bfJUBLK «^ Leidersdorf & Mendel, , WISCONSIN,

Sol» Proprietors and Manufacturers of the Celebrated

THADE-MAR (Trade Mark saourod for all countrlss.) THE AMERICAN GENTLEMAN'S FINE CUT, CHEWING AND SMOKING TOBACCOS. "OLD ABE" Long Cut Cavendish, for Pipes and Cigarettes. "OLD ABE" one and two ounce Fine Cut, in tin foil packages. "OLD ABE" Killikinnick Smoking, in doth bags.



Ask for these Tobaccos. They are for sale everywhere. QmS^-VT^^ •+•

— OF THE - ^'^t-'^ ^IF^. C 01S5^ i^;


— BY THE —


Americaii Manufactures, Inventions, Arts and Industrial Products.


Exposition Building, Fifth, Sixth., State and Cedar Streets,




JOHN PLANKINTON, President, FRED. PABST, First Vice President. JOHN R. GOODRICH, Second Vice President CHAS. G. STARK, Treasurer. , EDWARD W. HINCKS, Secretary.













Superintendent of Exhibition Hall and Ass't Manager.


Superintendent of Art Department. (OIL PAINTINGS AND WATER COLORS.)


Superintendent of Art Department.



Superintendent of Decorative Art Department. MRS. S. S. FRACKELTON.

Superintendent of Educational Department.


Master Meclianic and Machinist.


Chief of Fire Department.

A. E. FOOTE. ^ f


T was intended that this Catalogue should be arranged by classes I as indicated in the Prospectus issued last May, but so few of the exhibitors have complied with the request of the Manager to make separate applications for space and return separate lists of entries in each class, that it is impossible at this late day to carry out the plan proposed, and therefore the exhibits are grouped only under the heads of the several departments, in which the names of the exhibit­ ors are arranged alphabetically. Announcement was made in the Prospectus, through the press, and by circulars addressed to business men, that applications for space could be made from June 1st to July 15th, and that space would be assigned to accepted applicants as early as practicable after the appli­ cations had been received; but many exhibitors delayed making applications until several weeks after the expiration of the allotted time. In'all cases where it was possible space has been assigned to the dilatory applicants, and in some instances it has been necessary to place them in other departments than those to which their exhibits properly belonged. Every exhibitor has been furnished with blanks upon which to make out lists of the articles proposed to be exhibited, and those who have not promptly responded have repeatedly been requested to till up and return these blanks to the Manager's office ; but several have failed to comply with these requests, and their exhibits are therefore necessarily omitted from the Catalogue. But, notwithstanding the obstacles and delays encountered, it is believed that the Catalogue is reasonably complete for the first year, and it is hoped that on another year a greater degree of promptness will be manifested by exhibitors, rendering it possible to prepare a much more complete and satisfac­ tory list. EDW. W. HINCKS, Manager. Milwaukee, Wis., Aug. 25th, 1881.

^^ #


DEPARTMENT A. Agricultural Machinery and Implements.

Name of Exhibitor. Articles Exhibited. Value. No.

American Grinding MilljCorn and Cob Grinder, with horse Co., , 111. .- power combined 125 00 Portable Grinding Mill, 20 inch 300 00 Iron Mill 75 00 Pair Hard and Soft Iron Grinding Disks Henry Bloedel, Fond du Combined Seeder, Cultivator and Lac, Wis. Corn Cultivator 65 00 Blair and Fiske Manf. Co-, ' Easy" Lawn Mowers, 10 to 30 inclies Springfield, Mass. for hand use Wm. Bagley, Milwaukee Stable Fixtures- Geo. C. Cribb, Milwaukee 3 Plows (Part of Exhibit in Hor­ 2 Cultivators 9 ticultural Hall). Harrow 10 2 Corn Planters 11 Victor Horse Rake 12 Knives, Sections, etc., for Reapers. 13 3 Sorghum Mills 14 3 Hand Corn Shelters 15 Power Corn Sheller 16 Young Am. Feed Mill 17 Premium Feed Mill 18 3 Feed>Cutters 19 Forks, Hoes, etc 20 Lawn Mowers 21 4 Churns 22 Barb Fence Wire 2a Road Scraper -.. 24 Bell 25 Case of Scythes and Axes 26 2 Wringers 27 J. I. Case Threshing Ma­ Farm Engine 1,000 00 28 chine Co., Racine, Wis, Thresher, etc 425 00 29 Portable Saw Mill 550 00 30 Cockle Separator Manu Kurth's Patent Cockle Separator and facturing Co., Milwau Richardson's Dustless Separator kee, Wis. Combined 325 00 31 Beardslee's Patent Grain Cleaner and Separator 225 00 32 Dickey & Pease, Racine, Double Warehouse Fanning Mill 100 00 33 Wis. Single No. 1 Geared Warehouse Fan­ ning Mill 60 00 34 Single No. 2 AVarehouse F^anning Mill 50 ()0 35 Farm Fanning Mill 30 00 36 Adolph J. Dorsch, Mil­ 3 Walking Plows 37 waukee. 1 Sulky Plow - 38 1 Sulky Plow 39 =-4 CATALOGUE OF EXHIBITS.

DEPART]\'IENT K~ Continued.

Name of Exhibitor. Articles Exhibited. Value.

Dorsch & Brother, Mil­ Plow $25 00 waukee, Wis. Potato Hiller and Digger . 15 00 Hay and Straw Cutter 40 00 2 Churns 14 00 George Esterly & Son Twine Binding Harvester- 300 00 Whitewater, Wis Furst & Bradley Mfg. Co., 7 Hand Plows Chicago, 111. Sulky Plow Horse Hay Rake M. C. Goucher, Milwau- Superior Grain Drill kee\ Superior Broadcast Seeder — Thomas Hand Dump Rake — Thomas Self Dump Rake Porter Hay Carrier Walker Hay Fork Rundle Hay Carrier Grapple Hay Fork Walker Hay Carrier Double Harpoon Hay Fork Champion Hay Carrier Single Harpoon Fork Garden City Mill Furnish Wheat Brush 300 00 ing Co., Chicago, 111. Exhaust Fan 225 00 Pressure Blower 125 00 Fuller Johnson, Madison, Harvester and Binder 300 00 Wis. Reaper 145 00 Mower 80 00 Johnson & Field, Racine 1 Farm Fanning Mill 30 00 Wis. 1 Warehouse or Elevator Mill- 50 00 R. M. Kenney, Spring­ Hand Corn Sheller and other sma'^ field, Ohio. articles > Kohler, Hayssen & Stehn, 2 Straw Cutters Sheboygan, Wis. 1 Feed Mill 1 Horse Power 1 Harpoon Hay Fork 2 Horse Hitching-Post --- 1 Iron Fence - • E. J. & Wm. Lindsay, 4 Walking Plows 50 00 Milwaukee. Sulky Plow 45 00 2 Sulky Corn Cultivators - 70 00 2 Reapers 300 00 2 Mowers • 150 00 Self Binding Harvester .. 275 00 Sulky Horse Rake 30 00 2 Threshers 900 00 Thresher Engine 1,000 00 2 Revolving Horse Rakes 10 00 Hay Loader 60 00 2 Hay Tedders • 100 00 2 Horse Forks 15 00 6 Horse Fork Pulleys 2 00 2 Hay Carriers 15 00 5 Corn Shellers 35 00 Vegetable Cutter 12 00 6 Feed Cutters 150 00 4& r" ^Si ^f/% C^G . ^. '^. '^^ '^ '^o 4' $" ^ >cr .<"»• '^^^. # '**^ s %"O^ <$>. \^' ^'-^ V,, ^-o'vS ' '^

CHINA DECORATING WORKS, Office and Show Rooms, 380 East Water Street, And at the Exposition Building, Department J. Residence and Worl

fl®"The attention of visitors is drawn to our Dinner Sett, decorated by hand only, price FIFTEEN HUNDRED DOLLARS. Also to our Underglaze Work on Wisconsin Clays. SI. F. "y..A.XiE & CO.

Wood and Iron Working MACHIKERY, Hall's Fire and Burglar Proof SAFES, And Manufacturers' Supplies. A^o. 99 West Water St., Milwaukee.


Where you will find the largest and finest selections of Woolens and Trimmings in the North­ west, at popular prices. 3sro iPZT, nsTO ip^e^-y. 10 CATALOGUE OF EXHIBITS.

DEPA RTMENT A— Continued.

Name of Exhibitor. Articles Exhibited. Value.

E. & M. J. Lindsay (con­ 5 Farmers' Feed Mills ^300 00 tinued). 2 Cider Mills 50 00 2 Hand Corn Planters 4 00 3 Garden Seed Drills and Cultivators 35 00 5 Lawn Mowers 75 00 Post Hole Digger 3 00 5 Churns 30 00 An assortment of Forks, Kakes, Hoes, Scythes and small tools 75 00 Mads G. Madson, Oslo, Broadcast Grain Seeder 50 00 Wis.

M. V. Matteson, General Eichmond Champion Seeder . - -. 55 00 Agent, Milwaukee,Wis. Eichmond Champion Drill, by the Wayne Agl. Co., of Eichmond, Ind. 75 00 Perry Eoyce Eeaper 125 00 Perry Mower, by Wyckoff, Tuttler & Olin Perry, Wyoming Co., N. Y. .- 75 00 Hubbard Gleaner and Binder, by Graham & Haines, New York 150 00 Eclipse Self Dump Horse Eake 30 00 Eclipse Hand Dump Horse Eake, by Albany Agl. Co., Albany, N. Y 27 00 3 Columbia Chilled Plows Geo. E. Monk, Milwau­ Harvester and Twine Binder 290 00 kee, Wis., General Ag't Combined Eeaper, Imperial 160 00 for McCormick H. M. Iron Mower 75 00 Co., of Chicago, 111. C. W. Mott, Milwaukee, 2 Spring Tooth Harrows Agent for D. C. & H. C. 2 Spring Tooth Corn Cultivators- Eeed & Co., Kalamazoo, Spring Tooth Broad Cast Seeder- Mich. H. M. Olin, Milwaukee, Peerless Eeaper and Mower Com­ Wis. bined 150 00 Peerless Single Eeaper 125 00 Peerless Eear Cut M o wer • 75 00 Peerless Front Cut Mower 70 00 Peerless Dropper and Mower Com­ bined 125 00 Beloit Harvester and Self-Binder (Twine Binder) 300 00 Parker & Denett, Mil­ 1 Harvester and Binder 300 00 waukee. C. L. Pierce, Milwaukee, Improved Ornamental Steel Posts- H. A. Pitts Sons Manf. Black Hawk Threshing Machine-. Co., Chicago, 111. Black Hawk Portable Engine Eussell & Co., Milwaukee, Farm Engine.--- 1,250 00 Wis. Threshing Machine 500 00 Pony Saw Mill • 700 00 E. H. Sabin, Milwaukee, 1 Sulky Plow 65 00 Wis. 5 Plows 75 00 1 Allen Planet, Jr., Firefly Plow... 4 00 1 Allen Planet, Jr., 3-Shovel Plow D. FISCHBECK & SON, — 545 last Water St., Milwaukee, Wis. -^- -•<»> DEALERS IN MANUFACTURERS OF taSE^COLLSRS,


421 East Water Street, MILWAUKEE. ——ss—'— Orders for Book Work, Oonimereial Printing < C. NXASPAR; A^ etc., solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. iAAtiOLfARiAN BOOK STORE!? Estimates cheerfully and promptly given. ^ .k. ^ N? 3 5 Owr.!DA SlREEt;'' English or German Translations furnished. KV i M iWAu KEE. WIS . ?^7;


130 First Avenue, R. Hatch, J. Holbrook, W. S. Keith. •^MIL^VAUKEE. STANLEYS CAMP

<«$-- 108 Wisconsin Street, Milwaukee, Wis.

Have the best line of Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Silver Plated Ware In the city. SEE THEIR DISPLAY IN DEPARTMENT J", fc 12 CATALOGUE OF EXHIBITS.


Name of Exhibitor. Articles Exhibited. Value.

R. H. Sabin, (continued). 1 Randall Harrow - - • 145 00 1 Spring Tooth Harrow 30 00 1 Allen Planet, Jr., Horse Hoe.. — 12 00 1 Allen Planet, Jr., Double Wheel Hoe 9 00 1 Allen Planet, Jr., No. 2 Drill 12 00 1 Allen Planet, Jr., Combined Drill and Wheel Hoe 14 00 1 Tiger Plaster Sower 30 00 1 Triumph Seeder 50 CO 1 Tiger Self-Dump Sulky Rake 30 00 1 Grass Seed Attachment for Tiger Rake -.. 9 00 1 Holingsworth Improved Sulky Rake 25 00 1 Hoosier Hav Carrier 1 No. 5 Dick Feed Cutter and Stalk 9 00 Splitter 1 No. 7 Dick Feed Cutter and Stalli 45 00 Splitter 1 No. 5 Dick Feed Cutter and Stalk 27 00 Splitter (in operation) 1 Horse-power 45 00 Silberzahn & Yung, West Combined Feed Grinder and Cutter- Bend, Wis. Feed Cutter P. S. Smout, Decorah, la. Cabinet Creamer Cream Setters Cream Carriers The Blake, Beebe Co., Fanning Mills and Elevator Machin­ Racine, AVis. ery


General Machinery and Machine Tools.

Name of Exhibitor. Articles Exhibited. Value.

Edw. P. Allis & Co., Mil­ One Gray's Patent Corrugated Chilled waukee. Iron Roller Mill for Granulating Wheat $600 00 One Wegmann's Patent Porcelain Roller Mill for Grinding Middlings mo 00 Baragwanath & Pirn, Chi­ Steam Jacket, Heater and Pin-ifier in cago, 111. operation 500 00 Steam Jacket, Heater and Purifier... 500 00 H. C Bradley, Milwaukee Steam Surface Covering Wm. Bayley, Milwaukee New Patent Rotary Pump. Boston Hvdraulic Motor Water Motor, in operation suyjplyingj Co. the motive power for the engine. H. S. Benjamin, Milwau­ Two Pumps kee. 1 J.ir'arG-nEirLIOJ^ d: 80y, 342, 344 & 346 FOURTH STREET, MILWAUKEE, RIESLING.






ANGELICA. JURALjliJCHAf^ Red Zinfandel.

A^'^ 1,1 III ^^^HA p RV ^^\ MUSCATEL. NORTON'S


PORT. American Claret



Name of Exhibitor. Articles Exhibited. Value.

F. W. Gustav Boettcher Carpenters' Workingbench combined Milwaukee. with turning Lathe, Planer, Shaper, Gigsaw, Boring Machine, Circular Saw and Jointer ^300 00 Geo. M. Conway, Mechan­ No. 4 Berryman Heater and Purifier 650 00 ical Engineer, Milwau­ No. 2 Davis Double Flanged Force kee. Pump 150 00 Conway Shaft Coupling 10 00 Lyman Exhaust Plead Water Catcher 50 00 •Samples of Packing, Oils, etc Hotfmann, Billings & Co., Knowles' Steam Pumps 1,000 00 Milwaukee. Brass and Iron Goods for Steam, Gas, Water, Engineers' and Brewers' Supplies 500 00 Cast Iron, Soil and Green' House Pipe and Fittings, Plumbers' Sup­ plies, Stable Fixtures, Sinks, etc. 150 00 Rubber Hose, Belting, Packing, etc., Leather Belting, etc 100 00 Colby Wringer Co., Mil­ Half dozen Colby Wringers 50 00 waukee. Wentworth Dyke, Nor- Wind Mill for sawing Logs. walk, Mich. Ernest Dewey, Milwau­ Tuyere Irons kee. Wm. Frankfurth & Co., Hand Power Machines for Sawing, Milwaukee. Boring and Turning Wood for Scroll Works Designs, Wood, etc. for making Scroll Work John C. Knoeppel, Mil­ Improved Grate waukee. Bar and Agitating and Dumping De­ vice for Grate Bar Two Working Size Grate for Furnace. Several small working Models One full-size Stationary Grate One full-size Dumping and Shaking Two Models dumped Two Models stationary Aug. F. Lemke, Milwau­ Broom Machinery and Manufacture kee. of Brooms - 75 00 Fred. M. Maybury, Mil­ The Infallible Boiler Compound for waukee. the removal and prevention of lime and incrustation in Steam Boilers, etc. Comet Cement for making re- hable joints in steam, etc Milwaukee Boiler Cover­ Lynch's Patent Combination Felt ing Co., Milwaukee. Dead Air Space Covering for Boilers, Pipes, etc Truman Merriam & Co., Specimen of Steam Pipe and Boiler Milwaukee. Coverings STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION

-OF THE — fortliwesferii latiial iflsiiraiice f ompao OF MIL^A^AUKEE, WIS., July 1, 1881.

Cash Capital, $600,000 00 Surplus, 428,406 63 $1,028,406 68

ASSETS. Market Value. U. S. Registered Bonds, Currency 6s % 132,000 00 4s 245,700 00 4>^ 114,000 00 Total U. S. Bonds % 491,700 00 Milwaukee Water Bonds, 7s 18;5,000 00 " County " 8s 26,680 00 Milwaukee & St. Faul Railway 1st Mortgage Bonds, P. du C. Div., 8s 20,100 00 Chi., Mil. & St. Paul " " " Chicago Div., 7s 63,000 00 Loans on Bonds and Mortgage, 1st lien on Real Estate in the City of Milwaukee, 6 to 8 per cent, (nothing loaned to directors or stockholders) 145,000 00 Cash on hand and in Bank 47,274 18 Premiums in course of collection 28,367 50 Bills Receivable 13,337 50 Salvages and other securities • 4,550 00 Accrued Interest 5,044 79 Due from Insurance Companies 852 66

81,028,406 63 LIABILITIES. Cash Capital 1600,000 00 Re-Iusurance Reserve, as required by laws of New York 181,190 26 Unpaid Losses 23,183 33 All other Claims against the Company 5,311 15 Net Surplus over all Liabilities, including Capital 218,721 89

81,028,406 63

ALEX. MITCHELL, JOHN P. McOREGOR, President. Secretary. , ALFRED JAMES, W. M. PATTON, Vice President. Ass't Secretary. OMIGl IN MITGEELL BUILDING. rM.



Name of Exhibitor. Articles Exhibited. Value.

O. L. Packard, Milwau­ Centrifugal and Steam Pumps kee. Engines Drilling Machines and Lathes Planer and Matcher Moulding Machine Boss Sand Papering Machine Saw Arbors Band Saw, etc Blowers Exhausters Med art Wrought Iron Rim Pulleys .. Jack Screws Case of Tools Schultz' Patent Fulled Leather Belt ing and Lacing General Display of Machinery Fred'k Richter, Milwau Rotary Shaving Machine for Brewer's kee. use. Copper and Brass Works. - Rundle, Spence & Co. Cameron Steam Pumps 700 00 Milwaukee. Rubber Hose, Belting 100 00 Brass and Iron Goods, Brewery and Mill Supplies - - -. 200 00 Wm. C. Randolph, Phila­ Novelties in Elephant Ivory, Walrus delphia, Pa. Ivory, VegetaVjle Ivory, Bone, Co- quilla Nut, Wood, Pearl Jno. Sander, Newark, N.J, Noiseless Meat Cuttei 225 00 John E. Smith & Son, Buf­ One National Steam Meat Cutter 300 00 falo, N. Y. One Power Meat Cutter 250 00 One Hand Power Meat Cutter..- 75 00 Single Center Spring Co.. One Rotary Car Mover 15 00 Janesville, Wis. Geo. C. Skidmore, Chi­ One Barrel Hoop Sawing Machine -. cago, 111. One Barrel Hoop Planing Machine.. One Barrel Hoop Lapping Machine.. 1- 650 00 One Hoop Coiling Machine One Head Lining Machine Ad. Toellner, Milwaukee. A New Patented Pump named " Tele- hydrant " 15 00 Thompson & Nathanson Twist Drills Boring Tool Co., Mil­ Reamers waukee. Machine Bits Hub Bits. Car Bits Sash, Door and Blind Mortising Chis­ els Agricultural and Hub Mortising Chis­ els Car and Wagon Makers' Mortising H. P. Yale & Co., Mil-One Wood Shaping Machine. 135 00 waukee. y% T ^ESTABLISHED 1855.a— J.H.RICE^FRIEmAm. MANUFACTURERS OF Overalls, Pants, Shirts,





No. 298 East Water Street,





Useful Metals and Their Products.

Name of Exhibitor. Articles Exhibited. Value.

George A. Abert, Milwau­ Cast Iron enameled Hollow Ware. kee. Wm. Bavley, Milwaukee, Berlin Yase Wis. "(Part of Exhibit Tulip Vases in Hort. Hall). Vases and ^Pedestals Fern Chair Rustic Chair Gothic Chair Rustic Settee Fern Leaf Settee Brtod & Co., Proprietors i'iie " Brilliant" Base Burners of the Empire Stove The "Superior" Eanges, for coal and Works, Milwaukee, wood AVis. rhe " Sweet Home " Cook, for wood- The " Liberty " Cook, for coal The "New Champion," for wood The " Pickwick," for wood The " New Ida," Cottage, for coal or wood The "Viola," Heating Stove, for wood- riie "uEtna," Heating Stove, for wood The " Hecla," Heating Stove, for wood The " Ruby," Heating Stove, for coal. Bebb, Thomas & Co. 'J lobe Valves Milwaukee, Wis. >i earn AVhistles Crate Valves Oil Pumps Water Bibbs \ Basin Cocks i i'rass Goods used in Water, Steam and Gas Works Chas. H. Clarke, Milwau Dies, Stamps, Letter Cutting and En­ kee. graving on Metal, etc E. H. Daniels & Co., Mil 2 Meridian Ranges waukee, Wis. 2 Bussy Ranges i Argand Parlor Stoves 1 Invincible Stoves 4 Invincible Parlor Stoves 4 Argand Parlor Stoves 4 Cooking Ranges Iron Ware Tin W^are Dutcher & Vose, Milwau­ L " Fashion "one-half Revertible Coal kee, Wis. Burner Stove 1 " Siphon " Base Burner Stove 2 " Florida" Open Coal Burner Stoves 2 " Grace " Wood Burner Stoves 2 " Ajax " Coal Burner Stoves ' Vanderbilt " Coal Burner Stoves- 1 Furnace Stove "^ Peerless Reaper Company



Oh! For Heavens sake go away, i'l! buy a "PEERLESS" in the morning. The *'PEERLESS" Light Mower, Rear Cut! The "PEERLESS" Light Mower, Front Cut! The "PEERLESS" Combined Reaper and Mower! The "PEERLESS" One Wheel Single Reaper! This is, without oxceiition, the finest hue of REAPERS A

They are the Lightest Draft, Most Durable, Easiest to Operate, Simplest in Construction, and do the Best Work of any m.-chines of their cl*ss now sold. No mat­ ter how hadly the grain or gi-ass is " down " or " tangled," the Peerless will do the work to IJerfection. Any larmer who needs a new Reaper or Mower shonM be sure to examine tUe Peerless before buying. As the Peerless is now well established a* The Favorite of the Farming Community of the Northwest, It IS the best machine for Agents and Dealers to handle. Our terms are fair and liberal, and all of our machines are fully -warranted. A very full and complete line of Repairs for all of our machines, old and new. is al­ ways kept in stock at Mil-waukee, and each of our agents is alwavs kept well supplied with the same. SEND FOR DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE. H. M. OLIM, Genl Agient, Jifo. 230 EAST WATER ST. MILWAUKEE, WIS. 20 CATALOGUE OF EXHIBITS.


