"^ OFAMERICAN MANUFACTURES, INVENTIONS ARTS INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTSi NATURAL HI STORY COLLECTIONS^? bfJUBLK «^ Leidersdorf & Mendel, MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN, Sol» Proprietors and Manufacturers of the Celebrated THADE-MAR (Trade Mark saourod for all countrlss.) THE AMERICAN GENTLEMAN'S FINE CUT, CHEWING AND SMOKING TOBACCOS. "OLD ABE" Long Cut Cavendish, for Pipes and Cigarettes. "OLD ABE" one and two ounce Fine Cut, in tin foil packages. "OLD ABE" Killikinnick Smoking, in doth bags. •NIGGER HAIR," "ORONOCO," "GOOD LUCK" CHEW '^SWBST OWM" FIM CUT. Ask for these Tobaccos. They are for sale everywhere. QmS^-VT^^ •+• — OF THE - ^'^t-'^ ^IF^. C 01S5^ i^; FIRST ANNUAL EXHIBITION — BY THE — MILV/AUKEE INDUSTRIAL EXPOSITION ASSOCIATION Americaii Manufactures, Inventions, Arts and Industrial Products. SEPTEMBER 6tli TO OCTOBER 15tli, 188L Exposition Building, Fifth, Sixth., State and Cedar Streets, MILWAUKEE, WIS. MILWAUKEE: CBAMKE, AIKKNS & CEAMER, PEINTEBS. 1881. ys.. H0FFICERS'»F0R*1881> JOHN PLANKINTON, President, FRED. PABST, First Vice President. JOHN R. GOODRICH, Second Vice President CHAS. G. STARK, Treasurer. , EDWARD W. HINCKS, Secretary. -HBosRD OF DIRECTORS.^ For Term Ending April 30,1884 : For Term Ending April 30, 1883: JOHN R. GOODRICH, JOHN PLANKINTON, B. B. HOPKINS, JOHN JOHNSTON, SEBASTIAN BRAND, WM. H. JACOBS, ISAAC ELLSWORTH, HENRY M. MENDEL, WM. FRANKFURTH. E. P. MATTHEWS. For Term Ending April 30,1882: FRED. PABST, J. A. ROUNDY, CHAS. G. STARK, AUGUST STIRN, AUGUST UEHLEIN. --^STANDING COMMITTEES OF THE BOSRDJ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. JOHN PLANKINTON, CHAIRMAN EX-OFFICIO. JOHN R. GOODRICH, HENRY M. MENDEL, WM. H. JACOBS. AUGUST UEHLEIN. ' BUiLDINC COMMITTEE. FRED. PABST, CHAIRMAN. E. P. MATTHEWS, SEBASTIAN BRAND. H. M. MENDEL. J. R. GOODRICH. w-'- ^ FINANCE COMMITTEE. CHAS. G. STARK, CHAIRMAN. JOHN JOHNSTON, B. B. HOPKINS, AUGUST STIRN. ISAAC ELLSWORTH. AUDITING COMMITTEE. JOHN JOHNSTON, CHAIRMAN. WM. FRANKFURTH. B. B. HOPKlKS. MANAGER. EDW. W. HINCKS. ' Superintendent of Exhibition Hall and Ass't Manager. CHARLES P. HUNTINGTON. Superintendent of Art Department. (OIL PAINTINGS AND WATER COLORS.) MRS. LYDIA E. HEWITT. Superintendent of Art Department. (BLACK AND WHITE WORK.) MRS. N. H. ADSIT. Superintendent of Decorative Art Department. MRS. S. S. FRACKELTON. Superintendent of Educational Department. ' JAMES MAC ALISTER. Master Meclianic and Machinist. E. BEARD. Chief of Fire Department. A. E. FOOTE. ^ f ^INTRODUCTION.^^ T was intended that this Catalogue should be arranged by classes I as indicated in the Prospectus issued last May, but so few of the exhibitors have complied with the request of the Manager to make separate applications for space and return separate lists of entries in each class, that it is impossible at this late day to carry out the plan proposed, and therefore the exhibits are grouped only under the heads of the several departments, in which the names of the exhibit­ ors are arranged alphabetically. Announcement was made in the Prospectus, through the press, and by circulars addressed to business men, that applications for space could be made from June 1st to July 15th, and that space would be