E Corny Point

Curramulka C

Minlaton O

Mt. Rat N

Pt. Vincent N

Stansbury E

Warooka C Yorketown T

I in the DIOCESE OF WILLOCHRA O N So they went out and proclaimed that all should After Pentecost, repent. Mark 6:12 (NRSV) 2018

...... from Henry

For many people humility doesn’t register on their list of personal goals. It’s assumed that being humble means being willing to be stepped on. Who needs that? Jesus shows us the ultimate example of humility. God’s Word tells us, “In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant” (Philippians 2:5–7). Jesus demonstrated the greatest humility of all. Though eternally with the Father, He chose to bend beneath a cross in love so that through His death He might lift any who receive Him into the joy of His presence. We imitate Jesus’s humility when we seek to serve our heavenly Father by serving others. Jesus’s kindness helps us catch a breathtaking glimpse of the beauty of setting ourselves aside to attend to others’ needs. Aiming for humility isn’t easy in our “me first” world. But as we rest securely in our Saviour’s love, He will give us everything we need to follow Him.

Henry Ivey, Locum Ministry District Priest

PS – Henry & Jenny’s last Sunday in LYP with be 30 th Sept.


Photos in this edition were taken by Jenny Oldland, Jane Butler, Michael and Anne Ford. Front cover photo is at . MONTHLY WORSHIP ROSTER

First Sunday Mount Rat – 8.00am (HC) Edithburgh – 9.00am (HC) Minlaton – 9.30am (HC) Stansbury – 11.15am (HC)

Second Sunday Edithburgh – 9.00am Minlaton – 9.15am (HC) – 9.30am Yorketown – 9.30am Port Vincent – 11am Warooka – 11.15am (HC)

Third Sunday Minlaton – 9.15am (HC) Yorketown – 11.15am (HC) Stansbury – 11.15am (HC in even months) Corny Point – 2.00pm (HC)

Fourth Sunday Edithburgh – 9.00am Minlaton – 9.15am Yorketown – 9.30am Curramulka – 9.30am (HC) Port Vincent – 11.00am (HC)

The MD service will be held at Edithburgh on 22nd July, 2018 (not on the 5 th Sunday). 5th Sunday services will follow 4 th Sunday roster From St. Christopher’s,Christopher ’s, Curramulka On the seventeenth of June, we attended the Curramulka Guild’s 108th celebration service at the Uniting Church. The service was led by Rosalie Smith, who is a Guild Member. St. Christopher’s maintains regular numbers. On the Synod weekend, Fr. Ted celebrated and preached. The hedge & yard have been tidied up, but the weeds continue to grow. We are all trying to keep warm and healthy during this winter season. Rosemary Eichner mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm From St. Neot’s, Pt. Vincent Now that winter is upon us, our Trash & Treasure moves from weekly to fortnightly, although we do open during the July school holidays on three Saturdays. We have paid for our water tank, just waiting for it to arrive and our community garden can begin to take shape. The funeral was held at St. Neot’s on the 2 nd June for Christine Eccles. Christine was President of our Ladies Guild in the early 2000’s and a long time and valued member of our congregation. We extend our condolences to David, Will, Mel and Donald. Pam Biggs

From the Ministry District Registers

Funeral: Christine Margaret Eccles at St. Neot’s, Pt. Vincent 2018 Ministry District Committee Office Bearers

On Sunday 29 th April, at a fifth Sunday service at St. James, Warooka, the Ministry District Priest, Henry Ivey, introduced the office holders of the Ministry District Committee for 2018. Rev’d Henry thanked the Committee for their dedication in the past as well as their ongoing commitment to the Ministry District, offering sound words of advice taken from scripture. From left : District Priest Henry Ivey and M.D Committee –Deputy Chairperson Christine Heinrich, Chairperson Cheryl Bates, Treasurer Bruce Cook and Secretary Tom Martin.

Ministry District Priest – Rev’d Henry Ivey ph 88532093 [email protected] Priest at Minlaton – Rev’d Anne Ford ph 88532198 Mob. 0418304663 [email protected] Ministry District Chairperson – Ms. Cheryl Bates ph 88521385 [email protected] Ministry District Treasurer – Mr. Bruce Cook ph 88531174 [email protected] Ministry District Secretary – Mr. Tom Martin ph 88532183 [email protected]

Rev’d Anne is currently the editor of “The Connection” From St. Benedict’s An Evening with Harana Blue On Sunday evening the 6 th May, 78 friends and family gathered at St. Benedict’s to be entertained by local musicians HARANA BLUE . Guests were treated to nibbles, champagne or orange juice upon arrival. They sat at tables in the main body of the church to listen to the first bracket of songs. After about an hour, guests were served ribbon sandwiches, cocktail pastries and other hot finger food. The band played again for about an hour before tea, coffee and slices were served. Many thanks to everyone who helped remove the chairs and pews, then set tables and chairs up in the church for the concert. Thank you to Elaine and Yvonne for the lovely table decorations and to Deane, Rob, and Tom for being our drinks waiters. Thank you also to Robert Cook, who was our M.C. for the evening. Other thanks go to all who helped clear the tables and wash up after the concert; all who donated food and drinks for the evening; to Claire Marillo for donating her fee back to St. Benedict’s and to all who supported us by coming and bringing their family and friends. $1,860 was raised. Bev, Helen, Jill, and Cheryl(fund-raising committee)

Pastoral Care Workshops

The fourth and final workshop on Pastoral Care was held recently at St. Benedict’s. Although largely aimed at our MD Licenced Lay Ministers and clergy, it was attended also by other members of the Ministry District and one member of the Uniting Church. Those who attended found the course to be really interesting and helpful and we all gained further insight into pastoral care. Our Diocesan Ministry Development Officer, Gael Johannsen, led the workshops and she will continue to offer courses throughout the Diocese, including on Yorke Peninsula. We hope to have “The Day of Luke” on Friday 9 th November at St. Benedict’s. This will be open to all members of the Ministry District and focuses on the readings for 2019 in the Year of Luke.