Name of Exhibitor. Articles Exhibited. Value.

Dutcher ( Vose (con- 1 " Gold Dust" Wood Cook Stove.... tinued). 1 " Gold Dust" Wood Cook Extension Stove Wm. Frankfurth & Co. " Radiant Home " Parlor Stoves- Milwaukee, Wis. Heating Stoves Ranges and Cook Stoves for Family use French Range Hotel Kitchen Ware House Furnishing Goods Table Ware Japanned Ware Cutlery Warm Air Registers and A'entilators- Specialties in Shelf Hardware Carpenters' and Machinist Tools Wire Screen Sieves C. Hennecke & Co., Mil­ Statuar}^,Pedestals, Brackets for same. waukee (part of exhibit Garden Seats in Horticultural Hall). Garden Furniture Wire Goods .-• Ornamental Iron Work F. Kieckhefer & Bros., Manufactured Tin Ware Milwaukee, Wis. Granite Ware 6 Sizes Aladdin B. B. Heaters 2 Sizes Milwaukee Ranges 2 Sizes Bismarck Ranges Fancy Ranges 5 Iron Stands Fancy Coal Vases 1 Case Payson's Patent Sash Box Fancy Builders' Trimmings 2 Open Grate Heaters Walter Lacy, Milwakee. Patent Odorless and Steamless Cook­ ing Utensils Menominee Mining Co., Samples of Iron Ore Milwaukee, Wis. W. H. Munn & Co., Mil­ 3 Laurel Stoves waukee, Wis. 2 Triumph Stoves 1 Pair Brass Andirons 1 Gas Log 3 Sets Brass Fire Irons 2 Brass Coal Hods North Chicago Rolling Samples of Iron Ore, Pig Iron, Mer­ Mill Co., Milwaukee... chant Bar Iron, Railroad Iron, Bes­ semer Steel Rails, Bessemer Steel Bars, etc - Saml. F. Peacock, Mil- Metallic, Wood and Cloth Caskets.. • waukee. Burial Robes > Casket Handles, etc Wm. X. Pennell, Milwau­ F-ire and Burglar Proof Safes $1,500 00 kee. Phoenix Scale Co., Mil­ Bracket Scales, 3 sizes . waukee. Standing Scales, 2 sizes. Grocer Scale Platform Scale 1m - f mm JSWETT <& S2SSB.MAN CO.,


Pure Ground Spices and Baking Powders a Specialty. DEALERS IN WHOLE SPICES, etc. Cor. BroadwBy & Detroit Sts., - MILWAUKEE. SiMONDs & BROOKE, 382 East Water St., Milwaukee, Wis.


ITie oldest establishment in the city in their line of trade. Carry the largest and most ex­ tensive stock to be found in the West. Manufacture Clothing for Men, Youths, Boys and Children. Do a fine Merchant Tailoring business. Have special designs in Clothing and Woolen Goods patterns. Send samples by mail on application. Make close prices to cash buyers. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. 3S2 East Water St. MIILWAUK] ®J1



Name of Exhibitor. Articles Exhibited. Value. No.

Phoenix Scale Co. (con- Bracket Market Scale 323 tinued). Postal Bracket Scale 324 Postal Counter Scale 32,5 Show Case 326 Dies, Medals, Seals, etc 327 John PritzlaflF, Milwau­ Howes' U. S. Standard Scale 328 kee. Enterprise Coffee Mills 329 Hermann Pietsch, Mil­ 1 Copper Beer Cooler, for Brewer use. 1500 00 330 waukee. St. Louis Stamping Co., Granite Iron Ware 331 St. Louis, Mo. Cooking and Household LTtensils. 332


Ornamental Stone, Building Materials, Sanitary Engineering, Etc.

Name of Exhibitor. Articles Exhibited. Value. No.

W. Bayley, IMilwaukee. No. 8 Marbleized Mantel and Wis. Grate Complete 333 Marbleized Iron Mantel and Grate Complete -• 334 Biersach & Niedermeyer, Galvanized Iron Work 335 Milwaukee. H. Berthelet & Co., Mil­ Cement Sewer Pipe, Chimneys, Cop­ waukee. ing, Vases and Ornamental Work in Cement 336 C. A. Berthelet, Milwau­ Sewer Pipe 337 kee, Wis. Drain Pipe 338 Drain Tile 339 Drain Tile Machines 340 Stone Sign Letters 341 Cellar Floor Pavement 342 Ornaments 343 Cement Sewer Pipe 344 Cement Chimneys 345 Coping - - 346 Well Tubing 347 Garden Vases 348 Davidson & Sons, Milwau­ and Onyx Mantels 349 kee, Wis. (Exhibit in ^Vainscoting 350 Hort. Hall). Dunham House Draining Model 0/ the Dunham System of Co., Chicago, 111. Screw Joint Iron House Drainage William Gill, Milwaukee, A Table Fish 1500 00 352 Wis. Aquarium of Stone. 353 W. B. Harris & Bros., Ornamental and Plain Pressed Eed Zanesville, Ohio. and Black 354 -r^M H. S. MACK & CO.,

MANUFACTURERS OF PANTS. OVERALLS, SHIRTS. And Jobbers of Men's Furnishing Goods, BROADWAY / ND HURON ST. The Largest Stock and Lowest Prices in the Northwest. m

.^^. •^S77":E:IO-:E3IL.XU, WHOLESALE DEALER IN *fi-"E^ IEJ _A^ T !E3I IHJ ~S^ S-?^^ -A.nca. DBed-d-ing", No. 359 East Water Street, - - MILWAUKEE, WIS. (3-OOID"^:E]..Z^:ES ::E^TJ'JS:^:E::^ OO. JAMES SUYDAM, Agent. RUBBER GOODS, Cape Ann Oil Clothing, Leather Belting and Lmng, Table md Carnage Oil Cloths', 372 and 374 East Water Street, Milwaukee, Wis. The only store in Wisconsin or Minnesota connected with Goodyear Rubber Co., New York.






DEPARTMENT D— Continued.

Name of Exhibitor. Articles Exhibited. Value. No.

R. J. Jones, Milwaukee. 1 Cox Patent Metallic Skylight - - - 355 Variety of Roofing Slate 356 Galvanized Iron Cornice 357 Specimens of Slate and Metal Roofing 358 Pearson, Kane &Co., Mil­ Fire Brick 359 waukee, AVis. Fire Tiles 360 Fire Clays Prepared 361 Crude Blast Furnace Linings 362 Glass Furnace Linings 363 Cupola Linings, Etc. John Thompson, Milwau­ Ornamental Plaster Work - - 364 kee, AVis. Center Pieces 365 Brackets 366 Jas. G. Wilson, ISTew York Rolling Venetian Blinds - - - -1 367 City. Rolling Wood Shutters fixed in threej I Windows ! I 368


Domestic Manufactures, Etc.

Name of Exhibitor. Articles Exhibited. Value. No.

C. E. Adams, Milwaukee. Ladies', Gents' and Children's .Shoes. $75 00 369 Atkins, Ogden & Co., Mil­ Children's " Solar Tipped " Shoes 370 waukee. Men's Hand Sewed Shoes 371 Ladies', Misses and Children's Ma­ chine Sewed Shoes, showing the process of manufacturing, and dis­ playing the machinery in operation 372 Charles Abresch, Milwau 1 Beer Truck AVagon 350 00 373 kee. 1 Full Size Hearse, in Horticultural Hall 1,000 00 374 Richard S. Baird, Milwau-'Magical Apparatus and Scientific Toys kee. Talking Figures, etc 375

Bantam & Terrell, Mil- Ladies Fine Shoes. 376 waukee. Gents' Fine Shoes. 377 Butler Page Shoe Co.,!Women's, Misses' and Children's • Milwaukee, I Sewed Shoes 378 Men's, Boys' and Youths' Shoes. -- 379 H. S. Benjamin, Milwau-j 1 Coupe 1,000 00 380 kee. 1 English Tub Phaeton 200 00 381 1 Three Spring Phaeton 200 00 382 1 i^ix Passenger Carriage 400 00 383 1 Extra Top Ladies Phaeton 325 00 384 1 1 >rewster Top Buggy 200 00 385 1 Two-seated Coach, Spring. 125 00 386 1 Platform 120 00 387 1 Surrej^ 140 00 388 1 Village Cart 389' 1 Cliicago Road Cart 3^)0 d =-^ ~m. ^ : WISCONSIN CENTRAL RAILROAD

(^ T:H:EI SSEOK-T LUSTE MILWAUKEE^ Meiiaslia, i te,GiwiBay if MWi, fiiilDl ilBlIi, Mil WEEli.




other Elegant Sleepers without upper berths, between APPLETON, via NEENAH and MElSfASH.'V and MILWAUKEE.

F. N. FINNEY, General Manager. JAS. BARKER, General Pass. Agent.


For Pannphlets, containing fuil particulars, address •

CHAS. L COLBY, Land Commissioner, MILWAUKEE, \A^IS.

•%^ y^ J^.


DEPARTMENT- '^—Cmxtinued.

Name of Exhibitor. Articles Exhibited. Value. No.

Gustav Braun & Son, Mil­ Boots and Shoes. waukee. T. H. Brown & Co., Mil­ Landau •. 11,250 00 waukee. Coupe 1,050 00 (Exhibited in Horticultu­ Victorias 750 00 ral Hall.) Extension Top Cabriolet-- 450 00 Phaeton 225 00 Jump Seat Phaetons 225 00 Surreys 225 0(1 SidfcboxTop Buggies 250 00 Geo. Burroughs, Milwau­ Trunks, Traveling Bags, Satchels, kee. Valises, Etc A.V. Bishop, Milwaukee^ 4 Tubs Agent MenashaWooden 5 Sizes Keelers Ware Co. 5 Hoop Pails Horse Pails, grained and plain Lard Pails with covers Ash Butter Tubs, 3 sizes Dairy Pails with covers Tobacco Pails with covers Barrel Covers, grained and plain Candy Pails with covers Churns, 4 sizes -. Kanakins, grained and plain Fish Kits Cornillie Bros., Milwau- 1 Refrigerator for Restaurant 200 00 kee. 1 Counter and Side Board 175 00 3 Family Refrigerators 75 00 C N. Caspar, Milwaukee. .•\ncient and Modern Books, embrac ing Editions of the Poets, Standard Works on History, Art, etc. Ger man and French Classics, etc. Col lection of Latin, German, French and English Incunabula, Old Prints Old Copper-plates, Old Engravings Old Styles of Bindin<^, etc., etc. - -- 250 00 Cramer, Aikens & Cramer 1 Kastenbein Type-setting Machine- Milwaukee. 1 Potter Super-Royal, large Cylinder Printing Press 1 Peerless Platen Press Blank Book Ruling and Binding Magazine Binding Book and Pamphlet Printing Railroad Printing Commercial Printing A. Davis & Co., Milwau­ Ladies' System of Cutting and Frencii kee. Trimmed Patterns Des Forges & Co., Milwau­ Imported Leather Goods, Albums, kee. Dressing Cases, Toilet Sets, Books in Fine Bindings, etc Domestic Sewing Ma-'Sewing Machines and Samples of chine Co., Milwaukee.^ AVork mtmim O


Joiers of Oils.

mPITCH, ROSIN, TAR AND l^^'^^-'m^^^^^^^^^ TURPENTINE, 365 &. 367 East Water St., MILWAUKEE. PetrokimanditsProWs Visitors to the Exposition are cordially invited to call and see us. RouNDY, PECKHSM & Co. TEA.S, N-

^^^W / Wil1-iS l ^^ JLJ( \J\, .,


334 and 336 East Water Street, M 1L W A U K C D,



DEPARTMENT ^—Continued.

Name of Exhibitor. Articles Exhibited. Value.

Delorme & Quentin, Mil­ Toilet Soaps, Glycerine, Centennial waukee. IVIedal, French'Milled Soaps, stock of Toys and Fancy Goods, Satchels, Children's Carriages, Velocipedes, Bicycles, Musical Boxes, Toy Goods, etc., etc Israel Elias, Chicago, 111. Oil Cloth Vulcanized Aprons 300 00! Angora Wool Dusters and M ats 250 00 A. C. Fish, Racine, AVis-. 1 Extension Top Carriage 250 00 (Exliibited in Hort.Hall.' 1 Four Spring Wagon 2-i5 00 1 Phaeton 1 Brewster Buggy 1 Business Buggy D. Fischbeck & Son, Mil­ Horse Collars, Fly Nets and Saddlery waukee. Hardware Goodyear Rubber Co., Rubber Goods-- Milwaukee. Rubber Stamps. Victor Good, Milwaukee. Rubber Type, for Banks, Railroads, etc H. Gugler & Son, Milwau­ Specimens of Lithography kee. Banking Blanks "- OrtJce Stationery Chromo Lithographs Show Cards Labels AVater Color and Indie Ink Designs and Sketches John R. Goodrich, Mil­ English Carriage, 1818 waukee. Helming & Palmer, Mil-11 Saddle 40 00 waiikee. |l Saddle 20 00 Saddle 35 00 11 Saddle 10 00 1 Saddle 18 00' |l Saddle ^ dozen Collars 30 00 j^- dozen Fly Nets 12 00 J. B. Hoeger & Sons, Mil-| Blank Books 350 00 waukee. jGeographical Globes. Jackson & Co., Milwau­ Harness kee. Ladies' and Gents' Saddles, Ameri­ can and Imported Horse Clothing Horse Boots Baker's Hoof Plates Bits, etc Kirke White Tanner, Oneida Community Machine Twist Milton. Wis. and Silks Schleicher's Needles C. P. Kimball & Co., Chi 1 Landau, with Falling Glass Front 1,400 00 cago. 111. 1 Coupe 1,000 00 (Exhibit in Hort. Hall.) 1 Coupe Rockaway - 550 00 ^>- K^-, J. A. DUTCHER. W. A. COLLINS. E. A. SMITH. DUTCHER, COLLINS & SMITH,

IMI'ORTEKS AND TrjBBERS OF Teas, Cigars, Tobaccos i Syrups,

SOLE AGENTS FOK THE CBLEBB\TED BADGER FILTTG TOBiLCCOS- Sample orders solicited by mail for Teas of any grade. Satisfaction guaranteed. Order a sample box of Badger Tobacco, and sell the best goods manufactured.


259, 261 and 263 East Water St MILWAUKEE,

WM. BAYLEY, 81 to 87 Chicago St.,

Salesroom, 427 Milwaukee St. MIL WA UKEEj WIS.

CASTINGS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, Vault Doors, Cast and Wrought Iron Railings and Crestings. Jail and Court House work a specialty. City Hydrants, Lamp Posts, Man-Hole Covers and Catch-Basins. Marbleized Iron and Slate Mantels and Grates, Tiles, Vases, Settees and all kinds of Wire Goods. A LIBERAL DISCOUNT TO THE TRADE.

-H}C 3e-«-

The Celebrated Lightning Express Brand still at the Front! We beg leave to inform our many patrons and the public at large, that our well known brands of Oysters are again in the market, and that we are prepared to fill all orders, large or small, with fresh stock, and at lOAvest living prices. Send for price list and terms.

MEDFOilD, RUSSELL & CO., 130 Grand Avenue. MILWAUKEE, WIS.


DEPARTMENT ^^Continv^ed.

Name of Exhibitor. Articles Exhibited. Value. No.

C. P. Kimball & Co. (con 1 Extension Top Carryall §450 00 471 tinued). 1 Side Bar Top Wagon... 350 00 472 1 End Spring Top Wagon. 350 00 473 1 Fine Phaeton 3-TO 00 474 1 Challenge Phaeton 200 00 475 1 Wooden Horse 476 1 Coupe Harness 125 00 477 1 Coach Harness 150 00 478 1 Single Harness 40 00 479 1 Single Harness 25 00 480 I. G. Mann, Milwaukee. Boots and Shoes 481 John Meinecke, Milwau 1 Austin Landau Unfinished or Fin­ kee. ished in White 1,200 00 482 1 Finished Austin Landau 1,200 00 483 1 Six-Passenger Rockaway 900 00 484 1 Six-Passenger Extension Top Car­ riage 600 00 485 1 Four-Passenger Extension Top Car riage 400 00, 486 1 Phaeton 300 00 487 1 Top Buggy 275 00 488 Munson & Foster, Mil 8 Davis Sewing Machines, Variety of , waukee. Styles 400 00 489 Glass Cases of Sample Work 200 m 490 A. Meinecke & Son, Mil­ Hobby Horses 491 waukee. Baby Carriages 492 Velocipedes 493 Bicycles 494 Express Wagons 495 Toys 4i)6 Hugh McFarlane, Chica- 1 Morrey Express Wagon, Top and go. 111. Shafts 497 3 Delevan Express Wagons 498 (Exhibit in Hort. Hall.) Elliptic Springs and Shafts 499 5 Transfer Wagons 500 Platform Springs and Pole 501 5 Tops for Transfer Express Wagons. 502 Marr & Richards, Mil Proofs of Wood Engraving 1 waukee. .Samples of Metal Engraving Railroad and Bank Stamps 1- 150 00 503 Rubber Stamp Articles I Milwaukee News Co., Album of Milwaukee J 504 Milwaukee. Stereoscopic Views 505 Stereoscopes, etc - 506 H. Niedecken & Co., Mil­ Blank Books 507 waukee. Pocket Books 508 Photograph and Autograph Albums . 509 Fancy Goods, etc 510 Byron Weston's Ledger Papers — 611 G. D. Norris & Co., Mil- Wire Rope, Blocks, Andirons, Oars, w"aukee. Ship Machinery, etc., etc 512 G. W. Ogden & Co., Mil­ Six-Seat Platform Phaeton , 513 waukee. Four-Seat Platform Phaeton 514 Four-Seat Platform Park Phaeton... 515 New York Extension Top Phaeton. 516 New York Three-Spring Phaeton... 517

•"m ESTABLISHED 1848. F. TRENKAMP, Manufacturer of the Celebrated tC^&ii M


C. S. HA.MII.TOK, Prest. C H. H.\Mir,T0N, Secjj. C. H. M. ToBEY, Treas. C. JiT' Jkfamilzon Taper Co.

340 East Water Street, - • MILWAUKEE.

Lager Beer Brewers and Bottlers

ESTABLISHED 1854 Mih/aiikee, Wis.


ESTABLISHED IN 1S42, FOR THE PROTECTION OF TRADE AND THE COLLECTION OF DEBTS. Sjpec±Sbl. -A.-b'fceix-tioi3- -bo Collec'b±oxi.s_ OMce: 294 E. WaUr, cor. of Detroit St., - MILWA UKEE, WIS. A. BLOEDEI^^ .\IcraMiiriii Jeweler and Diamond Setter. DEALER iN DIAMONDS, WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY AND SILVER WARE.

Special Attention given to Repairing. No. I06 GRAND AVENUE, COR. WEST WA.TEH ST. MILWAUKEE, WIS M^ .J?v7'r 32 CATALOGUE OF EXHIBITS.

DEPARTMENT E— Continued.

Name of Exhibitor. Articles Exhibited. Value.

G. W. Ogden & Co. (con­ New York Two Spring Phaeton tinued). Top Square Box Buggy Light Trotting ^Vagon L, M. Richardson, Mil­ Bicycles waukee. Tricycles 1600 00 Bicycle Sundries Racine Wagon and Car­ One Platform Spring Wagon (in riage Co., Racine. White) One Half Platform Spring Wagon . - - One Three-Spring AVagon One Express Wagon One Low Wheel Express One Iron Gear Buggy, with Top Richter Bros., Milwau­ German Books and Periodicals, bound kee. Marble Papers Samples of Different German Period­ icals and Works M. Schmallback, Milwau­ Tower Clock 500 00 kee. Chas. Schweishehn, Mil­ Eight White Sewing Machines.-. 300 00 waukee. Samples of Work performed White Sewing Machines , John H. Sanborn & Co. Boots and Shoes Milwaukee. Single Center Spring Co., One Top Buggy (Ex. in Hort. Hall.) 225 00 Janesville, Wis. One Open Buggy (Ex. in Hort. Hall.) 125 00 Geo. E. Treat, Milwaukee. Fifteen Sewing Machines 500 00 West & Co., Milwaukee. Blank Books Photograph Albums Autograph Albums - - - Fancy Goods Books Walker & Co., Madison, Prouty Power Printing Press. 500 00 Wis. Whitehill Manufacturing Seven Whitehill Sewing Machines- -. Co., Milwaukee. Three Whitehill Variable Speed Mo­ tors Williams & Co., Milwau-] 3 Top Buggies Trpp 1 Road Wagon (Exhibit in Hort. Hall.) (T. W. Rice, Maker.) Wisconsin Glass Co., Mil !Hollow Glassware, etc. waukee. I F. D. WiUiamson & Sons, Silver Plate Ware Milwaukee. Albums Toys Pictures, Frames, etc

==m -f *t-1--




DEPARTMENT F. Textile Fabrics, Etc.

Name of Exhibitor. Articles Exhibited. Value.

G. A. Algeti, Milwaukee. Kid Gloves $300 00 E. Boardman & Son, Mil­ Wool Samples in Machinery Depart­ waukee. ment T. A. Chapman & Co., Silks Milwaukee. Furs Millinery Laces Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods Cloaks, etc Espenhain & Bartels, Mil­ Silks waukee. Cloaks Dress Goods , Embroideries Linens Laces House Furnishing Goods Shawls Fancy Goods - Golden Eagle Clothing Clothing Store, Milwaukee. Gents' Furnishing Goods Goldsmith &Co., Milwau­ Carpets, Oil Cloths, etc. kee.

D. W. Goetz & Co., Mil­ Hand-Knit Worsted Goods. waukee.

M. Heimann & Co., Mil­ Millinery Goods-. 2,500 00 waukee. • Artificial Flowers Hanson's Empire Fur Fac­ Fur Garments tory, Milwaukee. Silk Fur-Lined Garments 5,000 00 Other Fur Goods H. Heyn, Milwaukee Ha,nd and ?.lachine Knit Worsted Goods Rosa Horwitz, Milwau­ Hand Knit Worsted Goods kee. Ladies' and Infants' Underwear Crochet Work and Embroideries J. Bernhard Kuehle, Mil­ Ladies' and Cliildren's Hoods waukee. Shetland Scarfs and Shawls Ladies' Jackets and Waists Children's Ulsters Leggins Knit Single and Double Mittens Crochet Mittens Ladies' and Children's Hosiery Gents' Socks Bicycle Stockings I. Leiser, Milwaukee. One Princess White Bridal Suit (on Stand) with Bridal Wreath, etc .. 75 00 One Black Silk Fancy Trimmed Walk­ ing Suit (on Stand) with Hat on, etc 75 00 H. S. Mack & Co., Mil­ Pants waukee. Overalls Shirts Drawers Engineers' Jackets m^ DRY GOODS, Wisconsin Str-set, - MILWAUKEE.

Robert Harper. Robert J. Harper. Wm. W. Harper. . ROBERT HARPER L SOHS,






DEPARTMENT ¥~Continued.

Name of Exhibitor. Articles Exhibited. Value.

