Welcome to the OJNA Journal the History of Jewish Nurses Goes Back Millen- Orthodox Jewish Nurses Association (OJNA) Sibilities for When Things Go Wrong
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THE OJNA JOURNAL Issue 1 | Spring 2018 Welcome to The OJNA Journal The history of Jewish nurses goes back millen- Orthodox Jewish Nurses Association (OJNA) sibilities for when things go wrong. Many of us nia. One of the earliest mentions of Jewish nurses was founded by Rivka Pomerantz, BSN, RN, IB- will cross paths with men, women, and infants is that of Shifra and Puah, midwives who helped CLC. In its nine years of existence, OJNA, a non- who have experienced traumatic events related Jewish women when their people were enslaved profit, has hosted several conferences attended to pregnancy and birth. These conversations are in Egypt. Not only were the midwives caregivers, by hundreds of frum nurses, organized network- hard to have, and the topics are not frequently but they were patient advocates as well. Although ing dinners and educational events around the discussed. OJNA wishes to change that, and we ordered by Pharaoh to kill all newborn males nation, and grown to include over 1,700 mem- hope we have done so skillfully, accurately, and upon birth, the midwives argued that Jewish bers on its Facebook forum. with sensitivity. women were so skilled at delivering their babies, OJNA also recognizes the increased number of We look forward to your involvement in our they gave birth before the midwives made it to male nurses entering the profession. According journal, whether you are reading or writing. We the bedside. Commentaries say that for the act to the U.S. Census Bureau of 2016, only nine invite you to engage with us, to send us submis- of saving these children, God blessed Shifra and percent of nurses are male. We value each of the sions, letters to the editors, or letters to your fel- Puah (code names for Yocheved and Miriam) male nurses in the OJNA, and we believe Ortho- low nurses. Keep us updated on your professional with dynasties of Kohanim and Leviim, priests dox male nurses provide unique knowledge and journey so others can share in your celebration, and Levites, who served in the Temple. insight which continue to advance our mission. whether you have obtained a certification, ad- History is dotted with Jewish nurses who joined OJNA is now moving forward to continue to pro- vanced your degree, or have been awarded an the profession, from Lillian Wald who revolu- vide resources for Orthodox nurses, to honor. tionized public health nursing and home health educate them and increase their For submissions or feedback, care, to the Hadassah nurses who modeled their professional development, and please email us at health care after Wald’s and helped introduce a to help its nurses advocate on [email protected] health care system in what became the State of the individual, community, Best, Israel. Jewish nurses also served in the Spanish and even national level. The Civil War and in the two World Wars. However, Blima Marcus, OJNA Journal is one step we DNP, RN, OCN nursing as a profession was not valued in Jew- are taking to maintain our ish circles in the 1800s and early 1900s. Nursing President, OJNA dedication to education, ad- Editor, The OJNA Journal schools were largely Catholic, which included vocacy, and community. mandatory Bible class, and there was low ad- mittance of Jewish students. Furthermore, the You will find articles on trends in schedules of nursing schools made it difficult nursing, policy updates and guidelines, for women to marry, prompting them to have to and relevant nursing research. We will choose between a career and a family. also include creative pieces, such as nurses’ perspectives and experiences, poetry, and prose. However, times have changed. Not only has it In Torah and Nursing, you will find a column become easier for Jewish men and women to en- on halacha in medicine and nursing. Final- ter the nursing profession in nonsectarian pro- ly, we will have community-related news grams, but we also have Jewish nursing schools and views — member achievements, which cater to the Orthodox population in terms book recommendations, and OJNA of holiday scheduling, cultural sensitivity to nu- updates. merous medical and nursing issues, and overall flexibility for the men and women who have For our first issue we are broach- families to tend to. ing the issues surrounded compli- cated pregnancy, childbirth, and With the flood of Orthodox Jewish nurses enter- unexpected outcomes. When ing the field, the need for an organizing body to living in communities with high assist these nurses as they begin their careers, ad- birth rates, it is important for vise them on professional issues, and help with us as nurses and community social support and networking was realized. The members to be aware of the pos- The OJNA Journal - Page 1 OJNA LEADERSHIP TABLE OF CONTENTS: Mission: "THE UNEXPECTED" The mission of The OJNA Journal is to ISSUE FEATURES • Provide timely news and research updates