assigned to accepted applicants as early as practicable after the appli­ cations had been received; but many exhibitors delayed making applications until several weeks after the expiration of the allotted time. In'all cases where it was possible space has been assigned to the dilatory applicants, and in some instances it has been necessary to place them in other departments than those to which their exhibits properly belonged. Every exhibitor has been furnished with blanks upon which to make out lists of the articles proposed to be exhibited, and those who have not promptly responded have repeatedly been requested to till up and return these blanks to the Manager's office ; but several have failed to comply with these requests, and their exhibits are therefore necessarily omitted from the Catalogue. But, notwithstanding the obstacles and delays encountered, it is believed that the Catalogue is reasonably complete for the first year, and it is hoped that on another year a greater degree of promptness will be manifested by exhibitors, rendering it possible to prepare a much more complete and satisfac­ tory list. EDW. W. HINCKS, Manager. Milwaukee, Wis., Aug. 25th, 1881. ^^ # CATALOGUE OF EXHIBITS. DEPARTMENT A. Agricultural Machinery and Implements. Name of Exhibitor. Articles Exhibited. Value. No. American Grinding MilljCorn and Cob Grinder, with horse Co., Chicago, 111. .- power combined 125 00 Portable Grinding Mill, 20 inch 300 00 Iron Mill 75 00 Pair Hard and Soft Iron Grinding Disks Henry Bloedel, Fond du Combined Seeder, Cultivator and Lac, Wis. Corn Cultivator 65 00 Blair and Fiske Manf. Co-, ' Easy" Lawn Mowers, 10 to 30 inclies Springfield, Mass. for hand use Wm. Bagley, Milwaukee Stable Fixtures- Geo. C. Cribb, Milwaukee 3 Plows (Part of Exhibit in Hor­ 2 Cultivators 9 ticultural Hall). Harrow 10 2 Corn Planters 11 Victor Horse Rake 12 Knives, Sections, etc., for Reapers. 13 3 Sorghum Mills 14 3 Hand Corn Shelters 15 Power Corn Sheller 16 Young Am. Feed Mill 17 Premium Feed Mill 18 3 Feed>Cutters 19 Forks, Hoes, etc 20 Lawn Mowers 21 4 Churns 22 Barb Fence Wire 2a Road Scraper -.. 24 Bell 25 Case of Scythes and Axes 26 2 Wringers 27 J. I. Case Threshing Ma­ Farm Engine 1,000 00 28 chine Co., Racine, Wis, Thresher, etc 425 00 29 Portable Saw Mill 550 00 30 Cockle Separator Manu Kurth's Patent Cockle Separator and facturing Co., Milwau Richardson's Dustless Separator kee, Wis. Combined 325 00 31 Beardslee's Patent Grain Cleaner and Separator 225 00 32 Dickey & Pease, Racine, Double Warehouse Fanning Mill 100 00 33 Wis. Single No. 1 Geared Warehouse Fan­ ning Mill 60 00 34 Single No. 2 AVarehouse F^anning Mill 50 ()0 35 Farm Fanning Mill 30 00 36 Adolph J. Dorsch, Mil­ 3 Walking Plows 37 waukee. 1 Sulky Plow - 38 1 Sulky Plow 39 =-4 CATALOGUE OF EXHIBITS. DEPART]\'IENT K~ Continued. Name of Exhibitor. Articles Exhibited. Value. Dorsch & Brother, Mil­ Plow $25 00 waukee, Wis. Potato Hiller and Digger . 