H. S. Mack & Co. (con- Lumbermen's Outfits -. tinued). Miners' Outfits Knitted Scarfs Knitted Jackets Knitted Sashes National Knitting Works, Knitted Woolen Goods E. Friend, Jr., & Co., Mil waukee. G. D-. Norris & Co., Mil­ Cordage waukee. Canvas Hammocks Tents Awnings Mme. M. Rodman, Mil Millinery waukee. Bonnets , Hats French Flowers Feathers T. H Rice & Friedmann, Gents' Furnishing Goods Milwaukee. Overalls, Jumpers Engineers' Jackets Duck Mining Suits .Mackinaw Blanket Goods Flannel Cashmere J... Cheviot Overshirts Canton Flannel and other underwear Rich & Silber, Milwaukee Ladies'.and Children's Cloaks— Suits .... - 11,000 00 Furnishing Goods Stark Brothers, Milwau­ Wilton Carpet kee. .Moquette Carpet Satin Damask Curtains Brussels Lace Curtains f urkoman Curtains Bed Drapery on Brass Bedstead Fire Screen in Brass Frame C. F. A. Schultz. Milwau­ 1 Overcoat 50 00 kee. 1 Dress Suit 85 00 1 Business Suit 55 00 Henry Thiele, Milwaukee 1 Hand Carpet Loom .•Samples of Hand Loom Brussels Car pet - Wisconsin Indust'l School Knitted and Crocheted Dresses fur Girls, Mary E. Rock-jSacques w'ell Superintendent.!Hoods Milwaukee. Hose- Mittens ' White Dresses, Underwear i Marked Table Linen i Shirts, Aprons, Ties i Rugs, Mats and Carpet of Home! Manufacture i Zimmermann Bros., Mil Men's, Youths' and Boys' Ready-; waukee. Made Clothing j Children's Over Garments i Ulsterettes i iKilt Suits I Clerical Garments , Cloths and Cassimeres ; f -H. S. BENJAMIN,-^ 191 and 193 SECOND STREET, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In IFislx DBx*os- &D Co/s IRacixxe, "\^is. FARM. FREIGHT SINGLE E! 22: IP I^ El S S OPEN AND TOP WAGONS BUGGIES TRUCKS, ONE AND TWO SEATED m. if Eli Canopy and Leather Top Phaetons,



LABGEST VARIETY IN THE STATE OP WISCONSIN. ALSO, FINE LINE OF WAGON AND BUGGY TOPS, HARNESS, WHIPS, Etc. The Davis and Sigwalt Sewing Machines. Needles, Oils and Attachments, I>rOS. 3.31 u^l:TID 1.33 SEC01.

DEPARTMENT G. Chemical Manufactures, Pharmaceutical Preparations, Surgical Instruments, Etc.

Name of Exhibitor. Articles Exhibited. Value. Xo.

H. Bosworth & Sons, Mil Drugs 650 . waukee. Chemicals 651 Patent Medicines 652 Window Glass im Paints and Oils 654 Glassware 655 Paint and Varnish Brushes 656 Druggists' Furniture 657 Horse, Shoe, Scrub and Stove Brushes 6'>8 Toilet Articles 659 Druggists' Sundries 660 Dressing Cases 661 Perfumeries - 662 Odor Cases 663 Hair Oils 664 Toilet Soaps 665 Tooth and Nail Brushes 666 Hair Brushes 667 Combs 668 Pocketbooks 669 Pipes and Smokers' Articles 670 stationery 671 Pocket Cutlery ^ 672 Rubber Goods 673 Trusses and Supporters 674 (Jigars 675 Wines and Liquors 676 Machinery Oils. - 677 Burning Oils 678 Robert Baty, Milwaukee. Artificial Limbs ?soo <;o 679 Elevated Feet .^. 100 ooj 680 Apparatus 200 oo; 6S1 Trusses 3L'0 OOj 682 Supporters 100 00i 683 Show Cases 100 Oo 684 W. A. Dartt, Milwaukee. Artificial Teeth 68-5 Drake Brothers, Milwau­ Drugs 686 kee, f Chemicals 687 Toilet and Fancy Goods 688 Products of Petroleum 689 Davis Bros. & Porter, Mil­ Oil Tanks 690 waukee. Samples of Oils, Paints, Colors, Brush es, Varnishes, Greases 691 C. A. Folsom & Son, Mil­ Lubricating Oils 692 waukee. Paints — 693 Colors 694 Varnishes - 695 Oil Tanks 696 Brushes and Painters' Materials 697 D. Hecht & Co., Milwau Drugs and Chemicals 698 kee. Specimens of Plate Glass, French and American Window Glass 699 Colors for Artists' Materials 700 "1^ f A. H, GiRDISR CO. DEALERS IN RUBBER and LEATHER BELTING RUBBEFv HOSE, Po-w?der, Slxo-b, E-fco.,


ID. "W. IPEI^IKIIl^TS, ID- ID- S-, 88 Wisconsin Street, MILWAUKEE, WIS. ^^ IFOS-TTTHSTEI MORE VALU.\BLE AND t'SEFUL THAN $10,000 IN GOLD PARENTS, GIVE YOUR CHILDREN A PRACTICAL BUSINESS EDUCATION, It will do more toward advancing their future welfare than any monetary inheritance that you can bestow upon them. The Excelsior Businsss Collsgs^ Milwaukss^ Wis..^ Offers unsurpassed facilities for preparing young men and women for Active Jitisiness Pursuits. Individual instruction; day and .evening sessions; no vacations; students can enter at any time, are all important and predominating features in this Institution. For further information, call upon or address, Cor. East Water and Wisconsin Sis. -vTzx^isaLorr & ooDvi::E'..^isrir.

Located at 220 Wisconsin Street, TTATO iBx-ooics -^yvsisrr of -tiie IJ.£..TS:S SIXOISE: as^z^'OT'.

The Infirmary is under the medical supervision of DR. CHARLES E. HOUCTHMAN, appointed State Occulist by Gov. Fairchild, 1869.



Name of Exhibitor. Articles Exhibited. Value. No.

Medicinal Caramel Com­ Dr. Kalckhoff's Cathartic Caramels-. 701 pany, Milwaukee. Dr. Kalckhoff's Worm Caramels 702 Dr. Kalckhoff's Cough Caramels 703 Dr. Kalckhoff's Throat Caramels 704 Dr. Kalckhoff's Female Caramels-.. 705 Dr. Kalckhoff's Kidney Caramels... 706 Jh. Kalckhoff's Nerve Caramels 707 Dr. Kalckhoff's Dyspeptic Caramels. Schorse &Co., Milwaukee Antiseptic Material and Steam Sprays $200 00 709 Lewis Sherman, Milwau­ Beck's Economic Microscope 65 00 710 kee. Family Medicine Chest, large size, with Dr. Sherman's Book, Thera­ peutics and Materia Medica 13 00 711 The same matter, medium size 8 50 712 The same, small size 6 00 713 Sherman's Dollar Case of Homeo­ pathic Medicine, with Pamphlet of Direction ^ 1 00 714 Fresh Plant Tinctures prepared for the use of Homeopathic Physicians 715 Physicians' Buggy Case for Medicines 716 Surgical Instruments 717 Medical Books 718 Fred Wahl, Milwaukee. A Full Line of Glues 719 Otto Zwietusch, Milwau­ 1 Marble Draught Apparatus, 65^ ft. x kee. '^xOj ft. xl2 ft., built expressly for the Exhibition, with W draught tubes for mineral water and 32 for svrups 4,000 00 720 1 " Conquest " Eight Syrup Marble Draught Apparatus •• 300 00 721 1 " Crystal (Jottage " Marble Draught Apparatus 450 00 722 1 "Little Traveler" Marble Draught Apparatus 60 00 723 1 Complete Bottling Arrangement, consisting of Horizontal Generator and two Fountains of copper, one Bottling Machine 450 00 724 1 Upright Generator and Portable Copper Fountain attached 135 00 725 1 Automatic Generator for Preserving Beer 25 00 726 DRY GOODS T. L. IKZELL-y «Sc CO., DRY GOODS — AND — 89 and 91 Wiscomin St., MILWAUKEE, WIS. NOTIONS. NOTIONS.

DRESS GOODS, TABLE DAMASKS, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, BLACK SILKS, TOWELS and NAPKINS, LACES, LACE COLLARS, BLACK CASHMERES, WHITE, RED and GREY FLANNELS, EMBROIDERIES, COL'D CASHMERES, HOSIERY and GLOVES, CORSETS, RIBBONS, BLACK and COL'D SATINS, MERINO UNDERWEAR, KID GLOVES, OTJi?. nyn^A^nycnvcoTiH S OEHSTO? OOTJDSTTEIRS are replete with useful Notions and Fancy Goods, nnany of them at one-fourth the price you have to pay for them else^where. The attention of Merchants is invited to the Bargains we are offering in S and lOe goods and other Notions, Laees, Hosiery, etc., in our WHOLESALB DEPARTMENT. Wholesale Grocers. SMITH & CHANDLER, 311 and 313 East Water Street,


DEPARTMENT H. Groceries, Provisions, Liquors, Baking Powders, Etc. PART I.—GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, ETC.

Name of Exhibitor. Articles Exhibited. Value. No.

C. E. Andrews & Co., Mil Ground Coffees 727 wauliee. Green Coffees 728 Ground Spices 729 Whole Spices 730 Dry Mustard 731 Prepared Mustard .. 732 Cream Tartar 733 Baking Powder 734 Paul Bechtiier Co., Mil- Samples of Vinegar. 735 waukee. The H. C. Crocker Co., Cofiees 736 Milwaukee. Spices 737 Baking Powder 738 Extracts, etc 739 J. G. Flint, Milwaukee. Coffees 740 Spices 741 'Baking Powder 742 iTeas 743 Gross Bros., Milwaukee.. {Fancy, Toilet and Laundry Soaps. 744 jSoap Materials 745 Aug. Greulich & Son, Mil-Native Wines and Champagnes.-- 746 waukee. Liquors 747 G. V. Hecker&Co., Chi­ Hecker's Farina 748 cago, 111. (Exhibit in Self-Raising Griddle Cake Flour. . 749 Hort. Hall). Self-Raising Buckwheat 750 Self-Raising Flour 751 Hecker's Perfect Baking Powder. 752 S. C. Herbst, Milwaukee. Champagnes 753 Rhine Wines 754 Whiskies 755 Cordials 756 Mineral Waters 757 Jewett & Sherman Co., Coflees, Roasted and Ground 758 Milwaukee. Spices, Ground 759 Baking Powder 760 (Jreani of Tartar ^200 00 761 Flavoring Extracts 762 763 Bluing 764 Prepared and Dry Mustard 765 Hummel's Essence of Coffee 766 B. J. Johnson & Co. Mil- Soa])S waukee. F. A. Kennedy, Cam-Biscuit and Crackers 767 bridgeport, Mass. Layton & Co., MilNvaukee.i Barrels Mess Pork i Barrels Extra Clear Pork. 769 Barrels Prime Mess Park 770 Barrels Plate Beef 771 Pieces AViltshire Sides, " Sin^^ed 772 Pieces Stafford Sides, "Sinewed". 773 iPiectts Stafibrd Hams, " Sin'^ed " 774 t^' TR/*nr MARK __ FINE OPEN AND TOP BUGGIES AND PHAETONS. Write lor Illustrated Catalogue and Price List to A. C. FISH, BACIKE, WIS-




Name of Exhibitor. Articles Exhibited. Value.

Layton & Co. (continued). Pieces Stratford Sid es Pieces Cumberland Middles Pieces Short Rib Middles Pieces Short Clear JNliddles Pieces Long Clear Middles Pieces Long Fat Backs Pieces Short Fat Backs Pieces Boneless Bellies Pieces Long Cut Hams, " Pale Dried " Pieces Manchester Hams, "Pale Dried" Pieces Sugar Cured Hams Pieces Sugar Cured Shoulders Pieces Sugar Cured Breakfast Bacon- Pieces Sugar Cured Dried Beef Half Barrels Kettle Rendered Lard - Pails Kettle Rendered Lard Plankinton & Armour, 2 Wiltshire Sides Milwaukee. 2 Staffordshire Sides 2 Long Cut Hams 2 Pieces Breakfast Bacon 2 Pieces Clear Backs 2 Pieces Long Clear Middles 2 Pieces Short Clear Middles $177 00 2 Half Barrels Prime Lard 2 Barrels Prime Lard 12 Pails Prime Lard Prime Lard in Casings 12 Canvassed Sugar Cured Hams Cans Beef and Brawn Riedel Manufacturing Co. Bread, Cakes, and Crackers of all va­ Milwaukee rieties Confections H. Riedeburg & Co., Mil­ Samples of French Wine Vinegar, waukee. Warranted Pickle Vinegar, Superior White Wine Vinegar, Pure Cider Vinegar, English Malt Vinegar Ricker, Crombie & Co., Groceries Milwaukee. Grocers' Specialties — 200 00

F. Roth, Milwaukee An Imitation Apple Vinegar Mustard in Packages Weis Bros., Milwaukee. . Rhine Wines Ohio AVines


F. F. Adams & Co., Mil­ Tobacco in Pails.. waukee. Tobacco in Papers

Ph. Best Brewing Com­ Large Bottle $1,000 00 pany, Milwaukee.

Bremer & Co., Milwau­ Foreign and Domestic Cigars- kee.

The H. C. Crocker Co.. Chewing Tobacco Milwaukee ^;^ ^ M FRMZ FALK T

w I' HilH •^1^ \\\\\\\\\\\\4 -s^jwssw ^^^ \^?;?s^^ ^sw^?^^ ^jjx^ssS^^ ^jjjwM^' wss^vsJ ^w^\ rj^^r -'^f^J^^, ^i^EWEK"^'

Ji'l 1L UJOl VI iy^QQ^ V.• j I 7 ^ r» ,>-> >v* ^ -• •'.^


OF FALK'S CELEBRATED lilwaukee Export 3|eer,




Name of Exhibitor. Articles Exhibited. Value. No.

J. G. Flint, Jr., Milwau­ Fine Cut Chewing - - 805 kee. Granulated and Long Cut Smoking Tobacco 806 I Louis Kindling, Milwau­ Cigars 1500 00 807 I kee. Chas. L. Kiewert & Co., Brewers' and Bottlers' Supplies. 808 Milwaukee. Machinery 300 00 809 C. .T. Lehsten, Milwaukee. Snuff Tobacco, " Rappee " Mauabo .. 100 00 810

J. Michelstetter Cigarettes and Tobacco 500 00 Toilet Soaps 811 Gottlieb Rie's, Mihvakee. One Stock Vat, 14 feet high and 14 feet wide 360 00 812 One Beer Cask, contents 50 birrela .. 80 00 813 Wenzel Toepfer & Son, 1 Model of Improved Dumping Malt Milwaukee. Kiln 150 00 814 2 Sheets Malt Kiln Flooring 15 00 815 1 Sheet for Beer Coolers 8 00 816 Zinc, Perfdrated, Samples 15 00 817 2 Grain Scoops 5 00 818 Voechting, Shape & Co., Bottled Beer 100 00 819 Milwaukee. Jos. Schlitz Brewing Co., Cask and Packages used in the Brew­ 1 Milwaukee. ing Trade - - - - I Samples of Barley 820 Samples of Malt manufactured by the }• 500 00 Jos. Schlitz Brewing Co J Western Steam Tobacco Variety of Leaf Tobaccos 821 Works. Leidersdorf & Manufactured Tobaccos, to-wit: Mendel, Props., Mil­ "Crown Leaf" Fine Cut 822 waukee. "Sweet Owen" Fine Cut 823 "Old Abe" Fine Cut 824 "Old Stag" Fine Cut 825 " Old Abe " Long Cut Smoking 826 "Old Abe" Killickinnick Smoking.. 827 " Uncle Sara " Long Cut Smoking 828 " Master " Long Cut Smoking 829 " German " Long Cut Smoking 830 " Virtue " Smoking 831 " Skating Rink " Smoking 832 " Little Purzell" Smoking 833 " Navy Clippings " 834 " Old Maid " Chppings 835 " Fire Fly " Bright Virginia 8.)6 Cavendish Cut Smoking Tobacco 837 " Violet" Smoking 838 "Oronoco" Kentucky Lon^ Cut Smok­ ing 839 "Gold Leaf" Kentucky Long Cut Smoking 840 " Nigger Hair " Smoking 841 " Rob Roy " Spioking 842 " Good Luck " Smoking 843 " No 1 Extra " Smoking .'?- - 844 " Old Boy " Smoking 845 "Boom " Smoking 846 ^ ^^ ^4 E. R. PAINE. —>

tO^O* R. P. ELMORE & CO.,

DEALERS AND SHIPPERS AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL OF mjlarjiiin P zy ^ iW foundry Furnishings, Building Materials, Etc.

YABD No. 2, I YARD No. 3, I YARD No. 4, Nos. 581 to 591 Elver Street, \ National Ave. and S. Water St. I Elevato "E" Meiiomonee Slip. OFFICE, 400 EAST W^ATER ST.,



Furniture, House Furnishing Articles, Ornamental Wood Work, Etc.

Name of Exhibitor. Articles Exhibited. Value. No.

J. F. Birchard, Milwau­ Three Grades of the Commercial kee. Cabinet Desk— 1 st Grade 180 00 847 3d Grade 125 00 848 4th Grade 175 00 849 J. M. Brunswick & Balke Ex position Novelty 350 00 850 Co., Milwaukee. Eclipse \ 250 00 851 Private Cue Rack a5 00 852 1 Dozen Fancy Cues 24 00 853 Eclipse Lamp 25 00 854 1 Set Hyatt Pool Balls 40 00 855 1 Set Ivory Billiard Balls 24 00 856 1 Monarch Ball Rack 7 00: 857 1 Pin Pool Board 10 00 858 1 Set Ten Pin Balls 15 00 859 1 Set Ten Pins 4 00 860 Pockets, Tips, Chalk, etc - - - - 30 00 861 Goldsmith & Co., Milwa\i Parquetry Flooring and Wainscots 862 kee. W. E. Goodman, Milwau­ Gas Fixtures 863 kee, Wis. Gas Machine 861 Plumbing Materials. .- 865 Lamps, Bronzes, Etc- 866 H. Heinen, Milwaukee... 1 Fine Ebony Cabinet- 600 00 867

Island Planing Mill Co. Morgan's Perfection Refrigerator 50 001 808 ' Milwaukee. ("ook's Upward Self-Cleansing Filter. 25 00i 869 Ladwig & Schranck,. Mil­ Barber Chairs and Mirrors, etc 200 00 870 waukee. Matthews Bros.' Furni 1 Sofa, [ K•Renaissanc e "- 871 ture Co., Milwaukee. 2 Easv Chairs, j 1 Chair, " 18th Century " 872 1 Car Chair, " Egyptian " 873 874 1 Cabinet, "Queen Anne" 875 1 Cabinet, Wall 876 1 Margueterie Table 877 1 Onyx Table 878 1 Pedestal 879 1 Mantel Piece ..-- 880 Draperies 881 Mann Bros., Milwaukee. Chairs 882 Settees and Rockers 883 Mueller & Ilhardt, Mil Wall Paper 884 waukee. Decorations 885 Milwaukee Furniture Co., 1 Walnut Chamber, Suit No. 115. Milwaukee. 1 Ash Chamber, Suit No. 104 887

Wm. Strueder, Milwau­ Show Gases- 300 00 888 kee. A •^« m^ ^ ^^EST & Co., Booksellers, Stationers, ani

Special attention given to the Manufacturing of

And all kinds of Stationery for RAILROADS, BANKS, Merchants and Manufacturers.

IMPOETEES OF Staple and Fancy Stationery. The finest and best stock of CHOICE BOOKS, PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, POCKET BOOKS And FANCY STATIONERY in the West. Our .lobbing and Retail Departments are of 347 & 349 East Water St. such a character that we fear no competition. GOODRICH T. CO;S PASSENGER STEAMERS. 2 Trips Daily each way between 2 Trips Daily between MIL WA UKEE AND CHICAGO. MIL WA UKEE AND GRAND HA YEN. Fare to Cliicago $2.50 less than by R.R. night trains, and 81.00 less than by day trains. TIME T.A.BLE for all the G. T. Co.'s Lines:

The large side-wheel steamers SHEBQYG.VN or CHICAGO Leave Milwaukee, - *8:00 Ji.m. and 7:00 p m | Arrive at Chicago, - -1:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m- .^teamers leave Chicago for Milwaukee daily at S:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. Steamers arrive from Cliicago at 5:00 a.m. and •1::J0 p. m.

Meals and Berth Inchrded. Sure connections at Chicago with all a.m. and p.m. trains for all points east, south and southwest GRAND HAVEN LINE (Daily). Leave Milwaukee, - t--''*^ P-m- »"


Name of Exhibitor. Articles Exhibited. Value. No.

Eundle & Spenoe, Mil­ Chandeliers, Brackets, Globes and waukee. $1,000 00 889 200 00 890 A. D. Seaman & Co Mil­ 891 waukee. 892 893 894 kee. August Zimmerling, Mil­Smoothing Iron --. 10 00 895 waukee.


Decorative Art, Table Ware, Jewelry, Ladies' Fancy Work, Toilet Articles, Etc.

Name of Exhibitor. Articles Exhibited. Value. No.

Blair & Persons, Milwau­ Minton's China and Faience Dinner kee. and Tea Sets 896 Copeland's Faience Dinner and Tea Sets 897 Brownsfield & Sons' Faience Dinner and Tea Sets 898 Haviland & (Je.'s China Dinner and Tea Sets 899 White Stone China Dinner and Tea Sets 900 Majolica Wares 901 Parian Marble Statuary 902 French and Bohemian Glass Ware - - 903 Lamps 904 Silver Plated Ware 905 Cutlery 906 M. F. Bohn, Milwaukee. Natural Human Hair 80 00 907 Switches 20 00 908 Saratoga Wave 909 Hair Chains 25 00 910 Wigs and Toupets 30 00 911 Artistic Hair Pictures and Designs. -. 20 00 912 C. Bischhoff, Milwaukee. Fancy Hair Works 10 00 913 Toilet Articles 914 Ivory Brushes 915 Shell (Dombs, etc 916 John Canfield, Manistee, 1 Pair Vases, Japanese 917 Mich. 1 Plaque 918 Geo. A. Cooley, Milwau­ Escutcheon of Service of Maj. Gfen. kee. E. W. Hincks- 25 00 919 T. P. Collingbonrne&Co., Ornamental Glass Sign Work. 920 Milwaukee. Decorative Paper Hangings... 921 Artists' Materials <- - -. 922 1 ^ »==. =!# DRS. OLMSTED & HARE, Physicians and Surgeons, 418 MILWAUKEE STREET, MILWAUKEE, WIS. OFFICE HOURS: RESIDENCE: DR. OI.MSTED—S to 10 A. M. ; 1 to 3 & 7 to 8 P. M. C. C. OI.MSTED, M. D. , 198 Division Street. DB. HARE-10 to 12 A. M.; 3 to 5 & 7 to 8 P. M. A. J. HARE, SI. D., Grand Ave. Hotel. JOHN H. STECKE DEALER IN t • le Berman AcGordeons, Violins, Zithers, Gmta.''s, Music, Portfolios, Mouth Organ;;. IddMIIBlI all IsttifaetiiEef ef mm I@IES, KMS aii fllEi hi JEWitiEi. Particular attention for making Sample Cards and Sample Cases. No. 268 West Water Street, MILWAUKEE, WIS.

