Baxter’s Boat House, 128 Show and Fair, 25 Falmouth, 98 Bay State Cruise Company, Airfares, 37, 41–42 Harwich, 160 44–45 Airlines, 28, 39–40 Martha’s Vineyard, 282 Bay State Cruises, 210 Airport security, 40, 41 Nantucket, 242 The Beachcomber, 13, 204 Albert Merola Gallery, 217 Orleans, 180 Beaches. See also specific Alley’s General Store, 299 Sandwich, 79 beaches American
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