TRANSPORT SAFETY VICTORIA PO Box 2797, Melbourne, Vi c, 3001 T 1800 223 022 E
[email protected] Ref: DOC/14/67763 Bus & Rail F 03 9655 8929 Maritime F 03 9655 6611 17 April2014 Mr Neale Burgess MP Chair Economic Development, Infrastructure and Outer Suburban/Interface Services Committee Parliament ofVictoria Parliament House, Spring Street EAST MELBOURNE VIC 3002 Dear Mr Burgess INQUIRY INTO MARINE RESCUE SERVICES IN VICTORIA SUPPLEMENTARY SUBMISSION As you would be aware, Transport Safety Victoria (TSV) provided the inquiry with an initial submission on 21 March 2014. At the inquiry hearing on 24 March 2014, a number of additional matters were raised. This submission is to provide the inquiry with further information related to those matters. If you would like to talk with me further on this matter, please contact me on telephone (03) 9655 8528. Yours sincerely Adrian Mnew Acting Director Maritime Safety Transport Safety Victoria Terms of Reference The Victorian Parliament's Economic Development, Infrastructure and Outer Suburban/Interface Services Committee (EDIOSISC) is seeking submissions for its new inquiry into marine rescue services in Victoria. Under the Terms of Reference for the inquiry, the Committee has been asked to: a) identify the range of marine rescue services currently provided in Victoria and consider whether the range and manner of services is fit for purpose; b) outline the current structure of marine rescue service provision in Victoria and consider possible improvements