.A.g-eia.t for tlxe "'JTT'esterDn. Cotta-g-e Oxg-a-n.. J. M. BRUHSWICK & BALKE CO., BILLIARD TABLE MANUFACTURERS, Awl Dealers in BILLIARD MERCHANDISE GENERALLY. New York, Cincinnati, St. Louis, Cliicago and San Francisco. BEANGH aFFIOE And Salesroom, 108 West Water Si, WISCONSIN. Up stairs. CI3:.A.S. H. T^IXjIjI-A-lvdlS, CS-eaaeral .A.geaa.t.

This Institution, now entering upon its nineteenth year, lixis instructed and trained several thousand young men and women who are successfully engaged in the various de­ partments of business in our own. and other countries. It now offers improved advan­ tages and a more extended course. Students can enter the college and commence their studies at any time they ivish. For circulars or information, address R. C. SPENCER, Milwauitee, Wis. ^'^^n'^tpr^r'^" HUMAN HAIR, G.BISGHOFF, COMBS, IVORY BRUSHES, and a full assortment ot TOILET ARTICLES. Ladies' Hair Dressing and Wigs a Specialty. Orders sent by mail will be /-; STSCSTTO^T? attended to promptly, at the ^^' *=>*»-»'-'**^-'* *^ r lowest prices in the West. 3(8 West Water Street, IVIilwaul(ee,'^Wrs. DEPARTMENT J—Continued.

Name of Exhibitor. Articles Exhibited. Value.

J. M. Falconer, Brooklyn, Rembrandt's Children, PJaque in N. Y. Smoke 923 Tom Moore's Cottage on the Schuyl kill, Pa. Enamel -. 924 Coney Island, a Wreck, Pa. Enamel. Coney Island, Low Tide, Pa. En­ amel 925 A Rembrandt Memorial 926 At Yazoo City 927 North and West 928 East and South 929 October Snow 930 Spring 931 Apple Blossom 932 Blue Aris 933 C. Eissfeldt & Bro., Mil­ 2 Plaques ?16 00 934 waukee. 1 Lemonade Set, Crystal 27 00 935 2 Jugs, " Smoke " Crystal ' 6 00 936 1 Pair Vases, Rose Bud 30 00 937 1 Pair Vases, Rose Berry 12 00 938 1 Pair Vases, Violet Gray 700 939 1 Butterfly Tea Service, 56 pieces..-. 36 00 940 1 Silver Service, 56 pieces 40 00 941 1 Library Lamp, Gold Finish 10 00 942 3 Parlor Lamps 60 00 943 1 Silver Fruit Service 27 00 944 1 Sliver Berry Stand 10 00 945 1 Decorated Fruit Service 25 00 946 1 Decorated Fruit Service 20 00 947 Fruit Plates 2 00 948 1 Chamber Service, Decorated 25 00 949 1 Chamber Service, Decorated, etc... 22 50 950 Franklin Pottery Co., 3 China Thorn Covered Dishes Franklin, Warren Co., 3 China Thorn Cissaroles Ohio. 3 Cabled Covered Dishes 3 Cabled Cassaroles 1- 200 00 951 1 Thorn Toilet Set 12 Cups and Saucers 2 Dishes, 16 inch Hotel Porcelain 150 00 952 White Granite Tea, Toilet and Dec orated Ware 100 00 f5'. Frackelton's China Decor 1 Dinner Service • 1,500 00 954 ating Works, Milwau­ 1 Plaque, " Spring Time " 75 00 955 kee. 1 Plaque, "At Night" 25 00 956 1 Plaque, '' Un Gentilhomme " 25 00 957 Plaque, " Frigate Bird " 75 00 958 1 Set A. D. Coffees 50 00 959 1 Set Teas 24 00 960 1 Set Mantel Tiles 5i) 00 961 1 Set Mantel Tiles 75 00 962 "Morceaux Choisis," Colors, Mate­ rials, etc., Group 963 Terra Cottas, made from Wisconsin Clays 964 Underglaze Faience, made from Wis­ consin Clays, Group - 965 Lina Fuldner, Milwau Own Compositions and Copies from kee. European Works of Art, Executed in Needle Work 966 ^fl MACHIHERY Tools and Supplies


Inquire for anything wanted in these lines of

No. 87 W. Water St., - - MILWAUKEE, WIS.


BLANK BOOKS A SPECIALTY. 338 and 340 East Water Street, Bag Warehouse, 194 & 196 E. Water St. 3ITL WA UKJEE. II J^. 54 CATALOGUE OF EXHIBITS.


Name of Exhibitor. Articles Exhibited. Value. No.

D. D. French, Horicon, Specimen of Jack Knife Carvins by AVis. Asa Carpenter, of Howard ( !ity, Mich 967 Louis Glass, Milwaukee.- Table. - $800 00 E. Annie Graves, Milwau Hair Switches 200 00 969 kee. Saratoga Waves 200 00 970 Curls 100 00 971 Ornaments .. 50 00 972 Hairpins, Nets, etc 50 00 973 Household Art Co., Bos Art Castings in Iron 974 ton. Siege of Troy, Plaque 18 00 975 Daisy Panel 3 00 976 Panel 1 75 977 A. E. Hix, Sycamore, 111, The Lord's Prayer, Sawed from White Holly Wood 25 00 978 A. & M. Hauser, Milwau­ Jewelry 5,000 00 979 kee. Optical Goods 5,000 00 980 C. Hennecke & Co., Mil­ 1 Fountain 200 00 981 waukee (part of exhibit 12 Garden Vases (iron) — 250 00 982 in Hort. Hall). 6 Rustic Vases (wood) 50 00 983 4 Rustic Vases (terra cotta) 30 00 984 20 Rustic Hanging Vases... 15 00 985 6 Iron and Wooden Settees- 60 00 986 Aquarium . 50 00 987 6 Wire Flower Stands.. 4'.t 00 988 Wire Fencing 20 00 989 1 Rustic Hitching Post. 3 00 990 12 Flower-Pot Brackets 10 00 991 4 Lawn Statues 100 00 992 Sea Shells Coral 150 00 993 Sea Fans H. Heyn, Milwaukee. ... Laces 994 J. L. Hustis, Milwaukee. 1 Pair Persian Vases 995 1 Set Landscape Tiles 996 1 Tile in Enamel 997 J. C. Iversen & Co., Mil­ Portrait of Louis XIV 200 00 998 waukee. Austrian Girl .50 UO 999 Bohemian Girl 50 00 1000 La Galanterie 75 00 lOOl On the Balcony 50 00 1002 Cherub Choir 75 00 1003 The Five Senses 60 00 1004 Sherman's March to the Sea 35 00 1005 Greedy Calves 30 00 1006 Saint Cecilia 50 00 1007 Quatre Bras 65 00 1008 Roll Call 65 00 1009 Mrs. V. B. Jenkins, Chi 1 \'ase Underglaze 300 00 1010 cago, 111. 1 Vase (Limoges Faience)... 100 00 1011 Mrs. J. T. Kavanaugh,!Decorated Folding Screen. 100 00 1012 Milwaukee. Leopold Kind, Milwaukee Jewelry 1013 JOHN C. SPENCER, PRES'T.



±Tos. S^2 arLd. S-i^ BI^O-A-ID'';;^-^--^-,

r'.A. C T O la-ST : Nos. 233, 235, 237, 239, 241 and 243 Milwaukee St. MILWAUKEE, WIS.

H^/'^IP Restaurants and Oyster Houses,

CORNER ATLANTIG BEER HALL" -A. Xi s o CORNER Grand Ave. aad West Water St. LWest Water and Clybourn Sts.^ Ph. Best Brewing Co.'s Lager Beer. Selected, imported and domestic Wines, Liquors and Cigars constantly on hand. MILWAUKEE, WIS. C. EISSFELDT & BRO., IMPORTERS OF


WE CALL ATTENTION TO OUR LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF Decorated Dinner Sets, from $10.00 to $100 per set. Decorated Tea Sets, from $5.00 to $36.00 per set. Decorated Chamher Sets, from .^^LOO to $25.00 per set.



Name of Exhibitor. Articles Exliibited. Value. No.

Mrs. B. Mueller, Milwau­ Bed Spread and Pillow Cushion. $100 00 1014 kee. Milwaukee Silver Plate Gold Plated ^Vatch Cases, Watch Co., Milwaukee, Wis, Chains, Rings, Pins, Charms, Ber­ ry Shells, Bracelets, Buttons, etc... 1015 Silver Plated Butter Coolers, Dinner Castors, Breakfast Castors, Pickle Castors, Card Receivers, Cake Bas­ ket, Cups, Ice Pitcher, Spoon Hold­ er, Tea Pot, Vases, Waiters. Table Spoons, Tea Spoons, Table Forks, Sugar Shells, Berry Shells, Knives, etc 1016 Nickel Silver Ale Faucet, Beer Fau­ cet, Water Faucet, Dental Instru­ ments, Pistols, Door Plate and Numbers, Harness Trimmings, Car­ riage AVork, etc 1017 Thos. Massey, Milwau­ 1 Doulton Plaque, " Bit of Blue " - -- 50 00 1018 kee. 1 Doulton Pilgrim Vase 10 00 1019 1 Doulton Lambeth Faience Vace . -. 10 50 1020 1 Doulton Antique Claret Jug 10 00 1021 1 Doulton Dinner Set, 179 pieces 115 00 1022 Bronze Plaque 21 00 1023 1 Pair Antique Brass Candlesticks... 5 00 1024 1 Bust, Clyte, Life Size 65 00 1025 Dozen Royal Dresden Fruit Plates . - 35 00 1026 Dozen Crown Derby Teas 36 00 1027 Dozen Crown Derby Colfees 57 00 1028 Copeland Dinner Set, 179 pieces - 45 00 1029 Minton China Sardine 10 00 1030 Limoge Fainece Lamp 18 00 1031 Longwy Faience Lamp 18 00 1032 Wedgwood Garden Seat 23 00 1033 Wedgwood Umbrella Stand, etc 19 00 1034 P. T. Poposky, Milwau­ Artistic Picture Frames, with Engrav­ kee. ings 1035 Dresden Photographs 1036 Photogravures 1037 Colored Photographs 1038 Engravings 1039 Mary A. Eoddis, Milwau­ 1 Dozen Plates 100 00 J 040 kee. 1 Square Plaque 85 00 1041 1 Round Plaque 25 00 1042 1 Round Plaque 40 ("O 1043 1 Round Plaque 25 00 1044 1 Slate Tile 15 00 1045 A. J. Rescenski, Milwau­ Ladies' Lap Mats kee, 1046 M. & A. Reinhard, Mil­ Human Hair waukee. Human Hair Goods 1,000 00 1047 Novelties and Ornaments ... Mrs. H. H. Ross, Chi 1 Plaque of Milwaukee Clay. 1048 cago. 111. i^ i s&v

-Kz^rs- £i=:^ PRINTING

The Proprietors of the Evening Wisconsin Job Printing' Honse have made, and are now making, additions to their machinery, and have renewed iLL THEIR BOOK AND DISPLAY TYPE, so that their establishment has, not only the largest equipment in the State, but the freshest and most approved in style. They have added especially large fonts of every size and face of Book Type, and particularly solicit estimates for large orders of Book Printing. We employ no canvassers for work, but send estimates promptly by mail; or the Manager will call in person upon any city consumer if the work is sufficient to warrant. We guaranty count, weight, quality and accuracy. Everything connected with this Department is exactly as represented, or no sale. We do all work upon business principles, and always estimate for a UNIFORM AND LOW PROFIT. This we can afford to do, as our piu-chases of stock are of the largest amounts, and our work is done with all the best machinery and by the most economical methods. We execute the printing for most of the great corporations, manu­ facturers and merchants in the State, and also execute large orders for houses in Chicago and other cities. The presses in this establisliment made over 20,000,000 of impressions in 1880, and with our increased press facilities we can make 30,000,000 impressions in 1881. This is said not by way of boast, but for the purpose of illustrating the magnitude of our facilities. No Printing House in the country has better. 6RAHEB, AIKENS & GRAHEB. J}t



Name of Exhibitor. Articles Exhibited. Value. No.

Stanley & Camp, Milwau­ Solid Sterling Silverware 1049 kee. Sterling Silver-PIated ware 1050 American Watches (Waltham). 1051 French and American Clocks... 1052 Necklaces, Bracelets, Cameo Sets, Mosaic Sets, Guard Chains, Vest Chains, Etc 1053 John H. Stacker, Milwau­ 2 Plain Trays kee. 2 Ring Trays 2 Watch Trays 1 Chain Tray 1 Charm Tray 1- $50 00 1054 Bracelets - ^ Necklaces Set of Watch Boxes, Etc Mary W.Van Dyke, Mil­ 1 Silk Quilt 1055 waukee. 2 Pillow Shams .. 1056 Bertha Velten, Milwau­ White Satin Embroidered Cushion. 10 OOi 1057 kee, Wis. Brush Case 5 001 1058 Toilet Basket 2 00: 1059 Jane Warner, Protestant 1 Needle Worked Mat 8 00' 1060 Orphans' Asylum.

A fall exhibition of Kensington Work under the charge of Mrs. Jesse E. Mitchell and Mrs. Fannie Little, who will give lessons in this department dur­ ing the exhibition. The Draperies. Table and Piano Covers, Japanese Tapestries, Rugs. etc.. used for decorative purposes in this department are f'rom the establishment of Goldsmith & Co., Milwaukee.


Musical Instruments, and Apparatus Used in Sciences and tiie Liberal Arts.

Name of Exhibitor. Articles Exhibited. Value. No.

James B. Bradford, Mil 1 Cbickering Piano, Style 8, Concert- 11,000 00 1061 . waukee. 1 Chickering Piano, Style 2 500 00 1062. 1 Chickering Piano, Upright, Stvle 12 600 00 1063 1 Palace Organ, Style 60 "- - - 175 00 1064 1 Palace Organ, Style 10 125 00 1065 Frank Felling, Milwau­ 3 Pianos 1,500 00 1066 kee. 1 Organ 200 00 1067 L. Goldberg, Milwaukee. Optical Goods - - 1068 A. L. Hernstein, N. Y.... Surgical Instruments. 1,000 00 1069 H.N. Hempsted, Milwau­ Concert Grand Piano 1,500 00 1070 kee. Upright Cabinet Grand Piano... 800 00 1071 Geo. Steck &L CO., New York. d^^- 4 ?^^- MilwaukeG Mechanics^ MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY.

iisroom'OR.A.TEJiD isss.

ADOLF J. CRAMER, CHR. PREUSSER, Secretary. President.

D. SCHULTZ, JAC. OBERMANN, General Agent. Treasurer.

ASSETS, July 1st, 1881 - $750,070.05 Premium Notes, $ 64,847.08 Re-Insurance Reserve, -. 228,751.77 Unpaid Losses, 18,859.00 Cash Surplus above all Liabilities, 448,112.25



Name of Exhibitor. Articles Exhibited. Value. No.

H. N. Hempsted (con­ Upright Cabinet Grand Piano 1800 00! 1072 tinued). Grand Square Piano 800 00: 1073 Kranich & Bach, New York. Upright Cabinet Grand Piano 800 00I 1074 Grand Square Piano 700 OOi 1075 E. McUammon, Albany, N. Y. j Cabinet Organs 1076 New England Organ Co., Boston. 500 00I Case of Musical Goods and Instru­ ments 1077 Julius Lando, Milwaukee, Spectacles 700 00' 1078 manufactures these In­ Eye Glasses 1079 struments. Microscopes 1080 Telescopes 1081 Marine and Opera Glasses ,... 1082 Telegraph Instruments 1083 Electro Medical Machines 1084 W. P. Parker, Milwaukee. Autophone i 1085 Wis.

Wm. Rohlfing & Co., Mil­ Pianos waukee. Organs 12,000 00 1086 Musical Instruments 0. A. & C. B. Severance, Complete Line of the Different Styles Milwaukee. of Weber Pianos and Mason & Hamlin Organs 1087 Band Instruments 1088 Organettes 1089 Sheet Music 1090' General Musical Merchandise- 1091 Dr. A. Strassmann, Mil­ The xVlaska Crystal Spectacles and waukee. Patent Self-Adjusting Spring Eye Glasses 1092 Artificial Eyes 1093 Medical, Surgical, Mathematical and Optical Instruments, Etc 1094 Stout & Underwood, Mil Models of Inventions 1095 waukee. Patent Office Literature 1096 Other Matters of Interest to Invent 1097 Yan Depoele Electric 1 Dynamo-Electric Machine 1098 Light Co., Chicago, 111. 1 Electric Motor 1099 Wilde & Franklyn, Mil­ Band Instruments, Pianos, Organs, waukee. and Musical Merchandise 1100 'f

HARRY DEAKIN, Manager. The popular Theatre of Milwaukee. JVo stairs to climb, this being the only Theatre in the city on the ground floor. Just re-fltted at an expense of over 810,00(J, making it the handsomest and most perlect Temple of Amusement in the State. During the 3E2d>OSITI03Sr, the following well known attractions will appear at this popular resort: One week, commencing Monday, Sept. 5, Mr. Liawrence Barrett, in Richelieu. One week, commencing Sunday, Sept. 11, Salsbury's Troubadours. Four nights, commencing Sunday, Sept. 18, Buffalo Bill. Pour nights, commencing Thursday, Sept. 22, Cal Wagner's Minstrels. Other attractions following in rapid succession. The Academy of Music will be open every evening during the season. Matinees every Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday afternoon. Regular Ticket Office at Severance's Music House. cxa::E]ST:^:K's Ladies' and Gents' Restaurant strangers visiting the Exposition will find a first-class Ladies' and Gentlemen's Kestaurant at r20 GRAND AVENUE, conducted on strictly temperance principles. Meals at all hours. C. J. KERSHAW & SON,


AND DE.A.LERS IN Salt, Ce.oient, Stucco, Land Plaster, Hair, Lime, Etc., Office: Nc. .68 West Water Street,

Dock and Warehouse Noiih Side Bumham's Slip. ikZXL T^-A JJKEE.

DE.'VLERS IN Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Cedar Posts,. Etc., Office and Yard: North end 1st Ave. Bridge (at the Viaduct), MILWAUKEE, WIS. FHAKM FlilMKI MAXUFACTUUEr. OP Upright m Square Pianos, Finest in Tone. Durability Unexcelled. DEALE'i IK

Of other Manufacturers.



Agricultural, Horticultural and Green House Products. The construction of the Horticultural Hall has not been in a state of forward­ ness to enable the Manager to make definite arrangements with exhibitors in this department, in season for this publication; and, therefore, a special catalogue of Horticultural and Floral exhibits will be prepared if sufficient entries are made to render it desirable.

Name of Exhibitor. Articles Exhibited. Value. No.

Land Department, Wis­ Grain, Fruits, Vegetables, and Pro­ consin Central Railroad, ducts of the Forest on the line of Milwaukee. 1101


Natural History, Etc. The finishing of that portion of the building which was originally designed to be used for Natural History collections has been so much delayed that it has not been possible to complete the details of this department in time to receive and arrange any considerable collection of exhibits for the present exhibition, although a number have been kindly offered. The room will, however, be util­ ized for other exhibits of a most attractive character, more than fully compen­ sating for the absence of Natural History collections, for which, it is expected ample amends will be made on another year, when there will be sufficient time to collect and arrange the materials within our reach.

Collection of Indian Curiosities, Medals, etc.

Name of Exhibitor. -Articles Exhibited. Value. No.

Major John J. Upham, Arapahoe Pipe 1102 5th U.S. Cavalry. Shoshone Pipe 1103 Shoshone Tomahawk 1104 Arapahoe Medicine Man's Flute.- 1105 Shoshone Sun Dance Whistle 1106 Arapahoe Necklace 1107 Shoshone Necklace 1108 Shoshone Necklace 1109 Arapahoe Necklace 1110 Sioux Tobacco Pouch - - 1111 Crow" Tobacco Pouch and Stick 1112 Chej^enne Money Bag 1113 Nine Bannock Arrows 1114 Shoshone Knife Sheath 1115 Pair Arapahoe Moccasins 1116 Pair Shoshone Moccasins (Squaw)- 1117 Shoshone Blanket Belt 1118 Arapahoe Blanket belt 1119 Cheyenne Gun Cover 1120 Comanche Tobacco Pouch 1121 Pair Shoshone Leggings 1122 Shoshone Sun Dance Shield from Washakie, head chief of the Sho- shones 1123 ^ -m LAYTON & CO,

86 & 88 West Water St., oFhiiiBerf Facte AND CURERS OF CHOICE '




English Breakfast Bacon.







VETERIIS^ARY SUBGEOISTS. Veterinary Medicines of the latest discovery for sale at the office. • Horses inspected for parties before purchasing. Surgical Operations performed in the most skillful manner. Horses taken to pasture, or to keep for the winter, on the most reasonable terms. 205 Grand Avenue, MILWAUKEE.


DEPARTMENT M~ Continued.

Name of Exhibitor. Articles Exhibited. Value. No.

Major John J. Upham, Sioux War Shield and Cover, taken 1124 (continued). from hostile Sioux killed in Crooks' 1125 campaign in 1876 1126 Crow Quiver, Bow Case and Twelve Arrows 1127 Ogalala Sioux Papoose Cradle 1128 War Shirt, taken from one of Sitting Bull's Braves, killed May, 1879. in action with Crow Indians *-. 1129 War Bonnet, from Black Cole, Head Chief of Arapahoes 1130 AVar Bonnet Case 1131 Cherokee Buckskin Coat, made for Adjutant General of the Union In­ dian Brigade, 1865 1132 Pair Arapaiioe Buckskin Leggings... 1133 Shoshone Pistol Holster and Beit — 1134 Set of Shoshone Horse Equipments, comprising Saddle, Saddle Bags, Saddle Blanket, Crupper, Breastj Ornament, Horse Equipment Case.' 1135 E.VictorBeal^Milwaukee Collection of Wisconsin Prehistoric (Indian relics bought and Eelics, consisting of— Exchanged.) Flint Arrow Heads H36 Flint Spear Heads 1137 Flint Knives 1138 Flint Scrapers 1139 Flint Daggers, etc 1140 Stone Axes 1141 Stone ..., 1142 Stone Tomahawks 1143 Stone Skinners, etc 1144 Copper Arrows ]14o Copper Spears 1146 Copper Knives 1147 Copper Axes 1148 Copper Gongs, etc 1149 Mihvaukee CurUng Chib- Medals won by the Milwaukee Curl­ ing Club (framed) 750 00! 1150 John Johnston 2 (Jurling Stones 35 OOi 1151 -Ji?




Nos. 313 to 327 CEDAR STREET, cor. FOURTH,

(One Block from the Exposition Building),

AH Frames, Sash. Doors and Factory work for the Exposition Building have been furnished by this liini. 66 CATALOGUE OF EXHIBITS.

DEPARTMENT N. Educational.

Name of Exhibitor. Articles Exhibited. Value. No.

