QUIET RUMOURS QUIET RUMOURS QUIET RUMOURS AN ANARCHA-FEMINIST READER The third edition of an invaluable anarchist resource! Quiet Rumours is a fascinating window into the intersection of anar- chism and feminism from the women who catalysed both. Compiled and introduced by the UK-based anarchist collective Dark Star, this collection features articles and essays from four generations of anarchists and feminists, including Emma Goldman, Voltairine de Cleyre, Jo Freeman, Peggy Kornegger, Cathy Levine, Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, RAG Dublin, and beyond. This expanded third edition of Quiet Rumours reprints all of the essays from the first two editions, in addition to new essays bringing the principles and practice of anarcha- feminism into conversation with twenty-first century politics. £13.00 / $17.oo DARK STAR AN ANARCHA-FEMINIST READER THIRD EDITION - TEXTS COLLECTED BY DARK STAR QUIET RUMOURS AN ANARCHA-FEMINIST READER Quiet Rumours: An Anarcha-Feminist Reader This edition © AK Press/Dark Star 2012 ISBN: 978-1-84935-103-4 (print) Library of Congress Control Number: 2012937708 AK Press AK Press UK 674-A 23rd Street PO Box 12766 Oakland, CA 94612 Edinburgh EH8 9YE USA Scotland www.akpress.org www.akuk.com
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