15 00 Hay and Straw Cutter 40 00 2 Churns 14 00 George Esterly & Son Twine Binding Harvester- 300 00 Whitewater, Wis Furst & Bradley Mfg. Co., 7 Hand Plows Chicago, 111. Sulky Plow Horse Hay Rake M. C. Goucher, Milwau- Superior Grain Drill kee\ Superior Broadcast Seeder — Thomas Hand Dump Rake — Thomas Self Dump Rake Porter Hay Carrier Walker Hay Fork Rundle Hay Carrier Grapple Hay Fork Walker Hay Carrier Double Harpoon Hay Fork Champion Hay Carrier Single Harpoon Fork Garden City Mill Furnish Wheat Brush 300 00 ing Co., Chicago, 111. Exhaust Fan 225 00 Pressure Blower 125 00 Fuller Johnson, Madison, Harvester and Binder 300 00 Wis. Reaper 145 00 Mower 80 00 Johnson & Field, Racine 1 Farm Fanning Mill 30 00 Wis. 1 Warehouse or Elevator Mill- 50 00 R. M. Kenney, Spring­ Hand Corn Sheller and other sma'^ field, Ohio. articles > Kohler, Hayssen & Stehn, 2 Straw Cutters Sheboygan, Wis. 1 Feed Mill 1 Horse Power 1 Harpoon Hay Fork 2 Horse Hitching-Post --- 1 Iron Fence - • E. J. & Wm. Lindsay, 4 Walking Plows 50 00 Milwaukee. Sulky Plow 45 00 2 Sulky Corn Cultivators - 70 00 2 Reapers 300 00 2 Mowers • 150 00 Self Binding Harvester .. 275 00 Sulky Horse Rake 30 00 2 Threshers 900 00 Thresher Engine 1,000 00 2 Revolving Horse Rakes 10 00 Hay Loader 60 00 2 Hay Tedders • 100 00 2 Horse Forks 15 00 6 Horse Fork Pulleys 2 00 2 Hay Carriers 15 00 5 Corn Shellers 35 00 Vegetable Cutter 12 00 6 Feed Cutters 150 00 4& r" ^Si ^f/% C^G . ^. '^. '^^ '^ '^o 4' $" ^ >cr .<"»• '^^^. # '**^ s %"O^ <$>. \^' ^'-^ V,, ^-o'vS ' '^ CHINA DECORATING WORKS, Office and Show Rooms, 380 East Water Street, And at the Exposition Building, Department J. Residence and Worl<s, cor. Cass and Ogden Sts. UNDER AND OVERGLAZE DECORATIONS TO ORDER. FIRING SOLICITED AND LESSONS GIVEN. fl®"The attention of visitors is drawn to our Dinner Sett, decorated by hand only, price FIFTEEN HUNDRED DOLLARS. Also to our Underglaze Work on Wisconsin Clays. SI. F. "y..A.XiE & CO. Wood and Iron Working MACHIKERY, Hall's Fire and Burglar Proof SAFES, And Manufacturers' Supplies. A^o. 99 West Water St., Milwaukee. J^ eXJIT OP?. 0"VER,OOAT MADE TO ORDER, CALL AT CLUCK'S TEMPLE OF FASHION, 7 GRAND AVENUE, Where you will find the largest and finest selections of Woolens and Trimmings in the North­ west, at popular prices. 3sro iPZT, nsTO ip^e^-y. 10 CATALOGUE OF EXHIBITS. DEPA RTMENT A— Continued. Name of Exhibitor. Articles Exhibited. Value. E. & M. J. Lindsay (con­ 5 Farmers' Feed Mills ^300 00 tinued). 2 Cider Mills 50 00 2 Hand Corn Planters 4 00 3 Garden Seed Drills and Cultivators 35 00 5 Lawn Mowers 75 00 Post Hole Digger 3 00 5 Churns 30 00 An assortment of Forks, Kakes, Hoes, Scythes and small tools 75 00 Mads G. Madson, Oslo, Broadcast Grain Seeder 50 00 Wis. M. V. Matteson, General Eichmond Champion Seeder . - -. 55 00 Agent, Milwaukee,Wis. Eichmond Champion Drill, by the Wayne Agl. Co., of Eichmond, Ind. 75 00 Perry Eoyce Eeaper 125 00 Perry Mower, by Wyckoff, Tuttler & Olin Perry, Wyoming Co., N. Y. .- 75 00 Hubbard Gleaner and Binder, by Graham & Haines, New York 150 00 Eclipse Self Dump Horse Eake 30 00 Eclipse Hand Dump Horse Eake, by Albany Agl. Co., Albany, N. Y 27 00 3 Columbia Chilled Plows Geo. E. Monk, Milwau­ Harvester and Twine Binder 290 00 kee, Wis., General Ag't Combined Eeaper, Imperial 160 00 for McCormick H. M. Iron Mower 75 00 Co., of Chicago, 111. C. W. Mott, Milwaukee, 2 Spring Tooth Harrows Agent for D. C. & H. C. 2 Spring Tooth Corn Cultivators- Eeed & Co., Kalamazoo, Spring Tooth Broad Cast Seeder- Mich.
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