Charles Mayer, Milwau­ Mayer's Mercantile Manual 11.52 kee. Works of Students Relative to Busi-| ness no3 Robert C. Spencer, Mil­ Specimens of Penmanship |!10 00: 1154 waukee. Work of Students in Bookkeeping and Business 2 oo' 1155 Studies and Practice in Commercial Text Books _ CtO 1156 Stationery and Materials 00 1157 H. W. Wilmot& Co., Mil­ 1 Set College Blank Books 00 1118 waukee. Gross of Pens 50 1159 Ink 75 1160 College Business Box. 25 1161 Glass Sign 10 00 1162 Specimens of Pen Work 20 00 1163 Wisconsin Ind'tr'l School Kindergarten Work 1164 for Girls, Mary E. Rock- Examination Papers 1165 M'ell, Supt., Milwaukee. Maps, Drawings, etc 1166 Milwaukee PubUc Schools Selected Examples of Pupils' Work in Free Hand Drawing—Branch, Pri­ mary and District Schools. Three frames 1167 Selected Examples of Pupils' Work in Drawing—High School. Several frames 1168 Selected Examples of Pupils' Work in Penmanship—District Schools. One frame 1169 Plans of School Buildings. Two frames 1170 Views of School Buildings. Fifteen frames 1171 Examples of Pupils' Black Board Work—Normal School. Two black boards 1172 Statement of Course of Instruction, One frame 1173 Honors Awarded to Milwaukee Pub­ lic Schools: 1. Centennial Award, Hiiladelphia, 1876 .-- 1174 2. Centennial Diploma, Philadelphia, 1876 1175 3. Centennial Bronze .Medal, Phila­ delphia, 1876 1176 4. Diploma and Silver Medal—Expo­ sition Universelle, Paris, 1878. -- 1177 5. Acknowledgment from Real Mureo Industriale Italiano of Presentation of Milwaukee School Work, exhi­ bited at Paris, 1878. Five frames 1178 Tablet of Washington Memorial at Mount Vernon, contributed by Pub­ lic School children of Milwaukee, 1876 1179

^ i iJ^



DEPARTMENT N— Contimied.

Name of Exhibitor. Articles Exhibited. Value. No.

Milwaukee Public Schools Portfolio of Blanks used in the Ad­ (continued). ministration of the Public Schools, Milwaukee 1180 Set of Blank Books used in the ad­ ministration of the Public Schools, Milwaukee 1181 Set of Annual Reports and Monthly Proceedings, Milwaukee School Board.. (10 vols) 1182 Bound volumes of Pupils' Regular School Work (Examination Papers) in Arithmetic, Grammar, Geogra­ phy, Spelling, U. S. History, Ger­ man Language, etc 1183 Bound volumes of Pupils' Work in Drawing 1184 Kindergarten Work of various kinds 1185 Examples of Appliances used in Ob­ ject Lessons. Training Department Normal School 1186 Portfolio of Free Hand and other Drawings—Branch, Primary and District Schools 1187 Portfolio of Map Drawings—District Schools 1188 Portfolio of Perspective Drawings— High School 1189 Portfolio of Drawings—crayon and water color—High School 1190 Various Appliances used for Instruc­ tion in the Primary and District Schools 1191 Selection of Books from Milwaukee Public School Teachers' Library, suggestive of books useful to teach­ ers, and suitable for Local Teachers' Libraries 1192 Superintendent of Public Set of Wisconsin Annual Reports . -- 1193 Instruction, Wisconsin. United States Commis- Set of United States Annual Reports, sioner of Education (9 vols.) 1194 Miscellaneous School Exhibits — Exhibits of State Normal Scliools, State University, Colleges, Public High Schools, Graded Schools, Private Kindergartens, Private Schools. -.. 1195 A. H. Andrews & Co., I Specimens of School Furniture, Ap- Chicago, 111. ' paratus and Appliances 1196

J •#=• ^t n 4'f 355 & 357 East Water St.© MILWAUKEE, WiS. GOL IT C

^WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CARP Oil Cloths, Mattings, Rugs, House Furnishing Dry Goods, Bedding,


Artistic- Qoods and Work a Specialty, OPPOSITE MITCHELL'S BANK. A ^

Dept. "C f ALABASTINE. The only natural and durable covering for walls. Ready for the brush by adding water, and easily applied by any one. A cement that hardens with age, and the wall is strengthened by additional coats. A superior substitute for calcimine, wall paper, etc. For sale by paint dealers. jSS'Send for sample-card and testimonials to


Brushes, Artists' Materials, etc.

MB. 26S, 270& 272 East Water St., MILWAUKEE, OTTO T^ATERKEKZ & BRO., MANUFACTURERS OF O^ Wr W" 1^3!

BOOKBINDING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. No. 428 East Water St., up stairs. Milwaukee, Wis.


508 Broadway, New York. wMMm^mmm RICKER, CROMBIE & CO., T77"IfcLole3a.le Orocers, 330 and 332 EAST -WATEB STREET, COK. HURON,

J. M. Crombie, , J. R. SavlUe. ) I/EIL'U^AXJKZSE. ^^. J^.

11? W 'JT

ttWAUKll, %,

e^.v 111 aim If TRUMAN, MERRIAM & CO., Manufacturers and Proprietors of T. & J. MERRIAM'S PATENTED am rip^f ««.«.ID. iwei 131 MICHIGAN STREET, Milwaukee, Wis.

The Mineral Wool and Hair Felt Covering is superior to any other known Tested by Chicago, Mil. & St. Paul Railway Co., and many others. PIANOS I ORGANS The best Instruments, the largest as;-oriraent anil the lowest |irices that can be found in the Northwest. -OI3:IO:K:EI?,I3:^GI- & sonsrs. Ernest Gabler, DiirililYm & Sons, Francis Bacon, C. Kurtzinann & Fouchard.

And Loring & Blake's Celebrated "Palace" Organs. T.^^2X^E;S IS. :B:E-^ID::E^O::ESID, 432 BROADWAY. RAMIEN BROTHERS & CO,, BIPORTERS, MANUFACTURERS AND JOBBERS, HEADQUARTERS FOR Notions, Fancy Goods, Dress Trimmings, Laces, Buttons, Hosiery, Gloves, Uurterwear, MAMB-KMr Zephyr Worsteds, Germantown, Shetland and Saxony Wools, 7V Wcrs- Yarns, etc., etc.

44= 3*78



And everything found in a flrst-class Jewelry store.

Our aim is to sell good goods at a reasonable profit, and we respectfully ask an inspection of our goods and prices.


lOO Wisconsin Street, ROSENKRANS & WEBER, 159 State St., Chicago. ^ MILWAUKEE, WIS. a:ufi-:BiL.Ei iiF^xriKn^zTXj^^iH]!


IN TH£ NORTHWEST. They also import and keep in stock the latest styles of Dinner and Tea Sets and Fancy Articles from the celebrated manuiaci-ories of Copeland ; Brownsfield &: Sons ; Brown, Vv'esthead, Mccre & Co., Doulton and others of England; Haviland & Co.; Baccarat Class Co.; Severes Glass Co. and others of France.


The public are cordially invited to visit their show rooms at 3^*^ =#


WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN WATCHES, DIAMONDS »TETRrE3L2?.-r„ Silver Ware, Clocks, Opera Glasses, And everything found in a flrst-class Jewelry store.

Our aim is to sell good goods at a reasonable profit, and we respectfully ask an inspection of our goods and prices.


lOO Wisconsin Street, ROSENKRANS & WEBER, 159 State St., Chicago. ^ MILWAUKEE, WIS. a:ufi-:BiL.Ei iiF^xriKn^zTXj^^iH]!


IN TH£ NORTHWEST. They also import and keep in stock the latest styles of Dinner and Tea Sets and Fancy Articles from the celebrated manufaci-ories of Copeland ; Brownsfield &: Sons ; Brown, Vv'esthead, Mccre & Co., Doulton and others of England; Haviland & Co.; Baccarat Class Co.; Severes Glass Co. and others of France.


The public are cordially invited to visit their show rooms at ^t WEIS BROTHERS, Importers and Wholesale Dealers in

SOLE AGENTS FOR OTTO SARTORiUS, Mussbach (Rheinpfatz),

LENK WINE CO., Lake Erie Islands, OHIO WINES. 888 East Water Street. WaM^Mmmmm,


JOHN HINKEL, Proprietor,

CHOICEST lliliiittiii. -H OYSTERS N-

In Every Style.

J. W. COT. Third and State Sts.

MILWAUKEE. .^^:N".i^QTJ.A.misrE. Patented June 17, 1879. Anaqnarine Cement is an insoluble substance used as paint, putty, and for cementing pur­ poses. It is indispensable for Breweries, Distilleries, Soda Water Factories, for Gas and Steam Fitters, Tanners, Painters; is serviceable in private houses; in mending malt house floors, lining tanks, ice houses, boxes and refrigerators. All leaks are permanently stopped by it. In all places where paint fails it works successfully. It has no equal on brick work for first coating. For painting and cementnig, dry or wet, it is used where other cements fail. It serves as a ground for frescoing. It preserves the wood of boats and vessels from decay. ^Yhen used for proper purposes and in the right manner, it is unsurpassed in the above uses. Send for cir­ cular. G-. oi3:_A.i]srTi?.0 3sr, SOLE MANUFACTURER, 558 River St., MILWAUKEE, WIS.

#== ~^ _4L,., r L-l-c 1


DEPARTMENT O. Oil Paintings and Water Colors.

Subject. Owner or Price. Artist. No.

Above the Mill. (Saddle $100 00. R. AV. Van Boskerck, N. Y. Eiver, N. J.) City.

A Birch Bark Cottage. .. 00 R. W. ShurtefF, N. Y. City --

A Bit of Eoadside in the |150 00. S. M. Barstow,Brooklyn,N. Y. Catskills.

A Britanny Bonnet 175 00.. S. R. Macknight, N. Y. City.

A Chapter on Roses 150 00.. Agnes D. Abbott, N. Y. City.

A Cloudy Day in Autumn 180 00.. Agnes D. Abbott, N. Y. City. A Cloudy day near Wav-1250 00- Thomas Moran, N. Y. City. erly, N. J.

Adirondacks. — A view $750 00. James D. Smilley, N. Y. City from Gothic Mt. Saw­ tooth, looking across the lower end of the Lower Ausable Lake to Indian Head and the Giant of the Val­ ley beyond.

Against the Wind and $250 00. A. N. Farnham, Buffalo, N. Y Open Sky.

A Dull Market $60 00.. S. R. Macknight, N. Y. City. 10 A Kaatskill Mountain $450 00. Jervis McEntee, N. Y. City.. 11 Pasture in Autumn.

A Lesson in Housekeep­ $100 00. Frank C. Jones- 12 ing.

A Letter from the Ab­ D. L. Wells, Mil­ Breck Lajos, Paris (a pupil 13 sent, waukee. of Mikaly Munkacsy).

A Moorish Fountain ....j$150 00 H. Bolton Jones, N. Y. City. 14

Anemone '$50 00.. Mrs. J. T. Kavanaugh, Mil­ 15 waukee College. 4 %= 78 CATALOGUE OF EXHIBITS. ^1

DEPARTMENT 0- Continued.

Subject. Owner or Price. Artist. No.

An English By-Way.... |$250 00 J. R. Brevoort, N. Y. City. .- 16

Autumn on the Hudson. $300 00 Worthington Whittridge, N. 17 Y. City.

Autumn Moonlight, Long $325 00 ... Arthur Quartley, N. Y. City 18 Island Sound.

W. H. Metcalf, Esq Cesar IJva - 19 Milwaukee.

Approach of Evening.. - $100 00 Laura Woodward, N. Y, City 20 A Rail-Fence Flirtation $200 00 Theodore Robinson, N. Y 21 City.

Mrs. Alex. Mitchell F Bartolini Rome -..... 22 Milwaukee.

Architectural Painting.— $75 00 F. Keppler, Germany 23 The rear of a Palace in Nuremberg.

Mrs. Alex. Mitchell Lemmens - ...... 94 Milwaukee.

A Scene in Italy Mrs. Alex. Mitchell A. Porcelli (deceased), Rome 25 Milwaukee. Italy.

A Shrine in Heidelberg $75 00 F. Keppler, Germany 26 Shloss.

A Summer Day in Penn­ $125 00 Mary KoUock, N. Y. City... 27 sylvania.

A Study from Nature - - -$300 00 GilbertGaul, N. Y. City .... 28 $100 00 Mary Kollock, N. Y. City... 29 Twenty Year Old House in E. Hampton L. I.

$120 00 James Crawford Thorn, NeW 30 Brighton, L. I.

A Young Family in $75 00 Fedelia Bridges, N. Y. City. 31 Clover.

Mrs. L. F. Hodges V. Gatti, Naples, Italy 32 Milwaukee.

$150 00 H Bolton Jones 33 ^85 00 . May Koupal, Chicago 34

An English Inn, or the P. T. Poposkey Edwin Deakin, San Fran­ Sign of the Gate. cisco a5 Alexander and Roxana- Mrs A S, Ludlow, Chas C. Brun 36 Waukesha ^i® r HERMANN WUNDERLICH & Co,, 32 jEast Utb Street, ^ew lork,


H H A AL 11 —AND- ETCHINGS, RESPECTFULLY SOLICIT AN INSPECTION OF THEIR LARGE STOCK OF CHOICE PRINTS, Comprising important specimens of the works of all the celebrated masters, ancient and modern.

An extensive assortment of our Prints can be seen at the Eooms of Mrs. 0. D. ADSIT, 268 Knapp Street, Milwaukee, Wis.

C. H. HAMILTON. N. P. STANTON, Member of N.Y. Stock Exchange. C. H. HAMILTON & CO., Oommiasiovi Stocks and Sends, Q3 ]|SiC±clx±ga.xi. S-b^r-eet;, New York Correspondents, H. E: DILLINGHAM & CX) PRIVATE wiR£s. MILWAUKEE. B.YOUNG & SON, II'RYIR All'^] ; iHARNESS LEATHER, 257 East Water Street, IM:±l-v^a)TxIls:ee-

Wholesale Grocer # Jobber of Teas, No. 234 EAST WATER STREET, p. O. Box 106. MILWAUKEE, WIS.


DEPARTMENT 0—Continued.

Subject. Owner or Price. No.

A Cloudy Day in Octo­ •?45 00 ,Geo. H. Gay, Chicago- 37 ber. A Scene in Italy Mrs. Alex. MitchelljA. Porcelli (deceased), Rome, 38 Milwaukee Italy. Architectural Painting. $75 00 T. Keppler, Germany. 39 Tlie Hear of a Palace in Nuremberg. A Shrine in Heidelberg $75 00. T. Keppler, Germany Schloss. A Study. 5 00.. Mary E. Harrison, Chicago-- Autumn Moonlight, Long $325 00. Arthur Quartley Island Sound. Autumn on the Hudson $300 00. Worthington Whittridge, New York-

A Vermont Hillside . - - $75 00. Geo. H. Gav-. Bay of Naples Wm. H. Metcalf, Achille Vertunni, Rome, Milwaukee. Italy.

Bavarian Highlands — Mrs. Alex. Mitchell, Von Liechtenfels Milwaukee.

Belgian Landscape Mrs. Alex. Mitchell, J. B. Klombeck, Brussels Milwaukee. Birds Among the Barley $150 00. Fedelia Bridges Boat on the Nile, Egypt Mrs. Alex. Mitchell, F. Bartolini, Rome Milwaukee. Boy Looking Through Wm. H. Metcalf, E. Metcalf a Goblet of Wine. Milwaukee. Bringing Home the Cat­ •iSOO 00. Thomas Moran, N. Y. City.. tle—Coast of Florida. Britanny Peasant Boy - Mrs. Alex. Mitchell, Le Enfant de Metz Milwaukee.

Breton Peasant Girls... $75 00 H. G. Plumb, N. Y. City. Barn Yard $250 00..-. W. P. Phelps , Berlin Pond $35 00 . D. F. Bigelow, Chicago- . Bedouins Wading at:$350 00- - Frank Waller Monfaloot Mill Egypt. California Smelt Wm. H. Metcalf, S. M. Brooks, San Francisco, Milwaukee. Cal. Campus Kenneth Abbey, $250 00 iSamuel Colman, N. Y. Citv. Stirling, Scotland. CATALOGUE OF EXHIBITS. 81

DEPARTMENT 0—Continued.

Subject. Owner or Price. Artist. No.

Camp Fire Mrs. Alex. Mitchell, A. Bierstadt, N. A., N. Y, 59 Milwaukee. City. Camp Fire Mrs. Alex. Mitchell, Alex. Wust 60 Milwaukee. "Castel di Leva, near Mrs. Alex. Mitchell, J. S. Chapman, Rome, Italy. 61 Rome, Festa Divino Milwaukee. Amore (Penficost). Fusano, Italy Mrs. Alex. Mitchell, Sarah Freeman Clark, Bos 62 Milwaukee. ton, Mass. Carnival Week, Mexico $250 00 Eugene Torrey, Paris 63 City. Caravan on the Desert .. $500 00 Frank Waller. 64 Coast Scene, Honfluer, Mrs. Alex. Mitchell, G. W. Nicholson, Philadel­ 65 France. Milwaukee. phia. Coast Scene James MoAlister . .. {Kent Hawley (deceased)... 66 Cherries Mrs. L. F. Hodges^ B. F. Pichioni, Florence,Italy 67 Milwaukee. Cherries . $75 00. N. B. Kittell, N. Y. City .. 68 Chickens Chas. Andrews, Mil­ Vandeverdenck 69 waukee.

Christmas Tree. O.W.Potter H. Werner 70 Chen Shu Tang, His Im­ Sold in San Francisco Frank M. Pebbles, Chicago-. 71 perial Chinese Majes­ ty's Consul General.

Chapelpond Brook—j$100 00. R. W. Van Boskerck, N. Y. 72 Adirondacks. City.

Chrysanthemums. Mrs. Alex. Mitchell, Teresa Hegg, Vevay. 73 Milwaukee.

Cupid and Psyche Mrs. L. F. Hodges,|J. Leonardi, Rome. 74 Milwaukee.

" Coming Events C^,st $125 00. Geo. H. Smillie, N. Y. City 75 Their Shadows Be­ fore."

Cornfield on the Hilltops $C00 00- Kruseman Van Elton, N. Y, 76 City.

Corner of My Studio ... Mrs. S. S. Merrill... John S. Conway, Milwaukee, 77 Dish'of Honey $75 00.. C. P. Ream, N.Y, City. 78 Donkey and Driver jMrs. Alex. Mitchell, F. Bartolini, Rome, Italy 79 ' Milwaukee. ' 82 CATALOGUE OF EXHIBITS. f


Subject. Own'er or Price. Artist. No.

James H. Dole, Chi­ E. Steffeck, Berlin cago. Dog and Monkey. Chas. Andrews, Mil­ M. R. Harrison — 81 waukee.

Dry Weather $300 00-- Alex. Shilling, Chicago 82 Dream of Love. $1,250 00 Constant Mayei, N. Y. City. 83 Druid Stones at Carnac.. 135 00... Hamilton Hamilton, N. Y. 84 City. Drying Figs in Ischia... Mrs. Alex. Mitchell, Penry Williams. 85 Milwaukee. Duck Shooting Mrs. Alex. Mitchell, B.F.Warren... Milwaukee. Dutchess Co., N. Y., $75 00 J. M. Falconer, Brooklyn, N. 87 Home. Y. Dutch Cottage in the $150 00 S. M. Barstow, Brooklyn, N. 88 Hague, Holland. Y. Egyptian Water Carrier. Mrs. Alex. Mitchell, Elizabeth Jerichaw, Rome-- 89 Milwaukee.

English Clover $25 00 MaryE. Harrison, Chicago-- 90 Evening at Amalfl, Italy $500 00 Samtiel Colman, N. Y. City. 91 Evening on Lake George 600 00 J. B. Bristol 92 near Caldwell. Mrs. Alex. Mitchell Elenor Greatorex, N. Y. City. 93 Entrance to a Studio-. Milwaukee. Mrs. Alex. Mitchell,, A. Bartolini, Rome 94 Fagot Gatherer Milwaukee. Feeding Doves. Mrs Mrs. Alex. Mitchell, Elenor E. Greatorex, N. Y 95 Jessie Mitchell at her Milwaxikee. City. home in Scotland. Feeding Time Wm. H. Metcalf,, Chierici Gaetano Reggio 96 Milwaukee. Fields of Lombardy .. ) 00 G. B. Farran 97 Fishing Boats 125 00 Geo. H. Gay, Chicago 98 Flowers $500 00 J. AldenWeir, N. Y.City.. Flowers Mrs. Alex. Mitchell,, Kate H. Greatorex, N. Y 99 Milwaukee. City. Flowers James H. Dole, Chi-JFanny E. Dole, Chicago, 100 cago. r^ft.



Subject. Owner or Price. Artist. No.,

Flowers. Mrs. Alex. Mitchell, F. S. Perkins, Burlington. 101 Milwaukee. Wis. Flowers Mrs. Alex. Mitchell, Teresa Hegg, Vevay. 102 Mihvaukee, Flower Girl of the Plaza, $125 00. M. Torrey, Paris 103 Mexico, City. For My Girl.. . $500 00 J. G. Brown, N. Y. City- 104 Fortune Teller. Mrs. Ajex. Mitchell, A. Porcelli, Rome 105 Milwa-ukee. Fortune Teller in the Mrs. Alex. Mitchell, Michel Cammarano, Rome, 106 Streets of Sienna. Milwaukee. Italy. Fruit. Wm. H, Metcalf, Wm. H. Metcalf, Milwaukee. 107 Milwaukee. Fruit and Wine. $175 00. Marston Ream, N. Y. City.. 108 Good Morning.. A. S. Ludlow, Wau­ Unknown 109 kesha. Grapes For Sale. John S. Conway, Milwaukee- 110 Grapes- W^m. H. Metcalf, A. J. H. Way -. 111 Milwaukee. Haying in Connecticut $80 00- Kruseman Van Elten, N. Y. 112 City. Haying in Connecticut - - $80 00. Kruseman Van Elten 113 "He Loves Me, He Loves James H. Dole, Chi­ Walter Shirlaw, Munich ... 114 Me Not." cago. Herodias Ch. Koeffler. Attributed to Titian 115 Hudson River. Mrs. Alex. Mitchell, J. W. Casilear 116 Milwaukee.

Ideal Head .. 0 00 N. B. Kittell, N. Y. City 117 In the Desert. James H. Dole, Chi­ R. Swain Gifford 118 cago. In the Park — Souvenir $300 00. Frederick Freer, N. Y. City. 119 of Gainsborough, In the Woods Mrs. A. J. Aikens, G. Howard 120 Milwaukee. Island of Capri Mrs. L. F. Hodges^ V. Gatti, Naples, Italy 121 Milwaukee. Italian Chestnut Gather­ Mrs. Alex. Mitchell, Richard M. Staigg, Boston . - 122 er. Milwaukee. -^ * 84 CATALOGUE OF EXHIBITS.

DEPARTMENT 0— Continued.

Subject. Owner or Price. Artist. No.

Italian Shepherd Mrs. Alex. Mitchell. Buzze. 123 Milwaukee.

.Jacquenot and Marshal $50 00-. Mrs. J. T. Kavanaugh ... 124 Neil Roses (Marechal).