PERINATAL PALLIATIVE CARE page 5 • Relay evidence-based research THE GOLDEN HOUR page 8 • Publicize OJNA programs and upcoming events CONGENITAL DIAPHRAGMATIC HERNIA page 11 Editor-in-Chief: POSTPARTUM DEPRESSION page 13 Blima Marcus, DNP, RN, OCN LESSONS LEARNED page 15 Editorial Board: page 1 OJNA EDITORIAL MESSAGE Tobi Ash, MBA, BSN, RN page 3 ISSUE AT A GLANCE Batsheva Bane, BSN, RN page 4 NURSING CURRENTS Sarah Bracha Cohen, MS, RN page 6 RESEARCH RECAP Tzippy Newman, BSN, RN page 8 NURSING DO'S AND DON'TS Board of Directors: page 9 HALACHA AND NURSING Blima Marcus, DNP, RN, OCN, President page 10 MUSINGS Shevi Rosner, MSN, RN-C, Vice President page 14 NURSING PERSPECTIVES Rivka Pomerantz, BSN, RN, IBCLC, Treasurer page 15 NURSES OF OJNA RECOMMEND Mara McCrossin, MSN, NP, Secretary page 16 MEMBER MILESTONES All advertising is subject to the approval of OJNA. page 17 OJNA NEWS OJNA Mission Statement: The Orthodox Jewish Nurses Association seeks A Message From the Founder to provide a forum to discuss professional issues Rivka Pomerantz, BSN, RN, IBCLC related to Orthodox Jewish nurses, arrange social Some of you know that I am the founder of As you can see, we’re growing in numbers and and educational events, and to serve the special the Orthodox Jewish Nurses Association growing professionally. Hashem has helped (OJNA). You have been involved for years and the right people flow through the proverbial needs of its members. We strive to promote pro- watched the organization grow and evolve. doors of OJNA, bringing more benefits and fessionalism, education, career advancement, and For others, this is your first exposure to the professionalism to the organization. Con- OJNA and I am a stranger. Please let’s not be tinue making those connections, because be a voice for the Orthodox Jewish nurses across strangers any longer. connections are what brought us here today, the world. My main goal with starting this association to The OJNA Journal. I want to express my was to forge connections between Orthodox extreme gratitude to the many contributors to Contact us at [email protected] Jewish nurses. In early 2008, when I was a the OJNA along this journey. Thank you for new graduate with barely any nursing expe- your encouragement, your commitment, and your kindness. Follow us! rience, I started connecting with people on- line on various websites and message boards. As Jews, we know the power of the written -let ,אותיות מחכימות :Twitter: @jewish_nurses I even encouraged people to join by sending word. Our sages teach us them Godiva chocolates in the mail! ters make one wise. Please take the time to Facebook: Orthodox Jewish Nurses Association Ten years later, our Facebook forum boasts read, learn from, and enjoy this inaugural is- sue of The OJNA Journal. Keep coming back Instagram: @JewishNurses nearly 1,700 members. We’ve hosted several nursing conferences and networking dinners, for more because you make us who we are. Web: www.jewishnurses.org and with the assistance of prior board mem- Let’s continue to grow, together. bers, the OJNA has been incorporated as a non-profit organization since 2016. The OJNA Journal - Page 2 THIS ISSUE AT A GLANCE: “If the AMA’s singular goal "Couples armed with realistic was to increase access expectations about the stages of to care, they should be labor, typical and common atypical presentations, as well as the options delighted with the legislative available to them and their providers and professional strides in these scenarios tend to have better outcomes and are more satisfied when APRNs and PAs are making.” reflecting on their experiences." page 10 page 4 “WHILE GENERALLY WE FOLLOW THE MAJORITY [HALACHIC] "There is growing knowledge that the medicalization of la- OPINION, WHEN ONE HEARS THE RULING FROM THE MOUTH OF bor and birth can negatively ITS ORIGINATOR IT GIVES THE INQUIRER THE RIGHT TO RELY ON IT impact a woman’s experience REGARDLESS OF WHETHER OR NOT OTHERS AGREE.” page 9 of this normal and positive life event." page 6 "Thorough preparation for the "The effects of paternal delivery of a baby is crucial in PPD can have long term effects on children, maximizing the golden hour and including psychological achieving optimal outcomes." page 8 disorders." page 13 "... nurses must remain concerned “With the Healthy People 2020 objective of a 10% with issues which may compromise decrease in the overall national rate, it appears that justice, which includes disparities Medicaid expansion and access to health care, has in health care, unequal distribution worked to reduce infant mortality rates and reducing of resources, and subpar quality of health disparities in our diverse communities.” page 6 care." page 7 “Nursing school does not prepare its “Let’s say it loud and clear: graduates for bullying in the workplace, we are often not nice to those who float to our units.” page 14 also known as "horizontal violence.” page 15 Nurses need to be aware of resources they can direct patients to if they express interest in smoking cessation programs or nicotine replacement therapy.