Rev’d Anne

Mothers’ Union On Wednesday 13th June, St Benedict’s Mothers’ Union held a meeting at the home of Bev and Deane Litster. Twenty four members and friends attended to hear Bob Warren talk on Israel and the surrounding nations. He and Sue went on holidays in August about 6 years ago and the temperature was 49.9C degrees most days. Bob wanted to go when it was warm! He told of the many soldiers with guns on guard everywhere they went. They visited the religious sites and found them very moving. They also went into a darkened room and then the ceiling lit up with over one million stars representing the Jewish children killed in the holocaust and every child’s name was recited. Bob still gets emotional when telling the story. They also went through the Sahara Desert with an armoured car in front of them and one behind them and an armed guard on the mini bus they had hired. It was a very profound and interesting talk and we say thank you to Bob for sharing this with us. Afternoon tea and fellowship followed. Lorraine Rice, MU President

The next Chat n Chew will be held on Friday the 17 th August at 10.00am at the Rectory. All ladies are welcome to attend and bring a friend Jenny will present a talk on Tasmania and focus on her home town of Perth and its surrounds Please let her know if you plan to attend Chat n Chew 0409 808 198 [email protected] From the SYP Cluster The installation of the Yorketown OP. Shop ramp has been completed by our S.Y.P. Committee, together with support from the and S.Y.P. Community Shop. The project was costed at $5,700 and provides much needed access to people with prams, wheelchairs and walkers. In the photo are active community workers, from left, SYP Community Shop Carlien Trebilcock, S.Y.P.Vestry Secretary and Anglican Op Shop coordinator, Pat Sincock and President of S.Y.P. Community Shop, Lyn Cooney. Tim Cross was the builder and his standard of work is a credit to him. SYP Vestry Committee

Photo: courtesy of Jenny Oldland – Country Times

Our new rectory family - Fr. Andrew Lang & Louise

Our journey up to now… Andrew was born in Melbourne, raised in Geelong and returned to Melbourne for Uni. His parents are from South . In 1980, Andrew moved to Tasmania, to work at Temco (part of BHP). Here he had the opportunity to live on a small holding on the Tamar river. It was here that Louise and Andrew met and married. Louise grew up in Launceston, Tasmania. After a fairly regular schooling she worked towards a qualification in education. This was interrupted slightly by her marriage to Andrew and then later by the birth of their first child, Oswald. During this time they both completed evening classes at the local Missionary Training College and not long after this they were accepted as students to study at the Christian Service College, Kumasi in Ghana, West Africa. Two years studying and living in Kumasi was a very stimulating and influential period in Louise’s life; during this time the family was blessed with the addition of Esther. The family returned to Australia, and in 1994 Andrew was ordained after studying in Morpeth. Curacies followed in New Town (Hobart) and Launceston. After the birth of Rupert, we moved to our first parish at Cressy. Later Andrew was asked to look after a neighbouring struggling parish ending up with 12 centres. Louise started working with the Diocese of Tasmania as a Field Worker promoting Anglican mission agencies, ABM and CMS in particular. As this position came to an end the local school chaplaincy became vacant and Louise served as school chaplain at two country district high schools for two years before the family moved to Victoria. Over this time Louise became involved in the Mother’s Union and served on the Executive of MU Australia. In 2004, the family moved to Horsham. Andrew was the Parish Priest and continued to engage with the community through Scouting. Louise worked in Emergency Relief at the Christian Emergency Food Centre, Emergency Housing with the Salvos and cooked at the best fish and chip shop in town! She volunteered as a CRE teacher, delved into Scouting and worked on the local Community Radio sharing in the presentation of an hour show “Alive in Faith” on behalf of the Anglican Church. In 2007 we moved to St Francis in the Fields, Mooroolbark. Louise worked for 3 months for the YMCA and then started with Anglicare Victoria, working firstly as a coordinator of a neighbourhood house in Clayton and more recently as the Team Leader Homeless Support Services. In 2016, Louise was made deacon (distinctive) and continues to exercise ministry with Anglicare. Andrew continued his service in the community, especially through involvement in the Celebrate Mooroolbark Family Festival and received Quiet Achiever recognition in 2017. Since ministry ended at Mooroolbark, Andrew has done some locum work and assisted with pastoral work at St Peters, Eastern Hill. Although we will leave our children in Melbourne, we are looking forward to returning to life in a rural ministry situation and the new challenge that the Ministry District will provide. The Langs will arrive in early October. Fr. Andrew’s email will be [email protected] Photo Finish

Left to Right: Church Garden meeting at Pt. Vincent; Virginia Ahwan and Michael Ford at St. James’, Warooka; Rev’d Henry, Barbara & Max Cook; Jenny & Rev’d Henry Ivey; still enjoying coffee at Stansbury