Jersey Cattle J. J. Hagerman, AVm. Hart, N. Y.City ... 125 Milwaukee. Jersey Cattle William Hart. 126 Jacquenot and Mar­ $50 00 Mrs. J. T. Kavanaugh, Mil­ 127 shal Neil Roses. waukee College. Just Gathered.-. Mrs. Alex. Mitchell, Mrs. S. H. St. John, Chicago. 128 Milwaukee. Just Landed. $100 00-. Alfred Kappes 129 Just Landed. $10(1 00.. Alfred Kappes, N. Y. City .. 130 Kitchen of House Where $50 00-. J. M. Falconer, Brooklyn, N. 131 Author of "Home Y. Sweet Home" was born. Kitten .. $200 00.. J. H. Dolph 132 L'Etang $50 00... Carl Marr, Milwaukee (Mun­ ich). 133 Lake George D. L. Wells, Milwau­ Edmund D. Leivi kee. 134 Landscape J. J. Hagerman, Wm. Hart, N. Y.City Mihvaukee. 135 Landscape Mrs. Alex. Mitchell, Henry Vianden, Milwaukee. Milwaukee. 136 Landscape Mrs. Alex. Mitchell, Count A. de Bylandt Mihvaukee. 137 Landscape Mrs. Alex. Mitchell, Count A. de Beylandt Milwaukee. 138 Landscape—Venetian Mrs. Alex. Mitchell, J. R. Tilton, Rome, Italy — Milwaukee. 139 Landscape—Venetian Mrs. Alex. Mitchell, J. R. Tilton, Rome, Italy Milwaukee. 140 Landscape Samuel P. Burt, Mil­ James M. Hart, Nev/ York waukee. City. 141 Landscape Mrs. A. S. Ludlow. Karl Sebastian Bemmel- Waukesha 142 Landscape James H. Dole, Chi­ E. Schleieh, Munich — cago. 143 ^Vl M. CATALOGUE OF EXHIBITS. 85

DEPARTMENT 0—Continued.

Subject. Owner or Price. Artist. No.

Landscape James H. Dole Halvebach, Munich. 144 f Landscape Mrs. A. S. Ludlow, ] a5 ! Waukesha. | Karl Sebastian Bemmel. 145 cS 1 Q Born 1743, Died 1796. I Landscape Mrs. A. S. Ludlow, | (Dutch School.) Waukesha. J Last Gleam $5,000 00 Wm. Hart 146 Marine $100 00-. G. H. Nicholson 147 Marine Samuel P. Burt, Mil­ C. H. Gifford, N. Y. City. 148 waukee.

Midsummer near Engle- 00 R. W. Van Boskerck, N. Y. 149 w^ood, N. J. City. Misty Morning on the Col. J. McC. Bell, G. N. Nicholson 150 Coast. Milwaukee. Moonlight Night on the H50 00 G. H. McCord, New York 151 Hudson. City. Moonlight on Long D. L. Wells, Esq., M. F. H. de Haas, N. Y. 152 Island. Milwaukee. City. Moonlight on the Rhine. Mrs. A. J. Aikens, B. F. Rinehart. 153 This picture was taken Milwaukee. from the artist's studio by the Countess of Brockdorf, and pre­ sented to Mrs. Aikens.

Morning on Long Island Mrs. A. Mitchell... Edward Moran 154

Morning on Long Island. Mrs. Alex. Mitchell, Edward Moran, N. Y. City.. 155 Milwaukee.

Morning (Lake Erie) $80 00 A. M. Farnham, Buffalo .... 156 Mount St. Michael, Mrs. Alex, Mitchell, L. Bentabole 157 France. Milwaukee. Mountain Stream. $125 00 J. W. Casilear, N. Y. City... 158 Mouth of the Humber Col. J. McC. Bell, G. N. Nicholson, Philadel­ 159 (North Sea.) Milwaukee. phia. Mother and Child James H. Dole, Chi­ Paul Soyer (Medal), Paris, 160 cago. France. Natalie $100 00. (Teorge D. Maynard, N. Y, 161 City.

Newark from the Mead $150 00. 162 ows. M. Nimmo Moran, N. Y. City

New Wine in Old Bottles $40 00.. Agnes D. Abbott, N. Y. City 163 ^ 86 CATALOGUE OF EXHIBITS.

DEPARTMENT 0~Continued.

Subject. Owner or Price. Artist. No.

New England Village... 0. W. Potter, Chi­ A. F. Bellows, New York 164 cago. City. New York from Jersey $500 00 Thomas Moran, N. Y. City-- 165 City.

Noon Mark (Adiron­ $60 00 R. W. Shurtleff, N. Y. City-- 166 dacks j.

Off Block Island $300 00 M F H de Haas 167 Chas. Andrews, Mil­ Thos S Noble 168 waukee.

Old Fort near Genoa $100 00 J. R. Brevoort, N. Y. City... 169 Italy.

Old House Up the Hill. $60 00 Kruseman Van Elton, N. Y 170 City.

Old Salt at Home 0. W. Potter G N Webb 171 On Cape Ann 1300 00 Worthington Whittridge, N 172 Y. City.

On Marblehead Neck.. J. J. Hagerman, Esq. J. C. Nicoll, N. Y. City 173 Milwaukee. On Raritan Bay $125 00 Arthur Quartley, N. Y. City. 174

On the Campana Col. J. McC. Bell 175 Milwaukee.

On the Campana Col. J. McC. Bell, 176 Milwaukee.

OntheSaco,N. H $300 00 J. W. Casilear, N. Y. City... 177 On the Scheldt James H. Dole, Chi­ 178 cago.

On the Shore (Lake For 115 00 ... 179 est). Ossipe Valley, N. H D. L. Wells, Esq., W. L. Sonntag, N. Y. City -. 180 Milwaukee.

Overland Route, Rocky $250 00 John Williamson, N. Y. Citj 181 Mountains. Palms on the Nile Mrs. Alex Mitchell, Frank Waller, N. Y. City- -- 182 Milwaukee.

Passing the Locks (Erie $250 00 Wordsworth Thompson, N. 183 Canal). Y. City.

Playing Doctor Wm. H. Metcalf 184 Milwaukee.

Pond Lilies Not for Sale Mary E. Harrison, Chicago-. 185 =i»^ ^^ rM


DEPARTMENT 0—Continued.

Subject. Owner or Price. No.

Portrait . D. L Wells, Mil­ Healy waukee. 186

Portrait . Col. J. MoC. Bell, Josepli Neagle (deceased). 187 Milwaukee. Portrait of Wm. H. Met­ Wm. H. Metcalf, E. Metcalf 188 calf. Milwaukee. Portrait of Park: Godwin Thos. Le Clear, N. Y. City 189 Portrait of Mr. Marr, Sr. Carl Marr, Milwaukee 190 Portrait of Mr. Marr Carl Marr, Milwaukee 191 Portrait of Miss Marr--. Carl Marr, Milwaukee .... 192 Portrait of an Old Lady. §100 00. Carl Marr, Milwaukee .... 193 Portrait of Ricliard Simon Albert S. Ludlow, Simon de St. Andre, Renard 194 U(J77). ;• Waukesha. (Born, France, 1614. IJied 1677). Portrait of Thackeray 875 00. .T. E. Lambdin 195 Puipit ill St. Marks, Mrs. Alex. Mitchell, Geo. H. Ye well, N. Y. City. 196 A'enice. Milwaukee. Heading a Love Letter-. Mrs. Alex. Mitchell, Edmund Blume. -. 197 Milwaukee. Beading News (water Mrs. Alex. Mitchell, A. Porcelli, Eome. 198 color). Milwaukee. Ready for a Promenade. |35 00-. S. Renci 199 looses ?100 00. M. Granger 200 Roses Mrs. Alex. Mitchell, Teresa Hegg, Vevay. 201 Milwaukee. Roses and Heliotrope--. Mrs, Alex. Mitchell, Teresa Hegg, Vevay - 202 Milwaukee. Koses and Pomegranates MTS. Alex. .Mitchell, Teresa Hegg, Vevay. 203 (.water colors). Milwaukee. Mrs. Alex. Mitchell, Dom Amici 204 Ruins of Caesar's Palace Milwaukee. Mrs. Alex. Mitchell, Presciosa 2a5 Scene oii Bosphorus Milwaukee. Scene on the Bouquet Mrs. Alex. Mitchell, Julia II. Beers, N. Y. City 206 Eiver. Mifwaukee. Scene in Egypt {Pumping Mrs. Alex. Mitchell, Frank Waller, N. Y. City- .. 207 water from tlie Nile.) Milwaukee.


DEPARTMENT 0—Continued.

Subject. Owner or Price. Artist. So.

Scene on the Hudson Mrs. Alex. Mitchell, J. W. Casilear (N. A.), N. Y.i 208 River. Milwaukee. City. Scene in Holland Mrs. Alex. Mitchell, Leroy. 209 Milwaukee. Scene in Holland Mrs. Alex. Mitchell Eliza Greatorex, N. Y. City. 210 Milwaukee. i Scene in Italy Mrs. Alex. Mitchell, Antonio Porcelli (deceased)-! 211 Milwaukee. Scene in Switzerland. Mrs Alex. Mitchell F. C. Welsch ^212 Milwaukee. Scene on the Shepang J. J. Hagerman- Kruseman Van Elton, N. Y.: 213 Eiver. City. Seminary Ravine (Lake 115 00 D. F. Bigelow - 214 Forest). September Afternoon fISO 00 James D. Smillie i 215 with Cows. Sketch Col. J. McC. Bell- - Horace Vernet j 216 Sketch (Chicago River). !gl0 00 Geo. H. Gay, Chicago. i 217 Snow Birds 8150 00 Fedelia Bridges j 218 j Solfatara Roses Mrs. Alex. Mitchell Teresa Hegg, A'evay i 219 Milwaukee. j Sorrento Mrs. Alex. Mitchell, J. S. Chapman, Rome, Italy-i 220 Milwaukee. Sorrento Wm. II. Metcalf, Cesar Uva 221 Milwaukee. Speeding for Port. 8125 00- Arthur Quartley, N. Y. City,

Spring 850 00- Carl Marr, Milwaukee Spring, New Jersey.- 825 00- J. W.Folconer,Bi-ooklyn,N.Y: 224 I Spring Time in the Gar­ Mrs. Alex. Mitchell, G. Costa, Rome, Italy den of the Villa Med- Milwaukee. ici.

Statue of St. Francis, at Mrs. Alex. Mitchell Frank Waller, N. Y. City- 226 Florence. Milwaukee. Steamship Lizzie, ashore 81,200 00.... M. F. H. de Haas, N. Y. Cityi 227 at Bridge Hampton. StillLife. Gust. Haug, Mil- John S. Conway, Milwaukee.] 228 ^ waukee. ' ) -^ ^ CATALOGUE OF EXHIBITS. 89 r


Subject. Owner or Price. Artist.

Stone Pines. Mrs. Alex. Mitchell Achillo Vertunni — 229 Milwaukee. Stone Bank ?35 00- J. Elling.sou, Chicago- 230 Storm on the Nile . Mrs, Alex. Jlitchell, Frank AValler, N. Y. City- 231 Milwaukee. Sfeitue of St. Francis, at •Mrs. Alex. Mitchell, Frank Waller, N. Y. City- Florence. Mihvaukeo. St. Gervasio, Venice Mrs. Alex. Mitchell, Linton Chapman, Rome,Italyj 233 Milwaukee. St. Pere in Paris 865 00. F. Keppler, Germany- 234 Street Scene in Cairo Mrs. Emma O. Asay, Passini 235 Chicago.

Study of a Ram's Head.. Col. J. McC. Bell, John S. Conwaj', Milwaukee. 230 Milwaukee.

Study of Female Head Wm. H. Metcalf, Costanzi 237 The original study for Milwaukee. one of tlie foreground figures in Costanzi's great picture of " Saint Peter raising the wid­ ow Tabitha." In Church of St. Peter, Rome. Painted, 1757. Studv of Old xirmor James H. Dole, Chi­ MaryB. Dole, Chicago \ 238 cago. \ Study of a Ram's Head - Col J. McC. Bell, John S. Conwav, Milwaukee. 239 -Milwaukee. Sumach Mary E. Harrison . - Mary B. Harrison, Chicago--!I 240 Summer Afternoon on 8100 00 Geo. S. CoUis, Chicago 241 the Aux riaines. Summer Bloomers • 8175 00..- Hamilton Hamilton, N. Y 242 City.

Sunday Morning in the 81,000 00- Thomas Le Clear, N. Y. Cit;,-: 243 Country.

Sunset on Long Island - - 840 00. Mary Kollock, N. Y. City--- 244 Sunset on the Hudson 835 00- ; Hamilton Hamilton, N. Y. 245 City.

Swallo\ys Skimming over $70 00. iFedolia Bridges, N. Y. City- 246 a Pool.

Sweet Peas. 8.30 00. Harriett Fox, Chicago- 247 Tea Roses.. !Wm.H.Metcalf,MilwiMadame Hegg. 248 ^ 90 CATALOGUE OF EXHIBITS.

DEPARTMENT 0—Contmued.

Sulojcct. Owner or Price. No.

Temple of Esneli on tht Mrs. Alex. Mitchell, Sarah Truman Clark, Boston. 249 Nile— Milwaukee. "An Arab Showing RigJit ! a Tomb by Torcii Wing. ^( . Light. A Uarli: Room in the Temple of Karnak, w here Left \ newly e.\:cavated Wing. objects are piac'd I before being sent I to the Museum.

The Ambuscade 8175 00 J. Crawford Tliom 250

The Astrologer, from Mrs. Alox. Mitchell, K. Porcelli, Rome 251 Qneutin Durward. Milwaukee.

The Bacchante Albert S. Ludlow, Unknown Waukesha.

The Bay of Naples and a 8200 00 Samuel Colman 253 ruined Watch Tower oi' Charles V.

The Bi'ook 8400 00 J. Alden Weir, N. Y. City .. 254

The BullUght 8100 00 F. Kepi^ler, Germany 255 Four hundred marks Owned by Mrs. was olfered for thiw Ray, for sale. picture by the Mu­ seum in Stuttgart.

The Captive Kuiglit Mrs. Eay F. Keppler, Germany 256

The Cavalier Mrs. A!ex. Mitchell, Sir .John Gilbert (R. A.), Lon­ 257 Milwaukee. don, England.

The Coming Storm - .... 8200 (X) Kruseman Van Elten. 258

The Coquette , 8500 00 Gilbert Gaul, N. Y.City 259

The Critical Maidens--. James H. Dole, Chi Fred Ortlieb, Munich 260 cago.

The Duet 875 00 S. Roberti, Milan 261

D. L. Wells, Mil­ B. F. Reinhart, N. Y. City-- 262 The Faithful Guardian.. waukee.

Mrs. Alex. Mitchell, J. Bourges 263 The First Born -"Milwaukee.

8200 00- S. R. Macknight, N. Y. Citv The Gipsy Bride 264 The Grandmother's Ad- Mi-s. Alex. Mitchell, Micliele Cainmerano, Rome, 265 monition. Milwaukee. Italy.

The Hillside 8125 00 Carl Marr, Milwaukee 266

Th e Little Trapper ! 8300 00 Jerome Thompsoii,N. Y.City. 267 i ^^ ^^-~ J£ *\>^ CATALOGUE OF EXHIBITS 91

DEPARTMENT Q)~Conlinu.(id.

Subject. Owner or Price. No.

The Lost Found - noo 00- A. F. Bellows- 268 The Love Letter - Mrs. Emma O. Asay, Carl Hubiier. - 269 Chicago.

The Mask. AVm. 11. Metcalf, Chierici Gaetano, Reggio 270 Milwaukee. Italy, The Memnonium on the Mrs. Alex. Mitchell,|J. R. Tilton, Rome, Italy. 271 Nile. Milwaukee. The Navigator 8150 00- George W. Mavnard, N. Y 272 City.

The Nests. 850 00. James Crawford Thorn 273

TheOldMillatVeule.on Mrs. Alex. Mit<,-hell Eliza Greatorex, N. Y. City 274 the North Coast ol Milwaukee. France. The Old Poroli, Lexing­ Mrs. Alex. .Mitchell, Eliza Greatorex. N. Y. Citv ton Avenue, Painted Milwaukee. on a Panel of the Pul- p i t o f t h 0 North Dutch Church, Fulton Street, N. Y. City.

The Old Story. 81,500 00- Jerome Thompson, N. Y. 27G City.

The Pets 8-50 00.... James Crawford Tlioin - 277 The Pinch of Snuff- 805 00 ... G. Ccrri 278 The Queen S'ab—From 850 00. Wm. Walton 279 the Arabian Nights.

The Restive Model ... 875 00 . S. Coute -. 280 The Student Mrs. Emma O. Asay Spetzwei 281 Chicago.

The Towers of the Col­ §800 00- Thomas Moran, N. Y. City.- 282 orado River.

The Wettorhorn 840 00. Wm. Gifibrd, N. Y. City .--. 283 The Wrong Corner O. W. Potter, Chi­ I. G. Brown, 284 cago.

Tomb of the Caliphs, Mrs. .Alex. Mitchell Frank Waller, N. Y. City - -- 285 Cairo. Milwaukee. Tomb of a Sheik Jlrs. Alex. Mitchell, U. Swain Gifford, N. Y. City. 286 Milwaukee. Too Much Game O, W. Potter, Chi­ W. H. Beard. cago. 92 CATALOGUE OF EXHIBITS.

DEPARTMENT 0—Continued.

Price or Owner. Artist. No.

The Wandering Jew - - - - $3,000 00 Carl Marr, Milwaukee I 288 Carl Marr, born in Milwaukee, displayed artistic taste at an early age, went to Europe in 1875. During an absence of five years, he studied diligently in Weimar, Berlin and Munich, making many sketcliiug tours in various paTts ofGermany and Italy. His first large picture, " The Wandering Je<,v," he completed just before returning to America. According to the current legend the Waiuleriug Jew is Asliasuerus, the shoemaker at Jerusalem, who, when the Saviour wished to re-^i before his house on his way to Golgatha, drove him away, and as a punishment for his slii is> condemned to wander over the face of the earth till Christ shall pronounce his doom HI the last day. The figure of Ashasuerus is placed under the shadow of a rock by the sea shore, whither his wanderings have brought him. The twilight hour approachiug, a single star gVoams over the restless sea. The drowned body of a beautiful girl lias been washed upor. the shore, with the stranded weeds and rifted sands, at his feet. The expression and power of the figure tell the story—seeking death, and for himself finding it not, but finding it in innocent youth. "The difficulties of an original conception of a subject so often poetically and picto- rially treated have been successfully met, and the power of this picture must be admitted and admired. There are few painters of to-day who have the requisite courage, talent and skill to conduct successfully such an admirable performance, whicli with the excellent tech­ nical quality it displays entitles it to rank high as a work of art. This picture is admirably suited to exhibition in a public gallery, and Mr. Marr has refused application from remu­ nerative sources, that this work may be exhibited at the first Milwaukee Industrial Exposi­ tion." Thou Ring Upon My $1,000 00 Carl Marr, Milwaukee 289 Finger —Suggested to the artist by the little poem of the German Poet Chamisso.

This last work of Mr. Marr's has just been completed for this exhibition, the subject of which was suggested to the artist by the following exquisite little verses of the German poet Chamisso : Thou ring upon my finger, My little ring of gold. Devout I press thee to my lips, Devoutly to my bosom hold. Came a vision in my sleep, A childish tranquil dream: Lost and alone I stood Where boundless deserts gleam ; Thou ring upon my finger, Thou bad'st me first to dwell With eyes unlocked upon Life's worth ineffable. Him shall I ever love and serve. Resign to him all right, And as I yield myself Grow brighter in his sight. The observer is at once struck with the delicacy of the tone of this picture. It is, in­ deed, a "symphony" in white. The garland of red roses twiired about the young girl's head is the only departure from the pearly tints throughout the picture. The white azaleas, relieved against the white marble base of a column, play their part in the scheme of chiar­ oscuro and color, while the tender sentiment of the picture is felt at a glance. The artist has bestowed much pains and thought on its execution, and the result is in a high degree pleasing. This picture is for sale.

The Jungfrau, from the Wm. H. Metcalf, I Eos6, Munich 290 Wengern Alp, looking Milwaukee. across the Lauterbrun- en Valley.

Under the Elms- Samuel P. Burt, Mil-James M, JIart. 291 waukee.

Upper Valley of the ?300 00 John Williamson, New York 292 Esopus Skokan, Ulster Co.. N. Y. -^ m, 1 CATALOGUE OF EXHIBITS. 93

DEPARTMENT 0—Continued.

Subject. Owner or Price. Artist. No.

View of Boulak, on the Mrs. Alex. Mitchell, A. Chille Vertunni, Eome--- 293 Nile, opposite Cairo. Milwaukee. View in Ellenville, N. Y. $75 00. Kruseman Van Elton, N.Y. C 294 View of Ellenville, Ulter $80 00 Kruseman van Elten 295 Co., N. Y.

View in France 150 00 C. H. Shearer 298 View on the Hudson. Mrs. Alex. Mitchell, Jervis McEntee (N. A) -- 297 Milwaukee. View at Moret, France . 175 00 H. G. Plumb, New York City 298 Village on the Nile . Mrs. Alex. Mitchell, J. R. Tilton, Rome, Italy.. 299 Milwaukee. View on the Seine .. Mrs. Emma O. Asay, Corot 300 Chicago. Violin Player Amusing a Mrs. Alex. Mitchell Antonio Porcelli, Deceased... 301 Family. Milwaukee. Violets Mrs. Alex. Mitchell. Teresa Hegg, Vevay 302 Violets $275 00 Walter Satterlee 303 Violets , $375 00 Walter Satterlee, N. Y. City. 304 Violets (water colors) Mrs. Alex. Mitchell Teresa Hegg, Vevay 305 Milwaukee.

Waifs Mrs. John Tesch Mrs. Imre V. Boos, Milwau­ 306 Milwaukee. kee. Wake Eobins. :5 00- Mary E. Harrison 307 Wake Robins- $50 00. Mrs. J. T. Kavanagh, Mil.Col. 308 Washing D a y—O live Mrs. Alex. Mitchell, Kate H. Greatorex, New 309 Trees at Menton, France Milwaukee. York Citv. Wavside Cafe, Ischi ... Mrs. Alex. Mitchell, Frank Williams. 310 Milwaukee. Winter Evening on the $350 OC G. H. McCord... 311 Delaware River. Wood road, Bloo m i n g $125 00- Laura Woodward, New York 312 Avenue Park, Pa. City. Wood Scene. - - $35 00 F. Kepler, Germany.-- 313 Wood Interior. $75 00 D. F. Bigelow, Chicago. 314 Mrs. Winfield Smith 315 ^u


DEPARTMENT 0—Continued. Statuary.

Subject. Owner or Price. Artist. No.

Intaglio Head (a Por­ Miss Frazer Miss Frazier, Boston. 316 trait). Plaster Shield—(Head ofiLydia Ely Hewitt, John S. Conway 317 Medusa). | Milwaukee.


Artist. Subject. Exhibitor. No.

Aldegrever, Henry. *La Diligence Frederick Keppel 318 Aldegrever, Henry. *,Ammon and Jonadab Frederick Keppel 319 Amling, C G Triumphal Procession . -. Mrs. W. G. Fitch 320 Anderloni, P *The Virgin and the Angels Frederick Keppel 321 Anderloni, P *Madonna del Passeggio-- Hermann Wunderlich & Co 322 Anderloni, P *Judgment of Solomon... Hermann Wunderlich & Co 323 Anderloni, P - •• Madonna of the Meadow Mrs. John Plankinton 324 Ardell, James Mc *Rubens and his Family.. HermannWunderlich & Co 325 Audran, Gerard --- -^neas Saving his Father Mrs. W. G. Fitch 326 Anchises. And ran, John *Peter Paul Rubens Frederick Keppel 327 Baldrey, J The Young Florist Mrs.W. G. Fitch 328 Bartolozzi, T Comedy Mr. F. G. Bigelow 329 Bartolozzi, T Mary Stuart (2 plates) -.. W. H. Osborne 330 Beham, Bartel ^Ferdinand I HermannWunderlich &Co 331 Beham, Bartel *The Emperor Charles V- HermannWunderlich & Co 332 Beretta, G -,-- *The Reading Magdalene. Frederick Keppel 333 Berger, J '! he Vestal Virgin Mr. C.E.Lewis 334 Bervic, C. C Louis Seize Mr. Wm. Plankinton 335 Bervic, C. C ^Education of Achilles.. -.' HermannWunderlich & Co 336 Bervic, C. C *Rape of Dejanire HermannWunderlich & Co 337 Bertinot, G *Headof Van Dyck Frederick Keppel 338 Bettelini, P Endymion Mr. E. H. Chandler .... 339

* For Sale. ^=^ M CATALOGUE OF EXHIBITS. 95 r

DEPARTMENT 0—Continued.

Artist. Subject. Exhibitor. No.

Bettelini, P Madonna of the Goldfinch Mr. E. C. Wall 340 Blooteling, A— Admiral Tromp Mr. J. J. Hagerman — .. 341 Bolswer^ S. A... *Crucifixion HermannWunderlich &Co 342 Bolswert, S. A... *:rhe Nativity Frederick Keppel 843 Bolswert, S. A... *The Resurrection 344

Bolswert, S. A. -. Family Musicians Mrs. R. G. Frackelton 345

Bolswert, S. A--. Sylenus Mrs. W. G. Fitch 346 Boscolo ^Repenting Magdalene Frederick Keppel 347 Bourne,H The Christian Martyrs- .- Mr. Wm. Plankinton 348 Bourne, H , Christ Leaving the Prae- 349 torium.

Bourne,H , The Dream of Pilate's Mr. Wm. Plankinton 350 Wife.

Bourne, H The Triumph of Chris­ Mr. Wm, Plankinton 351 tianity. Bourne, H Night of the Crucifixion- Mr. Wm. Plankinton 352 Boydell, J Reinier Hansloo and His HermannWunderlich &Co 353 Wife. Callot, J Tour de Nesle HermannWunderlich & Co 354 Callot, J *Tournament at Nancy - - -HermannWunderlich & Co 355 Canot, P. C Sunrise 356 Caracci, Agostino Ecce Homo Mr. 8. P. Burt 357 Caracci, Agostino Titian H. H. Boyce 358 Caracci, Agostino ..Eneas Saving His Father Mrs. W. G. Fitch 359 Anchises.

Carmona, E. S... ''Francis Boucher HermannWunderlich & Co 360 Caronni, P Jupiter and Europa. 361 Caronni, P *Venus and Cupid Visiting 362 Europa. Caronni, P...... Venus Nursing Cupid (2 Mr. J. J, Hagerman 363 plates). Cecchini, F La Visitation Mrs. Geo. W. Bacon 364 Claessens ^Descent from the Cross Hermann Wunderlich & Co 365 h * For Sale. ^43J^ 96 CATALOGUE OF EXHIBITS.

DEPARTMENT 0—Cmitinued.

Artist. Subject. Exhibitor. No.

Cock, H. An Allegory Frederick Keppel 366 Cock, H The Death of Samson. Frederick Keppel 367 CoUaert, A A Llermitess Mrs. AV. G. Fitch 368 Contardi, A Christ's Charge to Peter Mrs. Wm. Plankinton 369 (2 Plates).

Cort, C Figure Frederick Keppel 370 Cousins, Sam'l. Ninette Frederick Keppel .... 371 Dalen, Cornelius Van *Pietro Aretino Frederick Keppel 372 Dalen, Cornelius Van ^Giorgio Barbarelli HermannWunderlich & Co 373 Delft, William J.... *Gustavus Adolph us HermannWunderlich & Co 374 Delft,William J.... ^Frederick Henry HermannWunderlich & Co ^375 Desnoyers, A. B *Belesaire Frederick Keppel 376 Desnoyers, A. B Phedre et Hippolyte- -. Mr. E. H. Chandler 377 Desnoyers, A. B Napoleon le Grande Mr. William Plankinton . 378 Desnoyers, A. B *Madonna of the Rocks HermannWunderlich &Co 379 Desnoyers, A. B St. Marguerite Mrs. F. W. Montgomery.. 330 Drevel, P The Last Supper Mrs. G. D. Norris 381 Drevel, P *J. B. Bossuet HermannWunderlich & Co 382 Drevel, P *Nicolas Lambert HermannWunderlich & Co 383 Drevel, P *MaxTiton HermannWunderlich &Co 384 Drevel, P *John F. Pictor HermannWunderlich &Co 385 Durer, Albert *The Great Fortune — Frederick Keppel Durer, Albert *St. Hubert, and copy of Frederick Keppel same. Durer, Albert - Melancholia Frederick Keppel ] 3^ Durer, Albert *Madonna with the Apple. Frederick Keppel .. 389 Durer, Albert *The Knight and Death .. Frederick Keppel. 390 Durer, Albert *Les Ofires de Amour Frederick Keppel . 391 Durer, Albert St. Jerome in Meditation Miss L. Plankinton, 392 Durer, Albert *St. Anne and the Virgin.. HermannWunderlich & G(^ 393


DEPARTMENT 0^ Continued.

Subject. Exhibitor. No.

Durer, Albert- *Madonna with the Pear . HermannWunderlich & (jlo 394 Durer, Albert.. *Madonna with the Mon­ HermannWunderlich & Co 395 key. Durer, Albert-. *]Madonna with the Butter- HermannWunderlich & Co 398 fly. Durer, Albert- ... *Coat of Arms with Shield HermannWunderlich &Co 397 Darer, Albert ... *Satyr and Family HermannWunderlich &Co 398 Durer, Albert *TheMntch HermannWunderlich & Co 399 Durer, Albert *The ^lonstrous Pig Frederick Keppel 400 Eariora, Richard. Game Market Mrs. Winfield Smith 401 Etiilom, Richard- Christ Opening the Eyes Mr. Wm. Plankinton 402 of the Blind Earloin, Richard. *TheFish Market -- HermannWunderlich & Co 403 Eaiiom, Richard. *The Green Market HermannWunderlich & Co 404 Earloni, Richard. *Hecate (2 plates) HermannWunderlich & Co 405 Earlom, Richard. "The Forge HermannWunderlich &Co 406 Eaiiom, Richard. *Rembrandt's Wife HermannWunderlich & Co 407 Earlom, Richard. *Princes in the Tower HermannWunderlich &Co 408 Earlom, Richard. The Boar Hunt Mrs. C. A. Hamilton 409 Edeliiick, G.--1. Philippe de Champagne- Mr. 8. P. Burt 410 Edelinck, G L\lexander and Hephes- Hermann Wunderlich & Co 411 tion. Edelinck, G *Fight for the Standard-.. HermannWunderlich & Co 412 Edelinck, G *Massard • HermannWunderlich & Co 413 Edelinck, G *Le Brun HermannWunderlich &Co 414 Edelinck, G Moses Holding the TablesllVIr. J. J. Hagerman- 415 of the Law—(Engraved conjointly by Edelinck and Nanteuil)

Edelinck, G "Hyacinth Rigaud \ Frederick Keppel 416

Edelinck, G *John Carolus Frederick Keppel- 417 Edelinck, G *Martin Vanden Bogaert- Frederick Keppel. 418 Edelinck, G •*Ed ward Colbert Frederick Keppel. 419

* For Sale. fr" "m 98 CATALOGUE OF EXHIBITS.

DEPARTMENT 0—Continued.

Artist. Subject. Exhibitor. No.

Fabric A. Oath of Leo III. Mrs. G. D. Norris- 420 Fabri, A. Coronation of Charle­ Mrs. G. D. Norris- 421 magne. Fabri, A. Delivery of the Emblem Mrs. G. D. Norris- 422 of Rome.

Faed, J. Milton Mr. J. J. Hagerman. 423 Faed, J. Shakespeare Mr. Geo. L. Graves.. 424 Felsing-. *Raphael Frederick Keppel... 425 Folo,.G-. Triumph of Scipio- Mrs.W. G. Fitch.-.. 426 Folo, G-. St. Michael and the Dra­ Mrs. L. F. Hodges... 427 gon.

Forster, F.­ Aurora and Cephale Mr. F. W. Montgomery. 428 Francois, A- Michael Angelo Mr. J. J. Hagerman 429 Francois, A. Napoleon Crossing the Mr. J. J. Hagerman 430 Alps.

Galle, Phillip... *Salutation of Saul and Frederick Keppel .. 431 David. Galli, Cornelius. David, Daniel, Jona and Mrs. Geo. W. Bacon 432 Habakuk.

Giandolfi St. Cecilia Mrs. G. D. Norris 433 Garavaglia, G Jacob and Rachel Mr. J. J. Hagerman 434 Glaravaglia, G Hagar and Ishmael Mrs. John Plankinton . 435 Ghisi, Giorgio The Burning of Troy — Mrs.W. G. Fitch 436 Goltzius, Henry.. Masterpieces (6 plates) .. Mr. J. J. Hagerman 437 Groltzius, Henry.. *The Entombment HermannWunderlich & Co 438 Goltzius, Henry.. ^Portrait of the Son of HermannWunderlich & Co 439 Frisius. Goltzius, Henry.. *M. de la Faille and HermannWunderlich & Co 440 Madame de la Faille. Goudt, Count de.. •^Landscapes (4 plates) HermannWunderlich & Co 441 Green, Valentine. *Tobit HermannWunderlich & Co 442 Green, Valentine- *The Entombment HermannWunderlich & Co 443 Green, Valen ine. The Annunciation Mrs. E. Sanderson 444 Guadaguini, G *The Annunciation Frederick Keppel .445 * For Sale. m^^ CATALOGUE OF EXHIBITS. 99

DEPARTMENT 0—Continued.

Artist. Subject. Exhibitor. No.

Haid, LG *Rembrandt HermannWunderlich & Co 446 Hess, C.E Maximilian Mr. Wm. Plankinton 447 Hodges, C. H -•— *The Shipbuilder HermannWunderlich & Co 448 Houston, R *Confession HermannWunderlich & Co 449 Landseer, Thomas Horse Fair Mr. Geo. L. Graves 450 Langier *Hero and Leander HermannWunderlich & Co 451 Langier *Death of Leander HermannWunderlich & Co 452 Langier *The Duke of Urbino .... Frederick Keppel 453 Lefevre Immaculate Conception -. Mr. B. K. Miller 454 Leyden, Lucas von *St. Peter and St. John ... Frederick Keppel 455 Leyden, Lucas von Adoration of the Kings.. Mrs. W. G. Fitch 456 Lignon *Ta]ma HermannWunderlich & Co 457 Longhi, G Bonaparte Mr. H. H. Boyce 458 Longhi, G La Sposalizio Mrs. G. D. Norris 459 Longhi, G '. .. *The Triumph of Galatea. Frederick Keppel 460 Lorichon *Madonna of Bridgwater. HermannWunderlich &Co 461 Louis, A *Madonna with the Lily.. HermannW'^underlich &Co 462 Louis, A Napoleon Mr. J. J. Hagerman 463 Mandel, B. E La Belle Mrs. Washington Becker . 464 Mandel, B. E Madonna with the Stars.. MissL. Plankinton 465 Mandel, B.E Carl I Mrs. 8. S. Merrill 466 Mandel, B.E ^Madonna of the Chair... HermannWunderlich & Co 467 Mandel, B. E *Madonna Paushanger HermannWunderlich &Co 468 Mantegna, A ^Bacchus Supported by HermannWunderlich &Co 469 Fauns and Satyrs.

Mantegna, A *A Battle of the Sea Gods. HermannWunderlich & Co 470 Marcucci, Joseph Vatican Madonna Mr. J. J. Hagerman 471 Martini, M II Violinesta di Raflfaello- Mrs, L. F. Hodges 472 Mason, J Sun Setting Miss L. Plankinton 473 Massard, R. U Louis XVIII Mr. Wm. Plankinton 474

* For Sale. ^=



Artist. Subject. Exhibitor. No.

Massard, R. U.. *Death of Socrates HermannWunderlich & Co 475 Massard, R. U.. Homer Mr. T. A. Chapman 476 Massard, R. U-. ^Apollo and the Muses ... Frederick Keppel 477 Masson, A Count d'Hai court... Mr. Chas. L. Colby 478 Masson, A The Gray-Haired Man-.. Mr. S. P.Burt.... 479 Masson, A.. *The Supper at Emaus -.. Frederick Keppel 480 Masson, A *Rabbi Comes Dionysius-. HermannWunderlich &Co 481 Mecken, I. Von *Christ Delivered to the HermannWunderlich & Co 482 People. Morel *Oath of the Horatii HermannWunderlich &Co 483 Morghen, R — *Aurora HermannWunderlich & Co 484 Morghen, R .... '*The Last Supper HermannWunderlich & Co 485 Morghen, R Leonardo da Vinci Mr. J. J. Hagerman 486 Morghen, R .... Napoleon Mr. F. G. Bigelow 487 Morghen, R .... Parce Somnum Rumpere. Mrs. G. D. Norris 488 Morghen, R .... The Mass of Bolsena Mrs. G. D. Norris 489 Morghen, R *Madonna of the Sack HermannWunderlich & Co 490 Morghen, R — Madonna Granduca Mrs. C. F. Hibbard 491 Morghen, R .... *Transfiguration HermannWunderlich &Co 492 !\Iorghen, R .... *Napoleon Frederick Keppel 493 Morghen, R *Repenting Magdalene — Frederick Keppel 494 Morghen, R — *Leonardo da Vinci Frederick Keppel 495 Morghen, R — *Dance of the Seasons Frederick Keppel 496 Morghen, R Festival of the Huntresses Mr. James H. Tweedy... 497 Morghen, R — Petrarch Mr. J. J. Hagerman 498 Morghen, R ... Ariosto Mr. J J. Hagerman 499 Morghen, R ... Boccaccio Mr. J. J. Hagerman 500 Morghen, R Tasso Mr. J. J. Hagerman 501 Morghen, R — Dante Mr. J. J. Hagerman...... 502 Morghen, R — Philosophy Mrs. G. D. Norris 503


DEPARTMENT 0—Continued.

Subject. Exhibitor. No.

Morghen, R..... Theology Mrs. G. D. Norris 504 Morghen, R Poesy Mrs. G. D. Norris 505 Morghen, R Justice Mrs. G. D. Norris 506 Muller,C. F.Von. St. John Mr. S. P. Burt 507 Muller,C. F.Von. Madonna di San Sisto — Mr. H. H. Boyce 508 Muller,J.G *Madame LeBrun Frederick Keppel 509 Muller.J.G Die Heilige Gatharina Mrs. W.G. Fitch 510 MuUer, John * Albert of Austria HermannWunderlich & Co 511 MuUer John *The Baptism of Christ. -. Frederick Keppel .. 512 Muller, H.C... *Madonna of St. Jerome .. Frederick Keppel 513 Nanteuil, R *Pompone Frederick Keppel...... 514 Nanteuil, R *Cardinal Bouillon HermannAVunderlich &Co 515 Nanteuil, R Pomponius de Bellievre.. Mr. J. J. Hagerman 516 Nordheim Madonna di San Sisto — Mr. B. K. Miller 517 Parkes, R. B Sarah Siddons Mr. J. J. Hagerman 518 Parkes, R.B The Cup of Coffee Mrs. L. F. Hodges 519 Pauquet, L *Marie Stuart and Rizzio.- Frederick Keppel 520 Pavon, I. Madonna de Fuligno Mr. T. A. Ghapman 521 Peake, J Morning Mr. J. J. Hagerman 522 Pesne, J Holy Family Mrs. Geo. W. Bacon 523 Pether,W The Jewish Rabbi Mrs. S. S. Merrill 524 Pichler, J *Silene • HermannWunderlich &Co 525 Pichler, J *Baptism of Christ HermannWunderlich & Co 526 Poilly, F Deposition from the Cross Mrs. Geo. W. Bacon 527 Porporati, C. A- *Education of Cupid Frederick Keppel 528 Porporati, C. A. Venus Caressing Cupid.. Mr. W. H. Osborne 529 Raimondi (called *Holy Family HermannWunderlich & Co 530 Marc Antonio). Raimondi (called Massacre of the Inno­ Mrs. G. D. Norris. 531 Marc Antonio). cents (2 plates).

* For Sale. #r^ 102 CATALOGUE OF EXHIBITS.

DEPARTMENT 0~Continued.

Artist. Subject. Exhibitor. No.

Raimondi (called Paul Preaching at Athens Mr. S. P. Burt.... 532 Marc Antonio). Raimondi (called Galathea Mrs. W. G. Fitch 533 Marc Antonio). Raimondi (called Christ Before the Doctors Mrs. W. G. Fitch 534 Marc Antonio). Raimondi (called *St. George and the Dragon Frederick Keppel 535 Marc Antonio). Raimondi (called *The Holy Family Frederick Keppel 536 Marc Antonio). Raimondi (called *The Laocoon Frederick Keppel 537 Marc Antonio). Eichomme, J. C Andromaque Gen. J. M. Lynch 538 Richomme, J, C *Daphnis and Chloe HermannWunderlich & Co 539 Eichomme, F *Marc Antonio Frederick Keppel 340 Eivera, G *Sybil Frederick Keppel 541 Eomano, Giulio *Regulus Frederick Keppel .... — 542 Sadeler, J Christ Bearing the Cross. Mrs. W.G. Fitch 543 Sadeler, J ^Matthias and Augusta — HermannWunderlich & Co 544 Sadeler, J *Apostle HermannWunderlich & Co 545 Saenredam, J *David with the Head of Frederick Keppel 546 Goliath. Saenredam, J ^Abraham and Isaac Frederick Keppel 547 Schiavoni, N Assumption of the Virgin Mrs. G. D. Norris 548 Schmutzer, T. M... •^Death of Marc Anthony - Frederick Keppel 549 Schmutzer, T. M... *C. W.E. Deitrich HermannWunderlich &, Co 550 Schmidt, G. F *Peter Mignard HermannWunderlich &Co 551 Schongauer, Martin- * Adoration of the Magi-. HermannWunderlich & Co 552 Schongauer, Martin. *Christ Bearing His Cross HermannWunderlich & Co 553 Sharp, Wm *John Hunter Frederick Keppel 554 Sharp, Wm ^Saul and the Witch of Frederick Keppel 555 Endor. Sharp, Wm *The Three Marys HermannWunderlich &Co 556 Sharp, Wm *Diogenes ... HermannWunderlich & Co 557 * For Sale. CATALOGUE OF EXHIBITS. 103


Artist. Subject. Exhibitor. No.

Sharp, Wm... Doctors of the Church... Mrs. Winfield Smith.... 558 Sharp, Wm,.. St. Cecilia Miss L. Plankinton 559 Simon, P *Cardinal Le Tellier Frederick Keppel 560 Simonean, C Entry into Jerusalem — Mrs, Geo, W, Bacon 561 Stella, C Moses Striking the Eock Mrs, Geo, W, Bacon 562 Strange, Sir E, Belesarius Mrs, Winfield Smith.... 563 Strange, Sir E, Meekness Mrs. G. D, Norris 564 Strange, Sir E. Justice Mrs. G. D. Norris 565 Strange, Sir E, *Raphael Frederick Keppel 566 Strange, Sir E. St. Agnes Frederick Keppel 567 Strange, Sir E, *Fortuna Frederick Keppel 568 Strange, Sir E, ^Sleeping Cupid Frederick Keppel 569 Strange, Sir E, *Venus Frederick Keppel 570 Strange, Sir E, *Danae Frederick Keppel 571 Strange, Sir E, Laomedon Mrs. Winfield Smith 572 Strange, Sir R, ^Charles I HermannWunderlich & Co 573 Strange, Sir E, *Family of Charles I HermannWunderlich & Co 574 Strange, Sir E. *Hagar and Abraham HermaimWunderlich & Co 575 Strange, Sir E, *Esther and Ahasuerus ... HermannWunderlich & Co 576 Suyderhoof... *Coiigress of Munster HermannWunderlich & Co 577

Toschi.P *One Set (40 plates) after 578 Corregio's Great Frescoes Toschi, P Entry of Henry IV. Mr. William Plankinton-. 579 Toschi, P Diana Mrs. Geo. W. Allen 580 Toschi, P *Epaminondas Dictating Frederick Keppel 581 His Will, Toschi, P The Flower Girl Miss Emily W. May 582 Toschi, P *Descent from the Cross. HermannWunderlich & Co 583 Toschi, P *Entry of Henry IV Frederick Keppel 584 Veneto Venus iMrs. C F. Hibbard. 585 * For Sale. m^ 104 CATALOGUE OF EXHIBITS.

DEPARTMENT 0—Continued.

Artist, Subject. Exhibitor. No.

Veneto Apollo Mrs C. F. Hibbard. 586 Veneto Raphael's Hours (2 plates) MissE. Tobey 587 Veneto Raphael's Hours (2 plates) Mrs. Frank B. Rice. 588 Visscher, C- Portrait of John I IMrs- W. G. Fitch. 589 Visscher, C- *Gellius de Bouma. HermannWunderlich & Co 590 Visscher, C- Cat on a Napkin... Master Harry P. Burt 591 Visscher, C Pancake Woman.. Mr. H. H. Boyce 592 Viviani, A--. *Madonna of the Family Frederick Keppel 593 Pesaro. Viviani, A... *The Holy Family with St. HerjuannWunderlich & Co 594 Francis. Volpato, J • - - Parnassus Mrs. G. D. Norris 595 Volpafto, J. -. School of Athens Mrs. G. D. Norris 596 Volpato, J... Dispute on the Sacrament Mrs. G. D. Norris 597 Volpato, J... Heliodorus Driven Out of Mrs. G. D. Norris 598 the Temple of Jerusa­ lem.

Volpato, J... Deliverance of St, Peter - Mrs. G. D. Norris 599 Volpato, J... Discomfiture of Attila. -. Mrs. G. D. Norris 600 Volpato, J... Conflagration of the Bor- Mrs. G. D. Norris 601 go Vecchio, Vosterman.. ^Cornelius de Vos -. HermannWunderlich & Co 602 Wierix, J ... St. Jerome in His Cell... Mr. 8. P. Burt 603 Wierix, J . -. St. Hubert Mrs. W.G. Fitch 604 Wierix, J ... *Isabella of Austria HermannWunderlich & Co 605 Wierix, J ... *Holy Family and St. Anne HermannWunderlich & Co 606 Weirix, A... The Temple of Solomon- Mrs.W. G. Fitch 607 Wille, J. G-, La Liseuse Mrs. G. D. Norris 608 Wille, J. G., La Devideuse Mere Mrs. G. D. Norris 609 Wille, J, G-. •^Musicians' Ambulans — HermannWunderlich & Co 610 Wille, J. G.. j^^Family Concert HermannWunderlich & Co 611 Wille, J. G-. i Phelypeaux Mr. C. L. Colby-.i 612


DEPARTMENT 0—Confmued.

Artist. Subject. Exhibitor. No.

Wille, J. G •^'Death of Marc Anthony.. 613 Wille, J. G *Hagar and Abraham 614 Wille, J. G 615 Wille, J. G 616 Wille, J. G *The Good Woman of Nor­ 617 mandy and Sister (2 plates Woollett, W The Cottagers -...... Mrs. A. McD. Young 618 WooUett, W The Jocund Peasants Mrs. A. McD. Young 619 Woollett, W Temple of Apollo Mrs. Geo. L. Graves 620 Woollett, W Mr. J. R. Goodrich 621

Woollett, W *The Temple of Apollo.... ff>'>: Woollett, W 6'>3 HermannWunderlich & Co 6'>4 Set of Engravings from Rubens' collection of paintings in the Gallery of the Palace of the Luxembourg. The engravings are by different artists, and are of especial value. Exhibited by Rev. D. Keene, D. D 625


Anderson R Hauling the Line Mrs. Matt. H. Carpenter 626 Appian Lake Arenton Mrs. Alex. Mitchell 627 Appian *Japan Proofs (6 plates) -. Frederick Keppel 628 Appian * Japan Proofs (6 plates).. HermannAVunderlich & Co 629 Bacher, Otto H *Auf Staufa Bruck American Art Review-.. 630 Ballin, O Notre Dame Mrs. E. Sanderson 631 Bartolozzi, F The Pet Bird Mr, 8, P. Burt 632 Beccafumi, D ^Bacchantes HermannAVunderlich & Co 633 Bellows, Albert F... *Mill Pond at Windsor, American Art Review.. - 634 Conn. Bellows, Albert F... •*Japan Proofs (3 plates).- HermannWunderlich & Co 635 Berghem, N * Pastorals (6 plates) HermannWunderlich & Co 636 Bhion, A. de Roc- -. The Brocket Mrs. Alex. Mitchell 637 Bhion, A. de Roc... Return from the Chase... Mrs. Alex. Mitchell 638 * For Sale. 106 CATALOGUE OF EXHIBITS,


Artist. Subjeet. Exhibitor. No.

Bhion» A, de Roc . - The Watering Place Mrs, Alex, Mitchell 639 Bicknell *One Set Proofs (18 plates) HermannWunderlich & Co 640 Blery, E Landscape Mrs. M.B. Gary 641 Blery,E Landscape Mrs. Winfield Smith 642 Breman, Alfred *Divination in Tea-Leaves American Art Review ... 643 Boissieu, J. J. de. .. Landscape Mrs. H. E.Southwell.... 644 Boissieu, J. J. de. .- Landscape Mrs. H. E. Southwell.... 645 Boissieu, J. J, de. .. Night Scene Mrs, W. G, Fitch 646 Boissieu, J, J. de. .. Blowing Soap Bubbles- .. Mr, S. P, Burt 647 Bol, F *The Angel and Tobit HermannWunderlich & Co 648 Bourne, H The Neophyte Mr, Wm, Plankinton ... 649 Calame, A Solitude Mr, Isaac Ellsworth 650 Calame, A Le Torrent Mr. Isaac EUsw^orth 651 Cantarini, 8 Madonna Mr. 8. P, Burt 652 Cassanova, A La Connoisseur Miss F, El^ired 653 Castiglione, G. B... Head of an Old Man Mrs, W, G, Fitch 664 Chase, William M.. *The Court Jester American Art Review... 655 Chauvel *Japan Proofs (3 plates)... HermannWunderlich & Co 656 Chauvel L'Etang Lydia Ely 657 Church, F,S *The Mermaid American Art Review... 668 Church, F,S *Japan Pr.ofs (5 plates).. Hermann Wunderlich & Co 669 Cole, J, Foxcroft.... ^Village Street with Sheep American Art Review.. 660 Colman, Samuel ^Durham American Art Review-. 661 Colman, Samuel * Japan Proofs (3 plates) Hermann Wunderlich &Co 662 Corot *Japan Proofs (3 plates) HermannWunderlich & Co 663 Courtry, C •*The Coquette Frederick Keppel 664 Courtry, C *Milton and His Daughters HermannWunderlich & Co 665 Cotirtry, C *Landscape with Cattle... Mrs, C, A, Hamilton.... 666 Couteau, Lionel Le- *General Prim Lydia Ely 667


DEPARTMENT 0~Continued.

Artist. Subject. Exhibitor. No.

Daubigny Landscapes (6 plates) Frederick Keppel. 668 Delauney Harfleur Mrs. Matt. H, Carpenter. 669 Delauney St, Peter's at Caen Mrs. Matt. H. Carpenter. 670 Delia Bella, S Holy Fatnily Frederick Keppel 671 Delia Bella, S Landscape Mr. S, P. Burt 672 Denon The Bull Mr, E, Sanderson 773 Desbaines, Brunet-- The Valley Farm Mrs, F, J, Crosby 674 Dietricy, C, W, E... *The Nativity HermannWunderlich & Co 675 Durand Donkeys Drinking Mr, R. G. Frackelton... 676 Dusart, C Village Festival Mr. 8. P. Burt 677 Dusart, C *The Shoemaker HermannWunderlich & Co 678 Dyck, A. Van ^Portrait of Breugel HermannWunderlich & Co 679 Elten, Van *Japan Proofs (8 plates) .. HermannWunderlich & Co 680 Elten, Van •*Japan Proofs (2 plates) .. American Art Review . - 681 Falconer, J, M Japan Proofs (18 plates).. J. M. Falconer 682 Falconer, J, M *Set Japan Proofs (9 plates) HermannWunderlich & Co 683 Falconer, J. M *Negro Huts at Wilming­ American Art Review . - 634 ton, Farrer, Henry. *Set Japan Proofs (17 HermannWunderlich & Co 685 plates). Farrer, Henry On the Hillside Mr. G. W. Hazelton 686 Farrer, Henry *Japa n Proofs (3 plates)... American Art Review 687 I Ferris, Stephen J... •*Japan Proofs [4: plates)...America n Art Review 688 Ferris, Stephen J... *Japan Proofs (3 plates)... HermannWunderlich & Co 689 Flameng, Leopold .. *Night Watch HermannWunderlich & Co 690 Flameng, Leopold .- *Job Frederick Keppel 691 Flameng, Leopold -. *Seymour Haden Frederick Keppel 692 Garrett, Edmund H. *Near Mattakeeset American Art Review 693 Gaugengigl, J. M... •^Summer American Art Review 694 Gelee, Claude *Le Bouvier HermannWunderlich & Co 695 Gelee, Claude *The Wooden Bridge ....• HermannWunderlich & Co 696 •<• For Sale. 1 108 CATALOGUE OF EXHIBITS,

DEPARTMENT 0—Continued.

Artist. Subject. Exhibitor. No.

Gele6, Claude Time, Apollo and the Sea­ Mr. 8. P, Burt. 697 sons. Gifford, R. Swain... * Japan Proofs (3 plates) .. HermannAVunderlich & Co 698 Gifford, R. Swain... *The.Path to the Shore - American Art Review 699 Gifford, R. Swain... •*Coalpockets at New Bed­ American Art Review .... 700 ford. Goya *Gasper de Guzman HermannWunderlich & Co 701 Goya *Guitar Player and Bull . - HermannWunderlich & Co 702 Gr'avesande, De *Vlews in Holland (12 HermannAVunderlich & Co 703 plates). Gravier •*Temeraire. HermannWunderlich & Co 704 Greatorex,Mrs. Eliza 'The Pond at Cernay-La- American Art Review ... 705 Ville.

Grenaud *Corot HermannAA'underlich & Co 706 Guttenberg.., •*Bons Amis Frederick Keppel 707 Haden, Seymour... Purfleet jMr. 8. P. Burt. 708 Haden, Seymour... The Lark at Heaven'siMrs. M. B. Carey. 709 Gate Sings. ! • i Haden, Seymour.-- ^Greenwich [Frederick Keppel. 710 Haden, Seymour .. *Fulham Frederick Keppel .. 711 Haden, Seymour... *Battersea Bridge Frederick Keppel 712 Haden, Seymour... Shere Mill Pond Frederick Keppel 713 Haden, Seymour... ^Richmond Park Frederick Keppel 714 Haden, Seymour.-. *Sonning Alms House Frederick Keppel 715 Haden, Seymour... *Sunset in Ireland Frederick Keppel 716 Haden, Seymour... *01d Chelsea Frederick Keppel 717 Haden, Seymour... *Egham Lock Frederick Keppel 718 Haden, Seymour- -. *Holly Field Frederick Keppel 719 Haden, Seymour. -. *Harlech Castle HermannAVunderlich & Co 720 Haden, Sey mour... *AVindmill Hill. I HermannAVunderlich & Co 721 Haden, Seymour... *Erith Alarshes HermannAVunderlich & Co 722 Haden, Seymour-.. * Agamemnon IHermannAVunderlich & Co 723


DEPARTMENT 0—Contmued.

Artist. Subject. Exhibitor. No.

Haden, Seymour. *Challon's Farm HermannAVunderlich &Co 724 Haden, Seymour. *AVindsor HermannAVunderlich & Co 725 Haden, Seymour. •^Calais Pier HermannWunderlich &Co 726 Haig *Tower of St. Perrie HermannWunderlich & Co 727 Haig *The01d Mill HermannAVunderlich &Co 728 Hardy *The Country Doctor HermannWunderlich &Co 729 Herkomer, H *Ruskin HermannWunderlich & Co 730 Herkomer, H * Grandpa's Darling - HermannAVunderlich & Co 731 Herkomer, H *Grandpa's Pets HermannWunderlich & Co 732 Hill, J. Henry.... *Japan Proofs (4 plates).. HermannAVunderlich & Co 733 Hill, J. Hesry.... •^Moonlight on the Andris- American Art Review- -. 734 coggin. Hollar, W *PortraitofSelf HermannWunderlich & Co 735 Hollar, AV Cathedral of Antwerp Mr. S.P.Burt 736 Hollar, AV •^Cathedrals (2 plates) HermannAVunderlich & Co 737 Huet, P Peasant's Cottage Mrs. A. C. May 738 Jacque, Charles... *India Proofs (6 plates)... Frederick Keppel 739 Jacquemart, Jules *India Proofs (6 plates)... Frederick Keppel 740 Kimball, C. F.... •*01d Houses at Stroud- American Art Review-.. 741 water. Lalanne, M Paris JMrs. J. M. Laurence. 742 ! Lalanne, M Environs of Paris [Miss K. C. Smith 743 Laianne, M Bordeaux MissK. C. Smith 744 Lalaime, M *La«idscapes (4 plates) Hermann Wunderlich & Co 745 Landseer, E The Frog Mr. 8. P. Burt 746 Landseer, E *The Sheep Frederick Keppel 747 Law, D *A Windy Day 'Hermann AVunderlich & Co 748 Law, D *Moonlight I'rederick Keppel 749 Legros *Heads (3 plates) Hertnann AVunderlich & Co 750 Elevens, J *Oriental Head 'Frederick Keppel 751 I Lievens. J *Joost Vondel- - 'HermannAVunderlich & Co 752 * For Sale. m^ 110 CATALOGUE OF EXHIBITS.

DEPARTMENT 0—Continued.

Artist. Subject. Exhibitor. No.

Lowenstam, L Anxious Moments Mrs. Matt. H. Carpenter.. 753 .^ Mr 8 P Burt 754 Martial... Mrs. Washington Becker.. 755

Martial •*Japan Proofs (5 plates) .. 756

*Scene in Boulogne (12 HermannAVunderlich &Co 757 plates).

Meryon, Charles *Le rue de St. Jacque HermannWunderlich &Co 758 Meryon, Charles *The Morgue HermannWunderlich &Co 759

Meryon, Charles *Pavilion de Mademoiselle HermannWunderlich &Co 760 Merj'on, Charles *L'Abside HermannWunderlich & Co 761

Meryon, Charles HermannAVunderlich & Co 762 Meryon, Charles HermannAVunderlich & Co 763

Merritt, Mrs. Anna American Art Review 764 Lea.

Merritt, Mrs. Anna *Sir Gilbert Scott American Art Review 765 Lea.

Millet J. F *TheCarder 766

Millet, J, F *The Shepherdess 767 Miller, Chas, H *01d Mill at Valley Stream American Art Review 768

Mitchell, J. A *A Young Republican American Art Review 769 Moran,Mrs, M. Nim­ 770 mo,

Moran, Peter *Japan Proof (3 plates) ... American Art Review 771

Moran, Thomas * Japan Proofs (2 plates) -. American Art Review 772 773

Mr. S. P. Burt i. 774

Mr. 8. P, Burt 775 ""The Great Ball 776

Ostade, A, Van *The Smoker 777 Ostade A. Van H. H Boyce 778'

*The Bellman 779 Palmer, Samuel ^Opening the Fold HermannWunderlich & Co 780 =* For Sale. «lr CATALOGUE OF EXHIBITS. Ill

DEPARTMENT 0—Continued.

Artist. Subject. Exhibitor. No.

Palmer, Samuel *The Early Ploughman -.. Frederick Keppel 781 Palmer, Samuel *The Rising Moon Frederick Keppel 782 Parrish, Stephen November American Art Eeview 783 Parrish, Stephen Japan Proofs (12 plates)-- HermannWunderlich &Co 784 Piranisi Temple at Tivoli .. ^ Mrs, Alex. Mitchell 785 Piranisi Temple at Anzi Mrs. Alex. Mitchell 786 Piranisi Fountain and Temple of Mrs. C. A. Hamilton 787 Egeria, Piatt, Chas. A .. * Japan Proofs (9 plates)... HermannAVunderlich & Co 788 Piatt, Chas. A .. Boathouse at Gloucester-. American Art Eeview 789 Propert, J. L... *The Forge HermannWunderlich & Co 790 Propert, J. L ... *Cheswick HermannAV^underlich & Co 791 Propert, J. L ... *TheWave HermannAVunderlich & Co 792 Propert, J. L ... •^Shipwreck HermannAVunderlich &Co 793 Propert, J. L ... •*The Fairy Pond Frederick Keppel 794 Propert, J. L -. - ^Twilight Frederick Keppel 795 Rajon, P Head of Carlysle Mr. J. J. Hagerman 796 Rajon, P Head of Tennyson Mrs. Alexander Mitchell.. 797 Rajon, P Les Emigres MissL. E. Eldred 798 Rembrandt, Van Ryn Ecce Homo Mr. J. J. Hagerman 799 EembrandtjVan Ryn *The Three Crosses HermannWunderlich &Co 800 RembrandtjVan Ryn *The Annunciation HermannWunderlich & Co 801 Rembrandt, Van Ryn *The Three Cottages HermannAVunderlich & Co 802 Rembrandt, Van Ryn *Descent from the Cross .. HermannAVunderlich & Co 803 Rembi-andt,Van Ryn *FHght into Egy pt.. ^.... HermannAVunderlich & Co 804 Rembrandt, Van Ryn *The Good Samaritan HermannWunderlich & Co 805 Rembrandt,Van Ryn *Silvius HermannWunderlich & Co 806 Rembrandt, Van Ryn *Rembrandt and Wife — HermannWunderlich & Co 807 Rembrandt,Van Ryn * Rembrandt's Mother HermannWimderlich & Co 808 Rembrandt, Van Ryn The Rat Catcher Mr. 8. P. Burt 809


DEPARTMENT 0—Continued.

Artist. Subject. Exhibitor. No.

Rembrandt, Van Ryn *The Gold Weigher Frederick Keppel 810 Rembrandt, Van Ryn ^Hundred Guilder's Print. Frederick Keppel 811 Rembrandt, A"an Ryn *St. Peter and St. John at Frederick Keppel 812 the Gate of the Temple. Rembrandt,A"an Ryn ^Abraham Franez Frederick Keppel 813 Rembrandt, Van Ryn *John Asselyn Frederick Keppel 814 Rembrandt, Van Ryn *Menassah Ben Israel Frederick Keppel 815

Rembrandt, A''an Ryn Star of the Kings MBS.W. G. Fitch 816 Reni, Guido, A^'irgin and Child Mr.S. P. Biut 817 Ribera *St. Peter HermannAVunderlich & Co 818 Ridley *Miss N HermannWunderlich & Co 819 Rochebrune, De * Architectural Subjects (12 HermannAVunderlich & Co 820 platesj .- Rubens, P. P .. AVoman with Candle Mr. 8. P. Burt 821 Ruysdae], J ... The Little Bridge Mr.S. P.Burt 822 Ruj^sdae!, J ... ^'The Travelers Frederick Keppel 823 Schmidt, G. F. *PortraitofSelf HermannAVunderlich & Co 824 Schrnidt, G. F. *The Count of Gelders HermannAVunderlicli & Co 825 Schmidt, G. F. *Portrait of Rembrandt--- HermannAVunderlich & Co 826 Schmidt, G. F. *An01dMan HermannWunderlich &Co 827 Schmidt, G. F. •*Lot and His Daughters-. HermannAVunderlich & Co 828 Schmidt, G. F. Les Bons Ami HermannAVunderlich &Co 829 Schmidt, G. F. Cats Instructing the Prince Mr.S. P. Burt 830 of Orange. Schmidt, G. F. *An Oriental. Frederick Keppel. 831 Schmidt, G. F. *Father of the Jewish Frederick Keppel. 832 Bride. Schoft;S. A Japan Proofs (2 plates).. American Art Review' 833 Slocombe, C. P.. *His Grace HermannWunderlich & Co 834 Slocombe. C. P.. ^Portrait HermannAVunderlich & Co 835 Smillie, James D. •^Japan Proofs (4 plates).. American Art Review^ 836

* For Sale. m^ -A CATALOGUE OF EXHIBITS. 113

DEPARTMENT 0—Continued.

Artist. Subject. Exhibitor. No.

Smillie, James D.. rJapan Proofs (2 plates).. I HermannWunderlich & Co 837 i Swanvelt, H. Van Landscape 838 Mr.S, P. Burt Tissot *At the Breach 839 Frederick Keppel Tissot *The Emigrants 840 Frederick Keppel Tissot *A AV^inter AValk 841 HermannWunderlich & Co Tissot *The Widower 842 HermannAVunderlich & Co Tissot ^National Gallery 843 HermannWunderlich &Co Tissot *By the Seaside 844 HermannWunderlich &Co Tissot *Mavourneen , 845 HermannAVunderlich & Co Tissot *Mrs. N 846 HermannWunderlich &Co Tissot *Wide Awake 847 Frederick Keppel Tissot *Deep in Thought 848 Frederick Keppel ..... Tissot *0n the Grass 849 Frederick Keppel Tissot *The Hammock 850 Frederick'Keppel Teniers, D *Target Shooting 851 HermannAVunderlich & Co Teniers, D *A''illage Festival 852 Mr.S. P. Burt Unger, Wm Catharine of Cornaro.... 853 Mrs. Winfield Smith Unger, Wm .. St. John 854 Mr. S.P, Burt Unger, AVm Marine 855 Mr.S. P. Burt linger, Wm Madonna Under the Ap­ 856 ple Tree. Mr. S.P, Burt linger, Wm Holy Family Mrs. J. B. Oliver 857 Unger, Wm Altar des H. Ildefons-. Mrs. C. A. Hamilton 858 Velde, A'^ande — Landscape Mr.S. P, Burt 859 V^eyrassat, J The Ford MissC. A. May 860 Veyrassat, J *Animals (3 plates) HermannWunderlich & Co 861 Volkmar *Landscapes (6 plates) .. HermannWunderlich &Co 862 Waltner, Chas The Blue Boy.... Mrs. Alex. Mitchell ...... 863 AValtner, Chas *The AVay farers HermannWunderlich & Co 864 AValtner, Chas *The Blessing HermannWunderlich & Co 865 * For Sale. .ir "^ 114 CATALOGUE OF EXHIBITS.

DEPARTMENT 0—Continued.

Artist. Subject. Exhibitor. No.

Waltner, Chas.. Miss Lilian Carpenter 866 Warren A. N .. *In Central America .... Mrs A W Warren 867 Waterloo, A..... The Hunchback Mr. 8. P. Burt... 868 AVhistler, J. A. * Venetian Views (12 plates) HermannWunderlich &Co 869 M'Neil, Whistler, J. A. Views on the Thames (16 Mr. L. Blankenhorn 870 M'Niel. plates). •* One Set Life Studies of the Great Army, (11 871 Plates,) Wood Engravings. *Set of American Wood Engravings (20 plates).. American Art Review 872

*Set of American Wood Engravings (12 plates).. Century Company, N. Y.. 873

•*Set of Ancient Wood Engravings (70 plates).. . HermannWunderlich & Co 874

Pen and ink Sketches. Greatorex, Eliza Falken Thurm Mrs. Alexander Mitchell.. 875 Greatorex, Eliza Church of the Puritans ... Mrs. Alexander Mitchell.. 876 Marr, Carl :Ninett>en pieces Landscape and Figure 877

India Ink Brush Drawing Hart, William . A Rainy Morning Mrs. E. Sanderson. 878 Potter, Paul... *Cattle Frederick Keppel. - 879 — (Russia) The Donkeys jMrs. Matt H. Carpenter. 880 Eighteen Brush and Pen-I cil Drawings, Framed. --ICentury Company, N.-Y 881

Crayons. Ely, Lydia Gov. HoratioSeymour,N.YiMrs. Alexander Mitchell..! 882 Ely, Lydia. Hon. Alexander Mitchell Milwaukee 883

Ely, Lydia Edith Johnston.Milwaukee 884 Ely, Lydia. Mrs. H. B. Monroe, Racine Ely, Lydia. Mrs. Sumner Evringham, Chicago --- Ely, Lydia . Mrs. Frank Lynian. 887 Ely, Lydia Mr. J. J. Hagerman.



Artist. Subject. Exhibitor. No.

Page, AV. N. A Portrait of a Child. Rev. J, B, Ashley, DD.... 889 Fassett,Mr8.C. Adele Portrait of Matt H. Car­ Mrs. Matt. H. Carpenter.. 890 penter Conway, John S Portrait of Lylia Ely Mrs. Eliza M, Ely 891 Conway, John S Portrait Bliss Hattie A. Montgom­ ery, Oak Park, 111 892 Lieberman, Max ...I Landscape 893 Charcoal Drawings. Conway, John S *The Sheep Pasture at 894 Troy, N. Y.

Conway, John S *Mill Pond and Atkinson's 895 Mill, near Troy, Wis.

Ely, Lydia Series of Views at and Mrs. Alex. Mitchell 896 near Alexandia, Flori­ da, the winter residence of Mrs. Alexander Mitchell (14 plates).

Ely, Lydia Jaws of the Dells, Wis­ Mrs. Alex. Mitchell. 897 consin River, Artists' Glen (6 plates).

H%d Miss Lilian Carpenter .. 898 Jacobs, N. S ;*Daisy 899 Hamilton, Hamilton! Cedars at New Windsor, 900 I N. Y. Enders, Frank |*The Blacksmith 901 Photographs. Sherman, W. H .... *Collection After the Old 902 Masters.

Stein, J Exhibit of Photos and 903 Crayons.

Best, August J. Photographic Ivorytypes- 904 Broich, Hugo-. Exhibit of Plain and Col­ i 905 ored Photographs and Crayons. 1 Schroeder, Hugo. Photograpljs 906

II •• For Sale. W 1 The Crolden Eagle Nos. 369 and 371 East Water St., Milwaukee, Wis.,

The Only One-Price Clothing Store in the City.


And for all Purchases proving un.satisfactory the money will be refunded.

Send for Samples and Rules for Self Measurement.

We will send Clothing C. O. D., to any Address out of the City, and (jive the priri- lege of Examining before Paying for the Goods. n. T- GOODRICH, !Ldnr> SLger. )itrtjmtrjrr'tf'uii ^ ]*/* ',; . . ~ f HI i.iiiiJ|]|piH|l III